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HOAN NGHENH BAN 90C GOP ¥ PHE BINH NHA XUATBAN TRE 161b Ly Chinh Thing - Quan 3 -TP. H6 Chi Min ign thoai: 9316211 - 8465595 - 8465596 -9516289 Fax: 84.8.8437450 E-mail: nxbtre@hem.ynnn Website: htp:/ LOI MG DAU ‘Tap sdch “CCNA LabPr0” trong b@ sich “CCLabPto” duge bien soan dua trén gido trinh IOND 2.0 va dua trén ede yéu edu dé ra vé ky nang ddi voi mot hoe vien CONA. Voi ede kign thie chuyén sdu ny, ede ban s@ tu tin ki Tam vige trong mot moi trang chuyén nghiép doi hdi trinh d ehuyén mon cao. Cae ban ang dat duoc ede ky ning edn thiét cho mt CCNA, Cie bai (hue biznh trong t€p tai ligu ndy ebiia dung nbiéu vn dé mang tinh thue té, Dé str dung hieu gua tap tai lieu nay cae ban efin phi e6 nén tang ly thuyét ving chic, ede ky ning ceuhinh eo ban tren router va phd thye hank trén thiét bi router that 48 tip cam Auge ee céng nghe va sin phiim cia Cisco néi riéng va cita cae hang khde néi chung, ‘Tai ligu may phit hop cho ede ting vién trinh 4 CONA, ede chuyén gia hoat dong trong linh vwye mang nbiim cing ed va nding, cao kign thie ehuyen mon, ‘Tai ligu gdm ede bai thye hinh lién quan dén ee n6i dung! Phan 1: Cée edu hinh co bin Cisco 10S Phin 2: Cala hinh Catalyst Switeh Phén 3: Dinh tuydn trén router Phiin 4: Access-List Phén 6: NAT Phin 6: WAN Lai ma abs Déng hanh cing véi cdc ban tir nhing bude di dau tién, tap sdch sé giip cho cdc ban mau chéng tién b6, tre thinh nhing svhd gli th chayen hip. | Moi ¥ kién déng gép moi cae ban tham gia thao Inan tai dién dan owmpine tay, eS tie, wk a ot uc LUC dé tia sich “CCLabPro” ngay cang tea age bom ‘yan trong. Came sit : Dave quane ant Mm “ angen chow shots cuca . | cansinveie-non 2 Quy tic dat ton file ca hé diéu hanh Cisco 10S xi “ein in Cue 08 1 Lab Bigpond 2 Lab 4-2: Dat mat khdu truy cp 2 Lbtaciorhesbincanblutamosles ® | orecoaaey at 2 | Lab 1-5: Sirdung Telnet a Lab 1-6: Khéi phuc mat hd cho Cisco 2600, 3600 a ‘Lab 1-7: Khdi phuc mat kh cho Cisco 2500 6 Lab 1.8: ep 108 Image t Lab 1-9:Ngp 10S Image ti TFTP Servercho router cay ts RAM, Lab 1-10:Nep 108 image co ruterblng Xmnodem Lab 1-11:Ngp lOSimage cho router Cisco 2800bing pcs Lab 1-12: Nap 108 image cho such 2900, 9500 ‘TFTP Senvercho outerchay Flash 51 ii COMA LebPro Mye tye Lab +18: Giseo TTP We Sonor Lab 1-14: CSuhinh outer qua cog AUX 2.08 hinh Catalyst Switeh Lab 2-1 Céuhinh cnn Catalyst 2000 Lab 22: C& hin VLAN Lsb26 ter VLAN Rowing (ab2-: VANTiuing Lab 25: Lam ge veto soner 28 Binh tuyéntrén outer Lab 91: Binh ayn tén outer Cisco Lab 32: Cuhirh sie tyéntrh L2b3.: Cduhirh AP eatin Leb 34:Gizothieatrh ten AP Lab 35: CAuhinn Passive tetace {ab 36:Cuhinh GAP oobin Leb 37: Cashin GRP Passive lelane Lab 8: Cui AP Unequst Cost Load Baring Lab3.0: PP vaDisconigous Notores Lb 3-10 Paci gta RIPVAIGRP