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Ada Lovelace:
The First Computer Programmer

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 –27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada
Byron, (be)________ an English writer who became the world’s first computer programmer.
She (write)________ the program for Charles Babbage’s mechanical computer, the analytical engine.
She (write)________ the first algorithm that was meant to be processed by a machine.
She (be)_________ the only legitimate child of the poet Lord Byron and Anne Isabella Milbanke.
She (have)__________ no relationship with her father, who (die)______ when she (be)_____ nine. As
a young adult she (take)_______ an interest in mathematics, and in particular Babbage’s work on the
analytical engine. Between 1842 and 1843 she (translate)____________ an article on the engine by
Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea. She (add)______ her own notes on the engine. These notes
contain what is considered to be the first computer program, that is, an algorithm encoded for
processing by a machine. Though Babbage’s engine was never built, Lovelace’s notes are important in
the early history of computers. She (realize)_________ that computers would be able to do more than
just calculating or number-crunching. Others, including Babbage himself, (work)________ only on the
possibilities of calculating.

1-Write all the past tenses of the verbs in brackets

2-Answer True/False
a-Ada was an only child_____
b-She was from London___________
c-She married Luigi Menabrea______
d-She didn´t like maths________
e-She wrote the first computer program________
1-Who was Ada´s father?
2-Why is she famous for?
3-How old was she when she died?
4-Where was she born?
5-Was she a mathematician?
6-She never married

3-Write a biography about Artigas

Born: 1764 in Montevideo- Died: in Paraguay in 1850 School: Hermanos Franciscanos Montevideo
Married: Roslia Villagrán Children: 3
Job: Soldier, politician
Famous for: national heroe
Other; leader of guerrilla against Portuguese, Spaniards
defeated: the English army in the English Invasions to Buenos Aires

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