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New Spells

These spells were created by looking at the cards from the various expansions and designing them based on what the text
of the card basically said.

Fire Spells
Fiery Wrath
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 8
Concentration: Total
Raises: Damage
Effect: Ritual: The shugenja gather together and unleash a firestorm across the land, like a flood of fire. This ritual is
used only in an effort to damage an enemy's crops and lands. The Emperor has decreed that the use of this ritual is
punishable by death due the destruction it can cause.

Oni Warding
Crab Clan Only
Base TN: 5
Casting Time: 3 actions
Duration: 1 day
Mastery Level: 3
Concentration: None
Raises: Area, Duration, Casting Time, Damage
Effect: This spell functions identically to Evil ward but is designed to deal specifically with Oni and as such has a more
powerful effect on them. This spell will not affect anything but Oni. The DR is 5.

Essence of Fire
Base TN: 20
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 6
Concentration: None
Raises: Duration, amount stat raised by
Effect: Ritual: This spell is a powerful incantation that infuses the target with the very essence of Fire. The target's
Agility and Intelligence are raised by 1 each for the duration.

Light of Amaterasu
Base TN: 5
Casting Time: 2 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 3
Concentration: None
Raises: Number of Targets, casting time, duration
Effect: All fear flees in the face of the Goddess of the Sun. This spell causes the effects of fear to be quelled and to make
one immune to them for a time. The target is immune to fear for a number of hours equal to the number of raises the
shugenja goes for.

The Phoenix Reborn

Phoenix Clan Only
Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 3 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 4
Concentration: None
Raises: Casting time
Effect: Ritual: Destroys spells currently active. The Phoenix understand the nature of magic all to well and so are better
at unraveling spells better than any other clan.

The Soul of Shiba

Phoenix Clan only
Base TN: 25
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Permanent
Mastery Level: 10
Concentration: Full
Raises: None
Effect: Ritual: This ritual is perhaps the most difficult ever created. The shugenja is able to call back the spirit of the
recently killed. This ritual destroys the scroll upon which it is written and takes a full 2 levels of health out of the caster
whether its successfully or not.

Air Spells
Osano-wo's Breath
Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 2 actions
Duration: 5 rounds
Mastery Level: 3
Concentration: Focused
Raises: area of effect, duration, casting time
Effect: This spell will set up a dome of air that will repel arrows and other man made hurled objects, such as spears,
throwing stars, javelins, etc. It will not repel magical attacks. The dome has an initial radius of 5ft, centered on the caster
with an additional 5 feet added for each raise.

Flight of Doves
Base TN: 5
Casting Time: 1 actions
Duration: instant
Mastery Level: 3
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: This spell lets loose a flock of illusionary doves that momentarily confuses the opponent. The target must make a
Willpower check to see if he is not distracted at TN 15.

Mystical Terran
Scorpion Clan Only
Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 3 actions
Duration: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 5
Concentration: Casual
Raises: Duration, CastingTime
Effect: Creates a illusionary terrain around the caster, centered on a geographical location (i.e., a tree or a large rock).
This illusionary terrain is a useful battlefield spell, as it will confuse attackers into making blunders into magically
covered traps.

Kuroshin's Prayer
Unicorn Clan Only
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: instant
Mastery Level: 6
Concentration: Full
Raises: Distance to target
Effect: The shugenja reaches out with his mind and whispers a message into the ears of a loyal follower who is close by.
This telepathic whisper will lead the loyal follower to the caster. The range of the spell is 1 kilometer initially and can be
raised to a maximum of 5km.

Agasha's Illusion
Dragon Clan: Agasha Family Only
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 5
Concentration: Casual
Raises: Duration, Number of items
Effect: This spell cloaks items that the caster carries, such as swords, and scrolls. The shugenja may cloak one item to
begin with.

Asahina's Breath
Crane Clan: Asahina Family Only
Base TN: Willpower of target x 5
Casting Time: 3 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 6
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: This spell was created to force "unhonorable" people to fight the duels that they were challenged to fight. The
spell is cast on the challenged person who has decided that flight is the better part of valour. It is whispered that Cranes
will secretly use this spell to goad people into a duel so that they can kill them in honorable combat.

Mirror Image
Base TN: 20
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 7
Concentration: Casual
Raises: Duration, casting time
Effect: This spell creates a mirror image of the target, which can be commanded to perform simple tasks. The shugenja
must remember that the image is just that, an image and cannot wield real weapons or hurt people. A good look
(Perception + Investigation at TN 15) will cause the observer to notice something different about the image.

