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Is Video Gaming

Bad or Good?
By Carl Vince Gonzales

Have you ever disobeyed your parent

when they told you something? Or argued
back? Most of us do. Most of us also like video
games. And most parents say they’re bad for
you. But today’s generation prefers to play
video games as a form of entertainment also
for game producers to gain money from the
players. Well most of us get attracted from
cool and colorful
graphics, fantastic music, and enjoyable
gameplay strategy.

But video games also had a bad effect to

physical and mental health. First of all that
these games lead to some health problems.
According to my research, focusing on the
screen for a long period of time while playing
video game can lead to a blurred vision and
headache. Secondly, video games make
children bully and addicted. You can get
bullied through chat that is always had in
online games. Also might be the reason mostly
players get bullied because you play badly for
them or neither you are not playing better
than them. And the addiction created by the
games disturbs the daily routines of the
individuals. Finally, video games can be a bad
example because of the bad language and
inappropriate images it contains.

However, according to some

researches shows that video games are
also beneficial because they help to reduce
Alzheimer's risk, help our social status,
and support education. We cannot deny
the harmful aspects of video games but the
important thing is to be aware of these
harmful aspects and to avoid damages. As
long as we avoid the damages and play the
video games correctly, video games will
help us in many areas and contribute to
our development.

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