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Of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints

Held in the Tabernacle and As-

sembly Hall, Lake City, Utah,
April 6, 7 and 9, 1916
with a full report of
the discourses


THE COMPENDIUM. New and Revised Edition.
Cloth, $1.00. Leather, $1.25.
Dr. James. E. Talmage. Paper, 25c postpaid. Cloth,
50c postpaid.
REIGN OF ANTI-CHRIST, by J. M. Sjodahl. Paper,
25c postpaid. Cloth, 50c postpaid.
HOUSE OF THE LORD, by Dr. J. E. Talmage, Cloth,
$1.50 postpaid.
"JESUS THE CHRIST" by Dr. James E. Talmage.
Half Morocco, $1.50 post paid.
Webb, (non-Mormon). Cloth, 75c postpaid.
"THE REAL MORMONISM" by Robert C. Webb. A
large Octavo Volume. Cloth, $2.00 postpaid.
PIONEER TRAIL, by Alfred Lambourne. Cloth $1.00.
A PLAY HOUSE, by Alfred Lambourne. A Sketch of
the Salt Lake Theatre. Reminiscences of the Scene-
Painter's Gallery, $1.00.
AFTER TWENTY YEARS, by Geo. W. Middleton,
M. D. A Dissertation on the Philosophy of Life in
narrative form. Cloth, gilt top, $1.25.
TEMPLE ANTHEMS. For general use by all Church
Choirs— Vol I. Edited by Prof. Evan Stephens,
Deseret News proprietors. Artistically printed and
bound. Each, 50c; per dozen $4.50; postage extra.
Bound in one book, consisting of Song of the Re-
deemed, Let The Mountains Shout for Joy, Grant Us
Peace, O' Lord, In Our Redeemer's Name, and Ho-
sannah Anthem. Per copy, 30c; per dozen, $3.00.



Eighty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Church

of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Eighty-sixth Annual Con- by the choir and congregation sing-
ference of the Church of Jesus ing the hymn, "Come, let us anew
Christ of Latter-day Saints con- our journey pursue." (The Taber-
vened in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake nacle Choir was augmented by
City, at 10 a. m., Thursday, April members of other choirs from vari-
6, 1916, President Joseph F. Smith ous stakes and wards of Zion.)
presiding. The opening prayer was offered
by Elder Junius F. Wells.
The choir and congregation sang
There were present of the First the hymn, "Guide us, O Thou great
Presidency, Joseph F. Smith, An- Jehovah."
thon H. Lund, and Charles W. Pen-
rose; of the Council of the Twelve PRESIDENT JOSEPH F. SMITH.
Apostles, Francis M. Lyman, Heber
J. Grant, Rudger Clawson, George
Albert Smith, George F. Richards, Former Church leaders, now in spirit
world, still deeply interested in our
Anthony W. Ivins, Joseph F. Smith,
Jr., and James E. Talmage;* Pre-

welfare. Their presence and influ-
ence, and that of other heavenly be-
siding Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith ings, felt here.— God an individual,
of the First Council of Seventy, not personally omnipresent — His
Seymour B. Young, Brigham H. power and knowledge embraces all

Roberts, J. Golden Kimball, Rulon

creation— Obedience to the Gospel
imparts a knowledge of God, which
S. Wells, Joseph W. McMurrin, insures eternal —The necessary

and Charles H. Hart;* of the Pre- Divine authority restored this in

siding Bishopric, Charles W. Nib- age — Special ministry of the Twelve

Apostles — The Saints should be ex-
ley,Orrin P. Miller, and David A. ponents and exemplars of righteous-
Smith; Assistant Historians An- ness — Fourteen years summary of
drew Jenson and A. Wm. Lund. Church finances.
There were also a large number of I shall need the assistance of the
Presidents of Stakes, Presidents of Good and the good feeling
Missions, Patriarchs, Bishops of and faith and sympathy of my
Wards, and numerous other promi- brethren and sisters this morning in
nent men and women representing an endeavor to speak to you for a
various quorums and organizations short time. I hope it will be a short
of the Church. time, too, for at present I do not feel
President Joseph F. Smith called nor design to occupy very much of
the assembly to order, and the Con- the time. I could not express my
ference services were commenced gratitude with language in my pos-
session, which I feel this morning
*Orson F. Whitney and Levi Edgar
Young were present at subsequent meet- in being permitted, under the mer-
ings. cies of the Father of us all, to be
present with you and behold the their minds have expanded beyond
sight that I see in the assembled their comprehension in mortal life,
multitudes gathered here in the and their interests are enlarged and
opening session of this con- expanded in the work of the Lord
ference, on the Eighty-sixth an- to which they gave their lives and
niversary of the organization of their best service. Although some
the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- may feel and think that it is a little
ter-day Saints. I feel sure that the extreme to take this view, yet I be-
Prophet Joseph Smith and his lieve that it is true; and 1 have a
associates, who, under the guidance feeling in my heart that I stand in
and inspiration of the Almighty, the presence not only of the Father
and by His power, began this lat- and of the Son, but in the presence
ter-day work, would rejoice and do of those whom God commissioned,
rejoice. —I was g'oing to say if they raised up and inspired to lay the
were permitted to look down upon foundations of the work in which
the scene that I behold in this taber- we are engaged. Accompanying
nacle, but I believe they do have the that sense or feeling, I am im-
privilege of looking down upon us pressed with the thought that I
just as the all-seeing eye of God be- would not this moment say or do
holds every part of His handiwork. one thing that would be taken as
For I believe that those who have unwise or imprudent, or that would
been chosen in this dispensation and give offense to any of my former
in former dispensations, to lay the associates and co-laborers in the
foundation of God's work in the work of the Lord.
midst of the children of men, for I would not like to say one thing,
their salvation and exaltation, will or express a thought that would
not be deprived in the spirit world grieve the heart of Joseph, or of
from looking down upon the re- Brigham, or of John, or of Wilford,
sults of their own labors, efforts or Lorenzo, or any of their faithful
and mission assigned them by the associates in the ministry. Some-
wisdom and purpose of God, to help times the Lord expands our vision
to redeem and to reclaim the chil- from this point of view and this
dren of the Father from their sins. side of the veil, that we feel and
So I quite confident, that the
feel seem to realize that we can look
eye of Joseph, the Prophet, and of beyond the thin veil which separ-
the martyrs of this dispensation, ates us from that other sphere. If
and of Brigham and John and Wil- we can see by the enlightening in-
ford, and those faithful men who fluence of the Spirit of God and
were associated with them in their through the words that have been
ministry upon the earth, are care- spoken by the holy prophets of God,
fully guarding the interests of the beyond the veil that separates us
Kingdom of God in which they la- from the spirit world, surely those
bored and for which they strove who have passed beyond, can see
during their mortal lives. I believe more clearly through the veil back
they are as deeply interested in our here to us than it is possible for us
welfare today, if not with greater ca- to see to them from our sphere of
pacity, with far more interest behind action. I believe we move and have
the veil, than they were in the flesh. our being in the presence of heav-
I believe they know more I believe
; enly messengers and of heavenly


beings. We are not separate from wrong doing hence ; their solicitude
them. We begin to realize more for us and their love for us and
and more fully, as we become ac- their desire for our well being must
quainted with the principles of the be greater than that which we feel
Gospel, as they have been revealed for ourselves. I thank God for the
anew in this dispensation, that we feeling that I possess and enjoy and
are closely related to our kindred, for the realization that I have, that
to our ancestors, to our friends I stand, not only in the presence of
and associates and co-laborers who Almighty God, my Maker
have preceded us into the spirit Father, but in the presence of His
world. We can not forget them Only Begotten Son in the flesh, the
we do not cease to love them we ; Savior of the world and I stand in

always hold them in our hearts, in the presence of Peter and James,
memory, and thus we are associated (and perhaps the eyes of John are
and united to them by ties that we also upon us and we know it not) ;

can not break, that we can not dis- and that I stand also in the presence
solve or free ourselves from. If of Joseph and Hyrum and Brigham
this is the case with us in our finite and John, and those who have been
condition, surrounded by our mor- valiant in the testimony of Jesus
tal weaknesses, short-sightedness, Christ and faithful to their mission
lack of inspiration and wisdom in the who have gone before.
from time to time, how much more When go I want to have the priv-
certain it is and reasonable and con- ilege of meeting them with the con-
sistent to believe that those who sciousness that I have followed
have been faithful, who have gone their example, that I have carried
beyond and are still engaged in the out the mission in which they were
work for the salvation of the souls engaged as they would have it car-
of men, the opening of the prison ried out that I have been as faith-

doors to them that are bound and ful in the discharge of duty com-
proclaiming liberty to the captives mitted to me and required at my
who can see us better than we can hand as they were faithful in their
see them that they know us better
; time, and that when I meet them I
than we know them. They have shall meet them as I met them here,
advanced we are advancing we
; ; in love, in harmony, in unison and
are growing as they have grown in perfect confidence that I have
we are reaching the goal that they done my duty as they have done
have attained unto and therefore,
; theirs.
I claim that we live in their pres- I hope you will forgive me for
ence, they see us, they are solicit- my emotion. You would have
ous for our welfare, they love us peculiar emotions, would you not, if
now more than ever. For now they you felt that you .stood in the pres-
see the dangers that beset us they ; ence of your Father, in the very
can comprehend better than ever presence of Almighty God, in the
before, the weaknesses that are lia- very presence of the Son of God
ble to mislead us into dark and for- and of holy angels? You would
bidden paths. They see the tempta- feel rather emotional, rather sensi-
tions and the evils that beset us in tive. I feel it to the very depths of
life and the proneness of mortal be- my soul this moment. So I hope
ings to yield to temptation and to you will forgive me, if I exhibit
some of my real feelings. I am only space, His power extends to all His
a child, I am only learning, and I creations,and His knowledge com-
hope I shall not be ever learning prehends them all, and He governs
and never come to the knowledge them all and He knows all. It is a
of the truth. I sincerely hope that scriptural truth, that this is life
as I learn little by little, line upon eternal to know the only true and
line and precept upon precept, here living God and Jesus Christ whom
a little and there a little, clay by thou hast sent. I believe that the

day, and month by month, and year Latter-day Saints, through the
by year, that there will come a time teachings of the scriptures and
when I shall have learned indeed through the revelations that have
the truth and shall know it as God come to them by the voice of the
knows it and be saved and exalted Prophet Joseph Smith, are able to
in His presence. Now, my mission, learn the true and living God and
my duty, from the days of my child- know Him and also His Son whom
hood, has been to proclaim the Gos- He has sent into the world, whom
pel of Jesus Christ as the power of to know is life eternal. Not sim-
God unto salvation, unto all who ply the knowledge of it but having
will receive and obey it. It is my that knowledge we are inclined and
duty to proclaim to my brethren, to determined to observe His pre-
the household of faith, as well as to cepts, obey His laws, be submissive
the world, when opportunity pre- to His requirements in every par-
sents, that I believe in the living ticular and accept every ordinance
God, the Father of our Lord of the house of God and of the
and Savior Jesus Christ, who begot Gospel of Jesus Christ that has been
His Son, his only begotten in the devised by the will of the Father
flesh, and that Son grew from His for the qualification of His children
birth unto His manhood and devel- in the earth to return into His
oped into the very image and like- presence. And he that knoweth
ness of His Father, insomuch that God and Jesus Christ, whom to
He declared on one occasion that know is life eternal, will verify that
"he that hath seen me, hath seen the knowledge by ample and continuous
Father." I do not believe in the and faithful obedience to every re-
doctrines held by some that God is quirement that God makes of His
only a spirit and that He is of such children, and therein consists the
a nature that He fills the immensity salvation and the gift of eternal
of space, and is everywhere pres- life. The devil knows the Father
ent in person or without person, much better than we. Lucifer, the
for I can not conceive it possible son of the morning, knows Jesus
that God could be a person if He Christ, the Son of God, much better
filled the immensity of space and than we, but in him it is not and
was everywhere present at the same will not redound to eternal life; for
time. It is a physical, a theological, knowing, he yet rebels knowing he ;

an unreasonable, inconsistency to yet is disobedient he will not re-


imagine that even God the Eternal ceive the truth he will not abide in

Father would be in two places, as the truth hence he is Perdition, and


an individual, at the same moment. there is no salvation for him. The

It is impossible. But His power ex- same doctrine applies to me and to
tends throughout the immensity of you and to all the sons and daugh-

ters of God who have judgment and selves to ignore these things thatGod
knowledge and are able to reason has revealed and required of us. No
between cause and effect, and deter- man is too big, too great or knows

mine the right from the wrong and so much, that he is independent of
the good from the evil and who are God. We
are here on His earth,
capable of seeing the light and dis- we breathe His air, we behold His
tinguishing it from the darkness. sunlight, we eat His food and we
Then this is the Gospel of Jesus wear His clothing He has provided

Christ, to know the only true and all the elements by which we are
living God and His Son whom He clothed and fed and live and move
has sent into the world, which and have our being in the world.
knowledge comes through obedi- We are not independent of God, not
ence to all His commandments, for one moment. Not only do we
faith, repentence of sin, baptism by believe in the Father and in the Son
immersion for the remission of sins, and in their words and counsel and
the gift of the Holy Ghost by the divine authority which they brought
laying on of hands by divine au- and gave to men in the flesh, but
thority, and not by the will of man. we believe also in the divinity of
This then is the Gospel of Jesus the mission of Joseph the Prophet.
Christ which is the power of God We accept him as the one author-
unto salvation; obedience to the ized, empowered, clothed with wis-
truth, submission to the order that dom and knowledge in our day and
God has established in His house, time, to lay the foundations of the
for the house of God is a house of Church of Jesus Christ and to re-
order and not a house of confusion. store the fullness of the Gospel of
God has set in His Church apostles salvation to the world ;to revive and
and prophets and evangelists and renew in the hearts of the children
pastors and teachers whose duty is of men the doctrines of Christ, the
to administer to the people, to teach, ordinances of His Gospel which He
instruct, expound, exhort, admonish taught, which He administered and
and lead in the path of righteous- which He authorized His disciples
ness. people who are associ-
The to administer to all that would,
ated in organization, must
this calling upon all men to repent
harken to the voice of him who has and believe in the name of the
divine authority to guide and direct Father and of the Son. We
and counsel in the midst of Israel. that God has restored the divine
All these are necessary in the Gos- priesthood, which holds the keys of
pel of Jesus Christ and many ministration of the ordinances of
things, too many for me to mention life, to the children of men. With-
here, are necessary, including out that divine priesthood no man
the ordinances of the house of could receive or would receive a re-
God, revealed in greater plainness mission of sirrs by being buried in
in this dispensation than perhaps in the water. It has to be by divine
any former dispensation since the authority and without that divine
world was formed. All these or- authority our works would not be
dinances are essential, in their place acceptable to the Lord, for He will
and in their time, and none of us are not accept -at the hands of the chil-
big enough or good enough or pos- dren of men that which He has not
sess sufficient independence in our- authorized them to do, which He

has not qualified them to do, and Those who hold the Melchizedek
called and appointed them to do priesthood who are not otherwise
but when God calls men and or- appointed are under their direc-
dains, and appoints, and gives them tion to preach the Gospel to the
authority to administer in the name —
world and to declare the truth that
of the Father and of the Son and of Jesus is the Christ and that Joseph
the Holy Ghost, what they do can is a prophet of God and was author-
not fail to be sanctioned and ap- ized and qualified to lay the founda-
proved by the author and giver of tion of the Kingdom of God. And
the authority. When we receive when I say Kingdom of God I mean
the priesthood of God, and we do —
what I say. Christ is the King not
according to His word, then is He man. No man is king of the King-
bound, and otherwise there is no dom of God; God is the King of it
promise. Now I can't tell you all and we acknowledge Him and Him
that I would like to. Time will not only as Sovereign of His Kingdom.
permit, and there are others to Now we all need patience, for-
speak and all these, your brethren, bearance, forgiveness, humility,
that are called to the apostleship charity, love unfeigned, devotion to
and to minister in the midst of the the truth, abhorrence of sin and
house of Israel are endowed, or wickedness, rebellion and disobedi-
ought to be endowed, richly with ence to the requirements of the Gos-
the spirit of their calling. For in- pel. These are the qualifications re-
stance these twelve disciples of quisite to Latter-day Saints and to
Christ are supposed to be eye and becoming Latter-day Saints and
ear witnesses of the divine mission members in good standing in the
of Jesus Christ. It is not permissi- Church of Jesus Christ and heirs of
ble for them to say, I believe, sim- God and joint heirs with Jesus
ply; I have accepted it simply be- Christ. No member in good stand-
cause I believe it. Read the revela- ing in the Church will be drunken
tion, the Lord informs us they must or riotous or profane or will take
know, they must get the knowledge advantage of his brother or his
for themselves, it must be with neighbor or will violate the princi-
them as though they had seen with ples of virtue and honor and right-
their eyes and heard with their ears eousness. No member of the Church
and they know the truth. That is of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
their mission, to testify of Jesus in good standing will ever be
Christ and Him crucified and risen chargeable with such offenses as
from the dead and clothed now these because they will avoid these
with almighty power at the right evils and they will live above them.
hand of God, the Savior of the Then we have a mission in the
world. That is their mission, and world, each man, each woman, each
their duty, and that is the doctrine child, who has grown to under-
and the truth that it is their duty to standing or to the years of account-
preach to the world and see that it ability, ought to be examples to the
is preached to the world. Where world, ought, not only to be quali-
they can not go themselves they are fied to preach the truth, to bear tes-
to have the help of others called to timony of the truth, but they ought
their assistance, the Seventies first, to live so that the very life they live,
also the elders and the high priests. the very words they speak, their

every action in life, will be a ser- brethren, do not wish to claim any
nion to the unwary and to the ig- honor more than my brethren, but
norant, teaching them goodness, I do think that we have a record
purity, uprightness, faith in God that we need not be ashamed of for
and love for the human family. the last fourteen or fifteen years or
Now I have a few figures that I mort
want to read to you. They are only The report which follows will in-
a few. They cover a space of about form you concerning some of the
fourteen years. T do not wish in Church expenditures and activities
doing this to appear to be in any from the year 1901 to December
way distinguished from any of my 31, 1915:

At the close of the year 1906 the One Million Dollar bonded
indebtedness and interest had been paid, making a total
of $1,200,000.00
There has been paid on account of Church Schools 3,714,455.00
For repairs, improvements, operation, maintenance and
building of temples 1,169,499.00
For building stake and ward meeting houses and amusement
halls . . .-
f. „ 2,007,733.00
For real estate and buildings, for mission house and meet-
ing house purposes in Europe 266,236.00
For and buildings, for mission house and meet-
real estate
ing house purposes in the United States 292,795.00
For Agricultural Colleges and for meeting houses in New
Zealand and Samoa 78,000.00

Expended in the missions for all purposes, less amount ex-

pended for real estate and buildings 2,625,328.00
For the Joseph Smith Memorial Farm and monument, and
for the Joseph Smith Farm at Palmyra for real estate ;

covering Adam-Ondi-Ahman for Carthage Jail, and for ;

Independence, Jackson County, Missouri.

real estate at 161,000.00
For real estate and buildings surrounding the Temple Block
at Salt Lake City, and for new buildings that have been
erected thereon 1,555.000.00
For buildings and equipment for the Dr. W. H. Groves' Lat-
ter-day Saints Hospital 600.000.00
There has been paid to the poor through all Church channels 3,279,900.00
There has been a net increase in the Church membership of 187,733
souls and there has been organized 22 stakes of Zion, 202 wards and

6 missions. There are now 72 stakes of Zion, 797 wards and 22 missions.
There have been erected and remodeled 465 meeting houses in the
stakes of Zion, besides branch and mission meeting houses in the various
missions of the Church.
There have been 1,468,437 baptisms performed for the dead in the
The Relief Society membership has increased 34% the Sunday ;

School the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association 23%

40% : ;

the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association 27% the Primary :

Association 39<$ and the Religion Class 85%.

— ; ;

I scarcely need to add one remark Faithfulactivity of workers in
to this report but I want to tell you
Church organizations —

work of Church educational insti-

this, that the tithes and means of
tutions —
Detailed explanation of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- —
Religion Class work The Universe
ter-day Saints have not stuck to my governed by law, and God makes
hands nor to the hands of any of the law.

my associates. They have gone to

their legitimate purposes. I feel the need of your sympathy
Now we are building a temple in and prayers in presenting myself
Canada. We are building another before this large congregation. I

in Hawaii, and we are building an have rejoiced in the good words

office building for the Church, a spoken by our president. The up-
library, and a record depository lifting and inspiring speech he has
that will be safe for the records of given us I know will be remembered
the Church, which for many years by all present. I feel, as he told us,
have been exposed to danger of de- that we all stand in the presence of
struction by fire or by other means our Heavenly Father, who has
and we hope soon to have a place means whereby He can know all
that will be practically fire-proof about us, even of our inmost
and that will be capacious enough thoughts. Knowiig this ought to
to hold the records of the Church make us careful to walk in His
for many years to come. ways and obey H- i commandments.
How has it been done? How can I was also pleased to hear the fig-
we continue to do such things as ures read by the President, telling
these? Simply by the Latter-day us what has been done during the
Saints observing the laws of God past fourteen years. I thought,
and the rules of His Church and ; many small amounts have amounted
while you do your duty I will guar- to great sums. Millions have been
antee to you, so long as my brethren spent in the upbuilding of this
are in charge, with whom I am as- work, and the books are open to
sociated, you will never have cause show where every cent has gone
to suspect that your means will be that has been paid into the funds of
misused or misappropriated. Gol the Church, and I believe you all
bless you and all the household of approve the purposes for which the
faith, and help us to be true and money has been expended. Mil-
faithful to the end, realizing that lions have been appropriated to the
the battle is not to the strong, nor poor, to the erection of houses of
the race to the swift, but to him worship where the Saints can go
that endures to the end. Amen. and be built up in their holy faith
great amounts have been paid to-
A soprano solo, "The Plains of wards the temples, the missions,
Peace," was sung by Sister Magda-
and so on. I feel thankful that the
line Anderson. Saints have opened their hearts and
contributed of their means for the
PRESIDENT ANTHON H. LUND. purposes we have just heard stated.
The past fouiteen years of increased They have felt to obey the law of
tithe paying marks great progress
in Church affairs — Remarxable tithingwhich the Lord has given us,
crease in Temple work, and addi- and they have had full confidence
tions in Church membership that the money would be spent in

the upbuilding of the Kingdom of ize the Church schools, and how
God. thankful hundreds and thousands
It is number of persons
a large of our' young people are that they
who have joined the Church in the were favored by receiving an edu-
short time that President Smith has cation in these institutions. These
stood at the head of this adminis- schools have continued to prosper,
tration, and a great number also and their membership reaches as
that have passed through the tem- high a number as we are able to
ples. It is encouraging to hear of accommodate. They have done and
the increase in our different associa- are doing a world of good among
tions for they are all useful in the
; our young people. We would like
strengthening of the faith of their to have all our children educated in
members. an institution where not only the
The last statistics read stated that hand and the brain could be trained,
the Religion Classes had increased but where spiritual matters could
eighty-five per cent. I am pleased also be attended to but it is not

to hear this, for I have thought that possible for us to reach so far with
the Saints hardly know what the the means at our disposal, although
Religion Class stands for, and in a millions have been spent, of the
good many places they have consid- tithing, to sustain the Church
ered it was an extra burden upon schools.
the bishops and teachers. Now, I We have a splendid public school
believe that when it is fully under- system in this State. Our grade
stood, the Saints will see the great schools, our high schools, our agri-
necessity of sustaining and cherish- cultural college and university stand
ing these classes. high. I believe they compare fa-

At the beginning of Brother vorably with any in the land. Of

Woodruff's administration, the course there are higher institutions
First Presidency were impressed to of learning, in other states much
start more Church schools. They more highly endowed than our uni-
felt that places should be prepared versity, and able to do more but ;

where our young people could re- for the means that are invested and
ceive a systematic training in the have been spent here in the state,
principles of the Gospel. A
Church I think we see good results. Last
Board of Education was organized year, our Governor told me, we
whose members came together and spent on education in the state
discussed the problem of what schools from eighty-six to eighty-
would be the best plan for educating eight per cent of the state taxes.
our children in the branch of the- This shows how great an interest is
ology, which could not be taught in taken in education. I doubt that
the secular schools. The Church any other state in the Union can
schools were started and were or- show so great a percentage of state
ganized on the plan of the Brig- means set apart for educational
ham Young Academy. The Prin- purposes as the Utah legislatures
cipal of that school, the able and de- have done. But although the school
voted teacher, Brother Maeser, was system of Utah stands as high as
appointed superintendent of the any, there is a defect in schools that
Church school system. You know are conducted without religious in-
how faithfully he worked to organ- struction. Educators east and west
who have studied this matter have the Religion Classes to teach them
come to that conclusion. practical religion. In other places
Recently a large convention was these classes meet five times a week
held in Chicago, in which educa- or once every school day. The ob-
tors discussed the problem of teach- jection that has been raised that it
ing religion in our public schools. lays too much burden upon the chil-
It is not so easy to do this here as dren to attend these classes, because
it is in countries where they have they have so much to learn in the
a state religion, and consequently day school that they cannot attend
can teach that religion in their edu- to the studies which the Religion
cational institutions, but here, where Classes would give them, is not of
the public schools are open to chil- much weight, as the children are
dren of parents belonging to dif- not asked to study these lessons
ferent denominations, it is more dif- outside of the Religion Classes.
ficult. Some
of the educators pres- When they meet in the classes they
ent at convention suggested
this are taught by concrete examples,
that a time for studying
certain and in a way that requires of them
religion might be put into the cur- only their attention while in the
riculum of the schools, and the chil- classes ;and teachers of such chil-
dren go into rooms where teachers dren say that they are more easily
or ministers could teach them the managed and pay better attention
religion of their fathers. 1 don't than they did before they took the
know what conclusion \vas arrived studies in the Religion Classes.
at, as I have not read the
full pro- As these classes were parts of the
ceedings of the convention, but the Church school system, Brother
suggestion referred to was some- Maeser was placed in charge of
thing like what they do in Canada. them also, and during his last years
There they have a law that provides he worked hard to make them a suc-
for religious education in the pub- cess. His whole soul was absorbed
lic schools, and those who teach it in studying the best way of reach-
are paid by the state. Their states- ing the children's hearts. Once
men know that it is for the good of when he was going to a place to or-
the children not only to have their ganize the Religion Class, he asked
intellects trained, but also the heart himself the question, "What shall
and the emotions, and to learn con- be the procedure ?" He prayed
cerning God and His will with men. about it, and the method we follow,
In Canada the public school is the called the six steps, came to his
same as here, free and open to all mind, and we have found this mode
denominations, and the ministers of very successful.
these have been given the right to We would like you who have not
gather the children around them in attended a session of the Religion
the school house and teach them the Classes to do so and see how our
principles their parents believe in. brethren and sisters are teaching
We realize the defect in an edu- the young that attend the classes.
cation without religious and moral The classes are opened by singing,
instruction, and we want to supply led by the teacher or by one of the
some means whereby this lack can children, as he or she may direct.
be remedied. In some places we The singing is not accompanied
gather the children once a week in with instrumental music. We

them to be independent of such help narratives and concrete examples,

and able to strike the right pitch which the children love to hear, and
themselves. When our young men which will make such an impres-
are called to go out into the mis- sion upon their minds that they will
sionary field, you know what .a remember them, and will try to
blessing it is to them to be able to carry out that which has been
sing. When they stand on the taught them.
street corner, with their backs to a The fifth step is testimony-bear-
lamp-post and a large congrega- ing. We ask the children to bear
tion before them, they have no in- testimony of what they have them-
strument to help them in starting selves experienced, what they know
the song, it is well for them if they of the goodness of God, the good-
arc able to do it correctly. How ness of their parents, and of others,
many of you brethren have not had what joy has come to their hearts
experience of this kind ? in performing a good act, an un-
After the children have sung a selfish act to others. All of this we
hymn, their hearts are attuned for consider good material for testi-
the second step, which is prayer. mony bearing, and if you listen to
Here one of the boys or girls will these children bearing their testi-
volunteer to offer the prayer when mony, it will often melt your heart,
the teacher calls on them to do so, for you know they are innocent and
and the boy or girl chosen to lead honest in what they say, and we can
will utter a short sentence or a short see how the Spirit of the Lord is
phrase, which all repeat in concert, working upon their young hearts.
and then the next sentence will be They will tell of visiting a sick
given and repeated, and so on until comrade and comforting them, per-
the prayer is ended. Repeating haps bringing him flowers they ;

the words spoken by the one offer- will tell of taking part in cutting
ing the prayer secures attention, for the wood of a widow for winter use,
all are alert to join in the prayers and of so many other things that
and to pronounce the words which they have done. The object of the
the leader has spoken. Religion Class is to imbue their
The third step is to learn a mem- hearts with practical religion, that
ory gem, or good thought. The is, as James defines it, "to visit the

teacher will lead out with a short fatherless and the widows in their
part of the quotation and the chil- and to keep themselves
dren repeat it after her. When it unspotted from the world." The
is learned the next part of the quo- sixth step is singing and prayer,
tation is given, and so to the end conducted as were the opening ex-
of it. By this method a great many ercises.
precious thoughts are stored away You ought not to neglect sending
in the minds of the children that your children to the Religion
will help them in time to come. Classes, for they need the instruc-
Then comes the fourth step, tion given there. I have heard
which is the real lesson, and takes many examples mentioned in our
the longest time. The lesson and Board where these young children
the memory gem are generally so have been able to bring their par-
related that one explains the other. ents to renewed diligence in the
The lessons generally consist in performance of their duty, and even
bringing families into the Church machine, and consequently there is
that had not before understood the no need of a God, that there is no
Gospel. It gives us joy to hear spirit in man, and hence there will
these things, and I will plead with be no resurrection; that everything
you, my brethren and sisters, to sus- js ruled by law and therefore prayer

tain the movement of our Religion is useless. Now, we want a founda-

Classes. The children will be tion of faith in God laid so firmly

built up and encouraged in well- in the hearts of our children that
doing, and the time they spend it cannot be shaken. But some ask
there does not interfere with their are you afraid, then, of evolution
other studies. I hope the time will and other theories that are taught
come when educators in the whole so extensively? We are not afraid
land will be able to devise some plan that the revealed Gospel shall be
whereby such religious teaching as proved untrue by anything that men
the parents desire the children to may discover for truth will always

receive can be given them in the square with truth, but theories of
public schools. men are not always true the sci- ;

short time ago I attended the entists often take hypotheses as
dedication of the Brigham City proven facts, and they assume that
Theological Seminary. It has been it has taken millions of years to
erected for the purpose of giving produce the changes which they
the students of our faith, who at- claim have gradually taken place in
tend the high school there, an op- plants and animals, during the dif-
portunity to study the history of ferent periods of the earth.
th« Bible and the principles of the We believe that everything is
Gospel. More than two hundred ruled by law. We
are thankful that
students are enrolled, and are en- it is so, for otherwise we would

thusiastic in taking this branch of live in a world of chance, in a fear-

study. Having a school building ful uncertainty of what would hap-
on an adjoining lot to that of the pen next. I believe that the ma-
high school gives the students at- terial laws that can be traced in the
tending it nearly all the benefits of creation had an intelligent will be-
a Church school education. There hind them, that the laws themselves
are a few/ other seminaries similarly were never superior to the will of
located in the neighborhood of high God. He made those laws, and by
schools, which are also doing excel- His power they became effective to
lent work. We do not want to in- accomplish His purposes. It is to
duce the children of parents not be- Him that we pray, and we know he
longing to our faith to attend these is almighty and does hear prayers,

classes, but we would like our own and though He uses material laws
students to do so, for we do see a to carry out His plans, His will was
great need of having their hearts never subjected to the laws, but the
fortified against the many theories laws have ever been subservient to
that will be presented before them, Him. Let no one think that God is
and which tend to taking away their impotent, that the laws He has
faith. We want to have them fort- made stand in the way of His hear-
ifiedagainst the insinuating sugges- ing His children and answering
tions they may hear of learned men, their prayers.
that the world is a self-sustainine I see the time is going. I feel
! I


thankful to be here with you breth- Godhead — Preexistence of Jesus

Christ as Jehovah, a Personage
ren and sisters, to bear my testi-
Spirit —
Personality of the Holy
mony to the truth of the Gospel, —
Ghost Plurality of Gods Angels —
which is that Jesus is the Savior —
bearinr name of Deity Christ the
and Redeemer of the world, and Word of God, the Redeemer of the
World— God the Eternal Father to
that He is the Only Begotten of the
be worshiped and obeyed.
Father. May the Lord help us ever
to be true and faithful in the cove- I feel very much like President
nants we have made with Him, is Smith did this morning in arising
my prayer in the name of Jesus
Christ, Amen.
to address the congregation —
have not language to express the
emotions of my heart in being priv-
President Smith read a notice, ileged to assemble with you, my
issued by the Presiding Bishopric, brethren and sisters, in this great
informing conference visitors con- congregation of Latter-day Saints.
cerning arrangements made for I am very thankful to God, our
their lodging, etc., and made other Eternal Father, for this blessing,
announcements. and for having the testimony in my
The choir sang the anthem, "Lift soul of the truth of those principles
up the voice in singing." which were so grandly placed be-
The benediction was pronounced fore us this morning by our Presi-
by Elder Henry H. Rolapp. dent. There is nothing in the world
Conference adjourned until 2 that I know of which is so dear to
p. m. my heart as the truth which has
been revealed in these last days
from God through His servant
Joseph, the prophet. And when I
AFTERNOON SESSION. think of the goodness of God to me
during all the years that I have
In the Tabernacle. been associated with the Saints and
Conference was resumed at 2 labored in the ministry, I feel over-
p. m. whelmed with gratitude and thanks-
President Joseph F. Smith called giving and praise. Praise be unto
the meeting to order. God our Eternal Father and His
The choir and congregation sang Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
the hymn, "God moves in a mysteri- Ghost, and His servants who have
ous way." been called in these last days to lay
The invocation was
offered by the foundations of the Church and
Elder Arthur Winter. Kingdom of our God
The choir sang the hymn, "Our I would that all the world could
mountain home so dear." see and understand these things as


we do, but that is at present I was —
going to say impossible it can not —
Universal redemption through obedi- be done at present, but I rejoice in
— —
ence Evil of contentions Trinity the assurance given in the Gospel
of the Godhead —
God the Father of of Jesus Christ, in the revelations
spirit —Christ the Firstborn Elo- — of the Lord to us, that the time will
him, Jehovah and Michael in the
creation — Adam head of the mor- come when every knee shall bow
tal human race, but not one of the and every tongue confess that Jesus
isthe Lord, the Christ, to the glory lision with error wherever it is
of God the Father, and this will found, and the time will come when
not be by compulsion or constraint, all error, all untruth will have to
but by the willing desires of those give way and the truth will abound.
who bow, they having been brought It is by the truth that we shall be
through sorrow and pain and suf- sanctified, that is, by obedience to
fering, penalties for their sins, into it, as was explained to us today, not

a condition ,of repentance and de- merely its reception in the mind, but
sire for the truth and a willingness its actual possession of us in all our

to obey it. That to me is a glorious being; that we live for the truth
prospect. And the work of preach- and by the truth and according to
ing the Gospel of Jesus Christ the truth and to the degree that we
which now devolves upon a few, do that we become sanctified in our
will never be consummated entirely nature and come nearer to Him
until that time shall come when who is the fountain of truth, to us.
every soul of Adam's race will have Truth itself in the abstract is eter-
the opportunity of receiving and nal, but there have been individuals
bowing to the truth as it is in Jesus who have been the embodiments of
Christ. the truth and of all that is good and
There is a very great work to be great, and our Heavenly Father is
performed when we think of that that embodiment, and Jesus Christ
which has to be done in this re- also, and the expression of it to us
gard. The gospel must be preached of all that is right and true and
to every creature in the flesh and good. The eternal verities are em-
afterwards to every person in the bodied in them and are communi-
spirit who has not heard it, until all cated to us as we are willing to re-
the millions upon millions of the ceive them. When we do receive
race of Adam shall have had the them, not merely in theory, but also
opportunity of bowing in obedience in practice and make them ours in
to the commandments of God and our lives, in our constitution, in our
coming, to some degree, in com- very being, so far we approach to-
munion with Him. At present, as wards the perfection of Deity.
we were told this morning, the duty The very first principle of our
devolves upon the Priesthood of faith, announced in what is called
this Church, in both its branches, in the articles of our faith, is that we
the Melchizedek and Aaronic believe in God the Eternal Father,
branches of the priesthood, to min- and in His Son Jesus Christ, and
ister in the name of the Lord by in the Holy Ghost. These three
divine authority, and what they do separate personalities are placed in
under that authority in the way that the very foundation of our faith, as
the Lord has commanded is valid, its first doctrine or principle, and

and it has power and force in the we ought to become thoroughly

heavens. What they administer on familiar with that which has been
earth in the way that the Lord has revealed concerning them and we
appointed is recognized on high, ought to understand them alike.
and is of the same force and effect One of the very great beauties of
as though performed bv Deity. our Church is that we are coming
The truth which the Lord has re- to —
union the unity of the faith by
vealed, naturally comes into col- the knowledge of the truth. When

we know the truth and see it clearly Christ is His Son, and that we also
we are alike in our perceptions and are His sons, with this difference,
our understandings, and measure- that we are all the sons of God in
ably according to our obedience in the spirit, that is in the spirit part
the government of our own na- of our nature, but Christ is also
tures by the truth. Sometimes, how- His Son in the flesh. I do not think
ever, even in the Church of Christ, there is any division of sentiment
in which we are ''all baptized by or opinion among our brethren and
one spirit into one body, whether sisters in the Church concerning
we be Jew or Gentile, bond or free," this fact, that the spirit part of man
of every race and tribe and king- — that of course means woman too
dom and color, although we are — is the offspring of God, God is

baptized by water and by the spirit the Father of our spirits. We

into one body and should be per- often emote the saying of Paul, who
fectly united, especially in doctrine seemed to have a very good idea in
and principle, yet like it was in the regard to all these things, or rather,
early Christian Church there are if you do not believe that Paul
sometimes divisions among us in re- wrote the Fpistle to the Hebrews
gard to many important things, and as I do —
(great dispute about that
sometimes there are very sharp di- in the world) —
in the Epistle to the
visions upon thing's that are not so Hebrews we are told that "we have
important. Our brethren in some had fathers of our flesh who cor-
of their class meetings and quorum rected us and we gave them rever-
meeting's, sometimes even in the ence," and the question is asked,
theological departments of the Sun- "How much rather should we be in
day schools they get divided in subjection to the Father of spirits,
their opinions in regard to some Heb. 12:9. There are many other

very simple things I was going to texts in the old scriptures, in the
say silly things, but I don't want to Old Testament and in the New Tes-

be censorious some things that are tament, that I will not take time to
not worth spending time over. The quote this afternoon, because, as I
reason I know about this is because have said, I think we are all agreed
T frequently personally receive let- in regard to this one very important
ters from good friends in different fact, this very encouraging truth,
parts of the Church, asking ques- this thing that lifts up the soul of
tions and declaring that there is a man above earthly things to the
division of opinion among our realization that his origin is not
brethren in regard to them. And from the dust but from the Eternal
the First Presidencv frequently re- God, the Creator, the Ruler, the
ceive communications from the Architect of the universe. He who
brethren asking- for a decision on made the worlds, and as we heard
certain points that are really not today, controls and governs and di-
worth discussing, that do not rects them, is actually our F"ather,
amount to anything, but there arc not in some mystical sense, not in
some things which are important some mere theory, but we were be-
for us to understand aright. gotten of Him. In the revelation
Tt was very clearly shown to us contained in the 76th Section of the
this morning that we have one Doctrine and Covenants we are
Eternal Father and that Jesus told that the inhabitants of the
worlds are "begotten sons and Lord appeared unto them. Now,
daughters unto God." There may mark you, there was Adam and his
be more in that than we see at the posterity, so far as they were
first glance, but the result of it all brought forth at that time, and the
is in our minds, if we are at all Lord appeared to them —
logical, that the great Eternal God wasn't Adam, was it? "And the
is our Father and we are begotten Lord administered comfort unto
of Him or UNTO Him and to Him Adam and said I have set thee to

we owe allegiance, to Him we owe —

be at the head" the head of his
obedience, because He is our Father race, the head of the human family
and our God and our King. We in their mortal condition

"I have
should obey Him because of His set thee to be at the head a multi-

parentage to us we should obey

; tude of nations shall come of thee
Him because we are His children and thou art a prince over them
and He has the right to our obedi- forever" (verses 53-55).
ence, and being so high and exalted Here is Adam with his posterity,
and lifted up, He understands us they recognizing him and acknowl-
better than we understand ourselves edging him as their patriarch and
and He has our destiny in His father and prince, and recognizing
hands and He has power over life the fact that in his first estate he
and over death and we should be was Michael, recognizing also that
obedient to Him because of our re- the Lord appears and declares He
lationship to Him. That seems places Adam at the head. Now,
clear to me and I believe it is to you Adam had transgressed a law and
and to the great body of the Latter- because of that he had to pay the
day Saints, the Church. penalty, and because of that, death
There still remains, I can tell by came upon his posterity on natural
the letters I have alluded to, an principles, (as we will understand
Lea among some of the people that better when we comprehend fully
Adam was and is the Almighty how these things occur, and how
and Eternal God. He is the father our tendencies and traits and taints
of his race, of course, the great are handed down from the fathers
patriarch over the human family, to the children to the different gen-
and being begotten unto him, he erations that come). But although
is the father of us in our earthly he had transgressed, that had been
condition, in our mortality, and foreseen, and, according to the rev-
stands as the primal patriarch. But elations that we have, a plan had
God says He put him there. Now, been prepared before this trans-
so far as that is concerned that is gression took place whereby the
all right. In the 107th Section of results of it might be removed and
the Doctrine and Covenants, you whereby a blessing might come in
will read about that. Three years that very thing that was called "the
before his death we are told Adam curse." That the knowledge of
gathered together the majority of good and evil might come to man-
his posterity who were righteous kind, that they might have an op-
into the valley of Adam-Ondi- portunity of showing whether they
Ahman, and they rose up and loved the truth and loved the good
bles'sed him and called him Michael or loved the evil and the untruth,
the prince, the arch-angel, and the and that they might be judged ac-

cording to their works, and that sisters who write and desire to
their different capabilities and their know about it, and yet it still lin-

different degrees of worthiness or gers, and contentions arise in re-

unworthiness might be exhibited gard to it, and there should be no
and developed and showed forth so contentions among the Latter-day
that justice might be done and that Saints. It is all right for people to
mercy might be extended where it have their own views and express
was needful, that mercy should not them, if they will do it in a proper
rob justice and justice should not spirit it is all right for people to

rob mercy, the Lord, in view of the stand up for what they really be-
fact that a Redeemer had been pre- lieve to be true, but when this spirit
pared from the foundation of the of contention comes, then, as we
world for the redemption of the are told in the Book of Mormon, it
whole human family, in their dif- is of the devil.

ferent degrees, smiled upon Adam Now, if Adam, as claimed by

and blessed him and placed him at some of our brethren, is the being
the head of his posterity as the that we should worship, to whom
great patriarch of the race, as a we should pray, who was that per-
prince over them forever. son that put Adam at the head of
Now, because of that and some his race ? Who was the person that
other little matters that might be Adam prayed to ? Adam prayed to
mentioned, the notion has taken God and we are told, as we can find
hold of some of our brethren that in the Pearl of Great Price, which
Adam is the being that we should gives us a great deal of information
worship. This has been explained, on this matter, as revealed to
I think, from this stand several Moses, and as revealed to Enoch,
times, but notwithstanding that, that Adam, after his transgression,
peculiar ideas get into people's was taught the gospel, the same
minds, not always becausethey are gospel that we have, and the Lord
stubborn and wilfull and wicked or said He would not suffer that Adam
that they desire anything that is should die as to the temporal death
wrong, but because it gets into their until He "sent forth angels to pro-
heads and it is a very hard job to claim faith and redemption through
get it out of their heads, like the the name of His Only Begotten
Scotchman who asked the Lord to Son" (see Doc. and Cov. Sec. 29).
keep him in the right path so that So that Adam had to believe and re-
he might not go "wrang, for the pent and be baptized as we have to
Lord knew that if he once got any- do, and we are told that he was bap-
thing into his head, it would be a tized "in the name of the Father
mighty hard job to get it out of and of the Son and of the Holy
him." That is the way it is with Ghost." So Adam was neither the
lots of our folks, not because they Father, nor the Son, nor the Holv
are all Scotchmen, however, the Ghost, was he? Then, who was he?
idea has obtained in the minds of Why, we are told he was Michael
some of the brethren and we ought in his first estate, and as Adam he
to get right concerning it. I am will stand at the head of his race.
sorry that has not been rectified Daniel saw him "in the night vis-
long ago, because plain answers —
ion" Michael who was the arch-
have been given to brethren and angel before he came here. Re-'

member when you talk about Adam, and modern, and that seems to be a
that name only applies to the man stumbling block in the way of a few
Adam on the earth with a body of our brethren. (See Doc. and
made out of the dust, but Michael, Cov., Sec. 10:3, 4.) We
are told by
the archangel, the Ancient of days revelation that in the creation of the
did sit so Daniel saw, and "ten
; earth there were three individuals,
thousand times ten thousand stood personally engaged. This is more
before him." And, then, we are particularly for the Temple of God,
told, "One like the Son of Man but sufficient of it has been pub-
came in the clouds of heaven and lished over and over again to per-
was brought before the Ancient of mit me to refer to it. Elohim, not —
days, and there was given Him do- Floheim, as we spell it sometimes
minion and an everlasting kingdom that is a plural word meaning the

that all people should serve him" gods, but it is attached to the indi-
(Daniel 7:9-14). We
will find that vidual who is the Father of all, the
this will be the case for when we
; person whom we look to as the
learn a little more about this per- great Eternal Father. Elohim,
— —
son the Son of Man we will see Jehovah and Michael, were en-

that this is His due that He will gaged in the construction of this
be at the head of the Kingdom He ; globe. Jehovah, commanded by
will be King of kings, and Lord of Elohim, went down to where there
lords. He is "the first and the last," was space, saying to Michael "Let :

so He proclaims. You will find it us go down, for there is space there,

in the Old Testament and in the and we will organize an earth
New, and in the Book of Mormon, whereon these [the spirits that are
and in the Pearl of Great Price, around us] may dwell, and we will
that He is "The First and the last" prove them herewith to see if they
and that all things were made by will do all things whatsoever the
Him and they are of Him and Lord their God shall command
through Him and for Him. them." You can read about that in
Now, who is this person, this the Pearl of Great Price Book of —
Jesus Christ? Is He Adam or a Abraham, chapter 3. Now, when the
son of Adam? Not at all, except work was done, which you read
in the sense that Jesus of Nazareth about in the Book of Genesis and
was born of Mary, and therein was more particularly in the Book of
His humanity and that is traced Moses and in the Book of Abraham
right up to Adam, of course, in the in the Pearl of Great Price, when
scriptural genealogy. But who was that was done. Michael became
the Father of Jesus Christ before Adam and was placed in the Garden
He came on the earth in the flesh? of Eden, as we read in ancient and
We read in the Book of Mormon modern revelations, and Eve was
that when He appeared to the Ne- given to him to be his wife, bone of
phites on this continent, He told his bone and flesh of his flesh, and
them that He was the person that it is announced that no man should

gave the law unto Moses. Who put asunder that which God had
was it that gave the law to Moses ? joined together.
We was Jehovah. Well,
are told it You see, do you not, that Michael
was Jesus Jehovah? Yes, accord- became Adam and that Adam was
ing to the scriptures, both ancient not the Son Jehovah, and he was

not Elohim the Father. He occu- pray to them ? Oh, no. Then why
pied his own place and position in should we want to pray to Adam,
the organization of the earth and in who away back in the remote cen-
the production of mortal beings on turies was at the head of his race
the earth. Jesus of Nazareth was and in that sense is our father? He
the Jehovah who was engaged with occupies the place that he was ex-
the Father in the beginning, and we pected to occupy and did the work
are told in the 93rd Section of the he was expected to perform, but
Doctrine and Covenants that Jesus after he transgressed and brought
says concerning Himself, "I also death into the world, "as by one
was in the beginning with the man's disobedience death came into
Father and am the first-born." "Ye the world so by one man's obedience
were also in the beginning with the and righteousness life came into the
Father, that which is spirit." That world. So that "as in Aclam all die,
part of us which is spirit, was in even so in Christ shall all be made
the beginning with God, because alive," all be resurrected, every one,
we are His children and Jesus was bad and good and indifferent, all
there, the person that is called Jesus races and colors, and sizes and ages
in the flesh, and He was the first- as they were laid down, so they will
born, that is how He is the first. come forth, and it is through the
"I am the first and the last. I am power of the resurrection in Jesus
Alpha and Omega, the beginning Christ that they come forth.
and the end." He was the begin- Let us cite the Book of John the
ning of the spirits who people this Apostle, it is a splendid thesis. The
earth, "the beginning of the creation Lord refers to it in the 93rd Sec-
of God," as we read in the Colos- tion of the Doctrine and Covenants,
sians and in the Book of Revela- wherein John proclaimed that Jesus
tion, "the first-born of every crea- was in the beginning with God. He
ture" in the spirit. But, in the flesh says : "In the beginning was the
He was the "Only Begotten Son" Word, and the Word was with God,
of the Father. Mary was his and the Word was God. All things
mother. She was of the House of were made by Him, and without
David and therefore Jesus fulfilled Him was not anything made that
the prediction that the Messiah was was made," and Jesus declares in
to be of the House of David, and of this revelation, 93rd section, that
the seed of Abraham, and the seed He was the person called the Word.
of the woman who should bruise He was not merely the word com-
the serpent's head, as we read in ing from the mouth of God, but He
the Book of Genesis. 3:15. was the expression of the Father,
I want to draw a clear distinction He was the expression of God's
between these individuals that wc word and will. All things are of
may stop this discussion that is go- God, as Paul said, and we of Him
ing on to no purpose. Who is and all things by Jesus Christ and
Adam? Adam is our father, cer- we by Him. When Joseph the
tainly. He is the great father of prophet received his first manifes-
the race, but we have had fathers tation from God, the Father and the
that corrected us at home and we Son appeared. The Father did not
gave them reverence. Yes, that is say a great deal, but we shall find
right, but do we worship them and that has been His course from the

very beginning, because the Son St. John. I will not take time to
was His Word. He declared stop and turn to it. You read it.