Whispers of the Wind

Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 5 rounds
Mastery Level: 5
Concentration: Casual
Raises: Duration, Casting time
Effect: Creates a small group (6-8) of phantasmal Ashigaru that follow the orders of the caster. The phantasmal troops
cannot really hurt a target, but will effectively hamper a target, letting the shugenja ready either a more destructive spell
or get away from the area.

All Distances are One

Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 4 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 6
Concentration: None
Raises: Casting time, distance
Effect: The Ide are evidently capable of instantly traversing vast distances in the blink of an eye. A thoughtful shugenja
once remarked how useful that was and attempted to duplicate the effect. The spell isn't as useful or powerful are the Ide
Family Spell, but is useful none the less.
Once cast the shugenja merely vanishes from one spot and reappears up to 100' away, as long as the target landing spot is
in the line of sight. For each raise the shugenja can raise that distance by an additional 50'.

Gust of Wind
Base TN: 5
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 4
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: Blows arrows and other ranged weapons off target, unless magical in nature. In the case of magical ranged
weapons and spell effects, the shugenja must make a number of raised equal to the TN to hit of the weapon. E.g. if a
magical arrow is TN 15 to hit him, then he needs 3 raises to deflect the arrow.

Stifling Wind
Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 2 actions
Duration: 3 rounds
Mastery Level: 4
Concentration: Casual
Raises: Duration, Area of effect
Effect: The shugenja causes a foul, stale wind to blast into the target. The target must make a Simple Stamina roll at TN
15. If not successful the target is overcome with a coughing and gasping fit for duration of the spell and cannot act
except to back out of the area of effect. The spell targets a 10 X 10 foot area. If successful the target is merely at +5 to
all his TN due to the smell and lack of good air.

Water Spells
Curse of the Jackal
Scorpion Clan Only
Base TN: 3x Targets Willpower
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: 1 day
Mastery Level: 8
Concentration: None
Raises: Duration
Effect: The shugenja transforms the target of the spell into a jackal. This spell is extremely lengthy and can only be cast
once. The shugenja must wait till the current victim of the curse is free of the curse before casting it again. The shugenja
needs to possess items of the target, one of each element. Typical items are Water (A clipping of nail, finger or toe),
Earth (A piece of hair), Fire (a weapon used by the target), and Air (a scroll upon which is written something by the
target). The shugenja assembles the items and then starts the curse. Typically it lasts from sunrise to sunset.

Essence of Water
Base TN: 20
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 6
Concentration: None
Raises: Duration, Amount stat is raised by
Effect: Ritual: This spell is a powerful incantation that infuses the target with the very essence of Water. The target's
Strength and Perception are raised by 1 each for the duration

Strength of Osano-wo
Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 3 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 4
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: Ritual: The shugenja instantly transfers all the targets wounds into himself in an effort to heal the target. If more
than one shugenja participate in the ritual, then the wounds are split amongst them. This spell has been known to kill the
caster, and as such, it is common sense to cast it in teams of 2 to 4 shugenja.

Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 7
Concentration: None
Raises: Damage, casting time, radius of effect, difficulty of defence
Effect: This spell creates an intense blast of water that strikes a visible target and all people and objects within a 10' of
the target. The DR of the spell is 6 to anyone in the spell's area of effect. Anyone in this area may make a Reflexes +
Defence roll at TN 15 in order to escape the brunt of the blast and only suffer a DR 2 effect. Once cast the scroll will
dissolve. The shugenja can increase the radius of the effect by 5' per Raise and may increase the TN of the defence roll
by 5 per Raise.

The Purity of Kitsu

Lion Clan: Kitsu Family Only
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 4
Concentration: None
Raises: Casting time, area of effect
Effect: This spell reaches out and calms the mind of all people in a 10' area. Fear and other mind-altering effects
produced by a third part are nullified. The shugenja can extend the range of the spell by an additional 5' per Raise.

Soshi's Curse
Scorpion Clan: Soshi Family Only
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 3 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 5
Concentration: None
Raises: DR, area of effect
Effect: This spell freezes the very water element in the air and thus turns air to ice. Used on a target it will result in a DR
3 attack. The shugenja can increase the number of targets through raises.

