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Foundations of Order Flow Trading That

Supercharge Your Profits
Table of Contents

The Revolution Has Arrived………………………………………………………….. 3

Local, Small Scale Transaction Flow and Order Flow………………….... 5
Global Transaction Flow and Order Flow……………………………………… 7
Directional Trading, Going Long and Short………………………………….. 9
How Forex Prices Move………………………………………………………………. 11
Why Forex Prices Move………………………………………………………………. 15
Special OFFER FOR YOU…………………………………………………………….... 24

The Revolution Has Arrived

If you will just give me a few minutes of your precious time, I will give you
the secrets and “missing link” that has so far eluded you, to transform and
supercharge your trading profits.
A revolution and transformation is yours for the asking and the taking.
The ultimate trading discovery is revealed inside this special report. (Read
to the end for the special offer!)
We are first going to go small scale, local examples and perspective to show
this discovery working its magic. Then we are going to go large scale,
country wide, global and global macro examples and perspective to show
this discovery working its magic across such large sums of money.
I know how hard it can seem to wrap your mind around success trading
principles. It seems there is great resistance in the mind, a stubborn mind,
etc, for you to wrap your mind across such concepts. That is why it is my
hope that this combination of local examples and the global examples
should give you very powerful perspective that shatters false market beliefs
that are just dead weight on your shoulders. Thus, allowing you to be free,
to fly free into the market. This is the year 2016 and beyond. This is most
certainly your time to BUTTERFLY and grab what is rightfully yours in this
world. The world is full of money, and some of it most definitely has your
name on it. This report will show you how to collect and gorge on your slice
of the pie.
You may have never had life and business and the financial markets and
trading explained to you in the way I am going to explain it to you. It’s OK. I
didn’t know this at age 13. Most people haven’t been exposed to these
beliefs and perspectives. Though, I most certainly wish I was taught this at
age 13. Everything would have been more fun and beautiful.
You will feast upon the wisdom of the ages that has been granted to you in
this free report. It can be one of the most MIND EXPANDING reports you
have ever read. It can reverberate through your entire life, not just your

The Revolution Has Arrived

trading. As your mindset, philosophy and consciousness changes as a result

of this report.

The most highly effective way to trade the forex market, is within your
grasp. In the next few minutes you will finally know the truth behind the
market movements. THE WHY of price movement.

By the end of this report, you will know important aspects of the market,
that most traders will NEVER KNOW about. That put you into the elite 1%

Local, Small Scale Transaction Flow and
Order Flow
When someone wakes up in the morning, what happens? Well, for most
people, they go to work in the morning. Hop in their cars, on public
transportation and go to work.
And for many people, in the morning they might go buy their coffee and
breakfast. Whether they go buy Starbucks, or a coffee and a donut, a coffee
and a bagel, eggs on a roll, or whatever it is that they buy.
Now you may say, yes, what are you trying to get to? What point are you
trying to make?
Well, when you go to a store and BUY SOMETHING, there is transaction flow
that happens. There is ORDER FLOW that happens, that gets executed. You
exchange your money for some good or service. A win-win situation
happens as you are happy with your food and the shop is happy with the
money they got from you. Both sides were provided value. On a very basic,
fundamental level, that is what happens, each and every day.
The important point to remember is that:
Transaction Flow Happens EVERY DAY

When someone gets dry cleaning done…

When someone gets work done on their car…
When someone gets a haircut…
When someone hires a prostitute….
Etc, etc…

Local, Small Scale Transaction Flow and
Order Flow
When all these things happen…. Then TRANSACTION FLOW HAPPENS.
This is the local, small scale order flow that happens every day in that
atmosphere. We have established this FACT.
Following this philosophy, we can then go national and then go GLOBAL.
Going global into the financial markets and apply it to the FOREX MARKET
where trillions of dollars are traded every single day.