"This is my
beloved Son, hear He was in conversation with some
Him." And He, the Son, was that of the Pharisees, and they did not
being, as He told the Nephites, who like His proclamining Himself to
gave the law to Moses (3 Nephi be the Son of God. In the 10th

15:5) and He was the Being who chapter it is said they took up stones
had charge of matters from the to throw at Him because He said
very beginning. In the Deity there He was the Son of God. And Jesus
are the Father and the Son and the proclaimed the truth that there are
Holy Ghost, and our father Adam several persons called God, just as
was baptized in their holy name and Paul does in his First Epistle to
he is not either one of them. Just the Corinthians. (Chapter 8:5, 6.)
remember that. "Though there be many that are
In the fifth chapter of the Gospel called gods, whether in heaven or
according to St. John, Jesus speaks in earth," says Paul, "as there be
very clearly on matters that may gods many and lords many. But
seem mysterious to some people. to us there is but one God, the
You know there are some of our Father of whom are all things and
brethren who have thought that we in Him and one Lord, Jesus
Jesus, in His first estate, as we call Christ, by whom are all things, and
it, or in His former state, was a we by Him." Jesus quoted the
resurrected being. I do not know Psalms in regard to this. The
where they get the idea from, but Psalmist said, "I have said ye are
it is likely from this, that He was gods, and all of you are children of
called God by John the Revelator the most high." (82:6.) Now,
and by a great number of writers in said Jesus, if he called them Gods,
the Book of Mormon and in the to whom the word of the Lord
Doctrine and Covenants and in came, why do you find fault with
other revelations. "He was in the me and desire to stone me for say-
beginning with God, and was God ;" ing that I am the son of God? In
and He could not be a god, they the Psalm 82 it begins, "God stand-

say, unless He had a body, had eth in the congregation of the

passed through mortality and had mightv. Pie judgeth among the
been resurrected. What scripture gods."
did they find to suggest that no- There are gods many and lords
tion? I don't know of any revela- many, but unto us, for our obedi-
tion that declares it. I don't know ence and our worship, and our ad-
of any that intimates at all that He herence to His word, there is one
could not be God unless He had living and true God -the Creator of
passed through a mortal probation this and many other worlds, and
and had been tried and tempted and we look to Him as the author of
had suffered that He could not be
; our life, by and through His Be-
God beforehand but we are told
; loved Son, who was with Him from
that in the beginning He was with the beginning. The Holy Ghost is
God, and He says that the Father a personage of spirit as we are told,
had shown Him all things that He in the 130th section of the Doctrine
Himself doeth. That is in the fifth and Covenants, the Father is a per-
chapter of the Gospel according to son with a body of flesh and bones,

and. the Son also, (He

now, un-is He hated iniquity; and "therefore
doubtedly), and the Holy Ghost is God anointed Him with the oil of
a personage of spirit. Now that gladness above His fellows."
1 Joly Ghost, a personage of spirit, How many millions of ages ago
is also called God. Take the 20th it was when He became the first-

Section of the Doctrine and Cove- born, I don't know it is not re-

nants. In the laying of the very vealed. A

great many things con-
foundation of the organization of cerning our history before we came
the Church it is declared most dis- here are not revealed and will not
"The Father, Son and
tinctly that, be, perhaps, until we get into a
Holy Ghost, are one God." Just further state of progression but;

as in the presidency of a stake or the Father placed His Son, His

of a quorum or of the Church there "Beloved Son," to look after the
are three distinct and separate in- affairs of this world and to direct
dividuals, but one presidency of the them, and He was in the creation,
quorum, or of the stake, or of the as I have explained and as I have
Church, so there are three separate quoted from the scriptures. In
and distinct persons, the Father and this Sth Chapter of John, Jesus
the Son and the Holy Ghost, as one goes on to explain to the people
Deity. Now who is the Son? The that He did nothing of Himself,
first-born, the beloved Son of God, but that which the Father sent Him
whom He put at the head of all to do, that Fie -did; and He said,
things, the heir of all things "by "The Son doeth nothing but what
whom also He made the worlds." He seeth the Father do, for the
I am quoting scripture. Now, Father loveth the Son and showeth
when God the Father placed Jesus Him all things that He Himself
Christ in a position, or placed Je- doeth." (verse 20.) Now, if the
hovah in any position and gave Father, in the course of His great
Him commandment to do this that experience as revealed through the
and the other, He would not tell Prophet Joseph, had passed through
Him do anything that He could
to the "estate" of mortals that He
not do. That is one of the fun- might be placed in the same condi-
damentals of our Gospel. "Surely tions of trial, so was Jesus thus
the Lord God will command noth- placed, and the Lord showed to
ing of the children of men but He Jesus all about this. He showed to
prepareth a way whereby they can Him all about the organization of
accomplish it." God gave full the worlds. "The Father loveth
power and authority to Jesus the Son and showeth Him all things
Christ, aswe call Him now, that is that He Himself doeth, and He will
His name, and He was named be- show Him greater works than
forehand in the revelations of God,, these, that ye may marvel ;" so we
as we can read in the Pearl of Great read. Then He goes on to tell, in
Price, His Beloved Son, He was regard to the resurrection, from the
with Him from the beginning. He dead, what will become of all peo-
was obedient in all things. He did ple. All being brought forth from
no wrong when He was in that con- their graves through His power as
dition, nor when He was in the "the resurrection and the life,"
body. He as innocent of any trans- some to eternal life and glory and
gression. He loved righteousness. some to everlasting condemnation.
That being the He
case. He might pass through all these
all about it by sight, and the time conditions of mortality in His own
being set when lie should come to experience, and be raised from the
the earth and take a body, He was dead. "Wherefore in all things it_
qualified to do that for which He behoved Him to be made like unto
was appointed in the beginning. Hi^-brethren." (Heb. 2:14-17.)
We need not have any dubiety One other point in regard to it:
about His understanding all that. When Jesus was on the cross, what
There is no need for the theory that did He say just before His last,
He must have had a body before expiring moment? "Father, into
coming to this earth, and there is Thy hands I commend my spirit
nothing that establishes it by reve- and having said thus He gave up
lation. The mere opinions of men the ghost.." (Luke 23:26.) He
do not count for very much. was a spirit dwelling in a mortal
The Holy Ghost as "a personage body and He gave up the spirit just
of spirit," whom
Jesus Christ said like we have to

"g ave up the

he would send from the Father, and ghost." As I said, He was the first
who would not come unless Jesus of all and He will be the last, be-
went away (John 16:7) was not cause when He receives the king-
and is not a "being of tabernacle," dom from the Ancient of Days,
but, without a body of flesh and after purified and perfected,
it is all

bones, he represents both the Fath- and the earth is redeemed, and the
er and the Son and is one ot the inhabitants thereof are cleansed
Godhead. (I John 5:7.) The from their transgressions through
Holy Trinity operate by the power His atonement, He will present the
and presence of the Divine spirit kingdom to the Father. "The first
which permeates all things and is and the last !" He is the only be-
the life and the light of all things. gotten of the Father in the flesh,
Thus our Father is everywhere the first begotten in the spirit, a
present, while as an individual He great and mighty Being. He
dwells in heaven "in the midst of wrought more wonders when He
all things," and so with the other came on the earth than we have
personages in the Godhead. any understanding of. He was the
If you will read the first and
sec- Mighty God, as proclaimed by the
ond chapters of the Epistle to the Prophet Isaiah,, the Wonderful
Hebrews, you will learn there that Counselor, the Everlasting Father,
it became necessary, in order to the Prince of Peace, whom we can
lead many sons unto glory and sal- gladly adore. When we pray, we
vation, that Jesus, who was made a are told directly how to pray, and a
little lower than the angels, should sample is given to us in the blessing
be in all points as they are. Tf that of the bread and of the water in the
is so, then he was a spirit in the sacrament: "Oh, God, the Eternal
spirit world when we were spirits Father, we ask Thee in the name
and He was
the first-born. There- of Jesus Christ, Thy Son," so and
fore it says, "as the children are so; that is the pattern for our
made partakers of flesh and blood, prayers. We pray to the Eternal
He also Himself likewise took part Father, whom we have named
of the same," so that He might Elohim. We pray to Him in the
puffer temptations like the rest, that name of Jesus Christ, for Jesus
: !


Christ is His Word, He is the ex- and by it. Live by every word
pression of God's will, He was that comes from the mouth of
with the Father in the beginning. God. Jesus taught that "a man
The Father has placed His name shall not live by bread alone, but
upon Him. God sometimes places by every word that proceedeth from
His name in angelic beings, min- the mouth of God." J_esus_of
istering spirits, asyou can read in Nazareth^ bom of the virgin Mary,
the chapter of Revelation and
first was literally and truly the Son of
the verse
first "The revelation of
: the Father, the Eternal God, not
Jesus Christ which God gave to of Adam. Don't think so for a
Him to show unto His servant moment. Christ was the Son of
things which must shortly come to God, of God the Father the Father ;

pass, and He sent by His angel and of His Spirit was the Father of His
delivered it to His servant, John." body. He was an exalted man who
In the last chapter of the Book we had passed through all things that
read about John bowing to worship Jesus Christ, His Beloved Son,
that being but he told him not to afterwards passed through. It was
do it, for he was one of his fel- a repetition of the things that had
low-servants and of his brethren, been done from remote, eternal
the prophets." Then the angel ages, the great plan of salvation
said, "I am Alpha and Omega, the for all the people of all the worlds
beginnig and the end, the first and that God has created. He is not a
the last." (Rev. 22:13.) Well, mere force or etherial immateriality,
was He? He was speaking for but is the embodiment in His per-
Jesus, the Christ, as Christ speaks sonality of light, truth, virtue, jus-
for the Father when He is so ap- tice, mercy, energy and all the eter-
pointed. See also the appointment nal verities.
of the angel spoken of in Kxodus God help us to see and under-
23 :20 "Behold I send an angel be-
: stand the truth and to avoid error
fore thee to keep thee in the way. And don't let us be too strong in
Beware of him and obey his voice our feelings in regard to our opin-
provoke him not for he will not ions of matters. Let us try to be
pardon your transgressions for My right. I have prayed from a boy,
Name is in him." when I first heard the Gospel, that
There isn't time for me to go any I might see the truth as God sees it,

further on this matter. I have taken that I might have it as it really is,
up a great deal more time than I and the Lord has blessed me in
had intended to do, but I have start- answer to that prayer. I don't pre-
ed on this point and it is for the tend to say that I do not make mis-
purpose that we may avoid conten- takes like other people do. I don't
tions and discussions that arise mean that, but I mean that my
among us for no needful purpose. heart is set to find out the right and
God the Eternal Father who made the truth and while "God moves in

the world, by and through Jesus a mysterious way His wonders to

Christ, is our Father and our God perform," I don't expect to have
and we worship and adore Him. made known to me anything that
and as we have been taught to do should not be revealed, but the
today we should obey Him. That things that have been revealed I
is the great point. Take His word have studied and reflected upon and

prayed about, and I know that the splendid Spirit that has attended the
light of God, by the power of the First Presidency in their discourses
Holy Ghost, has rested upon me and to us today, for they have been su-
qualified me in my labors and lit up perior. They always talk well, but
my soul with the light of eternity I feel that they have talked a little
and drawn me nearer to Him. He better today than usual. I am sure
is my Father and my God. And that the Latter-day Saints have felt
I venerate and rejoice in the atone- fed with the word of the Lord. Our
ment of Jesus Christ His Son and understanding of the Gospel has
believe in Him with all my heart. been enlightened, and our faith
Jesus of Nazareth, who was put to strengthened and I trust that we

death on the cross, is the Son of will do better in the future, serve
God in the spirit and in the body. the Lord more perfectly and have
He is, therefore, our elder brother, His favor and fellowship abiding
and we should follow Him and em- always with us.
ulate His example, embody all His I am reminded occasionally, as I
virtues as near as we can, for He presume the brethren are, of the
is our head over this Church, the necessity of employment for the
living spiritual head. He made it, Latter-day Saints. I suppose the
he organized it under the direction Presiding Bishopric are advised of
of the Holy One, our great Eternal these necessities and are doing ev-
Father. And now, praise and glory erything in their power to find la-
be unto God the Father, and to His bor for those who are unemployed.
Son Jesus Christ and to the Holy In our state, as I suppose in other
Ghost, who speaks for both the states as well, there are armies of
Father and the Son and is with the people quite generally at labor, and
Church to enlighten it by the power yet always some needing employ-
of the Eternal spirit, even so. ment. We are admonished of the
Amen. necessity of production from the
rich soils that we enjoy and the re-
A duet, entitled, "Stay Thou with sources about us to provide for the
me," was sung by Geneva Harris temporal salvation of the people;
and James H. Neilson words and ; for we not only need salvation spir-
music by Evan Stephens. itually but we need salvation tem-
porally. I thought of this today,
PREST. FRANCIS M. LYMAN. when looking over one of the reve-
lations in the Doctrine and Cove-
Temporal salvation of our people
carefully considered —Worthy and nants, that refers particularly to the
temporal salvation of the people. I
capable persons selected for Church
offices— Each President of Church was led, a few weeks ago, at one or
specially qualified for -time of min- two different conferences, to draw
istry— Astonishing outlay by Church
the attention of the presiding breth-
for educational purposes, — Suc-
ren and the people generally to the
cessful efforts in home industries
Great advantages in obeying Word temporal salvation that is necessary
of —
Wisdom Honest tithe-payers for us and I believe that it is not
also pay their debts — The habit of

only good for Latter-day Saints but

saving inculcated.
for everybody in the world. It is
I feel very grateful for our pres- a doctrine that secures temporal sal-
ence on this occasion and for the vation and prosperity to all people


who will observe it.has been

It cause of Zion. I appreciated it, as
given to us now for a great many I am sure all did who heard him
years, at least, before I was born, speak. Since that my mind has
and has been before us. It has been been turned also to the field of la-
taught us continuously and we have bor which I have been in since I
undertaken to observe it, and have was twenty years of age practically-

done so fairly well in very many all my life, so far as that is con-
instances. Still, hardly any of us cerned ; but since I was twenty
have been quite perfect in that law. years of age it has fallen to my lot
I don't know that there is any other to be associated with leading breth-
revelation in which that same ex-, ren, presiding brethren in quorums
pression is used, except the one — and wards, and in stakes and mis-
revelation for the temporal salva- sions. I want to say that the testi-
tion of the Saints, and yet applica- mony given by President Smith in
ble and good to everybody else. I regard to the results of our family
have discovered also that many oth- relations, the fruit that has been
er people have been imbued with produced under the covenant, the
this doctrineand principle, and are reliability and trustworthiness of
advocating it. It looks to me as our children, can also be borne con-
though the Lord was working cerning the remainder of those
among the children of men for brethren and sisters, produced
their temporal salvation as well as among the Latter-day Saints, who
ours. thank the Lord for this
I hold responsible positions. And a
word and will, doctrine and coun- feature that I discover and bear in
sel, which He gave to us so early in mind is that in our organization, so
our history, and I thank Him for complete and so perfect, so valu-
the hold it has upon the Latter-day able and so saving in its nature, it
Saints. I am proud to discover, as is the rule that we seek always, un-

I have been able to do, that our der the direction of the Lord and
chief brethren at home and abroad, His counsel, for the very choicest
those who are entrusted with re- and best men and women for posi-
sponsibility and are required to be tions of responsibility and I want

the shepherds of the people, and to bear this testimony in the pres-
who stand as men sounding a note ence of this congregation, that al-
of warning upon the walls of Zion, most universally, we have been well
for the welfare of the people that — satisfied, and have rarely ever made
these men as a rule are well estab- a mistake. It is very seldom that
lished in the faith and in the prac- we find a brother or a sister who is
tice of the doctrine I refer to. not trustworthy. I want to say this
Ilistened on fast day to a very for those upon whom this authority
excellent discourse by President and responsibility rest at this time.
Smith in which he drew our atten- There may be quite a percentage
tion to the splendid elements that who are not, possibly, doing the
have been developed in our poster- very best they can, yet are all strug-
ity, in our children, who are born gling to do the right thing. But
unto the Lord under the new cov- when we go into the field we never
enant; to the integrity that has been find competition among the breth-
inherited by them, and how reliable ren and sisters to see who shall ob-
and trusty and true they are to the tain positions of responsibility. We
do but not in any of our
in politics, the Prophet Joseph's. His was the
religious organizations. In the first, laying the foundation. He
wards and in the stakes of Zion, in was the law-giver, giving the word
the councils and quorums and asso- and will of God, and establishing
ciations and departments of Zion, it and perpetuating it to his succes-

we take time to deliberate, to con- sors and the Church. I spoke of

sider carefully, and to weigh men these administrations and I felt as
and women for positions, and al- though it was very proper I should.
ways try to find the best suited, the There may be those here present
best qualified, those that fit the posi- who heard me speak on that sub-
tion and responsibility best. We ject. I would not wonder if there
have done that and are doing it all were; but I drew attention to the
the time and it is a delightful thing
; fact that every administration had
to us that there is no struggle one its peculiar features, for which it
against another and no anxiety to has been remarkable, and that this
see which shall overcome. We
ad- administration is the administra-
vise with our brethren and sisters tion for building, at home and
in regard to the positions in which abroad, and the establishment of
they are interested and I want to
; Church schools and their support.
say in their behalf that it is a very It is astonishing the amount that we
rare thing, I can hardly tell when have done for the cause of educa-
one has been censured, or fault tion. We have all helped with our
found with. Changes are made, tithing and offerings, our labors and
must be, necessarily so, occasion- our intelligence. We have done
ally, as circumstances require on marvels no people in the world that

account of removal of people or the have made such an effort in regard

arising of new conditions but it is
; to Sunday schools and the training
a rare thing that one is ever dis- of young people. I sometimes think
missed because of transgression, we have pretty near overdone, by
either at home or abroad. I want- the efforts we have made, and there
ed to say that much for the record is a rule to regulate and put every-
of the Latter-day Saints. thing in order as it should be so
When I heard the President's that no one could slip out or be lost.
report as to what has been accom- The efforts of splendid scholarly
plished in fourteen years, I was men who are gathered together in
brought to remember that his ad- our general boards and associations,
ministration is just about the same the best that we have among the
length as the Prophet Joseph's, just people, with all the advantages that
about fourteen years. I have, dur- can be brought to their assistance,
ing the last few months, referred on are being employed now for the
some occasions to the various ad- benefit of the rising generation.
ministrations. There have been no It is astonishing what is being
two of them alike. There never has accomplished, but I want to say just
been one just like the present, never briefly that it is very desirable for

was one just like President Snow's, the temporal salvation of the Latter-
never one just like President Wood- day Saints and of the people of our
ruff's never one just like President
; state. (I speak of the Latter-day
Taylor's; never one just like Pres- Saints because we are talking of
ident Young's, never one just like them, and to them, and our work

iswith them but we are also with

; only that we may have health and
the people of the state), it is neces- strength in our bodies and live a
sary for the temporal salvation of long time, that the destroyer may
the people of our state that there pass us by as he did in the days of
should be employment and home in- Israel, but it is for our temporal
dustries established. The earth salvation, that is, that we should
should be cultivated and give fortli have all our temporal necessities
its rich fruits in all the various lines met and that we should not be clam-
that are necessary. We
have done oring as of the poor and those that
wonders in a few lines
should be done in very many others.
— just what are needy.

The sugar industry is one of the SECTION 89.

most prominent achievements. It

Revelation Given Through Joseph,
was the ideal thought apparently of the Seer, at Kirtland, Geauga
President Young in his day, and of County, Ohio, February 27th, 1833.
President Taylor following him,
both of them together making ef- 1. A Word of Wisdom, for the
forts for that purpose. It just benefit of the Council of High Priests,
assembled in Kirtland, and church;
seemed as though it was the most
and also the Saints in Zion.
important industry, more important 2. To be sent greeting not by —
than anything else that could be commandment or constraint, but by
established. And now it has been revelation and the word of wisdom,
showing forth the order and will of
made a grand success. Now, those
God in the temporal salvation of all
who grow the fruit, and vegetables saints in the last days.
should arrange for canning and 3. Given for a principle with prom-
taking care of them and supplying ise, adapted to the capacity of the
them to our neighbors instead of weak and the weakest of all saints,

who are or can be called saints.

our buying from our California 4. Behold, verily, thus saith the
neighbors and other neighbors, we Lord unto you, in consequence of
want to be selling to them. We evils and designs which do and will
want to do the same and make the exist in the hearts of conspiring men
in the last days, I have warned you,
same success in the canning and and forewarn you, by giving unto you
taking care of fruits and meats that this word of wisdom by revelation,
we have done in the sugar business, 5. That inasmuch as any man
drinketh wine or strong drink among
so that we shall bring means into
you, behold it is not good, neither
the country, furnish employment, meet in the sight of your Father, only
that there shall be nobody in Zion in assembling yourselves together to
without labor, but all have some- offer up your sacraments before Him.
thing to do, to remunerate them. 6. And, behold, this should be
wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of
Then further, I want us to bear the vine, of your own make.
in mind this doctrine that I have 7. And, again, strong drinks are
been referring to. I shall not read not for the belly, but for the washing
of your bodies.
the whole revelation but just a little
8. And again, tobacco is not for
of it that was given for the especial the body, neither for the belly, and is
temporal salvation of the people, not good for man, but is an herb for
and I would like to emphasize some bruises and all sick cattle, to be used
parts of this revelation that possi- with judgment and skill.
9. And again, hot drinks are not
bly we have not thought so much of for the body or belly.
as we should do for it is given not
; 10- And again, verily T say unto

you, all wholesome herbs .God hath ('ollar of it, as a rule, should be
ordained for the constitution, nature, saved, except that which is used for
and use of man.
11. Every herb in the season medicine, carefully used, as it
thereof, and every fruit in the season should be in case of sickness and ;

thereof; all these to be used with pru- we would find that the Latter-day
dence and thanksgiving. Saints would be thrifty and pros-
12. Yea, flesh also of beasts and
of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord,
perous, and we would now be liv-
have ordained for the use of man with ing more perfectly under this law,
thanksgiving; nevertheless they are given long before I can remember,
to be used sparingly; etc. and which we have struggled to ob-
serve and done fairly well. As I
Andthe things that are thus for- say, the leading men and the lead-

bidden in the law, strong drinks ing women of the Church as a rule
and wine, and tea and coffee, have made a splendid effort and
(called hot drinks that were in have set good examples before us.
vogue in the days when this revela- I was delighted, in regard to our
tion was given), and tobacco, financial matters, to find what the
these things that are expensive, ex- President has reported today, the
travagant, destructive of life and truth in regard to what has been
health and destructive of means, it accomplished in fourteen years.
is more than wasteful, it is very Only fourteen years ago, if you
serious and dangerous to the peo- will remember, the Church had
ple to indulge in them, and they passed through a very serious
tend to poverty. They may be of struggle under the administration
some profit to those who deal in of President John Taylor and Pres-
them, those who buy and sell them, ident Wilforcl Woodruff and when ;

but it is poverty to most of those it came to the inauguration of

who engage in the use of these President Snow's administration, it
things, which are altogether worth- was the burning question with the
less, improper and wicked, injuri- leaders of this Church, to know
ous, hurtful, taking life, shortening what to do and how to do it, to re-
life and giving us trouble. For if deem our obligations. Brethren had
the tea and coffee, and the tobacco tocome to the rescue of the Church
and the liquor and the beer that are at that time and before, as the
used in our state, were let alone Church was embarrassed and was
and the means turned to its proper struggling under difficulties. But
use and purpose, everybody would when the Lord in simple language
be suitably clothed, suitably housed, to President Snow, said, "Let my
and all our obligations would be people pay their tithing," and the
reasonably met, and we would not people responded in such measure
be in debt. We would be out of that, as reported by the President
debt and have everything that we here, in 1906 we met our obliga-
require, instead of suffering and tions and have been in good con-
having those among us begging for dition ever since. And those who
employment. We would know how have been faithful in the meeting
to save our little means, as should
it of their obligations the Lord
be taken care of. For the tobacco have also, I have no doubt, been
money and the liquor money and faithful in their obligations to their
the monev for tea and coffee, everv brethren for it is as great a virtue


for a man
do by his brother as
to something in thesavings depart-
he would do by the Lord. His ment, so that they always have
obligations to his brother are just something ahead instead of always
as sacred as the obligations to the being in debt. I teach that lesson
Lord. Hence you will find, as a to the boys, I teach it to the girls,
rule, those who are very strict and so that when they start in life they
careful in regard to settling with start with the understanding that
the Lord and in due season thereof, it is possible for them to save a
will do the same with their breth- little something. And I want to
ren, so that our neighbors will not tell you what to save — save all the
suffer because of what we owe tea and coffee money, all the to-
them. Our merchants, bankers, bacco .money, every dollar of it,
and business men will receive their every dollar of the beer and liquor
own those that labor for us, build
; and whisky money. Let no money-
for us, we will meet these obliga- go for these things at all. I fear
tions honorably, and thus the cir- that sometimes young people are
culating medium will pass with the growing up with an inclination to
people and all our obligations be using those things that are forbid-
met, and the necessities of those den. They should be restrained.
who help us will be met also. Hence, We should take great care with our
I want to exhort my brethren and children, and with our neighbors,
sisters, that we remember this law and with each other to prevent the
and that we observe it so that we waste of means upon those things
shall have the sinews of life and of that are destructive to human life
business that are necessary to meet and destructive to our temporal in-
the requirements of our present terests. Let us look out and be
condition. careful in this regard. Let the
It takes a world of means to Latter-day Saints take this warning
supply our missionary field. I don't and advice and see that there is a
know that the President quite gave saving in this respect for in the

us that information, but you woul 1 way of every family, there is none
be astonished if the figures were so poor but what there are times
shown to you of what it costs to and opportunities where something
handle the missionary work of the can be saved. No family so poor,
Latter-day Saints including the
: if they are so inclined, but what
time of the men, and the means that they can furnish tea and coffee, and
they have to furnish, to pay their no man so poor that he can't buy
own expenses. It amounts to his cigar or tobacco or cigarette
figures of larjje proportions. The no man so poor that cannot find
Twelve are laboring constantly to his beer and his liquor if it is in the
try and have the brethren be just country. They have resources to
as economical and careful as they meet those things, and those are
can in their ministry. the resources that should be turned
We want to be economical and to savings accounts, so that all may
careful in our home ministry, in our have something to help them on a
affairs at home, and every man and "rainy day" and in times of sick-
everv woman should have faith ness. I want to make that exhorta-
enough in their employment and in tion in your presence, my brethren
their posterity to lay by a little and sisters, and trust that the Lat-
ter-day Saints may profit thereby, George Albert Smith, George F.
and our friends and neighbors as Richards, Orson F. Whitney, David
well. O. McKay, Anthony W. Ivins,
May the Lord bless and sanctify Joseph F. Smith, Jr., and James E.
to our good the things that we have Talmage.
heard this day and that we shall Hyrum G. Smith, as presiding
hear during this conference, that it Patriarch of the Church.
may be a time of rejoicing. I don't The counselors in the First Pres-
know when I have ever come to a idency, theTwelve Apostles and the
conference that I felt more de- Presiding Patriarch, as Prophets,
lighted and happy than on this oc- Seers and Revelators.
casion and I leave my blessing, as
First Seven Presidents of Seven-
I am sure you have the blessing of ties : Seymour B. Young, Brigham
my brethren. The testimony of IT Roberts, Jonathan G. Kimball,
President Smith as given in our Rulon S. Wells, Joseph W. Mc-
favor here today, I think is won- Murrin, Charles H. Hart and Levi
derfully fine, and I want to bear Edgar Young.
the same kind of testimony for our Charles W. Nibley, as Presiding
brethren that are "treading the Bishop, with Orrin P. Miller and
winepress" in their various stakes David A. Smith, as his first and sec-
and wards and missions, and the ond Counselors.
sisters who are laboring in their Joseph F. Smith, as Trustee-in-
various positions, seconding our Trust for the body of religious wor-
effortsand labors for the salvation shipers known as the Church of
of the people. May the Lord bless Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
us and bless all Israel, I humbly Anthon H. Lund, as Church His-
pray in the name of Jesus Christ. torian and General Church Re-
Amen. corder.
Andrew Jenson, Brigham H.
AUTHORITIES SUSTAINED. Roberts, Joseph F. Smith, Jr., and
August William Lund, assistant
Elder Heber J. Grant presented Historians.
the names of the General Author- As members of the General
ities of the Church, to be voted upon Church Board of Education Joseph :

by the assembly, as follows : F. Smith, Williard Young, Anthon

Joseph F. Smith, as Prophet, Seer H. Lund, George H. Brimhall, Rud-
and Revelator and President of the ger Clawson, Charles W. Penrose,
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Horace H. Cummings, Orson F.
day Saints. Whitney and Francis M. Lyman.
Anthon H. Lund, as First Coun- Arthur Winter, as Secretary and
selor in the First Presidency. Treasurer of the General Church
Charles W. Penrose, as Second Board of Education.
Counselor in the First Presidency. Horace H. Cummings, General
Francis M. Lyman as President Superintendent of Church Schools.
of the Twelve Apostles. Board of Examiners for Church
As members of the Council of Schools Horace H. Cummings,

Twelve Apostles Francis M. Ly-

: chairman George H. Brimhall, C.

man, Heber J. Grant, Rudger Claw- N. Jensen and Guy C. Wilson.

son, Reed Smoot, Hvrmn M. Smith. Auditing Committee William



W. Writer, Henry
Rolapp, John IT. Your committee is especially
C. Cutler, Heber Scowcroft, and pleased to comment again on the
Joseph S. Wells. diligence and careful bookkeeping-
Tabernacle Choir Evan Stephens, : exhibited in all accounts that have
conductor; Horace S. Ensign, as- been inspected. Our audit dis-
sistant conductor John J. McClel-;
closes not only faithful and accu-
lan, organist Edward P. Kimball
; rate work, but also skill and devo-
and Tracy Y. Cannon, assistant or- tion in using the funds contributed
ganists George C. Smith, secretary
by the Saints for the best interests
and treasurer John Drakeford,
of the people. It is pleasing to
librarian ; all the members.
and make special mention of the liberal
Duncan M. McAllister as Clerk appropriations that have been made
of the Conference. for the support of the poor, both at
Each and all of those named were home and abroad, for the education
duly sustained in the positions des- of the children of the Saints, for
ignated, by unanimous vote of the the erection, enlargement and im-
Conference. provement of meeting houses in the
Stakes and Wards of Zion, and in
Elder Heber J. Grant read the an- the Missions abroad.
nual report of the Church Auditing
May the blessings of God con-
Committee, as follows
tinue to abide with you in discharg-
Salt Lake City, Utah, ing the great responsibilities con-
April 6th, 1916. nected with the work of the Lord,
Presidents Joseph F. Smith, Respectfully submitted.
Anthon H. Lund, Your Brethren in the Gospel,
Charles Penrose, W . W. W. Riter,
First Presidency of the Church of Henry H. Rolapp,
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. John C. Cutler,
Dear Brethren The Church :
Joseph S. Wells,
Auditing Committee begs leave to Heber Scowcroft,
report that we have critically ex- Church Auditing Committee.
amined the books and accounts for
1915 of the Trustee-in-Trust and of On motion, the foregoing was ac-
the Presiding Bishopric, as well as cepted, and approved, by unanimous
the reports made by the various vote of the congregation.
Stakes, Wards, Temples, general
The choir and congregation sang
auxiliary organizations and other
institutions in' which the Church is
the hymn, "We thank Thee, O God,
for a Prophet."
interested. All of the accounts of
receipts and disbursements of the
The closing prayer was offered
Church funds are set out in full de- by Elder John Wells.
tail, and have been accurately kept Conference adjourned until Fri-
and recorded. a. m.
day, April 7th, at 10
In the Tabernacle, Friday, April
cluded that I would not be enabled
7th, 10 a. m.
to come
here, because of the unset-
tled condition in our part of the
Conference was called to order
by President Joseph F. Smith. Mexican country. Our condition
for the last two weeks has been un-
The choir and congregation sang
usually trying. I suppose all of you
the hymn, "O ye mountains high,
are aware that the Latter-day Saints
where the clear blue sky." Elder
in Mexico are located in the heart
Thomas D. Rees, Jr., offered the
of the revolutionary section of that
opening prayer.
country, where revolutions are man-
The choir and congregation sang
the hymn, "Redeemer of Israel, our
ufactured. Our condition for a
only delight."
number of years has not been as
satisfactory as we should like to
have had it, especially since the
ELDER JOSEPH C. BENTLY. recognition of General Carranza by
(President Juarez Stake.) this government. It has produced
an unusual disturbing and unsettled
My brethren and sisters, I am condition. Our people who reside
very grateful this morning for the in Mexico have endeavored to main-
privilege that I have of attending tain a neutral position, so far as
this conference, and listening to the we are concerned. In the beginning
instructions that come to us from of this trouble in Mexico, we were
our Heavenly Father, through His counseled by the brethren who pre-
servants who preside over us. I am side over us, that our position
thankful for the privilege of asso- should be absolutely neutral; that
ciating with my brethren and sis- we should not engage in the conflict
ters,and enjoying the Spirit of the that was going on in that country.
Lord which accompanies us upon We have endeavored to maintain
our gathering together in our gen- and to maintain friend-
this position
eral conferences. I am
sure it is a with all the different
ly relationship
great strength to all of us to have contending parties that come into
this privilege of associating to- our community. While we have
o-ether, and being encouraged of the been regarded as foreigners, as
Lord in this great latter-day work, American citizens or people belong-
in which we are all engaged. Our ing to the United States, yet there
only desire is to serve the Lord and has always been more or less dis-
to accomplish His purposes and ; tinction in the minds of the people
while we desire to do or accomplish of Mexico concerning the Latter-
the purposes of our Heavenly dav Saints and other Americans
Father, we ne'ed strength from time who come there for the purpose of
to time, and a renewal of the Spirit gaining a livelihood, engaging in
of the Lord in order to enable us to minincr and other industries that do
continue the struggle, and the effort not identify them especially with
that is necessary. the country.
I have anticipated for some time A
fter the recognition of General
the pleasure of attending this con- Carranza, General Villa returned,
ference, but a few weeks ago I con- and in our locality he kept about


twelve thousand of his followers for They destroyed some of our prop-
a period of six weeks, most of them erty, but were astonished at being
located among our people in Co- treated kindly after they arrived,
lonia Dublan. They were surprised and did comparatively little dam-
to find so many American people age, and they passed us by again.
there, although there really were A few weeks ago, after the Amer-
but a few, and they were surprised icans were killed down at the min-
to find so much food and substance. ing camp, General Villa and his
They were a hungry lot; they had company of soldiers passed near our
been whipped and chased over the colony again, on his way to Colum-
hills, and when they reached our bus. Friendly Mexicans brought
part of the country they were a word that he said he was going to
famished crowd of people; it did destroy Colony Juarez, and kill all
their hearts good to see somebody the "Mormons ;" but he passed us
that could give them something to by, and afterward said it entirely
eat. They paid for what they got slipped his mind, and he had gone
in their own kind of money, but of so far past that he guessed he would
course that was of no value to us, not go back. We were very thank-
nor to anyone else for that matter, ful that he did not, and greatly ap-
because it had so decreased in value preciated the fact that he had passed
that it was not worth any more than by without coming to see us.
the counterfeit, nevertheless we sold After the terrible attack on Co-
them our produce. Wekept that lumbus, and the destruction of
body of men, women, and children property and lives of Americans,
in our locality for about six weeks, and many of their own people who
and fed them corn and other prod- came in contact with them, it caused
ucts of the colony. After they had great concern to those of us in the
gone we reaped the greatest crops colonies, especially the natives and
that we have ever harvested in Carranza's Mexican soldiers. They
Mexico. This surprised us, and we were very much concerned because
can not understand it yet. After his return brought him again in the
feeding that great army for that direction of the colonies. It is a
length of time, we had the greatest good, rich, fertile country, and is a
harvest we have ever reaped, in pro- good place in which to recruit. It
portion to the number of people and has been a favorite place for the
acreage, since we have been located revolutionists, ever since the begin-
in Mexico. Our granaries were nining of this trouble. They have
full, and we had plenty to eat and been able to get more good horses,
to wear. and good provisions, in that locality
After being defeated in Sonora, than in any other part of Mexico
a portion of that army returned where they have been consequent-

again to us. They were not in quite ly, on Villa's return a few weeks
as friendly a mood on their return ago, after the attack on Columbus,
as they were when they went away, there was considerable anxiety. I
but still we managed to get along want to say this for the Carranza
with them. We them kind-
treated troops at Colonia Dublan, they are
ly we endeavored to impress upoh
; not well equipped, and they are not
their minds that we were there for disciplined soldiers, but they had an
the good of the Mexican people. interest in our people. They did

not have a sufficient number to pro- wisdom of our remaining in Mex-
vide any defense for us, but they ico, yet the unanimous expression
were careful to keep us posted. No of our brethren and sisters in that
doubt we received a great many re- fast meeting was that the Spirit of
ports that were not true, but they the Lord prompted we should re-
sent us all the information they re- main at home, and serve the Lord
ceived, and there was not any of it and keep His commandments, and
very comforting. The indications put our trust in Him, and He would
were that Villa, with his straggling take care of us whatever the con-
army and the wounded, were com- ditions were. We felt that, if Gen-
ing back again to the colonies. We eral Villa and his army should come
were instructed, by the general in to us, the Lord could soften his
charge of the Carranza troops, to heart and that he would pass by
move our families into their gar- and leave us with a better feeding
rison, and they would take care of of friendship than had existed be-
us :but, bless your heart, they fore. At the conclusion of the
could not take care of themselves, meeting, the brethren and sisters
let alone us. They could not have returned to their homes, calm and
provided for us and our families happy, and the night that General
and so we expressed to them our Villa passed those colonies the peo-
gratitude for their kind invitation, ple slept in peace. There was no
and said that if we should get one on guard, the Carranza soldiers
frightened, and want to leave our had withdrawn, every man was put
homes, we would come. But, we into the pits to defend themselves
called our brethren and sisters to- against the approach of General
gether and appointed a general fast Villa. You may not understand,
day. We
asked all our brethren my brethren and sisters, how that
and sisters to fast, and to pray unto Villa's name strikes terror tothe
the Lord that we might get an im- hearts of those people. It is not
pression concerning what we only Americans that he does not
should do. We were entirely help- like, when he takes it into his head
less, so far as worldly defense was to destroy life he seems to have no
concerned guns were very scarce
regard to race or color. The Mex-
in the colony. I was asked this icans were very much exercised
morning ahout how many people when they heard that he was only
we had in Colonia Juarez. We had three miles away from our colony,
about twenty-five men, and about and that it would only be a matter
two hundred fifty women and chil- of an hour's time till he could enter
dren. The same questioner wanted it. There was not a person in Colo-
to know if we were well armed, and nia Dublan except Latter-day
I said no, we did not have any Saints, but we retired to our homes,
arms and were thankful to the
; slept peacefully, and during the
Lord we did not. We met on the night Villa and his guards came
fast day. and while the reports that into Colony Dublan, within a half
came to us were not very comfort- a mile of our homes, looked over
ing, and we realized that our breth- the town and passed on he never ;

ren and sisters in this country were even disturbed us.

very much
exercised as to our I want to say to you, my breth-
safetv and welfare, and as to the ren and sisters, the people of those
. -


colonies feel that the Lord has pre- world, a mission of peace.
is We
served us. He has heard and an- should live peacefully, speak
swered our prayers. President peacefully, and breathe the spirit
Joseph F. Smith, in the beginning of peace among all mankind. We
of our return to the colonies, told are living in a time when the spirit
us that the key to our safety was of war is being poured out upon all
the spirit of love, the spirit of kind- nations, and it seems to me that the
ness, the Spirit of the Lord, and the great mission of the Latter-day
exercise of patience towards the Saints is to endeavor to establish
people by whom we were surround- peace. I know that by dealing with
ed. If we would manifest this the Mexican people in the spirit of
Spirit, and put our trust in the love and kindness, and showing to
Lord, He would take care of us. It them true friendliness, you can win
has been a wonderful testimony to their hearts they are a very ap-

the Latter-day Saints and especially proachable people.

to our children, that when we serve The Lord has a work to do in
the Lord and keep His command- that country. It is not a battle of
ments, and put our trust in Him, men it is not a struggle between

He will take care of us. had We men especially, it is a struggle be-

no other defense, there was no tween the power of our Heavenly
other possible show for us, and we Father and the powers of darkness
know that the Lord heard and an- that have spread over that coun-
swered the prayers of the Latter- try. Darkness has been over the
day Saints concerning His people minds of the people, and they are
in that dangerous position in Mex- in a degraded and distressing condi-
ico. tion. My
belief has been that when-
I feel very grateful for the priv- ever the time shall come that the
ilege have had of living in the
I Gospel of Jesus Christ shall be
land of Mexico. I love that peo- planted in that land it will be by
ple, notwithstanding their degrada- the faith of men and women who
tion. When I realize that they have are willing to put their trust in the
lived under a curse for many hun- Lord, men and women who can
dreds of years, it is a marvel to me exhibit a spirit of kindness, a spirit
that there is as much good in Mex- of love and charity, even to those
ico and among her people as there who would do them evil. The in-
is today. They
are a child-like peo- structions of our Lord and Savior
ple; and the spirit of kindness,
if is the key-note to the success of the
of patience, and of love can be ex- Latter-day Saints, not only in Mex-
ercised by the American people, to- ico, but in every other part of the
ward them, that will do more to- country where we shall go, that is
wards establishing peace in that to "do good to them that hate you,
country than all of the guns and and pray for them which despite
ammunition that can be manufac- fully use you," love our enemies and
tured. It seems to me —
it has al- treat all mankind kindly. It is a

ways seemed to me that the mis- mighty hard person who would con-
sion of the Latter-day Saints in tinually fight against the spirit of
Mexico, in fact, the mission of kindnesss.
the Latter-day Saints in all the While we have not been, perhaps,


as careful as we should have been, Jesus Christ take hold of that peo-
while we have not always lived as ple, when they will be brought into
near to the Lord as we might have the fold of Christ, and a great and
clone, yet I believe we stand among mighty work accomplished.
the Mexican people today nearer to May the Lord bless us, and help
their hearts than we have even been us to establish peace upon the earth,
before. If they were to have their not only in that country but in all
choice they would like to have us the world, including our own coun-
continue to remain in their midst. try, the United States. Weneed
We have gained their friendship to live in accord with the spirit of
and their respect. There has not peace, to assist in establishing it in
been a single party, (unless Gen- all the world, that we may help our
eral Felix Diaz has succeeded in Father bring about the great plan
starting a new revolution), that has of peace on earth, and prepare for
not been into our colonies, and the coming of our Lord and Savior
every one of them has left us feel- Jesus Christ. May we live worthy,
ing better than when they came. To my brethren and sisters to take part
be sure, they have robbed us, to in this great latter-day work, is my
some extent, they have taken prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ.
horses, and saddles, and merchan- Amen.
dise, but thank the Lord they have
not taken our lives. We
have been A poem entitled, "A Temple in
preserved; the Lord has manifested Hawaii," written by Sister Ruth M.
His Spirit, and the men who have Fox, melody composed by Elder
robbed us, who have taken our Orson Clark, was sung, as a quar-
property, and destroyed much of tette, by Ethelyn Walker, Hazel B.
that which the Lord has blessed us Neilson, James H. Neilson, and
with, have acknowledge that they Almy C. Clayton.
would rather have their families
among the Latter-day Saints than
any other place in Mexico. Not- PREST. JOSEPH F. SMITH.
withstanding they have robbed and
persecuted us, they realize that After the announcement here, last
their families are safe among the conference, that we intended to
Saints. build a temple upon one of the
Hawaiian Islands, Sister Ruth May
My brethren and sisters, I re-
Fox was inspired to write a hymn
joice in the work of the Lord. Our
which was sent over to the Islands,
living in Mexico is not so much the
and one of our elders there, Brother
acquiring and maintaining homes
Orson Clark, composed music to it,
and property, but it has always
and on the recent visit of Bishop
seemed to me that it was the will of
Nibley and myself, we found them
the Lord. I desire to say that I

know there is a mighty work to do

singing this beautiful song. We
brought a copy of the words and
among that people. If we can only
music home with us, and Brother
maintain the spirit of kindness, of
Stephens has prepared it to be sung
humanity, of charity, and of pa- today. If you will indulge with me
tience, the time will come when we for a moment, I will read you the
will see the Gospel of the Lord words


