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The flow of Events:

1. Enlisting Ideas for Leadership Project: We got together to discuss ideas pertinent to the
society that we can address. This initial brainstorming witnessed ideas of various types right
from women empowerment, career guidance and mentorship to helping the elderly with
2. To sift across these ideas and arrive at a curtailed list, we carried out some background
research – both primary and secondary. We tried to understand the nuances and the need
of each of the ideas.
3. After the confirmation of one idea from the professor, we discussed in detail how to execute
the idea. After arriving at the details from the discussions, we decided that a virtual session
over a zoom call would be our recourse in these times of a pandemic.
4. After carrying out more and elaborate research to understand the technological feasibility of
our idea, we arranged for a session in the second week of September
5. Each of the member on the group took up the task of gathering and collating relevant
content relating to laws regarding women empowerment. A presentation was prepared and
delivered over a zoom call witnessing the presence of 55 people.
6. Towards the end of the session, we opened the floor to the people to share their
experiences. Women from different backgrounds shared how insightful they found the
session to be. Building on experiences of each other, the general consensus was that the
awareness about laws relating to women brought a sense of clarity to them.
7. We understood the general feedback from the audience and arrived at the learnings and our
takeaways from the session

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