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The 27th of November 2020

Adverbs and comparative adverbs

1.John is a careful driver. ( adjective )

2.John drives carefully. ( adverb )
3.He is a good tennis player.( adjective )
4.She plays the violin well.( adverb )

RULE: We use an adjective to talk about a noun.

(adjectivul determina un substantiv)

*He is a good boy.

We use an adverb to talk about a verb: (adverbul

determina un verb)

*He drives slowly. Adv: Slowly: (adj) Slow+-ly:


Careful: careful+ly=carefully

We usually form an adverb by adding –ly to the adjective.

Some adverbs are irregular:

The 27th of November 2020


*good (adj.)-well (adv.)


Rule: to form comparatives,we have to add MORE before

the adverb: more carefully

-if the adverb has one syllable, we add –ER:





badly-worse (mai rau)

well-better (mai bun, mai bine)

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