Earth Spells
Essence of Earth
Base TN: 20
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 6
Concentration: None
Raises: Casting time, amount stat is raised by
Effect: Ritual: This spell is a powerful incantation that infuses the target with the very essence of Earth. The target's
Stamina and Willpower are raised by 1 each for the duration

Mighty Protection
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 5 rounds
Mastery Level: 6
Concentration: Full
Raises: Duration, number of targets
Effect: Ritual: This powerful ritual creates mystic armor on a number of targets. The mystic armor adds 10 to the TN to
be hit of the target. The shugenja may affect 1 additional target per raise.
Hiruma's Last Breath
Crab Clan: Kuni Family Only
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 8
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: This spell infuses a target with power, canceling all negative effects that are currently upon the target. The target
may fight at full strength and dice till he drops dead. This spell is reserved for those who know that they have no way out
and is often referred to as the Kamikaze Crab spell by none Crab shugenja. It is rumored that the last of the Hiruma
shugenja created the spell before their castle was swallowed into the Shadowlands.

Void Spells
All void spells are incredible difficult to cast and need the caster’s full attention while casting. Void by its very nature is
the combination of the elements as one.

Look into the Void

Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 3 Actions
Duration: Instantaneous
Mastery Level: 4
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: The shugenja attunes himself or a target to the void. By staring into the infinite possibilities, the spells target may
spend all their Void Points at once instead of 1 by 1.

Contemplate the Void

Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 5 Actions
Duration: 5 Turns
Mastery Level: 8
Concentration: Full
Raises: Duration (max 2)
Effect: The shugenja contemplates the very nature of the Void and in doing so allows himself or a target access to the
near infinite energy that lies there. The target of such a spell has an inexhaustible supply of void and may spend 1 Void
Point a turn while the spell lasts.
The Element’s Fury
Base TN: 20
Casting Time: 6 Actions
Duration: Instantaneous
Mastery Level: 7
Concentration: None
Raises: Damage (max 2), Area of Effect
Effect: Ritual. This spell calls upon the full fury of the Void and unleashes a powerful multi-elemental attack upon a
target person, army or building. The area of effect is 10 feet X 10 feet and all within take 5K5 DR. Raises can increase
the area of effect by 5x5 for each raise or 1K1 dice per raise.

Disrupt Aura
Base TN: 5+TN of spell targeted
Casting Time: 2 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 3
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: This spell will attempt to disrupt a spell already cast and in a 'duration' mode, such as Evil Ward.

Divine the Future

Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 6
Concentration: Full
Raises: None
Effect: This spell creates a prescience effect around the caster. He acts as if he possessed the Advantage Luck Level 1 for
the spell's duration.

Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 7
Concentration: Full
Raises: Number of questions asked
Effect: The caster may ask one question about the possible outcome of the future.

Depth of the Void

Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 8
Concentration: Full
Raises: None
Effect: This spell is a more powerful version of Divine the Future. The caster gains the Advantage Luck Level 2 for the
spell's duration.

A Thunder's Sacrifice
Greater Clans only
Base TN: 20
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 5 rounds
Mastery Level: 8
Concentration: None
Raises: Duration
Effect: The shugenja who casts this spell is engaging one of the most powerful spells created. The shugenja needs a
willing sacrifice for this spell to work. The shugenja opens a conduit for the sacrifice who then uses his or her own spirit
to reinforce a fellow warrior. Dying warriors sometimes make this request to help hold the line in a battle, added their
own spiritual strength to a fellow bushi.
The aided bushi doubles all his physical traits for the duration of the spell and also ignores half the damage done to him
from all hits. Any spell that is targeted on him must be cast at an additional +5 to its TN, representing the increased
spiritual energy about person.

A Prophecy Fulfilled
Base TN: 25
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 5 rounds
Mastery Level: 9
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: Ritual: The spell calls upon the Fortunes to aide the recipient. The scroll upon which the spell is recorded is
destroyed as the Fortunes respond and place their aide within the target.
The target receives aide on a continual basis, ever growing in power till he is overwhelmed with energy. Upon the
ending of this spell, the target drops unconscious. He can be awakened if necessary with normal means.
The target receives +1 to each of physical stats each round, till they reach 5. When all stats reach 5 the spell begins its'

Defender From Beyond

Base TN: 20
Casting Time: 4 actions
Duration: Special
Mastery Level: 7
Concentration: Full
Raises: Casting Time
Effect: The shugenja reaches into the past of the target about to enter a duel and draws forth an ancestor spirit to fight in
his place. The target is taken over by the spirit and fights with the spirits skills and capabilites. This is espically useful in
the case when one has an honored ancestor to call upon. The scroll is destroyed upon the casting of this spell.

