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Solar Energy, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 311-314.

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University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

PREFACE Implicit in this is the inarguable fact that perpetual

It is now almost three decades since my interest in economic growth is not sustainable. Thus, we should
solar energy was first kindled and became the beginning all be looking toward more extensive use of recycled
of a lifelong career in solar research and development. materials and a major shift to greater reliance on re-
At that time, working at the University of the West newable energy resources, even if these appear to be
Indies in Trinidad and Tobago, all of my effort was uneconomic using current cost conventions. The in-
going into teaching a range of courses in mechanical troduction of true least cost planning methods and in-
engineering within a newly formed Faculty of Engi- stitution of proper consideration for externalities are
neering. The luxury of solar research lay far in the gradually changing perspectives regarding the genuine
future. In moments of leisure, however, on the beach economic value of environmentally benign, renewable
at Maracas on the north shore of the island it was im- energy resources. Such an approach is vital if we truly
possible to ignore the penetrating radiation of the intend to move the world from its present overde-
noonday tropical sun, the wave power implicit in the pendence on fossil fuels. These traditional sources cur-
pounding of the surf on the beach, and the wind power rently supply over 85% of all globally traded primary
in the tropical winds varying from gentle breezes to energy. It is only with such a shift in attitude that we
cyclonic force gales capable of widespread devastation can safeguard the future of the planet for generations
to crops and dwellings. yet unborn.
Earlier this year, upon learning of this award, my In any development scenario for the world as a
thoughts immediately returned to 1970 and the first whole, we must consider the enormous variation in
ISES Congress held in Melbourne, Australia. There, I level of development across different countries. The
had the pleasure of meeting for the first time Farrington problems of the developed world pale into insignific-
and Olive Daniels. Before that time Farrington Daniels ance when compared with those of the developing na-
to me had been only a name associated with his famous tions. Providing an adequate energy supply to major
book, Direct Use of the Sun's Energy, which still pro- new populations will become a critical problem. Recent
vides an excellent introduction to the subject matter forecasts indicate that 90% of the population growth
of our discipline (although now supplemented with is likely to occur in developing nations. It is therefore
many other excellent undergraduate and postgraduate reasonable to expect, based on current, extensive in-
texts for teaching and research purposes). ternational studies, that the energy growth rate in the
On a postconference tour to the central desert or developing nations is likely to run at 5% to 6% whilst
"red heart" of Australia I saw first hand the determi- in the world as a whole it would be stabilizing at 1.5%
nation of Farrington Danieis. At the age of 8 l, he com- to 2.5%. Excessive dependence on imported oil in the
pleted the ascent of Ayers R o c k - - n o mean feat at any developing nations can also pose a crippling debt bur-
age as the initial slope is very steep and deters many den and adversely dominate the balance of trade ratios
lesser mortals. for these countries.
The International Solar Energy Society, especially
the Federation of National Solar Societies and National
Sections, has a major and increasing role to play in
AS an underlying theme I have chosen the topic of information dissemination, technology transfer, and
solar energy for economically sustainable development. personnel training around the world. Global organi-
zations such as the World Bank and the various United
Professor W. W. S. Charters was the 1993 recipient of the Nations Agencies working within the new energy de-
Farrington Daniels Award, the major individual honour be- velopment field are also crucial agents in these pro-
stowed by the International Solar Energy Society. One of the cesses. It is time to reconsider whether we should in-
conditions of the Award is that the recipient must present a stitute a Decade of Renewable Energy Development
lecture at an ISES Word Congress. We reprint in the following
pages, the written form of Professor Charter's lecture, which on a global scale to consolidate the new solar technol-
was presented at the ISES World Congress in Budapest on ogies and to bring on line large scale solar power plant
August 27, 1993. in suitable locations around the world.
312 W . W . S . CHARTERS