"Sound forth your strains of gladness, brother, and that His name and His
ye islands of the sea,
And name alone, is the only one under
lift your hearts in praises, O
Saints of Hawaii; heaven whereby we can gain salva-
The Lord hath heard your pleadings, tion and come back and dwell with
your long sought day is here our Heavenly Father and our Sav-
When to the great Jehovah a temple ior, and our loved ones who have
you shall rear.
gone before. I rejoice in the knowl-
chorus : edge that Joseph Smith was the
prophet of the true and the living
"A temple, a temple, in Hawaii!
Foreshadowing the glories and splen- God, and the revelations that have
dors yet to be. come to us from him, which are
recorded in the Doctrine and Cove-
"The spirit of Elijah shall permeate its nants, are in very deed the com-
A choice beloved remnant, within its
mandments of the Lord and of His
sacred walls Son our Redeemer, and that it is
Receive the promised blessings their our duty and an obligation resting
father Lehi saw upon us to obey those command-
The Lord would shower upon them
when they obey His law. ments. Every word that I have
heard, the testimonies and the ex-
"Samuel, the Lamanite, forecast this pounding of the doctrines of Christ,
blessed day; since this conference has opened,
Nephi and Moroni and the faithful
passed away
have found an echo in my heart
Who lived, believed, and perished on and I have thanked God for the
Joseph's glorious land testimonies which have been borne
Unite with you in praises for God's all to us, thus far in this conference.
guiding hand."
I acknowledge the hand of God
in the preservation of our people in
ELDER HEBER GRANT. Mexico. It is a miracle, and there
should be a feeling of gratitude in
Observance of Word of Wisdom our hearts to our Heavenly Father
would vastly increase community for the preservation of those of our

wealth Man's efficiency destroyed
brethren and sisters who have been
by intoxicating liquors Each dollar — located in that land. T confess that
retained in circulation, in Utah, in-
creases citizens' average wealth their faith has been superior to
Deadly character of the cigarette mine. I am afraid that if I had
The cigarette smoker always a fail-
been located in Mexico, I would
have left that country long ago.
I rejoice, beyond the ability with I was particularly impressed yes-
which God has given me the power terday with the remarks made here
to express my feelings, in having a by the President of the Council to
testimony of the divinity of the which I have the honor to belong,
work in which we are engaged. I and I desire during the time that I
rejoice in being able to bear witness occupy, if the Lord will only bless
to you here today that the Lord has me with His Spirit, to make some
blessed me with a knowledge that remarks along the same line upon
He lives, that He hears, and that which President Lyman spoke yes-
He answers our prayers. I rejoice terday.
in knowing that Jesus is the Re- I remember years ago, one of the
deemer of the world, our elder most sarcastic and splendid letters

that ever read, being handed to
I section of the country between here
me by Brother Junius F. Wells, and Illinois would have had any-
writen by his father while presiding where near the wealth which we
over the European mission, and it would have possessed.
showed up the hypocrisy of those There is being consumed today in
at that time who were pretending the United States twenty-one dol-
to stand for the purity of the Amer- lars per capita by the users of in-
ican home. Brother Junius pub- toxicating liquors. I am sure the
lished the letter in the Contributor, good people of Utah are not con-
not signing his father's name to it suming their pro rata of this
but signing "Forty-niner," and amount. If we were as progressive
when the Contributor arrived in and as prosperous as the average of
Liverpool, Brother Wells wrote the United States, according to the
back and wanted to know who that ideas of some people who call them-
old man was that signed himself selves financiers we would be spend-
"Forty-niner." He said, "Darn his ing the same as others and thus be
buttons, he is stealing my thunder." worse than wasting today, because
I had it in my heart yesterday, we have about four hundred thou-
as I sat upon this stand, to talk upon sand people, eight million dollars
the temporal salvation of this peo- a year, and all we would have to
ple, which is sure to come if we show for this prosperity ( ?) would
only obey the commandments of be empty bottles and empty barrels.
the Lord which He has given for I believe in home manufacture.

our temporal salvation and lo and

; I believe in wearing home-made
behold, Brother Lyman stole nearly clothes. I believe in patronizing
all of my thunder. He quoted the our different factories which are
identical part of the Word of Wis- built here. And from my early
dom that I had intended to quote, childhood, in the days when I lis-
but, like the frequent singing of •our tened to President Brigham Young

songs "O, ye mountains high," and others, it was burned into my
and "We thank thee, O God, for very vitals that financial success
a prophet," we can never repeat too would come to this community by
often the commandments of the building up our industries. But how
Lord to this people, and urge upon under the heavens any man with the
the Saints to live up to them. I ordinary intelligence with which
have said from this stand time and God has endowed him believes and
time again, I believe that if we as can believe that empty barrels and
a people had only obeyed the Word empty bottles will bring wealth to
of Wisdom, temporal salvation this community, when the contents
would have come to us, and we have first destroyed the manhood
would have become the wealthiest and the intellectuality and the effi-
state west of the Mississippi River ciency of the people who have
that while we were driven from emptied the bottles and barrels, is
AT auvoo and came here to what was one of the untold mysteries to me.
then considered a barren and worth- Success in life comes with the effi-
less country; that, had we obeyed ciency of the individual and what

this one simple law of God, the applies to the individual applies to
wealth of this community would the city, applies to the county, ap-
have been so great that no other plies to the state. Anything under

the heavens that destroys the indi- to thefree-silver campaign. * * *

vidual efficiency of a man destroys "Then, too, we have driven out of
the individual efficiency of all the Kansas a class that was very useful
to us, that relieved us entirely of the
community in proportion as they responsibility of local government. In
are destroyed as individuals. the day before the state went dry no
There is in the last Collier's one ever worried about who was to be
Weekly an- article alderman or chief of police or mayor.
entitled, "The We knew that the saloon men would
ruin prohibition brought to
Kan- —
look after that it was part of their
sas," I would read just
like to business. They wielded the balance
a little of the ruin that has come to of power and the political bickerings
Kansas from prohibition. which sometimes now enter into the
selection of our local officers in Kan-
sas were wholly unnecessary in that
"While the people of Kansas talk old day. The saloon men got together
very little about this, being a reticent
and made up the ticket and got it
folk, it is generally realized that pro-
elected. All we had to do was to pav
hibition has killed in this state about
the bills.
every industry except the raising of
wheat and corn and alfalfa and fruit "Now heaven alone knows when a
and live stock; potatoes and peas and campaign opens who is going to be
cabbages and 'garden sass'; chickens elected,and wdien he is elected he
and ducks and geese and horses and spends so much of his time worrying
mules. Almost immediately prohibi- about the recall provisions of the
tion ruined our most prominent gam- charter that it spoils much of the
blers, blighted our beer gardens, and oleasure and all of the profit which
killed the bartenders' union. his old-time predecessors used to get
"Prohibition has left very little of out of the job.
Kansas except the growing crops in "With the example of Kansas being
her field, the stock in her stock pens, constantly pointed out by the liquor
the dreary round of work, work, work men, why will state after state rise up
in her factories and stores and other and kick these benefactors in the face
industries. It has left us little to do in the ungrateful way they are now
in hours of leisure except just to fall doing?"
in love, get married, send our children
to school, go abroad occasionally, join Brother Edward H. Anderson has
the church when we feel like it, run
into each other with expensive auto-
written to Collier's for permission
mobiles, and store our money away in to publish the whole article in the
dusty bank vaults instead of giving it Era, so I shall not read any more
to cheerful gentlemen with white of it.
aprons who used to stand in front of
cut-glass bars and say occasionally, In the American Patriot we find
(And I might say mighty occasion- an article on the worms that are de-
ally) : 'This oneis on the house.'
stroying the harvest in the United
"Where once the thriving business States. It goes on to tell of the ter-
of the saloon sent the clamorous odor
of its prosperity out upon the side-
rible ravages, but science has
walk and clear across the street, (gen- brought remedies whereby these can
erally the product was kicked out upon be obliterated and all this trouble
the street, and not able to get a quar- of the worms has no effect. Tt tells
ter way across), we find nothing but
shoe stores, clothing stores, dry-goods that in one of the old readers there
stores, meat markets, grocery stores, was an article that gave an account
and other sordid activities of an un- of a deadly worm that preyed upon
happy people.* * * * * men, which was found in every sec-
"There hasn't even been a case of tion of the country. The article in
delirium tremens in the state since
1896, and at the time that was thought
the old reader pointed out that this
by inexperienced surgeons to be due worm was one of the most destruc-
tive agencies to the life of man sess. Truly our capacity because of
known in the history of the world, the possession of this vast sum
in a way that the young readers added to our circulating medium an-
could understand, and gave a nually would indeed be marvelous.
graphic picture of this strange The Lord knew exactly what He
worm, together with an unmistak- was saying when He told us that if
able account of its fearful effects we would obey His law the Word —
upon humanity. "By this means of Wisdom —
it would bring us tem-

many young people learned of the poral That is exactly

most venomous thing in existence, what it will do for us from the day
and learned by this plain warning we obey it. It is not what a man
to avoid it. Many names had been makes that gives him strength and
given it, but, in this account, the power financially in the community,
real name of the creature was given. but it is what he saves. This sure
Tt was called the zvorm of the Still." rule applies to all the people as well
"The worm of the still," when as the individual. If we had kept
men use it destroys them so that the money here which has been
they are not capable of having tem- worse than wasted by sending it
poral salvation, because it destroys abroad for tobacco and liquor, we
their intellect, it destroys their would have had power, as money is
physical as well as their mental power, we would have secured tem-
power. It is estimated, by students poral salvation. Men who have ac-
of finance, that every dollar of cir- quired the appetite will have to-
culating medium goes over and bocco and liquor, even if they have
over in a community and does in a to sacrifice the ordinary wants of
year from twenty-five to one hun- their families to secure these things.
dred dollars' worth of work. In the I hold in my hand a little pam-
United States there is seven hun- phlet of which I have given away
dred and fifty million dollars a year hundreds of copies. It is entitled,
expended in tobacco alone, and two "The case against the little white
billion and one hundred million dol- slaver." It is a book against the
lars expended on liquor. Nearly cigarette published in pamphlet
every dollar which we spend on form, by Henry Ford, the manu-
liquor and tobacco is sent away facturer of the Ford automobile.
from the state —and
say that we Some years ago we had on our Mu-
only spend a quarter of what othei tual Improvement course of reading

people do it would amount to at a book entitled, "The strength of
leasttwo millions and a half dollars being clean," by David Starr Jor-
a year, which is drained from our dan and President Joseph F. Smith

fair state —
thus adding to our pros- remarked that it was one of the
perity according to the whisky finest vindications, by a great edu-
men's arguments. Multiply these cator, of the inspiration of God to
two millions and a half by twenty- Joseph Smith in giving us the Word
five or one hundred and you will of Wisdom, that had ever been pub-
then see what a capacity the good lished by a non-"Mormon." David
people of Utah would have to sup- Starr Jordan is not only a national
port our industries because of the but an international character. I

immense amount of circulating me- have written in the front of Mr.

dium which the people would pos- Ford's pamphlet a remark of Mr.

Jordan's: "The boy who smokes greatest minds the world has ever
cigarettes need not be anxious about —
produced writes to Mr. Ford :

his future. He has none." I would

like that to "soak in." Just think it "The injurious agent in cigarettes
comes principally from the burning
over : "The boy who smokes cigar- paper wrapper. The substance there-
ettes need not be anxious about his by formed is called 'acrolein.' It has
future. He has none." Recently a violent action on the nerve centers,
the Bureau of Information received producing degeneration of the cells
of the brain, which is quite rapid
a letter making some inquiry about
among boys. Unlike most narcotics
certain doctrines of the Church. I this degeneration is permanent and
have here one or two quotations uncontrollable. I employ no person

from what was printed on the back who smokes cigarettes."

of the letter and these I have also
written in this pamphlet of Mr. Think of it Degeneration of the

Ford's. brains of our children comes from

using cigarettes, and this degenera-
"A prominent banker - 'I have never tion becomes permanent and uncon-
yet employed a young man who said trollable and yet people go on say-
he used tobacco or liquor.'
ing that we can drink and smoke
and chew and we injure nobody but
Fathers and mothers, do you
want bankers to employ your boys ?
ourselves. It is false ! Ifwe de-
Remember the day is coming when
generate our brain power we injure
our posterity after us.
they will not do it if they use to-
bacco or liquor.
John Wannamaker, Henry Ford,
Marshall Field & Company, the
"Fidelity Insurance Company 'We — Cadillac Motor Company, some of
will not bond a man who uses cigar- the great railroads with hundreds
ettes, for such men are not safe phys-
of millions of capital invested, re-
ically nor morally.' "
fuse to employ cigarette smokers.

Think of it Cigarette users can't

"A new arithmetic. 'I am not much

even pay money enough to get this of a mathematician,' said the cigarette,
company to insure their honesty. 'but I can add nervous troubles to a
boy, I can subtract from his physical
"Charles W. Murphy— 'All the 'Cub' energy, I can multiply his aches and
baseball players must leave liquor pains, I can divide his mental powers,
alone at all times, must abstain from I can take interest from his work and
" "
the use of cigarettes.' discount his chances for success.'

No wonder they are one of the I would like the last part of the

greatest clubs in the world. sentence to soak in "and discount

"Conclusion — 'My
his chances for success."
son, as long as
The head of the tobacco trust
thou hast in thy skull the sense ot a
jay-bird, break away from the cigar-
writes a long letter to Mr. Ford and
ette, for lo, it causeth thy breath to demands that he apologize for his
stink like a glue factory; it rendereth attack on the cigarette, claiming it
thy mind less intelligent than that of is not injurious, and tells of the
a cigar store dummy, yea thou art a
cipher with the rim knocked off.' — Bob wonderful increase in the use of
cigarettes and says that this is an
argument in favor of it. He says
Thomas A. Edison —one of the that in 1900 there were two billion,
six hundred million cigarettes used. summit ;and Dr. Pack notifies the
In 1913 there were fifteen billion, boys, puts them on their mettle, be-
eight hundred million cigarettes fore they start announcing that
used —
(nails in the coffins of those ''No cigarette smokers will arrive at
that used them and a partial de- the top of the mountain with the
struction of their intellectuality) — boys that do not smoke ;" and his
an increase of seven hundred per promise of failure for the smokers
cent. Mr. Henry Ford's secretary has always been fulfilled. You can
answers and calls this tobacco man's pick the smokers out down the hill
attention to the fact that one of the by the number of the nails, figura-
magistrates in New York City an- tively speaking, that they have been
nounces that "ninety-nine per cent putting in their coffins by using
of all the boys between the ages of cigarettes.
ten and seventeen who come before
Speaking of the failure of men
him charged with crime have their reminds me of an article that I bor-
fingers disfigured with cigarette rowed this morning from Brother
stains." Dr.T.D. Crothers says that,
Joseph W. McMurrin. I see my
"In young persons who begin on time is running on and I must not
cigarettes there are always pro- attempt to read it. (President
nounced symptoms of poisoning, Smith: "Go on.") This article,
such as pallor and dullness of activ- published in August, 1914, in The
ity," and the brain fails to act. We Literary Digest, tells that in fifty
find that Dr. Fred J. Pack of our
long years no single solitary boy
own University of Utah made an that used tobacco has graduated at
investigation which was published
the head of his class in Harvard
in one of the eastern magazines.
University. How 1 do thank the
The Temperance Journal. Lord that all over the world the doc-
"Two hundred ten men held a con- trines of the Lord Jesus Christ
test for positions on the athletic team. which have come to us through the
Of the non-smokers, sixty-five per Prophet Joseph Smith are being
cent were successful; of the smokers
vindicated. Fifty long years and
only thirty-three per cent were suc-
cessful. This was not only true in the no smoker at the head of his class
six institutions which furnished the in Harvard And yet there were

data about the try-outs when taken as five smokers out of every six stu-
a total, but in each of the six the non-
dents, so we are entitled to multiply
smokers far outstripped the smokers.
In one institution not a single smoker the fifty years by five and announce
obtained a place on the team." that in two hundred and fifty years,
man to man, the smoker has failed.
I called up Doctor Pack this What a wonderful record what a !

morning and got some additional marvelous vindication of the inspi-

information. Dr. Pack is the head ration of Almighty God to that
of the Geological Department in the young man, Joseph Smith. It is not
University of Utah, and during the only in the Word of Wisdom, but it
summer vacations he goes out with is in every doctrine that God has

the boys and they climb mountains revealed to us that this vindication
and they take hikes and they have is coming, day after day and year

long trials of endurance. They after year. Dr. Kress says that the
climb many a mountain which takes cigarette injures young men mor-
more than one day to get to the ally. Mike Donovan, the head of
: : : — :


the great New York Athletic Club, bank, the wizard of the plant and
says vegetable kingdom whose experi-
ments have caused the civilized
"Any boy who smokes can never world to wonder, and whose experi-
hope to succeed in any line of en-
deavor, as smoking weakens the heart ments have benefited the civilized
and lungs and ruins the stomach and world by millions upon millions, in
affects the entire nervous system. If increase of prosperity, by the in-
a boy or young man expects to amount
crease in the various things that he
to anything in athletics, he must let
smoking and all kinds of liquor alone. has done in improvement in flowers
They are rank poison to his athleti'- and in seeds and in fruits and in the
ambitions." redemption of the cactus in Ari-
zona, taking the thorns out; he is
Mrs. Paterson, president of the in very deed the wizard of the agri-
Georgia Woman's Christian Tem- cultural world and one of the bene-
perance Union, says factors of mankind. He says
"And there is no question whatever
"Several years ago I stepped into a
grocery store and asked to buy a pack- that cigarettes alone were the cause
age of cigarette papers, such as were of their destruction. No boy living
given away at that time with Durham would commence the use of cigar-
smoking tobacco. I took two small ettes if he knew what a useless,
bottles, each holding about three ta-
blespoonfuls of water. In one I placed soulless, worthless thing they would
fifteen of these cigarette papers, and make of him."
in the other an equal thickness o' May the Lord help us in keeping
leaves of tissue paper from between our sons from becoming "useless,
visiting cards, for the tissue papers
were much thinner and it took a larger
soulless, worthless things," is my
number of leaves. prayer, and I ask it in the name of
"I found that a few drops of the Jesus. Amen.
water from the bottle containing the
cigarette paper would kill a mouse,
quicker than you could say 'Jack Rob ELDER RUDGER CLAWSON
in son,' and a teaspoonful of the water
from the other papers seemed to cause The Prophet Joseph Smith the most
a mouse to suffer no inconvenience. striking figure of the 19th century
have killed dozens of mice with
water and there are others who
His first glorious —
vision Author-
ized to re-establish the Church of
have tried the experiment with the

Jesus Christ Priesthood restored
same success. Will Mr. Hill please
me what made — Established saving ordinances in
behalf of the dead — Translated the
tell the difference in
the same water, in the same kind of
Book of Mormon — Many glorious
bottles, except the papers that were
revelations received, and published,
by him — Head of the greatest, the
placed in the bottle?" (Mr. Hill is
the president of the tobacco company
last, dispensation.
who wrote Mr. Ford for an apology
because he claimed cigarettes were
not injurious.) My brethren and sisters, I desire
an interestin your faith and pray-
Here is the one thing above all ers thismorning while I stand be-
others in Mr. Ford's pamphlet which fore you for a few moments, that
has impressed me I may be led, like others who have
"Several of my young acquaint- spoken, to say something that
ances are in their graves who gave shall be instructive and faith-pro-
promise of making happy and use- moting.
ful citizens," declares Luther Bur- Joseph Smith, the prophet, was

by far the most striking figure of water and of the spirit, he cannot
the nineteenth century. 1 realize enter into the kingdom of heaven."
that this is a very bold declaration The gift of the Holy Ghost is the
and while many will readily con- key that unlocks the deep and hid-
cede to it, others will regard it as den mysteries of God.
presumptuous, but let me say to The Church founded by the
you, brethren and sisters and Prophet Joseph Smith not only
friends, that there is ample evi- provided a plan of salvation for
dence to sustain it. The following the living but also for the dead, be-
are a few things that make Joseph ing broad enough in its scope to
Smith, the prophet, conspicuous reach every child of God, whether
among men in this world or the world to come.
In the first place, he was favored The latter-day Church, like the
with a personal visit of God the former day Church- is built upon the
Father, and of Jesus Christ, His foundations of apostles and proph-
Son. He testified that he knew they ets, evangelists, high priests, sev-
lived, because he had seen their enties, elders, bishops, priests,
faces and heard their voices, and teachers and deacons, Jesus Christ
that they were in the form and like- being the chief corner-stone.
ness of a man. Thus was restored By the power of God, Joseph
to the earth again the knowledge of Smith translated into the English
God, at a time when many supposed language the Book of Mormon, a
Him to be a being without body, record which is quite as sacred and
parts or passions. This first glor- precious as the Bible itself. He
ious vision of the prophet swept also gave to the Church the Doc-
darkness and doubt, ignorance and trine and Covenants, a book con-
unbelief from the minds of men, at taining the revelations of God's
least hundreds and thousands, and will to His prophet and His peo-
a great flood of light burst in upon ple also that wonderful little rec-

them and filled their souls. ord, the Pearl of Great Price. If
Joseph Smith, the prophet, under all other books in the world were
divine guidance, founded the destroyed in an instant and these
Church of Jesus Christ, the only —
four hooks still remained the Bi-
Church under the heavens in this ble, the Book of Mormon, the
age of the world known and called Doctrine and Covenants, and the
by that name. —
Pearl of Great Price they would
In connection with the founding constitute a library of priceless
of the Church, Joseph Smith re- value, and would form a solid basis
ceived and transmitted to others the from which and by which to regen-
holy Priesthood, representing di- erate the world.
vine authority, by which the Gos- In the providences of the Lord,
pel is preached and the ordinances and by His word and power, Joseph
thereof administered for the salva- Smith the prophet restored to the
tion of souls, or, in other words, by earth again the everlasting cove-
which men are baptized by immer- nant, called the new and everlasting
sion for the remission of their sins covenant, a covenant that binds
and have hands laid upon them for the husband to the wife and the
the gift of the Holy Ghost. Jesus wife to the husband for time and
said "Except a man is born of the
: all eternity, thus securing to them


the power of eternal increase and

the blessing of endless lives, and

emnly repeat Joseph Smith, the
mighty prophet of God, was the
emphasizing, as no earthly cove- most striking figure of the nine-
nant alone could do, the sanctity of teenth century. The Lord bless
the marriage bond, and by infer- you, in the name of Jesus Christ.
ence or contrast, condemning the Amen.
monstrous evil of divorce, when re-
sorted to for trivial causes.
Brethren and sisters, these are
a few things which, I contend, Selfishness, a principal cause of war
raised Joseph Smith head an! — Peace and salvation result of
shoulders above his fellows and at- heeding teaching of God's servants
tracted to him and to the Church —The Gospel should be taught in
our households, and to our neigh-
converts from the nations of the bors — God's message to the world
earth, until the Church has pros- against liquor and tobacco.
pered and grown to an extent be-
yond our expectations. My brethren and sisters, I trust
The Lord said to Joseph Smith that the few words I speak this
"And verily, verily, I say unto you, morning may be indited by our
whatsoever you seal upon the earth Heavenly Father, for I have no de-
shall be sealed in heaven, and what- sire to talk unless He inspires me.
soever you bind upon the earth, in The goodthings we have listened
my name and by my word, shall be to during this conference will be
eternally bound in the heavens, and food for reflection for me for many
whatsoever you loose upon the weeks to come, and I am grateful
earth shall be loosed in heaven to be here, where all is peace. The
and whosesoever sins vou remit on world is in confusion, men running
earth shall be remitted eternally in hither and thither, not thirsting for
the heavens; and whosesoever sins the word of God, but seeking to
you retain on earth, shall be re- gratify their selfish desires and
tained in heaven." destroy each other's lives and in ;

And again : "Verily I say, Europe it has resulted in bringing

whomsoever you bless, I will bless about the greatest war this world
and whomsoever vou curse, I will has ever seen. In Mexico the spirit
curse, saith the Lord for; I, the of murder, due to selfishness, has
Lord, amthy God." brought the people to a very un-
Thus to Joseoh Smith, like Peter fortunate condition, all of which
of old, was eiven the kevs of the would not exist if the warring peo-
kingdom of heaven and thus was ple understood and lived the Gos-
Toseph Smith, unlike any prophet nel. Tt is gratifying to hear Presi-
that ever lived, placed at the head dent Bentley say that the charity
of this creat last dispensation, the and patience of the Latter-dav
dispensation of dispensations, even Saints south of the Rio Grande is
the dispensation of the fulness of bearing fruit among their Mexican
times, when all things will be re- neighbors. It is quite difficult, usu-
stored to their proper place and ally, when we are smitten upon one
order and all things gathered into cheek, to turn the other, but that is
one. the Lord's wav to overcome the
Brethren and sisters, I again sol- world. That is the commandment
that has been given to the Latter- aries to the nations of the earth to
day Saints, it is the Gospel of the proclaim the Gospel as revealed in
Redeemer. this latter day. But that is not all
Since our first parents lived in our duty. Right at our doors, by
the Garden of Eden, the Lord has die hundreds and thousands, are
revealed Himself to the human choice sons and daughters of our
family from time to time, and Heavenly Father. They live among
sought to safeguard them from the us, we become friends, but we
sorrow that overtakes men on ac- fail to teach them to the extent we
count of selfishness. At intervals ihould, concerning the Gospel that
He has sent His prophets upon the we know is the power of God unto

earth, and they have repeated the salvation. The Presidency of the
kind advice of a loving Father to Church are doing all that lies in
His children. The Old and New their power they devote their time

Testament scriptures are filled with during the day, and often into the
counsel of the Lord, through His late hours of the night, in the in-
faithful servants in the old world. terest of the Church. The breth-
The Book of Mormon consists ren who are associated with them
largely of the teachings of the o'ive liberally of their time, travel-
prophets who, from age to age, ing and teaching the Latter-day
taught the Gospel to the people of Saints and carrying the Gospel to
ancient America and now, in our
; our Father's children. The presi-
day, the Lord has raised up a dents of stakes, high counselors,
prophet, revealed Himself to him, bishops .of wards, and their assist-
inspired him and illumined his mind ants, labor unceasingly to bless the
to teach what is necessary for this people, and their reward is sure.
generation to know. The thing Ihit are we doing all we ought, so
that appeals to me is that the peo- that when we stand before the bar
ple, from father Adam until the of our Heavenly Father He will
present time, who have had the say we have done our full duty by
greatest joy and happiness in life our fellows, His children ? Are we
have been those who have followed setting our own houses in order?
the teachings of the prophets of Are we teaching our children faith
the Lord those who have ignored
; in God that when sickness invades
them have paid the penalty in many our homes they will call for the
cases by sorrow and destruction, elders of the Church and have faith
missing the great blessings that our that our Father, the Great Physi-
Father has placed within their them of their infirm-
cian, will heal
reach. ities? Are we teaching those of
The Gospel that our Heavenlv our own household to repent of
Father desires all to understand is their shortcomings, teaching them
being promulgated in our day an! rot to follow after the fashions of
those who accept and live it will the world, that are calculated to
reap the happiness that follows. destroy faith in God and detract
Fortunate are we who are assem- from the glorious opportunities
bled here today, that we understand within our reach ? Are we teaching
and have accepted the truth an 1 our children the necessity of bap-
that we are striving to make it a tism by immersion for the remis-
part of our lives. We
send mission- sion of sins, calling their attention


to the fact that it is the law of the every good thing; wherefore He ad-
Lord, who required His Only Be- vocateth the cause of the children of
men, and He dwelleth eternally in the
gotten Son to go down into the heavens."
waters of baptism in order to ful-
fill all righteousness? Are we This is the point, all those who
teaching" our children the necessity have faith in Him will cleave unto
of having the hands of the servants every good thing. If we can but
of God laid upon their heads, that implant a knowledge of the Gos-
they may receive the gift of the pel of our Lord and faith in His
Holy Ghost, which we are told will ministry, in the hearts of the ris-
bring things past to our remem- ing generation, we have gone a
brance and teach us things that are long way towards neutralizing the
yet to come? temptations and power of the ad-
These are the first principles of versary in this world.
the Gospel. They have been re-
vealed anew in the day in which we Quoting Moroni again,
live and fortunate, I say, are we
that we have understood, them and "Behold. I say unto you, it is by
that we are partakers of the bless- faith that miracles are wrought; and
it is by faith that angels appear and
ings that follow their observance,
minister unto men: wherefore, if
for there is no other way. The Lat- these things have ceased, woe be unto
ter-day Saints are the only ones the children of men, for it is because
who bear the authority of our of unbelief,and all is vain."
Heavenly Father to administer in "For behold, the Spirit of Christ is
given to- every man that he may know
the ordinances of the Gospel. The good from evil; wherefore I shew
world has need of us. Throughout unto you the way to judge; for every-
the earth are men and women who, thing which inviteth to do good, and
if they understood, as we under- to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent
forth by the power and gift of Christ;
stand, would receive the Gospel of wherefore you may know with a per-
our Lord. I feel sometimes that fect knowledge it is of God.
we do not sufficiently sense the im- "But whatsoever thing persuadeth
portance of it, that we do not teach men to do evil, and believe not in
Christ,and deny Him. and serve not
it with the earnestness -it demands.
God, then ye may know with a per-
Speaking of faith, something that fect knowledge it is of the devil, for
1 read recentlv comes to my mind. after this manner doth the devil work,
for he persuadeth no man to do good,
It is the teachings of the Prophet
no, not one; neither doth his angels,
referred to by Moroni in the 7th neither do they who subject them-
chapter of the Book of Mormon, selves unto him.
and reads as follows "And now, my brethren, see that
ye know the light by which ye may
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, judge, which light is the light of
bath miracles ceased, because Christ Christ, see that ye do not judge
hath ascended into heaven, and hath wrongfully; for with the same judg-
set down on the right hand of God. ment, ye shall also be judged.
to claim of the Father His right of "Wherefore T beseech of you,
mercy which He hath upon the chil- brethren, that ye should search dili-
dren of men? gently in the light of Christ, that ye
"For He hath answered the ends of may know good from evil; and if ye
the law, and He claimelh all those will lay hold upon every good thing,
who have faith in Him, and they who and condemn it not. ye certainly will
have faith in Him, will cleave unto he a child of Christ."
: —

Our temporal welfare is of great we fail to take advantage of our
importance. I endorse the teach- opportunities to teach the sons and
ings of this conference, to avoid daughters of God, who are not of
the things that are so totally un- our faith, who dwell in our midst,
necessary and so terribly destructive this Gospel of our Lord, He will
of our lives. Our dear President require at our hands on the other
in his opening address announced side of the veil what we have failed
that we even now may be in the to do, so let us not be recreant.
presence of our faithful leaders I rejoice that a wave of prohibi-
who have gone before. I am grate- tion is spreading over the land
ful for that suggestion and that another evidence of the Spirit of
testimony. What a happy influence the Lord. I desire to read a testi-
it ought to have on our lives, if day mony that is of the utmost im-
by day, we could live so that our portance with reference to the use
departed dear ones would desire of liquor and of tobacco. Wise
to be near us. What a splendid men have testified that these things
thing it would be to live so that we are not good, but I want to read to
could feel their presence and enjoy you the testimony of the Father of
their companionship, even though our spirits, the God who created us
they have passed to the other side. and who has placed us here that we
What joy will be ours if. day by might gain an exaltation. He says
day, we labor to radiate sunshine with reference to these things
and inspire faith in the souls of "And, again, strong drinks are
man, that they may work righteous- not for the belly, but for the wash-
ness, keep the commandments of ing of your bodies."
our Father and look forward to a And again, "Tobacco is not for
reunion with those who have gone the body, neither for the belly and
before. is not good for man."
I rejoice this day in a testimony What greater evidence should
of the divinity of the mission of the Latter-day Saints require of the
Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of th° futility and the unwisdom of using
world. I know, as I know that I those things, than the word of our
live, thatHe is what we believe Creator who gave us life? T am
Him to be.I know that there is no grateful that in the world men are
other name under heaven wherebv beginning to understand. If they
we may hope to gain exaltation, but will not comprehend the scriptures,
the name of Jesus Christ, our then by experience they are learn-
Savior. There is no other Gospel ing the lessons that our Father
of salvation, and we. my brethren would have us know, that if we
who bear the holv priesthood, have will keep His commandments, we
the responsibility of carrying that will enjoy life here and farther
message, not only to the nations of than that, it will prepare us for the
the earth, but of exemplifying it in life beyond the veil. Oh, how
our and teaching it to those
lives °Tatefu1 I am for the knowledge
who are our neighbors, not of our that myHeavenly Father has given
faith. I warn you this day that the me. I know that Joseph Smith was
Lord holds us responsible to call n nr^ohot of the living- God and that
His children to repentance and for the revelations given by our Father
the promulgation of His truth. If through him are for our uplift and


our exaltation if we will only obey The choir sang the hymn, "Lo
them. the mighty God appearing."
Brethren and sisters, let us do
our part, let us this day make up
our minds that from henceforth we
(Of Juarez Stake.)
will use our influence to drive from
our midst every evil thing, by be- Mybeloved brethren and sisters,
ginning at home, setting our own I can say that it is indeed a surprise
houses in order and then radiating unto me to be called to this position,
our influence in love and kindness to address the Latter-day Saints in
and by good works wherever pos- the general conference of the
sible. It is only a question of time Church. I feel my unworthiness,
until the liquor interests of this my inability to say anything unto
country will be banished and I hope you that would be edifying or in-
and pray that the Latter-clay Saints structive, unless the Lord will be
will see to it that when they choose with me and assist me upon this oc-
men to represent them in the State casion.
or Nation, that they will exercise I want to say, in beginning, that I
their franchise as our Father in do know that this is the work of
Heaven would have them and
do, the Lordthat I have a testimony

see to it that honorable men and in regard to the truth of the Gos-
good men are placed in positions pel we have received. I have been
who will remove from us, so far as endeavoring to bear this testimony
possible, the temptations of the ad- to all those I have come in contact
versary, that our boys and girls with, and especially during the last
may grow up in the nurture and ad- three or four years, since my lot has
monition of the Lord and gain eter- been cast in the city of El Paso,
nal life. May the Lord add His among people who are not of our
blessings, is my prayer in the name faith. I have endeavored to pro-
of Jesus Christ. Amen. claim the Gospel unto them. A
number of years ago our brethren
The choir sang the anthem, endeavored to do missionary work
"Jerusalem, my Glorious Home." in that. city, but at that time were
Elder Theodore Erandlcy pro- unable to accomplish anything, on
nounced the benediction. account of the prejudices of the
Conference adjourned until people, but since our people have
2 p. m. come out from Mexico, many from
our colonies have resided in the
city. We have become acquainted
AFTERNOON SESSION. with manv of the people of El
Paso, and have been enabled to re-
Conference was resumed at 2 move a great deal of prejudice
p. m.. President Joseph F. Smith from their minds and hearts. At
presiding. the present time we have some el-
The choir and congregation sang ders preaching upon the streets, and
the hvmn. "Come, come, ye Saints, holding meetings, and the results
no toil nor labor fear." of their labors have been very sat-
Elder German E. Ellsworth, of- isfactory.
fered the invocation. While T have not been in the
colonies for some months, I have
passed them before the United
been upon the border, and probably States forces arrived there. do We
we have had more excitement im- believe that, had they not have ar-
mediately along the border than rived thosebandit marauders,
what our brethren have had in the would have returned, and massa-
colonies. The missionary work has cred our people. It seemed a great
been hindered to a certain extent contrast to me to what the condi-
during those trying times. I want tions were many years ago. I re-
to say, in regard to the preservation marked to our people in meeting,
of our people, that men who are the other Sunday in El Paso, that
unbelievers, who do not have the it looked to me like a great change

faith that the Latter-day Saints has come over the American peo-
have, admit that our people have ple, in this great land of ours. You
been miraculously preserved. We know that once there was an army
all admit that. We believe that the hastening to these valleys of the
Lord is handling- the nations of the mountains with the avowed purpose
earth, and we believe that He has of destroying- the Latter-day
raised up friends who have come Saints but we recently had an ex-

to the assistance of our people in ample of American cavalry riding

their time of need.All of you om forced marches across the plains
know, or have heard of, that great and deserts of Mexico to preserve
general and soldier, Hugh L. Scott, some of the Latter-day Saints. We
who was in command of the bor- feel that a great change has come
der patrol for a number of years. over the people of this great nation
T have met this great man and in their feelings towards us. I want
talked with him, on a number of oc- to say that, during our sojourn in
casions, and he always wanted to El Paso, we have been able to make
talk about the Latter-day Saints he
; friends among the best men in that
wanted to know something about city, men of influence, representa-
the Book of Mormon, the history of tives of the President of the United
the American Indians. T made the States and of the State Depart-
General a present of a copy of the ment. These men have worked un-
Look of Mormon, and he said he ceasingly and untiringly for the
would read it, and he took it with safety and salvation of the Latter-
him when he went to Washing-ton. day Saints in the colonies of Mex-
He has said to me, repeatedly, "Mr. ico. A few have criticized and
Hurst, I am a soldier, my orders at said, "We owe them nothing; they
the present time are for me to stav have paid no attention to the request
on this side of the border, but if of the United States Government,
the time ever comes when we are when they were asked to withdraw
ordered to go to the other side, let from Mexico." But many other
me know what I can do for your men, greater than these, have said,
people and we will do it." In the "They are our own people, our own
present emergency, we feel, as I flesh and blood, and we must con-
said before, that the Lord pre- tinue to work for their safety and
served our people in the colonies : preservation."
the danger that they would be de- None of us know what the end
stroyed seemed threatening, but it of this trouble will be in Mexico.

You all know revolutionary

the need wagons, mowing machines and
condition has continued now for other implements to harvest this
over five years. At times it has year's. crop, and the question arises,
seemed as though a stable govern- who is going to stand good for
ment would be established among these things? Of course, those of
that people, but just as soon as our people who have anything left,
that appeared about to be accomp- that they can sell, can dispose of it
lished, we find them dividing again, for real money, for American coin,
turning against each other and but our people have but little left.
starting new revolutions. It While some of the bandit leaders
seems, to us who have been ob- have offered to pay in the past for
servers of this situation, that those the produce that they have taken,
people are unable to control the sit- they have paid in money that was
uation, and establish a government worth, perhaps, two cents on the
among themselves. The spirit of dollar, practically nothing. At the
confidence in each other does not present time, we feel that our peo-
exist. It seems to us that the time ple are safe in the colonies, as long
must come, if it has not already as the United States forces are
come, when some power other than there we feel that they are amply
that which they possess will have protected. Wedo not know what
to be exercised for the establish- the condition may be if those forces
ment of a stable government in that are withdrawn.
land, under which the people's lives My
brethren and sisters. I do not
will be protected, and their prop- wish to take up more time this af-
erty will not be molested.
and rights ternoon. There are others who can
In looking over the situation of edify you better than T can; but I
our people we find that, although want to say again, as I said in the
our lives have been preserved, we beginning of my remarks, that I
have been robbed, plundered, and do know that the Gospel is true,' that
peeled by all factions, none of them the hand of the Lord is over this
have passed us by. I have won- great latter-day work and over His
dered whether we would be able to people. We
know that He is able
hold on until peace is established. to protect us, and provide for us.
As far as this world's goods are May we live so that we will be
concerned, it has been a losing- worthy of His blessings from day
proposition with us from the com- to day, is my prayer, in the name
mencement' of this trouble until the of Jesus. Amen.
present time. Our horses and
wagons have been taken, our fences ELDER GEORGE F. RICHARDS.
have been destroyed, and a num-
ber of our bouses have been burned.
Meaning of immortality —
Eternal life
is salvation and glorification of the
The implements that our people had —
soul Man's futile substitute for
new and in good condition, five —
God's plan Disbelief in Christ's
years ago, are now worn out, and

atonement hinders salvation The
principles and ordinances of the
thev have not got the money with Gospel must be obeyed.
which to replace these implements.
In talking with merchants in F.I I have been honored, my breth-
Paso last Monday, some of our ren and sisters, with the privilege
brethren asked for credit some who of addressing this large assembly of

Latter-day Saints and our friends In support of this statement, I call
who have gathered with us, and attention to the word of the Lord
while I occupy this position I desire to the Prophet Joseph, as recorded
to speak so that all can hear, and in the Doctrine and Covenants, sec.
more than this, I desire to say 93, verses 33 and 34, as follows
something that is worth your hear- "For man is Spirit. The elements
ing. In this I am sure you can very are eternal, and spirit and element,
materially aid me. "The effectual inseparably connected, receiveth a
fervent prayer of a righteous man fulness of joy, and when separated,
availeth much." It is also true that man can not receive a fulness of
the prayers and faith of many joy." Hence the importance of
righteous men and women availeth bringing about the immortality of
much with the Lord. I desire to man.
feel that I am in the presence of The eternal life here referred to
the Lord, and that you are in His means something more than that
presence and that we are influenced man shall not cease to live. I read
by His presence and by His Spirit, the word of the Lord from Doctrine
for I desire to say those things only and Covenants, Sec. 14, verse 7, as
which the Lord would have me to follows "And, if you keep my com-

say,on this occasion. mandments and endure to the end,

I have thought to use as my text you shall have eternal life, which
the word of the Lord to His ser- gift is the greatest of all the gifts

vant Moses, as it is recorded in of God." The revelations of the

the Pearl of Great Price, Book of Lord indicate to us the height,
Moses, first chapter, 39th verse, depth and grandeur of the glory of
which reads as follows: "For be- God to which the righteous may at-
hold, this is my work and my glory, tain. Eternal life, as here used, be-
to bring to pass the immortality ing the greatest gift of God, must
and eternal life of man." This be- include a fulness of glory of God,
ing thework and glory of the Lord, in His celestial kingdom.
which I take to mean the all im- The Lord uses the expressions
portant work of the Lord, it is im- "eternal life" and "salvation" syn-
portant that we analyze this expres- onomously (See Doctrine and Cov-
sion,and obtain, if possible, a prop- enants, Sec. 6:13): "If thou wilt
er understanding of its meaning. do good, yea, and hold out faithful
The word immortal means not to the end, thou shalt be saved in
mortal; that is, not subject to the the kingdom of God, which is the
power of death. I would define im- greatest of all the gifts of God for :

mortality being that state to

as there is no gift greater than the
which we attain in the progress of gift of salvation." My
text, then,
life when we haVe passed through might be stated in other terms ex-
death and the resurrection, the pressing the same meaning, such,
spirit and body being reunited and for example, as the "resurrection
inseparably connected, constituting and glorification of man," or what,
the soul of man prepared to receive for my purpose, I like better, "the
a fulness of the glory of God. Im- saving of souls." The institution of
mortality is a means to an end, the the Gospel plan from the founda-
end being the accomplishment of tion of the world including the cre-
man's eternal salvation and glory. ation of the world, was accom-

plished with this end in view, the as addressed Bo the Gala-

saving of souls. I am convinced tian Saints (Gal. 1 :8), "But though
that the Lord never planned nor en- we or an angel from heaven preach
gaged in a greater work than that any other Gospel unto you than that
of saving souls. All His works so which we have preached unto you,
far as we have any account, were let him be accursed."
accomplished with that end in I thank the Lord with all my soul

view, and such is the magnitude that the light of the everlasting
and importance of the work in Gospel has come to me as He has
which we as Latter-day Saints are revealed it, that my environment
engaged as instruments in the and teachings have been such that
hands of the Lord, authorized and the Gospel has appealed to me, that
directed by Him. The Gospel, I have accepted it, and so far
which has been revealed from heav- obeyed it that I have learned of its
en through the instrumentality of truth. To those who will obey the
the Prophet Joseph Smith, with the Gospel it is one of salvation both
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- in this life and in the life to come.
day Saints as its vehicle, represents Talk about Christianity in the
the means by which this great work world If you can find a people

is to be accomplished. who have not rejected Jesus Christ

It is a tremendous responsibility as the Son of God in the flesh, the
men assume when they presume to Messiah, the Savior and Redeemer
set aside the plan which the Lord of the world, then we will not ques-
has instituted for the saving of the tion their right to be called Chris-
souls of men, substituting therefor tians; but, we do not acknowledge
one of man's making. There are, those as Christians who deny Him
however, thousands and millions in part or whole of what He is. I
who have so done. I think it was understand that many, if not most,
this class to whom the Lord re- of the preachers of today, professed
ferred in his expression contained Christians, reject Jesus Christ as
in John 10:1, which reads as fol- the Savior and Redeemer of the
lows : "Verily, verily I say unto world, accepting Him only as a
you, he that entereth not by the door great philosopher or wise teacher.
into the sheep fold, but climbeth up They have rejected the chief cor-
some other way, the same is a thief nerstone of Christianity, and have
and a robber." undermined and rendered powerless
There is another class whose re- for salvation their professed Chris-
sponsibility is still greater, for they tianity. Not so with the Latter-
have not only accepted a substitute day Saints. We
realize that there
plan for the saving of souls, but is no virtue for salvation and exal-

they have adopted as their vocation tation outside of the atoning blood
the preaching and teaching of the of Jesus Christ, our Savior. There
same to their fellows, thus blinding is no other name under heaven by

their eyes to the simple truths of which man may obtain salvation.
the Gospel, and prejudicing their The whole plan of salvation is
minds against the true cause of founded upon revelation and Jesus
God. I have authority for this state- Christ; rejecting these there is no
ment in the words of the Apostle foundation left upon which to build

nor to stand. The ordinances of not attain to salvation. But repent-
the Gospel have virtue in them by ance means something more than
reason of the atoning blood of Jesus to forsake our sins. If we have
Christ, and without it there would transgressed against others it is our
be no virtue in them for salvation. duty to right the wrong done as far
In this Gospel of Jesus Christ, re- as lies in our power, and, if it so be
vealed to earth through the instru- that we can not fully do so, then he
mentality of the Prophet Joseph whom we have wronged is under
Smith, through which to accom- obligation by commandment of the
plish the immortality and eternal Lord to forgive us and the Lord
life of man, there are certain in- will forgive us inasmuch as other
dispensable principles and ordin- conditions are satisfactory, for we
ances, such, for example, as faith, must forgive others who have
repentance, baptism, confirmation transgressed against us (Matt. 6:
and the bestowal of the Holy 15), "But if ye forgive not men
Ghost, etc. Faith in God the eter- their trespasses neither will your
nal Father is an absolute necessity Father forgive your trespass." An-
to salvation. The Apostle Paul pre- other condition making our repent-
sents this fact clearly to the He- ance perfect and effective is the
brews (Heb. 11:6), "But without water baptism or burial in the grave
faith it is impossible to please Him of water in likeness and typical of
for he that cometh to God must be- the burial and resurrection of the
lieve that He
is, and that He is a re- Lamb of God by which the sins
warder of them that diligently seek are washed away. This ordinance
Him." Do men hope to obtain sal- of baptism by water is fol-
vation outside of His presence, that lowed by the baptism of the Spirit
they can reject Him or believe Him or confirmation to membership
to be but the shadow of one's self in the Church of Christ, and
or of one's imagination ? I think the bestowal of the Holy Ghost by
that such doctrines are as pernicious those who are duly authorized. We
as the doctrine that there is no God, are then to go on to perfection, add-
and those who accept such doctrines ing to our faith virtue, knowledge,
place themselves in the condition of temperance, patience, godliness,
those of whom the Psalmist wrote, brotherly kindness, chastity, etc. We
Psalms 14:1, "The fool hath said in are to seek after that which is vir-
his heart 'There is no God.' " God tuous, lovely, of good report and
has given us sufficient evidence of praiseworthy and obey all com-
His existence, His personality and mandments of the Lord living by
attributes that unbelieving man is every word that proceedeth from
left without excuse. It is no less the mouth of God. This indicates
important that we accept Jesus the method of securing salvation for
Christ as the Savior and Redeemer our own souls. There is the fur-
of man, as has been already ex- ther responsibility of laboring for
plained. the saving of the souls of others,
Repentance is also a necessity. As by the preaching of the Gospel
long as we are mortals we. will abroad, by laboring in the organ-
have sins to be repented of, for sins izations of the Church where called,
not repented of will not be forgiven, and by perceptive teaching wher-
and, in our sins unforgiven, we can ever opportunity is afforded as well

as preaching, always and wherever or out of it, as to its development,

our lots may be cast, by the con- its progress, its stability.
sistent exemplary life. If we have I have been thinking that if com-
uppermost in our minds and hearts parative figures were available, it
the saving of souls we will find am- would be seen that since the organi-
ple opportunity of laboring to this zation of the Church, eighty-six
end. years ago until today, development
I bear my testimony to you, my has been consistent and constant,
brethren and sisters, of the truth of that from year to year the Church
these things which I do in the name has gained greater strength, greater
of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. prestige, and that greater faith has
come to the people as the years have
A contralto solo entitled, "Sup- passed. I have been asking myself
plication" was sung by Sister Ma- the question, what will the next
mie F. Stark it was written by
; fifteen years of the history of the
S. B. Mitton. Church develop? Where will we
be,what will be our numbers, what
will be our increased influence in
ELDER ANTHONY W. IVINS. the world, what progress will the

