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Paragraph Organization

● TOPIC SENTENCE (introducing your topic)

In Venice, Italy, people celebrate the Venice carnival by wearing costumes, doing
different activities and eating traditional food.

● SUPPORT SENTENCE 1 (giving details and examples about the first idea)

First of all, people walk around the streets in special costumes and masks. The
costumes are very beautiful. Talented and famous tailors prepare them months
before the festival takes place.

● SUPPORT SENTENCE 2 (giving details and examples about the first idea)

Secondly, people can do different activities. During the day, people dance and
have fun. In the evenings, there are costume parties and balls. At the end of the
festival there is a big firework show in Pizza San Marco.

● SUPPORT SENTENCE 3 (giving details and examples about the second idea)
Finally, people can taste traditional Italian food during the festival. In the streets,
there are food stalls selling different kinds of snacks. For example,you can buy a
special kind of Italian doughnut called frittelle.

● CONCLUSION SENTENCE (giving details and examples about the third idea)
In conclusion, the Venice Carnival is an interesting and colorful event.

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