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Surgical Treatment

of Colorectal Problems
in Children

Alberto Peña
Andrea Bischoff

Surgical Treatment of Colorectal
Problems in Children
Alberto Peña • Andrea Bischoff

Surgical Treatment
of Colorectal Problems
in Children
Alberto Peña Andrea Bischoff
Pediatric Surgery Pediatric Surgery
Colorectal Center for Children Colorectal Center for Children
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH

ISBN 978-3-319-14988-2 ISBN 978-3-319-14989-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015937190

Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

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To our parents
To our children
To all children born with congenital anomalies
Foreword I

The care of infants and children with anorectal malformations and disorders
has long been an important component of the pediatric surgeon’s practice.
Information concerning the recognition and management of these relatively
common conditions dates back hundreds of years. Progress during the past
half-century due to advances in imaging, both prenatal and postnatal ana-
tomic and embryologic studies, improved detection of associated anomalies,
the availability of antibiotics, and improvements in overall care resulted in
survival of most of the patients, but the functional outcomes following
attempted surgical correction of these conditions were not optimal and
remained a challenge. While children’s surgeons worldwide recognized the
guarded outcomes particularly related to establishing continence, it was dif-
ficult to reach a consensus on classification, type of procedure, and methods
to assess outcomes and compare results.
Following the early work of Douglas Stephens and Durham Smith, many
surgeons were successful in achieving good outcomes for most infants with
imperforate anus and a perineal fistula and girls with a rectoforchette (ves-
tibular) fistula or those without a fistula; however, in those defects where the
rectal atresia ended with a recto-urethral or bladder fistula and in instances of
cloacal anomalies results were often poor. Interest in these cases peaked
when Peter de Vries and Alberto Peña first described the posterior sagittal
anorectoplasty (PSARP) procedure in 1980. While there remains some hon-
est differences of opinion regarding the operative approach to some cases and
the success rates, surgeons throughout the world have employed the PSARP
in many patients and there has been a cooperative international effort to mod-
ify the old Wingspread and Peña Classifications and adopt the Krickenbeck
consensus to identify and classify the various anomalies and assess
Dr. Peña has focused his career on caring for infants and children with
colorectal problems both here and abroad. He is clearly recognized as one of
the leading experts in the field and has made major contributions to the care
of these children. This textbook Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems
in Children co-edited by Dr. Andrea Bischoff is truly a labor of love and
reflects the vast personal experience of the authors. As noted by the authors
in their forwarding remarks, this is not a data-driven, evidenced-based text-
book, but rather an observational personalized approach based on their

viii Foreword I

considerable experience in the care of these children. The book contains 27

chapters that cover the broad spectrum of colorectal conditions from the com-
plex to the mundane (fistula-in-ano, fissure, hemorrhoids, bowel preparation)
as well as an historical background, imaging, the role of minimally invasive
surgery, motility disorders, and perhaps more importantly bowel manage-
ment. To his credit Dr. Peña has been a strong advocate of establishing mul-
tidisciplinary centers for colorectal disorders to aid children with motility
disorders and those that require bowel management programs especially in
the postoperative period. The textbook also includes chapters on Hirschsprung
disease and reoperative surgery but excludes any information on inflamma-
tory bowel disease (IBD). While this might be viewed as a weakness of the
book, it is noted that the authors intentionally left out the IBD chapter as they
did not feel their experience in this area was adequate.
One of the strengths and more unique aspects of the textbook is its use of
animation and careful attention to details that illustrate the surgical tech-
niques employed in the operative care of the patients. The illustrations in the
book are superior. Another important area of emphasis in the text is the thor-
ough evaluation of the status of the sacrum and spinal cord in determining
The textbook by Peña and Bischoff is an extensive reference on colorectal
disorders in children that will be useful to those both in training and practice
and provides insights into these conditions based on their enormous experi-
ence with these cases. It will be an excellent resource and valuable addition
to a pediatric surgeon’s personal library.

Jay L. Grosfeld
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Foreword II

In 1982, Prof. Alberto Pena made an outstanding contribution to the manage-

ment of anorectal malformations by introducing the procedure of posterior
sagittal anorectoplasty which in subsequent years has become the classic
approach for the treatment of anorectal malformations. The book Surgical
Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children represents over 30 years of
Prof. Pena’s experience in dealing with colorectal disorders in children.
The pediatric surgical community will greatly appreciate the efforts of
Prof. Alberto Pena and Dr. Andrea Bischoff in putting together their vast
experience in a valuable and easily readable book. The authors provide a
comprehensive description of operative techniques for various colorectal
malformations in children. The text is organised in a systematic manner pro-
viding step-by-step detailed practical advice on operative approach on the
management of these congenital malformations. The strength of the book is
that it is based on the experience and best belief of the authors which goes on
to show that the successful correction of colorectal anomalies requires a thor-
ough understanding of the problem and the pathological anatomy as well as
meticulous attention to surgical techniques.
An interesting and unique feature of this book is the generous use of high
quality colour illustrations to clarify and simplify various operating tech-
niques. Another unique feature of the book which has not been used before in
a pediatric surgical text is the use of sophisticated computer animation for the
diagnostic accuracy required for the effective treatment of anorectal
I congratulate the authors for producing the most comprehensive and well-
documented text ever written on the surgical treatment of colorectal problems
in children. This book provides an authoritative and complete account of vari-
ous colorectal problems in children. I hope that the trainees as well as the
established pediatric surgeons, pediatric urologists and pediatricians will find
this textbook useful as a guide when dealing with colorectal problems.

Dublin, Ireland Prem Puri


It is a great pleasure for us to present to the consideration of the pediatric

surgical community this book on the surgical treatment of colorectal prob-
lems in children.
From the time of the first description of the posterior sagittal anorecto-
plasty for the treatment of anorectal malformations in 1982 until the publica-
tion of this book, we were able to accumulate a very large series of cases of
anorectal malformations, with no similar precedent. The experience gained
has been invaluable. We wanted to share our experience with all pediatric
surgeons, particularly the young generation. We hope that they will find in
this book a guide to repair anorectal malformations and other disorders such
as Hirschsprung’s disease and idiopathic constipation. We hope that it will
benefit many children all over the world.
From the beginning of our experience, we realized that we were confront-
ing a very unusual kind of difficulty, and that is the fact that we were working
in an anatomical area that was not well known by most pediatric surgeons.
Prior to the posterior sagittal approach, the patients were surgically explored
either through the abdomen or through the perineum with preconceived ideas
about the anatomical area and without a direct exposure to the intrinsic anat-
omy of these defects. After 1982, the descriptions of our surgical technique
were not like descriptions of any other surgical technique, in which the sur-
geons already know the anatomy, for instance, the mediastinum or the intra-
abdominal organs. In dealing with anorectal malformations, we were seeing
for the first time, directly, the anatomy of these defects, and soon, we learned
that we were dealing with a spectrum of malformations and that each specific
type of defect would require a different surgical maneuver to be repaired.
In 1982, we presented our “new approach” (posterior sagittal) to one of the
master pediatric surgeons, Dr. Hardy Hendren. He encouraged us to continue
using the approach but emphasized the importance of presenting our tech-
nique with better, rather impeccable, audiovisual material in order to be suc-
cessful in introducing this approach and to gain the acceptance of the pediatric
surgical community.
As a consequence, we have been making a great effort to document our
presentations with high-quality photographic material including videos and
animations. The reader, therefore, will find that this book is a very graphic
one. We believe that it is extremely important to document with good illustra-
tions and photographs all that we have learned. We want this to be essentially

xii Preface

a practical book, a reliable guide for all pediatric surgeons and pediatric
A very important motivation for us to write this book is the fact that we
receive many patients who underwent technically deficient operations in
other parts of the world and suffered serious complications. Therefore, this
book puts particular emphasis on the surgical technique and attention to
details as well as the importance of observing meticulous delicate operations.
Since anorectal malformations represent a spectrum, it is difficult for a gen-
eral pediatric surgeon to be exposed to all the different anatomical variants of
these defects. There is not a single technique to repair all anorectal malforma-
tions; each type of defect represents a different anatomical variant, and the
surgeon must be prepared to deal with it. We also wanted to put emphasis on
clarity and simplicity.
All cases discussed in this book were operated by the senior author and by
the junior author during the last 5 years.
In order to make all the concepts more understandable and simple, dealing
with an anatomical area that is not well known by most surgeons, we intro-
duced another modality of teaching, represented by 27 animations, that we
hope will simplify the understanding of the surgical techniques and concepts
expressed in this book.
We are very proud to present an entire book with illustrations made by a
single person. All illustrations in this book were made by Ms. Lois Barnes
under the personal guidance of the senior author. Ms. Barnes is an excellent
medical illustrator and old friend with whom we have been working for
30 years. It took many years to establish a unique form of communication
between the medical illustrator and us. Due to the large number of illustra-
tions that she performed under our guidance, it is a great pleasure nowadays
to have a common language between a surgeon and an artist. We speak the
same language. Therefore, the illustrations made in the last few years repre-
sented much less effort from both surgeons and the illustrator.
The animations required, again, many hours of working together with
ingenious, intelligent experts in computer animations and establishing a com-
munication between a surgical mind and an engineer, computer expert type of
mind. We believe that in the future, teaching surgery will be highly simplified
with this kind of audiovisual material.
The reader will find that even though the book is related to the surgical
treatment of colorectal problems in children, we did not include inflamma-
tory bowel disease. The reason for that is simple: we do not have enough
experience as to be able to say something new and (or) different from what is
already written in the enormous literature on the subject.
The reader will also be surprised to find that even though this book was
finished in November 2014, it is not considered an “evidence-based surgical
book.” It is rather a book based on personal observations made through a
large experience in the management of these problems. We understand very
well that the future in surgery will be related very much to the concept of
“evidence-based” procedures. However, in dealing with anorectal malforma-
tions, some surgeons have tried to compare the results of the posterior sagittal
anorectoplasty with other techniques; they found a serious limitation: the
Preface xiii

series are not nearly comparable. The number of cases that we accumulated
over the last 30 years has no precedent. If one tries to compare this technique
with others, we find the problem that the numbers are 10 or 100 times greater
in our series. In addition, most of the publications on anorectal malforma-
tions, even in the year 2014, unfortunately are still presented following the
old nomenclature discussing “high,” “intermediate,” and “low” malforma-
tions. This makes it impossible to compare the results. Through the entire
book, we emphasize the importance of recognizing the existence of different,
specific types of defects, each one requiring different surgical maneuvers and
each one with a different functional result. In addition, we keep emphasizing
the importance of describing the characteristics of the sacrum and the anoma-
lies of the spinal cord if we want to discuss results. Trying to compare our
results with old techniques is an impossible task. We are more concerned
with trying to be sure that all new generations of pediatric surgeons learn the
real, true, intrinsic anatomy of anorectal malformations and learn to repair
these malformations in an optimal way.
Finally, we would like very much to be able to transmit to the young gen-
eration of pediatric surgeons our passion for delicate, meticulous, fine surgi-
cal technique, which is the essence of our specialty. There is no other medical
or surgical specialty as curative as pediatric surgery. We become pediatric
surgeons because we like the idea that we could repair with our hands a seri-
ous congenital malformation and change the quality of life of a baby. It is
extremely important for us to recognize that a mistake in the management of
these patients will leave sequelae for life.
This book also puts a special emphasis on the detailed repair of those mal-
formations that are considered to have a good functional prognosis. One thing
that we cannot afford is to take care of a child with a malformation with a
good functional prognosis, perform a technically deficient surgical proce-
dure, and provoke serious, permanent sequelae as a consequence of our bad

Cincinnati, OH, USA Alberto Peña

Cincinnati, OH, USA Andrea Bischoff

We would like to sincerely thank innumerable individuals for contributing

ideas and encouragement and facilitating in different ways to make this book
a reality. The following names came to our minds because of their very prom-
inent daily participation in our task. We want to express our gratitude to hun-
dreds of surgeons, not mentioned here, from all over the world who trusted us
to operate on their little patients. They made it possible for us to accumulate
the experience that we want to share with the new generation. We are sure
that we have missed many important names of individuals that contributed to
finish this work; please forgive us for the omission.
Richard Azizkhan
Daniel von Allmen
Michael Fischer
Prem Puri
Lois Barnes
Jeffrey Cimprich
Ken Tegtmeyer
Ren Wilkey
Mikeisha Isome
Kennethia Banks Borden
Jennifer Hall
Alicia Vincent
Teri Martini
Bruno Martinez
Jason Frischer
Belinda Dickie
Nurses and administrative assistants of the Colorectal Center
Elizabeth Stautberg
George Rodriguez
John Cardone
Michael Rose
Walter Dibbins

Alberto Peña and Andrea Bischoff


1 History of the Treatment of Anorectal Malformations . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 The Early Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2 Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Bowel Control . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1 Internal Sphincter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2 General Anatomic Principles in Anorectal
Malformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Nerves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 Blood Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.5 Basic Physiology Principles of Bowel Control . . . . . . . . . . . 23
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3 Prenatal Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1 Male Fetuses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1.1 Abnormal Sacrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1.2 Tethered Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1.3 Absent Kidney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1.4 Vertebral Anomalies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.1.5 Hydronephrosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2 Female Fetuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2.1 Dilated Bowel and Intraluminal Calcifications . . . . . 30
3.2.2 Pelvic Cystic Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2.3 Cloacal Exstrophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4 Neonatal Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.2 Most Common Scenario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Answering the Two Most Important Questions . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.4 Physical Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4.1 Male Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.5 Female Babies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.6 Neonatal Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.7 Cloacal Exstrophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

xviii Contents

5 Colostomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.2 Stoma Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.3 Ileostomies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.4 To Divert or Not to Divert, That Is the Question . . . . . . . . . 53
5.5 Recommended Types of Colostomies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.5.1 Newborn Babies with Anorectal Malformations . . . 54
5.6 Left Transverse Colostomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.7 Cecostomies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.8 Creation of a Colostomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.8.1 Surgical Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.9 Colostomy in Cases of Cloaca with Hydrocolpos . . . . . . . . 59
5.10 Other Types of Colostomies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.11 Colostomy Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.12 Colostomy Closure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.13 Surgical Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.14 Errors and Complications in Colostomies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.15 The Case of Upper Sigmoidostomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.16 Prolapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.17 Surgical Treatment for Prolapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.18 Malposition of the Stomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6 Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.2 Prenatal Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.3 Neonatal Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.4 Determination of the Fistula Location Prior
to the Colostomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4.1 Anatomic Facts and Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.5 The Old Invertogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.6 High-Pressure Distal Colostogram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6.7 Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.8 Most Common Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.9 Not Showing the Coccyx and the Sacrum During
the Fluoroscopy Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.10 Distal Colostogram in Female Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.11 Distal Colostogram in Cloacas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.12 Monitoring Constipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.13 Radiology During the Bowel Management Program . . . . . . 96
6.14 Monitoring the Urinary Tract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
7 Bowel Preparation in Pediatric Colorectal Surgery . . . . . . . . . 101
7.1 Major Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.2 Primary Procedures for the Treatment of Anorectal
Malformation During the Newborn Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7.3 Primary Pull-Through in Newborn Patients
with Hirschsprung’s Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Contents xix

7.4 Patients with Hirschsprung’s Disease with

Enterocolitis After the Neonatal Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
7.5 Patients with Hirschsprung’s Disease Beyond
the Neonatal Period, Without Enterocolitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
7.6 Colostomy Closures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
7.7 Patients with a Colostomy Who Will Have
a Repair of an Anorectal Malformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
8 Recto-perineal Fistula. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
8.1 Definition, Frequency, and Prognosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
8.2 Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
8.3 Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
8.3.1 Female Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
8.3.2 Male Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
8.4 Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
8.5 Dilatations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
8.6 Cutback Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
8.7 Minimal Posterior Sagittal Anoplasty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
8.7.1 Male Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
8.7.2 Surgical Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
8.7.3 Female Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
8.8 Postoperative Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
9.2 Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
9.3 Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
9.4 Surgical Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
9.5 Functional Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
10 Rectourethral Prostatic Fistula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
10.2 Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
10.3 Surgical Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
10.4 Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
10.5 Postoperative Care and Functional Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
11.1 Definition and Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
11.2 Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
11.2.1 Sacral Defects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
11.2.2 Spinal-Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
11.2.3 Urologic-Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
11.2.4 Gastrointestinal-Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . 165
11.2.5 Neurosurgical-Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
11.2.6 Cardiovascular-Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
11.2.7 Other Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
xx Contents

11.3 Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

11.4 Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
11.4.1 Colostomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
11.4.2 Main Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
11.4.3 Laparotomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
11.4.4 Laparoscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
11.5 Special Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
11.5.1 Dealing with Inadequate Colostomies
(Too Distal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
11.6 Functional Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
11.6.1 Fecal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
11.6.2 Urinary Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
12 Imperforate Anus Without Fistula in Males and Females . . . . 183
12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
12.2 Anatomic Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
12.3 Main Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
12.4 Function and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
13 Minimally Invasive Approach to Anorectal Malformations . . . 189
13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
13.2 Males . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
13.3 Females . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
14 Rectal Atresia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
14.1 Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
14.2 Surgical Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
15 Rectovestibular Fistula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
15.1 Definition/Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
15.2 Associated Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
15.2.1 Sacral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
15.2.2 Spinal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
15.2.3 Urologic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
15.2.4 Gynecologic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
15.2.5 Gastrointestinal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
15.2.6 Tethered Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
15.2.7 Cardiovascular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
15.3 Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
15.4 Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
15.4.1 Colostomy or No Colostomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
15.5 Main Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
15.6 Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
15.7 Functional Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
15.8 Reoperations in Patients with Vestibular Fistula . . . . . . . . 220
15.9 Surgical Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
15.10 Rectovestibular Fistula with Normal Anus . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Contents xxi

16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum . . . . . . . 225

16.1 Cloaca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
16.1.1 Definition and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
16.1.2 Urologic Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
16.1.3 Gynecologic Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
16.1.4 Reoperations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
16.1.5 Transpubic Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
16.2 Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
16.2.1 Surgical Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
16.2.2 Surgical Repair of the 2-Perineal-Orifice
Variant of the Posterior Cloacal Spectrum . . . . . . . . 276
16.2.3 Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
17 Cloacal Exstrophy and Covered Cloacal Exstrophy . . . . . . . . . 285
17.1 Neonatal Approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
17.2 Pull-Through or “Permanent Stoma” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
17.3 Covered Cloacal Exstrophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
18 General Principles for the Postoperative Management
of Patients with Anorectal Malformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
18.1 General Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
18.2 Local Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
18.3 Anal Dilatations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
18.4 Avoiding Constipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
18.5 Toilet Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
19 Postoperative Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
20 Bowel Management for the Treatment
of Fecal Incontinence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
20.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
20.2 Goals of the Bowel Management Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
20.3 Evaluation of the Patient for Bowel Management . . . . . . . 315
20.4 Individualization of the Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
20.5 Laxative Trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
20.6 About Our Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
20.7 Content of the Enema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
20.8 Rationale to Change the Type of Enema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
20.9 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Severe
Diaper Rash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
20.10 Bowel Management Through a Stoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
21 Operations for the Administration of Antegrade Enemas . . . . 333
21.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
21.2 Our Preferred Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
21.3 Surgical Technique: Continent Appendicostomy. . . . . . . . . . 336
21.4 Continent Neo-appendicostomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
xxii Contents

22 Reoperations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
22.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
22.2 Reoperations to Improve Bowel Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
22.3 Reoperations Performed After Failed Attempted
Repair (Catastrophes) Males . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
22.4 Reoperations for Postoperative Recto-urinary Fistula . . . . . . 357
22.4.1 Recurrent Fistula (17 Cases) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
22.4.2 Persistent Rectourethral Fistula (24 Cases). . . . . . . . 359
22.4.3 Acquired Fistula (9 Cases) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
22.5 Posterior Urethral Diverticulum (32 Cases) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
22.6 Acquired Rectal Atresia or Stenosis (83 Cases) . . . . . . . . . . 361
22.7 Presacral Masses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
22.8 Reoperations in Female Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
22.9 Prolapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
23.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
23.2 Neonatal Approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
23.3 The Importance of the Colostomy Type from
the Urologic Point of View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
23.4 Most Common Urologic Abnormalities in Male
Patients with Anorectal Malformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
23.4.1 Absent Kidney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
23.4.2 Urethral Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
23.5 Bifid Scrotum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
23.6 Hypospadias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
23.7 Ectopic Ureters in Males . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
23.8 Ectopic Ureters in Females . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
23.9 Ectopic Vas Deferens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
23.10 Ectopic Verumontanum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
23.11 Megalourethra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
23.12 Ureterovesical and Ureteropelvic Obstruction . . . . . . . . . . 386
23.13 Neurogenic Bladder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
23.14 Postoperative Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
23.15 Posterior Urethral Diverticulum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
23.16 Sexual Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
23.17 Tethered Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
23.18 The Ultimate Concern, Kidney Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
24 Hirschsprung’s Disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
24.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
24.2 Historical Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
24.3 Incidence, Inheritance, and Associated Anomalies . . . . . . 399
24.4 Pathogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
24.5 Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
24.6 Clinical Manifestations and Differential Diagnosis . . . . . . 403
24.7 Histologic Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
24.8 Differential Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Contents xxiii

24.9 Early Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407

24.10 Surgical Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
24.10.1 The Authors’ Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
24.10.2 Other Surgical Techniques for the
Treatment of Hirschsprung’s Disease . . . . . . . . . 417
24.11 Total Colonic Aganglionosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
24.12 Ultrashort-Segment Hirschsprung’s Disease . . . . . . . . . . . 425
24.13 Problems, Complication, and Sequela Secondary
to Operations for Hirschsprung’s Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
24.13.1 Preventable Complications (Catastrophes) . . . . . . 425
24.13.2 Non-preventable Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
24.13.3 Partially Preventable Complications. . . . . . . . . . . 430
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
25 Idiopathic Constipation and Other Motility Disorders . . . . . . . 435
25.1 Definition and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
25.2 Incidence, Social Impact, and Relevance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
25.3 Etiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
25.3.1 Ultrashort Segment Hirschsprung’s Disease . . . . 436
25.3.2 Rectal Manometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
25.3.3 Doubts and Questions About the Anatomy
of the Internal Sphincter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
25.3.4 Questions About Myectomy Technique . . . . . . . . 438
25.3.5 Botulinum Toxin Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
25.4 Pathogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
25.5 Natural History and Clinical Manifestations . . . . . . . . . . . 442
25.6 Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
25.6.1 Colonic Transit Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
25.6.2 The Evaluation of Severity: Search
for Objective “Instruments” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
25.7 Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
25.7.1 Fecal Disimpaction Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
25.7.2 Determination of Laxative Requirements. . . . . . . 449
25.7.3 Electric Stimulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
25.8 Surgical Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
25.8.1 Operations to Administer Antegrade Enemas
(ACE Procedures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
25.8.2 Colonic Resection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment
of Other Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
26.1 The Kraske Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
26.2 Urogenital Sinus with Normal Rectum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
26.3 Urogenital Sinus with Normal Rectum
and Adrenal Hyperplasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
26.4 Acquired Urethral Atresia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
26.5 Acquired Rectourethral Fistula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
26.6 Giant Seminal Vesicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
26.7 Urethral Tumors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
xxiv Contents

26.8 Acquired Rectovaginal Fistula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473

26.9 Rectal Tumors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
26.10 Presacral Masses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
26.11 Surgical Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
26.12 Posterior Sagittal Approach, Its Application in Cases
with Hirschsprung’s Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
26.13 Vaginal Atresia with Normal Rectum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
27 Miscellaneous Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
27.1 Part I: Perianal Abscess and Fistula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
27.1.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
27.1.2 Etiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
27.1.3 Natural History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
27.1.4 Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
27.1.5 Fistulotomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
27.2 Part II: Perianal Fistula and Rectovestibular Fistula
with Normal Anus in Females . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
27.2.1 Surgical Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
27.3 Part III: Other Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
27.3.1 Anal Fissure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
27.3.2 Hemorrhoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
27.3.3 Idiopathic Rectal Prolapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
History of the Treatment
of Anorectal Malformations 1

1.1 Introduction existence of illustrations in history books, going

back hundreds of years in different cultures and
So the conservative who resists change is as valu- civilizations, related to the treatment of surgical
able as the radical who proposes it. It is good that conditions of the anus.
new ideas should be heard, for the sake of the few One’s goal in the study of history should not
that can be used; but it is also good that new ideas be to try to memorize names and dates, but rather
should be compelled to go through the mill of
objection, opposition, and contumely; this is the to take advantage of the unique opportunity to
trial heat which innovations must survive before look back and have a wide perspective of the evo-
being allowed to enter the human race. It is good lution of our knowledge. Contemplation of the
that the old should resist the young, and that the historical facts, hopefully without prejudices,
young should prod the old; out of this tension, as
out of strife of the sexes and the classes, comes a allows us to recognize patterns of human behav-
creative tensile strength, a stimulated develop- ior. Some of those patterns are creative and posi-
ment, a secret and basic unity and movement of the tive and should be imitated, and some others are
whole. By Will and Ariel Durant [1] to be abandoned. It allows us to see repetitive
behaviors that disclose our limitations as human
The history of the surgical treatment of ano- beings as well as the creativity when dealing with
rectal malformations is a representative sample unknown facts. One can learn, for instance, that
of the history and evolution of medicine. some of the “new discoveries” are not really new.
Centuries ago, medicine was related to religion Other times, an old concept is brought back, but
and mysticism; the treatment of the different dis- with a different vision, and even when it is not
eases and surgical conditions was performed by essentially new, represents an advantage when
witches, barbers, or those who showed some compared to previous procedures. The dilemma
“wisdom” in the community. It took many centu- of those who study history is always the commit-
ries for medicine and surgery to become scien- ment to “the truth.” We are limited by the litera-
tific disciplines. Even in current days, the practice ture that is available that may or may not be
of medicine and surgery has a great element absolutely truthful.
of art. Finally, we, the authors of this book, must
Because of its nature, an anorectal malforma- confess that we are biased when describing the
tion is a particular defect that has been well history of the surgical treatment of anorectal
known for many centuries. The explanation is malformations. We are biased and impressed by
very obvious; one does not have to be a doctor to the fact that the real, intrinsic anatomy of the
make the diagnosis of an absent anal opening. anorectal malformations was really not known
That is perhaps one of the explanations for the until 1980. Looking into the many historical

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 1

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_1, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
2 1 History of the Treatment of Anorectal Malformations

publications that we reviewed, one can find dia- Soranus de Ephesus was considered the father
grams that only show the imagination of the of obstetrics in ancient Rome. He wrote the book
authors and the medical illustrators, but not the On the Care Of the Newborn. In that book, one
real anatomy. Those diagrams were followed by can read that he instructed the women in charge
interpretations and erroneous conclusions about of delivering babies how to trim off their finger-
what should and should not be done in the treat- nail of the little finger, to dilate the anus of those
ment of these malformations. There are very few babies who did not pass meconium after birth [5].
photographs showing the real anatomy, for Paul of Aegina (625–690) made the first descrip-
instance, of the connection between the gastroin- tion of an operation for imperforate anus: “If pos-
testinal tract and the urogenital tract. Some of sible, the membrane that covers the anus must be
the few real pictures of the intrinsic anatomy of divided with the finger. If this is not successful,
these defects prior to 1980 belong to the publica- then an incision must be done.” To avoid or to pre-
tions of Dr. Douglas Stephens [2]. Yet, they are vent the scarring or stricture of the new anus, he
not representative of the whole spectrum of ano- recommended a form of bougienage consisting of
rectal malformations. the local application of wine and balsam [6].
The retrospective analysis of the history of Perhaps the first illustration describing an
anorectal malformations shows a very common anorectal procedure in pediatrics was found in a
human tendency to classify biological phenom- book entitled Cerrahiyei Ilhaniye, written in
ena into types, groups, and categories. It is under- 1465 by Dr. Sharaphedin in Turkey [7].
standable that this is usually done for the specific In 1606, Guilhelmus Fabricius Hildanus
purpose of communicating among ourselves and described a case of a recto-bladder fistula. For
comparing our results. Yet, Mother Nature con- that case, many doctors were consulted; they all
tinues producing biological phenomena follow- saw meconium coming out of the urethra, and
ing a pattern of a spectrum without paying much nobody wanted to do anything. The baby died on
attention to our classifications. Anorectal malfor- the 17th day of life [8].
mations are not an exception. In other words, Littre, in 1710, proposed (but did not perform)
anorectal malformations do not occur in artifi- the opening of a colostomy in cases of anorectal
cially created groups, traditionally described as malformation [9].
“high,” “intermediate,” and “low.” They occur as Frederik Ruysch (1683–1731) was immortal-
most biological phenomena, following a spec- ized in a famous painting showing the autopsy of
trum type of pattern. Over time and with careful a baby. He described the spontaneous rupture of
analyses of presentation and results, it has an anal membrane after 5 days of life. The baby
become more and more clear that there are no died soon thereafter [10].
“nevers” and no “always” when describing the The practice of a perineal incision followed by
variety of anorectal malformations. dilatations, in babies born with “imperforate
anus,” was a method of choice until the later part
of the nineteenth century. During that time, there
1.2 The Early Times were many anecdotal descriptions of babies with
anorectal malformations that were treated that
The first reference of an anorectal malformation way, but the overwhelming majority of them died
was found in Babylon, about 650 years B.C. It [11]. Some surgeons disagreed with the way of
was written in stone, “When a woman gives birth treating those patients, such as Dr. Bigelow,
to a baby with a closed anus the entire Earth will Professor of Surgery at the Massachusetts
suffer from disease” [3]. General Hospital in Boston 1857 [12]. He men-
Geracao and Aristotle wrote a book on the tioned, “Based on the analysis of the results of
Generation of Animals; there, they described a those procedures, I believe that considering the
cow that was born without an anus and defecated state of the art in surgery for those anorectal
through the urethra [4]. defects, it is better to let those babies die.”
1.2 The Early Times 3

In 1753, M. Louis from Paris described the was probably the first one to perform an inguinal
case of a little girl who had an orifice that was colostomy in the sigmoid colon in a baby boy
considered a cloacal malformation [13]. She with imperforate anus; a week later, the patient
was menstruating through the anus! That patient was still alive [17].
got married and told her secret to her husband. In 1832, almost 100 years later, Martin
He convinced her to have sex with him, and she decided to follow the suggestion of Bertin and to
became pregnant. The lady had a “normal” perform a cystostomy in a patient who was pass-
delivery and was described as producing a ing stool through the urethra. Unfortunately, the
“minor laceration” of the anal sphincter. The patient died [18].
presentation of that case was considered in the Roux de Brignoles, in 1834, suggested that the
Parisian courts, and it was decided by theolo- fibers of the sphincter mechanism should be
gists and modernists that Dr. M. Louis somehow meticulously preserved during the perineal dis-
had acted in an illegal manner. The father of the section [19].
baby was called, M. Louis was finally declared Amussat, a prominent young surgeon, also in
innocent, and the court allowed M. Louis to 1835, in Paris, described the case of a 2-day-old
publish the case. girl who was not passing meconium. He operated
In 1771, Bertin [14] described a case of a baby on the patient on the dining room table of the
that was passing feces through the urethra. He patient’s house, assisted by his collaborators. He
was convinced that the baby would die unless he found the blind rectum, and he is considered the
had an operation. He approached the patient first surgeon who decided to suture the wall of the
through the perineum and could not find the rec- rectum to the skin edges, which could be consid-
tum. The baby died and Bertin concluded that the ered the first anoplasty. After 28 days, the baby
operation of choice for that particular case should was doing very well, without complications [20].
have been a cystostomy. It was also Amussat who classified the anorectal
In 1787, Benjamin Bell (1749–1806) from malformations into five types: type 1, anal steno-
Edinburgh [15] described two successful opera- sis; type 2, anal membrane; type three, a blind
tions in which the rectum was found to be located rectum at a variable distance from the anal skin;
“high” in the pelvis. The procedure that he type 4, a blind but also very “deficient” rectum;
described consisted in the introduction of a sharp and type 5, the rectum communicated with other
instrument in a blind fashion at the location organs, such as the bladder, urethra, or vagina.
where the anus was supposed to be located. This He recommended dilatation for type 1, incision
procedure was followed frequently by complica- and excision of the membrane followed by dilata-
tions that included bladder perforation and open- tions in type 2, and suture of the rectum to the
ing of the cul-de-sac of Douglas, and in some skin in type 3. In types 4 and 5, he recommended
cases, the rectum was never found. In his book mobilization of the posterior part of the rectum
entitled A System of Surgery, Bell described dif- and pulling it down to the perineum. In cases in
ferent types of anorectal malformations including which it was difficult to find the rectum through
“anal agenesis,” “anorectal agenesis,” “vesical the perineal incision, he recommended making
fistula,” and “vaginal fistula.” Benjamin Bell was the incision larger and to totally or partially
probably the first one to emphasize the need and remove the coccyx.
importance of decreasing the pain during these In 1844, Stromeyer [21] suggested that in
procedures that were generally done using cases in which the rectum could not be found
homeopathic techniques. through the perineal dissection, the peritoneal
It was Antoine Dubois, in 1783, who appar- cavity should be opened through the perineum,
ently performed the first inguinal colostomy on and the surgeon should look for the blind rec-
the left side in a 1-day-old baby with imperforate tum with a finger. That idea was practiced in
anus. The patient died 10 days later [16]. In 1793, 1872 by Leiserink, and he described a “good
Duret, following the suggestion of Littre in 1710, result” [22].
4 1 History of the Treatment of Anorectal Malformations

In 1860, Bodenhamer [23] proposed a classifica- pelvic structures. He suggested entering the pel-
tion dividing these malformations into four types: vis through the third sacral foramen. He sup-
Type 1: Incomplete rupture of the “inner mem- ported the idea of opening a colostomy. He also
brane” or anal stenosis believed that the rectal ampulla could move down
Type 2: Imperforate anus due to a persistence of spontaneously; therefore, he proposed to open a
the “anal membrane” colostomy and wait. In 1897, Matas wrote 22
Type 3: Imperforate anus with blind rectum sepa- conclusions related to the management of ano-
rated from the “anal membrane” rectal malformations. Some of which are still
Type 4: The presence of a blind rectum separated valid:
from the anal canal 1. “The most common types of anorectal mal-
In 1866, Chassaignac [24] decided to follow formations can be repaired through a peri-
the idea suggested by Martin de Lyon of opening neal approach.” Interestingly, this conclusion
a colostomy in order to introduce some sort of is quite accurate.
guide through the intestinal lumen of the colos- 2. “There are no external signs to determine the
tomy, to facilitate finding of the blind rectal end. internal anatomic malformations.” This con-
The perineum was then opened where the surgeon clusion is partially valid since now we know
could feel the bulging of the guide. Chassaignac that we can learn a lot just by careful inspec-
operated on a 7-month-old baby who had a previ- tion of the perineum.
ous colostomy and was able to create an opening 3. “One should not depend on the introduction of
in a “satisfactory” manner using that technique. guides through the vagina or the urinary tract to
Delens, in 1874 [25], described a case in determine the presence or absence of intestine.
which he achieved good exposure in the perineum The use of a needle to aspirate meconium is
area by removing or mobilizing back the coccyx also dangerous because of the risk of peritoneal
without resecting it. The next year, Polaillon contamination.” This is still true.
described splitting of the coccyx in the midline, 4. “The operation should be done as early as
obtaining better exposure to be able to dissect the possible to avoid death consecutive to the
rectum in a deeper area [26]. passing of stool to the blood, peritonitis,
In 1880, Neil McLeod was the first to suggest a intestinal obstruction, absorption of toxins,
combined abdominoperineal approach. He chose and migration of bacteria from the intes-
to start the operation through the perineum, and if tines.” Although now we are aware of many
the rectum was not found, to open the abdomen new, sophisticated pathophysiologic mecha-
through a midline incision. With a finger, as a nisms, this concept is still valid.
guide from inside the abdomen, the perineal inci- 5. “The tolerance of the baby to the trauma is
sion should be created to reach the peritoneal cav- inversely proportional to the age in days after
ity and the rectum pulled through [27]. birth. And in addition, the baby without sep-
In 1887 Vincent of Lyons performed a parasa- sis is as tolerant to trauma as the adult.”
cral incision instead of a mid-sacral one. This Again, he was right.
was described by Maitre [28]. 6. “The ideal result in this kind of operation is
In 1894, Paul Delageniere suggested perform- the restoration of the passage of stool, creat-
ing a lateral laparotomy to find the rectum and to ing an anus in a normal position with bowel
reach the perineum through the abdominal cavity, control.” This, of course, is still valid.
using his finger as a guide and then pulling 7. “The only way to obtain this kind of result is
through the rectum [29]. performing a proctoplasty as proposed by
In 1897, Rudolph Matas [30], a brilliant sur- Amussat.” Obviously, this is mostly wrong.
geon in New Orleans, mentioned that cutting, 8. “In order to obtain the best possible results
dividing, or destroying the sacrum had a negative from the functional point of view, the opera-
effect because it damaged the muscle insertions tor must avoid the unnecessary injury of the
as well as the innervation and blood supply of the sphincter mechanism, for that, the incision
1.2 The Early Times 5

must be performed strictly in the midline.” 21. “If, for some reason, the surgeon decided to
He was right! open a colostomy first, he should always
9. “The old method of stab of the perineum make every effort in a second procedure to
without a proctoplasty was not justified.” He open the anus in the perineum.” This is
was right. mostly true.
10. “The initial peritoneal exploration of the pel- 22. “The perineal-sacral anus, when it is cor-
vis through a perineal-sacral aperture was rectly done, is almost certain to have bowel
one of the greatest advances in the treatment control as time goes by.” That is, of course,
of these conditions.” Of course, that is no mostly not true.
longer true. In 1899 and published in 1908, Mastin dem-
11. “The peritoneal exploration through the onstrated that a permanent colostomy was com-
perineum must be attempted systematically patible with growth and development [31]. He
when the rectum is not found through the operated on a newborn baby and created a
perineum.” This is no longer valid. colostomy, and when he offered the family the
12. “Those techniques that use a sacral resection opening of an anus, the family refused to have
or excision or osteoplasty to increase the that operation done because the patient was
exposure and to reach the peritoneum look- doing very well and has adapted to the presence
ing for the rectum are valid.” Obviously, we of the stoma, playing sports and growing and
do not use that anymore. developing normally. In 1903, Mastin was
13. “The best approach is a midline incision called to take care of another case. He per-
through the coccyx and sacrum.” This is formed a perineal midline incision. He was able
mostly true. to find the bowel and perform an anoplasty that
14. “A predisposition to suffer prolapse must be he sutured to the skin with catgut. He described
expected in cases of resection of the sacrum.” that 4 years later, the patient had bowel
Obviously, we do not touch the sacrum control.
anymore. In 1915, Brenner [32] published an excel-
15. “A primary exploratory laparotomy is not lent paper in Surgical Gynecology and
indicated as a rule.” This is true. Obstetrics and described his experience with
16. “The great majority of imperforate anus can 61 cases. He described different degrees of
be treated successfully through the development of the external sphincter. He sug-
perineum.” That is true. gested that the operations to repair imperforate
17. “The perineal anus can be created pulling the anus should “last no more than 5–8 min!!” He
colon and connecting it to the perineum. But, performed a posterior incision, and he sug-
in cases of emergency, one can connect the gested opening a colostomy if the perineal
small bowel to the perineum.” Obviously, we approach was unsuccessful. He described that
do not do that. in males, the rectum opens more often into the
18. “The mortality from a colostomy is greater bladder rather than the urethra, which is not
than the anoplasty and perineal-sacral true, since now we have well-documented evi-
approach.” This is obviously wrong by mod- dence that the connection between the rectum
ern standards. and the bladder only occurs in 10 % of the
19. “Primary colostomy in the groin, as a pri- male cases. He suggested that if the patient did
mary procedure, is only indicated when the not have external sphincter fibers, bowel con-
baby is extremely sick. Under all of the other trol must be obtained by an axial rotation of the
circumstances, the perineal incision must be gut or using some muscle fibers from the
the first one.” This statement is partially true. gluteal region. Even though Brenner’s
20. “An exploratory laparotomy is only per- conclusions are not valid at the present time,
formed after the rectum was not found his work is very significant, because of the
through the perineum.” This statement is number of cases and the meticulous descrip-
also partially true. tion of them.
6 1 History of the Treatment of Anorectal Malformations

These ideas, like in many other historic events, embryologic description. They also included a
illustrate how naive we tend to be. Therefore, we detailed table of associated malformations. This
like to say that every time we try to cheat on is extremely important since, as the reader will be
Mother Nature, she teaches us a lesson. able to see in this textbook, the frequency of the
In 1930, Owen Wangensteen and Carl Rice associated defects in cases of anorectal malfor-
published a paper describing a method of radio- mations is very significant and those associated
logically determining the height of the blind rectal defects have a vital role in the prognosis of these
end to select the best surgical approach for patients patients. Ladd and Gross’s publication is a beau-
with anorectal malformations [33]. The technique tiful one; it has very elegant drawings done per-
that they described is well known as an “inverto- sonally by Dr. Robert Gross, illustrating the
gram.” It consisted of putting the newborn baby development of female malformations. The mor-
upside down for several minutes and taking an tality in their series was 26 %.
x-ray film of the pelvis to determine the location of In 1936, Stone [35] published a paper entitled
the blind end of the rectum, as well as the distance “Imperforate Anus with a Rectovaginal Cloaca.”
from the blind end of the rectum to the anal skin. In 1938, J. K. Berman [36] published a paper
The blind end of the rectum can be seen because it on 23 cases of anorectal malformations with
is full of gas. That method still has some value. 47 % mortality. He opposed the use of colosto-
However, we use a variation of it in less than 5 % mies in his patients because of its high mortality
of all cases, in those in whom there is no clinical and proposed an incision running from the peri-
evidence of the location of the distal rectum. Yet, neal body to the coccyx in newborns, with local
we have learned through the years that the same anesthesia. He used 0 size chromic catgut. He
image that Wangensteen and Rice were able to described only the pull-through of the bowel,
obtain with the invertogram can be achieved by leaving the fistula to the urinary tract untouched
placing the patient in prone position with the pel- until the patient was older!!
vis elevated and taking a cross-table, lateral film. In 1948, Rhoads et al. [37] (Fig. 1.1) pub-
We have learned many lessons from the exter- lished their experience with the first survivor of a
nal examination of the perineum of the babies, as primary abdominoperineal pull-through, without
well as other more sophisticated imaging a colostomy. After that publication, many sur-
methodology. geons tried to perform that kind of operation,
In 1934, William Ladd and Robert E. Gross sometimes with success, but many other times
[34] published a very comprehensive series of with serious catastrophic results, and therefore,
cases. Their publication also included good years after that, this approach was reconsidered.

Fig. 1.1 Photograph –

Dr. Peña with Dr. Jonathan
1.2 The Early Times 7

Lately, many others have been trying to approach In 1954, Dr. William Potts [40] published a
newborn babies primarily without a colostomy. paper related to the treatment of 22 “rectovaginal
As will be seen in this textbook, that approach is fistulas,” 8 rectourethral fistulas, 9 recto-perineal
sometimes justified, but not always. fistulas, and 12 rectovesical fistulas. The ano-
In 1953, Douglas Stephens published his first plasty that he proposed for the most common
landmark paper on the subject, in Australia [38]. type of malformation seen in females that we
Dr. Stephens has the unique distinction of being now know by the name of rectovestibular fistula
the first person who studied the anatomy of the is still known as the “Potts’ anoplasty” and con-
pelvis in patients who died from an anorectal mal- sists of dissecting the rectum from the vestibule
formation. From his studies, he concluded that the and passing it behind a bridge of skin, to be
key part of the sphincter mechanism to achieve placed within the limits of the sphincter. In retro-
bowel control in these cases was the “puborectalis spect, now we believe that what he described as
sling.” It took time for his concept to be learned “rectovaginal fistulas” were actually cases of rec-
and accepted by the world community of pediatric tovestibular fistulas, since now we recognize that
surgeons, but within a few years, most pediatric real rectovaginal fistulas are extremely unusual
surgeons recognized that was something to be malformations. Unless we postulate the theory
considered seriously, and therefore, the “era of the that the type of pathology changes through the
puborectalis” began. From that time, most sur- years, it is difficult to believe that surgeons had
geons tried to design operations aimed to preserv- many cases of rectovaginal fistulas, which we
ing the “puborectalis sling,” which was considered find now to be a malformation that is almost
key for bowel control. Unfortunately, it is not easy nonexistent.
to obtain cadavers of children born with anorectal In 1960, Scott, Swenson, and Fisher published
malformations because most children with ano- one of the first papers on long-term follow-up
rectal malformations survive, and therefore the results. Their patients suffered from a mortality
number of specimens studied by Dr. Stephens was of 12.7 %; 4.8 % was operative deaths. In their
very limited. In retrospect, we believe that his study, they reported 68 % incontinence in patients
conclusions are not valid because his studies were with the so-called “high” malformations and
performed in a limited number of the most severe 89 % good results in what were described as
cases, not representative of what we call the spec- “low” malformations [41].
trum of anorectal malformations. The cases In 1963, Kiesewetter et al. [42] reported
(cadavers) that he studied we think are not repre- their experience with 146 patients followed
sentative of the most common types of malforma- over a period of 16 years. These surgeons had a
tions that we see. Yet, one of his recommendations demonstrated special interest in the manage-
is still valid: he recommended pulling the bowel ment of anorectal malformations. Their mortal-
down, as close as possible to the urethra. In addi- ity was 19.2 %; 86 cases were followed on a
tion, Dr. Douglas Stephens published a book [2] long-term basis. The authors divided their
that represents the document with the largest series into “high malformations,” where the
amount of information related to the subject of rectum was located two centimeters above the
anorectal malformations at that time. anal skin, and “low malformations,” for those
In 1955, Sir Denis Browne, a prominent sur- where the rectum was closer to the skin. They
geon from Great Ormond Street Hospital in obtained 72 % “good results” in “low malfor-
London, proposed that patients with rectovaginal mations” and 45 % “bad results” in “high mal-
fistulas had a normal sphincter located at the formations.” They mention that it was important
vagina site [39]. We now know that that never to preserve, as much as possible, the distal part
happens. He also suggested that female patients of the bowel, which is a concept that we support
with vaginal, as well as males with rectoprostatic, at the present time. They reported 24.4 % of the
fistulas have no sphincter mechanism, which, as cases having vestibular fistulas, which is simi-
we know now, is mostly inaccurate. lar to what we report.
8 1 History of the Treatment of Anorectal Malformations

In 1966, Dr. Kiesewetter [43] supported the questionnaires to the members of the surgical
idea proposed by Stephens that the puborectalis section of the academy. From the answers, they
muscle was the only available muscle useful to were able to put together 1,116 patients from 51
achieve bowel control. He adopted Stephens’ institutions, 58 % were males and 42 % females.
idea of a sacral incision to preserve the puborec- The incidence of fistula in males was 72 % and in
talis sling. Through that incision, a blind tunnel females was 19 %, and 28.7 % of these fistulas
was created, behind the urethra (in males). A were “rectovaginal.” This is something that we
Penrose drain was then passed through the tun- know was most likely a misnomer or lack of
nel. The rectum was then to be pulled down accurate examination of the genitalia because, as
through that tunnel. He also adopted the principle we mentioned, congenital rectovaginal fistulas in
of a transabdominal endorectal dissection in our experience are almost nonexistent; 81 % of
order to try to avoid damage to the innervation of the patients with a “high malformation” received
the pelvic organs. This is the same principle that a colostomy, and 62 % of those colostomies were
Soave and Boley proposed for the treatment of done in the transverse colon. The mortality
Hirschsprung’s disease. Kiesewetter’s operation reported was 19 %.
was called a sacro-abdominoperineal endorectal During the years of 1969–1970, the senior
pull-through. author had the privilege of meeting Dr. Justin
In 1967, Dr. Rehbein [44] also proposed an Kelly. Dr. Kelly, a fully trained pediatric surgeon
abdominal sacroperineal procedure. He presented from Melbourne, Australia, had been greatly
70 cases, 55 males and 15 females. He empha- influenced by Dr. Douglas Stephens. Dr. Kelly
sized the importance of preserving the “puborec- went to Boston Children’s Hospital as a clinical
talis muscle.” fellow for two extra years. There, he lectured and
We want to express our recognition to many communicated the ideas of Dr. Stephens to all
prominent surgeons from all over the world who members of the surgical staff. Dr. Peña (senior
demonstrated special interest and dedication to author) was at Boston Children’s Hospital as a
the field of anorectal malformations. We are research fellow in 1969 and as a resident in 1970
unable to mention all of them; therefore, we and 1971. During that time, he learned from Dr.
selected the most prominent ones including: Kelly’s, Dr. Stephen’s, and Dr. Smith’s ideas
• Santull [45], Hanley [46], Lynn [47], Partridge about the management of anorectal malforma-
[48], Trusler [49], Cozzi [50], Soave [51], tions. Upon his return to Mexico City, Dr. Peña
Louw [52], Knutrud [53], Nixon and Puri became the Chief of Surgery at the New National
[54], Smith [55], Holschneider [56], Varma Institute of Pediatrics.
[57], Chatterjee [58], Rintala [59], Endo [60], From 1972 to 1980, the senior author of this
Scharli [61], Ito [62], Brayton [63], Aluwihare book operated, in Mexico City, on 56 cases of
[64], and Banu [65] the so-called, at that time, “high” imperforate
In 1970, in Melbourne, an international com- anus. He followed the principles proposed by
mittee was created to design an “international Stephens and learned from Dr. Kelly (sacral
classification of anorectal malformations.” That approach) and laparotomy when necessary as
“international classification” was adopted by all proposed by Kiesewetter, and Rehbein (sacro-
of the pediatric surgeons in the world, but abdominoperineal pull-through). During those
because of its complexity, it was not used in the 8 years, he became aware of the fact that, in the
everyday practice by most pediatric surgeons earlier cases, he was opening the abdomen very
(Fig. 1.2) [66]. often (80 % of the time) to repair these malfor-
In 1971 [67], the American Academy of mations, but after 8 years of experience, he was
Pediatrics proposed a joint effort between differ- opening the abdomen only 20 % of the time. He
ent institutions to learn about the different thera- attributed this to the fact that the sacral incision
peutic modalities as well as the results of the that Stephens originally proposed (very small)
treatment of anorectal malformations and sent was being gradually enlarged throughout those
1.2 The Early Times 9

Melbourne classification, 1970 Melbourne classification, 1970

Males Females

High deformities High deformities

1. Anorectal agenesis
1. Anorectal agenesis
a. Without fistula
a. Without fistula
b. With fistula
Ano-rectal agenesis (No fistula)
i. Recto-vesical fistula
b. With fistula
ii. Recto-cloacal fistula
i. Recto-vesical fistula
iii. Recto-vaginal fistula
ii. Recto-urethral fistula
2. Rectal atresia
2. Rectal atresia
Intermediate deformities
Intermediate deformities
1. Anal agenesis
1. Anal agenesis
a. Without fistula
a. Without fistula
Anal Agenesis (no fistula)
Anal Agenesis (no fistula)
b. With fistula
b. With fistula
i. Recto-Vaginal fistula
Recto-bulbar fistula
ii. Recto-vestibular fistula
2. Ano-rectal stenosis
2. Ano-rectal stenosis
Low deformities (translevator)
Low deformities (translevator)
1. At normal anal site 1. At normal anal site
i. Covered anus - complete i. Covered anus - complete
ii. Anal stenosis ii. Anal stenosis
Covered anal stenosis Covered anal stenosis
2. At perineal site 2. At perineal site
i. Anterior Perineal Anus i. Anterior Perineal Anus
ii. Ano-cutaneous fistula ii. Ano-cutaneous fistula
(Covered anus – incomplete) (Covered anus – incomplete)
3. At vulvar site
Miscellaneous deformities
i. Vulvar anus
i. Imperforate anal membrane
ii. Ano-vulvar fistula
ii. Anal membrane stenosis
iii. Ano-vestibular fistula
iii. Vesico-Intestinal Fissure
iv. Duplications of the anus, rectum and genitourinary tracts Miscellaneous deformities
v. Combination of deformities i. Imperforate anal membrane
ii. Anal membrane stenosis
iii. Vesico-Intestinal Fissure
iii. Perineal groove
iv. Perineal canal
v. Vesico-intestinal fissure
vi. Duplications of the anus, rectum and genitourinary tracts
vii. Combination of deformities

Fig. 1.2 International classification of anorectal malformation. Melbourne, Australia 1971

8 years, becoming longer and longer. In addition, urinary tract in male patients and to avoid the
he decided to use an electrical stimulator with the need of a laparotomy. He also proposed the use of
specific purpose to identify the “puborectalis an electrical stimulator to identify the sphincter
sling.” Eventually, he felt the need to divide part mechanism and also to divide in the midline the
of the sphincter mechanism that was visible dur- muscle that he found, in order to facilitate, again,
ing this operation. He thought that this muscle the dissection of the fistula and proposed to resu-
mechanism must have been the “puborectalis ture the muscle behind the rectum at the end of
sling.” He specifically proposed to divide part of the procedure. This was basically a step prior to
what he thought was the “puborectalis muscle” to the full posterior sagittal anorectoplasty proposed
have better exposure and to facilitate the separa- later. The paper provoked a significant discus-
tion of the rectum from the urinary tract. He sion, particularly between the Australian mem-
decided to present that experience of 56 cases at bers of the audience. They specifically mentioned
the annual meeting of the Pacific Association of that the muscle that was shown in the movie in
Pediatric Surgeons in March 1980 in Colorado that presentation was not the “puborectalis sling”
Springs, Colorado, United States. Basically, in because that structure was only seen in Australia,
this presentation, he proposed to make a longer by Dr. Stephens, in autopsies. In other words, for
midsagittal incision to have better exposure to years, the world’s pediatric surgical community
facilitate the separation of the rectum from the had been talking about how to preserve the
10 1 History of the Treatment of Anorectal Malformations

“puborectalis sling” structure during an opera- near Wisconsin. He invited pediatric surgeons
tion. Yet, nobody has seen such structure, except well known for their interest and experience in
for Dr. Stephens in his autopsy specimens!! the surgical treatment of anorectal malformations
After that meeting, Dr. Peña went back to from all over the world. These surgeons included
Mexico and decided to use a much longer, poste- Dr. Peter deVries, Dr. Subir Chatterjee (India),
rior, midsagittal incision, running from the mid- Dr. Durham Smith (Australia), Dr. Nicolas
dle portion of the sacrum to the base of the Martin del Campo (Mexico City), Dr. Alberto
scrotum, trying to stay exactly in the midline and Peña, Dr. Stephen Dolgin, Dr. Sid Cywes (South
using an electrical stimulator. The purpose of that Africa), Dr. Morihiro Saeki (Japan), Dr. Jotaro
incision was to clarify the controversy about the Yokorama (Japan), Dr. Donnellan (Chicago), Dr.
characteristics and location of the “puborectalis Dale Johnson (Salt Lake City), and Dr. Alex
sling.” During the meeting at Colorado Springs, Holschneider from Germany (Fig. 1.3). As a
he had conversations with different members of result of that meeting, a new classification was
the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons, created, called the “Wingspread classification.”
including Dr. Peter deVries. Most surgeons were Fortunately, that new classification was more
very negative about the idea of “cutting the simplified and therefore more useful and yet,
sphincters.” Dr. deVries, on the other hand, was from our point of view, was still very deficient
enthusiastic and showed a supportive attitude (Fig. 1.4 Wingspread classification) [70].
about the idea. On August 10, 1980, in Mexico In May of 2005, Dr. Holschneider promoted
City at the National Institute of Pediatrics, Dr. another meeting in Krickenbeck, Germany
Peña and Dr. Miguel Vargas performed the first (Fig. 1.5), to rediscuss the subject and a new clas-
posterior sagittal anorectoplasty in a female sification, known as Krickenbeck classification,
patient. They were surprised by the fact that they was created (Fig. 1.6). This Krickenbeck classifi-
were unable to identify anything that looked like cation we feel is much better than the two previ-
a “puborectalis sling.” Dr. Pieter deVries visited ous ones [71].
Dr. Peña and joined him to explore four more From August 10, 1980, until the day of sending
patients in September of 1980. The results of this manuscript to be printed, the authors have
these initial operations were presented at a round- operated on over 2,032 cases, documenting their
table at the World Symposium of Pediatric findings and recording them into a database.
Surgery in Acapulco in September of 1980. Dr. Efforts have been made to try to follow all these
Stephens was part of that roundtable. cases on a long-term basis. The senior author of
Subsequently, Dr. deVries invited Dr. Peña to go this book traveled to many countries, invited by
to Sacramento, California, to operate on four generous pediatric surgeons who helped contrib-
more patients. The experience was presented at ute to accumulate the largest series of cases of this
the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons in condition, operated mostly by a single person, fol-
Hawaii together by Dr. Peña and Dr. deVries. lowing as consistently as possible similar princi-
Subsequently, Dr. Peña and Dr. deVries pre- ples and techniques. Here is a list of the surgeons
sented their experience at the meeting of the with whom the authors are deeply in debt for their
American Academy of Pediatrics in the fall of generosity in inviting the senior author and shar-
1981 in New Orleans. After that, unexpectedly, ing their patients to be operated upon.
Dr. Pieter deVries published the first paper on What started as a controversy related to the
posterior sagittal anorectoplasty [68]. Following anatomy of the sphincter mechanism in patients
that, Dr. Peña submitted another paper 2 months with anorectal malformations represented the main
later on the same subject [69]. catalyst and motivation to study, learn, and collect
In 1984, Dr. Stephens promoted a meeting to an enormous amount of information related with
discuss the possibility of creating a new, more anorectal malformations and associated defects.
practical classification and to rediscuss the whole In 1980, we were not aware of the fact that we
subject of anorectal malformation in Wingspread, were “opening a Pandora’s box.” The controversy
1.2 The Early Times 11

Fig. 1.3 Picture of the group of pediatric surgeons who met in Wingspread

over the anatomy of the sphincter mechanism, older patients who had come to our clinic who
seen in retrospect, appears today of little signifi- were born with an anorectal malformation and
cance, compared to the fascinating observations were subjected to blind or semi-blind operations
that emerged from the surgical exploration, eval- that resulted in a urethral stricture and/or acquired
uation, and long-term follow-up of so many urethral atresia, neurogenic bladder, impotence,
patients. retrograde ejaculation, painful ejaculation, and
The road has been long, exciting, wonderful, many other problems.
and illuminating. We have been learning many Now we know that the separation of the rec-
important lessons, and now we are certain that tum from the urogenital tract under direct vision
the more we learn about the subject, the more is a technically demanding maneuver; it is there-
intriguing questions we must answer. The dictum fore easy to understand how much damage we
that “It’s not the unanswered questions, but rather could provoke doing the operation blindly, and
the unquestioned answers” crystallizes well the sadly that is what we were doing prior to 1980.
evaluation of this problem in surgery. This has Being directly exposed to the intrinsic anat-
been a lifetime, very enjoyable, fascinating, hum- omy of these malformations only made more
bling, and extraordinary experience. obvious our naivety when trying to create
Opening the pelvis posterior-sagittally oversimplified classifications of a spectrum of
allowed us, for the first time, to be directly defects, without really knowing the true anatomy.
exposed to the peculiar, complex, intrinsic anat- The most conspicuous lesson learned through all
omy of these defects. Much beyond the anatomic these years is that we have been dealing with a
characteristics of the sphincter mechanism, we spectrum of defects. The more cases we operate
learned about the detailed anatomy of the junc- on, the wider the spectrum becomes.
tion between the rectum and the urogenital tract. Classifications that divide a spectrum of defects,
With that knowledge came the awareness of the in categories such as “high” and “low” or even
potential damage that we could provoke while “high,” “intermediate,” and “low,” represent
trying to separate on these structures blindly. oversimplifications that misguide rather than
Suddenly, we had an explanation for the many help. Now we know that in surgery, it is not
12 1 History of the Treatment of Anorectal Malformations

Fig. 1.4 Wingspread

classification of anorectal

advisable to use radical terms such as “always” In 1982, Dr. Maricela Zarate, an ex-resident of
or “never.” Being exposed directly to the anatomy Dr. Peña in Monterrey, N.L., Mexico, had a
of these malformations also gave us a unique patient with a cloaca. The available literature at
opportunity to correlate the anatomic findings that time related to the surgical treatment of clo-
with the final functional results and the potential aca was very scant (see Chap. 16).
devastating functional sequelae. In 1982 in Monterrey, Mexico, Dr. Peña, Dr.
Confronted with an anatomy never described Maricela Zarate, and Dr. Marshall Schwartz (vis-
before, we were obligated, by common sense, to iting from the United States) operated via poste-
describe technical maneuvers never described rior sagittal on a girl with a cloaca (Fig. 1.7). That
before. Many remarkable experiences were wait- girl is now an adult, has bowel and urinary con-
ing ahead of us. trol, and has a baby. We like to say that “God
1.2 The Early Times 13

Fig. 1.5 Picture of the group of pediatric surgeons who attended the Krickenbeck meeting

Standards for diagnosis international classification (Krickenbeck) technology. Willital [72] published his attempt to
repair an anorectal malformation using this thera-
Major clinical groups Rare/regional variants
Perineal (cutaneous) fistula Pouch colon peutic modality. In the year 2000, Dr. Keith
Rectourethral fistula Rectal atresia/stenosis Georgeson published his experience with seven
Prostatic Rectovaginal fistula
Bulbar H fistula cases, in a detailed description of the operation
Rectovesical fistula Others [73]. Following Georgeson, many other surgeons
Vestibular fistula
Cloaca have been using minimally invasive techniques to
No fistula repair anorectal malformations (see Chap. 13).
Anal stenosis
In July 1985, the senior author moved to Long
Fig. 1.6 Krickenbeck classification of anorectal Island, New York, United States, and became
malformation Chief of Pediatric Surgery at Schneider Children’s
Hospital until June 30, 2005. During those
protects the innocent,” since that case from 20 years, we were able to accumulate a very large
Monterrey, seen in retrospect, after having oper- experience and moved forward in our attempt to
ated on over 531 patients with a cloaca, we now benefit more children. We were able to:
belongs to the “good side of the spectrum” of clo- • Find further applications for the posterior sag-
acas. Later on, we would be confronted with ittal approach [74, 75]
much more challenging cases. To repair those • Describe the transanorectal approach for the
complex cases would require a great deal of treatment of urogenital sinus with normal rec-
creativity, imagination, and dedication. tum and other conditions [76, 77].
A very important positive development occurred • Create a protocol of medical and surgical
in the field of colorectal problems of children and management of patients with idiopathic con-
that is the introduction of the minimally invasive stipation [78].
14 1 History of the Treatment of Anorectal Malformations

Fig. 1.7 Picture taken during the first posterior sagittal approach to repair a cloaca in Monterrey, Mexico

• Describe the maneuver known as total uro- patients must be treated in specialized centers
genital mobilization to facilitate the repair of where they will be treated by a multidisciplinary
cloacas [79]. team. With that in mind, we presented the idea to
• Describe the precise anatomy of a malforma- some leaders of prominent children’s hospitals
tion called posterior cloaca [80] in the United States. Dr. Richard Azizkhan had
• Create and implement a bowel management the vision and courage to adopt the plan, and the
program aimed to keep clean patients suffer- Colorectal Center for Children was created at the
ing from fecal incontinence [81–84]. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
It was there, in Long Island, New York, where in July 2005.
it became clear to us that children suffering from
anorectal malformation required and deserved
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66. Santulli TV, Kiesewetter WB, Bill AH Jr (1970)
Anorectal anomalies: a suggested international clas-
sification. J Pediatr Surg 5(3):281–287
Basic Anatomy and Physiology
of Bowel Control 2

The reader may be surprised for not finding in In addition, through the years we found that
this chapter many of the traditional terms histori- what we observed as part of the sphincter mecha-
cally used to refer to the different portions of the nism in one patient was never the same as the one
sphincter mechanism of the human being. We use that we saw in another one. After a large experi-
a different terminology that we believe is realis- ence with the surgical treatment of anorectal mal-
tic, useful, and with important practical and tech- formations, we are now certain to believe that we
nical implications for the practicing surgeon. are dealing with a spectrum of anatomic
This is a result of our observations of the differ- variations.
ent anatomic variants, found in more than 2,032 We are aware of the fact that human beings
surgical explorations of the pelvis and the ano- (and surgeons are not exceptions) prefer to deal
rectum of patients suffering from anorectal mal- with artificial, man-made, classifications to refer
formations, as well as many others operated to and to discuss biological phenomenon. Yet, we
resect tumors and to repair pelvic organs (ure- like to say that Mother Nature does not like our
thra, vagina, and rectum). classifications and continues producing humans,
In the early times, when we performed the first animals, and biological specimens following a
posterior sagittal approaches to repair anorectal spectrum type of pattern. We recognize that it is
malformations, influenced by the traditional con- not easy from the clinical point of view to talk
cepts expressed in the available textbooks on the about spectrums, but we could not ignore reality.
subject [1, 2], we were looking for the “puborec- Figure 2.1 shows what we think is the best
talis sling,” the “pubococcygeal muscle,” the photograph ever taken of the pelvic anatomy of a
“pubourethralis muscle,” the “iliococcygeal mus- male cadaver. The authors managed to show a
cle,” the “superficial portion of the external perfect sagittal section. We feel admiration and
sphincter,” the “deep portion of the external respect for such achievement. This magnificent
sphincter,” and the “internal sphincter,” and we photograph was reproduced with permission
were rather frustrated for not seeing what was from the excellent “Colon Atlas of Human
described in the textbooks. Or at least, what we Anatomy” by R.M.H. McMinn Emeritus
were seeing was very different to what was Professor of Anatomy, Royal College of
described. Surgeons of England and University of London
and R.T. Hutchings, photographer, formerly
Chief Medical Laboratory Scientific Officer,
Royal College of Surgeons of England. Year
Electronic supplementary material Supplementary
material is available in the online version of this chapter at Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago 1977,
10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_2. page 248.

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 17

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_2, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
18 2 Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Bowel Control

part of the sacrum and coccyx and runs all the

way down to the skin attached to the posterior
rectal wall. It actually runs in continuum and
one cannot see any hint of separation of differ-
ent structures. In our observations of normal
human beings (not only in cases of anorectal
malformations) operated posterior sagittally for
other reasons (tumors, trauma), and using an
electrical stimulator, we have always been able
to identify this strong funnel-like muscle struc-
ture. If one touches that muscle structure in the
upper portion, one can elicit a contraction that
pushes the rectum forward as described for the
levator muscle. If one touches the lowest part of
that muscle, one can see an elevation of the
anus, and perhaps that is why originally this
structure was called levator muscle. That por-
tion of this sphincter mechanism made mainly
of vertical fibers running parallel to the rectum
we call it “muscle complex,” to differentiate it
Fig. 2.1 Photograph of a sagittal section of a human from the upper portion (levator) that is made out
cadaver. 1 Rectus abdominis; 2 Extraperitoneal fat; of horizontal fibers that compress the rectum
3 Sigmoid colon; 4 Promontory of sacrum; 5 Rectum; from behind. However, these different portions
6 Coccyx; 7 Anococcygeal body; 8 External anal sphinc- of the sphincter mechanism do not contract sep-
ter; 9 Anal canal with anal columns of mucous membrane;
10 Perineal body; 11 Ductus deferens; 12 Epididymis; arately; in real life, they contract in a massive
13 Testicle; 14 Spongy part of urethra and corpus unified way (Animations 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, and
spongiosum; 15 Corpus cavernosum; 16 Bulbospongiosus; 2.5). The muscle fibers running longitudinally
17 Perineal membrane; 18 Sphincter urethrae; (parallel to the rectum) elevate the anus when
19 Membranous part of urethra; 20 Pubic symphysis;
21 Prostate gland; 22 Prostatic part of urethra; 23 Seminal they contract, whereas those fibers that surround
colliculus; 24 Bristle in ejaculatory duct; 25 Internal ure- the rectum are the ones that produce the com-
thral orifice; 26 Bladder; 27 Bristle passing up into right pression of the rectum posteriorly. Perhaps the
ureteral orifice; 28 Rectovesical pouch point of maximal contraction of this funnel-like
muscle structure is what has been considered
Figure 2.2 shows an MR image of the sagittal the puborectalis sling, but we must emphasize
section of the pelvis of a normal child. It is really that there is no real anatomic separation of these
remarkable what modern imaging technology has structures. Near the skin, the funnel-like muscle
achieved. We invite the readers to look in a very joins other types of muscle that run superficial
detailed way these two pictures (Figs. 2.1 and under the skin and divide into two portions, one
2.2). The same muscle structures shown in the on each side of the anus, and that is why we call
cadaver are present in the MRI picture. A non- those “parasagittal fibers.” The contraction of
biased, objective view of these two figures does these muscles may produce the impression of
not allow us to identify separately the puborecta- closing the anus in a circular fashion; yet, actu-
lis, ischiococcygeal, pubourethralis, and iliococ- ally these are parasagittal fibers that join one
cygeal muscles and deep external sphincter, side with the other, posterior and anterior to the
superficial external sphincter, and internal anal opening. The parasagittal fibers run actu-
sphincter. ally perpendicular to the muscle complex. We
Rather, one can see a muscle structure that arbitrarily use the term “levator” to refer to the
comes from the anterior aspect of the lowest upper portion of the funnel-like muscle mecha-
2 Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Bowel Control 19

a b

Fig. 2.2 MRI of a sagittal section of the normal pelvis. (a) Relaxed sphincter mechanism. (b) Contracted sphincter

nism and use the term “muscle complex” to its wise unnecessary diagrams showing their
lower portion. The point where the muscle com- preconceptions and biases [6–13].
plex and parasagittal fibers cross represents the It is even more impressive to see how rather
limits of the sphincter. bizarre anatomic concepts, like the idea of a “tri-
When the anatomy of the anorectal sphincters ple loop” without any evidence to support its
is presented in this rather simplistic way, it is existence, are accepted, published, and repeated
easy to teach and to learn. between surgeons [14, 15].
Traditional anatomy concepts have been In a medical community where everybody
repeated from one generation to another, full of seem to be able to see clearly structures such as
details or concepts without clinical relevance. the puborectalis muscle and all the other portions
The medical students are frequently obligated to of the sphincter mechanism, very few dare to
learn some of those concepts. express skepticism and disagree [16, 17]. During
We have been impressed by publications our literature review, we found an excellent hon-
related with the anatomy of the sphincters; the est paper written by Dr. Arthur F. Dalley II, PhD,
authors frequently show real photographs of the [17]. After a very thoughtful discussion, he con-
anatomy, yet they over-impose arrows to show cludes saying: “I recommend that the three-part
inexistent, imaginary structures [2–5]. In other external anal sphincter be removed from gross
words, photographs show the real anatomy, anatomy texts, dissectors and atlases and be rel-
whereas the diagrams or the arrows show what egated to the junkyard of anatomic trivia where it
the authors wanted to see. may languish for the sake of the historical anato-
More recently, advances in the technology of mist or the rare individual who spends time carv-
imaging show images (Fig. 2.2) of the real anat- ing out the most meticulous of dissections.” This
omy; however, again the authors fabricate other- is a paper that all colorectal surgeons must read.
20 2 Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Bowel Control

2.1 Internal Sphincter 2.2 General Anatomic Principles

in Anorectal Malformations
This elusive structure has been described as a
thickening of the circular layer of smooth muscle Figures 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 show the anatomic
of the bowel in the area of the anorectum. The variations that form part of the spectrum seen in
literature related to this structure, in general, has cases of anorectal malformations. Animation 2.1
the following characteristics: shows the sagittal view of the anatomy of the pel-
• There are no good quality photographs show-
ing the sphincter.
• There is no precise description of its size and
limits at different ages.
• Most papers discuss the “internal sphincter”
based on manometric findings.
• Some authors believe that the “internal sphinc-
ter” is very important for bowel control [18, 19].
• Others believe that its contribution for bowel
control is not significant [20].
• Many authors believe that the lack of relax-
ation of this structure is responsible for many
patients suffering from constipation and
megarectosigmoid (see Chap. 25).
• Our direct observations of the entire poste-
rior anorectal wall in normal individuals did
not allow us to see the thickening of the
smooth muscle that presents the “internal
sphincter.” Fig. 2.3 Diagram showing the most common anatomic
• As a consequence of all the importance that sphincter pattern seen in patients with perineal fistula
many doctors gave to the “internal sphincter,”
pediatric surgeons have been debating about
the possible existence of an “internal sphinc-
ter” in cases of anorectal malformations,
located at the most distal part of the bowel, the
portion attached to the urogenital tract (fis-
tula). Some surgeons believe that it is very
important to preserve the most distal portion
of the bowel in order to guarantee bowel con-
trol [21–23], whereas others believe that it
must be resected to avoid constipation [24].
Our results in terms of bowel control show
that fecal continence and constipation are
unrelated to the preservation or resection of
that portion of the bowel (see Chap. 15).
All these descriptions of our literature find-
ings related with the “internal sphincter,” plus our
concepts discussed in Chap. 25, explain our skep-
ticism related with the existence, function, and Fig. 2.4 Diagram showing the most common anatomic
relevance of this structure. sphincter pattern seen in patients with bulbar fistula
2.2 General Anatomic Principles in Anorectal Malformations 21

open in the perineal body, anterior to the center of

the sphincter. The rectum is dilated.
Figure 2.4 shows the anatomy of a patient
born with a rectourethral bulbar fistula. Most of
these patients have a sphincter mechanism rea-
sonably good, perhaps not as strong and good as
the sphincter of a normal person or a patient with
a perineal fistula. The rectum connects to the
lowest portion of the posterior urethra which we
call bulbar urethra.
Figure 2.5 shows the anatomy on a patient
with a rectoprostatic fistula. One can see that the
sphincter mechanism is much more primitive and
weak. In addition, the distance between the
sacrum and the pubis is significantly shorter. The
available space for a pull-through is getting
Fig. 2.5 Diagram showing the most common anatomic smaller, the sphincter mechanism weaker, and
sphincter pattern seen in patients with prostatic fistula
obviously the prognosis is not as good as in the
previous defects.
Figure 2.6 shows the anatomy of a patient
with a recto-bladder neck fistula. The rectum
opens at the bladder neck, the sphincter mecha-
nism is very tenuous, sometimes almost nonexis-
tent, and the distance between the sacrum and the
pubis is very short. Sometimes it makes it almost
impossible to pull the rectum down. As one can
see in this series of diagrams, in the case of the
rectourethral bulbar fistula, once we separate the
rectum from the urethra, it is conceivable that
the rectum can be placed within the limits of the
sphincter with minimal mobilization and will be
completely covered by the sphincter mechanism.
Whereas in Fig. 2.5, sometimes we find a rectum
that does not fit into the tenuous, delicate sphinc-
ter mechanism, and one has the feeling that the
reconstruction was not ideal. And finally, in some
of the recto-bladder neck fistulas, it becomes
very obvious that the sphincter is very weak and
Fig. 2.6 Diagram showing the most common anatomic that the patient most likely will have fecal incon-
sphincter pattern seen in patients with bladder neck tinence. In fact, as we will discuss in our results,
fistula patients with recto-perineal fistulas have a 100 %
chance of bowel control provided they have a
vis of a normal human being. Figure 2.3 shows good operation. Patients with bulbar fistula have
the most benign of all defects which is the peri- 85 % chances, prostatic fistula 60 % chances, and
neal fistula. The sphincter mechanism in these bladder neck fistula only 20 % chances. Similarly,
types of cases is almost normal. The rectum, on characteristically, the sacrum usually is more and
the other hand, deviates in its lowest portion to more primitive, as we go into higher and higher
22 2 Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Bowel Control

locations of the rectum, as well as the zero possibility of having bowel and urinary con-
characteristics of the sphincter and the space trol. Patients with anorectal malformations are
available between the sacrum and pubis. The represented by a spectrum in terms of sacrum
chance of suffering from tethered cord also deficiency that goes from patients with normal
increases in higher malformations. The exception sacrum to patients with completely absent
is represented by some patients with perineal fis- sacrum.
tulas. This particular group of patients has more We know that under normal circumstances,
tendencies to suffer from presacral masses and the nerves that innervate the bladder neck urinary
tethered cord. The anatomic differences shown in tract and corpora come from the orifices of the
Figs. 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 and Animations 2.2, sacrum and run lateral to the rectum in order to
2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 are seen in real life. However, reach the corpora, the bladder neck, and the rec-
as it is well known by all surgeons, in medicine tum itself. Therefore, from the early times, Dr.
and surgery, there are no “nevers” and there are Douglas Stephens [25] recommended (and is still
no “always.” In other words, it is possible to see, valid) to try to remain exactly in the midline as
although very unusual, a perineal fistula with much as possible during our surgical explora-
very poor sphincter mechanism and also to see a tions. Once the surgeon reaches the rectum, all
recto-bladder neck fistula with a rather good- the dissection of the rectum must be performed,
looking sphincter mechanism, but those are staying as close as possible to the rectal wall to
exceptions. Most of the time, as the rectum is avoid the damage of nerves that supposedly run
located higher connecting to the urogenital tract, lateral to the rectum. In other words, the further
the sacrum tends to be shorter, the distance away from the rectum, the more chances to injure
between the sacrum and pubis decreases, and the nerves.
characteristics of the sphincter become more and Concerning the anatomy of the pelvic auto-
more rudimentary and weak. nomic nerves, the reader is referred to anatomy
books and an excellent paper [26]. From the read-
ing of that material, we reinforce our belief that it
2.3 Nerves is essential to remain in the midline while
approaching the pelvis and to dissect the rectum
We surgeons frequently refer to the “lack of remaining as close as possible to the bowel wall,
nerves” when we deal with patients with anorec- in order to minimize the possibilities to injure
tal malformations with bad functional prognoses. autonomic nerves and avoid neurogenic bladder
Yet, we actually never see the nerves when oper- and impotence.
ating on these patients. There are no precise sci- We have evidence from patients that had pre-
entific studies that give evidence of the presence vious failed attempted repairs and that were born
or absence, as well as characteristics and precise with a “good” malformation and yet they suf-
location, of the pelvic nerves in cases of anorectal fered from fecal and sometimes urinary inconti-
malformations. We work, always assuming, that nence. Reading the operative reports of those
the higher the location of the rectum and its con- patients, one finds that the surgeon actually got
nection to the urogenital tract, as well as the more lost and certainly went out of the midline, which
deficient sacrum is, the more deficient the nerves may explain the nerve damage.
are. In addition, the fact that we have to mobilize
the rectum from higher distances most likely
means that we have to sacrifice more nerves. We 2.4 Blood Supply
also assume that in a patient with absent sacrum,
all the nerves that normally come out of the seg- Unfortunately, there are no scientific detailed
ments of the sacrum and innervate the pelvic anatomic studies of the blood supply of the pelvic
organs are absent, or deficient, and that may organs of patients with anorectal malformations.
explain why patients with absent sacrum have Again, what we have learned from our surgical
2.5 Basic Physiology Principles of Bowel Control 23

explorations is that it seems like the rectum has C. Rectosigmoid motility and reservoir function
an excellent intramural blood supply, as evi- A. Sensation – this is the first indispensable ele-
denced by the fact that in every case of anorectal ment for bowel control. The anal canal is per-
malformation that we operate on, we separate the haps the most sensitive part of the human
rectum from the urogenital tract, and then we body. There, we are capable of discriminating
have to mobilize the rectum enough to reach the gas, from liquid and from solid fecal matter
perineum. In order to do that, we performed a cir- [27]. The anal canal remains collapsed by the
cumferential dissection, dividing all the extrinsic effect of the muscle tone of the sphincter
vessels and bands that hold the rectum up in the mechanism that surrounds it. When the fecal
pelvis. In other words, we are basically devascu- matter (liquid, solid, or gas) reaches the anal
larizing the rectum. We sacrifice its entire extrin- canal due to active rectal peristalsis, we per-
sic blood supply. Yet, provided the wall of the ceive it and, depending on the surrounding
rectum remains intact and the inferior mesenteric circumstances, decide to use our voluntary
vessels are preserved, the intramural blood sup- sphincter mechanism, to occlude the lumen
ply of the proximal part provides enough to of the anal canal and avoid a bowel move-
maintain alive the distal part of the rectum. This ment, until the circumstances are appropriate
finding should not be extrapolated to other parts to have a bowel movement.
of the colon. The blood supply of the colon in Above the anal canal, in the rectum, we do
patients with anorectal malformations is basi- not have the exquisite sensation described for
cally the same as in normal individuals, except in the anal canal. However, a distention of the
patients with cloacal exstrophies and patients rectum with a balloon causes a vague sensa-
with a malformation called “rectal pouch” in tion of fullness that is known as propriocep-
which the entire colon is represented by a single tion [28].
saccular piece of colon with a very abnormal The implications of these facts for us sur-
bizarre type of blood supply (picture). geons are obvious. We must try to preserve
intact the anal canal during our operations in
patients with normal anal canal, such as
2.5 Basic Physiology Principles patients suffering from Hirschsprung’s dis-
of Bowel Control ease, severe constipation, inflammatory
bowel disease, and familial polyposis.
We take care of many babies born with severe The overwhelming majority of patients
anatomic deficiencies; we can certainly repair with anorectal malformations are born with-
their anatomy, but we cannot restore their normal out an anal canal, except for a rare malforma-
function; however, we try to help them to have a tion called rectal atresia. Patients with
normal social life, with the implementation of perineal fistula have a rather primitive anal
our “bowel management program.” Unfortunately, canal. This means that patients with anorectal
there is another large group of patients who suffer malformations, under the best circumstances,
from fecal incontinence as a consequence of a do not have “perfect” bowel control. Many
technically deficient operation. That is obviously patients born with a malformation with good
something highly regrettable, but most important functional prognosis behave like normal chil-
is the fact that it is preventable. For that, it is dren, yet when they have a severe episode of
imperative for the surgeon to know a few basic diarrhea, it becomes evident that they are less
but extremely important anatomic and physio- than perfect in terms of bowel control.
logic principles. B. Sphincter – the voluntary sphincter mecha-
In order to have bowel control, it is necessary nism maintains a certain tone constantly.
to have three very important elements: However, there is a common misconception
A. Sensation consisting on believing that a sudden relax-
B. Sphincter ation of the sphincter will produce escape of
24 2 Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Bowel Control

feces. That is simply not true. In fact, a human does not have episodes of diarrhea or multiple,
being can only have a bowel movement when irregular, unpredictable bowel movements.
the rectosigmoid has a peristaltic wave that Using our imagination, we conceive the pos-
pushes the stool out. Human beings actually sibility of manipulating the rectosigmoid motil-
use the voluntary sphincter occasionally, to ity, using pharmacologic agents, in order to
prevent the passing of gas or fecal matter in paralyze the rectosigmoid when required and to
inadequate circumstances. provoke a peristaltic wave to empty the rectosig-
C. Rectosigmoid motility and reservoir func- moid when the surrounding circumstances are
tion – after many years of working with appropriate. In fact, we consider that kind of
patients suffering from bowel control prob- treatment more likely to be successful rather than
lems, we came to realize that rectosigmoid trying to reconstruct the sphincters or use artifi-
motility and its reservoir function are the cial sphincters, without taking into consideration
most important element for bowel control. the two more important elements that are sensa-
The rectosigmoid remains relaxed most of the tion and motility.
time, acting as a reservoir of fecal matter.
That is an extremely important function,
since it allows human beings to have a social References
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Prenatal Diagnosis

Significant advances had been achieved in the hours or days of life are crucial for the future of
field of prenatal diagnosis in general, as a conse- the baby. Some mistakes that occur in the early
quence of amazing developments in the imaging management of these babies may have impor-
technology. The use of ultrasound to visualize the tant repercussions for the future quality of life
fetus in utero already meant a great step in the of the baby. That is the reason why in cases of
diagnosis of gross malformations in utero [1–8]. complex defects that affect the colorectal area
Subsequently, the MRI amplified the possibilities as well as the urogenital tract, we must advise to
of making much more accurate diagnosis of mul- deliver the baby in a specialized center, where a
tiple congenital defects [9–11]. multidisciplinary team of experts, with the nec-
At the present time, we cannot claim that we essary experience in that field, takes care of
can make accurate prenatal diagnoses of anorec- him/her.
tal malformations. More specifically, we cannot
determine the precise type of defect that the fetus
has. Yet, with the current technology, we can 3.1 Male Fetuses
make gross diagnoses that allow us to make
important decisions and formulate meaningful A frequent in utero finding in babies with anorec-
recommendations [12–19]. tal malformations is the presence of a dilated
The benefits of the prenatal diagnosis in ano- bowel (Fig. 3.1). This is a nonspecific finding that
rectal malformations, as well as in all defects, can be present in other conditions such as
include the possibility of giving the parents a Hirschsprung’s disease.
fairly accurate idea of the functional prognosis The presence of intraluminal calcifications
of the future baby, which will influence his/her makes the dilated bowel sign more significant,
quality of life. This, beyond ethical and moral since we know that the mixing of urine with
issues, will help the parents to make important meconium frequently produces calcifications
decisions related to the possibility of terminat- (Fig. 3.2). We must keep in mind that over 80 %
ing the pregnancy. In addition, depending on the of the patients with anorectal malformations have
specific type of defect, as well as its complexity, a rectal urinary fistula, and meconium may go
we can advise the parents as to the best possible into the urinary tract as well as urine into the
place where the baby should be delivered, in rectum.
order to receive optimal, comprehensive, and There are several signs that can be clearly seen
high-quality care. In some of the most serious by ultrasound and particularly with an MRI study
anorectal and urogenital malformations, the that will make the diagnosis of anorectal malfor-
therapeutic decisions taken during the first few mation more likely. These signs include:

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 27

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_3, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
28 3 Prenatal Diagnosis

Fig. 3.1 In utero MRI showing a dilated bowel in a fetus Fig. 3.3 In utero image of an abnormal sacrum. Arrow
with anorectal malformation. Arrow shows the dilated shows a very short sacrum

3.1.1 Abnormal Sacrum (Fig. 3.3)

Thirty percent of the patients with anorectal mal-

formations have an abnormal sacrum (see images
in Chap. 6). These abnormalities may include a
simply short sacrum, absent vertebra, as well as
hemivertebra. Some patients may have a hemisa-
crum which is associated with a presacral mass.

3.1.2 Tethered Cord

This spinal cord defect is present in about 25 %

of patients with anorectal malformations (see
Chap. 23). A prenatal diagnosis is feasible as
demonstrated in this figure (Fig. 3.4). This defect,
as well as the abnormal sacrum, has a definite
influence in the future prognosis for the urinary
function and bowel function.

3.1.3 Absent Kidney (Fig. 3.5)

It is the most common urologic malformation

associated with anorectal defects (see Chap. 23).
Fig. 3.2 Intraluminal calcifications. In utero image. This
is a consequence of the mixing of urine with meconium. It is more commonly present in serious anorectal
Arrow shows calcifications defects. The prenatal diagnosis is very reliable.
3.1 Male Fetuses 29

Fig. 3.4 Tethered cord diagnosed in utero. Arrow shows

the low lying location of the conus

Fig. 3.6 Fetal hydronephrosis. Arrow shows the


3.1.4 Vertebral Anomalies

A significant number of patients with anorectal

malformations have an abnormal vertebra,
mainly hemivertebra. This defect can be diag-
nosed in utero.

3.1.5 Hydronephrosis (Fig. 3.6)

This is the second most common anatomic abnor-

mality of the urinary tract seen in patients with
anorectal malformations (see Chap. 23). Bilateral
hydronephrosis denotes that both kidneys had
been suffering in utero; therefore, we can antici-
pate a significant degree of kidney damage. This
is extremely important because the patients will
Fig. 3.5 Absent kidney in a fetus with anorectal require special care to protect those kidneys
malformation already significantly affected.
30 3 Prenatal Diagnosis

3.2 Female Fetuses a

3.2.1 Dilated Bowel
and Intraluminal

The presence of a dilated bowel is also seen in

female patients. Intraluminal calcifications, on
the other hand, are seen less often, since the
majority of female cases do not have a communi-
cation between the rectum and urinary tract.