Purity of the Seven Thunders

Greater Clans only
Base TN: 20
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level: 7
Concentration: None
Raises: Damage
Effect: Ritual: This is a powerful ritual is rarely cast and even then it takes a lot of consideration before such a drastic
ritual is implemented. The power of the ritual is such that all Shadowlands creatures within 500 feet of the spell will be
The reason this ritual is so dangerous is because the lead caster is sacrificed in the completion of the spell. The ritual
requires a minimum of 4 shugenja to implement. The DR of the spell is 7 and can be raise by 1 for each raise bid. The
spell scroll and the caster are destroyed at the end of this spell.

Prophecy of the Hero

Base TN: 25
Casting Time: 3 hours
Duration: 1 year
Mastery Level: 8
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: Ritual: This powerful spell places the power of Prophecy within the target. The shugenja has reached out to the
Fortunes and blessed the target with their aid. The target receives the benefit of the Luck level 3 advantage, as well as
the Great Destiny advantage. Of course great power comes with a great price. If the target ever refuses a duel or
becomes dishonored he will suffer from the equivilant of Bad Luck level 3 as well as loose all his honor. He may also
never be the target of this ritual again.

Spiritual Presence
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 3 actions
Duration: 5 rounds
Mastery Level: 6
Concentration: None
Raises: Duration
Effect: The shugenja lends his void to a target for him to use in the heat of the moment. The target gains the a number of
Void points equal to the shugenja's Void.

Maho Spells
Legions of Fu-leng
Base TN: 20
Casting Time: 3 hours
Duration: Permanent
Mastery Level/Wounds Required: 8/1 wound per follower called
Concentration: None
Raises: Number of followers called
Effect: Ritual: This Maho summons a number of small, goblin-like servants to the caster. These servants will carry out
the casters orders for as long as they stay alive (about 1 year), and as long as the caster feeds them a diet of flesh. The
servants have the same stats as an average Goblin.

Strength of the Dark One

Base TN: 5
Casting Time: 2 actions
Duration: Instant
Mastery Level/Wounds Required: 3
Concentration: None
Raises: Number of targets
Effect: This Maho cause fear in all within its effect zone. The fear rating is 4. The caster may affect 1 additional target
per raise.

Base TN: 25
Casting Time: 1 day
Duration: Permanent
Mastery Level/Wounds Required: 7
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: Ritual: At some point, as Maho-tsukai crave more power. It is at this point that this ritual becomes a tempting
prize to obtain and cast. Many suspect that the ritual has detrimental effects on it's caster but in the end the prospect of
having the power of an Oni is too much for a Maho-tsukai to resist. Of course this is what an Oni is counting on when
they 'accidentally' let the location or knowledge of this ritual fall into the hands of the Maho-tsukai.
This ritual almost kills it's caster and perhaps it would be best if it did, for when completed the ritual summons forth the
Oni and binds it irrevocably to the caster. The Oni now has a physical body that can pass for human and with such a
body it means that the Oni can travel into Rokugan and do it's evil without being spotted for a good length of time.
The caster of the spell is still there, so to speak, but his will is no longer purely his own. Imagine voice sitting in the
back of your head continually telling how to maim, kill, rape, torture, etc. This is what the Maho-tsukai has to put up
with. Of course he is also continually wrestling for control of his body with the Oni. Upon completion of the spell the
Maho-tsukai must roll a Contested Willpower roll with the Oni. If he succeeds then the Maho-tsukai is in control of his
body for a time. Every week this test must be performed once again as the Oni attempts to assert control. If the Oni ever
asserts control the Maho-tsukai must make a daily test to see if he or she can wrest control back. The Oni who give this
ritual out are careful to try and pick those they think are easily controlled so that they can gain control of the body and
keep it that way.
While the spirit of the Oni possesses the Maho-tsukai he benefits from many advantages. He gains the special abilities
of the Oni, such as invulnerability, resistance to fire, etc. He also gains +2 to his Void, +1 to his Strength, Stamina and
Perception. Unfortunately he also picks up any disadvantages the Oni suffers from, such as vulnerabilities to Jade or fire,
The mortal appearance of a possessed Maho-tsukai rarely changes. Little things might become apparent if one searches
for them, such as one eye a different colour, or the ears slightly pointed, tufts of hair in strange locations, the Maho-tsukai
gets taller, he constantly mutters to himself and other small quirks.
There are only two ways to separate a possessed Maho-tsukai. One is to kill him outright. This of course will only
destroy the Maho-tsukai and the Oni's spirit will return the Oni's body and not be injured. The second option is to hunt
down the Oni's body and destroy it. This will destroy the spirit as well and free the Maho-tsukai from the possession.
The Maho-tsukai will immediately take half his hits in damage as well as suffering from the Disadvantage of Weakness
for a period of one month.