National & Global Transaction Flow, Order
Transaction Flow and Order Flow does not only happen in your local
community. It also happens on a national and global scale. You buy goods
and services from companies overseas. Traders from around the world buy
my trading products and services. From the United States to Canada, to
Europe, to Australia to Singapore and Hong Kong, etc.
Massive trade between countries gets done. Trade between the U.S. and
Canada totals several hundred billion dollars per year. The same statistics
exist for trade between U.S. and the European Union, and between the U.S.
and China.
And as more countries continue to liberalize, become part of the national
community and pursue trade friendly policies, all these foreign exchange
transactions will continue to grow. Lots of FOREX trading is going on around
the world.
Going into the price quotes that you see on a trading screen, what do they
mean? When you see a price for USD/JPY flash on your screen for 105.75,
what does that mean? It means that a buyer and seller agreed to transact a
certain amount of volume, which could have been $1 million, or $1 billion at
a certain price. And when that buyer and seller come together, that last
price is showed on the screen. It is a win-win situation as the buyer and
seller agreed to transact at a specific price.
When you see a bid/ask quote, that is different from the last price. It may
have been very near the last price, but not always so. The bid/ask quote is
the best price a buyer is willing to buy the currency pair at and the best price
a seller is willing to sell a currency pair at. The price differential in between
these two prices is called the SPREAD!
This transaction flow, this order flow occurs every single day in the forex
market, to the tune of over $5 trillion per day!! And GROWING!!! There…

National & Global Transaction Flow, Order
was a report that said Forex Trading will grow to average $10 trillion per
day by the year 2020. So there is still enormous growth potential in this
market, both for hedge funds and for the average trader.
Let’s move on to the trading implications…

Directional Trading, Going Long and Short

Let’s say the EUR/USD is trading at 1.2414 / 1.2415. What this means is that
the best bid in the market at that moment is at 1.2414, and the best offer in
the market is at 1.2415. The spread is 1 pip.
Now, when you are engaged in trading the forex market, most people are
attempting to engage in what is called: DIRECTIONAL TRADING.
This means that they are trying to go long (BUY), expecting the price to go
up to profit. And they are trying to go short (SELL), expecting the price to go
down. So they bet on whether the price is going to go up and down, from
the current market moment!!! (when I use the word “bet here, I am not
referring to gambling. There is simply no need to gamble in trading. You
can structure your analysis and your trading research and habits, so that you
can have the highest possible chance to succeed. There most certainly is
such a thing as good preparation, good research, good strategy. There is
simply no need to wing it.)
Therefore, let’s say you go long with a market order and get filled at the best
offer at 1.2415, and the price rises to 1.2715, and you take profit. You just
made 300 pips. With a position size of 1 standard contract, which is $10 per
pip, you made $3,000.
If you went short and got filled at the best bid, at 1.2414, and the price
dropped and you took profit at 1.2000, you made 414 pips. With a position
size of 1 standard contract, which is $10 per pip, you made $4,140.
This directional trading of the market, forms the huge basis for so many
different trading strategies. If you can get good AT THIS, learn how this
works, it can be the sturdy foundation that guides you through the bull and
bear markets. You will know how to profit in any market condition, whether
hugely bullish or bearish. You will know how to profit whether the domestic
or national economy is in an expansion or a great depression. You will know
how to profit whether unemployment or the inflation rate is at 4% or 10%.

Directional Trading, Going Long and Short

It is SUCH A POWERFUL SKILL that you should have a massive desire to


How Forex Prices Move

Your thinking process and next question now may be:

“Okay, I understand there is all this order flow on a local level. I understand
that there is all this order flow on a national and global level. I understand
that we can make money by buying and selling various currency pairs.
But how do prices move?
Let’s take the example of the EUR/USD moving up 300 pips from 1.2415 to
1.2715, how does the price move up those 300 pips?
What are the mechanics behind it?”

Well, what a fabulous question to ask!

