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Name: Alexander James G.


Truth is seen throughout many points in history as guilty or innocent. Good or evil. This

or that. Truth is an idea. However, the idea is what has control over truth. From my perspective,

it is absurd to think that an idea only has two options: being true or being untrue. What many

philosophers seem to fail to consider is the “in between.” The shades of grey in between black

and white. The topic of truth being existent or simply a matter of opinion introduces other terms

and ideas, such as wisdom, knowledge, and belief. Holy books were written by wise people

inspired by God and should be followed. God forbids morally wrong actions and encourages

people to engage in morally upright activities. Violation of commandments of God is

immorality. People will be held responsible for their actions on the final Day of Judgment.

Theists disagree with divine command theory because they do not believe in the existence of

God. Social contract is a theory that gives rise to other aspects of the natural personality through

civil societies and the nature of human in respect to the political structures given so as to give

rights to humans. Nature has given lives to people sooner than when society came into being.

During the first portion of this class, we have had the privilege of learning about some of the

basic principles of ethics. We have gone over aspects of both Utilitarianism and, my favorite,

Libertarianism during our time in the course. In this reflection paper, I will attempt to analyze

the theory of justice utilizing the beliefs of Utilitarianism.

I will then apply the meaning of that quote to the controversial issue of the rejection of

same sex marriages and prove that this theory of Utilitarianism could apply to this issue. There

are many philosophical ideas out there. Each one could be considered true under certain

conditions for certain measures. The opposite of truth is false, so although some may not agree

with the past philosophical ideas. However, if God commanded it, it would be accepted.
Name: Alexander James G. Malijan

Conception of morality differs with moral principal. This is because the theory does not

recognize effects of child abuse as long as punishment is based on Gods commandments.

I'd like to begin by thanking all contributors to this symposium on natural law for their

thoughtful papers. One thing those papers illustrate quite nicely, I think, is that "natural law" is

not so much a position, but a group of positions. The term "natural law theory" designates a set

of intellectual commitments together with a set of difficulties, or problematics, attendant upon

those commitments. In light of this, I think it might be helpful if I first attempt to sketch out a list

of the different kinds of commitments and problematics associated with the natural law position.

This anatomization is not intended as comprehensive, but rather as an initial attempt which I

hope will help to further our position. Cultural relativism is the belief that morality is culturally

defined therefore it is impossible to judge another culture by our own culture’s standards. Divine

command theorists argue that child abuse could be allowed if God was not in existence. Lastly, I

will attempt to show how this theory is justified in this application. John Stuart Mill wrote a

quote, which was provided for this essay.

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