Summon Nightstalker
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 8 actions
Duration: Permanent
Mastery Level/Wounds Required: 5
Concentration: None
Raises: None
Effect: Ritual: The Maho-Tsukai attempts to summon a creature known as a Nightstalker. The Nightstalker is a
shadowy figure, almost ninja like in its overall features. The Nightstalker follows the orders of its summoner until its
A Nightstalker has the following stats.
Earth 2 (Stamina 4) Air 2 (Reflexes 4) Water 2 (Strength 4) Fire 3 (Agility 4) Void 2

Stale Wind
Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 2 actions
Duration: 4 rounds
Mastery Level/Wounds Required: 3
Concentration: None
Raises: Duration, Area of effect
Effect: A powerful wind of stale air wafts over the target area. This air is full of taint as well as disease and germs. The
area affected is 10 X 10 feet in size and all targets within the area of effect must make a Simple Stamina roll at TN 15 not
be overcome with the fumes. The wind also carries the Taint and any prolonged contact will cause the targets to receive
a point of Taint. A full four rounds inside the cloud of tainted, stale air will cause a target to receive 1 Taint point. The
caster can increase the duration by 1 round for each raise bid or the area of effect by 5X5 feet.
Gakusho Powers
All Gakusho possess special powers granted to them by the Will of Shinsei and are similar to the spells of the

The Hands of Shinsei

Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 2 actions
Duration: Permanant
Concentration: Casual
Raises: Amount healed
Effect: The Gakusho is capable of healing a target. The Gakusho accepts a part of the wounds into his body while
purging them from the target. This is an exhaustive procedure for the Gakusho, as he is literally infusing his life force
into the target while taking the damaged lifeforce into himself.
For each raise the Gakusho can increase the number of wound ranks he heals one a 1 for 1 basis. 1/3 of the wound ranks
are accepted into the Gakusho (minimum of one). These wounds heal at the rate if one rank per 10 minutes. The Gakusho
rolls Rank + Void and can attempt to heal a target 2x his Rank per day.

Removal of Shinsei’s Blessings

Base TN: 5
Casting Time: 1 Hour
Duration: See Below
Concentration: Total
Raises: Time Banished
Effect: Ritual: This power enables the Gakusho to drive off malign or harmful spirits. The Gakusho rolls his Rank + the
Element of which the spirit is aligned. Shadowlands spirits are considered to be associated with Void. The length of time
the spirit remains banished is dependant on the the number of raise that the Gakusho attempts to get.

0 raises 1 day
1 raise 1 week
2 raises 1 month
3 raises 1 year
4 raises 10 years

Shinsei’s Mantle
Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 5 rounds
Concentration: Casual
Raises: TN
Effect: The Gakusho can raise the TN of a spell targeted on him by +5 for every raise of the opposing element + rank he

The Arm’s of Shinsei

Base TN: 15Casting Time: 3 actions
Duration: 5 rounds
Concentration: Focused
Raises: Area of effect, TN
Effect: The Gakusho raises the TN of a spell targeted in an area by +5 for every raise of the opposing element + rank he

Looking Within
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Special
Concentration: Total
Raises: none
Effect: The Gakusho enters into a trance and asks a question of the sprirts. Based on which element is asked, a type of
question is answered. (see below). He uses his Void + Rank to make the roll.

Earth Detect and/or analyse magic items or spells.

Water Analyse an object to determine its working.
Air Detect hidden places and things.
Fire Prophecy. This works like the Luck Level 3 advantage.
Learn of sometinhg you didn’t know. Get a hint from the GM. The higher the raises the clearer
the answer.

Blessings of Shinsei
Base TN: 15
Casting Time: 3 actions
Duration: 5 rounds
Concentration: Casual
Raises: Duration
Effect: The Gakusho bestows a blessing upon a traget. The blessings advantage is based upon the element that is used to
bless. This is a Void + Rank roll.