3.2.2 Pelvic Cystic Mass

The presence of a cystic pelvic mass unilateral or

bilateral, located behind the bladder, is highly sug-
gestive of a hydrocolpos in a female fetus suffer-
ing from a cloaca (Fig. 3.7). The importance of the
diagnosis of a hydrocolpos cannot be overempha-
sized. A tense hydrocolpos compresses the blad-
der and more specifically the trigone. This may
result in an extrinsic ureterovesical obstruction
that may provoke megaureter and hydronephrosis.
At birth, these babies need a permanent drainage
of the hydrocolpos to avoid kidney damage. a
In a large number of patients with cloacas seen
at our center, we requested the mother to allow us
to see the ultrasound studies done when the baby
was in the uterus. Many of the hydrocolpos that
these babies were born with were already present
in utero, yet the radiologists who saw those stud-
ies made a wrong diagnosis such as “double blad-
der,” “ureterocele,” and “bladder diverticulum.”
This indicates that in general, the index of suspi-
cion for the diagnosis of hydrocolpos is very low
between radiologists; they detected the abnormal
image but interpreted it in the wrong way.
The presence of hydronephrosis, abnormal Fig. 3.7 Bilateral hydrocolpos, diagnosed in utero. (a)
sacrum, abnormal vertebra, absent kidney, and Dilated bowel entering in the middle of two hemivaginas
tethered cord in female fetuses, as well as in with fluid (hydrocolpos) (b) bilateral hydrocolpos. a asci-
tes, b bladder, v vagina, h hydronephrosis
males, gives support to the possibility of the
patient having an anorectal malformation.
Chap. 17). These patients have an omphalocele, a
prominent prolapsed small bowel known as “ele-
3.2.3 Cloacal Exstrophy phant trunk,” located between two hemibladders,
separated pubic bones, and are frequently associ-
This malformation is the most serious one in the ated with a meningocele and abnormalities in the
spectrum of anorectal and urogenital defects (see lower limbs. In addition, they have an exstrophic
References 31

as neonatologists to give the parents the most

accurate possible description of the functional
limitations that these patients will suffer from, in
terms of bowel function, urinary function, sexual
function, and other limitations that these patients
will have, so the parents can make a reasonable
decision concerning the possibilities of interrupt-
ing the pregnancy, wait for full term, mode of
delivery, and the place where the baby should be


Fig. 3.8 Omphalocele, in utero diagnosis. O omphalo- 1. Baronciani D, Scaglia C, Corchia C, Torcetta F,
cele, M meningocele Mastroiacovo P (1995) Ultrasonography in pregnancy
and fetal abnormalities: screening or diagnostic test?
IPIMC 1986–1990 register data. Indagine Policentrica
Italiana sulle Malformazioni Congenite. Prenat Diagn
2. Brantberg A, Blaas HG, Haugen SE, Isaksen CV, Eik-
Nes SH (2006) Imperforate anus: a relatively com-
mon anomaly rarely diagnosed prenatally. Ultrasound
Obstet Gynecol 28(7):904–910. doi:10.1002/
3. Shono T, Taguchi T, Suita S, Nakanami N, Nakano
H (2007) Prenatal ultrasonographic and magnetic
resonance imaging findings of congenital cloa-
cal anomalies associated with meconium peritoni-
tis. J Pediatr Surg 42(4):681–684. doi:10.1016/j.
4. Shalev E, Feldman E, Weiner E, Zuckerman H (1986)
Prenatal sonographic appearance of persistent cloaca.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 65(5):517–518
5. Petrikovsky BM, Walzak MP Jr, D’Addario PF (1988)
Fetal cloacal anomalies: prenatal sonographic find-
Fig. 3.9 “Elephant trunk” (intussuscepted prolapsed ings and differential diagnosis. Obstet Gynecol 72(3
ileum) emerging in between two hemibladders. Arrow Pt 2):464–469
shows uterine wall 6. Lande IM, Hamilton EF (1986) The antenatal sono-
graphic visualization of cloacal dysgenesis. J
Ultrasound Med 5(5):275–278
bladder which is described or diagnosed prena- 7. Odibo AO, Turner GW, Borgida AF, Rodis JF,
tally as “absent bladder.” Campbell WA (1997) Late prenatal ultrasound fea-
The omphalocele (Fig. 3.8) can be easily seen tures of hydrometrocolpos secondary to cloacal
anomaly: case reports and review of the literature.
in utero. The elephant trunk can also be seen Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 9(6):419–421.
(Fig. 3.9), as well as the separated pubic bones doi:10.1046/j.1469-0705.1997.09060419.x
and the meningocele (Fig. 3.8). 8. Ohno Y, Koyama N, Tsuda M, Arii Y (2000) Antenatal
The prenatal diagnosis is particularly impor- ultrasonographic appearance of a cloacal anomaly.
Obstet Gynecol 95(6 Pt 2):1013–1015
tant in this extremely serious malformation con- 9. Hung YH, Tsai CC, Ou CY, Cheng BH, Yu PC, Hsu
sidering the very poor quality of life that these TY (2008) Late prenatal diagnosis of hydrometrocol-
patients will have during their future life, particu- pos secondary to a cloacal anomaly by abdominal
larly when they have a severe spinal deficiency ultrasonography with complementary magnetic reso-
nance imaging. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 47(1):79–
that may translate into incapacity to walk, for 83. doi:10.1016/s1028-4559(08)60059-5
life. We believe that it is extremely important for 10. Hayashi S, Sago H, Kashima K, Kitano Y, Kuroda T,
pediatric surgeons, pediatric urologists, as well Honna T, Natori M (2005) Prenatal diagnosis of fetal
32 3 Prenatal Diagnosis

hydrometrocolpos secondary to a cloacal anomaly by persistent cloaca. Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 49(3):116–
magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasound Obstet 117. doi:10.1111/j.1741-4520.2009.00236.x
Gynecol 26(5):577–579. doi:10.1002/uog.2584 15. Warne S, Chitty LS, Wilcox DT (2002) Prenatal diag-
11. Picone O, Laperelle J, Sonigo P, Levaillant JM, nosis of cloacal anomalies. BJU Int 89(1):78–81
Frydman R, Senat MV (2007) Fetal magnetic reso- 16. Cilento BG Jr, Benacerraf BR, Mandell J (1994)
nance imaging in the antenatal diagnosis and man- Prenatal diagnosis of cloacal malformation. Urology
agement of hydrocolpos. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 43(3):386–388
30(1):105–109 17. Cacciaguerra S, Lo Presti L, Di Leo L, Grasso S,
12. Mori M, Matsubara K, Abe E, Matsubara Y, Gangarossa S, Di Benedetto V, Di Benedetto A (1998)
Katayama T, Fujioka T, Ito M (2007) Prenatal diag- Prenatal diagnosis of cloacal anomaly. Scand J Urol
nosis of persistent cloaca associated with VATER Nephrol 32(1):77–80
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fistula, and renal dysplasia). Tohoku J Exp Med Minakami H (2006) Prenatal diagnosis and therapy of
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Y, Sugiura-Ogasawara M (2009) Prenatal diagnosis of 788. doi:10.1007/s00383-012-3133-3
Neonatal Management

4.1 Introduction particular malformation only occurs in 1 % of all

patients born with anorectal malformations [10].
In dealing with most congenital anomalies, errors
that occur during the first few hours or days of
life may have serious consequences and sequelae. 4.2 Most Common Scenario
Early accurate diagnoses, as well as adequate
therapeutic decisions, require a high index of sus- As pediatric surgeons, we are called to see a baby
picion from pediatricians, neonatologists, pediat- that is just born and has no anus. There are two
ric surgeons, pediatric urologists, nurses, and very important questions to be answered.
other physicians and surgeons who take care of 1. Does the baby have a serious associated defect
neonatal babies with congenital anomalies. that may kill him/her within the next few
Our eyes only see what our mind suspects. hours or days of life?
2. Does the baby need some sort of primary anal
It is hard to believe that in this twenty-first cen- repair or a colostomy?
tury in developed countries, we still hear of These questions should be answered in the
patients born with imperforate anus that were sent same order that they are presented here. In other
home as “normal babies.” Subsequently, it was the words, the surgeon must refrain from jumping
mother who made the diagnosis or the babies suf- into trying to find the answer of the second ques-
fer from bowel perforation and some of them die tion but rather concentrate during the first 24 h of
[1–9]. We cannot overemphasize the importance life in trying to answer the first question.
of the anorectal examination during the first physi-
cal examination of a neonate. In addition, it is also
true what is written in the very old textbooks of 4.3 Answering the Two Most
pediatric surgery; it is not enough by looking at the Important Questions
external appearance of the anus, but it is rather
necessary to introduce a little catheter or thermom- At this point, the neonatologist and the surgeon
eter to be sure that the anus is patent. There is one should remember that about 30 % of all babies with
specific type of defect in which the babies have a anorectal malformation have some sort of cardio-
normal-looking anus externally, a normal anal vascular condition [11]. However, only one third of
canal, approximately 1–2 cm deep, and then an that 30 % have serious hemodynamic repercus-
atresia. That type of defect is the one that can only sions that mandate to implement some sort of med-
be diagnosed by trying to pass a thermometer, ical or surgical treatment [11]. The most common
catheter, or an instrument through the anus. That cardiac congenital anomalies seen in these cases

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 33

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_4, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
34 4 Neonatal Management

are patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect,

ventricular septal defect, and tetralogy of Fallot,
and then other more serious conditions are more
rarely seen. The presence of cyanosis or respiratory
distress should alert the clinician to investigate for
the presence of these conditions. At the present
time, most neonatal centers have a pediatric cardi-
ologist and an echocardiogram machine which
allows ruling out most of these conditions.
Eight percent of babies with anorectal malfor-
mations are born with esophageal atresia [12].
Part of the physical examination of the neonate
includes the passing of a nasogastric no. 8 feed-
ing tube through the nostril to confirm that the
esophagus is patent. When the clinician feels
resistance in the passing of the tube about
8–10 cm from the nostril, it is possible that the
baby has an esophageal atresia (Fig. 4.1). In addi-
tion, babies with esophageal atresia cannot swal-
low their saliva; this represents a risk of aspiration.
The saliva accumulates in their mouth as foam. Fig. 4.1 Radiologic image of a baby with esophageal
Approximately 3 % of babies with anorectal atresia. Arrow shows the blind end of the esophagus
malformations suffer from duodenal atresia [12].
A simple abdominal film shows a classic “double
bubble” image (Fig. 4.2). The “double bubble”
represents the stomach and the duodenum full of
gas: in addition, there is a conspicuous absence
of gas in the rest of the abdomen. Approximately
50 % of all patients with anorectal malformations
are born with an associated urologic condition
[13]. The most serious of these are hydronephro-
sis, vesicoureteral reflux, absent kidney, and
megaureters. One specific group of patients has a
very high risk of having kidney damage; those
are patients born with a single kidney, hydrone-
phrosis, vesicoureteral reflux, and megaureter. In
those cases, we must remember that the single
kidney has been suffering in utero, and therefore,
we must expect a serious functional limitation.
Every effort should be done to protect the dam-
aged kidney. For this, it is mandatory to do a kid-
ney and bladder ultrasound in all babies with
anorectal malformation. If the ultrasound shows
abnormalities such as hydronephrosis, then the
baby will need a full urologic evaluation includ-
ing, of course, a voiding cystourethrogram. If the
kidney ultrasound is normal and the patient is Fig. 4.2 Characteristic radiologic image known as “dou-
passing urine without difficulty, we must assume ble bubble” in a baby with duodenal atresia
4.4 Physical Examination 35

a b

Fig. 4.3 X-ray films of a normal sacrum in a baby with an anorectal malformation. (a) AP view. (b) Lateral view

that most likely his urinary tract is otherwise hemisacrum, which means that the patient has a
healthy. presacral mass; this finding has important thera-
Taking a baby to the operating room to repair peutic and prognostic implications.
an anorectal malformation or to open a colostomy An ultrasound of the lower sacrolumbar spine
only to find that the baby gets very sick during is extremely useful and must be done during the
the operation because he has a serious cardiac, first hours of life to determine whether or not the
esophageal, or kidney problem is an undesirable baby has tethered cord (Fig. 4.7). This is also
and preventable experience. important to determine the functional prognosis
All babies with anorectal malformations must for bowel and urinary control.
have an abdominal x-ray film that shows the degree All these studies can be done during the first
of bowel dilatation, the characteristics of the spine, 24 h of life. Babies with anorectal malformations
and the characteristics of the sacrum. The presence are usually not born with a distended abdomen. It
of intraluminal calcifications in the rectosigmoid takes a few hours for the abdomen to start becom-
most likely is due to the passing of urine to the ing distended. It is after 24 h of life that the
bowel. Urine mixed with meconium may produce abdominal distention becomes critical, and a
calcifications [14, 15]. The sacral films must management decision must be taken.
include AP and lateral views (Figs. 4.3 and 4.4).
The characteristics of the sacrum are extremely
important in order to determine the future func-
tional prognosis for bowel control, urinary control, 4.4 Physical Examination
and sexual function. Traditionally, we evaluated
the sacrum by counting the number of vertebrae. 4.4.1 Male Patients
We found this to be a rather limited nonuseful way,
and therefore, we created what we call the sacral During our first contact with the baby with ano-
ratio (Figs. 4.5 and 4.6) (see Chap. 6). rectal malformation, we should dedicate a special
Taking x-ray films of the sacrum is mandatory time for a meticulous detailed examination of
also because we must rule out the presence of a the baby’s perineum. Babies with anorectal
36 4 Neonatal Management

a b

Fig. 4.4 X-ray films of an abnormal sacrum in a baby with an anorectal malformation. (a) AP view. (b) Lateral view

malformations have different external appear- between the tip of the coccyx and the anal dim-
ances of their perineum, and they have very ple, the poorer the prognosis, either because the
important clinical significance. anal dimple is located too anteriorly or because
The presence of a flat bottom, meaning the sacrum is very short or both. We call it a
absence of the normal midline groove that all “good-looking perineum” when the baby has a
human beings have between both buttocks, is well-formed midline groove and a well-located
usually associated with malformations with bad anal dimple (Fig. 4.9a). Even by touching that
prognosis and very highly located rectum area, one can see the contraction of the sphincter
(Fig. 4.8). In addition, most patients with anorec- of the anal dimple.
tal malformations have an anal dimple that repre- The most “benign” of all anorectal malforma-
sents the point in the perineum where the patients tions is called “perineal fistula.” The rectum
have the largest concentration of sphincter fibers opens into the perineum, anterior to the sphincter
(Fig. 4.9). The more prominent the anal dimple, in a rather narrow orifice. This malformation is
the better the quality of the sphincter and there- also known as a “low defect.”
fore the prognosis. The absence of an anal dimple A perineal fistula in a male patient may have
is a very bad sign, usually present in poor prog- different external manifestations. A common one
nosis type of defects. The location of the anal is the presence of a malformation called “bucket
dimple varies from patient to patient. The closer handle” (Fig. 4.11) which is a prominent skin
the anal dimple to the scrotum, the worse the band under which we can pass a mosquito clamp.
prognosis (Fig. 4.10). The longer the distance Another external manifestation of a perineal
4.4 Physical Examination 37

a Anterior-Posterior Lateral



= 0.77

Normal Ratio: BC =.74

b Anterior-Posterior Lateral

Fig. 4.5 Normal sacral ratio. (a) Diagram. (b) Radiograph

fistula can be a subepithelial fistula (Fig. 4.12). The exception would be the group of patients
The fistula tract may be full of meconium, giving with perineal fistulas associated to an abnormal
the appearance of a “black ribbon.” Other times, sacrum and a presacral mass. Ironically, the pres-
it may be full of white mucous material ence of a presacral mass and hemisacrum seems
(Fig. 4.13). The black or white subepithelial tract to be more frequently associated to perineal fistu-
may extend toward the scrotum in the midline or las than to other anorectal defects.
even to the base of the penis. Occasionally, one may see a patient with a
A perineal fistula can be repaired with an ano- subepithelial fistula or a “bucket handle” malfor-
plasty during the neonatal period without a colos- mation; we try to repair the defect only to find
tomy and has an excellent functional prognosis. that the patient has actually a very long narrow
38 4 Neonatal Management

a b

Fig. 4.6 Abnormal sacral ratio. (a) AP view. (b) Lateral view

Fig. 4.8 “Flat bottom” in a baby with a recto-bladder

neck fistula
Fig. 4.7 Spinal ultrasound of a newborn baby. (a)
Normal. (b) Tethered cord
dure and open a colostomy. That would depend
on the degree of experience of the operator.
fistula and the rectal pouch is located high in the The presence of bifid scrotum (Fig. 4.15) is
pelvis. That is a real exceptional situation usually associated to a rather complex defect;
(Fig. 4.14). Under those circumstances, the sur- most likely the rectum is located high in the
geon has to decide to continue the operation to pelvis, connecting to the urinary tract very high
mobilize the rectum down or to abort the proce- (bladder neck or prostatic fistula), although there
4.5 Female Babies 39

a b

Fig. 4.9 Photograph of the perineum of a newborn baby with (a) good anal dimple. (b) Absent anal dimple. Arrow
shows the anal dimple

are exceptions. The bifid scrotum is something adequately as an anus. One can identify the anal
that we usually repair at the same time that we dimple very clearly located posterior to the peri-
repair the anorectal malformation (see Chap. 23, neal or the vestibular fistula.
Sect. 23.5). Although most patients have a well-defined
vestibular or perineal fistula, some babies are
born with an orifice located right in between, in
what the French authors call the “fourchette” of
4.5 Female Babies the genitalia (Fig. 4.18).
When the female baby has no anus and the
In female patients, the surgeon must be particu- external genitalia look rather small (Fig. 4.19),
larly careful in the examination of the baby’s the surgeon should suspect that the baby has a
perineum and genitalia. One should put the baby cloaca. A cloaca is defined as a malformation in
in a convenient lithotomy position with some- which the baby is born with a single perineal ori-
body holding the baby’s legs. We should have fice. Early diagnosis by inspection of this defect
good illumination and magnifying glasses if nec- is extremely important. The surgeon must
essary and take the time to clean the genitalia and remember that about 90 % of the patients with
to separate the labia to see if there is meconium cloacas may have serious urologic problems. The
and precisely where it comes from. Some fistulas surgeon must take the time and be meticulous
are very narrow, and it takes several hours, some- enough to separate the little labia of those small-
times up to 24 h, for the babies to pass meco- looking female genitalia and will be able to see a
nium. The most common defect seen in babies is single perineal orifice, and by doing that, he/she
a malformation called vestibular fistula. As we already made a diagnosis of a cloaca. Some
separate the labia, we can see the urethral open- babies are born with genitalia that induce the
ing, the hymen, and the vaginal orifice, and doctor to make a diagnosis of intersex or a disor-
immediately behind that, but still within the der of sexual development. That is because the
introitus of the baby, one can see another little patients have a structure that looks like a phallus
orifice that we call vestibular fistula (Fig. 4.16). (Fig. 4.20). They have a single perineal orifice
The second most common defect that we see and no testicles, and therefore, the doctors are
is what we call perineal fistula; the orifice is incapable of saying whether the baby is male or
located somewhere between the normal location female. In fact, about 60 of our patients with clo-
of the anus (anal dimple) and the vestibule of the aca born in other institutions have been sent to us
genitalia (Fig. 4.17). Frequently, that orifice, ves- with a label or misdiagnosis of “intersex.” These
tibular or perineal, is too narrow to function families were told that the baby had an
40 4 Neonatal Management

Fig. 4.11 “Buckle handle” malformation in a baby with

a perineal fistula

Fig. 4.10 Location of the anal dimple. (a) Normal dis-

tance between the scrotum and the anal dimple (malfor- Fig. 4.12 “Black ribbon” appearance of a subepithelial
mation with good functional prognosis). (b) Anal dimple fistula, external manifestation of a perineal fistula
next to the scrotum (malformation with less than optimal
functional prognosis). Arrow shows the anal dimple
malformation. In fact, we have never seen a baby
with a cloaca with sexual developmental disor-
undetermined gender and therefore needs a full der. The key for the diagnosis in this case is to
evaluation by a geneticist, endocrinologist, and palpate that prominent structure that looks like a
urologist. A series of tests were run, only to find phallus. In a real phallic hypertrophy like in cases
out that the baby actually is XX and is otherwise of adrenal hyperplasia, one can palpate the cor-
a normal female, except for the cloaca pora inside that structure, whereas in babies with
4.6 Neonatal Management 41

Fig. 4.13 “White ribbon” appearance of a subepithelial

fistula, external manifestation of a perineal fistula

cloacas, the palpation reveals that there is only Fig. 4.14 Intraoperative aspect of a long narrow perineal
folded prominent skin with no corpora and that fistula communicating with a very high rectum
makes the diagnosis of a cloaca with no need to
rule out an intersex. aspiration. A urinalysis is ordered particularly in
A baby with Down syndrome and absent anal male babies, looking for the presence of meco-
orifice has over 90 % chances to have an imperfo- nium in the urine. We also prescribe intravenous
rate anus with no fistula (see Chap. 12). antibiotics. If it is a female baby and has a fistula
(vestibular or perineal), we might pass a little
metallic dilator to facilitate the passing of meco-
4.6 Neonatal Management nium to determine whether or not the fistula is
competent to decompress the abdomen and avoid
When we see the baby for the first time, we must abdominal distention. We must explain to the
make a series of management suggestions to our neonatologist that during the following 20–24 h,
colleagues, neonatologists, or pediatricians. the baby should have the diagnostic studies that
These include to start the administration of intra- we already mentioned, including a chest film, an
venous fluids, to maintain the baby with nothing abdominal film, an echocardiogram, an ultra-
by mouth, and to introduce a nasogastric tube to sound of the lumbosacral spine, an ultrasound of
avoid vomiting. The nasogastric tube does not the kidneys, and an ultrasound of the pelvis. In
interfere with the development of abdominal dis- babies with cloacas, we emphasize the need to do
tention that the baby will have in the following an ultrasound of the kidneys and also an ultra-
24 h, but will avoid the risk of vomiting and sound of the pelvis, looking specifically for the
42 4 Neonatal Management

presence of a hydrocolpos. We know, from our

experience with cloacas, that approximately
60 % of them have an associated hydrocolpos
that may be unilateral or bilateral. We also know
that the hydrocolpos may compress the trigone of
the bladder provoking an extrinsic ureterovesical
obstruction with megaureter and hydronephrosis.
It is extremely important to make this diagnosis
prior to any kind of intervention to be done in the
baby. The hydrocolpos must be drained as early
as possible, during the first surgical intervention
of the baby.
Based on this evaluation and on the experi-
ence gained with the long-term follow-up of our
patients, we can establish, fairly accurately, the
future functional prognosis of the baby and have
a long conversation with the parents. We usually
tell the parents that when a baby is born with an
anorectal malformation, the main concern of the
parents as well as the clinicians is to determine
what is going to be the quality of life of the baby
for the following 80 years. More specifically, is
Fig. 4.15 Bifid scrotum, a defect frequently associated to
a highly located rectum
the patient going to have bowel control? Is the

a b

Fig. 4.16 Vestibular fistula in a newborn baby. (a) Without separating the labia. (b) Separating the labia
4.6 Neonatal Management 43

baby going to have urinary control? Is the patient

going to have sexual function and will be able to
reproduce? All these with the specific purpose to
avoid what we call the saga of parents of children
with anorectal malformations.

Fig. 4.18 “Fourchette fistula” – fistula located between

Fig. 4.17 Perineal fistula – arrow shows the fistula the vestibule and the perineum

a b

Fig. 4.19 Single perineal orifice. (a) External view. (b) Separating the labia
44 4 Neonatal Management

diapers, the parents do not perceive the difference

of their baby’s bowel habits when compared
with babies without anorectal malformations.
However, when the baby reaches the age of bowel
control, the parents start making observations,
comparing the bowel habits of their baby with
other normal children and start worrying. It is
then when they start going from doctor to doctor
only to find out, sometimes years later, that the
baby actually was born with malformation and
with a bad functional prognosis and therefore
will never have bowel control. We believe that
even if this is extremely painful and difficult for
us, we are morally obligated to try to establish the
functional prognosis as early as possible to adjust
the parents’ expectations and avoid future painful
revelations. As can be seen in Chap. 20, when
dealing with families of children born with poor
functional prognosis type of defects, we offer
them a comprehensive bowel management pro-
gram to be started at age 3, and we commit our-
selves to keep these patients artificially clean in
the underwear, in order to be socially accepted,
Fig. 4.20 “Phallus-like” prominent skin in a patient with attend school, and avoid psychological sequelae.
a cloaca. Frequently confused with “intersex” On the other hand, if the baby was born with a
good prognosis type of defect, we have the plea-
Many parents of patients born with anorectal sure to tell the parents the good news.
malformations describe their unfortunate experi- Once we have all of the information that we
ence of having a newborn baby with an anorectal already described and we are certain that the
malformation. They mention that they were a baby does not have a serious associated malfor-
young happy couple with great expectations and mation that requires urgent care, we are ready to
hopes about having a baby. After the delivery of answer the second question, related to the possi-
the baby, a doctor appeared in the mother’s room bility of opening a colostomy or doing some sort
and said that the baby had “no anus.” Most par- of primary operation to create an anal opening.
ents never heard of this malformation because it Most of the time, with the meticulous examina-
is not the type of malformation that people like to tion of the perineum, the result of the urinalysis,
talk about. As a consequence, most parents never or the obvious presence of meconium in the
heard of the existence of this malformation. Then urine, as well as the results of the ultrasound and
the doctors tell the family that the baby is going the radiology studies, with a good index of suspi-
to have an operation, and subsequently, they cion, we have enough information to make a
come back to say that the operation was “suc- decision. Occasionally, after 24 h, in spite of all
cessful.” The parents feel happy and take the the studies and examinations, we still do not have
baby home, but most of the time nobody dis- a clear idea of what we are going to do (primary
cusses the future of the baby. At that time, the repair or colostomy). In the old times, it was cus-
baby is either on diapers or has a colostomy. tomary to take an upside-down film [16] in lateral
Eventually, the baby undergoes the main repair of position and with a marker in the anal dimple,
the malformation followed by a colostomy clo- with the specific purpose of measuring the dis-
sure. Since the baby is usually still wearing tance between the skin of the perineum and the
4.6 Neonatal Management 45

blind end of the rectum full of gas. At some point, the rectosigmoid to become distended. In addi-
it became obvious that the same image obtained tion, the rectum is surrounded by a striated
with the upside-down film could be obtained with funnel-like sphincter mechanism (see Chap. 2)
the baby in a prone position, with the pelvis with a significant tone. The muscle tone keeps the
elevated [17] (Fig. 4.21). In addition, it was also most distal part of the rectum collapsed, until the
risky to put the baby upside down, for the risk of intraluminal pressure is high enough to overcome
vomiting and aspiration. the muscle tone. This occurs usually after 24 h;
The cross-table lateral film renders a reliable therefore, all imaging diagnostic tests aimed to
image when it is taken 24 h post birth. When the detect the location of the blind rectum are inac-
rectal bubble is located well below the coccyx, curate when performed before 24 h of life. This
the surgeon knows where to expect to find the important fact is rarely mentioned. This is the
rectum (Fig. 4.21). reason why we emphasize to spend the first 24 h
Babies with a flat bottom, poor sacrum, and of the baby’s life in trying to rule out serious
tethered cord need a colostomy most of the time. associated conditions and try to determine the
Also, in babies that are passing meconium with location of the rectum to decide the surgical
the urine, we suggest to open a colostomy. approach after a 24 h period.
Patients with “bucket handle” malformations, In order to determine the position of the rectal
subepithelial fistula, or an obvious perineal fis- pouch, different authors suggest using a perineal
tula opening can be repaired primarily during the ultrasound [18–21]. Others are enthusiastic about
newborn period. the perineal injection of contrast material [22–
There is one particular physiologic event 25]. More advance and sophisticated imaging
worth discussing, because of its diagnostic and technology has been used, including CT scan
therapeutic implications. At birth, most babies [26] and MRI [27–29].
with anorectal malformations do not have a dis- None of the publications related with the opti-
tended bowel and abdomen. It takes 18/24 h for mal imaging diagnostic studies to determine the

a b

Fig. 4.21 Cross-table lateral film (rarely used study). (a) Baby’s position. (b) Image of a reachable rectum. (c) Image
of a non-reachable rectum
46 4 Neonatal Management

position of the rectal pouch mentioned the most most distal part of the rectum, as well as the loca-
important key factor which is the timing of those tion of the recto-urinary fistula; all of this repre-
studies. It does not matter how sophisticated the sents crucial information that allows us to make a
imaging technology employed is, if one does not well-defined, precise surgical plan. Primary
take into consideration the fact that the distal rec- repairs during the newborn period frequently
tum is surrounded by a striated muscle. Studies become authentic misadventures that expose the
done before the rectum becomes distended will baby to serious consequences and sequelae.
fail to make an accurate diagnosis. When the decision is reached to open a colos-
In general, all over the world, the pediatric tomy, the patient is taken to the operating room,
surgical community is moving toward the pri- and the surgeon should follow the principles
marily repair of anorectal malformations, in an described in Chap. 5. The anoplasty that we use
effort to avoid the significant morbidity of two for the treatment of perineal fistulas is described
important operations: colostomy opening and in Chap. 8.
colostomy closure (see Chap. 5) [30–37]. We
agree that we must try to move in that direction;
however, we must keep a very critical attitude to 4.7 Cloacal Exstrophy
be able to balance the desire of notoriety with the
benefit of the patient. We should always ask our- There is a specific chapter dedicated to this defect
selves what we would do if the patient was our (Chap. 17); here, we will only mention the spe-
son or daughter. cial neonatal care that these patients require. This
When making these kinds of decisions, the is the most serious of all congenital anorectal and
surgeon must take into consideration his specific urogenital malformations. These babies are born
surrounding circumstances, as well as his experi- with an omphalocele, an exstrophic bladder with
ence. One example could be the case of a new- two hemibladders and in the middle of both of
born baby that has a perineal fistula but is them, a portion of intestine protruding in what is
extremely sick either because he/she is prema- called an “elephant trunk” (Fig. 4.22). The pubic
ture, has respiratory distress, and may have a car- bones are widely separated. There is no anus, and
diac condition or other aggravating factors. In
such cases, we can simply dilate the fistula. If
that is not enough, we can make a cutback proce-
dure on temporary basis, in order to decompress
the abdomen and help the baby to recovery.
In general, we consider contraindicated per-
forming abdominal perineal, pull-throughs open
or laparoscopic, as well as posterior sagittal ano-
rectoplasties in neonatal babies. As can be seen
in the chapter of reoperations (Chap. 22), we
have seen multiple cases of patients approached
during the neonatal period, without the necessary
anatomic information, trying to repair an anorec-
tal malformation; many of those patients suffered
very serious damage of important pelvic
In addition, in newborn babies, we cannot do
the most valuable radiologic study in the man-
agement of anorectal malformation which is
called high-pressure distal colostogram (Chap.
6), which shows us the precise location of the Fig. 4.22 Cloacal exstrophy
References 47

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nium and is not becoming more distended. The genitourinary malformations in patients with imper-
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taken to the operating room. The surgical man- forate anus. Enterolithiasis in the newborn. Am J
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5.1 Introduction separate both stomas enough, as to allow the

proximal (functional) stoma to be covered by a
Colostomy is a procedure designed to divert the stoma bag without including the distal stoma
fecal stream from the normal passage to the rec- (Fig. 5.1). Another way to achieve a totally divert-
tum, creating an opening between the colon and ing procedure is by closing the distal end, a
the abdominal wall. This procedure was created maneuver that is known as a “Hartmann pouch.”
to relieve the obstruction of the colon produced The closure of the distal stoma leaves the patients
by acquired or congenital conditions. Another with a completely closed blind loop distal bowel;
indication is to avoid the passing of stool through this, in the absence of a fistula, creates a mucocele
an operated area, trying to prevent complications, (accumulation of mucus) which will represent a
such as infection and/or dehiscence [1–6]. serious problem for the patient, as most muco-
Historically, it is considered that the first celes eventually become infected. Mucoceles may
colostomy in pediatrics was performed in 1783 also occur in cases in which the fistula that con-
by Antoine Dubois in a 3-day-old infant with an nects the colon with the urogenital tract is very
imperforate anus [7]. narrow and does not allow the passing of mucus.
A colostomy can be permanent, when it is In addition, patients with a Hartmann pouch can-
considered that there is no way to reconstruct the not have contrast studies done through the distal
colon distal to the stoma or there is no way to stoma to evaluate their anatomy prior to recon-
establish bowel control, and it is considered that struction because there is no access to it. This is a
the quality of life is better with a stoma as com- serious deficiency, because we firmly believe the
pared without stoma. most valuable diagnostic test in patients with ano-
Temporary colostomies are those created for a rectal malformation consists in the injection of
period of time until the anatomic or functional contrast material through the distal stoma (high-
circumstances of the patients allow the reestab- pressure distal colostogram) (see Chap. 6).
lishment of the colonic transit. Colostomies can A partially diverting stoma, by definition,
be divided into two groups: totally diverting and allows most of the stool to come out of the body,
partially diverting. but some of the stool still may go into the distal
Totally diverting colostomies are those that colon. This happens when both stomas are
divert the entire fecal stream and do not allow the together and covered by a single stoma bag, and
spillage or passing of stool into the bowel distal to the surgeons open a colostomy known as “loop
the stoma. In order to achieve total diversion of colostomy” (Fig. 5.2).
the stool, it is necessary to separate the proximal The indication to divert the fecal stream totally
and distal bowel after the colon is divided and to or partially depends on the specific problem of

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 49

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_5, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
50 5 Colostomy

a b

Fig. 5.1 Both stomas separated enough to cover only the proximal one with the stoma bag. (a) Diagram. (b) Picture

a b

Fig. 5.2 Inadequate colostomy. (a) Both stomas located too close. (b) Loop colostomy

the patient. In cases of anorectal malformations, diverting colostomy (loop or both stomas located
the surgeon should keep in mind that over 85 % too close one to the other) exposes the patient to
of all the patients have a connection between the the passing of stool into the urinary tract and/or
distal colon and the urogenital tract. In addition, to a distal impaction of stool that cannot pass
5 % of the total group of anorectal malformations through a narrow fistula. Loop colostomies are
has a completely blind distal bowel. This is very very appealing for most surgeons. We think the
important to remember, because a partially reason for this is that it is an easy operation that
5.2 Stoma Locations 51

a b

Fig. 5.3 Loop colostomy with distal fecal impaction. (a) Diagram. (b) Picture

can be done fast and also can be closed in a fast

and easy way. However, we consider that loop
colostomies are formally contraindicated in
patients with anorectal malformations due to the
following reasons:
• High chances of producing direct fecal con-
tamination of the urinary tract
• High chances of producing distal fecal impac-
tion, megarectum, and consecutive severe
constipation after colostomy is closed
(Fig. 5.3)
• Higher incidence of prolapse

5.2 Stoma Locations

The stoma can be opened in the abdomen in dif-

ferent locations. The most common locations are:
• Right transverse colostomy (right upper quad-
rant): Some surgeons prefer this type of stoma
consisting in dividing the right portion of the
transverse colon and diverting it through the
right upper quadrant of the abdomen (Fig. 5.4).
• Left transverse colostomy: The left portion of
the transverse colon is divided, and the Fig. 5.4 Photograph of a right transverse colostomy
52 5 Colostomy

Fig. 5.5 Diagram of a left transverse colostomy

Fig. 5.7 Sigmoid colostomy, leaving a too short distal
bowel that interferes with the pull-through

rant of the abdomen (Fig. 5.6). This is the type

of colostomy that we recommend.
• Sigmoid colostomy: The sigmoid colon is
divided, and the stomas are usually opened
somewhere in the lower abdomen. The prob-
lem with this kind of colostomy is that there is
a possibility of creating the stoma too distal in
the colon, leaving a very short piece of bowel
available for the pull-through (Fig. 5.7).

5.3 Ileostomies

Ileostomies are frequently performed in patients

Fig. 5.6 Diagram showing a descending colostomy with with colorectal problems. These are indicated
separated stoma (preferred by the authors) when, for some specific reason, we cannot use the
colon to perform the diversion. In other words, the
stoma(s) is opened in the left upper quadrant entire colon does not function, such as in cases of
of the abdomen (Fig. 5.5). total colonic aganglionosis or when the patient was
• Descending colostomy: The bowel is divided born with no colon or has lost the entire colon. An
immediately distal to the descending colon, in ileostomy is sometimes used when a patient had a
the first mobile portion of the sigmoid, and the pull-through of the ascending colon, and therefore
stoma is usually opened in the left lower quad- the patient needs a diversion proximal to this.
5.4 To Divert or Not to Divert, That Is the Question 53

5.4 To Divert or Not to Divert, mation may need a colostomy, and yet another
That Is the Question patient with exactly the same type of defect, but
under different surrounding circumstances, may
In general, pediatric surgeons and general sur- not require a colostomy. This includes how sick
geons are looking for safe ways to perform the patient is, how severe are their associated
colorectal procedures without a protective colos- defects, how advanced is the technology avail-
tomy. By doing this, the patients are prevented able for the patient, how much experience the
from having two extra serious operations with surgeons have in the performance of primary pro-
significant morbidity (colostomy opening and cedures done without a colostomy, and how
colostomy closure). That is the reason why to sophisticated is the infrastructure that surrounds
perform colorectal surgery without a colostomy the patient, including laboratory, intensive care,
is always an attractive idea (see Chap. 4). Taking surgical technology, availability of central venous
advantage of modern surgical technology, effi- access, hyperalimentation, and a clean
cient methods to clean the colon, the possibility environment.
of keeping the patient with nothing by mouth for A colostomy definitely still has a recognized
a period of time receiving parenteral nutrition, protective value in the postoperative course of
the use of sophisticated surgical techniques, and most colorectal and anorectal operations. In other
the availability of powerful antibiotics, allow, words, not opening a protective colostomy has a
nowadays, to perform successful operations on definite increased risk for the patient. Admittedly,
the colorectal tract without a protective colos- many colorectal procedures can be done success-
tomy. Yet, catastrophic complications still hap- fully without a protective colostomy, but cannot
pen [8]. It is true, the incidence of these be done without the acceptance of a certain
complications is much less than in the past, but degree of risk.
unfortunately they still occur. That is why the Finally, we believe that when a surgeon is con-
question whether “to divert or not to divert” is fronted with the difficult decision of whether to
still unanswered and remains a matter of open or not to open a colostomy in a specific
controversy. patient, he or she should always try to imagine
In general, pediatric surgeons keep moving in what he would do if he was dealing with his own
the direction of doing more and more primary son or daughter.
procedures without a protective colostomy. We Most of the patients, who come to us after the
believe that it is good to move in that direction, to neonatal period, already have a colostomy, and
save our patients from the potential morbidity therefore we do not have to deal with this
associated with stomas that are still high [3, dilemma.
9–30]. In a full-term, newborn baby without severe
It is also very important to remember that in associated defects, we do not open a colostomy if
dealing with the treatment of anorectal malfor- the baby has one of the following malformations:
mations, a postoperative wound infection has perineal fistula, vestibular fistula, imperforate
consequences much more serious than in cases of anus with no fistula, and rectourethral bulbar fis-
other surgical conditions. A wound infection due tula. In the case of the last two malformations
to the repair of an anorectal malformation means (imperforate anus without fistula and rectoure-
not only that the patient will suffer the inconve- thral bulbar fistula), we expect to see the distal
niences and risks related with the infection itself, end of the rectum full of gas, located below the
but, in addition, the final functional prognosis coccyx in a cross-table lateral film. Based on our
(bowel and urinary control) may be jeopardized. experience, we can confidently operate primarily
We are against universal indications for a pro- on these types of cases without a colostomy with
cedure. In other words, we believe that a colos- good results. All other patients with anorectal
tomy is indicated under certain specific malformations, at our institution, receive a colos-
circumstances; a patient with a specific malfor- tomy, not only to protect the patient from the
54 5 Colostomy

operation to repair the malformation, but also for (d) It virtually eliminates the chances of hyper-
other reasons, including the fact that we need a chloremic acidosis from resorption of urine
stoma in order to do a high-pressure distal colos- [31, 32].
togram which we consider the most valuable (e) It does not interfere with the pull-through.
diagnostic test in patients with anorectal malfor- (f) It will not prolapse when done properly.
mations. Other sophisticated, state-of-the-art Transverse colostomies are not recommended
imaging modalities still cannot compete with the in anorectal malformations for several reasons:
accuracy of the anatomic information that we (a) It is impossible to irrigate the distal colon
obtain with a high-pressure distal colostogram. that remains full of meconium for the weeks
Most of the serious catastrophes we have seen or months after the colostomy is created.
occurred in cases that were surgically explored at (b) It has a tendency to provoke a severe megar-
other institutions without a high-pressure distal ectosigmoid, as a consequence of the pres-
colostogram [8]. In addition, higher anorectal ence of meconium that was never removed,
malformations have a higher incidence of serious plus the accumulation of mucus produced by
associated defects, mainly urologic, cardiac, and the entire defunctionalized colon and des-
gastrointestinal, which means higher-risk patients. quamation of mucosa cells.
In fact, the longer the period of time
between the colostomy opening and the final
5.5 Recommended Types repair, the greater the megarectosigmoid
of Colostomies (Fig. 5.8). This will translate eventually into
severe constipation, difficult to manage, after
5.5.1 Newborn Babies the repair of the malformation.
with Anorectal Malformations (c) Patients with recto-urinary fistulas not only
have a tendency to pass meconium from the
In newborn babies with anorectal malformations, colon into the urinary tract, but also they tend
in whom we consider that a colostomy is indi- to pass urine into the colon, which is
cated, we prefer to open a descending colostomy, absorbed, producing metabolic hyperchlore-
with widely separated stomas, located in the left mic acidosis [33, 34]. The long defunctional-
lower quadrant of the abdomen (Fig. 5.6) [1, 30]. ized segment allows this to occur.
In our series of 2,032 patients, only 75 of them (d) The incidence of urinary tract infection is
had a colostomy done at our institution. Over 200 higher than in cases with descending
cases underwent a primary repair without a colos- colostomies.
tomy; most of those suffered from perineal or ves- (e) The high-pressure distal colostogram (the
tibular fistula. All of the others came to our most valuable diagnostic study in anorectal
institution with a colostomy already open. As the malformations) is difficult to do, may not be
reader can imagine, that means that we have seen accurate, and is risky. It is not accurate,
almost all kinds of colostomies and have learned the because it is very difficult to exert enough
advantages and disadvantages of each type. That hydrostatic pressure, when the injection of
gave us an illuminating experience related to colos- contrast material is done from the transverse
tomies [30]. Based on that experience, we con- colon to fill up and to demonstrate the fistula
cluded that a descending colostomy with separated site, located all the way down to the rectum.
stomas is the best one, for the following reasons: In an attempt to demonstrate the location of
(a) It effectively diverts the entire fecal stream. the fistula, the colon may perforate. We have
(b) It significantly decreases the chances of uri- had two cases with such a complication. This
nary tract infection. incident has never happened in patients with
(c) It avoids the formation of megarectosigmoid descending colostomies.
because it allows the irrigation and cleaning of The opening of a loop colostomy in the trans-
the distal bowel and avoids distal fecal spillage. verse colon is perhaps the worst type of colostomy
5.8 Creation of a Colostomy 55

Fig. 5.9 Prolapsed transverse colostomy

5.7 Cecostomies

Opening of colostomies in the cecum, in general,

Fig. 5.8 Colostogram in a patient with transverse colos- has no indication in anorectal malformations. All
tomy, showing the characteristic narrow (non-used) distal of the problems mentioned when discussing right
colon, with a megarectosigmoid
transverse colostomies are more serious in cases
of cecostomies.
that we have seen, because in addition to all of the In the type of descending colostomy that we
problems that we have seen with transverse colos- recommend, the proximal stoma will not pro-
tomies, the patients pass stool into the distal bowel lapse due to the fact that it belongs to the fixed
which increases the chance of urinary tract infec- portion of the descending colon. On the other
tion and frequently produces fecal impaction in hand, the distal stoma belongs to the mobile
the distal stoma. Figure 5.8 shows the characteris- portion of the sigmoid, and therefore it has a
tic situation of a patient that had a bad loop trans- higher risk of prolapse. To avoid that, we specifi-
verse colostomy with fecal impaction in the distal cally recommend creating a very small (about
bowel. Those fecal impactions cannot be relieved 3 mm diameter) distal stoma (mucous fistula)
by washing the colon. It is sometimes necessary to (Fig. 5.6).
perform a laparotomy to remove the hard stool
from the distal bowel prior to the main repair.
Loop colostomies, in general, also have a greater 5.8 Creation of a Colostomy
tendency to prolapse (Fig. 5.9).
5.8.1 Surgical Technique

5.6 Left Transverse Colostomy In a newborn baby with anorectal malformation,

we try to perform a colostomy not before 24 h
The complications that we mentioned about right after the baby is born. In the chapter dedicated to
transverse colostomies are similar in a left trans- the management of a newborn with an anorectal
verse colostomy. malformation, we explain in detail the reasons
56 5 Colostomy

Fig. 5.10 Diagram showing an oblique preferred inci-

sion for a neonatal colostomy
Fig. 5.11 Trans-operatory picture, a dilated sigmoid
colon, full of meconium, is seen
why we want to wait 24 h. However, we do not
want to wait much more than that time, because The lower and medial end of the incision rep-
perforations of the bowel have been reported to resents the location of the mucous fistula site,
occur in patients after 24 h of life. It is true that which we create intentionally very small
occasionally, patients can live many days passing (Fig. 5.10) to avoid prolapse. Both stomas must
meconium through the recto-urinary fistula with- be separated enough so as to be able to use a
out perforation, but that is an exception. There stoma bag only on the proximal stoma, away
are reports of catastrophes that occurred in from the mucous fistula.
patients who suffered colon perforation and died The abdomen is opened, and it becomes very
because a colostomy was not done on time (see obvious that there is a big, dark loop of bowel
Chap. 4). The patient is taken to the operating (Fig. 5.11) that represents a very dilated sigmoid
room, and under general anesthesia, the abdomi- full of meconium. One should not try to manipu-
nal wall is washed, prepped, and draped in the late this very tense, dilated sigmoid loop of
usual manner. The incision that we recommend is bowel, because this may result in injuries to the
an oblique one, running from the left flank down seromuscular layer. Also, one should not try to
to the left lower quadrant of the abdomen create the stoma in the most dilated part of this
(Fig. 5.10). The upper part of the incision is colon, because that would make a huge stoma
located at the same site where we expect to create difficult to manage and more prone to suffer pro-
the proximal stoma. This point is located at equal lapse. We rather should look for the less-dilated
distance between the umbilicus, the ribs, and the descending colon, normally fixed to the left retro-
anterior superior iliac crest. We intentionally peritoneum. The descending colon detaches from
want the proximal, functional stoma to be sur- the left parieto-colic space and becomes mobile
rounded by normal skin and to be located as far (Fig. 5.12). At that particular point, we select a
away as possible from a prominence, irregularity, portion of the bowel, long and mobile enough, to
or structure that may interfere with the placement comfortably reach the anterior abdominal wall.
of a stoma bag. These structures are the umbili- Before we divide the bowel at the selected loca-
cus, the rib cage, and the iliac bone. When the tion, we specifically suggest putting a purse-
stomas are open too close to one of these struc- string suture with a 5-0 suture. In the center of the
tures, the stoma therapist, the nurses, and the purse-string suture, we make an opening in the
mothers struggle trying to place a stoma bag that bowel wall and introduce a 12 Foley catheter into
lays flat, avoiding leakage of stool and resultant the lumen of the very dilated colon with meco-
skin irritation. nium. The purse-string suture is tied to avoid
5.8 Creation of a Colostomy 57

Fig. 5.14 A catheter is introduced through the center of

the purse string to irrigate and remove all the meconium.
Fig. 5.12 The proximal stoma must be created using the The bowel collapses and is well perfused
first mobile portion of the descending colon

a megarectosigmoid and therefore decreases the

incidence of severe constipation in these patients.
In the same place where the purse-string suture
was placed, we apply two Baby Allen clamps to
divide the bowel (Fig. 5.15). Special care and
attention must be given to the preservation of the
colonic vascular arcade during the division of the
bowel. The preservation of the arcade allows
manipulating and mobilizing the distal bowel, at
the time of the main repair, preserving a good
blood supply. The proximal bowel will be exteri-
orized as a functional stoma at the left upper cor-
ner of our incision and the mucous fistula in the
Fig. 5.13 A purse-string suture is placed on the anterior
wall of the selected loop of the colon, where the stoma
lower and medial end of the incision. The last 2
will be located or 3 cm of the distal bowel is tapered, creating a
little stoma (mucous fistula) of approximately
3–4 mm diameter (Fig. 5.15). The mucous fistula
leakage of meconium in the operative field is necessary to do irrigations of the distal bowel if
(Fig. 5.13). The dilated colon is then irrigated indicated and also to allow access to the distal
with warm saline solution for a period of about stoma to perform a high-pressure distal colosto-
10–15 min until the entire sigmoid is completely gram. For this, we do not need a large stoma that
decompressed and free of meconium. This may bleed and interfere with the quality of life of
maneuver is extremely valuable for several rea- the patient. The tiny lumen also helps to avoid
sons. First, because it will allow the surgeon to prolapse.
manipulate a collapsed, well-perfused bowel The proximal stoma must be meticulously
(Fig. 5.14) and to perform a neat operation pre- constructed. The bowel is sutured to the fascia
serving the bowel integrity. In addition, the and peritoneum, being sure not to produce a stric-
patient will have a clean, collapsed colon for the ture and/or ischemia and being sure that it is per-
rest of the weeks or months before the pull- fectly open and patent. There are no concerns
through or main repair is done. We have evidence about prolapse because this stoma is placed at the
to believe that this helps to avoid the formation of first mobile portion of the sigmoid after the
58 5 Colostomy

a b

Fig. 5.15 The colon is divided at the same location of the showing the tapering of the distal bowel. (c) Intraoperative
purse-string suture, and the distal bowel is tapered. (a) view. Arrow showing tapered distal bowel
Diagram showing the division of the colon. (b) Diagram

descending colon, which is normally fixed. The

peritoneum and aponeurosis between both sto-
mas are sutured together with long-term, absorb-
able sutures (5-0 Vicryl) (Fig. 5.16). The anterior
aponeurosis is closed with the same suture mate-
rial, as well as the subcutaneous tissue and Scarpa
fascia. Both stomas, proximal and distal, are
matured with 6-0 long-term absorbable sutures
taking the skin edge, the bowel wall, and the
bowel edge (Fig. 5.17).
The skin in between both stomas is closed with
subcuticular 5-0, absorbable monofilament. We
try to leave a smooth surface between both stomas Fig. 5.16 Fixing the proximal stoma to the peritoneum
to facilitate the use of a stoma bag (Fig. 5.17). and fascia. Closing the wound in between both stomas
Many surgeons do not like this kind of colos-
tomy. They insist in saying that these patients This may be true in other hands; yet, we are
have a tendency to suffer from infection and very proud of our results, and we believe that the
dehiscence of the wound between both stomas. key for success depends on the observation of a
5.9 Colostomy in Cases of Cloaca with Hydrocolpos 59

Fig. 5.19 Creation of a window in the vaginal septum of

a case with bilateral hydrocolpos
Fig. 5.17 Both stomas are meticulously “matured.” The
operation is finished
5.9 Colostomy in Cases of Cloaca
with Hydrocolpos

When a baby is born with a cloaca and we have

evidence of the presence of hydrocolpos, which
happens in about 29 % of our patients (see Chap.
16), the surgeon must be prepared not only to
open a colostomy but also to drain the hydrocol-
pos. This represents an interesting technical chal-
lenge. If the hydrocolpos is large enough, the
surgeon may consider the possibility of connect-
ing the vaginal wall directly to the abdominal
wall, like in the case of a colostomy. However,
the surgeon must keep in mind that many patients
with hydrocolpos have two hemivaginas; in other
Fig. 5.18 Colostomy aspect weeks after operation words, the hydrocolpos is bilateral. In fact, about
60 % of all patients with a cloaca have two hemi-
vaginas (see Chap. 16). A tube placed into one
meticulous technique, delicate care of the tissues, vagina does not necessarily drain the other one.
and irrigation of every layer of the wound closure. Therefore, the recommendation in cases of two
The final result is cosmetically adequate, and the hemivaginas is to be ready to open one of the
stomas are easy to manage by the mothers. Our dilated vaginas and create a window in the vagi-
incidence of prolapse in this kind of colostomy is nal septum to be sure that both large hemivaginas
zero (Fig. 5.18). (hydrocolpos) are drained through a simple stoma
When we open a technically correct type of or with a single catheter (Fig. 5.19).
colostomy and place a stoma bag, usually there is When the hydrocolpos is not large enough to
no need to change the bag for the following 3 reach the anterior abdominal wall, then it must be
days. The first removal of the bag must be done drained with a catheter. We like to use a Pezzer or a
very gently. When it is difficult to apply a bag, or pigtail catheter that is exteriorized through the
there are frequent episodes of leakage of stool, abdominal wall (Fig. 5.20). The pigtail is helpful
this probably means that the colostomy was not because over the next several weeks, all the swell-
done correctly. The mucous fistula must be pro- ing of the vagina decreases, the vagina then tends to
tected from contact with the diaper with a little move away from the abdominal wall, and the cath-
piece of Vaseline gauze. eters frequently come out. The “pigtail” catheter
60 5 Colostomy

For the colostomy, we recommend creating two

separate orifices, one for each stoma, in the abdom-
inal wall, one in the left flank and the other one
located lower and medial; both orifices are sepa-
rated enough, to be able to adapt a stoma bag
covering only the proximal stoma. In this way,
there will be no incision in between both stomas,
but rather healthy, normal skin (Fig. 5.21). For this
kind of colostomy, the descending colon has to be
divided through the midline subumbilical incision.

5.10 Other Types of Colostomies

Fig. 5.20 Catheter drainage of a newborn with Sometimes the surgeons feel that the patient does
not need a totally diverting stoma. It may be the
case of a reoperation, during which the surgeon
feels very confident about the successful healing
of the sutured tissues; the colostomy in such case
is simply an extra precaution. We feel that in gen-
eral, in colorectal surgery, we must work feeling
free to open a colostomy when we think it is to the
benefit of the patient. That is one of the reasons
why, in general, we recommend the use of mid-
line abdominal incisions in pediatric patients with
colorectal problems. These types of incisions
allow preserving both upper and lower quadrants
of the abdomen in case the patient needs a stoma.
In cases in which the surgeon feels that the colos-
tomy does not necessarily need to be totally
diverting, we recommend opening an orifice in
the selected quadrant, resecting skin, subcutane-
ous tissue aponeurosis muscle, and peritoneum.
Through that orifice, we exteriorize the selected
piece of colon. We divide the bowel outside the
skin and taper the distal end to create a little,
Fig. 5.21 Subumbilical midline incision used in cases of 3-mm-diameter stoma, mucous fistula attached
large bilateral hydrocolpos. The stomas are separated, and next to the proximal stoma (Fig. 5.22). This is a
there is no incision in between them kind of a loop colostomy but with a reduced size
mucous fistula lumen, which reduces the chances
will remain in place. In order to drain the hydrocol- of stool spillage into the distal part.
pos at the same time of the colostomy opening, it is
necessary to open the abdomen with an incision
that allows us to do both things (colostomy opening 5.11 Colostomy Care
and drainage of a hydrocolpos). In these cases, we
recommend a midline subumbilical incision The postoperative care of the colostomy is easy
(Fig. 5.21). This incision provides an excellent when the colostomy was made technically cor-
exposure to the pelvic anatomy and allows the sur- rect. Colostomies done in a technically incorrect
geon to perform the diversion of the hydrocolpos. manner represent a challenge and a nightmare for
5.12 Colostomy Closure 61

a b

Fig. 5.22 Stoma with a very small mucous fistula, placed together. (a) Diagram. (b) Photograph

5.12 Colostomy Closure

As soon as the patient recovers from the main

repair and the parents are passing a dilator of a
size adequate for the patient’s age, the presence of
the colostomy is no longer necessary, and there-
fore, it can be closed. Leaving the colostomy open
longer than necessary exposes the patient to the
formation of a microcolon distal to the colostomy,
as a consequence of the lack of use. That makes
the colostomy closure technically more demand-
ing. We have seen two extreme cases, in which the
colostomy closure was delayed about 10 years.
The distal microcolon never really grew after sev-
eral attempts at closing the colostomy. Most of the
times, however, the microcolon grows back to a
Fig. 5.23 Defective colostomy. Unable to adapt a stoma normal size, after the colostomy is closed.
bag In cases of extremely severe, grotesque size dis-
crepancy between both ends (proximal and distal)
of the colostomy, we recommend a couple of good
stoma therapists, nurses, and mothers. It is almost technical maneuvers that proved to be very useful:
impossible to adapt a stoma bag in a case of A. End-to-side anastomosis
stoma that has irregularities in the surrounding B. Lateral window diversion
skin (Fig. 5.23). When the stoma is surrounded (a) End-to-side anastomosis
by normal skin, we usually use benzoin to cover In general, we recognize and recom-
the skin that will be in contact with the appliance. mend an end-to-end anastomosis as an
The orifice in the stoma bag is tailored according ideal way to close a colostomy. However,
to the size of the patient’s stoma. All this is done in cases of severe size discrepancy, an
by us in the operating room. We believe the sur- end-to-side anastomosis has demon-
geon should pay a lot of attention to the feedback strated to be equally useful and safer
provided by mothers, nurses, and stoma thera- (Fig. 5.24).
pists, concerning the quality of stomas. It is our (b) Lateral window diversion
impression that surgeons do not pay enough In cases of extreme size discrepancy
attention to these details. (Fig. 5.24), in which the surgeons feel
62 5 Colostomy

Fig. 5.24 End-to-side colocolic anastomosis in cases of

severe size discrepancy. Lateral window diversion, located
proximal to the anastomosis, useful in cases of extreme
size discrepancy

insecure about the functional capacity of

the anastomosis and the distal bowel, we
have created a “lateral window” type of
vent located on the very dilated proximal
colon (proximal to the anastomosis)
(Fig. 5.24). In the following days and
weeks postoperatively, one can monitor
the amount of stool coming out through
the window and through the rectum. The Fig. 5.25 Colostomy closure. Packing of the proximal
window can also be used as a communi- stoma
cation to inject contrast material and
evaluate the function of the anastomosis
and growth of the distal bowel. 5.13 Surgical Technique
The preoperative preparation for colostomy
closure includes only irrigation of the proximal The patient is taken to the operating room. Under
stoma with saline solution. The distal stoma does general anesthesia, the abdominal wall is
not have to be irrigated because that has been washed, prepped, and draped in the usual fash-
clean from the time of the main procedure. In ion. A packing gauze impregnated with Betadine
cases of loop stomas, both ends need to be irri- is placed in the proximal stoma (Fig. 5.25).
gated. Prior to the definitive colorectal reconstruc- Multiple 5-0 silk sutures are placed at the muco-
tion, only the distal stoma needs to be irrigated. cutaneous junction, including both stomas
The patients are admitted to the hospital the (Fig. 5.26). These multiple silk sutures are used
day before surgery and receive a normal break- to apply uniform traction to both stomas to facil-
fast followed by clear fluids until midnight. The itate the dissection. Usually, when the stomas are
proximal stoma is irrigated as many times as nec- not too distant from one another, we use a wedge
essary until the nurses believe that the fluid that resection of both stomas with a piece of skin in
comes back is clear. We do not give GoLYTELY®1 between (Fig. 5.27). A needle-tip cautery is used
to these patients because we do not need or expect to perform this elliptical incision. The incision is
them to have a completely clean colon. done while applying uniform traction to both
stomas, and it goes through the skin, subcutane-
ous tissue, aponeurosis muscle, and peritoneum,
GoLYTELY® PEG 3350 236 g, sodium sulfate 22.74 g,
staying in our dissection, as close as possible to
sodium bicarbonate 6.74 g, sodium chloride 5.86 g, and
potassium chloride 2.97 g (4,000 mL) [regular and pine- the bowel wall, but without touching the bowel
apple flavor]. wall itself (Fig. 5.28).
5.13 Surgical Technique 63

Once both stomas have been completely sepa- Allen clamps to resect the part of the bowel that
rated from the abdominal wall, the packing gauze used to be attached to the abdominal wall
is removed from the proximal one. We use Baby (Fig. 5.29).
By doing this, we use fresh portions of the
proximal and distal colon to perform an end-to-
end anastomosis with two layers of long-term
absorbable 6-0 sutures (Figs. 5.30 and 5.31). The
mesenteric defect is meticulously closed, also
with 6-0 long-term absorbable sutures. The peri-
toneal cavity is irrigated with saline solution. The
peritoneum and posterior fascia are closed
together, with a running, locked 4-0 long-term
absorbable suture. The anterior fascia of the
abdominal wall is closed with interrupted 5-0
long-term absorbable sutures. The same suture
material is used to close the subcutaneous tissue
and Scarpa fascia. The skin is closed with a sub-
cuticular 5-0 monofilament absorbable suture.
Fig. 5.26 Multiple silk sutures are placed at the mucocu- The wound is finally covered with flexible collo-
taneous junction of both stomas. Traction is applied dion (Fig. 5.31).

a b

Fig. 5.27 Wedge incision. (a) Diagram. (b, c) Intraoperative pictures

64 5 Colostomy

At the beginning of the operation, the patient Occasionally, the patient has abdominal disten-
receives intravenous metronidazole and a broad- tion or vomits after the surgery; under those cir-
spectrum antibiotic. These medications will be cumstances, we may insert a nasogastric tube and
administered for 48 h postoperatively. At the end keep the patient fasting until the ileus resolves.
of the operation, we do not insert a nasogastric Colostomy closures must be done using a deli-
tube in the majority of our patients, but we keep cate and meticulous technique. This is an opera-
them fasting. The following day after surgery, if tion with serious potential complications [31, 32,
the patient had no nausea or vomiting and the 33–37].
abdomen is not distended, we start oral feedings. We are very proud of our results in colostomy
The patient usually stays in the hospital 3–4 days. closures [38]. We believe that a meticulous, deli-
cate technique explains our good results. We have
closed over 1,000 colostomies, and we have only
had one case of a dehiscence of the anastomosis.
That particular patient had a colostomy closed with
a single-layer anastomosis. The colostomy had to
be reopened on an emergency basis and closed a
month later with no problems. Another patient
came back to the hospital a week later, with a
colonic perforation located about 1 cm proximal to
the anastomosis. We do not have an explanation for
this complication; we are not sure if it may have
been a cautery burn done inadvertently. All of these
patients have been operated on without any drains
from the peritoneum or the subcutaneous tissue.
Fig. 5.28 Both stomas are meticulously dissected and We put special emphasis in a meticulous hemosta-
separated from the abdominal wall

Fig. 5.29 Stomas are

resected to use a fresh
portion of the bowel on
each side to perform an
anastomosis. (a) Diagram.
(b) Picture
5.14 Errors and Complications in Colostomies 65

Fig. 5.30 A two-layer

anastomosis with separated
stitches is performed, using
very fine (6-0) long-term
absorbable sutures. The
mesenteric defect is closed.
(a) Diagram. (b) Operative

sis, closing each one of the layers of the abdominal (Fig. 5.32) leaving a very short piece of bowel
wall, leaving no dead spaces and irrigating each between the distal stoma (mucous fistula) and the
plane. We never had a case of a wound infection, end of the rectum (blind end or fistula site). This
despite all wounds being closed primarily. is a serious mistake because it interferes with the
mobilization and pull-through of the rectum to
create a new anus. This is another reason why the
5.14 Errors and Complications distal colostogram is so important. The first piece
in Colostomies of information that the surgeon must obtain from
this study is related to the length of bowel avail-
Over 1,500 patients came to us with a colostomy able for pull-through, distal to the mucous fistula
created at another institution. As can be imagined, (Fig. 5.33). A colostomy located too distal must
we have seen literally all kinds of colostomies. be ruled out before embarking in a misadventur-
From that experience, we learned about the poten- ous, failed attempted repair. The surgical alterna-
tial advantages and disadvantages, as well as tives when confronted with that problem are:
complications of each type [30]. The most com- A. Colostomy revision
mon error seen by us in patients with anorectal Closing the colostomy and reopening a
malformations, who underwent a colostomy more proximal one, exteriorized through the
opening at another institution, consists in having same abdominal orifice, and doing the main
the stoma created too distal into the sigmoid colon repair at least 3 months later (Fig. 5.34).
66 5 Colostomy

b c

Fig. 5.31 The bowel anastomosis finished and the wound is closed. (a) Diagram. (b) Operative field. (c) Closed wound

B. Repair the malformation, detaching the site bowel, leaving the patient without a
bowel (mucous fistula) from the abdominal colostomy or opening a new one more
wall, to allow its mobilization and leaving proximal.
the distal bowel closed as a Hartmann pouch Alternative A: Colostomy revision is probably
(Fig. 5.35). the safest one, although it represents an extra
C. Close the colostomy and perform the pull- operation for the patient.
through at the same time. Alternative B: Repair the malformation, leaving
• Leaving the patient without a protective the patient with a Hartmann pouch (Fig. 5.35),
colostomy or may represent a future technical challenge,
• Opening a new more proximal stoma depending on how low the pouch is located. It
D. Resect the short piece of bowel located is a technically demanding operation to close
between the mucous fistula and blind end of a colostomy performing a bowel anastomosis
the fistula, pulling through the colostomy behind the bladder. In fact, if the upper end of
5.14 Errors and Complications in Colostomies 67

Fig. 5.32 Colostomy created too distal

Fig. 5.34 Closure of a colostomy and opening of a more

proximal one, prior to the main repair, in a patient who
previously underwent a defective (too distal) colostomy

Fig. 5.33 Distal colostogram showing a very short piece

of bowel distal to the stoma

the Hartmann pouch is located behind the pos- Fig. 5.35 Diagram showing a pull-through of a short dis-
tal colon. The mucous fistula had to be separated from the
terior urethra, the operation may be almost
abdominal wall. The distal stoma is closed (Hartmann
impossible to perform, not to mention the risk pouch). Alternatively, sometimes the distal stoma can be
involved. created in a lower part of the abdomen
68 5 Colostomy

Alternative C: Closing the colostomy and doing In patients with typical Hirschsprung’s dis-
the pull-through, leaving the patient without a ease, we resect the aganglionic rectosigmoid and
colostomy, is feasible but involves a certain anastomose the descending normoganglionic
degree of risk. We advise in such a case to colon to the anal canal, and patients have bowel
leave the patient fasting for 10 days, receiving control, provided the anal canal is preserved
parenteral nutrition. In addition, to do this intact. Patients with anorectal malformations are
kind of operation requires a total bowel born without an anal canal, and their sphincter
preoperative preparation. mechanism is represented by a spectrum that
Opening a new, more proximal colostomy includes cases with almost normal sphincter (in
is of course safer but requires one more major one extreme of the spectrum) to patients with
operation (colostomy closure). absent sphincter (in the other extreme of the
Alternative D: (Resect the little, distal piece of spectrum). Many patients operated from an ano-
bowel) We consider this alternative formally rectal malformation behave as if they were fecally
contraindicated. The most distal piece of continent; yet, they cannot tolerate sudden
bowel represents the future rectum for the changes in the consistency of the stool or sudden
patient. We have learned that the preservation peristaltic waves. For this reason, we insist that it
of this part of the intestine is extremely impor- is extremely important to try to preserve to the
tant. Our observations in multiple patients best of our capacity as much bowel as possible.
lead us to believe that the colon’s motility is We know that the rectosigmoid in patients
slower in its most distal part. In fact, the nor- with anorectal malformations suffers from hypo-
mal rectosigmoid acts mainly as a reservoir of motility, which is reflected in a marked tendency
stool, except at the time of defecation, when to constipation. Resection of the rectum may
the rectosigmoid has a very active, massive decrease the severity of the constipation problem,
peristaltic wave that allows the emptying of its but may also provoke tendency to diarrhea,
entire contents that usually represents the which, as we mentioned, will turn into inconti-
stool formed over a period of 12–48 h. In nent a patient with borderline bowel control.
between episodes of defecation, the rectum We have a large experience with patients that
remains virtually paralyzed (acting as a reser- have come to our clinic to receive bowel manage-
voir), receiving and storing stool. This is an ment for the treatment of fecal incontinence. In
extremely important function that allows us, some of them, the surgeons found it easier to sim-
human beings, to function socially, without ply remove the distal short rectum and pull the
using the toilet constantly. The observation of colostomy down. Those patients always become
the way the different types of colostomies incontinent even in cases born with a good func-
pass stool represents a clear demonstration of tional prognosis type of defect.
this. The more distal the colostomy, the longer In addition, as mentioned in the chapter of
the periods without passing stool. bowel management, that group of patients
Elimination of the rectum from the fecal (hypermotility, tendency to diarrhea) is much
stream results in an almost constant passing of more difficult to manage.
stool. This may be managed relatively well by an
otherwise normal individual in whom the anal
canal and sphincter mechanism are intact. Yet, in 5.15 The Case of Upper
patients with anorectal malformations, this is not Sigmoidostomy
tolerated at all and may well represent the differ-
ence between bowel control and fecal inconti- An interesting error occurs when the surgeon
nence. In other words, it is necessary to have an tries to open a transverse colostomy (either right
intact anal canal (sensation and sphincter mecha- or left sided) and actually creates what we have
nism) in order to maintain bowel control with an called an “upper sigmoidostomy” (Fig. 5.36).
absent rectosigmoid. This occurs because the surgeon (frequently in a
5.15 The Case of Upper Sigmoidostomy 69

a b

Fig. 5.36 Upper sigmoidostomy. The surgeon thought that he was doing a transverse colostomy, but actually he cre-
ated a sigmoidostomy in the upper abdomen, which will interfere with the pull-through. (a) Diagram. (b) Colostogram

hurry) creates a right or left upper quadrant inci- quadrant stoma does not necessarily mean that
sion and grabs the first visible segment of the the portion of the colon employed is the right
colon, erroneously assuming that it is either a transverse. Only with a distal colostogram one
right or left transverse colon. One must always can objectively determine the characteristics of
keep in mind that in cases of anorectal malforma- the colostomy.
tions, the sigmoid colon is very dilated and Complications in colostomies are divided into
redundant, reaching the upper abdomen. The sur- immediate and late. Immediate complications
geon must take the time to observe carefully the include dehiscence of the stoma, retraction, and
characteristics of the piece of colon that he infection. These three complications usually
selected, to be sure that that is the correct portion occur together. This represents a catastrophe
of the colon. usually related to a poor technique, a colostomy
The negative implications and inconveniences opened in a very sick patient, or both. A tense
of this type of colostomy (upper sigmoidostomy) anastomosis between the bowel and the
are obvious. The attached (tethered) sigmoid to abdominal wall, plus a devascularization of the
the abdominal wall will interfere with the bowel, may explain the retraction and dehis-
pull-through. cence. A poor surgical technique with severe
Again, we cannot overemphasize the impor- contamination may explain the infection [30].
tance of the distal colostogram in the planning of
the main repair of an anorectal malformation. Late complications include
The location of the stoma in the abdominal wall Parastomal hernia: This is also a technical prob-
does not necessarily correspond to the portion of lem that is avoidable by using a meticulous surgi-
the colon employed. In other words, a right upper cal technique.
70 5 Colostomy

5.16 Prolapse (Fig. 5.38). A sigmoid colostomy will have a high

tendency to prolapse, unless it is done in the way
Prolapse is one of the most common complications that we recommend, in which the proximal stoma
that we have seen in colostomies done at other is opened in the descending fixed portion of the
institutions [30]. There are some publications with colon and the mucous fistula is tapered to create a
recommendations to prevent prolapse from hap- very small stoma (Fig. 5.39).
pening [39–41]. There is a merit on those recom-
mendations. However, we think that we found the
most important factor that contributes to the occur-
rence of prolapse. It took us several years to under- Left transverse
stand the mechanism of prolapse. By observing all
No prolapse
of the patients that had prolapse, we finally con-
Likely to
cluded that prolapse occurs every time the colos-
tomy is opened in a mobile portion of the colon. In
retrospect, this sounds like an extremely simplistic,
yet very valuable conclusion. In a case of a two

stoma type of colostomy opened into a mobile por-
tion of the colon, we would expect both stomas to
prolapse. Otherwise, if the proximal stoma was
opened in a fixed portion of the colon, like in the
right transverse colostomy, we would expect the
prolapse to occur in the distal stoma (Fig. 5.37).
The proximal will not prolapse because it is opened
into a fixed portion of the colon (hepatic flexure).
In a case with a left transverse colostomy, the prox-
imal one is expected to prolapse and not the distal

Fig. 5.38 Left transverse colostomy

Right transverse
Likely to
No prolapse prolapse


Likely to

Fig. 5.37 Understanding the etiology of prolapse. Right

transverse colostomy Fig. 5.39 Descending colostomy
5.17 Surgical Treatment for Prolapse 71

Fig. 5.40 Severe stoma prolapse Fig. 5.41 Packing gauze inserted in the prolapsing
stoma, reducing the prolapse
In general, if a surgeon has to open a colostomy
and has no choice but to open it in a mobile portion
of the colon, we recommend affixing that piece of
bowel to the anterior abdominal wall for approxi-
mately 8 cm, proximal to the stoma with nonab-
sorbable sutures. Some patients that came to us
with a severe prolapse were supposed to have a
repair of the anorectal malformation, but rather
than doing that, we decided to take care of the pro-
lapse. Severe prolapse (Fig. 5.40) frequently pro-
duces ischemia of the most distal part of the
prolapsed bowel with serious consequences and
must be avoided. We have seen patients that suf-
fered from prolapse, the parents took the baby to a
hospital, and the surgeons decided simply to Fig. 5.42 The prolapse is reduced, taking its natural
amputate the prolapsed part of the colon. This has position in the abdomen
very serious consequences for the patient, because
the absence of the colon or the presence of a short
colon, in a patient with an anorectal malformation, ment that we propose for the management of pro-
may result in incapacity to form solid stool which lapse is illustrated in diagrams 41–44. Under
will produce fecal incontinence, even in cases of general anesthesia, the prolapsed stoma is packed
patients born with a good functional prognosis with packing gauze impregnated with Betadine
type of anorectal malformation. In addition, as (Fig. 5.41). By doing this, we reduce the pro-
previously mentioned, the management of fecally lapsed bowel and let the bowel take its natural,
incontinent patients with tendency to diarrhea is comfortable position inside the abdomen
more difficult, and the results of the implementa- (Fig. 5.42). Once we finish packing the stoma, we
tion of our bowel management program are not as palpate the abdomen around the stoma. It is very
good as the ones in constipated patients. easy to feel a sausage-like mass, situated some-
where around the stoma (Fig. 5.43). We then
make a 4–5-cm incision, away from the stoma, in
5.17 Surgical Treatment the area where the “sausage” is palpated. The
for Prolapse incision must be located far enough from the
stoma, as to be sure that after the operation the
Several authors published ingenious procedures stoma bag can be placed on a smooth piece of
to treat colostomy prolapse [42–45]. We do not skin and not on top of the incision (Fig. 5.44).
have experience with those methods. The treat- Once we open the abdominal wall, we can easily
72 5 Colostomy

Fig. 5.43 A “sausage-

like” mass is easily
palpable, which represents
the reduced prolapse

cases this way, with no recurrence. We have seen

no case of a cutaneous fistula related to this

5.18 Malposition of the Stomas

We have seen stomas incorrectly located in

places near the umbilicus, near the ribs, near
the iliac bone, or near the pubis. Every time the
patient moves, the stoma bag detaches, and
there is stool leakage that is embarrassing and
causes a lot of skin problem. This is why we
emphasize that the functional stoma should be
opened in a location surrounded by normal
Fig. 5.44 Incision made on the area of the palpable skin, and that is why we also emphasize the use
“sausage-like” mass and away from the stoma. The abdo-
men is entered and the prolapsed bowel is easily identi-
of midline incisions in patients with potential
fied. While closing the peritoneum and fascia, the stitches colorectal problems.
take the bowel wall The stomas located too close, one to another
(Fig. 5.2a), represent a problem because the nurses
and mothers cannot use a stoma bag to include
see the dilated colon that used to be prolapsed only the proximal stoma. They have to include
and now is full of the packing gauze (sausage) both stomas into the same bag, which means
(Fig. 5.44). We start by closing the peritoneum potential passage of stool into the distal bowel that
and posterior fascia, including in our stitches a may provoke urinary tract infections and/or fecal
bite of the colonic wall (“sausage”) that used to impaction distally. Stomas that are located too far
be prolapsed. We finish by closing that incision one from the other (Fig. 5.45) represent a problem
and removing the packing gauze. The bowel will because at the time of colostomy closure, the
not prolapse again. We have seen one case of patient will need a very long incision in order to
recurrence, but we have done at least 25 of these bring both stomas together.
5.18 Malposition of the Stomas 73

Inverted stomas represent a lack of care and

attention from the surgeon at the time of the oper-
ation. He or she thought that he or she was deal-
ing with a proximal stoma that actually was distal
and vice versa, and the bowel was twisted
(Fig. 5.46).
Stricture usually occurs secondary to isch-
emia. That means that the bowel was perhaps
squeezed when the surgeon closed the abdominal
wall. Sometimes, the bowel was not properly
mobilized, or the surgeon damaged the blood
supply, provoking a stricture that requires a revi-
sion, or the fascial opening was made too small.
A stricture may happen in the proximal stoma or
may also happen in the mucous fistula. Closure
of a mucous fistula (Hartmann pouch) represents
a risk of mucocele and has to be reopened. In
addition, we cannot do a high-pressure distal
colostogram, and that is another reason why it
should be reopened.

Fig. 5.45 Stomas located too far apart

a b

Fig. 5.46 Inverted stomas. (a) Diagram. (b) Picture

74 5 Colostomy

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6.1 Introduction 6.3 Neonatal Imaging

Advances in imaging technology have been The first 24 h of life, before making the decision
extremely beneficial for the management of to open a colostomy or to perform a primary
patients with anorectal malformations. Every repair, represents a window of opportunity to
day, we learn about technologic innovations that diagnose potential associated defects. The chest
frequently surpass our imagination. Concurrently film taken during the first 24 h of life also allows
with these, the surgeons have to speculate less us to see the integrity of the thoracic vertebra and
and less, like in the past [1], and have the privi- ribs. In addition, it helps us in the diagnosis of
lege of making very precise anatomic diagnosis esophageal atresia and potential cardiac malfor-
that allows the planning of a complex reconstruc- mations (Fig. 6.1).
tion in a very accurate manner. The abdominal x-ray film allows us to see
In dealing with the spectrum of anorectal mal- and rule out the possibility of hemivertebra
formations, we depend very much on the images (Fig. 6.2). The early detection of these types of
obtained by traditional x-rays, ultrasound, CAT
scan, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
We use all of these images not only in the early
stages of our management but actually through
the entire life of the patient, since each stage of
life of the patient brings new therapeutic chal-
lenges that require an accurate diagnosis.

6.2 Prenatal Diagnosis

Every year, more and more, the pediatric surgeon

is asked to participate in the diagnostic discus-
sions of babies in utero that have congenital mal-
formations. The reader is invited to read Chap. 3.

Electronic supplementary material Supplementary Fig. 6.1 Chest film of a child with anorectal malforma-
material is available in the online version of this chapter at tion associated to thoracic hemivertebrae and esophageal
10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_6. atresia

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 77

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_6, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
78 6 Imaging

the sacrum, in an effort to determine the functional

prognosis of the baby. The result was the creation
of the “sacral ratio” (Fig. 4.5 in Chap. 4), [2, 3].
The sacral ratio results from comparing the
vertical length of the sacrum with the size of the
pelvis of the same patient.
A. A line is drawn between the most upper por-
tions of the iliac bone in an AP film of the
B. Another line is drawn between both the inferior
and posterior iliac spines (Fig. 4.5 in Chap. 4).
C. A third line is drawn, parallel to the first two
lines, touching the lowest radiologically visi-
ble point of the sacrum or coccyx.
The distance between lines A and B is
measured, as well as the distance between lines
B and C. A ratio is created: AB/BC.
We measured this ratio in 100 normal children
who had abdominal films taken for other reasons
and found that the average ratio in anterior-poste-
rior films was 0.76 and 0.77 in lateral films [2].
Patients with anorectal malformations frequently
Fig. 6.2 Abdominal film showing a hemivertebrae suffer from different degrees and types of sacral
abnormalities. The sacral abnormalities present
like a spectrum with ratios similar to normal chil-
malformations is relevant to establish the func- dren, in what we call the good side of the spec-
tional prognosis in these babies. The abdomi- trum. However, in the “bad” extreme of the
nal film must include an AP view of the sacrum spectrum, we see patients with a sacral ratio of 0.
(Fig. 6.3). It is also important to take a lateral We found that it is extremely unusual for a
abdominal film that allows a more accurate mea- patient with anorectal malformation and with a
surement of the sacral ratio (Figs. 6.3 and 6.4). ratio lower than 0.4 to have bowel control. To have
Traditionally, the number of sacral vertebrae is a normal sacral ratio is a good prognostic sign, but
counted to evaluate the quality of the sacrum. Most it does not mean that the patient will necessary
pediatric surgeons agree that when a patient has have bowel control, since there are other factors
less than three sacral vertebrae, the prognosis for that influence the final functional results.
bowel and urinary control is not good. Many others One of the relatively common associated
while discussing the subject of the sacrum use defects in children with anorectal malformations
rather nondescriptive terms such as “dysplastic” or are defects of the radial bone (Fig. 6.5).
“hypoplastic.” There is no question that the pres- Sometimes, the defect in the forearms and the
ence of the sacrum as well as its integrity is crucial hands is very obvious (Fig. 6.5a). Other times,
to determine the functional prognosis of the patient. one can see only a slight radial deviation of the
We found the terms “dysplastic” or “hypo- hand that would make us suspect this defect.
plastic” very inaccurate. In addition, we found An ultrasound study is also part of the group of
that there are cases with five sacral vertebrae, yet imaging studies that must be done during the first
very abnormal ones, which results in an extremely 24 h of life before the baby suffers from abdomi-
short sacrum associated to fecal and sometimes nal distention. The kidney ultrasound is perhaps
urinary incontinence. We thought that it was nec- the most important part of the evaluation of this
essary to create a more objective way to evaluate baby since about 50 % of them, globally, have
6.3 Neonatal Imaging 79

a b

Fig. 6.3 AP film of sacrum in a child with anorectal malformation. (a) Normal sacrum. (b) Short sacrum. (c) Severely
deficient. (d) Caudal regression. (e) Hemisacrum
80 6 Imaging

some sort of urologic-associated condition. We defects is absent or multicystic kidney (Fig. 6.7).
specifically look for hydronephrosis (Fig. 6.6). The ultrasound must include the rest of the abdo-
One of the most common urologic anatomic men looking for the presence of megaureters and
the bladder. This is particularly useful and impor-
tant in female babies with a single perineal orifice
(cloaca). In these babies, we will specifically look
for the presence of a cystic structure located
behind the bladder (hydrocolpos). Frequently, this
is a double cystic structure since about 30 % of
the babies with cloaca have two hemivaginas
(Fig. 6.8).
During these first hours of life, it is extremely
useful to take an ultrasound of the lumbosacral
spine trying to see the conus medullaris to rule out
the presence of tethered cord (Fig. 6.9). The pres-
ence of a tethered cord represents a negative factor
in terms of prognosis for urinary control and to
some degree, although not clear, for bowel control.
It is a well-known fact that if the ultrasound of the
spine is not done during the first 3 months of life,
after that time, it is no longer a reliable study for
the diagnosis of tethered cord, due to the ossifica-
tion of the spine, and at that point, the diagnosis of
Fig. 6.4 Lateral film of sacrum tethered cord can only be done reliably with an

a b

Fig. 6.5 Absent radial bone – a frequently associated defect. (a) External appearance. (b) Radiologic appearance
6.3 Neonatal Imaging 81

a b

Fig. 6.6 Neonatal ultrasound. (a) Normal. (b) Hydronephrosis

a b

Fig. 6.7 Ultrasound. (a) Absent kidney. (b) Multicystic kidney

MRI study which requires heavy sedation or gen- department might have negative consequences;
eral anesthesia in babies (Fig. 6.9c). sometimes they fall into urinary retention as a con-
Some surgeons routinely perform a voiding cys- sequence of injuries provoked by a failed attempt
tourethrogram in male babies with anorectal mal- to pass a catheter. When the baby has hydronephro-
formations. We do not believe this routine is sis and megaureter, that is when we consider an
necessary. When the baby has normal kidneys by indication for a voiding cystourethrogram. Other
ultrasound, no evidence of megaureters, and is surgeons believe that the voiding cystourethrogram
passing urine normally, we do not see the relevance would allow them to determine the size and loca-
of the voiding cystourethrogram. Over 80 % of the tion of the rectourethral fistula. We considered a
male patients with anorectal malformations have a voiding cystourethrogram a non-reliable study for
connection between the rectum and the urinary the diagnosis of the fistula location. Most of the
tract (fistula), and at the location of the fistula, time that study does not show the fistula.
sometimes there is a kink of the urethra that inter- Occasionally, one can see a kink of the urethra that
feres with the passing of a catheter. Rough manipu- “suggests” where the fistula is located but certainly
lations of this baby’s urethra in the radiology is not considered a reliable study (see Fig. 6.10).
82 6 Imaging

a b



c d

Fig. 6.8 Neonatal hydrocolpos in a newborn baby with hydronephrosis. (a) Ultrasound. V vagina, K kidney. (b) Abdominal
film. V vagina, R rectum. (c) MRI – transverse section. (d) Abdominal film with contrast. K kidney, U ureter

6.4 Determination of the Fistula wide spectrum that goes from almost normal
Location Prior striated sphincter mechanism to almost absent
to the Colostomy sphincters.
The sphincter mechanism in normal individu-
6.4.1 Anatomic Facts and Timing als is represented by a funnel-like voluntary mus-
cle structure, the upper limits of that funnel being
To understand the rationality of the imaging during the pubococcygeal line (Fig. 6.11). That funnel-
the neonatal period to determine the location of the like muscle mechanism is a continuum of a stri-
rectum and the fistula, it is extremely important for ated muscle that runs all the way down to the skin
the clinician and the radiologist to understand the of the perineum. The upper part of the funnel-like
anatomy of the pelvis of babies with anorectal mal- mechanism inserts in the pubic bone and sur-
formations, this is illustrated in Animation 6.1. rounds the rectum. The contraction of those fibers
The sphincter mechanism in babies with compresses the rectum from behind. During sur-
anorectal malformations is represented by a gical explorations, there is no way to identify
6.4 Determination of the Fistula Location Prior to the Colostomy 83

a c

b d

Fig. 6.9 Spinal ultrasound. (a) Normal location of the conus. (b) Tethered cord, ultrasound image. (c) Normal, MR
image. (d) Tethered cord, MRI image

separated portions of that muscle that has been

referred to as “levator mechanism,” “puborectalis
muscle,” “ischiococcygeal muscle,” “puboure-
thralis muscle”; one rather sees only a continuum
of musculature.
In cases of anorectal malformations, the rec-
tum is passing through this funnel-like muscle
mechanism and stops at different heights. In
cases of perineal fistulas, for example, most of
the rectum is passing through this muscle mecha-
nism and is only anteriorly deviated in the lowest
portion (Fig. 6.12). In rectourethral fistulas, most
of the rectum also passes through this funnel and
ends into the upper part of the posterior urethra
Fig. 6.10 VCUG showing a kink in the urethra suggest- (prostatic fistula) or into the lowest portion of the
ing the fistula location posterior urethra (rectourethral bulbar fistula)
84 6 Imaging

a b

Fig. 6.11 Funnel-like normal sphincter mechanism. (a) Relaxed. (b) Contracted

mechanism (Fig. 6.14). Strictly speaking and

using the old terminology, this particular defect is
the only one that we can call “supralevator
The funnel muscle mechanism has, as
expected, a muscle tone that keeps the rectum
collapsed. This muscle only relaxes in normal
individuals during the evacuation of feces. If
one takes an abdominal x-ray film of a normal
newborn with no anorectal malformation, it
would be easy to see that the gas in the rectum
stops at the level of the pubococcygeal line
(which is the upper limit of the funnel-like
sphincter mechanism). From there down to the
skin, the rectum remains collapsed due to the
tone of the muscle that surrounds it. In cases of
anorectal malformations, if one takes an
Fig. 6.12 Diagram of a perineal fistula. Most of the rec-
abdominal x-ray film during the first few hours
tum is surrounded by the funnel-like sphincter of life, we will never find the gas of the rectum
mechanism located below the pubococcygeal line and cer-
tainly that does not mean that the baby has a
“very high malformation” since most likely
(Fig. 6.13). In cases of recto-bladder neck fistula (90 % chance), the rectum is located below the
which represents the highest of all defects in pubococcygeal line but is compressed by the
male patients, the rectum opens in the bladder sphincter mechanism. Interestingly, in our lit-
neck and is not surrounded by this sphincter erature review, we only found one author [4]
6.4 Determination of the Fistula Location Prior to the Colostomy 85

a b

Fig. 6.13 Diagram showing a rectourethral fistula. (a) Prostatic. (b) Bulbar

We are convinced that:

Diagnostic Imaging Studies performed during the
first few hours of life are not reliable to determine
the real location of the rectum

The diagnostic challenge during the newborn

stage, in patients with anorectal malformations
prior to the opening of a colostomy, is not related
so much to the quality and sophistication of the
imaging technology used, but rather to the knowl-
edge of the anatomy and physiology of the rec-
tum and the surrounding sphincter in patients
with anorectal malformations during the first few
hours of life. That is the reason why we recom-
mend not doing diagnostic studies trying to
determine the location of the rectum during the
first 24 h of life. We have learned that babies with
anorectal malformations usually are not born
with abdominal distention. They rather become
distended after 20 or 24 h of life. This abdominal
Fig. 6.14 Diagram showing recto-bladder neck fistula. distention represents, as expected, an increase of
The bowel is not surrounded by sphincter muscle the intraluminal pressure of the bowel, and at
some point, that pressure overcomes the muscle
tone of the funnel mechanism that surrounds the
who suggested that the contraction of the rectum, and then one can see the real location of
“puborectalis muscle” must be taken into con- the gas inside the rectum (Fig. 6.15).
sideration to interpret radiologic studies in the We have been exposed to patients that are
newborn. referred to us after failed attempted repairs. Some
86 6 Imaging

without the necessary pressure to overcome the

muscle tone of the funnel mechanism, and the sur-
geon made a wrong diagnosis.

6.5 The Old Invertogram

The famous prominent professor of surgery Dr.

Wangesteen and Dr. Rice, a radiologist, pub-
lished a seminal paper [5] that represents the
beginning of the era of the radiologic evaluation
of patients with anorectal malformations. The
rationale behind that study was to put the new-
born baby upside-down, to wait for a few min-
utes, and to assume that by gravity, the gas inside
the bowel would reach the most distal part of the
rectum. The gas would then act like a contrast, a
simple lateral film of the pelvis with an anal
marker was taken and the distance from the anal
marker to the bubble of gas would allow the sur-
geon to classify the malformation into a “low
malformation” (when the distance was shorter
than 1 cm) or “high malformation” (when it was
longer than one centimeter). Traditionally, the
“low malformations” were surgically approached
through the perineum and the “high malforma-
tions” were operated abdominoperineally. Now
we know that when that kind of film is taken after
24 h, it certainly may show an image considered
representative of the location of the rectum, but
Fig. 6.15 Cross-table lateral film in a newborn baby when the study is performed too early in life, it is
with imperforate anus. (a) Six hours old. (b) Twenty-four
hours old not reliable.
Later on, we learned about the “inherent errors
and disadvantages of the invertogram” [6, 7]. In
of those babies were subjected to diagnostic imag- addition, we have learned that one can obtain
ing studies during the first few hours of life that exactly the same image of the invertogram by
led the surgeons to erroneously conclude that the placing the patient in prone position with the pel-
baby had a “high imperforate anus.” As a conse- vis elevated (Fig. 6.15) [8].
quence, the surgeons made one of two decisions, We were able to compare the two images
either to open a colostomy (that was not indicated) obtained with the invertogram and with this
or even worse, to perform an abdominoperineal cross-table lateral film and found that it is exactly
procedure in a baby that had, for instance, an the same.
unnoticed perineal fistula. Some of those patients The cross-table lateral film has the great
that had a non-indicated colostomy subsequently advantage of avoiding the positioning of the baby
have received a distal colostogram without enough upside-down with the risk of vomiting and
hydrostatic pressure, which induced the surgeons aspiration.
“to confirm” the diagnosis of “high imperforate Furthermore, we have learned that with a good
anus.” Again, the distal colostogram was done index of suspicion and looking at the perineum of
6.6 High-Pressure Distal Colostogram 87

the baby carefully, we actually need this kind of

film (cross-table lateral film) only in less than
5 % of our patients. Most of the times, we obtain
enough clinical information to make a good ther-
apeutic decision without this study (see Chap. 4).
Some authors are very enthusiastic about the
use of perineal ultrasound in neonates to deter-
mine the location of the rectum [9–14]. Others
use to recommend the injection of contrast mate-
rial through the perineum [15, 16] or through the
perineal fistula [17]. We feel that these studies are
very much dependent on the degree of experience
of the radiologist; the images are not easy to
interpret for us surgeons.
The CT scan has also been used to determine
the location of the rectum, in order to plan the
best possible surgical approach [18–21].
Unfortunately, those studies show only trans-
verse section images, and the sagittal reconstruc- Fig. 6.16 Long narrow fistula. Contrast injected through
tions show poor-quality images. a perineal fistula. Gives the false impression of a “high”
The MRI technology obviously represents a anorectal malformation
great advancement that contributes enormously to
the anatomic diagnosis of multiple conditions. We
use these kinds of studies to evaluate the anatomy consideration the anatomic facts already dis-
in patients already operated on. Some authors sug- cussed. Otherwise, those studies are not consid-
gest doing MRI studies in newborns with anorec- ered reliable.
tal malformations [22, 23]. Even when the images When the baby has a tiny orifice in the
are very good, we consider the study logistically perineum (perineal fistula), some surgeons pass a
demanding, expensive, sometimes risky for the fine catheter through the fistula and inject con-
baby (anesthesia), and not indispensable. trast material. They find frequently a long narrow
More important is the fact that none of the tract with a dilated rectum located up in the pel-
authors that we reviewed mentioned what we vis; based on that, they may think that the baby
consider is the most important aspect of the neo- has a “high” malformation (Fig. 6.16). However,
natal diagnosis, which is the timing of the studies that is not a reliable study because what they con-
and its relationship with the anatomy and physi- sider a long narrow fistula may be just a conse-
ology of the rectum and surrounding sphincters quence of the compression of a normal-caliber
in the newborn. rectum given by the surrounding muscle mecha-
There are multiple papers that recommend nism, and the rectum is actually located very low
other imaging studies (before the colostomy’s in the pelvis (Fig. 6.16).
opening) to try to determine the location of the
rectum. None of them discuss the anatomic facts
presented here. Some authors claim that an MRI 6.6 High-Pressure Distal
is good enough [3]; others believe it is the CT Colostogram
scan [3]. Finally, some authors propose perineal
ultrasound [5], and others prefer the injection of After the colostomy has been opened, the sur-
contrast material through the perineum [6]. If a geon must plan the best surgical strategy to repair
specific doctor or hospital uses this kind of tech- the anorectal malformation. We have found
nology for this diagnosis, they should take in through the years that this study is by far the most
88 6 Imaging

important, valuable, and accurate diagnostic test

that we can do in cases of anorectal malformation
(3D Animations 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 illustrate this
study). Unfortunately, there are not many publi-
cations advocating this study [24–28], and many
radiologists are not familiar with this study and
the way to do it. We believe that we cannot over-
emphasize the value of this diagnostic test and
the technical details of its performance.
Some authors still believe that a voiding cys-
tourethrogram is good enough to demonstrate the
location of the rectourethral fistula [29]. We do
not agree because we have seen many false nega-
tives. Attempts have been made to combine distal
colostogram with an MRI [30, 31]; there is no
question that the images are good, but the study is
expensive and logistically difficult.

6.7 Technique

This study is only feasible in patients that already

Fig. 6.17 Distal colostogram showing a very short piece
have a colostomy. The baby is taken to the radiol- of bowel distal to the colostomy pull-through is not
ogy suite and a no. 8 Foley catheter is introduced feasible
through the mucous fistula of the colostomy.
Many babies, unfortunately, are subjected to a
loop type of colostomy, and this makes it diffi- has available for the pull-through, from the colos-
cult, sometimes for the radiologist, to find in tomy site to the most distal end or fistula site.
which direction the catheter should be introduced This is extremely important, since the most com-
to be sure that the contrast material is injected in mon error that we have seen in the location of the
the distal bowel. The mother usually knows colostomies is a too-distal colostomy, meaning
which one is the orifice that produces stool and that the surgeon left a really short piece of bowel
the one that is just a mucous fistula. The catheter beyond the colostomy site, which will certainly
is inserted about 5 cm, and the balloon is inflated interfere with the pull-through. Trying to repair
with 2 mL of air or water. Traction is applied on an anorectal malformation without this crucial
the catheter to be sure that the balloon impacts on information frequently ends in a disaster.
the stoma serving as a plug that will prevent the Figure 6.17 shows a very short piece of bowel
contrast from leaking out, even after we apply distal to a colostomy. Figure 6.18 shows a colos-
hydrostatic pressure during the injection. We tomy done in the descending colon leaving a loop
only use water-soluble contrast material. The of the sigmoid colon long enough to perform a
injection of the contrast is done using a 60 mL comfortable pull-through. Once we obtained that
syringe with a catheter tip connected to the Foley information, the patient is then turned into metic-
catheter and is done by hand. Under fluoroscopic ulous lateral position. A lead marker is placed in
control, with the baby in supine position, the the anal dimple. During the fluoroscopic study in
injection starts and continues until the contrast lateral position, the images must include the
seems to reach the most distal part of the bowel. sacrum, the coccyx, the lead marker of the anal
At this point, we obtain very valuable informa- dimple, and the entire lower pelvis. The radiolo-
tion related with the length of bowel that the baby gist must know that we are planning on a potential
6.7 Technique 89

the radiologist must exert enough hydrostatic

pressure to overcome the muscle tone of the fun-
nel mechanism to be able to distend the rectum
and see the real location of the end of the bowel
and the fistula site (Fig. 6.19). If the baby hap-
pens to have a recto-bladder neck fistula, the con-
trast goes into the bladder directly in a rather easy
way with minimal hydrostatic pressure. On the
other hand, if the rectum is connected to the pros-
tatic urethra and even more in cases of rectoure-
thral bulbar fistula, it requires a significant
hydrostatic pressure in order to force the contrast
material through the rectum surrounded by mus-
cle tone and through a tiny orifice communicat-
ing with the urethra. Figure 6.20 shows
characteristic images of a prostatic fistula and a
rectourethral bulbar fistula.
Interestingly, in cases of rectal urethral fistula,
the contrast material gets into the urethra and
usually goes up toward the bladder rather than
toward the penile urethra. We interpret this as a
manifestation of an increased muscle tone of the
so-called external urinary sphincter (Animation
6.2). The overwhelming majority of rectal uri-
nary fistulas are located above this external
sphincter, and we believe that is the reason why
Fig. 6.18 Distal colostogram showing a redundant piece the contrast goes rather toward the bladder. The
of bowel distal to the colostomy pull-through is feasible injection of contrast material must continue until
the bladder is full. By doing this, we now have a
cystogram, and if the baby has reflux, it will
posterior sagittal approach, and therefore, we become then evident. The injection continues
want to know the position of the rectum and fis- until the baby is forced to void. During the void-
tula as related to the coccyx and the perineal skin ing, we have the best possible images of the anat-
(anal dimple). A common error from a radiologist omy of the rectum and the urinary tract
is to show only the fistula location without the (Fig. 6.20). Babies with suspected urinary tract
other points already mentioned that would orient problems, such as hydronephrosis and evidence
the surgeon in terms of the location of the fistula. of reflux, must receive prophylactic antibiotics
The injection continues, applying hydrostatic prior to this study because we must keep in mind
pressure on the syringe and pulling on the Foley that we are pushing the contrast passing through
catheter to avoid leakage of the contrast a contaminated distal rectum.
(Animation 6.2). The contrast material runs The high-pressure distal colostogram, as most
through the distal bowel and stops in a horizontal studies, has some potential risks. In over 1,000
line that corresponds to the pubococcygeal line male patients we have operated, we have evi-
(Fig. 6.19). The fact that this line is horizontal dence of two perforations of the bowel that
and the fact that it is located in the pubococcygeal occurred during the injection of contrast material.
level indicate that it is not the end of the rectum. One of them had a transverse colostomy. We do
That image is given by the contraction of the not advocate the use of transverse colostomies in
“funnel-like” muscle mechanism. At that point, anorectal malformations, and one of the reasons
90 6 Imaging

a b

Fig. 6.19 Distal colostogram showing (a) the contrast “high malformation.” (b) Same study after applying more
material ending in a horizontal line at the level of the hydrostatic pressure
pubococcygeal line, giving the wrong impression of a

is because it is very difficult to generate enough very abnormal type of bowel with very abnormal
hydrostatic pressure through a transverse colos- blood supply, and we believe that could be a pre-
tomy to be able to achieve our goals in trying to disposing factor to explain the perforation,
determine the anatomy of the recto-urinary fis- although we do not have evidence of that.
tula. The colostomy in cases with transverse
colostomies requires much higher pressure and
perhaps that is the reason why that patient had a
rupture of the colon during the injection of con- 6.8 Most Common Errors
trast material. Since we were dealing with a
defunctionalized portion of the bowel, we thought Some patients come to us with a distal colosto-
that what all the baby would require would be gram that has been done in another institution.
intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and observation. We have seen many errors including passing the
However, to our surprise and alarm, that baby Foley catheter too far (Fig. 6.21). This may give
went into severe hypovolemic shock that required the false impression that the patient has a very
immediate resuscitation followed by a laparot- short piece of bowel distal to the colostomy. That
omy to clean the peritoneal cavity and close the is why we emphasized that the catheter should be
perforation of the colon. We attribute this severe introduced only 5 cm and then pulled back to
reaction to the fact that the contrast is very hyper- ensure that the balloon is impacted against the
osmolar. The second case was a patient that had a abdominal wall.
6.9 Not Showing the Coccyx and the Sacrum During the Fluoroscopy Studies 91

a b

Fig. 6.20 Distal colostogram showing a (a) recto-bladder neck fistula, (b) rectoprostatic fistula, (c) rectourethral bul-
bar fistula

By far, the most common error that we have 6.9 Not Showing the Coccyx
seen is the lack of hydrostatic pressure that and the Sacrum During
induced the surgeon to believe that the patient the Fluoroscopy Studies
had a “high malformation” when actually he
was looking at a characteristic image of the The radiologist must remember that this study is
contrast material stopping at the level of done with the specific purpose to determine how
the pubococcygeal line. reachable the rectum is through a posterior
92 6 Imaging

Fig. 6.21 Inadequate distal colostogram. The Foley catheter was introduced too deep, giving a false impression of a
short bowel distal to the colostomy

sagittal incision. Therefore, our main point of ref-

erence is the coccyx. Sometimes the radiologist,
trying to avoid unnecessary radiation to the baby,
uses diaphragms or cones that only show the fis-
tula site, but do not show the points of reference
that are the pubis, coccyx, and sacrum as well as
the lead marker in the anal dimple. Another com-
mon mistake is not to take the film on perfect lat-
eral position. Some radiologists were trained
mainly in adults; in those cases, to study the ure-
thra, they recommend an oblique view. This is
highly inconvenient in patients with anorectal
malformation because of the reasons already
When the babies were subjected to a trans-
verse colostomy and did not have the main repair
for a long period of time, the distal colostogram
shows a very characteristic image of a non-
used distal colon (microcolon) followed by an
extremely dilated rectosigmoid (Fig. 6.22). That Fig. 6.22 Distal colostogram done through a transverse
colostomy. It shows a characteristic image of a narrow,
is another reason why we do not like transverse nonused colon, followed distally by a very dilated rectum
colostomies. After the transverse colostomy has
been opened, the colon continues having peri-
stalsis, passing mucus and desquamation cells, colostomy does not allow cleaning the distal
and pushing all that material distally. All these colon during the newborn period, and the meco-
produce a characteristic megacolon as the one nium is left there. We have evidence that the
seen in Fig. 6.22. In addition, the transverse severity of megarectosigmoid correlates with
6.11 Distal Colostogram in Cloacas 93

Fig. 6.23 Distal colostogram in a patient that previously

had an attempted failed repair Fig. 6.24 Voiding cystogram showing a recurrent recto-
urethral fistula

the degree of constipation that the patient will

suffer later in life. distal rectum because the contrast material
Some patients come to us after a failed escapes through the fistula site and one cannot
attempted repair. They suffered from catastro- generate enough pressure to show the real size of
phes and misadventures during an attempted the rectum (Fig. 6.25). These may give a false
operation. They still have the colostomy, and we impression of a long narrow fistula when actually
had to do a distal colostogram without knowing the rectum is distended all the way down to reach
what we are going to find. We may find that the a point a few millimeters from the skin. A real
rectum is completely atretic (Fig. 6.23). We may long narrow fistula is an extremely unusual
find also that the patient has also persistence or condition.
recurrent rectourethral fistula (Fig. 6.24).