Leb9-11:OSuhinthEIGRPoxbin Lab 3-12 Recistibute ite GAP va EIGAP Leb 3.18:CéuhirhOSPF eatin ie ea 22 6 © 1 8 1% ” i” © @ @ an CNA LatPro 4 Access list Leb 41: Standard Access List Lab 42:Eerdod IP Access-Lists Lab 4: Kido sot uy cép vi ruler s.NaT Labs StalonaT L2b82:DypamieNAT LBS a.NAT Ovetoad 6 WAN Tei Muelve Lab 61: inh ISONODR 2b62.Chalonge Hordsake Aurtaton Pot (CHAP) Lab6: Mtkou Authanticaton Pretocal PAP) Lab 6-4 Gaui ISDN ulin PPP Lab 65: Céuhieh Fame Relaycinbin Lab 6-6: Cau inh Frame-eay Subiteaoepointtopoint Lab67: Cashinh Famo-Rolysafomeprira Lab6-8 FremeRelay saicmagring tong mang Paral PVC Mesh Lab6-:FremeRelay tong mang Part PVC Mesh lipu tham khdo. 12 20 304 CAC KY HIEU SU DUNG 4 oer swe SB ote Sener Hindinsait| ite chery fastneet a of 0 Ue Wi CN LatPro CAP VA CAC THIET BI CISCO soe You edu —Nhan biét mot s6 thiét bi mang ciia Cisco, ede eding gino tiép (port) tren thidt bi, ¥ nga cba cae den higu (LED), = Doc, liam quen v6i ede ky higu, vi tri trong mang ela ede thigt bi trén so dé, lp cic tidt b csco Mil = Nhan biét duge ede loai edp: Cap thing (Straight - Through Cable); cap chéo (Crossover Cable); cap console (Rolled-over Cable); edp serial... Biét duge mét s6 traimg hop sir dung eiia eae loai cap. = Tao (biim day) ede oni edip c&n bin va kiém tra chat wong, chia soi cap. Huong din ~ Cap Serial: 1a exp thong tin (data cable) e6 2 dau noi voi giao tid DB-60. Mgt dau cia edp duoe diung ad nd vei thist bi DCE; dau con Iai néi véi thiét bi DTE. Cp nay duoe ding a@ 16i hai eng Serial eta hai thiét bi dink tuyén router. Tinh hudng nay duge ding nhiéu trong méi truing lab. Cép serial eding dave diung dé ndi thiét bi dink tuyén router véi ede modem hoe véi ‘téng dai s6, Frame Relay. ~Ciip xoiin 4 dbi: La cdp thong tin chun STP/UTP. Cap xodin _g6m 6 8 soi xoln v6i nhau thanh img 6i mot theo ma mau Cam-Tring Cam; Lye-Tring Lue; Duong-Tréng Duong; Nau- ‘Tring Nau. Hai dau eép néi véi Jack cm Pt ‘Tay theo chun mau cia 2 dau Jack RJ-45 ma ta phan bist thank ede loa sau pei chun T5600 pois Go youe — [str] 001 | tauste cnicaing | + | 3 | Telng Cam | Prat t 2 [stem Phat Sof 2 | ing Ranh | tw subnet mask = 30 Sea cai ‘Ta e6 ede subnet nbw sau: 199,269.2,206/26 Subset Subnet Address _ lu ines subnet 0 eave Subnet 2 subnet 2 203.162.1 Chia subnet 193.1692.0/28 thanh 4 subnet con méi subnet 2 ‘Subnet 3 203.162-1 dia chi dé gan cho mang WAN. Ta e6 cde subnets: Subnet ¢__203.162.1.208/30 399.269.2.0/30 subnet §___203.162.1.212/30 393.268.2.4/30 susnct_ €05,162:3.216/30 169.2.22/30 Suonet 7 will com Litre | Cintio sb e—wstt wit vidy 3 Chia mang 205,100,3.0 sao cho ¢6 3 mang eon mdi mang e6 {62 host, ede mang con con Iai mdi mang 6 6 host. 208.300.2.0/26 205-100.3.64/26 205-100.3.128/26 298-100.3.192/28 208 64/29 208. 72/28 205. 80/29 208. 