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Progressive Web App (PWA)

PWA is a web application which provide an app-like experience.
PWAs are similar to native apps but are not deployed from app store but from web
servers throuugh URLs.

PWA requirements
- Responsive
- Work offline
- App like
- Served via HTTPS
- Can be added to home screen (app store is not required)


- Auditing tool provided by Google to verify PWA features
- Can be accessed in Google Chrome under "Audits" tab.

Making a React application into a PWA

- create-react-app provides support for PWA

We will convert "09_composableComponents" demo application into Progressive Web


1) To check the application for PWA features, application should be built in

production mode, because PWA features are not available in developmental build.

Using Lighthouse, we can analyze the application to identify list of things that
should be done to make it as PWA.

After running developmental build (without enabling PWA)

==> Run Lighthouse and audit.

After running production build (enabling PWA - Refer recording how to enable PWA)
==> Run Lighthouse and audit.

Application deployed to cloud (github pages) -

==> Run Lighthouse and audit.

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