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The Merchant of Venice Act V – A Quiz

1. As Act V opens, which two characters trade verbal barbs at each other regarding their love?
A) Jessica & Lorenzo C) Antonio & Bassanio
B) Portia & Bassanio D) Nerissa & Gratiano

2. Who are the first people to arrive back in Belmont?

A) Nerissa & Gratiano C) Portia & Nerissa
B) Jessica & Lorenzo D) Antonio & Bassanio

3. Where does Portia tell Lorenzo that she has been?

A) “Praying for our husbands’ welfare” C) in the courtroom in Venice
B) “tending to the work of a wife” D) “Visiting mine uncle in Padua”

4. As Gratiano enters in scene one, with whom is he arguing?

A) Bassanio C) Nerissa
B) Launcelot D) himself

5. How does Portia “find out” in Act V that Bassanio gave his ring away?
A) She sees his empty ring finger. C) Bassanio confesses the truth immediately.
B) Gratiano tells her. D) Nerissa tells her.

6. What does Portia say she will never do until she sees the ring?
A) allow Bassanio in her bed C) let Antonio stay in Belmont
B) sleep in peace D) speak to Bassanio

7. Whom does Portia suggest may have the ring?

A) Antonio C) Gratiano
B) Shylock D) some other woman

8. Who steps in and tries to explain to Portia that Bassanio’s words are true?
A) Antonio C) Gratiano
B) Lorenzo D) Launcelot

9. What does Portia give to Antonio?

A) his own room at Belmont C) the ring
B) his gloves D) a kiss

10. What does Portia present as proof that she was the young lawyer in the courtroom?
A) Gratiano’s ring C) Antonio’s gloves
B) a letter from a monk at the monastery D) a letter from Padua written by Bellario

The Merchant of Venice Act V – A Quiz

11. What news does Portia give Antonio at the end of Act V?
A) he may have his own room in Belmont C) he can take the 3,000 ducats Bassanio
B) the deed to Shylock’s house belongs to him D) three of his ships have arrived safely in port

12. What does Nerissa give to Lorenzo and Jessica?

A) another monkey C) a deed for all of Shylock’s possessions
after he dies
B) the 3,000 ducats borrowed from Shylock D) their own room in Belmont

The Merchant of Venice Act V – A Quiz

Merchant Act V
Answer Section


1. ANS: A PTS: 1
2. ANS: C PTS: 1
3. ANS: A PTS: 1
4. ANS: C PTS: 1
5. ANS: B PTS: 1
6. ANS: A PTS: 1
7. ANS: D PTS: 1
8. ANS: A PTS: 1
9. ANS: C PTS: 1
10. ANS: D PTS: 1
11. ANS: D PTS: 1
12. ANS: C PTS: 1

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