6.11 Distal Colostogram

6.10 Distal Colostogram in Cloacas
in Female Patients
In patients born with cloacas, the distal colosto-
In the past, we used distal colostogram also in gram is still a very valuable study, but this is true
female patients with vestibular fistulas and some- particularly if it is combined with a three-
times with perineal fistulas. We do not recom- dimensional rotational scan.
mend doing that kind of study because we Depending on the specific anatomy of the clo-
consider that it is not useful for the diagnosis and aca, the distal colostogram may show only the
treatment of the patient. The injection of contrast rectum followed by the common channel
material through the distal stoma in that kind of (Fig. 6.26) or may show also the one vagina or
patient would show an image similar to a long two vaginas (Fig. 6.27). It is extremely unusual to
narrow fistula, and even if we apply more hydro- be able to fill up the urethra and bladder through
static pressure, we never are able to distend the a distal colostogram. The study in cloacas can be
94 6 Imaging

Fig. 6.25 Distal colostogram in a patient with rectoves-

tibular fistula, giving a false impression of a long narrow Fig. 6.27 Distal colostogram in a patient with a cloaca
fistula showing the rectum and the vaginas

done in combination with the passing of a cathe-

ter through the common channel, which may go
into the urethra and bladder and have an image of
those three structures (bladder, vagina, and rec-
tum) (Fig. 6.28).
During the last few years, with the very valu-
able collaboration of our interventional radiolo-
gists, we have been using a 3D rotational scan for
the evaluation of cloacas, particularly those that
have a complex anatomy. This study is done
under anesthesia, and we take advantage of that
in order to do a vaginoscopy and cystoscopy. This
study is usually done 1–2 days before the main
repair. During the vaginoscopy and cystoscopy,
we can also insert catheters in a selective manner
into the urethra or vaginas to give the radiologist
more alternatives for contrast injection. Some of
those patients come, already, with vesicostomies
or suprapubic cystostomy tubes, vaginotomies,
Fig. 6.26 Distal colostogram in a patient with a cloaca and colostomies. We insert catheters in every
showing only the rectum single orifice that we can see in the pelvis, and
6.12 Monitoring Constipation 95

constipation and encopresis. To prevent this, we

try very actively to monitor the dilatation of the
bowel and the capacity to empty every day. This
is with the specific purpose to prevent irreversible
dilatation of the colon that would make the man-
agement of these patients much more difficult.
After the colostomy is closed, the babies have
usually a period of frequent bowel movements
and tendency to diarrhea. We believe this is a
consequence of passing stool through a colon
that has never been used. In addition, the use of
strong antibiotics administered during the colos-
tomy closure we believe may contribute to this
However, the clinician must be aware of the
fact that after a few days or sometimes weeks,
the bowel movement pattern changes and must
be prepared to diagnose and treat aggressively
enough the problem of constipation. We have
learned through the years that the fact that the
baby passes stool every day does not mean that
it is not constipated since the main problem is
Fig. 6.28 Distal colostogram combined with injection from
not the number of bowel movements but the
below showing the rectum, urethra, bladder, and vagina
capacity to empty completely the rectosigmoid
during the bowel movement. In fact, some of
then the contrast material is injected sequentially the babies that have multiple bowel movements
through each one of those catheters, and the scan in a day are the most severely constipated, and
is done rotationally which gives extraordinary eventually those tiny bowel movements become
useful images (see videos 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 show- episodes of soiling. After years of speculating
ing the rotational studies). This imaging repre- and guessing as to whether or not the baby was
sents the ultimate technology. Cloacas can be constipated, we learned that the only objective
repaired without the help of this study, but cer- way to know if the baby is emptying the colon
tainly this type of study allows us to be more pre- is radiologically.
cise in our preoperative diagnosis and to plan our After the colostomy is closed, we recom-
procedures in a more accurate way. mend taking routine abdominal x-ray films 2
weeks after surgery, then 1, 3, and 6 months and
a year. In addition, every time the mother sus-
6.12 Monitoring Constipation pects the child is constipated, we suggest taking
an abdominal x-ray film. Every patient needs a
The most common sequelae in terms of bowel different amount of laxative, and to determine
function in patients with anorectal malformation whether or not we are using the right amount,
is constipation. Constipation produces dilatation we used abdominal x-ray films. In other words,
of the rectosigmoid and sometimes the entire by trial and error, we prescribe a specific amount
colon. When constipation is not treated properly, of laxative and then, after a few days, we take an
it produces fecal impaction, and that interferes abdominal film to be sure that the amount of
with bowel control in those patients that are born laxative that we are using is the correct amount.
with potential for fecal continence. Those patients Many patients come to us after having an ano-
may behave like the child with severe idiopathic rectal malformation repair either by us or by
96 6 Imaging

a b

Fig. 6.29 Contrast enema done to evaluate colonic motility. (a) Hypomotility. (b) Hypermotility

others at other institutions, and they were not completely clean in the underwear for 24 h. To do
subjected to any kind of monitoring through this, we take an abdominal x-ray film every day
years. We suspect clinically that the patients are over a period of 1 week. In addition, also daily
constipated, and to evaluate the degree of con- we hear the clinical information from the parents
stipation that they suffer from, we order a and adjust the type of enema accordingly.
contrast enema with water-soluble material and
without colon preparation. The contrast material
must fill up the entire colon, and we request to 6.14 Monitoring the Urinary Tract
show us post-evacuation films which give us an
idea of the degree of hypomotility that the As previously mentioned, 50 % of the patients
patient suffers from (Fig. 6.30). with anorectal malformations have an associated
urologic condition. The most common anatomic
problem is absent kidney followed by hydrone-
phrosis, and the most common functional prob-
6.13 Radiology During the Bowel lem is vesicoureteral reflux. Many times the
Management Program babies are born with significant kidney damage
that occurred in utero. All patients require a close
In Chap. 20, the reader may find a description of monitoring of the urinary tract, since we have
our bowel management program, created to help seen many patients who have a tendency to dete-
patients who suffer from fecal incontinence. riorate with time. Even under normal circum-
Basically, over a period of 1 week, we determine stances in babies with good anorectal
the enema that is capable of emptying at least all malformations, we always like to follow them
of the left side of the colon, to keep the patient through life. In a patient that has normal kidneys
6.14 Monitoring the Urinary Tract 97

by ultrasound, normal functional bladder, no uri- ultrasound is enough as a monitoring of the uri-
nary tract infections, and urinary control, we still nary tract. On the other hand, if the baby has
like to take a kidney ultrasound at 3 months, 6 problems with anatomic urologic defects previ-
months, 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years later. If the ously diagnosed, he/she may require a much
patient has no urologic symptoms and the ultra- closer and sophisticated monitoring of the uri-
sounds remain normal, we believe that the kidney nary tract that may include kidney ultrasound,

a b

c d

Fig. 6.30 MRI (Peña/Patel technique). (a) Well-located rectum. (b) Mislocated rectum. (c) Posterior urethral diver-
ticulum. (d) Giant posterior urethral diverticulum
98 6 Imaging

cystograms, and urodynamic studies, as well as a terminalis is by an MRI study that is the most
frequent nephrologic monitoring. Patients with accurate way to determine whether or not the
neurologic deficits including abnormal sacrum, patient has tethered cord (Fig. 6.9c).
tethered cord, or complex cloacas are, by defini- Imaging plays a very important role in the
tion, urologic patients that require very close diagnosis, follow-up, and management of patients
follow-up monitoring of the urinary function. already operated (see Chap. 19).
Many of the complex cloacas eventually will
require urinary reconstructions including bladder
augmentations and Mitrofanoff. References
For patients that have been operated on at other
institutions and come to us, for instance, for bowel 1. Peña A (1987) Anatomical considerations relevant to
management due to fecal and/or urinary inconti- fecal continence. Semin Surg Oncol 3(3):141–145
nence, we evaluate the entire colorectal anatomy, 2. Peña A (1996) Anorectal malformations. Semin
Pediatr Surg 4(1):35–47
pelvic anatomy, and urinary tract. We specifically
3. Niedzielski J, Midel A (1998) Sacroiliac ratio in children:
order a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study natural evolution and clinical implications. Surg Childh
with a specific technique that includes the placing Int 6:78–80. doi:10.1016/S0022-3468(99)90600-0
of a big Foley catheter in the rectum (Fig. 6.30a 4. Berdon WE, Baker DH, Santulli TV, Amoury R
(1968) The radiologic evaluation of imperforate anus.
and b). This will allow us to see the location of the
An approach correlated with current surgical con-
rectum as related to the sphincter mechanism. In cepts. Radiology 90(3):466–471
addition, it is an excellent study to make a diagno- 5. Wangensteen OH, Rice CO (1930) Imperforate anus:
sis of a posterior urethral diverticulum which is a a method of determining the surgical approach. Ann
Surg 92(1):77–81
complication that we have seen in the past in
6. Berdon WE, Baker DH (1967) The inherent errors in
patients that were operated abdominoperineally, measurements of inverted films in patients with
having a rectourethral bulbar fistula; the surgeons imperforate anus. Ann Radiol (Paris) 10(3):235–240
found it difficult to reach the lower end of the 7. Narasimharao KL, Nair PM, Mitra SK, Pathak IC
(1984) Hypoxia during invertography. Indian Pediatr
bowel, amputated the bowel, and left a piece of
rectum attached to the urethra (Figs. 6.30c and d). 8. Narasimharao KL, Prasad GR, Katariya S, Yadav K,
That piece of rectum becomes a diverticulum that Mitra SK, Pathak IC (1983) Prone cross-table lateral
produces mucus, forms stones, and produces view: an alternative to the invertogram in imperforate
anus. AJR Am J Roentgenol 140(2):227–229
pseudourinary incontinence, and in one specific
9. Willital GH (1971) Advances in the diagnosis of anal
case, the patient developed an adenocarcinoma. and rectal atresia by ultrasonic-echo examination.
With the advent of laparoscopic procedures, we J Pediatr Surg 6(4):454–457
are seeing again this problem of posterior urethral 10. Schuster SR, Teele RL (1979) An analysis of ultra-
sound scanning as a guide in determination of “high” or
diverticulum, when the surgeons try to approach
“low” imperforate anus. J Pediatr Surg 14(6):798–800
laparoscopically a rectourethral bulbar fistula, 11. Oppenheimer DA, Carroll BA, Shochat SJ (1982)
finding difficult to reach the lower end of the rec- Sonography of imperforate anus. Radiology 148(1):
tum Animation 5 (Posterior urethral Diverticulum 127–128
12. Baunin C, Blancher A (1986) Radiologic examination
in a patient with a recto-urethral bulbar fistula
of anorectal malformations. Chir Pediatr 27(5):
approached laparoscopically). The voiding cysto- 239–245
urethrogram may or may not show the posterior 13. Donaldson JS, Black CT, Reynolds M, Sherman JO,
urethral diverticulum and therefore is not the ideal Shkolnik A (1989) Ultrasound of the distal pouch in
infants with imperforate anus. J Pediatr Surg 24(5):
method of diagnosis. The diagnosis of this entity
is confirmed cystoscopically, and the repair is 14. Tashev P, Chatalbashev N, Kazakov K (1991)
described in Chap. 22. Application of ultrasonography in the evaluation of
When the babies come to us for the first time imperforate anus. Folia Med (Plovdiv) 33(3):36–40
15. Wagner ML, Harberg FJ, Kumar AP, Singleton EB
with anorectal malformations and did not have
(1973) The evaluation of imperforate anus utilizing
spinal ultrasound during the first 3 months of life, percutaneous injection of water-soluble iodide con-
the only way to know the location of the conus trast material. Pediatr Radiol 1(1):34–40
References 99

16. Motovic A, Kovalivker M, Man B, Krausz L (1979) 24. Cremin BJ, Cywes S, Louw JH (1972) A rational
The value of transperineal injection for the diagnosis radiological approach to the surgical correction of
of imperforate anus. Ann Surg 190(5):668–670 anorectal anomalies. Surgery 71(6):801–806
17. Kurlander GJ (1967) Roentgenology of imperforate 25. Lernau OZ, Jancu J, Nissan S (1978) Demonstration
anus. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 100(1): of rectourinary fistulas by pressure gastrografin
190–201 enema. J Pediatr Surg 13(6):497–498
18. Kohda E, Fujioka M, Ikawa H, Yokoyama J (1985) 26. Gross GW, Wolfson PJ, Pena A (1991) Augmented-
Congenital anorectal anomaly: CT evaluation. pressure colostogram in imperforate anus with fistula.
Radiology 157(2):349–352 Pediatr Radiol 21(8):560–562
19. Ikawa H, Yokoyama J, Sanbonmatsu T, Hagane K, 27. Wang C, Lin J, Lim K (1997) The use of augmented-
Endo M, Katsumata K, Kohda E (1985) The use of pressure colostography in imperforate anus. Pediatr
computerized tomography to evaluate anorectal Surg Int 12(5–6):383–385
anomalies. J Pediatr Surg 20(6):640–644 28. Niedzielski JK, Midel A (1998) Is augmented-pressure
20. Krasna H, Nosher JL, Amorosa J, Rosenfeld D (1988) distal colostography useful in the diagnostics of ano-
Localization of the blind rectal pouch in imperforate rectal malformations? Surg Childh Int VI(1):28–31
anus with the CT scanner. Pediatr Surg Int 3: 29. Soccorso G, Thyagarajan MS, Murthi GV, Sprigg A
114–119 (2008) Micturating cystography and “double urethral
21. Martuciello G, Taccone A, Fondelli P, Moran Penco catheter technique” to define the anatomy of anorectal
JM, Dodero P (1990) Tomografía Axial malformations. Pediatr Surg Int 24(2):241–243
Computerizada en las malformaciones anorectales: 30. Kavalcova L, Skaba R, Kyncl M, Rouskova B,
¿Una indicación pre y postoperatoria? Cir Pediatr Prochazka A (2013) The diagnostic value of
4(3):173–178 MRI fistulogram and MRI distal colostogram
22. Taccone A, Martucciello G, Dodero P, Delliacqua A, in patients with anorectal malformations. J
Marzoli A, Salomone G, Jasonni V (1992) New con- Pediatr Surg 48(8):1806–1809. doi:10.1016/j.
cepts in preoperative imaging of anorectal malforma- jpedsurg.2013.06.006
tion. New concepts in imaging of ARM. Pediatr 31. Alves JC, Sidler D, Lotz JW, Pitcher RD (2013)
Radiol 22(3):196–199 Comparison of MR and fluoroscopic mucous fistulog-
23. McHugh K (1997) The role of radiology in children raphy in the pre-operative evaluation of infants with
with anorectal anomalies; with particular emphasis on anorectal malformation: a pilot study. Pediatr Radiol
MRI. Eur J Radiol 26(2):194–199 43(8):958–963. doi:10.1007/s00247-013-2653-x
Bowel Preparation in Pediatric
Colorectal Surgery 7

Colorectal operations are considered “contami- tion, following preoperative management, we

nated procedures” and represent, by definition, find no convincing reason to change. We under-
cases with a higher risk of infection. Therefore, stand that perhaps, we could have the same good
patients must be subjected to some forms of bowel results without bowel preparation; however, it is
preparation prior to the operation. In addition, the not easy to change a routine that resulted in zero
use of prophylactic antibiotics must be considered. infections. We also suspect that a meticulous sur-
Through the last 30 years, we have been fol- gical technique is the key to avoid complications,
lowing the evolution of the concepts related with rather than the bowel preparation or the antibiot-
the different modalities of bowel preparation, as ics. Interestingly, during the last 30 years, we
well as the use of different antibiotics by mouth, have changed the type of antibiotics used pre-
intravenously, and pre- and postoperatively. and postoperatively according to the recommen-
Most of the literature is related with adults. dations of the epidemiology departments of the
There are an enormous number of publications institutions in which we worked, yet the results
related to adult conditions. We selected only a were the same: no infections.
few papers representative of the tendency to According to Breckler et al. [6], the over-
avoid mechanical bowel preparation [1–4] and whelming majority of pediatric surgeons in the
antibiotics. Some surgeons found no evidence to United States still use mechanical bowel prepara-
support the use of mechanical bowel prepara- tion and preoperative intravenous antibiotics.
tions. Even more, some publications present data Leys et al. [7] found slightly higher number of
indicating that the bowel preparations seem to anastomotic leaks and infections in pediatric
result in a higher incidence of infections and patients who underwent a mechanical bowel prep-
dehiscence! The incidence of wound infections aration. Breckler et al. reported 14 % of wound
in the adult literature varies from 4 to 19 % with infections in colostomy closures and no differ-
minor variations in favor of those patients who ences between those who received antibiotics and
did not receive preoperative colonic preparation. those patients who did not [8]. Serrurier et al.,
The question for us, pediatric surgeons, is if also in pediatric cases [9], found significantly
we should change our routines, based on the higher number of wound infections (14 %) in a
information obtained from adult data. Our per- series of 272 colostomy closures, of patients who
sonal answer is no. The incidence of wound received mechanical bowel preparation, whereas
infections reported in adult patients with and only 5 % of those without preparation suffered
without bowel preparations is still much higher from this complication. Similar results were
than in our cases [5]. If we closed 649 consecu- reported by others [10, 11]. Pennington et al. [12]
tive colostomies without a single case of infec- in a retrospective analysis of the series of 42

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 101

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_7, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
102 7 Bowel Preparation in Pediatric Colorectal Surgery

American Children’s Hospitals, (5,473 patients) col electrolyte solution) to clean the entire gastro-
not surprising, found that only 22.9 % of all intestinal tract in pediatric patients [13–18].
patients received an “evidence-based prepara-
tion.” However, the “evidence-based guidelines”
that they allude to are related with adult patients. 7.1 Major Procedures
The question comes again: Should we change our
routines based on the adult literature? The ques- Major procedures include primary or secondary
tion is even more difficult to answer when our pull-throughs for anorectal malformations, for
results are excellent. In summary, we are not con- Hirschsprung’s disease, or for idiopathic consti-
vinced that following adult “evidence-based” rou- pation, performed without a protective colostomy.
tines will benefit our patients. Anoplasties and resection of rectal prolapse are
We are very proud of our excellent record of also included in this category. These patients must
zero wound infections in colostomy closures. We be admitted, most of the time, 24 h before the
close all wounds primarily and leave no drains. operation. Severely constipated or fecally
The patients received irrigations of the proximal impacted patients, sometimes, are admitted 2 days
stoma, with saline solution and intravenous anti- before surgery to be subjected to our protocol of
biotics during anesthesia and 48 h postoperatively. disimpaction before the cleaning of the gastroin-
On the other hand, we had cases of infections or testinal tract (See Chap. 25, Sect. 25.7.1).
minor dehiscent anoplasties in cases subjected to The morning of admission the patient is only
primary pull-throughs without a colostomy. Those allowed to take clear fluids by mouth. Usually
patients received GoLYTELY® (total bowel prep- around noon time, the administration of
aration). The dehiscences that we have seen GoLYTELY®2 is started, at the rate of 25 mL/
occurred usually between the 5 and 8 days post- kg/h until clear. Most of the time, this is adminis-
operatively while the patients are still fasting. We tered through a nasogastric tube. Occasionally,
take those patients to the operating room, resu- some adolescents volunteer to drink GoLYTELY®
tured the dehiscent areas, and prolong the period at the right speed, in order to try to avoid a naso-
of fasting for 2–3 more days. A complete dehis- gastric tube. Many of them try, yet, usually the
cence will receive a colostomy, which is a very attempt is unsuccessful because they do not drink
unusual event. A question to be answered is if a fast enough or they have nausea, and therefore,
dehiscence, occurring in a case with bowel prepa- they need the nasogastric tube. It usually takes
ration, has less serious consequences than in cases about 4 h for the colon to be completely cleaned.
without bowel preparation. We believe it does. Some patients suffer from nausea and vomiting
The type of colonic preparation that we recom- during the administration of GoLYTELY®. When
mend varies, depending on the type of surgical that happens, the patient benefits from the admin-
procedure that the patient is going to receive, as istration of an antiemetic medication, but we con-
well as the specific circumstances of the patient. tinue the administration of the GoLYTELY®, at a
Thus, the bowel preparation required for a slightly slower rate, because we have seen that
newborn baby that is going to be subjected to a most of the GoLYTELY® still goes through the
primary, major, colorectal procedure without a pylorus and through the bowel. During the
colostomy is different than the one required for administration of GoLYTELY®, the patient usu-
an older patient. ally suffers from a certain degree of abdominal
There is plenty of evidence related with the distention and cramps. Soon enough, they start
safety of using GoLYTELY®1 (polyethylene gly- passing stool through the rectum. Later on, this
becomes liquid stool that becomes more and
more clear, until it is free of stool. Patients with
GoLYTELY® PEG 3350 236 g, sodium sulfate 22.74 g,
Hirschsprung’s disease frequently require rectal
sodium bicarbonate 6.74 g, sodium chloride 5.86 g, and
potassium chloride 2.97 g (4,000 mL) [regular and pine-
apple flavor]. See footnote 1.
7.2 Primary Procedures for the Treatment of Anorectal Malformation During the Newborn Period 103

irrigation to help relieve this distention during the paction consists of the administration of three
bowel prep. After 4 h of the administration of enemas per day and daily radiologic monitoring,
GoLYTELY®, the nurse or the resident must see to be sure that the colon is free of fecal impaction
what is coming out through the rectum of the (see chapter on Idiopathic constipation). When
patient. A yellow or greenish color represents this is achieved, the patient can be admitted to
bile that is excreted in the bowel and is consid- follow the protocol of administration of
ered acceptable. On the other hand, the presence GoLYTELY®.
of particles of fecal matter is considered unac- Once the patient is in the operating room,
ceptable, and therefore, the administration of prior to the operation, we routinely pass a large
GoLYTELY® should continue. Subsequently, the Foley catheter through the rectum, to evacuate
resident or the nurse should check what is com- the remaining bowel prep fluid that is in the
ing out of the rectum every hour as the prep con- colon.
tinues to run, until the goal of a clean colon is Otherwise, this fluid becomes an inconvenience
achieved. At that point, the nasogastric tube can during the surgical procedure. Also, we pass that
be pulled out, and the patient is allowed to drink tube, in order to do a last irrigation before we start
clear fluids. (Clear fluids by mouth are not the operation. Surprisingly, sometimes, even when
allowed during the administration of the it was reported that the patient was clean, we find
GoLYTELY® because we were told by the com- stool in the colon. Occasionally, we have to cancel
pany that produces GoLYTELY® that the glucose a case because we were not successful in cleaning
contents allow for inflow of fluid into the colon the colon even in the operating room. We are very
lumen, leading to dehydration.) proud of our postoperative results.
Most patients pass clear liquid through the
rectum after 4 h, but others require a longer
period of time. Occasionally, we see patients that 7.2 Primary Procedures
continue having GoLYTELY® through the night, for the Treatment
and then come to the operating room, only for us of Anorectal Malformation
to find out that they are still not clean. During the Newborn Period
It has been our experience that many patients
who received GoLYTELY® the day before an There are some malformations that we repair pri-
operation come to the operating room suffering marily without a colostomy during the newborn
from some degree of dehydration and a mild period. It has been our experience that these
degree of metabolic acidosis. This seems to be patients behave better from the point of view of
more significant in babies. Therefore, it is our the possibility of infection, dehiscence, and
routine to administer intravenous fluids during retraction, as compared to older patients. We
the entire process to patients younger than 2 years speculate that, perhaps, due to the fact that the
of age. In patients older than 2 years of age, intra- meconium has not been colonized during the first
venous fluids are desirable, but not vital. few days of life, the chances of a wound infection
In patients with a significant degree of mega- may be less.
colon and chronic fecal impaction, it is very Full-term, stable newborns, who are other-
important to go through the process of fecal wise healthy, without major associated defects,
disimpaction prior to the administration of born at our institution or nearby and having what
GoLYTELY®. The administration of we call a “benign anorectal malformation,”
GoLYTELY® through a nasogastric tube in receive a primary procedure during the newborn
patients with fecal impaction and severe megar- period without a full bowel preparation. These
ectosigmoid sometimes makes them feel very cases include rectovestibular fistulas, recto-peri-
uncomfortable. Their abdomen becomes very neal fistulas in males and females, anorectal mal-
distended, they complain of severe cramps, and formation without fistula in both male or female
they feel very sick. The protocol of fecal disim- patients, or rectourethral bulbar fistulas. In the
104 7 Bowel Preparation in Pediatric Colorectal Surgery

last two types of malformations, we expect to are performed without a protective colostomy;
see the distal rectal end, full of gas, located yet, we request consent for a colostomy in case it
below the coccyx, on the cross table lateral film is necessary.
(See Chap. 25, Sect. 25.7.1), meaning that we
will be able to reach the rectum comfortably
through a posterior sagittal incision without tak- 7.4 Patients with Hirschsprung’s
ing unnecessary risks of injuring the urinary Disease with Enterocolitis
tract. These patients are operated on at our insti- After the Neonatal Period
tution usually within the first 48 h of life without
bowel preparation. A baby with enterocolitis is an extremely delicate,
sick patient. Therefore, he or she must be managed
in an expeditious way. The management includes
7.3 Primary Pull-Through recto-colonic irrigations, adequate aggressive
in Newborn Patients hydration, and administration of metronidazole
with Hirschsprung’s Disease (intravenously at the beginning, eventually by
mouth and later through rectal irrigations).
When a baby is born at our institution, or is Occasionally we add broad-spectrum antibiotics.
brought during the first days of life, with the The irrigations are performed as often as nec-
diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s disease, we first con- essary to decompress the colon and alleviate the
firm the diagnosis, and then, we introduce a naso- abdominal distention. It is important to keep in
gastric tube for gastric decompression and start a mind what is happening in the colon. Stasis
program of rectal irrigations, performed as often occurs, leading to bacterial overgrowth, secretory
as necessary to decompress the colon. It is very diarrhea, and dehydration. It is this cycle that
important for doctors and nurses to understand must be broken by the irrigations. During the
the difference between a rectal irrigation and an acute stages of enterocolitis, the irrigations will
enema. A patient with Hirschsprung’s disease has produce a characteristic type of stool that is par-
a congenital, intrinsic incapacity to empty the ticularly fetid and frequently with abnormal bac-
colon due to a severe motility disorder. Therefore, teria, such as Clostridium difficile. We keep these
in general, enemas are to be avoided, as they may patients fasting, receiving parenteral nutrition
simply be retained in the colon and can worsen and with the irrigations per rectum until they
the distention. Irrigation, on the other hand, con- become asymptomatic. Fairly soon, the patient
sists of passing a large-lumen tube, through the has a flat abdomen, no vomiting, and no diarrhea.
rectum and irrigating with small amounts In addition, the fetid stools disappear and are
(10 mL) of saline solution at a time. The saline replaced by clear fluid with bile. At this point, we
solution is injected with a catheter-tip syringe consider that the patient is free of enterocolitis
through the tube just to clear its lumen, to allow and therefore ready to be operated on. If we feed
decompression of the colonic contents. these patients, they may develop enterocolitis
Characteristically, the patient passes gas and liq- again. Therefore, we prefer to do the operation at
uid stool in an explosive manner through the this point. These patients require longer periods
lumen of the tube. A dramatic clinical improve- of rectal irrigations and fasting than neonates
ment can be observed in these babies after every before they are ready for an operation. In fact,
irrigation. Within a couple of days, the abdomen some of these patients receive a diverting colos-
is usually flat, and what we obtain with the irriga- tomy when we feel that the patient is not improv-
tions is only bile. At that point, and provided the ing with the medical treatment described.
diagnosis has been histologically confirmed, the Sometimes it takes 1 or 2 weeks for the patient to
patient is ready to undergo a primary pull- be ready for the operation to be sure that there is
through. We do not administer GoLYTELY® in no evidence of enterocolitis. We do not adminis-
these kinds of patients. Most of these operations ter GoLYTELY® in these kinds of patients.
References 105

7.5 Patients with Hirschsprung’s We have done over 700 colostomy closures, and
Disease Beyond we are very proud of the fact that none of our
the Neonatal Period, patients suffered from a wound infection [5]. None
Without Enterocolitis of the patients had any kind of Penrose drainage
left in the wound or in the abdomen, and all wounds
Occasionally, we see patients at school age, or were closed primarily including a subcuticular
even adolescence, who come to us suffering stitch. Only two patients had postoperative compli-
from Hirschsprung’s disease. They usually have cations: one of the patients had an anastomosis
a very severe megacolon and yet no history of dehiscence, and the other patient had a colonic per-
episodes of enterocolitis. We believe that this foration proximal to the anastomosis. We do not
type of patient suffers from a “benign type” of have an explanation for that complication.
Hirschsprung’s disease. For reasons that we do
not know, these patients never had an episode
of enterocolitis and behave in a more benign 7.7 Patients with a Colostomy
way than the rest of the patients with Who Will Have a Repair
Hirschsprung’s disease. The colon preparation of an Anorectal
in these patients is the same as the one described Malformation
for major pull-throughs. In other words, if the
patient is fecally impacted, we first disimpact When the colostomy is totally diverting (com-
them, and then we bring them to the hospital to pletely separated stomas, with the bag covering
administer GoLYTELY®, 1 or 2 days before the only the proximal stoma), and the surgeon is sure
operation. that the malformation can be repaired from below
(perineally or posterior sagittally), it is not neces-
sary to irrigate the proximal stoma. It is only nec-
7.6 Colostomy Closures essary to irrigate the distal one.
Sometimes, even when the rectum is consid-
The preparation of the bowel in these patients is ered reachable from below, the length of the
much more simple. The patient has a normal colon available between the distal stoma and the
breakfast the day prior to surgery and comes to most distal end of the rectum is so short that it is
the hospital thereafter. The rest of the day, the fair to assume that this distance will interfere
patient is maintained on clear fluids by mouth with the pull-through, making it necessary to
until 6 h before surgery. During that day, the mobilize the proximal stoma. In such cases, it is
nurses irrigate the proximal stoma with saline necessary to clean the entire gastrointestinal tract
solution. There is no need to irrigate the distal with GoLYTELY® as previously described. In
stoma, which is, by definition, clean and free of addition, in certain cases that may require a vagi-
stool. The patient receives irrigations through a nal replacement, a clean colon allows the surgeon
no. 10 Foley catheter with injections of 10–20 mL to consider the bowel from the proximal stoma as
of saline solution, allowing the saline to come an option for the neovagina.
back out through the stoma. This maneuver is
repeated as many times as necessary, until the
saline solution recovered is clear. We do not use References
GoLYTELY® for this preparation.
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located too close one to the other, and both sto- CC, Zollinger RM Jr, Shuck JM (1990) Antibiotics in
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our routine to irrigate both stomas the day before Am Surg 56(4):251–254
surgery. The same routine is applied for patients 2. van Geldere D, Fa-Si-Oen P, Noach LA, Rietra PJ,
who have a loop colostomy. Peterse JL, Boom RP (2002) Complications after
106 7 Bowel Preparation in Pediatric Colorectal Surgery

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Augmentation cystoplasty in children without preop- doi:10.4103/0189-6725.120889
Recto-perineal Fistula

8.1 Definition, Frequency, These facts make us believe that this is not a
and Prognosis real anus. For similar reasons, we believe that
in order to call a malformation “anterior anus,”
Perineal fistula is an anal malformation in which it would be necessary for the patient to have a
the anal opening is located anterior to the center non-stenotic orifice, with normal anal canal,
of the sphincter. In females, the anal opening is and surrounded 360° by a sphincter mechanism
located somewhere between the location of the (as electrically demonstrated). If we accept
normal sphincter and the female genitalia in the this, as the definition of an anterior anus, then
area known as the perineum or perineal body. we must say that we have never seen that spe-
The anterior mislocation of the orifice could be cific type of defect. The fact that we have not
minimal (a few millimeters) (Fig. 8.1) or severe, seen such defect does not mean that it does not
becoming borderline with a malformation called exist, but it certainly means that it must be
vestibular fistula (Fig. 8.2). When the anal orifice
is located at the junction of both labia majora, the
malformation sometimes receives the French
name “fourchette malformation” (Fig. 8.3), which
is considered a defect intermediate between the
vestibular and perineal area. Yet, most anorectal
malformations in females can be clearly differen-
tiated between perineal and vestibular. This is,
perhaps, the anorectal defect subjected to more
controversies, both in semantics and treatments.
In female patients, some surgeons use different
terms to refer to this condition, including “ectopic
anus” and “anterior displacement of the anus”
[1–13]. We prefer the term perineal fistula for the
following reasons:
• The anal opening is most frequently strictured
or stenotic.
• There is no anal canal.
• The orifice is not surrounded 360° by a sphinc- Fig. 8.1 Picture of a perineal fistula with minimal
ter mechanism. anterior mislocation of the opening

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 107

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_8, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
108 8 Recto-perineal Fistula

a b

Fig. 8.2 Perineal fistula with a significant anterior mislocation of the anal opening. (a) Picture. (b) Diagram

Perineal fistula is one of the most common

anorectal defects. Our series includes 90 males
and 84 females, occupying the second place in
frequency in males after the rectourethral fistulas
(bulbar and prostatic) together and the third place
in females after vestibular fistula and cloacas.
However, we have reasons to believe that the
perineal fistula is perhaps one of the two most
frequent defects in females. Most likely, the
majority of perineal fistula cases are not referred
to us, probably because they are considered easy
to repair. Ours is a referral center, and we receive
mainly complex and (or) complicated patients
from other institutions. That may be the reason to
explain the elevated number of cloacas that we
have, as well as the rather low number of cases
with perineal fistula. We conclude that the relative
frequency of presentation of these malformations
in our series is not representative of the frequency
in the general population.
Perineal fistulas are the most benign of all
anorectal defects in terms of functional prognosis
Fig. 8.3 “Fourchette” type of fistula
for bowel control. In fact, in our experience,
100 % of the patients operated by us have bowel
extremely rare. In addition, we believe that control provided the sacrum is normal. The
in the event of seeing a case suffering from majority of patients have a good sacrum, but
such condition, we would be very hesitant to there are exceptions, as we will be discussing
operate. below.
8.2 Associated Defects 109

The chances for these patients to have bowel we document a case of perineal fistula with a
control are 100 % provided they receive a good presacral mass, we have to screen the other
operation. Ironically, the incidence of constipa- members of the family for the same defect. This
tion in these patients is the highest of the entire is extremely important because we have seen
spectrum of anorectal malformations!! In fact, patients that were diagnosed as having a peri-
we observed that the higher the malformation, neal fistula received an operation focused only
the poorer the prognosis for bowel control, but in the anal defect, and the patients were left with
the better the prognosis for constipation, or the a presacral mass and sometimes with very nega-
other way around, the lower and more benign the tive consequences. In addition, having diag-
malformation, the highest chances of bowel con- nosed a sacral defect with a presacral mass
trol, but also the highest possibilities of suffering changes completely the functional prognosis for
severe constipation. The reason for this is these patients. This, we believe, it is extremely
unknown. Interestingly, higher malformations important to diagnose, to discuss with the par-
require much more perirectal dissection in order ents, and to adjust their expectations in terms of
to bring the rectum down to the perineum. This future functional prognosis. In addition, as will
dissection means that we divide the vessels and be described later, this complex triad requires a
the nerves that surround the rectum in order to specific therapeutic strategy.
mobilize it down. In other words, higher rectums The association of anorectal malformation,
require more denervation, yet they have less con- sacral defect, and presacral mass is well known
stipation!! Patients with perineal fistulas require [32–61] and is frequently called Currarino
a minimal degree of mobilization and therefore triad [38].
denervation, and yet they have the worst degree Unfortunately, there is a group of patients who
of constipation. were born with perineal fistula, as previously men-
Another important characteristic of this par- tioned, a defect with an excellent functional prog-
ticular defect is that there is a group of patients nosis, and yet, they end up suffering from fecal
with perineal fistulas that run in families. It is incontinence after several therapeutic misadven-
well documented in the literature that about 1 % tures and catastrophic events. Those are totally
of all patients with anorectal malformations preventable problems consecutive to the lack of
have a sibling with an anorectal malformation knowledge of the management of these patients.
[14]. In other words, traditionally, when the par-
ents ask about the risk of having a second child
with an anorectal malformation, the standard 8.2 Associated Defects
answer from geneticists, pediatricians, and us is
1 %. Yet, a deeper and more thoughtful analysis Following the same pattern already observed in the
of the question reveals that, actually, we have entire spectrum of anorectal malformations,
never seen a family with two cloacas. In con- perineal fistulas have the lowest incidence of
trast, we have several families that have two or urologic-associated defects or functional disorders.
more siblings with perineal fistula frequently According to our database, 18 % of female patients
associated to a presacral mass and sacral defect. and 27 % male patients with perineal fistulas suffer
The familiar characteristic of this condition has from urologic problems. Absent kidney occurs in
been published many times [15–31]. Some other 2–4 % of the cases, vesicoureteral reflux in 3–5 %,
members of the family may have the sacral hypospadias in 1 %, ectopic ureters in less than
defect and the presacral mass and not the peri- 1 %, vaginal septum in 2 %, hyposadias in 1 %,
neal fistula. For this reason, in a patient with undescended testicle in 2 %, bifid scrotum in 8 %,
perineal fistula, it is mandatory to document the and hydronephrosis in 6 %.
integrity of the sacrum with an AP x-ray film of Vertebral anomalies also are less common in
the sacrum to rule out a sacral defect because of these defects as compared to the others.
the high incidence of sacral defects and presa- Hemivertebra occurs in less than 2–4 % of the
cral masses associated to perineal fistulas. Once cases, and sacral defects are very unusual. The
110 8 Recto-perineal Fistula

sacra in these patients are usually normal except untouched, most of the times, that strip of mucosa
in those patients who are born with presacral suffers from metaplasia and changes into some-
mass and hemisacrum. thing that looks very much like skin. Yet, we have
Patent ductus arteriosus occurs in less than seen patients of 5–7 years old in which that
3 %, atrial septal defect in 2 %, ventricular septal mucosa continued producing some degree of
defect in 1 %, tetralogy of Fallot in 1 %, and wetness, which prompted us to operate. The
esophageal atresia in 1 %. operation of the perineal groove requires only
Tethered cord is present in 29 % of male removal of a very thin layer of mucosa and sutur-
patients and 13 % of female patients. This rela- ing together in the midline the skin of the peri-
tively high frequency of tethered cord is explained neal body. This operation is usually done in
by the fact that patients with perineal fistula have conjunction with the mobilization of the anal
a high frequency of association with sacral opening back to the center of the sphincter.
defects and presacral masses. Sometimes, the anus looks like it is surrounded
by a normal sphincter mechanism. Yet, with an
electrical stimulator, under anesthesia, it is
8.3 Diagnosis extremely easy to demonstrate that it is just an
optical illusion. The bulk of the sphincter mecha-
8.3.1 Female Patients nism is located behind the anal opening and
extends like a horseshoe on both sides of the anus,
The diagnosis of a perineal fistula in a female but there is no sphincter whatsoever between the
patient is a straightforward one. It is enough to female genitalia and the anal opening.
see the perineum of the baby to understand that
the anal orifice is abnormally located anterior to
the center of the sphincter (Figs. 8.1 and 8.2). 8.3.2 Male Patients
As previously mentioned, the orifice may be
located very close to the female genitalia or very The diagnosis in the male patient may be a little
close to the center of the sphincter, and so the bit trickier. The baby may have a very obvious
degree of mislocation varies from patient to orifice in the perineum through which one can
patient. There is also a specific defect called by see meconium coming out. In such case, the diag-
Stephens [62] “perineal groove” which is a strip nosis is easy (Fig. 8.5). The fistula is always
of mucosa that runs between the female genitalia located anterior to the center of the sphincter. We
and the anus. This defect is frequently associated have never seen a case in which the anal opening
to perineal fistulas (Fig. 8.4). When this is left is located posterior to the center of the sphincter.
The orifice, however, could vary in size from
patient to patient being always stenotic.
Sometimes there is a tiny, almost invisible orifice
(Fig. 8.6). The fact that it is a small orifice usu-
ally delays the passing of meconium, which is
another reason why we believe that in the man-
agement of the newborn baby with anorectal mal-
formation, decisions concerning the opening of a
colostomy or anorectal repair should not be taken
before 24 h. In the first 24 h, it is very unlikely for
the patient to pass meconium through a tiny ori-
fice. When the pediatric surgeon is called to see a
baby with imperforate anus, it is extremely
important to do a meticulous inspection of
Fig. 8.4 Picture of a perineal groove the perineum. One should not hesitate to use
8.3 Diagnosis 111

Fig. 8.5 Perineal fistula in a male. The anal orifice is

very obvious

Fig. 8.7 Arrow shows fistula opening

The orifice may go undetected. This may have

important therapeutic implications. We have seen
17 patients born with this defect in which the sur-
geon was unaware of the presence of a perineal
orifice, believed that the patient had a “high ano-
rectal malformation” opened a non-indicated
colostomy. Subsequently, the patient either did
not have a high-pressure distal colostogram or
had a colostogram without high pressure, and in
Fig. 8.6 Very small perineal fistula
both circumstances the surgeon “confirmed” his
erroneous belief that he was dealing with a case
magnifying glasses if necessary to look carefully of “high” anorectal malformation. Because of
for an orifice that sometimes is inconspicuous. that, he went ahead with an abdominoperineal
Figures 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, and 8.10 show different operation designed for the treatment of more
appearances of the same malformation (perineal complex malformations, an operation that is not
fistula). indicated in these cases, and that leaves the
We intentionally eliminated confusing terms patients fecally incontinent. This is something
used in the past to refer to this defect. These terms tragic that should never occur if one follows spe-
include: “anal membrane,” “membranous steno- cific steps in the diagnosis of these defects.
sis,” “covered anus,” “anocutaneous fistula,” and The perineum of these patients may have dif-
“translevator defect” [63–68]. ferent external appearances. Sometimes they
112 8 Recto-perineal Fistula

Fig. 8.8 The discoloration of the skin, posterior to the

fistula opening represents the location of the sphincter
Fig. 8.10 Arrow shows fistula opening at the base of the

have what is called “bucket handle” malforma-

tion. Figure 8.11 shows three different variants
of a “bucket handle” malformation. Below the
strip of the skin (bucket handle), one can find the
fistula orifice. Sometimes, the orifice is located
at the base of the penis (Fig. 8.12). In other cases
the fistula runs subcuticular in the midline raphe,
forming a black ribbon type of structure, which
represents the presence of meconium running in
a subepithelial tunnel (Fig. 8.13). Other times,
we do not see a black ribbon type of structure
but rather a white ribbon which represents
mucous in the subepithelial fistula (Fig. 8.14).
The treatment in these patients consists in
unroofing that tract until we reach the real fistula
and then to continue with the technique described
in this chapter.
One must be aware of the fact that sometimes,
some patients are born with a fistula located at the
base of the penis or in the penis itself, and one
Fig. 8.9 Arrow shows fistula opening a little out of the believes that it runs at a subcuticular level until it
midline reaches the rectum, and therefore, it can be treated
8.3 Diagnosis 113

a b

Fig. 8.11 Bucket handle malformations. Three different variants (a–c)

like a regular perineal fistula. Yet, surprisingly, from the urethra. Fortunately, in most of the cases,
one may find that the fistula runs rather parallel to one can say that if one is able to see a perineal
the urethra, deeper and deeper in to the perineum, orifice passing meconium, it means that we are
and through the corpora (Fig. 8.15). As a conse- authorized to operate without a colostomy in the
quence, trying to follow that structure, the sur- way that it was described.
geon may provoke significant bleeding. Actually, A sacral defect seen in an anterior/posterior
these specific variants are exceptions to the rule. view of an x-ray film (Fig. 8.16) is always associ-
These malformations are considered rather com- ated to a presacral mass [38], and the defect can
plex because they require more mobilization of be very small (Fig. 8.17) or giant (Fig. 8.18). It
the rectum as well as to be separated completely can be located laterally, giving the impression of a
114 8 Recto-perineal Fistula

Fig. 8.12 Perineal fistula located at the base of the penis Fig. 8.14 “White ribbon” malformation (subepithelial
with mucus) – variant of a perineal fistula

Fig. 8.15 Operative picture of a long narrow perineal

fistula. Very rare variant

“hemisacrum” or “scimitar.” It can also be located

in the midline (Fig. 8.19) giving an image of a
“bifid” sacrum. The size and location of the sacral
defect usually equals the location and size of the
Fig. 8.13 “Black ribbon” malformation. Variant of a mass. An MRI study will provide more accurate
perineal fistula (subepithelial with meconium) information about the characteristics of the mass,
8.3 Diagnosis 115

Fig. 8.19 Bifid sacrum, the mass is located in the

Fig. 8.16 Hemisacrum

Fig. 8.17 Small sacral defect

Fig. 8.20 MR image of a presacral mass with an anterior


by far, teratoma/dermoid, lipoma, meningocele,

or a combination of all of these. Presacral masses
Fig. 8.18 Giant sacral defect. The size of the presacral associated to perineal fistulas or to “rectal steno-
mass corresponds to the size of the sacral defect sis” represent an excellent example of the impor-
tance of having a good index of suspicion. The
as well as the possible communication with the presence of the mass may dramatically change the
dural space (anterior meningocele) (Fig. 8.20). functional prognosis for bowel and urinary func-
The most common types of presacral masses are, tion, particularly if the sacral defect is large.
116 8 Recto-perineal Fistula

In other words, a perineal fistula with normal rectal stenosis (Fig. 8.21). The perineal appear-
sacrum has an excellent functional prognosis, yet ance of these patients deserves a special com-
the presence of a mass is a rather devastating find- ment. This type of perineum is known as “funnel
ing. The surgical strategy also changes, since it anus” (Fig. 8.22). It certainly looks like a funnel.
must include the resection of the mass at the same The pectinate line is not visible outside because it
time of the repair of the anorectal malformation. seems to be located higher, by the pushing effect
This resection can be a rather easy procedure or produced by the mass. This external appearance
can also be a formidable operation that requires must prompt us to order an AP x-ray film of the
the participation of a neurosurgeon. sacrum and an MRI of the pelvis, in order to con-
Some patients are born with a normally firm the diagnosis of the presacral mass and rec-
located anus and a presacral mass producing a tal stenosis.

a b

Fig. 8.21 Presacral mass producing a rectal stenosis. (a) Diagram showing the rectum compressed by a presacral mass,
which pulls up the anal canal. (b) Diagram of a perineal fistula associated to a presacral mass (pre- and postoperative)

Fig. 8.22 Picture of the perineum of a patient with a “funnel anus”

8.6 Cutback Operation 117

8.4 Management the wrong type of operation or technically incor-

rect procedure that ended up in a series of compli-
Since these defects represent the simplest of all cations that will be described later. Therefore, we
anorectal malformations, the operation designed can say that it is preferable for the patient to receive
to repair these defects is also a limited, rather anal dilatations rather than a poor operation. The
simple, yet meticulous operation. Operations to fact is that these patients will have bowel control
repair these defects are performed without a pro- with and without an operation. We explain that, by
tective colostomy. The exceptions to this rule the fact that the mislocation of the anal orifice is
include cases of misdiagnosis. More specifically, only present in the lowest part of the rectum
some male patients are born with no anal open- (Fig. 8.2), most of the rectum, however, is well
ing; they rather have a tiny perineal orifice that located traversing within the funnel-like muscle
goes unrecognized, and the surgeon erroneously structure and is only deviated in the lowest part. It
believed that the patient had a “high” malforma- is this type of case that exemplifies the fact that a
tion and opens a non-indicated colostomy. perfect location of the anus, within the sphincter
When the patients are born full term at our mechanism, is not a precondition to have bowel
institution, with no serious associated defects, we control. Bowel control then seems to depend on
operate on them without bowel preparation within many other factors besides anal location.
the first 72 h of life. Unfortunately, however, Anal dilatations, from our point of view, are then
patients frequently come to us weeks or months indicated under specific circumstances. One of
after they were born, and in that type of case, we those could be a patient that has multiple serious
feel it is safer to prepare the gastrointestinal tract associated defects and abdominal distention.
with GoLYTELY as described in the chapter Premature babies with severe cardiac conditions
related to colonic preparation. In the case of a that are not in good condition to be taken to the
newborn operated in the first hours of life, we feed operating room are also good candidates to receive
the patient usually 3–5 days after the operation. anal dilatations. The protocol of dilatation should be
We believe that those babies operated early, with- as the one described here (Chap. 18). Another rea-
out bowel preparation, have a better postoperative son to do dilatations is the case in which the surgeon
course and less chance of infection, perhaps due has no experience with performing a formal poste-
to the fact that the bacterial proliferation in the rior sagittal anoplasty for these patients. In that case,
bowel is nil or very limited. However, in older the chances of hurting the patient are much less with
patients, we are stricter in the protocol of manage- anal dilatations than with an operation. The opera-
ment. We use GoLYTELY for total bowel prepa- tion also could be done later. Anal dilatations in
ration (see Chap. 7), insert a central line, and keep cases of perineal fistula are sometimes rather diffi-
the patients 10 days with nothing by mouth. cult and painful. The reason is that one has to dilate
During the newborn period, there are several a congenital stricture type of anomaly. This is not
therapeutic options for these patients. The first the same as in cases of postoperative dilatations
one is simple dilatation of the perineal orifice. after a technically correct operation; in those cases
usually the dilatations are uncomfortable, but not
painful. Very painful dilatation usually means a
8.5 Dilatations congenital stricture or ischemia that occurred during
the performance of an anoplasty.
Dilatations usually help the patient to eliminate the
stool and avoid abdominal distention. This treat-
ment modality is preferred by many doctors all 8.6 Cutback Operation
over the world, based on the fact that these patients
will have bowel control with and without an opera- The cutback operation is another therapeutic
tion. In fact, misadventure and catastrophic events alternative for these patients. The indications are
in these patients occur when somebody performed similar to the ones of the anal dilatation. In fact,
118 8 Recto-perineal Fistula

it is a procedure that can be done with local handling of tissues, and avoiding excessive burn-
anesthesia. Again, we do not think that it should ing. There is a significant difference in the surgical
be the final ideal operation for these patients, but technique for perineal fistulas in male and female
it is certainly an alternative for patients who are patients.
extremely sick or in situations in which the sur- Obviously, when dealing with patients with
geon does not have the necessary training to perineal fistulas associated to a presacral mass, it
perform a formal posterior sagittal anoplasty. The is necessary to use a full posterior sagittal inci-
cutback procedure consists of making an incision sion [47, 69–71].
in the posterior rim of the anal opening and sutur-
ing the skin to the mucosa. In other words, it is a
kind of Heineke-Mikulicz type of procedure. The 8.7.1 Male Patients
cosmetic appearance after the cutback is less than
optimal, yet this operation does not really hurt A few authors referred to this malformation
the sphincter mechanism or the innervation of the using the terminology that we used, calling this
bowel, and therefore it is considered a good con- defect “recto-perineal fistula” [72–75]. The real
temporizing preliminary operation, designed to challenge in male patients with perineal fistula is
facilitate the passing of stool and alleviate the the separation of the rectum from the urethra
abdominal distention. (Fig. 8.24). In fact, the most common and feared
intraoperative accident of this procedure is the
urethral injury. This happens when the surgeon
8.7 Minimal Posterior Sagittal underestimates the complexity of this operation
Anoplasty and takes the baby to the operating room without
a Foley catheter in the bladder. Many surgeons
We believe that the ideal procedure to repair a peri- operate on these babies in the lithotomy posi-
neal fistula is what we call “minimal posterior sag- tion; we do it in prone position. One must keep
ittal anoplasty.” Our experience with this operation in mind that the urethra of an infant or a newborn
includes 174 cases with excellent results from the male baby is an extremely delicate thin structure
functional and cosmetic point of view (Fig. 8.23). and can be divided inadvertently. That is why we
We recognize, however, that even when it is a cannot overemphasize the need to use a Foley
small procedure, it is technically demanding. This catheter in all of these cases. In addition, during
is the kind of operation that requires experience, the repair, one must keep thinking very specifi-
meticulous technique, familiarity with the delicate cally in not injuring the urethra. Figure 8.25 shows
a suprapubic cystogram and retrograde urethro-
gram in a patient that underwent an attempted
failed repair of a perineal fistula and suffered a
complete division of the urethra. The patient was
passing urine through the perineum, and no urine
was coming out through the penis. The percuta-
neous cystogram showed that the urethra had
been divided. We had reoperated on several
patients like this; we were able to separate the
urethra from the rectum and put together both
ends of the urethra successfully. This complica-
tion is a serious one, and that is why we insist
that if the surgeon does not have experience with
this kind of operation, it is better to subject the
Fig. 8.23 External appearance of an excellent operative patient to anal dilatations and/or cutback type of
result procedure.
8.7 Minimal Posterior Sagittal Anoplasty 119

Fig. 8.24 Diagram of a perineal fistula in a male patient, pre- and postoperative

8.7.2 Surgical Technique

Usually, a no. 8 Foley catheter goes well for a full-

term newborn baby, but if the baby is smaller than
that, we use a no. 6 Foley catheter. The baby is then
turned into the prone position with the pelvis ele-
vated. The skin of the perineum is washed, prepped,
and draped in the usual manner. Multiple 6-0 silk
stitches are placed in a circumferential manner tak-
ing the edges of the fistula site (Fig. 8.26). These
multiple stitches are used in order to apply uniform
traction on the rectum to facilitate the separation of
the rectum from the peripheral tissues, particularly
from the urethra. We recommend making a small
posterior sagittal incision that includes the entire
sphincter mechanism (Fig. 8.27). We have been
learning from all these cases that the sphincter
mechanism can be easily seen, particularly in white
babies because it is represented by a characteristic,
dark discoloration of the skin. In a full-term baby,
Fig. 8.25 Suprapubic cystogram and anterior urethro- the anterior posterior diameter of the sphincter
gram in a patient who suffered from an accidental com-
mechanism is approximately 2–3 cm. The incision
plete division of the urethra, during the repair of a perineal
fistula. (a) Blind end of the distal urethra. (b) Distal ure- is continued deeper through the entire sphincter
thra draining next to the anus mechanism. The surgeon must keep in mind the
120 8 Recto-perineal Fistula

Fig. 8.26 Surgical repair of a perineal fistula in a male

patient – multiple silk stitches on the fistula site

Fig. 8.28 Picture showing the characteristic “white

fascia” covering the posterior rectal wall

fascia that covers the posterior rectal wall. This

becomes more evident when we apply traction on
the rectum (Fig. 8.28). The fascia is removed from
the posterior rectal wall in order to create a plane of
dissection in intimate contact with the rectal wall.
The dissection of the rectal wall is continued in
both lateral sides and from there; the dissection is
extended down to the skin. At this point, the next
step is the most delicate part of the operation which
is the mobilization and dissection of the anterior
rectal wall, with special emphasis in not injuring
the urethra. The surgeon must keep in mind that
Fig. 8.27 Posterior sagittal incision, dividing the sphinc-
while applying traction to the rectum, we are also
ter mechanism putting traction on the urethra that may be kinked
in an acute angle and to be injured, particularly if
the patient does not have a urethral catheter. One
fact that near the fistula site (most distal rectum), important sign that indicates that the surgeon is
the rectal wall is almost in intimate contact with the dangerously getting close to the urethra is to find
skin; as we become more proximal in the bowel, the kind of bleeding that is seen when working in
the distance between the skin and the bowel is spongiosum/cavernosum type of tissue of the
greater. The entire sphincter mechanism is divided penis. This indicates that we are dissecting very
until we are able to identify the characteristic white close to the urethra (Fig. 8.29). If one finds that
8.7 Minimal Posterior Sagittal Anoplasty 121

kind of bleeding that is difficult to stop with the good position. Excessive, damaged tissue from
cautery, that means the dissection is being done too the rectum is resected, and a circumferential ano-
close to the urethra and far away from the rectum. plasty is performed with 16 stitches of 6-0 Vicryl
The dissection must be carried out closer to the rec- sutures (Fig. 8.30). As we mentioned before,
tum and away from the urethra. The bleeding origi- these patients usually have no pain after this kind
nated in the spongiosum tissue is better controlled of operation (Fig. 8.31). When this operation is
by suturing the spongiosum capsule with fine 6-0 performed in a newborn baby passing meconium
absorbable sutures. The dissection of the rectal and no real stool, the babies can be fed 2 or 3 days
wall and separation from the urethra is indispens- after the procedure. On the other hand, when the
able if one wants to really mobilize the rectum to operation is performed, without a protective
move it back to be placed within the limits of the colostomy weeks or months after the baby is
sphincter without tension. Fear to injure the urethra born, we believe that it is safer to insert a central
may provoke that the surgeon does not mobilize the line, keep the baby fasting, and administer paren-
rectum enough, leaving a tension anoplasty with teral nutrition for 10 days. These babies receive
high chances to suffer from dehiscence. intravenous antibiotics for 48 h.
Once the rectum has been completely sepa-
rated from the urethra and mobilized, the limits
of the sphincter are electrically determined and
marked with temporary silk stitches. The perineal
body then is reconstructed with interrupted 5-0
long-term absorbable sutures. The skin of the
perineum (where the fistula used to be located) is
sutured with interrupted 6-0 long-term absorb-
able sutures bringing together the anterior limits
of the sphincter. Usually the levator muscle is not
touched. Yet, the posterior edge of the muscle
complex in both sides of the midline is sutured
together with 5-0 long-term absorbable sutures
taking with the same sutures a bite of the poste-
rior rectal wall in order to anchor the rectum in a

Fig. 8.30 Anoplasty

Fig. 8.29 Picture showing the dissection of the anterior

rectal wall. The spongiosum tissue of the urethra can be
clearly seen Fig. 8.31 Finished operation
122 8 Recto-perineal Fistula

8.7.3 Female Patients bility of urethral injury and therefore no need of

a Foley catheter (Fig. 8.32).
The operation in female patients is usually sim- We have been impressed by the fact that one
pler than in the male patients because there is no of the anorectal malformations for which the
risk of injuring the urethra. The equivalent to the parents have more problems in making a deci-
urethra would be the vagina, yet it is extremely sion about to operate or not to operate is pre-
unusual to see cases of vaginal injuries during the cisely a perineal fistula in female patients. We
repair of a perineal fistula. This is due to the fact feel morally obligated to tell the parents that
that the vagina and rectum are usually signifi- babies with perineal fistulas will have bowel
cantly separated although one should not under- control with and without an operation. Another
estimate the possibility of injuring the vagina. very important fact in these cases is that the
The technique is the same as described for male patients will suffer from severe constipation
patients except for the fact that there is no possi- with and without an operation. In other words,

a b

Fig. 8.32 Repair of a perineal fistula in a female patient. (a) Traction sutures. Relocation of anal opening. (b) Anoplasty.
Finished operation. (c) Separation of the rectum from the vagina
8.8 Postoperative Care 123

we should not let the parents develop wrong

expectations thinking that the operation will
prevent these patients from suffering constipa-
tion. In fact, we are not sure if the constipation
is going to get worse after an operation and the
unpleasant experience of anal dilatations. It is a
fact also that not relieving a stenosis (when
present) will make the constipation much more
severe. Therefore, if the patient has a perineal
fistula with stenosis (like most cases have), then
something must be done to avoid the exacerba-
tion of the constipation. When one tells the
family that the patient will have bowel control
with and without an operation and constipation
with and without an operation, then they rea-
sonably ask why to operate? There is a reason Fig. 8.33 Contrast study showing a dilated rectum and a
narrow lower portion compressed by a presacral mass
why we believe that these female patients will
benefit from this operation, and that is the fact
that leaving the patient with an anteriorly operating room accompanied by a neurosurgeon
located anal orifice means that they have a very because it is a rather unpleasant surprise to find
short perineal body. We have seen teenage that the dura has been open and the patient runs the
patients that when they discover the character- risk of suffering meningitis and (or) cerebrospinal
istics of their perineal anatomy, they express fluid fistula. After the mass has been resected, the
their dissatisfaction, and they demand a repair anterior meningocele is resected and the dura is
later in life, which is a more uncomfortable closed with nonabsorbable sutures. Sometimes it
experience than when it is done in the newborn is necessary to develop muscle and cartilage
period. Also, a vaginal delivery of a baby may patches to be sure that the dura space is well
have higher chances of a rectal injury in a sealed. The mass must always be resected because
mother with a short perineum. Because of this, we have seen patients later in life that suffer from
we believe that it is indicated to do the opera- an infection of the mass, and also there is a certain
tion in female patients provided the surgeon is degree of risk of malignancy [41].
familiarized with the surgical technique and is Once the mass is resected, we can mobilize the
delicate enough to do it. In male cases, we can- rectum down. We should not try to dilate the long
not argue that the operation will be good for narrow fistula that is the result of the compression
those kinds of reasons, and therefore we simply of the presacral mass. Usually that portion of rec-
tell the parents that the advantage of the opera- tum is non-dilatable and therefore must be resected.
tion is a better cosmetic effect as compared Attempts to dilate this kind of rectum have failed in
with cutback or simple dilatations. We respect several cases and were referred to us after many
the parents’ decision. attempts of doing that. One must go and find the
Cases with perineal fistulas associated to a pre- upper rectum and pull it down to the perineum.
sacral mass usually have a very long narrow fistula
with a dilated rectum above the location of the
mass (Fig. 8.33). The operation is a sophisticated 8.8 Postoperative Care
one because it requires resection of the mass. Most
presacral masses do not have an anterior meningo- As we previously described, these babies, when
cele component. However, many have and there- operated in the newborn period with meconium
fore if the pediatric surgeon has no experience in in the bowel, can be fed after 3–5 days, and they
dealing with anterior meningoceles must go to the do not need parenteral nutrition. When the babies
124 8 Recto-perineal Fistula

are operated weeks or months later with real stool fecal impaction. We went ahead with our protocol
in their colons, we keep them 10 days with noth- of disimpaction (see Chap. 25, Sect. 25.7.1).
ing by mouth, receiving parenteral nutrition. Following that, we determined, by trial and error
We must anticipate a high degree of constipa- and radiologic monitoring, the laxative requirement
tion in these patients. We cannot overemphasize of the patient. We usually found that it was a very
the importance of assuming that the patient is large amount of laxative, what the patient required
going to be severely constipated and assuming to allow the emptying of the rectosigmoid as radio-
that he will need an amount of laxatives much logically demonstrated. Once we reached that
larger than what other patients need. The magni- amount of laxative, we found that the patient was
tude of constipation is worse when the defect is actually fecally continent and all the patient
associated with a presacral mass. required from the beginning was the administra-
Constipation must be treated aggressively to tion of the right amount of laxatives. Those are
prevent severe consequences. We must keep in very rewarding experiences in dealing with that
mind that these babies are born with an abnormal kind of patients.
rectum that does not have the normal peristalsis, Unfortunately, we also have been exposed to
and therefore these patients need help to empty about 35 patients that had the same symptomatol-
their rectum. We must also remember that every ogy just described, but unfortunately a surgeon sus-
patient has a different laxative requirement that is pected that the patient could have Hirschsprung’s
not what it says in traditional books for the man- disease. We strongly believe that Hirschsprung’s
agement of constipation. These patients need 2, 3, disease is not more common in patients with ano-
4, 5, and 10 times larger dosages of laxatives than rectal malformations than in the general popula-
other patients need. Constipation means incapacity tion. Yet, the incidence of constipation in patients
to empty the rectum which results in accumulation with anorectal malformation is extremely high, and
of stool that leads to formation of a fecal impaction most of us pediatric surgeons were trained to sus-
that produces megacolon. All pediatric surgeons pect Hirschsprung’s disease whenever we deal with
are familiar with the fact that hollow viscus sub- a child with constipation. Consequently, those
jected to an abnormal dilatation loses its peristaltic patients received a rectal biopsy, and occasionally,
efficiency. This phenomenon has been observed in those rectal biopsies show no ganglion cells which,
cases of colonic, duodenal, and small bowel from our point of view, do not necessarily make the
obstruction, as well as in megaureters. A dilated diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s.
bowel loses it peristalsis, and therefore, constipa- In a patient with Hirschsprung’s disease, we
tion produces retention, retention produces dilata- expect to see not only absent ganglion cells, but we
tion, dilatation produces lack of peristalsis, lack of also request an accurate description of the site
peristalsis produces more constipation, creating a where the biopsy was taken from, and also we
vicious cycle that ends up with patients that behave expect from the pathology department to tell us
like being incontinent when actually they suffer whether or not there was an increase in the activity
from overflow pseudoincontinence (see Chap. 18). of acetylcholinesterase as well as the presence of
This is highly inconvenient because we must keep hypertrophic nerves. If we do not find that kind of
in mind that we are dealing with patients that have abnormalities and in the absence of symptoms of
an excellent prognosis for bowel control. We have enterocolitis, we simply do not believe that these
seen 25 patients that came to our clinic suffering patients have Hirschsprung’s. Some of these
from “fecal incontinence” and severe constipation. patients, as we said, had a biopsy done at other
When evaluated for the purpose of providing institutions that showed unfortunately absent gan-
bowel management, we found that they were born glion cells as a single finding with a dilated rectum,
with one of these malformations, they received a which the surgeons considered enough evidence
technically correct operation, and yet they suffered for the diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s and went ahead
from “fecal incontinence.” A contrast enema with an abdominoperineal resection. An abdomi-
revealed that they had a huge rectosigmoid with noperineal resection in a constipated patient with
References 125

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Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

9.1 Introduction urethra) (Fig. 9.3) [1, 2, 6]. Some authors use the
term “ano-penile-urethral fistula” [6].
We define this malformation as a defect in a male Until the moment of writing this manuscript,
in which the rectum is abnormally communicat- we have had experience with the treatment of 231
ing with the lowest portion of the posterior ure- cases of rectourethral bulbar fistula. Two hundred
thra (Fig. 9.1). Figure 9.2 shows the characteristic and nine of them were primary operations and 22
image of a distal colostogram performed in a were reoperations.
patient with this malformation. As we have mentioned several times, every
This is the most common anorectal malforma- case represents an anatomic variant. Therefore,
tion defect in males in our series. This, of course, one can expect to see cases of rectourethral bulbar
should not be interpreted as an accurate reflection fistula in which the rectum opens into the urethra a
of the incidence of this defect in the general pop- little higher than the bulbar area. In other words,
ulation, since ours is a referral center, which the rectum connects with the urethra anywhere
means that in general, we tend to receive more between the prostatic urethra (middle portion of
complex defects and less of the benign and lower the posterior urethra) and the bulbar portion of the
type of malformations. urethra (the lowest part of the posterior urethra).
A literature review revealed very few publica-
tions under the name of “rectourethral bulbar fis-
tula” [1–4] in spite of the fact that it is a very 9.2 Associated Defects
common defect. The reason for this, we believe,
is that most authors unfortunately are still using A significant number of our patients with recto-
the terminology of “high,” “intermediate,” and urethral bulbar fistula have some sort of associ-
“low”. Some authors consider this an “intermedi- ated defect, mainly urologic. Hypospadias occur
ate” malformation [1, 5]. in 10 % of the cases, vesicoureteral reflux in
Consistent with the concept that dictates that about 13 % of the cases, and absent kidney in
these malformations occur in a spectrum fashion, 10 % of the cases.
it is relatively common to see cases in which the The sacrum, in this type of malformation, is
fistula is connected even more anteriorly (penile usually normal. The average AP sacral ratio in rec-
tourethral bulbar fistula is 0.61. The lateral one is
0.75; 2 % of the cases have sacral hemivertebrae.
Forty-six patients with this malformation were
Electronic supplementary material Supplementary
material is available in the online version of this chapter at evaluated for the presence of the tethered cord;
10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_9. seven of them had that defect (15 %).

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 129

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_9, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
130 9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

Fig. 9.1 Diagram showing a rectourethral bulbar fistula, preoperatively and postoperatively

Fig. 9.3 Distal colostogram showing a fistula located at

the penile urethra

Spinal abnormalities, mainly hemivertebra

and butterfly vertebra, have been seen in approxi-
mately 7 % of the cases with a rectourethral bul-
bar fistula.
Esophageal atresia occurs in 4 % of these
patients; duodenal atresia in 1 %.
Fig. 9.2 Distal colostogram showing a rectourethral Patent ductus arteriosus occurs in 8 % of the
bulbar fistula cases, but only one third of them required some
9.2 Associated Defects 131

sort of therapeutic intervention due to hemody-

namic problems. Atrial septum defects occurred
in 7 % of the cases, but only one third of them
required intervention. Ventricular septum defect
occurred in 5 % of the cases, and ¼ of the cases
required therapeutic intervention. Tetralogy of
Fallot occurred in 1 % of these cases.
There is a small group of male patients born
with an anorectal malformation that had commu-
nication between the rectum and the urethra in a
location more anterior to the bulbar site, meaning
somewhere in the spongiosum portion of the
penile urethra. In those cases, the rectum follows
a narrow fistula tract that runs parallel to the
penile urethra and opens at different levels of the
urethra (Fig. 9.3).
Those cases are not considered in the classifi-
cation presented in this book, due to the fact that
they are very unusual, but must be kept in mind
by the surgeons.
There are also many cases of rectourethral
bulbar fistula that, when seen during the newborn
period, the rectal pouch seems to be bulging
down and located very close to the perineal skin
(Fig. 9.4). Using the traditional, old parameters
to study the newborn babies, some of those cases Fig. 9.4 Distal colostogram showing the rectal pouch
were erroneously considered “low” malforma- located lower than the fistula
tions and consequently approached through the
perineum. The surgeons found the rectal pouch,
pulled it down successfully, and left the patient
with a persistent, untouched rectourethral fistula.
Soon enough, these patients passed urine through
the rectum and stool through the urethra [7]. That
is another reason why we do not favor the classi-
fication of these malformations into the tradi-
tional, old categories of “high,” “intermediate,”
and “low.”
During the neonatal period, these babies are,
in general, healthy, due to the fact that the inci-
dence of associated defects is rather low. The
perineum in these patients is usually “good look- Fig. 9.5 Perineum of a patient with a rectourethral bulbar
ing” (Fig. 9.5), meaning that they have good mid- fistula. There is a prominent midline groove and a clear
line groove and a well-defined anal dimple. Yet, anal dimple
there is no evidence of any kind of perineal fistula
or any meconium present in the perineum. During presence of the fistula, and we interpret that as a
the first 20 h of life, usually they do not pass manifestation of a very narrow fistula tract that
meconium through the urine, in spite of the requires a very significant intraluminal bowel
132 9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

pressure in order to force the meconium through 9.3 Posterior Sagittal

the fistula into the urethra. Therefore, one should Anorectoplasty
not expect meconium in the urine in the first 20 h
of life (see Chap. 4 of this book). We perform this operation as early in life as pos-
If the baby is born in an institution where the sible, since we try to avoid unpleasant memories
surgeons have a demonstrated interest and expe- related to the operations and rectal dilations in
rience in the surgical management of neonatal the patient. When the patients are born at our
patients, it is conceivable that these patients could institution, they receive a colostomy at birth,
be treated posterior sagittally during the newborn and 2–4 weeks after that operation, assuming
period without a colostomy. The fundamental that the baby has recovered well, is growing,
requirement to perform that kind of treatment is and developing normally, the baby is ready to
that the surgeon could see the image of the rec- undergo this operation. Many times, the patients
tum located well below the coccyx as delineated are referred to us later in life, and that is why not
by the presence of gas. By seeing that image in a all of our patients have been operated early
cross-table lateral film, one can be sure that by in life.
opening posterior sagittally, the rectum will be
found, and therefore, one can avoid damage to
the urinary tract.
Most of the patients operated on by us come to 9.4 Surgical Technique
our institution with a colostomy already opened
at another hospital. Under good general anesthesia and endotracheal
If the surgeon has no experience in the man- intubation, the patient is placed first in lithotomy
agement of neonates with anorectal malforma- position. We use a baby cystoscope routinely in
tions, it is much safer to open a colostomy all of our cases to confirm the diagnosis of recto-
(Chap. 5). urethral bulbar fistula. We take advantage of this
A laparoscopic approach is justified and conve- procedure to learn more about the anatomy of the
nient in cases of anorectal malformations that posterior urethra. We have been learning impor-
would require a laparotomy; yet, it has been done tant anatomic facts from the cystoscopies in male
in these kinds of cases [8–20]. We are definitely patients with anorectal malformations, including
opposed to that approach in this particular malfor- abnormalities in the verumontanum, abnormal
mation. A posterior sagittal approach done in these locations of the prostatic utricle, and ectopic ure-
patients is an operation that takes approximately teral openings in the bladder neck and posterior
2 h. The rectum is minimally dissected, just enough urethra. We also look at the bladder neck as well
to reach the perineum, which is very close. The as the ureteral orifices and the bladder in general.
abdomen is not entered; the results are very good. At the end of this procedure, we pass a Foley
The patient has mild pain, can eat the same day of catheter into the bladder. Sometimes the recto-
the operation, and can be discharged the following urethral bulbar fistula is a large one, and due to its
day. We do not understand the rationale of attempt- location, the catheter tends to go into the rectum.
ing the repair of these defects through the abdo- This happens in approximately 20 % of the cases.
men. A consequence of laparoscopic attempts to If this happens, we can try to introduce a special
repair bulbar fistulas is the posterior urethral diver- catheter with a curved tip, called “coude cathe-
ticula (pieces of rectum left attached to the urethra), ter.” We must try to direct the curve of the cathe-
due to the fact that the surgeon was unable to reach ter anteriorly and cephalad in order to avoid the
the end of the bowel (which resides well below the catheter going into the rectum. This may or may
peritoneal reflection) through the abdomen, laparo- not work. If it does not work, then we can take a
scopically [21] (Animation 9.1). Also, a much regular Foley catheter and introduce a lacrimal
more extensive circumferential dissection is done probe in its tip (Fig. 9.6) (photograph). By doing
laparoscopically which is unnecessary. that, we can direct the tip of the catheter conve-
9.4 Surgical Technique 133

niently into the posterior urethra. If this maneu- to avoid any potential injuries. The chest should
ver does not work, we can pass a wire through a be slightly elevated from the table, with rubber
cystoscope, followed by the catheter. Most of the foam (Fig. 9.7) to be sure that the shoulders fall
time, we are successful in placing the catheter in forward to avoid stretching of the brachial
the bladder using one of the two described plexus. The tips of the toes should not rest on the
maneuvers. Occasionally, it is impossible to do table. The penis should be free from the rubber
this and we have to leave the catheter in the rec- foam that is placed in the groin to elevate the
tum. During the operation, when we open the rec- pelvis.
tum, we have the opportunity to redirect the The perineum and perineal area are washed,
catheter toward the bladder under direct vision. prepped, and draped in the usual manner. The
With the Foley catheter in place, the patient is sterile towels are sutured to the skin to avoid their
placed in prone position with the pelvis elevated. displacement during the operation (Fig. 9.8).
The positioning of the patient is the responsibil- Because of the position of the patient, the towels
ity of the surgeon. One must be absolutely sure that surround the operative field tend to fall away,
that all of the pressure areas are well cushioned even if taped, and therefore, we have learned to
stitch them to the skin.
Animations 9.2 and 9.3 illustrate the basic
principles and technical maneuvers required to
repair this malformation.
An electrical stimulator is used to determine
the limits of the sphincter and also as a guide to
be sure that we make the incision dividing the
sphincter exactly in the midline, leaving equal
amounts of muscle on both sides. A special very
Fig. 9.6 Lacrimal probe introduced in the tip of a Foley
fine needle-tip cautery is used to avoid excessive
catheter in order to direct it into the bladder and avoid tissue burning. A very sharp needle allows the
getting through the fistula into the rectum surgeon to decrease the intensity of the electric

Fig. 9.7 Prone position

with adequate cushioning
134 9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

Fig. 9.8 Sterile towels sutured to the skin to avoid


current used during the operation by concentrat-

ing the energy in the tip of the needle. Not being
familiar with the use of this specific type of nee-
dle may provoke serious tissue burning. The nee-
dle must be used with quick movements touching
the tissues only with the very tip of the needle
and not with the lateral parts. The field should
always be dry, as wetness will diffuse the energy,
making the needle ineffective, which may induce
the surgeon to increase the intensity, producing
tissue burning.
Fig. 9.9 Parasagittal muscle fibers on both sides of the
The skin is opened with an incision running wound
from the inferior portion of the sacrum to the anal
dimple. When we open the skin, we continue
opening the subcutaneous tissue and we usually
find a group of fibers that run parallel to the skin
and on each side of the midline; therefore, we call
them parasagittal fibers (Fig. 9.9). These fibers
are divided exactly in the midline. We try to sepa-
rate rather than to cut them. A Weitlaner retractor
is used, trying to place the retractor as superfi-
cially as possible to not injure the muscle fibers.
Below the parasagittal fibers, we find a fatty tis-
sue that we call ischiorectal fossa (Fig. 9.10).
There, it is rather difficult to maintain the midline
plane. There is a very thin fascia that can be iden-
tified by careful observation of the tissues; that
thin fascia allows us to separate one side of the
ischiorectal fossa from the other and to avoid the
inconvenient herniation of fat into the operative
field that may interfere with the exposure. Below
the ischiorectal fossa, we find the levator muscle
(Fig. 9.11). The levator muscle is divided in the
exact midline with needle-tip cautery (Fig. 9.12).
In the area of the anal dimple, we find another
group of fibers that run perpendicular to the para- Fig. 9.10 Ischiorectal fossa located deeper than the para-
sagittal fibers, from the skin toward the urethra. sagittal fibers. Arrows – ischiorectal fossa
9.4 Surgical Technique 135

Fig. 9.12 The levator muscle is divided in the midline

Fig. 9.11 Levator muscles, found deeper than the ischio-

rectal fossa. L levator, I ischiorectal fossa

These we call the muscle complex (Fig. 9.13).

The muscle complex joins in continuity with the
levator muscle, forming an angle usually of about
90° (Fig. 9.14). The muscle complex fibers must
also be divided exactly in the midline. After we
divide the entire sphincter mechanism, deeper,
we identify a characteristic white fascia that cov-
ers the rectum posteriorly (Fig. 9.15). The white
fascia is divided to create a plane of dissection as
close as possible to the rectal wall. The dissection
of the rectum must be performed by staying in Fig. 9.13 Muscle complex. (a) Anterior limit of the
intimate contact with the rectal wall itself. sphincter. (b) Posterior limit of the sphincter
These patients should never be approached
without a good, preoperative distal colostogram injure the urinary tract since the rectum is the first
(Fig. 9.16 and Animation 9.4). This study per- structure that we identify because it actually
formed prior to this operation shows that the rec- bulges when we open the white fascia.
tum is located below the coccyx and opens in the Two 5-0 silk stitches are placed taking the
lowest part of the posterior urethra; therefore, posterior rectal wall, one on each side of the mid-
when we approach these patients posterior sagit- line (Fig. 9.17). The needle-tip cautery is used
tally, there is no way to miss the rectum or to again to divide the posterior rectal wall in
136 9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

Fig. 9.14 Junction of levator and muscle complex (the

rectum in this case was already separated from the ure-
thra). Arrow shows the point of junction Fig. 9.15 Deeper than the levator, a characteristic white
fascia is found, which covers the rectum from behind. The
arrow shows the white fascia

between these two silk stitches. As we identify Most of the catastrophic events that have
the lumen of the rectum, we place 5-0 silk sutures, occurred in cases that were referred to us from
taking the edges of the rectum in each side of the other institutions occurred at this particular stage:
incision (Fig. 9.18). trying to separate the rectum from the urinary
The incision then is extended distally, yet tract without following the basic principles. The
remaining exactly in the midline. As we open first principle is to have a distal colostogram good
with the needle-tip cautery gradually, we keep enough to know that what we are dealing with is
placing 5-0 silk stitches, taking the edges of the indeed the rectum, and we are not blindly explor-
rectal wall. The use of retractors placed on the ing the pelvis of a baby. The most common
rectal mucosa must be avoided, because it trau- source of mistakes in these cases is the lack of a
matizes the tissues, producing edema and bleed- distal colostogram. The surgeons entered looking
ing that may interfere with the visualization of for a rectum that was not there; they actually did
the fistula. The fistula will become evident just by not know the location of the rectum and suffered
continuing the incision in the midline. A last 5-0 terrible misadventures in looking for it. In the
silk stitch is placed, taking the most distal part of process of searching for the rectum, they rather
our incision, including the edge of the fistula site found the urethra, prostate, seminal vesicles, vas
(Figs. 9.19 and 9.20). At this point, we are just deferens, and nerves that must be preserved to
about to start the most delicate part of the avoid neurogenic bladder and impotence. Trying
operation, which is the separation of the rectum to pass a big right-angle clamp around the rectum
from the urinary tract. is a dreadful old, traditional maneuver that must
9.4 Surgical Technique 137

Fig. 9.16 Distal colostogram showing a rectourethral

bulbar fistula

Fig. 9.18 Diagram showing stitches in both rectal edges

be avoided. Old, simplistic diagrams showing the

rectal fistula connected to the urethra in a “T”
fashion (Fig. 9.21) may explain why some sur-
geons think that they can go around the rectum
with a right-angle clamp and simply “ligate” the
fistula. This is also one of our concerns related to
the laparoscopic approach of this malformation.
One must keep in mind that the lower the mal-
formation, the longer the common wall between
the rectum and the urinary tract. In other words,
patients that have a recto-bladder neck fistula
basically have no common wall between the
anterior rectal wall and the posterior wall of the
urinary tract. Therefore, those cases are ideal to
be treated laparoscopically. Trying to make two
walls out of one in a rectourethral bulbar fistula
deep down in the pelvis with laparoscopic instru-
Fig. 9.17 Two silk stitches are placed, taking the poste- ments is a risky business that frequently produces
rior rectal wall, one on each side of the midline serious injuries (Animation 9.1).
138 9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

The next step is to separate the rectum from 6-0 silk stitches taking the rectal mucosa about 2
the urinary tract, being sure that we do not injure or 3 mm above the fistula site, forming a hemi-
any of the important elements of the urinary tract circumference cephalad to the fistula orifice. The
in that area. In order to do that, we place multiple rectal mucosa of the anterior rectal wall in this
area has many folds that probably represent the
original pectinate line. Those multiple folds make
the separation of the rectum from the urethra
more difficult. The multiple silk stitches allow us
to have control of all of those folds and separate
the rectum from the urethra, maintaining both
structures intact (Fig. 9.22). Once those stitches
have been placed, we then use the needle-tip cau-
tery to make an incision in the rectal mucosa dis-
tal to the 6-0 silk sutures and cephalad to the
fistula site. The incision is only 1 mm deep
(Fig. 9.23). At this point, we specifically recom-
mend not to continue trying to work between the
rectum and the urethra, but rather to work on the
lateral walls of the rectum. The remaining white
fascia, fat, and extrinsic blood supply are removed
from the rectal wall and cauterized, establishing a
very clean lateral plane of dissection that will
make the separation of the rectum from the uri-
nary tract easier (Fig. 9.24). The lateral plane
shows the path toward the anterior plane. A sub-
mucosal plane of dissection is then created
between the rectum and the urinary tract. We
Fig. 9.19 Operative view of the open rectum are not supposed to see the vas deferens or the

a b c

Fig. 9.20 The fistula is found always in the midline at ing the lower edge of the fistula, lacrimal probe introduced
the most distal part of the rectal opening. (a) Arrow show- in the fistula. (c) Diagram
ing the fistula. (b) Last stitch is placed in the midline, tak-
9.4 Surgical Technique 139

Fig. 9.21 Old simplistic misguiding diagram showing the fis-

tula connecting the rectum to the urinary tract in a “T” fashion

Fig. 9.23 Incision on the rectal mucosa, one millimeter

deep, immediately cephalad to the fistula and distal to the
silk sutures. (a) Diagram. (b) Operative

seminal vesicles. When we see those elements, it

means that we are too deep in our dissection.
Staying in the submucosal plane for about 5 mm
Fig. 9.22 Multiple fine silk sutures are placed in a hemi- and then going to full thickness is what allows us
circumference, cephalad to the fistula to respect all the important urologic structures.
140 9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

a b

Fig. 9.24 Dissection of the lateral walls of the rectum, removing all the white fascia, fat tissue, and extrinsic vessels.
(a) Before removing the white fascia. (b) After removing the white fascia

The dissection continues, intermittently The perirectal dissection continues until we

switching from the lateral to the ventral dissec- feel that we have gained enough length of rectum
tion, until the rectum is completely separated to bring it down to the perineum (Fig. 9.27). It is
from the urinary tract (Fig. 9.25). At that point, rather unusual to have to open the peritoneum
we estimate how much length is necessary in when dealing with rectourethral bulbar fistulas.
order to bring the rectum down to suture it to the Opening the peritoneum is frequently necessary
skin with no tension. Rectourethral bulbar fistula in cases of rectoprostatic fistulas but only rarely
cases require a minimal dissection on the rectum in this defect.
to reach the skin, due to the fact that the rectum is Once we gain enough rectal length, we then
located rather low in the pelvis. This dissection is evaluate whether or not the patient needs tapering
performed in a circumferential manner. of the rectum. This is a maneuver that we have
Uniform traction is applied on all the multi- used very often in the past and we are using less
ple silk stitches, including the 5-0 silk stitches and less now. We believe that this is a manifesta-
that we placed originally when we opened the tion of the fact that now patients are receiving
posterior rectal wall and the multiple 6-0 silk better colostomies (descending colon). An ade-
stitches. We like to say that “traction creates quate colostomy decreases the frequency of
a plane,” and by doing that, we can identify megarectum that we frequently saw in patients
bands that represent the vessels and nerves that that had transverse colostomies and were left
hold the rectum up in the pelvis (Animation many months without a repair. Those patients
9.2). These tension bands are identified as developed a megarectum that later translated into
grooves. The bands must be separated from the severe constipation. We believe that patients are
rectal wall, burned, and divided. These vessels now operated on earlier in life, and they have bet-
must be burned carefully because they have a ter colostomies (not transverse). Irrigating and
tendency to bleed when they retract into the cleaning the distal bowel during the opening of
pelvis (Fig. 9.26). the colostomy result in a collapsed rectum (no
9.4 Surgical Technique 141

a b

Fig. 9.25 Submucosal dissection of the anterior rectal wall to protect the urinary tract. (a) Diagram. (b) Operative

megarectum); therefore, it is rather unusual now The fistula is closed with three or four inter-
to have to do tapering of these rectums. It is rupted stitches of 6-0 Vicryl sutures. Those
almost impossible to irrigate and clean a distal stitches take the white fascia that used to cover
rectosigmoid through a transverse colostomy. the rectum and urethra. No special effort is made
When a tapering is necessary, we should taper to suture mucosa to mucosa at the fistula orifice
the rectum to the size of the available space, (Fig. 9.30). In over thousand cases of male
within the limits of the sphincter mechanism. The patients with anorectal malformations operated
posterior aspect of the rectum is resected accord- by us, we have never had a recurrence of a recto-
ingly (Fig. 9.28). One should not taper the ante- urethral fistula.
rior rectal wall as this would leave a suture line The rectum is then placed within the limits of
located against the urethral fistula closure suture the sphincter. The levator muscle is sutured
line, which is a predisposing factor for a fistula together behind the rectum in the midline with
formation. The tapering may include 30–60 % of interrupted 5-0 Vicryl sutures. This can be done
the rectal wall. The posterior rectal wall is with the rectum located up and away from its
repaired with two layers of interrupted 5-0 Vicryl future location to facilitate the visualization of
sutures (Fig. 9.29). the levator muscle (Fig. 9.31) or can be done with
142 9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

a b

Fig. 9.26 Dividing and burning extrinsic vessels and bands of the rectum while applying traction, in order to pull it
down. (a) Diagram. (b) Operative

the rectum already in place, particularly if the very difficult to identify these sphincter struc-
rectum is not very bulky. One can see the edge of tures. Fortunately, in cases of rectourethral bulbar
the levator muscle, or one can use the electrical fistula, this sphincter mechanism is easy to iden-
stimulator to be able to see it better. tify. The posterior edges of the muscle complex
We identify the junction between the levator from each side are sutured together in the midline
and the muscle complex at the place where they with interrupted 5-0 Vicryl sutures (Fig. 9.33).
create a 90° angle (Fig. 9.32). Actually, both These stitches take a bite of the posterior rectal
structures (levator and muscle complex) are part wall in order to anchor the rectum in a good posi-
of a continuum of muscle. This angle is less tion, and we think that that helps to prevent pro-
noticeable in cases with a poor sphincter lapse. The limits of the sphincters are electrically
mechanism. determined and marked with temporary 5-0 silk
Some patients with very poor sphincter mech- stitches (Fig. 9.34). The perineal body is recon-
anism (mainly rectoprostatic or recto-bladder structed, bringing together the anterior limits of
neck fistula) simply have no available space the muscle complex and the anterior limits of the
between the levator and the urethra. There is no sphincter in those cases in which our posterior
way to reconstruct the levator behind the rectum. sagittal incision was extended beyond the ante-
Also, in patients with a very flat bottom, and rior limits of the sphincter (Fig. 9.35). The ischio-
therefore very poor sphincter mechanisms, it is rectal fossa is obliterated suturing the fat with
9.4 Surgical Technique 143

interrupted 5-0 Vicryl sutures. The same suture

material is used superficially to bring together the
parasagittal fibers and subcutaneous tissue, put-
ting a special emphasis in not taking the fibers of
the parasagittal fibers themselves with our
sutures, but rather bringing them together. U-type
of stitches placed parallel to the muscle fibers
facilitates the maneuver (Fig. 9.36). The ano-
plasty is performed with 16 circumferential
stitches under slight tension.
The silk sutures used to pull the rectum are
separated into two, right and left sutures. An inci-
sion is made in the anterior rectal wall in the mid-
line; a first stitch of 6-0 Vicryl is placed, taking
skin, bowel, and skin again as a U-type of suture.
The same maneuver is done in the posterior cor-
ner of the anoplasty. The edges of the rectum are
resected (Fig. 9.36), and stitches are placed in a
radial (circumferential) fashion. The keys to
avoid dehiscence of the anoplasty are to avoid
excessive tension or devascularization and to be
sure that all the stitches are placed under the same
Fig. 9.27 Rectal dissection finished, the rectum reaches
tension. Also, we want to be sure that the stitches
the perineum comfortably, without tension

a b

Fig. 9.28 Rectal tapering in a case of megarectum. Approximately 40 % of the posterior aspect of the rectum is
resected. (a) Diagram. (b) Operative
144 9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

a b

Fig. 9.29 The posterior rectal wall is repaired with two layers of interrupted sutures. (a) Before suturing. (b) After

Through the years, we have learned that the

blood supply of the rectum is well preserved pro-
vided the rectal wall integrity is respected and
remains intact. An intact rectal wall guarantees a
good intramural blood supply. Dissection of the
rectum should be performed, staying as close as
possible to the bowel wall, yet without injuring it.
That is particularly crucial in patients with recto-
prostatic fistulas or higher defects. In patients
with rectourethral bulbar fistula, this usually does
not represent a problem because these patients
have a rectum that requires minimal circumferen-
tial dissection to reach the skin of the anal
The skin incision is usually closed with subcu-
ticular 5-0 Monocryl (Fig. 9.37). We use an anti-
biotic ointment for the anoplasty and the posterior
sagittal incision to be used for 5 days postopera-
tively. A Foley catheter is left in place for 1 week.
A “double diaper” technique is used for the Foley
catheter. The first diaper has an orifice through
which the catheter is exteriorized; a second diaper
is used to receive the urine. In this way, we avoid
Fig. 9.30 Fine absorbable sutures are used to close the the use of a bulky Foley bag or “urinometer.” In
urethral side of the fistula. Arrow shows the fistula site addition, the skin of the patient’s perineum is bet-
ter protected. We have never seen a case of an
take full-thickness bowel, since sutures placed “ascending urinary tract infection” attributable to
taking only the mucosa do not hold well to the this technique.
skin. The sutures should be tied but not to the We try to leave the catheter in place for one
point of cutting the tissue with excessive force. entire week. Sometimes, however, 3 or 5 days after
9.4 Surgical Technique 145

b c

Fig. 9.31 Sutures are lying down taking both edges of (b) Operative. (c) The rectum was pulled down deeper
the levator muscle. The rectum is pulled up in order to than the levator
have a more clear view of the levator muscle. (a) Diagram.
146 9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

the operation, the parents describe that the babies

suffer from severe cramps and simultaneously the
parents can see urine coming out around the Foley
catheter. That is a characteristic manifestation of
bladder spasms. One can give them oxybutinin for
the treatment of these spasms, but it usually does
not work, and it is better to simply remove the
Foley catheter; by doing that, even after only 48 h
from the operation, we have never seen a problem.
The fact that the baby is voiding around the cathe-
ter means that the catheter is no longer needed.
Most patients, however, can tolerate the catheter
for one entire week. A week after surgery, the baby
comes to our clinic and we pull the catheter in the
morning to be sure that the patient can urinate well.
Not being able to urinate for a baby with a
good sacrum and a rectourethral bulbar fistula
after the Foley is removed is a bad sign and usu-
ally is the result of a poor surgical technique. If
the baby was urinary continent, had a normal ure-
thra, and cannot void after a posterior sagittal
operation, it means that there must have been an
Fig. 9.32 The limits between the levator muscle and the
muscle complex are arbitrarily determined at the place
intraoperative nerve injury. This is prevented by
where both structures form an angle. a angle at the junc- following the basic principles of the operation,
tion of levator muscle complex, L levator, M muscle mainly staying exactly in the midline during the
complex dissection of the rectum and being careful in the

a b

Fig. 9.33 The posterior edges of the muscle complex are sutured together, taking with the same suture a bite of the
posterior rectal wall. (a) Diagram. (b) Operative
9.4 Surgical Technique 147

a b

Fig. 9.34 The limits of the sphincter at the skin level (a) Electrical stimulation to determine the limits. (b) The
have been electrically determined and marked with limits of the sphincter marked with temporary silk stitches
temporary silk stitches, prior to the levator reconstruction.

