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Pilani Campus
Semester I: 2021-2022

MEL G622: Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks

Lab 3 (Single Neuron Perceptron)

[A] Design a single neuron with weights and bias, using perceptron, for the following
gates: AND, OR, NAND, NOR and XOR. Use two inputs for each of the gates and then
later do the similar analyses with three inputs. Additionally, use two approaches (using
the command and nntool toolbox) of the MATLAB to design your neuron model.
Comment on your observations and determine your bias and weight values.

[B] Design a single neuron perceptron to classify two different sets of data patterns,
based on the measurements of ‘x1’ and ‘x2’. Assume that each of the data pattern
contains 50 data points. Create your own two sets of data patterns randomly and then
design your perceptron both using the MATLAB command and toolbox. Show the
complete analyses and make your observations. Use the figures to illustrate your points.


1. Use the command “perceptron” for matlab code.

2. To determine the bias and weights value use:
b1 = net.b{1}

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