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Once you decide to get a divorce through mediation, it is highly necessary that you choose a
person who is qualified and try and negotiate the process on equal terms with both parties.
Divorces may get ugly and when they it is imperative to choose a mediator wisely.

Given below are some factors to consider while choosing your mediator:

1. Training of the Mediator: Check out for the fact that basic divorce mediation training is
minimum 40 hours.

2. Practice of the Mediator

- If you decide to go with someone who is just starting out, do so in full knowledge of the fact
that he/she is a beginner.

- Divorce cases mediated by the person: Mediators often handle divorce disputes as well as
conflicts in other fields like business disputes etc. Make sure that the mediator has enough
experience with divorce mediation as some issues are specific and critical to divorce cases.

- References: Is the mediator able to provide you with names who will endorse his or her
qualification? The mediator cannot provide the names of the clients as the mediation process is

3. Is the mediator is viewed as an authority on the process of mediation?

4. Articles written, training others or presentation of speeches on mediation by the

mediator: This may help you gain additional information about experience of your mediator.

5. The mediator's process of handling the situation :

- It varies on person to person basis. Some mediators are directive, providing you with some
concrete proposals for solving the conflicts, other mediators choose more facilitative approach
empowering the couple through questioning and discussing over and over. Ask the mediators to
discuss their approach and then choose which better suits you.

- If a mediator is providing a free session ten it may be helpful in figuring out the approach of

6. Fees of the mediator: Do a quick comparison of mediator's fees in your area as they vary on
regional basis. Then, the mode of payment may also differ for every mediator. Compare and

9. Material to aid the process: This may include a website, a brochure, overview and some
statistical data of divorce in your region, child support guidelines, issues to be covered relevant

articles and any material to make the understanding process easier. The more relevancy of the
material, the better mediation process of the mediator.

10. Your comfort level with the mediator: It’s better to choose a person who you are
comfortable, some people choose female mediators but this depends on person to person basis.
Go with the person you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with.

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