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‘S FIRST LG ALEXANDER oncnans owscInals Stage Two Series editor: Robert O'Neill 'S FIRST CASE LG Alexander Ilustrations by Gary Wing Bhtoncman The people in the story ‘This iga murder story. This man was the victim, is name was Sir Michael Gray. He was fifty-five years od Hee was very rich, He was a Ditector of Cavell Industries, Look at this woman, ‘She's young and pretty and she is very clever. She is a detective, Fier name is Katrina Kisby. People call her 'K ‘She wants to find the answers to some important questions. ‘This ie her fist case. Can you help her? , our clever detective, has three ‘important questions: X murdered the victim, Sir Michael Gray, 50 1 How did X murder Sir Michael? 2 Who was X? ‘2 Why did X murder Sir Michael? HOW... WHO..2 WHY...0 Who was X? ‘There was a murder, There were five other people in the ‘house atthe time, One of them was X. Who was it? Lady Blizabeth Gray, Sir Michael's wife. She is forty-eight years old Colonel William Facet, Sir Michael's fiend. Fo is fifty yeas od. Ho was in the army years ago, but hho isnt in the army now. Miss Angola Everet, Sir Michael's secretary. Sho has boon Sir Michael's secretary She is twenty-five years ol. Mr Andrew Cavell Lady Elizabeth's brother Ho is forty years old. Ho is @ Director of Cavell Industries, Mars Nancy Flack She is the Grays’ housekeeper. ‘She has boen with Lady Gray's family for Forty years _| She is sixty years old T2aases 7a sone ly 865 Ow 19.2021 22 23 28 25:26 27-28-29 3 What happened? sneer ‘The date: November 17th ‘The time now: 10.15 The place: A lange country house in England. Sir Michael had dinner with four of the other people at eight oclock this evening. Then he went to his study. The time wns nine o'clock. He locked the door from the inside. Ho shut the window, too, and locked it from the inside. At 8.30, the housekeeper, Mrs Flack, took some coffee to his room, She knacked atthe door. Sir Michael didn’t answer, s0 she knocked again and shouted, He didn't answer, 90 she called three af the other people. They knocked at the oor, too, and shouted, but Sir Michael didn’t open it They broke down the study door and went in, They saw Sir Michael's body on the floor. Six Michael ‘was dead. Lady Hlizabeth called the police. The time was 4.40, The police arrived at 8.50 and K arrived with them. Sir Michael was deo. eno thre things." the policeman sad [Now it's 10.15 and K isin the study, Sit Michael's dead body isn't hero now. Tho police took photographs ofthe study and photographs of the body. Then they took the body tothe police station. A police doctor has alruady looked atthe body. The police already know the answer to thee important questions, ‘ir Michaol didn't die of poison. He drank some whisky ‘at 9.20, bt there wasnt any poison in the whisky and thore wasn't any poison in Sir Michaels blood, 2 X stabbed Sit Michael through the heart with a sharp ‘weapon. 3 Sir Michael died a 9.25 ‘A policeman telephoned K from the police station, “We know three things," the policeman said “The First thing is It wasn't poison. The sacond thing is it wasa sharp ‘weapon ~ through the heart, The third thing is: Sir Michael died at 9.25, The house Look at this photograph of Sir Michael's hous ts name is Flanders I's very big house and it's in a ‘vory big garden. There are ‘ight bedrooms upstairs, Downstairs there's a hall and a kitchen and th four ig rooms: dining oom, a living room, a study and a library. Hore is a plan of the rooms downstairs. Look at the plan carefully. Sir Michae] had dinner with the four other people at eight o'clock this evening, That was inthe dining oom, Then he went tos study at nine o'clock. stale Kitchen brary ™ 5 Living Room Window Flanders dowreta plan The study and the murder The clues Now look at the clues carefully and descsibe them. Then ‘Tho murder happened in Sir Michael's study. Here isa police photograph of te study. Look a it carefully an K found these things: ddoscribe it. Then read K's report seer seer te sence Bees ie Ae Blood and weer Ste carpet Is this what happened? K’s first theory 9,00 Sir Michael came into the study and locked the ‘door from the inside 9.02 He shut the window and locked it om the inside. ‘9.05 He sat at his desk and ‘wrote, Then he used the ictaphone. 