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My Favorite anime

My Laptop
John Jhazeel D. Legaspi Crabber’s Eye

I choose these all because I believe they are the most valuable to me. My Family

comes first since they are the reason why I am here right now in this world. They’re here

to guide and support me in good times and bad they are always here by my side and

that’s enough for me to call them my valuable treasure. The second is my laptop, the

laptop is the second value to me especially wherein asynchronous class. Gadgets will

make us feel closer even wherein different places. This thing will help me in my studies

that can build my future that’s why it is one of the most important to me.

And last, the anime series One-piece, the adventure of Monkey D Luffy and his

crew of pirates, named the Straw Hat Pirates. They explore Grand Line in search of the

world's ultimate treasure known as "One Piece" to become the next King of the Pirates.

Since this anime sails across the ocean, I can say that it inspired me to become a

seafarer. Not to become a pirate but to became a traveler. I learn so much in this series,

like to value the people around me, to enjoy life at sea, love what you do, adventure, and

teach to not easily give up on life. That is why I’m so thankful that one piece is part of

my life.

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