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Name: Reni Salim Lubis

Class: 5NM (D3 Administrasi Bisnis)

NIM: 061930601580

Exercise 1
1. Title: Management & Organizational Behaviour Eleventh Edition
2. Author: Laurie J. Mullins
3. Is this book fiction? No, it is
4. Is this book bkn-fiction? Yes, this book is non-fiction
5. What do you predict that this book is about?
I think this book is education about Management & Organizational behaviour
6. Would you like to read this book? Why?
Because it is book about management and organizational behaviour that will be
useful for me in the future

1. Title: Laskar Pelangi

2. Author: Andrea Hirata
3. Is this book fiction? Yes, its is
4. Is this book non-fiction? No, it is
5. What do you predict that this book is about?
Based on my predict this book is talking about the lives of 10 children from poor families
who attend school in Muhammadiysh school in Belitung which is full of
6. Would you like to read this book? Why?
I like to read this book because that the story of Laskar Pelangi is good and
interesting and is a friendship story that has many meanings in life anf the Laskar
Pelangi is a phenomenal when it was published and the novel tell the story directly
from the scene.

Exercise 2
1. Which book will you choose?
I choose book 1 is The Mysterious Benedict Society
2. Write your reason.
Because Themes addressed in the novel include the desire to belong, confronting one’s fear
and the importance of teamwork.

Exercise 3
What your predictions:
the photo above states that an activist is conveying his aspirations to people, yes I made
accurate predictions

Exercise 4
Before you read an assigned textbook, preview to find out what you will find in it.
A. Fill in the information about More Reading Power
a. Title: more reading power
b. Author(s): beatrice s. mikulecky / linda jeffries
c. Date of Publication: 1996 Number of pages: 290 pages
d. Is there a Preface or Introduction? yes
e. Number of parts: four parts
f. Check to see if the textbook has these features:
(yes) table of contents (yes) Index (yes) Glossary (yes) Bibliography (references) (yes) End
of chapter questions (yes) Illustrations, charts, graphs

B.Fill in the form about this Management book

a. Title: fundamentals of risk management
b. Author(s): paul hopkin
c. Date of Publication: 2010
d. Number of pages: 449
e. Is there a Preface or Introduction? yes
f. Number of parts: eight part
g. Check to see if the textbook has these features:
(yes) table of contents
(yes) Index
(yes) Glossary
(Yes) Bibliography (references)
(Yes) End of chapter questions
(Yes) Illustrations, charts, graphs

Exercise 5
1. At the moment, there was a suudzon gust of wind and the door to the apartment
slammed shut, and it makes the kitchen window was opened.
2. This place was take at the Santos family apartment in Sao Paulo
3. Carmelita is a daughter of Mr. Santos who a child learning hanging into the window.
4. Her mother left her in the kitchen window open and then her mother saw her was already
learning out of the kitchen window until she lost her balance and her feet slipped off the
window but several people saw the child hanging into the window still and got ready to catch
5. The guy who catched Carmelita.

Excercise 6
1. This article about both man and women are living longer these days in the industiralized
2. However, women. On the average, live longer. In general they can expect to live six or
seven versi more than man. The reasons for this both biological and cultural.
3. For some of the reasons why women are living longer is the on important biological factor
that helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between man and women,
hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control various body functions
4. No, the situations is not likely to change, because the cultural context can also influence
life expectancy for men and women (life expected length of a person's life). For example,
women generally smokecigaettes less than men. They alson drink less alcohol on average.
Both cigarettes and alcohol have been proven to cause many health problems and to shoren
live and also factor has influenced the lives of women is the lacak of stress.
5. No, it's not. This article is usefull and giving more information.

Exercise 7
Recalling Facts
1. The connection between smoking and cancer was made by
a. The A.M.A.
b. Government doctors
c. The Surgeon General
2. Smoking can incrase a person’s chances of developing
a. Liver disease
b. Ulcers
c. Colds

3. Smoking makes the heart best faster after a lapse of

a. Three seconds
b. Ten seconds
c. Twenty seconds

4. According to the article, smoking

a. Causes dizziness
b. Kills red blood cells
c. Raises blood pressure

5. The author points out that giving up smoking requires

a. Courage
b. Patience
c. Willpower

Understanding Ideas
6. This article is mostly about
a. Giving up smoking
b. Attitudes toward smoking
c. The connection between growing and smoking

7. The author implies that a person who gives up smoking

a. Gains weight
b. Enjoys food more
c. Sleeps more soundly

8. The reader can infer that

a. Smoking can cause the common cold
b. The odor of smoke clings to cloth
c. Cigarettes are mmore populer than cigars and pipes

9. Giving up smoking is easiest for someone who is

a. Twenty years old
b. Forty years old
c. Sixty years old

10. The reader can conclude that

a. Cigarette sales have declined in the past few years
b. Illnesses and smoking are often related
c. Cancer kills more people than any other disease
Exercise 8
Recalling Facts
1. The coldest area in the world is
a. The Arctic
b. Antartica
a. Siberia

2. The world’s record low temperatre was recorded in

a. 1950
b. 1960
c. 1970

3. How much of the world’s ice is located in Antartica?

a. 15 percent
b. 55 percent
c. 85 percent

4. Compared to the United States, Antartica is

a. The same size
b. Twice the size
c. Four times the size

5. Some areas of Antartica are

a. Ice free
b. Very humid
c. Quite mild

Undrstanding the Passage

6. One type of animal found in the Artic is the
a. Fox
b. Wolf
c. Opossum

7. The author develops his point through

a. Comparison and contrast
b. Theories and proof
c. Characters and actions

8. The author implies that if Antartica’s ice melted

a. Coastal areas of the world would be flooded
b. Ocean currents would shift direction
c. Climate would change drastically everywhere
9. The name Antartica, meaning “opposite to the Arctic”, was based on
a. Insuffcient exploration
b. Inaccurate information
c. Adequate knowledge

10. We may conclude that

a. Life at the North Pole is more tolerable that at the South Pole
b. The Arctic is a solid land mass
c. Penguins coud not live at the North Pole

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