9.20 He went tothe drinks cuphoard. He poured a glass of whisky and drank some. 9.22 He went tothe ‘obigerator. He wanted iswnting notes for bormpor. 70 7 9.25 X came into the room and stabbed Sir Michel with ‘sharp weapon. Then X left $1.30 Mrs Flack knocked at the door and called three cof tho ather people, 9.35 They broke down the ovr, ‘9.40 Lady Elizabeth telephoned the poles Isthis theory right? Thon how did X got into the room and how did he or she gat out? The window and door wore locked from the inside. There aren't any secret docs or passages. Why is there water on Sir Michael's shit and on the floor? 2 Other theories °s fret theory is not vary good. Tink of other thoories, ‘Then compare thers with K's, K's second theary was suicide, No. Why? Because ‘hare wasn't any poison in the whisky and there wasn't any poison in Sir Michel's blood. Did Sir Michael use a knife? No. Why? Because there isn't a knife sn the oom. So it wasn't suicide K's third theory X was already in the roam, He or she murdered Sir Michael with a [cif and lof X took the knife (or sharp weapon) with him (or her. No. Why? The door was locked from the inside andthe window was locked from the inside K’s fourth theory X used the keyhole, No, Why? ‘The kay was inthe lock Did you think of other theories? Did you compare them with K's? How did they compare? Sir MichaePs habits (K’s report) 76 Mrs Flack answers some questions K satin Sie Michael's chat in the stad and spoke to Mrs Flack: “So they all had dinner and talked, Mrs Flack?” K asked, “"Yes, miss," Mrs Flack sai. “Did they laugh, to, Mrs Flack?" “Oh, yes, miss. They're all good friends.” “Good friends, Mrs Flack? “Yes well, er Sir Michael and Lady Flizabeth, well — they...” “They quarrelled, Mrs Flack?” “Yes, miss, but not at dinner, After dinner Sir Michael and Lady Blizabeth went tothe library. Just the two of them, ‘They quarrelled. I heard them. Iwas in the kitchen. They “Then Sir Michael went to his study “Wat te was tha “tt was nine o'clock,” “Did Sir Michael always go to his study at nine o'clock? “Yes, miss. He worked in his stdy from 9,00 tll 1.00 or 2,00 in the morning, Sometimes his socrotary went to his study with him," Mrs Flack said. My Flack arses some questions 7 “We found hin onthe lor.” “Sometimes? Did she go there this evening?” “No, mise. tack Sir Michael a cup of coffe at 9.0. always take hima cup of cofoe at 9.30. ! knocked atthe study door but he didn’t answer. knocked again and ‘again, Tshouted but he didn't answer socalled Lady FFlizabeth, Colonel Fawcett, and Mr Cavell.” "And Miss Everett?” “No, miss, Sha was inthe garden. Colonel Faxecett and Mz Cavell broke down the door and we found him ~ Sir ‘Michael - we found him on the floor dead! Ob, miss!” Mes Flack cried. She was very sad Thank you, Mrs Flack,” K sid quiet. Lady Elizabeth’s story ‘Mrs Flack loft the study and K wrote her report. Then there ‘was a knock at the door. It was very quiet, “Come i," K Said quietly. The doar opened. "You wanted to son me,” Lady Elizabeth said. “Yes, Lady Elizabeth. Come in and sit down please. A drink?” “No, thank you, Inspector.” “How are you?” K asked quietly How can you ask? Mike's gon ‘rue, is it, Inspector? I ism true: sh!” K said. “Tell me about him.” “Mike? He was a good hnsband. We marsied twenty-five years ago. That's a lang time, isn't i?” He was just out of the army then, He loved mo and Ilaved him. We didn't have He's dead, Dead it isnt any children an somy about that. But he was always a good husband to me.” “Always?” “Yes, always! Lady Elizabeth shouted. “Well — there ware. “Yes?” K asked quietly. “Other women. All these secretaries!” Lady Elizabeth ced. "Mike always liked ‘young secretaries ~ and they Tiked him. For his money! Look at this new one. This. this... What's her name? This Angela Everett, The litle.1” Lady Elizabeth's voice was quiet but her face was red and her eyes were wanted ose me,” Lady lbh sid 78 angry. “Oh,” she said, "Thated Mike's socretaris, They ‘vero alway’ young, always pretty and they took him away fom me, But I7vally hate this socretary. This Angela Everett, She comes into my house every day. She