RENEWABLE ENERGY WAVES caused by excessive and concentrated fossil fuel or nu-
Solar energy research, development, and commer- clear use.
cialization in this century have been driven by a variety As governments and industries have responded to
of different forces. First we had the vision and enthu- the new challenges posed in each of these cycles, a
siasm of solar pioneers like Abbot, Robinson, Daniels, distinct pattern emerges detailing the ebb and flow of
and Yellott, to name only a few, who saw in this un- the fortunes of the solar energy community. In the
limited natural resource a secure clean energy resource past decade there has been an unfortunate, substantial
for the post fossil fuel era. Some of these eminent reduction in funding allocated to renewable energy re-
scholars, and others like them, helped to bring together source development. Government expenditure on solar
the international solar scientists and engineers in 1955 energy has fallen to less than one third of the level
at Phoenix, Arizona. The gathering led to the formation considered reasonable at the start of the 10-year period.
of the Solar Energy Society--now the International Even so, the intensive development and commercial-
Solar Energy Society. ization of solar power in this same period has seen a
The second wave of interest broke in the mid-sev- continuing reduction in solar power installed costs,
enties with the advent of the middle east oil cartel levelized power costs, and a dramatic improvement in
known as OPEC and the overnight quadrupling of the plant reliability, stand alone capability, and availability.
price of crude oil in 1973 and 1979. Prices rose to This is particularly impressive when compared with
nearly US$40 per barrel from a base price of US$13 other more conventional power plants where cost es-
per barrel. Although the international economy calation rather than cost reduction has taken place
adapted rapidly to these price increases, the seeds of during this time.
doubt had been sown. The possibilities of price insta- In the future, however, it will become increasingly
bility and supply uncertainty led several nations to im- important that we give adequate and proper recognition
plement major renewable energy programs, focused to the real environmental benefits of renewable energy
on energy supply security and national independence. systems when allocating values to economic external-
The third and possibly the final wave of this century ities in any appraisal of competing power technologies.
is the growing emphasis now being placed on mini- The absence of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and
mizing environmental degradation in all its diverse oxides of nitrogen from solar power plants should be
forms; protecting the vital land, water, and air resources fully recognized. We should realize a substantial and
whilst sustaining economic productivity and attempt- direct cost credit to the solar system in terms of the
ing to provide useful employment for the workforce. "revealed preference" approach adopted recently as
Access to uncontaminated land, to clean water, and an interim standard in California and several other
to fresh air used to be considered a natural right of U.S. states.
citizens in many nations of the world. Now, how many
people living in major metropolitan areas actually re-
ceive these natural endowments? Instead, urban air
pollution through excessive use of transport fossil fuels Since 1955 at Phoenix and 1961 at the Rome meet-
and fossil fueled power stations has become an accepted ing on "New Energy Sources" it is interesting to note
norm for urban living. The lack of quality of drinking the gradual but accelerating move from academic re-
water in many countries has led to a major growth search publications on solar topics to increasing em-
industry in the supply of bottled waters. Land contam- phasis on solar applications, development of solar
inated by industrial waste products has been used for equipment, and more recently topics dealing directly
housing developments, with the associated health risks with commercialization of solar technology. In this
not identified until many years later. These are pow- process we can chart the progress of the still embryonic
erful and emotional issues which can and should be solar industry and learn the preferred sequence of
drawn on when promoting the overall benefits of solar events which is likely to lead to a successful outcome
energy as an environmentally friendly energy resource. for new solar products and technologies.
In 1992 some of these elements were addressed in The first essential element is that there must be a
the drafting of the Framework Convention on Climate "political will" to initiate reforms in existing energy
Change which should have a global impact on energy systems to allow for penetration of solar resources at
use and abuse. Since the composition of this frame- a reasonable rate. This means putting in place appro-
work, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change priate policy formulation and energy planning at the
has indicated that a reduction in excess of 60% in terms global, regional, national, and local levels. With this
of carbon dioxide production is necessary to achieve framework in place it is then possible to start to design,
a stable concentration of this greenhouse gas in the build and test new solar equipment and to ensure,
earth's atmosphere. It will be impossible to achieve through demonstration, the technological feasibility
such a dramatic reduction in carbon dioxide produc- and product availability and reliability. The next (es-
tion without a major change in the way in which we sentially commercial) step involves market identifi-
produce and use power in the global economy. Re- cation and product refinement to allow for commercial
newable energy resource utilization has a vital role to viability of the new technology.
play in alleviating some of the worst ecological disasters As with many new technologies it may be necessary,
Farrington Daniels Award 313