Evidences of continued and acceler-

Church of Christ have made? I
ated progress of the Church Im- — look forward with optimism be-
portant mission of the Church in cause I believe that, just as from

Peace movement The Saints an year to year there has been greater
example of peace and righteousness
development, just as during the
— Vital questions now perplexing

the world Present great need of fourteen years of the history of the
nations is just men to make and ad- Church, which have been reviewed,

minister laws 'Responsibility of the its progress has been greater com-
people to elect good men The — paratively, perhaps, than at any-
Church wants prohibition.
other period of its history, so in the
The proceedings of this confer- future will there be increased de-
ence, mybrethren and sisters, have velopment. This is the Lord's
been very gratifying to me as I be- work and is in the world to pre-
lieve they have to all of the Latter- vail, to become better understood

day Saints who have been present. and to gain greater influence for
The definite, unmistakable manner good among the people.
T have been thinking if we could
in which the fundamental doctrines
.of the Church have been presented confine ourselves to this environ-
by the Presidency, the testimony to ment, if we could always be to-
the divinity of the work which has gether, if we could always enjoy
been borne by the presiding author- the spirit of testimony and assur-
ities of the Church and our breth- ance as the Lord gives it to us in
ren who have addressed us, the re- these conferences, we ought to be
ports made to us in regard to the a very happy, and contented, and
development and progress of the satisfied people, and I believe that
Church during the past fourteen we are as a rule. But we go out
years have all been very gratifying from these conferences, and find
indeed to me, and T think ought to ourselves in the world a very small
put at rest any doubt, if doubt there part of the world, but nevertheless,
is, or has been, either in the Church a very important part of it, because

the work of the Lord is not con- Lord ; that he should teach them to
fined to the state ofUtah; it is not be industrious, providing for their
confined to these United States it ; own families, avoiding extrav-
is a world work, and consequently agance that he should teach wom-

it must be vitally interested in en to be modest in their apparel,

world conditions, and its influence not adorning themselves extrav-
and power must be exercised in the agantly. That he should teach the
affairs of the world if its destiny is poor to be obedient and acknowl-
to be accomplished. So as I have edge God in their poverty, and the
thought of the peace which pre- rich to seek righteousness rather
vails at home, of the satisfactory- than riches, admonishing them that
condition of the Church and the the love of money was the root of all
comparatively satisfactory condi- evil, but that if they acquired
tion of our country compared with riches they must acknowledge God
other countries of the world, I in it and give Him the credit. He
reach the conclusion that our work told him that these things must be
is not by any means accomplished. taught in the Church in order that
It is just beginning, the influence men's feet might be firmly estab-
that we expect to attain, the power lished in the truth for he bore wit-

of the Gospel for good, the estab- ness that the time would come,
lishment of peace and order in the which he called the last days, when
'religious and the civil world, for men would be lovers of their own-
we cannot separate them, is a mis- selves, rather than lovers of God
sion that has tremendous possibil- they would be covetous, boasters,
ities. Perhaps I should not say proud, blasphemous, disobedient,
possibilities, but tremendous cer- unthankful, unholy, without natural
tainty before it. affection, truce-breakers, false ac-
I have been thinking, while sit- cusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers
ting here, of the words of Paul. of those that are good, traitors,
Some of his words have been quot- heady, high-minded, lovers of pleas-
ed this afternoon. He wrote, you ure more than lovers of God, hav-
know, to Timothy whom he ad- ing a form of godliness but deny-
dressed as his son, one who had ing the power thereof. From all
accepted the truth just as we have such turn away, for such people
accepted it. The spirit of those he says, are ever learning yet never
epistles, his whole admonition to able to come to a knowledge of the
Timothy was that he should con- truth. Comparing the condition of
tinue devoted to the Lord, that he the Church with the condition
should retain the faith, never wav- which prevails in the world gener-
ering that he should remember the
; ally, I thought of these words of
law of the Lord which he had the apostle-prophet. Do you know,
pledged himself to keep and ob- my brethren and sisters,, how fruit-
serve; that he should remember to less, in acomplishment have been
honor and uphold the law of the the teachings of modern Christian-
land; and being devoted to these ity? The Christian world is en-
doctrines himself, admonish all gaged in deadly strife, nation ar-
other men and women to observe rayed against nation, people against
them. That he should teach men people. They have taken up the
to keep the commandments of the sword one against the other, are

killing each other, and yet profes- lars, or half a billion dollars every
sing to be followers of the Redeem- year.
er of the world, all having the We are not asking in the United
Bible, all having the word of the States, so directly, what we may do
Lord as it is contained here in these to be saved, but we are asking what
scriptures, and yet are engaged in can we do to perpetuate existing
the most heartless and bloody war conditions ? Can we save ourselves
the world has ever known, in mod- from this world war? Will we be
ern times at least. attacked? Will our resources be
While Brother Grant was quot- too dissipated and wasted? Men
ing statistics this morning I thought advocate greater navies, greater
of, and during the noon hour copied armies, stronger fortifications, in
from remarks made in the British order that the God-given principles
Parliament, just a few days ago, of liberty that exist in the United
by the Premier of England, these States, as they exist in no other part
facts, that the European War is of the world, may be maintained
costing Great Britain alone twenty- and this heritage of our fathers be
five millions of dollars every day, perpetuated. They are vital ques-
or nine billion, one hundred twenty- tions, questions that are before the
five million dollars a year —
figures world. They are before us and we
that are staggering, almost beyond cannot escape nor shirk them. Now
our comprehension. Statesmen in there must be a cause for this con-
that country, and not in that coun- dition, and a remedy, and I take it
try alone, for the very same ques- for granted that if I see, or think
tion is being asked here in the I see the cause, and if I see or think
United States, are asking what can I see the remedy, it is not only my

we do to be saved? It is not so privilege but my duty to say so. I

much spiritual salvation that they asked myself the question, the first
are asking for, but to save our- day of this conference, in what
selves from ourselves, for they rea- does the strength of the Church
lize that this dissipation and waste consist? And the answer very
in the wealth of the world cannot readily came to me —
in the first
long continue, to say nothing of the place it is the work of the Lord re-
waste in human life and human sac- stored to the earth in the dispen-
rifice which is being made. So sation in which we live, divinely
these statesmen in England begin to established through the instrumen-
look around for means of retrench- tality of the Prophet Joseph Smith ;

ment. The English people are the Gospel in its fulness has come
warned against extravagance, they to us. We
understand it, we know
are warned against needless ex- that the laws and ordinances, of the
penditures ; and among other Church are perfect, but I thought
things, and one of the most import-, to myself, except those laws and
ant things to which their attention ordinances are administered in
is being called, is the fact that in righteousness, by trustworthy men,
that country every year there is ex- they amount to nothing. We may
pended for strong drink and nar- have the word of the Lord. We
cotics, that might better be done may profess righteousness, we may
without, the tremendous sum of know His will, but if the will of the
five hundred fifty millions of dol- Lord is not manifest in our works.

works being the expression of faith, vail. Now, in the scripture that I
they amount to nothing. I know have read, Paul said the conditions
that you could begin at the very referred to there would come in the
head of the Church, and go down last days. The Lord said to the
through all these quorums, to the Prophet Joseph, "In the last days,
presidents of stakes, the members even now, the day in which I am
of high councils, the bishops of beginning my work, the angels of
wards, those who preside over the the Lord stand ready constantly
auxiliary organizations of the crying to Him to be permitted to
Church, and you will find that every go out and reap down the world,
man of them are selected with the for the harvest is ripe." So we are
greatest care, because of their in- living in the last days. Do you
tegrity, and integrity expresses it need to be told that men manifest-
all. If a man profess faith in God ing in their lives the condition re-
and has integrity, he will adhere to ferred to by Paul exist? We come
God's commandments and you will
; in contact with them wherever we
find in the Church that these are go, and so I say — and I have little
clean men, devoted men. You fear of successful contradiction
cannot find an immoral man that the condition of confusion that
among them, not one. You cannot exists in the world, both in the re-
find an intemperate man amon»' ligious and in the civil world, is the
them, you cannot find a man whose result of the administration of the
word is not to be relied upon, you affairs of the church, and of the
cannot find a man who is a hypo- state by men who have departed
crite, who professes religion and from the way of the Lord. They
does not exemplify it in his life; are not men of faith, they take
and that constitutes the strength of honor to themselves, they do not
the Church, the strength of the give Him the credit. They misin-
men who are in it and who control terpret the word of the Lord, be-
its affairs. There can be no strength cause to properly interpret it would
in the Church, there can be no defeat their purposes.
strength in the state, except that Now, what is the remedy? Our
condition shall prevail, no matter Church needs no present remedy
what the constitutional law of the because it adheres to the word of
land may be. the Lord, as I have borne witness
They have just as good a consti- to you. The responsibility of call-
tution in Mexico as we have in the ing these men to conduct its af-
United States, but there has never fairs rests with the presiding au-
been men there to execute it. They thorities of the Church. Every one
have perverted the laws men have
; of these men know how they have
transgressed the law of God, been catechised, how their lives have
changed the ordinances of the been scrutinized and criticised be-
Church, and broken the everlasting fore they are called to responsible
covenant, while they profess to positions,and they know that they
speak in the name of the Lord, so must pass successfully that criti-
have men there perverted the just cism if they are selected and sus-
laws that have been written into tained as representatives of the
the statute books by their fathers, Lord's work and that if one of
until anarchy and confusion pre- them should cease to be a man of


integrity and character, no matter selection of good men, and honest

who he may be, one of us or one men, and righteous men to repre-
of them, the minute we depart from sent themin public affairs.
the way of the we lose
Lord, How are you going to separate
our place. The minute we forget the church from the state ? The
the obligation which rests upon us state controls the church abso-
in His service, no matter what may lutely, controls your property, con-
have been our calling, the moment trols your lives. It takes your
we place our personal affairs before property from you if it wishes, it
the affairs of the kingdom, the min- presses you into service, it declares
ute we seek to gratify our own am- war or makes peace and you cannot
bition or to accomplish our own avoid it, however much you may
selfish purposes through the influ- desire, and however much we may
ences of the priesthood, the Lord claim that we are independent, that
has told us that we lose the power what we have belongs to us. After
that He has given us, and amen to all the finalitythat the state con-

the priesthood or authority of that trols us. Is necessary or im-


man. He cannot be an immoral or portant, then, that good men ad-

wicked man and hold his place in minister public affairs, trustworthy
the Church. Just as long as that men ? It seems to me that it is
condition continues, the Church is not only necessary, but absolutely
absolutely safe. indispensable, and that is the rea-
The needs the very same
state son I am calling your attention to
thing. 1 am going to assume to it. There can be no peace, there
say that the one thing in the world can be no perpetuity of the institu-
that is needed today, the one great tions of this country without it,
preparedness that the world needs there can be no proper development
is —
the men men of integrity, men in this state of ours without it.
of faith, men of economy, men of I don't know that I need take
industry, men who will control and time to read it to you, but here, in
manage your public affairs as you the Doctrine and Covenants, the
manage and control your private Lord tells us that in order that these
affairs, men selected by the voice conditions may be maintained it is
of the people. our duty to seek out good men, and
If conditions of confusion exist wise men and just men to control
in the world I always look to the our civil affairs. I want to put
word of the Lord for a remedy, be- emphasis on these words "Seek
cause I believe in it, I believe in it out." It seems to me that it has
as He gave it to His people an- almost come to a point when, in-
ciently, I believe in it as He re- stead of seeking out men to serve
vealed it to us through His prophet us, we sit suplinely down and let
in this dispensation, I believe in it the men seek the office and hunt
as it comes to us through living or- their way in. A man said to me the
acles of God who declare His word other day, "I have been approached
to us in the day in which we live. and asked to run for governor. I
Tf the word of the Lord is to be de- have been told that if I can put up
pended upon the safety and de- ten thousand dollars I will have a
velopment and welfare of the peo- good chance to be elected." That
ple of all nations depends upon the kind of politics is dangerous. Men

ought to be sought out by the peo- published, and have gone out to the
ple. Do you know what the Lord world, and repeatedly you have
said to the Nephites who lived upon sent men up here who absolutely
this continent of ours, and who ignored it, ignored your will, for
were destroyed because of the very I believe it was the will of the ma-

forces to which I am referring? jority. Whowas responsible for

Mosiah said, when they would have it? We don't want you to hold us
elected him king, that it was not responsible. We
do not elect
wise, nor proper that a king should legislators. You who hold the
be elected among them, but rather franchise in this state are responsi-
he said let men be chosen by the ble and if you don't want good
voice of the people to frame laws, laws, if you want this state to con-
and administer them. It was done, tinue to stand abashed and humili-
and they administered the law in ated among its neighbors, if you
righteousness. For sixty years want it to continue to sustain the
there was peace but at the end of two most pernicious influences that
that time there came an element in- are at work today in the world for
to the politics of the nation which, the destruction of your sons and
under the very same laws, the very daughters, go on sending up men
same constitution, so ingratiated that will vote for liquor, for open
themselves into the hearts of the saloons, and with them for houses
people that the majority voted for of prostitution, and it won't be very
wicked men instead of good ones, long till you will get it. I tell you
and the historian bears record that that you must control it, you must
in the beginning of that sixtieth subject it to your will, or it will
year, when the majority of the peo- subject you to its will.
ple accepted wicked men as their I do not want to be misunder-
chief judges and rulers, their dis- stood on this question. If you are
solution and destruction com- like those people to whom I have
menced. referred, if the majority want a
So it going to continue to be
is wicked man, a man who will dis-
in all nations, and I wanted to sound regard your will send him up but ;

this note of warning. Men who do do not be deceived in the words of


the will of the people should be Rudyard Kipling, "Do not allow
sought for office. Have I had any knaves to twist the truth men utter
reason to doubt that the will of the tomake traps for foolish men and
people will be done, or has been women," and lead them to believe
done by men that you have elected that truth is error, and error truth
to office, I think you only need to but exercise your judgment, with
review the history of the last six the Spirit of the Lord to direct
years for an answer to this ques- you, and take this matter in hand
tion. In a congregation similar to and control it. There has been no
this the Presidency of the Church, change of policy so far as the
the presiding authorities of the Church is concerned upon that
Church, expressed themselves great question of prohibition. It
clearly and unmistakably upon a stands right where it did in the be-
great issue which was before the ginning. We
are for it and want
people, and we voted here to sus- it.

tain that issue. The words were God bless vou, my brethren and

sisters, in the name of Jesus Christ. daughters of Israel, the chosen

Amen. blood of Ephraim, upon whom re-
sponsibility rests in this age. The
thing to which I specially refer that
PATRIARCH HYRUM G. SMITH. is not pleasing in the sight of the

Lord, nor to our faithful fathers

Testimony that the Lord is pleased and mothers in Israel, is the fact

with His Church officials Duty of
that too many of our boys and girls,
Church members to marry in the

Temple Man and wife should be of choice young men and women, are

same religious faith Observance of not availing themselves of the bless-
Word of Wisdom enjoined Won- — ings of the Lord as administered in
ders of sound transmission Bless- — the Holy Temples. To the Latter-
ings invoked upon the Church and
its members. day Saints, the Lord has given His
law, which provides that if they
My brethren and sisters, I am abide not by it, there will come a
grateful for the privilege of stand- time when there will be weeping
ing before you for a few moments. and wailing, distress and sorrow,
I know that this is the work of the and we do not have to wait until
Lord, and I am very grateful to after death, either, because we see
Him for the experiences I have re- these conditions in this life, because
ceived in His service during my of our disobedience, and because of
visits throughout the Stakes of the fact that altogether too many of
Zion I have visited nearly all of
; our young people, when they mar-
them during the last three and a ry, accept the laws of the land only,
half years. I have made a number and not the laws of God, both of
of observations, and have learned which are legal and lawful as far as
that the Lord is pleased with those this life is concerned, but only the
who preside over the Church, those laws of God are valid after death.
whom He has honored to hold re- This conduct on the part of many of
sponsible positions, who have been our young people, to marry outside
referred to in this conference as the Temples, or to marry those not
the General Authorities of the of their own faith is not pleasing in
Church, including the presidencies the sight of the Lord. I counsel my
of stakes of Zion, high councilors, brothers and sisters, particularly
the bishoprics of wards, and many those who are born and raised in
others who bear the Holy Priest- the Church, to avail themselves of
hood. This is my testimony, the the blessings of the House of the
Spirit of the Lord is with them Lord and, if they are not now pre-

wherever they are called to labor, pared to do this, that they humble
even from the greatest down to the themselves and repent, and prepare
least. to live worthy of the teachings of
The blessings of the Lord are their faithful parents.
with this people, yet in spite of this Very much has been said in this
condition there are a few things ex- conference about the Word of Wis-
isting in our midst with which the dom. I believe that the time has
Lord is not pleased. I have noticed passed when the Lord will look up-
this particularly among some of our on us as a people, or as individuals,
young people. Our young people and, as was said anciently, will wink
are choice, they are the sons and at our failings and weaknesses. I
believe that the Lord expects the the laws of God, to send the human
youths of Israel today to live clean voice into the heavens. This is a
and pure lives, and leave alone the force which the world's scientists
things which He has said are not do not understand at present but, ;

good for us. My exhortation to the as Latter-day Saints, we have been

youths of Israel today, and to the praying to our Father in heaven for
parents in Israel, that we should many years, and have learned that
obey the laws of the Lord, and ab- our prayers will be answered as
stain from the things which He has long as we keep our minds in tune
said are not good for us, repent of with the Spirit of the Lord. The
our present failings, and live here- key-note to it all is humility and
after in accordance with the laws of faith. 1 pray that the Lord will

God. Let the youths of Israel se- bless us with faith to understand
cure their blessings in the House of and appreciate the plainness of the
the Lord, that their future genera- Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,
tions may not condemn and cen- and render obedience to it. May we
sure them for having neglected comprehend the revelations, live by
their privileges as fathers and moth- them, and teach them to our chil-
ers. dren that they also may live by
I am thankul for the blessings of them. May the youths of Israel be
the House of the Lord, and I thank valiant in defense of the truth and
the Lord for my present standing in live worthy to receive the promised

the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- blessings.

ter-day Saints. I know that the By virtue of my calling, I bless
Lord lives and that He will hear this people, the Latter-day Saints
and answer our prayers. As a peo- in all the world. May God bless all
ple, our prayers will be answered if Israel ;bless the choice youths of
we will humble ourselves and call Israel that they may have confi-
upon the Lord in faith. We are dence in their parents' teachings,
living in an age when developments and listen to them with honor and
in the scientificworld are bringing respect. May we not turn away
forth many valuable lessons. There from sacred things, and laugh or
are many good men and women in scoff at them, but may we have in
the world who do not humble them- our minds respect and reverence for
selves in prayer because they can- sacred things and sacred rites, that
not see and understand the philos- the Lord may not withhold His
ophy of it, they cannot reason it out blesssings from us. I pray the
in their own minds. Some of those blessings of the Lord upon you, and
who possess bright minds have in- upon the Church from first to last,
vented and manufactured apparatus all the faithful in the House of
with which they can send the hu- Israel, gathered and scattered, that
man voice across the continent, or the time may speedily come, my
ocean, thousands of miles, even brethren and sisters, when the pur-
without the use of wires, but yet in- poses of the Lord shall be accom-
dividuals of such intellectual ability plished in the earth. May we think
do not humble themselves sufficient- seriously of the sacred things of
ly to admit that in the human mind life, and not turn away from the

there is an apparatus which has the laws of God nor the blessings prom-
power, if operated in obedience to ised to the children of Israel in

these the last days. I pray our Sarah L. Wood, James Moncarr
Father's blessings upon us all in and the choir.
the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Elder Rey L. Pratt offered the
closing prayer.
"God bless ourmountain home." Conference adjourned until Sun-
a duet and chorus, was rendered by day, April 9th, at 10 a. m.
— :

Conference was resumed in the portance is not to be undervalued.
Tabernacle, at 10 a. m., Sunday, Nevertheless, I believe it is some-
April 9th; President Joseph F. times a good thing to reflect upon
Smith presiding. the past, which is as a guide book to
President Smith announced an the present and future to read the ;

overflow meeting to be held this a. history of God's people, to ponder

m., in the adjoining Assembly Hall, upon the predictions of His serv-
under direction of Elder Heber J. ants and their recorded hopes and
Grant, for the benefit of those who expectations concerning things to
cannot be accomodated in the Tab- come. And wish to
in this spirit I
ernacle, now overcrowded. draw the minds of the congregation
The choir and congregation sang toward a revelation given through
the hymn, "Now let us rejoice in the Joseph the Seer in the month of
day of salvation." December, 1833, just after the ex-
Prayer was offered by Elder John pulsion of our people from Jack-
A. Elison. son County, Missouri. Therein the
The male members of the choir Lord says
sang the hymn, "See, the mighty
angel flying." "Verily, I say unto you concerning
your brethren who have been afflicted
and persecuted and cast out from the
land of their inheritance,
"I, the Lord, have suffered the af-

Past, present and future The Mis-
fliction to come upon them wherewith
they have been afflicted, in conse-
souri troubles and events that fol-

lowed Prophecies concerning Zion
quence of their transgressions;
"Yet I will own them and they shall
— —
and her stakes Joseph Smith and
be mine in that day when I shall come
the exodus -Anson Call's Statement
—What Brigham Young beheld to make ur> my jewels.
"Behold, I say unto you, there were
"Mormonism's" monument.
jarrings and contentions and envyings
and strifes and lustful and coveteous
"Look not mournfully into the desires among them; therefore by
past wisely improve the present,
; these things they polluted their inher-
and go forth to meet the future itances.
"They were slow to hearken unto
with a manly heart." So says the the voice of the Lord their God,
poet Longfellow. therefore the Lord their God is slow
I am convinced of the uselessness to hearken unto their prayers, to an-
of dreaming too much upon the swer them in the day of their trou-
ble. * * *
past, or of speculating too much
"Veril I say unto you, notwith-

about the future. I regard the duty standing their sins, my bowels are
of the present hour as paramount. filled with compassion towards them:
I will not utterly cast them off; and
The present is the outcome of the
in the day of wrath I will remember
past; and it is the great hook upon
which the future hangs. Its im- "I have sworn, and the decree hath

gone forth by former command-

a meaning of Zion, according to the
ment which I have given unto you, word of the Lord. A prophecy is
that I would let fall the sword of mine
my people; contained in this revelation: The
indignation in behalf of
and even as I have said, it shall come colony driven from that land in
to pass. 1833, or their descendants, joined
"Mine indignation is soon to be with Zion's other children, or a
poured out without measure upon all
people gathered out from among
nations, and this will I do when the
cup of their iniquity is full. them, a pure-hearted people, are
"And in that day all who are found eventually to return and build up
upon the watch tower, or in other the waste places of Zion. In the
words,all mine Israel shall be saved.
* # # # meantime other places, called
"Therefore, let your hearts be com- Stakes of Zion, likewise appointed
forted concerning Zion; for all flesh is of God, are to be inhabited by the
in mine hands: be still and know that Latter-day Saints.
I am God.
How wonderfully the history of
"Zion shall not be moved out of
her place, notwithstanding her chil- our people has fulfilled, thus far,
dren are scattered; "They that re- that great prediction. How can we
main, and are pure in heart, shall re- doubt that the God of Israel, who
turn, and come to their inheritances,
has made good His word in so many
they and their children, with songs of
everlasting joy, to build up the waste respects, will keep His promise as
places of Zion." to the greater fulfillment? There
* * *
is no room for doubt in my heart,

"I have other places which I will brethren

nor in yours, as I believe,
appoint unto them, and they shall be
called Stakes, for the curtains or the and sisters, concerning these things.
strength of Zion." A
few years after this revelation
was given, the Church of Christ,
Several very important facts are the Latter-day Saints, were once
here presented for the consideration more on the move. They emigrated
of God's people. In the first place, from Northern Ohio, where they
they are reminded of the great ob- then had their headquarters, to
ject for which this Latter-day work —
Wsetern Missouri not to Jackson
was instituted, namely, the building County, from which part a portion
up of Zion, preparatory to the glor- of the community had been driven,
ious coming of the Lord. Prior to but to Caldwell, Daviess, and other
that expulsion, the place for the counties, where Stakes of Zion were
city, New Jerusalem, unto which a organized or projected. There the
people will gather, to make the Saints gathered to the number of
preparation that is absolutely essen- about fifteen thousand. But a repe-
tial before the Lord will come the — tition of the troubles that had
very place for the city had been des- driven the colony from Jackson
ignated, and from this revelation County, caused the cruel expulsion
we learn why those who had been of the entire body from the State of
sent to Jackson County to build up Missouri, in 1838-1839.
Zion were not permitted to accom- Four years later, or thereabout,
plish the work at that time. Infer- the Prophet Joseph Smith voiced a
entially —
nay, directly, we are told great prediction which you and I
what kind of a people will be per- are now helping to fulfill a predic-

mitted to do that work, namely, tion fulfilled in part by our parents

"the pure in heart," for that is the and grandparents who came to the
: —

Rocky Mountains to buildup these transcontinental railroad. Anson
Stakes of Zion. I will read to you Call was subsequently a prominent
just what the Prophet said on that figure in Davis County, where many
occasion. At Nauvoo, Illinois, un- of his descendants still dwell. He
der date of the 6th of August, 1842, was a man of sterling worth, truth-
he made this entry in his journal ful, and reliable, and here is the
statement that he authorized con-
"Passed over the river to Montrose,
Iowa, in company with General cerning Joseph Smith's prediction :

Adams, Colonel Brewer and others,

and witnessed the installation of the "A block schoolhouse had been pre-
officers of the Rising Sun Lodge, An- pared with shade in front, under
cient York Masons, at Montrose, by- which was a barrel of ice water. Judge
General James Adams, Deputy Grand Adams, the highest Masonic authority
Master of Illinois. While the Deputy in the State of Illinois, had been sent
Grand Master was engaged in giving there to organize this lodge. He,
the requisite instructions to the Mas- Hyrum Smith and J. C. Bennett, be-
ter-elect, I had a conversation with a ing high Masons, went into the house
number of brethren in the shade of to perform some ceremonies which
the building on the subject of our per- the others %vere not entitled to wit-
secutions in Missouri and the con- ness. Lhese, including Joseph Smith,
stant annoyance which has followed remained under the bowery. Joseph
us since we were driven from that as he was tasting the cold water,
State. I prophesied that the Saints warned the brethren not to be too free
would continue to suffer much afflic- with it. With the tumbler still in his
tion, and would be driven to the hand, he prophesied that the Saints
Rocky Mountains, many would apos- would yet go to the Rocky Mountains,
tatize, others ivould be put to death and said he, 'This water tastes much
by our persecutors or lose their lives like that of the crystal streams that
in consequence of exposure or disease, are running from the snow-capped
and some of you will live to go and mountains. I had before seen him in
assist in making settlements and build a vision, and now saw, while he was
cities and see the Saints become a talking, his countenance change to
mighty people in the midst of the white, not the deadly white of a blood-
Rocky Mountains." less face, but a living, brilliant white.
He seemed absorbed in gazing upon
One of the men who was present something at a great distance and
said, "I am gazing upon the valleys of
on that occasion and heard this those mountains.'
prophecy, has left a statement con- "It is impossible," continues Anson
cerning it which I will also read. Call, "to represent in words this scene
That man was Anson Call. He lived which is still vivid in my mind, the
grandeur of Joseph's appearance, his
tocome to the Rocky Mountains and beautiful descriptions of this land, and
assist in fulfilling the Prophet's his wonderful prophetic utterances as
prediction. He was the pioneer of they emanated from the glorious in-
Millard County he with others spirations that overshadowed him.

There was a force and power in his

founded Fillmore, the original cap- exclamations, of which the following
ital of the Territory of Utah. Af- is but a faint echo: "Oh, the beauty
terwards he established Call's Land- of those snow-capped mountains! The
ing on the Colorado River, there be- cool, refreshing streams that are run-
nine down through those, mountain
ing a project at that time to bring gorges!' Then, gazing in another di-
immigrants and freight up the river rection, as if there was a change of
to a certain point, and thence con- locality, 'Oh, the scenes that this peo-
ple will pass through, the dead that
vey them northward into Utah
will lie between here and there!' Then,
a project that would have succeeded turning in another direction, as if the
but for the construction of the scene had again changed, 'Oh, the

apostasy that will take place before etic vision concerning it has been
my brethren reach that land! But,' ratified by the practical judgment
he continued, 'the priesthood shall
prevail over its enemies, triumph over
of one of the biggest railroad men
the devil, and be established upon the that this country has produced the —
earth, never more to be thrown lamented E. H. Harriman, who ex-
down!' " pressed the conviction that Salt
Lake City was destined to be one of
Joseph Smith, when he uttered the four greatest American cities.
this prophecy, when he beheld this The point I wish to press home is
vision, was standing upon the banks this, that Brigham Young beheld it
of the Mississippi River, fifteen in by the gift of seership,
hundred miles from where we now just as Joseph Smith had beheld it
are. Yet he saw the Rocky Moun- previously. According to Erastus
tains, and the crystal streams flowing Snow, President Young saw a tent
from yonder canyons, and I doubt settling down from heaven over
not that if he had led his people to this very spot, and heard a voice
this land, as he once purposed do- from above proclaiming "This is :

ing, he would have recognized it as the place where my people Israel

a familiar scene, having beheld it in shall pitch their tents."
vision, by the seeric gift, before he What availed it, after that, for
saw it with the natural eye. But the men to come from the Coast, as did
Prophet was not destined to fulfill Samuel Brannan and others, and
his own prediction his martyrdom ;
try to persuade President Young
prevented and the Lord raised up
to passby this then forbidding spot,
another mighty man to carry out and establish his colony on the fer-
the project, to become the founder tile slopes of the Pacific ? Brigham
of Utah, and the redeemer of the Young knew what was best for
Great American Desert. God's people. He had the word of
Erastus Snow, one of the Utah the Prophet, that the Latter-day
pioneers, declared from this stand, Saints would become mighty, not
in July, 1880, that Brigham Young in California, not in Mexico, not
beheld Salt Lake Valley while in Canada, nor in the islands of
crossing the plains in the spring or the sea (though there might be
early summer of 1847 beheld it in — stakes of Zion there), but "in the
vision, and so vividly that when his midst of the Rocky Mountains."
eye, his natural eye, rested upon it, That was Joseph Smith's predic-
he could say with assurance "This : tion. Brigham Young would not
is the place." General Grant's fa- go past that prophecy, and to con-
mous phrase, "Let us have peace," firm his judgment and his reverence
is scarcely more noted now than for the word of God, he had a vision
Brigham Young's historic utter- showing him that this was indeed
ance, "This is the place." I notice the place that the Lord had selected
that the "Gentiles" are beginning for His people. Colonel Bridger
to use it to advertise this beautiful could not dissuade him from set-
valley, which the great Pioneer saw tling here;Samuel Brannan could
peopled and inhabited while it was not and after the Pioneers had en-

yet a barren waste saw it filled — tered the Valley, and while they
with towns and villages yes, saw — were organizing parties to explore
it as one great city and his proph-
; the surrounding country, their

leader said to them "Brethren, you
: long enough to become strong
can go north, south, east and west, enough to fulfill our greater des-
and you will find many-eligible sites tiny.The same Prophet who fore-
for settlements, but you will come told the mightiness of the Saints in
back and say with me that this is the midst of these mountains, de-
the place for our chief city." Driv- clared that the much maligned, mis-
ing his cane into the soil upon the understood 'Mormon" people would
very spot where now stands the yet be the saviors of their country,
Salt Lake Temple, he exclaimed would stand with their feet firm
"Here we will build the city and upon the rocky ramparts of liberty,
temple of our God." holding aloft the Flag and the Con-
Brigham Young was Joseph stitution at a time when traitors and
Smith's executor. The Prophet had anarchists would fain trample them
beheld these scenes and foretold in the mire. They would call to
these happenings. God had spoken their aid lovers of law and order
to him concerningthem. And we from every part of the Nation and
of today are participating in the ful- from every corner of the world,
fillment of his wonderful prophecy. and would stand for freedom -m 1

We are building upon the founda- equal rights, for justice and mercy
tion that he laid. President Young and peace, when all the world
built upon it, the Latter-day Saints around them would be at war, one
have built upon it, and are still ful- nation with another, and every man
filling his inspired words concern- against his neighbor. They would
ing this western land. protect and maintain the sacred,
But will our mission end here? God-inspired principles upon which
Is the State of Utah the proper the American Government is found-
monument of the "Mormon" peo- ed, and in due time would go down
ple ? No. Utah, symbolized by her in the might of the God of Israel
State Capitol, the noble structure and sweep the land free from anar-
crowning yonder hill, is the monu- chy and evil in all its forms.
ment of the composite people of this Zion, the great monument yet to
commonwealth. The State of Utah be reared, will stand in the proper
is not big enough to be the monu- place, upon the goodly land pointed
ment of the "Mormon" people. It out by the finger of God and conse-
represents only a part of their work, crated for that purpose. No other
and a preliminary part at that. The place has been appointed for the
monument to "Mormonism" will New Jerusalem. The "Gentiles"
stand in Jackson County, Missouri. used to say in derision that when-
There the great City will be built: ever the "Mormons" were driven
there Zion will arise and shine, "the from one Zion they had a revelation
joy of the whole earth," and there that Zion was to be somewhere else.
the Lord will come to His Temple This was intended to be funny, I
in His own time, when His people suppose, though the theme is some-
shall have made the required prep- what tragic. The "joke" would have
aration. more point if there was a grain of
Meanwhile, what are we doing? truth in it. It is sheer fiction. I
We are establishing Stakes of Zion, have already refuted it by reading
and getting ready to build the Zion the word of the Lord "Zion shall

of the future. We are here only not be moved out of her place, not-

withstanding her children are scat- from the people after this miracle
tered." Teach these things to your was performed, and crossed to the
sons and daughters. Tell them why other side of the sea of Galilee, to
their ancestors came to this land. It the city of Capernaum. The next
was for something more than to re- morning when the people dis-
deem a desert, and found a State. covered that the Lord had departed,
They came here to prepare them- they followed Him and asked when
selves for a far greater work, and He came hither, and Jesus rebuked
the lion is only crouching before them because they had not followed
he springs. God bless vou. Amen. Him because of the things He
taught them, but because of the
Sister Romania Hyde rendered a
loaves and fishes. He thereupon
instructed them to seek for the
violin solo, with organ accompani-
ment by Prof. John McClellan.
meat which endureth unto everlast-
ing life which He could. give unto
them. They promptly informed
ELDER JOSEPH F. SMITH, JR. Him that their fathers did eat man-
na in the wilderness which was
The Latter-day Saints have received bread from heaven. He answered
the words of eternal life "Christi-
— that the bread Moses gave was not
ans" who do not believe in Christ's
the true bread from heaven, but He

Divinity Man's reason needs the
Spirit's guidance —
Prevalent disbe- was the bread of life, and that who-
lief in Scripture statements The — ever came to Him should never
Infinite cannot be comprehended hunger, and those who believed on
by finite reasoning — Falacious
dogmas of modern scientists Es- — Him should never thirst. This
sentiality of Spiritual guidance dem- caused them to murmur, and to
make it more emphatic the Lord
declared unto them "I am that
My brethren and sisters, I am
bread of life.

Your fathers did

very greatly impressed, this morn-
eat manna in the wilderness and
ing, with the many evidences that
are dead. * * * I am the living
proclaim this to be in very deed the
bread which cometh down from

place the place of Zion that here ;

heaven." He offended them still

are found the people of the Lord
more by saying, "Except ye eat the
with whom He has made covenant,
flesh of the Son of man. and drink
and who have made covenant with
his blood, ye have no life in you,"
Him to serve Him and keep His referring to the ordinance which
commandments that Zion will
He later instituted, the sacrament
grow and prosper until her fame
shall fill the earth and her glory
of the Lord's supper. When He
made this statement they were
and majesty shall cover the face
greatly offended, and manv of those
who had professed belief in Him
I feel this morning very much as declared that it was a very hard
Peter did in his answer to the Lord saying, and they could not receive
after the feeding of the five thou- it. Or, as it is written: "From
sand, when he confessed the Lord that time many of His disciples
to be the Son of God. We
read in went back and walked no more
the sixth chapter of John's Gospel with Him. Then said Jesus unto
that the Savior departed secretly the twelve, Will ye also go away?

Then Simon Peter answered Him The writers were men who are
Lord to whom shall we go? Thou moulding the thought religiously
hast the words of eternal life. And and educationally, of the people of
we believe and are sure that Thou this land. I read quite a number of
art the Christ, the Son of the living these articles, and as I remember it
God. now, there was not among them all,
And I say, my brethren and sis- one declaration, clear cut and with-
morning, after
ters, that I feel this out modification, accepting Jesus
hearing the testimonies of the Christ as the Only Begotten Son of
brethren at this conference, very God, and the Redeemer of the
much as Peter did in answering the world and yet these articles were

Lord. Where can we go and find written by men who profess to be

the words of eternal life? We ministers of His gospel. They call
cannot turn to the right hand neith- themselves Christians, but they
er to the' left for there spiritual taught most everything else except
darkness reigns. Right here are to the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was
be found the words of eternal life, the Son of God. They were very
as they are given by revelation modern in their views, and accepted
and inspiration to the people of the theories and the ideas that pre-
Zion, and we know, as Peter did, vail so largely now in the world, in
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son contrast and contradiction to the
of the living God. This is our Gospel of our Lord, as His doctrine
message to the world and it is a
; is set forth in the Holy Scriptures.

very timely message, for the so- The final article of these papers, ap-
called Christian world is departing peared in the issue of that weekly
from the fundamentals, if they ever for March 15, 1915, and was en-
had them, of the Gospel of Jesus titled "The Sum of the Whole Mat-
Christ. They
are rejecting Him; ter. What I Believe and Why,"
they do accept Him as the
not and was introduced as the final
Christ, the Son of
the Living God. paper or word on these religious
Now, I do not wish to be misunder- subjects. The author of this final
stood, for I realize there are many paper was Dr. William Hays Ward.
in the world who do accept Jesus I want to read to you just a few
Christ as the Savior of mankind sentences. Mr. Ward said :

and as the Son of God but the ten-

"The sum

of the whole matter is

dency among the religious thinkers this:Reason is the last arbiter; our
arid speakers today is very largely own reason, our individual reason, my
in the direction of which I speak. reason, nobody's else. There are vari-
ous sources of authority. Bible, or
During the year 1914, and run- church, or God, but each one must be
ning into the year 1915, a number tested by our personal reason before
of articles appeared in the New it is believed. We are all of us at
York Independent, one of the lead- bottom rationalists, can not help be-
ing. What God is, whether there be a
ing weekly papers of the LT nited
God, we must decide by the best rea-
States which has a circulation in all son we have. If we are made in the
the states of the Union and in many image of God, that image is in reason,
countries abroad. These articles not in body." Now I want }'OU to re-
flect and remember that. "If we are
appeared at intervals of a week or
made in the image of God," he says,
two during that year and were en- "that image is in reason, not in body;
titled, "What I believe and Why." and our little reason can and must get
: :


some true view of God, just as our and the judgment of Leviticus, that
little blinking myopic eyes can truly, is, the word of the Lord as found
if imperfectly, decry the infinite
in the book of Leviticus; neither is
spangled universe. Reason may see
faintly, even erringly, but it is all we it as good as the judgment of Moses

have to guide us. It may rest on or any other of the old prophets,
custom, tradition, social inheritance, for the very good reason that Moses
the teaching from childhood of those
whom we think possessed of more and the prophets were led and di-
knowledge and judgment than we, but rected by the Spirit of God. These
all our beliefs rest on such reason as men are not so led, they have re-
we have. * * It is by reason that jected the Lord and in His place
we too must test the Bible as well as
the Vedas, Moses as well as Hesiod or
have set up, as they did at one time
Zarathustra. If we find in our Bible in the nation of France, the god of
anything of cosmogony, or history or reason which they worship, and
morals that does not approve itself to which leads them into all kinds of
our reason, we must reject it, we can
errors because of their faulty and
not help it. That did not, could not
come direct from God, but came erroneous reasoning, such as these
through fallible men, the framework sentences express which I have read
and the chord of whose harp was con- to you.
structed after the fashion of their day,
and could not sound perfect music. Of course our reason is in the
Reason prefers our school text-book form and the likeness of the reasor
to our Bible on matters of geology of God our Father, but His is in-
and astronomy, sifts Bible history by finite and ours are limited and very
comparison with contemporary rec-
ords recovered from the sands and
imperfect. And it is true, notwith-
clay of ancient empires; and reason it standing what man may say or
is that judges the teachings of Jesus think, that we were created in the
to be superior to the sacrificial cult of image of God physically, and this
Leviticus, or the cursings of Ezekiel
and Amos. Our light is better than
man's reason unaided by the spirit
theirs, for our reason has more knowl- of truth has led him astray in this
edge, more experience, on which to regard because he has rejected the
rest. The best human reason I think — assistance of the Holy Spirit.
I do not err —
whether it looks out-
I am reminded of an expression
ward or inward, finds God."
found in the eleventh chapter of
And I say it does not ! Reason is the book of Job. One of his com-
all right when intelligently used. forters expressed it but it is never-
There is not a principle of the gos- theless a true statement. He said
pel that will not appeal to the rea- to Job: "Canst thou by searching
son of man, for every principle of find out God? Canst thou find out
the Gospel of Jesus Christ is rea- the Almighty unto perfection?"
sonable, clear and easily understood And the answer to that naturally is
with the aid of the spirit of truth. No, you cannot, unaided by the
But man cannot determine upon the Holy Ghost !It is impossible for
strength of his own reason unaided man to discover God unto perfec-
by the Spirit of God the power and tion by the aid of his reason and
saving grace of the gospel princi- that -alone. We have the word of
ples, and expect to find out God. God for it. Paul tells us in the
He cannot do it! The judgment of second chapter of Corinthians
these men in the world, is not by
"It is written, eye hath not seen,
any means as good as the judgment nor ear heard, neither have entered
of Ezekiel, the judgment of Amos into the heart ofman, the things which
: —

God hath prepared for them that love Cowdery and ministered to them.
him, but God hath revealed them unto The Prophet and Sidney Rigdon
us by his Spirit; for the Spirit search-
eth all things, yea, the deep things of saw the Son of God in heavenly
God. For what man knoweth the vision and they bore witness of it
things of man, save the spirit of man and their testimony is a matter of
which is in him? Even so the things record before the world. They saw
of God knoweth no man but the Spirit
of God." Or in other words, unless Him and bore witness, as they de-
he has the Spirit of God. "Now we clared it, "last of all" that He lives
have received," he says, "not the spirit for they saw Him. Angels, who
of the world, but the spirit which is are men
that lived upon this earth
of God; that we might know the things
that are freely given to us of God.
and have been glorified, receiving
Which things also we speak, not in their resurrection, returned and
the words which man's wisdom teach- conferred upon the heads of Joseph
eth, but which the Holy Ghost teach- Smith and Oliver Cowdery, keys
eth; comparing spiritual things with
spiritual. But the natural man re- and powers and priesthood which
ceiveth not the things of the Spirit of they held, and this same priesthood
God: for they are foolishness unto has been handed down and you hold
him: neither can he know them, be- it, my
cause they are spiritually discerned."
Itthe extreme of foolishness

Now modern religionists

these for a man
to rise up and say, be-

we have some of them in our own cause those who have gone to the
city — I happen to think I have a beyond have not appeared to him,
therefore they have not returned,
clipping- in my pocket from which
I want paragrph to you.
to read a that no one has returned from the
This is the purported statement of
great beyond to prove we do go on !

a minister of this city taken from and to teach such nonsense in his
a discourse delivered not many ignorance to the people, because it
weeks ago. He said appeals to his reason. He never
will receive such visitations and
"I for one can't see why men should knowledge as long as he holds to
accept the proposition that there is^ a such views, and rejects the Lord
hereafter simply because it is so writ-
ten in the books. What more did the Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the
writers hundreds of years ago know world. Peter says:
about that than we do, and why should
we particularly believe them? No "We have also a more sure word of
man has ever journeyed to the beyond prophecy; whereunto ye do well that
and returned to earth to prove to us ye take heed, as unto a light that
we do go on." shineth in a dark place, until the day
dawn, and the day star arise in your
AndI say he is wrong! But this hearts: knowing this first, that no
is the way these modern religion- prophecy of the scripture is of any
private interpretation. For the proph-
ists reason. Many of those who ecy came not in old time by the will
have gone to the great beyond have of man: but holy men of God spake
returned and we have witnesses as they were moved by the Holy
raised up in our dav who can tes- Ghost."
tify that thev have seen and con-
versed with them. The Lord Him- Now this man asks, what did the
self, even the Son of God, appeared prophets of old know more than
in the Kirtland Temple to the we? And Mr. Ward, one of the
Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver great teachers in the religious world


asks the same question, or, declares thought had come to redeem Israel,
that we have more light and a bet- and had put Him to death. They
ter vision than the prophets had, were very much concerned about it,
because of our greater experience. and they were feeling in their
And I say unless we are in com- hearts that all was over, their hopes
munication and fellowship with the and promises were at an end. The
Spirit of God we do not know as Savior listened patiently for some
well as they knew, for we have it time and finally He said to them
in the words of the chief of the "O fools, and slow of heart to be-
apostles that these holy men of old, lieve all that the prophets have