Earth Up Hits. Each raise = +1 Earth that carries into phantom points to soak up damage.
Water Up either Strength or Perception. Each raise = +1 to the stat.
Air Up either Reflexes or Awareness. Each raise = +1 to the stat.
Fire Up Agility. Each raise = +1 to the stat.
Void Increase the Void trait. Each raise = +1 to the Ring.

Illumination of Shinsei
Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 1
Duration: instant
Concentration: none
Raises: none
Effect: This power functions identically to the Shugenja spell of Counter Magic.

The Crow's Word

Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 5 actions
Duration: 5 rounds
Concentration: Casual
Raises: None
Effect: The Gakusho is able to see through lies and illusions that muddle the mind. He rolls his Willpower + Shintao to

Whispers of the Wind

Base TN: 5
Casting Time: 1action
Duration: 1 rounds
Concentration: focused
Raises: none
Effect: This power is similar to the Shugenja spell called Commune. In this case, the power placates the spirit and
soothes it. Gakusho use this power to speak calmly with elements and to soothe angry ghosts of disrespected ancestors.

Banishment of Fu-leng's Touch

Base TN: 10
Casting Time: 2 actions
Duration: Permanent
Concentration: Casual
Raises: Amount of poison/disease healed
Effect: The Gakusho drains the impurities and poisons from the target in an attempt to heal him. The Gakusho actually
draws a part of the impurties into himself and heals them himself. The Gakusho usually suffers from the effects of the
disease of poison for about 1 Rokugan hour. If the poison is a fatal type the Gakusho will merely drop into a coma like
sleep for the time. The Gakusho roll his Void + Shintao at a TN equal to that of the poison or disease.
Destruction of the Taint
Base TN: 20
Casting Time: 1 hour per point of Taint
Duration: Permanent
Concentration: Total
Raises: none
Effect: The power is used to destroy the Shadowlands Taint that can infect people. This is a ritual like power. The
Gakusho enters into a trance with the tainted target and slowly purges the target of the Taint. The Gakusho rolls his Void
+ Shintao, and for every raise he declares he can erase one point.

Invoke the Favour of the Elements

Base TN: 10
Casting Time: variable
Duration: permanent
Concentration: None
Raises: Volume, casting time
Effect: The Gakusho summons up the elements. This done as the Shugenja spell is done.
New Skills

Bugei Skills

Atemi-waza (Agility)
A more refined art of hand-to-hand combat that specialises in the use of the hands and feet to damage the opponent.
Atemi-waza is an external or hard style while Jujitsu is an internal or soft style. Many clans, such as the Dragon, Crab,
Lion and Monkey, teach Atemi-waza instead of Jujitsu.

Axe (Agility)
This skill is used when the character is using hafted chopping weapons such as the Ono or Masakari.

Club (Agility)
The skill to use short, blunt, one-handed weapons including clubs, Jo, and Kiseru.

Fuki-Buri-jutsu (Agility)
The art of using a Blowgun.

Garrote (Agilty)
This art of using a garrote properly.

Hayagakejutsu (Stamina)
This is a skill perfected by the Hare minor clan that emphasise the aspects of running and walking for long
periods of time in full armour with weapons. It has been slowly adopted by several other clans, most notably the

Kama (Agility)
The ability to use the sickle effectively.

Man-catcher (Agility)
This skill allows the character to use the Sasumata and Sodegarami effectively.

Naginata (Agility)
This skill governs the use of staff weapons and polearms which feature curved sword-like and cutting blades, such as the
Bisento, Nagemaki and Naginata.

Nunuchaku (Agility)
The skill at using the Nunchaku

Sai (Agility)
The skill to use the Sai and Jitte.
Sumai (Strength)
The art of Rokuganese professional wrestling. Sumai is a martial art form all on its own. Considered to more a sport than
anything else, Sumai fought by two rather large gentlemen who attempt to push or flip each other out of the ring.

Teppo-jutsu (Agility)
Low skill. The art of using a teppo efectively in combat.

Tonfa (Agility)
Use of the peasant weapon of the same name.

Yadomeijitsu (Agility)
The skill of ‘arrow cutting’ in which the user attempts to deflect arrows shot at him with either his hands or a staff. The
TN to do so is 15.

Yari (Agility)
This skill allows you to use spears, javelins, and thrusting spear-like polearms.

Merchant Skills

Boating (Awareness/Perception)
The ability to pilot a water-going vessel effectively, including sailing ships, and paddle boats of all sizes. Also includes
the ability to navigate as well as the knowledge of dangerous waters and the signs of such.

Singing (Awareness)
The ability to sing in a pleasant and entertaining manner.