83/29 ‘oetWh LabPco |, QUY TAC DAT TEN FILE CUA HE DIEU HANH CISCO 10S ‘San phéin cla Cisco 06 rét nhiéu logi, Mai loai eé mét 108 khde nhau, IOS cing c6 nhiéu phién bin khac nhau, méi phién ban o6 nhiing tinh nang riéng. Tuy nhién ede IOS déu tuan theo mét quy tée dat tén chung. ‘Sau day la cc quy tdc Cisco dva ra dé dat tén IOS ‘Tén cia hé diéu hanh Cisco 10S ¢6 ba phin. Méi phén eich nhau bang dau gach, ¢6 dang nhu sau: aaaa-bbbb-ce, trong dé: —aaaa = Platform - dong san phim dp dung hé diéu hanh nay bbb = Feature es ~ of nb nog —ec = Format — dinh dang file IOS, noi IOS image chay, kiéu. nén cia IOS Weds t ‘Ten file LOS cho Cisco 3620 la 3620-i-mz_113-8_T1.bin. Tén Ble ny ogee dnt can 920 sn on | Fun from RAM Platform Speci t ‘ essa0 1 guise mini rot Zpped 108.1158 (6) (Quy téc 83 ten fie cla hp du Ninh Cisco 10S mi Nhu vay, day I’ mot file IOS cho router Ciseo 8620, 10S dupe: rnén va chay tir RAM, phign ban 11.3 (8) dinh eho TP. Vi du 2: Tén file IOS cho Cisco 2500 Ii igs-g-L_111-24 bin, Ten file nay 06 ¥ nghia nn saw Hardware Plater: Cisco 2500, ISON Suan version Felostale Cade 5 roer igs - g- L 111-24.bir 10s 11.1 ea Day [a file IOS image cho router Ciseo 2500, phién bin 11.1 (24) 06 thé thay déi noi chay, nap ding cho ISDN va IP. Platform Phin déu tion trong tan file x4e dinh dong sin phéim a6 chay_ hg digu hknh nay: sese00 5000 1600 1600 [2500 26x81, 5100, AO (142 andlatar cay) (25% Feed Fred 2800 2500 Quake 2200 Catayet 2600, 2900 2010, 2950 codaim 2900 ATM eoeco 3540 99009800 0004000 (1.2 and later on) 4500 4500, «700 7000 7000,7010 (11.2. ater ent) Ml ‘CoN LabPro cro 7200 ioe 198, 2c 5100, AP gx gateway Senor /AGS, AGS) 987 gateway serv(7000,7010) per Gigable Sulton Routr (12000) Ie1or0 —_Lghtsteam 1010 rnea8i0.Adont Mulizonvice Co 9810 pete Partners plato n ‘protocol varlatoc pm MG 850, mp 78x ‘br7200_ Universal @reacbard Rouse 7200 br900 Unto! reachand Reuter 200, ‘Une20 Universal Brosehand Rovter 920 ew Voice Cars Ware geste 2500 nod spoa tekon ng, 25) lnago tnt supports eny stor, Foarture sets cfc tinh nang a APEN 2 ATM 22 —_APPNraplacement » ‘Aiea boot beetimage ° CComm-sereRemate Aesess Server (RAS) subse (SNMP, IP, DBidgingI PX, Aalk, Deena, FR, HOLC, PPP, X25, ARAP, 3270, PIRemao, vAT)(oen-cieeaPro) Commer te (Ceo!) <2 Cammzenvanemato Azsoze Sere: (RAS) subeat (NWP, IP, Bridgrg PX, Alas, Dsenl, FR, HDLC, PPP, X25, ARAD, 12/0, PT, XRemote, LAT) (is0oPr) Gusting Decitopcubsat (SNMP, IP, Bragg, WAN, Ramota Nede, Taminaieniess, IPX lak, ARAP) (11.2 = Docnot) 42 tecuas Desitopeubsa{SNWP, IP, IX, ATALK, ARAP) ‘Quy te eat ten fe cba ht du nan Cisco 19S ‘ii diag boot 1OS basad diagnostic images |oxehange ino longer used in +18 and ate SaPipes (082 Aecoss Enables Cisco Sl act ae a “Galay toa 6M (82 predicts or dnstoam leno in 137 ohernet boot image fr mez810 platerm