Moses, Elias, Elijah all of the spoken :ought not Christ to have

prophets of old spoke as they were suffered these things, and to enter
moved by the Holy Ghost, and that into his glory? And beginning at
which they declared to the people Moses and all the prophets, he ex-
was the vital truth. The Lord pounded unto them in all the scrip-
taught His disciples that the mis- tures the things concerning him-
sion of the Comforter, or Holy self."So He testified to the fact
Ghost, was to teach the truth and thatMoses and all the prophets
that He would teach us and lead us whose records we have in the old
in truth; that He would show
all scriptures —
which today are quite
us —
things to come which is the generally discarded in the so-called
spirit of prophecy. He would take —
Christian world had declared that
of the things of the Father and of He was to come into the world,
the Son and reveal them unto us, suffer and have His blood shed for
providing, of course, that we are the redemption of the world, to die
in fellowship with Him. And so upon the cross and that He was
Peter bears witness that thes* verily the Son of God the Redeemer
prophets spoke under the inspira- of mankind. Thus He opened the
tion of the Lord and gave unto us scriptures to their understanding
the word of the Lord. and taught His disciples after His
We have even a greater witness. resurrection, that these things were
The Lord Himself has borne record true, bearing witness and record to
of this fact. You remember hav- the fact that the prophets of old
ing read in the twenty-fourth chap- spoke, and wrote also, as they were
ter of Luke how, after His resur- moved and commanded by the
rection, He walked along the road Spirit of God. This is what we
with two of His disciples going to Latter-day Saints believe.
the little city of Emmaus, not far Now these modernists who are
from Jerusalem, and the scriptures instructing and leading astray the
say, their eyes were holden, that people of this and other lands, re-
they should not know Him. As He ject the doctrine of the atonement
walked with them they were sur- of Christ they reject the resurrec-

prised, thinking Him a stranger tion of the Son of God, and conse-
and ignorant of what had taken quently the resurrection of all man-
place during the past three days, so kind. They have discarded entirely
they commenced to instruct Him as the miracles of the scriptures and
they walked along. They told Him make light of the saving ordinances
how the Jews had taken Jesus of of the gospel which the Lord de-
Nazareth, the one whom they clared to be so essential to our sal-

vation and in the stead thereof
; which is promised to all who will
they have accepted the theories and believe unto repentance and receive
notions advanced by modern scien- the words of eternal life. If we are
tists which are evidently false, and in fellowship with this Spirit then
have taken to their hearts and we walk in the light and have fel-
hugged to their bosoms the false- lowship with God. He who is with-
hoods set forth in the theories of out the guiding light of the Spirit
evolution and of higher criticism of of God is in the midst of darkness
the scriptures. And why have they and cannot with his reason unaided
done this thing? Because the sim- and unenlightened search and find
ple truth, which is understood by out God.
the Spirit of God and not under- My testimony is that Jesus is the
stood and comprehended by the Christ, the Redeemer of the world,
spirit of man, does not appeal to that Joseph Smith was a prophet of
their reason. They have refused God, that he did receive ministra-
to hearken to the words of the Son tions of angels, and even of the Son
of God wherein he rebuked the un- and of the Father that he was

pentant Jews: called to establish this work in truth

and righteousness, and this message
"I have greater witness than that of
has gone forth to the world and
John: for the works which the Father
hath given me to finish, the same —
many even the great majority,
works that I do bear witness of me. have rejected it. However, this is
And the Father himself, which hath my testimony and the testimony of
sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye
the elders of Israel, and may it pre-
have neither heard his voice at any
time, nor seen his shape. And ye have vail, is my prayer in the name of
not his word abiding in you: for Testis Christ. Amen.
whom he hath sent, him ye believe
not. Search the scriptures; for in
them ye think ye have eternal life; ELDER MELVIN BALLARD.
and they are they which testify of
me." (President Northwestern States
All manner of theory and error
they teach to the world, declaring My heart rejoices, my brethren
that we cannot accept anything, only and sisters, in the privilege of at-
that which our reason teaches us. tending this conference and listen-
Therefore, if reason teaches me that ing to the testimonies that have al-
baptism is not essential to salvation ready been given and most earn-

and it teaches you that it is, we are estly do I desire to enjoy the same
both right, which is a contradiction good spirit with which our brethren
which cannot be true and unless
have been impressed, as they have
reason teaches us the same thing uttered inspired words to us.
and we are agreed, both cannot I rejoice more than I can tell you

have the truth and we are not in to have a name and standing in this
the narrow path, we are not in fel- Church, to be identified with what
lowship with God. We
must walk I consider the most wonderful
in holiness of life in the light and movement in the world today, a
in the truth with proper under- movement, as suggested by one of
standing which comes through the our brethren this morning, that is
gift and power of the Holy Ghost only beginning its effective work

assuredly we have not reached the to do, why He did not choose some-
end for which this work was estab- one else besides a man who has
lished by the Lord. When I realize been so much misunderstood and
the meaning of those words of the whose name has been held in con-
Master that we are the salt of the tempt by the world generally. The
earth, and that the leaven which has one reason why the Lord did not
been planted with this people should give to the Reverend T. DeWitt
work until it reaches the uttermost Talmage, Henry Ward Beecher or
ends of the earth, I feel that, this others the message, the grand mes-
being the truth, this work being the sage that He delivered to- the
very work of God, Ilis precious Prophet Joseph Smith, is because
promise having been given to it, no He has always elected, as Paul in-
power can stay its progress, its dicated, the weak and not those who
growth, its development, the con- are wise in the things of the world,
summation of the end that God has not those who are mighty, not those
decreed. If the Lord has selected who were learned. Not that God
these valleys of the mountains as despises learning, education, nor
the place where He would establish those things that make men great
His people, He having decreed it in the eyes of their fellow men, but
and pronounced His blessings upon He does this that no flesh shall glory
it, this will always be the place, in His sight.
though some of us may not be per- When I have witnessed the ef-
mitted to remain in this place. This forts of men to try to detract from
will always be the saving work that the work established through
God established it to be, though Joseph Smith, rob it of its claims of
some may not continue to be iden- divinity, by trying to find among
tified with it. The Lord having de- his associates men who had learning
creed these things they shall be con- and education and ability enough to
summated, all His promises shall produce the Book of Mormon, tried
be fulfilled. to give the credit to Sidney Rigdon
The world has become impressed or to Solomon Spaulcling or to some
wtih some of the doctrines taught one else, I have wondered what the
by the Prophet Joseph Smith, and world would have thought of the
although they have not acknowl- Book of Mormon if the Lord had
edged the source from which they revealed its whereabouts to Henry
have received their information, Ward Beecher. Would they not
nevertheless great churches have have given the credit to man?
been builded using as their chief Would the Lord have been glorified
corner stone some of the doctrines in this? I feel that the Lord has
or principles anounced by the done it just as He always has per-
Prophet. Others have wondered at formed His work, I am impressed
the beauty of these doctrines, and by those words spoken by the Sav-
have been almost shocked when ior as found in the ninth chapter of
afterwards they have heard that Matthew, sixteenth verse "No :

these were the teachings of the man putteth a piece^ of new cloth
Prophet Joseph Smith. Men have into an old garment, for that which
wondered why it was that if the is put in to fill it up taketh from the

Lord had such a beautiful system, garment, and the rent is made
if He had such a wonderful work worse. Neither do men put new
; :

wine into old bottles else the bot-
: and so He organized new vessels,
tles break, and the wine runneth a new institution, an organization
out, and the bottles perish but they
: capable of receiving the full mes-
put new wine into new bottles, and sage of truth that has been given
both are preserved." If the Lord to this Church. It will, I trust, al-
had a new message or the old mes- ways be possilbe for this organiza-
sage to be re-given, it having failed tion to cherish that measure of truth
to be preserved, through the inabil- that has been given to it, to pre-
ity of men to defend the truth and serve it, to receive more as the
preserve it after the departure of the Lord intends that it shall come and ;

Christ and His apostles, if He had a not save it for ourselves alone, for
new message of the truth to give, we have been given this wonderful
new wine of life to give to men, evi- message for the blessing of all men.
dently, in His judgment, He could We are to treasure it with the
not find a vessel, an organization thought, not of selfishness "for me—
on the earth that could contain this and my wife and my son John and
new wine. Where could He find his wife," but for the whole world.
one in which there was a belief in I rejoice that the truth has come to
God the Eternal Father as He is our understanding, no matter what
where, one that believed in Jesus the world may say or think or feel
Christ as the very Son of God, and with reference to this message. If
the Savior of the world? He had it is the truth, as we declare it is,

to select someone whom He could it will stand, it will survive.

reveal Himself to, one without pre- I read some very comforting
conceived notions and prejudices. words a few days ago from an
When the Lord sought to give eminent author running like this
Israel new promises, and lead them
into the new land, He found it "Had the great truths waited until
necessary to keep Israel in the wil- the majority voted in their favor they
derness forty years, to try to make would never have been heard of in
the world. Had they not found the
them vessels who could contain the place from which they are proclaimed
better things ; but they could not. at all times as sufficiently grand, they
They all perished, who were over would be silent to this hour. Un-
twenty-one years of age, except adorned and out of the way were the
seats whence they were uttered as
Caleb and Joshua, and only the chil- they came like zephyrs; and though
dren who were born and reared in slight their rustlings they uprooted
the wilderness came into their new oaks and threw down palaces."
land. When Jesus Christ came,
though there were religious organ- While this truth came in a hum-
izations in the world, He could not ble and obscure corner of the earth,
findone suitable to receive His mes- to one out of the way of the seats
sage, so He had to build anew of those who sought adornment,
again He had to organize vessels
; nevertheless, though the rustlings
and institutions, an organization were gentle when the Son of God
that could contain this new wine. and the Father Himself appeared
So in all the earth in the latter days, Prophet Joseph
in the grove, to the
there was not, anywhere, vessels of Smith, on that spring morning, it
organizations that could contain the was the beginning of the establish-
new wine, the very truth of God; ment of truth that should grow and

become mighty; and like fire, when ligionupon which they have leaned
once started in dead timber, it shall with hope that it would solve the
burn and consume all that is dead, world's problem, and bring peace to
decayed and fit for consumption. the earth, is here in all its power,

So the truth, once clearly stated, not lose their faith in God, nor in
will burn and consume error and His Christ, but, that here they shall
spread unto the uttermost parts of find hope. And may we live to invite
the earth. and anxiously desire all men to
I testify to you that this is the come and drink of these waters of
truth, that the wonderful message everlasting life which are now ex-
given to us is the thing of all things tended freely to all who will re-
that can save and that will save the ceive. May the Lord bless us in
world. It is the power of God unto these noble efforts and in this grand
salvation it is the Gospel of
; the mission, to live up to the require-
Lord Jesus Christ, i do bear testi- ments of the Lord, I pray, in the
mony to the fact that I know, all name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
there is to me knows, reason is sat-
isfied, yes, in my soul, by a thou- President Smith announced an-
sand testimonies, I know it better other overflow meeting, to be held
than I know anything else in the in the Assembly Hall at 2 p. m., to
world that God lives, that Jesus is be presided over by Elder George
the Christ, the very Son of God. I F. Richards ; and an outdoor meet-
know equally well that if the Lord, ing at same time, in front of the
who does live, if He ever spoke to Bureau of Information, under di-
men, if He ever delivered a message rection of Elder Heber J. Grant.
in all the world, He did speak to
Joseph Smith, He did reveal Him-
self, and I believe that He revealed
Himself men anciently as well as (Of First Council of Seventy.)
that He revealed Himself to the My brethren and sisters I have :

Prophet Joseph. I treasure the di- been asked by President Smith to

vine message that has come unto say a few words this morning con-
us, and I do appreciate the oppor- cerning the organization for the
tunity of bearing this message to World's Peace Foundation that has
my Father's children. been inaugurated here in the Unit-
Oh, may the Lord inspire the ed States. Yesterday afternoon
hearts of the vouth of Israel, and the Utah organization was perfect-
the men and the women who have ed by the election of Hon. Wm. N.
the great responsibilities of demon- Williams as president; he with the
strating to the world the virtue, the other regularly elected officers, will
virility, the strength and the power take up the work of perfecting the
of this Gospel, so that men mav not organization throughout the State
only be impressed and inspired by of Utah. At the head of the peace
our utterances but that, seeing the organization in the United States
fruits of this Gosoel in the lives of is Ex-President William Howard
the Latter-dav Saints, thev mav be Taft. The movement has been in-
lead to acknowledge that the thing, augurated for the purpose of incul-
after all. that they have sought and cating in the hearts of all Ameri-
have not found in the forms of re- can people the virtue of peace, and
it isdesired that such organizations partment of Political Science of
be perfected in all of the states of Columbia LTniversity, students are
the Union. making a study of the development
Utah is recognized by a great of the old English town govern-
many people abroad as being loyal ment of this state. This institution-
to the gospel of peace. It is said al life which the pioneers estab-
that we have contributed here in lished in this great country of the
this state more for the suffering Far West is being recognized, and
people of Europe than any other the truth of their work is destined
state of the union in comparison to to be known.
the population. It is greatly desired But the Latter-day Saints have
by the peace organization that all done more than establish American
of the people of the State become institutions in the Far West. They
interested in this movement and have established not only economic
contribute in spirit and in truth, to institutions that are wonderful in
the cause, that a sentiment may be history,but "Mormonism" calls
aroused in the hearts of men and every man, woman and child into
women, and of the children of the the field of constructive social ac-
public schools, that we may have a tivity. I believe we have the key
backing that will count for some- to the social reformation of the
thing, and that it may be said that world, through the priesthood and
our own State is not dead to this the different organizations of the
great message which Christ brought priesthood of God. But over and
to the world over eighteen hundred above all of these things, Zion is to
years ago. be established on this continent, as
I was particularly interested in has been pointed out this morning
the words of Elder Orson F. Whit- by Elder Whitney, and all people
ney. I believe every word that he who wish the truth, and who would
uttered. I know that the revela- bow to their God and ask for truth,
tion that he read is true, and the shall know the truth and the truth
glorious thing to me is that the will make them free. They will
people throughout our government come up unto Zion and be purified,
is beginning to recognize the great and Zion will be built upon this
work of the Latter-day Saints. It continent, and it will be the great
has been recently printed in the center of all civilization and culture.
Alumni Review of the Harvard The gospel of the Christ shall grow
University, that the "Mormon" peo- in the hearts of all, and Christ shall
ple established in the Far West the reign as Lord of Lords. He shall
most splendid American institu- come and the great millennium shall
tions of government, and when Dr. be ushered in, but not until the peo-
Turner, of the Department of ple of the world shall have bowed to
Western History, made that state- His great word and recognized that
ment he did it because of his care- Jesus is the Christ.
ful study. But I believe we have So here, in this State, we have
gone farther and established in every opportunity of establishing a
early days in this state the most peace society that will be effective.
splendid types of municipal and A part of Zion at least will be here,
civicgovernment of any American and Zion means the place where
people that ever lived. In the De- the pure in heart are living. This
will be a veritable Zion. We will has been revealed unto His people
contribute a light to the world. no more to be taken from the earth,
The sorrowful, those that are placed but to spread through the world as
in all kinds of terrible social condi- the great life and light of salvation
tions, because of the great war in and universal peace and happiness.
Europe, they will look, I believe, to Amen.
the United States government for
succor, and in time will they The anthem, "Christ is Risen,"
kneel in prayer to God and ask for was sung by the choir, 25 of the
the light and truth, recognizing as lady members rendering the solo
they will, that the truth has been parts.
taken from the hearts of men and The benediction was pronounced
that they are in need of a knowl- by Elder Lewis W. Shurtliff.
edge of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer Conference adjourned until 2
of the world. We
urge that this p. m.
peace movement receive your hearty
support throughout this state, that
organizations may be perfected in OVERFLOW MEETING.
the respective Stakes of Zion, that
it may be said thai among the Lat- An overflow session of the Con-
ter-day Saints of the far west, tiot ference was held in the Assembly
only do they preach the gospel of Hall, adjoining the Tabernacle, at
peace, but they are perfecting the 10 a. m. The services were pre-
Gospel of peace by their righteous sided over by Elder George Albert
works. I believe that we have a Smith and the Forest Dale. Water-

great opportunity, my brethren and loo, and Richards ward choirs, com-
sisters, of doing a splendid work bined, furnished the music.
in this State. The hymn, "O awake my slum-!

May Zion be built upon this con- b'ring minstrel/ 'was sung by the
tinent, may we cleanse our hearts choirs.
and do the great work and make The opening prayer was offered
the great contribution of bringing by Elder George C. Lambert.
about the unfurling of the flag of The choirs sang the hymn, "Ye
peace, of helping to bring about simple souls who stray."
the federation of the- world in a
league of peace, that there may be
no more war, that peace may come
and that all people shall look up to
(President Northern States Mission.)
Zion and know that God is God
and that He has spoken to His peo- I am very grateful for the priv-
ple. May we so direct our lives ilege Ihave this morning, in meet-
that this message may be given to ing with you to worship the Lord in
the world. our conference. I have no wisdom
I bear you my testimony that of my own with which to enlighten
God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, you, except I become a medium in
that He is the Redeemer
of the the hands of the Lord through
world, that Joseph Smith was a which His Spirit may prompt me to
prophet of God, and that the great say something that will be good
saving message of God, the Father, for our souls. I rejoice in the testi-
mony I have of the Gospel, and as writer in the Book of Mormon testi-
I listen to the testimonies of my fies, in like manner, with a promise
brethren, and hear their declara- that allwho read it with a sincere
tions of its restoration, my whole heart may know of its truth, for the
being warms, and I rejoice that I Father will declare it unto them by
also am found worthy to possess a the power of His Spirit. This vast
numbered with
testimony, and to be assemblage of people, together with
men and women whose hearts are all other Latter-day Saints, bear
set on righteousness and the salva- solemn testimony that they have re-
tion of our Father's children. ceived a witness in their souls con-
The testimony of Prophet
the cerning the truthfulness of the Book
Joseph Smith concerning the com- of Mormon.
ing of the Father and the Son My humble testimony to you and
grows more wonderful to me all all the world is that the Book of
the time. Likewise the testimonv Mormon is true. Along with the wit-
concerning the visit of Moroni and my soul, the Lord has blessed
ness in
the great mission of the Rook of me with inspiration, akin to revela-
Mormon. I do not know of any tion, concerning the important part
book that has ever come forth in the Book of Mormon should plav in
the earth that has so many evi- the conversion of the world. The
dences and so many testimonies Bible has been scattered throughout
concerning its truthfulness. The the earth, and all nations who have
Angel Moroni came and instructed received it are now called Christian
the Prophet Joseph Smith concern- nations. The Bible has been pre-
ing the whereabouts of the plates ceded, and accompanied, and fol-
upon which the P>ook of Mormon lowed by stories concerning the
was written, and the circumstances great characters named therein, and
connected with its coming forth. the hand dealings of God with His
Joseph Smith the Prophet tells us people. I believe the coming forth

the events connected with its com- of the Book of Mormon, the de-
ing forth, and declared that he picted lives of its leading characters,
translated the writings on the and the faith-promoting incidents
plates bv the gift and power of recorded therein, should find place
God. Wehave three witnesses who in the hearts of the Latter-day
likewise declare that thev, in the Saints. I believe they should be
presence of an holy angel, handle 1 well prepared to narrate those
the plates and heard a voice from stories and tell them as well as the
heaven, affirming the truth of Christian missionaries tell the story
Joseph Smith's words, that the of Adam and Eve, of Abraham,
plates had been translated by the Isaac and Jacob, of Joseph, and
gift and power of God, a testimony Daniel, and the three Hebrew chil-
that they could never afterward dren, together with the sacred his-
deny. Eight other witnesses also tory of Mary and her Divinely be-
signed their names in testimony gotten son, Jesus, and His life min-
concerning the plates, and their be- istry and miracles.
lief in the truthfulness of this book. In my missionary experience I
The first writer in the Book of have found that people who are con-
Mormon, Nephi, tells us that it is a verted through reading the Book of
true and faithful record. The last Mormon, are solid in the faith, their


faith seems to be planted firmly up- clearer explanation of the plan of

on the rock of revelation. I was told salvation found than that recorded
today that in war-stricken Europe, in the Book of Mormon.
where the people are left much I rejoice in the testimony I have
alone, those who
are converts to the received from our Heavenly Father
Book of Mormon are not falling concerning the Book of Mormon.
away from the faith. Within the In listening to the testimony of
past year numbers of families have President Joseph F. Smith, at the
sent for the elders to baptize them, beginning of this conference,
who have read no other literature, wherein he said he felt like he stood
or received no other instructions in the presence of the Lord, my
save that which they found within mind immediately went to the time
the lids of the Book of Mormon. when the Prophet Joseph Smith, in
I am reminded that the mission- the woods of Palmyra, as a boy,
aries who were sent out in the early stood in the presence of the Lord
years of the Church, had no other and His Son Jesus Christ, and how
literature but the Book of Mormon, He was almost consumed as it
and this book, together with the were, with the influence of their

burning testimony in their hearts


presence. President Joseph F.

concerning its truthfulness, and the Smith made the Latter-day Saints
wonderful way in which it came feel, during his remarks, that he

forth, was so powerful that it was standing in the presence of

brought the honest in heart into the Cod, our Father, and we all re-
Church by hundred's. The char- joiced in the power and spirit of
acter of these early converts is a his testimony. The early mission-
strong testimony that there is no aries of the Church felt much the
hetter missionary book. As years same way. Some of them had stood
went by, smaller books and tracts in the presence of angels, or in the

were written, many hundreds of presence of men who had. They

thousands distributed, but T do not had felt the burning influence of
believe they have had the same ef- the Spirit that had accompanied the
fect as the Book of Mormon. In coming forth of the Book of Mor-
the Northern States mission, we mon and the restoration of the Gos-
have sought, diligently, for twelve pel of Jesus Christ.
years, to distribute the Book of I bear witness to you that every
Mormon, exerting every effort in elder who has ever come to the
our power to place it in the hands Northern States Mission, and has
of the people, that it might fulfil its sought, with all his heart, to place
mission in connection with the Bi- the Book of Mormon in the hands
ble in bringing the world to Christ. of the people, has been made big-
The distribution of the Bible has ger and better than those who have
made Christian nations, so the delivered it doubtingly. The Chris-
distribution of the Book of Mor- tian world did not particularly want
mon amalgamates the Latter-day the Bible when it first came to
Saints, with such nations. There is them, neither did they sanction all
no more powerful record written the movements that were put on
concerning Jesus the Christ, no foot to scatter it abroad in the
more beautiful stories of blessings world. The Christian missionaries
following faith in God, and no were not received with open arms

but they have persisted until the to tell them that the world may
Bible can be found in almost every know them, for the knowledge of
home in almost all nations of the the world has not come to them so
earth; it can be found in hotels, much by reading the Bible, as
upon railroad trains, in stations and it has come to them by the stories

everywhere that men and women that have been told, by the sermons
are wont to congregate. I believe that have been preached from the
the Book of Mormon should fol- Bible. The knowledge of the Book
low the Bible, for in the Book of of Mormon will spread in the earth
Mormon is found the more simple the same way, if we will learn to
testimony, and a plainer explana- tell the stories found therein.
tion of the doctrines of salvation, We have sought to establish the
accompanied by a spirit that finds Book of Mormon in the homes of
lodgement in the hearts of the people by selling or loaning it to
honest seekers after truth. them and pointing out to them the
While we have not neglected to good things found therein. On
bear our testimony in a personal our first visit we leave a book and
way, nor failed to seek entrance to point to one or two good things
the homes of the people, yet we then go again and turn down a few
have kept uppermost in our minds other cornets of the leaves until
the distribution of the word of God we have maybe 25 or more places
as found in the inspired record thus marked in the book. Just as
called the Book of Mormon. We soon as we can induce the people
have encouraged our elders to read to read two or three places in the
it when they are feeling blue, or Book of Mormon, they will not
homesick, or discouraged, or in permit that book to leave their
doubt, for they will thereby be com- home. We
hope, in time, they will
forted, their faith increased, and learn to value it as thev do the
their courage to face the world be Bible, and value the Bible more
strengthened. than they do today.
brothers and sisters, I would The Book of Mormon, has, to
like to leave this admonition with some extent, changed the thought
you, that you go home and become of the religious world. They are
better acquainted with the faith- beginningto reverence Adam as they
promoting stories of the Book of should, and no longer consign un-
Mormon, with the strength of char- baptized infants to eternal damna-
acter of its prophets, and the won- tion. Easter sermons have been so
derful doctrines of salvation that it modified that you can follow the
teaches. Teach your children to very language of Alma in some of
relate the stories found therein as the easter sermons of the Christian
they hear and tell those found in ministers of todav. That has come
the Bible. I believe that the mis- about, possibly, bv a few copying
sionaries, and all our young men some of the sayings of Alma, and
and our old men should know the
; others repeating it without know-
stories found in the Book of Mor- ing its source. If we will learn to
mon that inspire faith in our hearts, appreciate the value of the doc-
as well as we know the Bible trines contained in the Book of
stories. They are beautiful, and Mormon, and proclaim them to the
faith-promoting. We ought to learn world, thev will become uncon-

sciously part of the doctrines of the generation than the children of

world. light."
I rejoice in the testimony of my May God help us to faithfully
brethren and the spirit of civic live the first principles of salvation,
righteousness that I feel is spread- inspire us with the spirit of the
ing over this state. The world had Book of Mormon, and bring back
no revelation concerning the word to us the spirit of communion with
of wisdom which condemns the angels, for they are willing to come
use of liquor and tobacco, but they today to all who serve the
are fast driving those evil things Lord, and court their influence.
from their midst. In one or two Many elders have had their eyes
of the states in the Northern States opened, and have stood in the pres-
Mission you do not see cigarette ence of holy messengers who have
smoking. I have been at times in been sent to help them in their min-
several cities of 350,000 people, and istry. I think that the Latter-day
never saw a man or a boy with a Saints of all people in the world,
cigarette. I came here and met ought to understand that they are
them on every side smoking cigar- children of God, and live according
etts and yet the Lord told us more to His ways. Follow Him, and
than two generations ago, that it cast out those evil things that de-
was not for man. Wehave states stroy peace and happiness, and
in which there are no saloons, and drag men down to the level of the
they are praying there will be no beast.
state with saloons. When the sa- May God help us, my brothers
loon was banished from the state and sisters, to save our young men,
of Iowa, the 1st day of January, and women, that they may believe
1916, there was a great exodus the spirit and testimony of the
from that state. Not one of you angels of God, who came to the
would have followed the crowd or Prophet Joseph and accept the tes-
desired habitation where they dwell. timony of the Book of Mormon, and
On the other hand you would have the doctrines that it teaches, that
been glad to have followed the our light may be the light of a peo-
crowd that came in when the state ple set upon a hill. May we be
was freed from the influences of leaders instead of followers of
liquor. Every decent person de- darkened Russia in casting out the
sired to live in Chicago and eastern liquor evil. May we be, as God has
citiesin the prohibition districts. designed, real leaders, and a real
The homes are better, the surround- light to the world, I pray in the
ings are better, the people are bet- name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
ter. Sometimes we elders have
to bow our heads when people say. ELDER WALTER P. MONSON.
"Why do you people in Utah, who (President Eastern States Mission.)
have the balance power, permit
saloons and cigarettes" When T see My heart was touched in listen-
ing to the testimony of our beloved
states and nations leading out in
President, Joseph F. Smith, in the
these things, I am reminded of the opening session of our conference,
scripture wherein it says the "chil- when he made that statement, very
dren of the world are wiser in their feelingly, that we stood in the pres-

ence of God, and that the eyes of called upon Israel saying, "How
great, good men who have lived long halt ye between two opinions ?"
upon the earth were upon us. I There are two opinions respecting
thought then, and have thought God's character today in the world,
of this confer-
since, that the spirit and the message that is being sent
ence is turning the hearts of the forth by the Latter-day Saint el-
Latter-day Saints toward that per- ders to the ends of the earth is call-
sonage whom we worship, as our ing upon Israel to choose between
Heavenly Father, and our God. the priest of baal and the true and
Jesus Christ said in His reconcili- living God. I do not refer to the
atory prayer, which was offered up Christian world with any asperity,
in the olive garden of Gethsemane, but rather to draw the comparison
that "This is life eternal, to know in these two points. The Athenas-
thee the only true God and Jesus ian creed says, "There is one living
Christ whom thou hast sent," and and true God, without body, parts
if it is life eternal to know God as or passions." This seems to be the
He is, then I consider it a vital prevailing idea throughout the
question affecting the welfare of world with respect to the character
every son and daughter of God. and personality of Deity. And with
My mind goes back to an ancient the Athenasian Creed agrees the
incident found in the 18th chapter Apostles' Creed and the Nicine
of First Kings Creed, so that we can say that the
whole Catholic and Protestant
"And it came to pass when Ahab world have founded their faith up-
saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, on that sort of a creature.
Art thou he that troubleth Israel?
It is not strange to a Latter-day
And he answered, have not troubled
Israel, but thou and thy father's Saint that God has revealed Him-
house, in that ye have forsaken the self in our day and time, for with
commandments of the Lord, and thou that prophetic announcement made
hast followed Baalim. Now, there-
fore, send and gather to me all Israel
by the Revelator John, when he
unto the mount Carmel, and the said that
prophets of Baal four hundred and
"I saw another angel fly in the midst
fifty, and the prophets of the groves
of heaven, having the everlasting Gos-
four hundred, which eat at Jezabel's
pel to preach unto them that dwell on
table. So Ahab sent unto all the chil-
the earth, and to every nation, and
dren of Israel, and gathered the
kindred, and tongue, and people, say-
prophets together unto Mount Car-
And Eliiah came unto all the ing with a loud voice, fear God and
give glory to Him, for the hour of
people, and said, How long halt ye
His judgment is come; and worship
between two opinions? Tf the Lord
be God, follow Him; but if Baal, then
Him that made heaven and earth, and
And the people an- the sea, and the fountains of waters."
follow him.
swered not a word."
Now, had the Gospel been upon
Here was a time in Israel when the earth there would have been' no
necessity for an angel to restore it,
they were following after false
gods, and the prophet of God stood and had the people been worship-
up in the midst of Israel and gave ing the God who made the heavens
them a challenge, or gave a chal- and the earth and the seas and the
lenge rather unto the priests of Baal fountains of waters, there would
and the priests of the groves. He have been no necessity for that pro-
: ;


phetic announcement. In the 130th His body? If the unembodied state
section of the Doctrine and Cove- of the spirit is a higher order than
nants, the description of the God of the resurrected state, the embodied
the Latter-day Saints is given, dif- state, then Jesus Christ was farther
fering with the bodiless, partless, advanced the three days when His
passionless god, between which a body lay in the tomb than He was
choice should be made. when He had burst the bonds of
"The Father has a body of flesh death and walked forth with His
and bones, as tangible as man's immortalized, resurrected body.
the Son also, but the Holy Ghost Can any one ever think that Jesus
has not a body of flesh and bones, took a step backward from glory?
but is a personage of spirit. Were Positively no. The greatest stride
it not so, the Holy Ghost could not that was ever made toward glory
dwell in us." Here you have the was when that inanimate form that
"two opinions" stated, one that was put into the tomb of Joseph of
"God is a personage without body, Aramathaea was reanimated by the
parts or passions," and the other Spirit, which had three days previ-
that "God has a body of flesh and ously been commended into the
bones as tangible as man's." Now hands of His Father as He expired
we call upon Israel, "How long halt upon the cross.
ye between two opinions." We Now, the. whole Christian world
might ask with the Savior, when has been teaching the doctrine, as
addressing the Pharisees: "What has already been stated in this con-
think ye of Christ?" Is Christ ference, that the resurrection is
God? Is He not the God of Abra- something else other than the
ham, Isaac and Jacob the God of bringing up of the body. They look
Israel, the God who made the heav- upon the resurrection as a sort of
ens and the earth, the seas and the a spiritual resurrection, or awaken-
fountains of waters? We
read the ing of spirit in some indescribable
testimony of John way. The Apostle Paul gives us a
very striking testimony with respect
"In the beginning was the Word, to this question, which I would like
and the Word was with God, and the
to read. It is found in the 15th
Word was God, the same was in the
beginning with God. All things were chapter of First Corinthians:
made by him, and without him was
not anything made that was made.
* * * And the Word was made
"Now if Christ be preached that he
rose from the dead, how say some
flesh and dwelt among us, * * *. among you that there is no resurrec-
full of grace and truth." tion of the dead? But if there is no
resurrection of the dead, then is Christ
Here you have the testimony of not risen; and if Christ be not risen,
the Creator who "made the heav- then is our preaching vain, and your
faith is also vain. Yea, and ye are
ens and the earth and the seas and
found false witnesses of God, because
the fountains of water." I would ye have testified of God that He raised
like to know what purpose there up Christ, whom He raised not up, if
would be in the resurrection, which so be that the dead rise not. For
if the dead rise not, then is not Christ
is being commemorated through-
risen, and if Christ is not raised, your
out the Christian world at the near faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
approaching Easter ? If He is God, Then they also which are fallen
to what purpose did He take up asleep in Christ are perished. If in
this life only we have hope in Christ, and if He is unseeable, then how
we are of all men most miserable. But
now is Christ risen from the dead, can Jesus Christ's promise be ful-
and become the first fruits of them filled? Some people claim that it
that slept. For since by man came
death by man came also the resurrec-

was in the death of the cross that
the Christ was glorified. I do not
tion of the dead. For as in Adam all
die, even so in Christ shall all be made
speak disparagingly, nor do I wish
alive. But every man in his own to detract from the sacrifice that
order; Christ the first fruits, afterward was made on Golgotha's hill, but I
they that are Christ's at His coming. want to turn your attention to the
Then cometh the end, when He shall
have delivered up the kingdom to God thought and to the life that has
even the Father, when He shall have come through that sacrifice. The
put down all rule and all authority very fact that Jesus was crucified
and power, for He must reign till He did not make Him the Christ. That
hath put all enemies under His feet.
The last enemy that shall be de- was the infliction of Roman capital
stroyed is death." punishment. You remember the
scene at the crucifixion, the male-
Therefore the greatest victory factors upon either hand of the
ever won by Christ was when He Master, who were also crucified.
broke the bands of death, and when Their crucifixion did not make them
the seed of the woman crushed the Christs. The malefactors had not
head of the serpent that brought the power to lay down their lives
death into the world. and take them up again as the Mas-
Why, the world is preaching ter had, who became the Savior of
Jesus Christ crucified, and they the world, by putting under His
leave Him crucified, and they have feet that enemy, the arch enemy of
a crucified and dead religion. We God, even death.
are proclaiming to the world the It is not an uncommon thing to
resurrection of Christ, and we get meet people who say that Jesus
a vital religion, a live religion that Christ has come for the second
enters into the lives .of men and time. met a very influential min-

women and raises them to the lofty ister inBrooklyn who declared that
pedestal of sainthood. If Christ be Jesus Christ has made His second
not raised, then is our preaching advent and come into the world, in
vain. I thank God that we have 1874, and is dwelling in the hearts
hope as Job of old, who said "I : of the children of men. What has
know that my redeemer liveth, and He done with His body? Why,
that he shall stand at the latter day Jesus Christ, who was the Word,
upon the earth, and though after who was with God, who was God,
my skin worms destroy this body, took upon Himself that body of
yet in my flesh shall' I see God." flesh and bones which Thomas
That the testimony of Job of old.
is handled and felt in his doubting
When people declare that God can- moment, and then cried, "O Lord,
not be seen they are drawing into my God," thus dispelling all doubt.
question the testimony of that right- He no longer doubted. As Christ
eous man, they are bringing into ascended into heaven there stood
question also the statement of Jesus upon the mount two angels also,
when He said, in that sermon upon who said: "Ye men of Galilee,
the mount: "Blessed are the pure why stand ye gazing into heaven ?
in heart, for they shall see God," this same Jesus which is taken up


from you heaven shall so come

into serve, but as for me and my house,
in like manner as ye have seen Him we will serveGod."
go into heaven." Then He has not May God add His blessings to us
descended, in 1874, as His apos- all, and sustain Israel in all His
tles saw Him ascend. work in the earth, is my prayer in
To show the necessity of accept- the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
ing Jesus Christ as being a person-
age, possessed of a body of flesh, I Sisters Myrtle Doelleand Mary
want to bring to your attention the Cornwall, and the combined choirs,
testimony of John, recorded in the sang the Easter Song, "Christ is
fourth chapter of his first epistle Risen.'
"Beloved, believe not every spirit,
but try the spirits, whether they are ELDER URIAH G. MILLER.
of God, because many false proph-
(President Cottonwood Stake.)
ets are gone out into the world."
Now a key given in the following I am not accustomed, my breth-
verse "Hereby know ye the spirit
: ren and sisters, to standing in the
of God, every spirit that confesseth presence of such a vast congrega-
that Jesus Christ is come in the tion of people. If I contribute any-
flesh is of God, and every spirit that, thing this morning to the interest of
confesseth not that Jesus Christ has this gathering and for the welfare
come in the flesh is not of God. of those who are assembled in this
And this is that spirit of anti-Christ meeting, it will be because my heav-
whereof ye have heard that it enly Father, in whom I have faith,
should come, and even now is it al- will come to my assistance and bless
ready in the world." There were me with a goodly portion of His
people in that day who were pos- Holy Spirit.
sessed of the spirit of anti-Christ I have rejoiced thus far in the
who said that Jesus Christ did not things I have heard in this confer-
come in the flesh and when Jesus
; ence, in the testimonies that have
shall, make His second appearance been borne, in the doctrines that
those who have been faithful, and have been enunciated and, above all,
have become familiar with His I have rejoiced exceedingly in the
voice in this life, will know posi- Spirit that has been manifest
tively that it is Jesus Christ who throughout the conference. I am
stands before them, and they will convinced, as a member of the
see the marks in His hands and in Church, that these conferences are
His feet His side. Then
and in extremely beneficial to the individ-
will He declare, "These are the ual members of the Church. I hope
wounds that I received in the house that, as men and women who are as-
of my friends." "How long halt ye suming responsibilities of the
between two opinions?" If God Church at home, that we have had
isGod, worship Him. If this non- our hearts opened to the things that
entity without body, parts or pas- have been said, and that will be said,
that they will find lodgment in our
sions be God, then worship it. I
hearts, that we shall be able to
feel like saying, with Joshua of old,
carry the instructions, and the spirit
when he called Israel together and of them, to the various wards and
said, "Chose this day whom ye will branches of the Church, and bring

them to the members
of the Church ity resting upon us to take into our
who are not privileged to be with confidence, into our care, the boys
us in the congregations in the va- and girls of the stakes and wards of
rious sessions of this conference. Zion, and to give them in their
I am beginning to recognize, I own homes, testimony of this work.
believe, more than I have ever done I thank God that He has provided
before in my life, that there is a in thisorganization efficient ways
great mission and responsibility and means by which we may be
resting upon the members of the able to reach the hearts of the boys
Church who reside in the wards and and girls of the Church. As par-
stakes of the Church. We
are ents, we very often recognize within
blessed, and privileged, to be mem- ourselves that we are not able to
bers of what is recognized through- reach the hearts of all of our boys
out the world as one of the most and all of our girls. It becomes
perfect organizations that has ever necessary that the organizations
been established among the children that have been provided will come
of men. We
recognize that there to our assistance, and possibly
is one part of the organization that through one or another of these or-
is directing the affairs of the ganizations that are so well offi-
Church and that there is another
; cered we shall, under the favor of
department that is carrying the our heavenly Father, be able to
message of the Gospel to the vari- reach the hearts of the boys and the
ous parts of the world. We
rec- girls that possibly we are not other-
ognize that in this organization wise able to reach, ,'and be the
there is provided ways and means means of instituting within their
by which the powers and influence hearts the love and the testimony of
of the Gospel are brought to the this work. Of these wonderful aux-
hearts of the children of men. iliary organizations that have been
•In our own homes, the responsi- provided, possibly the Sunday
bility is resting upon us, who are School with all of its beautiful
called to labor, and who are moving methods, and its powers, may not
within the confines of the various be able to appeal to some of our
wards and stakes throughout the boys and girls it may fall to the

Church, to do our part just as care- Mutual Improvement people to

fully and consistently as are the reach them. It may be possible that
other branches of this wonderful the Mutual Improvement people
and magnificent organization to may not be able to interest them,
which I have alluded. I trust that but the Primary officers or the Re-
we will be mindful, to a degree, at ligion Class, or perchance it may be
least, of some of these responsibil- the Relief Society sisters who shall
ities that are upon our shoulders, be able, under the spirit of their
for we recognize the fact that, very work, to reach the hearts of these
largely, we at home become mem- boys or girls, and bring them into
bers of the Church not, as do the the fold of Christ, with a testimony
people in the world, through con- of the truth in their hearts.
version. We
become members of In the midst of all of these, there
the Church through the ordinance are other organizations that to me
of baptism when we are children seem superior to all the organiza-
consequently we have a responsibil- tions put together, these are the


priesthood quorums of the Church, labored, that I could not prosecute

and I hope that the spirit of the the work required at my hands un-
brethren in this Church will be in- less I partook of the spirit of these
clined to the betterment of priest- conferences. I am happy to say to-
hood work. In my affiliations with day that this spirit is being mani-
the work with which I am con- fested among the Latter-day Saints
nected, I am led to observe that everywhere, so that in great num-
very largely our boys, when they bers we are privileged, through the
leave the deacons' quorum, are not blessings of the Lord, to come to
noticed until we find them recorded, this place and partake of the spirit
possibly, in the elders' quorums and that is poured out in such rich
when found in these quorums they abundance.
simply have their names upon the We do not, nor cannot, compre-
records, and do not have the spirit hend how blessed we are as a peo-
of this work in their hearts. I shall ple. It is only necessary for us to
rejoice exceedingly when the time go into the world and see what
shall come in the history of this others have in order to appreciate
Church that the boy as he leaves the the many blessings which the Lord
deacons' quorum will be trans- has so abundantly bestowed upon
ferred to the teachers' and priests' us as His people, and I rejoice with
quorums with the great spirit of all my heart that His work is being
this work in his heart. He so generously carried among the
then goes into the elders' quorum children of men within the confines
because he is eligible to become an of our own beloved country.
elder, and has been educated in all It is a glorious privilege to know,
the affairs of the Church, in all of my brethren and sisters and friends,
the other priesthood quorums that that God lives, that Jesus is the
have led up to it. Christ, our Redeemer, and that
May God's blessings be with us. Joseph Smith was a humble instru-
May we be true to our religion, ment in His hands in restoring the
and stand for that which is right great work of the Lord, and that
and may our lives be an example we have been made partakers of
of the thing that we believe to be these glorious and blessed privi-
right and that we bear our testi- leges which came through our ac-
mony to the world is right, in Jesus' ceptance of the Gospel of the Son
name. Amen. of God. The world does not know
that God lives, simply because they
ELDER JOSEPH E. CARDON. have not been willing to comply
(Editor of Liahona The Elders' Jour- with the requirements of our Heav-
nal) enly Father. If we do His will, we
shall know of the doctrine, whether
I rejoice with all my soul this it be of God or whether it be of

morning for opportunity of

this man, and it has been, in part at
again attending the annual confer- least, through our having done the
ence of the Church. It has been will of the Father that we are able
my blessed privilege to attend these world that God
to testify to all the
conferences for the last 16 or 17 livesand that Jesus is His beloved
years, and I have always felt in the Son and our Redeemer.
different capacities in which I have The great Prophet Noah knew.
through the inspiration of the Al- vine,and that they are binding up-
mighty, that the mission to which on the children of men. I am
he was assigned was divine, and happy in the thought also, that men
he went about under the direction in these latter-days have seen the
of the Holy Spirit in the prosecu- Father and the Son, and have wit-
tion of the great mission which was nessed the ministration of angels
placed upon his shoulders and had
; and holy beings, but notwithstand-
the people of that generation be- ing these miraculous experiences,
lieved in that message and humbled we, too, may know just as assuredly
themselves as did Noah, they too as they of these divine truths, if we
would have known that the mes- comply with the requirements of
sage which the prophet gave unto our Heavenly Father. The Holy
them was divine. The manifesta- Ghost is their witness unto the chil-
tions of the power of God alone are dren of men and unto the world,
not sufficient to prove whether these and we can gain possession of that
truths are from God or not, but it Spirit in the same way that others
is necessary that every human soul have, and this influence and power
who can testify that he knows shall will lighten the hearts and the
be in possession of the Holy Spirit, minds of all men.
and that can come only through I do know that God lives, and
our obedience to the laws and ordi- that He is ruling the destinies of
nances of the Gospel. the children of men, and that He
When the Son of God asked His answers the supplications of His
disciples, "Whom do men say that humble children, and will reveal
I the Son of man am?" They said: unto them the things that are neces-
"Some say that Thou art John the sary in order to go back into His
Baptist, some, Elias ; and others presence. I know that Jesus is the
Jeremias, or one of the prophets." Christ, the Redeemer of the world,
"But whom say ye that I am?" and that if we will obey Him and
"And Simon Peter answered and follow the example and the pattern
said, Thou art the Christ, the Son which He has laid for us to follow,
of the Living God." "Blessed art we will associate with Him in the
thou, Simon Barjona; for flesh and eternal worlds. I also know that
blood hath not revealed it unto thee, through the great and mighty mod-
but my Father which is in heaven, ern Prophet, Joseph Smith, this
and upon this rock I will build my latter-day Gospel has been restored,
Church, and the gates of hell shall and is being proclaimed to the na-
not prevail against it." Notwith- tions of the world by authorized
standing the fact that Peter had servants of God, who are endowed
daily ministered along with the with divine authority to administer
Savior, yet it was necessary that the in the laws and ordinances of the
Lord should reveal unto him the Gospel, and make it possible for all
fact that Jesus was the Redeemer men who will yield obedience there-
of the world. And so it is with us to to know for themselves whether
today. It is necessary that we this doctrine is of God or whether
should be in possession of the Holy we are speaking by the spirit of
Spirit in .order to testify to each man. "If any of you lack wisdom,"
other that these great truths which the Apostle James has said, "let
have come into the world are di- him ask of God, that giveth to

all men liberally, and

upbraideth may know for ourselves whether or
not and it shall be given him. But
not we are following in that straight
let him ask in faith, nothing waver- and narrow way that the Father
ing." hath laid out for us. That we may
The inspiration of this scripture be saved and exalted with Him and
rested so mightily upon the boy His Son and the righteous who
prophet, that he went and suppli- have fought the good fight and en-
cated the Almighty to know which dured to the end, I humbly pray,
of all the warring and jarring in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
creeds was right and which he
should follow, for, in his early boy- The choirs sang the anthem,
hood, he knew that it was necessary "Daughter of Zion."
to yield obedience to the require-
ments of his Father in heaven.
Every son and daughter of God ELDER HEBER J. GRANT.
who will go humbly before Him Strong condemnation of use of intoxi-
may also know for themselves —
cants and tobacco Statistics show-
whether or not we speak of our- ing splendid results of prohibition
selves or whether we are in very in Kansas —
Dreadful disclosures of
deed, divinely commissioned ser-

an old lawyer Convincing quota-
tions proving terrible evils of liquor
vants of the Lord Jesus Christ. By traffic.
that same spirit also we are able to
testify that President Joseph F. I realize that, in the language of
Smith is a prophet of the true and the hymn, "the time is far spent,
living God, and a more humble, there is little remaining." You, no
devoted, fearless man does not live doubt, are all tired, but I have
in the world today. And those who something which I wish to say to
are associated with him are men of thiscongregation, and if any of you
God. There are no better in the do not care to remain and hear it,
world today ; and we can, through you will not offend me or hurt my
that Holy Spirit, testify to all the feeling in the least if you get up
world that they are prophets, seers and go out, and your doing so will
and revelators unto the children of not confuse me. I have preached
men. on the streets of Liverpool and
I pray that the power and the London; in Portland, Oregon, and
Spirit of the Lord may permeate in other parts of the United States,
the hearts of those who are seeking and have become accustomed to
after truth, wherever they may be, preaching to traveling congrega-
that they may come into the light tions. My ideas come just as rap-
and partake of the influence, power idly when my audience is a moving

and glory that have come to us one. We

did not start this overflow
through our having yielded obedi- meeting until 20 minutes after 10
ence to the laws and the ordinances o'clock, and therefore there are
of the house of the Lord. just thirty minutes belonging to me
May His peace and blessings be and I give all fair notice of what
with the Saints everywhere, that is coming, as I propose to occupy

they may follow the whisperings of them, and it will be all right with
the Holy Spirit, and vield obedience me if anybody goes out.
thereto, that upon all occasions we I desire to continue the remarks

that I started to make in the Tab- —
Ruskin -"Tobacco is the worst
curse of modern civilization."
ernacle day before yesterday. I
E. H. Harriman [to whom we owe
talked as fast as I knew how, but
more for the development of this in-
did not get half through. I am termountain country than to any other
going to cut out fully one-half of man not a resident of Utah, and who
believed implicitly in the future of our
what I would like to say.
fair state]