Low Skills

Hojojutsu (Perception)
The Spider minor clan has perfected the this skill over the decades of their existence. The skill teaches the user to be able
to bind and tie people in almost inescapable bonds. To escape the bonds tied by a practitioner of Hojojutsu requires and
extra +10 to the TN.

Kuji-Kuri (Perception)
This is the secret hand language taught to members of the Scorpion Intelligence community. It is completely silent and
designed to look like normal hand movements.

Nawanuke-jutsu (Stamina)
This is the skill/ability to dislocate your joints in order to move through tight spots. It is difficult to master and only
taught only to those of ill repute.

Karumi-jutsu (Agiltiy)
This skill allows a ninja to better climb walls and use small surfaces to balance on. With the proper equipment, the ninja
can even crawl along a ceiling.
New Advantages
Eidetic Memory (3 points)
You have an almost perfect photographic memory, remembering everything you have seen with almost complete clarity.

Keen Eyes (2 points)

You add 1 dice to all your Perception rolls involving vision.

Keen Hearing (2 points)

You add 1 dice to all your Perception rolls involving sound/hearing.

Affinity (7 points, shugenja only)

This shugenja has a gift for directing the forces of one of the elements. The player chooses one element for which the
shugenja rolls and keeps an extra die when casting spells of that element. This advantage may only be taken once, and
only at character creation.

Dô (4 points)
When this advantage is taken select one of the characters weapon skills that is at least rank 2. The character has become
very involved in the spiritual aspects of the use of that martial skill (kendô relates to kenjutsu, kyudô to archery, iaidô to
iaijutsu, etc.). This spiritual foundation lets the character more effectively utilise their void ring while using the skill,
being able to take raises equal to their Void Ring + 1.
Note that during an Iaijutsu duel the extra raises from iaidô do not allow the character an extra focus.
The character may also "meditate" using the skill. The character practices with their skill for two hours and makes a Void
+ Skill roll with a TN of 30. If the roll succeeds the character recovers an extra void point while sleeping that night. Only
one extra void point can be recovered this way per night. To begin studying the way or dô of a skill in play costs 7
experience points. A character may take the dô advantage for only one skill.

Gifted (1 or 3 points)
One of the character's skills may begin as high as 4. This advantage does not pay for the skill; it only raises the limit for a
starting character on that skill to 4. If the skill is one taught by the character's school this advantage costs one point. If the
character is gifted in a skill not taught by his school it costs three points. Gifted may only be purchased once.

Imperial Blood (10 points, 9 points for courtier school characters, 7 clans only)
This character has a direct and easily traced line of descent from a member of the Hantei family. Such a person holds an
auspicious place in the empire, confirming the ties of the clan to the enlightened rule of the Hantei Dynasty. The
character receives three glory ranks and a small parcel of land and it's villages (which net the character a d10 + 5 koku
per year). On the other hand the samurai is under intense scrutiny both
publicly and personally. Any loss of glory or honour (other than from a test of honour roll) is doubled. This character
cannot be created with the black sheep or social disadvantages.

Insight (variable, in play only)

Sometimes a character's experience simply increases his understanding of the ways of the world as a whole. A character
that wishes to increase his insight but does not feel the need to increase his skills or rings may invest his experience
directly into insight with this advantage. Each point of insight purchased with this advantage costs a number of
experience points equal to the character's school rank. Since a character could increase his insight as cheaply by buying
skills, this advantage is provided for role-playing reasons and should be approved by your GM each time it is used.
Similarly a GM may choose to award your character with points of insight rather than experience points.

Judono's Blessing (3 points, 2 points for lion characters)

This character is blessed by the lion fortune of fury in battle. The character subtracts three from the damage taken each
turn from the battle table.

Know the School (4 points, bushi only)

This bushi has studied the techniques employed by another school to find it's faults, weaknesses, or exploitable habits.
When this advantage is taken pick a bushi school. When a bushi from that school enters a fight (skirmish, duel, or battle)
with the character, the player rolls a single die. If the result is greater than the opponent's rank that opponent loses one die
from all his attack rolls when attacking the character for that fight, as the character has found a flaw in the opponent's
technique. This advantage can be purchased during play if the gamemaster feels that the character has had enough
opportunity to observe and study multiple middle to high ranking members of the target school. The cost to purchase this
advantage in play is nine minus the character's school rank experience points. A ronin may purchase this advantage
naming his own school as the target, but clan bushi may not, it being rude, disrespectful, and stupid to point out the flaws
in your sensei's style, at least until you are fifth rank yourself and your opinion and "insight" may carry some weight.