FAD subse (SNMP, FR, PPP, SD:LC, STUN) ‘modified FRAD subse, EIGAP, Pebes, Lan Me romove (OSPF adéea {ISDN subcet (SNP, P, Bring, ISON, PPP, IPx, Mak) gatekeeper tony, wee and video SOW abset for <800 (P, ISDN, FR} For Matbu(29%0), 80210, smich unctone, IP Host, Diagnosis image for Malou) IP subset (SNP, IP, Brggng, WAN, Remote Nowe, “emninal Sreos) subset ina to subse for sym contotarimage (8800) educod IP subset wth BGP, EGPAMIB, NHRP, DIARESP removed subset of 1 (6200) IP subset wih 887 (2600) nlorpse subset (temo px, nluse potcal tansabon) rotused unt 12.3" ‘echen si (eierpo fr iho ame as) Neuse ar 10) Baseline Privacy kay encryption (On 11.8 a up) hignond enterica wiCIP2 weodo (Not used afer 10.3) Tile DES (On 11.3 and up) 8b 38H onenton {880i SSH encryption served for ture aserypencapabitos (Cn 11.9 and up) Reserved for uturo encryption capabitos (On 11.9 and up) Reserve for ture encryption capatites [Gn 14.9 ad up) -Rosared fr tatu encryption capatites (On 15.9 and up) Resorod fo tur ancnypion epadites (On 11.3 and up 'PoxchangeIPX, state outng,gatonay FION (11.4 ny aiayt 220 fol parser, AHS, Lane Cet ridang ‘COMA Labo BEBRT BRS? Px Frowat dormotlyIPoxehange Not Menagomen) Franat rx) Fan with ssh (96:0 2630) Sento Preside (P RIPIGRPIIGAPIOSPEIGP, CLNS ISISTGAP) Senvies ProvicerwiCP2 urode 325200 sorico prewdor 5800 (ive) seven provider Seni Provider (6400 NAP) Series Pronger th PTITARP (2600, 2040) IPoxetangoasyne [2M base option (RB, SDLLC, STUN, OLSW, LLC) used wt nd (Seo net Blom.) Ta saat for 1600 inagos [BM Yin or Aro isages (810) redacod IBM subset wih BSCIMIE, STUNT, ASPPY MB, RSAGAMD ronoved source roe sh (SNMP, 1, Being, SA) (10.20 11.1) dion by Pat via PLUS pack 1000 (OSPF, PIs, SNAP, NLS®, ATIP, ATAUAP, FRSVC, SVP, NAT) c1C05 —[¢25, al WAN, OSPF, PIM, NLS®. SMP, ATI?, ATaUAaP, FRsve, RSVP, NAT) 1600 (OSPF, MULTICAST, NHAP, NTP, NAT. RSVP, FRAME AELAY_SVC)AT°"imagos also havo: [SMRPATIP ARP] PX's images ao ras; NLSPNARD 2600 NAT, RMON, 1a, UMP, VPONC2F) ©2602 (NAT. IM, MMP, VPONL2F, VOIP ans ATH) 2€20 NAT, IM, MAP, VPDNIL2F) in 1.97 aad VOIP 3610 (NAT, 19M, MMP, VPOML2F) in 137 added VOIP fe2c00 (NAT. IBM, IME, VPDNIL2F) 8600 NAT ISL, LANE, (8M, MVP, VPONIL2F) 65200 PT, 320, mangos medans, VON, AMP, VPONLZF) 25000 WHIP, VPDN, NAT, Madore Masagomor, RMN, IB) from (NAT, LANE and VLAN) ©7000 ISL, LANE, IBN, NMIP, VPONL2F) (ot 08nd hanh Cisco 10S ANY aBe ws RRs a sKe 67200 (WAT, ISL, :BM, MMP, VPDN/L2F) sp (NAT, ISL, LANE, IM, MMP, VPONLZF) [NP wi melas Usod ooornes: to Taran 1000 Data (1.2) IP with VLAN IP (Networs Layer 9 Suehing Sofware, rb, sf, sib, stb) VIP ana va ASP (HSA) Suppo ‘format Binh dang 108. 