Fig. 9.36 Anoplasty performed with 16 circumferential


area of dissection anteriorly between the rectum

and urinary tract. Also, a baby who had erections
prior to the operation and the parents describe
Fig. 9.35 The perineal body was reconstructed, bringing
together the anterior limits of the sphincter. This was done that they cannot see erections after the operation
prior to the pull-through of the rectum can be interpreted in the same way.
148 9 Rectourethral Bulbar Fistula

1. Kitchen PRB (1971) A study of the surgical anatomy
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clinic, and we show the parents how to perform postoperative clinicoradiologic analysis of surgery for
anal dilatations. We give them a copy of our pro- high/intermediate-type imperforate anus: prospective
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low religiously. Dilatation should not be painful; posterior sagittal anorectoplasty. J Pediatr Surg 43(1):
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9.5 Functional Results Allal H, Becmeur F, Varlet F, Philippe P, Weil D,
Heloury Y (2009) Minimally invasive surgery for
Ninety-seven patients were older than 3 years anorectal malformation in boys: a multicenter study.
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and in contact with us, and 75 of them (78 %) had S235. doi:10.1089/lap.2008.0137
voluntary bowel movements. Half of them occa- 13. Yamataka A, Kato Y, Lee KD, Lane G, Kusafuka J,
sionally had marks (soiling) in the underwear. Okazaki T (2009) Endoscopy-assisted laparoscopic
Ninety-two percent of patients are urinary conti- excision of rectourethral fistula in a male with imper-
forate anus. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 19(Suppl
nent. The soiling is usually a consequence of a 1):S241–S243. doi:10.1089/lap.2008.0144
problem with constipation that has not been 14. Koga H, Kato Y, Shimotakahara A, Miyano G, Lane
treated well. The use of laxatives frequently takes GJ, Okazaki T, Yamataka A (2010) Intraoperative
care of this problem. measurement of rectourethral fistula: prevention of
References 149

incomplete excision in male patients with high-/ males with anorectal malformation and rectourethral
intermediate-type imperforate anus. J Pediatr Surg or rectovesical fistulae: postoperative complications
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JM, Letelier N, Zubieta R (2010) Urethral diverticulum after 19. Liem NT, Quynh TA (2013) Combined laparoscopic
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always necessary? Arch Esp Urol 63(4):297–301 and more physiologic approach. J Pediatr Surg
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tions. S Afr J Surg 49(1):39–43 assisted colon pull-through for high imperforate anus.
17. England RJ, Warren SL, Bezuidenhout L, Numanoglu J Pediatr Surg 37(12):1657–1660
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47(3):565–570. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2011.08.006 anorectal malformation in a male patient: surgical
18. Jung SM, Lee SK, Seo JM (2013) Experience with treatment and prevention. Pediatr Surg Int 21(1):
laparoscopic-assisted anorectal pull-through in 25 58–60
Rectourethral Prostatic Fistula

10.1 Introduction As we previously mentioned, Mother Nature

does not respect the classifications that we create
This malformation is defined as a defect in in order to communicate between ourselves.
which the rectum is abnormally communicating Thus, a rectourethral prostatic fistula sometimes
with the middle portion of the posterior urethra, is located a little close to the bulbar urethra or
also known as the prostatic urethra, and there is sometimes is located close to the bladder neck.
no anal opening (Fig. 10.1). This is the second
most common anorectal malformation defect in
males seen by us [1]. Until the moment of writ- 10.2 Associated Defects
ing this manuscript, our experience included 227
patients operated by us with prostatic fistula: The general frequency of association of other
193 of them were primary and 34 were reopera- defects is higher than in cases of rectourethral
tions. Rectoprostatic fistula represents a defect bulbar cases. Absent kidney occurs in 10 % of
considered intermediate in terms of complexity cases, hydronephrosis in 6 % of cases, vesicoure-
between a rectourethral bulbar fistula and a
recto-bladder neck fistula. Many authors [2, 3]
do not make a distinction between rectourethral
bulbar fistula and rectourethral prostatic fistula,
but rather consider both groups together and use
a single generic name, which is “rectourethral
fistula.” We believe that it is important to differ-
entiate these two groups (prostatic and bulbar)
because they have different therapeutic implica-
tions and different functional prognoses. In
addition, the frequency of association of other
defects is significantly different between these
three groups (bulbar, prostatic, and bladder

Electronic supplementary material Supplementary

material is available in the online version of this chapter at
10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_10. Fig. 10.1 Diagram showing a prostatic fistula

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 151

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_10, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
152 10 Rectourethral Prostatic Fistula

teral reflux in 26 % of cases, and hypospadias in that a surgeon that has experience with the pos-
7.3 % of cases. Undescended testicles were pres- terior sagittal approach can easily and safely
ent in 8 % of these cases. Ten percent of the find the rectum posterior sagittally, separate it
patients had a bifid scrotum. As can be seen, the from the urinary tract, and mobilize the rectum
high frequency of associated urologic defects down safely, provided the colostomy is well
puts this malformation into a category of serious located (not too distal). We also believe that a
defect. The average AP sacral ratio for a patient well-trained laparoscopic surgeon can relatively
with rectoprostatic fistula is 0.55 for patients with easily separate the rectum from the urinary tract
voluntary bowel movements and 0.47 for those via laparoscopy. In other words, we believe that
who are fecally incontinent. The lateral average to decide how to approach these patients is
ratio is 0.64 for continent patients and 0.58 for something that should be done based on the spe-
incontinent patients, which is significantly lower cific circumstances of the surgeon and the
than the sacral ratio of patients with rectourethral patient. Some of the serious catastrophes and
bulbar fistula and significantly higher than the failed attempted repairs that we have seen hap-
ratio for cases with for recto-bladder neck fistu- pening at other institutions precisely occurred in
las. Twenty-two percent of rectoprostatic fistula these types of high prostatic fistulas. In retro-
patients suffer from tethered cord which, again, is spect, the surgeon either did not have a good
a higher incidence than in cases of rectourethral distal colostogram (Animation 10.1) or simply
bulbar fistula. Hemivertebrae occur in 8 % of operated on the patient without a distal colosto-
cases, and they occur mainly in the lumbar spine. gram, entered posterior sagittally looking for a
Esophageal atresia occurs in 14 % of cases and rectum that was located much higher than what
duodenal atresia in 2 % of cases. Patent ductus he thought, could not find the rectum, but rather
arteriosus occurs in 7 % of cases, but only one found structures that he was not looking for,
fourth of them require some sort of intervention such as seminal vesicles, vas deferens, urethra,
due to hemodynamic problems. Atrial septum or during the search, damaged important nerves
defects occur in 8 % of cases but did not require of the urogenital tract, resulting in neurogenic
any type of treatment. Ventricular septum defects bladder, a complication considered totally pre-
occur in 6 % of cases, but only one third of them ventable [4].
required therapeutic intervention. Tetralogy of The perineum of patients with prostatic fistula
Fallot occurred in 2 % of cases. may show signs of what we call bad prognosis.
As previously suggested, the common wall The midline groove may not be so prominent,
located between the rectum and the urethra above and the anal dimple may not be represented by a
the fistula site is shorter in cases of rectoprostatic real fossette but rather by a group of fibers in the
fistula when compared to those of rectourethral midline raphe (Fig. 10.2).
bulbar fistula (Fig. 10.1). This fact makes the We believe that all patients born with recto-
separation of the rectum from the urethra techni- prostatic fistula benefit from a diverting colos-
cally easier. Yet, once the rectum has been sepa- tomy at birth and the malformation must be
rated from the urinary tract, the mobilization repaired in a second operation. One of the main
required in order to pull the rectum down is a arguments in favor of this approach is the fact
more complex and technically demanding that the colostomy, in addition to decompressing
maneuver. the gastrointestinal tract and saving the baby’s
Some of the rectoprostatic fistulas are located life, allows us to perform a good high-pressure
close the bladder neck but not quite into the distal colostogram, which is the only and best
bladder and therefore can be approached by way to provide information about the precise
both a posterior sagittal incision and laparo- location of the rectum and the fistula (Fig. 10.3).
scopically through the abdomen. This particular It is this study that allows us to follow a specific
type of defect represents a matter of controversy strategy during the repair of this malformation
in terms of which approach is better. We believe and to avoid catastrophic complications.
10.4 Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty 153

a b

Fig. 10.2 Photograph showing the perineum of two patients with prostatic fistula. (a) prone position. (b) supine position

10.4 Posterior Sagittal

Anorectoplasty (Animation

It is our routine to perform a cystoscopy in all of

these patients, and that is how we have been learn-
ing important anatomic details of the posterior ure-
thra. We have found that there is a spectrum of
defects in the posterior urethra, including the pres-
ence of ectopic ureters and abnormalities in the
verumontanum. Once we finish the cystoscopy, a
no. 8 Foley catheter is introduced through the ure-
thra and into the bladder. In general, the Foley
catheter is passed without difficulty; it does not go
into the rectum. Occasionally, however, there is a
kink of the urethra at the location of the fistula,
which may interfere with the passing of the Foley
catheter. Sometimes, in addition to the kink, there
is a real congenital stenosis. The posterior sagittal
Fig. 10.3 Colostogram (BU and PR) comparing the images
approach is ideal to repair abnormalities of the
of a bulbar fistula with a prostatic. P = Prostatic, B = Bulbar
posterior urethra at the same time than the repair of
the anorectal malformation.
10.3 Surgical Repair The higher the location of the fistula, the more
frequently we may see ectopic ureters. When
Two to four weeks after the colostomy has been these abnormal ureters are ectopically connected
opened, provided the patient is growing and devel- to the posterior urethra, they must be dealt with,
oping normally, the main repair can be performed. during the posterior sagittal approach.
It is not an urgent procedure; if the surgeon is not The patient is positioned prone as previously
familiarized with the anatomy of little babies, he described for the posterior sagittal approach. The
can wait until the baby is bigger or reaches the size posterior sagittal incision runs from the middle
that the surgeon is accustomed to operate on. portion of the sacrum to the anal dimple. We put
154 10 Rectourethral Prostatic Fistula

special emphasis in making the incision exactly fistula with a high rectum. The rectum in patients
midline using the electrical stimulator to try to with rectoprostatic fistula is found to be much
leave equal amounts of muscle in both sides of smaller than in cases with bulbar fistula.
midline. We go through the skin, subcutaneous Unfortunately, the appearance of the white fascia
tissue, parasagittal fibers, ischiorectal fossa, and after we have divided the levator muscle does not
levator mechanism (see Chap. 9, Sect. 9.4). Once allow us to determine or predict where the rectum
we divide the levator mechanism, we have to is going to be found. The distal colostogram is the
keep in mind the image of the distal colostogram main guideline that we should follow. Two silk
to determine where to exactly look for the rec- stitches are placed as high as possible on the pos-
tum. Figure 10.4 shows a diagram of rectobulbar terior aspect of what we think is the rectum in
and rectoprostatic fistula. In general, in patients front of the coccyx or above the coccyx assuming
with rectoprostatic fistula, the surgeon must look that we are holding on the rectum (Fig. 10.5).
for the rectum immediately below the coccyx. In Using traction on these silk sutures, we can divide
those particular cases where the rectum seems to the white fascia that covers the rectum, as well as
be located a little higher, close to the bladder the perirectal fat, bands, and vessels located
neck, we have to look for the rectum above the deeper than the white fascia. By doing this, we
coccyx. This is extremely important because the notice that the rectal wall gives up, and we can
possibility of producing extra damage to the uro- mobilize it lower (Fig. 10.6). We continue the
genital tract increases in cases of rectoprostatic dissection, staying as close as possible to the

Fig. 10.4 Diagrams showing a bulbar and a prostatic fistula

10.4 Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty 155

Fig. 10.5 Finding the rectum immediately under the Fig. 10.7 The rectum is open and the fistula identified

bowel wall, dividing bands and vessels until we

feel safe that we are actually dealing with the rec-
tum. At that point, we make an incision on the
posterior rectal wall in between the two stitches
to find the rectal lumen (Fig. 10.7). The incision
in the posterior rectal wall is extended caudally,
placing silk sutures on the edges of the rectum
until we find the fistula site, and the last 5-0 silk
stitch is placed taking the lower edge of the fistula
site (Fig. 10.8). Multiple 6-0 silk stitches are
placed taking the mucosa of the anterior rectal
wall in the upper hemi-circumference of the fis-
tula. Those multiple stitches are included into a
single clamp to apply uniform traction to facili-
tate the separation of the rectum from the urethra
(Fig. 10.9). Needle-tip cautery is used to make an
incision in the rectal mucosa between the multi-
ple 5-0 silk stitches and the fistula site. This inci-
sion is barely 1 mm deep (see Chap. 9). At that
point, we put together into a single mosquito
clamp the silk stitches that were previously
placed on one of the rectal edges; by applying
uniform traction on the mosquito, we can clearly
Fig. 10.6 Pulling the rectum down see the white fascia and the extrinsic blood sup-
156 10 Rectourethral Prostatic Fistula

Fig. 10.8 Further rectal mobilization to see the lumen Fig. 10.10 The rectum is already separated from the
and the fistula better. Arrow showing the fistula urethra

ply of the rectum. The white fascia, fat, and ves-

sels are resected, exposing a clean bowel wall
which is the plane of dissection of the rectum.
The same steps are repeated on the opposite side
(see Chap. 9). With both lateral rectal walls clean,
the dissection between the rectum and the urinary
tract is started, having as a reference the lateral
plane previously established. Fortunately, as we
said before, the common wall between the rectum
and urethra in cases of rectoprostatic fistulas is
relatively short, usually about 5 mm in length.
Very soon, we find that the rectum and urinary
tract are completely separated structures
(Fig. 10.10). At that point, a circumferential dis-
section is performed, aimed to gain length of the
rectum. For that, we put all of the silk stitches that
we originally placed in the edges of the rectal
wall and those that we placed in the rectal mucosa
into a single clamp, again, to apply uniform trac-
tion. Small malleable retractors are used, in order
to identify the bands and vessels that hold the rec-
Fig. 10.9 Sutures placed in the upper circumference of tum up in the pelvis. The dissection is performed
the fistula in a systematic circumferential manner dividing
10.4 Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty 157

Fig. 10.11 The rectum fully mobilized Fig. 10.12 Electrical stimulation to determine the limits
of the sphincter. Stimulator touching the posterior limit of
the sphincter in one side
those bands. Dividing bands and vessels allows
gaining length, which allows us to see new bands
and vessels previously unrecognized. Sometimes, to gain length, and yet the rectum survives.
all what we can see is a groove, which represents Sometimes we see some duskiness of the rectum,
a tense band. We grab those vessels, separate but provided the bowel wall was not damaged,
them from the bowel wall, and burn them, putting we know that we did not interfere with the intra-
special emphasis on not burning the bowel wall. mural blood supply, and therefore the rectal
Very soon, the peritoneal reflection is identified blood supply will be good, and the rectum will
and opened, which allows mobilizing the rectum survive.
even more. The dissection continues until the rec- The limits of the sphincter are determined
tum is mobilized enough to be anastomosed to with an electrical stimulator and are temporarily
the anal dimple with no tension (Fig. 10.11). marked with 5-0 silk stitches (Figs. 10.12, 10.13,
Another very important piece of information 10.14, and 10.15). The perineal body, in those
that we obtain from the distal colostogram is the cases in which it was opened, is reconstructed,
amount of bowel available between the distal bringing together the anterior limits of the
stoma and the end of the bowel. In other words, sphincter (Fig. 10.16). The rectum is placed in
we want to be sure that we are not dealing with a front of the levator and within the limits of the
patient who has a defective colostomy with a muscle complex. Figure 10.17 shows a fully
very short piece of rectum attached to the abdom- reconstructed perineal body.
inal wall that interferes with the pull-through. In this type of malformation, we began to see
We have been happily surprised in dealing a significant degree of what we call “caudal
with patients with rectoprostatic fistulas; we dis- regression.” We see, for instance, that the levator
sected and divided all the extramural blood sup- muscle is located much deeper in our incisions
ply of a very impressive length of bowel in order than in cases of rectourethral bulbar fistula. This
158 10 Rectourethral Prostatic Fistula

Fig. 10.15 The rectum will be located between the four


Fig. 10.13 Stimulator touching the anterior limit of the

opposite side

Fig. 10.16 Reconstructing the perineal body. Bringing

together the anterior limits of the sphincter

is due to the fact that the rectum was always

located up in the pelvis, and therefore the levator
is located much deeper in direct contact with the
urinary tract. Therefore, once we separate the
rectum and dissect it enough for the pull-through,
we may find that sometimes it is impossible to
Fig. 10.14 Limits of the sphincter were determined and suture the levator muscle behind the rectum
marked with temporary stitches because there is no available space between the
10.4 Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty 159

Fig. 10.17 Perineal body reconstructed Fig. 10.18 The levator has been sutured. Sutures placed
at the muscle complex
levator muscle and the urinary tract due to a lack
of development of the entire pelvis. In such cir-
cumstances we repair only the upper part of the
levator muscle behind the rectum with 5-0 long-
term absorbable suture.
The posterior edge of the muscle complex on
each side is sutured together with interrupted 5-0
long-term absorbable sutures, taking with the
same sutures a bite of the posterior rectal wall to
anchor the rectum (Fig. 10.18). In this particular
malformation (rectoprostatic fistula), we can see
different degrees of poor sphincter development.
In rectourethral bulbar fistula cases, the over-
whelming majority of cases have good sphinc-
ters. In cases with recto-bladder neck fistulas, it is
very common to find very poor sphincters, and in
prostatic fistula, we may find variable develop-
mental deficiencies of the sphincter mechanism.
Figure 10.19 is an operative picture showing that
the muscle complex sutures have been tied.
The anoplasty is performed within the limits
Fig. 10.19 Sutures of the muscle complex have been tied
of the sphincter, usually with 16 circumferential
stitches of 6-0 Vicryl sutures (Figs. 10.20, 10.21,
10.22, and 10.23). mechanism around it (Fig. 9.28, Chap. 9). If
Occasionally, we find that the rectum is too that is the case, we resect part of the posterior
large and bulky and requires tapering in order wall of the rectum and repair the rectal wall
to facilitate the reconstruction of the sphincter with two layers of interrupted 5-0 long-term
160 10 Rectourethral Prostatic Fistula

Fig. 10.20 Beginning the anoplasty

Fig. 10.22 Anoplasty finished. Holding sutures in place.

Open anus

Fig. 10.21 Trimmed off one side of the extra rectum

absorbable sutures (Fig. 9.29, Chap. 9). As we Fig. 10.23 Anoplasty finished. No holding sutures. Anus
previously mentioned, this scenario is rather
unusual at present time. It was very common to
see that in the old times. We firmly believe that the distal rectum and dilatation of it. In addi-
that was a consequence of two facts: first, a tion, when a proximal (ascending or transverse)
colostomy that was opened too proximal, it colostomy is created, the surgeon cannot
tends to produce a megarectum. We believe that remove the meconium accumulated in the distal
is consecutive to the desquamation of mucosal colon. The other fact that contributes to the for-
cells as well as mucus production and persistent mation of a megarectum is the long period of
peristalsis; all this produces an accumulation in time elapsed between the opening of the colos-
References 161

tomy and the main repair. Nowadays, fortu- Long-term follow-up of these patients, in our
nately surgeons are opening better colostomies hands, indicates that roughly 66 % of the patients
(descending, with separate stomas) that allow after 3 years of age have voluntary bowel move-
them to clean the distal bowel from day 1, and ments provided they had a good sacrum. However,
they are also performing earlier and earlier 80 % of them suffer from occasional soiling of
repairs that avoid the great number of cases of the underwear. This means that we are dealing
megarectum that we have seen in the past. with a much more serious condition as compared
The operations to repair rectoprostatic fistulas with bulbar fistula. Ninety-two percent of these
take more time than rectourethral bulbar fistula patients had urinary control.
cases because of the mobilization of the rectum. The sacral ratio seems to have a definite influ-
On the other hand, we must keep in mind that in ence on the functional prognosis for bowel con-
cases of rectourethral bulbar fistula, the common trol, since 65 % of the patients with a ratio higher
wall between both structures (rectal and urethral) than 0.7 had voluntary bowel movements,
is longer, and therefore it requires more time to whereas only 35 % of them had voluntary bowel
separate the rectum from the urethra. movements when their sacral ratio was lower
than 0.4. All patients with sacral ratio higher
than 0.7 were urinary continent, whereas only
10.5 Postoperative Care and 35 % of them were continent when their ratio
Functional Results was lower than 0.4.

These patients usually eat the same day of sur-

gery even when we open the peritoneum. Again, References
we have been impressed by the fact that these
operations are not particularly painful and the 1. Peña A (1988) Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty:
patients do not need morphine postoperatively. results in the management of 332 cases of anorectal,
malformations. Pediatr Surg Int 3:94–104
We like to administer intravenous antibiotics for
2. Endo M, Hayashi A, Ishihara M, Maie M, Nagasaki
48 h and keep the Foley catheter for one entire A, Nishi T, Saeki M (1999) Analysis of 1,992 patients
week. The patient remains in the hospital 48 h with anorectal malformations over the past two
after the operation. One week after surgery, the decades in Japan. Steering Committee of Japanese
Study Group of Anorectal Anomalies. J Pediatr Surg
patient comes to our clinic in the early morning
to have the Foley catheter removed and then 3. Rintala RJ (1996) Anorectal malformations—man-
remains in the clinic a couple of hours so that we agement and outcome. Semin Neonatol 1(3):219–230.
can be sure the patient is voiding with no diffi- doi:10.1016/S1084-2756(96)80040-6
4. Hong AR, Acuña MF, Peña A, Chaves L, Rodriguez
culty before going home. Two weeks after sur-
G (2002) Urologic injuries associated with repair of
gery we start the process of anal dilatations anorectal malformations in male patients. J Pediatr
following our specific protocol (see Chap. 18). Surg 37(3):339–344. doi:10.1053/jpsu.2002.30810
Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

11.1 Definition and Frequency surgeon tried to reach the rectum posterior
sagittally; he obviously could not find it, but in
Imperforate anus with a recto-bladder neck fis- the process, he damaged the vas deferens, semi-
tula is the highest of all anorectal malformations nal vesicles, and/or prostate. In some cases, the
seen in male patients. The rectum connects to the surgeons divided the entire urethra or the bladder
bladder neck (Fig. 11.1). It is relatively common neck and pulled down a megaureter or even the
to see that these patients have a rather narrow pel- entire bladder thinking that they were dealing
vic space. We interpret this like a manifestation with the rectum. These catastrophic events
of a significant degree of caudal regression occurred only in patients that were operated on
(Animation 11.1). The sacrum may be normal, without a preoperative high-pressure distal
but frequently, it is very abnormal or even absent. colostogram (Animation 11.2).
The frequency of associated defects is much
higher than in all the other malformations.
Fortunately, in our experience, this defect only
occurs in approximately 10 % of all anorectal
malformation patients in males [1]. Unfortunately,
this defect runs with the worst functional progno-
sis for bowel control and occasionally for urinary
control. In our experience, this particular defect
is the only one that requires a laparotomy or lapa-
roscopy in order to be repaired. In other words,
the rectum is located so high in the pelvis and
connected to the bladder neck (very high in the
urinary tract) that it is not possible to be reached
posterior sagittally.
In fact, some of the worst unfortunate
catastrophes that we have seen occurred in
babies that were born with this defect and a

Electronic supplementary material Supplementary

material is available in the online version of this chapter at
10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_11. Fig. 11.1 Diagram showing a bladder neck fistula

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 163

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_11, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
164 11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

11.2 Associated Defects Table 11.1 List of urologic abnormalities in patients

with bladder neck fistula
11.2.1 Sacral Defects Anomaly No. (%)
VUR 36
The average sacral ratio in patients with recto- Absent kidney 33
bladder neck fistula is AP 0.51 and lateral 0.6 (nor- Hydronephrosis 29
mal AP is 0.74 and lateral 0.76). It is not uncommon Undescended testis 26
Bifid scrotum 18
to find these patients to have, in addition, sacral
Hypospadias 18
hemivertebrae in approximately 35 % of the cases.
Intravesical verumontanum 45
Urethral stenosis 13
Neurogenic bladder (congenital) 11
11.2.2 Spinal-Associated Defects Megaureter 9
Other 24
Fifteen percent of these patients have suffered
from hemivertebra, which produces scoliosis of
different degrees in magnitude. The most frequent
location of the hemivertebra is the lumbar spine,
followed in frequency by the thoracic spine.

11.2.3 Urologic-Associated Defects

As expected, the incidence of associated urologic

defects is the highest in these particular types of
patients. In a recent evaluation of 110 patients
operated on by us with recto-bladder neck fistula,
99 (89 %) of them suffered from some sort of
urologic malformation or vesicoureteral reflux.
The frequency of absent kidney in these patients
is 37/111 (33 %). Vesicoureteral reflux was pres-
ent in 40 patients (36 %). Eighteen percent of
them suffer from hypospadias. Thirty patients
(26 %) suffered from an undescended testicle.
Eighteen percent of them have a bifid scrotum.
Two patients have penile-scrotal transposition.
Thirty-three patients (29 %) were born with
hydronephrosis. In addition, there is a specific
group of patients born with recto-bladder neck Fig. 11.2 Diagram showing a case of bladder neck fistu-
las with an ectopic ureter
fistula that have a single kidney with hydrone-
phrosis, megaureter, and massive reflux. This is a
very bad situation because usually they have poor Table 11.1 shows the list of urologic
sacrum and therefore poor prognosis for bowel abnormalities.
and urinary control. In addition, the fact that the Ectopic ureters were present in ten cases
patients are born with a single kidney with hydro- (9 %). The ectopia occurs most commonly toward
nephrosis indicates that they already have a sig- the bladder neck and occasionally in the posterior
nificant degree of kidney damage and there is a urethra. This last group of ureters connected to
high chance that these patients will end up with a the posterior urethra usually originates from
kidney transplant when they grow up. completely damaged kidneys (Fig. 11.2).
11.3 Diagnosis 165

11.2.5 Neurosurgical-Associated

The incidence of tethered cord in these patients is

32 %. In addition, 5 % of the patients suffer from
other neurosurgical conditions, including a
lipoma and blunted conus.

11.2.6 Cardiovascular-Associated

Fifteen percent of these patients are born with an

atrial septal defect and 10 % with a patent ductus
Fig. 11.3 Cystoscopic aspect of a verumontanum located arteriosus, 5 % with tetralogy of Fallot, 2 % with
at the trigone tricuspid atresia, and 2 % with pentalogy of

A serious, not previously known anomaly

found in 45 % (15 cases) of those patients in
whom we performed a cystoscopy was an ecto- 11.2.7 Other Associated Defects
pic verumontanum. Six of them were located
in the trigone (Fig. 11.3), five in the bladder Five percent of these patients suffer from hand
neck, and four immediately below the bladder abnormalities and 5 % from lower extremity
neck. Based on this experience, we now con- abnormalities (equinovarus).
sider it mandatory to do a cystoscopy on these
patients to avoid unpleasant future surprises
for the patient and the family. When these
patients reach adolescence, they have erections 11.3 Diagnosis
and orgasms but they ejaculate into the blad-
der. Theoretically for these patients to have We must suspect the presence of these very
children, it will require special maneuvers to complex malformations when we see a new-
retrieve the sperm from the urine followed by born baby with imperforate anus and flat
artificial insemination. bottom. The midline groove in between the
When the clinician makes the diagnosis of the buttocks that we see in normal children is not
recto-bladder neck fistula type of malformation, present. In addition, we frequently see in these
he/she should be aware of the fact that he/she is patients a sphincter mechanism located right at
dealing with a patient with a potential serious the base of the scrotum (Fig. 11.4). The
urologic condition. presence of a bifid scrotum (Fig. 11.5) also
suggests that the malformation that the baby
has is rather complex, most likely very high
11.2.4 Gastrointestinal-Associated (recto-bladder neck fistula). The diagnosis is
Defects confirmed with a distal colostogram and
subsequently by cystoscopy that is performed
The incidence of esophageal atresia is 15 %, at the time of the main repair. The distal colos-
Meckel’s diverticulum 2 %, and abdominal wall togram can be performed after the colostomy is
defects 4 %. opened (Fig. 11.6).
166 11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

Fig. 11.6 Distal colostogram showing a bladder neck


Fig. 11.4 Sphincter located next to the scrotum, fre-

quently seen in cases of bladder neck fistula. Arrow show-
11.4 Treatment
ing the center of the sphincter
11.4.1 Colostomy

The type of colostomy that we recommend for

patients with recto-bladder neck fistula is the
same one recommended for the other types of
anorectal malformations. However, emphasis
must be placed on being sure that enough length
of distal colon is left beyond the mucous fistula
(distal stoma) (Fig. 11.7), in order to have enough
length of bowel for the pull-through without inter-
ference by the colostomy (Fig. 11.8). The fact that
these patients have the highest of all defects
means that the surgeon will need more length of
bowel for the pull-through. Unfortunately, in this
particular type of defect is where we have seen
more often the most common type of error in
making a colostomy (making the stoma too distal
in the bowel), leaving a very short piece of bowel
for the pull-through (Fig. 11.8).

11.4.2 Main Repair

We perform these operations as soon as we see

that the baby is growing and developing nor-
Fig. 11.5 Bifid scrotum, frequently seen in bladder neck mally. If the baby happened to be full term, had a
fistula good colostomy, and did not have important
11.4 Treatment 167

associated defects that interfered with his growth baby is born. However, as we previously men-
and development, then the patient can be oper- tioned, many of these patients come to our insti-
ated, at our institution, within a month after the tution when they are much older, and that is why
we have experience with the main repair at differ-
ent ages. These patients should never be
approached surgically without a good-quality,
high-pressure distal colostogram that shows how
much bowel is available distal to the stoma as
well as the exact location of the fistula.
If we are dealing with a patient that has a very
short piece of bowel distal to the stoma, there is a
reason to believe that we will not have enough
bowel for the pull-through and that we may have
to mobilize the proximal stoma. This is extremely
important because knowing this in advance will
allow us to plan an adequate procedure. More
specifically, we have to prepare the entire gastro-
intestinal tract (administration of GoLYTELY;
see Chap. 7). On the other hand, if the distal
colostogram shows that we have enough distal
bowel from the mucous fistula, then we are cer-
tain that we will not be disturbing the proximal
stoma, and all that the patient needs is irrigation
of the distal stoma in preparation for the main
Fig. 11.7 Distal colostogram showing a good length of repair.
bowel left distal to the colostomy

a b

Fig. 11.8 Distal colostogram showing a very short piece of bowel distal to the colostomy (insufficient length for a
pull-through). (a) Diagram. (b) Image
168 11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

The fact that the patient has a recto-bladder open in the bladder neck and provoke either vesi-
neck fistula means that we have to go into the coureteral reflux, ureterovesical obstruction, or
abdomen either by laparotomy, laparoscopy, or urinary incontinence. When the ureter is ectopic
both, in addition to the posterior sagittal approach. and located into the posterior urethra, usually it is
We start the operation by putting the patient in associated with a severe stricture, megaureter,
the lithotomy position and performing a cystos- and severe renal damage (Fig. 11.2). It is com-
copy. The cystoscopy is extremely valuable. We mon for these patients to end up with a nephrec-
have been learning a great deal about the anat- tomy. The location of the fistula is frequently
omy of the male urethra, bladder neck, and tri- visualized at the bladder neck with the cysto-
gone in these patients. As previously mentioned, scope. A Foley catheter is placed in the bladder.
it is not uncommon to find that these patients
have no verumontanum located in the posterior
urethra. Rather than that, we find the verumonta- 11.4.3 Laparotomy
num located in the trigone. In retrospect, now we
have an explanation for the adult patients that A total body preparation is performed on these
were born with these kinds of defects and have no patients (Fig. 11.9). This means to wash, prep,
ejaculation. Further studies demonstrate that they and drape both lower extremities, the perineum,
actually ejaculate in the bladder. This must be buttocks, perianal area, lower abdomen, and lum-
differentiated from the concept of retrograde bar portion; in other words, the entire lower body
ejaculation. We are referring to a patient that has is included in the sterile field. The cautery plate is
the verumontanum located in the trigone and placed in the back of the patient and is protected
ejaculates directly into the bladder. This is dem- with a plastic drape. The arms of the patient are
onstrated later in life, by finding sperm in the placed in the upward position because they belong
urine after an ejaculation, as well as the cystos- to the nonsterile part of the field. Both legs of the
copy (Fig. 11.3). It is not unusual in this type of patient are covered with stockinettes or with an
patients to find, also, ectopic ureters. We have elastic bandage to avoid loss of temperature. The
learned that the higher the malformation, the proximal stoma of the colostomy is packed with
more chances of the patient to have ectopic ure- packing gauze impregnated with an antiseptic
ters. The ectopia in this type of defect usually solution to avoid contamination. The skin of the
means that the ureters are located closer to the abdominal wall is covered with a plastic drape.
bladder neck or even below the bladder neck into We can start the operation either from below
the posterior urethra. Sometimes, the ureters or through the abdomen. We more often now

a b

Fig. 11.9 Total body preparation – diagram. (a) Supine. prep the entire body below the chest. (e) Wash and prep
(b) Legs up. (c) Sequence of photographs of bowel prepa- the back. (f–h) Sterile sheets on table. (i, j) Covering sto-
ration. (a) Holding legs up. (b) Cautery plate up in the mas (k) Foley catheter inserted
back. (c) Packing gauze in proximal stoma. (d) Wash and
11.4 Treatment 169

ca cb







Fig. 11.9 (continued)

170 11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

ci cj


Fig. 11.9 (continued)

approach the abdomen first which can be done by Both vas deferens seen behind the bladder run
laparotomy or laparoscopy. We consider this par- distally toward the bladder neck; the ureters are
ticular defect to be a good indication for a laparo- seen retroperitoneally, and they also seem to be
scopic approach. More information related with running toward the bladder neck. Our specific
the indications for laparoscopy in anorectal mal- recommendation is to place a 4-0 silk stitch on
formations can be found in Chap. 13. The abdo- the anterior wall of the sigmoid to apply traction.
men is entered through a midline incision running About 1 or 2 cm from the peritoneal floor, the
from the umbilicus down to the pubis. A needle- serosa of the anterior wall of the sigmoid is
tip cautery is used changing from cutting to coag- divided in order to create a plane of dissection as
ulation to provide meticulous hemostasis. The close as possible to the bowel wall, but without
peritoneal cavity is entered. The urachal remnant damaging it. This plane of dissection is followed
and obliterated umbilical arteries are identified all around the bowel, separating the mesenteric
and divided. A clamp is placed on the urachal fat from the sigmoid. Once we have created a
remnant of the bladder to apply caudal traction. plane all around the bowel, a Silastic vessel loop
The lateral avascular attachments of the bladder is passed around the rectum in order to have a
to the abdominal wall are divided with cautery to more effective handle for traction (Fig. 11.11a).
have easy access to the lower pelvis. By pulling Applying traction on the vessel loop, it is very
on the bladder out of the abdomen and toward the easy to continue a circumferential dissection of
pubis, caudally, we can see the posterior wall of the bowel distally. Very soon, within a centimeter
the bladder as well as the peritoneal floor, sig- or two from our initial dissection, one can appre-
moid, both vas deferens, and ureters (Fig. 11.10). ciate that the bowel decreases in size and becomes
11.4 Treatment 171

a b

Fig. 11.10 View of the peritoneal floor in a bladder neck fistula. (a) Diagram – b bladder, r rectum, u ureter, v vas
deferens. (b) Photograph – c colon, b bladder

a b

Fig. 11.11 Distal rectum dissected down to the fistula. (a) Vessel loop surrounding the fistula. (b) Sutures to close to
the fistula

very narrow, indicating that it is reaching the the end of the fistula and the beginning of the uri-
bladder neck. One does not have to be very pre- nary tract. Once the rectum starts being narrow, it
cise in trying to determine exactly the location of reaches a point where the diameter is about
172 11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

3–4 mm, obviously not useful for the reconstruc-

tion of an anus, and, therefore, that means that we
can divide the rectum right there. We must keep
in mind that because we are applying traction on
the bowel, there is a possibility that we are kink-
ing the bladder neck or the upper posterior ure-
thra, and therefore, when we divide the fistula,
actually, we will be dividing the bladder neck or
the posterior urethra. Therefore, the traction must
be gentle. Two 5-0 Vicryl stitches are placed in
both sides of the fistula site in order to avoid
retraction, and the fistula is divided. The distal
end of the rectum is also sutured with a running
5-0 Vicryl to avoid contamination from mucus or
meconium previously left in the bowel. The fis-
tula is closed with three to five 5-0 Vicryl sutures
(Animation 11.3) (Fig. 11.11b).
Once the rectum has been separated, the next
step is to divide the avascular attachments of the
distal rectum to evaluate and determine the loca-
tion of the mesenteric vessels (Fig. 11.12). At this
stage, it is very easy to appreciate that the main
limitation for the pull-through of the rectum is its
blood supply provided by the branches of the
inferior mesenteric vessels.
Traditionally, we surgeons learn that we can
mobilize different parts of the colon (up to the
neck or down to the perineum) provided we are
familiar with the blood supply of the colon in Fig. 11.12 Photograph of rectum separated from the uri-
nary tract, very high, does not reach the perineum
normal individuals, which is represented by
three main sources: (1) the ileocecal vessels, (2)
the mesocolic vessels, and (3) the left colic ves- sels. We can do the same with the ileocolic on
sels (Fig. 11.13). Once the rectum goes below the right side. This is a general notion. However,
the peritoneal reflection, its blood supply is pro- we must warn surgeons about the limitations that
vided by the hemorrhoidal vessels, which are this concept has in patients with anorectal mal-
branches of the internal iliacs. We also know that formations. We must keep in mind that we are
the three main vessels that irrigate the colon are dealing with patients whom already had a colos-
intercommunicated by a vascular arcade. As a tomy. Most of the time, the opening of a descend-
consequence, we can easily divide, let’s say, the ing or sigmoid colostomy included the ligation
middle colic vessels without interrupting the of the colonic vascular arcade. This means that
blood supply of the rest of the colon, provided the most distal portion of the rectosigmoid
we preserve intact the other two sources of blood receives all of its blood supply from the inferior
supply (ileocolic and left colic) and the vascular mesenteric vessels. The obvious recommenda-
arcade that intercommunicates the three sys- tion is do not ligate the inferior mesenteric ves-
tems. We can equally divide the left colonic and sels and to bring the rectosigmoid down because
inferior mesenteric vessels, preserving the doing that may represent the loss of that bowel
arcade; the most distal part of the colon will sur- (Fig. 11.14). We have learned that fortunately,
vive receiving blood from the middle colic ves- the rectum has an excellent intramural blood
11.4 Treatment 173


Fig. 11.14 Diagram showing the blood supply of a rec-

tosigmoid in a case with a colostomy and ligated vascular
colonic arcade
Fig. 11.13 Diagram showing the normal blood supply of
the colon. (a) ileocecal vessels, (b) Middle colic vessels,
(c) Left colic vessels. A vascular arcade, joins the three when they were located very high (Figs. 11.15
and 11.16).
When we separate the bowel from the bladder
supply, which allows sacrificing all of its extrin- neck, as previously mentioned, we divide the
sic vessels without compromising its vascularity avascular attachments of the bowel in order to
provided the bowel wall is maintained intact and identify the mesenteric vessels. It is very easy to
the inferior mesenteric vessels are not ligated. In pull on the bowel and identify exactly what is
other words, we can ligate several peripheral limiting the pull-through. At the beginning, one
branches of the inferior mesenteric vessels, can see that what is limiting us are the vessels,
being sure to preserve at least one or two proxi- and we can selectively ligate the peripheral
mal branches (Fig. 11.15 and Animation 11.3). branches of the mesenteric vessels as close as
All this, provided we maintain intact the integ- possible to the bowel and see how we gain more
rity of the rectal wall. Damaging the rectal wall and more length until we have the necessary
interferes with the intramural blood supply, and length for the pull-through. However, occasion-
the distal blood supply suffers. Every time we ally in the process, we find that we are no longer
ligate one of the peripheral branches of the infe- limited by the vessels but rather limited by the
rior mesenteric vessels, we do it very close to the colostomy itself. Under those circumstances, we
rectal wall, and that allows us to gain length. We must take the colostomy down. To do that, mul-
must be sure to visualize that at least one good tiple 5-0 silk stitches are placed at the mucocuta-
branch from the inferior mesenteric vessels neous junction of the mucous fistula. If the patient
remains intact, reaching the bowel wall and that has a loop colostomy (which we consider
the bowel wall remains intact; by doing that, the contraindicated in anorectal malformations),
bowel blood supply is going to be good. then, unfortunately, we had to take down the
Following those recommendations, we have entire colostomy, which makes the procedure
been able to pull down all of these rectums, even more complex. If, on the other hand, the patient
174 11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

a b

Fig. 11.15 Intraoperative photographs showing how to evaluate the blood supply of a very high rectum. (a) Before
dividing vessel. (b) Dividing vessels, preserving the arcade. (c) Gained length

has separated stomas, we only have to take down opened yet, we can guess whether or not there is
the mucous fistula. By doing that, we may have enough length by pulling the bowel outside of the
enough length of bowel to reach the perineum. abdomen caudally toward the genitalia. We have
We can go ahead with the pull-through and decide learned that we have enough distal bowel to reach
whether to leave the upper part of the pulled- the perineum if the distal end of the bowel reaches
through bowel closed, as what is called about 4 cm below the lower edge of the pubic
“Hartmann pouch,” or to close the colostomy and bone (Fig. 11.16). If we do not have this kind of
do the pull-through, leaving the patient without a length, that means that we have to work more on
protective colostomy and a colonic anastomosis the blood supply or to take down the colostomy
in the pelvis (Fig. 11.19). If one decides to leave in order for the bowel to reach.
it as a “Hartmann pouch,” we want to be sure that The perineal approach can be done in two
the length of the distal bowel is enough for the ways. One is simply lifting the legs up, putting a
blind upper end of the bowel to be found above bulky roll below the pelvis of the patient. By
the peritoneal reflection at the time of the colos- doing that, the perineum of the patient is well
tomy closure; otherwise, it may become a techni- exposed, horizontally, and we can work comfort-
cally demanding type of procedure. ably (Fig. 11.17c). The incision that we make in
In order for us to learn whether or not there is these patients does not have to be a full-length
enough length of colon for the pull-through, we posterior sagittal one. An incision that runs from
can open from below and see exactly if we have the base of the scrotum and about 5 or 6 cm
enough length passing the rectum behind the pos- posteriorly usually provides plenty of exposure
terior urethra. If the perineum has not been to create a safe abdominal perineal path. Our
11.4 Treatment 175

a b

Fig. 11.16 How to gain length in a case of a very high Blood supply of the rectum is provided by intramural ves-
rectum. (a) Diagram – divide peripheral branches of the sels. (b, c) Intraoperative picture of the same maneuver.
inferior mesenteric vessels. Maintain intact rectal wall. (d) Bowel reaches the perineum

incision goes through the skin, parasagittal making a very difficult task to accommodate a
fibers, muscle complex, and levator mechanism. rectum through it. The entire procedure is done
However, these patients often have very poor with a Foley catheter in place. In the process of
sphincter mechanism, and sometimes it is very opening the perineum, we frequently stop to pal-
difficult to identify each one of the components pate the catheter in the urethra located in the
of the sphincter mechanism. In addition, we find deepest portion of the “V” formed by the pubic
different degrees of “caudal regression.” This bones. As we progress deeper through the poste-
means that the pelvis may be extremely narrow, rior sagittal incision, after we have divided the
176 11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

b c

Fig. 11.17 Diagram showing the pull-through. (a) Pulling the rectum. (b) Rectum pulled down. (c) Photograph show-
ing the approach to the perineum. Legs up. (d) Posterior sagittal incision. (e) Rectum pulled down. (f) Anoplasty
11.4 Treatment 177

d e

Fig. 11.17 (continued)

entire striated sphincter mechanism, we find a within the limits of the sphincter as previously
whitish fascia which represents the entrance to demonstrated in the other chapters. Sometimes,
the abdominal cavity. A safety path is obtained in these operations, we find a minimal amount of
remaining as much as possible in the midline. a sphincter mechanism, and therefore, the loca-
Once we enter into the abdomen, we pass a tion of the anus is determined in a rather arbi-
clamp to grasp the distal end of the bowel when trary way. Many of these patients will have a
dealing with a laparoscopic approach or to grasp poor prognosis anyway, due to the lack of a
the sutures holding the distal rectum when the sphincter, poor sacrum, tethered cord, and other
abdomen was opened (Fig. 11.17). Looking spinal abnormalities.
from the abdominal side, we must remain away Prior to the abdominal closure, we must close
from the ureters and the vas deferens. This space the defect created between the mesentery of the
has to be wide enough to avoid compression of pulled bowel and the posterior abdominal wall
the rectum. The rectum then is pulled under (Fig. 11.18). We had experience with two cases in
direct vision, and the anoplasty is performed whom that space was left open and the patients
178 11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

have to do this, but rather to lift the legs up in the

way we have already described.
The abdominal wall is closed, and the patient
usually starts eating as soon as the colostomy is
working. The patient stays in the hospital 2 or
3 days. If, on the other hand, the patient was left
with no colostomy, he will remain 7–10 days with
nothing by mouth receiving parenteral nutrition.

11.4.4 Laparoscopy

The laparoscopic approach of anorectal malfor-

mation was first proposed by Willital [2]. Then he
was followed and popularized by Georgeson
et al. [3] and many other surgeons who are per-
forming the laparoscopy approach for the treat-
ment of anorectal malformations [4–31]. The
classic and indisputable indication of a laparos-
copy is an operation that requires an abdominal
approach. In other words, the laparoscopy serves
the purpose of minimizing the trauma and the
Fig. 11.18 Closing the mesenteric defect pain produced by the incision in the abdomen.
Because of this, the laparoscopic approach is
indicated to treat this particular malformation.
suffered from intestinal obstruction within the The exposure and view of the peritoneal floor
first 5 days postoperatively. They required an obtained laparoscopically is excellent (see Chap.
emergency laparotomy to reduce multiple loops 13). The dissection of the distal rectum is easily
of small bowel which were trapped in that defect. done, as previously described, until the rectum
Also, before we pull the colon through, we becomes narrow. At that point, unfortunately, the
evaluate the degree of dilatation of the rectum; if division of the fistula cannot be done as accu-
it is considered to be too bulky, it must be tapered rately as when it is done with a laparotomy. Yet,
resecting a portion of the posterior wall of the we have not seen complications from the laparo-
rectum and closing with two layers of interrupted scopic ligation of the fistula. It is important to
sutures. keep in mind that in this particular type of ano-
The posterior wall of the rectum must be rectal malformation (recto-bladder neck fistula),
anchored to the neighbor tissue with 5-0 long- the rectum reaches the bladder neck in a “T”
term absorbable sutures. If the patient gets a good fashion. In other words, there is no common wall
muscle complex, the rectum is anchored to the between the rectum and the urinary tract located
muscle complex as demonstrated in other malfor- above the location of the fistula, like it happens in
mations. The anoplasty is performed as previ- the cases of prostatic fistula and even more in
ously described for other malformations. cases of rectal urethrobulbar fistula. Our observa-
Another way to do the posterior sagittal por- tions in 1,113 surgical repairs of anorectal mal-
tion of the operation consists in packing the formations in male patients allowed us to learn
abdominal wound, covering it with a plastic that the lower the malformation, the longer the
drape, turning the patient into prone position, and common wall between the rectum and the urinary
opening posterior sagittally as previously tract. Therefore, in the highest of all defects
described. However, more and more, we do not (recto-bladder neck fistula), the dissection of the
11.6 Functional Results 179

rectum is easier, and it does not include the risk bowel and take the proximal stoma down as a pull-
of injuring the urinary tract. In lower malforma- through. In general, we do not like to do this
tions such as rectoprostatic and particularly in because that means the patient will lose its natural
bulbar fistula, the common wall between the rec- bowel reservoir which will give him a tendency to
tum and urinary tract is much longer, and there- have diarrhea, making the bowel management to
fore, it is not that easy simply to ligate the fistula keep him artificially clean more difficult. Another
like in the laparoscopic approach in cases of possibility would be to take the proximal stoma,
recto-bladder neck fistula. That is one of the rea- separate it from the abdominal wall, close the
sons why we consider the laparoscopic approach colostomy, and pull together down to the perineum,
formally contraindicated in patients with recto- the distal bowel with what used to be the proximal
urethral bulbar fistulas. stoma attached and anastomosed. If we do some-
The separation of the rectum from the bladder thing like that, we have to make a decision to (a)
neck and the ligation of the fistula are easy maneu- keep the patient postoperatively without a colos-
vers. The mobilization of the rectum and the cau- tomy, with parenteral nutrition, and nothing by
terizing of the vessels to allow the rectum to reach mouth for 10 days or (b) open a more proximal
the perineum without undue tension, on the other colostomy (Fig. 11.20). The decision is a clinical
hand, may not be so easy. The burning of selected one and will depend on how secure the surgeon
mesenteric vessels may not be as accurate as when feels about the blood supply of the distal rectum
it is done with an open abdomen; accidental burn- and the surgical technique observed in general. We
ing of important neighbor vessels may occur. In have only removed one rectum in cases like this,
addition, it is not uncommon to find that the rec- because the patient had only a 4 cm portion of
tum is too bulky to be placed within the limits of bowel, and if we anastomosed it to the proximal
the sphincter. A tapering of the rectum is required stoma, the anastomosis would be located too low.
in such cases. It is at this point when sometimes We felt that it was an unnecessary risk to do that
we have decided not to continue the laparoscopic and preferred to pull down the colostomy itself.
approach and go into to a formal laparotomy. In When we did that, we had to keep the patient
some cases, we have concluded the entire proce- 10 days with nothing by mouth or to open a more
dure laparoscopically successfully. proximal colostomy. We almost never open a
proximal colostomy. We have, rather, kept the
patient with nothing by mouth for 10 days.
11.5 Special Problems Another reason to open the abdomen even in
cases of prostatic or bulbar fistulas is when the
11.5.1 Dealing with Inadequate colostomy interferes with the pull-through of the
Colostomies (Too Distal) rectum because this has been created too distally.
We have seen this happening very often.
When the colostomy is located too distal in the
colon, it is technically demanding to bring the dis-
tal rectum down to the perineum preserving its 11.6 Functional Results
blood supply. We have learned how to do it, but
sometimes the upper part of the rectum has to be Our experience includes 110 patients. The func-
detached from the abdominal wall in order to be tional evaluation is only done in patients older than
pulled down. Once the pull-through is completed, 3 years of age and that have been in touch with us.
it may occur that the upper end of the rectum ends
up being located in the area of the posterior ure-
thra. If we leave it there, it would become an 11.6.1 Fecal Control
impossible task to close the colostomy (Fig. 11.19).
At that point, we have to make a decision. One Forty-seven patients were evaluated after the age
possibility would be to resect the distal piece of of 3, and we found that 12 of them (25 %) had
180 11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

Fig. 11.19 Diagram showing the pull-through of a very short piece of rectosigmoid, which will make the colostomy
closure a very difficult operation

voluntary bowel movements. Ninety percent of 0.4–0.69, and 18 of them (81.8 %) had urinary
these patients soiled occasionally in the underwear. control. When the sacral ratio was less than 0.4,
Only 10 % were totally continent. All patients that three out of 13 patients (23 %) had urinary con-
received bowel management were kept totally trol. The fact that a significant number of patients
clean in the underwear. Among 21 patients with have urinary control does not mean that the uri-
sacral ratio of 0.7 and up, 7 (33.3 %) had voluntary nary tract is working properly. Some patients
bowel movements. Patients with sacral ratio of have urinary control but cannot empty the blad-
0.41–0.69, (20 %) had voluntary bowel move- der well. In addition, a significant number of
ments. None of the patients with a sacral ratio cases with this malformation suffer from vesico-
lower than 0.4 had voluntary bowel movements. ureteral reflux. That explains why a significant
number of patients 17/54 (31 %) are treated with
clean intermittent catheterization.
11.6.2 Urinary Control We consider it extremely important to alert
and to warn the parents about the future of these
Forty-nine patients were available to evaluate uri- babies as soon as we make the diagnosis of recto-
nary control. Thirty-nine of them (78 %) had uri- bladder neck fistula. This is extremely important
nary control. Among 19 patients with sacral ratio in order to adjust the expectations of the parents
higher than 0.7, 13 (68.4 %) had urinary control. concerning the future of the baby and to avoid
Twenty-two patients had a sacral ratio of further frustration.
References 181

1. Peña A, Hong A (2000) Advances in the management
of anorectal malformations. Am J Surg 180:370–376
2. Willital GH (1998) Endosurgical intrapuborectal
reconstruction of high anorectal anomalies. Pediatr
Endosurg Innov Tech 2:5–11
3. Georgeson KE, Inge TH, Albanese CT (2000)
Laparoscopically assisted anorectal pull-through for
high imperforate anus—a new technique. J Pediatr
Surg 35:927–931
4. Yamataka A, Segawa O, Yoshida R (2001)
Laparoscopic muscle electrostimulation during
laparoscopy-assisted anorectal pull-through for high
imperforate anus. J Pediatr Surg 36:1659–1661
5. Borzi PA, Mackay AJ, Lander MM (2001)
Laparoscopic assisted abdominoperineal pullthrough
for anorectal agenesis (LAAP)—early experience.
Pediatr Endosurg Innov Tech 5:73
6. Takehara H, Tashiro S, Ishibashi H (2001)
Laparoscopic surgery for congenital colorectal dis-
ease in children. Pediatr Endosurg Innov Tech 2001:5
7. Behamou EM (2001) Anorectal malformation: treat-
ment by laparoscopy. Pediatr Endosurg Innov Tech
8. Yamataka A, Yoshida R, Kobayashi H (2002)
Intraoperative endosonography enhances laparoscopy-
assisted colon pull-through for high imperforate anus.
J Pediatr Surg 37:1657–1660
9. Sydorak RM, Albanese CT (2002) Laparoscopic
repair of high imperforate anus. Semin Pediatr Surg
Fig. 11.20 Diagram showing a pulled-through short 10. Iwanaka T, Arai M, Kawashima H (2003) Findings of
piece of rectum with a colostomy closure and opening of pelvic musculature and efficacy of laparoscopic mus-
a more proximal colostomy cle stimulator in laparoscopy-assisted anorectal pull-
through for high imperforate anus. Surg Endosc
Once we make the diagnosis of this malfor- 11. Raghupathy RK, Moorthy PK, Rajamni G (2003)
mation, we tell the parents what we know about Laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty for high
the future bowel function of the baby, and at the ARM. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 17:278–281
12. Kudou S, Iwanaka T, Kawashima H (2005) Midterm
same time, we tell them that we will always be
follow-up study of high-type imperforate anus after
there to help them. We offer them our bowel laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty. J Pediatr
movement program to be started when the Surg 40:1923–1926
patient is 3 years old in order for the patient to 13. Kubota A, Kawahara H, Okuyama H (2005)
Laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty using peri-
go to school like a normal child with normal
neal ultrasonographic guide. A preliminary report. J
underwear and to be adapted and accepted into Pediatr Surg 40:1535–1538
the society. 14. Lima M, Tursini S, Ruggeri G (2006) Laparoscopically
When the patient has vesicoureteral reflux, assisted anorectal pull-through for high imperforate
anus: three years’ experience. J Laparoendosc Adv
we leave a suprapubic cystostomy tube at the
Surg Tech 16:63–66
time of the main repair. Prior to the colostomy 15. Hakguder G, Ates O, Caglar M (2006) A unique
closure, we perform a suprapubic cystogram to opportunity for the operative treatment of high ano-
determine the presence and magnitude of rectal malformations: laparoscopy. Eur J Pediatr Surg
the reflux. Also, a urodynamic evaluation will
16. Lima M, Antonellini C, Ruggeri G (2006)
help to determine the best urologic future Laparoscopic surgical treatment of anorectal malfor-
management. mations. Pediatr Med Chir 28:79–82
182 11 Recto-bladder Neck Fistula

17. Vick LR, Gosche JR, Boulanger SC (2007) Primary 25. El-Debeiky MS, Safan HA, Shafei IA (2009) Long-term
laparoscopic repair of high imperforate anus in neona- functional evaluation of fecal continence after laparo-
tal males. J Pediatr Surg 42:1877–1881 scopic-assisted pull-through for high anorectal malfor-
18. Georgeson K (2007) Laparoscopic-assisted anorectal mations. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 19:S51–S54
pull-through. Semin Pediatr Surg 16:266–269 26. Hay SA (2009) Transperineal rectovesical fistula
19. Liem NT, Hien PD (2007) Laparoscopic and transanal ligation in laparoscopic assisted abdominoperineal
approach for rectal atresia: a novel alternative. pull-through for high anorectal malformations.
J Pediatr Surg 42:E25–E27 J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 19:S77–S79
20. Lopez M, Kalfa N, Allal H (2007) Anorectal malfor- 27. Rollins MD, Downey EC, Meyers RL (2009) Division
mation (ARM) with bladder fistula: advantages of a of the fistula in laparoscopic-assisted repair of anorec-
laparoscopic approach. Eur J Pediatr Surg. doi:10.105 tal malformations—are clips or ties necessary?
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21. Srimurthy KR, Ramesh S, Shankar G (2008) 28. Podevin G, Petit T, Mure PY (2009) Minimally
Technical modifications of laparoscopically assisted invasive surgery for anorectal malformations in boys.
anorectal pull-through for anorectal malformations. A multicentric study. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech
J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 18:340–343 19:S233–S235
22. Ichijo C, Kaneyama K, Hayashi Y (2008) Midterm 29. Yamataka A, Kato Y, Lee KD (2009) Endoscopy-
postoperative clinicoradiologic analysis of surgery for assisted laparoscopic excision of rectourethral fistula
high/intermediate-type imperforate anus: prospective in a male with imperforate anus. J Laparoendosc Adv
comparative study between laparoscopy-assisted and Surg Tech 19:S241–S243
posterior sagittal anorectoplasty. J Pediatr Surg 30. Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Dickie B (2009) Technical
43:158–163 challenges of the laparoscopic approach for patients
23. Grapin-Dagorno C, Fayad F (2008) Surgical treat- with anorectal malformation and rectobladderneck
ment of high-type imperforate anus: role of laparos- fistula. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 19:264–291
copy. Bull Acad Natl Med 192:913–918 31. Al-Hozaim O, Al-Maary J, AlQahtani A (2010)
24. Ramanujam TM, Yik YI, Shitasanan N (2008) Laparoscopic-assisted anorectal pull-through for ano-
Laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty for high rectal malformations: a systematic review and the
anorectal malformations—a modified technique. need for standardization of outcome reporting.
Presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the J Pediatr Surg 45:1500–1504
International Pediatric Colorectal Club. Salamanca,
Spain, June 2008
Imperforate Anus Without Fistula
in Males and Females 12

12.1 Introduction tion with other neurologic defects such as absent

corpus callosum.
Imperforate anus without fistula is a very unique Approximately 1.1–2.2 % of patients with
kind of defect (Fig. 12.1). Most likely, it has a Down syndrome have an anorectal malformation
very different embryologic origin, considering its [2–4], and the overwhelming majority has no
uniqueness, type of associated defects, and intrin- fistula.
sic anatomy. In the spectrum of anorectal malfor- The association of Down syndrome and ano-
mations, one can see that the frequency of rectal malformation without fistula may occur in
associated defects is very much related with the identical twins [5].
height of the location of the fistula. Thus, a peri- The literature, prior to 1980, reported a high
neal fistula type of malformation usually is rarely incidence of this defect [6]. Stephens reviewed
associated to other defects, whereas a recto-blad- his own series and those of eight authors and
der neck fistula seems to have the highest inci- found that approximately 10 % of all cases of
dence of associations with other malformations ARM suffered from this condition. We believe
mainly in the urinary tract. From that point of
view, an imperforate anus with no fistula repre-
sents an exception because it is extremely unusual
for these patients to have other associated defects
such as tethered cord and abnormal sacrum.
The most important feature of this particular
defect is the fact that it represents approximately
4 % of all anorectal malformations, and half of
the cases are Down syndrome [1]. In addition,
from all patients with Down syndrome suffering
from anorectal malformations, over 95 % of them
have this specific type of defect. This fact repre-
sents a fascinating and unique opportunity to
speculate and investigate anorectal malforma-
tions from the genetic point of view. It is also
interesting to know that, as mentioned before,
half of the anorectal malformations without fis-
tula suffer from Down syndrome and the other Fig. 12.1 Diagram showing the intrinsic anatomy of
half seem to have a higher incidence of associa- imperforate anus without a fistula

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 183

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_12, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
184 12 Imperforate Anus Without Fistula in Males and Females

a b

Fig. 12.2 Distal colostogram done in a patient without a (b) Increased hydrostatic pressure allows us to see the real
fistula. (a) The lack of hydrostatic pressure gives the false location of the blind end of the bowel
impression that the rectum ends at the pubococcygeal line.

that those series included many misdiagnosed forate anus with no fistula, dividing the cases into
cases, in whom a fistula was not demonstrated “high” and “low” location of the rectum [6].
due to a lack of adequate imaging technology. In our series of 83 cases, 76 of them had the
Even at present time, we see cases that come to rectum located at the level of the bulbar urethra.
our center with a diagnosis of anorectal malfor- Five cases had the blind rectum located at the
mation “without fistula,” based on a distal colos- level of the prostatic urethra, and we have only
togram done with an inadequate technique (lack seen two blind rectums, floating into the
of hydrostatic pressure). When we repeat the dis- peritoneum [7]. That is an extremely unusual
tal colostogram, applying enough hydrostatic defect, and we believe it belongs to another cate-
pressure, a fistula is demonstrated (Fig. 12.2). gory. This is a debatable issue [8].
Some authors suggest that the absence of fis-
tula may contribute for these patients to suffer
12.2 Anatomic Characteristics from colon perforation earlier than those with fis-
tula [9]. The diagram in Fig. 12.1 shows that the
Figure 12.1 shows a diagram of an imperforate rectum and the posterior urethra share a long
anus with no fistula. Interestingly, the blind end common wall. This means that the repair of this
of the rectum is located at the same level of the malformation is not necessarily easier than the
bulbar urethra in the overwhelming majority of one of a rectourethral fistula since the surgeon
cases. In the past, the literature referred to imper- has to work in that common wall and separate the
12.3 Main Repair 185

Fig. 12.4 Rectal lumen exposed in a patient with no


There is no way to injure the urinary tract in

these patients because the rectum bulges right
through the wound. Two 5-0 silk stitches are
placed taking the posterior rectal wall, and the
wall is opened with the needle-tip cautery. We
Fig. 12.3 The white fascia. Deeper to the levator mecha-
continue opening the rectum distally to reach
nism, a white fascia is seen which covers the posterior
rectal wall. Arrow shows the white fascia its blind end, to confirm that there is no fistula.
As we open the posterior rectal wall, 5-0 silk
rectum from the urinary tract preserving intact stitches are placed taking the edges of the rec-
the last one. tum to expose the inside lumen of the rectum.
Figure 12.4 shows the lumen of the rectum in
a patient with imperforate anus with no fistula.
12.3 Main Repair The surgeon must remember at this point that the
anterior rectal wall is intimately attached to the
The posterior sagittal approach represents the posterior urethra and will require a meticulous
ideal way to repair this malformation [1, 7, 10]. dissection in order to separate the rectum with-
A Foley catheter is inserted in the bladder. The out injuring the urinary tract. For that, multiple
patient is turned into the prone position, with the 5-0 silk stitches are placed taking the edge of the
pelvis elevated. The skin of the perineum and rectum in its lowest portion, and the dissection is
both buttocks are washed, prepped, and draped done using uniform traction. Applying uniform
in the usual manner. A midline incision is done traction with multiple silk stitches, a circumfer-
with the needle-tip cautery running from the ential dissection is performed dividing bands
middle portion of the sacrum down to the base of and vessels that held the rectum up in the pel-
the scrotum. The incision divides the skin, sub- vis (Fig. 12.5). Since the rectum is located sig-
cutaneous tissue, parasagittal fibers, and muscle nificantly low, once it is completely separated,
complex. After the parasagittal fibers have been usually it requires a rather minor dissection to
divided, we go through the ischiorectal fossa to gain enough length to achieve a low-tension ano-
find the levator mechanism. When the levator plasty. In this particular malformation, it is not
muscle is divided, a white fascia appears very uncommon to find a very dilated rectum since the
clearly (Fig. 12.3). This white fascia must be patient had no fistula. Therefore, the chances for
divided and separated from the real bowel wall. this patient to require tapering of the rectum are
186 12 Imperforate Anus Without Fistula in Males and Females

a b

Fig. 12.5 Circumferential dissection to gain length. (a) Pulling down. (b) Pulling up

a b

Fig. 12.6 Rectal tapering. (a) Open rectum after resection of its posterior aspect. (b) Reconstructed, tapered rectum

higher than in other cases of anorectal malforma- posterior rectal wall to anchor the rectum in a
tions. This is particularly true in those patients good position. The anoplasty is performed in the
who have spent a long time, from the time of center of the sphincter with 16 circumferential
colostomy until the time of the main repair. If stitches of 6-0 Vicryl sutures. The ischiorectal
the rectum is too bulky, it must be tapered, and fossa is obliterated with the same suture mate-
for that, we resect the posterior aspect of the rial as well as the subcutaneous tissue, and the
rectal wall and closed the rectum with two lay- skin is closed with a subcuticular monofilament
ers of interrupted long-term absorbable sutures absorbable suture. These patients require mini-
(Fig. 12.6). The rectum is then placed in front mal medication for pain. They can eat and drink
of the levator mechanism, which is closed with the same day as surgery. The Foley catheter can
5-0 interrupted long-term absorbable sutures. be removed the next day. Dilatations are started
The posterior edges of the muscle complex on 2 weeks after surgery according to our protocol.
each side of the midline are reapproximated in Montalvo et al. designed an ingenious tech-
the midline and sutured with interrupted 5-0 nique called “posterior flap anorectoplasty”
long-term absorbable sutures, taking a bite of the [11–13] to repair anorectal malformations
References 187

through a posterior sagittal approach, but without without fistula coming to our center with a colos-
separating the rectum from the urinary tract. The tomy that is meant to remain on permanent basis.
bulging posterior wall of the rectum is used to Their doctors advised the parents to keep the
create a flap that is tubularized and switched colostomy for life, because the patients with
down to create the anus. We have no experience Down syndrome are all incontinent. Our experi-
with the procedure; however, we believe that it ence, as presented here, is quite different.
can be used in patients who had no fistula and
rectum dilated enough to allow this maneuver.
We do not believe that this approach should be References
used in patients with fistula, due to the risk of a
1. Torres R, Levitt MA, Tovilla JM, Rodriguez G, Peña
recurrent fistula. A (1998) Anorectal malformations and Down’s syn-
drome. J Pediatr Surg 33(2):194–197
2. Torfs CP, Bateson TF, Curry CJ (1992) Anorectal and
12.4 Function and Results esophageal anomalies with Down syndrome. Am J
Med Genet 44(6):847; author reply 848–850
3. Zlotogora J, Abu-Dalu K, Lernau O, Sagi M, Voss R,
In terms of bowel control, the results are, as Cohen T (1989) Anorectal malformations and Down
expected, different in patients with Down syn- syndrome. Am J Med Genet 34(3):330–331
drome and patients without Down syndrome. In 4. Heinen F, Bailez M, Solana J (1994) Imperforate anus
and Down syndrome. [El ano imperforado en el
our series, patients without Down syndrome have Sindrome de Down]. Rev Cir Infant 4(2):72–76
an 85 % chance of having voluntary bowel move- 5. de Buys Roessingh AS, Mueller C, Wiesenauer C,
ments by the age of 3. This means that this mal- Bensoussan AL, Beaunoyer M (2009) Anorectal mal-
formation has an excellent functional prognosis. formation and Down’s syndrome in monozygotic
twins. J Pediatr Surg 44(2):e13–e16. doi:10.1016/j.
The incidence of constipation, however, seems to jpedsurg.2008.10.116
be higher than in other types of defects, since we 6. Stephens FD, Smith ED (1971) Chapter 7: Incidence,
know now that a megarectum relates directly frequency of types etiology. In: Ano-rectal malforma-
with the chances of constipation. Surprisingly, tions in children. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc,
Chicago, pp 160–171
60 % of the patients with Down syndrome have 7. Bischoff A, Frischer J, Dickie BH, Peña A (2014)
voluntary bowel movements by the age of three. Anorectal malformation without fistula: a defect with
Of course, we must remember that Down syn- unique characteristics. Pediatr Surg Int 30(8):763–
drome babies have different degrees of develop- 766. doi:10.1007/s00383-014-3527-5
8. Black CT, Sherman JO (1989) The association of low
mental delay, and therefore, we very much imperforate anus and Down’s syndrome. J Pediatr
depend on that, to try to predict the chances of Surg 24(1):92–94
bowel control. 9. Chan KW, Lee KH, Tsui SY, Wong YS, Pang KY,
Patients with Down syndrome have a well- Mou JW, Tam YH (2014) Bowel perforation in new-
born with anorectal malformation and no fistula at
known tendency to be constipated. Patients with presentation. J Pediatr Surg 49(3):390–394. doi:00
anorectal malformations also have a tendency to 10. Fanjul M, Molina E, Cerdá J, Parente A, Laín A,
be constipated, provided their original rectum is Cañizo A, Carrera N (2009) Characteristics of the
not resected and patients with anorectal malfor- anorectal atresia without fistula. Based on 12 cases.
Cir Pediatr 22(1):45–48
mation with no fistula have a higher incidence of 11. Montalvo-Marín A, Victoria-Morales G (1993)
constipation. Therefore, we must expect these Anorectoplasty with a distal tubular flap via a poste-
patients to suffer from severe constipation. After rior sagittal approach. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex
the colostomy closure, the surgeon should be 50(7):499–502. Spanish
12. Zea-Salazar LE, Cabrera-Johnson M (1994)
very aggressive and proactive in giving the right Anorrectolpastia Sagital posterior y colgajo rectal
amount of laxatives to avoid constipation. When [Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty and rectal flap]. Rev
not treated adequately, this problem may produce Cir Infant 3:112–114
chronic fecal impaction and overflow pseudoin- 13. Montalvo-Marin A, del Campo NM, Alvarez-Solís
RM, Diaz-Lira MA (1998) Continence in patients
continence (see Chap. 25). who undergo posterior rectal flap anorectoplasty. J
We have been surprised to see patients born Pediatr Surg 33(12):1760–1764
with Down syndrome and anorectal malformation
Minimally Invasive Approach
to Anorectal Malformations 13

13.1 Introduction repaired either way laparoscopically or posterior

sagittally, and others in cases in whom we believe
The minimally invasive approach to the repair of that laparoscopy is formally contraindicated.
congenital malformation is here to stay. All of us, Our basic contention and belief is that laparos-
pediatric surgeons, are concerned about inflicting copy is primarily indicated to replace a laparot-
pain and/or being too invasive to our patients. omy. In other words, a classic indication is a
Every effort aimed to reduce the suffering of our procedure that is usually done opening the abdo-
patients, as well as the length of stay in the hospi- men and now can be done equally well, through
tal and subsequently the cost of the operations, is the small orifices of the ports necessary for mini-
welcomed. We embrace ideas that have, as the mally invasive operation. In male patients with
end result, a less traumatic operation without anorectal malformations, we have to open the
compromising the standard of care or provoking abdomen 10 % of the times, specifically in those
more sequelae in our patients. That explains why cases that have a recto-bladder neck fistula. We
the minimally invasive approach to repair malfor- consider that group a good potential indication
mations had so much impact in pediatric surgery for laparoscopy. We use the word “potential”
and the surgical field in general. because even in those particular types of defects,
Since the introduction of this new technology, laparoscopy has certain limitations, as will be
there are now operations in which the laparo- shown later.
scopic or thoracoscopic approach represents the Approximately 30 % of patients with cloacas
gold standard. There are others in which these require a laparotomy. Yet, all of them require a
new approaches have not been applied, and there posterior approach in order to repair the urogeni-
is another group in which the approach is contro- tal component of the malformation. Conceivably,
versial. Anorectal malformations have not been a laparoscopic approach could be useful to sepa-
an exception, and many pediatric surgeons have rate the rectum from the bladder neck in those
used and continue trying to use more and more unusual cases that have the rectum connected to
the laparoscopic approach to the repair of anorec- the bladder neck. Yet, those patients require
tal malformations, many of them with the correct rather sophisticated and technically demanding
indication, others in malformations that can be maneuvers to repair the urogenital component of
the malformation (see Chap. 16).
We decided to review the literature related with
the laparoscopic approach of anorectal malforma-
Electronic supplementary material Supplementary
material is available in the online version of this chapter at tions. We found 52 papers published between 1998
10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_13. and 2014. Forty-one of them [1–41] presented

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 189

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_13, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Table 13.1 List of authors and cases reported

Bladder No Rectal Tethered

Year Authors Cases Comments N/A Urethral neck PR Bulbar fistula atresia Vaginal Vest Perineal Cloaca High Inter Low Sacrum cord
1. 1998 Willital 2 2
2. 2000 Georgeson 10 7 1 1 1 1
3. 2001 Ettayebi 1 1
4. 2001 Yamataka 3 3
5. 2002 Yamataka 6 3 3 Normal in 0
6. 2003 Lin 9 5 1 3
7. 2003 Iwanaka 12 1 2 5 1 2 1
8. 2003 Raghupathy 11 8 3
9. 2003 Tei 5 1 3 1
10. 2005 Kudou 13 7 2 1 2 1
11. 2005 Koga 1 1
12. 2005 Kubota 5 2 2 1
13. 2006 Lima 7 6 1 Abnormal
in 1
14. 2006 Hakgüder 4 1 3 Abnormal
in 1
15. 2007 Vick 6 3 3
16. 2007 Liem 2 2
17. 2008 Ichijo 15 5 4 1 1 2 2 Normal in Tethered
all cases in few
18. 2009 El-Debeiky 15 15
19. 2009 Hay 12 12
20. 2009 Bischoff 6 6
21. 2009 Lopez 1 1 Normal
22. 2009 Yang 11 2 3 3 3
23. 2009 Uchida 24 2 15 3 2 2
24. 2009 Yamataka 1 1
25. 2009 Podevin 34 3 20 10 1
26. 2009 Rollins 5 No clips or ties 2 3
13 Minimally Invasive Approach to Anorectal Malformations

27. 2010 Raschbaum 3 MRI guided 3

28. 2010 Bailez 5 5 1 sacral 1
29. 2010 Kimura 13 1 10 1 1
30. 2010 Koga 5 3 2 Normal None

31. 2010 Lopez 1 1 No

32. 2011 Wong 18 Does not 18
specify type
or number.
Only “high/
and no numbers
33. 2011 Bailez 17 8 9 50 % in
both groups
had SR
34. 2011 De Vos 20 3 13 3 1
35. 2011 Tong 33 1 22 6 4
36. 2012 Miglani 3 2 1
37. 2012 England 24 3 7 9 3 2
38. 2013 Jung 25 6 16 3
39. 2013 Liem 19 15 4
40. 2013 Bischoff 15 13 2 < 0.4 in 2, Tethered
0.4–0.7 in in 5, No
6, > 0.7 in T/C in 8,
6 Unknown
in 2
41. 2014 Ming 24 11 13 Average
0.64 in
and 0.54 in
Totals 446 0 21 16 93 185 63 17 2 29 8 2 8 2 0 0
192 13 Minimally Invasive Approach to Anorectal Malformations

Table 13.2 Summarized results of a literature review on minimally invasive approach to anorectal malformation
185 prostatic fistula

357 93 Bladder neck

males 63 Bulbar

16 “Urethral”

29 “vaginal”
446 45
8 Vestibular
cases females
8 cloaca

17 without fistula
21 not specified
gender not
2 perineal
2 rectal atresia
2 “High”

series of cases (Table 13.1). Ten papers [42–52] • Rectourethral bulbar fistula
were rather informative, written by experts but • Anorectal malformation with no fistula
without discussing specific cases. • Perineal fistula
The total number of cases reported in the lit- We believe that mainly those patients with
erature according to our review is 446. These recto-bladder neck fistulas may benefit from the
included 357 males, 45 females, and 44 in whom laparoscopic approach. In our own experience,
the gender was not specified (Table 13.2). the laparoscopic approach provides an excellent
The group of male cases included 185 recto- exposure of the peritoneal floor and the distal part
prostatic fistulas, 93 bladder neck, 63 bulbar, and of the bowel as it approached the bladder neck
16 labeled as “urethral” without specifying the (Animation 13.1). The dissection of the rectum,
location of the fistulas. as well as the ligation of the fistula, is an easy
The female group included 29 “vaginal fis- maneuver. The main reason for this is that in ano-
tula,” 8 vestibular, and 8 cloacas. The group of rectal malformations, the higher the malforma-
patients without gender specification included 21 tion, the shorter the common wall existing
cases, 17 without a fistula, 2 recto-perineal, 2 between the rectum and the urinary tract, and
“rectal atresia,” and 2 cases labeled simply as therefore the rectum ends in the bladder neck in a
“high” (Table 13.2). T fashion, which makes the ligation of the fistula
an easy task, without any risk of damaging neigh-
boring structures. To repair this malformation,
13.2 Males the next step after the ligation of the fistula is the
mobilization of the rectum. We found that some-
Anorectal malformations in males are divided times this is feasible, and the entire procedure
into the following categories: can be completed after making a small incision in
• Recto-bladder neck fistula the perineum. Yet, sometimes the mobilization of
• Rectourethral prostatic fistula the rectum (as explained in Chap. 11) requires a
13.2 Males 193

delicate and selective ligation of mesenteric ves- that patients with anorectal malformation without
sels, preserving the necessary arcades in order to fistula should not be approached laparoscopi-
preserve the blood supply of the distal rectum. cally. The rectum is located very close to the
Laparoscopically, this maneuver is done using perineum, and therefore it requires a minimal dis-
cautery, which is a less than optimal way to section to be mobilized. A laparoscopic approach
divide vessels, because the extension of the burn implies in these cases a full dissection of the rec-
is not controlled accurately and may damage col- tum, which is actually unnecessary. In our series,
lateral vessels necessary to preserve the blood the operation takes 2 h, the patients have minimal
supply of the distal rectum. In addition, some of pain, the blood loss is negligible, and the patient
these patients have a very dilated rectum that can be discharged 24 or 48 h after the operation.
requires tapering. We found difficult to perform Rectourethral bulbar fistula is fortunately
the tapering of the bowel laparoscopically, and the most common defect that we see in male
therefore we have to open the abdomen. It is patients. The rectum is located approximately
important to remember that unfortunately, these 2 cm above the skin and connects to the bulbar
groups of patients (recto-bladder neck fistula) urethra at the same level of those cases of imper-
have a very poor functional prognosis. Only forate anus with no fistula. Eighty-five percent
20–25 % of our patients in this category have vol- of our patients with normal sacrum have bowel
untary bowel movements, and about half of those control, and 94 % of them have urinary control.
suffer from soiling. These patients are born with The operation takes approximately 2½ h, and the
serious congenital deficiencies in their sphinc- patients eat the same day, have minimal pain, and
teric mechanism and frequently are associated to can be discharged the next day. We find it very
very poor sacra. difficult to have a less invasive procedure than
Ninety-three cases of our literature review the one that we perform. Again, trying to repair
belong to this category of recto-bladder neck fis- these malformations laparoscopically represents
tula. We believe that all pediatric surgeons agree a maximally invasive approach since the entire
that this malformation represents an excellent rectum has to be dissected from above. When
indication for a laparoscopic approach. these malformations are repaired posterior sagit-
Perineal fistulas are malformations that can tally, we only dissect the distal part of the rectum
be repaired with an operation that takes less as much as necessary to bring the rectum down;
than 45 min with 100 % chance of bowel con- we do not have to go all the way to the perito-
trol. Therefore, we do not see the reason to neum. As a consequence of attempting the repair
attempt a less invasive procedure than the one of this malformation laparoscopically, a signifi-
that we do at present time. Yet, we found two cant number of patients suffered from recurrent
publications that included perineal fistula rectourethral fistula or a large persistent posterior
repaired laparoscopically [2, 12]. urethral diverticulum which represents a piece
Imperforate anus with no fistula is a malfor- of rectum left attached to the urethra [53, 54]
mation in which the rectum is blind; it has no (Animation 13.2) (Fig. 13.1). We believe that
communication with the urinary tract. Half of laparoscopically the surgeons found it impos-
these patients have Down syndrome. Our experi- sible to reach the bulbar fistula site and ampu-
ence shows that this is a benign condition if we tated the rectum leaving a piece of rectum that
consider the good functional prognosis. Ninety later gave significant symptoms. We believe that
percent of our patients without Down syndrome the laparoscopic approach of this malformation
have bowel control, and 70 % of our Down is contraindicated. Unfortunately, many surgeons
syndrome patients also have voluntary bowel keep trying [5, 6, 11–13, 17, 24–26, 30, 34, 35,
movements. 37–39].
We found that 17 patients (from our literature Rectourethral prostatic fistula is the second
review) with this defect underwent a laparoscopic most common malformation that we have seen in
repair [2, 7, 10, 17, 22, 23, 25, 34, 37]. We believe male patients. For us, this malformation
194 13 Minimally Invasive Approach to Anorectal Malformations

a b

Fig. 13.1 Posterior urethral diverticulum. (a) Diagram. (b) MRI study showing a giant posterior urethral

represents a source of controversy concerning the “rectourethral fistula” [7, 10, 13, 22]. Operating a
best way to approach it. The posterior sagittal male baby with an anorectal malformation
approach in these malformations renders a 66 % without knowing the detailed anatomy represents
chance of bowel control by the age of three. a potential misadventure with serious conse-
Ninety-two percent of the patients have urinary quences for the patient.
control. In most of these patients, the posterior
sagittal dissection of the rectum requires to open
the peritoneum. In other words, the dissection is 13.3 Females
a complete one, due to the fact that the rectum is
located high in the patient’s pelvis. If a surgeon is Anorectal malformations in females are divided
particularly well trained laparoscopically and into the following categories:
prefer to approach this type of malformation lap- • Perineal fistula
aroscopically, rather than posterior sagittally, we • Vestibular fistula
do not see a real difference between going one • Cloacas
way or the other. In addition, some of the recto- • Complex malformations
prostatic fistulas are located a little higher than Perineal fistulas in females are repaired with a
others closer to the bladder neck; in those cases, minimal posterior sagittal operation that takes
we have seen complications when inexperienced less than an hour; the patients have minimal pain,
surgeons try to repair this malformation via pos- 100 % of them have bowel control, and therefore
terior sagittal. Perhaps, if they have good training we do not see a justification to do a maximally
in laparoscopic techniques, it will be better for invasive operation dissecting the entire rectum
them to approach those malformations that way. through the abdomen to repair these malforma-
We were happy to find in our literature review tions. Yet, as previously mentioned, some cases
that 185 out of 357 male cases operated laparo- are occasionally done laparoscopically.
scopically had this kind of defect. Vestibular fistulas are by far the most common
Unfortunately, we found in our literature defects in female patients with anorectal malfor-
review that many surgeons still use the old termi- mations. In our series, 95 % of these patients with
nology that we consider inadequate and mislead- a normal sacrum have bowel control. The opera-
ing. They still refer to “high, intermediate, and tion to repair this defect takes us approximately
low” malformations. Sixteen of the published 2½ h. The patients can eat the same day when
cases received the nonspecific diagnosis of operated with a colostomy and can be discharged
13.3 Females 195

the next day after surgery. The most important We are obviously biased against the laparo-
anatomic feature in these patients is the common scopic approach of cases with rectourethral bul-
wall existing between the rectum and the vagina bar fistula because of the cases that we see at our
(see Chap. 15). The real challenge in the repair of center, suffering from a complication consecutive
these malformations is to make two walls out of to the laparoscopic approach, including urethral
one, preserving intact the posterior vaginal wall injuries and posterior urethral diverticula
and the anterior rectal wall. It is difficult for us to [53, 54].
imagine why somebody wants to dissect the We are aware of the fact that these complica-
entire rectum through the abdomen, in order to tions are not necessarily a consequence of the
repair these malformations and still claim that it laparoscopy, since we have seen similar compli-
is less invasive [9, 17, 36, 37]. In some of those cations occurring during the repair of anorectal
patients in whom the surgeons attempted a lapa- malformations with other techniques. However,
roscopic repair, actually, they left a piece of rec- these complications occurred mainly in patients
tum attached to the vestibule and mobilized more suffering from rectourethral bulbar fistulas.
colon from above, which is against the basic prin- In our literature review, we found that 29
ciples of the repair of anorectal malformations. patients were operated laparoscopically with the
Cloacal malformations are the second most diagnosis of rectovaginal fistula [2, 3, 6–10, 17,
common anorectal malformations seen by us in 23, 28, 29, 34–36].
females. The repair of a cloaca requires separa- We consider that real vaginal fistula is an
tion of the rectum from the urinary tract followed almost nonexistent malformation. In our series
by the mobilization and repair of the urethra and of over 1,000 female patients, we have seen only
vagina. For that, most of the time we use a maneu- seven real rectovaginal fistula cases (see Chaps.
ver called total urogenital mobilization. There are 15 and 16). Most of the cases that came to us
reports of laparoscopic attempted repairs of clo- with the diagnosis of “rectovaginal fistula,” in
acas [7, 9, 10, 17, 23, 29]. The authors actually retrospect, were misdiagnosed cloacas or rec-
only repaired the rectal component of the malfor- tovestibular fistula. If these authors found 29
mation, and then they performed a posterior sagit- vaginal fistulas out of 45 female cases, we have
tal approach from below in order to repair the reason to suspect that they were not really vagi-
urogenital component of the malformation. In nal fistulas.
other cases the surgeons repaired the rectal com- Some authors [10, 17, 35] try to evaluate the
ponent and left the urogenital tract intact! In other clinical results using an old score that includes
words, we cannot say that the laparoscopic “number of bowel movements” as indicative of
approach has been used to repair cloacas, but, results; “many bowel movements” were consid-
rather, we should say that it has been used to ered as bad and “few bowel movements” were
repair the rectal component of cloacal malforma- considered “good”!! The number of bowel move-
tions. Yet, in our experience, in over 500 cloacas, ments relates to many factors (diet, length of the
the rectum can be reached posterior sagittally in colon, inflammatory factors, degree of dilatation
the majority of cases; therefore, we do not see a of the rectosigmoid); none of them related to the
reason to try to go through the peritoneal cavity to type of repair (laparoscopic or posterior
repair a malformation that can be repaired from sagittal).
below. Again, in theory, laparoscopy could be We were negatively impressed by the fact that
helpful to mobilize a rectum that can only be only eight of the papers that we reviewed men-
mobilized through the abdomen. Yet, the patient tioned the characteristics of the sacrum of the
still will require a posterior sagittal approach any- patients [5, 13, 14, 17, 21, 28, 30]. We think that
way to repair the urogenital sinus. it is impossible to discuss functional results in the
Laparoscopy can also be useful instead of a lapa- treatment of anorectal malformations without
rotomy for the examination of the intra-abdominal specifying the characteristics of the sacrum of the
anatomy in complex anorectal malformations. patients. The presence or absence of tethered
196 13 Minimally Invasive Approach to Anorectal Malformations

cords was only mentioned by five authors [2, 4, laparotomy. There is no current evidence of bet-
17, 28, 40]. The presence of this anomaly is rec- ter clinical results. There are a significant number
ognized as a negative prognostic factor, mainly of cases in which laparoscopy has been used with
for the urinary function. no real justification.
One of the rationales to justify the laparo- We are happy to see that many authors recog-
scopic approach in patients with anorectal mal- nize the risk of urethral damage and leaving a
formations is the short length of stay. We were posterior urethral diverticulum and are showing a
very surprised to find that the length of stay was high degree of creativity, using sophisticated
only mentioned in three papers [22, 35, 41], and technology to avoid these complications [12, 24,
the authors reported 5–11 days’ range of length 30]. Others are already limiting the use of lapa-
of stay. In our series, 90 % of our male cases did roscopy to cases with bladder neck or prostatic
not require a laparotomy, and they remained in fistula [37].
the hospital 48 h postoperatively. In females, We strongly suggest to all surgeons interested
with the exception of complex cloacas that in performing laparoscopic repair of anorectal
required a laparotomy, the length of stay was malformations to follow the following
similar to the males. guidelines:
Ten publications [6, 10, 17, 22, 32–35, 37, 41] • Use an adequate terminology; try to be accu-
compared the functional results obtained with rate in the type of malformation treated.
laparoscopy and the traditional PSARP (posterior • Refer to the characteristics of the sacrum as
sagittal anorectoplasty). Most of the authors con- well as the presence or absence of tethered
cluded that the differences found were not sig- cord, in order to discuss clinical results.
nificant. Others suggested that the results • Avoid confusing terms such as “high,” “inter-
obtained with the use of laparoscopy are better mediate,” and “low.”
[17, 41]. • When discussing cloacal approach laparo-
Four of the papers [6, 10, 22, 35] evaluated scopically, be specific as to “repair of a clo-
their results using rectal manometry, which we aca” or repair of the “rectal component of the
consider a non-reliable method (see Chap. 25). cloaca.” Be specific in saying exactly what
Some authors mentioned the “potential nega- was done with the urogenital component,
tive effect of the scarring produced by the poste- which represents the real technical challenge.
rior sagittal approach.” That is a reasonable We firmly believe that minimally invasive
theoretical concern; however, we strongly sug- techniques will play an increasing positive role in
gest for those authors and the readers to read our the management of many congenital anomalies
publication [55] describing our experimental including of course anorectal malformations.
experience (in dogs), comparing different types However, we must be cautious to avoid negative
of rectal operations and their effect on bowel con- results as a consequence of excessive enthusiasm
trol. The posterior sagittal incision did not affect or the desire of notoriety.
bowel control. In addition, from the clinical point
of view [56], we have operated multiple cases
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47(3):565–570. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2011.08.006 use in the repair of anorectal malformations. J Pediatr Surg
38. Jung SM, Lee SK, Seo JM (2013) Experience with 46(8):1609–1617. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2011.03.068
laparoscopic-assisted anorectal pull-through in 25 52. Shawyer AC, Livingston MH, Cook DJ, Braga LH
males with anorectal malformation and rectourethral (2015) Laparoscopic versus open repair of recto-
or rectovesical fistulae: postoperative complications bladderneck and recto-prostatic anorectal malforma-
and functional results. J Pediatr Surg 48(3):591–596. tions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatr
doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2012.08.001 Surg Int 31(1):17–30
References 199

53. Peña A, Hong AR, Midulla P, Levitt M (2003) 55. Peña A, Amroch D, Baeza C, Csury L, Rodriguez G
Reoperative surgery for anorectal anomalies. Semin (1993) The effects of the posterior sagittal approach
Pediatr Surg 12(2):118–123 on rectal function (experimental study). J Pediatr Surg
54. Alam S, Lawal TA, Peña A, Sheldon C, Levitt MA 28(6):773–778
(2011) Acquired posterior urethral diverticulum 56. Peña A, Filmer B, Bonilla E, Mendez M, Stolar C
following surgery for anorectal malformations. (1992) Transanorectal approach for the treatment of
J Pediatr Surg 46(6):1231–1235. doi:10.1016/j. urogenital sinus: preliminary report. J Pediatr Surg
jpedsurg.2011.03.061 27(6):681–685
Rectal Atresia

Rectal atresia is a very unique malformation that Interestingly, the sphincter mechanism is excel-
deserves a special description. It happens in our lent in most cases. There is one particular malfor-
experience, in about 1 % of all cases of anorec- mation similar to this one that is represented by a
tal malformations. In this defect, the anus seems stricture or by atresia of the rectum, associated to a
to be completely normal, including the quality of presacral mass and a sacral defect (see Chap. 8,
the sphincter and the location of the anal orifice. Sect. 8.2), which is a completely different type of
However, deep inside the anus, just at the junction of defect. The only thing they have in common is the
the anal canal with the rectum, there is an atresia or fact that the rectum is narrow or atretic.
narrowing (stenosis) (Fig. 14.1). Occasionally, we We believe that rectal atresia with normal
see atresias or stenosis located at a different level. sacrum and no presacral mass is unique, because
The space that separates the dilated blind rectum, the sphincter mechanism is normal and also
from the anal canal, is represented by a septum that because these patients do not have the typical
sometimes is extremely thin and can be perforated, association with all the defects that we see in
and other times it is very thick. In some unusual other anorectal malformations. As a conse-
cases, there is a significant separation between the quence, the prognosis for these patients is excel-
blind upper rectum and the lower anal canal. lent, in terms of bowel control. They have a

a b

Fig. 14.1 Rectal Atresia. (a) Diagram. (b) External appearance

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 201

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_14, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
202 14 Rectal Atresia

significant tendency to suffer from severe consti- cal modification maneuver [5] (Fig. 14.4). Most
pation because they are born with a blind, very of the patients that we operated on came to us
dilated rectum. These malformations have been already with a colostomy in place. Since the
previously described in the literature [1–5]. patient has a colostomy, one can perform a distal
Rectal atresia has been traditionally described colostogram and simultaneously introduce a
in the old textbooks. The baby is born with a metallic dilator in the anal canal to have a lateral
normal-looking anus, and the nurse or the pedia- image of the atresia and estimate the distance
trician tries to pass a thermometer through the between the upper pouch and the anal canal. If
anus and finds an obstruction. In fact, part of a we could make the diagnosis early in an other-
routine examination of every “normal” newborn wise healthy newborn baby, we would recom-
is to check the patency of the anus, unless the mend to do the operation without a colostomy.
baby is already passing meconium.