comes ‘with Mike, T'm sorry, Lady Plizabeth,’ she says in her pretty lite voice, Tmust take Sir Michael from you. We hhave work 1 da, Mike loved me.I know it! Tknow it! But hho liked other women, He was rich, so women liked him, Yes, loved Mike, bt sometimes, Thated him. I hated him! Perhaps he's in this racm now, Perhaps he can hear mo. 1 Joved him and Thated him. He knev that well, “"What happened this evaning?” K asked, “1 tell you,” Lady Elizabeth said. "Towed hi and hated hi.” 7 hee acted women, SO) eR ‘econ tee” J) eree true, Ua. fen aay el ‘oven youl Soiree ff ag Er} ‘So Sir Michael went to hi study at nine o'clock. What did you do?" K asked. “ST went to the living room. [wanted to speak to my brother, Andrew. We sat and talked. told him about Mike snd about that woman, Everett. Andrew knows all about ‘Sir Michael was inthe study. Did you hear him?” jo, At 9.30 Nancy shouted. Andrew and Iran to the study. The door was locked. Andrew and Colonel Fawoett turoke down the daar. Then I saw Mike's body on the floor. Fe was dead! I telephoned the police.” “Where was Miss Everett?” K asked. “In he garden, She often went tothe study after dinner ut not tonight?" “No. Not tonight, She was inthe garden. Why did Mike die? It wasn't suicide, so perhaps she knows. Perhaps she ‘can tell you, A woman like that cannot bring good to this house, Cam | go naw?" Lady Elizabeth asked suddenly. “OF course,” K sald, "Thank you, Lady Elizabeth.” “Can Ig nom?” Lady Elzaboth asked suddenly. a Colonel Fawcett’s story ‘Tho timo was 10.45. There was a knock atthe study doar. “Can Teome in?” a voice asked. It was a man’s voce, Yes," K said, ‘The door opened and Colonel Fawoett came in. "You ‘want to se all of us tonight, Inspocter?” “Yes,” K sai, “A drink, Colonel Fawwcott”™ “Yes please “whisky?” “Yes please, [need one! eet “Toe? Er —er—no thank you. Idon't want any ic. Just water please. Thank you “He was your friend,” K said “Yes. A very good friend, t00,” the Colonel said his head botwoan his hands, “Dead! Michael Gray dead! | can't heliovo it" “W's and,” K said, “but its true. Tell me about hin.” “We wore inthe army togothor. That was twanty-fve vears ago. Then Michael loft the army, married Elizabeth ‘and went into Cavell Industries. That's Lady Elizabeth's family firm, She was a Cavell. eft the army five years ago T'm not in the army naw but people call me Colomel.T “Dead! Mchoel Gray dend oan baie 2 needed work so I went ta my old friend, Michael, He helped mo.” “Helped yout How?" K asked. “Oh er um. Money. You know. 1 don't know,” K sai, +e gave me money.” ‘Gave you?” “Lent me.” “Haw much did he lend you?” £50,000." “Mim, And what did you do with it” “put it into ray business. ‘What is your business, Colonel Fawcett?” “Well, it sn’ really a business. horses... you know.” ~You gambled the money,” K said sharply. “Yes, I gnmbled and lost.” the Colonel said. "Michael knew about this, He was very angry with mo, He said, T Tent you this money and naw you must pay itback to me.I said, Tart. Taven't any money! He said, ‘Then you must sell your housel’ didn’t want to sell my house, We ‘quarmlled about this.” “He's doad nav.” K said. “Are you really sorry?” “Sorry? Of course Tm sorry, We quarrelled about money, Inut we were friends, Good friends. Army bends are always good friends “What did you din the army, Colonel?" “Lwas with the engineers. Michael was with the engineers, 0.” “Are you an enginoor?” “was an engincer. “and now you gamble with other people's money.” K said sharply, “1 gambled and lst. “You quarrelled with Sie Michael about money. Tell me aboot it aha uh Tu AN T man now. You | “Tell me about tonight “Tonight? Afer dinner I went tothe living om, went ‘with Andrew. Michel and Blizabeth went tothe library. ‘They quarrelled. We heard them from the living room. ‘They often quazrelled, Michael and Elizabeth. Michael — you know —he liked women. And Angola, well, she's 2 prety litle thing" The Colonel smiled. "Like you, Inspector. A pruty litle thing” “Thank you, Colonel,” K said coldly and smiled. "What did you do after dinner “Well, Michael went to his study. Elizabeth camo to the living room and I went tothe library satin the library and read.” “Alone?” “Yes, alone. The