1. Noi 10S duoe chay A fesageany wets ' Voice va0 cb thé thay na chay1OS Yale Fest Cara Voie (920) 2, Kidu nén eta 108 Reserved fr WU {eh thing) ndurip ' se x rénigunsip 1 Lawes Pye ” en ida STAC P i “ PVC tai sharing Phan tén mi rong io Aavantnge BD tan Foatue Sete tar tin fh veh dng fla cing df dng oc at a Px, sae outing, atonay ‘elahau,augenen bai ga hese ot dang og > Not Moragemont nen inde © FARIS, sie ee yng vs on cyt eb y Ase Diskbeted Dietor Fete Sots X25 in 1.1 on eater elease5 and on 800 in 1207. FAK 25in 112 UPexchange). 1.29 GstekeopenProny 11.3 and later reooses fc 2500, 252, 2640, e010 ‘ocuced I (SRM, P RIPAGRPEIGRP, Bing, ISDN, PPP) (creo) ‘oduad IP (SNM, IP RIPAGRPEIGAP, drgina, WAN X25) {Crees (112 ncvtes 25) (1005) IP variant (no Kerberos, Ras, NYP, OSPF, PI, SURP. NR.) (e600) IP atat SVP, PIPIGRPREGRP, WAN -X25, OS, Pd) (1005) IP Plus variant ro Kerberos, Rass NTP. (e100) tenes reduad Pvatant (Cable, Mts, OHGP, EZHTTP) ‘manages modems 40 it enenption ‘Sb bit enengtion {5 bt enryetion ih IPSEC CCoNA LabProll Wy tic eat ene cia hdd hanh Cisco 0S AY Cap OCTAL cung cap 8 async port loai RJ-45. Méi port RI- 45 kGt ndi vao console port eiia mdi router trong bai lab tuong sing v6i ede asynchronous line tir 2001 dén 2008, So d6 Ket nb thiét b] véI Terminal Server CAU HINH TERMINAL SERVER ‘Terminal server eung efip truy ep out-of-band, nghta Ta 66 thé sit dung telnet dé truy ep router thong qua cing console hay oéng aux. Terminal server IA router véi ede asynchronous port néi trize tip véi console port cia ede thiét bi router, switch. SCSISepn DBS OB AUS Onvett Poser Router Cisco 2511 alt dung gio tigp SCSI 68-pin dé ket ndi v6i edp OCTAL abu hinh dui fn peer Ss Se a iil CENA LabPro CSU hinh Terminal Server alK ‘Tyong bai thye anh nay, terminal-server sé cho phép nguai dang lruy ofp toi nhiéu thidt bi kh. cau hinh enable password cisco ro ip domain-iookup ip host rl 2002 192-168,10.20 sp host 12 2002 ip host. £22009 ip host r4 2004 192.263,10.20 Sp host 15 2005 192,168.10. Ap host £6 2006 ip host cat io 2007 192.268 aneeetace Toopbackd ip address 192,168.10, 10 no ip address sbutdown no Sp addzess ip classless Line con 0 ™ ‘con LatPro tine 1 16 txanopost snput cole line vey 0 4 word elses logging synchronous rosia end (Cac buve edu hinh Terminal Server 1. Tao cdng loopback va gin dia chi IP cho ofng loopback sever Icontia) b ror (contig) #interface Loopbackd Jeenserver jcontig-it)# SLNE=ROTO-5-UEDOH changed state £0 up Line ‘seesi on Interface Leepback®, ‘ermserver (cont 29 Interface LeosbeckO, changed state to up nif) ¥ap ascrose 22.168-10-10 2. Cho phép tray efip qua eée line 1 dén 16 théng qua phién truy efip telnet Teumaerver (contig) Fine 116 Yersworver (config-Line) Fteansport input ? lL All provecole DBC LAT protocol nop DEC MOP Rerote Console Protoce? nasi WAST protacot ‘Cu binh Yertinal Server nai pad login selnet 120 heyne over ISDN ‘Teragerver (eontig-Linel ‘yerneerver (config~line) 8, Tao hostname Luong ting v6i router dang két n6i vio ter minal server dé ta ¢6 thé truy ep thong qua hostname Rover conéiguration commanss, ore por Line. dnd wish CMTL/2, ‘cacmagever (cantig) ip host ri 2001 emserver(config) tp host ¥2 2002 ‘Termserver (config) ip host 13 2003 ‘emeerver (configi tip host 4 2004 host £5 2009 2006 host eat29 2007 192.168.10. (om) ‘Trong dong lénh trén, ede 56 tir 2001 dén 2006 14 port duoe: diung trong qué trinh reverse telnet. Port nay duge tinh nhw sau: port number = 2000 + x, vdi x: line number. Vi du, néu rl duce: gn vio line 1 thi port number eda r1 Ta 2001. wail ‘con Labera] Kiém tra revnservertonay ruaning-contig version 11.2 Hoe passhord-ancryskon-en: ro sexvice ucp-enall-sezvers hos enable password 7 0200055708090192 ieverface Loopbsckd tp adaress 192-168.19-10 .255.056.0 Kim tra dia chi loopback0 xem da dking ehua Loophacko incaznet address ie rv 1514 bycea, BW 8000000 Khiz, DLY 5000 uaee, rely 255/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation ICOPERCK, loopback not set. Keopalive sat (20 see) foutpue never, cuzpat hang sever Last clearing of “shew inzersace cow Zorneervart [Clu bin Terrinal Server wlll Kigm tra két néi yéi router r1 xem dit thanh céng chua Beying £1 (192,169.10-10, 2001)... Open st enter key Rovtex>enable conf ‘avex conziguration conmands, one per Line. (contis) fhostaane RE RL (oonfsgh #2 Rikcopy running startup fon) mir Dé tr’ vé terminal server, ta &n (6 hop phim Ctrl-Shilt6, x tit R1. Khi thuc hign té hop phim may, nan déng thoi CtxL-Shift R sau dé tha ra r0i nhain x. Riicerd-shitt-6, x nermoervert ‘Xem ede phién két néi reverse telnet bing edeh thue hién leah, show sessions ‘Termservertsnow sescions vd adseoss Byte Tele Conn Nace yez.ea1010 «92 RI vernservert "Ta e6 thé tré vé phién lam vide hign hanh bing edeh din 6 1 anniv CCNA LatPro fr lening connection 1 ¢o 22-2. 1 Hit enter key zu Trung hop két ndi khong thinnh cong thi s® hién thong bso eeConnvction refused by remote host khi Unuc hign két n6i. rer tet eying £1 (292-268.20-10, 2001) & Connection xefused by renote host Dé két Unie phign lam vide hign hanb, ding lénb clear line hoe ding lénb disconnect. Lon nay eng duce ding khite phue thong bio I6i % connection refused néu trén Leoni ze) on Drying £1 (192.168-10.10, 2002)... oxen Conn Host, aadzess Byte te conn Name © oom Cu Kon Tensoa Server oa 1 CAN BAN CISCO 10S Lab 1-1: Baing nip vo router — ao ign dng ert Lab 12: Dat matkhd tay c4p {ab 1-3: Cao fh ev bén oda he du hart Cisco 10S Lab 1-4. Cs00 Discovery Protocol Lab 15: Sirchng Telnet Lab 1-8:K0phyomithindu cho Cis00 2600, 2600 Lab 1-7: Koi phycmatkh cho Cis092500 Lab 1-8 Nap 0S Image tu TFTP Sewer cho router cay tach Lab 1-8:Nep 108 Imago ti TFTP Server cho router chay BRAM Lab 1-10: NepI0S image