"We might as well go to
It is claimed that the saloon, if
the insane asylum for our men as to
banished from the community, employ cigarette smokers."
causes a financial loss. I want to
give a few facts as they are told in I desire that every man, woman

the Anti-Saloon League Year Book and child within the sound of my
for 1908, page 26. Pellman, of voice shall be workers to bring to
the University of Bonn, tells of a our fair State prohibition, and I
very notorious drunken woman want to quote to you one single
who died in 1800. scientific in- A verse of a poem by James Russell
vestigation made regarding herself Lowell
and her descendants has brought
forth the following astonishing "They are slaves who fear to speak
For the fallen and the weak;
facts :
They are slaves who will not choose
"The total number of her descend- Hatred, scoffing and abuse,
ants have been 834. Of that number
Rather than, in silence shrink
709 have been traced, with the result From the truth they needs mustthink;
that the record shows that 7 were con-
They are slaves who dare not be
victed of murder, 76 were convicted of
In the right with two or three."
other crimes, 142 were professional
beggars. 64 lived on charity and 181 of We hear so much of the financial
the women descendants were prosti- ruin of Kansas because of prohi-
tutes. It has been estimated that the bition that Iwant to give you some
cost to the government of the crime
and pauperism of that one line of de-
were furnished me by
statistics that

scendants has been $1,250,000." President Henry H. Blood, of the

Millers' Association of Utah, taken
How many of us would like to from the Millers and Grain News,
have saloons enrich our community published at Kansas City, Jan. 9,
by this kind of process? 1912:
I want to give you the opinions
of some eminent people on the use "Statistics from Kansas.
of tobacco : "Not only wheat, but morals,
showed a high quality last year.
Benjamni Franklin — -"I never saw a "Ninety-six counties out of the 105
well man in the exercise of common in Kansas have no inebriates." [Gra-
sense who would say that tobacco did cious, how prosperity is disappearing
him any good." in Kansas!] "Six or seven along the
Thomas —
lefferson -"The culture of Missouri border have them." [Please
tobacco is a culture productive in in- do not forget that Misouri is wet.]
finite wretchedness." "Thirty-nine counties did not send
Horace Greeley -"It — is a profane a prisoner to jail last year." [My,
stench." prosperity is disappearing in Kansas!]
Daniel Webster— -"If those men "There were 912 prisoners in the
must smoke, let them go to the horse- state penitentiary last year, but only
shed.' 17 per cent of this number were
T. DeWitt Talmage— "The path- Kansas born." [the 83 per cent, you
way to a drunkard's grave and a see, brought prosperity to Kansas by
drunkard's hell is strewn with tobacco allowing the state to support them.]
leaves." "Fifty-seven counties in Kansas

have no use for poor houses, and last to me, can be found of the bene-
year did not send a member there." ficial effects of prohibition in Kan-
[I declare, thev can't even be char-
sas than the fact that there are 700
itable in 57 (counties in Kansas—
haven't even the poor with them.]
newspapers in Kansas, and only
"Eighty-four counties last year did four of them carry whiskey ads.
not report a case of insanity." [My in their columns. Do you think we
gracious, if there are no insane there have prosperity in Salt Lake be-
how wonderfully they must be failing
to progress financially in Kansas.]
cause three of our four daily papers
"The death-rate in Kansas is less carry whiskey ads. ?'
than in any other section in the Now, I intended to quote a great
world, seven and five-tenths per thou- deal from a sermon which I
sand of the inhabitants." [Thus vin-
dicating God's promise in the Word
preached in the Tabernacle at the
of Wisdom.] Mutual Improvement Association
"There are 700 newspapers in Conference, June 14, 1908, but you
Kansas, and only four of them carry will find the sermon in the August,
whiskey ads."
1908, number of the Improvement
The Lord says in the Word of Era, and I shall read only a small
Wisdom, in the last verse, regard- part of the sermon, but appeal to
ing those who obey it: you to get the Era and read it all.
Here is something I quoted in that
"And the Lord give unto them a
I sermon :

promise, that the destroying angel

shall pass them by, as the children of "Leaves from the Diary of an Old
Israel, and not slay them." Lawyer:
"I believe that it will require the
thank the Lord from the bot-
I force of the whole people, men and
tom of my heart, as I announced in women, applied at the ballot box, to
effectually blot out of existence the
the Tabernacle, that all over the
great curse to the country, 'The laws
wide world the doctrines of the that license and permit the sale of
Lord Jesus Christ as revealed alcohol as a beverage.' I deny the
through the Prophet Joseph Smith right of the government to sell to one
citizen the orivilege to tempt another
are being vindicated. In Kansas
to commit crime. I doubt the policy
they have prohibition and are, there- of those laws that seek to raise a rev-
fore, partially living the Word of enue by the sale of that which de-
Wisdom and are receiving the bases the people, it is the prolific
benefits therefrom, which is shown source of crime and pauperism, and
costs the country annually a thousand
by the fact that the death-rate there times more than the revenue received
is less than in any other section of therefrom. I deny the justice of those
the world. laws that on one page of the statute
The great life insurance com- books legalize that which promotes
crimes and makes criminals, and on
panies with their hundreds of mil- the next, provide severe penalties to
lions of dollars of assets, with their be administered to those they have
medical examination for every man tempted to transgress. This little vol-
who applies for a policy less than ume [larger than our large edition of
the Doctrine and Covenants] is pre-
$50,000, and two examinations sented to the public to promulgate
where he applies for fifty thousand those views. They may be thought
or more, have a death-rate of ten radical, and perhaps are so; but they
per 1,000, or more than they have are the result of long years of experi-
ence in our criminal courts, and are
in the State of Kansas. No but a feeble expression of my abhor-
stronger proof on earth, it seems rence of the vice of intemperance, and

the laws that encourage and promote And that cup had been filled and
it. placed to the lips of that son by the
hand of a most respectable member
" 'Tell me if I hate the bowl —
of society a man who had a license
Hate is a feeble word; from that very court to sell that which
I loathe — abhor—my very soul maddened the brain and prompted the
With strong disgust is stirred hand to murder.
Whene'er I see, or hear, or tell "I saw upon the table the skull of
Of the dark beverage of hell.' young B who was killed by his

most intimate friend in a drunken

experience at the bar has satis- brawl at Hartstown, and the respec-
fied me that intemperance is the di- table proprietor at whose hotel the
rect cause of nearly all the crime that murder was perpetrated, and who sold
is committed in our country. I have the maddening spirit that prompted
been at the bar over thirty years, the deed, was witness to the trial. He
have been engaged in over four thou- said he had a license from that re-
sand criminal cases, and on mature re- spectable court to sell liquor; yes,
flection I am satisfied that over three from the very court then sitting in
thousand of those cases have orig- judgment on that act, which was but
inated from drunkenness alone, and I the natural sequence of the license it
believe that a great proportion of the had sold and granted.
remainder could be traced either di- "I have seen upon the table the
rectly or indirectly to this great source skull of a little child, with the evi-
of crime. In sixty-three cases of dence upon it of a murderous blow,

homicide forty-nine have been caused inflicted by the hand of a drunken

bv the maddening influence of strong mother. Yet it was not the mother
drink. who had committed the most unnat-
ural crime. All our knowledge of the
Think of it, my brethren and promptings of the human heart deny
the charge. Who that remembers his
sisters,forty-nine murders out of
own mother and her maternal love
sixty-three cases, were caused by could believe it? No! a demoniacal
strong drink! spirit had violated the sanctuary of
the mother's heart and cast out the
"I have seen upon the counsel ta- tender, loving tenant that once re-
ble of our court room the skull of an
sided there, and that was the spirit
of strong drink, sold to the woman
aged father who was killed by a
drunken son. My
brother and myself by a man who held a license to sell
sat by his side as his counsel, and I
under the seal and sanction of that
never shall forget the look of that son very court.
when the ghastly evidence of his "I have seen upon the table the
guilt was laid on the stand before him.
blood-stained skull of a wife, cleft
That silent yet eloquent witness! It from top to base by an ax in the.
was but an arch of bone, and was han- hand of a brutal, drunken husband,
dled carelesslv by the jury in their who came home from a neighboring
investigation, yet it had once been licensed beer-shop, reeling, drunken,
covered by a father's gray hairs, be- and maddened by drink there sold by
neath it had throbbed a brain full of a most respectable dealer, by a man
pride and affection for the son who who had a legal right to sell that
was now on his trial for murder, and poison whose effects are more terrible
as it passed from hand to hand the tha" the plagues confined within the
fearful expression on the face of the fabled box of Pandora, and under
accused plainly told the terrible feel- v hose baneful influence
ing of remorse that filled his soul. It "The hand that should shield the wife
was a wicked and most unnatural from ill,
crime, and begot feelings of loathing In drunken wrath is raised to kill.
and horror in the breasts of all who
witnessed the trial. Yet it was not "I once defended a man for killing
in reality the son who had commit- his own brother, by whom, in a fit of
ted the crime, but the demon that drunken frenzy, he had been attacked
lurks in every cup of strong drink. with a dangerous weapon, thereby


compelling him in his own defense, to presents the unparalleled record of al-
strike a blow that had taken his broth- most two-thirds of the counties of the
er's life. He was tried for murder, state without a single prisoner serv-
and in his defense I called the 'land- ing sentence for crime, while in some
lord' to prove that the murdered of the counties a jury to try a crim-
brother was mad from the effects of inal case has not been called in ten
the liquor he had received at the wit- years."
ness' bar. He so testified, vet seemed
conscious of no wrong. Why should Howsad they must feel in Kan-
he? He had a license from the court, sas because of a lack of prosperity,
and why should that brother's blood
cry to heaven for venegcance against
in not having their share of pau-
him? Oh, no! he was a respectable pers, and just think how in prohi-
citizen, possessing a good moral char- bition Kansas they are robbing the
acter, for the law grants license to poor jurors of their fees!
none other. He had a legal right to
present the maddening cup to his fel-
low's lips, and no one should complain "One-half of the people now living
of him. He had acted in accordance in license territory in the United
with the law, and did not one of Eng- States live in four states of the Union,
land's greatest and best of men say New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois and
that 'the law was that science whose New Jersey."
voice was the harmony of the world,
and whose seat was the bosom of Thelarge cities of our Union are
God?" where crime concentrates. Every
I had the privilege of being one district all over the fa ; r State of

of the several thousand that walked Utah, where the Latter Jay Saints
down Pennsylvania Avenue, Wash- were in the majority, with one ex-
ington, D. C, and who stood before ception, went dry when we had the

the Capito' and presented a human privilege of voting on this question

petition to our representatives in a few years ago. " Had the people
Congress to give us national pro- of Utah not been robbed of the
hibition by an amendment to the privilege of voting on the liquor
Constitution of the United States. question as county units instead of
I listened to a splendid speech there,
changing to precinct units by
a copy of which I hold in my hand, amending the existing law, we
by Mr. Ernest H. Cherrington, the would have had a dry state years
General Manager of the Anti-Sa- ago.
loon League of America. I will
'One-fourth of the people in this
read only a few extracts. I wish
nation who live in saloon territory
I had time to read it all. live in six cities, New York, Chicago,

"The Supreme Court of the United Philadelphia, St. Louis, Boston and
States is authority for the declaration Cleveland. One-half of all the sa-
that 'the statistics of every state show loons of the United States are located
a greater amount of crime and misery
in fourteen cities. There are fewer
attributable to the use of ardent spir- saloons south of Mason and Dixon's
its obtained at these retail liquor sa-
line than there are in the City of
loons than to any other source." Chicago. Thirty-six states of this
Union have fewer saloons in the ag-
Really, is it not too bad that in gregate than the City of New York.
every prohibition state they should These significant facts, together with
the well known fact that the vices of
be losing prosperity
the nation center in our cities, thus
"No state of the Union has given adding complications to complica-
prohibition so fair a trial as has the tions, make the great moral and so-
State of Kansas. Today t'n °t State cial problems of the city practically
: :

unsolvable so far as the city alone is during the war. Czar Nicholas has
concerned." stopped the sale of liquor throughout
Russia and one of the first acts of the
Those of us who live in the cities Russians in Prussia was to shut the
appeal to you who live in the coun- saloons. The French bill of fare for
the soldiery omits alcohol."
try to help us to rid Utah's fair
cities ofcrime. Let me tell you one thing about
I have here a newspaper clip- Russia. One of the officers of the
ping from the Spokesman Review, largest life insurance companies in
which shows that Russia, Germany, the world, on his way to San Fran-
England and France have learned cisco, stopped off in Salt Lake City,
that they can not win in the great and I had the pleasure of spending
war now raging unless they first an evening with him. He told me
kill whiskey. It reads as follows that he had found some astounding
figures in Russia, which were al-
It Something More than
is a War most unbelievable. That notwith-
Against War.
"One of the many remarkable fea- standing the war, because of the
tures connected with the war of the banishment of liquor, the death-rate
European revolution is that it is not of his company had been less than
only for many of the combatants a
before the war. He felt there must
holy war against war, but for the gov-
ernments is a war against alcohol. It be something wrong,, some mistake,
almost seems as if the world at war and was going to investigate it fur-
had declared war upon the use of in- ther. I feel sure his additional in-
toxicating drinks by soldiers.
vestigation will only be one more
"No vodka for the fighter is the
word in Russia, no saki for the Jap- confirmation of the Lord's prom-
anese army, no whiskey or rum for ise in the Word of Wisdom.
the British trooper nor any absinthe Here is something I must read to
for French infantry or cavalry. Re-
ports from Germany as to the use of
you, although my time isgoing
drink by its armies have not ap-
peared, but doubtless the German "According to the Kansas City Star,
military staff has no more use for Mrs. James Watson, editor and pub-
drink than have its opponents. lisher of the Dearborn, Mo., Demo-
"This almost absolute elimination crat, has the following suggestion to
of alcohol from the supplies of make to booze fighters: 'To the mar-
armies in the field forms part of the ried man who cannot get along with-
modern theory as to efficiency in war. out his drinks, we suggest the follow-
The inexorable demand for the max- ing as a means to freedom from the
imum of effectiveness in the soldier bondage of the habit: Start a saloon
insists that his condition in the field in your own house. Be the only cus-
shall approximate the Sunday school tomer. You will have no license to
standard of conduct. Tommy Atkins, pay. Go to your wife and give her $2
Jean Crapaud, Ivan Ivanovitch and to buy a gallon of whiskey, and re-
Banzai Idzumo are far from the Cap- member there are sixty-nine drinks
tain Falstaffwho recognized his Cor- in one gallon. Buy your drinks from
poral Bardolph through the redness no one except your wife, and by the
of his nose. time the first gallon is gone she will
"The German emperor early in the have $8 to put in the bank and $2 to
year declared against drinking in the start business again.. Should you
army and held up abstinence as the live ten years and continue to buy
military ideal. Kitchener, when the boose from her and then die with
war began, declared for total abstin- snakes in your boots, she will have
ence and ordered that no gifts of money to bury you decently, educate
liquor be forwarded to the British your children, buy a house and lot
forces. The government of France and marry a decent man and quit
forbade the sale of absinthe at Paris thinking about you " [Laughter.]


"On the 3rd and 4th of this month Cancer (all forms) 78.9 55.9
a remarkable temperance meeting was Diabetes 132.4 85.5
held in Philadelphia. Those in at- Diarrhoea and enteritis (un-
tendance were physicians and scien- der 2 years) 75.2 52.8
tists.Sevaral notable papers were read Violence (ex. suicide) .... 92.5 63.6
on the increase in the number of i

slaves of alcohol and drugs, the rela-

tionship between disease and drink,
When the United States officials
and the conclusion arrived at by in- in Washington received the report
surance societies regarding the mor- of the death rate—9.8 to the 1000
tality of drinkers
These are questions
immense im-
— in Kansas they would not be-
lieve it, and so they sent a special
portance to all."
"Col. Maus, surgeon in the U. S.
commissioner out there to investi-
Army, made this statement: gate, and the report was substanti-
"During the last year (1912), 2,000,- ated. I would like to read the whole
000,000 gallons of wine, beer, whiskey, of the Era article by Brother Ed-
brandy, gin and other intoxicants
ward H. Anderson, from which the
were used in this country at a cost of
as many billions of dollars. The above is taken, but my time is gone.
country would be electrified if called The article is an additional con-
upon to appropriate this sum to sup- firmation of the promise of the
press diseases and national epidemics. Lord Almighty that the destroying
Yet this expenditure is the most im-
portant factor in the cause of our mis- angel shall pass by those who obey
ery, poverty, suicides, robberies, mur- the Word of Wisdom and keep His
ders and crimes, besides the hundreds commandments. I appeal to you all
of thousands of deaths and the intel- read Brother Edward H. An-
lectually dead to be found in the in-
sane asylums, feeble minded and epi- derson's splendid article in the
leptic institutions of the country." April Era, "For the Consideration
"Dr. Keister declared that if the of Utah Citizens."
American people would quit drinking Welistened yesterday to the tes-
intoxicating beverages homicides timonies at our prohibition meeting
would be reduced by SO per cent, sui-
cides by 60 per cent, and lunacy by in Barratt Hall of Stephen H. Love,
33 per cent. [Thus adding to our John L. Herrick, Melvin J. Ballard,
financial ruin!] Andrew Kimball and Joseph E.
"These startling statements did not Robinson, as to the beneficial ef-
come from fanatics, but from men fects arising from prohibition in
with exceptional opportunities to
study the causes of sickness and Colorado, Arizona, Washington,
crime, and well equipped for that Kansas and Oregon. I wish every
study. Wemust accept their conclu- man, woman and child in Utah
sions. And if we desire the better-
could have heard these testimonies.
ment of existing conditions, the evils
must be attacked at the root." May God help us to keep His
commandments, to live the lives of
The following is a statement of Latter-day Saints, that we may be
the causes of deaths in the state of worthy of an exaltation in His
Kansas for 100,000 population Kingdom, is my prayer and desire,
and I ask it in the name of Jesus.
In In Amen.
U.S. Kan.
1913 1913
"Song of the Redeemed," was
Nephritis (Bright's disease) 102.9 64.5
rendered by the combined choirs.
Typhoid fever 17.9 19.4
Diphtheria 18.8 7.8
Elder Bryant S. Hinckley pro-
Tuberculosis (all forms).. 147.6 61.8 nounced the benediction.


SECOND OVERFLOW borne witness in this day and age.

He has revealed Himself anew to
MEETING. men in the flesh. His beloved Son,
Another meeting of the Confer- our elder brother, the first born
ence was held in the Assembly Hall, among many brethren in our pri-
at 2 p. m., at which Elder George F.
meval childhood, in the pre-mortal
life, born of woman in the meridian
Richards presided. The combined
choirs of Forest Dale, Waterloo,
of time, crucified on Calvary's
cross, resurrected and risen from
and Richards wards again furnished
the choral numbers. the dead, the Redeemer of man-
kind, hath made Himself known
The hymn, 'Arise, my soul,
again, and by personal ministry re-
arise," was sung by the choirs.
established His Church in this day,
Elder Samuel C. Parkinson of-
fered the invocation.
with divers gifts, with the visitation
The combined choirs sang the an- of angels, with tongues and inter-
pretation of tongues, with miracles,
them, "Palm Branches."
with healings and with all the gifts
ELDER JOSEPH E. ROBINSON. and signs that followed in the wake
of the ancient apostles. Therefore
(President California Mission.)
as these things are manifest before
"Praise ye the Lord blessed is he
our eyes, how can we hope to es-
who bringeth salvation." This is cape if we neglect so great salva-
the strain that we have just listened tion? Shall neglect, shall indiffer-
to and the burden of the song ren- ence, shall unbelief wean us away
dered. from the covenants of our fathers
I want to read to you from the and mothers, and lulling us to sleep
holy scriptures an admonition from in the sense of security, make us
Paul's great epistle to his own unmindful of the responsibility
brethren, the Hebrews, as recorded that rests upon us as children of
in their book, second chapter, be- the Most High ? For in such sleep
ginning with the first verse we forget God, forget our calling,
and therefore lose our election and
''Therefore we ought to give the reward.
more earnest heed to the things which In the remarks of Elder Orson
ive have heard, lest at any time we
should let them slip, For if the word F. Whitney and Joseph F. Smith,
spoken by angels was steadfast, and Jr., in the tabernacle, this morning,
every transgression and disobedience it was fairly indicated to us that it
received a just recompense of reward;
is the unbelieving one who has shut
How shall we escape if we neglect so Let me
great salvation; which at the first be- himself away from God.
gan to be spoken by the Lord, and read the admonition of the Master,
was confirmed unto us by them that as recorded in the twentieth chap-
heard him; God also bearing them After He had
ter of St. John:
witness, both with signs and wonders,
and with divers miracles, according arisen from the dead and had made
to his own will?" Himself known to the brethren and
the faithful saints upon that first
I have thought that we may be Lord's day. the Sunday that they
well admonished in this day by this observed by gathering together to
exhortation of Paul's just as well partake of the emblems of His
as the ancient Saints, for God has blood and flesh, and being afraid


of the Jews, had shut themselves "Thomas, because thou hast seen me
up into an upper room, when they thou hast believed; blessed are they
that have not seen, and have be-
were suddenly visited by the Mas- lieved."
ter. Weread that they were af-
frighted because they thought they So here again do I read this ad-
had seen a spirit, but He said unto monition, that we ought to be faith-
them, "Peace be unto you," and ful and not faithless, that we ought
admonished them that it was even to be believing and not unbelieving.
He Himself, and invited them to And if you will recall the remarks
come forward and thrust their of Elder Smith this morning, you
hands into His side, and feel the remember how he cited the men of
prints of the nails in His hands and the world who hold the places of
in His feet, which witnessed that prominence as teachers and minis-
it was even He Himself and not His ters for Christ, who do not accept
spirit. They seemed fearful still, the atonement of the Master, who
and evidently did not take advan- do not accept the fact that He is the
tage of His invitation. Then He Only Begotten of the Father in the
asked them if they had any bread flesh, who do not believe we are
or meat there, and they brought created in His form, but that if we
Him a broiled fish and part of a are made after Him at all it is in
honey comb, and He did eat in their reason only that we resemble His
presence. They bore witness of this personality. They question the
to Thomas, who was not present statements of the early fathers of
that day but who was one of the the ancient church, the statements
chosen disciples. Thomas, as many- of the apostles and of the patriarchs
men today, would not believe the of old, because they think that in
testimony of his brethren. He said, this day we have come into more
I will not believe it unless I can learning and knowledge relative to
see and feel the marks of the nails the great course of life and the be-
in His hands and His feet, and ing of this world, its creations and
when they had come together upon its environment.

the next Sunday, the Master again Let me recite a few words of Col.
appeared before them, and these Robert G. Ingersoll. His brother
are the words that are recorded Obed was a minister, so called, of
the gospel of Christ. The colonel
"And after eigth days again his dis- expected that when death overtook
ciples were within, and Thomas with
them. Then came Jesus, the doors him his brother would see to the
being shut, and stood in the midst, and last sad rites, and would speak
said Peace be unto you. Then saith parting words of benediction over
he to Thomas, Reach hither thy fin- his body. But his brother died
ger, and behold my hands, and reach
hither thy hand, and thrust it into my
early in life, and the Colonel had
side, and be not faithless but believing." the sad office to fulfill instead for
his brother. In addressing the peo-
Remember admonition,
this 'Be ple assembled, he likened the life
not faithless, but believing." of his brother unto that of a beau-
tiful ship that had set sail under
"And Thomas answered and said
unto him, My Lord and my God." most favorable circumstances,
every sail in place, every rope taut,
The Master rejoine'd, saying: everything in order, so that a most
: :


successful voyage seems propitious, eyes beheld Him and his ears heard
when suddenly, without a warning, His loved voice; but the Master
the vessel, struck amidships by .a said to him, "Thomas, thou hast be-
submerged rock, had broken it in lieved because thou hast seen me.
two, and it drifted out upon the Blessed are they who have not seen,
waves, driven and tossed by the and yet have believed." And so
winds, and was scattered to the with these modern men who were
four parts of the earth, never more quoted today. So with Colonel In-
to be brought together again. But gersoll. Those who are faithless
when he had drawn this picture, and are not believing, do not have
his own soul within him remon- the testimony of the Christ. The
strated with the thought, and he Holy Ghost does not come to them
expressed these feelings as a witness for it has not been
conferred upon them. They have
"This life is a narrow vale between not complied with the teachings of
the cold and barren peaks of two the Master, wherein He said, "My
eternities. We
strive in vain to pierce
doctrine is not mine, but His that
beyond the heights. We
cry, and the
sent me, and if any man will do His
only answer is the echo of our soul:
he who lies before us, mistaking the will, he shall know of the doctrine,
approach of death for the return of whether I speak of God or whether
health, murmured with his latest
I speak of myself." And that
breath, I am better now."
promise is to the least of the chil-
And the Colonel concludes
dren of our Father and to the least
that shall come in the flesh, as well
"Let us hope in spite of doubt and as to the great ones of the earth
fear, dogmas and tears, that this is so, who lived with the Master in His
of all the countless dead, for in the
dark night of death hope sees a star
and the listening ear catches the So we may not wonder at the
rustling of a wing." lack of understanding upon the part
of those who were regarded as
A complete contradiction to his wise and prudent after the knowl-
former statements, "and showing edge of men, for God has said that
that within his heart, as within the He had not chosen many rulers
soul of every man, there is some- from among the great and the
thing that reaches out after the in- wise ;

but from those who were
finite. He said, "We strive in vain looked upon as insignificant, from
to pierce beyond the heights we :
the meek and the lowly of the earth
cry, and the only answer is the He has raised up witnesses unto
echo of our wail.'' Now because Him who bear with them such
he was faithless and lacked faith
earnestness in their testimony that
in God and in His work he be- ;
— men cannot make light of the same,
lieved not, and therefore he received no matter if they stumble in their
no answer, for we are to walk by language or not. We
feel it in their

faith and not by sight. And I take very presence, in the clasp of their
it in this scripture that I read to hand. We
read it in the light of
you, the Lord Jesus rather re- their countenance, and cannot doubt
proaches' Thomas than blessing the testimony of such men as these,
him, though happily for Thomas, to whom God has spoken by the
he did confess his Master when his voice of His spirit, or unto whom

the Holy Ghost has come and borne were true to the principles of
witness of the truth, taking of the higher science. This wisdom and
things of the Father and of the Son knowledge is gleaned in part now
and revealing them to men. Not by men in their blindness and these ;

only the wise men, so called, of the very men feel that about us there
world, but, sad to relate, some of are forces unharnessed as yet to
our own young men, who have a serve men's will, planes upon —
little smattering of the knowledge which we do not function, and are
of the world, and who have studied slow to reject the testimony of men
some of the philosophies of men, of the past and even of the present,
who are misinformed, and whose who say that they do know because
philosophies are not grounded on they have come in touch with this,
the truth, have by their specious power and are witnesses of the
pleading been led to believe, as was hand-dealings of Christ and of the
stated this morning, in evolution visitation of angels and the healing
and in the higher criticism of the of the sick, etc.
scriptures. They will tell us that Why, how weak, how impotent
the books written are not to be man has
after all, despite all that
ascribed to those whose names fol- achieved, is man himself.
Our poor
low as the authors of the works, ears, though they have been enrap-
that they are eastern allegories and tured by the melody of song this
fables and stories, and that they afternoon, so sweetly rendered by
are not true histories of the deal- the combined choirs and by the in-
ings of Providence anciently nor in strument accompaying them, our —
the meridian of time but the de-
poor ears can only interpret and re-
ductions that they make and the ceive a very few of the vibrations
sophistries that they teach are much that we call .sound, and between the
more difficult to explain, to accept vibrations of sound and sight there
and believe than the plain, simple lies a wondrous field, unheard, un-

statement of the holy scriptures known, unexperienced by mortal

themselves. man, because in our weakness, our
An added testimony to the truth finiteness, we cannot function in .

of these scriptures comes to us in that plane. The sights that might

the manifestos of some of the great- be seen, the sounds that might be
est living scientists, members of the heard, are uninterpreted and unseen
Royal Society of Edinburgh, as because we are mortal. But some-
given, I think, but about six years times God quickens the ear and the
since, when unitedly these men de- eye of man, and they hear and see
clared that not only the history of things unheard and unseen before.
the Bible and of God's hand-dealing And so the poets have declared that
with His people was true, but the
very miracles performed, as stated "Ever near us though unseen,
The dear immortal spirits tread,
in the New Testament, the turning
And all the universe is life;
of water into wine, the revivifying There is no dead."
of the dead, the healing of the
leper, the unstopping of the ears of Ofttimes in rejecting so great
the deaf, and the opening of the salvation, we do it by looking back
eyes of the blind, not only might mournfully, as was stated this
be demonstrated scientifically, but morning, into the past, by thinking
of things that might have been, by obstacles in your pathway that you
weeping over time and conditions feel that you cannot surmount, if
and .opportunities, perchance, that broken-hearted because loved ones
cannot come again, or that we lose have been wrested from you, or
because we look to the past and do wantonly have gone astray, still be
not take heed of the present and like Job, who could sit down in the
look for the future. Ofttimes too ashes of his once happy home and
there may be dreamers who are liv- declare, "though he slay me yet
ing in the future, who have buikled will I trust him," "for I know that
up for themselves an ethereal ex- my Redeemer liveth, and that he
istence that is not real, and because shall stand at the latter-day upon
it is unreal is unhealthy. I have the earth ; and though after my skin
met people who think that they are worms destroy this body, yet in my
so saintly that if they can retain flesh shall I see God, whom I shall
certain divine thoughts, they shall see for myself and mine eyes shall
never die, that they shall not taste behold, and not another, though my
of death, that they arrest the seeds reins be consumed within me."
of dissolution, and cannot even That is the faith that surmounts
grow old. I have seen them not the doubts and the difficulties of to-
only grow decrepit and old, but die day; that is the faith that will en-

since they first announced this doc- able you to surmount every ob-
trine to me in the mission field. stacle; that is the faith that will
Such creatures and dreamers of the help you to recognize the hand of

future and men who look mourn- God in all of His hand-dealings,
fully to the past, and put off the and meet meekly chastisement when
issues of the present for the future, itshall come from His beneficent
crucify today between, the thieves hand. "Be not faithless, but be-
of yesterday and tomorrow the op- lieving, for blessed are they who
portunities for salvation gained have not seen and yet have be-
only by living godly in Christ Jesus lieved."
today. May the peace of our Father be
I admonish you Latter-day Saints with you, I ask in the name of
to see to it that so far as you are Jesus. Amen.
concerned, complying with the doc-
trines of Christ you shall set in your SAMUEL O. BENNION.
hearts and in the hearts of your (President Central States Mission.)
children such love of truth, such a
testimony of the Christ, that you I am very happy, my brethren
will not be led astray by the spe- and sisters, for the opportunity of
cious pleading of so called learned attending conference this spring. I
men, but in the effulgent sun of think that the opportunity to meet
revelation you will be able to say, here with the Latter-day Saints and
as did Peter, that "Jesus is the mingle with them, and shake the
Christ, the Son of the living God hands of friends, of brethren and
that with one of the ancient proph- sisters, is one of the great pleasures
ets you can say, "as for me and my of life, and I appreciate it very
house, we will serve the Lord." If much. My experience in attending
tried,if tormented, if perplexed these conferences has always been
with griefs and fears, if there be a source of joy to me from the very

beginning. I have learned to love churches. They were in session

my fellow men and enjoy the asso- that evening, with a large number
ciation of friends. I have never of people present. The minister
seen a crowd too big, or too many made the statement that I have
people, and I find happiness and mentioned, that there was not a
great pleasure, when I can asso- priest upon the earth, that there
ciate with men who bear the priest- was no need of a temple in the
hood of God and who are true to earth; Christ had performed the
life. Wefind this condition among work for all of us, and if we ad-
the Latter-day Saints to a greater mitted Christ we were sure of sal-
degree than it is in the world among vation. He did not believe in reve-
any other body of people. lation at all, said it was unneces-
I appreciate the power of the sary. He did not believe in proph-
priesthood. I have been thinking ecy, and I was not surprised, for I
during this conference most seri- knew the Apostle John had said
ously that I ought to be very care- that "the testimony of Jesus is the
ful with the testimony which I have spirit of prophecy." Men who have
received, and guard it as a precious not the testimony of Jesus are not
gift. Above all other gifts is a tes- in a position to state or to say that
timony of this gospel, that God there are prophets in the earth, and
lives and that Jesus is the Christ, that revelation does exist. They
the Redeemer of the world, that have not learned that much. And
Joseph Smith was a prophet sent so I was not surprised when I heard
from God to live in this dispensa- him make this statement but re-

tion, and to bear testimony unto membered at the moment the words
men with such power that the of Paul, when he spoke along the
Lord's work would be firmly estab- same line, "that no man can say
lished. It is a precious gift to you, that Jesus is the Lord but by the
my brethren and sisters it is worth
; Holy Ghost" (1 Cor. 12:3). I re-
more than anything else I want to ; membered how the apostles preach-
guard mine more carefully in the ed that the Holy Ghost would be
future than T have ever done in the received. On the day of Pentecost,
past. when the people, touched in their
The testimony of Jesus is the hearts, asked, "Men and brethren
spirit of prophecy. Men who have what shall we do?" Peter said unto
not the testimony of Jesus do not them, "Repent and be baptized,
believe in prophecy and in revela- every one of you in the name of
tion. Hence we are not surprised Jesus Christ, for the remission of
at all to hear them say there is no sins, and ye shall receive the
such thing as an authorized priest gift of the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2:37,
in the earth, no such thing as a tem- 38). He thus followed an order
ple of God in the earth, no need of that had been outlined by the
them any more. I attended a Christ, who labored with Peter and
church in one of the Southern those apostles. Jesus said, "My
states a few weeks ago, between doctrine is not mine but His that
trains, when I was visiting the sent me." He never claimed it as
elders in Central States mis-
the His, but He claimed it as His
sion. I had two or three hours to Father's, that He had sent Him into
wait, so T went into one of the the world to preach the gospel and
— : ;


declare unto the children of men the ing. I did not want to engage in a

words of life, the words that would debate with him I did not want to

give unto them the testimony that engage in anything that bordered on
Job gave us, which has been so contention, for contention does not
beautifully repeated here this after- carry with it the Spirit of the Lord
noon. but I should liked to have read
There is no salvation, no eternal to him the truth that the Lord has
life, outside of the gospel. There revealed from heaven, the priest-
is only ohe way by which men can hood of God, the power that our
be saved, according to Paul wherein Father delegated to man upon the
he states, "One Lord, one faith, one earth. It was revealed through
baptism" (Eph. 4:5). No matter John and later through Peter,
how well a man may be read in the James, and John. Section 13 reads
scripture, —and that gentleman that as follows
1 listened to that evening was well

read in his letters he was perfect

"Words of the angel, John (the
Baptist), spoken to Joseph Smith, Jr.,
unless his mind is illumined by the and Oliver Cowdery as he laid his
Spirit he cannot comprehend the hands upon their heads and ordained
Truth. I remembered, as he spoke, them to the Aaronic priesthood, in
the words of the apostle that "the
Harmony, Susquehannah County,
Pensylvania, May IS, 1829: 'Upon
letter killeth but the Spirit giveth you, my fellow servants, in the name
life" (11 Cor. 3:6). He was not of Messiah, I confer the priesthood
able to understand the gospel, for of Aaron, which holds the keys of the
former prophets ministering of angels, and of the gos-
as one of the
pel of repentance, and of baptism by
stated, according to the scripture, immersion for the remission of sins,
"Where there is no vision the peo- and this shall never be taken from
ple perish." Where the visions are the earth until the sons of Levi do
offer again an offering unto the Lord
closed, the Lord does not reveal "
in righteousness.'
Himself then the people perish in

unbelief, and they do not know the Whether that minister stated that
Lord, they have not the testimony the priesthood was not in the earth
of Jesus, they are unable to stand or not, it makes no difference he ;

up and truthfully say, "I know that never knew. But it was and is in
God lives, I know that Jesus is the the earth, and I should like to have
Savior of the world." They are not had the opportunity of reading the
in possession of that knowledge, for revelation of the Lord upon it. for
that comes only in one way, through after all there are thousands of men
revelation from God unto His ser- and women in the earth who are
vants the prophets, for it is said, ready to receive the eospel. Thev
that "surely the -Lord God will do are a little afraid of "Mormonism."
nothing but he revealeth his secret because "Mormonism" and polye-
unto his servants the prophets" amv are regarded as synonymous
(Amos 3:7). Mymind went to a in the world, and they take snao
revelation of the Lord here, that we iudgfment and are not informed.
are all acquainted with, recorded in Thev do not understand the gosoel.
the Doctrine and Covenants, 13th Thev do not know why we have, at
chapter. I should have liked to one period of the Church's historv.
have had the opportunity of read- preached polygamv. We
believe in
ing it to that gentleman that even- revelation from God we believe in


a restoration of the gospel,

not in a acquainted with the true nature of
"reformation," and with the resto- our belief and discover that w,e did
ration there was revelated a prin- keep God's commandments; an 1

ciple which Abraham practiced and they will learn that "Mormonism"
believed in that —
Abraham of is the biggest and the greatest thing

whom the Lord said, that through in the world, and the testimony of
him and his seed all the nations of it is the greatest thing that one can

the earth should be blessed. That possibly have.

principle was restored and obeyed I pray that the Lord will bless

to a limited extent, under most try- you. I see the time is going, and
ing circumstances, by men and there are a number of others to
women of great faith and integrity. speak. I take a delight in bearing my
The time came when it was taken testimony for I have one. I know
away but it had been
; restored, and that the Lord lives and rules in
it has left its history. No better the earth and in the heavens above,
men can be found in all the world and that He has servants to admin-
than those who came through that ister unto the children of men. I

lineage. know that this is His work, and that

In this connection I remember He has established it never more to
the words of Jesus in the gospel of be given to another people, never to
St. Luke, when he said unto the peo- be re-organized, but to continue or-
ple that they should see Abraham, ganized as it was in the days of the
Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of Prophet Joseph Smith and it shall

God, and all the holy prophets, and remain here until Christ comes to
they themselves should be thrust take His place upon the earth at its
out there would be weeping and
; head. The Lord bless you. Amen.
wailing and gnashing of teeth. I
want to tell you, if Abraham, Isaac, A was sung by
solo Sister Annie
and Jacob and those holy prophets Woodbury.
did not forfeit their rights, neither
did the Prophet Joseph Smith, and ELDER JOHN L. HERRICK.
Brigham Young and others who
(President Western States Mission.)
conscientiously accepted and lived
that principle. Had it not been in- A few weeks ago, Prof. Harvey
cluded in "Mormon" doctrine, I sup- A. Overstreet, of the College of the
pose our opponents could have cen- City of New York, speaking to a
sured us for not believing in it, for convention of ministers of one of
they could have produced abundant the great Christian churches, at
evidence in its favor from the an- Pittsburgh, said substantially as
cient scriptures. However, I allude follows
to this matter only incidentally and
without the slightest intention to ad- "The time is ripe for the formula-
tion of a new religion. Much that is
vocate the doctrine now, because as
peculiar of the period of today is also
you all know, its practice has ceased peculiar of the Alexandrian period,
among us by commandment of God, when Christianity had its birth. To-
in order that another law the law — day sees great cults arising. There

of the land might be obeyed. And are great social upheavals.
great age of ferment.
It is a
I sometimes
that is the situation today. Never- think that out of this vast social cal-
theless the world will yet become dron will come some new thing. Tt


seems we can believe this; that the With the teachings of the
accredited religions institutionalized Prophet Joseph Smith, these im-
as they are, have been failures. We possible ideas were set aside, for he
find the attitude towards the church
testified that God and Jesus Christ
is rather lukewarm. The accredited
were separate and distinct beings,
religions are not the great soul-inspir-
ing, encompassing things they ought corporeal beings, that they visited
to be. The new religion will come out him in vision the most remarkable
of the midst of those groups which of modern times, or for all time
have accepted the scientific, demo- perhaps of which we have record,
cratic and social point of view." when he talked face to face with
them, and received instructions re-
wondered, as I read the dis-
1 garding the contemplated work to
patch accredited to this educator, if be established in the world for the
he had familiarized himself with all last time, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
of the religions of the day before It is also a cardinal teaching in
making the statement attributed to "Mormonism" that matter is eter-
him, for it would seem that there is nal, and that the object had by the
one rather widely known creed Almighty in forming the world was
which might cover the vital features to bring together the various forces
demanded by the gentleman in the that were already here, and that
new religion he is looking for. That matter, while altered, could not be
religion I do not hesitate to say is destroyed, i. e., annihilated. As re-
the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- specting man, it is confidently as-
ter-day Saints. Let us see how the serted that he was born into the
Church would line up by compar- world of mortality through the plan
ison. The theology of "Mormon- of the Almighty, and that the in-
ism" is inharmony with science, or telligence of man is also eternal,
better stated, the conclusions of isin fact co-eternal with God. Some
some of the greatest scientific minds advanced thoughts as regards as-
have been made to harmonize with tronomy were also made known,
much that has been set forth as which science has since recognized.
"Mormon" teaching. When that From the standpoint of democracy
religion was founded there was in religion we can pass muster
need, apparently, for some new surely for a revelation was received
thing, because there was much in 1830, but three months after the
lacking in the confessed creeds of organization of the Church as fol-
the various religions. For instance, lows : "And all things shall be
most of them professed a belief done by common consent in the
that God was an incorporeal im- Church by much prayer and faith
material Being, without body, parts for all things you shall receive by
or passions. They professed also faith." That rule has obtained and
that the world was created, literally still maintains in the Church. Can-

created, out of nothing, and like- didates for the priesthood must be
wise that man also was literally approved by the voice of the people.
created, and that he was pre- Stake and ward authorities are pre-
destined to either a glorious salva- sented to be voted upon and this
tion or eternal damnation, and that great conference has set its seal of
no act of his could change the plan approval by vote upon the General
of his life. Authorities, and similar action is
: :


also taken throughout the stakes at of the South, the Vice-President of

each quarterly conference. the United States, Thomas R. Mar-
As to the social point of view. shall, was quoted in the dispatches
We are given credit for having from Phoenix, Arizona, in speak-
solved most satisfactorily the most ing of Efficiency, as follows
important problems, by those who
have impartially investigated our "We want to be an efficient people,
but we want to be also a free people.
conditions. Thomas M. Bicknell, a We cannot be both. The German na-
former president of the National tion and the 'Mormon' Church are the
Education Association and promi- two greatest organizations in the
world, but in each the individual is
nent educator of New England,
subservient to the organization. What
writes as follows we want is efficiency, but we also want
freedom with it."
"The 'Mormon' polity, on the side
of social order, is recognized as the
most thoroughly organized sytem in I think one might well agree with
the world. Every intelligent man him in the statement regarding the
should study it for its recognition of German nation, and without saying
the solution of economic health and anything derogatory of them as a
social problems. Its details of super-
vision are exact, thorough-g-oing and people it is pretty generally con-
efficient. ceded that they have been subserv-
"Beyond and above all in perfection ient to the powers that rule them.
of system and in the realization of But we do take issue with him when
grand results, are the industry, fru-
gality and temperance of the people. he undertakes to say that men and
The beehive properly symbolizes the women comprising this Church are
spirit and practice of the 'Mormons.' subservient to men. The strength
Go where you will, you will find no of the "Mormon" Church lies in the
poverty, while wealth abounds in
practical abundance. Homes are full individual testimony of its mem-
of comforts and luxuries; art, music bers, because they know the truth,
and literature are the endowments of and yet we honor and respect the
all. The wealth of the land has at- priesthood, and the great and good
tracted the 'Mormons' more than the
wealth of the mines, and both are men at the head of the Church. We
making wealth common and fairly love them, and cherish them, and
distributed. would lay down our lives for them,
"Utah is a rich land of great possi-
if need be; yet we do not worship
bilities.Its richest possession is its
'Mormon' population of honest, pure- them. We worship God and Jesus
minded, sweet-hearted men, women Christ.
and children who have drawn on As we view the great mission of
Nature's forces for her grateful ser-
the Church, there looms before me
vices and returns. They have, out of
the lion's mouth, plucked the honey- this question, how are we individ-
comb of sweet content and honest ually shaping our lives to advance
life, and were the Master to walk the that great work? Are we ready to
streets of Salt Lake City today, would
go on missions and labor to advance
he not say to all critics and detractors
of 'Mormonism:' 'Let him that is God's purposes in the world? Are
without sin cast the first stone'?" we prepared to sacrifice when the
times comes to that end ? Is our
We are judged by the world be- example to the world such as we
cause they know little of the teach- would have it to be, and since we

ings of professed "Mormonism." are said to be one of the greatest

Only last fall, while making a tour organizations in the world today,
by those who stand high in the To face the future and to gladly live
with courage new,
councils of the world, then we
Loyal and cheerful facing toward the
ought to be ready to say: I will light for truth and you.
dedicate my life, or a portion of it,
to- the end that God's purposes may "And yet I feel in spite of all the
be magnified in the earth, and that heights which I can never scale,
In spite of all the many tests in which
this Church may also be magnified I daily fail,
commensurate to the claims we That my deep love, more deep and
make. pure and strong than I can ever show,
You somehow, through my failures,
upon you returned mission-
I call
doubts and fears, will come to know.
aries, men and women, with all the
fervor of my soul, as I called upon "The dreary clouds can't hide the sun
the missionaries of the Western for aye; it glimmers through.
The sweet, wet violet, struggling
States last night, in our reunion, to through dead leaves, still shows its blue.
carry with you and keep with you And so I trust, though oft I strike
as you return to your homes the love's chord with clumsy hand.
spirit of the mission field; seek to You'll feel the melody I tried to play
and understand."
be engaged in the work of the Lord,
and be ready for any call that is
MayGod's blessing be with us to
made upon you, and endeavor to
guide and keep us in the way of life
carry throughout the Church the
and truth, I pray in the name of
spirit that you had in the mission
Jesus. Amen.
field, for we at home have not all
of us that inspiration many have ;