housekeeper, Mrs Flack, brought me some coffee at 9.30, Then she took some coffee to Michael. His door was locked. She shouted. Ian tothe study. You now the story: “Yes, but not all the story — yet!" K said sharply. "You can go now, Colonel, and please call Miss Everett for me.” 28 Angela Everett’s story “I don't ike this room,” Miss Everett said. "Mick died in here. Only two hours ago ~ Mick died in here. Why do you use ‘this oom?” “Thave my reasons," K said. "Sit down, Miss Everet. A drink?” “Yes please. A very lange whisky and a lt of ice please Kwent tothe refrigerator. She opened i then she opened tho freezer and took out the ie tray. She put some ice in Miss Bveret’s drink and then put the ico-tray back in the freezer. K looked into the freezer, then. she looked at Miss Everet. “Why are you looking at me?” Miss Everett asked suddenly, ‘Colonel Faweett calls you 'a prety litle thing. Are you?” K asked sharply. “Are you” Mist Everett asked, She spake sharply, too. “Tm asking the questions,” K answered. "Here's your drink” “Thanks.” “Hie loved you.” Feourse he did. Didn't shetell you?" Sh “That woman, is wife. Sho didn't love him. She ‘quarelled with bin, All th time. She quarvlled with my Mick” Colonel Facet cals ou a pety litte thing: “Mick?” Yes, he was Mick’ to mo. ‘Mik to her. ‘Michael to ‘ther poople, My Mick loved me. Sho always shouted at him, quarrelled with him, So he always came ta me. She gave him hate. gave him love.” "You really laved him?” “Of course. [loved him deeply. And she knew it. Thate ‘her hate that woman," Miss Everett shoutod. “She hated ‘my Mick and hate her. She murdered him. T know it. Know it” “Sir Michael was fity-five. And you are twenty-five.” “What are you saying?” Miss Everett asked sharply. ‘Dan't you know any nice men of fifty-five? Mick was nico. Really nice." “And rich,” K said sharply. “He left lot of money to "And rich,” K sod sharply @ you, im his will" ‘Really? How do you know that?” Tm asking the questions and you‘'7e answering thera," K said. "You know about the money "Yes," Miss Everett answorod, “How much did he leave you?" don't know.” ‘You knaw very well. Tell me,” K said sharply Mick changed his wall two weeks ago. He lft a lat of money to her ofcourse, She doesn't need money. She's rich, But he let £100,000 to me. He told me about it “Sir Michael is dead naw and that’s a good thing for you. “Good for me? What aro you saying? Lloved him. Don’t you understand?” "Yes, but perhaps you're rich now. Pechaps you have £100,000." “Jealous?” Miss Bverett asked K sharply. “Listen, policewoman, I love maney. That's rue. But I loved Mick. [2 “Listen, polonwomen, Flore money.” 28 Do you beat? Loved Mick, Why did the potice send a woman detective?” Miss Everett asked. “Ask ther,” K said “You're prety,” Miss Evorot said. "My Mick liked pretty ‘women, His wife was a pretty woman years ago, but she fan't now." “1 must tll er that,” K said Yes. Tell he. Please tell hor!” “You often went to the study with Sir Michsel ater dinner.” “Yes, We worked togethor. We usually went tothe study ot 9.00. [usually had a whisky with Mick. Then we ‘worked, The housekeeper usually brought us a cup of Coffee at 9,30. worked till 12.00, then Twwent hom “ut you didn’t go to Six Michael's study tonight “No, T didn't I's strange.” Strange! “Yes, Mick didn’t want me to go. Ha wanted tobe alone.” In the car on the way home Wve Eon Met? (nouwore {or fri “And where were you tonight —at the time of the murder? nthe garden.” “Where in the garden?” ‘Outside Mick's study. ow ‘wanted to walk. I's a oald night but t's ne, I needed tir, Mick was in his study, I wanted to be with him and 1 ‘was alone. | didn't want to stay inthe house.” “You were afraid,” K sid “Afraid? Why? “Perhaps Sir Michael wanted to change his will again. ‘You were afraid ofthat. You didn’t want that did you” “That's not tue. I only wanted to be with him. It wasn't the money.” “You want to bea vich woman, “Quiet” Miss Everett shouted. “Tim pretty and you hate ‘me. You like her. Wel, listen. Udidn' doit. Seo? dida't {dg it” Mise Everet shouted. Then she ran out of the room, ‘Then she ran out of the room. n Andrew Cavell’s story ‘Can I come in?" a voice said. The voice was cool, aristocratic “Yes, and