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1}macavity the mystery cat:-

He not only breaks the human laws but also the laws of nature. It is said that
the fakirs
have some magical powers but even they look at him in surprise.
He can float in the air without any support and thus, breaks the gravitational law
of nature.

2} bepin choudhury's lapse of memory:-

Forgetfulness often puts us in a tight spot. But forgetting a part of one's
life completely may drive one insane.

3}the last bargain:- the poem is that money, wealth, power or beauty cannot
give you happiness. Only when one feels true pleasure at seeing something, one
finds happiness.

4}the summit within:-

one can get fuller knowledge of oneself. In all, the climber gets
the inspiration to face life's ordeals with determination.

5}the school boy:-

The poem teaches us that being parents we shall take due care of our children.
It is our duty to see that our children are happy, joyful, and free.It is our
duty to see that our children are happy, joyful, and free.
If we want our generations to be happy and prosperous we need to make their
childhood a happy one.

{sumppllementry english:-}
1}how the camel got his hump:-
The moral of the story is that nothing is achieved by sitting idle and wasting
time. -
One who is lazy and does not fulfil his responsibility suffers in the end.

2]children at work
no children should work. Children who work have more money and enjoy greater
Children of poor parents should be allowed to miss school and work instead

3}the selfish giant:-

“Happiness through true love and selflessness.”
This Selfish Giant teaches you “The best feeling of
happiness is when you are happy as you have made somebody else happy”.

4}the treasure within:-

There are different passions and interests for different children.
Every child is a potential achiever,
and is unique in its style of learning and areas of interest.
No child should be forced to move through a path that they are not interested in.
If they do so, they won't be successful in that field.

5}princess september:-
: True melody or real artistic work can only be done in the state of freedom.

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