If someone desires to place a trade, there are generally two ways they can
execute the order. They have to either use a market or limit order.
If the individual or institution wants to be aggressive, they can execute a
market order and pay the spread. So in the EUR/USD example, with the
quote being 1.2414 / 1.2415, a market BUY ORDER would get filled at
Let’s say there is $10 million in standing limit sell orders at 1.2415. If you
issue a market buy order for $10 million EUR/USD, and you are the only one
at that moment in time, you get filled at 1.2415.
Market orders are aggressive orders. They don’t want to wait. They want to
get the order executed NOW!!!! They PAY THE SPREAD.
The other way to place a trade is with a limit order. So in the EUR/USD
example at 1.2414 / 1.2415, if you want you can place a limit order to buy
$10 million of EUR/USD at 1.2414 or any price below that. This limit order is
much more passive than the market order. Because there is risk that your…

How Forex Prices Move

order may not get executed, because the price has to move down to your
limit order to get executed. Which may happen, or it may not happen.
So both limit orders and market orders represent various types of order
flow. A market requires a good mixture of both. Because a market order,
has to be matched up with a limit order for a transaction to be completed.
This is because a market order cannot be matched up with another market
order, because market orders do not specify price. They specify: EXECUTE
THIS TRADE NOW, at the best possible price, no matter what the price. So
that market order has to be executed against a standing limit order. The
limit orders specifies the price. The market order pays that price. And the
transaction gets completed. And you see a price quote on the screen.
Now, I am here to tell you to be MUCH MORE FASCINATED WITH MARKET
It is the MARKET ORDERS – the aggressive, massive, sustained Market
Orders to the tune of hundreds of millions and billions that move the forex

How Forex Prices Move

For example, take a look at this order book/depth of market for GBP/USD.

If a market participants came in with a market order to buy $60 million

GBP/USD, the price would jump +10 pips very quickly. In a second, or just a
few seconds that would happen.
This price movement is shown on the price chart. You see a nice bullish
candle or bar, depending on what kind of chart you use. However, most
people do not know what is happening “behind the scenes.” They do not
know the order flow mechanics that are going on behind the price
movement that they see on a chart. Poor them, they may never become
great traders without this knowledge. They may never dig the trading
genius that exists inside of them.
We have now answered the HOW of price movement.

How Forex Prices Move

To recap:
We know that order flow exists at the local and global level – EVERY SINGLE
We know that you can make money by going long and short the market.
We understand HOW THE MARKET Works – how the prices move – the
order flow mechanics.

Now, there is at least one more step to take:

Well, if the price is going to move hundreds of pips, and that is going to be
caused by hundreds of millions and billions of dollars in aggressive market
orders by various market participants, then WHY are these orders being

Why Forex Prices Move

We have increased our awareness and skill of the order flow that exists on
the local and global level.
We have increased our awareness and skill that we can make money by
going both long and short the market.
We have increased our awareness and skill of how the price moves – the
order flow mechanics.
So now, we MUST increase our awareness and skill of WHY THE PRICES

There is a logical sequence of events to this trading thing. Also, quite

frankly, I don’t think there has been anyone else on the planet who has
explained life and the markets in such a clear way as I have explained them
to you right now!!!!

When you venture into the realm of the WHY OF PRICE MOVEMENT, the
realm of trading systems, and entry and exit strategies, you start getting a
lot of CHARLATANS telling you things that just aren’t true. Lots of FALSE
PROPHETS out there. You must be incredibly careful about who you pick to
follow, because a large part of your life can be about who your idols and
heroes are. You pick the wrong idols, the wrong heroes you may wind up
broke, alone, sick in your old age. Some people even wind up DEAD, as in
the case of people who followed Jim Jones into Jonestown. Following the
wrong people, the wrong idols, the wrong books can wreck your entire life.
On the flipside, and on a more positive and beautiful note, following the
right gurus, the right idols, the right books, etc, and you can lead a life of
unrivaled health, wealth and happiness.
With this free report and others and my products and programs I hope to
gain your trust in being one of your trusted advisors.

