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Narayana: how was weekend

Vaibhav: was busy

Narayana: tell me something about, let me brief about me
Marketing, kpmg, data and digital, mumbai, bron and brought up even though south
Vaibhav: MP bhopal, social worker, grassroot to UNICEF, working with UNICEF
consultant for covid vaccine, education applied phys, MSW, digital entrepreneur
now. That's the reason I joined the course.
Narayana: I also with with akshay patre, mobilizing volunteering network
Narayana: How has the last 19th months been, with pandemic
Vaibhav: what is objective of the interview
Narayana: use of technology during lockdown so you bening from the industry and how
has tech has helped or not
Vaibhav: What is the purpose and how will you help us?
Narayana: these interviews are part of a case study, academic purpose .
Vaibhav: I give my consent, for academic
Narayana: he gives this iim email and says “how has the work been?”
Vaibhav: 18 year the pandemic was there, loss of earning and bad but in tech a lot
of progress happened. This pandemic expedited this process. E-media and medium
growth, people started working on new tech. We have made a lot of progress and have
brought a lot of opportunities .
People are not going to leave it now. People are hesitant now that this pandemic
has changed their mindset.
Narayana: very nice, but to focus on new tech and new medium, Can you shed some
light on new software and new tools of social worker the “super heroes”
Vaibhav: I started a preschool, in mar 2019 I had to close it down. So I started
working with ngos, then I started learning digital marketing. This helped me
support ngos in this aspect. I helped WCD MP anganwadi workers to teach them about
social media, whatsapp group, right way to document things, and ways to use social
media. When I started 10k followers, now it is 13k of this group. I created
website, managed social media for them, organised online activities, Coming to your
question, I have trained grassroot workers with new tech. Most of anganwadi
Narayana: the interrupters and asked “this work with anganwadi worker what was the
reason for this training?
Vaibhav: due to limited reach and moment the need to connect workers we needed to
train them for virtual meetings and coordination. My planning is to do it with HNM
and use 3 platform, GOOGLE, FB, WHATSAPP. And also website and zoom.
Narayana: A typical anganwadi worker demographic?
Vaibhav: a village member who keep eye on welfare
Narayana: who is it supported by?
Vaibhav: central gov, and anganwadi worker by state gov
Narayana: are they tech savvy and do they have smart phones
Vaibhav: 50% of them have 1 smart phone in their family. They share with them.
Narayana: its a nice warm system down there, people help each other. Any challenges

Vaibhav: not all of them use smart phones thats a challenge, cause alot of event
happened and data is limited. Only 1gb thats the 2nd and 3rd not all of them are
habitual of using and sharing phone is.
Narayana: he interrupts
Vaibhav: he continues “ not everyone is not communicating”
Narayana: how do you handle this situation
Vaibhav: Zoom has a problem, we have created a ppt and pasted a zoom screenshot
with an arrow to resolve the connection problem, audio problem, but 1% is still
there. 2nd challenge people join but in fb and youtube live they don't stay on it.
We don't know who actively participates.
Narayana: it’s commendable work. Just to say if they have the right gadget and
Vaibhav: and you repeat
Narayana: if we mitigate 2 challenge devices and data how can this help?
Vaibhav: what happens if you have go tech but stil content is king, we need
something new, if all repetitive and not engaging then the people drop out.
Narayana: how do you work on content?
Vaibhav: We discuss with experts for it, like recipes, young nutrition, and what a
lactating mother can do.
We have used memes, like a newborn child asking a strong boy, I drank mothers milk
for 6 months.
Narayana: But why online?
Vaibhav: physical to virtual all meetings and events, like the quiz they did, now
we use google form, we also have a virtual KBC quiz online via JOT form. For all
live we streamyard which I introduced
Narayana: Virtual is missed personal touch, do agree
Vaibhav: we use this word a lot, information transfer loss, now we can say
emotional transfer loss, so yes you are right.
Narayana: this community service part needs more personal touch. How will you help?
Vaibhav: due to this a lot of people face productivity loss and more, it’s easy to
communicate physically and as I have a background in mental health. I believe there
is a overload of information and you are not a bale to organics
Narayana: interrupts
Vaibhav: but he continues, “we need to focus on mental health:
Narayana: with you experience how did you leverage this tech in this?
Vaibhav: to actually know really on ground level we need to get in touch only them
can we help?
Narayana: it will be good for you to help them by engaging them, isn't it?
Vaibhav: ya ya ya [silence]
Narayana: how did this work? Do you have a team?
Vaibhav: I was helping them with the tech info but like graphics I am not good but
we got help from experts, I did the planning and all.
Narayana: out and out a project director, ensuring delivery right?
Vaibhav: Yes, for tech like FB, twitter, etc. But twitter is for high level people
but I like working with ground level. I managed 11 groups on whats app
Narayana: he excitingly was more details
Vaibhav: he gives more details;
Narayana: Very nice vaibhav
Vaibhav: I had fun, I saw things happening nicely but I was with them last year not
this. So I feel they did not do it properly as they have no coordinator.
Narayana: You role with UNICF
Vaibhav: I implement the vaccine coverage in MP, 20% so people are not coming. I
analysis the barriers and resolve them via communication.
Narayana: vaibhav fantastic, thank you nagpur team for the opportunity
Vaibhav: can you share the reading of them interview
Narayana: Let’s go the step by step, and then we will be asses over the processes
we follow
Vaibhav: I am not asking on this basis evaluation,

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