Nito-Kenjutsu (12 points, 10 points for Dragons, bushi only)

The character must have an Agility of three and a kenjutsu of 2 to take this advantage. The Character has
trained to fight with a sword (katana, wakazashi, or boken, but not a no-dachi) in each hand. This style of
fighting gives the character an extra attack at the end of the round with the weapon in the off-hand (don't
forget the -2 dice penalty to off-handed actions). Do not add the character's strength to the number of dice
rolled for damage with either weapon when using this advantage. This advantage costs 20 experience
points to learn in play.

Prodigy (4 points)
This character has a gift for the profession he follows. As long as the character stays with his original school, add 10 to
the character's insight. This advantage may be purchased only once, and only at character creation.

Spirit Guide (4 points, shugenja only)

The shugenja has attracted the favour of a spirit who aids him in the performance of magics. Each time the shugenja casts
a spell he may spend his next action calling on the spirit guide. The shugenja rolls the ring used for the spell + Theology
with a TN of 20. If the roll is successful the shugenja doesn't count the spell just cast against his capacity to cast spells of
that element. Calling the spirit guide may be attempted a
number of times per day equal to the shugenja's school rank. Purchasing this advantage in play requires 7 experience

Swift (2 points)
The character's agility is considered two points higher when determining how fast he can move. This also gives the
character a free raise when using the athletics skill to run.

Touched by the Spirits (9 points, shugenja only)

The shugenja can sense the willingness of the spirits of one element to do his bidding. By spending an extra action during
casting spells of the chosen element, the shugenja may roll the dice he receives from his ring before deciding how many
raises to make (other than raises to reduce casting time, which have to be declared at the beginning of the spell). After the
raises are declared, the rest of the shugenja's dice (including any from void points or other advantages) are rolled and the
outcome determined. This advantage may only be taken for one element, and only if the character has that Ring at least 3.
To purchase this advantage in play costs 15 experience points.

Tough (10 points)

This character has a particularly strong body and will. The character has an additional -1 wound rank. If the character
also has strength of the earth, position the extra wound rank so that it is -1 after being modified (i.e. if the character has
two levels of strength of the earth this advantage gives the character an extra -3 wound rank that is modified to -1). This
advantage may be purchased only once, and only at character creation.

Way of Air, Way of Earth, Way of Fire, Way of Water (5 points, shugenja only)
The shugenja has chosen a single element to be his primary focus. The shugenja has studied his element fiercely and
from this study the shugenja gains a special relationship with the forces that power the spells of that element. The
shugenja may choose to recover all of his ability to cast spells of that element instead of gaining a void point from
meditation or after a night's rest. A shugenja may only take one Way advantage. To take this advantage the character
must have at least a three in the ring for the way being learned. To take this advantage in play costs 8 experience points.

Wealthy (4 points, 3 points for Yasuki characters)

This samurai's branch of the family has been particularly blessed by wealth this last generation or two. The character
begins with an additional two koku and a fine item in his starting kit, and all poor items are instead average. Also the
character receives a stipend from his family equal to his school rank in koku per year.

New Disadvantages
Blackmailed (8 points)
Just like Dark Secret, you have a secret that would jeopardise your family’s standing if it was revealed. Unfortunately,
someone knows this secret and they could well use it against you. Whoever this is may, or may not, be known to you
(GM’s discretion) but the threat is very real and they probably have plans...

Blood Warrior (5 points)

This Disadvantage must be taken to study at the Iuchiban Schools. A character that takes Blood Speaker has the
equivalent of two Benten's Curse, in addition to any problems caused by Shadowlands Taint.

Disfigured (2 points)
You are truly ugly to behold, and people struggle to conceal their revulsion. Perhaps you were born this way, or maybe
it’s the result of a terrible injury. Whatever the case, you subtract 2 dice from any social interaction rolls where people
can see your face, except for fear and intimidation attempts where you add an additional dice.

Hard of Hearing (1 point)

Increase the TNs of all Perception rolls involving sound by 5.
One Eye/Poor Vision (2 points)
Increase the TNs of all Perception rolls involving vision by 5, and increase the TNs of all ranged attacks by 5.

Shy (1 point)
You are ill at ease around strangers, and especially in large groups. Subtract 1 die from all social interactions, except with
close friends and relatives.

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