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Moral Issue

The moral issue in the given scenario is who are you going to save either your son or your grandson.

Moral Dilemma

The moral dilemma in the conflict situation is choosing who will be saved and who will die. If you will
save your son, then your granddaughter will die. If you save your granddaughter, your son will die.

What is your decision?

I will listen to the decision of my son.

What is your justification?

I will listen to the decision of my son not to flip the switch and save my granddaughter for the reason
that I know my son will be happy dying that I saved his daughter even its very painful that I will lost my
son. My son had experience so much in life already while my granddaughter is still innocent and haven’t
experience a lot of things in life. My love for my son will be totally given to my granddaughter, I will be
his father until I face death as well.

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