14.2 Surgical Repair

14.1 Treatment
The patient is placed in the prone position and we
If one could think in an ideal indication for a pos- approach the malformation posterior sagittally.
terior sagittal approach, this would be the malfor- We go through the skin, subcutaneous tissue,
mation which seems to be more indicated. The parasagittal fibers, ischiorectal fossa, and the
defect is easily repaired through a posterior sagit- entire sphincter mechanism to expose and open
tal incision. In our initial cases, we simply remove completely the anal canal and the upper blind rec-
the septum that separates the upper rectum from tum. One can see in most cases the pectinate line,
the anal canal and created an end-to-end anasto- at the same location as the atresia (Fig. 14.2a).
mosis (Figs. 14.2 and 14.3). Subsequently, we Unfortunately, we still see some of these
found some cases in which the size discrepancy patients, previously operated in whom the sur-
between the upper blind rectum and the small geon considered that the little anal canal was use-
anal canal was very severe, and in order to expand less and therefore decided to resect it and pulled
the size of the anal canal, we introduced a techni- down the dilated piece of rectum. That is rather

a b

Fig. 14.2 Repair of a Rectal Atresia. (a) Incision, exposed defect, open upper rectum, and anal canal. (b) Anastomosis
of the upper rectum to anal canal
14.2 Surgical Repair 203

a b

Fig. 14.3 Diagram showing the repair of rectal atresia. (a) Rectum repaired, (b) Sagittal view of the finished

regrettable, because the anal canal, as we know, and the anal canal is going to be permanently col-
represents the area of sensation that will provide lapsed by the effect of the sphincter mechanism
bowel control to these patients. It is, therefore, that keeps the anal canal closed all the time,
very important to preserve that little anal canal. except during defecation; therefore, these babies
Sometimes the size of the anal canal is too small. must be subjected to the same protocol of anal
For that, we introduced a technical modification dilatations that we already described.
[5], consisting in mobilizing the posterior rectal Some surgeons [4] went as far as to perform a
wall, down to the skin of the anus (Fig. 14.4), “laparoscopic transanal approach” to repair this
enlarging the circumference of the anus. We real- malformation. To demonstrate that something
ize that by doing that, the posterior aspect of the can be done does not mean that it must be done.
anus will no longer be a real anal canal, but rather We cannot justify to change a limited, painless,
a rectal wall. However we manage to preserve bloodless, quick, minimally invasive, non-
most of the circumference of the original anal laparoscopic procedure for a laparoscopic inva-
canal, which will provide enough sensation to sive operation that includes an unnecessary total
have bowel control. We must keep in mind that rectal dissection.
after we finish this procedure, the anastomosis Our experience includes 11 cases and has
that we created between the upper dilated rectum been previously published [5].
204 14 Rectal Atresia

a b c

d e f

Fig. 14.4 Technical variant to expand the size of a very small anal canal. (a) Incision. (b) Open rectum. Arrows show
the portion of the rectum to be mobilized. (c) Sutures on one side of anal canal and rectum. (d) Sutures tied down.
(e) Same maneuver, opposite side. (f) Finished operation

Child Health 41(12):691–693. doi:10.1111/j.1440-

References 1754.2005.00763.x
4. Nguyen TL, Pham DH (2007) Laparoscopic and
1. Dias RG, Santiago Ade P, Ferreira MC (1982) Rectal transanal approach for rectal atresia: a novel alterna-
atresia: treatment through a single sacral approach. tive. J Pediatr Surg 42(11):E25–E27. doi:10.1016/j.
J Pediatr Surg 17(4):424–425 jpedsurg.2007.08.049
2. Upadhyaya P (1990) Rectal atresia: transanal, end-to-end, 5. Hamrick M, Eradi B, Bischoff A, Louden E, Pena A,
rectorectal anastomosis: a simplified, rational approach to Levitt MA (2012) Rectal atresia and stenosis: unique
management. J Pediatr Surg 25(5):535–537 anorectal malformations. J Pediatr Surg 47(6):1280–
3. Kisra M, Alkadi H, Zerhoni H, Ettayebi F, 1284. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2012.03.036
Benhammou M (2005) Rectal atresia. J Paediatr
Rectovestibular Fistula

15.1 Definition/Frequency previous failed attempted repair. The difference

in terms of bowel control is significantly differ-
Rectovestibular fistula is the most important ent. Therefore, we can repeat what other pediat-
anorectal malformation in females. This is due ric surgeons through history have said, and that
to the fact that, by far, it is the most common is that “these patients have a single opportunity
defect seen in females. Two hundred and ninety to have a good repair.”
of our 1,123 female patients were born with this In the old literature [1] one can find that this
malformation. Two hundred and seventeen were malformation received different names, includ-
operated primarily by us, and 73 were reopera- ing “anovestibular fistula.” The authors believed
tions due to a previous failed attempted repair. that this was a more benign variant of defect and
Interestingly, our series include 531 patients that these patients had a very short fistula and a
with a cloaca. However, we are convinced that very low-lying rectum. They also believed that
this high number of cloacas in our series is malformation owed to be distinguished from a
because ours is a referral center. We believe that “rectovestibular fistula,” which has a long, nar-
vestibular fistula is much more common in the row fistula and a rectum located higher in the pel-
general population. Most of the vestibular fis- vis, and, therefore, they believed that the
tula cases are operated at the place where the prognosis was not as good as the one observed in
babies are born, whereas many cloacas are cases of “anovestibular fistula” [1, 2]. We also
referred to us due to the complexity of the repair. found the term “vestibular anus”; the authors
When this malformation is repaired with a believed that some patients were born with an
meticulous surgical technique, the recovery of otherwise normal anus located in the vestibule of
the patients is excellent, and the functional the female genitalia [2]. We have never seen this
results are also very good. Unfortunately, type of defect. We do not use those three terms
another characteristic of this malformation is mentioned here, because we found that all our
the fact that it is frequently mismanaged. We patients with an anal opening located in the vesti-
compared the results obtained in a group of bule can be repaired with the same surgical pro-
patients that were repaired primarily by us with cedure and have the same functional prognosis;
those of the group that had a secondary proce- therefore, we consider the old terminology
dure due to the fact that the patient underwent a impractical and misleading. It is true that some
patients have a longer fistula than others; those
cases may require more dissection to bring the
Electronic supplementary material Supplementary
material is available in the online version of this chapter at rectum down. However, our results are uniformly
10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_15. good, regardless the type of fistula.

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 205

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_15, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
206 15 Rectovestibular Fistula

a b

Fig. 15.1 Diagram of vestibular fistula. (a) Sagittal view. (b) Perineum

Rectovestibular fistula is a defect in which

the rectum opens in the vestibule of the female
genitalia. This should not be confused with a
rectovaginal fistula. In order for us to call a mal-
formation “rectovaginal fistula,” one must see the
anal opening located inside the vagina, deeper
to the hymen. Vestibular fistula patients have a
normal hymen, and the anal orifice is located
posterior to the hymen (Figs. 15.1 and 15.2). The
anal opening is visible most of the time, provided
the clinician separates the labia of the baby’s
genitalia. The newborn female frequently has a
significant degree of edema and swelling of that
area, considered to be a consequence of the effect
of maternal hormones. Therefore, in the new-
born baby, it may be a little bit more difficult to
see the precise location of the vestibular fistula
(Fig. 15.3).
Some cases of vestibular fistula have the anal
opening located rather deep and are almost
impossible to see it without general anesthesia. In
fact, some patients have a rather small-looking
genitalia (vulva) similar to what we see in cases
of cloaca. The anal orifice is located very deep in
the vestibule, and the urethra is also located
deeper than normal, which is what urologists call
“female hypospadias.” This particular variant, we
call “cloaca type I,” one could also use the term
“deep vestibular fistula with a female hypospa- Fig. 15.2 Picture of a vestibular fistula
15.2 Associated Defects 207

Fig. 15.4 Deep rectovestibular fistula with female hypo-

spadias – observe small vulva

Fig. 15.3 Vestibular fistula in a newborn baby. Arrow

shows the fistula site

dias” (Fig. 15.4). We consider this particular type

of malformation a transition in between a cloaca
and a vestibular fistula.
Some patients are born with the anal orifice
located just in between the perineal body (skin
lined) and the vestibule, wet tissue (Fig. 15.5).
This type of defect is considered intermediate
between the vestibular fistula and perineal fistula.
The management of these patients is not different
from any other type of vestibular fistula. This
defect is also known as “fourchette fistula.”

15.2 Associated Defects

A retrospective review of 290 patients with ves-

tibular fistulas operated by us (217 primary and
73 secondary) showed a significant number of
associated defects. Since vestibular fistula is con-
sidered a malformation representative of the
“good side” of the spectrum of anorectal defects Fig. 15.5 Fourchette fistula
208 15 Rectovestibular Fistula

in general, the frequency of association of all the Figure 15.6a shows the perineum of one of
defects is rather low. Yet, it is significant enough these patients, and there is no vaginal opening.
to be searched for. Figure 15.6b shows a diagram of a sagittal view
and the type of repair that we used, consisting in
leaving the rectum attached to the urethra, to
15.2.1 Sacral function as a neovagina and pulling the upper
rectum down to the perineum.
We were able to measure the sacral ratio in 113 Eighty percent of the patients with vestibular fis-
of our cases and found that the average AP ratio tula and absent vagina are born with agenesis of the
was 0.57 and lateral was 0.7. Six percent of these internal genitalia (uterus and fallopian tubes). In
cases had a ratio lower than 0.4. This is consis- such cases the vagina is replaced with a piece of
tent with the fact that we consider this malforma- colon; this is done only for the patient to have sexual
tion a “benign” one, with good functional function. Twenty percent of the patients have a
prognosis. Fourteen cases had a hemisacrum and uterus and a blind ending of vagina, usually located
a presacral mass, and as previously mentioned, very high in the pelvis (Fig. 15.6c). In that type of
presacral masses occur more frequently in lower case, the lower vagina is replaced with a piece of
defects. colon with dual purpose (sexual and reproductive).
Some cases of vestibular fistula with absent
vagina can be repaired without vaginal replacement,
15.2.2 Spinal but rather pulling down their native vagina. That can
only be done in cases with a large blind vagina.
Approximately, 9 % of our patients had some Five percent suffered from some sort of septa-
form of spinal defect, mainly hemivertebra. tion disorder of the Müllerian structures. These
included a vaginal septum, always associated
with the presence of two hemicervices and two
15.2.3 Urologic hemiuteri (Fig. 15.7). Three patients had a unilat-
eral streak ovary; the rest had two normal ovaries.
Ten percent of vestibular fistula cases had a sin- Two patients had a perineal lipoma, and one
gle kidney, which as we know is the most com- patient had a labial hemangioma.
mon anatomic abnormality associated to all We were able to see patients born with a ves-
anorectal malformations, and 13 % of patients tibular fistula that came to us as adolescents; they
had vesicoureteral reflux, which is consistent had a repair in the past, but the surgeons missed
with the fact that this disorder is the most com- the diagnosis of a vaginal septum. These vaginal
mon functional urologic abnormality seen in ano- septa can only be detected when the surgeon sus-
rectal malformation cases. Hydronephrosis was pects their existence. Based on these findings, it
present in 6 % of the cases. is our routine and our recommendation to perform
a vaginoscopy with a pediatric cystoscope in all
patients with vestibular fistula. The presence of a
15.2.4 Gynecologic vaginal septum may, in some cases, interfere with
tampon placement and sexual intercourse when
There are not many reports in the literature, the patient grows up. But more important than
related to this very important assoc [3, 4]. A ret- that is the fact that the presence of a vaginal sep-
rospective review of our patients with vestibular tum means, by definition, that the patient has two
fistula showed that 17 % of them had associated hemiuteri, representing a partial or total septation
genital anomalies [5]. Eight percent had absent disorder. Hemiuteri have important gynecologic
vaginas or vaginal atresia. Figure 15.6 shows the and obstetric implications. We know that patients
different types of absent vaginas or vaginal atre- with hemiuteri may have a higher degree of infer-
sias encountered. tility, and those patients who become pregnant
15.2 Associated Defects 209

have a higher incidence of miscarriages and pre- 15.2.6 Tethered Cord

mature labor. Therefore, it is extremely important
to make the diagnosis as early as possible in order Fifty-seven patients were evaluated with an
to provide these patients with special gyneco- ultrasound (first 3 months of life) or with an
logic and obstetric care later in life. MRI, looking for spinal cord anomalies; twenty
It is our routine to do a vaginoscopy in every of them had tethered cord (35 %). These figures
case of vestibular fistula. We perform that study are higher than the average of all anorectal mal-
with a baby cystoscope, during the same anesthe- formations, and we believe that this is explained
sia given for the repair. Figure 15.8 shows the by the fact that the incidence of presacral masses
aspect of a normal infant cervix. is also high in this malformation. Tethered cord
is very common in cases with presacral mass.

15.2.5 Gastrointestinal
15.2.7 Cardiovascular
Six percent of our patients with vestibular fistula
had an associated esophageal atresia, one patient Twenty-seven patients (9 %) had an atrial septal
without a fistula, and all the others with a tra- defect. Twenty-two (8 %) had a ventricular sep-
cheoesophageal fistula; 1 % had a form of duode- tum defect. Fourteen (5 %) had a patent ductus
nal obstruction (atresia or stenosis). arteriosus, and four (1 %) suffered from tetralogy

a b

Fig. 15.6 Vestibular

fistula with absent or
partially absent vagina.
(a) Photograph.
(b) Diagram of a sagittal
view and one type of
repair, using the rectum to
replace the vagina.
(c) Diagram showing the
internal genitalia of a
patient with a high vaginal
atresia, with a piece of
colon. (d) Diagram
showing an absent vagina
as well as the uterus, the
vagina totally replaced
with colon. (e) Two types
of vaginal atresia.
Prepuberty and
210 15 Rectovestibular Fistula

Fig. 15.6 (continued)

15.3 Diagnosis 211

Fig. 15.9 Aspect of a normal cervix in a baby with a ves-

tibular fistula

15.3 Diagnosis
Fig. 15.7 Pocket of the original vestibular fistula in a
patient previously operated with the erroneous diagnosis
of a “rectovaginal fistula.” (R) rectum, V original fistula The diagnosis of vestibular fistula is a simple
one. It only requires a meticulous inspection of
the genitalia of the baby. Yet, amazingly, many
patients are not diagnosed or are misdiagnosed as
having “rectal vaginal fistula.” From our series of
1,123 female patients, we have only seen seven
cases of documented real rectovaginal fistula.
During the same period of time (over 30 years),
we have operated on 290 cases of vestibular fis-
tula. Fifteen of them come to our center with a
previous diagnosis of “rectovaginal fistula.”
Actually, they were born with a vestibular fistula
as evidenced by the presence of a little pocket
where the vestibular fistula used to be located
(Fig. 15.9). Forty-five female patients also came
to us after a failed attempted repair of a
malformation diagnosed as “rectovaginal fistula.”
A careful examination revealed that those patients
actually had a persistent urogenital sinus, which
means that they were actually born with a cloaca
Fig. 15.8 Vestibular fistula with a vaginal septum. Arrow and the surgeons only repaired the rectal compo-
shows the fistula site
nent of the malformation, because they were
thinking that the patient only had a rectovaginal
of Fallot. Most of these defects (approx. 80 %) fistula (see Chap. 16, Sect. 16.1.4).
did not require treatment, since the patients were Prior to 1980, the literature [2, 6–13] reported
hemodynamically stable. an elevated number of cases of “rectovaginal fis-
212 15 Rectovestibular Fistula

tula” in female patients. In contrast, those authors colostomy is different for every surgeon and his/
reported very few vestibular fistula cases and her different surrounding circumstances. It very
very rare cloaca cases. A few publications after much depends on the experience of the surgeon,
1980 persist reporting “rectovaginal fistula the clinical condition of the patient, and the infra-
cases.” Interestingly, looking at the diagrams of structure of the hospital where the patient is
most of those publications, they actually show treated.
vestibular fistulas, although they call them “vagi- In general, at our institution, if a baby is born
nal fistula.” The term “vestibular fistula” has been with a vestibular fistula, we operate on her within
used correctly by some authors with large experi- the first 5 days of life without a colostomy, pro-
ence in the management of these defects vided the baby is in good clinical condition, is
[14–21]. full term, and does not have severe associated
We believe that this is not a simple semantic defects.
problem, but rather has important clinical Consider the case of a premature baby with a
implications [22]. We have seen patients born cardiac condition and vestibular fistula. Under
with vestibular fistula that were previously those circumstances, dilatations of the fistula
misdiagnosed as “vaginal fistula” and under- may prove to be useful for the patient to be able
went a type of repair designed to repair “high” to pass stool, eat, and grow. That would allow the
malformations, namely, a contraindicated surgeon to postpone the decision of colostomy or
abdominoperineal (open or laparoscopic) pro- primary repair. On the other hand, a full-term
cedure that resulted in fecal incontinence. We baby in good clinical condition without associ-
also have seen that at least 30 patients born ated defects in an institution with a good infra-
with a cloaca received the wrong diagnosis of structure and a pediatric surgeon with experience
“rectovaginal fistula” and underwent a repair in the management of this defect, the patient can
only of the rectal component of the be operated before starting her feedings, at a time
malformation, leaving the patient with a uro- when the patient is still passing meconium,
genital sinus [22]. because when it is done in that way, the patient
actually does not need any kind of bowel
15.4 Treatment Most of our patients come to us after the new-
born period and with a colostomy already opened
15.4.1 Colostomy or No Colostomy at another institution, sometimes in another coun-
try. Many other patients come to us after several
This is a frequently debated subject. Many sur- months of passing stool with difficulty through
geons claim that they routinely repair vestibular the non-operated vestibule, with severe constipa-
fistulas without a colostomy and they have “good tion and megacolon. Those patients are also
results” [12, 23–27]. Many others prefer to open treated without a colostomy at our institution, but
a colostomy in all cases with a vestibular fistula. our routine includes the admission of the patient
In the meantime, we see many patients that 1 or 2 days prior to the main operation, insertion
underwent a repair of a vestibular fistula without of a nasogastric feeding tube, and administration
a colostomy and suffered from serious complica- of GoLYTELY1 at a rate of 25 mL/kg/h until the
tions, including dehiscence and retraction of the colon is completely clean. The patient receives a
rectum as well as reopening of the fistula. PICC line and parenteral nutrition for a period of
However, this recurrent fistula is frequently an 7–10 days postoperatively.
acquired rectovaginal fistula, due to the fact that When the patient has a colostomy, the opera-
during the attempted repair, the posterior wall of tion can be done without following this routine,
the vagina was damaged.
As discussed in the Chap. 5, we believe that 1
GoLYTELY… (Polyethylene glycol/electrolytes.) Braintree
the answer for this question of colostomy or no Laboratories, Braintree, MA, USA
15.5 Main Repair 213

but rather irrigating only the distal stoma of the scope, because sometimes one can see a vaginal
colostomy the day before surgery. In that case, septum that is only present in the lower part of
the baby can eat the same day of the operation; the vagina, and the upper part has a single cervix
she will stay for 48 h in the hospital receiving (Fig. 15.8). Most of the times, however, the sep-
intravenous antibiotics. Our experience is that the tum is complete, and one can see two cervices at
pain that these patients experience postopera- the end of the vagina.
tively is rather minimal. We have operated on pri- The patient is then turned into the prone posi-
marily without a colostomy in approximately tion with the pelvis elevated, and the perineum,
50 % of our cases. as well as the genitalia and perianal area, is
We use a posterior sagittal approach to repair washed, prepped, and draped in the usual man-
these malformations. Other approaches do exist, ner. Most of the times, one can see the anal ori-
and the most traditional and popular was fice in the vestibule, and in such case multiple
described by Dr. Potts and is called a fistula trans- 5-0 silk stitches are placed at the mucocutane-
plant [28–32]. Some surgeons describe an opera- ous junction of the anal opening (Fig. 15.10).
tion called “anterior sagittal approach” [33–37]. These stitches serve the purpose of applying
We found that the word “anterior” in those publi- uniform traction to facilitate the separation of
cations was actually not referring to the incision, the rectum from the vagina. Occasionally, the
but rather to the position of the patient; in other fistula is located so deep that it is impossible to
words, the patient is positioned in lithotomy posi- do this; in such case, we first make the incision
tion, rather than prone, but the incision is always and go deep enough to be able to see the edges
posterior to the fistula, because there is no way to of the fistula and apply multiple 5-0 silk stitches
make an incision anterior to the fistula site. In (Fig. 15.11). We use the electrical stimulation to
other words, the so-called “anterior sagittal determine the limits of the sphincter and to
approach” is actually a posterior sagittal approach guide ourselves to try to stay as much as possi-
performed in lithotomy position. ble exactly in the midline, dividing the entire
Interestingly, Professor Francesco Rizzoli sphincter mechanism leaving equal portions of
from Bologna, Italy, published in 1869 [38] the the sphincter in both sides of the midline. For
technique now referred as “anterior sagittal this, we use a needle-tip cautery, changing from
approach”; his publication includes magnificent cutting to coagulation. The size of the incision
illustrations. usually is shorter than the regular posterior sag-
The essential components of the posterior sag- ittal anorectoplasty. The incision usually runs
ittal approach described below avoid the flaws from the lowest part of the sacrum and coccyx
observed in those other techniques, and the most down to the fistula orifice, passing through the
common problems seen in our reoperations were sphincter mechanism. We divide the entire
retraction of the anoplasty and an inadequate sphincter, including the parasagittal fibers, the
perineal body (anteriorly located anal orifice). muscle complex, and the levator mechanism.
Deeper to the levator mechanism, one can iden-
tify the characteristic white fascia that covers
15.5 Main Repair (Animation 15.1) the posterior wall of the rectum (Fig. 15.12).
Figure 15.13 shows the aspect of the rectum
The patient is brought to the operating room, and with traction sutures. Traction creates the plane.
we start the procedure with the patient in the The white fascia is removed from the posterior
lithotomy position in order to perform a rectal wall, including the extrinsic blood supply of
vaginoscopy using a baby cystoscope. We do this the rectum. We do this to identify the real rectal
with the specific purpose to rule out vaginal wall completely clean. The dissection is then
malformations. Although a vaginal septum can extended to the lateral walls of the rectum
be simply seen by separating the labia without (Fig. 15.13). The next step consists of extending
the use of a cystoscope, we prefer to use a cysto- the dissection of the lateral walls of the rectum all
214 15 Rectovestibular Fistula

a b

Fig. 15.10 Multiple stitches placed at the anal orifice located in the vestibule. (a) Diagram. (b) Photograph

a b

Fig. 15.11 (a) Incision – when the fistula is located too deep in the vestibule, we must open first and place the sutures later.
(b) Multiple stitches in a case of a deep fistula

the way down to the skin. It is important to mately 1 cm proximal in the rectum, one can
remember that at the level of the skin, there is no clearly identify the plane that separates the rectum
real plane of dissection between the rectal wall from the surrounding tissues, and therefore the
and the surrounding tissues. Whereas approxi- recommendation is to follow the steps mentioned
15.5 Main Repair 215

Fig. 15.13 Diagram showing the dissection of rectum

length from 1 to 3 cm and that there is no real

Fig. 15.12 “White fascia” after dividing the entire plane of dissection between both structures. In
sphincter mechanism, the rectum is identified covered by
the white fascia other words, one must make two walls out of one,
and very often, this common wall is extremely
thin. This happens to be the most important ana-
in this description, meaning to identify the poste- tomic feature of this malformation. Surgeons
rior rectal wall; continue the dissection to the lat- must keep in mind that the main challenge in the
eral walls of the rectum and then from there, repair of these defects is the separation of the rec-
applying uniform traction on the multiple 5-0 silk tum from the vagina and should take it as a per-
sutures; and continue the dissection from the lat- sonal challenge. The separation of the rectum
eral walls of the rectum down to the skin. One from the vagina requires a very meticulous, deli-
must expect to find important vessels that provide cate surgical technique. It cannot be done by
the blood supply of the lower rectum while blunt dissection. We like to perform this separa-
dissecting the lateral walls of the rectum. tion using the needle-tip cautery while applying
A Weitlaner retractor is used to achieve adequate, traction on the rectal wall and checking with a
optimal exposure. At this point, we are ready to lacrimal probe the thickness of the anterior rectal
initiate the most important part of the operation, wall and the posterior vaginal wall very fre-
which is the separation of the rectum from the quently, to be sure that we are not getting too
vagina. close to one or the other (Fig. 15.14). As we
One must keep in mind that the rectum and progress in this meticulous dissection, the wall of
vagina share a common wall with a variable the rectum, as well as the wall of the vagina,
216 15 Rectovestibular Fistula

Fig. 15.14 Different stages of the separation of the rectum from the vagina. Posterior vaginal wall and anterior rectal
wall intact

starts getting thicker, which indicates that we are until we can leave a normal rectal wall in front of
getting close to the point where both are expected the vaginal orifice or suture.
to be completely separated and have a full thick- We must always remember that in dealing with
ness. At this time, the surgeon should not be anorectal malformations, the real challenge in the
overconfident, because in that point he could surgical repair is represented by the separation of
injure either the rectum or the vagina (Fig. 15.14). the structures, namely, the rectum from vagina,
The dissection must continue until the rectum has the rectum from urethra, and the vagina from ure-
been completely separated from the vagina thra, because all those structures share a common
(Fig. 15.14). wall without a plane of dissection. Most of the
It is extremely common for surgeons to ask complications that we have seen in patients who
what happens and what to do in the event of acci- underwent failed attempted repairs of anorectal
dentally opening either the vagina or the rectum. malformations occur during the separation of
Our routine answer is as follows: if it happens that these structures.
we opened the vaginal wall, but maintained intact Sometimes when the rectum has been fully
the rectal wall, one can actually leave the vaginal separated from the vagina, we find that we have
orifice of the injury open, provided the rectum is enough rectal length to do an anoplasty without
intact, and the anoplasty is not under tension, and tension and with good blood supply. However,
the patient is going to do alright. Something simi- many other times, the rectum needs further mobi-
lar can be said when the orifice is created in the lization. To do this, one must continue applying
rectum, but the vaginal wall is intact. What is con- uniform traction on the multiple silk stitches. By
sidered nonacceptable is to have an injury of the doing this, it becomes evident that there are some
rectal wall in front of an injury to the vaginal wall, bands and vessels holding the rectum up in the
leaving sutures in front of sutures, since that is pelvis. These must be separated from the rectum,
considered an obvious predisposing factor for the independently burned and divided in a circumfer-
formation of a rectovaginal fistula. Under such ential manner, continuing until we have enough
circumstances (vaginal injury and a rectal injury), rectal length to create an anastomosis without
one must continue the dissection of the rectum tension.
15.5 Main Repair 217

a b

Fig. 15.15 Perineal body reconstructed. (a) Diagram. (b) Intraoperative diagram

The incision required to repair rectovestibu- stitches must relieve most of the tension of the
lar fistulas includes the opening of the muscle perineal body to be sure that the skin edges in the
complex and part of the levator mechanism. perineal body come together with no tension. We
Sometimes, it is not necessary to open com- close the skin of the perineal body with 6-0 Vicryl
pletely the levator mechanism, and therefore we sutures, only to be sure that the edges of the skin
call this a limited posterior sagittal anorecto- have come together, but those sutures hold no ten-
plasty. However, we are convinced that the size sion. Figure 15.15 shows the repaired perineal
of incision does not affect, in any way, the future body. The rectum then is located within the limits
functional prognosis, provided all of the other of the sphincter immediately behind the perineal
important surgical steps are done correctly. body. The posterior edges of the muscle complex
Once the rectum has been separated from the and levator are sutured together in the midline
vagina and mobilized, in preparation for the using 5-0 long-term absorbable sutures, including
reconstruction, the limits of the sphincter are elec- a bite to the posterior rectal wall to anchor it in
trically determined and marked with temporary normal location (Fig. 15.16). These stitches are
silk stitches. The goal at this stage is to bring aimed to avoid retraction and prolapse. The
together the anterior limits of the sphincter and by ischiorectal fossa, as well as the subcutaneous tis-
doing that to reconstruct the perineal body of the sue, is obliterated using 5-0 long-term absorbable
patient (Fig. 15.15). This is the space that sepa- sutures, and the skin is closed either with subcu-
rates the vagina from the rectum. It is extremely ticular 5-0 monofilament, absorbable, or inter-
important to use strong sutures (5-0 or 4-0 long- rupted 6-0 long-term absorbable sutures.
term absorbable sutures depending on the patient’s The anoplasty is done as previously described,
age) to approximate both sides of the perineal using two layers of interrupted 5-0 or 6-0 long-
body. There, we usually find a fibrous tissue that term absorbable sutures (Fig. 15.17). We try to
surrounded the original vestibular fistula. We use trim off as little as possible rectal tissue, but we
this tissue to anchor our stitches. These deep do not hesitate to remove all of the tissue that is
218 15 Rectovestibular Fistula

considered damaged, to be sure that we have

healthy rectal tissue with good blood supply to
create a healthy anoplasty (Fig. 15.18).
Patients operated without a colostomy are
kept on parenteral nutrition with nothing by
mouth for a period not shorter than 7 days.
After 7 days, we look into the external aspect of
the perineum, and if it looks that it has healed
nicely, we allow the patient to eat and discharge
her. Anal dilatations start 2 weeks after surgery
following our protocol (see Chap. 18).
Occasionally, when one examines the patient’s
perineum 1 week after the operation, one may
find that there is an area of partial dehiscence of
the perineal body or the posterior sagittal inci-
sion, and this is a good opportunity to take the
patient to the operating room and resuture that,
taking advantage of the fact that the patient has
been with nothing by mouth. Under those cir-
cumstances we keep the patient 2 or 3 more
days fasting, receiving parenteral nutrition.
At the time of colostomy closure (in those
patients with a colostomy) 2 or 3 months after the
operation, the external aspect of the anus and the
Fig. 15.16 Diagram showing sutures taking the posterior vagina, as well as the perineum in these patients,
edges of the muscle complex, including a bite to the pos-
terior rectal wall to anchor it
is remarkably normal looking (Fig. 15.19).

a b

Fig. 15.17 Anoplasty and wound closed. (a) Diagram. (b) Intraoperative picture
15.7 Functional Results 219

15.6 Complications

Five of our patients suffered from a dehiscence

requiring a reoperation.
We have seen patients born with vestibular fis-
tula that underwent a “laparoscopic repair.” It
must be very difficult for the surgeon to work in
this common wall through the abdomen with a
laparoscope. What they rather have done is to
amputate the rectum at a “convenient” location,
leaving the distal piece of the rectum attached to
the vagina. We consider this an inappropriate
way of management.

15.7 Functional Results

Ninety percent of our patients have voluntary

bowel movements by the age of three. This is,
provided they have a normal sacrum, not tethered
cord, and they had received a good operation.
Over 50 % of the patients suffer from significant
constipation that deserves special attention. Not
taking good care of the constipation will
Fig. 15.18 Photograph of a finished operation provoke chronic fecal impaction and overflow

Fig. 15.19 External

appearance 2–3 months
220 15 Rectovestibular Fistula

pseudoincontinence. We usually have a long con- another institution. In fact, from our total series
versation with the parents and explain in detail the of 290 patients with vestibular fistula, 73 of them
importance of taking care of the constipation. We are reoperations. We believe that this is a reflec-
emphasize the fact that the constipation that these tion of the fact that surgeons in general probably
patients suffer from is much more severe than the underestimate the complexity of the repair of this
common idiopathic constipation of the general defect. As previously mentioned, vestibular fis-
pediatric population. The amount of laxatives that tula is by far the most common anorectal malfor-
these patients need sometimes is two, three, four, mation seen in females. The functional prognosis
or five times higher than in other types of patients. in girls when they are born with a good sacrum,
We try to make the parents paranoid against the have no tethered cord, and receive a good opera-
problem of constipation. We also emphasize the tion is excellent. Unfortunately, patients who
fact that the amount of laxatives that these patients underwent a failed attempted repair followed by
require to empty the colon every day cannot be a reoperation do not have the same good func-
predicted. We determine the amount of laxatives tional prognosis. Eighty percent of them have
by trial and error over a period of several days, voluntary bowel movements as compared to
taking abdominal x-ray films to be sure that the 90 % for those operated primarily.
patient empties the colon. If the patients are Probably, the surgeons find it relatively easy to
receiving breast feedings at the time of our opera- imagine that the orifice of the rectum located in
tion, most likely they will not need laxatives until the vestibule could easily be moved back to the
they start decreasing the amount of breast milk normal location of the anus. In reality, the repair
and receiving another type of formula. of this malformation is a delicate and technically
Sexual life in these patients is normal, and as demanding procedure.
we have seen, many of our patients are becoming The most common scenario in dealing with
adults and are getting married. They also can reoperations for vestibular fistulas is a patient
deliver babies vaginally, since we did not actually that was operated without a protective colostomy
injure the vagina which preserves a normal elas- and soon after suffered from dehiscence and
ticity in most of its circumference, since we only retraction of the rectum, followed by opening of
dissected the posterior vaginal wall. the rectum into the posterior vaginal wall. In
In the past, some surgeons [2] claimed that other words, the original malformation was a ves-
these patients could have a normal life without an tibular fistula, but the patient comes with a real
operation or simply doing a “cutback” type of acquired rectovaginal fistula secondary to a poor
procedure to enlarge the anal opening. We have initial operation. During the re-exploration, our
seen that this is not true. First of all, the bowel most common finding in this specific type of
control under those circumstances is rather poor. problem has been an intact common wall between
In addition, when these patients grow up, they the rectum and vagina. In other words, the sur-
feel very unhappy about the fact that they have geons try to repair the malformation but failed to
the anus located immediately behind the vagina separate the rectum completely from the vaginal
with no perineal body. This gives them insecurity wall. They still tried to pull the rectum down
and psychological problems, and in addition, a which was left, we think, under tension, because
vaginal delivery is contraindicated, because it it was still attached to the vaginal wall. As a con-
will produce severe rectal damage. sequence, the rectum retracted. We assume that
during the attempt to separate the rectum from
the vagina, the lower part of the vaginal wall was
15.8 Reoperations in Patients injured, and therefore when the rectum retracted,
with Vestibular Fistula it reopened into the posterior vaginal wall creat-
ing an acquired vaginal fistula.
From all anorectal defects treated by us, it is the Another common scenario in reoperations for
vestibular fistula type of case that most frequently vestibular fistula is a group of patients that
came to us after a failed attempted repair at underwent a previous operation called cutback
15.8 Reoperations in Patients with Vestibular Fistula 221

Fig. 15.20 Pictures of

two patients born with a
vestibular fistula and
underwent a cutback
procedure prior to coming
to our center

Fig. 15.21 External

aspect of perinea of two
patients born with a
vestibular fistula and two
hemivaginas. They
underwent a poor
attempted repair and were
left with no perineal body
and two hemivaginas

procedure at another institution [39, 40]; these patients with vestibular fistula. There was an old
consisted in making a posterior slit in the poste- belief that went from generation to generation
rior edge of the anal opening in the vestibule that by leaving the rectum attached to the vagina,
and suturing it horizontally like a Heineke- as time went by, the perineal body would grow,
Mikulicz type of procedure. That procedure which is definitely not true.
only enlarges the anal opening and leaves the Another finding that is interesting to mention
rectum attached to the vaginal wall with no peri- is the fact that in some of these patients, we found
neal body (Fig. 15.20). We believe that, perhaps, that they had two hemivaginas, and such malfor-
in cases of perineal fistula, the cutback proce- mation was never mentioned in the operative
dure could be considered an acceptable thera- reports of the previous surgeons (Fig. 15.21).
peutic alternative, but we strongly believe that Again, we like to say that “our eyes see only what
this type of operation is contraindicated in our mind suspects.”
222 15 Rectovestibular Fistula

Fig. 15.22 External appearance of the perineum of different patients referred to us, after failed attempted repairs

15.9 Surgical Technique the fact that most of these patients have an intact
common wall between the rectum and vagina,
Reoperations for recurrent or dehiscent, which reflects the fact that the surgeons did an
retracted vestibular fistulas are currently done by incomplete mobilization of the rectum. We go
us without a protective colostomy. Figure 15.22 ahead and make two walls out of one. In other
shows examples of cases that came to us after words, we separate the rectum from the vagina
a failed attempted repair of their malformation. as previously described in the primary proce-
However, we follow the precautions already dure. We must suture the defect of the posterior
mentioned in the chapter related to bowel prepa- vaginal wall. Once the rectum has been com-
ration. We take the baby to the operating room pletely separated, we then mobilize the rectum
with the bowel completely clean. As part of enough to guarantee that an intact anterior rectal
our routine, we perform vaginoscopy and cys- wall is left in front of the vaginal sutures. We
toscopy to rule out the presence of associated are convinced that the vaginal defect can even
defects (mainly vaginal septum). We place the be left unsutured, and it will heal normally pro-
patient in prone position with the pelvis elevated vided the rectal wall left behind is intact. We
and make a posterior sagittal incision following dissect the rectum enough to guarantee that the
the specifications already described. Multiple rectal wall in front of the vagina is completely
5-0 silk stitches are placed at the mucocutane- normal and also to be sure that the anastomo-
ous junction of the rectovaginal fistula or the sis between the rectum and the skin of the anal
rectal opening in order to apply uniform trac- dimple is performed without tension. Before we
tion. Through the posterior sagittal incision, all do the anoplasty, we repair the posterior vaginal
structures are divided in the midline until the wall with long-term absorbable sutures, deter-
posterior rectal wall is identified and then the mine the limits of the sphincter, and continue
dissection of the rectum proceeds, first on the the operation as described for primary cases,
lateral walls and eventually in the common wall reconstructing the perineal body and doing the
between the rectum and the vagina. As previ- anoplasty. The patients remain 10 days fasting
ously mentioned, we have been impressed by and receiving parenteral nutrition.
References 223

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Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca
and Absent Penis Spectrum 16

16.1 Cloaca (a) The first is the possibility of compressing the

trigone of the bladder, producing an extrinsic
16.1.1 Definition and Management ureterovesical obstruction, megaureter, and
A cloaca is a malformation that affects the rec- (b) The second possibility is that the hydrocol-
tum and urogenital tract in females. These girls pos, left undrained, may become infected;
are born with a single perineal orifice. The vagina, creating a pyocolpos that eventually may
urethra, and rectum are fused together inside the perforate, which is a catastrophic event with
pelvis, creating a single common channel that risk of death. In addition, the resulting
opens into a single orifice in the location where inflammation may scar the vagina and impact
the urethra normally opens (Fig. 16.1). The the future reconstruction.
length of the common channel varies from case Approximately 60 % of the patients with clo-
to case, from 1 to about 10 cm with an average of acas also have a double Müllerian system con-
approximately 3 cm. sisting of the presence of two hemiuteri and two
Thirty percent of these patients suffer in addi- hemivaginas [1]. This septation disorder may be
tion from a very dilated vagina full of fluid and/or partial or total. In addition, it can be symmetric or
mucus, called hydrocolpos [1] (Fig. 16.2). The asymmetric. In the asymmetric types, the double
reason why these very dilated vaginas retain fluid Müllerian system phenomenon is frequently
remains a mystery, since they are never really associated with a unilateral atresia of the
atretic. We speculate that there must be some sort Müllerian structure. When this goes unrecog-
of valve mechanism that interferes with the emp- nized, it may produce an accumulation of men-
tying of the fluid. Most of the patients with strual blood at the age of puberty, as well as
hydrocolpos, in addition, have duplicate retrograde menstruation into the peritoneal cavity
Müllerian systems (Fig. 16.3). (Fig. 16.4) which produces rather dramatic signs
The hydrocolpos may produce two important of an acute abdomen and requires an emergency
complications: laparotomy. The presence of double Müllerian
systems also has important potential obstetric
implications that will be discussed later in this
Cloacas represent a very wide spectrum of
defects, but the common denominator is the pres-
Electronic supplementary material Supplementary
material is available in the online version of this chapter at ence of a single perineal orifice. On the very bad
10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_16. side of the spectrum, one may find patients with a

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 225

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_16, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
226 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b

Fig. 16.1 Diagram of a cloaca. (a) Short common channel. (b) Long common channel

Fig. 16.3 Diagram showing a cloaca with two

Fig. 16.2 Diagram of a cloaca with hydrocolpos hemivaginas

common channel as long as 10 cm; in such cases, new. We were able to detect and read old publica-
usually two little hemivaginas, as well as the rec- tions that we think described patients suffering
tum, connect to the urinary tract at the bladder neck from cloacas, although were not recognized as
or above the bladder neck (at the trigone) (Fig. 16.5). such [3–6].
We are far from knowing the genetic causes of We were also very impressed by the fact that
this condition [2]. Yet, we have never seen two most publications prior to 1982 reported high
cases of cloaca in the same family. numbers of rectovaginal fistula cases and very
The knowledge of the intrinsic anatomic few cloacas [7]. In retrospect, we are convinced
characteristics of this malformation is relatively that the authors were reporting patients suffering
16.1 Cloaca 227

a b

Fig. 16.4 Accumulation of menstrual blood in a patient with obstruction of the Müllerian structures. (a) Diagram.
(b) MRI

Fig. 16.5 Diagram

showing a cloaca with a
very long common channel

Bladder Rectum


(R) Hemivagina Long common channel

from cloacas as “vaginal fistulas.” We believe persistent urogenital sinus and a pulled-down
that because of the large number of cases of clo- rectum; in the medical records of those cases, the
acas that we have seen, coming with a history of word cloaca is not present.
suffering from a “rectovaginal fistula,” yet, when Most publications prior to 1982 reported
we examined them, we found an untouched very few cases of cloacas; many of them were
228 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

autopsy findings. The cases that underwent an Table 16.1 Correlation between sacral ratio and length
common channel
attempted repair suffered from a high mortality.
The treatments used include a colostomy at Sacral ratio
birth, followed by a rectal pull-through, leaving Length of Anterior/
common channel Lateral film posterior film Average
the patient with a urogenital sinus to be repaired
Less than 3 cm 0.68 0.55 0.615
“later” [8–23]. More than 3 cm 0.6 0.53 0.56
The terminology used in those years was also
confusing. The authors frequently published
series that included cloacas and other different It is important to notice that in all other ano-
conditions such as “adrenal hyperplasia,” “vagi- rectal malformations, absent kidney is the most
nal atresia,” and “high anorectal malformation.” common anatomic-associated anomaly. The high
One particular publication from 1973 [17] is the incidence of hydronephrosis in this malformation
most prominent one because it proposes the full is consistent with the fact that the most serious
repair of the vagina. However, looking at the dia- problems that these patients will suffer from
grams, it becomes clear that the technique used (including death) are urologic.
by Dr. Raffensperger, the author, may be appli- Vesicoureteral reflux occurs in 40 and 21 %,
cable only in cases with a relatively large vagina, respectively, in patients with common channel
located very low. longer and shorter than 3 cm.
All pediatric surgeons as well as hundreds of Most patients with hydronephrosis suffered
patients are in debt with Dr. Hardy Hendren for from vesicoureteral reflux. At birth, however,
his contributions in the field of pediatric surgery some patients with hydronephrosis and megaure-
and pediatric urology. His seminal work on the ter seemed to suffer from a ureterovesical
surgical management of cloacas is the most obstruction. In reality, the obstruction was an
important one that we found in our literature extrinsic one, caused by a tense hydrocolpos.
review [24–32]. In his initial publications, Dr. When the hydrocolpos was drained, the vesico-
Hendren referred to this malformation as “uro- ureteral reflux becomes obvious.
genital sinus and anorectal malformation” [25]. Hemivertebra occurs in 13 % of cases (lum-
Dr. Hendren’s contribution was particularly bar, thoracic, cervical, and sacral). The average
important in dealing with complex reoperations sacral ratio in patients with cloacas is 0.52 AP
and repairing the challenging urologic-associated and 0.64 lateral. Table 16.1 shows the correlation
defects of these patients. between sacral ratio and the length of the com-
Some authors refer to cloacas with a clear mon channel.
embryologic bias, and therefore, they used rather Cardiovascular anomalies occur in 20 % of
confusing terms such as “urorectal septum mal- cases in cloacas. Patent ductus arteriosus occurs
formation sequence” [33] or “urorectal septal in 8 % of cases, atrial septum defect in 19 % of
defects” [34] including variants such as adrenal cases, ventricular septum defect in 5 % of cases,
hyperplasia, as well as male cases [35]. Others and tetralogy of Fallot in 2 % of cases. Tethered
include the cloacas as part of “Müllerian duct cord occurs in 36 % of the patients with cloacas.
anomalies” [36]. Esophageal atresia was present in 11 % of our
cloacas and duodenal atresia in 3 %. Associated Defects
Twenty percent of those patients with a common Goals of Treatment
channel longer than 3 cm had an absent kidney. The treatment of cloacas represents a significant
When the common channel was shorter than technical challenge. The final goals of treatment
3 cm, 17 % of the patients suffered from this must result in a patient with urinary control,
anomaly. Hydronephrosis occurred in 45 and bowel control, sexual function, and capacity to
22 %, respectively, in patients with a common procreate. These goals, of course, are sometimes
channel longer or shorter than 3 cm. achieved, sometimes partially achieved, and
16.1 Cloaca 229

a b

Fig. 16.6 Perineum of a patient with a cloaca. (a) Without separating the labia. (b) Separating the labia

sometimes not achieved at all. For the worst sce-

nario, we are firm in our philosophy that all
patients with anorectal and urogenital malforma-
tions should be clean of stool and dry of urine in
the underwear after the age of three, either
because they were born with a benign malforma-
tion that was adequately reconstructed or because
even when they were born with a malformation
with bad functional prognosis, the patient is
maintained artificially clean of stool (subjected to
a successful bowel management program) [see
Chap. 20] and dry of urine (subjected to intermit-
tent catheterization) through the native urethra or
through a neourethra (continent diversion). Fig. 16.7 “Good-looking perineum.” Obvious midline
groove and prominent anal dimple
Since we are dealing with a spectrum of
defects, one should expect a spectrum of results
after the treatment. perineum includes a single perineal orifice but, in
addition, a completely “flat bottom” with no Neonatal Management traces of sphincter mechanism (Fig. 16.8) and
The diagnosis of a cloaca is a clinical one. It is most likely, a poor functional prognosis. In
enough to look at the patient’s perineum and between those extremes of the spectrum, one can
make the correct diagnosis (Fig. 16.6). These find a variety of external appearances.
patients have a single orifice, yet, the perineum Occasionally, one can find a very large single
has other important characteristics that help to perineal orifice, leaking urine, and with evi-
predict the internal anatomy and the final func- dence of a mild separation of the pubic bones
tional prognosis. A “good-looking” perineum (Fig. 16.9). Those external signs correspond to
consists of the presence of a well-formed midline a patient who has separated pubic bones and a
groove and a well-located and clear anal dimple, malformation called covered cloacal exstrophy
indicating that the patient has a good sphincter [37]. These patients have no bladder neck; their
(Fig. 16.7). On the other hand, a “bad-looking” bladder is very small because it has never been
230 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

Fig. 16.10 Grotesque abnormal colon frequently seen in

cases of cloacal exstrophies or in covered cloacal

Fig. 16.8 “Bad-looking perineum.” “Flat bottom,”

absence of midline groove, no evidence of anal dimple

Fig. 16.11 External appearance of a patient with covered

cloacal exstrophy. The umbilicus is frequently located
lower than normal. Observe low implantation of the umbi-
Fig. 16.9 Perineum of a patient with a large single peri- licus and hemangiomas
neal orifice. The pubic bones are separated

full. Eventually, these girls will need a total uri- exstrophies, mainly the presence of a very short
nary reconstruction. In addition, in these colon with a very abnormal blood supply
patients (covered exstrophies), it is very com- (Fig. 16.10). Yet, the abdominal wall is intact,
mon to find inside the abdomen the same kind which makes a difference with cloacal exstro-
of anatomic abnormalities seen in cloacal phies (Fig. 16.11).
16.1 Cloaca 231

Fig. 16.12 Pictures of patients with a cloaca and a pseudophallus. Palpation of this structure allows to feel only folded
skin and no real corpora

It is not unusual to find hypertrophic folds of

skin in the area of the single perineal orifice,
which gives a false impression of a phallus
(Fig. 16.12) [38], and that is why 65 cases in our
series came to our institution with the misdiagno-
sis of intersex made at other hospitals. In our
experience of over 531 cases, we only had one
case of gonadal dysplasia associated with a ves-
tibular fistula, but never with a cloaca.
The patients that came to our institution with
a cloaca and with a history of a suspected diag-
nosis of “intersex” described the unpleasant
experience of being told that their baby had an Fig. 16.13 Picture of a cloaca. The single perineal orifice
is very small and is located at the tip of a pseudophallus.
undetermined gender. It usually took a couple This kind of external anatomy is usually associated with
of weeks, with consultation to urology, genet- severe urologic defects and a long common channel
ics, and many laboratory tests, to conclude that
the patients actually were females suffering
from a cloaca. and finally “penis-like clitorises with megaloure-
The key for the diagnosis of those cases with thra in non-virilized female fetus” [43]. Looking
a pseudophallus resides in the palpation of that at the pictures of all those cases presented, it
structure. One can feel that it is actually folded was obvious that all those patients suffered
skin with no palpable corpora. Retrospectively, we from cloacas with normal female gonads and
found five publications referring to this condition chromosomes.
as “pseudohermaphroditism” [39]. Some authors Figure 16.13 shows a single, very small, very
used the term “caudal anomalies” [40], “ambigu- narrow perineal orifice located in the tip of a
ous genitalia with VATER” [41], or “caudal pseudophallus, which usually means that the
developmental field defect with female pseudo- patient has other important associated urologic
hermaphroditism and VACTERL anomalies” [42] malformations and a long common channel.
232 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

Fig. 16.14 Lipomas in the perineum of patients with cloaca

Fig. 16.15 Preoperative and postoperative appearance after a cloaca repair, including the resection of lipomas

Figure 16.14 shows the perineum of patients problems that may represent a risk for life. The
with cloaca and lipomas. Lipomas are relatively most important one, in patients with a cloaca, of
common in the perineum of patients with cloacas course, is urinary tract obstruction. The baby
and do not necessarily mean that they require a must have a kidney ultrasound to rule out the
more complicated type of treatment. At the time presence of hydronephrosis and also a pelvic
of the main repair, the lipoma can be easily ultrasound to rule out the presence of hydrocol-
excised (Fig. 16.15). pos and megaureter (Fig. 16.16). A plain abdomi-
As previously shown, a patient with a cloaca nal film in a baby with a single perineal orifice
has a very high likelihood of suffering from a may show an image of a pelvic mass, as shown in
urologic condition. The first 24 h of life, like in Fig. 16.17. This represents, most likely, hydro-
all other babies with an anorectal malformation, colpos that must be drained soon. An ultrasound
should be used to rule out the presence of associated that shows hydronephrosis, megaureter, and a
16.1 Cloaca 233

institutions. Many patients with hydronephrosis

and megaureters were subjected to unnecessary,
non-indicated ureterostomies, vesicostomies,
and/or nephrostomies (Fig. 16.18). Most of the
time, the simple drainage of the hydrocolpos
takes care of the problem of megaureter and
hydronephrosis, except in those patients who
have, in addition, vesicoureteral reflux and diffi-
culty emptying their bladder.
Vesicostomies are occasionally indicated in
these babies when we demonstrate that the common
channel is too narrow and interferes with the empty-
ing of the bladder. Also, we have seen an indication
Fig. 16.16 Pelvic ultrasound of a patient with bilateral in babies with massive reflux and megaureters.
hydrocolpos However, if the patient has a hydrocolpos, the first
step should be the drainage of the hydrocolpos,
prior to making decisions concerning other proce-
dures. Almost always, drainage of the hydrocolpos
is all that is needed to decompress the ureters.
Also, the baby must have an echocardiogram
to rule out cardiac conditions. Esophageal atresia
must be ruled out in the usual manner. A spinal
ultrasound is indicated to evaluate for the pres-
ence of tethered cord, and an x-ray film of the
abdomen will show the characteristics of the
lumbar and thoracic spine, as well as the sacrum,
and a sacral ratio can be calculated.
Between 18 and 24 h after the baby is born, a
decision must be made concerning the surgical
treatment. These babies need a colostomy. The
primary treatment of a cloaca without a colos-
tomy has not been attempted, as far as we know.
In Chap. 5 in this book, we recommended the
opening of a descending colostomy with a
mucous fistula, completely separated from the
proximal stoma and reduced in size to avoid pro-
lapse, since we only need that orifice to perform
irrigations and diagnostic tests (high-pressure
Fig. 16.17 Abdominal film of a newborn baby with a distal colostogram). In patients with cloaca, we
cloaca and a large hydrocolpos must put more emphasis in being sure that the
patient is left with a piece of colon, distal to the
pelvic cystic mass most likely represents a hydro- mucous fistula, long enough to guarantee that the
colpos that is compressing the trigone and is the pull-through will be possible in the future.
cause of the bilateral megaureters and the If the patient has evidence of hydrocolpos, the
hydronephrosis. surgeon must be prepared to drain the hydrocolpos
Hydrocolpos as a cause of megaureters and at the same time. We specifically recommend a
hydronephrosis has been poorly recognized in midline subumbilical incision that will give the
the cases that we have received from other surgeons access to the entire lower abdomen.
234 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b

Fig. 16.18 (a) Picture of a baby with a cloaca, who underwent a colostomy and a non-indicated vesicostomy. The
vesicostomy is prolapsed because it was not done correctly and the hydrocolpos remained tense and undrained. (b) MRI
showing a sagittal view, the vesicostomy and the undrained hydrocolpos

Through this incision, the surgeon can identify the hydrocolpos. Figures 16.19 and 16.20 show the
junction between the descending and sigmoid aspect of the abdomen of one of these babies with
colon. There, the colon is divided and the stomas a cloaca after the colostomy has been opened and
are created, separated enough to be able to use a the hydrocolpos has been drained.
stoma bag without including the mucous fistula. Figure 16.21 shows the kidney ultrasound of a
The proximal stoma is created in the left flank and baby with a cloaca born with hydronephrosis and
the mucous fistula in the left lower quadrant. At hydrocolpos: (a) before the drainage of the
the same time, through this incision, the surgeon hydrocolpos and (b) shows the same patient’s
will be able to drain the hydrocolpos. We prefer to ultrasound after the hydrocolpos has been
drain it with a tube. We have used different types drained. We cannot overemphasize the impor-
of catheters for this drainage. We specifically rec- tance of draining the hydrocolpos. We have
ommend the use of a pigtail catheter that can be received a series of patients that had a colostomy,
exteriorized through one of the lower quadrants. vesicostomy, nephrostomy, or ureterostomy, but
We like a curled catheter because it is less likely to not drainage of the hydrocolpos. Those patients
fall out during the initial several months of life as had multiple problems, including vesicostomy
the inflammation recedes and the vagina moves prolapse. One of the patients had a pyocolpos,
away from the abdominal wall. Since most of the and another one had a perforation of the infected
patients with hydrocolpos have both hemivaginas vagina with severe peritonitis. Several presented
distended, what we have done in such cases is to with failure to thrive, acidosis, and urinary tract
create a window in the septum between both hemi- infections, all of which resolved once the hydro-
vaginas in order to use a single tube to drain both colpos was drained.
16.1 Cloaca 235

a b

Fig. 16.19 Intraoperative appearance of a case with two large vaginas (bilateral hydrocolpos). (a) Before drainage. (b)
Creation of a “window” in the septum between both hemivaginas

If the bladder cannot empty due to the presence

of a quasi-atresia of the common channel, then a
vesicostomy would be indicated. Also, in the event
of a patient who has a drained hydrocolpos, well-
decompressed urinary tract but severe reflux,
megaureter as demonstrated on a cystogram, and
urinary tract infections, a vesicostomy could be
indicated, with a plan for urologic reconstruction
in the future. Early ureteral reimplantation of
megaureters in a little baby with a bladder that
most likely will have some degree of malfunction
and kidneys with significant congenital damage is
not recommended. We therefore prefer the open-
ing of a temporary vesicostomy, which represents
the best way to protect the kidneys.
Some of the hydrocolpos are giant and may
even interfere with the respiratory function. Also,
some babies with cloacas are extremely sick at
birth; they have ascites, hydronephrosis, high
creatinine, and severe renal damage.
The presence of calcified meconium in the
abdominal film of a newborn baby with a cloaca
[44] may represent a serious sign. Sometimes the Fig. 16.20 Abdomen of a patient with a cloaca showing
the separated stomas and the vaginostomy tube
meconium passes through the fallopian tubes into
the peritoneal cavity producing severe peritonitis.
Once the colostomy and urogenital tract decom- A female baby born with a cloaca that has a
pression has been done, the surgical emergency has colostomy and is not doing well postoperatively
been solved. Patients usually recover very well usually has an undrained obstructed urinary tract
from this operation, and they start eating, growing, with or without hydrocolpos. Therefore, the first
and developing normally. The exceptions, of study in such patients should be an ultrasound to
course, are patients that are born with severe kidney rule out the presence of hydronephrosis,
damage and renal failure, requiring hemodialysis megaureter, large bladder, or hydrocolpos and act
and consideration for a kidney transplant. accordingly.
236 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

Fig. 16.21 Kidney

ultrasound of a patient a b
born with a cloaca and
hydronephrosis. (a) Before
drainage of hydrocolpos.
(b) After drainage

Another reason why these patients have sepsis separation of the vagina from the urethra and
and do not grow well sometimes is because the bladder, reconstruction of what used to be the
colostomy is inadequate. We are strongly opposed common channel as a neourethra, mobilization
to the opening of loop colostomies in these and dissection of the vagina to be able to pull it
babies, because that type of stoma frequently down to be placed posterior to the urethra, and
allows the passing of stool into distal bowel with performing a pull-through of the rectum to be
direct fecal contamination of the urinary tract. placed within the limits of the sphincter [45]
When the patients are well treated, their colos- (Fig. 16.22). Soon enough, we learned that that
tomy is adequate, and their urinary tract and approach was highly successful in a certain type
hydrocolpos are well drained, they usually recover of malformations that now we call “benign,” but
very rapidly and can go home. Within several was not successful in other more complex types.
months, they will be ready for the main repair. The main lesson learned during the last 32 years
is that we are dealing with a wide spectrum of Main Repair defects [1, 46]. It has been an eye-opening, con-
In June 1982, for the first time, we had the oppor- stant learning experience. The more experience
tunity to use the posterior sagittal approach to we develop, the more we understand that the
repair a cloaca under direct vision. Fortunately, spectrum seems to be wider and wider. As will be
that first cloaca was what we now consider a shown in this chapter, the learning process
“benign type” of malformation, meaning that the allowed us to design surgical maneuvers appli-
common channel was relatively short (less than cable to different anatomic variants of these
3 cm), and therefore, we were able to repair the defects. The posterior sagittal anorectovagino-
malformation successfully. That particular urethroplasty is the name that we gave to the
patient today has urinary control, bowel control, repair when it was done in the way that was
sexual function, and already has successfully already described, meaning separation and mobi-
delivered a baby by cesarean section. lization of the three structures (rectum, vagina,
During the first few years after 1982, our and urethra), done posterior sagittally.
approach for the repair of cloacas consisted of In many patients, the posterior approach was not
separating the rectum from the urogenital tract enough to repair the malformation, and it was nec-
like in all other malformations, followed by the essary to open the abdomen to complete the repair.
16.1 Cloaca 237

a b

c d

Fig. 16.22 Diagrams and pictures showing the technique vagina being separated from the urethra. The old common
originally used by us, before the advent of the total urogenital channel is reconstructed as a neourethra. (d) Intraoperative
mobilization. (a) Opening. (b) Diagram showing the separa- picture showing rectum and vagina separated. (e) Diagram
tion of the rectum from the vagina. (c) Diagram showing the showing the reconstruction being completed
238 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

Fig. 16.23 Total urogenital mobilization (diagrams showing the basic concept). (a) Separation of the rectum. (b) Total
urogenital mobilization

In 1996, for the first time, we used an innovative between 3 and 5 cm. Yet, even with the use of an
surgical maneuver that we called “total urogenital “extended transabdominal” approach, some clo-
mobilization,” which allows us to reduce the opera- acas required further technically demanding
tive time about 70 %, significantly reduces the maneuvers, including the complete separation of
blood loss, makes the operation more reproducible, bladder and urethra from the genital tract
and renders better cosmetic and functional results (Animation 16.3). In order to do that, we had to
in the management of cloacas [47] (Fig. 16.23) open the bladder and pass feeding tubes through
(Animations 16.1 and 16.2). Subsequently, we the ureters to avoid their injury. In addition, in some
found that the total urogenital mobilization was not patients, we perform a maneuver called “carving
enough to repair more complex types of defects, the pubic cartilage,” in order to create a shorter tra-
and, therefore, we designed the “transabdominal jectory for the urethra and vagina to be pulled down
extended total urogenital mobilization,” which behind the pubis and to be sutured next to the clito-
allows us to repair cloacas with common channels ris. In some specific type of cases, we apply a
16.1 Cloaca 239

(3–5 cm) PSARVUP Total Urogenital Mobilization

Reaches perineum
Does not reach:
open abdomen -
extended total
>5 cm laparotomy

Does not reach:

Separation of vaginas
from urinary tract
(catheters on ureters)

Does not reach:

Does not reach: Small vagina → Vaginal replacement
Big vagina → vaginal switch
1 - Rectum
2 - Sigmoid
3 - Small bowel
pubic bone

Fig. 16.24 Decision-making algorithm to repair cloacas with a common channel longer than 3 cm

maneuver called “vaginal switch” that will be that the total urogenital mobilization is highly
described below [48]. In another group of cases, we reproducible, and we believe that most pediatric
have to replace the vagina totally or partially, and surgeons can learn to do it well. On the other hand,
we perform that with the rectum, colon, or small we believe that those cases of cloacas with a com-
bowel. Finally, there is a group of cloacas with an mon channel longer than 3 cm must be repaired by
extremely long common channel (more than 5 cm), those surgeons specially dedicated and experi-
in which we leave intact the common channel to be enced in dealing with these malformations.
used eventually as a conduit for intermittent cathe- Figure 16.24 shows the different steps of the
terization, and we go directly through the abdomen decision-making algorithm in the repair of clo-
to separate the vagina(s), and the rectum, from the acas. We will describe each one of them.
trigone or the bladder neck.
As we learned more about the complexity of Cloacas with a Common Channel
cloacal malformations, we developed a serious of Less Than 1 cm
concern about the reproducibility of some of the Figure 16.25 shows a cloaca with a short com-
techniques used to repair complex cloacas. mon channel. In these cases, we recommend a
Fortunately, more than 50 % of the cloacas have a relatively simple procedure that we call a
common channel shorter than 3 cm. This means posterior sagittal anorectovaginoplasty. The ure-
that they can be repaired posterior sagittally, with- thra is left untouched. Basically, what we do in
out opening the abdomen and using the maneuver these cases is to separate the rectum from the
called “total urogenital mobilization.” We believe vagina the same way that we do in cases of
240 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b c

Fig. 16.25 Intraoperative picture of a cloaca with 1 cm already separated, and the vaginal septum has been
common channel. (a) Exposure – multiple silk sutures in resected. (c) Repaired introitus – the lateral walls of the
the rectum. Observe the vaginal septum. (b) Sutures vagina are sutured to the labia. The introitus has been
placed in lateral vaginal walls. The rectum has been enlarged

vestibular fistulas (see Chap. 15). Next to that, function depends very much on the quality of the
rather than separating the vagina from the urinary sacrum and spine [1, 46].
tract or performing a total urogenital mobiliza- The procedure to repair these malformations
tion, we mobilize only the lateral and posterior was performed by us any time from 1 to
walls of the vagina, enough as to be able to suture 12 months of age. If a baby happens to be born in
the edges of the vagina to the skin of the neolabia our institution and is growing and developing
(Fig. 16.25b). By doing that, we do not disturb normally, we do it between 1 and 3 months of
the urethra or the common wall between the life. Most of our patients, however, come from
vagina and urethra, which is a high-morbidity other institutions, and, therefore, we have experi-
type of maneuver. The cosmetic effect of this ence doing this procedure at different ages.
operation is excellent. The patients look and We start the operation by performing vaginos-
behave basically like a patient operated on for a copy and cystoscopy. We strongly recommend for
rectovestibular fistula. We call this type of cloaca the general pediatric surgeon to do the vaginoscopy
“cloaca type 1.” The results in terms of bowel and and cystoscopy as a separate setting. By doing that,
urinary control are not different from those of he or she will be able to measure the length of the
patients with rectovestibular fistulas when they common channel and based on that to:
have a normal sacrum. Figure 16.25c shows the • Determine whether or not he is capable of
final result after one of these introitoplasties. doing that operation or if the patient should
These patients may have mild female hypospa- rather be referred to another center.
dias, which is irrelevant because they do not need • Determine whether or not it will be necessary
intermittent catheterization and because the ure- to open the abdomen for the reconstruction.
thral meatus is readily visible. This represents important information for the
anesthesiologist as well as the entire operating
Cloacas with a 1–3 cm Common Channel team. It helps with equipment needs, predict-
Fortunately, 66 % of our patients with cloacas ing operating time, etc.
belong to this type. These patients have, in gen- • Determine the final functional prognosis.
eral, a good prognosis. Twenty-eight percent of • Determine whether or not the patient needs a
them will require intermittent catheterization total bowel preparation, in case some form of
after the reconstructive operation, and the bowel vaginal replacement with bowel is necessary.
16.1 Cloaca 241

Fig. 16.26 Diagram of a

posterior sagittal incision
to repair a cloaca

When the vaginoscopy and cystoscopy shows

that the patient has a common channel of 1–3 cm,
we can be confident that we can repair that malfor-
mation using only the posterior sagittal approach
and total urogenital mobilization, without opening
the abdomen. The operation will take us approxi-
mately 3 h. The cosmetic result is excellent, and
the function, in general, is very good.
The patient is placed in prone position with
the pelvis elevated and is washed, prepped, and
draped in the usual manner. A posterior sagittal
incision is used, running from the middle portion
of the sacrum down to the single perineal orifice.
Fig. 16.27 Picture showing the anatomy of the most
We divide the skin, subcutaneous tissue, parasag- common type of cloaca. R rectum, V vagina, U urethra
ittal fibers, and the entire sphincter mechanism
precisely in the midline (Fig. 16.26). The
common channel is opened exactly in the mid-
line, including the vagina and the rectum (when it
is found), exposing the internal anatomy of the
malformation (Fig. 16.27). This step is facilitated
by placing a mosquito clamp in the single peri-
neal orifice, to help guide the midline incision of
the posterior aspect of the common channel.
The first step, as in all cloacas, consists of
separating the rectum from the vagina. When
the patient has two Müllerian systems, the rec-
tum is found in the middle of both hemivaginas.
Usually, it opens in a little orifice located in the
posterior aspect of the vaginal septum. Multiple
5-0 silk stitches are placed around the rectal
Fig. 16.28 Multiple fine sutures are placed on the edges
opening in order to apply uniform traction of the rectal wall, the lateral walls of the vagina, and the
(Fig. 16.28). Special emphasis is placed on common channel
242 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b

Fig. 16.29 Rectal dissection. (a) The beginning of the separation of the rectum from the vagina. (b) Rectum fully

creating a plane of dissection in the common sutures using the needle-tip cautery. The incision
wall existing between the rectum and the includes the full thickness of the common channel.
vagina(s). The use of uniform traction is highly A plane of dissection exists between the pubis and
recommended in order to achieve this. We must the common channel (Animation 16.2). The sepa-
keep in mind that these structures (rectum and ration of the common channel from the posterior
vagina(s)) share a common wall without a natu- aspect of the pubis is a very easy maneuver because
ral plane of dissection. Once the rectum and there is an obvious plane, and within a couple of
vagina(s) are fully separated, a circumferential minutes, we can reach the upper part of the pubis.
dissection is performed, applying uniform trac- Once there, it is relatively easy to identify white,
tion on the rectum, dividing the bands and ves- avascular bands that represent the suspensory
sels that hold the rectum in the pelvis. As we mechanism of the bladder, vagina, and urethra
progress with this dissection, we keep gaining (Fig. 16.31). These are divided with the cautery as
length until we have enough rectum to comfort- well as their lateral attachments on both sides of
ably reach the perineum within the limits of the the vagina. When we divide these suspensory liga-
sphincter (Animation 16.2) ments of the vagina and urethra, one can see a
After we finish that part, in the past (before characteristic fat herniating through the fascia.
1996) [1, 45, 46], we used to separate the vagina This is a characteristic retropubic fat pad that indi-
from the urinary tract, which was a technically cates that we are in the right plane (Fig. 16.32).
demanding maneuver that we do not do anymore The suspensory ligaments of urethra and vagina
in this type of malformation. It took many hours to extend onto both lateral walls of the vagina and
do this, and over 10 % of our patients suffered must be divided, trying to preserve the blood sup-
from vaginal strictures and/or urethrovaginal fistu- ply of the vagina. By doing this division of the sus-
las as a consequence of that separation [47]. pensory ligaments, we gain approximately 2 cm of
Because of that, in 1996, we switched to the total length in the common channel. We then go to the
urogenital mobilization. For this we place multiple dorsal part of the vagina(s) and divide the bands,
5-0 silk sutures in the edges of the common chan- holding them posteriorly and laterally. By doing
nel and the lateral walls of the vagina to apply a that, we usually gain another centimeter. As a con-
uniform traction (Figs. 16.28 and 16.29). Another sequence, in most instances, the total urogenital
set of sutures is placed in a horizontal, transverse mobilization allows the mobilization of the vagina
fashion, about 5 mm from the clitoris (Fig. 16.30). and urethra with a common channel of 3 cm com-
The common channel is divided distal to the trans- fortably (Fig. 16.33). Occasionally, we were able
verse line of sutures between the clitoris and the to totally repair cloacas with up to a 4.5-cm
16.1 Cloaca 243

a b

Fig. 16.30 Picture showing another set of sutures places horizontally, approximately 5 mm proximal to the clitoris.
(a) Sutures in place. (b) The urogenital sinus is divided between the clitoris and the sutures

common channel only posterior sagittally, using

this maneuver. Other times, we do not know why,
we can only gain 2 cm of length, due to lack of
elasticity and an inflammatory process that we find
in some of these patients.
Once we mobilize the urogenital sinus, we
then split in the midline of what used to be the
common channel, into two lateral flaps
(Fig. 16.34). By doing that, we can suture the
urethral meatus to the tissue behind the clitoris
with interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures (Fig. 16.35).
The two flaps that we develop from what used to
be the common channel now become part of the
neolabia that is sutured to the skin with inter-
Fig. 16.31 Picture showing the lateral dissection of the
rupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures (Animation 16.2). The common channel and vagina
lateral walls of the vagina(s) are sutured to the
neolabia until we create a nice-looking introitus
(Fig. 16.36). The electrical stimulator is then front of the levator mechanism. The posterior
used to determine the limits of the anal sphincter, edge of the levator muscle is sutured with inter-
which are marked with temporary silk stitches. rupted 5-0 Vicryl sutures in the same way that it
The perineal body is reconstructed between the is done in all other malformations. The posterior
posterior limit of the vagina and the anterior limit edge of the muscle complex on each side is
of the sphincter. We use 4-0 Vicryl or 5-0 Vicryl sutured together in the midline, taking with the
sutures to bring together the tissue of the perineal same stitches a bite of the posterior rectal wall.
body. These stitches are very important because The ischiorectal fossa and the subcutaneous tis-
they represent the main supporting mechanism to sue are both closed with interrupted 5-0 Vicryl
avoid dehiscence of the perineum. The skin of the sutures, and the skin is closed with subcuticular
perineal body is sutured usually with interrupted 5-0 monofilament, absorbable sutures. The ano-
6-0 Vicryl or 5-0 Vicryl sutures. By doing this, plasty is performed with 16 circumferential
we bring together the anterior limits of the anal stitches of 6-0 long-term absorbable sutures after
sphincter (Animation 16.2). The rectum then is we resect the excessive rectal tissue, usually
placed within the limits of the sphincter and in between 5 and 10 mm (Fig. 16.37).
244 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b

Fig. 16.32 The suspensory ligaments of urethra and vagina. (a) Exposure – observe whitish fascia. (b) Divided sus-
pensory ligaments (observe retropubic fat)

Fig. 16.33 Picture showing a fully mobilized urogenital Fig. 16.34 The urogenital sinus (original common
sinus channel) is divided in the midline

These patients do very well and can eat the intermittent catheterization, before we pull the
same day of surgery. The patients stay in the hos- catheter out. Two weeks after surgery, the parents
pital approximately 48 h. A Foley catheter come to the clinic, we teach them how to dilate
remains in place for approximately 2 or 3 weeks. the anal orifice, and they do it following our pro-
We must keep in mind that about 20 % of these tocol of anal dilatations as previously described.
patients may eventually require intermittent cath- Prior to the colostomy closure and under the
eterization, and, therefore, we leave the Foley same anesthesia, a vaginoscopy and cystoscopy are
catheter until the postoperative inflammatory performed to confirm that the urethra and vagina are
process allows us to see where the urethral patent and healthy. In the event of finding problems
meatus is located, in case the patient needs with these, they have to be taken care of, prior to the
16.1 Cloaca 245

a b

c d

Fig. 16.35 Urethral opening repositioning and resection immediately behind the clitoris. (b) Sutures are tied.
of the vaginal septum. (a) Fine long-term absorbable (c) Resecting the vaginal septum. (d) Vaginal septum
sutures are used to anastomose the urethral opening resected

Fig. 16.36 Suturing vaginal walls to the neolabia Fig. 16.37 Final external aspect of a repaired cloaca
246 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b c

Fig. 16.38 External vaginoplasty to enlarge a strictured vaginal orifice. (a) Narrow vaginal orifice R rectum, U urethra,
V vagina. (b) Longitudinal incision of the posterior aspect of the anal opening. (c) Horizontal suture

colostomy closure. If, for instance, at the time of

colostomy closure, we find a narrow ring-like, vagi-
nal opening with a wide, deep compliant vagina, we
may do nothing at this age. On the other hand, if the
orifice is too narrow and we believe it is at risk of
closing completely, then we perform an external
vaginoplasty to make the orifice larger and post-
pone the colostomy closure for a month (Figs. 16.38
and 16.39). On the other hand, if the patient has a
long, narrow vaginal stricture, she may need a com-
plete reoperation. We frequently saw this kind of
complication prior to the advent of the total urogen-
ital mobilization. The total urogenital mobilization
prevents this complication from happening most of
the time since it preserves a very good blood supply
for the vagina and the urethra.
After the total urogenital mobilization, some
patients leak urine for a period of several weeks.
A voiding cystourethrogram at this point may
show an image consistent with an absent bladder
neck, due to the pulling of the whole urogenital
sinus from below. This happens mainly when the
repair required a significant traction of the uro-
genital tract. However, most of these patients
recover normal urinary function after a few
weeks. The colostomy can be closed following
the same principles that we mentioned in the Fig. 16.39 Enlarged vaginal orifice. Large Hegar dilator
chapter related to colostomy closure. inserted
16.1 Cloaca 247

Cloacas with a 3- to 5-cm Common

Channel (Animation 16.3)
When the endoscopy allows us to determine that
the patient has a common channel length of
3–5 cm, we perform a total body preparation as
described in Chap. 11 because we know that most
likely it will be necessary to open the abdomen,
in addition to the posterior sagittal approach, to
repair the malformation. We tell the anesthesiolo-
gist about these findings and the possibility that
the operation will go for a longer period of time
than one that could be done posterior sagittally
only. After we perform a total body preparation,
Fig. 16.40 Intraoperative picture showing the bladder
we put the patient in the prone position with the pulled caudally to have a better access to the pelvic floor.
pelvis elevated and perform the same posterior B bladder, Ut uterus, Ur ureter
sagittal incision as previously described. The
internal anatomy of the malformation is exposed;
the rectum is separated from the urogenital tract
in the same way as previously described. A total
urogenital mobilization is performed as previ-
ously described. Occasionally, we are happily
surprised to find out that it is possible to recon-
struct the urethra, vagina, and rectum without
opening the abdomen. However, most of the
time, the total mobilization is not enough to
repair the malformation. In such a case, the
patient is turned to the supine position and the
abdomen is opened with a midline infraumbilical
The next step is to perform what we call
“extended transabdominal urogenital mobili- Fig. 16.41 Intraoperative picture showing bladder and
urogenital sinus out of the pelvis. Us urogenital sinus, B
zation.” Traction is applied to the dome of the bladder
bladder; the lateral attachments of the bladder
are divided to obtain a better exposure
(Fig. 16.40). The midline incision is extended urogenital complex and repair the urethra and
all the way down to the pubis. Between the vagina as previously described. If that is not
bladder and posterior aspect of the pubis, one enough to achieve a tension-free anastomosis
can see the space that we created from below between the urethra and clitoris and vagina and
with the total urogenital mobilization. The uro- neolabia, a maneuver called “carving of the
genital sinus is then brought up through this pubic cartilage” is indicated.
space between the bladder and pubis
(Fig. 16.41). At this point, we divide all the Carving of the Pubic Cartilage Maneuver
pelvic avascular attachments of the bladder Under normal circumstances, the urogenital
and urethra. Through the laparotomy, these sinus is located behind the pubic cartilage; it
attachments are easily seen and divided. runs below the cartilage and up, anterior to the
Usually this maneuver allows us to gain extra cartilage to connect to the clitoris. Resecting
length on the urogenital mobilization. If that is approximately 50 % of the lower portion of the
enough to complete our repair, we then go pubic cartilage does not compromise the pelvis
ahead and pull through back down the stability, and yet, it allows a straighter trajectory
248 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b

Fig. 16.42 Carving the lower part of the pubic cartilage to create a shorter trajectory of urethra and vagina. (a) Before
carving. (b) After carving. (c) Urethra sutured – arrow in urethral opening

of the urogenital sinus. The resection of the car- difficult to do. Now that we do the total urogeni-
tilage can be done easily, with the needle-tip tal mobilization, we do not have to separate the
cautery on “cutting” mode in babies. In older vagina from the urinary tract in cases with com-
patients, this can be done with a “rongeur” type mon channel shorter than 3 cm. Yet, in cases with
of instrument. This maneuver may allow for a longer common channel, we must separate both
tension-free anastomosis between the urethra structures through the abdomen. The separation
and vagina with the clitoris and neolabia is done through a laparotomy but with bladder
(Fig. 16.42). This maneuver may work in cases and vagina(s) fully mobilized and out of the
that need 0.5–1 cm of extra urethra and vaginal abdomen. The bladder is opened in the midline,
length to achieve a tension-free anastomosis. If and feeding tubes are introduced through each
that is not enough, then the next step must be one of the ureters (Fig. 16.43a). We must keep in
the separation of the vagina from the urinary mind that in cloaca patients, both ureters pass
tract. through the common wall between the vagina
and the bladder. The separation of these two
Separations of Vagina(s) from the Urinary structures may include the skeletonizing and dis-
Tract (Animation 16.3) section of both ureters. If the patient suffers from
This is the most technically demanding maneu- reflux, this is a golden opportunity to perform a
ver of the entire repair of cloacas. This procedure, ureteral reimplantation or, if appropriate, a cuta-
in the past, before the total urogenital mobilization, neous ureterostomy; otherwise, to do it later
was attempted from below, but it was very would represent a technically more demanding
16.1 Cloaca 249

a b

Fig. 16.43 Intraoperative pictures taken during the separa- into the bladder and thumb outside the bladder, pulling it
tion of vagina from the urinary tract. (a) Bladder open and caudally. Traction sutures are placed in the uterus to apply
catheters placed in the ureters. (b) The assistant puts fingers traction and facilitate the dissection. B bladder, Ut uterus

procedure. The assistant puts two fingers inside structures basically outside the abdomen. The
the bladder and applies traction caudally into the surgeon works from above between the bladder
bladder (Fig. 16.43b). Vicryl sutures are used to and the vagina(s). We perform the entire dissec-
pull the uterus or hemiuterus in the opposite tion with a fine needle-tip cautery. During the
direction. A plane is created in the middle of the dissection, the surgeon must stop frequently to
wide common wall that exists between the verify that the thicknesses of the vaginal wall, as
vagina(s) and the urinary tract. This common well as that of the bladder, are equal. In other
wall extends from the urethra and includes the words, the surgeon does this to be sure that nei-
bladder neck, trigone, and part of the bladder. In ther of those walls are becoming too thin.
general, the most technically demanding steps of Intermittently, this dissection is interrupted to
the operations designed to repair anorectal mal- palpate the location of the ureters (previously
formations is actually the separation of the catheterized). Also, it is convenient to perform
structures (rectum, genitalia, and urinary tract). part of the dissection backwards, meaning from
We are supposed to separate them without dam- caudal to cephalad, since the common channel is
aging them. This is difficult to achieve for several exposed and brought up through the incision.
reasons: We keep dissecting a little bit from below and
(a) Those structures are congenitally fused with- then from above, until both dissection planes
out a plane of separation. meet. At that point, the only structures that join
(b) The common wall has a very rich blood the genitourinary structures to the patient’s body
supply. are the ureters, the ovarian vessels, and the inter-
(c) The exposure is difficult because these struc- nal iliac vessels. These vessels must be kept in
tures are located in a place difficult to reach mind and carefully respected.
from below or from above. Figure 16.44 shows the posterior aspect of the
(d) The ureters run through this common wall. bladder and trigone. Both ureters can be seen
The separation of structures usually takes intact.
about 70 % of the total operative time. To Once the separation has been achieved, the
achieve a good repair, it is necessary to achieve surgeon can plan the type of reconstruction that is
a good separation of these structures with mini- best for the patient’s specific anatomic variant.
mal or no damage. The previously described The first possibility is that after the separation,
“extended transabdominal total urogenital mobi- one becomes happily surprised to find that the
lization” allowed us to perform the separation of vagina(s) actually reaches the perineum. This is
250 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

Fig. 16.45 Anatomic characteristics of a case that will

benefit from a vaginal switch maneuver

Fig. 16.44 Picture taken after the bladder and vagina

have been separated. The ureters can be seen intact. decision. The first possibility will be that the
Arrows on ureters. Black retractor pushing down uterus patient has anatomic characteristics that make
and vagina her suitable for a surgical maneuver called “vagi-
nal switch.”
the ideal time to remove the vaginal septum that
separates two hemivaginas (if present) to trim off Vaginal Switch
damaged vaginal tissue and tubularize the avail- This maneuver is applicable only when the
able vaginal tissue in preparation for the patient has a specific type of anatomy
pull-through. (Fig. 16.45). These patients have two hemivagi-
The total separation of vagina(s) and urinary nas very separated, as well as the hemiuteri with
tract runs with the implicit risk of devasculariza- a vaginal septum and originally two large hydro-
tion of the distal urethra. It is necessary to be sure colpi. If we can estimate that the distance
that the urethra that is sutured immediately between one hemiuterus and the other is longer
behind the clitoris has a good blood supply. At than the vertical length of both hemivaginas,
least ten of our patients suffered from an then the patient may be a candidate for the vagi-
ischemic-acquired urethral atresia after one of nal switch maneuver [48]. As can be seen in
these operations performed by us. Fig. 16.46, the maneuver consists in sacrificing
If the urethra’s blood supply is severely defi- one of the hemiuteri, being careful enough to
cient, the surgeon must make a decision about the preserve the ovary and its blood supply. The
possibility of permanently closing the bladder vaginal septum is removed. Both dilated hemi-
neck. In that case, the patient needs a vesicostomy; vaginas are tubularized into a single vagina, and
subsequently, an artificial conduit for bladder what used to be the dome of one side, the place
catheterization will be done (Mitrofanoff prin- where we resected the hemiuterus, becomes the
ciple) [49]. Later in the patient’s life (3–4 years), lowest part of the new switched-down vagina
the functional and anatomic characteristics of the (Fig. 16.46) (Animation 16.4). This maneuver
bladder can be studied to determine its capacity, works, and we have several patients menstruat-
detrusor activity, compliance, as well as the pres- ing through this type of repair, but it is only
ence of vesicoureteral reflux, and a final recon- applicable if the patient has the specific type of
struction can be planned, which may include a anatomy already described. If, early in the oper-
bladder augmentation and a Mitrofanoff type of ation, one estimates that the anatomy of the
procedure. patient belongs to this category, one has to sepa-
Planning the reconstruction of the vagina, ure- rate completely only one hemivagina from the
thra, and rectum, after the total separation of the urinary tract and try to preserve the blood sup-
structures, the surgeon will face one of several ply of the opposite side. In this type of maneu-
scenarios, and based on those, he/she will make a ver, the blood supply of the entire switched
16.1 Cloaca 251
R. hemiuterus Branches to tube

Divide Vaginal septum

R.OVARY Lo Ovarian a.
R. giant Va
hemivagina al
hydrocolpos es

Communication with
urinary tract
and/or rectum

a Perineum

b Branches to tube

L. hemiuterus

Ovarian a.
( Right hemihisterectomy ) in
Resected Va ry
vaginal septum gina
r te

R. hemivagina
switched down

Fig. 16.46 Schematic representation of the basic princi- other hemivagina and ovaries. The vaginal septum is
ples of a vaginal switch maneuver. (a) One hemiuterus resected and both large hemivaginas are tubularized
will be amputated. The blood supply of that hemivagina is together. (b) What used to be the dome of one hemivagina
sacrificed being careful to preserve the blood supply of the is pulled down to create the introitus
252 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b

Fig. 16.47 Vaginal replacement with part of a dilated rectum. (a) Diagram. (b) Intraoperative picture. V vagina,
R rectum

vagina will depend on the preservation of the Vaginal Replacement with Rectum
blood supply of the opposite hemivagina. If one There are several ways to replace the vagina with
can see that the distance between both hemiuteri rectum. It all depends on the anatomic character-
is not long enough, then we have to separate istics of the patient. If the patient has a very
both hemivaginas completely from the trigone dilated rectum, conceivably, we can divide the
and urinary tract as previously discussed. rectum longitudinally, preserving the blood sup-
The next possible scenario could be the case ply of both portions, the one that is going to be
of a patient in whom we have gone through all the neovagina and the other one that will remain
the steps previously described, and her anatomy as rectum (Fig. 16.47a). The vagina and the rec-
does not make her suitable to be repaired using a tum are both tubularized. Both structures are
vaginal switch maneuver. The vagina(s) is too rotated 90° in opposite directions to avoid the
short and/or located too high in the pelvis. Under overlap of two suture lines, which is an important
those circumstances, the patient will need a vagi- predisposing factor for the formation of a fistula
nal replacement. (Fig. 16.47b). If the patient has no internal
genitalia (rarely occurs), then the vagina is cre-
Vaginal Replacement ated only for sexual purposes and is not anasto-
Vaginal replacement has been done by many mosed to any internal structures. On the other
authors through many years. Most authors includ- hand, if the patient has an internal genitalia, then
ing us prefer to use the colon [50–59]. Others we have to perform an anastomosis between the
used local tissues expanded with different meth- upper portion of the neovagina (old rectum) and
ods [60–62].The amniotic membrane has also the original native short vagina.
been used [63]. The longitudinal incision of the rectum to cre-
We have developed a significant experience in ate two separated tubular structures (vagina and
130 cases suffering from cloaca that required rectum), preserving a good blood supply of both
vaginal replacement. Our order of preference in of them, is an interesting technical maneuver
terms of tissue to be used for the replacements worth describing in detail.
are rectum 50 cases, colon 44 cases, and finally, Through all these years, we have learned that
small bowel 36 cases. the rectum has an excellent intramural blood
16.1 Cloaca 253

to replace the vagina must receive its blood sup-

ply from at least one or two of the inferior mesen-
teric vessels. The lower anastomosis is performed
between the neovagina (rectum) and the neolabia.
The perineal body is reconstructed in the usual
manner as well as the rectum (Fig. 16.48).
In the case of a patient with a non-dilated rec-
tum but with plenty of available length, we can
plan on using the most distal part of the rectum as
a neovagina and mobilize the upper rectum or sig-
moid as a neorectum (Fig. 16.49a). In order to do
that, it is imperative to learn to preserve the blood
supply of the distal rectum. One must keep in mind
that the mesentery of the rectum is completely dif-
ferent from the mesentery of the rest of the gastro-
intestinal tract. In the small bowel and colon, the
mesentery reaches the bowel on the so-called mes-
enteric side only. It is very obvious that the rest of
the bowel has no mesentery and no fat, just the
seromuscular layer. The rectum, on the other hand,
is surrounded by fatty tissue with vessels, which
has received the name of mesorectum, and sur-
rounds basically the entire circumference of the
rectum. In order to preserve the blood supply of
the distal rectum, it is necessary to create a plane
Fig. 16.48 Finished vaginal replacement
of separation between the bowel wall itself and the
fat tissue with vessels (Fig. 16.49b). The dissec-
supply. It is perhaps the only hollow viscus of the tion between the mesorectum and bowel wall is
human body that can be deprived, to a limit, of carried out all around the rectal wall at the place
its extrinsic blood supply and still survives due where we previously planned that the rectum
to an excellent intramural blood supply, provided would be divided, leaving the distal part as the
it maintains its continuity with a piece of colon neovagina and the upper part as the neorectum.
with good blood supply. This is only possible if Prior to making the decision to divide the rectum,
the surgeon manages to maintain intact the bowel we must be absolutely sure that we have enough
wall. In other words, we can dissect and mobi- bowel length proximally to reach the perineum
lize a significant length of rectum, burning and with no tension. We must keep in mind that occa-
dividing the vessels that represent its extrinsic sionally the presence of a sigmoid colostomy cre-
blood supply and still have a good blood supply, ated too distal may interfere with our plan.
provided we perform the dissection as close as Like previously mentioned, if the patient has
possible to the bowel wall but without injuring no internal genitalia, the neovagina (original rec-
it and provided the upper rectum receives a good tum) is closed blind on its upper end and will be
blood supply from inferior mesenteric vessels. used only for sexual purposes.
Figure 16.47 shows the longitudinal division of There are other ways to replace the vagina
the rectum and the tubularization. As can be seen, with rectum using techniques of combined longi-
the blood supply of the rectum after this maneu- tudinal section with the use of the distal bowel
ver will depend entirely on the intramural blood (Fig. 16.50), depending on the specific anatomic
supply. Obviously, the piece of rectum designated circumstances.
254 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b

Fig. 16.49 Vaginal replacement with the distal part of the mesorectum from the rectal wall. D distal rectum, M
rectum, in patients who have plenty of rectosigmoid mesorectum, P proximal rectum
length. (a) Diagram. (b) Intraoperative picture. Dissecting

Vaginal Replacement with Colon

In the past, we have typically used the sigmoid
colon when available (Fig. 16.51). Frequently,
the colostomy interferes with this, and that is
why, in patients with cloacas who may require
vaginal replacement, a higher type of colostomy
has been recommended by Hendren [31]. Lately,
however, in spite of the patients having a colos-
tomy located in the left lower quadrant, we have
found that the left transverse colon and the
descending colon have a nice vascular arcade of
vessels that make that part of the colon ideal for
vaginal replacement (Fig. 16.52) (Animation
16.5). Therefore, we have chosen to take the
colostomy down and use that part that used to be
the colostomy to replace the vagina. The pedicle
of the left colon graft often reaches the perineum
more easily than the sigmoid would.

Vaginal Replacement with Small Bowel

Fig. 16.50 Vaginal replacement with rectum. Other tech- This is our last choice, because it is our impres-
nical alternative sion that the blood supply of the small bowel is
more delicate and more prone to suffer from
If the rectum is not adequate to be used for occlusion with a mild twist of the pedicle of the
vaginal replacement, then our next choice is bowel that has been pulled down. When we
the colon. decide to use the small bowel, we prefer to use
16.1 Cloaca 255

genitalia, the bowel in the upper part must be

closed blind, and we have only to do an anasto-
mosis to the neolabia (Fig. 16.55).

