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Everyone has their own unique physical appearance.

There are many ways you

can describe a person. And there are different aspects of physical self.

First is extended self. The extended self-formulation envisions that certain
possessions and certain other people are seen to be a part of us. We extend our identity
beyond our mind and body alone. There is one thing happened in my life and I can tell
that it was extension of my life. For me, hair is the crown beauty of a woman. When I
was in my elementary days, some people always saying that may hair is like a nest. Since
I was too young on that time, I don’t even care on what they are saying about me. As
times passed by, I learned to fix myself and one of them was taking care of my hair. I
achieve the hair I want which is long, straight and the natural color of my hair which is
blonde. But when I was in my 10 th grade in junior high school, there is a group of
teenagers mercilessly cut my hair using a cutter. From the beautiful hair I have, it turns
into male haircut. I almost wanted to lose my life at that time because of fear, trauma,
and depression that I am experiencing. I can also say that from a cheerful and friendly
person, I become afraid to talk to others and prefer to just be at home. Some of my
friends is asking me, “why did you change? you're strong, aren't you? that is not you
anymore.” came to the point that I had already asked myself "am I just like that?" so I
forced myself to recover from the illnesses I was going through. Fight and show
everyone that even if that happens to me, I can still be strong so that I can fulfill my
dreams. And I told myself that I could not just stop my world because of what had
happened to me. So, I tried to get up until this point came. In that kind of situation, I
can say that it was already the extension of my life. I am not who I am now if I didn’t
suffer in that kind of pains and struggles. I lost, I learned, and I got up.

Second one is gendered self. Gender is defined as a personal conception of
oneself as male or female. This concept is intimately related to the concept of gender
role, which is defined as the outward manifestations of personality that reflect the
gender identity. Man is known as for being strong, brave, and firm. And women which is
defined by how they look as well as their reproductive abilities. I consider myself as a
female. Being a girl can become a challenging way of living. Staggering attitudes and
feelings between our phases of life. The hardest part of my life about being a girl is
overcoming the expectations the world has and doesn’t have for me. Everywhere I turn,
everyone’s expecting something great from me. They expect a smart, beautiful young
lady who can clean and cook. And as a female, I need to appear beautiful, I need to fix
myself and to do things which will adhere to standards of beauty. I can say that even
tough I am a woman, I can do many things that a man can do. These days, I can say
that a woman like me is as strong, resilient and brave as men. The reality is that we
deserve the same treatment as men do. If I want to, I could be hard-working woman, I
could develop our body strength and bench press as much as I want. I enjoy riding in
motorcycle as man can do. Since we look different doesn't mean we need to be different
from each other. Out there, there are many great women like me who have done great
things and deserve recognition. In my opinion, labels were meant to be broken, and if
we all stop expecting everyone to be a certain way, then we will finally see the beauty
within each other. I am a woman, I am not just a woman.

Sexuality influences persons by deciding who they are and how they are
expressed. In a wide range, people encounter sexuality whereby certain persons are
considered to be quite sexual and others do not encounter sexual desire feelings at all.
Community, family, media, religion, relationships, and friends may affect a person 's
sexuality. No matter how important sexuality is to a person, each person has interests,
feelings , beliefs and beauty. Personally, I have friends who belong to the LGBTQ
community. For me, there is no problem if they are like that because they are happy
there and they do not hurt anyone. Like me as a woman, all they want is to be respected
because they are human beings too. But I can't help but ask, if a real woman can't be
respected by others, how much those people that is belong to LGBTQ? Because we now
live in a judgmental world, it is difficult for them to accept in the society to which they
belong. For me, if everyone learns to respect each other, regardless of gender, the
problem in society will be reduced. Even though I have many friends who belong to
LGBTQ, I can say that I am still straight where I am not affected by whatever their
gender is. There are also situations in my life where lesbians and bi-sexual people like
me but I know in myself that I am not for them. But despite this, I respect them a lot,
especially for those who know how to respect and help others. Stop the hate, spread the

True beauty is the state of being authentic and sincere in a way that extends love
to yourself and to others. Many people will say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
however if you look back through history it is apparent that beauty is in the eye of
society. Some people say that I am beautiful inside and out but others said that I m
beautiful just because my skin color is white. Way back junior high school days, I am
not used to be presentable in terms of physical appearance. For me, I am who I am and I
don’t care what people will tell to me. But as time passed by, I learned how to use
cosmetics. For me, there is nothing wrong with using moderate cosmetic products
because it will help us to be presentable in other way. But we now live in a judgmental
world. People will say whatever they want to say even if it will hurt others’ feeling. I have
a white skin-tone, brown eyes, blonde hair, a little pointed nose but not that tall. I am
contented on what I am because I believe that it was the gift from God. According to
Helen Keller , "Beauty is not always seen but is felt in the heart." Beauty is a trait that
can be found in anyone or anything. It can be defined in many different ways. The
definition of beauty differs with each individual's way of thinking. What may be
beautiful to one person may not be beautiful to the next person. For me, if you already
accept yourself, even your flaws and imperfections, you will consider yourself as
beautiful. True beauty comes from the inside. Being compassionate and having good
character are virtuous traits. “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment,
such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it
should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which
is of great worth in God’s sight.” -1 Peter 3:1-4. And that bible verse inspires me a lot.
We our God’s creation so we are all beautiful.

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