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Economic impacts of water scarcity

Inside our campus, the school community ,specially the students are economically getting inflicted,
because They are obliged to excess costs to get drinking water. Obviously more than 90% of the
students are with no regular income, and have alot of tasks to deal with which needs financial status,
hence exposing them for more additional expenditure can really put them in a situation where they cant
afford clean water for drinking.

most of the students including us are forced to save water because of our economic status and lack of
income to fullfill our needs as a student.due to this problem most of the students donot drink enough
water per day and these leads to health problems that are stated in the previous session of our research
presentation As studies affirmed the daily fluid intake is 15.5 cups (3.7 littres) of fluids for men and
about 11.5 cups (2.7 littres) of fluids for women. Increased water intake can help people avoid
dehydration and heatstrock in high temprature area, like Dire Dawa.

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