Cloacas with Extremely Long Common

When the endoscopy allows us to see that the
patient has an extremely long common channel
(more than 5 cm), it is conceivable that the separa-
tion of the structures (rectum, vagina, and urinary
tract) could be done easier through a laparotomy
rather than through the perineum or posterior sag-
ittally (Animation 16.5). In these cases, the anat-
omy is like the one illustrated in Fig. 16.5. The
rectum opens either in the bladder neck or in the
trigone, and two little hemivaginas open also in
the trigone or in the bladder neck in a perpendicu-
lar fashion (with no common wall). The ureters
also open in that particular area. These patients
therefore have about five important structures
opening in the same area of the urinary tract. The
Fig. 16.51 Diagram of vaginal replacement with sig-
moid colon. Dashed lines show the limits of bowel resec-
separation of these structures usually leaves the
tion and vessel ligation patient with no bladder neck or with a damaged
one. Good clinical judgment and experience are
terminal ileum. We made an interesting obser- required to make a decision about reconstructing
vation; the length of the mesentery at the cecum the bladder neck or closing it on a permanent
represents the length of the superior mesenteric basis. In the last circumstance, the patient will
axis (Fig. 16.53). If one takes the terminal need a vesicostomy, and eventually, she will
ileum about 10 cm proximal to the ileocecal require a bladder augmentation and a Mitrofanoff
valve, it is easy to see that the mesentery is lon- type of procedure. On the other hand, frequently
ger than at the cecum, and if we go even more we separate these structures carefully and we are
proximal, the mesentery is even longer. The left with a bladder neck that looks like it can be
longest mesentery of the small bowel seems to reconstructed successfully, and we have cases in
be located about 15 cm proximal to the ileoce- which this reconstruction has been successful.
cal valve, and because of that, we thought that The rationale that supports the idea of
this part of the bowel would be ideal to be used approaching these patients through a laparot-
for vaginal replacement. Accordingly, we omy first is that we can leave intact what used to
observe the blood supply to decide which ves- be the common channel as a conduit for inter-
sels divide and which ones to preserve to be mittent catheterization; that will work beauti-
sure that the bowel reaches the perineum fully, provided the bladder neck is reconstructed
(Fig. 16.54). Again, one must be extremely adequately.
meticulous in the way we pull the bowel, It has been our impression that, in general,
because a little twist will produce ischemia and patients with cloacas have a good bladder neck. If
we may lose the graft. If the patient has internal this bladder neck is preserved or reconstructed
genitalia, then, as previously mentioned, the adequately, these patients have no problems hold-
small bowel (neovagina) is to be anastomosed ing urine in the bladder. The main type of bladder
to the internal genitalia and to the new labia. On malfunction that we see in these patients is inca-
the other hand, if the patient has no internal pacity to empty. Most cloaca patients operated on
256 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b

Fig. 16.52 Intraoperative pictures of a vaginal replacement with descending colon. (a) Studying and selecting the ves-
sels that must be preserved. (b) Measuring the length of colon. (c) Creation of the introitus
16.1 Cloaca 257

have a smooth, large, floppy bladder with a good

bladder neck. They cannot empty the bladder;
therefore, during the period of filling up of the
bladder, the patient may remain completely dry
in the underwear. Once the bladder is completely
full, they start dribbling urine as an overflow type
of phenomenon. This makes these patients ideal
candidates for intermittent catheterization.
However, in most types of cloacas, the common
channel is surgically manipulated and, therefore,
sometimes is not regular and smooth enough to
allow a successful and easy catheterization.
In these extremely high types of cloacas, with
a very long common channel, we insist on leav-
ing the common channel untouched and to
approach the patient initially directly through the
Fig. 16.53 Vaginal replacement with small bowel. The
mesentery of the small bowel is longest in the terminal abdomen, preserving intact the common channel,
ileum, about 15 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve. to be used as a conduit for catheterization. The
Arrows show the direction of the traction

a b

Fig. 16.54 Intraoperative picture. Vaginal replacement with small bowel. Selecting the vessels to be preserved. (a)
Selecting the vessels. (b) Dividing the vessels preserving the arcade. (c) Dividing the bowel
258 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

able to create a urethra and vagina from the

dilated common channel!!
At the end of the cloaca repair, we must decide
to leave our patient with a Foley catheter through
her native urethra, with a suprapubic cystostomy
or with a vesicostomy. In general, we make that
decision based on the following principles:
• Foley catheter: Patients with a common chan-
nel shorter than 3 cm, repaired via posterior
sagittal approach, with a good sacrum, and no
tethered cord. We assume that after 2 weeks of
having the catheter, the patient will be able to
void satisfactorily.
• Suprapubic cystostomy: Patients who required a
laparotomy and we assumed that will need the
catheter for a period of time shorter than 3 months.
It is very useful because it allows us to evaluate
the bladder function and make decisions, during
the following 3 months post operation.
• Vesicostomy: Patients with poor renal func-
tion and or tethered cord, poor sacrum, vesico-
ureteral reflux, megaureter, hydronephrosis,
and single kidney. Postoperative Care

Fig. 16.55 New introitus made with small bowel
Since we are dealing with a spectrum of defects,
the postoperative care represents also a wide spec-
higher the malformation, the shorter the common trum. A patient who has a cloaca type 1 can eat the
wall between the bladder and vaginas, which is same day and go home the next day after surgery.
why it is relatively easy to separate vaginas and A patient who has a common channel shorter than
urinary tract through a laparotomy. 3 cm also can eat the same day of surgery and stay
Occasionally, the laparotomy is indicated in the hospital 48 h. A patient who requires an
because of a very high rectum and not so much 8–12-h operation may remain intubated overnight
because of the urogenital tract. Sometimes, the rec- in the intensive care unit. We have found that little
tum opens very high in between both hemivaginas babies subjected to long surgical procedures
and cannot be reached posterior sagittally, even (more than 6 h) may need to remain intubated and
after the total urogenital mobilization has been per- recover in the intensive care unit. It is our experi-
formed, and, therefore, one has to go into the abdo- ence that these patients retain a lot of fluid in their
men just to look for the rectum and pull it down. bodies and may have respiratory problems. It
The posterior sagittal approach, as well as the takes several days for them to get rid of the exces-
total urogenital mobilization, has been adopted sive third-space sequestered fluid.
by many pediatric surgeons, with variable results Little babies subjected to long operations
[64–73]. Other types of repair have been also should not be treated in institutions without an
advocated, although with very few cases [74–80]. adequate, third-level intensive care unit, with
An interesting report from China was recently experts in the management of these types of criti-
published [81]; the authors claimed that they cally ill patients.
were able to use serial mechanical dilatations of Some of these patients already have significant
the common channel and eventually they were kidney damage and elevated creatinine at birth that
16.1 Cloaca 259

Fig. 16.56 Picture showing a significant rectal prolapse

in a case with a repaired cloaca

requires special care by an expert team of nephrol-

ogists. We have seen that after these operations,
the creatinine becomes elevated even without any
evidence of urinary tract obstruction.
Sometimes, we repair these malformations and Fig. 16.57 Prolapse of neovagina created with bowel
pull the colostomy down at the same time. In those
cases, the patients remain with nothing by mouth, at least for 1 month. Occasionally, when the
receiving parenteral nutrition for 7–10 days. The vagina has been replaced with colon, rectum, or
Foley catheter remains in for 2–3 weeks until the small bowel, one may also find some degree of
urethral orifice is visible, and a catheter could be bowel mucosa prolapse as part of the neovagina
reinserted if necessary. (Fig. 16.57). Again, this should be treated before
Two weeks after surgery, the protocol of anal the colostomy is closed because it can be done in
dilatations is started like we do in all the other types a single-day admission and because the perineum
of malformations. At the time of colostomy closure, is completely clean. A long, narrow stricture of
the patients need a vaginoscopy and cystoscopy to the vagina requires a full reoperation. Fortunately,
be sure that the repair was successful. In the event of that is unusual in our cases.
finding any problems with the repair, the colostomy Sometimes, we find that the urethra is difficult
closure should be canceled, and we should focus on to catheterize. In such a case, it might be appropri-
repairing the vagina or urethra as necessary. ate to open a vesicostomy and delay the need for
Sometimes at the time of colostomy closure, intermittent catheterization until the baby is older.
we find that the patient has a significant rectal At the time when we were doing repairs with-
prolapse (Fig. 16.56). If that is the case, we repair out the total urogenital mobilization, 10 % of our
the prolapse and postpone the colostomy closure patients suffered from urethrovaginal fistulas.
260 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

Usually, these fistulas were located near the one must be rather obsessive about the protection
bladder neck and produced urinary incontinence, of the kidneys, particularly if it is a single one.
and therefore, the patient required a total reop- We must take care of the reflux, obstruction, and/
eration. The advent of the total urogenital mobi- or infection. Frequently, we are confronted with
lization allowed us to have no more of these the problem of a little baby with megaureters, an
complications [47]. “inadequate bladder,” and severe vesicoureteral
reflux. For that kind of patient, we prefer to open
a vesicostomy and wait until the ureters decrease
16.1.2 Urologic Concerns in size, the bladder becomes more compliant, and
at that point, the reimplantation of the ureter may
The main long-term problems of patients with have more chances of success. The reimplanta-
cloacas are usually urologic. These patients do tion should be done after the bladder has been
not die from the cloaca malformation, but rather urodynamically studied to determine its func-
from major cardiac anomalies early in life or tional characteristics. We also must determine the
from kidney failure later on. The urologic con- mechanism of emptying of the bladder, either
cerns of patients with cloaca have been recog- because the bladder empties spontaneously or
nized for a long time [82]. There are four needs intermittent catheterization.
wonderful publications related with the long- Real ureterovesical obstructions without
term urologic and renal outcome of patients with hydrocolpos rarely occur in patients with cloacas.
cloacas [83–86]. The authors presented series of In the presence of a true ureterovesical obstruc-
12–64 cases that allowed them to reach valid con- tion, during the repair of a complex cloaca in a
clusions. From this experience, as well as ours, it baby, with megaureter and a bladder with ques-
becomes clear that treatment of cloacas must be tionable function, we take care of the obstruction,
done by experienced pediatric surgeons and pedi- creating a wide refluxing ureterovesical anasto-
atric urologists. Protecting the kidneys must be mosis and a vesicostomy. That represents the best
the top priority from the first day of life. In addi- protection for the kidney. We then wait until the
tion, it is clear that these patients must be fol- ureter decreases in size, the patient grows up, and
lowed to be sure that the bladder function does the bladder becomes more compliant. An evalua-
not deteriorate and affect the kidneys. tion of the bladder function then will allow one to
In addition, two publications alerted us about determine the best course of action for the patient.
the possibility that the total urogenital mobiliza- We do not see a reason to do bladder augmenta-
tion could provoke nerve damage that could tions and Mitrofanoff procedures in babies before
result in poor bladder function [87, 88]. Based on 3 years of age, particularly, if the patients already
our experience, we believe that patients with nor- have a certain degree of kidney damage. So far, 46
mal sacrum, no tethered cord, and with a com- patients already underwent a bladder augmenta-
mon channel shorter than 3 cm should not have tion and a Mitrofanoff type of operation. Twenty-
serious urinary problems, provided the total uro- seven of those were done by the senior author and
genital mobilization has been performed in a 19 by our pediatric urology colleagues.
meticulous way. A similar experience was pub- These are patients for life and require a team
lished by others [89–93]. of urologists, nephrologists, gynecologists, and
We have learned that when a patient is born colorectal pediatric surgeons to follow them.
with hydronephrosis, we must anticipate that the The patient’s bowel function will depend very
patient already has a significant degree of kidney much on the characteristic of the sacrum and spine.
damage. Even if they have a normal creatinine, At the age of three, if the patient has no bowel con-
one must expect that at some point later in life, trol, the patient is offered our bowel management
the patient may develop kidney failure. This is program (see Chap. 20). We insist that all patients
particularly true when the patient has a single after 3 years of age should be clean of stool in the
kidney and hydronephrosis at birth. Therefore, underwear, as well as dry of urine.
16.1 Cloaca 261

16.1.3 Gynecologic Concerns

The association of anorectal malformations with

defects of the internal and external genitalia has
been described before [6, 94–96].
The negative implications of the hydrocolpos
as well as the serious consequences of not drain-
ing it have been reported [97–103]. We cannot
overemphasize the importance of suspecting,
diagnosing, and draining a hydrocolpos as early
as possible.
For the first few years of life (until puberty),
the patients usually have no gynecologic prob-
Fig. 16.58 Picture showing the irrigation of fallopian
lems. However, when they reach puberty, one tube to confirm its patency
must be very careful in following these patients.
If the patient develops pubic and axillary hair and
the breasts start to develop but no menstruation,
one must suspect that there is some sort of
obstruction or absence of one or both of the
Müllerian structures. This is particularly true
when the patient has no menstruation and epi-
sodes of abdominal pain with monthly exacerba-
tions that reflect the presence of trapped menstrual
blood. At that point, the patient needs an ultra-
sound of the pelvis and/or an MRI.
From the first 27 patients with cloacas from
our series, who reached puberty, 7 of them
required an emergency laparotomy, due to
trapped menstrual blood in the peritoneum which
formed pseudocysts [104]. After that experience,
our routine now is to check the patency of the
Müllerian structures early in life, whenever we
have the opportunity to be in the abdomen of
these patients. We do this by putting a no. 3 feed-
ing tube through the fimbriae of the Fallopian
tube and injecting a saline solution to confirm
that it comes out through the vagina (Fig. 16.58).
If one of the sides is obstructed and the other is Fig. 16.59 Picture showing a strictured vaginal orifice –
arrow on the vaginal orifice
patent, we prefer to resect the obstructed part,
since the patient will do well with only one
Müllerian structure. When both are obstructed, an examination under anesthesia. The purpose of
we decide to preserve both of them but tell the this is to determine whether or not the introitus is
parents about this and follow the patient closely, large enough for the patient to have normal sexual
particularly when they reach puberty. activity. Sometimes we find a fibrous ring in the
Assuming that the patient starts menstruating area of our anastomosis of the vagina to the neola-
normally in puberty, the next step would be to think bia (Fig. 16.59). If the vagina has not been injured
about sexual function. When the patient is ready to and does not have a long, narrow stricture, usually
develop sexual activity, it is important to perform the repair of this ring is an easy, ambulatory
262 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

operation that should be done prior to sexual activ-

ity to avoid unpleasant experiences.
Two hundred and fourteen of our cloaca
patients are older than 18 years. From those, 48
patients are all having normal sexual activity; 45
of them claim to have orgasms; another 3 patients
tried sexual activity and have been unsuccessful;
and 7 patients became pregnant and delivered
babies by cesarean section.
The long-term follow-up of all cases suffering
from congenital anomalies is extremely valuable. A
new chapter on the gynecologic problems of patients
born with cloacas is in the process of being inte-
grated. Although, with small numbers, several
important papers have been published concerning
the long-term psychosexual outcome of patients
born with cloacas and urogenital sinus [105–110].
Other unexpected problems may appear later in life
in these patients, including tubal pregnancy [111]
and tubo-ovarian abscess [112]. We have no experi- Fig. 16.60 Diagram of a persistent urogenital sinus. The
ence with tubal pregnancy, but we have seen several patient was born with a cloaca and underwent a repair of
the rectal component of the malformation. The urogenital
cases of adolescents born with cloacas, repaired by sinus was left untouched
us, who suffered from recurrent tubo-ovarian abscess
that eventually resulted in a resection of the tube.
Vaginal septum with two hemiuterus occurred from all over the country and from other coun-
in 2 % of our cases with perineal fistula, 6 % of tries as well. From our experience of 531 cases of
cases with vestibular fistula, and 60 % of our clo- cloacas, 97 of them are actually secondary proce-
acas. It is extremely important to alert the parents dures. This high frequency of complicated cases
of these babies about the future obstetric implica- previously operated also represents the fact that
tions of those anomalies including premature labor the surgical maneuvers described here to repair
and miscarriage [113–115]. Patients born with a cloacas, perhaps, are not highly reproducible.
cloaca must be followed for life by gynecologists Cloacas are not an exception when we affirm that
with special interest and experience in this type of children with congenital malformations “have a
problem. The pregnancies in these patients are by single opportunity” to be repaired, meaning that
definition “high risk.” if that first attempt is not successful, the func-
Finally, malignancy of a cloacal remnant [116] tional prognosis changes negatively after a sec-
has been reported, as well as originating from a ondary procedure.
neovagina [117]. In addition, the occurrence of The most common reoperation that we per-
ulcerative colitis in the neovagina has been reported form in patients with cloacas consists in repair-
[118, 119]. In our series, we have seen two cases of ing persistent urogenital sinuses (Fig. 16.60).
cancer and two of inflammatory bowel disease, at These patients were born with a cloaca and
the colon used to replace the vagina. underwent an operation at another institution
to repair only the rectal component of the mal-
formation. The patients were then left with a
16.1.4 Reoperations persistent urogenital sinus. Interestingly, from
all the persistent urogenital sinuses operated
Secondary procedures in cloacas are very com- by us, only one had come to us with a previ-
mon in our experience. This is perhaps a reflec- ous diagnosis of a cloaca. In other words, the
tion of the nature of our center, receiving patients surgeons were unaware of the fact that the
16.1 Cloaca 263

Fig. 16.61 Pictures of four patients with persistent urogenital sinus

patient had a cloaca; they tried to repair the fact that surgeons were thinking of “rectovagi-
malformation, but they only ended up working nal” fistulas and not about a cloaca. Looking at
with the rectum and left the urogenital sinus the literature, one can find a very obvious shift
untouched. On the other hand, all other cases in the apparent frequency of “rectovaginal” fis-
came to us with the diagnosis of “rectovagi- tulas and cloacas. Prior to 1982, the literature
nal fistula.” In other words, the surgeons did had many reports of “rectovaginal” fistulas and
not make the diagnosis of a cloaca and oper- almost no mention of cloacas. In retrospect, we
ated on the patient thinking that the patient know that most of those “rectovaginal” fistu-
had a rectovaginal fistula. The word cloaca las operated and reported in the literature in
was never mentioned in the medical records the past were actually cloacas or rectovestibu-
of the patients, and consequently, the surgeons lar fistulas. We know that for sure because of
repaired only the rectal component of the mal- the number of patients that we received with
formation. They did not perform a vaginoscopy persistent urogenital sinus and also because in
or cystoscopy, pulled the rectum down, and left many of those patients with “rectovaginal” fis-
the urogenital sinus untouched. Amazingly, tulas, when we examined them, we found the
these patients continued their life, recovered original pocket, or sinus, remnant of the origi-
from those operations, and become aware of nal vestibular fistula (Fig. 16.62).
their persistent urogenital sinus later in their As time went by, the number of persistent
lives. We actually had several adult patients urogenital sinus that we saw decreased, for-
with a persistent urogenital sinus. One of them tunately, and we interpreted that as a mani-
had been married for 2 years. She came to us festation of the surgeons becoming more
because of incapacity to perform sex satisfac- knowledgeable about the existence of this con-
torily. Our examination disclosed a very nar- dition. In other words, their index of suspicion
row persistent urogenital sinus (Fig. 16.61). that they were dealing with a cloaca increased
The cases of a persistent urogenital sinus through time.
labeled as “rectovaginal” fistula were more Now we know that real, congenital, rectovagi-
common at the beginning of our practice, nal fistulas are extremely rare; we have seen only
which reflected (from our point of view) the 7 cases in over 1,000 female patients with
264 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

Fig. 16.62 Picture of the genitalia of a patient born with

a vestibular fistula who underwent an abdominoperineal
Fig. 16.63 Picture of a case with a real congenital recto-
operation under the misdiagnosis of “rectovaginal fistula.”
vaginal fistula. The rectal orifice is located inside the
The original location of the fistula in the vestibule is
vagina (above the hymen)
clearly seen. F fistula, R rectum

anorectal malformations. In cases of rectovaginal The diagnosis is a simple one and is done by
fistulas, the rectal orifice must be located above inspection. Vaginoscopy and cystoscopy will
the hymen (Fig. 16.63). allow us to recognize the length of the common
channel and the characteristics of the vagina(s), Persistent Urogenital Sinus which, as previously mentioned, will allow us to
Figure 16.60 shows a diagram of a persistent uro- plan on the magnitude of the operation and the
genital sinus. The rectum has been pulled down; possibilities of requiring a vaginal replacement.
frequently it is mislocated as shown in the figure, We have been repairing these malformations
and the urogenital sinus persists untouched. As without a protective colostomy. However, as
the patient reaches adolescence, her first mani- mentioned in Chap. 7 about bowel preparation,
festation is menstruation “through the urethra.” we are very strict in the cleaning of the entire gas-
Sometimes, the surgeons, during the repair of trointestinal tract with GoLYTELY.
the rectal component of the malformation, dam- The patient is taken to the operating room
age the vagina, producing an acquired vaginal with a central line already inserted and with the
atresia. In that case, when the patient reaches bowel completely clean. Most of the time, the
puberty, she will accumulate menstrual blood persistent urogenital sinus can be approached
(hemato-metrocolpos) and suffer from severe posterior sagittally first, because of the length of
abdominal pain with monthly exacerbations. the common channel. The patient is placed in the
Figure 16.61a–c show the external appearance of prone position with the pelvis elevated, and the
the perineum of several patients with persistent skin of the genitalia, perianal area, and perineum
urogenital sinuses. is washed, prepped, and draped in the usual
16.1 Cloaca 265

manor. Multiple 5-0 silk stitches are placed at the colon for vaginal replacement, when indicated.
mucocutaneous junction of the anal orifice. Other times, one finds the original rectum char-
Frequently, this is strictured and/or mislocated. acterized by the absence of mesentery. As pre-
Applying uniform traction on those multiple 5-0 viously described, the rectum is surrounded by
silk stitches, a posterior sagittal incision is cre- fat with vessels, which is the so-called mesorec-
ated, running from the middle portion of the tum that does not have the characteristics of the
sacrum to the anal verge. The incision continues mesentery of the colon. Most of the time, the dis-
as a “hockey stick type” of incision around the section of the rectum in a reoperation is simpler
anus, using the needle-tip cautery, changing from than what we have anticipated. It may become
cutting to coagulation to provide meticulous very difficult in those patients who previously
hemostasis. The posterior sagittal incision con- suffered from catastrophic complications such
tinues deeper, going through the skin, subcutane- as abscesses, dehiscences, or retractions. In such
ous tissue, parasagittal fibers, muscle complex, cases, the amount of fibrosis surrounding the rec-
and the levator muscle. Applying uniform trac- tum can be extraordinary. When those complica-
tion to the multiple silk sutures allows us to rec- tions did not occur in previous operations, the
ognize the posterior rectal wall easily. The lateral dissection is straightforward and relatively sim-
walls of the rectum are also dissected applying ple. We cannot overemphasize the importance
uniform traction; all this is done with the needle- of applying uniform traction while dissecting
tip cautery. Finally, the anterior rectal wall is also delicate structures, particularly in a reoperation.
dissected. Depending on the type of procedure The dissection of the rectum must continue all
that the patient previously had, one may find real the way up to the supralevator space. Frequently,
rectum or colon. It is not uncommon to find that we open the peritoneum during this dissection.
the previous surgeons resected the original rec- Once the rectum has been fully dissected, we
tum of the patient and pulled colon from inside are ready to continue our incision more anteri-
the abdomen, down to the perineum. The reason orly. The perineal body is divided with needle-
for doing that is either because they used to per- tip cautery, and the incision goes deeper until we
form an endorectal type of operation (Soave) identify the posterior wall of the vagina. Most of
which, by definition, sacrifices the rectosigmoid the patients that we have repaired with persistent
and then they pulled the colon from inside the urogenital sinus have a reachable vagina through
abdomen (through the seromuscular cuff of the the posterior sagittal approach. Once the rectum
rectosigmoid left in situ) down to the perineum. has been dissected and moved out of the way, the
Other times, perhaps more frequently, the sur- posterior vaginal wall is perfectly visible. Two
geons open a colostomy too distally, and when 5-0 silk stitches are placed, taking the posterior
they tried to repair the malformation, they found vaginal wall. An incision is created in between
that the available length of rectosigmoid from the both sutures to open the vagina and to see the
mucous fistula to the end of the rectum, where it characteristics of the urogenital sinus. The inci-
connects to the urogenital tract, was too short. We sion done at the posterior wall of the vagina is
have learned to preserve that piece of rectum, but extended distally through the common channel
many surgeons simply resect that part of the rec- to expose the entire anatomy. Depending on the
tum and take the colostomy down, to save time characteristics of the urogenital sinus, mainly the
and to make the procedure easier. length of the common channel, we will follow the
One can recognize whether or not we are deal- strategies already mentioned during the repair of
ing with colon or rectum. In the case of colon, cloacas. Most of the time, the urogenital sinus is
one can identify the mesentery surrounding the untouched and therefore, the surgical manipula-
colon. We must be careful in preserving the mes- tion of the structure is not more difficult than in
entery to avoid devascularization of the bowel, primary cases.
because the preservation of the blood supply is As previously described, if the common chan-
very important, particularly if we decide to use nel is shorter than 3 cm, we will proceed with the
266 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

total urogenital mobilization exactly the way we acquired atresia or stricture (Fig. 16.64). As a
do in a primary case. Most of the times, that consequence, the patient comes to us with a pat-
maneuver has been enough to repair these mal- ent urethra and rectum, but without a vaginal ori-
formations. Dealing with adult patients or teen- fice. The vagina may or may not have a
agers, the operation, of course, involves bigger communication with the urethra, but the distal
structures, which represents a technical advan- end that the surgeon originally attached and
tage. The vessels are bigger, and therefore, some- sutured to the perineum disappeared. The dis-
times the needle-tip cautery used in coagulation tance between the blind end of the vagina and the
mode is not enough to maintain good hemostasis perineum varies from patient to patient and,
and it is necessary to use suture ligatures. The depending on that length, the magnitude and type
venous plexus, located behind the pubis, must be of operation changes. In order to repair these
preserved as much as possible. However, some- complex cases, it is necessary, again, to mobilize
times it is impossible; we hit those veins and, in the rectum. The mobilization of the rectum, in the
teenagers or adults, it is necessary to use suture way described in the paragraph related to persis-
ligatures because the cautery is not enough to tent urogenital sinus, is the same in these cases.
obtain good hemostasis. The decision-making We have to mobilize the rectum in order to have
algorithm mentioned in the treatment of the uro- access to the vagina. The exception could be a
genital sinus of cloacas in primary procedures is case in which the blind vagina is located so high
applied in these cases the same as previously that we estimate with a CT scan and/or MRI
described. study that the blind vagina will be easier to reach
Vaginal replacement with rectum, dividing the through the abdomen rather than from below.
rectum longitudinally as previously described, is Most cases, however, can be reached from below,
more commonly done in these cases because at least to initiate the dissection. The rectum is
these patients have been using the rectum for a dissected and mobilized in the same way as pre-
long time and are frequently suffering from con- viously described. If the patient already has
stipation, and therefore, they have a dilated rec- bowel control, it is our experience that a reopera-
tum. The fact that they have a clear mesentery, if tion done correctly does not change the func-
they have colon in the pelvis, makes the preserva- tional prognosis that the patient had from the
tion of the blood supply even easier. fecal continence point of view.
Postoperatively, the patients remain 10 days Once the rectum has been mobilized, we find
with nothing by mouth, receiving parenteral the posterior vaginal wall, open it, identify the
nutrition. The rectum is reconstructed following blind distal end, and use multiple stitches to initi-
the same principles described in the primary ate our dissection. If the patient never underwent
repair of a cloaca. If the rectum happens to be a total urogenital mobilization, we do it as a first
mislocated, now is the opportunity to put it in the step. On the other hand, sometimes the previous
right place. operation done by another surgeon included an
attempt to separate the vagina from the urethra Acquired Vaginal Atresia and they left the urethra intact. If that is the case,
or Stricture we can try to mobilize the vagina again. The
Another common reason why patients are decision-making algorithm described in the pri-
referred to us after an attempted failed repair of a mary repair of a cloaca is applied here. In other
cloaca is because they suffer from an acquired words, if the total urogenital mobilization is not
vaginal atresia or stricture. In these cases, the sur- enough to make the vagina reach the perineum,
geon usually knew that he was dealing with a clo- we have to go into the abdomen to continue with
aca and actually tried to repair the vaginal the extended transabdominal urogenital mobili-
component of the malformation. Unfortunately, zation. If that is not enough, we have to continue
for different reasons, the vagina was not mobi- with the separation of the vagina from the urinary
lized properly and suffered from ischemia and tract, and if that is not enough, we have to evaluate
16.1 Cloaca 267

Fig. 16.64 Picture of the perineum of several patients who underwent a previous failed attempted repair of a cloaca

the possibility of a vaginal switch and eventually healthy portions of the urethra is so great that the
a vaginal replacement. decision is made not to repair the urethra but
actually to perform a Mitrofanoff type of proce- Acquired Urethral Atresia dure, creating a conduit for the patient to empty
or Stricture her bladder with intermittent catheterization
Very occasionally, one may find a patient who through an orifice created in the abdomen.
comes after a failed attempted repair of cloaca;
the patient developed an acquired atresia or Sequelae from Catastrophic
severe stricture of the urethra. Depending on the Complications
location of this, we may follow a different strat- Some patients underwent an attempted repair and
egy. Certainly, one alternative to repair this is the almost everything went wrong; the patients had
transpubic approach that will be described in dehiscence, infection, retraction, and fistula for-
another chapter. If the urethral stricture is located mation. The operative reports are frequently con-
low enough, we may try to repair that posterior fusing and only illustrate the disorientation
sagittally. First, we have to go through the mobi- suffering and anxiety of the surgeon exploring
lization of the rectum, as previously described, the pelvis of a patient with an anatomy that seems
then the vagina, and eventually the urethra. to be completely unknown to him or her. As a
Sometimes, the acquired atresia of the urethra is consequence, we do not know exactly what hap-
so severe and the length of separation of both pened, but we may see, for instance, that the
268 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

patient has a blind perineum. In other words, in the urogenital tract, in other words, urethrovag-
there is no urethra, no vagina, and no rectum. Or, inal and bladder vaginal fistula (Fig. 16.65a–c).
they may have one or two orifices. A study with A midline incision running from the umbili-
contrast material injected through the different cus down toward the genitalia is performed, all
orifices of the patient (colostomy, cystostomy, the way down to the urethra. The clitoris is
vaginostomy, vesicostomy, or rectum) helps us to divided exactly in the midline with needle-tip
make the anatomic diagnosis. More recently, at cautery. The pubis is exposed and dissected, in
our institution, the Interventional Radiology order to identify what is bone and what is carti-
Department has helped, performing a study lage, to be sure that the cartilage is divided
called three-dimensional, rotational scan, inject- exactly in the midline (Fig. 16.65). The needle-
ing contrast material simultaneously, through the tip cautery divides the pubic cartilage very eas-
stomas of orifices of the patient’s perineum. ily. We must keep in mind that behind the pubis
Videos 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3 illustrates the beauti- are venous plexuses that may bleed significantly,
ful images provided by this kind of study. We particularly in teenage or adult patients. In those
often use this modality in primary complex clo- cases, we should use sutures to stop the bleed-
aca cases as well. These help us to understand the ing. Once we divide the pubic cartilage, the
sequelae in these patients. It is not unusual for us pubic bones spontaneously separate, giving us
to find that the patient has what we call a “frozen” usually enough space to work. If that is not the
or “cement type of pelvis.” These patients are case, we can use a retractor to separate the pubic
extremely difficult to approach and based on the bones more. With this approach, we achieve a
diagnostic tests, already described, the surgeon great exposure to the urogenital tract
has to make a decision as to how to approach this (Fig. 16.65b); we can work comfortably to deal
kind of patient. The first possibility would be to with the specific complications that the patient
repair these posterior sagittally. However, some- has. We have operated on 20 patients with this
times posterior sagittally, the operative findings transpubic approach.
are very frustrating, and it is very difficult to At the end of the procedure, the pubic carti-
mobilize the structures. The next possibility is an lage is reapproximated using 0, 00, or 1 Vicryl
abdominal midline incision. Yet, through the sutures. We keep the patient in bed for a week
abdomen, sometimes it is also very difficult to before we allow her to walk making sure to avoid
find the plane of dissection in the pelvis. At that external rotation of the hips. The main inconve-
point, the last alternative and more aggressive nience of the transpubic approach is the fact that
approach that provides the best exposure is the it produces significant pain postoperatively. The
transpubic route. patients usually refuse to walk for a week or 2
because of the pain. One patient suffered from an
acute dehiscence of the pubic cartilage that had to
16.1.5 Transpubic Approach be resutured on an emergency basis. Surprisingly,
this occurred in a little baby and not in an ambu-
The transpubic approach is part of our armamen- latory patient. Another patient suffered from high
tarium to approach complex pelvic problems fever; a bone scan suggested that the patient was
[120]. If the surgeon considers that the lesion, fis- suffering from an infection in that area. The
tula, mass, or structure that he or she wants to patient received antibiotics for 6 weeks to treat
reach is surrounded by excessive fibrosis and is osteomyelitis and healed normally. Other than
located in a place impossible to reach from below that, all the patients have done very well. We do
or from above, then another alternative is to con- not recommend the transpubic approach except
sider the transpubic approach. This type of under the circumstances already mentioned.
approach provides excellent exposure. It is par- The functional results in reoperations for clo-
ticularly indicated in a patient who has a func- acas vary from case to case and depend very
tional rectum but a significant number of problems much on the type of complication and the origi-
16.1 Cloaca 269

a b

Fig. 16.65 Transpubic approach. (a) Dividing the pubis. (b) Absent bladder neck. Wide communication between
vagina and bladder. B bladder, V vagina. (c) Ectopic ureters opening below the bladder neck

nal complexity of the malformation. In a patient As part of the long-term follow-up, we explain
with a normal sacrum, common channel shorter to the parents of our patients that they must pay
than 3 cm, and an intact persistent urogenital special attention when their daughter shows signs
sinus, we can expect an excellent result, includ- of puberty, has no menstruation, and complains
ing normal urinary control. Of course, when the of abdominal pain with monthly exacerbations;
previous surgeon was too invasive, performed a when these are observed, they must contact us. In
lot of dissection, damaged important nerves and such case, we order a pelvic ultrasound and an
structures, and produced more fibrosis, the func- MRI to rule out the presence of menstrual blood
tional prognosis cannot be predicted. This has to in the peritoneal cavity. To alleviate the symp-
be informed to the parents. toms, sometimes it is beneficial to administer
270 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

medication to suppress the menstruation, which tional repercussions. We have done this operation
gives us time to plan the surgical treatment. in 11 of our patients.
The next time to be concern is when the patient
is expected to have sexual intercourse. We
encourage them to have an examination under 16.2 Posterior Cloaca and Absent
anesthesia. We want to be sure that the vagina has Penis Spectrum
the adequate characteristics (size and elasticity)
to avoid unpleasant experiences. “The case report of M. Louis from Paris, has
Sometimes, we find a narrow external orifice become famous. In his thesis in 1753, he
with a large, elastic vagina. That problem is described a girl with an anus cloacal who men-
solved with an external vaginoplasty (see struated per anus. Happily married to an impetu-
Fig. 16.38). Other times, we find a more serious ous young man, she finally confided her secret to
problem, a patent vagina, but very inelastic due him. At the height of passion, the latter persuaded
to scarring. For that problem, we designed an his wife to engage in coitus. She agreed to it and
operation consisting in patching the posterior became pregnant. The birth of the infant occurred
wall of the vagina with the most distal piece of at term and caused a tear of the anal sphincter.”
rectum. Figure 16.66a–g shows the surgical “The presentation of this thesis before the sur-
technique that we use to patch the vagina with geons, led to legal prosecution of M. Louis in
rectum. Paris. During the legal proceedings, it was decided
This procedure is only recommended when that moral theologians should resolve the issue of
the patient has no bowel control. We must keep in whether the conduct of this woman and that of
mind that the resection of the distal rectum in a M. Louis was illegal. At last, the Pope himself was
patient with bowel control may provoke fecal called upon to decide. He, however, more far-
incontinence in a patient that had bowel control. sighted than the parliament of Paris and the physi-
If the patient is fecally incontinent, the removal cians of the Sorbonne, granted M. Louis absolution,
of the most distal part of the rectum has no func- and the thesis was finally published in 1754.”

a b c

Fig. 16.66 Surgical technique to patch a narrow vagina (d) The distal segment is open to tailor the patch. P patch.
with rectum. (a) Diagram showing the creation of a rectal (e) The rectal patch is being sutured to the narrow vagina.
patch, preserving the blood supply. (b) Operative view. The cervix is clearly seen in the vagina. V vagina, P patch.
The rectum has been mobilized and is pulled up. A Hegar (f) Diagram showing the finished operation. (g) Diagram
dilator is introduced in the vagina. R rectum, V vagina. (c) showing a technical modification to increase also the
Operative view. The rectum has been divided, preserving length of the vagina
the blood supply of the distal segment. D distal, P proximal.
16.2 Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum 271

d e

f g

Fig. 16.66 (continued)

These two paragraphs were taken from Scharli by Dr. Fred Leditschke to Brisbane, Australia, to
[121], from a publication entitled “Malformations operate on a little girl who was born with “an
of the Anus and Rectum and Their Treatment in unusual anorectal and urinary malformation”
Medical History,” published in Progress in Pediatric [124]. That particular girl had a very unusual
Surgery, volume 11, 1978. Dr. Scharli took this history. She was born and considered normal;
information from a publication of M. Louis himself therefore, she was discharged and went home.
[122] who was also quoted by Bushe [123]. The mother noticed that she was passing many,
Two-hundred and thirty-two years later, in very frequent, liquid bowel movements and went
1986, the senior author of this book was invited through a series of consultations with different
272 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

pediatric specialties who could not find the rea-

son why the girl suffered from this “chronic diar-
rhea.” Subsequently, the patient was referred to
Dr. Fred Leditschke (pediatric surgeon) who per-
formed a more thorough examination and also an
endoscopy; by doing that, he was able to find that
the patient had no vaginal opening and no urethral
opening (Figs. 16.67 and 16.68). She was passing
stool and urine through a single orifice located in
the same location of a normal anus! In addition,
the endoscopy disclosed the presence of an ori-
fice in the anterior rectal wall, and introducing
the scope through that orifice, he was able to find
a urethra and vagina; in other words, it was a
urogenital sinus, posteriorly deviated and con-
nected to the anterior rectal wall (Fig. 16.69).
Interestingly enough, the little girl went through
18 months of her life suffering from this “pseudo-
diarrhea” and nobody had seen directly the exter-
nal genitalia. This is very important because

Fig. 16.68 External appearance of a case with a poste-

rior cloaca, separating the labia majora

Fig. 16.67 External genitalia of a patient with a posterior

cloaca Fig. 16.69 Diagram of a posterior cloaca
16.2 Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum 273

many of these patients, when examined exter- urogenital sinus cases with normal rectum (see
nally, they look normal; it takes a special interest Sect. 16.1 and Chap. 26).
to separate the labia of the genitalia in order to Very soon, in the management of these cases,
see the anomaly (Figs. 16.67 and 16.68). we realized that there was another very conspicu-
The senior author, together with Dr. Leditschke, ous anomaly present in these cases, and that was
repaired that very unusual malformation success- the fact that the pubis is extremely thick. In other
fully. We are happy to say that that little girl is words, the urogenital sinus is posteriorly devi-
now a beautiful young lady, happily married, and ated, and we do not know if that is because of the
also delivered a baby by cesarean section. presence of an extremely prominent pubis or is
Based on the external and internal findings of just coincidental. The fact is that it is necessary to
this particular malformation, we decided to call this carve the pubis, removing part of it, to be able to
“posterior cloaca.” These patients have a single per- create the necessary space to move the urogenital
ineal orifice, but what makes this defect unique is sinus forward and create urethral and vaginal ori-
the fact that the single orifice is located in the same fices in a normal location.
location as a normal anus. A typical cloaca has a As we gained experience in the management in
single orifice located in the same location of a nor- these cases, we found another variant of these mal-
mal urethra. As a consequence of the repair of this formations. We were able to see girls that are born
malformation, we suspected that perhaps there with the anus normally located or slightly anteri-
would be other similar cases; in retrospect, we orly mislocated and a second orifice (urogenital
found that there were more cases than what we orig- sinus) located immediately anterior to the anus
inally thought, except that they had not been named (Fig. 16.70). The fact that they have two perineal
and had been included in the category of cloaca. orifices would prevent us to call that a “cloaca”;
As a consequence of the repair of that initial yet, the urogenital sinus is posteriorly deviated and
defect, two ideas came into our minds. Number mislocated; therefore, we believe that we should
one is the idea of dividing the entire rectum, what consider that malformation as a part of the spec-
we now call “trans-anorectal approach.” In other trum of posterior cloaca [125]. In addition, we
words, the fact that the patient has a normal anus found cases that had a posterior cloaca, but in
with normal pectinate line and therefore normal addition, they have an accessory micro-urethra
anal canal makes that patient fecally continent by that runs from the bladder toward the tip of a pseu-
definition. The surgical technical implication of dophallus or clitoris (Fig. 16.71). We also include
this is that we should not mobilize the anus and that in the spectrum of posterior cloaca because of
the rectum. We can divide the entire rectum in the the common denominator that is a normally
midline, including both posterior and anterior located anus or slightly anteriorly mislocated with
walls, repair the urogenital sinus anteriorly with a posterior location of the urogenital sinus.
an excellent exposure, and reconstruct the rec- We could not find in the literature a report
tum. We had evidence that this does not harm using the term posterior cloaca. However, look-
fecal control (see Chap. 26). The second idea that ing at the very few publications on the treatment
came to our minds as a consequence of dealing of cloaca, prior to 1982, we found that some-
with this malformation is the “total urogenital times the authors of those papers referred to clo-
mobilization.” In order to move the urogenital aca patients using the term “urogenital sinus and
sinus from its posterior mislocation, seen in pos- imperforate anus.” Looking at the specific pic-
terior cloacas, it is necessary to mobilize it and tures that the authors presented in the publica-
switch it forward to be able to place the urethra in tions, we were able to see that some of those
a normal location and the vagina behind the ure- cases were actually posterior cloacas, but that
thra. That maneuver has demonstrated to be term was not mentioned and the specific poste-
extremely useful in the repair of cloacas with a rior deviation of the urogenital sinus was not
common channel shorter than 3 cm and also in described. We found one specific paper in 1981
274 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

a b

Fig. 16.70 Posterior cloaca variant. The urogenital sinus is located immediately anterior to the anus, but far away from
the clitoris. (a) Diagram of sagittal aspect, (b) external appearance of the perineum, (c) demonstration of large pubis

by John Duckett and Ballinger. They entitled clitoromegaly, duplex urethra, and dysplastic
their paper “Accessory Phallic Urethra in the vagina, but the photograph of the patient shows
Female Patient,” and actually they described the 2-orifice variant of the posterior cloaca spec-
three cases that are posterior cloacas according trum [127].
to the pictures that we saw in the paper [126]. In More recently, the term posterior cloaca seemed
1994, Chatterjee published a case described as to be becoming more popular and we were able to
16.2 Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum 275

a b

Fig. 16.71 Diagrams showing a sagittal view of three different variants of posterior cloaca. (a) With hydrocolpos,
(b) with double vagina and (c) with an accessory quasi-atretic urethra opening at the tip of a pseudophallus (clitoris)

find publications referring to this specific defect as megaureters and hydronephrosis. That should
using the term posterior cloaca [128–131]. be treated at birth. Typical Cloaca with a Single

16.2.1 Surgical Repair Perineal Orifice in the Anal
Most of these patients came to us with a colos- The patient is placed in the prone position with
tomy performed at another institution during the the pelvis elevated. A posterior sagittal trans-
newborn period. Patients born with a posterior anorectal incision is performed. As described in
cloaca also may have hydrocolpos with all of the Chap. 26, the incision includes the skin, subcuta-
negative consequences related to this defect such neous tissue, parasagittal fibers, muscle com-
276 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

plex, posterior rectal wall, anterior rectal wall, 16.2.2 Surgical Repair
and anterior sphincter mechanism. With the use of the 2-Perineal-Orifice
of self-retractors, we have beautiful exposure Variant of the Posterior
(Fig. 16.72). The urogenital sinus that is Cloacal Spectrum
connected to the anterior rectal wall, usually
about 1 or 2 cm from the anal verge, can be seen When patients are born with two orifices, one is
as soon as we open the posterior rectal wall. the anal opening located in the normal location or
Multiple 5-0 silk sutures are placed in the cir- slightly anteriorly and the second one located
cumference of the single orifice of the urogenital anterior to the anus, but far away from the clitoris,
sinus, in order to be able to apply uniform trac- it represents the urogenital sinus (Fig. 16.70a, b).
tion to facilitate its dissection. The urogenital In that type of malformation, provided the com-
sinus is separated from the anterior rectal wall. mon channel is not too long, it is conceivable, as
The perineum anterior to the anus is also divided many authors like to say, that we could repair the
in the midline all the way up to the clitoris. At urogenital sinus without necessarily dividing the
this point, we can evaluate and feel if the pubis is anorectum. Of course, we agree that if that is fea-
interfering and does not allow us to find space to sible, it should be done that way, but also we
place the urethra immediately behind the clitoris believe that we should not compromise the quality
and the vagina behind. If that is the case, in of the repair trying to avoid the opening of the
babies, we can resect more than 50 % of that healthy rectal walls (See Chap. 26, Fig. 26.13a, b).
very heavy thick cartilage of pubis with needle- The urogenital sinus is mobilized as described in
tip cautery, with minimal bleeding. By doing the case of cloacas. When the pubic bone and car-
that, we create enough space to switch forward tilage represent an obstacle, it should be resected,
and mobilize the urethra and vagina together part of it, to create the necessary space, and the
(total urogenital mobilization). As previously reconstruction is done following the same steps
described in the Sect. 16.1, if the common already described.
channel is shorter than 3 cm, the overwhelming Our experience with the repair of posterior
majority of cases can be repaired without open- cloaca and its variants includes 30 patients [132].
ing the abdomen, placing the urethra immedi- The results in terms of urinary function, bowel
ately behind the clitoris, with the vagina behind, control, and sexual concerns are very similar to
without separating the vagina from the urethra. those found in the repair of cloacas and depend,
Figure 16.72 shows pictures and diagrams of this like in cloacas, on the length of the common
procedure. channel that influences mainly the urinary func-
The urethral opening is sutured with 6-0 long- tion and the presence, absence, or abnormalities
term absorbable sutures to the tissue immediately of the sacrum.
behind the clitoris as described in the repair of
cloacas. The vaginal walls are sutured with inter-
rupted 5-0 long-term absorbable sutures, to the 16.2.3 Posterior Cloaca
skin of what is going to be the neolabia. The and Absent Penis
divided rectum is already perfectly visible
(Fig. 16.72). A meticulous reconstruction is per- The reader must be surprised that we are discuss-
formed, bringing together corresponding por- ing here a malformation called absent penis in a
tions of the sphincter mechanism anterior to the chapter dedicated to female patients with poste-
anus. The anterior rectal wall and the anal wall rior cloacal malformations. The reason for this is
are sutured with two layers of interrupted long- that we found interesting striking similarities
term absorbable sutures. The posterior rectal wall between both malformations: posterior cloaca in
is reconstructed in the same manner followed by females and absent penis in males.
a meticulous reconstruction of a normal sphincter Absent penis through history is a very well-
mechanism located behind the rectum and anus. known malformation. We believe that the defect
16.2 Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum 277

a b

c d

Fig. 16.72 Operative pictures of the posterior approach opened. “V” is vagina and “U” is urethra. (c) The urethral
of a posterior cloaca. (a) The rectum has been divided in opening is sutured a few millimeters behind the clitoris.
the midline, and the urogenital sinus is already mobilized. (d) The lateral walls of the vagina are sutured to the
(b) The posterior wall of the urogenital sinus has been neolabia
278 16 Cloaca, Posterior Cloaca and Absent Penis Spectrum

has been recognized for many years, due to the immediately anterior to it; the patient has a very
fact that it is a very obvious, conspicuous defect. It hypotrophic, usually useless, tiny penile urethra
is not the purpose of this presentation to review the that opens in the tip of the penis, and that is the
historical information related with this defect; we reason why a lot of people call this “double ure-
found references even from the last two centuries. thra” or “Y urethra” (Fig. 16.74). Again, one can
We included in this review a few references see the striking similarity between this defect and
that we consider important related with this absent penis and also with the posterior cloaca in
defect [133–138]. These babies are chromosom- females [151–154].
ally males, have testicles, and are born without a We have no experience with the treatment of
phallus. The posterior urethra is posteriorly devi- absent penis. However, we have experience in the
ated and opens into the anterior rectal wall or treatment of the variation that we just described,
immediately anterior to the anus (Fig. 16.73). namely, the posterior urethra deviated to the ante-
Looking carefully to this diagram, one can see rior rectal wall and a quasi-atretic penile urethra
the remarkable similarity with the anatomy of a (Fig. 16.74). This malformation is repaired by
posterior cloaca in female patients. stages. The first procedure is done with the
Historically, and occasionally even now, these patient in prone position, mobilizing the urethra
babies are raised as females. In other words, they from the anterior rectal wall or from the very
are subjected to bilateral orchiectomies, the ure- anterior perineum, forward, to put it in a more
thra is mobilized to be placed similar to a female convenient perineal location away from the anus
patient, and a neovagina is created [139–150]. (Fig. 16.75a). This operation can be done divid-
There is another very interesting malforma- ing the anterior rectal wall and the posterior rec-
tion, seen in male patients, that is known with tal wall or in more simple cases without touching
different names such as “urethral atresia with ure- the rectum. After the operation, basically, the
throrectal communication,” “duplication of the
urethra,” “dystopic urethral orifice into the anus,”
and “Y-duplication of the male urethra.” All these
names refer to a malformation very similar to the
absent penis, except that the penis is present. In
other words, the posterior urethra is posteriorly
deviated and opens into the anterior rectal wall or

Fig. 16.74 Diagram showing a sagittal view of a malfor-

Fig. 16.73 Diagram showing a sagittal view of an absent mation considered a variant of the absent penis. The pos-
penis. The posterior urethra is connected to the anterior terior urethra is connected to the anterior rectal wall and
rectal wall the penile urethra is very structured
References 279

a b

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penis variant.” (a) The posterior urethra has been discon- repair, the penile urethra has been reconstructed with a
nected from the anterior rectal wall and switched forward patch (neighbor tissues or buccal mucosa)

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Cloacal Exstrophy and Covered
Cloacal Exstrophy 17

Cloacal exstrophy is the most complex, severe, Fortunately, important advances in prenatal
and devastating congenital defect that affects the diagnoses allow us to detect this defect earlier
gastrointestinal tract, the genitourinary tract, the and earlier in utero, which gives the parents
spine and cord, and therefore also potentially the options, in terms of continuation or interruption
motion of the lower extremities. of pregnancies [28–30].
From our literature review, we found that prior In more recent years, we saw emerging presti-
to 1960 all patients born with this constellation of gious centers, with special interest in urogenital
defects died [1–3]. Peter Rickham in 1960 pub- malformations. Those centers and their distin-
lished a report of four cases, with one survivor guished surgical leaders were able to collect
[4]. After Rickham, for several years we found larger series of cases, from which we have learned
multiple isolated reports, small series with over- [31–43]. The contributions of Gearhart et al. [35,
whelming mortality [5–18]. 41, 43] have been particularly important.
Until 1964, there had been 52 cases reported There is no question in our minds that com-
in the literature [5]. Until 1991, there were 190 plex congenital malformation, particularly those
cases reported [6]. The early reports estimated affecting different areas of the human body, must
that it affected 1 in 200,000–400,000 pregnancies be treated in specialized centers, with experts
[5, 19]. More recent reports indicate that it seems subspecialized in the specific problem. We pre-
to be more common than previously thought dict that we will be seeing more and more sub-
[20], most likely affecting 1:100,000–1:50,000 specialized medical centers that will benefit
pregnancies. many children.
The list of associated defects is very extensive Cloacal exstrophy affects different anatomic
[21–26] and includes diverse gastrointestinal, territories that must be discussed and treated
genital, vertebral, and urogenital malformations, separately. From a urinary point of view, these
tethered cord, and other forms of dysraphism and patients have a bladder completely open
myelomeningocele and intracranial defects. (extrophic) (Fig. 17.1). What is different about
Regardless of the efficiency of the available these malformations, when compared to the clas-
treatment modalities and technical advances of sic bladder exstrophy, is the fact that these
the major medical institutions in the world, the patients actually have two extrophic hemiblad-
final quality of life of these unfortunate patients ders, as can be seen in Fig. 17.1. In between the
is still very poor. hemibladders, there is a piece of bowel that can
Until recently, the quality of life of the patients be a colon or small bowel, which can be also pro-
who survived provoked controversies and serious lapsed, creating an appearance that has been
ethical and unanswered questions [27, 28]. called “elephant trunk.” These patients may have,

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 285

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_17, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
286 17 Cloacal Exstrophy and Covered Cloacal Exstrophy

a b

Fig. 17.1 Cloacal exstrophy. Three examples of the external appearance at birth. (a, b) External appearance.
H hemibladders, O omphalocele, B bowel. (c) Cloacal exstrophy. Observe the defective lower extremities

in addition, other urinary problems, such as or patients who have a bizarre-looking pouch, as
absent kidney, hydronephrosis, or different kinds the only representative of the colonic tissue that
of obstruction in the urinary tract. they have. The pouch may have different sizes and
The abdominal wall in these patients is defec- very bizarre and abnormal blood supply (Fig. 17.3).
tive, since they have an omphalocele that could Sometimes the patients have only two little pieces
be minor or very serious. The pelvis is widely of cecum, with two appendices and a prolapsed
open. The pubic bones are completely separated. ileum. To recognize and identify the length of
The degree of separation and severity of the pel- colon that these patients have is extremely impor-
vic malformation is much greater than in classic tant, because, as we will be discussing later, the
bladder exstrophies, and therefore, the idea of possibility of a colonic pull-through will depend
bringing together the pubic bone as early as pos- very much on the total length of colon that they
sible that is frequently done in bladder exstro- have. It has been our experience that even when
phies is not always possible in cases of cloacal we see sometimes that these patients have a very
exstrophy (Fig. 17.2). short piece of colon, the surgeon should not under-
The bowel is also severely affected. These estimate the potential for growth that those pieces
patients are born with no anus. They also have of colon have, and therefore, every single piece of
colonic malformations represented by a spectrum bowel should be preserved.
that goes from patients that have normal colonic In spite of the fact that these patients would
length to patients that have basically absent colon have a less than optimal quality of life in the future,
17 Cloacal Exstrophy and Covered Cloacal Exstrophy 287

orifices located immediately below the hemiblad-

ders (Fig. 17.4). Each one of those hemivaginas is
directed in opposite directions toward the lateral
part of the pelvis. Sometimes, the patients have
atresias of the Müllerian structures. They have
two widely separated hemiuteri. Usually they
have normal ovaries. The two vaginal orifices
sometimes are located together at the midline, and
sometimes they are widely separated and are
located at a very short distance from the location
of the ureteral orifices (Fig. 17.4a). Male patients
are born with two hemiphalli that are located each
one on top of the completely separated pubic
prominences (Fig. 17.4b).
Our series includes 32 cases. This number is
obviously not representative of the frequency in
the general population, since we work at a refer-
ral care center for these kinds of defects. Cloacal
Fig. 17.2 X-ray film showing the wide separation of the
pubic bones in a patient with cloacal exstrophy exstrophies are another wide spectrum of defects
that go from, what we call, covered cloacal
exstrophy to a full cloacal exstrophy like those
shown in Figs. 17.1 and 17.2.
Fourteen of our cases were classic cloacal
exstrophies, 15 were covered cloacal exstrophies,
and three were variants of cloacal exstrophies.
From the orthopedic point of view, these
patients represent a challenge, because of the
wide separation of the pubic bones, more severe
than in the bladder exstrophies. In addition, they
frequently have spinal problems and luxation of
the hips that represent a real challenge for the
orthopedic surgeons. It is not unusual to see that
these patients have myelomeningocele or severe
sacral defects that affect the prognosis of the
patient, particularly for the motion of the lower
Fig. 17.3 Intraoperative appearance of the bizarre
colonic anatomy, frequently seen in cases of cloacal An interesting historical fact is related with
exstrophy at birth. CO colon, V ileocecal valve, I ileum, the designation of gender in male patients born
B blind end, Ce Cecum with cloacal exstrophy. For many years, the
pediatric surgical as well as the pediatric uro-
it has been our impression that most of them grow logic community considered that it was basi-
up to become extremely charismatic and intelli- cally impossible to reconstruct a functional
gent little children. We have been following these phallus, and therefore, the general agreement
patients for many years and have been deeply was to perform a bilateral orchiectomy, as well
impressed by their personality and their charisma as sometimes partial or total resection of the
as well as what they achieve through life. hemiphallus of these patients, and raise them as
Female patients are born with two completely females, in spite of the fact that they were chro-
separated hemivaginas that may have external mosomally males. Later in life, a vagina was
288 17 Cloacal Exstrophy and Covered Cloacal Exstrophy

a b

Fig. 17.4 Genitalia in patients with cloacal exstrophy. (a) Female. (b) Males

created with the bowel; the patients received a as females. Ambitious urologists are trying to
female name, were educated as females, and reconstruct the phallus in these patients, to try to
were expected to have reasonable sexual func- make them sexually active in an efficient way.
tion as females [31–39, 41]. Therefore, the orchiectomies are no longer per-
The long-term follow-up of these patients formed on male patients.
demonstrated that kind of management was less Many patients are born in institutions where
than optimal. Many of these patients, when they different specialty surgical departments (orthope-
learned that they were actually chromosomally dics, general pediatric surgery, pediatric urology,
males, became extremely upset because some- gynecology) work without a unified, specific plan
body made a critical decision on their behalf, for the management of these patients. We con-
ignoring their own desires. They considered that sider that this is less than desirable. We have cre-
being a male is much more than just having a ated, what we call, a “unified approach” [42, 48].
phallus to perform sexually, because in addition, It is important for all the participants in the man-
if they had gonads, actually they could fertilize agement of these patients to previously discuss
and have children, and they had all the other char- and create a common philosophy and protocol of
acteristics of a male individual. Also, the long- management for the benefit of these patients. An
term observation of the behavior of these patients example of the lack of coordination and second-
(chromosomally males raised as females) fre- ary effects that this may have on these patients is
quently showed that even when they received a a baby that is born with cloacal exstrophy in a
female name and were raised and educated as hospital where the first contact with the patient is
females, they behaved very much like male indi- a pediatric urologist, who decides independently
viduals. Because of this, our attitude toward these to use intestinal tissue to reconstruct the urinary
kinds of problems radically changed [44–47]. tract. By doing that, sometimes the patient is con-
Nowadays, males are raised as males and females demned to a permanent stoma that could have
17.1 Neonatal Approach 289

been avoided if more active pediatric surgeons not the lowest part of the defect). The bladder is
had been present from day one, in the manage- managed by the urology team, and their role con-
ment of these patients. Since the possibility of sists in trying to close the bladder, to bring
pull-through or not pull-through in these patients together the two hemibladders trying to protect
depends very much on the length of bowel that the bladder mucosa, but not with the specific goal
they have and therefore the capacity to form solid of making this patient urinary continent from the
stool, it is imperative and extremely important to beginning. Both the urologist and pediatric sur-
preserve every single piece of gastrointestinal geon must agree about the main goal which is to
tract, as part of the gastrointestinal tract, since we separate the gastrointestinal tract from the uro-
have evidence that the bowel grows with time, thelium, bring together the hemibladders, and
and even if it looks insignificant in length at the close the bladder anteriorly.
beginning, it may grow more than expected and The role of the pediatric surgeon is crucial, to
become crucial, for the patient to be a candidate be sure that no gastrointestinal tissue is left
for colonic pull-through and a successful bowel attached to the urinary tract. The most common
management in the future. error that we have observed, in the neonatal man-
Another example of the negative conse- agement of these patients, from the pediatric sur-
quences of a lack of collaboration could be the gical point of view, is for the pediatric surgeon to
reverse, namely, the baby that is seen and treated open a proximal ileostomy and leave the distal
first by a pediatric surgeon who focuses on the bowel (hindgut) attached to the urinary tract.
gastrointestinal issues, without paying attention Some pediatric urologists may consider this
to the extremely important urologic concerns of advantageous, because that creates a reservoir
the patient. that they plan to use for a future bladder augmen-
tation. However, that bowel absorbs urine, and
the babies develop hyperchloremic acidosis that
17.1 Neonatal Approach interferes with their growth and development
[49]. In addition, the bowel left defunctionalized,
When the pediatric surgeon is called to see a attached to the urinary tract, does not grow, as
newborn baby with a cloacal exstrophy, the when the bowel is connected to the fecal stream.
patient is frequently taken to the operating room, Every effort should be made by the pediatric sur-
and the pediatric surgeon would be in charge of geon to disconnect every single piece of gastroin-
the closure of the omphalocele and the diversion testinal tract. Sometimes the patients have two
of the fecal stream. ceca, and those should be placed in continuity,
Some surgeons are very much in favor of try- one to the other, in order to try to create a real end
ing to approximate the pubic bones as early as colostomy, with no mucous fistula. When the
possible in life. We agree with the idea; however, vaginas are opening near one to the other during
the approximation of the pubic bones is more fea- the same procedure, we try to create a single vag-
sible in patients with bladder exstrophy, but not inal orifice by bringing together both openings,
as easy in patients with cloacal exstrophy, in but no attempt is made to bring together the entire
whom the separation of the pubic bones is more length of both long hemivaginas.
severe. In our particular institution, the orthope- Many babies born with cloacal exstrophies are
dic surgeons participate in trying to approximate referred to us suffering from severe hyperchlore-
the pubis, but usually they do not do it in the first mic acidosis and hyponatremia after they under-
few days of life. Therefore, more often the sur- went the opening of an ileostomy [49]. For them,
geons are called to deal with the omphalocele and we designed a procedure that we call “rescue oper-
the bladder without approximation of the pelvis. ation,” (Fig. 17.5a, b) consisting in opening the
This means that the omphalocele can usually be abdomen, closing the ileostomy, separating the
closed, but sometimes it is so large that we can gastrointestinal tissue from the urinary tract, rein-
only afford to close it partially (the upper part and corporating it into the fecal stream, and opening an
290 17 Cloacal Exstrophy and Covered Cloacal Exstrophy

a b

Fig. 17.5 Rescue operations. (a) Diagram showing an tion. The ileostomy was closed, the colon (hindgut) was
ileostomy and the hindgut have left attached to the urinary disconnected from the urinary tract, and an end colostomy
tract. (b) Diagram showing the anatomy after the opera- was created

end colostomy in the most convenient part of the these patients, because sometimes the colon is
abdomen, being sure that the bowel opens in an used to create a vagina or to augment the size of
area where it is surrounded by normal skin at 360°. the bladder. However, the decision to use gastroin-
Sometimes, as previously mentioned, the patients testinal tissue to increase the size of the bladder or
are born with two separate portions of colon that to create the vagina should be taken years later at
look rather insignificant. We must look carefully the very end, after the pediatric surgeon has
into the blood supply of these portions of the decided whether or not the patient is a candidate
colon, try to identify which part is proximal and for pull-through or a permanent stoma. Even when
which part is distal and to incorporate them into the patients improve significantly with this end
the fecal stream and again, open an end colostomy. colostomy, sometimes the motility of the piece of
Figure 17.5 shows an example of a rescue opera- colon that the patient has is extremely poor and
tion. We have done twelve of these operations in a behaves almost like an aganglionic piece of colon;
patient that received an ileostomy at another insti- the patient develops proximal dilatation of the
tution. The hyperchloremic acidosis improved in bowel in spite of the fact that there is no stricture.
24 h, and the patients eat, grow, and develop very The stasis of stool produces bacterial proliferation
soon after this procedure. and the patients develop secretory diarrhea. For
Some patients, as previously mentioned, only that, the management that we offer to those patients
have a pouch type of colon, which is almost a cys- is to teach the mother to do irrigations like we do
tic, very dilated piece of colon, with a very abnor- with Hirschsprung’s disease and give metronida-
mal blood supply (Fig. 17.6). In such cases, we zole by mouth to prevent bacterial overgrowth.
have to observe carefully the blood supply, to be In the past, we read in many publications that
sure that we do not produce ischemia, because the authors performed permanent ileostomies, or
every pouch has a different, rather bizarre, unpre- sometimes the paper described the urinary recon-
dictable blood supply. There is always a tempta- struction, using gastrointestinal tissue, without a
tion to resect this pouch, assuming that it will not mention of what was done in terms of colorectal
work, due to a very poor peristalsis and very pull-through [40, 50–55]. Fortunately, we perceive
abnormal anatomy. Yet, we emphasize the impor- a tendency to change for the good and avoid ileos-
tance of preserving every single piece of bowel in tomies [41–43, 48, 56].
17.2 Pull-Through or “Permanent Stoma” 291

a b

Fig. 17.6 Bowel management through the stoma to determine if the patient is a candidate for a pull-through. (a) Passing
a catheter. (b) Contrast in pouch

17.2 Pull-Through or hand, if the patient has half or one third of the
“Permanent Stoma” normal length of colon, we are not sure if the
patient will be a candidate for a pull-through.
Some patients obviously have a normal length of Under those circumstances, we open the end
colon, and because of that they are candidates for colostomy and watch the patient in terms of
pull-through, since they have the capacity to form growth and development. As mentioned before,
solid stool. Even when most of these patients small pieces of colon sometimes grow much
have a very abnormal sacrum and therefore poor more than what we expected, provided they are
functional prognosis, we believe that they are included into the fecal stream. Therefore, every
candidates for pull-through, because the quality 6 months or every year, the patients come back to
of life that we offer them, with the implementa- our clinic, and we inject water-soluble contrast
tion of our bowel management program, is much material through the stoma and monitor the size
better than the quality of life of patients with an of the piece of colon. In that way, we can
end colostomy. This is something that the patients document its growth and development. At the age
tell us. Therefore, the only contraindication for a when the patient is expected to be clean and dry
pull-through that we recognize at the present in the underwear (usually 3 years old) and the
time, in anorectal malformations, is the incapac- family and the patient are unhappy about having
ity to form solid stool. Since this depends very a stoma, if we are not sure about how good is the
much on the length of the colon, each patient in water absorption capacity of the colon and
this spectrum of defects has a different chance to whether or not the patient will have a successful
have a pull-through. If the patient has no colon bowel management, we offer the family our
and therefore would never be able to have solid “bowel management through the stoma”
stool, we can anticipate that the patient will (Fig. 17.6). This means that we teach the mother
remain with an ileostomy for life. On the other how to give enemas through the stoma itself. The
292 17 Cloacal Exstrophy and Covered Cloacal Exstrophy

goal of the management is to have the patient and Mitrofanoff), and it would be ideal to do it at
with an empty colostomy bag for 24 h after the the same time. The colon is pulled down first,
enema. If we achieve that, it means that the same since it will be placed posterior in the pelvis, and
result can be achieved in the event of taking that the bladder reconstruction must be done after the
stoma down as a neo-anus. Sometimes those pull-through. These are long, technically
patients require not only the enema, but in addi- demanding procedures. It is very important not to
tion, they need a constipating diet and the admin- allow the patient to have a urinary reconstruction
istration of loperamide. If we are successful with and Mitrofanoff prior to the pull-through; other-
this bowel management, the patient and the par- wise, the pull-through will become technically
ents then have an idea of the amount of effort that much more difficult. Since these patients usually
will be required, in the event of a pull-through, have one or sometimes two appendices, we do a
for the patient to stay completely clean in the Malone procedure in order for the patient to
underwear. Sometimes, the parents find that even receive an enema after the pull-through. The type
when the bowel management through the stoma of enema has been previously determined during
is successful, the effort to keep the patient clean a bowel management week through the stoma.
or the stoma bag clean is too much for the patient, If the bowel management fails, in other words,
and they prefer not to go for the pull-through. we are unable to keep the stoma bag clean, we do
However, the enema, given through the stoma, not offer the family a pull-through, and they are
keeps the stoma bag empty, and parents decide to rather invited to come back 1 year later, since we
continue giving the enema through the stoma, have evidence that the water absorption capacity
because at the age when the children are more of the colon improves and the colon grows as time
active, playing sports is very advantageous for goes by. At some point, if the colon is extremely
them to have an empty stoma bag, rather than a short, the patient is growing, and it is becoming
bag full of stool, with the high risk of leaking more and more important to keep the patient dry of
during the school activities. Other parents decide urine, and still the bowel management is not suc-
to go for the pull-through operation. Figure 17.7 cessful, the family may decide, and we respect that
shows an intraoperative view of a pouch colon. It opinion, to go for the urinary reconstruction and
must be tubularized in order to pull it through. keep the patient with a permanent stoma for life. It
Once the decision has been made to do the is at that point that the urologist must feel free to
pull-through, we can tell the urologist about the use the colon and/or small bowel for the urinary
decision; he may want to do some sort of urinary reconstruction. Table 17.1 shows our results in
reconstruction (usually bladder augmentation terms of bowel, and Table 17.2 shows our results
in terms of urinary function.
Due to the advances of sciences and surgical
techniques, we have the opportunity to learn
about the long-term concerns of these patients.
We cannot overemphasize the importance of fol-
lowing our patients as long as possible. Patients

Table 17.1 Urinary control

Results 32 cases
Dry with intermittent catheterization 18
Awaiting for reconstruction 8
Incontinent 2
Voiding spontaneously, continent 1
Too young to assess 3
Fig. 17.7 Intraoperative picture. Pouch colon must be
tailored to pull it down Total 32
17.3 Covered Cloacal Exstrophy 293

Table 17.2 Bowel function

Results 32 cases
Primarily continent 3
Continent with occasional soiling 3
Clean with bowel management 15
Incontinent 2
Too young to assess 5
Permanent ileostomy 4
Total 32

born with cloacal exstrophy are patients for life.

They must be followed by specialized members
of a dedicated team. We are learning about the
gynecologic concerns, including the possibility
of high-risk pregnancies. The urologic concerns
of these patients are multiple and very serious.
Our advances and progress, ironically, are cre-
ating new future challenges. The transition of
care, from pediatrics to adults, in patients with
complex malformations is taking by surprise, and
we are morally responsible for the well-being of
Fig. 17.8 Picture of the abdomen of a patient with a cov-
our patients. ered cloacal exstrophy. Observe the low implantation of
the umbilical cord

17.3 Covered Cloacal Exstrophy

patients have low implantation of the umbilical
We want to describe this subgroup of patients cord (Fig. 17.8). Other times they have an area of
that are born with most of the anatomic defects very thin abdominal wall with separated rectus
seen in those patients born with cloacal exstro- muscle, which represents a “forme fruste” of an
phy. They do have separated pubic bones, not as omphalocele. The perineum is characterized by
severe as in cases of cloacal exstrophy, but sig- the presence of a very large single orifice
nificantly separated. They also have an open (Fig. 17.9a). Because of this, this is considered a
bladder neck, with a very small bladder that usu- cloaca; yet, the size of the orifice is extremely
ally will require a major urinary reconstruction large, compared with the characteristic typical
(usually bladder augmentation and Mitrofanoff), case of a cloaca. If one looks carefully, one can
and frequently they also suffer from the spectrum see the urine constantly coming out through that
of anatomic abnormalities of the colon seen in orifice (Fig. 17.9a). Some cases show four ori-
cases of cloacal exstrophy. This means that they fices in the perineum (Fig. 17.9b), all within the
may have a normal-sized colon or a very short female genitalia.
colon, and in some cases they have the character- This malformation has been described by sev-
istic pouch type of colon that patients with cloa- eral authors before [57–63]. Nowadays it can be
cal exstrophy have. They have imperforate anus diagnosed in utero fairly accurately [64, 65]. It has
with a fistula to the genitalia and also suffer from also been reported in omphalopagus twins [66].
spinal and sacral abnormalities. The only differ- This is the kind of malformation that requires
ence between this subgroup of patients and those a high index of suspicion in order to be diag-
with cloacal exstrophy is the fact that the skin nosed. The key for the diagnosis is to observe
that covers the abdomen is intact. Sometimes the carefully the abdominal wall, to see the low
294 17 Cloacal Exstrophy and Covered Cloacal Exstrophy

a b

Fig. 17.9 Picture of the perineum of a patient with prominences. (b) Another variant. Observe the urethra
covered cloacal exstrophy. (a) Observe the large size of (U), two hemivaginas (V), and rectum (R) opening in the
the single perineal orifice and the two separated pubic vulva

implantation of the umbilical cord, and one can emphasized the importance of not leaving a piece
see two prominences in both sides of the midline of colon attached to the urinary tract, particularly
in the area of the pubis, and by palpation, one can if the patient has a short colon. If the patient has
feel that there is a fibrous band connecting both an intact normal size of colon, conceivably the
separated pubic bones under the skin. The surgeon can do a colostomy with separated sto-
perineum, as was described before, shows a sin- mas and, like in any other type of anorectal mal-
gle orifice, rather large and leaking urine formation, particularly if the rectum is implanted
(Fig. 17.8) [67]. low, near the perineum and is reachable from
It is extremely important for the surgeon to below. Most of the times, these patients do not
make the diagnosis before embarking in the treat- have urinary tract obstruction, and therefore the
ment of these patients. We believe that it is kidneys are well preserved. The patient may con-
important for the family to know what they tinue leaking urine until the age of urinary con-
should expect. We do not like to create false trol (usually 3 years of age), and then important
expectations in the families. The surgeon is con- decisions have to be made concerning the urinary
fronting a case with a very similar dismal func- incontinence, and at that point, the patient will
tional prognosis and sequela than the typical need a major reconstruction. At that age, both
cloacal exstrophy. Obviously, a pediatric urolo- pediatric urologists and pediatric surgeons should
gist might be involved in the management of know how much bowel the patient has, and based
these patients. At birth, the treatment in these on that, what type of gastrointestinal tract is more
patients should include a colostomy. Again, we convenient to use for the augmentation of the
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General Principles
for the Postoperative 18
Management of Patients
with Anorectal Malformations

18.1 General Care a period of 7–10 days after the operation; we

explain that he or she will not be hungry because
As discussed in each one of the specific anorectal we will be providing parenteral nutrition. After
malformations, patients operated with a protec- 7 days from the procedure, we look at the perineum
tive colostomy that underwent a posterior sagittal of the patient. If everything looks well and it seems
repair, without opening the abdomen, are usually to be healing nicely, we let them eat. On the other
fed the same day of the operation. The pain that hand, if we have any doubts or we see dehiscences
these patients suffer from is minimal. We try to of 1, 2, 3, or 4 sutures, either in the anoplasty, in
stay away from strong pain medications, such as the perineum, or in the posterior sagittal incision,
morphine. The patients feel comfortable once we continue the period of fasting for 2 or 3 more
they feel the presence of the parents. We keep days, take the patient to the operating room, and
them in the hospital for 48 h in order to adminis- resuture the dehiscent areas. Very rarely, we have
ter intravenous antibiotics. We do not have cases patients that suffer from a complete dehiscence of
of infections after a posterior sagittal anorecto- the anoplasty without a colostomy. In those cases,
plasty, performed with a protective colostomy. we perform a colostomy and wait until the wound
When the patient is discharged home, we ask is healed, not less than 3 months, in order to
them to come back to the clinic 2 weeks after the reoperate.
operation, to start the process of anal dilatations. Patients who underwent a posterior sagittal
Occasionally, patients suffer from vomiting after anorectoplasty in addition to a laparotomy usu-
the operation; we believe that it is related with the ally start having po feeds 2–4 days after the oper-
anesthesia, since we did not perform any abdomi- ation. That period of time depends very much on
nal surgery. the degree of ileus that the patient suffers from,
When we perform a posterior sagittal anorecto- which is related with the manipulation of the
plasty without a colostomy as described in the bowel during the laparotomy. Sometimes, we
chapter on bowel preparation, the patients receive operate on patients who had previous multiple
GoLYTELY®1; in other words, we clean the entire operations, and we spend long periods of time in
gastrointestinal tract. They also receive a PICC the operating room taking down all the peritoneal
line or central venous catheter in order for them to adhesions. The longest operation that we per-
receive parenteral nutrition. We tell the family that formed so far, nonstop, has been 18 h in a patient
the patient will remain with nothing by mouth for with a cloacal exstrophy in which we were able to
repair the rectal component, the vagina, and the
(Polyethylene glycol/electrolytes) Braintree Laboratories, urinary tract. Those patients obviously would
Braintree, MA., USA remain with nothing by mouth for longer periods

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 299

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_18, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
300 18 General Principles for the Postoperative Management of Patients with Anorectal Malformations

of time because they have a prolonged ileus. We do not leave a Foley catheter. In cloaca patients,
followed the general guidelines that most sur- the type of urinary diversion that we use postop-
geons follow-up after complicated laparotomies. eratively depends on the type of cloaca that the
Babies subjected to long operations (longer patient has (see Chap. 16). We leave a Foley cath-
than 6 h) always go to the intensive care unit. We eter for 2 weeks in a case of a posterior sagittal
have seen a tendency for them to suffer from anorectovaginourethroplasty and total urogenital
respiratory arrest postoperatively. mobilization with a short common channel.
Occasionally, we operate on patients that When the patient has a common channel longer
came to us with a loop colostomy. As we previ- than 3 cm and we enter into the abdomen, we pre-
ously discussed in the chapter of colostomies, fer to leave a suprapubic tube particularly if we
some loop colostomies are totally diverting, and believe that the patient will be able to urinate nor-
we see that the entire stool goes into the stoma mally, before 3 months after the operation. When
bag. However, when those loop colostomies the patient has severe kidney damage, hydrone-
retract a little bit, they pass stool into the distal phrosis, megaureters, and complex malforma-
bowel. When that happens, after the operation, to tions and we believe that it is going to take longer
avoid contamination, there are several maneuvers than 3 months for them to pass urine normally,
that may prevent fecal contamination. One can be we prefer to leave a vesicostomy.
the introduction of a Foley catheter in the distal In male patients with rectourinary fistulas, we
colonic limb, with the balloon inflated for several leave a Foley catheter for 1 week. After a week,
days, to avoid the passing of stool. Another one is the patient comes to the clinic, our nurses pull the
to place a purse string suture in the distal stoma catheter out early in the morning and ask the par-
with a heavy, long-term, absorbable suture to pre- ents to take the baby to walk around and drink a
vent the spillage of stool into the distal limb. lot of fluids, to be sure that the patient is passing
urine normally before sending him home.
Occasionally, the patient shows signs consistent
18.2 Local Care with burning of the urethra during the voiding
episodes; we encourage them to take more fluids
We do not restrain the movements of our patients. and eventually the symptom disappears. It is
We do not tie them to the bed. We do not keep the extremely unusual to see patients in urinary
legs together. We let them walk around and move retention after a technically correct posterior sag-
in any way they want. However, we encourage ittal operation. However, if the patient has a poor
the mother to use a double diaper, to serve as a sacrum, tethered cord, and a very high malforma-
cushion for the bottom. Also, we prevent the tion, we can anticipate that, occasionally, they
patients from jumping and sitting in a rough way may have urinary retention. Under those circum-
after the operation. Because the posterior stances, we leave the Foley catheter for a few
approach is basically painless, the patients start more days and remove it again. If we already
jumping around, and sometimes they injure know that the patient has neurogenic bladder,
themselves. We keep the double diaper for then sometimes we leave a suprapubic tube, in
1 month. We like to use antibiotic ointment on the order for our colleague urologists to evaluate the
posterior sagittal incision, the anoplasty, and the bladder postoperatively with a urodynamic study.
area of the genitalia, in cases of female malfor-
mations. However, we use this ointment only for
5 days, because we have seen that after that, the 18.3 Anal Dilatations
patient has a tendency to suffer from fungus
infection in the perineum. Prior to the repair of anorectal malformations, the
We do not believe that the urine contributes to parents of our children receive a piece of paper
producing dehiscences. In female babies, with a describing our protocol of anal dilatations
rectovestibular fistula or rectovaginal fistula, we (Fig. 18.1).
18.3 Anal Dilatations 301

Fig. 18.1 Anal dilatation. a Anal Dilatation Protocol

(a) Protocol. (b) Size of
dilators according to age • 14 days post-operative the surgeon will determine the initial size of the
Hegar dilator. He will demonstrate how to pass the dilator.

• The parents must perform the dilatation twice a day, passing the dilator
and leaving it inside for 30 seconds.

• Dilatations must be performed before meals.

• The baby must be restrained, keeping the knees against the chest.

• The size of the dilator must be increased every week, until reaching the
desired size, according to the patient’s age.

• Once final size has been reached, dilatations must continue twice a day
until the dilator passes easily. At that point, the parents must start tapering
the frequency of dilatations, guided by the following sequence:

– Once a day for one month

– Every other day for one month

– Every third day for one month

– Two times a week for one month

– Once a week for one month

– Once a month for three months

b Size of Dilators According to Age

Age Hegar #

0 – 4 months #12

4 – 8 months #13

8 – 12 months #14

1 – 3 years #15

3 – 12 years #16

> 12 years #17

(Hegar numbers represent millimeters in diameter)

We encourage the parents of our patients to chological trauma produced in the children, due
read the protocol and memorize it, before coming to the pain that we provoke with these
to the clinic 2 weeks after our procedure. dilatations.
We have been in national and international As an answer for criticisms related with our
meetings, in which some surgeons question the protocol of anal dilatations, we always explain
need to perform anal dilatations in patients with that patients subjected to pull-throughs follow-
anorectal malformations. In fact, some surgeons ing old, rather rude, grotesque surgical tech-
have expressed a negative impression about the niques end up having an anoplasty that actually
use of dilatations, because of the potential psy- looks like a colostomy (Fig. 18.2). We agree
302 18 General Principles for the Postoperative Management of Patients with Anorectal Malformations

Fig. 18.3 Postoperative appearance of a technically cor-

rect anoplasty, in a patient with good sphincter mecha-
nism. The anus is closed. The patient needs anal
Fig. 18.2 Grotesque, prolapsed anoplasty. Does not dilatation
require dilatations

the end of the procedure, the anus has the size

that in the type of repair, the patients do not of a normal anus for the age of the patient.
need dilatations. However, in patients that are However, when we remove the retention
subjected to technically correct surgical tech- sutures that are holding the anus open, the anus
niques to repair anorectal malformations, par- closes by the effect of the sphincter mechanism
ticularly if the patient has good sphincter that surrounds it. If we leave it that way, it is
mechanism and the rectum is placed within the going to heal that way. That is the reason why
limits of the sphincter, at the end of the proce- we believe that it is necessary to follow our
dure, as can be seen in the pictures that we protocol of anal dilatations. We emphasized
show after the surgical repair of each malfor- the importance of starting the dilatations
mation, the anus looks closed (Fig. 18.3). This 2 weeks after surgery, not earlier, not later.
is consecutive to the effect of the sphincter. Earlier than that, we would be concerned about
This is seen in good anorectal malformations damaging the sutures; later than that, we would
subjected to good repairs. If the patient is left be concerned about finding already fibrosis
like that with a colostomy, for several months, that would make the dilatation process most
the anus is going to heal that way and is going difficult.
to suffer from a stricture. We believe that what Difficult dilatations that produce a lot of pain
we do are not really dilatations, but we rather and bleeding occur when the rectum that was
want the anus of the patient to heal with the pulled down suffered from ischemia, and in spite
rectum open, in the way we left it at the end of of the efforts of the doctors, those cases usually
the procedure. When we do the anoplasty in the end up having a severe anal stricture.
way that can be seen in diagrams and pictures We definitely oppose the routine followed by
in the chapters of this book, one can see that at some surgeons, consisting of trying to avoid pain
18.4 Avoiding Constipation 303

to the patient and booking the anal dilatations month, twice a week for a month, once every
under anesthesia once a week. The doctors do 2 weeks for a month, and then stop the dilatations.
that to calm the anxiety of the parents. Under We are very emphatic when we explain to the par-
anesthesia, the patient does not complain, and as ents about the importance of dilatations, and we
a consequence, the doctors tend to over-dilate the explain that not following the routine of dilata-
anus, producing injuries to the suture line. In the tions may provoke anal stenosis that would be
following days, the anus is not dilated; the inju- impossible to dilate, and the patient may require
ries tend to heal, producing fibrosis. This is fol- an operation. When the anoplasty has been done
lowed by another traumatic dilatation every correctly, when the blood supply of the distal rec-
week, with more fibrosis. In those cases, we see tum is good, and when the technique has been
patients coming to our clinic with severe fibrosis meticulous, the dilatations are not really painful.
that is impossible to dilate. Because of that, we Most of our patients subjected to primary
are very strict about our protocol. In the clinic repairs of anorectal malformations were only a
2 weeks after surgery, we show the parents how few months old, and it is our experience that
to dilate the anus and we passed a dilator that the those patients really do not have pain during the
baby does not even feel. It is usually a no. 6 or no. anal dilatations.
8 Hegar. We do that in order for the mother to When we reoperate patients that are older than
gain confidence performing dilatations. We show 2 years old, dilatations become a problem,
the father how to hold the baby with the knees because the patient comes to us already trauma-
against the chest, to really immobilize him/her in tized from previous procedures and painful dila-
order to avoid showing the mother a “moving tar- tations. Under those circumstances, particularly
get,” which would make the mother more anx- when we know that the patients have a bad prog-
ious. With the baby completely immobilized, the nosis type of malformation and we are dealing
mother passes the dilator well lubricated, leaves with a reoperation, we actually tried to make the
the dilator in place for 30 s, and repeats the anus a little larger than normal in diameter, being
maneuver twice in the morning and twice at aware that during the healing process, it will
night. We encourage the mother to do the dilata- decrease a little bit in diameter but still will be
tion before meals, to avoid the possibility of adequate to pass stool. This facilitates the dilata-
vomiting and aspiration. We specifically tell the tions and avoids any pain. Older patients are very
parents to increase the size of the dilator by one difficult to restrain in order to do dilatations, and
size per week (1 mm per week) and continue it is a more traumatic experience.
increasing the size until they reach the size that is
adequate for the age of the patient. Based on our
previous experience, we believe that a normal 18.4 Avoiding Constipation
anal size for a full-term newborn is a no. 12
Hegar dilator, for a 4-month-old baby a no. 13, Constipation is by far the most common sequela
for an 8-month-old baby a no. 14, and for 1-year- seen in patients born with anorectal malforma-
old baby a no. 15 Hegar. Older than that, usually tions and subjected to surgical procedures that
we recommend to go up to no. 16 Hegar dilator include the preservation of the rectum. The resec-
(Fig. 18.1b). tion of the rectum in patients with anorectal mal-
Once the parents reach the adequate size for formations followed by a pull-through of colon
the age of the patient, we encourage them to con- certainly may avoid the problem of constipation,
tinue doing the dilatations twice a day until the but for sure it will produce fecal incontinence.
dilator goes easily and painlessly. At that point, We keep insisting that the rectum represents the
the parents are supposed to start tapering the fre- natural reservoir of the human being and there-
quency of dilatations. In other words, they move fore must be preserved as much as possible.
from the routine of doing it twice a day to once a Patients with anorectal malformations suffer
day, for a month, and then every other day for a from a hypomotility disorder of the rectosigmoid,
304 18 General Principles for the Postoperative Management of Patients with Anorectal Malformations

which translates in constipation. The constipa- persons do not know that passing stool does not
tion is more severe in patients with lower defects necessarily mean that the patient is not consti-
(recto-perineal fistula, rectovestibular fistula, and pated. Sometimes patients can pass many bowel
imperforate anus with no fistula); these patients movements, but they do not empty, and therefore,
suffer from more constipation than patients with they suffer from severe constipation. If the patient
recto-bladder neck fistulas. We do not know the goes one entire day without a bowel movement,
reason for that. It is important to remember and to before the baby goes to sleep, the parents must
be more proactive and aggressive in preventing give the small glycerin enema and must increase
and managing the constipation of those patients the amount of laxatives or will start the adminis-
that are at higher risk. When the patients have tration of laxatives if they have not given laxa-
been with a colostomy, for long periods of time tives yet. We prefer to use senna derivative type
particularly if it is a transverse colostomy, with- of laxatives from day one, because it has a better
out repair of the malformation, they come to us and more controlled effect. Pediatricians in gen-
with a severe megarectum and sometimes fecally eral prefer to use a different type of laxatives,
impacted, they suffer from more severe constipa- such as lactulose. The problem with those laxa-
tion, and it is important to anticipate that to avoid tives is that they have a tendency to produce liq-
aggravation of the problem. uid stools, which is one of the enemies of patients
Avoiding constipation must start when we with anorectal malformations. We do not know
open a colostomy; we insist on the importance of the amount of laxatives that every patient needs;
cleaning the distal colon at the time of the open- we know that every patient needs a different
ing of the colostomy and to keep the colon col- amount, and we determine the amount by trial
lapsed from day one. In addition, we try to avoid and error with each patient. As a routine, we
transverse colostomies and try to repair the mal- order an abdominal x-ray film 1 week after the
formations as early as possible to avoid dilatation colostomy closure or after the pull-through; sub-
of the distal end. sequently, we order films to be taken after
We, as well as the parents, must be ready to 2 weeks and 1, 3, and 6 months. Even when the
deal with the problem of constipation after the parents tell us that the patient is doing very well
colostomy is closed (in patients with colostomies) and they think that he is not constipated, by fol-
or after the main repair, when the repair is done lowing this routine, we detect many times severe
without a colostomy. We have long conversations constipation that the parents were unaware of and
with the parents of our patients and try to make we can give laxatives to avoid that problem. Once
them paranoid against constipation. We tell them we start with laxatives, we explain to the parents
that constipation produces fecal incontinence. We that that must be given on a permanent basis.
know that it is actually overflow pseudoinconti- We explain to the parents that from the time
nence, but we try to make the parents aware of the the colostomy is closed and until the age of bowel
importance of taking care of the constipation. In control (2 1/2 to 3 years), their work and respon-
the chapter of bowel management, we described a sibility consists of:
group of patients that had a good repair, of a good (a) Avoiding constipation
prognosis type of malformation, but did not (b) Trying to achieve regularity in bowel
receive care for constipation; as a consequence, movements
they suffer from severe fecal impaction, megarec- Patients with anorectal malformations suffer
tum, and fecal overflow pseudoincontinence. We from a colonic (mainly rectosigmoid) hypomotil-
try to avoid that in our patients. ity disorder, and if we leave them alone, they tend
The parents take home a little glycerin enema to pass a small amount of stool through the day,
to be used only if necessary. The golden rule is to not really emptying. That is why they need help to
be sure that the patient passes stool every day. In empty the rectosigmoid completely. In addition,
addition, the parents must develop the sense that many of them do not have the excellent regularity
the patient is really emptying the colon. Many of the motility of the rectosigmoid of normal
18.5 Toilet Training 305

human beings, who usually empty the rectosig- 3, and we believe that the child must go to school
moid all at once, every day. After 1 year of age, either toilet trained, like all other children, or
we encourage the parents to give the patients only completely clean in the underwear, because of
three meals per day and no snacks in between. By the bowel management that we provide. We are
doing that, we try to produce a gastrocolic reflex very much against the idea of sending a child to
only three times a day and not seven times, like school knowing that everybody is using normal
many children that have snacks in between. It is underwear except our patient. We believe that
much easier to toilet train a child that has two or that is not good from the psychological point of
three bowel movements in a day at a predictable view.
time. The opposite, a patient that suffers from epi- For the patients that have malformations with
sodes of diarrhea followed by episodes of consti- a functional prognosis that is considered in the
pation is very difficult to toilet train. middle of the spectrum, in other words, patients
We explain to the parents that the big enemies that have about 50 or 60 % chance to have vol-
of our patients are two: untary bowel movements by the age of 3, such
A. Diarrhea as cases with rectoprostatic fistula, if the patient
B. Constipation is not toilet trained by the time that the parents
We try to keep the patients right in between. want to send him to school, we offer our bowel
We want them to empty the rectosigmoid every management program and explain to the parents
day and have soft but formed stool. We do all that that it will not be necessarily for life. Every
trial and error, and we educate the parents to year, the patient should come to our clinic, and
achieve our goal. we will try to stop the enemas (bowel manage-
ment) and see how much bowel control the
patient has, when subjected to a regime that
18.5 Toilet Training includes giving three meals per day, laxatives,
and fiber with the purpose of making the stool
It is very important to determine the future func- bulky. If the patient does not gain bowel control,
tional prognosis, as early as possible in patients we encourage the parents to go back to the
with anorectal malformations. When the patients bowel management with enemas, for another
belong to the “poor prognosis” group (poor year, and come back later, because every year
sacrum, tethered cord, bladder neck fistula), we we have more chances to toilet train the patient.
do not encourage them to try to toilet train their Every year, the patient will be more cooperative
children. We try not to create false expectations. and more interested in being clean with the
The toilet training in our patients with a good management plan.
or reasonably good functional prognosis usually Concerning the urinary control, we can very
starts by the age of 2. If we achieve our goal of much predict what kind of urinary function the
having our patients free of constipation with the patient will have, based on the original anatomy
use or without the use of laxatives and also if we and the associated defects of the sacrum and
achieve our goal of producing one to three bowel tethered cord. A normal baby, at that age of
movements, at regular times, during the day at 1 year old, most likely is not toilet trained for
predictable times, then it is relatively easy to toi- urine; however, it is very easy to observe that the
let train the patients. baby passes urine in episodes, about every 3 or
In cases with poor functional prognosis, we 4 h, with a good stream and then remains com-
encourage the family to start our bowel manage- pletely dry in between voiding episodes. That
ment program by the age of 3. We arbitrarily patient has good functional prognosis, and we do
selected the age of 3 because many children, at not need a urodynamic study to know that he will
least in the United States, are in diapers even have urinary control. On the other hand, if we
between 2 and 3 years of age. In addition, many see a 1-year-old baby dribbling urine constantly,
parents send the children to school by the age of obviously the patient will have problems with
306 18 General Principles for the Postoperative Management of Patients with Anorectal Malformations

urinary control. Patients who have a large blad- more difficult to manage. Our urologist col-
der, rather atonic, difficult to empty, benefit from leagues would indicate intermittent catheteriza-
intermittent catheterization and, due to the fact tion not only to keep the patient dry but also for
that the bladder is hypotonic, they remain dry in reasons such as to protect the upper urinary tract
between catheterizations. Patients that have a and kidneys, particularly when the patient has
hypertonic bladder and a poor bladder neck are neurogenic bladder and reflux.
Postoperative Evaluation

It is very obvious that every day we feel the need the same about “stool consistency,” “stool odor,”
and the pressure to evaluate the results of our “constipation,” and “modifications of the diet.”
operations in the most objective possible way. Other highly controversial concepts included in
One of the biggest problems of medicine and these scores are, for instance [5]: “Does stool
surgery through history is the difficulty to mea- leak so that you have to change your underwear?”
sure, if possible with numbers, the quality of our “Does bowel or stool leakage cause you to alter
results. your lifestyle?” One of the first scores created
In an effort to be objective in the measure- to try to measure bowel control in an anorectal
ment of the bowel control, different surgeons malformation was designed by Kelly [6] but,
created scores. Unfortunately, all of these scores unfortunately, includes very subjective concepts,
that have been published until now are basically such as “strength of puborectalis muscle action
deficient, because they include very subjective on digital examination.”
issues. Some of them [1] try to give points to Another very serious problem that we found
subjective and abstract concepts such as “extra in all of our literature review is that when dis-
underpants for liners needed,” “social problems,” cussing results, in terms of bowel control, unfor-
“activity restrictions,” and “rashes.” Obviously, tunately, most of the times, the surgeons continue
those concepts do not reflect the real result of an using the old, archaic, misleading classifica-
operation. Others [2] include concepts such as tion that divides the malformations into “high,”
“influence in lifestyle,” “need to wear pad,” “tak- “intermediate,” and “low.” In addition, most of
ing constipation medicine,” and “lack of activity” those papers do not include a description of the
to “defer defecation for 15 min.” Other scores characteristics of the sacrum and/or the presence
[3] are extremely extensive, sophisticated, and or absence of tethered cord. Those big deficien-
complicated and therefore cannot be used on an cies obviously disqualify many papers.
everyday basis; in addition, they are full of sub- We propose that in the future, when we dis-
jective concepts not necessarily relevant to bowel cuss results in terms of bowel control, we describe
control such as “in the last week has your child malformation per malformation, in other words,
experienced constipation?” “In the last week, bladder neck fistula patients, prostatic fistula,
has your child experience pain in the abdomen?” bulbar fistula, etc., since each one of those has a
Even when some of these scores have been “vali- different prognosis. In addition, we must subdi-
dated,” we considered them highly inadequate. vide them into those with normal sacrum and
Other scores [4] include a very controversial con- those with a very deficient one. A very deficient
cept such as “frequency of defecation” that is not sacrum is one with a sacral ratio lower than 0.4.
necessarily related to bowel control. We can say In addition, we must indicate if the patient has

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 307

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_19, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
308 19 Postoperative Evaluation

tethered cord or not. We will be comparing rectal of the action of the “puborectalis muscle.” Yet,
prostatic fistula with rectal prostatic fistula, bul- the studies were difficult to interpret, basically
bar with bulbar, perineal with perineal, etc. because in those years, anorectal malformations
Frequency of bowel movements is not neces- were still classified as “high,” “intermediate,”
sarily related to the potential for bowel control and “low.” The findings of those studies demon-
or the quality of the procedure that was used to strated that the presence of that angle, in general,
repair a malformation. The frequency of bowel correlates with good clinic results but not 100 %.
movements depends on the length of the colon The concept was reintroduced by Yagi, doing
and/or the possibility of the patient’s suffering what he calls “postoperative fecal flow metric
from some sort of irritation or inflammation of analysis” in patients with anorectal malforma-
the colon. Likewise, the presence or absence of tions [8]. It is a very sophisticated study, but it
constipation does not necessarily relate to the does not tell us anything new and does not help
quality of the operation or the capacity of the us in the management of our patients. The same
patient to have bowel control. Constipation rep- concept of the anorectal angle was again used
resents rather a hypomotility disorder that, as we to compare the results between posterior sagit-
discussed in this textbook, is aggravated by many tal anorectoplasty and the laparoscopic approach,
other factors. In other words, there are patients but unfortunately, the authors still refer to the
with severe constipation but continent; and there malformations in terms of “high” and “interme-
are other patients that have no constipation and diate” [9].
they are incontinent. We should discuss sepa- Early in our practice, we performed defeco-
rately the results in terms of constipation and the grams in all of our patients, and in general, a
results in terms of bowel control. good angle was more frequently associated with
In summary, we do not use any scores in the patients with bowel control, but not necessarily in
evaluation of our patients. The optimal best result all cases. Very soon we learned that bowel con-
in the repair of an anorectal malformation is to trol was something much more complex to
have a patient that behaves like a normal individ- evaluate.
ual, in other words, a person that has voluntary Rectal manometry has been a very popular
bowel movements and does not soil or smear the study. We exposed our methodological doubts
underwear. That is what we call totally continent about the validity of that study (see Chap. 25,
patients. Another category of patients are those Sect. 25.3.2). Again, the authors keep referring to
who have voluntary bowel movements. In other the anorectal malformations as “high” and “low”;
words, the patient tells the parents that he/she they even claim that they can manometrically
wants to use the toilet, voluntarily; he/she goes evaluate the quality of the “internal sphincter”
there and has a bowel movement; occasionally, [10–16]. The quality of the sacrum as well as the
the mother sees the underwear with smears or presence or absence of tethered cord is not men-
soiling. The third category includes patients that tioned in those papers.
are totally incontinent; because they do not have CT scan evaluation of anorectal malformations
voluntary bowel movements, they simply pass has frequently been used. Obviously, the images
stool in the underwear. We realized that we are have better definition than the previous radio-
still far away from being able to quantify with logic studies [17]. Unfortunately, CT scans show
numbers our results, but we believe that this is only transverse sections of the pelvis; therefore,
a better way to evaluate patients with anorectal when the rectum is completely anterior or poste-
malformations. riorly mislocated, the study is not good enough.
Efforts have been made in the past to evaluate On the other hand, when the rectum is placed into
bowel control, using radiology. Justin Kelly pub- the ischiorectal fossa, the study is valid and may
lished some of the first studies on defecograms in guide us to make a decision about repositioning
anorectal malformations [7]. He emphasized the of the rectum within the limits of the sphincter
importance of the rectal angle, as a manifestation (see Chap. 22). Unfortunately, sagittal views are
References 309

not seen in this kind of study, and we consider able to see a distinct “puborectalis muscle,” as
that an important deficiency. We were ecstatic and well as an “internal sphincter” with this study;
happily surprised to read in one of the papers that and yet, when we look at the images that they
the authors no longer refer to the puborectalis and provide, we only see a continuum of muscle and
internal or external sphincter, but rather mention no separation between those structures [26–29].
the “muscle complex” [18]. We were also very Some authors claim not only to be able to see the
happy to see that some of the publications related “internal sphincter” in the MRI study, but they
with computed tomography in anorectal malfor- evaluate the sphincter, creating what they call an
mations were very honest papers, in which the “internal sphincter score” [30]. The MRI study
authors mentioned that the clinical application of has been used by others to “compare differences
those imaging findings were not applicable in the between patients with constipation and fecal
everyday practice [19–21]. incontinence” [31]. We do not believe that this
Electromyography has also been used to eval- excellent imaging study is necessary to differen-
uate the sphincter mechanism in patients with tiate those two conditions.
anorectal malformations [22–24]. The informa- In summary, we only use MRI studies in
tion obtained with electromyography does not patients that were already operated on in the past,
help us to make any decision preoperative or and we want to know the specific location of the
postoperative. We believe that there is no need to rectum as related with the sphincter mechanism.
use an electromyographic study to see a sphincter Preoperatively, we find difficult to do the MRI,
that we already saw directly during an operation. logistically speaking, in little babies, because
We have the feeling that sometimes the doctors they need heavy sedation or anesthesia.
who perform sophisticated studies do it with a spe- Endosonography has been used mainly in
cific goal in mind, to find the preconceived struc- adults to evaluate the sphincter mechanism pre-
tures that they learned, such as “external sphincter,” operatively and postoperatively. We feel that the
“puborectalis,” and “internal sphincter.” images provided by that study are not nearly as
We are extremely enthusiastic about the MRI accurate as an MRI study. In addition, there is no
technology to evaluate the anatomy of the pelvis, study that tells us exactly at what levels of the
particularly in anorectal malformations. We anorectum are the images taken from [32].
believe that the MRI studies provide the best The reading about the literature related with
images that reflect the real anatomy of the patient. imaging technology confirms the old saying:
In fact, we feel that the MRI studies confirm our “our eyes see only what we want to see.”
operative findings and our concepts, related with
the anatomy of the sphincter mechanism in a nor-
mal individual and in patients with anorectal mal-
formations (see Chap. 2). We use MRI studies References
when we deal with complex malformations and
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Bowel Management
for the Treatment of Fecal 20

20.1 Introduction previously received enemas that resulted in no

improvement. Some even say that enemas actu-
We use the term “bowel management for the ally make their son or daughter worse in terms
treatment of fecal incontinence” to refer to a pro- of bowel control. That parent’s reaction is under-
gram implemented at our institution which is standable. The bowel management program that
designed to keep patients who suffer from fecal we implement in our clinic includes therapeutic
incontinence artificially clean in the underwear elements (enemas, constipating diet, and medica-
[1–3]. The management basically consists of the tions to slow down the colonic motility) that have
administration of an individually designed enema been widely used in the past in the management
that is given once a day, which allows the patient of fecal incontinence. However, we like to say
to remain completely clean in the underwear for that we use the same therapeutic elements, but
24 h. In a number of cases, the program includes with a specific, different rationale that allows us
the medical manipulation of the colonic motility to have a high degree of success. We explain this
with a specific diet and/or medication such as to the parents and ask them for patience and tol-
loperamide.1 erance, so we can demonstrate that the same ther-
Enemas have been used for the management apeutic elements (enemas, diet, and medication)
of fecal incontinence for many years with vari- when used following a systematic rationale may
able results [4–12]. When the patients come to have much better results.
our clinic and their parents learn about what our The basic principles of our program are:
bowel management program is all about, it is not • Every patient needs a different type of enema
unusual for us to perceive their disappointment. because each one has a different type of colon
They frequently explain to us that they expected a (size and motility).
more sophisticated management of fecal inconti- • The only way to monitor the efficiency and
nence; in fact, they frequently say that their child effectiveness of an enema is by taking an
abdominal x-ray film to determine the amount
and distribution of stool in the colon
Loperamide HCl 2 mg simethicone 125 mg (in each
caplet) slows the rate at which the stomach and intestines
before and after the enema. Every day (during
move. It also increases the density of stools and reduces 1 week), we readjust the volume, concentration,
the amount of fluid in the stool.

