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Hello teacher and guys.

today my team ‘re here to present to you about

2 topics: simple present tense and habit normality. At first lets me
introduce about my team. As u can see on screen We have 6 members
Now lets starting
The first one is present simple tense.
As we know, the action that we do regularly or repeat many times, that
is present simple tense. For example, you can Look at the boy on the
So what is its structure. We have 3 structure, 1st sentence is postive,
the 2nd is negative and the third is question This tense can use verb or
to be
What particular  case can we use it? We listed out 5 main cases for you.
To Decsribe a habit like: brush teeth, wash face, have breakfast,....
Or the Manifest truth: universe, planet, nature
To talk about real infomation
To describe a fixed schedule, a process or actione that is often repeated
The next, You need to pay anttention to this notes in order not to take
a mistake
Most of verb will add “s” in the last but except some verb have special
ending. For ex: was, change washes, watch change watches. It should
be noted that change pronuciation
We will change verb have ending “y” to ies if before it is a consonant.
In contrast. You just add “s”
Example u can see on screen
The following is several indentification signs. This tense have a lot of
sings but we just list some common adverbs.
We listed out 8 main forms for you
Be used to add Ing verb our noun. Situations are familiar to or normal.
For ex: My mother is used to going to the market early in the morning.

Get used to ing V or noun: Situations become familiar and normal after
at first being informal context. Like : : I get used to going to school on
Have a tendency to verb: It is used when talk about things people do
usually, when speaker disappoves of dislike sth. Forr ex She has a
tendency to leave the door unlocked
It is used to talk about things happened repeatedly in the past or
expressed this idea.
For ex: When my grandfather was young, he would do exercise
HAVE A HABIT OF + V_ing: talk about Actions which people often do
are considered bad.
For ex:  I have a habit of eating more sugar
BE ALWAYS + V_ing: talk about bad habit that People frequently
complain about
I'm always forgetting to bring a pen before school
TEND + to V : same meaning as have a tendency, but the actions are
true, positive. Ex When it gets cold here in the winter, people tend to
BE/GET ACCUSTOMED TO + V_ing The same meanings as be/ get
used to and formal context, something is normal because you have
experienced it . Ex : We are accustomed to working in a team
The following is some adjcetive to talk about habits and normailty
Now lets practice some exercise in order to understand more
We ve finish our Presentation If u have any question, lets Feel free to
Thank you for your attention and listening.

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