The choir sang the hymn, "Softly

not the power and influence that
beams the sacred dawning."
you had in the mission field, to keep
young men and young women from
going astray, as well as to keep ELDER CHARLES A. CALLIS.
yourselves free from sin. We have (President Southern States Mission.)
much to fear, let me tell you, from
the powers of the Adversary, for Sacred thoughts fill my heart as
they are at work in Zion as well as I face this congregation, because I
abroad in the earth. know that all of you have made
As I view sometimes the magni- great sacrifices for the preaching of
tude of this work and what 1 hum- the gospel and the establishment of
bly hope to do, I recall the lines of the kingdom of God in the earth.
a poet, when he said :
But you have embraced the truth
and the faith which connects your
"If you could know that half of all I
souls with God, and you walk in
yearn to be to you, dear heart!
Each day that dawns I struggle to be the comfort of the Holy Ghost.
strong and do my part, In the Book of Mormon is this
Yet when at last the night comes prophecy: "And blessed are they
softly down I humbly pray,
'Lord, grant me still to prove my ten-
who shall seek to bring forth my
der love just one more day!' Zion at that day, for they shall have
the gift and the power of the Holy
"Just one more day to strive to rise Ghost." Bearing in mind that
above small troubles, petty care,
That my cramped soul may break its among the choicest gifts of the
earth-forged bonds, at last to dare Holy Ghost is the gift of prophecy,


let us examine this prophecy for a Smith did speak by the gift and the
moment or two and see whether it power of the Holy Ghost.
has been fulfilled. When the In that same revelation on war,
Prophet Joseph translated the Book it is predicted that after this war
of Mormon he was only 25 years between the North and the South,
old. The Church had not been or- then war would be poured out upon
ganized, but God did fulfill that all nations. Behold the deadly war
prophecy by the mouth of His Holy in Europe. Listen to the bursting
Prophets, who spoke as they were of the bombs, the roar of the can-
moved by the Holy Ghost. The non, the groans of the dying, the
Prophet Joseph Smith, by the gift moans from the mothers' anguish-
and power of revelation predicted stricken hearts, and then tell me if
the great Civil War which raged in Joseph Smith was a prophet of
ferocity and fearfulness for a num- God. The Latter-day Saints do not
ber of years. He predicted that the as a people pray for the victory of
war would terminate in the death one wavering nation over another
and misery of many souls. When wavering nation. I will tell you
war was declared the people of the what they pray for, they pray that
South thought that the bravery and the nations of the earth that are at
the valor of their soldiers would war may lose their lust for con-
end the war in a few months, and quest, may stifle their greed for
that great patriot Abraham Lincoln gain and they also pray that these

himself believed that a few months nations may seek God for that
would terminate the struggle. One choice gift which cometh from
of our brethren in the South, who Him, even the gift of repentance.
was appointed to a command in the Isaiah, the prophet, declared
Confederate army, in addressing "When thy judgments are in the
his men before they went to war, earth, the inhabitants of the world
said : "Boys, do not delude your- will learn righteousness," and O
selves this is going to be a long
; may God grant that these warring
and a bloody war." They said, nations may forsake their stubborn-
"How do you know?" "Because," ness of heart. We
pray that they
said he, "I am a member of the will have a change of heart, that
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- they may pray with David "Create :

day Saints. I know that Joseph in me a clean heart, O

God, and re-
Smith was a prophet of God, and new a right spirit within me. Cast
he predicted that this war would me not away from thy presence,
terminate in the death and the and take not thy Holy Spirit from
misery of many souls." Did Joseph me. Restore unto me the joy of thy
Smith have the gift of the power of salvation, and uphold me with thy
thf Holy Ghost? Consult the an- free Spirit."
nals of our great republic. Shake- Now, my
brethren and sisters,
speare declares there are sermons the mission of this Church is to
in stones. The monuments erected preach the gospel, to awaken in the
in the North and in the South to hearts of men and women the spirit
commemorate the valor and the of repentance. Indeed, so impor-
heroism of the bovs in blue and the tant is this, that Cod has said "Say :

boys that wore the gray are elo- nothing but repentance unto this
quent sermons in stones that Joseph generation." The gospel is "God's
lastwarning" to men, and your sons ELDER GEORGE F. RICHARDS.
and your daughters are boldly,
Convincing character of testimony
bravely and grandly proclaiming
the mission to bring to pass the

borne by the Saints Man should
follow Nature's example of obedi-
purposes of God. ence to law.
Recently a minister said, "The
description of the Millennium plain- My dear brethren and sisters, if
ly indicates a revival of the pure
President Joseph F. Smith were in
faith and practice of primitive attendance at this concluding meet-
Christianity." "It is to be remem- ing of the conference, we might
bered," says this minister, "that the reasonably expect that he would
protestant reformation did not leave his benediction with us, as

effect this. During the millennium that is his custom, and I know that

period these will be brought back to many of the Saints look forward
their best estate, and become domi-
with keen anticipation of the priv-
ilege of attending the last session of
nant, and this state of things will
continue during the thousand the conference, in the tabernacle,
years." It is our testimony, which
that they may hear his words and
receive his blessing. Some of you,
we are bearing to the nations of the
earth, that this primitive gospel hath
no doubt, feel very much disap-
been restored to the earth, and with pointed at not having this privilege
it has been restored the holy priest-
today. Therefore, as a representa-
tive of President Joseph F. Smith
hood, which is the power and au-
thority to minister in the things per- and of the Lord, and by the author-
ity of the Holy Priesthood, I bless
taining to the Almighty. Jesus
"And this gospel of the king- you, my brethren and sisters. May
said :

dom shall be preached in all the God's choicest blessings attend you
in the future as in the past, and even
world as a witness unto all nations,
and then shall the end come." more abundantly, thus rewarding
Among many nations are heard the you for all your faithfulness and in-
tegrity in serving Him.
voices of your noble sons and
(laughters, approved of God, choice
The testimonies to which you
young men and young women, cry- have listened this afternoon have
ing "Repent for the kingdom of been inspired by the Spirit of the
heaven hand." Lord, those who have spoken have
is at
done so as the oracles of God. Their
May God grant that the nations testimonies and instructions will be
of the earth may not be compelled
published to the world, and shall
much longer to learn righteousness,
stand as a witness against those
to learn repentance, but may they
who, hearing or reading these testi-
turn to their God with repentant
monies, shall reject them. To see
hearts and renewed spirits, and ac-
both the Tabernacle and Assembly
cept the everlasting gospel, be bap-
Hall filled to overflowing, and at
tized without stubbornness of heart,
the same time great throngs of peo-
and with you and me rejoice in the ple out on the Temple grounds must
blessings of the everlasting gospel, impress the thoughtful of those who
is my prayer in the name of Jesus. are not of us, with the devotion of
Amen. the Latter-clav Saints to their re-
: :


ligion. thank the Lord that I am

I make me do as well as can."
1 The
identified with this great work, and Apostle James declared unto
have fellowship with you, members people of his time "Wherefore, lay

of His Church. The Latter-day apart all filthiness and superfluity

Saints are, perhaps, more than any of naughtiness, and receive with
other religionists, convinced and meekness the engrafted word, which
sure of the correctness of their re- is able to save your souls, but be ye

ligious attitude before the world; doers of the word, and not hearers
this is evident in the strength of only, deceiving your own selves."
their testimonies. Can anyone who When the Savior was concluding
has heard these elders speak this af- His sermon upon the Mount He
ternoon doubt their sincerity or the seemed to have in mind man's fail-
assurance they have of the truth of ing and took occasion to leave this
their own statements ? admonition as the climax of His
The Latter-day Saints have un- sermon
stinted faith in God they do not
•'Therefore whosoever heaieui these
undertake, in any degree, to abridge sayings of mine, and doe-h them, 1
His knowledge, His power, or His will liken him unto a wise man which
authority. While we regard Him built his house upon a rock; and the
rain descended, and the floods came,
as a man perfected, we accept liter-
and the winds blew and beat upon that
ally the scriptural declaration, "The house, and it fell not: for it was
Lord made heaven and earth, the founded upon a rock. And every one
that heareth these sayings of mine,
sea and all that in them is." All His
and doeth them not, shall be likened
creations are governed by laws of unto a foolish man, which built his
His own making, and, excepting house upon the sand: and the rains de-
man, all His creations are obedient scended, and the floods came, and the
winds blew and beat upon that house,
to His laws hence the order every-

and it fell, and great was the fall of it."

where throughout the universe. If
these inanimate creations were as It is one thing to give intellectual
disobedient to laws made for their assent unto the commandments of
government as is man to laws made the Lord, and another to obey the
for his government, there would be same. It is the obedience that
universal confusion and chaos. On counts for righteousness and for
the other hand, if man were as obe- salvation. Obedience is the lesson
dient in his sphere as the heavenly we need to learn. This lesson
bodies are in theirs, there would be learned, as the Lord would have the
like harmony and order, with peace Latter-day Saints to learn the les-
on earth and good will towards men son of obedience, and the first sug-
everywhere. If man's disobedience gestion from the presiding authori-
then is apparent, as also its baneful ties of the Church that we do not
effects, what is the lesson we should indulge in card playing, immodest
learn by it ? As for the Latter-day dancing, immodest dressing, etc.,
Saints, we know better than we do. would be sufficient. We sing, "We
and have need of being impressed thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
with the necessity for doing as well to guide us in these latter days,"
as we know. The poet, Waldo Em- and then in many instances refuse
erson, felt this same weakness and to be so guided. This is displeas-
expressed it in terms as follows ing to the Lord, as well as being
"What I most need is somebody to hurtful to the individual.
Prejudice in the minds of people in standing before you, and I do not
who have been misinformed in re- know whether I will be able to con-
lation to the Latter-day Saints and trol my feelings so as to speak to
their religion, is a great barrier in you or not; but there is a prayer in
the way of such people receiving my heart, that God will bless me,
the message of the Gospel which we and strengthen me, that I may be
have for the world. If our lives able, for the few minutes that I
were consistent with our profession shall stand before you, to say some
of faith, it would go a long way to- things that shall be comforting, and
ward removing this prejudice and I trust, interesting to us as Latter-
preparing the way for effective day Saints.
sowing of the seeds of truth, to the I very grateful in my heart
honor and glory of the Lord and that I was born of parents who had
the salvation of His children. received a testimony of the divine
May the Lord bless you, my mission of the Prophet Joseph
brethren and sisters, and may His Smith and I feel very thankful to

peace be upon Zion and her people, my parents for the examples that
and upon all the earth, I pray in the they always placed before me. My
name of Jesus Christ. Amen. father was a man who believed in
The anthem, "Praise ye the Fath- prayer. My mother was a Christian
er," was sung by the combined woman, she always called her chil-
choirs. dren about her and had them kneel
The closing prayer was by Elder in her presence, and thank God for
William C. Parkinson. His mercies to them, every day be-
fore they lay down to sleep. I thank
my mother for these lessons.
I have had the privilege of going
OUTDOOR MEETING. out into the world, away from our
people. I was called when I was
A meeting was held in front of
a boy of sixteen, to go into the mis-
the Bureau of Information, at 2
sion field to proclaim t-he Gospel of
p. m. Elder George iUbert Smith
the Lord Jesus Christ to the chil-
presided, and the male choir of the
dren of men. I can recall how
Salt Lake L. D. S. U. furnished feeble and weak I was, and I thank
choral selections, under the lead- the Christian world for the charity
ership of B. Cecil Gates.
that they had toward me when I
The choir and congregation sang was but a child, trying to labor
the hymn, "How firm a foundation."
among them. I had them often ask
Prayer was offered by Bishop me why I was a Latter-day Saint.
Moses H. Pond. I suppose that my replies to that
The male choir sang the anthem,
seemed simple and childish to them,
"O Death, where is thy sting?"
butmy statements were honest and
ELDER JOHN R. YOUNG. In the early years of my life I

(Of San Juan Stake.) remember meeting the Prophet

Joseph Smith. I was a sickly child ;

My brethren and sisters, and had suffered for two weeks, per-
friends who may be present here haps, with the chills and fever. I

today, I feel very weak' and humble was a little skeleton, and peevish.

everything would annoy me. I re- Prophets Joseph and Hyrum. My

member that one morning my father father was away from home, in the
had led me out to give me a little state of Ohio, doing missionary
sunshine, and in that walk we met work at the time of the martyrdom.
the Prophet Joseph Smith, his When he returned home, he said to
brother Hyrum, and Sidney Rig- the family, when they w^ere gath-
don. When they met my father, ered around the table, "Just as long
they shook hands with him, and the as Brother Brigham is faithful to
Prophet asked father if I was the the trust that is placed upon him,
little boy that father had requested they will seek for his blood." I
the Elders to pray for. Now, the wondered, though a child, why that
Latter-day Saints were a praying should be, but the experiences of
people; they had faith in the Lord my life have shown me that feel-
Jesus Christ, and that faith was ings of that kind are natural to the
strengthened in their bosoms by the wicked. As I matured in years, so
testimonies of the Prophet Joseph that I could read and begin to grasp
Smith and on that occasion, when
; what I read, I learned that persecu-
we met them, I knew the Prophet. tion was the common heritage of
I had seen him in the congregations every man that has been called of
of the Saints, and I knew that he God and given a mission to the hu-
was a man that our people honored man family.
and loved and hence I felt a thrill
; As I have stated, I was called
of pleasure pass over my little when a boy of sixteen, to go out
frame when he paid some little at- and teach the gospel to the children
tention to me. When my father of men. My mission was to the
had told him that I was the child he Pacific Islands, the Islands of Ha-
had requested the Elders to pray waii. When I reached there, I was
for, the Prophet stepped toward me, assigned to labor on the island of
and took my little straw hat from Oahu. I will tell you a little of my
my head. He ran his fingers personal experiences. I can hardly
through my curly hair, and for the go beyond that in my talking to you.
moment it seemed to me that he was I was placed in a native family, a
looking far away, and then he said man by the name of Kyama, and
to father, "Brother Young, don't his wife, no children in the family.
you worry about this little man, he They two promised to take care of
will live to grow up to manhood, me, and give me a home with them
and will help carry this gospel to while I should study their language.
the nations of the earth." That is About one week after my arrival
one of my strongest and earliest there, a native woman, one of the
recollections of things that came to neighbors, died. The natives in-
me in this life, and hence I have dulged in considerable and extreme
answered to those who have met me mourning over her. I was curious
out in the world, and asked me why to see the manner of interment, and
1 was a Latter-day Saint, that from I went to the home. I saw them
my childhood, lessons came to me wrap the body in carpets and sew
that gave me faith in the prophet of it up in mats, and carry it to the

the last days, the Prophet Joseph grave. At the graveyard, we met
Smith. the minister of that parish, a ven-
I also recall the martyrdom of the erable looking man, in appearance


very much like our Brother Orson that you know 'Mormonism' is true.
Pratt. I admired the man when I \T ow, will you go ?" I accepted the
firstsaw him, on account of his re- mission.
semblance to Orson Pratt, whom I When I stood at the bridge, I
loved. I went straight up to that questioned myself, ''What are you
minister of the gospel and offered going to do ? Go back to Honolulu
him my hand, and told him who I and tell the President of the mis-
was. I feared no man on earth at sion that you have not sand in your
that time. I had injured no one, crop so that you can stand a little
and felt kindly toward everybody hunger and a little unpleasantness?
I wanted to do men good, that was And when you tell him that, per-
the desire of my heart. I saw the haps he will chide you for that.
minister draw Kyama to one side, Then what? I will not be chicled,
and talk sharp to him and when I
; I have done no man wrong-, and I
returned to the cottage that was to will not be chided, I will go home."'
be my home there was no one there. But I thought a little, and then felt
For three days and nights I stayed ashamed of myself, and turned
there, without food. T felt indig- aside, and went up the creek until
nant at the treatment that was given 1 found a grove .of timber, and I
to me, I could not tell why it was, slipped into that grove and knelt
and I turned to leave. down and prayed, and while I
I took my little carpet sack, and prayed, that cloud of ill feeling
started walking back to Honolulu, passed from me, and there was
about forty miles. When I came to rather a gleam of joy that came to
the creek that flows about a mile me, and I retraced my steps back
south of the village I stopped and to the bridge. As I came back to
asked myself, "What are you going
the bridge a native man came also,
to do?" leading a little burro with a load
Let me go a little further back, of oranges on his back. The burro
because there may be parents here was overloaded, his little back bent
of sons that are out in the mission ('own until the bundle of oranges
field, or may be called into the mis- almost touched the ground, it was
sion field, and I want to bear my almost all he could do to carry his
testimony that God never forsakes burden. The native had a rope tied
those who trust Him. Now, Presi- to a ring in the donkey's nose, lead-
dent Brigham Young had spoken ing him. Across the bridge going
to me, when I was called upon that northward there was a sharp, rocky
mission, and I told him frankly and hill, and when he reached the foot

honestly that I did not know "Mor- of that hill the dunkey stopped
monism" to be true, "I know that there. The man held the rope in
you do not know it to be true. That his left hand, and with his right he
is one reason we want you to go on commenced stoning the little burro,
this mission. And T will make you and swearing in English at him. I

a promise, if you will go on this set my little carpet bag down and
mission and live close to the Lord, went to the man and said, "Stop
and not commit sin, I promise you stoning that burro, that is cruel, you
that when you come home you will must not do it. And why do you
take me by the hand and look me swear at him?" And he said, "Don't
straight in the face, and tell me all white men swear when things

won't do what they want them to and so neglected tending to you,


do?" I replied, "No, it is only bad because I was fearful of the min-
white men that swear. I would like ister. When I learned that, I walked
to see you get the burro up the hill straight for that minister's home.
without swearing at him and ston- He had company when 1 came
ing him; give me the rope." He there, knocked on the door, and
handed me the rope, and I went to they bade me come in, and I told
the side of the road and pulled a him what I came for. I asked him
little grass, and wiped the blood if it was true that he told that na-
from the burro's head, where he had man not to feed me, and
tive to turn
been struck with a stone, then patted me from his home, he said it was
him and talked to him kindly and
; perfectly correct. I said, "You a
when I had done so, I started to minister of the gospel? Where do
walk up the hill. I did not pull the you find in the teachings of the
rope, I just held it in my hand, and Lord Jesus Christ anything that
that little burro, as if an inspiration will justifyyou in treating me that
had come to him, climbed up the way ? I had not wronged you, there
hill with the load on his back. When is not a being on the face of the

1 reached the top the man, who had earth that can say that I have in-
followed, said, "What is your jured them and yet you told that

name?" I told him, and he then man to starve me, and you told him
said,"Where is your home?" Then things that were not true you told —
I broke down that was a very ten-
; him that I was a viper, that I would
der word to me. The man then sting him to death, that 1 was an
asked, "Don't you want to go and imposter. You told him things that
live with me?" That was just what you imagined, for which you had
1 wanted, and 1 said 1 would be no proof, and I ask you to recall
very pleased to go and live with what you did, and make acknowl-
him. He said. "Stay here until I edgment of it."
come back, and you can go home Those are some of the things that
with me." He went on down to I met with when 1 first went out
the landing, sold his oranges, and into the world. It taught me some
came back, and I started to walk up things it taught me that some at

the mountain with him. When he least, the Christian world have
saw that I was weak, he picked me lost the spirit of the Gospel of the
up, for he was a strong man, and Lord Jesus Christ. That was the
set me in the saddle on the burro. beginning of my coming against
I went into the orange grove where men that should be fathers to the
his home was, and stayed with him —
people bright, intelligent men who
until I learned to talk the native have lost the spirit that should ac-
language. company a man who is a professed
Afterward, when 1 met Kvama, servant of the living God.
who had turned me out, I asked By and by, I undertook to preach.
him why he had done that, and he I remember my first text, it was the
said. "The minister holds a paper 16th verse of the 16th chapter of
on my home, so he can take
little Mark. Tt was what Christ said to
it away from me, and he told me His apostles when He met with
von were a viper, and that if T kept them after His crucifixion "Go ye :

yon, yon would sting me to death; intn (-he world, and preach the gos-


pel to every creature, he that be- "Brother Young, hurry up stairs,
lieveth and is baptized shall be they are having trouble up there."
saved." Now, to me that is very T passed upstairs, and found the
strong and authoritative language, little room was nearly filled, there
"He that believeth and is baptized was scarcely room for any more.
shall be saved." Then I went on Not many of them were Latter-day
to tell of the signs that should fol- Saints, and there was an excitement
low those that believe. Now, I had there. A
woman was lying upon
lived among the Latter-day Saints the bed, and when I came into the
from a child up, but I had not seen room, she sprang from that bed and
manifestations that brought con- tried to climb the walls of the room,
viction directly to me in regard to but seA'eral of the sisters took hold
the fulfillment of those things, and of her. Elder William McBride, an
I wondered a little myself in re- Elder of experience, was in the
gard to them. But they are true, room and he said to me, "Come
my brethren and sisters. God has here quick." I was frightened but
restored them again to the earth. 1 hurried to his side, and endeavored
will tell you the first one that I ever to put my hand upon the woman's
witnessed, when I was out in the head, but she grasped my hand in
world. It may be good for some one of hers, and it seemed to me
of our young people at home to like a bird's claw and she barked

hear it. It was in the city of San at me furiously, as a dog will bark.
Francisco. Apostle Parley P. Pratt But we succeeded in laying our
was presiding there. Three of us, hands upon her head, and Brother
Elders Joseph F. Smith and Wil- McBride rebuked the evil spirit
liam W. duff, and myself were she then became quiet and calm.
given the task of tracting the citv The excitement caused Brother Mc-
of San Francisco. Brother Joseph Bride to feel sick, and he withdrew.
F. Smith could not stand it he — I stayed there with my hands rest-

came home in the evening and said ing upon her forehead. After a
to Brother Pratt. "I will work anv while I thought she was asleep, and
place that you will put me to work I drew my hands. Just then, Parley
— I do not care what the nature of P. Pratt came into the room and
the work is, I will do it but I will
; she sprang from the bed again, and
not walk the streets of San Fran- with difficulty they succeeded in
cisco and receive the abuse that T controlling her. Brother Pratt
receive when T offer to give them a spoke like one who had authority.
tract, I cannot stand it." Brother In the name of Jesus Christ he re-
Pratt consecmentlv released him buked the and command-
evil spirit,
from it, and Brother Cluff was re- ed it to leave the room, and we then
leased also, but he held me to the had peace. That lady was not a
task. I guess it was a blessing to member of our Church. The sisters
me that I was such a little boy, be- waited upon her, and gave her a
cause men felt ashamed to be very littlerefreshment. She talked a lit-
rough with me and T kept at the
: tle while with President Pratt, and
work. One day when T returned then Elder McBride and myself
from tracting, I came to Sister walked with her to a convenient
Evans', the widow ladv who was place and baptized her into the
giving me a home, and she said, Church.


I do not want to occupy more of time that Christ was manifesting

your time. I thank my Heavenly Himself in person upon this conti-
Father that He has let me live to nent:
see this people grow as we have
grown. I drove a pair of oxen "And when Nephi had brought forth
the records, and laid them before him,
hitched to a little cart, and helped
he cast his eyes upon them and said,
haul the dirt from the foundation "Verily I say unto you, I command-
of this Temple, when I was a little ed my servant Samuel, the Lamanite,
boy. I feel to rejoice that I have that he should testify unto this people,
that at the day that the Father should
lived to see this Temple completed,
glorify his name in me, that there
and to see the prosperity and the were many saints who should arise
power that our Heavenly Father has from the dead, and should appear unto
given to His chosen people. many, and should minister unto them.
May God help. you to be faithful And he said unto them, were it not so?
"And his disciples answered him and
and true to the covenants you have said,Yea, Lord, Samuel did prophesy
made. I testify to you that when according to thy words, and they were
I have had the privilege of going all fulfilled.

into holy places, I have only been "And Jesus said unto them, how be
itthat ye have not written this thing,
taught lessons that have helped me that many saints did arise and ap-
be a virtuous, an honest, and a pray- pear unto many, and did minister unto
erful man. This is my testimony to them,
you, in the name of Jesus Christ. "And it came to pass that Nephi
remembered that this thing had not
Amen. been written.
"And it came to pass that Jesus
The L. D. S. U. quartette sang, commanded that it should be written;
"The Land far away." therefore it was written according as
he commanded." (3 Nephi 23:8-13.)

ELDER ANDREW KIMBALL. I desire, in this connection, to

(President St. Joseph Stake.) give expression thought
to a
[The copy Elder Kimball's dis-
Brother Young
one of a few in

course has been lost in transmission this vast assembly who was ac-
by mail.] quainted with the Prophet Joseph
Smith. The time will come, say in
"Lift up your head," was sung by fifty years from now, that Saints
the male chorus. who were acquainted with President
Joseph F. Smith and his contem-
ELDER ANDREW JENSON. poraries will be as scarce as the men
(Assistant Historian.) who were acquainted with the orig-
The remarks made in the morn- inal Prophet, Joseph Smith, are
ing session of the conference today now.
by Elder Orson F. Whitney, in There are a great many events of
which he referred to the testimony modern times that have not been
of the late Anson Call, and the tes- properly recorded. I want to draw
timonies that we have listened to atention to this fact, (as one of
from Elder John R. Young, in this your historians), that a great num-
meeting, have suggested to me the ber of our veterans have neglected,
following paragraph contained in and are still neglecting to record
the Book of Mormon, written at the such things as we have listened to


with interest today. The testimony compile and put into proper shape
of Anson Call in regard to the the historical matter which we have
Saints coming to these Rocky in sight at present we will have at
Mountains to become the mighty least one thousand volumes (con-
people they are today, is of great taining six hundred pages each) of
importance. Church history for the Nineteenth
We have had just a little said century alone. This compilation
about this great prophecy. We have then will represent six hundred
known for many years that on the thousand pages of records pertain-
6th of August, 1842, Joseph the ing to the history of the Latter-day
Prophet made remarks of this kind, Saints for that period of time. Of
and just a few lines have been writ- course a great deal of this vast
ten in Church history concerning amount of material may be as to
it, but as we have indeed become a details more or less important and
mighty people in the Rocky Moun- interesting, but as works of refer-
tains, we want to know more about ence for the benefit of those who
this important prediction which has shall live after us it will have in-
been so literally and accurately ful- calculable value. The books are be-
filled. A few lines are not sufficient ing prepared in such a way that we
to record a prophecy concerning can add pages here and there.
such an event, if we can get any ITence, we can easily incorporate
more. We do not want Anson the testimony of Elder John R.
Call's testimony only we would like
; Young who has spoken to us here
a hundred other witnesses, if that today, and we can add the testimony
many were present and heard the of as many others as desire to place
Prophet's words on that memorable themselves on record in regard to
occasion. Wewant the testimony any important event which they may
of all who heard the Prophet utter have witnessed in their experiences
this important prophecy. We
want in life.
their testimonies recorded in the in- 1 am safe in stating that there
terest of the many millions of peo- are thousands of people in the midst
ple who by and by will be interest- of the Latter-day Saints who ought
ed in the early days of this Church to make a record of what they have
as well as in our day, and in all the seen, heard and done. They should
days and years that have elapsed especially bear testimony of the
since Joseph Smith first began to many blessings which they have re-
receive revelations from on high. ceived from the hand of the Lord
1 want to draw attention to this through having yielded obedience to
fact, brethren and sisters, and state the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these
here in your hearing that many the last clays and not .only that

things are not recorded that ought which happened in the days of the
to be recorded concerning the his- Prophet Joseph, or in the earlier
tory of the Latter-day Saints. days of the Church, should be faith-
At the Historian's Office, we have fully recorded, but that which has
already compiled about four hun- taken place all along since we came
dred volumes of Church history, to these mountain valleys and that
each containing about six hundred which is taking place day by day.
closely typewritten pages, and we My advice to everybody would be
have made an estimate that if we this : Write something concerning


your experiences in life and what tains will, recorded, be read with

you have seen and witnessed in con- the greatest interest by millions and
nection with the Church of Christ millions of God-fearing men and
— to bequeath to your posterity, so women, who shall rejoice in the suc-
that it may be said of you like that cess and triumph of Zion, and who
which has been recorded of Abel shall be members of the- Church of
of old, ''Though dead, he yet speak- Christ and citizens of the Kingdom
eth." of God at the time that Christ, our
This is the thought
I would like Redeemer, shall reign on the earth
to impress upon all who hear my as the King of kings and Lord of
voice on this occasion and upon all lords. When that time comes, many
who may read the record made of of the events which to us now may
this general conference of the seem commonplace will be things of
Chrnch. I would like to explain vast importance, because many of
further that my advice does not the little deeds that we now do and
apply only to our brethren and sis- to which we pay but very little at-
ters who have grown old in the ser- tention at the present time are the
vice of the Lord, and who may soon seeds from which, using a figure
expect to go to the great Beyond to "the sturdy oak" shall grow they ;

receive, in due time, the reward may be the little things that shall
which their deeds in mortality merit mark the beginning of great
at the hands of a righteous judge achievements hereafter.
and a merciful God, but it applies Even the eyes of unbelievers are
as well to you who are middle-aged, upon us at the present time. Think-
and even those who are young men ing men and women know what a
and women in our midst at the pres- community that is doing right, peo-
ent time. The time will surely ple who are living moral lives
come when your testimony will be means for the future, and the ad-
of great importance, just as much versary of our souls, the great arch-
as the testimony that we have heard enemy of our Lord and Savior Jesus
today, because this Church will con- Christ, is alarmed, together with his
tinue to grow, and out of it will emissaries, because of the stand we
finally come the kingdom of God. are taking in the world, and the suc-
As yet we are scarcely a hand full cess that has attended us so far.
compared to the many millions of They know what a God-fearing and
people who inhabit our earth, but a righteous community represented
after our testimony, or the testi- by superior men and women may
mony of the elders of Israel, shall mean to the rest of the world at no
have been borne to every nation, distant day. They know that,
kindred, tongue and people, and af- through transgressions of the law
ter these people who listen to that of God and the laws of nature, the
testimony shall have been converted human family are becoming weaker
and gathered to the Stake of Zion, all the time, and that strong men
and after such stakes shall have and women, who comply with the
been organized in all parts of this laws of nature and the law of Go',
great land of promise, then the ex- are bound to obtain dominion, in-
periences of those who in an early fluence and power in the mr'st of
<'ay helped to establish the Church the earth and this indeed is the des-

in the midst of these Rocky Moun- tiny of the Latter-day Saints.



While I was a mission in
filling preached in all the world as a wit-
Scandinavia, a few years ago, an ness unto every nation, and then
old Luthern priest who had studied shall the end come."
our religious system, and had be- My labors, for the past ten years,
come acquainted with our ways of have been as a missionary in car-
living, exclaimed, "If the Mormons rying the Gospel of the Kingdom
continue that way they will in due to the Mexican nation and I feel

course of time not only control lit- that in thisunhappy hour for Mex-
tle Denmark, but their power will ico I would not be true to the trust
be felt throughout the entire that is imposed upon me if I did not
world, for they live a different life tell you some of the things concern-
to that lived by the majority of the ing that people that make them what
people in the world." In making this they are. I wish to associate the
statement that priest did not par- unhappy conditions that exist in
ticularly refer to the Word of Wis- Mexico with the promises of the
dom, but to our moral life and prac- Lord made to that people when
tical religion in a general way. And Father Lehi and his little colony left
the priest was right. If we Latter- Jerusalem. The Lord made very
day Saints, if you, the sons and plain the history of the Mexican
daughters of Zion, will take ad- people before Lehi ever set foot on
vantage of your birthright, if you this great continent of ours. Lehi
will do what is right, serve God said the following, and it is record-
and keep His commandments, it is ed in the first chapter of the Sec-
only a question of time when you ond Book of Nephi
will rule the world. It cannot be
otherwise, unless mankind gener- "Wherefore, I, Lehi, have obtained
a promise, that inasmuch as those
ally will turn from their evil ways whom the Lord God shall bring out
and become saints of the most high of the land of Jerusalem shall keep
God. His commandments, they shall pros-
My brethren and sisters, may God per upon the face of this land; and
they shall be kept from all other na-
help us to fulfil our mission and tions, that they may possess this land
our destiny on the earth. May we unto themselves. And if it so be that
indeed become the redeemers of the they shall keep His commandments,
world and saviors upon Mount they shall be blessed upon the face of
this land, and there shall be none to
Zion, and may we
labor diligently, molest them, nor to take away the
with our whole might and strength, land of their inheritance; and they
to usher in the great millenium shall dwell safely for ever.
when peace and happiness 'But, behold, when the time cometh
that they shall dwindle in unbelief,
abound on the earth, is my prayer after they have received so great bless-
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. ings from the hand of the Lord; hav-
ing a knowledge of the creation of
the earth, and all men, knowing the
ELDER REY L. PRATT. great and marvelous works of the
Lord from the creation of the world;
(Late President of Mexican Mission.) having power given them to do all
things by faith; having all the com-
In speaking of the signs that mandments from the beginning, and
should precede the second coming having been brought by His infinite
goodness into this precious land of
of our Lord, He said, "And this promise; behold, I say, if the day shall
Gospel of the Kingdom shall be come that they will reject the Holy

One of Israel,
the true Messiah, their came a nation of 30,000,000 of peo-
Redeemer and their God, behold the
ple. It is a pitiful history to read,
judgments of Him that is just shall
rest upon them; how they were "scattered and smit-
"Yea, He will bring other nations ten," and how every inch of the land
unto them, and He will give unto them of their inheritance, that they had
power, and He will take away from
received of the Lord, was taken
them the lands ot their possessions;
and He will cause them to be scat- away from them. Now, brethren
tered and smitten." and sisters, we have in this the
basic cause of all the strife that has
Now, my brethren and sisters, as existed in the land of Mexico for
students of the Book of Mormon 400 years in that that stricken people
and history of that people who are have bowed their heads under the
descendants of Lehi, we know that tyranical rule of the Spanish people
they have not kept sacred the cove- who came in among them. From
nants that men make when they a nation of 30,000,000, they have
enter into covenant with God in the been reduced until today they are
Gospel of His Son Jesus Christ, and scarce 15,000,000. And the best
we know that no sooner did that statistics given out on the matter,
colony set foot on this land than state that of the 15,000,000 of in-
there was a factional division, and habitants in the land of Mexico,
they became two great peoples, the only 2,000,000 are property holders.
Nephites and the Lamanites, and The others have nothing but their
that, at times, the Nephite faction poverty and degredation, and we
was obedient to the commandments have in that the cause for the pres-
of the Lord and the Gospel as given ent strife.
to them, and, at rare intervals, so Now, I wish to associate the strife
were the Lamanites. But there in Mexico also with the promises of
came a time when all apostatized, the Lord, for if we do not have the
and when all came under the con- promises of the Lord to comfort us
demnation herein spoken of, and the in these things, I fear, brothers and
Lord caused the Nephite faction to sisters, that my faith would not be
be utterly destroyed at the hands of sufficiently strong to enable me to
their brethren, the Lamanites, and go forth and continue to preach the
the Lamanites went forth upon the Gospel unto that people, as I love
face of the land in scattered bands, to do and always shall, as long as
warring among themselves, as they the servant of the Lord asks me
had overcome their hereditary ene- to continue my labors in their be-
my, the Nephites, and having in half.
their blood the spirit of war and It seems that if their decrease
strife they satisfied it by fighting should continue very long, as it has
one with another. been going on, they would be ut-
But the time came when the terly wiped off the continent; and
promises of the Lord were fulfilled the history of the Mexican people is
in behalf of this people. In the only a counterpart of the history of
year 1519, a little band of Span- the Indian races that inhabit North
iards, only a few, about 600, under and South America, for they have
the leadership of Hernan Cortez, set indeed been reduced to a remnant,
foot upon the shores of Mexico, and they have become scattered and
that man and his followers over- smitten and I defy anybody to


point to me a tribe of the aborignes tions, and unto every people before
of this country that owns legitimate- the end shall come," and we have
ly any of their own country in their lying before us, the millions of
tribal condition as they owned it Mexico who know nothing of the
primitively. It has been absolutely Gospel, we have the millions of
taken away from them by the na- Central America, and the millions
tions that the Lord permitted to of South America. They are abso-
come in, and that in fulfillment of lutely ignorant of the great plan of
His words to them should they dis- salvation that has been restored for
obey the Gospel of His Son that the redemption of all people in the
should be given them. But thanks age in which we live.
to the Lord, we know that they are The Prophet Nephi said, (II
His covenant people. We know that Nephi 30:3-6):
in their veins, flows the blood
of Israel, and God has made prom- "And now, I would prophesy some-
ise not only of their bringing down, what more concerning the Jews and
but of their coming up and in that,
the Gentiles. For after the book of
which I have spoken shall come forth,
we get faith and inspiration to go and be written unto the Gentiles, and
on and preach to them the Gospel, sealed up again unto the Lord, there
for their redemption for the Lord
shall be many which shall believe the
said this to Nephi, when He had words which are written; and they
shall carry them forth unto the rem-
shown him the same things that He nant of our seed.
had shown to his father, Lehi "And then shall the remnant of our
seed know concerning us, how that
"Nevertheless thou beholdest that
we came out from Jerusalem, and that
they are descendants of the Jews.
the Gentiles who have gone forth out
of captivity,and have been lifted up "And the Gospel of Jesus Christ
shall be declared among them; where-
by the power of God above all other
fore, they shall be restored unto the
nations upon the face of the land,
which is choice above all other lands knowledge of their fathers, and also
to the knowledge of Jesus Christ,
which is the land that the Lord God
hath covenanted with thy father, that
which was had among their fathers.
His seed should have for the land of "And then shall they rejoice; for
they shall know that it is a blessing
their inheritance, wherefore thou seest
unto them from the hand of God: and
that the Lord God will not suffer that
their scales of darkness shall begin to
the Gentiles will utterly destroy the
fall from their eyes; and many gen-
mixture of thy seed which are among
erations shall not pass away among
thy brethren. Neither will He suffer
that the Gentiles shall destroy the them, save they shall be a white and
seed of thy brethren." (I Nephi 13,
delightsome people."
Brethren and sisters, do we, as a
Now, brethren and sitsers. in this people, believe in the words of the
we see that the Lord has not des- book that has been written? I tes-
tined that this people should be ut- tify unto you that the Book of Mor-
terly destroyed from off the face of mon came forth in the world by the
the land. And I wish to call the power and inspiration of God Al-
youth of Israel to prepare them- mighty, and we have it as a new
selves for the mighty work that lies witness for Him in the world; and
before us, for the Lord said, "This in that book we find the testimony
Gospel of the Kingdom shall be that we among the gentiles who
preached as a witness unto all na- should receive that book and be-

lieve in the words of

should carry
it, to God's children, and to sacrifice
it back again to the remnant of our own desires, our own ambi-

those people and they are the tions and wishes to the betterment
Mexicans, the Central Americans, of those who sit in darkness.
the South Americans, and the In- May the Lord help us to perform
dian remnants, that cover our own well our missions in the world, and
clear land here. God is no respecter extend the light of the Gospel unto
of persons, but of whatever nation, all men, for God Himself is no re-
he that will serve Him and work specter of persons, and we should
righteousness is accepted of Him. not be. I maintain that this Gos-
What we want is to teach the Gos- pel of ours is destined sometime to
pel in simplicity unto that people, wipe out racial feelings and to bring
as unto every other people, that to us a universal brotherhood of
they may find in the Gospel, in very man.
deed, the power of God, that will God bless us to appreciate our
lift them out of their degraded con- blessings, I pray in the name of
dition, that it may be unto them the Jesus. Amen.
power of God unto their salvation.
Weare opening up work among ELDER GEO. ALBERT SMITH.
the Mexican people in the United
Similarity of missions of Parley P.
States, and it may be a revelation to
Pratt and his grandson, Rey L.
some of you to know that down in —
Pratt Prayer for success of mis-
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, sionary work.
California, and Texas, there are
hundreds of thousands of people of I am sure, my brethren and sis-
Mexican blood, that are citizens of ters, that the eyes of many of this
the United States, and they are only congregation have been moistened
waiting' for someone to open the while listening to the pathetic dis-
doors of the Gospel to them. And course of President Rey L. Pratt
the crying need today is for elders with refernce to our Lamanite
who are willing to sacrifice their brethren and sisters. He comes
own desires, and to humble them- naturally by his love for the Indian.
selves before the Lord and carry in His father and grandfather both
humility the word of the Lord back were missionaries to the dark-
to that people. skinned natives of America. He is
I am thankful for the integrity a grandson of Parley P. Pratt, who

of our missionary boys that go out, was called by revelation, and his
but I am sorry that there is a feel- was the first name called by the
ing among some few, when they Lord in our day to take the Gospel
enter the field, of disappointment, to the Lamanites, as I will read to
and they feel that there is nothing you from the 23rd Section of the
coming back to them, and they ask Doctrine and Covenants :

the question, "What good will this

"And now concerning my servant,
all be to me?" Brethren and sis- Parley P. Pratt, behold, I say unto
ters, that is a false conception of him, that as I live I will that he shall
the spirit of missionary work the :
declare my gospel and learn of me,
spirit of our missionary work and be meek and lowly of heart;
"And that which I have appointed
should be, What good can I be to unto him is that he shall go with
my fellowmen, what good can I be my servants Oliver Cowdery and


Peter Whitmer, jun., into the wilder- CLOSING SESSION.
ness among the Lamanites."
I think it is a beautiful thing that In the Tabernacle, at 2 p. m.
today his grandson is permitted to President Joseph F. Smith called
stand in our midst and testify of the the meeting to order.
hope that he has of the fulfilment of The choir sang Evan Stephens'
the promise of our Father to our hymn, "Loyal to the True and the
Indian brethren and sisters who are Right."
dear to him, who live in this and the The invocation was offered by
adjacent nation. I am sure you Elder Brigham F. Grant.
have been glad to hear from Broth- A
chorus, entitled "The Snow,"
er Pratt and that the mission still was rendered by the choir.
goes on notwithstanding the dif-
ficulty they are having in that un- ELDER JAMES E. TALMAGE.
happy land.
Let us each pray to the Lord that A marvelous work and a wonder
His promises may be fulfilled in the
The "Mormon Church" —
istic teachings of the Church con-
interests of these our brethren and cerning Jesus the —
Christ The
sisters, let each of us live so that —
Lord's second advent Near at hand
if we should be called, that the Lord
—Today and tomorrow — The
Church and the Kingdom.
may be able to work through us for
the amelioration of the condition of The presence of these multitudes
millions of His children who know at each recurring conference of the
not the Gospel of our Lord as we Church, and particularly the spirit
have received it. Let us go to our of earnestness and devotion which

homes each with the determination the people manifest, appeal to me

that, the Lord helping us, we will as striking evidences of the marvel-
serve Him and keep His command- ous work and the wonder which the
ments and fulfil the obligations re- God of Israel has accomplished and
sulting from receiving His word. is accomplishing in these, the last
May you, my brethren and sis- days. That great work, of which
ters, carry the spirit of this great the prophets in the ages past have
gathering to your homes. May you predicted to be characteristic of the
have the desire to disseminate the day toward which they looked with
truth taught among your associates, anxious and eager anticipation, is
that your experience here may the establishment of the Church
thereby be more profitable. May and the development and growth
this conference be treasured in your thereof in the dispensation of ful-
memories as a time of refreshing ness.
from the Lord. And that each of The kingdom of God has been set
us may magnify our opportunities up upon the earth. In ancient writ,
and be worthy of the blessings of scriptural and otherwise, the ex-
our Father in heaven, is my prayer pressions "Kingdom of God" and
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. "Kingdom of Heaven" were often
The choir and congregation sang used interchangeably or at least

the hymn, "We thank Thee, O God, our modern translation of those
for a Prophet." writings present to us interchange-
Elder Benjamin Goddard of- able usages of these names and
fered the closing prayer. titles of the great institutions but ;


in this, as in many other instances, church, nor is it the church of Peter

we find the light of modern revela- or James or John, nor is it the
tion illuming and making plain church of Joseph Smith, nor of
what may otherwise be dark and in Brigham Young, nor of Joseph F.
part unintelligible. Through the Smith, nor the church of the pres-
revelations given in this day and ent authorities of the body. It is
age, we recognize the fact that the Church of Jesus Christ and it
there is a distinction between the is the only Church upon the face of

kingdom of God and the kingdom the earth affirming divine author-
of Heaven. The Church estab- ization for the use of the name of
lished in the present age, embody- the Savior of mankind as part of
ing the restored Gospel, is the its distinctive designation.