initially, to create a market based on government and health of the community have been demonstrated
utility buying power and to subsidize major demon- in many countries where action along these lines has
strations of the new plant to boost consumer confidence been initiated with small-scale pilot projects.
and to increase system reliability. One classic example • Accelerated production o f solar fuels and chemical
of this step can be seen in the U.S. photovoltaic pro- storage materials such as ethanol, methanol, meth-
gram where the government acknowledged, early on, ane, and ultimately hydrogen. This is an essential
the vital role of solar photovoltaics in the space pro- element of any long-term solution to transport energy
gram. The ultimate success of many of the space ven- problems and could assist in reducing urban air pol-
tures can be traced back to the performance and high lution and conserving our vital petrochemical re-
reliability of the solar sources used to power the space sources for other useful industrial purposes.
craft. Another example is that of the development of The improved solar plant used for each of these ap-
the Australian solar water heating industry where the plications will, of necessity, incorporate advanced state-
initial market for the new product was guaranteed by of-the-art electronic and computer circuitry and will
the fitting of domestic solar hot water units to a large benefit from recent and continuing advances in ma-
number of government-owned properties in central and terials technology such as the production of cermets
northern Australia. Without this form of initial support and other advanced composite materials. Many of the
it is extremely doubtful if either of these solar industries materials used in advanced electronics will become
would exist today. available to solar workers in different forms of spe-
Many of these policy and planning issues have been cialized coatings and substrates. We have already seen
highlighted in the excellent series of articles featured the introduction in recent years of transparent insu-
in "Energy Policy" during 1991 and 1992 where the lation materials specifically tailored for solar applica-
focus has been on all aspects of renewable energy re- tions in buildings and in thermal collectors. This trend
source utilization. It is critical that we identify non- will continue and accelerate as solar energy impacts
technical institutional barriers and constraints to solar on and becomes a part of everyday life.
energy implementation and force a restructuring of In addition, there will be a spreading realization
energy policy to fully encourage the incorporation of that the Ultimate success of solar energy implemen-
solar technologies into the overall energy economy. tation on a large-scale requires a lot more than technical
input. Political, legal and economic, and environmental
issues will all need considerable attention. This means
that the solar research worker of the 21 st century will
So much for retrospective thoughts about solar en- have the pleasure and stimulation of working with in-
ergy developments since the middle of this century. terdisciplinary teams of experts who may have back-
For the young and for the young at heart, it is always grounds as diverse as materials specialists, systems en-
more interesting, exciting, challenging, and stimulating gineers, economists, scientific environmentalists, and
to seek a vision for the future rather than to dwell on social scientists.
the achievements of the past. We can learn from our
past successes and also from our failures as we plan
ahead for our future.
These applications of solar energy harnessed on a In my own experience in solar energy research, de-
major scale can contribute substantially to man's well- velopment, and commercialization I have had the
being: pleasure of working with over 50 postgraduate students,
• Small-, medium-, and large-scale decentralized many university academic staff members, and a range
power generation systems based on solar thermal and of personnel from government ministries and agencies
photovoltaic supply. This step alone could lead to to industrial organizations. All of these people have
energy and power being supplied to billions of people made substantial contributions, in one way or another,
living currently at or below subsistence level in many to the work carried out by our solar research group at
countries of the world. the University of Melbourne over the last 30 years. It
• A range o f industrial process heat applications in would be impossible to quantify the impact of working
particular in the food processing industries. These continually with fresh young minds in an open and
could lead to a very substantial reduction in the con- unconstrained university research environment. There
sumption of conventional fuels. is no doubt at all that the investment of funds in post-
• Vital food preservation through drying and refriger- graduate scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships
ation to minimize postharvest and postprocessing provides an ultimate intellectual and financial return
losses. In developing nations, 50% to 70% of the food to the community unequaled by any other investments
produced is lost due to inadequate drying and storage of government or industry funds.
handling. What use is a Green Revolution if the food Our work at the University of Melbourne has con-
produced never reaches the marketplace? centrated primarily on solar thermal technologies, on
• Improved public health services through water pu- component and system design, and on performance
rification and supply, water pumping for drinking, testing of a wide range of flat-plate and concentrating
irrigation, and the provision o f a vaccine cold chain. collector types. We have also given consideration to
The immediate and dramatic effects on improved the vital aspect of integrating solar and energy efficiency
314 W . W . S . CHARTERS

concepts. This latter work has been focused on energy with internationally trained personnel at Gwalpahari,
efficient building design, solar ponds, and solar-assisted Haryana Province, which will assist in improving the
and solar-boosted heat pump systems of various types quality of the solar equipment built in India and in
and configurations. the immediate Asian region as well as expediting close
In all of this research and development work there collaboration between the government, industry, and
has been a heavy involvement of industry from the academic centers involved in solar energy research and
early concept stage in an attempt to ensure ultimate development. This involvement has allowed me the
commercialization wherever possible. opportunity to study at first hand some of the problems
Currently we are working on solar drying and on involved in a developing economy with major popu-
ground and air source heat pump technology involving lation growth pressure.
modeling, simulation, and optimization studies. In
addition, we are exploring the potential of energy stor-
age and heat pumps based on metal hydride storage
systems. This latter work continues on with the un- In conclusion, my personal thanks must go to all
derlying theme that solar concepts have to be integrated of my solar colleagues worldwide who have encouraged
with energy conservation and efficient use of energy me in my research efforts. I can only hope that I have
to provide the maximum return for the research and repaid this debt in some small measure by training and
development investment. educating the next generation of solar workers. My
A major program in development technologies thanks go also to the University of Melbourne for al-
structured for the Southeast Asian region that has now lowing me the freedom to choose my field of research
run over 20 years has helped us to maintain a focus endeavor and providing the facilities to make this pos-
on problems of development in developing countries. sible. Finally, my thanks go of course to the anonymous
This has led to a series of projects specifically tailored members of the Awards Selection Committee of the
to the needs of individual countries within the region. International Solar Energy Society who saw fit to honor
Projects concern solar vaccine storage and solar drying our work with this prestigious award.
of grains and specialized cash crops. This year we have For me the solar work has never been a chore but
12 of our final-year engineering students working for a source of continuing pleasure and excitement, sand-
a month in Thailand as part of their fourth-year course, wiched in between the administrative and management
undertaking a range of infrastructure projects at the tasks of a university professor, chairman of department
village level under the King's Project. and dean of an engineering faculty at a major univer-
Over the past 4 years, as Chief Technical Advisor sity. It would be no exaggeration to state that solar
to UNDP (New York), I have been heavily involved energy has illuminated my academic life for over 30
with Indian scientists and engineers in setting up a years, has provided me with many firm friends all over
solar test center near New Delhi. This joint Indian the globe, and has brought me many rewards, all of
government and UN project has resulted in the for- which I treasure as I will this Farrington Daniels Award
mation of a solar thermal and photovoltaic test facility of the International Solar Energy Society.

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