Why Forex Prices Move

Now back to the WHY OF PRICE MOVEMENT. There are various trading
theories out there. Such as technical analysis, chart pattern analysis, price
pattern analysis, forex robots, etc.
There is really so much “stuff” out there.
So how do you know what to choose? What criteria, what philosophy do
you apply in helping you to choose?

This is where the key question must be asked:

DOES THIS TRADING SYSTEM, does this process, does this SIGNAL, actually
measure the forces that generate the:
Aggressive Order flow or not?

DOES IT ACTUALLY CAUSE billions of dollars to be executed or not?

That is the key question. (this is a question you want to print out and have
on your desk!)

Let’s dissect the definition of each one:

Massive: The orders that rush into the market, are not tiny orders of a few
millions. You want the orders to be massive – to the tune preferable of
billions of dollars.
Sustained: You don’t want the massive orders to rush in all in a single
second or minute. Better if the massive orders are spread out and

Why Forex Prices Move

over the course of a single day or few days, etc. So you have more
opportunities to capture the profits that volatility give you. If it all happens
in one minute, you may not have much opportunity to capture the profits.
Aggressive: You want the order to be OFFENSIVE in nature, not defensive.
You want the massive and sustained orders to be market order based in
nature, not limit order based. Hence the term aggressive. If there are limit
orders that are massive and sustained, they may not move the price much.
They may stop the price from moving, but in order to make maximum profit
in minimum time, you require AGGRESSIVE orders – which come in the form

And you would be surprised at just how many traders are seduced by things
such as MACD’s and Stochastics, etc, that NO WAY are they going to be the
cause of the massive order flooding the market to cause an explosion of
They may never ask that question.
They may not KNOW about such a powerful and simple question to ask of
themselves and of the trading strategy they decide to pursue.
After all, you don’t know, what you do not know.

They read about some technical indicators, slap them on the chart and think
that is the real reason why the market forms trends and explodes with
Well, I have news for YOU: 70-99% of the time, the market is NOT MOVED
by such things.
So if you are basing your trading strategy on input criteria, where 70-99% of
the time, does not accurately measure WHY THE MARKET is going to move…

Why Forex Prices Move

in the near future, then you are putting yourself at an enormous

disadvantage to other traders and hedge funds that are “in the know.”

The price does not move because of some magical technical indicator on the
screen, or a moving average combination. That is a very hard pill for a lot of
people to swallow. It seems like a radically different philosophy from what
they have been used to. Slaying these cherished beliefs can be very difficult
for many people. Their minds would rather be stubborn, some people
would rather die than know the truth about the world, about the markets,
about themselves, etc.
However, despair NOT, there is massive evidence at what actually DOES
move the market.
A close study of the history of the forex market, studying some of the
greatest trades in the world that netted HUGE PROFITS for the serious
student and implementer of such strategies reveals very clear reasons for
why the market does what it does.
There are so many people who have not studied some of the greatest forex
trades in the history of the world. They are trying to trade forex, risking
huge sums of money, betting their entire fortunes and families on the line
and their lack of research is astounding. They don’t know about the 1992
breaking of the Bank of England by George Soros where he made over $1
billion. They don’t know of the 1985 huge depreciation of the USD, where
George Soros made almost $100 million, helping him to rack up a gain of
+123%. They don’t know of the 2013 huge depreciation in the Japanese
Yen. They don’t know of the 2014 huge depreciation of the EUR. There are
many other historical trades both recent and from years ago that you can
gather crucial information on.

Why Forex Prices Move

Why Forex Prices Move

I am here to tell you that: BEHIND EVERY HUGE MARKET MOVE in the forex
market, there are irresistible forces, CLEAR CATALYSTS, in the form of the
Now, Global Macro Trading is a subject that is much too big to be explained
in this free report. Though I can tell you of its importance, and its DAILY
APPLICATION to the forex market.
And there are other tools that aid in, that supplement in the global macro
analysis and trading. One set of tools fall into the realm of stop hunting and
option barriers which allow you to pick off some of the highs and lows in the

Why Forex Prices Move

market with uncanny accuracy. Other strategies such as news trading give
you the “missing link” that bridges the gap to applying global macro trading
into your trading account.
In some cases, these extra tools can be used as standalone trading
strategies. However, the real power comes when you COMBINE THEM ALL
TOGETHER into an electrifying TRADING TRIANGLE.