Electronic supplementary material Supplementary

material is available in the online version of this chapter at

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 311

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_20, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
312 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

and content of the enema, according to the enough, we started seeing patients not operated
specific patient’s reaction and the radiologic on by us, suffering from fecal incontinence. In
image of his or her abdomen. fact, nowadays, most of the patients that we take
• It is extremely important, as a first step, to care of in our bowel management clinic are
determine the patient’s specific type of colonic patients operated on at other institutions. What
motility in order to be successful. We infer we convey here is the result of an accumulated
this from a contrast enema. experience with the management of approxi-
The bowel management program at our insti- mately 800 patients suffering from different types
tution was created by trial and error, out of our of fecal incontinence.
desperation, provoked by the follow-up of many The bowel management program is only a
patients who suffered from this devastating prob- medical and not a surgical treatment. Yet, most
lem (fecal incontinence). During this long pro- pediatricians and gastroenterologists are not
cess (30 years), we learned many lessons, and we familiar with this kind of management, and sur-
believe that we now have reached an important geons are usually “too busy” to perform medical
degree of expertise that allows us to have very treatments. As a consequence, many fecally
good results, and with that, we have improved the incontinent patients remain rather abandoned,
quality of life of many children [1–3]. looking for centers where they can receive the
In dealing with anorectal malformations, benefit of a well-integrated, comprehensive,
clearly, a perfect initial anatomic reconstruction bowel management program.
is only part of the job. After the operation, we We have found that bowel management pro-
are obligated to continue following our patients grams are not popular. There are several reasons
in order to manage the expected functional that may explain this. Hospitals like to advertise
sequelae; the ultimate goal being a child with what they do, but usually they advertise “elegant”
clean and dry underwear. conditions and procedures. The public relations
It is unacceptable to operate on a patient and departments of hospitals like to advertise, for
let other professionals, not knowledgeable about example, when the institution performs the first
our procedures, take care of the functional cardiac transplant, when they inaugurate a depart-
sequelae related to our operations. ment of fetal surgery, or when they make an
In retrospect, from our own experience in the advance in the management of cancer. In addi-
surgical treatment of anorectal malformations, tion, generally speaking, the media does not like
we have learned that roughly 75 % of our patients to talk about fecal incontinence, stool, urine, and
have voluntary bowel movements [13]. This sexual problems. To advertise the opening of a
means the child is capable of verbalizing his or department for bowel management is “not ele-
her desire to use the toilet voluntarily and suc- gant.” In fact, we found that many doctors in the
cessfully. Unfortunately, half of that 75 % group United States or in other countries perform an
still soils the underwear occasionally. Usually operation to repair an anorectal malformation,
those episodes of soiling are a manifestation of a and then, when the patient goes back to their
degree of fecal impaction as a consequence of a clinic suffering from fecal incontinence, the sur-
mistreated problem of constipation. Once we geons refer the patient to us, for the bowel man-
readjust the amount of laxatives, the patient usu- agement, and sometimes they use derogatory
ally responds very well, and the soiling disap- terms such as “go to that clinic to learn how to
pears. That leaves us with approximately 25 % of give enemas.” It is a very common misconception
patients who suffer from total fecal incontinence. to believe that bowel management is equivalent
It is this group of patients for whom we feel mor- to giving enemas. In this chapter, we try to show
ally obligated to get them clean and from whom that the bowel management program is much
we got the motivation to create, step by step, a more than giving an enema.
series of principles and maneuvers that we now We also believe that the bowel management
call the “bowel management program.” Soon program is not popular because it does not pay
20.1 Introduction 313

well. Most insurance companies do not even management, and the overwhelming majority of
know what a bowel management program is. As homosexuals have never received bowel
the reader will be able to learn from this chap- management.
ter, it takes a significant amount of time and Finally, many parents believe that subject-
effort from surgeons and nurses to implement ing their child to a bowel management program
the bowel management in a single child, and may interfere with the natural toilet training pro-
insurance companies do not compensate for all cess. This is false. In fact, we are convinced that
this. It is rather ironic that, at the present time, the bowel management may help the patient to
a surgeon can charge about ten times more become toilet trained. A temporary bowel man-
money for a 30-min operation than he can for a agement in a patient that has borderline bowel
1-week treatment that requires a lot of dedication control allows the patient to gain self-confidence
and work with a child with fecal incontinence. by feeling clean, not smelly, attend school, and
Yet, the bowel management program allowed us play with other children without being worried
to improve the quality of life, more than with any about having “accidents” in the underwear. If
operation that we have done and in many more the patient has some potential for bowel control,
children. the bowel management is considered temporary
In addition, there is certain reluctance by par- and gives the patient the opportunity of being
ents to accept the bowel management program. absolutely clean. The toilet training process can
This is based on certain misconceptions. These subsequently be attempted during the summer
include the idea that the enemas may produce vacations, having more chance of success, partic-
malnutrition in children because some parents ularly when the child already experienced being
think that the enemas wash out nutrients from the clean and odorless. It will be easy for a child that
bowel. We have to go through a long explana- has been clean for several months to perceive
tion, including showing diagrams, to explain that when he is soiled with stool. A child that grows
enemas only remove the waste material from the up with diapers and stool in the underwear all the
colon and not the nutrients from the small bowel. time becomes accustomed to that and sometimes
In addition, we have never seen a patient suffer- is more difficult to train.
ing from malnutrition related to the administra- Once we are successful with the bowel man-
tion of enemas. agement regimen and keep the patients com-
Another frequent misconception of many par- pletely clean, provided the patients are old enough
ents is the idea that once they start the bowel to understand what an operation is all about, we
management, it is going to be for life. This con- discuss with the parents and the patients the pos-
cept is partly true. Many patients, of course, were sibility of performing an operation that will allow
born with severe anatomic defects that allow us the patient to receive enemas in an antegrade man-
to predict that most likely they will never have ner. This is through a small orifice or an artificial
bowel control, and therefore we may reasonably device, located in the abdominal wall, connected
believe that the bowel management will be neces- with the colon of the patient, frequently through
sary for life, unless a new scientific advance the cecal appendix (see Chap. 21). This has been
allows us to offer them something better. called Malone [14] or ACE procedure (antegrade
However, there are many other patients that have continent enema). There are many techniques and
a borderline kind of bowel control, who may ben- different ways to do it. There is no question that
efit from a temporary bowel management and these antegrade enema procedures, or techniques,
who later in life develop bowel control. are beneficial and contribute to improve the qual-
Another misconception is the idea that the fre- ity of life of many patients. However, we firmly
quent administration of enemas will make a male believe that these procedures are only indicated
patient a homosexual. There is no evidence that when the surgeon has demonstrated that the bowel
this could happen. Homosexuality is not more management is successful. We have seen a signifi-
common among patients who received bowel cant number of patients that were operated on at
314 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

other institutions, undergoing different types of

antegrade enema procedures; in whom the proce-
dures were successful, but the patients were still
dirty with stool in the underwear, simply because
the surgeon never implemented a good bowel
management program. We consider it highly inad-
equate to offer an antegrade enema operation to a
patient in whom the surgeon never proved or dem-
onstrated that the bowel management worked. If
enemas given through the rectum fail to keep the
patient clean, most likely they will be equally inef-
ficient when given in an antegrade fashion.

Fig. 20.1 Destroyed anal canal

20.2 Goals of the Bowel
Management Program
is most likely preserved. Unfortunately, we
The bowel management program was designed to see many patients who had an operation that
take care of patients who suffer from fecal inconti- destroyed the anal canal (Fig. 20.1); the surgeon
nence, from different origins, not only anorectal resected it during the dissection and anastomosed
malformations. Our goal is to keep the patient arti- the normoganglionic bowel to the perianal skin,
ficially completely clean 24 h per day, so the patient leaving no trace of anal canal, which most likely
can be socially accepted, attend school, play, and will make that patient fecally incontinent for life.
become psychologically adjusted to society. Another group of patients that suffer from
The majority of fecally incontinent patients fecal incontinence are those who are born with
that we treat are patients that were born with myelomeningocele and spina bifida. This group
anorectal malformations, some of them operated represents a population of patients much larger
on by us, but the majority of them were repaired than the population of anorectal malformations
in other centers. Another group of fecally incon- and Hirschsprung’s disease [15]. We have not
tinent patients were born with Hirschsprung’s been actively advertising our program in that
disease; they were operated on and subse- population, because we do not have the logistic
quently suffer from fecal incontinence. This is capacity to take care of so many patients, particu-
very unfortunate because theoretically patients larly with the limitations that were already men-
with Hirschsprung’s disease who are born with tioned, in terms of reimbursement, time, and
an intact continence mechanism, which receive personnel. However, we have treated a significant
a technically correct operation, should not suf- number of these patients who definitely benefited
fer from fecal incontinence; yet, we have treated from our bowel management program.
many such patients (see Chap. 24). Part of our Other patients were born with sacrococcygeal
routine evaluation of patients with Hirschsprung’s teratomas or other kinds of tumors in the pelvis.
disease, who suffer from fecal incontinence, The tumors or the resection of those tumors dam-
includes an examination under anesthesia to aged the structures that are important for bowel
determine the integrity of the anal canal. In a control and led the patient to suffer from fecal
technically correct operation for Hirschsprung’s, incontinence. Finally, patients who suffered from
the patient’s anal canal and the dentate line should severe pelvic trauma that damaged the mecha-
have been preserved intact. Having an intact anal nism of continence may also benefit from this
canal means that the sensation (indispensable program. Occasionally, we take care of patients
to have bowel control) most likely is preserved born with sacral agenesis without an anorectal
and also that the voluntary sphincter mechanism malformation.
20.3 Evaluation of the Patient for Bowel Management 315

20.3 Evaluation of the Patient spine, and MRI of the spine to rule out tethered
for Bowel Management cord).
Learning about these allows us to predict
Characteristically, we receive letters, phone calls, whether or not the bowel management will be
or e-mails of families of patients who hear about given on a permanent basis or temporarily
us, from pediatricians or pediatric surgeons, or (depends on the functional prognosis of the orig-
they learn about our center through the Internet. inal malformation and the associated problems).
They send a letter or an e-mail asking for help. Also, this will help us to detect a very special
We ask them to send us copies of the operative and interesting group of patients that were born
reports of their child and request several studies with a “good prognosis” type of defect. They
that can be done at home and sent to us, or alter- underwent a technically correct operation, they
natively, the patient and the family may come to never received adequate treatment for their
our center and have the studies done here. These constipation, and they suffer from overflow
studies include: pseudoincontinence. They only require laxa-
• X-ray films of the sacrum and lumbar spine in tives and no enemas!!
AP and lateral positions to evaluate for scolio- • Second, we want to learn about the type of
sis and spinal hemivertebrae and to assess the colonic motility that the patient has, which is
development of the sacrum from which we the key for success. (For that we use the con-
can partially infer the functional prognosis of trast enema.)
the specific malformation • Third, we want to find out untreated or poorly
• Kidney ultrasound and voiding cystourethro- treated associated defects (mainly urologic).
gram to evaluate for associated urologic This will be discussed separately due to its
problems importance. This is the reason to request a kid-
• Contrast enema with water-soluble contrast ney ultrasound, voiding cystourethrogram,
material and without bowel preparation and MRI of the spine and pelvis. We also want
• MRI of the pelvis (Peña/Patel protocol)2 – to know whether or not the rectum following
mainly in patients born with complex the pull-through is located within the limits
malformations of the sphincter; the MRI done with a special
• MRI of the spine – to rule out the presence of technique (Peña/Patel protocol)3 is the best
tethered cord or other associated spinal and way to determine this.
cord problems We evaluate all those studies, elaborate a man-
• A voiding cystourethrogram in cases with an agement plan, and then give the patient an
abnormal kidney ultrasound or urinary appointment to come to our clinic.
symptoms A few years ago, we decided to run our bowel
The purposes of performing all these studies management program only during one specific
in all patients that come to our clinic suffering week every month rather than daily. During
from fecal incontinence include: that particular week, we see between 15 and 40
• First, we want to find out the specific type of patients, all gathered for evaluation and manage-
malformation that they were born with and ment of fecal incontinence. We start the first day
their associated malformations (operative with a conference from one of us (surgeons) to
reports, x-rays of the sacrum and lumbar welcome the parents and to explain generalities
about the bowel management program. That is
MRI Peña/Patel protocol: The purpose of this study is to followed by a lecture by one of our nurses to talk
determine the position of the rectum in relationship to the about different types of enemas and techniques
sphincteric mechanism. We try to see if the rectum is ante- of enema administration. Then, in our clinic we
riorly, posteriorly, or laterally mislocated, in relation to
see each one of the patients to discuss, on an
the sphincter mechanism. In addition, we look for other
abnormalities such as posterior urethral diverticulum fre-
quently found in these patients. See footnote 2.
316 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

individual basis, the kind of bowel management majority or our patients, the colon moves slowly;
that we will implement, which is different in therefore, the new stool that reaches the colon
every patient, depending on the results of our will travel through it in a period of time not
evaluation. shorter than 24 h. During those 24 h, the patient
For the following days, the patient receives the is expected to remain clean in the underwear. It
treatment (enema) we have chosen, plus the spe- is therefore easy to understand that the success
cific diet and/or medication when indicated. In of the program depends on the efficiency of the
addition, the parents will bring the child to the enema to clean the colon and the motility of the
hospital every day and have an abdominal x-ray colon. In other words, if the patient passes stool
film taken. The parents then call one of our nurses in the underwear, there are only two possible
daily and report to them the results of the enema. explanations:
The nurse asks the parents how the patient toler- A. The enema did not clean the colon.
ated the enema, whether or not it was uncomfort- B. The enema cleaned the colon, but the colon is
able, the reaction of the patient including vomiting moving too fast, and the new stool reaches the
and pallor (vagal reflex types of reaction), and an anus before 24 h (Animation 20.2).
estimate from the parents about the amount of The only way to know which one of these two
stool that came out with the enema. The nurses circumstances is occurring is by taking an
will also ask what happened in the patient’s under- abdominal x-ray film. The presence of significant
wear during the 24 h after the enema and how amount of stool in the colon, shortly after the
much time it took to implement the management administration of the enema, means that the
(from the beginning of the enema application enema is not cleaning the colon, and therefore it
until the patient has finished evacuating his/her must be upgraded. On the other hand, a rather
colon). Sometime in the afternoon, the members clean colon in a patient that is passing stool in the
of our staff (surgeons and nurses) meet in a con- underwear means that the colon is moving too
ference room, see each one of the abdominal fast (liquid stool is not easily seen in a regular
films, and discuss the information obtained by the abdominal film).
nurses about each one of the patients. The abdom-
inal films show us the amount and location of the
stool in the colon which reflects the efficiency of 20.4 Individualization
the enema. That information, plus the description of the Management
of the nurse about the patient’s reaction, allows us
to implement changes in the enema that may Based on the studies already mentioned, we
include volume, concentration, or content (ingre- learn several very important facts that allow us
dients) of the fluid that we use. We may also make to design and individualize the management plan.
recommendations about diet and/or medication It took us several years to realize that within the
when indicated. Our nurses then call the parents population of children suffering from fecal incon-
of our patients and notify them of our decision. tinence, there are two main groups of patients.
This routine is carried out daily until we are suc- The contrast enema is the most valuable study to
cessful. Success is defined as a completely clean identify these two groups:
and happy patient and parents. Usually, about a • Group A: Incontinent patients that suffer from
week after this process, 95 % of our patients are megarectosigmoid and constipation (hypomo-
clean [1–3]. tility of the colon) (Fig. 20.2). The majority of
The rationales for the use of enemas, in patients patients belong to this group.
suffering from fecal incontinence, are based on • Group B: Incontinent patients with a non-
the idea of administering a volume of fluid in the dilated, spastic, or short colon that suffer from
colon to provoke a peristaltic wave, followed by a tendency to diarrhea (hypermotility of the
a partial or total expulsion of stool (Animation colon). This includes patients who underwent
20.1). Under normal circumstances, and in the different types of resection of the colon for a
20.4 Individualization of the Management 317

Patients who belong to Group B have a

hyperactive, non-dilated, spastic, or short colon
(hypermotility). Such a colon is very easy to clean
with a small enema. These patients need a rather
small volume, not a concentrated type of enema
(usually plain, normal saline solution is adequate).
However, the main challenge in this group of
patients is to keep the colon quiet or to reduce
its peristalsis enough to avoid bowel movements
in between enemas. In other words, the enema is
capable of cleaning the colon very well and very
easily, but because the patients have increased
motility of the colon or a short colon, new stool
will come out through the anus only a few hours
after the administration of the enema. This can
only be treated with medication to slow down the
colon such as loperamide4 (Animation 20.3), pec-
tin (a water-soluble fiber that helps bind the stool
and make it bulkier), and/or a constipating diet
(Fig. 20.4), depending on the severity of the hyper-
motility. In addition, we must try to identify and
Fig. 20.2 Contrast enema of a patient with megarecto- eliminate irritating factors that may be responsible
sigmoid and constipation (hypomotility) for the increased colonic motility (inflammatory
disease, food allergy, phosphate enemas).
variety of reasons (Fig. 20.3). This group also Not recognizing these two categories of
includes patients who suffer from different patients represents the main reason for unsuc-
types of enteritis or colitis (inflammatory cessful attempts to keep the patients clean.
bowel disease, food allergy, acquired phos- We never prescribe enemas and laxatives to
phate enema-induced colitis, or idiopathic the same patient, since that would make no sense.
hypermotility). The enema is meant to clean the colon; after that,
The separation of patients into these two we hope to make the colon move very slowly to
groups represents an essential element of our allow the patient to remain clean for 24 h. Giving
program as well as a key to success. We have not laxatives will make the colon move fast, which
found in any of the previous publications [4–12] will result in “accidents” (passing stool in the
a description of this classification of patients. The underwear) before the next scheduled enema.
management of patients in each group is radi- There is a small subgroup of patients that
cally different as will be described. emerges from the clinical evaluation and the
In Group A, patients that suffer from hypomo- studies that we have already mentioned. These
tility (constipation) and megarectosigmoid, the patients were born with what we call “benign
management will put emphasis on trying to find malformations” (malformations that are associ-
the enema (large and concentrated enough) to be ated with an excellent functional prognosis in
capable of cleaning a large floppy colon. Once our experience), underwent a technically correct
we find that enema, the patient will most likely operation, have a good sacrum, have no teth-
stay clean in the underwear for 24 or even some- ered cord, and suffer from severe constipation,
times 48 or 72 h due to the fact that the colon and yet, they behave like fecally incontinent
suffers from hypomotility. No special diet or patients. The contrast enema shows a severe
medication is necessary to keep these patients
clean. 4
See footnote 1.
318 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

a b

Fig. 20.3 Contrast enema of a patient with no rectosigmoid (previously resected), hyperactive and tendency to diar-
rhea. (a) Diagram. (b) Contrast enema

megarectosigmoid (Fig. 20.2). Interestingly, needs is defined as the amount of laxative capa-
even when they were born with a “good” prog- ble of emptying the colon completely, as dem-
nosis type of malformation and everything indi- onstrated radiologically (see Chap. 25). We have
cates that they should be continent, they come to the patient come to the clinic every day, take an
our clinic complaining of “fecal incontinence.” abdominal x-ray film, and increase daily the
We have learned that those patients have a great amount of laxatives, until we see a clean colon.
chance of suffering from what we call “overflow At that point, we know the amount of laxative
pseudoincontinence.” In this group, we follow that the patient needs. We then ask the parents
a completely different strategy. The treatment whether the bowel movements are occurring in
consists in the administration of enemas, until the diaper or in the toilet. If it is in the toilet,
the colon is completely clean, as radiologi- it means that the patient is fecally continent; in
cally demonstrated (disimpaction) (see Chap. fact, he/she never suffered from fecal inconti-
25; Animation 20.4). Once we have evidence nence, but actually was always “overflow pseu-
that the colon is completely clean, we start the doincontinent.” All that he/she needed was the
process of determining (by trial and error) the administration of the right amount of laxatives
laxative requirements of the specific patient. We that had never been previously determined!!
have learned that such requirements are differ- Once we determine the required amount of laxa-
ent in each patient and much higher than what tive, it is up to the parents if they are willing to
the books recommend. It is extremely important give their child that amount of laxative for life
to recognize the fact that every patient will need in order to keep the patient clean. Alternatively,
a different amount of laxative, which is not easy we offer them an operation designed to reduce
to predict. The dosage of laxatives that a patient the laxative requirement that consists in the
20.4 Individualization of the Management 319

Fig. 20.4 List of Constipating Foods Laxative Foods

constipating and laxative
types of food
Apple Sauce Milk or milk products

Apple Without Skin Fats

Rice Fried foods
White bread Fruits
Bagels Vegetables

Boiled, broiled, baked meat, chicken or fish Spices

Soft drinks Fruit juices
Banana French Fries
Pasta Chocolate
Jelly (no jam)

resection of the most dilated part of the colon, fistulas 100 %. In females, perineal 100 % and
preserving the rectum (Fig. 20.5), a subject vestibular fistulas have 95 % chance. Cloaca
that will be discussed later. This third group of patients with a common channel shorter than
pseudoincontinent patients unfortunately repre- 3 cm and a normal sacrum have about 70 %
sents only about 5 % of our series. The diag- chance of having voluntary bowel movements
nosis and management of this group has not [13]. The characteristic of the sacrum is very
been mentioned in the available literature. It is important as it has been recognized over many
extremely rewarding to treat patients like these, years. Patients with a sacral ratio less than 0.4
because with a little effort we really dramati- most likely will need bowel management for
cally change their quality of life. On occasion life. (For more information about the way to
we see a patient with potential for bowel control estimate the sacral ratio, go to Chap. 6.) We
and with hypermotility. In those rare patients, have not seen continent patients who have a
slowing down the colon, so the patient has one sacral ratio shorter than that. For patients that
or two well-formed stools per day, allows them are in the middle of the spectrum such as rec-
to perceive rectal fullness and thus succeed in toprostatic fistula (60 % chance of voluntary
having voluntary bowel movements. bowel movements) or sacral ratio around 0.5,
The evaluation of our patients also allows us we explain to the parents that it will not be easy
to determine whether or not the bowel manage- for them to have bowel control, yet their chil-
ment is going to be implemented on a perma- dren have “some potential” for bowel control
nent basis or it is going to be a temporary one. that must not be underestimated. We, therefore,
That will depend on the functional prognosis offer these patients the implementation of our
of the malformation that the patient was born bowel management program when they reach
with, including of course the characteristics of the age of three, as an expeditious and effec-
the sacrum and the presence or absence of teth- tive way to keep them clean and get them into
ered cord. In our experience, patients with blad- normal underwear. We explain that every 6 or
der neck fistulas only have a 20 % chance of 12 months, preferably during the summer vaca-
having voluntary bowel movements by the age tions, we will give the child the opportunity to
of three [13], rectoprostatic fistulas 60 %, recto- become toilet trained and see if we can stop the
urethral bulbar fistulas 85 %, and rectoperineal enemas. We call that a “laxative trial.”
320 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

Fig. 20.5 Sigmoid resection with preservation of the rectum

20.5 Laxative Trial We also give the patients a special type of

fiber called pectin (used to make jams) that does
We first implement the bowel management, and not have a laxative effect, but rather has a bulk-
the patient remains completely clean and is sent ing effect on the stool. A patient with borderline
home to enjoy the fact that he is clean for the first fecal control may not be able to feel a liquid
time in his/her life, attending school like a nor- stool; yet he or she may be able to feel a bulky
mal child. In the summer vacation we suggest type of stool that is produced by this kind of
that they come back for one entire week for the fiber. Working by trial and error, manipulating
“laxative trial.” During that week, we encourage the amount of the laxative as well as the amount
the parents to stop the enemas and find out of fiber and giving three meals per day, we find
together with us the amount of laxative that is out over a period of 1 or 2 weeks whether or not
capable of producing 1, 2, or 3 soft but formed the patient is capable of having voluntary bowel
bowel movements every day, emptying the colon movements, remaining completely clean in the
as radiologically demonstrated. We encourage underwear without receiving enemas. If we are
them to have only three meals per day, hopefully not successful, then we encourage the family to
with the same kinds of food. We do that with the go back to the bowel management (enemas) for
specific purpose to try to condition the colon to another year. Every year, we will deal with a
produce a bowel movement at the same time patient that is usually more cooperative and
every day, hopefully at a predictable time, which more mature and therefore will have a better
makes the process of toilet training much easier. chance of success.
20.6 About Our Program 321

Patients with borderline fecal control do have diagrams the reason why they believe that an
some sensation, but it is not the exquisite sensa- enema makes the child feel worse; we ask them
tion of a normal person. That is why a great deal to give us a chance to demonstrate that finding
of interest and cooperation is required from the the right type of enema will eventually keep him
patient in order to perceive when the stool is or her clean.
approaching the anus. A child that is too young Also, many of the parents express their dissatis-
and/or hyperactive or suffers from attention defi- faction or skepticism because their previous expe-
cit disorder most likely will not respond to that rience indicates that an enema was something
faint sensation. Something similar can be said painful or uncomfortable. Again, we have to
about the sphincter. Most patients with anorectal explain to them that giving the right type of enema,
malformations have some kind of sphincter at the right time, in the right way, and using the
mechanism, never as good as in a normal child, right concentration, should not hurt. If an enema
but they can certainly try to use it. Some patients hurts, something has not been done well. We ask
are even capable of having bowel control with the parents to be patient with us and allow us to
diarrhea; yet, most of them cannot cope with an demonstrate, by trial and error, and over a period
episode of diarrhea. Therefore, during a laxative of 1 week, that an enema does not hurt.
trial, we try to keep the patients right in between Many times, patients with fecal incontinence
diarrhea and constipation. We want them to have suffer from severe, chronic diaper rash equiva-
soft but formed stools and hopefully a minimal lent to a second-degree burn of the perianal area.
number of times (1–3 times per day). It is therefore not surprising that they refuse to
It is not easy to switch from enemas to laxa- any kind of rectal maneuver. If somebody tries to
tives. We emphasize this to the parents to avoid give them an enema with a tube in a careless way,
false expectations. Sometimes, we are successful, touching the ulcerated skin around the anus, the
but the patients prefer to continue with enemas, patient will confirm that this is a painful maneu-
because it requires less effort and discipline. ver. Actually, we have to explain to the parents
that inside the bowel there is no sensation, and we
have to convince the patient to allow us to pass a
20.6 About Our Program tube that he will not feel. Interestingly, a success-
ful bowel management will cure the worst diaper
On the first day of the program, parents fre- rash in about 48 h. At that point, the patient and
quently express skepticism when hearing about the family get the positive feedback that encour-
the results of our treatment. Many of them say ages them to cooperate more.
that they already gave enemas to the child in the During the administration of the enema, some
past with no success. This is certainly under- patients experience symptoms suggestive of a
standable. Giving an inadequate enema to a vagal reflex. That is understandable and means
child that is fecally impacted and not being able that most likely the enema was either given too
to clean the colon completely would make the fast, has an excessively large volume, is too con-
patient feel worse. An enema that is not good centrated, or all of the above. The quick adminis-
enough to clean the entire colon just softens the tration of a high volume of fluid inside the bowel
hard stool, increasing the leakage (Fig. 20.6). provokes stretching of the bowel wall, followed
A fecally impacted incontinent patient soils day by a smooth muscle spasm which is manifested
and night, but does not leak stool, and they rather in cramp or colic, sometimes including vomiting.
soil and stain the underwear. Therefore, an enema The treatment of this problem is very obvious.
that does not clean the colon, but rather softens We have to advise the parents to give the enema
the hard stool, may produce more leakage and slowly (over a period of 5–10 min). Sometimes
will make the patient more uncomfortable due to we also advise them to warm the fluid of the
a more obvious problem of fecal incontinence. enema to body temperature. We also suggest that
We have to explain to the parents with special they start giving the enema slowly, watching the
322 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

a b

Fig. 20.6 Inefficient enema in an impacted colon. (a) Enema fluid did not go in. (b) Enema given against gravity. (c)
Kinked enema tube
20.7 Content of the Enema 323

child’s reaction, who should be doing something rather liberal in the administration of salt and
that he likes and that keeps him busy, like watch- were not paying very much attention during the
ing TV or reading a book. The moment the child preparation of the solution. Because of that, we
starts complaining of any discomfort in the now advise to use only normal saline solution
abdomen, the parents should reduce the speed of from the pharmacy. Of course this is more expen-
administration of the enema, until those symp- sive, but we prefer to take the safe route.
toms disappear. If in spite of all this the patient During the first consultation we determine,
complains of having cramps, it means that per- rather arbitrarily, the volume of saline solution to
haps the patient’s colon is hypersensitive to the be used. We do that estimate based on our experi-
type of enema that we are trying to administer. ence and the image of the contrast enema. The
Some colons respond in a very violent way volumes that we used vary from 200 to 1,500 ml,
to certain kinds of enemas, and others do not depending on the patient’s age and degree colonic
respond, even to very concentrated enemas. We dilatation.
do not have an explanation for this. A patient that For glycerin, we usually use about 20 mL for
has these kinds of vagal symptoms usually needs every 500 mL of saline solution. We increase or
a lower volume or lower concentration of the decrease the amount of glycerin depending on
substances that we use in the enemas (glycerin, the patient’s reaction.
phosphate, and/or soap.) For Castile8 soap, we usually use one package
(9 cc) for every 500 mL of saline solution. Yet,
we modify this amount according to the patient’s
20.7 Content of the Enema response.
The phosphate is added in the commercial
The enemas that we use in our clinic may contain form known as Fleet9 enema. We use a pediatric
one or several of the following components: Fleet9 (60 mL) in patients up to 10 years of age.
• Normal saline solution In older patients, we use an adult Fleet9 (120 mL).
• Glycerin We never give more than one Fleet9 per day.
• Castile soap5 Giving more than that exposes the patients to suf-
• Phosphate (Fleet)6 fer from hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and
• Others (Dulcolax,7 polyethylene glycol) tetany [16–29]. We had only one patient who
Early in our experience, we frequently allowed experienced those problems after receiving three
the parents to prepare the saline solution by mix- Fleet9 enemas in a day.
ing salt from the kitchen with tap water (normal We try to be as conservative as possible in the
0.9 % saline = 960 cc water plus 1.5 teaspoons use of these different solutions. This means that
salt). Most parents are very diligent and careful to if we can manage a patient with plain, normal
do this, but we had two scary experiences, with saline solution and keep him completely clean,
patients who came unconscious to the emergency then that is all we use. We try not to use any
room. When we measured the amount of sodium other ingredient. However, many patients receiv-
in their blood, it was extremely high. In retro- ing a saline enema only do not respond; in other
spect, when we asked the mothers of those words, 2 or 3 h go by, after the administration
patients exactly how much salt they put in the of the enema, and nothing comes out through
water, they could not give an accurate, reliable the rectum, indicating that the enema that we are
answer, which means that most likely they were using is not concentrated enough. In that case, the
next option for us is to add glycerin, which fre-
quently makes the patient respond. Some patients
Castile soap – 0.30 fluid oz. packets (1 packet = 9 ml);
mild, gentle soap ideal for soft soap enemas do not respond to the administration of glycerin,
Fleet – monobasic sodium phosphate 19 g, dibasic
sodium phosphate 7 g See footnote 5.
Dulcolax ® bisacodyl 9
See footnote 6.
324 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

Fig. 20.8 Spastic left colon, secondary to the prolonged

use of phosphate enemas

mucus in the stool. We have seen patients who

Fig. 20.7 Colon with significant amount of stool. This is came to us originally suffering from constipation
an indication to increase the volume and the concentration and megasigmoid, received phosphate enemas,
of the enema and gradually changed, developing a tendency to
diarrhea and a spastic colon. It is rather impres-
or they respond, but the colon does not empty sive to see the change in symptoms and radio-
completely. The patient continues passing stool logic image, related to the use of phosphate. In
during the day. An x-ray film of the abdomen will these cases the administration of phosphate is
show that the colon still has a significant amount immediately suspended. It takes several weeks or
of stool (Fig. 20.7). Under those circumstances months for the symptoms to disappear. Because
we add phosphate (Fleet10) to the enema solution. of this, nowadays we try to stay away from the
The phosphate is an extremely powerful ingredi- use of phosphate and leave it as a last resource.
ent and usually makes the patient respond well. We try to manage our patients with saline, plus
Unfortunately, we have seen a number of patients glycerine and soap if necessary.
who received Fleet11 enemas for a long period of The administration of an enema may require a
time and behave like patients with tendency to significant amount of teaching from the nurses,
diarrhea (hypermotility). In such cases, a contrast many times “hands-on” type of teaching. It is
enema shows a spastic, narrow, hyperactive left wrong to prescribe an enema to a child and
colon (Fig. 20.8). A colonoscopy shows signs of assume that the father or the mother knows what
colitis, due to the chronic irritation produced by an enema is and how to give it.
the phosphate solution on the colonic mucosa. We have learned that many parents think they
The patient may have signs and symptoms of a are giving an enema, and actually the enema fluid
severe colitis, including the presence of blood and leaks all over the place and the floor; the fluid is
not really going inside the patient.
See footnote 5. The position of the patient during the admin-
See footnote 6. istration of an enema is very important. Parents
20.8 Rationale to Change the Type of Enema 325

Fig. 20.9 Patients’ positions to receive an enema, according to age

sometimes try to give an enema to a child stand- patients that are more prone to leak during the
ing up, and obviously the fluid will leak on the administration of the enema are patients suffer-
floor. The position of the patient must facilitate ing from myelomeningocele. Patients with ano-
the effect of gravity for the enema fluid to go rectal malformations respond better because they
into the colon (Fig. 20.9). The position of the have a certain degree of fibrosis in the anal verge
patient also depends on his/her age, as can be that usually allows them to hold the balloon
seen in Fig. 20.9. inside during the administration of the enema.
If the enema fluid keeps leaking in spite of an
adequate patient’s position, then we advise the
parents to use a Silastic tube (14–18 F) and pass 20.8 Rationale to Change
it through the rectum as high as possible in the the Type of Enema
colon, to be sure that the fluid really goes inside
the colon and does not leak during the enema If we see that the abdominal x-ray film shows a
administration (Fig. 20.10). If that is not enough, significant amount of stool in the colon (Fig. 20.7)
then we advise the use of a Foley catheter. The and the patient is still passing stool in the under-
catheter is introduced (5–10 cm), the balloon is wear, we have to increase the volume of the
inflated (10 ml), and then the mother or father enema. On the other hand, if the parents say that
must pull on the catheter in order for the balloon it took a long time for the patient to pass stool
to act as a plug and prevent leakage (Fig. 20.11). after the administration of an enema that means
Every patient has a different caliber anus and a we must also increase the concentration of the
different-sized rectum; therefore, a different- enema. We typically start by increasing the con-
sized balloon is needed for each patient. We start centration of glycerin. Some patients have a neg-
by testing a 10-mL balloon. The balloon is ative reaction to glycerin (severe cramps, nausea);
inflated and traction is applied. If the balloon in such cases we try Castile12 soap. In some
comes out through the anus, this means that the patients we go as high as 30 mL of glycerin, and
patient needs a larger balloon (20 ml), and if that
comes out, then we try a 30-mL balloon. The 12
See footnote 5.
326 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

a b

Fig. 20.10 Efficient (adequate) enema. (a) High colonic enema. (b) Enema given taking advantage of gravity

the patient still does not respond (meaning it To slow down the colon in hypermotility
takes a long time to pass stool or does not empty), patients, we have the following therapeutic
and then we add soap in addition to the glycerin. elements:
On the other hand, if the nurses give us infor- (a) Constipating diet (Fig. 20.4)
mation provided by the parents, indicating that (b) Loperamide13
the child reacted with vagal types of symptoms, (c) Pectin
we try to reduce the amount of Fleet or the (d) Eliminating the irritating factor when known
amount of glycerin; we try only saline solution (e.g., lactose intolerance, food allergy, phos-
and see how the patient responds. phate enema, inflammatory bowel disease)
There are patients that show an x-ray image of a (see Animation 20.3).
completely clean colon (Fig. 20.12) from day one, The constipating diet we use is a very radical
and yet they still pass stool in the underwear in one. Every patient has a different susceptibility or
between enemas. That happens in patients who suf- idiosyncrasy to different types of foods. In other
fer from colon hypermotility. The liquid stool that words, some patients have severe diarrhea when
runs fast through the colon is not seen on a plain they ingest prunes, and in some other patients,
abdominal x-ray film. These patients are the most prunes have no effect whatsoever. Since we are
difficult to manage. In fact, most of the 5 % group limited by time (1 week), we prescribe for our
of patients that did not respond to our bowel man- patients with colonic hypermotility a diet that
agement are patients who suffer from severe hyper- has proved to be extremely constipating in most
motility. The colon was very clean from day one, patients. Once we are successful with that diet,
after the administration of a small saline enema, yet
there was no way to slow down the colon. 13
See footnote 1.
20.8 Rationale to Change the Type of Enema 327

Fig. 20.12 Abdominal x-ray film showing a clean colon

reference. Then we tell the parents that during the

following weeks, they will be able to try to slowly
liberalize the diet. Typically, we ask the patient
Fig. 20.11 Foley balloon technique
what type of food he or she misses the most. The
answer is usually ice cream, pizza, or French fries,
we advise the parents to try to individualize and so we tell the parent to give one of those types of
liberalize the diet, trying to find out in the patients’ food for three consecutive days, in addition to the
diet the really offending types of food that pro- constipating diet. If the patient still remains clean,
duce diarrhea. Our constipating diet is shown in this means that the type of food that he/she loves
Fig. 20.4; it basically consists of the elimination will now be a part of his regular diet. We ask the
of milk and milk products, elimination of fats, as patient again what is the next type of food that he
well as all kinds of fried foods, all fruits except or she wants, and the answer may be ice cream.
apple and banana, and all cereals except rice. The Now we instruct the mother to give ice cream,
patients can eat all kinds of meat that is broiled in addition to the same constipating diet, and see
or boiled but never fried. They are allowed to eat what the effect is. If the patient is clean, that is
white bread, and they can drink artificially sweet- good news for him/her. Now he/she will be able to
ened soft drinks, but no fruit juices. It has been eat the constipating diet plus ice cream. Let’s say
our experience that this diet is constipating for that then he/she says chocolate; we give him/her
the majority of the patients that we see. Once the chocolate, and he/she has “accidents” (meaning
patient comes to our clinic smiling because he/she passing stool in the underwear); now we know
has been completely clean in the underwear for that chocolate is a real “offender” and should go
24 h, we know that with that specific constipat- to the list of forbidden types of food, most likely
ing diet and that specific enema, he/she is com- on a permanent basis. Following a similar routine,
pletely clean, and that is our baseline or point of for the following weeks and months, the parent
328 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

will be able to tailor a specific diet that is the they are giving the same enema that we prescribed,
best for his/her daughter or son that will be most the patient is passing stool in the underwear dur-
tolerable. ing the day, in between enemas. The advice we
We do something similar with the administra- give to these parents is very specific: take a plain
tion of the loperamide.14 For instance, we may x-ray abdominal film, and send it to us by e-mail.
know that with a full dosage of loperamide14 We take a look at the image, and most of the times
and the diet, the child remains completely clean. we can say what is happening. If we see a lot of
Yet we want to find out the minimum amount stool in the colon (Fig. 20.7), it means that either
of loperamide14 capable of keeping the patient the enema that used to work no longer works or
completely clean. If the medication had being the parents are not giving the enema correctly. We
administered three times per day, the first step then go over the technique of administration of an
would be to decrease the administration to twice enema with the parents to be sure that the enema
per day for one entire week and see the patient’s is really being given and not leaking. If the enema
reaction. If the patient is still clean, that means has been given correctly, we conclude that the
that he or she only needs the administration of enema that used to clean the colon now does not
loperamide 14 twice a day. Subsequently, we work for unknown reasons. We can then increase
decrease to once a day. We keep decreasing the the volume and/or the concentration of the ingre-
dosage to determine the minimal required amount dients. On the other hand, if the x-ray film that the
to keep the patient clean. Some patients may stay parents sent us shows a completely clean colon
completely clean without administration of lop- (Fig. 20.12) and the patient is having “accidents,”
eramide14. Some others need a minimal amount. that means that for some reason the patient is hav-
We like to say that fecal incontinence is not a ing hypermotility of the colon. It is either because
psychological problem but rather a physiologic he/she suffers from diarrhea, he/she has a virus,
one. Many of our patients have already seen psy- he/she is eating something that upsets his/her
chiatrists and psychologists before coming to our colon, or the phosphate enema is producing a
clinic. Certainly, fecal incontinence produces spastic type of colon. The recommendation is
secondary psychological problems. Most of the then to discontinue the phosphate if they have
times, however, those problems disappear when been using it or to reduce the amount of glycerin
the patient is clean in the underwear. if they are using it. If there is evidence of a viral
Many patients have also been on biofeedback, diarrhea episode in the family, we simply tell
which we believe is useless, particularly if the them to stop the enema until the patient goes 24 h
patient was born with what we call a “bad mal- without a bowel movement and then restart the
formation” and does not have anatomic elements bowel management again.
for bowel control. The parents should know that during an epi-
During the last visit to our clinic (the last day sode of diarrhea (viral or bacterial), the bowel
of the week), we explain to the parents that a suc- management must be suspended. The patient
cessful bowel management is something adjust- must remain at home and should not go to school
able. At that point, we know that that particular because there is no way to avoid the leakage of
enema with or without diet and/or loperamide15 stool.
works for the patient at that particular time. Once we are successful with the bowel
However, we explain that the same enema may management, we discuss with the parents the
not work next week. We have patients that have possibility of performing a Malone procedure
been on the same regime for 10 years with no (continent appendicostomy or continent neo-
changes, and they remain clean. Other times, par- appendicostomy) or any other kind of ACE
ents will call us after a month because, even when type of operation. In Chap. 21, we will discuss
our technique and the type of operation that
See footnote 1. we perform for the administration of antegrade
See footnote 1. enemas.
20.9 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Severe Diaper Rash 329

We like to perform that operation when the see when the baby passes stool and be able to
patient is capable of understanding its advantages. clean them with soap and water without rubbing
Some parents want us to do a Malone procedure the skin.
too early (on a 3-year-old child). We believe that In spite of all of this, the diaper rash some-
is not appropriate, because perhaps they want the times is very difficult to treat. This led us to the
operation to make things easier for them, but not new idea of implementing a sort of bowel man-
necessarily for the child. We like the participation agement, consisting in the administration of a
of the children. The patients that benefit the most small glycerin enema, repeated twice per day.
from antegrade enemas are patients who are usu- Even when the patient recently had the colos-
ally older than 8 years of age and want to become tomy closed, and therefore has a suture line in
more independent. They want to give the enemas the colon, we have found that the administra-
themselves because they feel embarrassed when tion of a 15-mL glycerin type of enema, twice
the mother or the father is giving the enema. They per day, does not represent a risk for the suture
want to be able to go on camping overnights and line of the colostomy. Yet, that small enema pro-
be more independent in general. Teenagers are duces a large bowel movement that will allow
the population who benefits the most from this the baby to remain several hours without passing
kind of operation. stool, which is very important for the treatment of
the diaper rash. After a few days or weeks, most
patients with anorectal malformation with an
20.9 Bowel Management intact colon eventually will develop constipation,
for the Treatment of Severe which means a lack of bowel movements, which
Diaper Rash will help in the management of the diaper rash.
Yet, frequently, constipation is manifested by the
It has been our experience that patients who had frequent passing of small amounts of soft stool
an anorectal malformation already repaired, fol- in the diaper, which exacerbates the diaper rash.
lowed by a colostomy closure, suffer from severe Arbitrarily, we decided that once the patient
diaper rash as a consequence of the constant is over 1 month post-colostomy closure, the
passing of stool. Sometimes this occurs in other patient may be a candidate for the implementa-
colorectal conditions as well. Fortunately, this tion of a full bowel management, even when he/
is not a permanent condition. As time goes by, she is only a baby (before 3 years of age). The
the number of bowel movements decreases and bowel management in these cases is not imple-
mothers are able to manage the severity of the mented for the treatment of fecal incontinence,
diaper rash. During the acute stage, the passing but for the treatment of diaper rash. We follow
of stool is so frequent that it makes it impossible the specific protocol of bowel management as
to change the diapers frequently enough. Also, described in this chapter, but because most of
the use of different types of creams to avoid the these patients are babies, we start usually with
contact of stool with the skin fails when patients an enema of 150 mL of saline solution or larger
pass stool constantly. volumes depending very much on the age of the
Under these circumstances, we give the par- patient. The bowel management has a spectacu-
ents a long explanation, so they can understand lar effect in curing the diaper rash, and the par-
that the goal of the treatment is to avoid the con- ents like it very much. Even when a normal baby
tact of stool with the skin. The different types of has no bowel control and uses diapers, there is
ointments and creams that we prescribe only rep- a big difference between him and a baby who
resent a potential barrier between the skin and the was born with a poor prognosis type of anorectal
stool. Our team of nurses tries different strategies malformation. These babies have a tendency to
to avoid contact by stool with the skin, including pass stool constantly, which is a reflection of a
when possible keeping the baby with no diapers motility disorder of the rectosigmoid. The con-
and near a fan to keep the skin dry, to be able to stant presence of stool in the diaper makes the
330 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

rash extremely difficult to manage. This is seri- to the one seen in classic cloacal exstrophies,
ously exacerbated in cases with urinary inconti- meaning very abnormal colonic blood supply and
nence. The bowel management implemented in different degrees of short colon. For this group of
babies under these circumstances has been very patients, most surgeons will open a colostomy
successful. and assume that it is going to be a permanent one.
We look at the quality of the stool that comes
through their stoma; if they have solid stool, there
20.10 Bowel Management is a strong possibility that they will respond to
Through a Stoma the bowel management (enema) administered
through the stoma. If they respond to the bowel
Many patients have come to our center with a management through the stoma (meaning that we
colostomy created at another institution, a colos- are capable of keeping the patient completely
tomy that was considered a permanent one. free of stool coming out through the stoma for
Usually this is because the patients were born 24 h), it means that we must consider the possi-
with a poor prognosis type of defect (recto- bility of a pull-through of the stoma down to the
bladder neck fistula, absent sacrum, poor sacrum, perineum. The parents understand that the same
tethered cord, myelomeningocele), which under- enema that was demonstrated to be efficient
standably makes the surgeons believe that the given through the stoma must be given through
patient will never have bowel control. Based on the rectum or through an antegrade continence
that assumption, the surgeons open an end colos- mechanism after the pull-through, in order for the
tomy and explain to the parents that this is going patient to remain clean. Sometimes, the patients
to be for life. Many of these parents look for us have extremely short colons, and we are not sure
and come for consultation with the hope and whether or not they have enough water absorp-
expectation that we offer an operation that will tion capacity to respond to the bowel manage-
allow them to get rid of the stoma. Some of these ment. In that particular group of patients, we are
patients belong to the group of cloacal exstro- afraid of offering the family a pull-through of the
phies or covered exstrophies. As is well known, stoma, which will be equivalent to a perineal,
patients with cloacal exstrophy or covered exstro- incontinent stoma that will make their life miser-
phy frequently have a very abnormal colon. It is a able. The bowel management through the stoma
spectrum that goes from a normal length colon to (Fig. 20.13) consists in following the same sys-
an almost absent colon. In between, we see tematic protocol of administration of enemas
patients with a very short and bizarre-looking through the stoma, monitoring with abdominal
colon, with a very abnormal blood supply, and films the amount of stool in the colonic pouch
we are not sure whether or not that amount of and following the principles already described.
colon is enough to absorb enough water, so as to Often we must add a constipating diet, loper-
be able to form solid stool, in order to respond to amide, and pectin to help bulk the stool. We have
a bowel management program consisting of a tried bowel management through the stoma in 13
daily enema. Most of the patients with cloacal patients. In four of them, we were unsuccessful
exstrophy or covered exstrophy have a poor due to the fact that the patients had a very short
innervation of the pelvic organs, due to a very colon and therefore incapacity to form solid
defective sacrum, defective spine, or meningo- stool. Our management was successful in nine
cele. We call covered exstrophy to a specific patients; seven of them had a pull-through proce-
defect consisting in separated pubic bones (see dure even when we knew that the patient had a
Chap. 17), absent bladder neck, and abnormal bad prognosis for bowel control. These patients
colon; yet, these patients do not have omphalo- had an ACE procedure at the same time of the
cele or bladder exstrophy; in other words, the pull-through. The patients expressed their satis-
lower abdominal wall is intact. Inside their abdo- faction, and they seemed to believe that it is much
men, however, they have a very similar anatomy better, in terms of quality of life, to have no stoma
References 331

months were able to improve their manometric

parameters. However, such improvement did not
translate into a real, clinical, significant, positive
change for the patient.

The use of medication such as loperamide [33],
cholinergic drugs [34], or cholestyramine [35]
has been used. We believe that medication alone,
used in patients suffering from fecal incontinence
due to anorectal malformation, has very few pos-
sibilities of being successful. However, as we
mentioned previously, medications can be used
as an adjunct to our bowel management program.
Patients suffering from borderline fecal inconti-
nence may benefit from the use of drugs to regu-
late the colonic motility. In cases of overflow
pseudoincontinence, the laxatives used as indi-
cated can make the difference between inconti-
nence and bowel control.

Electrical Stimulation
Fig. 20.13 Bowel management through a stoma This kind of treatment, posterior tibial or sacral
[35–37], is receiving a lot of attention, mainly
and receive bowel management than to have a between adult colorectal surgeons. We have no
permanent stoma for life. Two patients were hesi- experience with this type of treatment. However,
tant about the pull-through; yet, they decided to since there is no rational explanation of the mech-
continue giving themselves the bowel manage- anism of action, we remain skeptical about it.
ment through the stoma, because that, itself, rep-
resents an enormous advantage in their quality of
life, since they have now a completely empty
stoma bag for 24 h, which allows them to be References
much more active, play sports, without risking a
1. Peña A, Guardino K, Tovilla JM, Levitt MA,
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others as far as we know. We are very happy with J Pediatr Surg 44:1278–1284
the use of bowel management for these kinds of 3. Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Peña A (2009) Bowel man-
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332 20 Bowel Management for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence

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Operations for the Administration
of Antegrade Enemas 21

21.1 Introduction every day with the assistance of her father or the
other way around, a 14-year-old boy assisted by
As discussed in our previous chapter, the bowel his mother to have an enema.
management program, consisting mainly in the Malone, Ransley, and Kiely had a great idea
administration of enemas, plus sometimes treat- [1] of creating a mechanism for the administra-
ment with specific medication and a specific diet, tion of an enema in an antegrade fashion. They
greatly changes the quality of life of many chil- thought that an enema could be given through an
dren. Giving an enema to a small child is a rela- orifice created in the abdominal wall, connected
tively easy task. It is easy for the parents to to the appendix, which allowed the passage of a
position the child on their lap for the enema, and small catheter directly into the colon to give the
usually the child tolerates this procedure very enema while the patient is sitting on the toilet
well. As times goes by, as the patients grow, par- [2–7]. This was a very creative concept that
ticularly in those patients that require an enema gained popularity quickly. The original idea of
for long periods of time or on a permanent basis, Malone, Ransley, and Kiely included a technique
it becomes logistically more difficult, simply consisting of dividing the base of the appendix,
because of the size of the patient. If one tries to rotating the appendix 180°, and reimplanting it in
imagine how to give an enema in a teenager, tak- the wall of the cecum, in a submucosal fashion, to
ing advantage of gravity, it is easy to understand avoid leakage of stool through the appendix. In
that is difficult. Sometimes the patients’ squat on retrospect, this represents a complex maneuver
the tub to give themselves the enema, and the that we now believe is unnecessary. The basic
whole procedure becomes very messy. We have idea of Malone and Kiely is still extremely valu-
been trying to use different methods to teach able, but now we know that we do not have to go
teenagers to administer their own enemas while through all the surgical maneuvers they described.
sitting on the toilet, which is not easy, because They also advocated the opening of the orifice in
the enema is then given against gravity. We teach the right lower quadrant, which is something that
them to pass a Foley catheter into the rectum, to we do not do at the present time; we prefer the
inflate the balloon inside the rectum, and while umbilicus [8–10].
they are applying traction on the catheter, to Fairly soon, after Malone and Kiely popular-
administer the enema. This is easy to say but not ized their idea, many others [11–16] came up
easy to do. As a consequence, most teenagers with different ways to achieve the same goal.
need some help from another person to receive Other variants included a “noninvasive” or “min-
the enema, which is an embarrassing event. imally invasive” procedure to introduce a Silastic
Imagine a 13-year-old girl receiving enemas button into the cecum. That technique became

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 333

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_21, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
334 21 Operations for the Administration of Antegrade Enemas

very attractive because it is minimally invasive, it

does not require a big operation, and it is techni-
cally simple. It can be done under fluoroscopy,
with endoscopy, or with laparoscopy. However,
we have been exposed to several patients who
had a button cecostomy in the past; they came to
our clinic very unhappy about the multiple long-
term complications and sequelae of that procedure
that included malfunction of the button, leakage
of stool around the device, prolapse of the colonic
mucosa, and granulation tissue around the but-
ton. These problems have been seen by others
[17, 18]. Many patients also dislike the visible b
foreign body on the abdomen and are self-con-
scious about it, avoiding swimming and other
activities. Those patients required a revision,
removal of the button, and creation of a continent
appendicostomy. It is because of that experience
that we do not favor the insertion of button
Several authors [19–24] had the idea of per-
forming these types of procedures laparoscopi-
cally. This, of course, has advantages but also
some limitations as will be seen in this chapter.
Fig. 21.1 External aspect of the abdomen of a child who
underwent a continent appendicostomy operation (Malone
procedure). (a) Without a feeding tube. (b) With a feeding
21.2 Our Preferred Technique tube

We believe that the essential purpose of this type

of procedure is to improve the quality of life of The old surgical tradition of doing an appendec-
the patient. Therefore, our goal is to perform an tomy as part of a laparotomy luckily seems to be
operation that will allow the patient to have an disappearing as surgeons become more cognizant
active life, play sports, swim, and not be embar- of the potential use of the appendix for the care of
rassed of an orifice that rather looks like a colos- the incontinent child. In addition, nowadays, urol-
tomy or to have to hide a plastic device protruding ogists are using the appendix to create a conduit
from the abdomen. We believe that these patients that goes from the abdominal wall to the bladder
benefit the most by the creation of a little hidden, for intermittent catheterization which is known
umbilical orifice that should be as inconspicuous as a Mitrofanoff procedure (see Chap. 23, Sect.
as possible (Fig. 21.1). We create that little orifice 23.13). That is another reason why the appendix
in the deepest portion of the umbilicus, making it is not always available for us for this operation.
invisible. Yet, making a tiny orifice and avoiding Because of that, we had to learn to make appen-
stricture requires a technically challenging and dices out of the colonic or small bowel tissue.
meticulous surgical technique. We call that a “continent neo-appendicostomy”
We think that we should use the appendix as [10]. We make the appendix out of a flap of the
much as possible. Yet, we are limited by the fact colonic wall that is tubularized around a feed-
that about 30 % of the patients in whom we plan ing tube to make a new appendix. We have been
to do this operation have no appendix because it doing this, mainly from the ascending colon, but
had been removed in the past for other reasons. we have cases in which, because of anatomic
21.2 Our Preferred Technique 335

circumstances, we were obligated to make the show an appendix, it does not mean necessarily
neo-appendix from the transverse or the sigmoid that the patient does not have an appendix. A CT
colon. We have done this, in cases with multi- scan seems to be a better study.
ple peritoneal adhesions or “frozen abdomens.” The importance of learning about the presence
In such cases, we have no choice but to use that or absence of an appendix prior to the operation
part of the colon that we have access to. Ideally, resides in the fact that creation of a neo-appendix
we prefer to create the new appendix from the requires full bowel preparation with administration
ascending colon near the cecum but away from of GoLYTELY. It is not advisable to make a new
the ileocecal valve. appendix with a colon full of stool which would
We have done approximately 200 of these increase the chances of infection. We are very proud
operations (appendicostomies and neo-appendi- of the fact that we have not had any cases of infec-
costomies). On two occasions, we opened the tion. In case of doubt, therefore, we go ahead with a
abdomen and for a couple of hours tried to divide total bowel preparation the day before surgery with
the multiple peritoneal adhesions between the GoLYTELY as described in the corresponding
loops of bowel and decided to abort the proce- chapter in this book (see Chap. 7).
dure, because we had the feeling that we would Continent appendicostomy and neo-appendi-
do more harm than benefit to the patient. costomy, in our experience, have two main late
A patient that has his or her native appen- sequelae or complications: one is stricture (or
dix does not need colonic preparation to do this acquired atresia) of the little stoma that we create
operation. The operation in a patient with mini- between the tip of the appendix or neo-appendix
mal peritoneal adhesions, a thin abdominal wall, and the skin of the umbilicus. The other is the
a normal appendix, and a mobile cecum becomes problem of leakage of stool.
minimally invasive, although non-laparoscopic, In our series, the frequency of stricture or
because it only requires a small incision (about acquired atresia was 18 %. In trying to avoid this
4 cm long) running from the umbilicus down. problem, we have been practicing a technique
The whole procedure can be done through that that takes time to learn and to master, but we
incision in about 1 hour; the patient can be fed the believe will eventually decrease the frequency
same day and discharged the following day from of stricture. This technique consists of creat-
the hospital. On the other hand, when the patient ing a triangle of skin from the umbilicus that
has the appendix located in a rather bizarre posi- will be accommodated in a spatulated appendix
tion (behind the duodenum or behind the liver) (Fig. 21.3) [9].
or has multiple peritoneal adhesions, in addition, Concerning the problem of leakage of stool
suffers from obesity, and has no appendix, the through the appendix, it is very common to hear
procedure becomes technically very demanding, that some authors believe that the appendix is
taking an unpredictable number of hours. In simi- naturally continent. This we found to be true, half
lar cases, provided the peritoneal adhesions are of the time. The leakage of stool through the
not too dense, the laparoscopy may be helpful to Malone orifice occurred in 2.9 % of our cases
avoid a laparotomy in mobilizing the cecum. who underwent a plication of the cecum around
It is very important, prior to the planning of the appendix, and in contrast, it occurred in 29 %
these operations, to know whether or not the of those cases without plication. In addition, dur-
patient has an appendix. Some radiologists are ing the performance of many of our continent
very optimistic and believe that an ultrasound is a appendicostomy procedures, prior to making a
reliable study to determine whether or not the decision about plication or no plication of the
patient has an appendix, but we all know that cecum around the appendix, we tested the natural
such a study is not 100 % accurate in visualizing continence of the appendix by finger clamping
a normal appendix. A contrast enema that shows the ascending colon and the terminal ileum and
an appendix gives us 100 % evidence that the injecting saline solution through a feeding tube
patient has one, but if the contrast enema does not introduced in the cecum through the tip of the
336 21 Operations for the Administration of Antegrade Enemas

appendix. Once the cecum was full with saline created through which the operation (including
solution, the feeding tube was removed, and we the cecal plication) is performed. If the patient
then observed if the saline solution leaked has a fixed cecum and appendix or a retrocecal or
through the tip of the appendix. Interestingly, we mislocated appendix in a difficult location, the
found that about half of the appendices that we laparoscopic part of the procedure is extremely
tested leaked. In addition, some patients who had beneficial to mobilize the cecum and appendix,
no leakage during this test turned out to leak stool avoiding a big laparotomy.
after the operation. Because of that, we recom- Pediatric urologists have been using the
mend to create an anti-leakage mechanism by appendix, implanted in the bladder, as a conduit
plicating the wall of the cecum around the appen- to perform intermittent catheterization, a proce-
dix or the neo-appendix. This plication does not dure that is known as “Mitrofanoff operation” in
guarantee that the patient will not leak, since recognition to the doctor who designed the
about 2.9 % of our cases still leak, despite the operation (see Chap. 23) [25]. They frequently
plication. But we believe that we should give the must perform this procedure in patients who
patient the maximum possibility of avoiding suffer from both urinary and fecal incontinence.
leakage, which is a very uncomfortable compli- As a consequence, many pediatric urologists are
cation and requires a full reoperation to tighten doing the Malone procedure or one of its vari-
the cecal plication. ants [26–35].
The laparoscopic approach to perform opera- There is no question that the Malone proce-
tions for the administration of antegrade enemas, dure benefits many patients, and that explains
of course, is very appealing [19–24]. For those why this operation is so popular [36–48].
who believe that these patients do not need plica- Some surgeons and gastroenterologists advo-
tion of the colon around the appendix, the laparo- cate the Malone procedure in cases of constipa-
scopic approach becomes the ideal way to do this tion “resistant to medical management” [49–52].
operation, since all the surgeons have to do is to We are skeptical about this indication and have
find the appendix, grab it, and exteriorize it and the feeling that it represents an overuse of the
to perform the anastomosis to the deepest portion procedure, a “quick way” to take care of a rather
of the umbilicus. This becomes an extremely serious problem (see Chap. 25). The doctors who
easy and fast procedure. However, some of those perform a Malone procedure in patients suffering
patients eventually may leak (29 % in our experi- from “non-manageable constipation” do not
ence) stool through the Malone orifice. The pli- define what “non-manageable” means, and we
cation of the cecum around the appendix is feel that many of the operated patients could be
usually not done laparoscopically; it must be managed medically following our protocol.
done through an infraumbilical incision of the A large number of patients with spina bifida and
same size of the incision that we use. Laparoscopy myelomeningocele benefit from a Malone proce-
is essentially used to mobilize the cecum. Also, if dure or one of its multiple variants [53–55]. Also,
the patient has no appendix, one has to make one adult colorectal surgeons are becoming familiar
from a flap of the colon. That has not been done with the antegrade enema concept [56–59].
laparoscopically as far as we know.
One way to approach this problem in a patient
in whom we do not know whether he/she has an 21.3 Surgical Technique:
appendix, and we do not know whether the Continent Appendicostomy
patient has many peritoneal adhesions and also
do not know where the appendix is located, could We recommend not performing this operation in an
be to start the operation laparoscopically. Using extremely obese patient, because the abdominal
one or two ports to examine the peritoneal cavity, wall may be so thick that the entire length of the
if it turns out that the patient has a mobile appen- appendix is not enough to reach the skin
dix and cecum, a 4-cm subumbilical incision is comfortably. We encourage these types of patients
21.3 Surgical Technique: Continent Appendicostomy 337

to lose weight prior to these operations. The risk of stitches, we have to be sure that we are not com-
infection also increases significantly in obese pressing the blood supply of the appendix, and
patients. we make sure we are not narrowing the channel,
If we have evidence that the patient has no checking by passing the catheter through it. We
appendix, or we are not sure, we perform a full look at the blood supply of the tip of the appendix
bowel preparation with GoLYTELY (see Chap. to be sure that it is viable. The cecum is then
7). If we have evidence that the patient has an sutured to the anterior abdominal wall around the
appendix, then the patient does not need bowel umbilicus with interrupted 5-0 long-term absorb-
preparation. able sutures. The ventral part of the tip of the
The patient is taken to the operating room and appendix then is spatulated by making an inci-
the skin of the abdomen is prepared, with special sion (Fig. 21.3a–c). Special care must be taken to
emphasis on the umbilicus. We open with an cauterize the distal end of the appendiceal artery,
incision in the midline, running from the deepest and we do not hesitate to ligate it with a 5-0
portion of the umbilicus down in the midline for suture. A triangle of skin at the umbilicus is cre-
approximately 4 cm, which is enough for us to ated (Fig. 21.3a–c). The tip of the triangle is
introduce two fingers into the peritoneal cavity. sutured to the angle of the spatulated appendix
We explore the right lower quadrant. (Fig. 21.3d); the edges of the triangular skin flap
Frequently, we find a very mobile cecum are sutured to the edges of the spatulated appen-
with a very healthy appendix which we can dix with interrupted 6-0 long-term absorbable
exteriorize through the little incision below the sutures (Fig. 21.3d–g) creating a Y-to-V anasto-
umbilicus. When laparoscopy is used, the mosis. The midline aponeurosis of the abdomen
cecum is mobilized and then the small infraum- is closed with long-term absorbable sutures, as
bilical incision is made. Occasionally the sur- well as the subcutaneous tissue taking care to rec-
geon may find that the patient has a very short reate the interior umbilical fold. The skin is
appendix. Fig. 21.6 illustrates a surgical tech- closed with subcuticular 5-0 long-term absorb-
nique designed to elongate the appendix. able monofilament suture. The no. 8 feeding tube
The appendix and cecum are exteriorized. is left in place fixed to the skin with a silk stitch
Then, we create windows between the appendi- (Fig. 21.3h). The cosmetic effect of this operation
ceal vessels (Fig. 21.2a, b). We use these win- is excellent. This operation takes approximately
dows to pass the wall of the cecum through them, 45 min in a patient who is thin, has minimal peri-
to be able to plicate the cecum around the appen- toneal adhesions, and has a mobile cecum and
dix, without producing vascular compression that appendix. As I previously mentioned, the opera-
may produce appendiceal ischemia. We use 5-0 tive time may get much longer in an obese patient
silk stitches to plicate the cecum around the with peritoneal adhesions, a fixed cecum, a mis-
appendix (Fig. 21.2c). Prior to the plication, we located appendix, or an absent appendix.
place two 6-0 silk stitches at the tip of the appen- Sometimes, we open the abdomen with the
dix. The tip of the appendix is then opened with a incision that we described, only to find that the
needle-tip cautery in between both stitches. A no. cecum is not located in the right lower quadrant,
8 feeding tube is passed through the tip of the and we cannot feel it with our fingers. At that
appendix into the cecum. The plication of the point, the alternative is to extend the incision all of
cecum should be done on the lateral wall of the the way to the lower abdomen and the upper abdo-
cecum and not into the medial portion. If we men and look for the cecum that sometimes is
make it into the medial portion of the cecum, located in the area of the duodenum or located ret-
there is a possibility that we produce an obstruc- rocecally, with the tip of the appendix located all
tion of the ileocecal valve (Fig. 21.2d, e). The of the way up into the area of the liver. Alternatively,
stitches of the plication take a full thickness bite we can use the laparoscope to look for the cecum
of the cecum and a small bite of the seromuscular and the appendix to mobilize and bring them
layer of the appendix. Every time we tie the through the small incision previously described.
338 21 Operations for the Administration of Antegrade Enemas

b c

d e

Fig. 21.2 Continent appendicostomy. (a) Diagram. (b) vessels. (d) Appendix laid down lateral to the cecum,
Creation of windows between the appendiceal vessels. (c) away from ileocecal valve. (e) Plication finished
Placing sutures for the cecal plication, avoiding the
21.4 Continent Neo-appendicostomy 339

21.4 Continent We have learned through the performance of

Neo-appendicostomy over 50 cases of continent neo-appendicostomy
to create a narrow and long vascularized flap of
The patient receives a total bowel preparation. the colonic bowel and yet to preserve an excel-
The skin is prepared in the way described for a lent blood supply to the tip of the flap. This is
continent appendicostomy. The midline abdomi- achieved by creating the flap following the
nal incision is made, long enough to mobilize the direction of the mesenteric vessels that run in the
cecum and most of the ascending colon. colon (Fig. 21.4a). Looking at the normal blood
Usually, this type of procedure requires divid- supply of the colon, one can see that the
ing of the normal attachments of the cecum and mesenteric vessels of the ascending, transverse,
ascending colon from the right gutter. We have to and descending colon run perpendicular to the
take down those attachments in order to bring the main axis of the colon. Therefore, the flaps that
cecum and part of the ascending colon through we develop in the colon should be created
the wound with no tension. perpendicular to the main axis of the colon

a b

c d

Fig. 21.3 Anastomosis of appendix to the skin of the at the tip of the appendix. Many 6-0 Vicryl sutures are
umbilicus. (a) Intraoperative picture. (b) Diagram. (c) The used (diagram). (e–g) Intraoperative aspect of the recon-
tip of the appendix is spatulated (diagram). (d) The trian- struction. (h) Final aspect of the maneuver
gular skin is accommodated into spatulated space, created
340 21 Operations for the Administration of Antegrade Enemas

e f

g h

Fig. 21.3 (continued)

(Fig. 24.1a, b). That way, one can make a very sutured around a no. 8 feeding tube with multi-
long, narrow flap, narrow enough to be tubular- ple interrupted 6-0 long-term absorbable sutures.
ized around a no. 8 feeding tube (Fig. 21.4d) The area of the taenia of the colon is not elastic,
with an excellent blood supply running through and therefore, we intentionally leave more tissue
the length of the flap. When making this flap in in that part of the flap in order to be able to sur-
the ascending colon, the surgeon must keep in round the no. 8 feeding tube. We have been hap-
mind that the right ascending colon is going to pily surprised by the good blood supply of these
be moved toward the midline in order for the tip long narrow neo-appendices, provided we pre-
of the neo-appendix to be exteriorized through serve the mesenteric vessels. The neo-appendix
the umbilicus. Therefore, we specifically recom- is then laid down on the anterior wall of the
mend making the base of the flap in the lateral colon somewhat askew so the suture line of the
part of the ascending colon away from the ileo- neo-appendix does not lie on the suture line of
cecal valve. The flap must be created identifying the colonic wall, which is plicated using 5-0 silk
two good mesenteric vessels at the center of the stitches in the way that was described before,
base of the flap (Fig. 21.4a, b). Those vessels run when we discussed the continent appendicos-
in the main direction of the longitudinal axis of tomy (Fig. 21.2c, d).
the flap. The flap is raised (Fig. 21.4c). The ante- The entire ascending colon is moved toward
rior wall of the colon is closed with two layers of the midline in order to attach the anterior wall of
sutures; the first one is a running locked suture of the colon to the anterior abdominal wall around
5-0 long-term absorbable sutures, and the second the umbilicus with 5-0 long-term absorbable
one is done with interrupted 5-0 long-term sutures. The tip of the neo-appendix is spatulated
absorbable sutures. The flap is tubularized and in the same way that we described for the
21.4 Continent Neo-appendicostomy 341

continent appendicostomy procedure and anasto- surprised to see that the entire maneuver is totally
mosed to the umbilicus using the same triangular painless. In patients with a neo-appendicostomy,
skin flap type of technique. we do this maneuver after 4 weeks. The patient is
In a patient with a continent appendicostomy, usually very happy to see how easy and gratify-
in whom we use the native appendix, the enemas ing it is to use this new orifice in the umbilicus, to
can be administered if necessary the day after receive enemas (Fig. 21.4).
surgery through the catheter (which is left in We believe that it is extremely important to
place). We usually start giving enemas through make this orifice as invisible as possible.
that catheter 24 h after the patient is started on a However, sometimes, in spite of our attempts,
normal diet. one can see a little bit of mucosa visible in the
In Chap. 20, we emphasized the importance of umbilicus (Fig. 21.5). We have had a couple of
not performing this kind of operation without patients who required a trimming off of that
having previously demonstrated that the patient mucosa as a secondary operation, and one of
responded successfully to the enema program. In them developed a stricture after that revision.
other words, when we perform this operation, we There is a dilemma between leaving too much
already know what kind of enema works in that mucosa prolapse (similar to a colostomy) (by
specific patient. Therefore, as soon as possible, doing that, no strictures will occur) and being
we start using the same type of enema that the very ambitious and try to make it as invisible as
patient already knows that works very well. possible, which has a higher risk of developing a
In patients with a native appendix, this can be stricture. We believe that the triangular skin flap
done the day after surgery, if necessary. In technique helps to decrease the incidence of
patients with a continent neo-appendicostomy, stricture and also keeps the stoma hidden on the
we do not like to give high-pressure, large- umbilical fold.
volume enemas before 1 month postoperatively, Sometimes, several weeks later, the parents
because we are afraid of producing a perforation report to us that they are having difficulty passing
of the colon since it has multiple sutures. In those the catheter, which usually means that the orifice
patients with a neo-appendicostomy, we encour- is getting strictured. When that happens, we tell
age them to receive two small enemas through them to pass the catheter and leave it in place for
the rectum, one in the morning and one at night. a couple of weeks, to continue giving the enema
These are small-volume, low-pressure enemas every day with the catheter in place, and then
that hopefully will not compromise the healing of after 2 weeks, to try again and see if they have the
the ascending colon sutures. There is no guaran- same difficulty. If they have problems after doing
tee that those two small enemas will keep the that, we ask them to come to our clinic, and we
patient completely clean, but they will certainly try dilatations of the stoma with fine Hegar dila-
help. We follow that routine for one entire month tors. If that does not work, then we offer them a
to give enough time for the patient’s colon to heal revision to make the orifice larger. This happened
safely. After 1 month, the enemas previously in 15 % of our cases. The revision of a stricture is
designed, during the bowel management week, a 30-min procedure performed on an ambulatory
can be safely given through the umbilicus. basis. The stricture occurs at the skin level and is
The no. 8 feeding tubes are left in place only a ring-like fibrous band. More recently, we
through the umbilicus in both kinds of operations have been recommending the use of a little
(appendicostomy and neo-appendicostomy). In Silastic device called “stopper”1 [60, 61].
the case of a native appendix, the patient comes When the patients report to us that they are
to the clinic 2 weeks later; we remove the feeding leaking stool through the umbilicus, we ask them
tube and show the patient and the family how to if it is a daily problem, if it happens all of the
pass a feeding tube every night. The great advan-
tage of this operation is that the appendix has no 1
ACE Stopper (ACE Stoma Device) – Marian Medical,
sensation, and therefore, the patient is happily Inc.
342 21 Operations for the Administration of Antegrade Enemas

Fig. 21.4 Continent neo-appendicostomy. (a) Diagram. flap and closure of the colon. (e) Lying down the appendix
(b) Design of a colonic flap, based on a mesenteric vessel. on the colon, away from the colonic suture, prior to the
V vessels. (c) Extending flap. Observe excellent blood plication
supply at the tip of the appendix. (d) Tubularization of the
21.4 Continent Neo-appendicostomy 343

Fig. 21.4 (continued)

344 21 Operations for the Administration of Antegrade Enemas

procedure to those patients in whom the bowel

management has been 100 % successful. We
believe that the Malone procedure or any of its
variants only represents another route of admin-
istration of an enema. In addition, there is no evi-
dence to believe that an enema given in an
antegrade fashion is more efficient than when it is
given through the rectum. The operation is the
easy part; the hard work and time-consuming part
is the bowel management.
When we reoperate on these patients, we have
been amazed to see that the 5-0 silk sutures that
we placed when plicating the cecum around the
appendix simply are floating in the peritoneum
and are no longer holding the cecum.
We had two cases of catastrophic complica-
tions in which the neo-appendix necrosed at its
tip and the patient leaked stool into the peritoneal
cavity, requiring an emergency reoperation. We
therefore emphasize the importance of watching
the blood supply at the tip of the neo-appendix
during the performance of this operation.
Fig. 21.5 Prolapse mucosa through the Malone orifice
A couple of patients came to the clinic com-
plaining of the fact that they had some difficulty
time, or only when the patient is having diarrhea. passing the feeding tube through the orifice in
If the leakage occurs only occasionally and/or the umbilicus, but the apparent obstruction was
when the patient has diarrhea, we tell the parents not located at the skin level in the umbilicus but
that the patient should try to avoid laxative type rather 3 or 4 cm deeper. We learned that a nice
of food. On the other hand, if the problem occurs way to overcome this problem is to pass a baby
every day, we offer the family a reoperation to cystoscope under anesthesia in the operating
re-plicate the cecum around the appendix. room. By doing that, we found that there was
Fortunately, there are some good publications not a real obstruction but that there was a kink
related with the long-term outcomes of these of the appendix interfering with the passing of
procedures, including a significant number of the catheter. Once we identify the direction of
complications and reoperations [62–65]. The fre- the kink with the cystoscope, we teach the fam-
quency of stricture of the little stoma varies from ily to pass a coudé type of catheter directing the
6 to 40 %, the leak rate from 10 to 32 %, and curve of the tip of the catheter in the right direc-
mucosal prolapse 4 %. Many patients abandoned tion in order to access the colon through the ori-
the antegrade enema (8–11 %) because they found fice. This has been highly successful. This
that it was not helpful. troubleshooting maneuver can also be done with
Unfortunately, in most series, there is no real the help of fluoroscopy in an interventional radi-
discussion related with the type of enema that ology suite (brief comment on page 3).
they used. As a consequence, many patients are We emphasize to the family the importance
subjected to this type of procedure, only to of lubricating the feeding tube as much as
remain fecally incontinent. We like to say that possible prior to the introduction through the
what failed in those cases was not the operation, umbilicus. A school-aged child, who wants to go
but rather the bowel management that, for us, is a on playing, may be in a hurry to pass the catheter,
prerequisite for the operation. We only offer the and the fact the he/she has no sensation makes
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22.1 Introduction “bad side” of the spectrum. This is preventable

and totally unacceptable. Unfortunately, it is
Anorectal malformations are represented by a something that happens more often than desired.
wide spectrum of defects. On the good side of We do not know if there is a problem related
the spectrum, that includes, malformations that with our perception, the fact that we feel that
can be repaired with a relatively easy technique more morbidity occurs during the attempt to
and can obtain excellent functional results, mak- repair anorectal malformations than the one that
ing the patient basically a normal individual that occurs in other congenital defects. The fact is that
can enjoy a normal life. On the other hand, on the at our center, from a total of 2,032 cases of ano-
“bad side” of the spectrum, one can find complex rectal malformations operated by the authors over
defects, associated to very significant anatomic the previous 30 years, 478 are reoperations. One
deficiencies that make the functional progno- hundred and fifty-three of those were done in an
sis rather somber. In these serious and complex attempt to regain bowel control. Three hundred
defects, it is almost impossible to restore nor- and twenty-five were done in cases that underwent
mal bowel function, urinary function, or sex- an attempted failed repair at another hospital and
ual function. Many of these patients are born suffered serious complications. We are aware of
without the necessary nerves and muscles that the fact that we are a referral center, and therefore
represent the mechanism of bowel and urinary the proportion of cases that we see, that had failed
control. In the middle of these two extremes of attempted repairs, is not representative of the pro-
the spectrum, there are many types of malforma- portion seen in the general population. Yet, we
tion with variable anatomic setups and different still consider this number extremely high. From
prognoses. We look forward to the design and/ a total of 909 male cases we had operated, 223
or discovery of therapeutic methods that allow are reoperations, 93 of them were performed in an
obtaining better functional results for patients attempt to improve bowel control, and 130 were
that are currently born in the “bad side” of the done to repair sequelae from injuries provoked by
spectrum. previous surgical misadventures. Between 1,123
However, it must be considered unacceptable female cases, 60 were reoperated in an attempt to
to see a patient born with a malformation consid- regain bowel control and 195 for other reasons.
ered benign, in other words, in the “good side” of This takes us into a controversial issue of
the spectrum to receive a technically deficient “reproducible” versus “non-reproducible” opera-
surgical procedure that destroys important struc- tions in surgery. We are convinced that some
tures and mechanisms of bowel and urinary con- operations are highly reproducible, such as pylo-
trol and ends up with a patient that belongs to the romyotomy, hernia repair, cholecystectomy, and

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 349

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_22, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
350 22 Reoperations

other similar procedures. Those operations have when all patients born with “benign” malforma-
demonstrated the efficiency and efficacy through tions undergo impeccable operations to repair the
many years, performed by all kinds of surgeons. defect and enjoy a normal life.
Unfortunately, we believe that the operations Perhaps, part of the problem to explain why
designed to repair anorectal malformations are these operations are not as reproducible as others
not very reproducible. This means that to repair is the fact that the wide spectrum of anatomic
anorectal malformations successfully, the sur- variations found in these patients is not well
geon must be familiar with an anatomic territory known by the majority of pediatric surgeons. In
that was not well known until recently. For that, addition, during the adult general surgical train-
he must be open-minded enough to forget many ing of most surgeons, they learn the traditional
of the traditional anatomic concepts and become anatomic concepts from adult general surgical
familiar with the anatomic spectrum seen in this textbooks, which are not representative of the
complex part of the body, in patients with anorec- anatomic variations seen in patients with anorec-
tal malformations. In addition, the surgeon in tal malformations.
charge of repairing these defects must be very
meticulous, careful, and delicate. There are, we
are convinced, many surgeons who are very good 22.2 Reoperations to Improve
to repair certain types of defects, but not for oth- Bowel Control
ers. Many surgeons have a tendency to be in a
hurry and do not have tolerance or patience to During our early experience with the posterior
slow down when dealing with delicate tissues sagittal approach [1], we were extremely opti-
and complex anatomic arrangements. Anorectal mistic and believed that we would be able to
malformation patients are born with a rectum, restore the anatomy of many patients that have
sometimes a vagina, and sometimes a urethra been operated with old techniques and suffered
located in rather unusual places. These three from fecal incontinence. We assumed that since
structures are frequently abnormally attached one most of the operations used before 1980 were
to another, and they share common walls without performed, at least in part, blindly, one would
a plane of dissection. The separation of these expect that the surgeons may have positioned the
structures is a mandatory step, in order to recon- rectum in the wrong location and not in the center
struct the anatomy of these unfortunate patients. of the sphincter mechanism. Based on that, we
The separation of those structures represents a thought that by repositioning the rectum within
technical challenge. Until now, the only way to the limits of the sphincter, the patient may gain
do it is observing a very meticulous, delicate dis- bowel control. Consequently, we accepted to sur-
section. This mandatory step (the separation of gically reexplore all patients who underwent a
the structures) has not been facilitated by new previous repair and suffered from fecal inconti-
technologic advances, such as laparoscopic nence. Our initial experience included eight
approach or robotic approach. In fact, we have patients [1]. In these, we found that the most
seen more complications when such separation common mislocation of the rectum was an ante-
has been attempted through a laparoscope. We rior one (Fig. 22.1). These mislocations could be
are sure that new advances in the technology will total or partial. The second most common
result in finer, most likely digital instruments that mislocation of the rectum was a posterior one
will allow to perform complex reconstructions (Fig. 22.2). In general, the cases of posterior mis-
with minimally invasive type of procedures. located rectum were the patients operated at a
Professors of pediatric surgery, all over the time before the Stephens contribution, when sur-
world, are responsible for the surgical training of geons believed that the rectum should be pulled
the young generation of pediatric surgeons that down as close as possible to the sacrum to avoid
will be operating on thousands of babies born damage to the urinary tract. The cases in whom
with these defects. We look forward to the time the rectum was located too anterior, in general,
22.2 Reoperations to Improve Bowel Control 351

a b

Fig. 22.1 Anterior mislocation of the rectum. (a) Diagram. (b) Perineum. (c) MRI. S sphincter, A anal opening

belonged to the era when Dr. Stephens suggested placed at the mucocutaneous junction of the anal
that the rectum should be pulled down, as close opening in order to apply uniform traction to
as possible to the rectum, in order to preserve the facilitate this redissection of the rectum. The
“puborectalis sling” and give the patient the pos- incision is performed exactly in the midline,
sibility of bowel control. dividing all sphincter mechanisms found, poste-
A third type of rectal mislocation was a lateral rior to the rectal wall. The incision continues
one that happened to be very unusual (Fig. 22.3). until we identify the posterior rectal wall. Many
The operation consists in opening posterior times, what we really find is the colon. In other
sagittally (Fig. 22.4). Multiple silk stitches are words, the surgeons who performed the first
352 22 Reoperations

a b

Fig. 22.2 Posterior mislocation of the rectum. (a) Diagram. (b) Perineum. S sphincter, A anal opening. (c) MRI

operation resected the rectum and pulled down the reoperation was easier to perform than the
colon from inside the abdomen. We must be pre- primary procedures. Since most of these patients
pared to be able to identify whether the patient did not suffer from infections, retractions, and
has a colon or rectum. abscesses (catastrophes), the surgical planes and
Originally, we were concerned and thought the anatomic features were easily recognized. In
that this type of reoperation could be addition, it was not necessary to separate the
extremely difficult. Actually, it turned out that rectum from the urogenital structures, which is,
22.2 Reoperations to Improve Bowel Control 353

a b

Fig. 22.3 Lateral mislocation of the rectum. (a) Diagram. (b) Perineum

Fig. 22.4 Opening

a b
incision. (a) Diagram. (b)

as we know, the most important challenge in the in a circumferential manner, peripheral to the silk
treatment of anorectal malformations. Also, there stitches to mobilize the entire rectum (Fig. 22.5).
was no fistula, and finally, there was not a prob- Once the rectum has been mobilized, the lim-
lem of bowel length, because the bowel was its of the sphincter are electrically determined
already connected to the perineum, so it turned (Fig. 22.6). Our findings in this type of operation
out to be a rather quick and easy procedure. include patients who had the rectum completely
Once we identify the posterior bowel wall, the mislocated and an intact sphincter mechanism. In
dissection must be extended to the lateral walls of those procedures, it was extremely satisfactory
the bowel and eventually to the distal end at the to mobilize the rectum and place it within the
skin. The posterior sagittal incision is continued limits of the sphincter. We finished the operation
354 22 Reoperations

terms of bowel control [1]. In other words, they

recovered voluntary bowel movements. We then
analyzed the characteristics of the group of
patients that improved with the operation and
compared with the group that did not improve and
found that, as expected, those patients who
improved were the ones that had a completely
mislocated rectum, a preserved rectum, and a
good sacrum and were born with a malformation
that belongs to the “good side” of the spectrum.
Based on that experience, we changed the indica-
tions for this type of procedure, and ever since
that time, we only reoperate, with the expectation
to improve bowel control, on those patients that
have a good sacrum (sacral ratio between 0.6 and
0.8), no evidence of tethered cord, and a com-
pletely mislocated rectum with an intact sphinc-
ter; they still have their original rectum (was not
resected), and they were born with a malforma-
tion that we consider a “benign” type. The results
of those reoperations with the new indications
were not as good as we expected; only about 2/3
of our 77 patients improved significantly in terms
of bowel control [2, 3]. Yet, 85 % of them still soil
the underwear significantly.
The review of the history of the reoperations
Fig. 22.5 Diagram showing the dissection of the rectum designed to improve bowel control, in patients
suffering from fecal incontinence, is a demon-
with the impression that we really benefited the stration of the ingenuity, imagination, and cre-
patient. Other times, to our dismay, we found ativity of surgeons in general. However, the
either that the patient was born with no sphinc- results have been in general less than optimal.
ters and the rectum was surrounded by fat tissue Those surgeons who believed in the existence
or we found that the sphincter had been destroyed of the puborectalis, soon enough, designed an
during the previous operation and the bowel was operation to recover the “missed puborectalis”
surrounded by scar tissue only. In those cases, we [4, 5]. Others [6–10] believed that they could
finished the procedure, feeling that we did not improve bowel control by plicating, tightening,
help the child. or releasing the levator mechanism from its pos-
The rectum then is relocated and placed within terior attachments. These types of procedures
the limits of the sphincter mechanism. The previ- were known as “levatorplasties.”
ous location of the rectum is obliterated and A few surgeons embraced the idea of using the
repaired with long-term absorbable sutures. The posterior sagittal approach to perform a relocation
rectum is anchored to the sphincter mechanism of the rectum or to perform a “levatorplasty” [11–
as in the primary procedures, and the anoplasty is 16], most of them with encouraging results and
done with circumferential multiple, fine, long- others with bad results [12]. One author described
term, absorbable sutures (Fig. 22.7). an “anterior sagittal approach” to reoperate incon-
The first retrospective review of our experience tinent patients [17]. A careful reading of the article
with this type of operations showed us that five of showed that the procedure was actually a posterior
our eight cases had a significant improvement in approach performed in lithotomy position.
22.2 Reoperations to Improve Bowel Control 355

a b

Fig. 22.6 Limits of the sphincter. (a) Diagram. L limits of the sphincter. (b) Operative view of one side of the incision,
showing the limits of the sphincter and the original anterior mislocation of the anus

a b

Fig. 22.7 Anoplasty. (a) Diagram. (b) Perineum

356 22 Reoperations

Following the original idea of Pickrell [18], incontinence. In other words, patients with mild
many surgeons tried the “gracilis sling” opera- degree of incontinence may benefit by the use of
tion, with and without electrical stimulation, with medication and/or diet to slow down the colon,
questionable results [19–36]. The gluteus muscle in cases with tendency to diarrhea and the use
was also used to create a voluntary sphincter [37– of laxatives in those patients who suffer from
41] with variable results. constipation.
The possibility of using an artificial sphincter, In some cases with total fecal incontinence
capable of giving bowel control, has always been consecutive to a previously repaired anorectal
in the mind of surgeons [42–52]. It has been tried malformation, we offer a reoperation to those
only in adult patients. The morbidity of this pro- patients that have the following characteristics:
cedure is high, including infection, rectal stric- A. Completely mislocated rectum
ture, and mechanical failure of the device. In B. Have normal sacrum
1988, we implanted in pigs Silastic, hydraulic C. No evidence of tethered cord
devices normally used in the urinary tract (unpub- D. Were born with good prognosis type of ano-
lished data). We were able to avoid bowel move- rectal malformation (perineal fistula, vestibu-
ments when the cuffs were inflated, but we were lar fistula, bulbar fistula, and absent fistula)
not able to produce bowel movements when the In all other cases, or those who did not respond
device was deactivated. That experience contrib- to our procedure, we offer them our bowel man-
utes to make us believe that we will not be able to agement program (see Chap. 20).
produce bowel control, unless we find the way to
manipulate the rectosigmoid motility.
In 1975, Hakelius from Sweden suggested 22.3 Reoperations Performed
that we could produce bowel control with free After Failed Attempted
autogenous muscle transplantation [53, 54]. Repair (Catastrophes) Males
Several surgeons followed his idea, with variable
results [55–59]. We have done approximately 130 cases of male
Surgeons who believed in the existence of the patients born with an anorectal malformation,
“internal sphincter” and its importance for bowel who underwent an attempted failed repair. These
control devised ingenious procedures to create a patients suffered from postoperative acquired
structure similar to the “internal sphincter” [60– rectal atresia, anorectal stenosis, dehiscence,
63]. The lack of long-term results makes us to retractions, abscess, infections, and persistent,
suspect that the results have not been good. recurrent, or acquired rectourethral fistulas.
Based on the idea that the contraction of the Interestingly, in all these cases, we found that
sphincter mechanism is a response to electric-like the common denominator to explain the failed
stimuli, transmitted by a nerve, some surgeons operation was the lack of a preoperative high-
have been trying different modalities of electrical, pressure distal colostogram or a technically
magnetic, or temperature-controlled radiofre- deficient one. The surgeons did not have accu-
quency stimulation to produce bowel control. The rate anatomic information, which resulted in a
reports describe mainly adult patients, and the deficient surgical technique.
results are rather controversial [64–74]. The lack of a high-pressure distal colostogram
The extreme example of the rather simplistic frequently induced the surgeons to look for the
and naïve idea of the mechanisms of bowel control rectum in the wrong place, damaging other
is the use of a tampon-like device [75] or by the important structures, including the urethra, vas
injection of bulking agents in the anus [76, 77]. deferens, and seminal vesicles, or provoking
In summary, we believe that a rational nerve damage that resulted in neurogenic bladder
approach to the problem of fecal incontinence and/or lack of erections (impotence). The most
in children must consist in the regulation of common scenario was a patient with anorectal
colonic motility in patients with borderline fecal malformation with a recto-bladder neck fistula or
22.4 Reoperations for Postoperative Recto-urinary Fistula 357

a very high rectal prostatic fistula that was the abdomen, with a laparotomy or laparoscopy
approached posterior sagittally without a distal in a case of a very low-lying rectum is a very dif-
colostogram. The surgeon went straight deep ficult task, and occasionally the patients suffered
through the incision, looking for the rectum that a urethral damage or were left with a piece of
was not there, and in the process of searching for rectum attached to the urethra (posterior urethral
the rectum, he injured the structures that we diverticulum).
already mentioned.
Another scenario was a surgeon who entered
posterior sagittally, without a distal colostogram, 22.4 Reoperations
found the rectum, separated it from the urinary for Postoperative Recto-
tract, and tried to mobilize it down unsuccess- urinary Fistula
fully. The surgeon was unaware of the fact that
the patient had a very short piece of bowel from Fifty-two cases came to us, with a fistula that
the mucous fistula of the colostomy to the distal connected the rectum to the urinary tract, with a
end or fistula of the rectum (see Chap. 5). The history of a previous failed attempted repair. This
fact that the patient did not have a distal colosto- condition has been reported in the past [78–87].
gram did not allow the surgeon to predict that he We classified those fistulas into three categories:
would find such anatomic limitation. As a conse-
quence, after persistent, unsuccessful attempts to
mobilize the rectum, the result usually was devas- 22.4.1 Recurrent Fistula (17 Cases)
cularization of the bowel. The surgeons had to go
into the abdomen, resect that damaged piece of In these cases, the surgeon recognized the
bowel, and take the proximal colostomy down. presence of the fistula, separated the rectum
This had important negative repercussions for the from the urinary tract, closed the fistula during
patient in terms of bowel control, because we the operation, and then repaired the anorectal
have evidence that when the original rectum is malformation, and yet the patient developed
resected, the chances for the patient to have a recurrent fistula (Fig. 22.8a, b). A careful
bowel control are significantly decreased. and detailed reading of the operative report
Other cases had an unnecessarily extensive of those cases, as well as our findings in the
operation for a rather benign defect. This happened reoperations, leads us to believe that the main
when a patient with a benign malformation (such problem in these type of cases was the fact
as perineal fistula) underwent a non-indicated that during the separation of the rectum from
colostomy and subsequently a technically defi- the urinary tract, the anterior rectal wall was
cient distal colostogram. The study was done damaged more than necessary, as well as the
without applying the necessary hydrostatic pres- posterior wall of the urethra next to the fistula
sure in order to distend the most distal part of the site. In addition, the rectum was not mobilized
bowel, which we know is surrounded by voluntary enough, and most likely an anterior rectal wall,
sphincter mechanism (see Chap. 6, Sect. 6.6). The already damaged, was left located in front of a
technically deficient distal colostogram showed sutured-damaged urethra. As we know, leaving
an image that gave the wrong impression; the sur- sutures, in front of sutures, represent the ideal
geon and the radiologists believed that the patient situation for the recurrence of a fistula.
was born with “high imperforate anus.” Actually Our reoperation consisted of a posterior sagit-
the patient had a rectum located much lower and tal approach, separation of the rectum from the
could be easily reached with an incision from urinary tract, which was more difficult than the
below (posterior sagittally). Rather than that, the original procedure and then performed enough
surgeon went ahead and performed a laparotomy mobilization of the rectum, so as to be sure that
or laparoscopy, which was not indicated. Trying to we left a normal rectal wall in front of a urethral
separate the rectum from the urinary tract, through suture.
358 22 Reoperations