Kingdom of God, it is the Church It is very proper that we inquire

of Jesus Christ. as to what particular message the
The members of that Church are Church thus distinguished has to
often spoken of as "Mormons," give to the world respecting its
and the Church has come to be Master, its divine Head, the Son of
known more generally as the the living God, in vindication of its
"Mormon Church" than by its claims to so honorable a title as
proper name and distinguishing that which it bears. In the first
title, the Church of Jesus Christ place, it reiterates all the truth that
of Latter-day Saints. as aWe has been given in former ages and
people do not maintain any strong earlier dispensations regarding
protest against the application of Jesus Christ and His ministry, and
the term "Mormon" and its several it sets forth in plainness, together

derivatives though we deplore the

; with other matters of the greatest
fact that misunderstanding may worth, knowledge beyond all price,
arise in the minds of inquirers and which has been given unto the
investigators respecting the sig- Church as new revelation in the
nificance of that name, which orig- day and age in which we live.
inally was used as a nickname in its Among the distinguishing features
application the Church.
to You of the teachings of the Church con-
may call us Mormons if you will; cerning the Savior and Redeemer
remember, however, as you must of the race are these:
must, if you will have respect First, the Church affirms the

unto the truth that this is not unity and continuity of the mission
the church of Mormon. Mormon of the Christ in all ages. This, of
was a man, a very worthy man and necessity, involves the actuality, the
a very great man in his day when verity, of His pre-existence and pre-
he lived in the flesh, and a very ordination or foreordination in the
great personage since that time but ; spirit state.
he was a man among men, and Second, the fact of His ante-
while his name is very properly ap- mortal Godship.
plied to the abridgement of certain Third, the actuality of His birth in
early records, which abridgement the flesh as the natural issue of di-
he made and supplemented by many vine and mortal parentage.
writings of his own, now published Fourth, the reality of His death
under the name of the Book of and physical resurrection, as a re-
Mormon, the Church is not his sult of which the power of death
over mankind shall be eventually hidden from their sight. In wor-
overcome. shipful wonder they became aware
Fifth, the literalness of the atone- of the presence of personages other
ment wrought by Him, and the ab- —
than themselves white-robed mes-
solute requirement of individual sengers from heaven who, remark-
compliance with the laws and re- ing their wonder and astonish-
quirements of His Gospel as the ment, addressed them in these
only means by which salvation may- words: "Ye men of Galilee, why
be attained. stand ye gazing up into heaven ?
Sixth, the restoration of His This same Jesus, which is taken
Priesthood and the re-establish- up from you into heaven, shall
ment of His Church in the current so come in like manner as ye have
age, which is verily the dispensa- seen him go into heaven." From
tion of the fulness of times. that day the apostles preached the
Seventh, the certainty of His re- return of the Christ to earth, even
turn to earth in the near future as prophets before their time had
with power and great glory to reign predicted the great event. By the
in person and in bodily presence as second advent of Christ we do not
Lord and King -
. mean His manifestation to chosen
In the interest of conciseness I prophets, to individuals or to a few,
have read these several specifica- such as His ministrations to Saul of
tions as they have been summarized Tarsus or His appearance to Joseph
and will appear in the forthcoming Smith in 1820 and again in the
edition of a work now published by Kirtland temple after the organiza-
the Church to its members and to tion of the Church, but a return in
the world respecting the life and glory of which all the world shall
mission of Jesus the Christ. I in- know. His coming shall be like
vite your attention to the last of unto the lightning that flashes from
these specified points, the certainty the east to the west, to be seen of
of the return of Jesus Christ to all men.
earth in the near future, to reign This Church proclaims the doc-
upon the earth in person by bodily trine of the impending return of
presence as the rightful King of the Christ to earth in literal simplic-
earth. You have read, I am sure, ity, without mental or other reser-
of the wondrous incidents con- vation in our interpretation of the
nected with the association of the scriptural predictions. He will come
resurrected Christ with the apostles with the body of flesh and bones
and others between the time of His inwhich His Spirit was tabernacled
resurrection and that of His ascen- when He ascended from Mount
sion from Mount Olivet, and when, Olivet. One of the characteristic
on that eventful day, He led the features of the Church concerning
Eleven who were still faithful to that great, and in the language of
Him, and whom He had ordained the scripture, both
glorious and
to the holy apostleship, out toward terrible event, nearness.
is its It
Bethany. As He was conversing is close at hand. The mission
with them and giving them final in- the Church is to prepare the earth
struction and doubtless encourage- for the coming of its Lord. Bib-
ment, He rose from their midst and lical prophecies are numerous; the
they saw Him ascend until He was Book of Mormon prophecies are
: : : ;


abundant, respecting the return of "For T will reveal myself from

His own words, both heaven with power and great glory,
the Christ.
with all the hosts thereof and dwell
before and after His crucifixion in righteousness with men on earth
and resurrection are unambiguous, a thousand years, and the wicked
definite, convincing, and convicting shall not stand."
unto those who do not close their A
month later, or at least in the
ears wilfully against the truth. Re- month following, He spake again
ferring to Himself the Savior said
admonishing His servants to dili-
"For the Son of man shall come in gence :

the glory of his Father with his

"Wherefore," said He, "be faith-
angels and then he shall reward
ful, praying always, having your
every manaccording to his works." lamps trimmed and burning, and
Read the context in the 16th chap-
oil with you, that you may be ready
ter of The prophets who
Matthew. at the coming of the Bridegroom
lived before the meridian of time
for behold, verily, verily, I say
said comparatively little, though
unto you, that I come quickly.
their testimony is abundant and all
Even so. Amen."
sufficient, concerning the return of
Referring to the teachings of the
the Christ; for they were devoted
apostles of old, and particularly to
to the teaching of the doctrine of His own instructions unto them,
His first coming in the flesh, to live
and employing the same figure by
among men, to suffer and to die
which He had made plain unto them
and to be resurrected from the
that men may know of the immi-
dead. But after His resurrection nence of His coming, by the signs
and ascension the words of inspired which He specified, He said in
teachers were definite in fore-tell- March, 1831, again speaking
ing the certainty of His return and ;
through His Prophet Joseph
in this day and age of the world
He has spoken with His own voice "Ye look and behold the fig trees
and ye see them with your eyes and
unto His prophets, impressing upon
ye say that when they begin to shoot
them the fact that the time of His forth and their leaves are yet tender
coming in judgment is near at that summer is now nigh at hand.
hand. Thus, within a few months "Even so it shall be in that day
after the Church was organized, in
when they shall see all these things,
then shall they know that the hour is
the year 1830, as recorded in the nigh.
29th section of the Doctrine and "And it shall come to pass that he
Covenants, the Lord Jesus Christ that feareth me shall be looking forth
for the great day of the Lord to come,
said unto His Prophet Joseph
even for the signs of the coming of
Smith the Son of man:
"And they shall see signs and won-
"For the hour is nigh and the day ders, for they shall be shown forth
soon at hand when the earth is ripe; in the heavens above, and in the earth
and all the proud and they that do beneath;
wickedly shall oe as stubble, and I "And theyshall behold blood, and
will burn them up, saith the Lord of fire,and vapors of smoke;
hosts, that wickedness shall not be "Andbefore the day of the Lord
upon the earth; shallcome, the sun shall be dark-
"For the hour is nigh, and that ened, and the moon be turned into
which was spoken by mine apostles blood, and stars fall from heaven;
must be fulfilled; for as they spoke so "And the remnant shall be gath-
shall it come to pass; ered unto this place,


"And then they shall look for me, living, shall be spared the burning
and, behold, I will come; and they and shall escape destruction? I
shall see me in the clouds of heaven,
clothed with power and great glory, think not so. I do not think we are
with all the holy angels; and he that justified in putting that interpre-
watches not for me shall be cut off." tation upon the Lord's word, for
He recognizes every man according
Still further impressing upon the to the integrity of his heart, and
Church in the early days of its his- men who have not been able to un-
tory the fact that there was no time derstand the Gospel or who have
to be lost in preparation, for the not had opportunity of learning it
time was all too short, He made and knowing of it will not be
plain the fact that His coming was counted as the wilfully sinful who
so near that the intervening time is are fit only to be burned as stubble
properly to be spoken of as today. but the proud, who lift themselves
"Behold, now it is called today," in the pride of their hearts and rise
said He, "until the coming of the above the word of God and become
Son of man and verily it is a day
a law unto themselves and who wil-
of sacrifice and a day for the tith- fully and with knowledge deny the
ing of my people for he that is;
saving virtues of the atonement of
tithed shall not be burned at his Christ, and who are seeking to lead
coming, for after today cometh the others away from the truth will be
burning. This is speaking after dealt with by Him according to
the manner of the Lord for verily ;
both justice and mercy.
say, tomorrow all the proud and
A word concerning the distinc-
they that do wickedly shall be as tion between the Kingdom and the
stubble and
; burn them up,
I will
Church. As already stated, the ex-
for I am the Lord of hosts and I ;
pression "Kingdom of God" is used
will not spare any that remain in
synonomously with the term
Babylon. Wherefore, if ye believe "Church of Christ" but the Lord

me, ye will labor while it is called had made plain that He sometimes
today." used the term "Kingdom of Heav-
The scriptures abound in declar-
en" in a distinctive sense. In 1832
ations and reiterations, in re-
He called attention to that in these
peated and solemn affirmations of words, addressing Himself to the
the great fact that the day of the Church:
elders of the
Lord's coming will be a day of
glory and a day of terror of glory — "Hearken, and lo, a voice as of one
from on high, who is mighty and
and recompense unto those who are
powerful, whose going forth is unto
living righteously, and a day of
the ends of the earth, yea, whose voice
terror unto the proud and unto all is unto men —
Prepare ye the way of
who do wickedly. Now, many the Lord, make his paths straight.
have asked, do we interpret that "The keys of the kingdom of God
scripture as meaning that in the day
are committed unto man on the earth,
and from thence shall the Gospel roll
of the Lord's coming, all who are forth unto the ends of the earth, as
not members of the Church shall the stone which is cut out of the
be burned, or otherwise destroyed, mountain without hands shall roll
forth until it has filled the whole
and only this little body of men and
women, very small compared with —
"Yea, a voice crying Prepare ye
the uncounted hosts of men now thf way of the Lord, prepare ye the

supper of the Lamb, make ready for Many of us are prone to think
the bridegroom; that the day of His coming, the day
"Pray unto the Lord, call upon his
holy name, make known his wonder- of the setting up of the Kingdom
ful works among the people; of Heaven in its power and glory
"Call upon the Lord, that his king- is yet far distant. I take it that
dom may go forth upon the earth, that assumption is based, perhaps,
that the inhabitants thereof may re-
ceive it, and be prepared for the days
upon our wish, none the less real,
to come, in the which the Son of man because we hesitate to frame it in
shallcome down in neaven, clothed in words. How would you feel if
the brightness of his glory, to meet authoritative proclamation were
the kingdom of God which is set up
on the earth; made here today that on the literal
"Wherefore may the kingdom of morrow, when the sun shall rise
God go forth, that the kingdom of again in the east, the Lord would
heaven may come, that Thou, O God, appear in His glory to take ven-
mayest be glorified in heaven, so on
earth, that thy enemies may be sub-
geance upon the wicked, and to
dued, for Thine is the honor, power establish His Kingdom upon the
and glory, forever and ever. Amen." earth? Who amongst you would
rejoice? The pure in heart would,
Such was the prayer, such is the the righteous in soul would, but
prayer, prescribed for this people many of us would wish to have the
to pray, not to utter in words only, event put off. We are very much

not to say only, but to pray that in the frame of mind, or we may
the Kingdom of God may roll forth allow ourselves to fall in the frame
in the earth to prepare the earth for of mind of the rule bound Phari-
the coming of the Kingdom of sees and the casuistical Sadducees
Heaven. That provision in the in the days of the Christ in the flesh.
Lord's prayer, "Thy kingdom come, They were intent upon keeping the
thy will be done on earth as it is people's interest alive in a future
in heaven" has not been abrogated. Messiah, in a Christ who was to
We are praying for the Kingdom come, but not one who was amongst
of Heaven to come, and are en- them. We are very loath to accept
deavoring to prepare the earth for and believe that which we do not
its coming. The Kingdom of God, want to believe, and the world to-
already set up upon the earth, does day does not wish to believe that
not aspire to temporal domination the coming of the Christ is near at
among the nations. It seeks not hand, and consequently all kinds of
to overthrow any existing forms of subterfuges are invented for ex-
government it does not profess to
; plaining away the plain words of
exercise control in matters that per- scripture. We rejoice in simplicity.
tain to the governments of the The Gospel of Jesus Christ is won-
earth, except by teaching correct fully simple. We as a people val-
principles and trying to get men to ue, I believe, scholastic attainments
live according to the principles of at their full worth. While we fos-
true government, before the King- ter and encourage the training and
dom of Heaven shall come and be development of the mind, .1 was
established upon the earth with a about to say to the full limit, cer-
King at the head. But when He tainly almost to the limit, of our
comes, He shall rule and reign, for material ability, as witness the un-
it is His right. ceasing effort and continuous ex-
penditure of vast sums in the main- characteristic signs to precede the
tenance of church schools, and the second advent of Christ shall be the
willingness with which the Latter- bringing forth of the tribes that
day Saints as members of the com- have been lost to history, led away
munity impose upon themselves, in where men have not yet found
common with their fellow citizens, them, and we are told that they
taxes for the support of schools un- shall be brought forth with a strong
der state control and direction, we hand by the power of God and shall
nevertheless hold that scholastic come unto Zion and receive their
attainments are not essential to a blessings at the hands of Ephraim.
full understanding of the Gospel of But some people say that prediction
Jesus Christ. We do not believe is to be explained in this way : A
that a diploma from a theological gathering is in progress, and has
seminary is an essential part of the been in progress from the early
credentials of a teacher or preacher days of this Church; and thus the
of the word of God. Nevertheless "Lost Tribes" are now being gath-
we endeavor to encourage and aid ered but that we are not to look

in a material way the training of for the return of any body of peo-
the mind and the development of all ple now unknown as to their where-
the faculties that shall be conducive abouts. True, the gathering is in
to educational advancement in the progress, this is a gathering dispen-
truest sense of the term, but we sation but the prophecy stands that

hold the Gospel is simple that all the tribes shall be brought forth
may understand itwho will. It is from their hiding place bringing
the proud and they who do wick- their scriptures with them, which
edly who close their eyes and their scriptures shall become one with
ears and their hearts to the signs the scriptures of the Jews, the holy
of the times, to the word of the Bible, and with the scriptures of
Gospel and to the testimony of the the Nephites, the Book of Mormon,
Christ. It has long been a favor- and with the scriptures of the Lat-
ite excuse of men who were not ter-day Saints as embodied in the
ready for the advent of the Lord, volumes of modern revelation.
to say, "The Lord delayeth His The Lord has said it. I am just
coming." Don't attach too much simple-minded enough, my breth-
importance to the fact that He has ren and sisters, to stand upon the
thus far delayed His coming, for rock of assurance that not one jot
He has repeatedly told us that the or tittle of the word of the Lord
day of His coming is very, very shall fail. Do not allow yourselves
near, even at our doors. There is to think that the coming of the
a tendency among men to explain Christ means merely the spread of
away what they don't wish to un- different or more advanced ideas
derstand in literal simplicity, and
among men, or simply the progress
we, as Latter-day Saints are not and advancement of society as an
entirely free from the taint of that institution. These shall be but in-
tendency. Prophecies that have cidents of the great consummation,
not yet been fulfilled are by many the consummation of this particu-
of us made the subjects of hypoth- lar stage or epoch of the Lord's
esis and theory and strained inter- work. The Lord Jesus Christ shall
pretation. We read that one of the come in the clouds of heaven, ac-

companied by the heavenly hosts, Christ of literature, the Christ of

and His advent shall be marked by history, the Christ of reason, the
a great extension of the resurrec- Christ of experience. Never lived
tion of the just, which has been in a man of whom more has been said
progress since that resurrection or sung and there is none to whom

Sunday on which He came forth is devoted a greater share of the

from the tomb and took up the world's literature. But the ten-
wounded, pierced body which He dency is to view Him from this
had laid down; and those who are angle or that and not to look with
not able to bear the glory of His direct vision. I am thankful that
coming because of their wickedness, the Church to which I belong
their foulness, and wilful state of preaches Christ and Him crucified,
sin, shall, by natural means, perish. and resurrected, the Christ that
A strong current of electricity pass- ascended into heaven, the Christ
es safely through a pure conductor, that shall come again, the Christ
but where resistance is encountered that was the offspring in the flesh,
it becomes a destructive power. It as well as in the spirit, of the very
was necessary that the work for the Eternal Father, the Christ who is
dead be undertaken by the living, the Savior and Redeemer of man-
that temples be reared and this vi- kind, beside whom there is none, be-
carious labor be performed, that side whose name there is no name
the hearts of the departed fathers under heaven, whereby mankind
might be turned toward their yet may be saved. May His Spirit be
mortal descendants, and the hearts ever with us, and may we be pre-
of mortal children be turned to their pared for His coming, I humbly
dead ancestors, lest the earth be ask, in His name. Amen.
smitten with a curse at the time of
the Lord's coming. "A Temple in Hawaii," words by
The Bible is very simple to those "Ruth May Fox, and music by Orson
who read it with earnest and hon- Clark, was sung by Ethelyn Walker,
est intent, as are all the scriptures, Hazel B. Neilson, James H. Neil-
but it is very puzzling to the theol- son, and Almy C. Clayton.
ogians, very puzzling, sometimes to
Biblical scholars and interpreters BISHOP CHARLES W. NIBLEY.
who seek to apply to it only those
tests that are common among men.
Loyalty, a doctrine of the L. D. S.
I rejoice in the testimony of the

Church God the only King on this

land of Liberty "Mormonism"
Savior that He is verily the Christ makes f c good citizenship" — No
and we proclaim Him as such. "hyphenated" Americans in "Mor-
Great interest is manifest at this mon" Church, all are true Ameri-
time in the work and ministry of

cans Admirable characteristics in
people of other countries.
Jesus Christ, not only among the
Latter-day Saints but in the world It comes as a surprise to me, my
in general and He has been anal-
; brethren and sisters, to be asked to
yzed and measured and written occupy this position this afternoon.
about from many points of view, I respond cheerfully, however, and
and as viewed from many different even gladly, to testify to you of my
angles. There are volumes of re- faith and confidence in this work
cent publication dealing with the of the Lord and of the blessing that
: ; —


it has in store for mankind, to all standing that the Lord has had a
who believe and obey. hand in the establishment of this
While the first song was being freedom and liberty that we enjoy,
sung this afternoon, "Loyal to the I say that if I really believe it, and
true and the right," I thought in live by it, that citizenship which I
that line was composed the whole have must of necessity be more sa-
duty of man, for if I am loyal to the cred to me, and will make me a bet-
truth and to the right in all things ter citizen than the man who does
then I must be at all points accept- not believe that God raised up the
able to God, my Heavenly Father. founders of this land, and that He
We are taught in the revelations of declared that there should be no
the Almighty to this Church the king, only that He should be King,
doctrine of loyalty. If we believe and that we should have Him and
really and truly in the doctrines of look to Him as King and Ruler of
the Church, and believe that Joseph all.

Smith was a prophet of God, then So, "Mormonism" makes for

that very belief must of necessity good citizenship, don't you see
make us better citizens than those the best, the very best that there is.
who do not so believe. Why? I do not say but what there are mil-
Because I believe that God -Al- lions of excellent citizens — I know
mighty raised up men to lay the there are— in our land here who are
foundations of this great govern- loyal to what they believe to be
ment. I believe in the Book of Mor- right, but I want to impress upon
mon, which declares that there you, and if my words could only go
should be no king upon this land, out to the world who do not under-
but that God would be our King. stand us, this further fact that my
By a singular co-incidence, the religion impels me, constrains me,
writer of one of our national songs nay, I may say compels me, if I
seems to have hit upon this very will listen to its advice, to be a bet-
thought, when he declares in the ter citizen in consequence of the
lastverse of the hymn, "My Coun- belief in that religion, than I could
try, 'Tis of Thee" be without it. And so we desire, as
said in Brother Stephens' song, to
"Our fathers' God, to Thee,
Author of Liberty, be "loyal to the true and the right."
To Thee we sing; There is no hyphen with "Mor-
Long may our land be bright monism." We have in this Church
With freedom's holy light; no Scotch- Americans or Danish-
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King."
Americans, or German-Americans,
not one ;we are all Americans.
The same inspiration that gave Why? Because God is our King.
to Joseph Smith the understanding No King George of England or
that there should be no king, but King Wilhelm of Germany or no
that the Lord would be our King other do we acknowledge here, only
upon this land, gave to the author the great God Almighty, He is our
of the song, our national anthem Ruler, He is our King, Him we will
(who, by the way, is a Smith also) serve. And so right on that, a ques-
the same inspiration, that the Lord tion is settled that which has to
our God should be King over this a certain extent perplexed this
land. Believing so, and under- nation at this time, the hyphen-


ated American, they

as call all the nations of the world a les-
him, who owes, as he thinks, son in this respect; they had even
some allegiance to some other coun- given us a lesson, but there are
try than his own, whether it be Eng- those who hold, and I am one of
land or Germany or what it be. In them, that the very system which
England they are singing, today, as has grown up there is to some ex-
they sing always, "God save our tent subversive of liberty; the sys-
gracious king, Long live our noble tem, not the people the people, I

king, God save the king," but in this repeat, are of the very best and
country we are singing, "Great God, choicest in the' world. Our Ger-
our King," and the hyphenated cit- man brethren and sisters, who have
izen cannot exist in "Mormonism." come from that land, and are set-
There is a problem that is solved by tled with us here in this land of
our religion which may trouble the Zion, there are no better people
people, and which has troubled among us you cannot produce them

some of the leaders of this nation, anywhere. But I wish those Ger-
and troubling them at the pres-
is man brothers and sisters, and Eng-
ent time, and I would like the word lish and Scotch and French, to re-
to go out that by the very fact that member this I— must repeat it
a man is a Latter-day Saint, a mem- again, and my time is up, I see
ber of the "Mormon' Church, if that there is no hyphen connected
you please, that by that fact it is with the loyalty of citizenship when
impossible for him to be a hyphen- once you are a "Mormon."
ated citizen or to have any hyphen I use that word "Mormon" as
between his native country and his applied to a member of the Church
home here in the mountains. His of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
religion teaches him loyalty-teaches Saints, so that it may be more wide-
him that he must absolve himself ly known, if possible, that this
from all emperors, from all poten- Church, the Church of Jesus Christ
tates, from all countries and that
of Latter-day Saints, makes for the
this is the land of Zion, and that best citizenship in all the world. The
he must abide here and revere the very teaching of my Church, my re-
King of this land, who is God Al- ligion, the counsel of those who are
mighty Himself. over me, the revelations of Jesus
Now I am not saying that there Christ to me, impel me to the best
are not good people in different citizenship, to be "loyal to the true
lands who take different views on and the right," and that there shall
this question. I admire the peoples, be no hyphen connected with the
many of them, who are at war at "Mormonism" and citizenship of
this present time. The German na- any one who is connected with it.

tion as a people —
there is no better God bless you, bless Israel, bless
people in all the world than the those who give guidance and direc-
German people they have proved
; tion to this organization the Lord

it, too, before this war began, in does that through His servants.
efficiency, in every man who could The Lord bless those servants that
work being at work, work provided we may listen to them, and if we do
for him in some way, and more or we will never go far wrong. The
less every man contented and com- Lord bless Zion, multiply and in-
paratively happy. They had given crease the people of Zion; that we
: : :


may be kind to the poor, that we respecting God and His relations to
may see that the poor do not suffer His children, which are taught in the
Old and New Testaments.
— that is a principle of our religion
teachings that God loves and serves

and we must live it the poor shall and sacrifices Himself in love for His
children leaves nothing beyond to be
not. want and suffer while there is
abundance in the Church. The Lord desired or even to be conceived. The
prophets since that revelation are
bless us and help us to understand
guided, not to add new truths, but to
our duties and do them, and be show how the truth of love, the love
"loyal to the true and the right," of God to man, and the love of man
through Jesus Christ, Amen. to God and to each other, is to be ap-
plied in all the changing situations
Mabel Poulton Kirk and the choir and conditions of human life."
sang- the hymn, "Beautiful Zion for
I thought I would like to read
that passage to this great multitude,
ELDER BRIGHAM because in some respects it does
(Of the First Council of Seventy.) mark a forward movement in the
conceptions of this religious teach-
I hold in my hand an excerpt
er, at least, in regard to the princi-
from a recent number of the
ple of revelation. In the early his-
Outlook, of which Mr. Lyman Ab-
tory of our Church, the great nov-
bott, a religious teacher of great
elty associated with it, and the won-
fame is the editor and also the pub-
der of its message, seemed to be that
lisher. In it he has a department in
God had again spoken from the
which he answers questions from
heavens that angels had visited

those whom he calls "unknown servants of God to restore the Gos-

friends," and this question appears
pel. This was the point at which
in that column
our message was met by the re-
"Have there been any prophets ligious teachers of those times with
since Christ who add to the great
the claim that the volume of scrip-
prophecies which are of value to those
who wish to know
the truth; or is it ture was completed, and forever
sufficient tc know
the old prophets closed ; that the awful voice of
and the teachings of Christ?" prophecy would no more be heard,
To question Mr. Abbott
this that the last word of revelation had
makes the following answer been spoken. In that controversy
the early elders of the Church ob-
"The prophets, we are told, spoke as
they were moved, inspired, guided by tained an easy victory over their
the spirit of God. There is no reason opponents because it was so easy

to suppose that God has ceased to for them to do just what Mr. Ly-
move upon the spirits of men and to man Abbott here does, namely,
inspire and guide them. Certainly
there is nothing in the New Testa- point to the fact that prophecy came
ment to warrant any such opinion. not in olden times by the will of
Peter expressly declares that the man, but holy men of God spake as
promise of the Holy Spirit is to all they were moved upon by the Holy
who will receive it, and Paul bids us
pray that we may be filled with all Ghost, and wherever that spirit is
fulness of God." possessed there is the spirit of
To the second part of the ques- prophecy and it was an incon-

tion he answers sistency on the part of the Chris-

tian world to claim that they
"On the other hand there is ho
reason to suppose that anything has were in possession of the Holy
been added to the substantial truths Ghost and yet without the gift of


prophecy and of revelation. Con- ances, has a message to the world

sequently, I say, the victory of from God upon this subject of bap-
God's servants on that point was tism; and that when the Lord re-
easily obtained. Mr. Abbott con- stored that part of the Gospel, He
cedes the reasonableness of that ar- fittitngly did so by sending him who
gument, because he himself here was known in earth-life pre-emi-
uses it. But the astonishing thing nently as The Baptist, and he re-
in connection with this answer of stored the authority to baptize, and
his to the question submitted to him he supervised the baptisms in
is, in the second part of it, viz., that this dispensation of the fulness of
while admitting that the spirit of times. That is one added truth
prophecy may still be upon the chil- that has been revealed by the Lord
dren of men, and there may be in this dispensation.
prophets among Christians, who I might also call the attention of
possess that spirit, yet they may add Mr. Abbott and those who think
nothing new to what has been re- with him that in the important mat-
vealed It would be extremely in- ter of administering the holy sacra-


teresting to point out to Mr. Abbott ment the Lord's Supper the —
and those who think with him how means that God has established in
great necessity there is for divine his Church for the perpetuation
wisdom to be manifested in, and di- Latter-day Saints, mark it! for the —
vine instructions given upon, every perpetuation of the spiritual life
many vital religious questions. One that he brings into existence
might call his attention, for in- through acceptance of the Gospel,
stance, to the fact that in the matter —
they are the Christian world-
of the very ordinance by which men they are without the formula by
may be admitted into the Church which the emblems of our Lord's

of Christ baptism the formula — Supper may be fittingly and effec-
to be used and the proper subjects tively consecrated to this great
of baptism, and the purpose of bap- spiritual purpose. They know not

tism in respect of all this the how to administer the holy sacra-
Christian world seems not able to ment of the Lord's supper, for the
come to a unity of the faith. Evi- perpetuation of the spiritual life of
dently they constitute problems that man. Through the Book of Mor-
may not be solved by the scholar- mon and in the Doctrine and Cove-
ship of the world, applied to the in- nants, by the revelations we there
terpretation of the scriptures, either have, something more is added to
in the original language in which the religious truths by which men
they were written or in the transla- may be guided, viz., the prayer for
tions for Christendom is hopeless-
; consecration of the holy sacrament.
ly divided upon these subjects, and It is not, however, for the pur-
the world stands in need of the pose of referring to these matters,
word of God to settle their disputes. and many more that could be enu-
I am happy to know that the Church merated, did time permit, that I
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day presented the answer of Mr. Ab-
Saints, which proclaims the re- bott to the questions that I have
opening of the heavens and the res- read to you. I did not have bap-
toration of the Gospel, with divine tism and the sacrament in mind, but
authority to administer its ordin- this : He tells us that no added
: —


truth to that which is contained in the full and complete manifestation
the Old and New Testaments in if you thus regard personality, then
respect of God may be looked for, to think of God as everywhere pres-
notwithstanding the admitted pres- ent, diffused as a presence and a
sence of the spirit of revelation power through all His creations,
among men and I wanted to place
; there does appear a contradiction;
this man's statement in contrast because form means limitation in
with the great truths that have been space, and the simplest philosophy
announced in this conference, by teaches that a body, an object of
President Smith and President Pen- form, bounded as it must be by cer-
rose, as proof that a world of added tain lines, cannot at the same in-
knowledge, of intelligence, and un- stant be present in two different
derstanding respecting God has places that cannot be.

been brought forth by the revela- The scriptures do teach, however,

tions of God to the great prophet of —
these two things about God, viz.,
this new dispensation, Joseph Smith. that God is a person of whom Jesus
Two things confuse the world to- Christ is "the brightness of His
day in respect to their knowledge glory and the express image of His

of God the duty that some feel, on person ;" and they also teach the
the one hand, to regard God as a omnipresence, or every whereness of
personality; and on the other hand God. David said when he contem-
to regard Him as universal spirit, plated perhaps —
I know not but —
as everywhere present, and every- perhaps, the desirability of getting
where present with power. Recon- away from the presence of God, be-
ciliation of the two conceptions is cause of his great sins but in any ;

puzzling the theologians and the event he was led to remark and it —
philosophers. Dean Mansel, in his is scripture, and it presents the
great lecture, which amounts to a truth
book, on the subject of "Limitations "Whither shall from Thy
I go
of Religious Thought," writes this Spirit, or whither shall I flee from Thy
as his conclusion "It is our duty
: presence? If I ascend up into heaven,
to think of God as personal, and it thou art there. If I make my bed in
hell,behold Thou art there. If I take
is our duty to believe that He is in-
the wings of the morning and dwell
finite;" although he confesses that in the uttermost parts of the sea, even
there is something inconsistent with there shall Thy hand lead me, and
the two views. Herbert Spencer Thy right hand shall hold me. If I
say, surely the darkness shall cover
seizing upon this inconsistency of me; even the night shall be light about
the dean's and commenting upon me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from
the conclusions, remarks "Let : Thee; but the night shineth as the
those who can believe there is eter- day: the darkness and the light are
both alike to Thee."
nal war between our intellectual
faculties and our moral obligations. Yet Mr. Gladstone, the great
I for one, admit no such radical vice English statesman, like Dean Man-
in the constitution of things." Of sel, felt the need of holding to the

course, when you speak of God as a conception of the personality of

person, especially if you regard God. Indeed, he regarded it as the
Him as a person in the sense that need of the world, and the hope of
He is an individual., of whom Jesus the future. Speaking of those
the Christ, as a resurrected, immor- questions to his friend, Mr. Stead,
tal, and all-glorious personage was who asked him, a short time before
: : : ;


his death, what greatest hope

his message, as it is difficult to tell
for the future of humanity was, the which is the sweetest out of the

great statesman replied many messages that God is sending

forth to the world in this new dis-
"I should say we must look for that
to the maintenance of the faith in the pensation so perhaps I am not

invisible. That is the great hope of warranted in characterizing one as

the future. It is the mainstay of civ- sweeter than another, but listen to
ilization; and by that I mean a living
this splendid message that our
faith in a personal God. I do not hold
with streams of tendency; after sixty Church has for the world. Speak-
years of public life, I hold more ing of the Son of God, this reve-
strongly than ever to this conviction, lation says
deepened and strengthened by long
experience, of the reality, and near- "He that ascended up on high, as
ness, and personality of God." also He descended below all things ;

in that He comprehended all things,

But you observe that among that He might be in all and through
these great minds there is a marked
all things, the light of truth." That
diversity of opinion concerning this
is, the power by which the truth is
great question, the necessity of
manifested. "Which truth shineth."
holding to the faith of a personal
That is, it is apparent, not hidden
God, and at the same time other "Which
it is before your vision.
men equally intellectual doubting truth shineth. This is the light of
the possibility of holding in con-
Christ." I pray you remember that
sciousness and in faith the person-
phrase. "As also He" this light of
ality of God and at the same time
Christ, "is in' the sun, and the light
His everywhereness. What a bless-
of the sun, and the power thereof
ing that Prophet would be to his
by which it was made.
generation who should have his
mind moved upon by the holy spirit, "As also the light of the stars, and
thepower thereof by which they were
or who, by direct revelation and made.
face to face communion with God, "And the earth also, and the power
could come to the world with a thereof; even the earth upon which
word from the inner fact of things, you stand.
"And the light which now shineth,
and settle this question. Mr. Ab- which giveth you light, is through
bott needs it settled for him, as Him who enlighteneth your eyes,
also other people need it settled for which is the same light that quicken-
eth your understandings."
them. No human wisdom could
find that word, but the inspired The Apostle John speaks of it as
prophet of this new dispensation "the light that lighteth every man
comes with a message that will set- that cometh into the world." Job
tle it; a message that appeals to must have had it in mind when he
the understanding as well as to the said "There is
: a spirit in man, and
emotions and the desires of men in the inspiration of God giveth him
their thirst for knowledge of God; understanding." But to continue
and I may
so far trespass upon your with the revelation in the Doctrine
titme as to read that brief message and Covenants
in which both great truths the — "Which is the same light that
personality of God and the univer- quickeneth your understanding
sality of His presence are main- and now
the message, "which
tained. Listen to this sweetest —
no, light," the creative power, world-
I may not say that it is the sweetest sustaining power, intelligence-in-
— —
;; —


spiring power "which light pro- cause it is of His nature, and
ceedeth forth from the presence of strongly bears forth into space his
God to fillthe immensity of space. attributes —
this Spirit is actual pres-
"The light which is in all things ence of God for as the ray of light

which giveth —and

life" is not separate from its source, so

the vital force in the universe this Spirit and Power which pro-
"which giveth life to all things ceeds from the presence of God is
which is the law by which all things not separated from the personages
are governed even the power of
: of the Godhead whence He proceeds
God who sitteth upon his throne, to fill the immensity of space. In
who is in the bosom of eternity, who this manner God in-dwells in his
is in the midst of all things." worlds, and those worlds in which
Now, my beloved brethren, with God in-dwells shall fulfill and ac-
this great truth before you, it is complish the purposes of God.
easy to comprehend the great mys- This is the immanent Deity of
tery that confuses the world, name- which men in our day have so much
ly, how to hold in your conscious- to say ; and for our enlightenment
ness, in your faith, the belief that that we might know God —
even the
God is a personality in the sense Spirit of God —
though proceeding
that He is a glorified individual such from the several Divine personages
as the Christ was after His resurrec- of the Godhead is —
called "the
tion, and now is —
an immortal per- Light of Christ/' for the reason al-
sonage. We know not, perhaps, on ready given, and, further, that the
what bright sphere, as a personality Christ might be in very deed and in
He makes His home, but wherever all respects the manifestation, or

He is, as a personality, the Christ, evelation of God to man.

is as He left the earth —
after His I thought I would like to present

resurrection —
He is as He will re- this truth that attention might be
turn to the earth, as set forth in the called to the world's problem re-
remarks of Elder Talmage at this garding the doctrine of God and ;

conference. It is also possible at the that the sermons of President Smith

same time to regard Him as a uni- and President Penrose might stand
versal presence and power which — as an answer to the sophistry and
men rightly call God —
forth from the personal presence of
vain philosophy of the times about
nothing being added by revelation
the Christ, also from the presence to the world's knowledge of God.
of God the Father, and from the The Lord bless you. Amen.
presence of the Holy Spirit there —
goes forth into the space depths, the To demonstrate the sweetness of
which emanating from these
Spirit tones of the remodeled great organ,
Holy Personages fills the immen- Prof. John J. McClellan played var-
sity of space with the very pres- iations of the music, now usually
ence land power of God. That sung to the hymn, "O, my Father."
presence and power is constantly The choir sang the anthem, "The
maintained, too, and is actual pres- Heavens are telling the glory of
ence of God in all consciousness, in God."
seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing, Elder Walter P. Monson pro-
and loving. I say this presence nounced the benediction.
called in the revelation I have read Conference adjourned for six
from "the lisfht of Christ" be- — months.


As the vast congregation left the our state in the Anti-saloon League
building the organist played, and the work, and now employed in the
people sang, "We thank Thee, O fight against the saloon in Cali-
God, for a Prophet." fornia, lectured before an audience
Prof. Evan Stephens conducted at the Latter-day Saints Church, on
the singing of the choir and congre- the subject of prohibition. In the
gation at the Conference meetings course of his remarks he traced de-
in the Tabernacle, and Prof. John velopments from an early day in
J. McClellan played the accompani- this country, showing activities of
ments, interludes, etc., on the great various sectarian churches in their
organ, assisted by Edward P. Kim- efforts to break down the liquor
ball and Tracy Y. Cannon. traffic. When he had concluded,
The stenographic reports of the Elder Joseph E. Robinson, Presi-
discourses were taken by Elders dent of the California mission, read
Franklin W.> Otterstrom, Fred- the following revelation, and showed
erick E. Barker, and Fred G. Bar- conclusively that through the "Mor-
ker. mon" Prophet, God had made
Duncan M. McAllister, known the truths concerning the
Clerk of Conference. detrimental use of liquor and to-
bacco, antedating every other move
made in the world. I will here
read the revelation
ELDER ANDREW KIMBALL. [The speaker read the "Word of
Wisdom" in full]
[The copy of the stenographer's tran- For over eighty years this peo-
script of Elder Andrew Kimball's dis- ple, the Latter-day Saints, have been
course having been lost in transmis- taught, and have more or less ab-
sion by mail, Elder Kimball has writ-
stained, not only from the use of
ten a statement covering the principal
features of said discourse, and it is intoxicating liquors, but also tea
printed here. It would have been in- and coffee and tobacco, and the re-
cluded in that part of the pamphlet sult is we have two or three gener-
where the other discourses appear that
ations of our people almost entirely
were delivered at the outdoor meet-
ing, Sunday afternoon, April 9, but free from the evil effects of these
was received too late for insertion contaminating things.
therein.] The Lord has made no mistake in
this revelation like
; many other
What appeals to me as one of the good things, He has given to the
strongest testimonies of the divine world admonitions and command-
calling of Joseph Smith as a ments calculated to improve His
Prophet, and benefactor of his race, children physically, as well as spir-
is that contained in the revelation
itually. Along this line of reform,
known as "the Word of Wisdom" as also in many others, the "Mor-
(Sec. 89, Doctrine and Covenants). mon" people living in Arizona have
It is eighty-three years since been foremost and among the most
the Lord admonished the world, reliable of the people residing in
through His Prophet, that strong that State.
drinks and tobacco were not good Saloon keepers are bluffers ; they
for man.
would make you believe that the
Recently, while in Los Angeles, a abolition of the saloon would de-
gentleman who had been active in stroy all business relations, they
urge that the revenue would
loss of in Arizona." From this pamphlet I
be so great you would have no will give you a few figures. You
means to run the government, that may draw your own conclusions as
business would be dull in short, it; to the havoc wrought in Arizona by
would kill the country. This is closing the saloons. It must be re-
about the kind of talk they gave us membered that when the saloons
in Arizona when we went into the closed Dec. 31, 1914, at 12 o'clock
light and put them out of business. at night, many saloon keepers re-
In 1901 it was my good fortune tained a quantity of liquor, and
to secure the passage of the scores of citizens laid in a supply,
"Texas" local option law while a so that when the law went into ef-
member of the Arizona Territorial fect the State was not quite dry. I
Legislature, but, my friends, "local here give you the wording of the
option" will not do the work. Three prohibition amendment to the Con-
counties only took advantage of the stitution :

law and voted dry. They were

where the Latter-day Saints were "Ardent
soil its, ale, beer, wine or in-
toxicating liquor or liquors of what-
in the majority.
ever kind shall not be manufactured in
Later, while an effort was made or introduced into the state of Arizona
to amend the law, its enemies seg- under any pretense. Every person
regated the large cities from the who sells, exchanges, gives, barters,

country districts, making it almost or disposes of any ardent spirits, ale,

beer, wine, or intoxicating liquor of
impossible to rid the municipalities any kind to anv person in the state of
of the saloon so we can say from
; Arizona, or who manufactures, or in-
experience, that while local option troduces into, or attempts to intro-
duce into the state of Arizona any
is better than the saloon, it is not
ardent spirits, ale, beer, wine, or in-
sweeping enough in its effects to toxicating liquor of any kind, shall be
rid the country of the liquor traffic, guilty of a misdeameanor and upon
accordingly we insisted upon State- conviction shall be imprisoned for not
less than ten days nor more than two
wide prohibition.
years and fined not less than twenty-
The Temperance Federation of five dollars and costs nor more than
Arizona, so termed, was organized, three hundred dollars and costs for
an executive committee was chosen, each offense: provided, that nothing in
this amendment shall apply to the
with representation from the vari-
manufacture or sale of denatured alco-
ous organizations, W. C. T. U. hol."
Young Men's and Young Ladies'
Christian Associations, Labor Fed- The constitutional amendment
eration, the various sectarian made it mandatory upon the first
churches, business and professional State Legislature to enact police
interests, and our "Mormon" peo- regulations for the enforcement of
ple, women being very active in the the law. This they failed to do, so
work. We gave women their fran- that all we have accomplished has
chise and they gave us a dry state. been under the mandates of the con-
God bless the women. stitution.
A private citizen of one of our Efficiency increased in the work-
leading cities compiled statistics of ingmen of the state in six months,
the State, covering a period of but according to these statistics, an av-
six months, and termed the com- erage over the state of 25 per cent,
pilation, "Six Months Prohibition and at the Copper Queen, the larg-

est copper company, 31.4 per cent. In considering the moral benefits, it

Understand by this that, before pro- is inestimable.

hibition, aftereach pay day through InPhoenix, our capital, there
employes spending their wages and were 1125 less arrests in six
time in the saloon, and recovering months, 6 less police employed,
from the consequences of drink, $20,000 less cost in city govern-
they would lay off two or three days ment.
each month, causing the company The City of Tucson had 255 less
to lose 31.4 per cent in the efficiency arrests for drunkenness. Such ar-
of its operations. The pay rolls rests had cost $12.50 each, thus
. being $4,000,000, 25 per cent of making a saving of $3,000 in six
thatamount is $1,000,000 saved, for months, or $6,000 annually.
now men go to work after pay day. Taxes have not increased in con-
Eighty-four per cent reported for sequence of phohibition.
work before prohibition, 98 per cent In Apache county, taxes have de-
since. creased 14.5 per cent, and in Gra-
When men drank up their wages, ham (my county) 28.5 per cent.
their boys had to stay out of school These counties had been dry long
to help support the family. There enough to make a showing.
has been a great increase in attend- There has been a great increase
ance in the public schools, and 50 in savings deposits. Before pro-
per cent increase in our state uni- hibition, the laboring men, on pay

versity. day, would deposit their pay check

in the saloon and go home with a
There is 37.3 per cent less crime
stomach full of liquor and an empty
in the country, and 50 per cent less
in the cities. Drunkenness has de-
pocket book. Now they deposit
their earnings in the postal savings
creased 85 per cent. There has
and in banks. There has been an
been 2880 less arrests for drunken-
increase of $387,252.00 in the postal
ness in the state in six months.
savings, and over $3,000,000 in the
Eleven out of fourteen counties banks.
went dry. Three (Mormon) Where the saloon formerly stood,
counties were already dry through
you now see progressive business
local option. There has been 796 institutions, moving picture shows,
less commitments in six months, a
and other taxable property. Where
saving, by decrease in arrests, of
before prohibition, children were
$50,773.98, a falling off of 50 per running the streets barefooted and
cent in commitments.
hungry, and mothers humiliated
In cities and towns of promi- and dejected; now, under prohi-
nence there has been a decrease in bition, there are thousands of happy
arrests of 2.403, an average of 50 homes.
per cent saving by such decrease
; There has been a corresponding
$85,170.14. While the state has increase in public spiritedness, good
apparently sustained a loss in reve- roads, public improvements, better
nue of $100,998, but when we take markets, and in every way there has
into consideration the many chan- been a livening up of affairs,
nels through which business has in- greater confidence in business, and
creased, this loss of revenue is more a general uplift to society.
than made up in business channels. At the annual Temperance Con-
vention held this spring in Phoenix, Kansas has the lowest death rate of
and while presiding during the eve- any in the Union, which can be ac-
ning session, I presented the fol- counted for because of their long
lowing figures on the birth rate and drawn out efforts for temperance.
death rate of the various nations of But what we get out of this com-
the world, figures that may be used parison is that the Latter-day Saints
to prove the good effects of tem- lead the world in high birth-rate
perance. and low death-rate. This does not
A short time after this meeting, mean only its numbers residing in
the president of the Federation these healthy mountain valleys, and
wrote and asked me for a copy, say- the offspring of "Mormon" parent-
ing that of all the papers and talks age, but our people in all the world.
in the convention this had im- There has been more or less sym-
pressed him most. These figures pathy extended to our people living
came into my hands from a very re- in Arizona, but mark from church
liable source, and you can depend statistics the splendid high birth-

upon them as being correct, at least rate and low death-rate. The four
up to a recent date. stakes average 44 births to the
thousand, and 7.2 deaths and the

Birth Death
Rate Rate St. Joseph stake, where I have the
Russians (Europe) 44.8 28.8 honor to preside, leads the average
Southern Slavs 40 25 of the Church, with 44 birth-rate
Armenians 40 24.7 and 6 death-rate. I am not claim-
Germans 29.8 16.2
ing that this splendid record is be-
Italians 31.5 22.8
Portuguese 29.7 18.8 cause the state went dry a little
English and Iiish 28.5 16.1 over a year ago, but it is a fact that
United States (All) 28 14 we are largely the offspring of
Dutch 27.6 14.4
"Mormon" parentage who have .
Australian (Whites) 27.4 10.8
lived temperate lives.
Scandinavians 25.3 13.4
Belgians 23.5 15 Another thing, the test is now on
Irish 23.3 17.1
in these United States. I quote from
French 18.7 19.1
Egyptians 43.4 35 headlines in a Cambridge, Mass.,
Indians (U. S.) 35 32 paper, under date of March 19,
Hindus 38.6 32.6 "Americans Not Fit for Duty.
Japanese 33.9 21.8
Average Man Can't Meet Military
Negroes (U. S.) 40 32
State of Kansas 9 Hardships, Says Harvard Profes-
Mormon (entire world) .40.2 . . . 8.3 sor." Compare this unfortunate
Mormons of Arizona (four condition with the acknowledged
stakes of Zion) average... 44 7.2
fact that not to exceed 10 per cent
St. Joseph Stake 44 6
of American boys can stand the
It will be observed from these military examination. Is it not about
figures that the death rate is some- time we were taking notice, and as
thing like one-half of the birth rate, an American people, correcting our
in the —
United States 28 births, 14 mode of living ? Contrast this with
deaths. France, you will observe, the record of "Mormon" boys. I
has more die than live consequent-; was told that 100 per cent of our
ly, unless they attend more closely boys at St. Johns, Arizona, passed
to family raising, they will eventu- muster when undergoing examina-
ally become extinct. The state of tion for the National Guard.

Intemperance alone is not respon- What is "Mormonism" doing?

sible for this alarming status of our What are we doing, as a people, to
American young manhood. It was uphold the high standards of right
told me by an instructor in a col- living? As I observed at the begin-
lege in Los Angeles that from 75 ning of my remarks, the temporal
to 90 per cent of the male popula- salvation of this people means the
tion of that city, and other large perpetuation of a people whose
cities of our nation, were more or work is not only to preach the gos-
less affected with disease resulting pel of spiritual salvation, but also
from immorality. As a general rule, the practical uplift of humanity, and
this istraceable to intemperance, observance of God's laws by His
which, of course, with all its attend- children upon the earth. Amen.
ant evils, mean disaster to the hu-
man family.

Compiled by the Church Historians and
Published by the Church



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