Why Forex Prices Move

As a simple example combining BOTH Stop Hunting and Global Macro

Trading, take the EUR/USD top that formed in 2014 before the price

As you can see, before the price began its big drop, the market gunned the
topside stops FIRST, then the price fell down.
These strategies drastically increase your chances of picking the highs and
lows of the market moves.
Therefore, these are some of the major strategies that you must know about
– TODAY. Not in 10 years, not in 1 year. Not in one month – but TODAY!

Why Forex Prices Move

This is why it is important to take me up on my offer for the ORDER FLOW

MASTERY COURSE, revealed on the next page.

On a semifinal note, I would like for you to, if not permanently, at least
temporarily think of the market and the world in this way!!! And see the
opportunities and breathtaking potentialities that open up for you!!!
Review this report 6 months, 12 months from now. If you are not yet ready
for its full power now, you may be ready for it in the near future.


When you learn and apply the strategies in the Order Flow Mastery Course,
you supercharge your trading indefinitely into the future.
I’m sure you may find all the information to be overwhelming. That there
must be some catch. That it must cost a lot of money every month to get
access to the information flow. We want to put all that to ease.
When you use the Order Flow Mastery Course, you get step-by step habits
that you can put into practice – TODAY- designed to build trading skill that
can never be taken away from you. And you won’t have to spend a single
dime on any “fancy information flow sources.” You can have all the charts
and information flow for free. Let me show you how.
I have a special offer for you that’s not available anywhere else, because
you are SO WORTH IT:

Click Here For More Information on the 10%


I urge you to act on this investment in yourself and your trading mind and
powers, today, right now, while this discount is still active.


Not only are you going to get all the order flow strategies of Stop Hunting,
Option Barriers, News Trading and Global Macro Trading, you will also get
these BONUSES:

Order Flow Economics: these lessons teach you everything you need to
know about economics as it applies to trading the forex market. No need to
spend countless hours on an economics textbook, or a college course, etc.
Through these lessons you gain only the crucial knowledge you need, and no
fluff, thus saving you time and money to focus on and invest in yourself.
Forget all the economic textbooks, pundits on TV. You don’t need any of

Daily Habits: The daily habits that I have used to build skill and mastery in
trading, starting from nothing. I did not have a master trader in the family. I
did not have a guru trader patiently guiding me to prosperity. I had to figure
this all out by myself. There were habits I used, five days a week, that build
skill and mastery. I show them all to you, step-by-step.

All of this is available when you join the Order Flow Mastery Course.


If you have read this entire report and realize the breathtaking potentialities
and possibilities that await you in trading the forex market, then we want
you to get started today.
If you have read this report, you are the hero of your story and your family.
When you start making these positive changes into your trading, your rising
tide will lift all boats and your success will spillover into all areas of your life.
Your opportunity is right now.
Strike while the iron is hot and seize the day.
Claim your copy right now!

Click Here For More Information on the 10%


Wait!! There’s more on the next page...

Your Trading Made Easy With The
Perfect Trade Blueprint
Discover the 8 Rules That Give You An Unfair Advantage
And Can Unleash A Flood of Trading Profits Straight To
Your Account

Included in The Perfect Trade Blueprint:

✓ The special list that gives you the highest chance of making
every trading day a payday
✓ The single most critical secret to finding a trade that pays you
✓ Make more money with this one mindset trick behind every
single trade, not revealed anywhere else (pg 33!)
✓ Join the elite 1% club, by knowing the strategies the other 99%
do not know.
✓ And much more…
Get The Perfect Trade Blueprint by CLICKING HERE

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