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Chapter 1

Problem and its scope


Choosing and deciding on something have consequences. The result of what you have
chosen can either help you or hinder you in the future. It is also the same when you are
purchasing something that you need to decide. In customers decision making there are a lot of
factors that he\she must consider. Decision making is the best way to get one’s satisfaction, and
considered as the best required thing to do to have successful and very satisfying life. Our decent
decision that a person will do can make a huge impact in his or her life. Thinking on where and
what specific place and product you’re going to purchase is considered as decision making.
Making decision implies that there are to be considered, and in such case, we want only to
identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to choose the one that best fits with our
taste, value and etc. Understanding customer’s decision is not easy because several factors can
influence customer decision before making a purchase decision. In some cases, consumers tend
to spend less time in thinking about purchasing either low or high value products, because they
consider that fulfilling their needs is more important. Entrepreneurship should have knowledge
about consumers’ characteristics and preferences as they play an important role in forming
purchase decisions. This information could enable them to foster their competitiveness and
ensure their long – term survival.

Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying

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