shut the door please,” K sald. She locked up. “1s me. Andrew Cavell. Miss Everett has lft ~Tthink” looked at this cool aristocratic figure in his fine suit. "Miss Everett has lef ~ you think,” K sad. ‘Theard her. We all heard her,” Mr Cavell laughed. ky, Mr Cavell?” K asked. “Yes please.” "ce?" "Er ~ no thanks. Just water please, Thank you.” "What can you tell ma about Sir Michael?” “Alot, What do you want to know?” “Alot” ‘Well, I didn’t like hia. I can tell you that. He was my sister's husband, But I didn’t like Michael at all. T never liked him, {looked at his oristorati figure “Michael marred my sister twenty-five yeaes ago. He ‘wasn't a rich man then —jast out ofthe army. Wo ~ the family ~ took him into the fra. My father, Lord Cavell liked him, He werked hard, He became a Director of Cavell, Industries, Cavell Industrie is the family firm. Michael ‘was a hard worker, but he married into money. “You never liked him. Why?" “A number of reasons. He often quarelled with Blizabeth ‘and I didn’t like that at all. He liked womon and he spent a Tot of money on them, But he spent money like water. 1 didn't like that. I's our money, the family’s. He changed his will. My sistr told me about it. He wantod to leave £100,000 to that silly gil, Angela Everett is secretary. "Yes ~ hls secretary.” “Why did you come to ‘Flanders’, Me Cavell?” “{ wanted to speak to Michiel. He and Thad a talk before inster” “Tell me about i.” He ond had atl before dinner” 3 “Yes, it's vory good.” “And you've glad?" “Yes, Ha’s dead and I'm glad. The family frm is very {important to mo. Of course, I'm sorry for my sister. She really loved him. But it's good forthe family.” id Sir Michael leave £100,000 to Miss Everot?" n't know. haven't soon the will He talked about i.” ‘Perhaps Miss Everett sa ich woman now." Perhaps she is.” "You're very cool, Mr Cavell.” ‘Cool? Yes. He's dend and you're glad. Perhaps he has left £100,000 to his secretary. But you don't look angry. You. really hated Sir Michael, didn’t you? Behind that cool fae, you hated him," Wal you ca eave fan.00 €) fe oman atzp yous <7 ¥ Gare can de itint yt a fan oar the Fem 6 “true, madam, but I didn't murder hi, "Sir Michael died at 9.25. Where were you at the time?” Haent my sister told you? Iwas inthe living roam, She spoko to me about Evert. Then wo heard Nancy — Mrs Flack, We ran outside, We ran tothe study door. Colonel sweat and I broke down the door, We saw the body on. the floor — just there, Elizabeth telephoned the police.” ‘Did you touch the body?" ‘No, Michael was dead. We ll sa that and we didn't touch the body. We just waited for the police.” ‘And the police sent me.” "Yes, madam. The police sent you." “Thank you, Mr Cavell.” ‘Can we all goto bod now?" "No, T'm sorry. I's late, but Tmust speak to all of you, But first I must speak to Mes Flack.” ' send her to you.” "Thank you, Mr Cavell.” es, madam. Th pie set yo Nancy Flack’s story ‘Whisky, Mrs Flack?” ‘Oh, yes please, miss A large one.” "You like whisky, Mrs Flack?" “Br... well, miss, [.” “You often drink Sir Michael's whisky...2" “ec Welle leat" “No, no thank you. Well, yes pleas." IK took the ice tray out ofthe freezer. She took a piece of it and put it in the whisky. “Look at this tray, Mrs “Lok this tay Mix Flack" “Tove my Lady Blab” “What about it, miss? | filled it this morning.” “Well, ir Michaol died here — in front ofthe refrigerator. ‘He had a glass of whisky in his hand, He wanted some ice, so he wont tothe refrigerator. He didn't get any ie, "How do you know, miss?” ‘You and Miss Everett had ice in your whisky. That's two pieces. Sir Michael didn't have any. That's strange, isn't?” “Yes, miss, its vary strange,” “How long have you been with the family? *Borty yout, “That's along time,” "Yes, miss. Lady Eligaboth was litle gel then — eight years dld. Mr Ancirew was a aby. 1 worked for Lord and Tady Cavell. They're dead now." "You like the family?” “Yes, miss. Tove them all They're all very kind. love my Lady Elizabeth.” ‘And Sir Michael? Did you love him?" “Yes, miss. loved him, too. They married twenty-five ‘years sigo. TTemember it well, [have worked for them since 3 then, Sit Michael was @ good man. A kind man.” jeand Lady Elizabeth often