cho ruterbing Xmodem {Lab 1-11: Nap 10S image cho outer Cs00 2600 bing tips Lab 1-12:Nap 108 image co sutch 2000, 3500, Lab 1-13: Cisco HTTP Web Sener Lab 1-14: Cahn router trea qua o8og AUX Cin ban cisco WS 2 seaeseey By BANG NHAP VAO ROUTER GIAO DIEN DONG LENH You cfu Bai thue hinh nay ghip nguidi doe Ram quen véi che dd lénh (CLI-Command Line Interface) vi mot s6 lank co ban cita hé di hanh CiscoICS. Huéng din 1. Néicap _—Pé dim bio an toan thidt bi trong khi thue hank, ta edn pha tit hodm toan nguén din eae thiét bi trong khi néi ep. Dang ep Console (edip Rolled) néi eng COM cia may PC (ding Terminal chuyén di tix DB-9 sang RJ45) véi céng Console cia Router 2, Bling nhap vao router Khéi dong Windows, vao HyperTerminal Start - Programs - Accesories - Communications - Hyper Dermninall ~ Bit ten va ede thong s6 nh hinh 2 CON LabPro| - Name: = Icon: chon biéu tuyng tuy thich, Connect using : COML Seaton FT nl Beet | bee Reis ste fF 3} Bone _ Ran 6 thé nhéin vao mit Restore Defaults néu mudn dung ede gid tri mae dinh, Cen 4 Khdi déng Router = Bat nguén cho Router. = Xem edie thong tin vé Router duoe hidn thi tren man hink, HYPER TERMINAL, system Boststvap, Versson 11.0(20e), sommunRE 1 Version a 108 aang ns tong ROM Copyright: (©) 1986-1996 by cisco systens 2500 processoe with 14336 Kbytes of main memory & Cho bist loai bd ni Iy Router (2500) va. dung ang 6 ne AM ce! NVRY Lnvalid, possibly due Lo write erase v3: 44573916 ar #3000060 Use, duptication, or dia subject to rev! rages (2) (1) (£8) 96 the Rights in Technics! Date and suse at DFARS sec. 252.227-7022, cisco Systems, Inc. 0 Rest Taanian Deve stat San Jose, Calif 06 Internetwork Oparating systan sortuare S (tn) 2500 Software (C2500-I-L}, Version 22.1 (3), AE~ Leask SoPtiaRE (el) t Vossion la 10S ana as tena fash 4 CCNA LebPeo. Copyright. (c} 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thx 06-Jui-00 07:39 by Frage text-pace) 0x03032720,. aa “base: ox00002000 cisco 2509 (68030) processor (revision m) with 14336K/ 208% by: Bridging sortuare: X.28 software, Version 3.0.0 02,3 interface (a) of menory. veviaien 90000000 1 Behernet (28 2 Serial network interface @ cerinal Lire(s) 32K byten of nonwolacile configuration memory. a board System flash (Read OND) X bytes of proces: = cho bit eat Restor 2503 ‘dingkengbé rhoterg PANcirg fo IOS (2018), cae on ww v8 4 edo ton Route: ong ig bo a Raa BO ahd Pash ~ systen Configuration Dialog ~ Wold you Like co ancer the initial configuration dialog? (yee/na) + 90 eben No Would you Like bat = Nhiin Enter dé tigp tye xudt hign ddiu nbie doi lonb, hie nay Gang 8 user mode, 46 vio priviledge mode, dimg Ienh enable — DE quay lai user mode bling lgnh disable hodte Lenk exit Routertdizabie (Cin bin Cisco 0S 5

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