quarvlled.” “Yes, miss. But he loved her deeply and she loved hitn.” “But he liked pretty girl.” He was a man, miss" “And Miss Bverett? What about bor “Oh, I don't like her, miss, Iwas always afraid of her. ‘Afmid?” “Yes, miss. She wasn't like the other girls, Sir Michael listened to her. Perbaps they run away and leave Lady Elizabeth,’ Ithought, and I didn't like that. “You ware afaid oft" “Yes.” “Why? “Well... clean this study every day, miss and, “and you always read Sir Michael's ltrs?” “Leet. Yes Iss.” “Tell me about it VIltry to remember, miss.” “And you always rd Sit Michael's ltrs?” mi “No, because Sir Michael's dead. I didn't want Sir ‘Michael to run away with Miss Everett. But I didn’t want “Yes, miss, Thats the word, ‘loyal. don't know why. ‘You see, I haven't a family, miss. This is my fen. New 1 want to be with Lady Elizabeth, Always, I want to help her. Mis Everett isa wicked woman. Sir Michael is dead. She hhas taken Sir Michael rom us, She's rally wicked, miss “Toll me about tonight, Mrs Flack “Well, miss. Dinner was at 8.00. served dinner, then I ‘made some oaffee for Colonel Fawcett and some coffee for Sir Michael. Ialways tako ~er— took — coffee to Sir Michael after dinner. Lady Elizabeth and Mr Andrew were ‘nthe living room. They didn't want any coffee. took the coffee to Colonel Fawcett in the Mbrary, Then I went to the study with Sir Michael's coffe. Iknacked atthe door and he didn’t answer. I tried to open the door, but it was locked ‘you know the story, miss.” ‘You shouted and three of the others eame. Miss Bverett didn’t come.” “No, miss, She was in the garden — she says." “Sha was in the garden, Mrs Flack. Then Colonel Fawestt ‘and Mr Andrew broke down the door. And you saw Sit Michael. He was there, ust behind you, on the floor, dead!" Mis Flack looked behind her and jumped. “Yes. miss Just there!" She put her head between her hands and cried, "You can go now, Mrs Flack. Thank you.” [Mrs Flack looked behind her and jampod. me 2 Make your choice: 1 Lady Fliznbeth murdered ‘hor husband because: a) she was jealous of Angola Everet. (2 b)she hated him, clher brother wanted it. 2 Colonel Favweett ‘murdered Sir Michael because: al he was af him, Dihe didn't want to pay back the £50,000. a he gambled. id of 3 Angela Everett murdered Sir Michael because: a] she was jealous of Lady Gray. t b) she wanted £100,000. a Oshehated him. 5 4 Androw Cavell murdered Sir Michael because 8) be dida’t like him, byhe wantod to save bis Sma, )he wanted to save his sister. Nancy Flack murdered ‘Sir Michael because: 4) she always read his Teners. b)she drank a lot she didn't want him tonunaway with Angela Everett. Who do you choose? X was a) Lady Elizabeth, b) Colonel Faweet 6) Angela Bveret, dd) Andrew Cavell ©) Nancy Flack, “96 QF Qe "Ge "Ot siomsuy K’s notes [Au these paola have motves for tha murder aay zat ‘ate aecey Ne a an eee Pier EA eee roe | Nos Serene sera recy oe Sei cease sa ee SPraia so he marasvas Bir Uicrsal Angela Geacmte, Motive: Money Notas! Sha did foie Sir Michael ond he dide'e (Bie tee kee Manta i wy ‘Fido, ces! Sache maribred Sir Michael, adrent Cave Teco eee ay and em hia Fem nowaa: Hata coi mon, ta Pay de ike ie bens. en cpa ate foci ee dare ym Lay estan fa eae een Olen eecperemage ess ee ate] & 1? Piha goings can ons wre rue! She varEs ese oe Sea to ponth Sr Michael So she mudared bien 1.30: In the study “t's very late, Tknow and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for al this troublo. You've all tired. Please sit down. Mrs Flack hae brought us some coffe. That's wey kind, Mrs Flack. Thank you. I's late and we al want to go to bed, but I must speak ta:you. Of course, ! have spoken to you alone, one by ane, ‘There are thrve questions and I must answer them: 11 Who murdered Sir Michael? One of you murdered him, ‘You are sitting there. You are looking at me and there is ‘murder in your hear. Perhaps I know your name, perhaps 1 don't. I cant tell you yet. 2 Why did X murder Sir Michael? You all have motives, Pethaps you were jealous, perhaps you wanted money, perhaps you ware loyal can’t answer this question 8 How did X murder Sir Michael? Don't tell me, can save ‘you the teouble. T know the answer to this question now. ean tell you.” nw the ono f thi question.” What happened between 9.00 and 9.25? “Sir Michael's death was strange. He was alone in the roam and the door and window were locked from the inside. X didn't come into the room and didn't leave the naam atthe time of the murder. X prepared the murder carefully. Haw did X prepare the murder? T know the answer — I think, You all know Sir Michael's habits very well. Sir Michael always went to hie study after dinner. Sometimes his socrotary wont with him, but she didn’t go with him tonight. Sir Michael always had a drink and worked tll Jato, Mrs Flack always brought him some coffee after dinner. What happened between 9,00 and 8.25? That's the question. I won't answer it yet. Twant to say one thing, How tall was Sir Michael? He was 180 ems tall Now look at the reftigerator. How high is the freezer from the flor? It Is 148 cms high. This is important, The freezer is in in ‘with Sit Michael's heart, What happened?” Try to answer K's question — Don't turn over yet! Mua p as UU) The freezes inline with Sir Michael's art ‘Sir Michael went into his stady a 9.00 He locked the door and the window. Then at 902 he sat down at his desk and wrote, Then from 0.15 til §.20 he used the dictaphone. At 9.20 he wnt to the drinks cupboard. He ‘wanted some whisky. He poured some whisky into a glass find then water. He drank some, Then he wanted some ico, He opened the refrigerator. Then he opened the fmezer. He pulled the ioeray with his left hand and then what happened? He triggered a mechanism in line with his heart, This mechanism shot an icicle into Siz Michael's heart. Sir Michael tamed and fell tothe floor. He was dead. ‘The glass fll out of his right hand. The icicle was in his hear, so there was blood and water on his shirt and blood ‘and water on the carpet. There wasn't a murder weapon: there wasn’t a gun ora knife, The sharp weapon was an icicle. It disappeared ~ and there was only water! The ‘mechanism isstll in the wall behind the freezer, You can't tigger it row. One of you putt there. One of ‘you came into this Zoom before Sir Michael and put it there. Who was it” K asked. "1 ‘want to know. ‘Was t you, Lady lizabeth?" K asked, “You were alous of Sir Michael's secretaries. You "Thismechanisn stan iil into Sir hhate Angela Micha! hear. aay cy [Everett and you wanted to punish your husband.” "No, no. I didn't doit. Tloved him, I loved bien, “Was it you, Colanel Fawoott? He gave you a lt of ‘money. You gambled it on horses and los it, He wanted i bck.” “Of course not, Inspector. He was my friend.” “And you, Miss Everett? Ha changed his will and perhaps 1he Toft you £100,000 ~ lot of money and you wanted it.” “I id it. You think that, don't you, policewoman? Well 1 didn't” Angela Everett spat the words at K. “And you, Mr Cavell, always s0 cool, always so aristocratic? You were worried about the £100,000. You ‘wanted to save the Erm, Sir Michael spent money on ‘women and you didn’ like i.” ‘Mr Cavell didn't answer, “And you, Mrs Flack? You read his laters. You wanted to punish him. “Oh, miss, clidn't miss, relly, I didn't. [didn't do i" “Between 9.02 and 9.25 Sie Michael wrote at his desk ‘What did he write? That's the question, He wrote a Teter to Andrew Cavell [have it here. read same of tt you. ‘Dear Andrew, Youre worried about money, L know. 1 changed my will two weeks ago, but I didn't leave any money to Angela, She thinks so, but I didn't, She's a silly ‘inland I'm tired of her. Perhaps Ineed a new secretary...” ‘Oh!" Angela cried. “The pig! The pig!” She spat the word ‘pig "And af 9.15 he used his dictaphona. What did he dictate? Listen to his voice. ‘Angela, darling, You're a ‘ie gil and you've been good to me, but it ean go on, 1 1am dictating this to you hocause I don’t want ta write a letter. want to speak to you. T want to say goodbye to you. You're « young woman and your life is in front of you. Goodbye, my darling, I only “Why? Why?" Angela screamed. °Tho pig! hate him. 1 Date all of you! hate you! I hate you!” “You took him from me!” Lady Elizabeth cried. “Quiet!” Miss Bverett shouted, “You can have him. He's ead! You and your family! You Grays and Cavell. All so aristocratic! With your fine houses and your fine cars and ‘your money! You can only think of money. He never loved. ze and T knew it, An old man of fify-fvel Pah! And | didn't lave him. Yos, I wanted his money, but T couldn't Ihave it. OF course I didn’t murder him, One of you did that. Thanks. You saved me the rouble, He's dead and I'm lad.” Miss Everett put her face in her hands and ran out of the rocin. There were tears in her eyes. Colonel Fawestt got up. “No, dan’ fallow her, Colonel Fawoot"K said. "She won't Teave. She cant leave, My people are all round the hous “She called Siz Michael a pig!” Mrs Flack cried, “Did ‘you hear, miss? That woman called Sir Michaela pig” She on out of th oom Goodnight K looked at her watch. Tt was 2.25, “We must all go to bed," she said, “We're all tired." Then she spoke to Ladi Elizabeth “Its very late, Lady Elizabeth,” K said, “and 1 can’t leave this house. You must all say inthe house, too. You can't leave, so don't try, There ae police all round it Where can I sleep, Lady Elizabeth?” K esked. "I don't want tostay in this room. “There's a room upstais,” Lady Elizabeth said, “You can sloop thor, Inspector. “Thank you, Lady Elizabeth, Goodnight to you all" K said ‘Goodnight, Inspector.” they all sad ‘They all left the study and went to their bedrooms upstairs a4 ‘They went to their bedrooms upstairs. A figure in the dark 1-easthroe o'clock in the morning It wes very dark and the house was very quiet. K went downstairs quietly and ‘went back tothe study. She sat in Sir Michael's chair and Walted ..315...2.90,.145..4,00,..418...4.20..K was very tired, She only wanted to sleep..t0 sleep. .ta sleep. ‘Suddenly she looked up! She heard a noise. It was the study door. The door opened very quitly. K saw a figure in the dark. It was the outline of a mant K oould see very ‘well in the dark. She watched and listened. The Figure ‘went to the reiigerator. He pulled the refrigerator quietly from the wall. Then he pulled a small bax aut of the wall “The mechanism! He's come for the mechanism!” K ‘thought. She got up and went quietly to the figure. The ‘man looked atthe box and dic “Don't move!” K whispered. “Dent move, of. aah..." the man cried. He tried to run out of the room. Don't turn over yet! Who is the man in the dark? Make your choice! K jumped on the man and held his arms, She knew her judo, A quick move and the man was on the floor. Then @ sharp karate chop! She hit the man hard inthe neck! “Argh!” the man cried. Suddenly K turned on the light and looked down atthe floor. “Colonel Fawcett!” she cried. “Yes, Inspector. I's me. Ob! Please don’t hit me again. You're a prety litle thing, but you know your juda...and that karate chop. oh!” Colonel Fasvcett touched his neck Hight "You came for the mechanism,” K said. “I waited for you, ['ve been here since three o'clock. Iwas sleopy five minutes. ago, but 'm not sleepy now!” e mechanism was on the floor. Colonel Fawoott took it in his right hand. “I didn’ think..." he said " didn't think...” and his voice died away. The answer to K’s first question: How...? “Just a minut, Inspector,” Colonel Fasvoet said suddenly, “Look! I'm nat the murderer. You don't think that, da you? ‘Why are you here?” K asked. ‘wanted to see this mechanism. I'm an engineer, remember? [ried ta sleep, but I couldn. | thought about thie mechanism. How clever, [ thought, Imus ae it. Sa ‘came downstairs. | moved the refrigerator and got the ‘mechanism out ofthe wall. Then 1 got some of your judo andi your hard karate chop. Ooh! You really bit me. Colonel Faweot touched his neck lightly. “But look at this ‘mechanism! You see? Itwas behind the refrigerator. The box went into the wall and this piece went inte the back of the freezer. Ths sting went on the ice-tray. Michael pulled the ice-tray and this triggered the mechanism. It was in Tine ‘with his heart, Look inside the box. See? It's a poswerfal bow. Very small ofcourse, And it shoots icicles! Michaol ‘opened the foozer, pulled the ico-tray and WHAM! — an Icicle through the heart! Then it turned to water and disappeared. The murder weapon just disappeared! Very clever! ‘Michael! made this bow,” Colonel Fawcett sai. “I's small but powerfal. The murderer put an icicle in the The mechanism

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