1 2

Fig. 22.8 Recurrent fistula. (a) Diagram. (1) of urethral sutures. (3) Recurrent fistula. (b) Intraoperative
Preoperative. (2) Postoperative. The rectum was not picture showing the recurrent fistula
mobilized enough; sutures of the rectum were left in front
22.4 Reoperations for Postoperative Recto-urinary Fistula 359


Fig. 22.9 Persistent fistula. (a) Diagram. (1) Preoperative. (2) Postoperative – the rectum was pulled down, and the
fistula was left intact. (b) Intraoperative – picture taken during the posterior sagittal approach. R rectum, F fistula

22.4.2 Persistent Rectourethral part of the rectum bulges down and is seen in the
Fistula (24 Cases) radiologic diagnostic studies as “low” malforma-
tion. However, the radiologist did not apply
This occurs when the patient was born with a rec- enough hydrostatic pressure to demonstrate the
tourethral fistula, most of the time located in the fistula. As a consequence, the surgeon believes
lowest part of the posterior urethra (bulbar) that he is dealing with a low-lying rectum with-
(Fig. 22.9a, b). In these types of cases, the lowest out a fistula that he can approach from below.
360 22 Reoperations

a b

Fig. 22.10 Acquired fistula. (a) Foley catheter passing ated without a Foley catheter. The urethra was completely
through the penis and coming out through the anus. (b) transected. b bladder, u urethral blind end, p proximal ure-
Cystogram of a patient born with a perineal fistula, oper- thral end pulled down together with the rectum

Consequently, he enters through a posterior sagit- procedure, they passed urine through the
tal or perineal approach, finds the rectum rela- rectum and stool through the urethra!
tively easily, mobilizes only the necessary part of Obviously, the fistula was created by the sur-
the rectum in order to create an anus, and finishes geon. The most common scenario is the one
the operation leaving the rectourethral fistula of a patient who was born with a perineal fis-
untouched and intact (Fig. 22.9). tula and underwent an operation; the surgeon
The reoperation in this type of case is straight- did not use a Foley catheter in the urethra and
forward. First, we go posterior sagittally, open damaged or divided inadvertently the urethra
the rectum like we do in a primary procedure, and during the mobilization of the anterior rectal
deal with the fistula exactly in the same way as wall (Fig. 22.10).
we do in a primary procedure. Again, we must be The operation in these cases consists of sep-
certain to leave a completely normal rectal wall arating the rectum from the perineum and
in front of the urethral fistula site. approach the urethra to close the fistula. Then
mobilize the rectum again to be sure to leave a
normal rectal wall in front of the urethra. These
22.4.3 Acquired Fistula (9 Cases) types of patients frequently have a complete
section of the urethra and require a resection of
In these cases, the patients were born with an the stricture and reanastomosis, which can be
anorectal malformation, without a fistula, done comfortably posterior sagittally with
and underwent an operation, and after the good results.
22.6 Acquired Rectal Atresia or Stenosis (83 Cases) 361

they considered high, routinely they performed

an abdominoperineal operation. In those years,
the distinction between the bulbar, prostatic, and
bladder neck was not recognized. An abdomino-
perineal operation for a recto-bladder neck fistula
turned out to be a relatively easy procedure, and
the separation of the rectum from the bladder
neck was easy, whereas a case with a rectourethral
bulbar fistula could represent a serious challenge,
and that is when these types of sequelae occurred.
In the recent years, we have been seeing again
more cases of posterior urethral diverticula con-
secutive to a laparoscopic approach of a recto-
Fig. 22.11 Posterior urethral diverticulum – operative
view of a posterior sagittal approach. R rectum, D diver- urethral bulbar fistula (Animation 13.2) [85–88].
ticulum, F lacrimal probe introduced in the fistula We consider contraindicated to approach laparo-
scopically a case with a rectourethral bulbar fis-
tula. One of the reasons for that is to avoid these
22.5 Posterior Urethral undesirable sequelae.
Diverticulum (32 Cases) The surgical repair of this condition consists
of performing a posterior sagittal approach,
We use this term to refer to patients who under- mobilizing the rectum, identifying the posterior
went a repair of an anorectal malformation and urethral diverticulum to open it posteriorly, iden-
were left with a piece of rectum attached to the tifying the fistula, and dealing with it exactly in
urethra (Fig. 22.11) [83–88]. That piece of rec- the same way as described for a primary case of
tum behaves like a diverticulum (see Chap. 23). rectourethral bulbar fistula.
It has negative implications, including urinary
pseudoincontinence, formation of stones, uri-
nary tract infections, and orchiepididymitis, and 22.6 Acquired Rectal Atresia
in one particular case, the patient developed an or Stenosis (83 Cases)
adenocarcinoma at the junction of the piece of
the rectum with the urethra. These are cases with a history of a previous
The great majority of patients, who presented attempted repair, and subsequently disappear-
to us with this condition, originally were born ance of the anal opening or developing a very
with a rectourethral bulbar fistula. Most of them severe stricture. This means that the patient
were adolescents who underwent abdominoperi- actually suffered from a complete dehiscence and
neal operations for the repair of a rectourethral retraction of the distal rectum.
bulbar fistula. It is easy to understand how diffi- Reading the operative reports, in these types
cult it could be for a surgeon working through the of cases, we found that most likely the surgeon
abdomen to reach the lowest end of the rectum in a did not mobilize the rectum enough to perform
case of rectourethral bulbar fistula. Consequently, a non-tense bowel-skin anastomosis. In other
the surgeons tried to avoid damage to the uri- cases, during the mobilization of the rectum, the
nary tract and decided to amputate the rectum surgeon damaged the wall of the bowel, interfer-
at a “convenient” location, leaving a significant ing with its intramural blood supply, which pro-
piece of bowel still attached to the urethra and duced ischemia or duskiness of the distal rectum.
then continue with the pull-through (Fig. 22.11). The combination of poor blood supply with a
This happened very often in the old times, when tense anastomosis explains most of these com-
surgeons divided anorectal malformations into plications. In other cases, the surgeons obviously
“high” and “low.” For those malformations that tried to dissect the rectum in the wrong plane.
362 22 Reoperations

When the rectum is dissected and mobilized, we not detected by the previous surgeons. In those
must be sure that we remove all the fat tissue that cases, the narrow portion of the rectum cannot be
surrounds it, including the extrinsic blood sup- dilated using a conventional anal dilatation pro-
ply, but being sure not to injure the bowel wall gram. The adequate treatment includes the resec-
itself, in order to preserve the intramural blood tion of the mass and mobilization of the
supply. Another important aspect of the success- normal-looking rectum above the narrow area.
ful creation of an anus is to be sure that all of Pediatric surgeons must remember that the
the sutures of the anoplasty are performed under association of anorectal malformation and presa-
equal tension. The anastomosis should not be cral mass occurs more commonly in patients with
under tension, yet cannot be too loose, because perineal fistulas (see Chap. 8). The key for the
then the patient will be more prone to suffer diagnosis is the AP film of the sacrum. That may
from prolapse. The sutures in the anoplasty must show a specific defect that is always associated
include full thickness of the bowel and not only with a presacral mass. These patients, in addition,
the mucosa. Another reason why patients may need an MRI of the lower spine, to rule out the
have retraction and dehiscence is because of a presence of tethered cord and/or an anterior
limitation done by the colostomy that was origi- meningocele. If the surgeon has no experience
nally created too distally. Again, the surgeon did with this kind of case, he/she must work together
not have a good preoperative distal colostogram with a pediatric neurosurgeon familiar with this
and did not recognize this anatomic limitation condition. He/she must be prepared to find a
prior to the operation. communication with the dural space and leakage
The reoperation in these patients includes a of cerebrospinal fluid.
posterior sagittal approach to find the rectum and When we reoperate patients with anorectal
to mobilize it adequately down to the perineum. malformations even in those cases that were born
Sometimes this is feasible; sometimes it is not. with what we called “benign malformations,” we
Depending on the type of complication that try to be very clear with the parents and explain
patients suffered from postoperatively, the sur- that we cannot guarantee the recovery of bowel
geon who reoperates may find different degrees function and bowel control. There are many fac-
of technical difficulties. The patient who suffered tors and events that occurred during the original
from dehiscence, infection, retraction, abscesses, operation that does not allow us to predict the
and fistula generates an enormous amount of functional prognosis of the patient. However, the
fibrous tissue, creating what we surgeons call results of reoperations in patients with failed
“frozen pelvis” or “cement type” of pelvis. Under attempted repairs, catastrophes, are in general
those circumstances, the surgeon would have to very rewarding [3].
struggle in an “ocean” of fibrosis to find the rec-
tum and to mobilize it adequately.
22.8 Reoperations in Female
22.7 Presacral Masses
We have done 255 reoperations in female
There is a specific group of patients born with a patients. Sixty of those were performed to try to
perineal fistula who underwent an anoplasty fol- improve bowel control. The results were not dif-
lowed by simple anal dilatations at another insti- ferent from those obtained in male patients. One
tution and came to us, suffering from severe hundred and ninety-five patients underwent reop-
stricture, megacolon, constipation, and fecal erations to correct sequelae from failed attempted
impaction. A meticulous study of the patient repairs done at other institutions; ninety-seven of
includes an anterior-posterior view of the sacrum them were cloacas (see Chap. 16). Sixty-four of
that shows a sacral defect. This indicates that the them were rectovestibular malformations (see
patient was born with a presacral mass that was Chap. 15).
22.9 Prolapse 363

Fig. 22.12 Postoperative rectal prolapse

22.9 Prolapse
Fig. 22.13 Minor rectal prolapse
Rectal prolapse occurs frequently after the
repair of anorectal malformations [89–93]. We When we repair prolapses, we explain to the
believe it is the result of a lack of fixation of parents that we cannot guarantee that the pro-
the rectum to the sphincter mechanism, as well lapse will not come back since we cannot cure
as an absent or poor sphincter mechanism. It is the origin of the prolapse. We have seen recur-
more frequently seen during the last 10 years rences in our cases, but never as severe as the
in cases repaired laparoscopically (see Chap. original prolapse.
13). A potential disadvantage of the laparo- When the prolapse is detected at the time of
scopic approach is the fact that the rectum is the colostomy closure, we offer the family to
not anchored to the neighbor sphincter cancel the colostomy closure and rather take care
mechanism. of the prolapse. Under those circumstances, the
The prolapse is exacerbated when the patients operation does not require bowel preparation
suffer from constipation and spend long periods and is painless, and the patient is discharged 24
of time, pushing, in the toilet. or 48 h after the operation. When we decide to
We reoperate those cases with a prolapse that repair the prolapse after the colostomy has been
we feel interferes with the quality of life of the closed, it is necessary to admit the patient the day
patient, for example, when the prolapse is so before and administer GoLYTELY (see Chap. 7).
prominent (Fig. 22.12) that it bleeds if the patient The procedure takes approximately 1 h, but we
rides his bicycle. It also produces mucus that keep the patient fasting for 5–7 days, receiving
becomes evident through the dress, provoking parental nutrition.
embarrassing moments to the patient. We do not The repair is performed in the prone position.
repair minor prolapses (Fig. 22.13). Figure 22.14a–f shows the different stages of the
364 22 Reoperations

Fig. 22.14 Surgical repair of prolapse. (a) Diagram prolapsed rectum in the midline. (d) Operative view of the
showing the multiple silk sutures placed at the mucocuta- same stage of operation. (e) Diagram showing the resec-
neous junction and the beginning of the circumferential tion of the rectum and the superficial layer of sutures of
incision. (b) Operative view of the rectum fully dissected. the anoplasty. (f) Operative view of the same stage of
(c) Diagram showing a fully dissected rectum and the procedure
placement of the deep layer of sutures and dividing the
22.9 Prolapse 365

Fig. 22.14 (continued)

366 22 Reoperations

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Urologic Problems in Anorectal
Malformations 23

23.1 Introduction extreme the cloacal exstrophy and other complex

malformations. It can be very easily seen that the
Urogenital problems in patients with anorectal frequency of association increases directly pro-
malformation represent a very important source portional to the height of the defect and the com-
of morbidity; in fact, it is more likely for a child plexity of the malformation. This information is
with an anorectal malformation to die from a uro- very valuable to increase the index of suspicion
logic problem, rather than from gastrointestinal of the clinician and allow an early detection of
problems or any other associated defect. Pediatric the urologic problems, particularly those that
surgeons must keep in mind that the patient with may produce renal damage and eventually kid-
an anorectal malformation represents a potential ney failure.
life-threatening problem originated in the uro- It is a relatively common experience to see a
genital tract, mainly kidney damage and eventu- patient that was born with an anorectal malfor-
ally kidney failure. mation that was repaired early in life, and the
The association of urogenital defects with parents were not alerted about the fact that the
anorectal malformations has been recognized for patient had a urologic abnormality, and years
a long time. The incidence has been estimated to later, the parents have the very unpleasant expe-
vary from 25 to 85 % [1–17]. The majority of rience of learning that the child needs a kidney
reports inform of an incidence around 30–50 %. transplant. In some cases, the patient is born with
We believe that the difference found between dif- the kidneys already severely damaged, and the
ferent authors is a consequence of the thorough- role of the physician should be directed to avoid
ness of the search. A high index of suspicion, in worsening of that problem. On the other hand,
an institution with high technologic support, some patients are born with normal kidneys, but
mostly likely will find more urologic problems. the lack of care of a problem such as vesicoure-
Table 23.1 shows the frequency of associ- teral reflux and a poor functional bladder even-
ated urologic defects for each type of anorectal tually may damage the kidneys, and the patient
malformation. The anorectal defects are listed may require a kidney transplant or even die. This
according to the degree of complexity, being the last situation is mostly preventable and should
simplest the perineal fistulas and in the opposite not occur. All this means that it is very impor-
tant to suspect, diagnose, and treat adequately
all those urologic problems associated with ano-
rectal malformations. In addition, patients with
Electronic supplementary material Supplementary
material is available in the online version of this chapter at anorectal malformations should be followed on a
10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_23. long-term basis, monitoring their kidney function

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 371

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_23, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
372 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

Table 23.1 Frequency of association of urologic defects for each type of anorectal malformation
Absent kidney (%) Vesicoureteral reflux (%) Hydronephrosis (%)
Cloaca CC >3 cm 26 40 45
Cloacal exstrophy 26 21 9
Cloaca CC <3 cm 17 21 22
Vestibular 10 13 6
Perineal 4 5 5
Absent kidney Vesicoureteral
(%) reflux (%) Hydronephrosis (%) Hypospadias (%) UDT (%)
Bladder neck 31 29 24 15 18
Prostatic 16 6 6 6 7
Bulbar 11 13 9 10 5
No fistula 7 7 4 3 10
Perineal 2 3 6 1 2

and the anatomy of the urinary tract, because we to diagnose the location of the recto-urinary fis-
know that many of them have anatomic or func- tula. In addition, the urethral catheterization in
tional problems with a tendency to deteriorate. babies with rectourethral fistulas sometimes is
difficult, because the patients frequently have
kinks or narrowing of the urethra, particularly at
23.2 Neonatal Approach the junction between the rectum and the urethra.
If the baby has tethered cord and/or a very
If a pediatric surgeon has no experience in the abnormal sacrum (sacral ratio less than 0.4), he is
diagnosis and management of urologic problems, at risk of suffering from deterioration of the blad-
he should work together with a pediatric urolo- der function, which eventually may affect the
gist in the initial evaluation of a patient with ano- kidneys and therefore is considered a high-risk
rectal malformation. patient from the urologic point of view, even if
All newborn babies with anorectal malforma- the initial kidney ultrasound is normal.
tions should have a kidney ultrasound, within the The female baby with a cloaca represents a
first 24 h of life and before any surgical interven- particularly difficult challenge (see Chap. 16).
tion. Female babies, particularly those with clo- Thirty percent of patients born with a cloaca have
aca (single perineal orifice), must have, in a hydrocolpos that may produce an extrinsic
addition, a pelvic ultrasound to rule out the pres- compression of the ureterovesical junction,
ence of a hydrocolpos. which results in megaureter and hydronephrosis.
We believe that a male baby with a normal As we mentioned in the Chap. 16, before consid-
kidney ultrasound, that is passing urine satis- ering drainage of the urinary tract with a nephros-
factorily, has a normal sacrum, and no evidence tomy or ureterostomy, the surgeon must drain the
of tethered cord can be operated on without any hydrocolpos and reevaluate the megaureter and
further urologic tests. On the other hand, if the hydronephrosis. After the hydrocolpos has been
baby has hydronephrosis, he will require further drained, the megaureter will improve or disap-
urologic studies, including a voiding cystoure- pear, as well as the hydronephrosis. If the hydro-
throgram. We do not believe that the voiding nephrosis or the megaureter persists, the baby
cystourethrogram should be done routinely, in must be subjected to further evaluation to con-
all male babies with anorectal malformations, sider the possibility of making a ureterostomy,
because in our experience, it is not a good study nephrostomy, or vesicostomy. We have seen
23.4 Most Common Urologic Abnormalities in Male Patients with Anorectal Malformations 373

many babies with cloacas, hydronephrosis, and gram. We strongly recommend separating both
megaureter, subjected to unnecessary ureterosto- stomas in order to be able to put a colostomy bag,
mies, nephrostomies, and/or vesicostomies, in a including only the proximal stoma and not the dis-
futile attempt to improve the hydronephrosis, tal one. When both stomas are too close together,
without draining the hydrocolpos (see Chap. 16). the mother is forced to use a single bag to cover
There is a small group of patients with a cloaca both stomas, which may produce fecal contamina-
that are born with a very narrow (almost atresia) com- tion of the distal bowel and consequently of the
mon channel which interferes with the emptying of urinary tract. Loop colostomies, therefore, from
the bladder. After draining the hydrocolpos, an ultra- our point of view, are formally contraindicated in
sound may show that the bladder is still full and does anorectal malformations, because they represent a
not empty well. An attempt to catheterize the bladder source of fecal contamination of the urinary tract.
may be extremely difficult; in those cases it is justi- During the creation of the colostomy, we spe-
fied to do a cystostomy or a vesicostomy. cifically recommend the surgeons to wash the
Another possible indication for a vesicostomy bowel distal to the mucous fistula until it is com-
is the case of a baby with demonstrated massive pletely collapsed and cleaned of meconium. If a
vesicoureteral reflux, megaureter, hydronephro- baby receives a colostomy and after the procedure
sis, and important risk factors for poor bladder is not doing well and suffers from frequent urinary
function, such as poor sacrum and tethered cord. tract infections and from episodes of acidosis, it is
The newborn baby should not be taken to the extremely important for the physician to look at the
operating room until the surgeon has ruled out type of colostomy that the baby has, looking for an
and treated important associated urologic prob- explanation for that behavior. A loop colostomy
lems. After this, the baby is taken to the operating producing frequent urinary tract infections would
room to perform either a colostomy or a primary require an operation to separate the stomas. If the
repair of the anorectal malformation. surgeon did not wash the distal bowel, sometimes
the accumulation of meconium, plus mucus pass-
ing through the fistula, produces urinary tract infec-
23.3 The Importance tions. Finally, when the colostomy was opened in
of the Colostomy Type the transverse colon (which we consider contrain-
from the Urologic Point dicated), the meconium may pass into the urinary
of View tract, but also urine passes from the urinary tract
into the colon where it is absorbed, producing
The location and type of colostomy may have hyperchloremic acidosis that may interfere with the
important urologic implications. It is important growth and development of the newborn baby.
for the neonatologist as well as the urologist to When a pediatric urologist is called to see a baby
remember this (see Chap. 5). with this kind of problem, he should look at the
The colostomy that we recommend is one cre- type of colostomy that the baby has.
ated at the end of the descending colon and proxi-
mal to the sigmoid loop. The purpose of that
specific location is dual, first, to avoid prolapse of 23.4 Most Common Urologic
the proximal stoma, since the descending colon is Abnormalities in Male
fixed, and, second, to leave enough distal bowel Patients with Anorectal
(loop of the sigmoid) to allow a successful pull- Malformations
through. In addition, we specifically recommend to
make the distal stoma (mucous fistula) very narrow 23.4.1 Absent Kidney
in order to avoid prolapse, but still, we believe that
is important to keep it open to be able to irrigate the The most common congenital urologic defect
distal bowel and to perform radiologic studies, associated to anorectal malformations is an
most specifically, a high-pressure distal colosto- absent, dysplastic, multicystic, or nonfunctional
374 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

a b

Fig. 23.1 Absent kidney (multicystic, dysplastic). (a) Ultrasound showing an image of a multicystic kidney. (b) Renal
scan showing an absent kidney. (c) MRI showing a horseshoe kidney

kidney. In our series, 106 out of our 909 male Figure 23.3 shows the images of a void-
patients and 165 out of 1,123 females were born ing cystourethrogram of a baby suffering from
with this problem. vesicoureteral reflux (Fig. 23.3a unilateral and
Figure 23.1 shows the images of a patient with Fig. 23.3b bilateral). In our series, this problem
an absent kidney. Figure 23.1a shows the ultrasound was present in 207 out of 1,123 females and 133
and Fig. 23.1b shows a renal scan. This is by far the out of 909 males. The incidence of reflux in cases
most common type of anatomic abnormality seen in of anorectal malformations has been estimated to
anorectal malformations. The kidney may be totally vary from 30 to 60 % [18–21]. In our series it
absent or rather represented by a nonfunctional occurred between 14 and 18 % of the cases.
multicystic and/or dysplastic kidney remnant. The presence of severe megaureter and vesi-
Figure 23.2a shows the images of an ultra- coureteral reflux in a newborn baby is an omi-
sound in a patient with hydronephrosis, and nous sign. That baby will require special care to
Fig. 23.2b shows a case with hydronephrosis protect the kidneys, particularly in cases with real
and megaureter in a patient with anorectal mal- or potential neurogenic bladder, such as patients
formation. This problem was present in 198 out with severe sacral deformity and/or tethered
of 1,123 female patients and 70 out of 909 male cord. The best way to protect the kidneys in those
patients. The presence of a megaureter in patients babies is with a temporary vesicostomy, since
with anorectal malformations, most of the time, trying to perform a ureteral reimplantation, with
represents the existence of severe vesicoureteral ureteral tapering, in an infant with a well-known
reflux, since the cases of ureterovesical obstruc- poor functional bladder most likely will not suc-
tion are very unusual. Of course, we must remem- ceed and may put the marginal renal function of
ber that cloaca patients may have an extrinsic the patient at risk.
compression of the ureterovesical junction that is There is one particular group of male
released when a dilated vagina is drained. patients born with a recto-bladder neck fistula.
23.4 Most Common Urologic Abnormalities in Male Patients with Anorectal Malformations 375

Fig. 23.2 Hydronephrosis (ultrasound image). (a) Bilateral hydronephrosis. (b) Hydronephrosis and megaureter

a b

Fig. 23.3 Vesicoureteral reflux (VCUG). (a) Unilateral. (b) Bilateral

376 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

A. Patients with anorectal malformations

frequently suffer from a spectrum of sacral
abnormalities that have a demonstrated effect
on bladder function.
B. At least 25 % of patients with ARM suffer
from tethered cord, which also has a signifi-
cant negative effect on bladder function.
C. The repair of an anorectal malformation,
when done inappropriately, produces differ-
ent degrees of neurogenic bladder.
D. The repair of complex cloacas includes a sig-
nificant dissection between the vagina(s), the
bladder neck, the trigone, and the urethra. All
these have a very significant effect on the
bladder function. In addition, the scar pro-
duced by that dissection may represent a seri-
ous challenge to perform a reimplantation.
Fig. 23.4 VCUG in a patient with a single kidney with
It is becoming obvious that the bladder function
hydronephrosis and reflux is a fundamental factor to take into consideration
when making a decision about a ureteral reimplan-
tation. A ureteral reimplantation, done in a patient
Twenty-five patients of a group of 111 patients with neurogenic bladder and incapacity to empty,
born with a bladder neck fistula had an absent most likely will fail. The decision to reimplant a
kidney, megaureter, and hydronephrosis in the ureter must not be taken without a previous urody-
opposite site (Fig. 23.4). These patients are at namic evaluation. This is particularly true in patients
high risk to end up with a kidney transplant. with megaureter and hydronephrosis. The ureteral
The fact that a baby is born with hydrone- reimplantation must be performed being sure that
phrosis means that those kidneys had been the patient is able to empty the bladder spontane-
suffering in utero and at birth already have a ously or with intermittent catheterization through
significant degree of damage. We have seen the urethra [22] or through an appendicovesicos-
patients with hydronephrosis at birth and with tomy tract (Mitrofanoff principle) [23, 24].
a normal creatinine; they maintain the normal Because of all these reasons, in general, we try
level of serum creatinine during the first years to avoid a reimplantation in a newborn with reflux,
of life, but when they have a growth spurt, megaureter, and hydronephrosis. A vesicostomy is
sometimes the creatinine suddenly elevates, a better option, under those circumstances; it pro-
indicating that most likely the patient was born tects the upper tracts and gives us time to reevalu-
with a limited kidney function, which became ate the case and make an appropriate decision.
obvious when the patient grows significantly.
Those cases with bladder neck fistula, single
kidney, megaureter, and hydronephrosis should 23.4.2 Urethral Problems
be considered high-risk patients.
The management of vesicoureteral reflux in Figure 23.5 shows an image of male urethrogram
patients with anorectal malformations deserves a of a patient born with an anorectal malformation
special comment. The general principles of man- and a recto-urinary fistula. The kink shown in the
agement of this disorder, in patients without ano- study most likely corresponds to the location of the
rectal malformations, should not be extrapolated fistula. However, we believe that the VCUG is not
and applied for cases with anorectal malformation the ideal study to determine the location of the fis-
for the following reasons: tula. Some patients suffer from a urethral stricture
23.5 Bifid Scrotum 377

Fig. 23.5 Radiologic image of a kinked urethra. The nar-

rowing and/or the kink is located at the junction of the
rectum and the urethra (fistula site)

or a kink of the urethra at the same location of the

junction of the rectum (fistula) (Fig. 23.6). The
posterior sagittal approach represents an ideal way
to repair urethral strictures. This can be done at the
same time of the repair of the anorectal malforma-
tion. We have operated on our patients with this
kind of problem and found relatively simple the
urethral repair. The results have been good.
Fig. 23.6 Distal colostogram showing a urethral stricture
Figure 23.7 shows operative pictures of a repair of
at the junction of the rectum with the urethra
a urethral stricture located at the same location of
the fistula. A urethroplasty was performed using
a flap of rectal tissue (Figs. 23.7a–d). from a urethral stricture, then there is no way to
It is relatively common to see cases that have pass the catheter into the bladder. Under those
a very acute kink of the urethra at the same loca- circumstances we allow the catheter to go into
tion where the rectum joins the urinary tract. the rectum and approach the patient posterior
When the doctors, radiologists, or surgeons try to sagittally; when the rectum is opened, one can
pass a catheter, the catheter stops at that place or see the catheter inside, and then under direct
rather goes into the rectum. To try to overcome vision, one can redirect the catheter into the blad-
this obstacle, it is recommended to use a coude der. If the surgeon finds that there is a urethral
type of catheter (curved tip) to get access to narrowing, we have been using a little piece of
the bladder. Sometimes, however, even with the the local rectal tissue to create a small flap to
use of this catheter, it is not possible to catheter- enlarge the area of the stricture of the urethra
ize the bladder. In such cases it is necessary to with good results (Fig. 23.7).
pass the cystoscope using a wire in order to
catheterize the bladder. There is a maneuver that
proved to be useful to pass a Foley catheter under 23.5 Bifid Scrotum
those circumstances. A lacrimal probe is inserted
in the hole of the catheter, and the lacrimal probe In our series of 909 cases of male patients with
is curved at its tip and can be externally directed anorectal malformation, we found 102 patients
(see Chap. 9). If the patient, in addition, suffers suffering from a bifid scrotum (Fig. 23.8). Most
378 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

a b c

d e

Fig. 23.7 Operative findings in a patient with urethral upper portion of the urethra has been enlarged with a
stricture. The catheter was redirected into the bladder plasty. (c) The urethral catheter was passed toward the
under direct vision, and the urethral stricture was repaired. bladder. (d) The area of stricture is expanded using rectal
(a) The rectum open, lacrimal probe into upper the ure- tissue. (e) Reconstruction finished
thra, catheter emerging from the bulbar urethra. (b) The

of the cases of bifid scrotum occur in babies who time that we repair the anorectal malforma-
have anorectal malformations that belong to tion. It is important to recognize that in cases
the “bad” side of the spectrum, in other words, of bifid scrotum, there is a midline portion of
patients that have bladder neck or high pros- nonelastic skin that separates both hemiscro-
tatic fistulas. Therefore, a bifid scrotum should tums (Fig. 23.9a–e). The skin of the scrotum is
be considered as a sign of a potential complex recognized because it has rugae and is elastic.
malformation. The skin in between the hemiscrotum lacks that
Through the years, we learned to repair the kind of rugae, is rather smooth, and is nonelastic.
bifid scrotum in a rather simple way, at the same The technique that we use consists of resecting
23.5 Bifid Scrotum 379

Fig. 23.8 Different types of bifid scrotum

the smooth, nonelastic portion of the skin. two layer suture of the skin edges (Fig. 23.9d).
Figure 23.9a shows how we have marked the Both layers sutured with multiple, interrupted,
limits that separate the smooth, nonelastic skin 6-0 long-term absorbable sutures. Figure 23.9e
from the normal rugae scrotal skin. Figure 23.9b shows the final aspect of the repair. Later in life,
shows the incision that is made with the needle- it is very difficult to know that this patient had
tip cautery. Figure 23.9c shows that the smooth a repair of a bifid scrotum and the parents have
skin has been resected and the beginning of a expressed their satisfaction.
380 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

a b

c d

Fig. 23.9 Repair of a bifid scrotum. (a) Marking the limits of the abnormal skin. (b) Incision. (c) Resected non elastic
skin. (d) Two-layer suture. (e) Final aspect

23.6 Hypospadias ately anterior to the anal opening (Fig. 23.10c).

Extreme, severe types of hypospadias are fre-
Sixty of our male patients suffered from different quently associated to penoscrotal inversion.
types and severity of hypospadias. It may go from The timing for the repair of hypospadias is
a subcoronal type (Fig. 23.10a) to an extreme type something rather controversial. Some pediat-
in which the urethral orifice is located immedi- ric urologists like to repair the hypospadias
23.6 Hypospadias 381

a b

c d

Fig. 23.10 Hypospadias. (a) Subcoronal. (b) Mid-shaft. next to the anal opening. The urethral opening was moved
(c) Perineal. (d) Repaired anorectal malformation with forward, and the anus was moved back
severe hypospadias. The urethra was originally located

before the colostomy is closed, to avoid fecal located immediately anterior to the anal open-
contamination during the postoperative period. ing. The surgeon must keep in mind that the rec-
Some others prefer to wait until the patient is tum and urethra share a common wall, usually in
older to be able to deal with better tissues and the area of the spongiosum tissue. Those babies
have more chances of success. From the point have a strictured anal opening located anterior
of view of the pediatric surgeon, it is important to the center of the sphincter, and therefore,
to identify the most severe type of hypospadias the operation will consist in moving the anus
(Fig. 23.10c, d) in which the urethral orifice is back and simultaneously to correct the severe
382 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

chordee. In order to do that, the surgeons have to the kidney that usually ends up with a nephrec-
work on the common wall between the rectum tomy. The surgeon should be alerted about the
and the urethra and move, if possible, the ure- fact that the megaureter connected to the poste-
thra a little forward. The idea is to create a rea- rior urethra may give the false intraoperative
sonable space between the anal opening and the impression of the rectum. In one specific case,
urethral opening and move the penis forward, the patient was operated in another city without
away from the anal opening. After this repair, a distal colostogram, and the surgeon entered
the urologist will take care of the problem of posterior sagittally looking for the rectum,
repairing the rest of the perineal urethra, as well found a “tubular structure,” separated it from the
as the penile urethra. Figure 23.10d shows the posterior urethra, and pulled it down, believing
external aspect of a patient that underwent a it was the rectum, and it turned out to be a mega-
repair of an anorectal malformation and separa- ureter. The patient had actually a recto-bladder
tion of the rectum from the urethra in a severe neck fistula.
perineal hypospadias. As expected, the frequency of ectopic ureter is
higher in patients with higher and more complex
malformations. If one already made the diagnosis
23.7 Ectopic Ureters in Males of an ectopic ureter located in the posterior ure-
thra, the posterior sagittal approach represents a
This malformation has been reported in cases golden opportunity to identify the megaureter,
without ARM [25]. It seems to be relatively rare. separate it from the posterior urethra, close the
We believe that it occurs more often in patients posterior urethra, and push the megaureter up
with anorectal malformations. into the pelvis, to be recovered through a small
Twenty-one of our male patients suffer from incision in the groin, where it can be connected to
some form of ureteral ectopia. In patients with the skin as a ureterostomy. It will take several
anorectal malformations, we have seen that the months for us to determine the degree of renal
ureters have a tendency to open ectopically, in the damage that the kidney has and whether or not
line that goes from the normal location of the ure- the patient will benefit from a nephrectomy or
ter in the trigone toward the bladder neck. It is a ureteral reimplantation.
relatively common to see patients with a ureteral
orifice located closer to the bladder neck. There
are however cases in whom, definitely, we see the 23.8 Ectopic Ureters in Females
ureter opening in the bladder neck (Fig. 23.11a).
The opening of the ureter in the bladder neck fre- All that we said about the ectopic ureters in the
quently is associated with some degree of ure- trigone and bladder neck is true for female
teral obstruction and megaureter. In addition, the patients. The ureters also may be ectopically con-
presence of the ureter in that abnormal location nected to the urethra in a female. Figure 23.12
may interfere with the closure of the bladder shows a picture taken during a transpubic
neck, producing a certain degree of bladder neck approach of a female patient with a complex mal-
incapacity to hold the urine. We have relocated formation. It would be very difficult to separate
the ureters out of the bladder neck with success, the ureter with a different type of approach. We
recovering urinary control in patients that were use the transpubic approach in cases that we
leaking urine. believe would be very difficult to approach in a
The most severe type of ureteral ectopia in different way.
males occurs when the ureters are connected to In patients with cloaca, it is also relatively
the posterior urethra (Fig. 23.11b). In these common to find ureters connected ectopically to
cases, the patient suffers from severe megaure- the vagina. Again, most of the time these ureters
ter, and they frequently have severe damage to belong to severely damaged kidneys.
23.8 Ectopic Ureters in Females 383

B a b

Fig. 23.11 Diagram showing ectopic ureters. (A) Connected to the bladder neck. (B) Connected to the posterior ure-
thra. (a) Voiding cystourethrogram. (b) Diagram
384 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

23.9 Ectopic Vas Deferens

This rare anomaly has been reported in patients

without anorectal malformation [26–28]. The
most common clinical manifestation has been
orchiepididymitis. However, we found more pub-
lications related to this malformation in cases of
anorectal malformations [29–38].
We have demonstrated the presence of ectopic
vas deferens in three cases of our population of
male patients with anorectal malformations. We
suspect that this defect occurs more often, in
patients with ARM, particularly in the group of
patients who suffer from orchiepididymitis. It is
not easy to demonstrate this problem. We were
able to make the diagnosis injecting contrast
material directly into the vas deferens with a
30-gauge needle. The vas deferens may be abnor-
mally connected to the bladder or to the ureter.
Figure 23.13a shows an operative picture of an
ectopic vas deferens, connected to the ureter. The
Fig. 23.12 Ectopic ureters in the urethra of a female symptomatology in this patient consisted of
patient with a complex malformation. Intraoperative pic- recurrent orchiepididymitis. The treatment for
ture taken during a transpubic approach

a b

Fig. 23.13 Ectopic vas deferens. (a) Operative picture V trans-anorectal resection of the giant seminal vesicle. V
vas deferens, U ureter, T testicle. (b) Vas deferens con- vas deferens, J junction of seminal vesicle to urethra, L
nected to a giant seminal vesicle – picture taken during the limits of the anus
23.10 Ectopic Verumontanum 385

this condition should be a vasectomy, to preserve had erection and orgasm, he did not ejaculate.
the endocrine function of the testicle that may be Urinalysis after ejaculation demonstrated the
destroyed after repeated episodes of infection. presence of sperm in the urine. This was not
Sometimes, the vas deferens is abnormally con- what is called retrograde ejaculation, because by
nected to an extremely dilated giant seminal ves- cystoscopy we documented the presence of the
icle which is also a source of orchiepididymitis verumontanum in the trigone (Fig. 23.14). After
(Fig. 23.13b). that case, we intentionally started looking for the
Orchiepididymitis occurs relatively frequent location of the verumontanum in patients with
in patients with anorectal malformations. Many bladder neck fistula, and we were able to find
patients who underwent a repair of an anorec- three more cases. This number of cases only rep-
tal malformation at our center were followed by resents 30 % of the patients who underwent an
other colleagues in other cities. Some of those endoscopy. Most of the patients operated on for
patients suffered from an episode of “acute scro- bladder neck fistula have not reached adolescence
tum” and were surgically explored to rule out a yet, so we expect that in the coming years more
possible testicular torsion, only to find that the of these patients will come looking for help under
babies actually suffered from orchiepididymitis. these circumstances.
In fact, we have never seen or heard of a case We now follow the routine of performing
of testicular torsion in a patient with ARM. Yet, cystoscopy in all male patients with anorectal
we have seen 17 cases of orchiepididymitis. The malformation, during the same anesthesia that
etiology of this condition seems to be multifacto- we used for repair of the malformation. This is
rial. Most patients have a urinary tract infection particularly important in patients with a bladder
and some degree of neurogenic bladder. Some of neck type of malformation in which this defect
them have an identifiable anatomic problem that occurs.
may explain the problem. These include urethral We have been told that these patients may be
obstructions and ectopic vas deferens. A patient able to fertilize their couple by retrieving the
with acute scrotum and ARM must be considered sperm from their urine and artificially inseminate
as orchiepididymitis until proven otherwise. the future mother. None of our patients have done
All patients with orchiepididymitis deserve a that so far.
full urologic evaluation after the acute episode. In
addition, they must receive prophylactic medica-
tion to try to avoid episodes of urinary tract infec-
tions. The anatomic problem must be treated when
found. In cases of frequent recurrences, a vasec-
tomy of that particular side is indicated, in order to
try to preserve the endocrine function of that tes-
ticles; otherwise, it may be totally destroyed.

23.10 Ectopic Verumontanum

An unreported, unusual, interesting malforma-

tion is the ectopically located verumontanum. We
have four cases suffering from this defect within
the group of patients born with recto-bladder
neck fistulas. We become aware of this condition
because one of our first patients operated from
a bladder neck fistula reached adolescence and Fig. 23.14 Ectopic verumontanum – cystoscopic
came for consultation, because even when he appearance
386 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

23.11 Megalourethra The treatments of these defects are well described

in the textbooks of urology.
This malformation has been reported in cases
without anorectal malformation [39, 40], as well
as associated to anorectal malformations [41– 23.13 Neurogenic Bladder
47]. The patients that we have seen have a
normal-looking penis (Fig. 23.15a); it is neces- Neurogenic bladder associated to anorectal mal-
sary to retract the foreskin to be able to see the formations is receiving significant attention [48–
abnormality (Fig. 23.15b). This means that this is 64]. The subject is not easy to study, considering
the kind of defect that requires a good index of the following facts:
suspicion in order to make the diagnosis. A. May be congenital
These patients are born with a very large B. May be acquired
urethral meatus, followed by a very dilated C. May be influenced by the complexity of the
penile urethra. From the base of the penis to the anorectal malformation
glans, the urethra is extremely wide. However, D. Is influenced by the sacral defect
from the base of the penis to the bladder, the E. Is influenced by the tethered cord
urethra is otherwise normal. We have not seen Most of the publications include a rather small
many of the severe types of megalourethra number of cases of different malformations with
with the absence of corpora and a large sac- or without sacral defects or tethered cord. All this
cular floppy penis, described in the literature. makes the analysis and interpretation of those
Our cases were not associated with hypospa- publications a rather difficult task.
dias. The repair of this defect is much easier Most authors, like us, agree that it will be ideal
than the one in hypospadias, the reason being to do a urodynamic evaluation pre- and postop-
that we are dealing with very good tissue and eratively in all cases, documenting the sacral
plenty of urothelium to repair the urethra. With ratio and the presence or absence of tethered cord
the foreskin completely retracted back, like in in order to draw valid conclusions.
a circumcision, we open the urethra ventrally We believe that most pediatric surgeons and
(Fig. 23.15c) and excise the extra tissue of the pediatric urologists are now aware of the rele-
megalourethra. The urethra is reconstructed over vance of the prevention, early diagnosis, and
a convenient-sized Foley catheter (Fig. 23.15d). management of neurogenic bladder in order to
Figure 23.15e shows the final appearance of a protect the kidneys.
patient with this defect after repair. We have 15 Intermittent catheterization and bladder aug-
cases, all of them repaired with the same tech- mentation had a definitive positive impact to pro-
nique prior to the closure of the colostomy, with tect the kidneys in patients with hypertonic,
excellent results. These patients never devel- neurogenic bladder [65–70]. However, these are
oped any fistula, and they have normal voiding. patients who must be followed for life. The blad-
Figure 23.15f, g shows a case of a much larger, der augmentation has short- and long-term
floppy urethra. significant morbidity that must be detected and
treated efficiently [71–78].
So far, in our series 58 patients underwent a
23.12 Ureterovesical bladder augmentation, 32 of them are performed
and Ureteropelvic by the senior author until 2005, and 26 since that
Obstruction time are performed by pediatric urologists. Most of
these operations were done in girls with cloacas.
We believe that most likely these two congenital Some patients with anorectal malformations
abnormalities occur in cases of anorectal have manifestations of a neurogenic bladder since
malformation with similar frequency as in the birth (primary). That is understandable when the
general population. It is extremely unusual to patients have a poor sacrum (sacral ratio less than
detect them in cases of anorectal malformations. 0.4) and the presence of tethered cord. However, a
23.13 Neurogenic Bladder 387

a b

c d

Fig. 23.15 Megalourethra. (a) External appearance – portion of the megalourethra is divided. (d) The excessive
observe that it looks remarkably normal. (b) External urethral tissue is resected, and the urethra is reconstructed
appearance with the foreskin retracted showing the giant around a Foley catheter. (e) Final appearance. (f) Giant,
meatus. (c) The foreskin divided and retracted. The ventral floppy megalourethra. (g) Open giant megalourethra
388 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

e f

Fig. 23.15 (continued)

23.14 Postoperative Problems 389

large group of patients are born without neurogenic the bladder and to protect the kidneys. In addition,
bladder, but they are subjected to a technically defi- when the patient has a very limited bladder capac-
cient anorectal operation, during which denerva- ity, high intravesical pressure, and/or poor compli-
tion is produced, and they acquire this problem. ance, the patient may need a bladder augmentation.
In some cases, the nerve damage is immediately Perhaps the most serious problem is the fact
evident after the repair of the anorectal malforma- that many of these functional disorders, such as
tion. It is not uncommon to hear from the mother of neurogenic bladder, may turn out to be progres-
the patient to say that the baby had erections prior sive. This may result in a very unpleasant sur-
to the operation and since the time of the operation prise later in life. Patients that behaved normally
she has not seen one! In other cases, the baby was from the urinary function point of view may
passing urine satisfactorily, but suffered from uri- develop reflux and kidney damage. That is why
nary retention after the procedure. The urinary all patients must be followed meticulously with
retention may be temporary; the Foley catheter is emphasis in the preservation of the anatomy of
reinserted and removed after a week or two, and the kidney, as well as its function.
then the patient may start passing urine. Other We routinely recommend to do a kidney ultra-
times the damage is permanent. However, the fact sound 1 month postoperatively and subsequently
that the baby passes urine does not mean that we 3, 6, and 12 months later and every year later,
can rule out the presence of a neurogenic bladder. provided the patient has no urinary tract infec-
The most common bladder disorder in babies tions. When they have urinary tract infections,
operated for anorectal malformations is the inca- the patients deserve a full urologic evaluation.
pacity to empty the bladder. As part of the follow-
up of all patients with anorectal malformations, we
always order a kidney ultrasound and bladder ultra- 23.14 Postoperative Problems
sound (taken at different postoperative intervals,
for instance, 1, 3, 6, and 12 months). In patients in Many babies suffer from urologic problems con-
which we see a persistently full bladder, one must secutive to a damage provoked by a technically
suspect that the baby is not emptying the bladder deficient operation performed to repair an anorec-
well. A high residual volume of urine reflects an tal malformation [79–81]. The most conspicuous
incapacity to empty the bladder, all of which may problems that we have seen occurred in patients
eventually produce vesicoureteral reflux and kidney that were operated without a high-pressure distal
damage. We have also seen patients that do not have colostogram (see Chap. 6, Sect. 6.6). We insist
vesicoureteral reflux, yet a persistently full bladder that the high-pressure distal colostogram is the
may also produce megaureter and kidney damage. most important diagnostic preoperative study in
By emptying the bladder with a catheter and repeat- anorectal malformations, which allows us to deter-
ing the ultrasound, one can see the improvement of mine the precise location of the recto-urinary fis-
the megaureter and hydronephrosis which in the tula as well as the length of the bowel available
absence of reflux means that the megaureter and from the colostomy to the fistula site. This infor-
hydronephrosis are not provoked by a stenosis, but mation is vital for the surgeon to make a precise
rather by extrinsic ureteral compression provoked surgical plan and to avoid damage to important
by a distended bladder. These patients require a full urologic structures. Approaching the patient pos-
urinary evaluation, including a urodynamic study terior sagittally, looking for a rectum that is not
and follow-up by a competent pediatric urologist there, frequently ends up in severe damage to other
who must decide whether the baby is a candidate important structures. We have seen patients that
for intermittent catheterization to help him empty suffer from urethral strictures (18 cases) and resec-
the bladder. When the intermittent catheterization tions of the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and
is not feasible or interferes with a good quality of prostate as demonstrated by the fact that the
life, some urologists perform a Mitrofanoff type patients do not have ejaculation later in life. Also,
of operation [23, 24] to facilitate the emptying of the search for the rectum through a posterior
390 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

sagittal incision, in a technically deficient manner,

frequently produces nerve damage that results in
impotence and neurogenic bladder that was not
present prior to the operation. The most important
rule to follow during the posterior sagittal approach
is for the surgeon to remain exactly in the midline.
Once the rectum is found, the dissection of the rec-
tum must be performed, remaining as close as pos-
sible to the rectal wall. Deviating from these rules
increases the chances of nerve damage.

23.15 Posterior Urethral

(Animation 13.2)

In our series of male patients, 32 of them had the

anorectal repair done at another institution and
came to us complaining of “urinary incontinence,
urinary tract infections, and sometimes orchiepi-
didymitis,” and when we studied them, we found
that they had a piece of rectum left attached to the
Fig. 23.16 Voiding cystourethrogram in a case of poste-
urethra during the repair of the anorectal malfor- rior urethral diverticulum, B Bladder, D Diverticulum
mation. We called this “posterior urethral diverticu-
lum” (Fig. 23.16). The retrospective analysis of
these cases showed that most of these patients were of voiding and emptying the bladder, part of the
born with a rectourethral bulbar fistula, and the sur- urine goes out through the penis, but other signifi-
geons tried to repair the malformation approaching cant volume may go into the diverticulum. The
it through the abdomen, following the old tradition patient finishes emptying his bladder and goes play-
of performing an abdominoperineal pull-through ing, and during that time, he leaks urine from the
for those “high” imperforate anuses (we do not use diverticulum.
that terminology anymore). While trying to dissect The diagnosis of this condition requires a good
the rectum through the abdomen, trying to reach index of suspicion. The history of being born with
the bulbar urethra was very difficult, and frequently a rectourethral bulbar fistula operated through the
the surgeons decided to “play it safe” and ampu- abdomen (open or laparoscopically) is highly
tated the rectum at a “convenient” level, leaving a suggestive. In addition, the passing of mucus
piece of rectum attached to the urethra. through the urethra and leaking urine in between
More recently, we have seen more cases of pos- episodes of voluntary voiding strongly suggest
terior urethral diverticulum in patients operated the presence of a posterior urethral diverticulum.
laparoscopically [82–87]. The surgeons, again, The diagnosis can be confirmed with a voiding
were trying to reach the lowest part of the rectum cystourethrogram (Fig. 13.1b) which may or may
and its attachment to the bulbar urethra; they found not detect the diverticulum. An MRI is a better
that technically difficult and amputated the rectum study to see the diverticulum in a very accurate
again, leaving a piece of rectum attached to the ure- way (Fig. 23.16). Finally, a cystoscopy will con-
thra (Animation 23.1). Characteristically, these firm the diagnosis (see Chaps. 9, 13 and 22).
patients complained of passing mucus through the The treatment is straightforward. The diver-
urethra in between voiding episodes. In addition, as ticulum can be resected through a posterior
can be seen in Animation 23.1, during the process sagittal approach. The pull-through rectum is
23.17 Tethered Cord 391

mobilized; the diverticulum is open and is sepa- seems to be important to determine the future
rated from the urethra following the same steps prognosis in terms of urinary function [93]. The
and principles described for the separation of the effect of tethered cord on bowel control has not
rectum and the urethra in cases of rectourethral been scientifically studied. The subject is still
bulbar fistula. very controversial. In addition, there is no unified
One particular patient, 30 years old, devel- criterion related to the indications to release a
oped an adenocarcinoma at the junction between tethered cord. There is also lack of agreement
the diverticulum and the urethra. Fortunately, we related with the precise diagnosis of tethered
detected the case early enough to resect it and cord. Many of our patients were seen by different
cure the patient. This is one of the reasons why neurosurgeons, and some of them felt that the
we believe that the laparoscopic approach of a patient had tethered cord, and others believed that
rectourethral bulbar fistula must be considered they did not have tethered cord. In addition, some
contraindicated. of our patients had an ultrasound or an MRI study
that showed no evidence of tethered cord, and yet
they were operated as if they had tethered cord,
23.16 Sexual Problems because the radiologist and/or the neurosurgeons
believed that the conus was “abnormally thick,”
Most of the male patients born with anorectal the patient had a “lipoma in the tip of the conus,”
malformations operated by us that reached or “the conus was not mobile.” Other anatomic
adulthood are sexually active. They claim to variations have been described to make the sub-
have satisfactory intercourse and many of them ject more confusing, including tethered cord with
have children. There is however a small group of transitional lipoma and “short spinal cord” [94].
patients that suffer from impotence and others Some neurosurgeons believe that detethering the
from lack of ejaculation [88, 89]. It is not clear cords is important to prevent problems with the
to us why that happens. The lack of ejaculation motion of the lower extremities. This is not sup-
may happen in patients that underwent “diffi- ported by others [95].
cult” operations, performed by surgeons who On the other hand, we have seen adult patients
were lost in the operative field, and we suspect with tethered cord, and they play soccer and have
that most likely a “small piece of tissue” that urinary and bowel control! We have seen others,
represents the prostate in babies was inadver- whose mothers indicated that the child was hav-
tently resected. The majority of these adult ing some problems in walking and running, were
patients complaining of sexual problems were operated for tethered cord, and the patients expe-
operated with “blind techniques.” In other rienced an improvement in the function and
words, the surgeons had a poor visualization or motion of the lower extremities. Unfortunately,
exposure of the junction of the rectum to the we have also seen patients that have had release
urethra. We believe that one of the great advan- of the tethered cord and suffered urinary reten-
tages of the posterior sagittal approach is the tion immediately after the operation and subse-
exposure of the intrinsic anatomy of these mal- quently developed severe signs of neurogenic
formations, which allows us to avoid this kind of bladder that were not present preoperatively. A
complications. couple of our patients become paraplegic after an
operation for tethered cord!
Most radiologists consider that the presence
23.17 Tethered Cord of the conus medullaris below L2 plus a nonmo-
bile conus means that the patient suffers from
Approximately, 24 % of all of our anorectal mal- tethered cord (Fig. 23.17a, b). At present time,
formation patients have tethered cord [90, 91]. we recommend to do a spinal ultrasound during
Others have found a higher prevalence (34 %) the first few days of life, in order to rule out the
[92]. The presence or absence of tethered cord presence of tethered cord. If the study shows no
392 23 Urologic Problems in Anorectal Malformations

a 23.18 The Ultimate Concern,

Kidney Function

Some patients with anorectal malformations are

born with severe kidney damage, including end-
b stage renal disease [96]. Those patients represent
one of the most serious therapeutic challenges.
They must be treated by a multidisciplinary team
in a sophisticated tertiary center, with experi-
enced pediatric nephrologist and pediatric trans-
plant surgeons [97]. Fortunately, the number of
this type of cases is limited.
There is however a much larger and important
group of patients who were born with relatively
“good kidneys,” but unfortunately they were not
Fig. 23.17 Spinal Ultrasound. (a) Normal location of the followed and monitored closely. The urologic
conus. (b) Tethered cord
problem (reflux, obstruction, infection, poor
bladder function) was not treated adequately
which resulted in severe kidney damage. This is
evidence of tethered cord, the patient has a nor- preventable and must not happen.
mal sacrum, and in anorectal malformation con- We cannot over-empathize the importance of
sidered “benign” in terms functional prognosis, the frequent monitoring and long-term follow-up
we do not think that it is indicated to do an MRI of patients with anorectal malformations [98].
of the spine, provided the patient has bowel and This is particularly true in patients considered at
urinary control, as well as no lower extremity risk of suffering kidney damage. These include
motion problems. On the other hand, if the ultra- cloacas [99, 100], bladder neck fistula, deficient
sound showed evidence of tethered cord, or is sacrum, tethered cord, patients with hydronephro-
considered borderline or doubtful, we performed sis at birth, and patients with a single kidney.
an MRI to confirm or to rule out the diagnosis. If In summary, urologic malformations are
the patient is asymptomatic and has a “good” extremely important in patients with anorectal
malformation, we keep waiting until the age malformations. Pediatric surgeons should become
when the patient is willing to cooperate and aware of the fact that most of these patients have
remain quiet inside the rather scary and noisy urinary problems and must become familiar with
MRI machine. We try to avoid the administration the way to detect and manage these problems, as
of heavy sedation or anesthesia as much as well as to work together with a dedicated pediatric
possible. urologist in studying these kinds of problems.
A good, scientifically oriented study is Also, we want to emphasize the importance of
required to determine the real significance of the follow-up of these patients for life, to avoid dam-
presence of tethered cord, as well as the indica- age and deterioration of the renal function.
tions for operation, benefits, and potential nega-
tive implications.
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Anorectal malformation and associated end-stage
Hirschsprung’s Disease

24.1 Introduction tions and suffer from preventable complications

consecutive to a poor surgical technique or lack
Hirschsprung’s disease is a relatively common of good clinical judgment. Interestingly, perhaps
condition, well known to all pediatric surgeons. due to the nature of our center, we have treated, so
It is one of the most common causes of intesti- far, more secondary cases than primary ones. Our
nal obstruction in the newborn. From the time of database has information related with 328 cases;
the original description by Harold Hirschsprung 102 cases were operated on by us primarily, 127
[1] and the proposal of the first rational surgi- secondarily, and 99 were only medically man-
cal treatment by Orvar Swenson [2–4], multiple aged. This has given us a unique insight into the
reports have been written in the international lit- problems affecting children who were born with
erature. The basic principles of the surgical treat- Hirschsprung’s disease, problems which some-
ment established by Dr. Swenson are still timely times are not mentioned in the literature. Medical
today. Yet, different modalities of treatment have publications (articles and books) are frequently
been described aimed at trying to avoid morbidity triumphant reports of good results and success-
related to the operation as well as trying to be as ful techniques. Generally speaking, the medical
least invasive as possible. Simultaneously, there and surgical community has a tendency to avoid
are a significant number of scientists looking into publications of failures, complications, and bad
the genetics and pathogenesis of this condition, sequelae. In addition, very few pediatric surgeons
as well as the pathophysiology of the most feared follow their patients until adult life and, therefore,
sequelae and complication which is enterocolitis. miss important feedback, which is related to the
The reader will find this a rather unusual long-term sequelae and quality of life of those
chapter. Since we are clinically active pediat- patients who we operated on in the pediatric age.
ric surgeons dedicated to the field of colorec- Since we personally do not have anything to
tal problems in children, we are privileged to contribute in terms of genetics and laboratory
receive a very high number of cases. We are also research related to this condition, we decided
very impressed by the high number of patients rather to share with the pediatric surgical com-
referred to us, who were operated at other institu- munity our clinical experience dealing with
sequelae and complications, particularly those
that we consider preventable, and the way to treat
those problems. Therefore, the first part of this
chapter will be a formal but rather short presenta-
Electronic supplementary material Supplementary
material is available in the online version of this tion of the main characteristics of the disease in
chapter at 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_24. the traditional academic fashion, which means a

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 397

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_24, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
398 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

brief discussion about incidence, pathophysiol- a good description of two cases in 1842, 44 years
ogy, clinical manifestations, radiologic studies, before Hirschsprung’s of Copenhagen” [13].
histologic findings, surgical treatment, and medi- The abnormal or absent peristalsis of the distal
cal management of the sequelae. After that, we aganglionic bowel was described by Robertson
will expand on the preventable complications and and Kernohan in 1938 [14] and Tiffin et al. in
the way to deal with those. 1940 [15], and subsequently, Zuelzer and Wilson
in 1948 [16] correlated the functional disturbance
of the rectosigmoid with the lack of ganglion
24.2 Historical Review cells. These findings were confirmed by
Whitehouse and Kernohan in a study of 11 cases
Harold Hirschsprung in 1886, at the Pediatric [17]. In 1948, Swenson in an experimental study
Congress in Berlin [1], described an infant who [2] proposed a resection of the rectosigmoid with
died with an enormously dilated colon. However, preservation of the sphincter for patients who
the cause of this was unknown. In 1691, Frederik suffer from this condition. In 1949, Swenson and
Ruysch [5] also reported a case of a child who Neuhauser (pediatric radiologist) published a
died that may have had the same condition. It was very important paper on the etiology, diagnosis,
not until 1901 when Tittle for the first time men- and treatment of “congenital megacolon” [3].
tioned the possibility that this condition could be After that, until the time of his retirement, Dr.
provoked by an absence of ganglion cells of the Swenson accumulated an enormous experience
distal rectosigmoid [6]. in the management of this condition [4]. He also
Frederick Treves in London in 1898 [7] actu- trained many surgeons who continued perform-
ally performed the complete resection of a ing his operation until the present time.
descending colon, sigmoid rectum, and anus on a Many surgeons around the world tried to imi-
6-year-old girl. The patient survived, and Dr. tate Dr. Swenson and reproduce his results in the
Treves expressed his desire that she will recover treatment of this condition and found that some-
her bowel control. That case represents the first times the patients suffered from complications
case of cured Hirschsprung’s disease, although due to damage of pelvic structures or nerves.
the surgeon did not know the intrinsic abnormal- Because of that, in an attempt to reduce this mor-
ity of the distal resected bowel. In 1900, Fenwick bidity, other surgical modalities were designed,
suggested that a possible cause of the disease was but all of them were based on the same principle
a spastic contraction of the lower end [8]. In of resecting the aganglionic segment and pulling
1907, Hawkins suggests that the condition could the normoganglionic bowel down. Most notable
have a neuropathic origin [9]. was the technique described by Duhamel in
Although not frequently mentioned, it was 1956 in France [18]; his technique will be
actually Dr. Alberto Dalla Valle from Parma, described later in this chapter.
Italy, in 1920, who found that the distal narrow In 1959, Rehbein, in Germany published his
portion of the colon had no ganglion cells [10]. experience in the treatment of Hirschsprung’s
This remarkable finding was not mentioned for disease with an operation very similar to an
unknown reasons. For some years, a sympathec- anterior resection [19]. In other words, he left
tomy and daily enemas were the only treatment in situ a significant piece of aganglionic rectum.
offered to these patients, with less than optimal For that reason, the technique did not have many
results [11, 12]. followers; yet surprisingly, there are many sur-
In 1934, Arthur Hurst firmly believed that anal geons practicing it and claiming reasonably good
achalasia was the primary cause of this condition, results [20].
as well as an imbalance of the parasympathetic In Europe, Romualdi [21] in 1960, Ehrenpreis
and sympathetic innervations of the bowel. He in 1961 [22], and Pellerin 1962 [23] pub-
also mentioned that the name “Hirschsprung’s lished their experience with the resection of the
disease should be discarded, as von Ammon gave rectosigmoid.
24.3 Incidence, Inheritance, and Associated Anomalies 399

In 1964, Dr. Franco Soave from Italy [24] and revolutionary concept gained enormous popular-
Dr. Scott Boley from the United States [25], inde- ity, and it is perhaps the most common surgical
pendently, submitted a paper to the pediatric sec- technique used at the present time. Yet, the basic
tion of Surgery (editor Dr. M. Ravitch). The principles proposed by Swenson must still be
technique that they both presented consisted in observed during this kind of operation. The fact
dissecting the rectosigmoid, in a surgical plane that 85 % of the patients with Hirschsprung’s dis-
between the mucosa and the muscularis (endorec- ease have an aganglionic segment that extends to
tal), in order to protect the neighbor pelvic struc- the rectosigmoid, the need to open the abdomen
tures. The difference between both techniques or to use laparoscopy is reduced to about 20 % of
was that Dr. Soave pulled the normoganglionic the cases when using a transanal approach. The
bowel down and left it exteriorized through the transanal approach is painless and when it is done
anus, for several days, after which he performed correctly, has very good results [33].
the anastomosis to the anus. Boley, on the other
hand, was doing a primary anastomosis. For rea-
sons unknown to us, the paper of Soave was pub- 24.3 Incidence, Inheritance,
lished before the one of Boley. It is important to and Associated Anomalies
recognize that Boley’s paper was not presenting a
modification to the Soave technique, but rather a The estimated incidence rate was found to be 1 in
modification to the Swenson technique [26]. 4,417 live births in what we thought was the most
More recently, the concept of minimally representative study of the subject [34]. It occurs
invasive surgery (laparoscopy) was applied. four times more frequently in males in the typical
In 1994, Smith et al. [27] reported on one case form. In long-segment cases, this ratio is 1.5:1
who underwent a “laparoscopic Duhamel pull- (male/female). Familiar cases are three times
through procedure.” Subsequently, Georgeson, more frequent in females and occur in approxi-
in 1995, published his experience with 12 cases mately 4 % of the cases [35].
who underwent a “primary laparoscopic pull- Associated defects occur in approximately
through,” applying the endorectal dissection of 29 % of cases [34], mainly cardiovascular and
the rectosigmoid performed through the abdo- gastrointestinal. Five percent of the cases may
men and transanally [28]. This kind of technique have Down syndrome [36]. Approximately 5 %
was widely accepted. of the cases may also suffer from a developmen-
In 1996, Saltzman et al. introduced a modifi- tal disorder (Mowat-Wilson syndrome) [37].
cation to the Soave technique, consisting in per- Other associated problems include malrotation,
forming the entire mucosal dissection through a ileal and colonic atresia, Dandy-Walker syn-
transanal approach as the abdominal incision was drome [38], and Ondine’s curse [39]. Finally a
made. Their experience included 25 cases [29]. great interest developed recently about the “mul-
Dr. Luis de la Torre published his experimen- tiple endocrine neoplasia” (MEN) syndrome and
tal work in rabbits, subjected to transanal, its association with Hirschsprung’s disease [40].
endorectal rectosigmoid resection [30]. His clini- This is mainly due to the ability to predict the risk
cal experience with five cases, with Hirschsprung’s for development of malignant tumors by genetic
disease operated transanally, without laparotomy RET proto-oncogene analysis. This resulted in
or laparoscopy, was published in 1998 [31]. the recommendation to follow up these patients
Shortly after that, in 1999, Dr. Jacob Langer et al. and the possibility to do a prophylactic thyroidec-
published his experience with the transanal, one- tomy [40].
stage Soave procedure [32]. Many believe that Hirschsprung’s disease
When this operation is performed endorec- occurs more frequently in anorectal malforma-
tally, basically it is the same principle of tions as compared with the general population
Soave, but done transanally and many times [41, 42], but we disagree with the concept. We
without opening or invading the abdomen. This believe that Hirschsprung’s disease is frequently
400 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

erroneously diagnosed in patients who were born segment of the bowel is always located distally,
with anorectal malformation due to the fact that and the length of the aganglionic segment varies
the most common sequela seen in anorectal mal- from patient to patient. Typically, the aganglionic
formation is constipation. Surgeons are educated segment affects the rectosigmoid (Fig. 24.1).
and trained to suspect Hirschsprung’s disease This type is known as “typical Hirschsprung’s
in patients with constipation. It is not unusual, disease” and represents about 67–82 % of the
therefore, for them to overdiagnose this condi- total number of cases. In about 15–25 % of the
tion, and unfortunately, sometimes they treat it as cases, the aganglionosis affects longer segments
such. We believe that Hirschsprung’s disease in up to the splenic flexure or even the transverse
anorectal malformations most likely occurs with or right colon (Fig. 24.1); this is called “long-
the same frequency as in the general population. segment Hirschsprung’s disease.” About 3–8 %
of the patients suffer from aganglionosis of the
entire colon including segments of the terminal
24.4 Pathogenesis ileum which is called “total colonic agangli-
onosis” [34]. Very rarely, patients are born with
The etiology and potential explanation of the pos- what is called “universal aganglionosis” which
sible origin and mechanisms of this fascinating is mostly a lethal condition unless treated with
condition has been the subject of an enormous intestinal transplantation. A condition known as
number of studies and publications. It is beyond “ultrashort-segment aganglionosis” (Fig. 24.1) is
our area of expertise in the scope of this, mainly a highly debatable; a strict rational, objective, sci-
practically oriented book, to analyze and discuss entific analysis of the available published mate-
the multiple papers related with this subject. It is rial generates many doubts and skepticism about
worth mentioning, however, the monumental the existence of this condition. This will be dis-
work performed by Dr. Prem Puri [43–52]. cussed later.
Every year we read more new material coming The aganglionic segment in Hirschsprung’s
from the laboratory of prominent research- disease has been described radiologically as the
oriented pediatric surgeons. The deeper they get “narrow segment.” In reality, rather than narrow,
in the investigation of the origin and the intrinsic it is a nondistended or spastic part of the colon.
mechanisms of this condition, the more complex Proximal to the aganglionosis, the colon becomes
it seems to be [53–61]. extremely dilated (Fig. 24.1). At birth, the dilata-
In 1967, Okamoto and Ueda [62] published an tion of the proximal colon may not be so severe
elegant paper, a study done with human embryos (Fig. 24.2). However, as time passes, the dilata-
that allowed him to present his theory of the tion gets worse, and the size discrepancy between
cranial-caudal migration of the neuroblast in the the proximal dilated normoganglionic and the
gastrointestinal tract. As time goes by and more distal, non-dilated aganglionic segment becomes
research is performed, things seem to be more more conspicuous, eventually showing the typi-
complex than previously thought. cal radiologic image. The surgical literature fre-
From a more practical point of view, we can quently refers to the “transition zone” referring to
say that congenital megacolon (Hirschsprung’s that part of the bowel located between the dilated
disease) is characterized by a functional colonic normal ganglionic and non-dilated aganglionic
obstruction usually manifested mostly during the segment. The histologic study of the distal non-
newborn period. These patients do not have a real dilated bowel shows absence of superficial sub-
mechanical obstruction but rather have abnor- mucosa (Meissner), deep submucosal (Henle),
mal or absent peristalsis of the colon (usually the and intramuscular (Auerbach) ganglion cells. In
most distal portion). The part of the colon that addition, there is a marked increase in size of
has no ganglion cells does not have the neces- prominent nerve fibers. The enzyme acetylcho-
sary peristalsis to expel the stool, but rather is line esterase activity is markedly increased. The
a spastic portion of the bowel. The aganglionic ganglion cells act as a final common path for both
24.4 Pathogenesis 401

Fig. 24.1 Diagrams

showing different types of a
Hirschsprung’s (a) Normal
colon, (b) Classic type, (c)
Long-segment, (d) Total
colonic aganglionosis,
(e) Ultra short type

b c


sympathetic and parasympathetic activities. The required for nitric oxide production) may play a
aganglionic segment, therefore, suffers from role in the pathophysiology [56–58].
spasm, lack of propulsive peristalsis, and con- Patients with Hirschsprung’s disease not only
traction. In addition, characteristically these have manifestations of colonic obstruction but
patients suffer from a lack of relaxation of the what makes this clinical picture different from
muscle that surrounds the lower part of the rec- other etiologies of colonic obstruction is the
tum described as an internal sphincter. This is a fact that proximal to the aganglionic segment,
manometric finding. Recently, it has been pro- these patients frequently have a tendency to
posed that nitric oxide, a neurotransmitter respon- overgrow abnormal bacteria, specifically C. dif-
sible for the inhibitory action elicited by the ficile, and they suffer from severe endotoxemia,
intrinsic enteric nerves, has a role in this condi- a condition well known by pediatric surgeons as
tion. A lack of nitric oxide synthase (the enzyme “Hirschsprung’s enterocolitis.” In other words,
402 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

Fig. 24.2 Contrast enema showing the transition zone in a newborn. Contrast enema
24.6 Clinical Manifestations and Differential Diagnosis 403

these babies not only have the pathophysiology has a rectal examination. The liquid stool in these
and possible complications of lower intestinal babies is characteristically fetid. Early detection
obstruction, but in addition, they may become of this dangerous stage of the disease is extremely
extremely sick and even die from the characteris- important. These babies need aggressive resusci-
tic endotoxemia produced by enterocolitis. tation with intravenous fluids, fasting to avoid
exacerbation of the symptoms, and a prompt and
efficient way to decompress the colon. The most
24.5 Genetics expedient and easy way to decompress the colon
is using a rather large (no. 18 or no. 20 French)
Exciting developments are occurring in the field tube passed through the rectum and irrigate with
of genetics in Hirschsprung’s disease [63–71]. saline solution. The liquid stool then comes out
We look forward to witness more of these scien- through the lumen of the tube, decompressing the
tific advances that will result in the benefit of baby’s abdomen. This is repeated several times
many children. during the day and allows the baby to improve his
symptomatology significantly. The administra-
tion of intravenous metronidazole is also recom-
24.6 Clinical Manifestations mended to fight the bacterial overgrowth. When
and Differential Diagnosis the colon is not adequately decompressed, these
babies are at risk of dying from enterocolitis,
The first clinical manifestations of babies born endotoxemia, and hypokalemia or they may suf-
with Hirschsprung’s disease are abdominal disten- fer perforation of the colon. The most common
tion, vomiting, and the lack of passage of meco- site of perforation is the cecum or the appendix.
nium in the first 24–48 h of life. Most neonatal In addition, they may have pneumatosis intesti-
units recognize the lack of passage of meconium nalis or develop pericolic abscesses. When this
in the first 24–48 h as a very suggestive sign of condition goes unrecognized, the mortality
Hirschsprung’s disease. Every baby who has not ranges between 25 and 30 % [73]. Some authors
normally passed meconium should be thoroughly even report 50 % mortality for untreated patients
investigated for the possibility of having during the first year of life [74].
Hirschsprung’s disease. There is a small group of The diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s disease is
patients born with Hirschsprung’s disease that do strongly suggested by the clinical symptomatol-
not have very obvious clinical manifestations at ogy. A contrast enema reinforces the clinical sus-
birth; they grow up and are diagnosed later in life. picion, and finally, the diagnosis is confirmed by
This group of patients most likely belongs to a cat- a rectal biopsy showing absent ganglion cells, the
egory of Hirschsprung’s disease that we consider presence of hypertrophic nerves, and increased
benign. In our experience, they rarely have epi- activity of acetyl cholinesterase. An abdomi-
sodes of enterocolitis, and when they are operated nal plain x-ray film shows enormously dilated
on, the results are better than those obtained in loops of bowel (Fig. 24.3). Most pediatric radi-
babies who have very early manifestations [72]. ologists and experienced clinicians agree that it
Characteristically, newborn babies with is extremely difficult to differentiate in a plain
Hirschsprung’s disease look lethargic and the abdominal film in a newborn baby a distended
abdomen is distended. However, rectal stimula- colon from a distended small bowel. That may
tion either with a digital exam or with a catheter be possible in adults but is almost impossible
frequently results in an explosive and massively in newborn babies. However, very few neona-
deflating passage of liquid stool and gas, which tal conditions give an image of such an enor-
dramatically improves the baby’s condition. The mous dilatation of loops of bowel. The next step
baby may then show signs of being hungry and after we see the plain abdominal x-ray film is
even eat, only to have the same symptoms return to perform a contrast enema. Characteristically,
hours later and to repeat the cycle when the baby the study shows a non-dilated portion, usually
404 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

Fig. 24.3 Abdominal x-ray film of a newborn baby with Hirschsprung’s disease
24.7 Histologic Diagnosis 405

a b

Fig. 24.4 Characteristic colonic changes in Hirschsprung’s. (a) Diagram. (b) Contrast enema

rectosigmoid, followed by a transition zone, and 24 h after the study. This makes the diagnosis of
more proximately a dilated segment of the colon. Hirschsprung’s more likely.
These characteristic changes (Fig. 24.2) may We, like others [75], use and recommend a
not be present or may not be very obvious in the contrast enema as an initial diagnostic tool. We
newborn period. As time goes by, the functional believe that with the combination of a good index
obstruction produces more proximal dilatation, of suspicion, clinical experience, contrast enema,
and months or years later, the characteristic and rectal biopsy read by an experienced patholo-
radiologic picture of a giant proximal megaco- gist, we can offer a safe management to these
lon with a narrow distal segment becomes very patients. We do not remember, from our large
clear (Fig. 24.4). It is important to remember practice a false-positive or false-negative case.
that in dealing with intestinal obstruction of the We recognize that many times, the symptoms
newborn, the only condition that has symptoms can be rather equivocal; in addition, sometimes
of intestinal obstruction and a dilated colon is the images obtained with the contrast enema
Hirschsprung’s disease. All the others have char- may not be characteristic. Also, we had cases in
acteristically a nonused colon (microcolon). An which the suction rectal biopsies did not obtain
exception could be observed in babies with nec- good specimens. In such cases, we take a full rec-
rotizing enterocolitis, but the other symptoms tal biopsy, which finalizes the diagnostic work.
and signs make this easy to differentiate from We are aware of the fact that many surgeons
Hirschsprung’s disease. value the rectal manometry for the diagnosis of
Some newborns have a very obvious, radio- Hirschsprung’s [76–82]. We have no experience
logic image characteristic of Hirschsprung’s dis- with that diagnostic modality.
ease. In others, however, the transition zone and
the proximal dilated portion are not so clear, yet
together with the clinical manifestations allow us 24.7 Histologic Diagnosis
to make a diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s disease
(Fig. 24.2). When the contrast study has been Very significant advances occur in the knowledge
done, another characteristic of these babies is of the histologic abnormalities present in this
their incapacity to expel the contrast material disease [83–87]. Sometimes, we surgeons feel
406 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

overwhelmed by the variety of terms and abun- pediatric surgical community is that we should
dance of new findings. We keep trying to famil- not assume that every pathologist can make the
iarize with a variety of terms like VIP (vasoactive diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s disease. For instance,
intestinal peptide), adenylate cyclase-activating the diagnosis based on frozen section is reliable
polypeptide (PACAP), gastrin-releasing peptide for certain specific experienced pathologists but
(GRP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), not for others. Therefore, the surgeon must be
substance P (SP), enkephalins and galanin- ready to follow a different surgical strategy in the
immunoreactive nerve fibers, neuropeptide Y management of these patients depending on his or
(NPY)-containing nerve fibers, and calretinin. her surrounding circumstances. In some countries
Despite all the advances, the fundamental that we have visited, there are no pathologists
basis for the diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s disease available sometimes for several days, and there-
still depends on a skillful pathologic analysis and fore, that requires a different surgical strategy. In
the use of hematoxylin and eosin stains, to iden- some places, the surgeons tend to believe only in
tify the presence or absence of ganglion cells and the increase of the activity of acetylcholine ester-
hypertrophic nerve trunks. Acetylcholinesterase ase rather than on the absence of ganglion cells.
(AchE) histochemistry on frozen sections and Most pathologists all over the world agree, like
immune histochemistry for ganglion cells are us, that the basis for the diagnosis should be the
useful ancillary techniques, but they do not absence of ganglion cells and the presence of
replace the H&E methodology. Adequate sam- hypertrophic nerves.
pling, extensive sectioning, and an experienced
pathologist are the most important aspects of a
good histologic diagnosis [88]. 24.8 Differential Diagnosis
Different clinicians give a different value to the
diagnostic tools for Hirschsprung’s disease. Some The most common condition that must be dif-
believe very much in the rectal mucosal suction ferentiated from Hirschsprung’s disease is the
biopsy, and that is all they do to make the diagno- meconium plug syndrome. The expulsion of the
sis. Others prefer a full-thickness rectal biopsy. In meconium plug with disappearance of the symp-
certain institutions, there are experienced patholo- toms allows Hirschsprung’s to essentially be
gists dedicated to the diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s ruled out. Meconium ileus is an early manifesta-
disease by a suction rectal mucosal biopsy. At tion of cystic fibrosis, and therefore, one expects
other institutions, pathologists do not have experi- to find the other stigmata of cystic fibrosis includ-
ence with this; they insist that the tissue obtained ing intestinal obstruction, an image of “ground
with suction rectal biopsy is not enough for a glass” representing inspissated meconium in the
definitive diagnosis, and they demand a full-thick- small bowel, respiratory symptoms, lack of air-
ness specimen to make a reliable diagnosis. We fluid levels, and response to the specific treatment
try not to be dogmatic in this chapter concerning to try to liquefy the inspissated meconium.
which diagnostic tool is more valuable than oth- One very unusual condition, called small left
ers. We rather believe that it depends on the spe- colon syndrome, occurs when the narrow portion
cific surrounding circumstances where the baby is of the colon on the contrast enema usually reaches
born and the experience of the surgeon, the neona- the splenic flexure. Symptoms usually disappear
tologist, the pathologist, and the radiologist. As a after the contrast study has been done and resolve
matter of fact, in one of the institutions where we spontaneously after several weeks. The mothers of
worked in the past, there was only one pathologist these babies frequently have maternal diabetes.
that had enough experience in Hirschsprung’s dis- Several other conditions are associated to
ease to make a reliable diagnosis. Therefore, we hypomotility of the colon and may mimic
only operated on Hirschsprung’s disease patients Hirschsprung’s including hypothyroidism and
when that particular pathologist was present. The effects from opiate or magnesium sulfate,
main message that we would like to give to the transmitted from the mother.
24.10 Surgical Treatment 407

24.9 Early Management above the anal canal, preserving the part of the
bowel where the sensitivity resides and preserv-
We recommend the administration of metronidazole ing the sphincter mechanism (anal canal). All
as soon as we suspect the diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s techniques, regardless of its specific maneuvers,
disease; however, we believe that the most valuable must observe these basic principles.
maneuver that actually saves many lives in babies There is some controversy about how to treat
with Hirschsprung’s disease is colonic irrigation these babies. Should we perform this operation
with saline solution (Animation 24.1). primarily? Or should we open a colostomy first?
Unfortunately, in many institutions, the term Rather than recommending a specific type of
“colonic irrigation” is confused with an enema. An approach to this condition, we believe that the
enema consists of the introduction of a specific vol- surgical approach depends on the specific circum-
ume of a fluid into the colon in order to provoke a stances that surround the patient as well as the
bowel movement. By definition, patients with surgeon. A primary operation for Hirschsprung’s
Hirschsprung’s disease have poor peristalsis, inca- disease done in the newborn requires experi-
pacity to expel fluids, and therefore, enemas are ence, a sophisticated surgical environment, good
contraindicated as they may be retained and aggra- anesthesia, good intensive care, good pathology,
vate the symptomatology. On the other hand, irriga- a sterile environment, as well as possibilities to
tion means the passing of a tube through the rectum, provide parenteral nutrition to the baby. This, we
large enough to allow the expulsion of liquid stool take for granted in the United States; yet, it is not
through the lumen of the tube itself. The term “irri- available in many other countries, and therefore,
gation” comes from the idea of passing, through the different strategies must be followed to allow
lumen of the tube, small volumes of saline solution, these babies to survive.
10 mL at a time, in order to clear the lumen of the Traditionally, these patients received a colos-
tube to allow decompression of the colon. The tube tomy at birth, usually a right transverse colos-
is well lubricated and is passed through the rectum, tomy followed later in life by an abdominoperineal
which allows an explosive decompression of most resection of the aganglionic segment with pull-
of the colon. After this first episode, the nurse or the through of the normoganglionic bowel and a
doctor passes small volumes of saline solution third operation consisting of a colostomy closure.
through the tube and keeps moving the tube back Subsequently, another way to approach these
and forth and rotating it, trying to get into the pock- patients consisted in opening what is called a
ets of gas and liquid stool (See Animation 24.1 “leveling colostomy,” meaning to open the colos-
showing a “Colonic Irrigation”). The benefit of this tomy in the transition zone; later on, in a second
irrigation is very obvious from the moment it is operation, the aganglionic segment was resected
done. In fact, it may save the baby’s life. Even when and the normoganglionic colostomy site was
this explanation of the difference between an enema pulled down to be connected to the rectum. This
and irrigation sounds obvious, we have been was known as a “two-stage approach.” Finally in
impressed by the frequency with which these two 1980, Dr. Henry So, in Long Island, New York,
terms are confused even in well-reputed institutions published his experience with an endorectal pull-
and how often irrigations are neglected in the initial through without colostomy in neonates with
management altogether. Hirschsprung’s [89]; soon after, that modality of
treatment was adopted by many surgeons [90–
101]. Other modalities include a laparoscopic
24.10 Surgical Treatment primary approach and, more recently, the primary
transanal approach [30].
The main goal in the treatment of patients with We believe that there are many ways to solve a
Hirschsprung’s disease is to resect the agangli- problem, and all of them can be equally good.
onic segment and pull down normoganglionic Regardless of the therapeutic approach used, the
bowel that must be anastomosed to the rectum fundamental goals of treatment should be to
408 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

resect the aganglionic segment and to pull down that these patients do not need a nasogastric tube
a normoganglionic piece of colon without caus- provided one keeps the colon decompressed. The
ing any harm to the pelvic organs, or their nerves, babies vomit when they have a distended colon
and preserving intact the anal canal. This can be and have enterocolitis, but the decompression of
done in a single, primary operation or with two or the colon stops the vomiting. A program of irriga-
even with three operations, depending on the spe- tions three times per day and intravenous metroni-
cific circumstances of the patient, the surgeon’s dazole is started. The goal of the irrigations is to
experience, and the surrounding environment. avoid enterocolitis and to maintain the colon
The main goal can also be achieved using differ- decompressed and the abdomen flat. Gradually,
ent techniques, laparoscopically or open. It is over the period of a few days, we can see that
fashionable among surgeons to talk about the what used to be fetid liquid stool becomes less
“gold standard” when referring to the best way to and less so more clear and eventually becomes
treat a specific condition. It is also very common bilious and odorless. Occasionally (rare in our
for pediatric surgeons to compete trying to per- institution), one can see a baby suffering from
form these operations earlier and earlier in life severe enterocolitis, endotoxemia, and shock
and using the least invasive technique, with a coming to the hospital. Under those circum-
minimal length of stay in the hospital and mini- stances, we understand that may be justified to
mal cost. Looking at our experience in dealing open a colostomy to save the baby’s life. At least
with patients who came to our institution after a in the environment where we work, this particular
failed attempted repair, or after suffering cata- situation occurs very rarely. Newborn babies
strophic preventable complications, lead us to come to our hospital looking sick, yet, they
believe that it is not so important which treatment respond well to the management described and
modality was used. What is really important for can be operated primarily after a few days of med-
the patient is to be operated by a meticulous, ical management (irrigations and metronidazole).
experienced surgeon, using the treatment modal- At this point, with no evidence of enterocoli-
ity with which he or she feels most comfortable tis, a nondistended colon, and the baby in good
and with which the aforementioned goals can be condition, we perform a primary transanal repair.
achieved. Based on the fact that 85 % of the patients have
Clearly, it is ideal to repair a defect as early as an aganglionic segment that extends only to the
possible, in the least invasive way, and in a single rectosigmoid, we believe that it is necessary to
operation, but far more important than that, to open the abdomen or to perform a laparoscopy in
avoid catastrophic, preventable complications approximately 15 % of the cases. Some surgeons
such as neurogenic bladder, fecal incontinence, advocate the use of laparoscopy in all cases, to
dehiscence, retraction, rectovaginal fistula, and take biopsies to determine the extent of the agan-
rectourethral fistulas. glionosis. We believe that it is not necessary to
follow that approach. Transanally, as we progress
in our dissection, we can take full-thickness biop-
24.10.1 The Authors’ Approach sies every 5 cm until we reach the normogangli-
onic bowel. If the contrast study gives no clue as
If a baby is born nearby our institution or is to the location of the transition zone or if we are
brought very early with symptoms consistent with suspicious of total colonic Hirschsprung’s, start-
Hirschsprung’s disease, we perform a contrast ing with laparoscopy and biopsies may be
enema and a suction rectal biopsy. Once we estab- appropriate.
lish the diagnosis, assuming it is a full-term baby We perform a full-thickness (like Swenson)
with no concerning associated defects and is clini- transanal (de la Torre) dissection. Based on a
cally stable, we insert a central line (PICC line) large experience in the treatment of anorectal
and keep the patient with nothing by mouth malformations, we have learned to dissect the
receiving parenteral nutrition. We have learned rectum, keeping our plane of dissection as close
24.10 Surgical Treatment 409

as possible to the bowel wall without injuring any with the pelvis elevated. We believe that there is
nerves and/or pelvic organs. In other words, we no need to operate on these babies in lithotomy
do not feel the need to do this dissection using an position, which is a reminiscent of adult surgi-
endorectal, submucosal technique. As we gain cal techniques. With the patient in prone position,
length in the dissection, we keep taking biopsies the surgeon works more comfortably in a hori-
every 5 cm, sending them to pathology. Once we zontal field without losing instruments and can
have reached the normal ganglionic bowel, we perform the dissection easier, and this position is
still go 5 cm or more, proximally. If the normal much easier on the assistant and the scrub nurse.
ganglionic bowel is very dilated, we continue The eight hooks of the Lone Star retractor are
pulling down more colon. In other words, we try placed in a symmetric and radial way at the anal
to resect not only the aganglionic segment but margin in order to be able to see the pectinate
also as much of the dilated normal ganglionic line (Fig. 24.5). Subsequently, all the hooks are
colon as possible. After the resection, a two-layer replaced deeper, taking the rectal wall above the
anastomosis is done 2 cm above the pectinate pectinate line (Fig. 24.6) so that it is hidden. At
line. If, in the process of dissecting the rectum, that point, we know that what is exposed is only
we find that it is becoming technically more rectal mucosa. We are now sure that the entire
demanding and difficult to continue the dissec- anal canal, plus at least 1 cm of rectal mucosa, has
tion because we already have passed the sigmoid been circumferentially folded, retracted, and pro-
and reaching the descending colon becomes tected. What we see deep in our field (Fig. 24.6)
extremely difficult, then we decide to go into the is only rectal mucosa. This way we can be very
abdomen either laparoscopically or opening the accurate in measuring the distance between the
abdomen to free the descending colon, the splenic pectinate line and the beginning line of our resec-
flexure, or even the transverse colon. tion. Many authors talk about initiating the resec-
The transanal approach is a very impor- tion 5 or 10 mm above the pectinate line. We
tant significant contribution in the therapy of prefer to go 2 cm more proximal for the reasons
Hirschsprung’s disease. We believe that both Drs. that we will explain when we talk about compli-
de la Torre and Langer should be commended for cations from these procedures. Multiple 5-0 or
this contribution. Yet, we have serious concerns 6-0 silk circumferential stitches are placed tak-
that this technique may1 not be very reproducible. ing the rectal mucosa (Fig. 24.7). These stitches
In other words, when this technique is not done will provide uniform traction. We use a delicate
correctly, serious damage may be provoked to the needle-tip cautery and make a full-thickness cir-
sphincter mechanism and to the anal canal. We cumferential incision of the rectal wall, periph-
have seen videos and photographs of transanal eral to the multiple silk stitches (Fig. 24.8). We
operations presented in different meetings, show- use the cautery in cutting mode when cutting and
ing images with rather aggressive, less-than- coagulation mode to fulgurate specific vessels.
optimal maneuvers that we believe may provoke Peripheral to the full-thickness wall of the rec-
fecal incontinence. Because of that, we want to tum, one finds a funnel-like skeletal muscle that
emphasize what we consider the crucial steps in contracts every time we touch it with the cautery.
the surgical technique of the transanal resection We should not violate that wall of skeletal mus-
of the rectosigmoid (see attached DVD). cle. If we go through that, we find characteristic
We use a Lone Star2 retractor to perform this ischiorectal fat that should alert us that we are too
operation [102, 103]. This retractor provides an far away from the correct plane and therefore at
excellent exposure combined with minimal inva- risk of injuring other structures. The dissection of
siveness. The baby is placed in the prone position the anterior rectal wall in male patients must be
performed very meticulously. It is perfectly valid
Lone Star Retractor System, CooperSurgical Inc., to go submucosally in this particular area to guar-
Trumbull, CT, USA. antee that we are not injuring the prostate and
See footnote 1. the posterior urethra. Likewise in females, the
410 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

a b

Fig. 24.5 Eight hooks in place. (a) Diagram. (b) Intraoperative picture

Fig. 24.6 Eight hooks placed deeper – only rectal

mucosa is exposed. The anal canal is protected (folded) by Fig. 24.7 Multiple silk stitches
the hooks of the retractor

posterior vaginal wall must be protected. If the using a submucosal dissection. When one is
dissection is performed correctly, one finds that performing this dissection in the right plane, the
dissecting the rectum in a full-thickness fashion dissection is performed most of the time outside
allows us to work in a bloodless field only burn- the level of the retractor. In other words, we keep
ing the extrinsic blood vessels of the rectum. This dissecting and pulling the rectum mostly outside
represents a much less bloody field than when the anus; we try not having to work in a deep field
24.10 Surgical Treatment 411

a b

Fig. 24.8 Circumferential incision, peripheral to the silk stitches. (a) Diagram. (b) Intraoperative picture

a b

Fig. 24.9 Biopsies taken every 5 cm (a) 15 cm dissected, (b) 20 cm dissected

unless we are dealing with a reoperation with a as much of the dilated normoganglionic bowel as
lot of fibrosis in the pelvis. Every 5 cm of length possible through the same transanal approach. A
that we gain, we take a full-thickness biopsy that two-layer anastomosis between the normogan-
is sent to pathology (Fig. 24.9). Obviously, this glionic bowel and the rectum is performed, 2 cm
approach is safe when one is working in an envi- above the anal canal (Fig. 24.10). The first layer
ronment with a pathologist who has experience of the anastomosis takes the external or serosal
with frozen sections. In about 80 % of the cases, part of the colon and sutures it to the peripheral
we reach the normoganglionic bowel without the tissues above the edge of the resection of the rec-
need to open the abdomen or doing laparoscopy. tal mucosa. This first layer of sutures is performed
Yet, we go at least 5 cm above the site of the before the resection of the colon. Figure 24.11
biopsy that showed ganglion cells; we also resect shows the resection of the colon. In the second
412 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

Fig. 24.11 Resection of the colon

bowel. The dissection becomes more difficult and

risky because we are trying, through the anus, to
cauterize mesenteric intraperitoneal vessels that
may retract and bleed into the peritoneal cavity.
Under these circumstances, we go into the abdo-
men, either laparoscopically or by laparotomy.
This is easily done because we perform these
operations using what we call “total body prepa-
ration.” We use this type of preparation modal-
ity in all of our abdominoperineal procedures.
The reader can go to Chap. 7 to see the details
of a total body preparation. When necessary, the
Fig. 24.10 Diagram showing the deep layer of the baby is turned to supine position and laparotomy
anastomosis or the laparoscopic approach is performed. In
order to avoid the leak of CO2 from the perito-
inner layer, more emphasis is placed in being neal cavity, packing gauze can be used in the
sure that the mucosal edges come together. This anus. Laparoscopically, the descending colon is
suture is performed with 6-0 Vicryl (Fig. 24.12). detached from its normal (left gutter) attachments
During the dissection, we assist ourselves with as well as the splenic flexure. This maneuver is
the use of small pediatric malleable retractors usually enough for the normoganglionic bowel
and a long, narrow Deaver retractor. During this to reach the anus and to perform a successful
dissection, we work following the principle of tension-free anastomosis. If there is not enough
triangular exposure. We pull on the multiple silk length, we have to detach the hepatic flexure to
rectal stitches in one direction, use the suction gain extra colonic length. Sometimes the right
tube to improve the exposure, and 1 or 2 narrow colon must be de-rotated for the hepatic flexure
retractors are introduced in order to see exactly to reach the anus. Rarely, one is confronted with
what we are doing. We are very careful to not the case of a total colonic aganglionosis which
excessively stretch the anal canal. We believe that should have been suspected preoperatively. This
serious damage may be inflicted when the sur- will be discussed later.
geon stretches the anal canal excessively in order If the decision is made to go into the abdomen
to have better exposure. through a laparotomy, we prefer a midline inci-
In about 20 % of patients, the dissection con- sion. In dealing with colorectal problems, we
tinues, but we cannot reach the normoganglionic favor the midline abdominal incisions in order to
24.10 Surgical Treatment 413

a b

Fig. 24.12 Superficial layer of stitches (inner layer). (a) Diagram. (b) Operative picture

preserve both sides of the abdominal wall in the observing the blood supply of the colon in order
event that the patient requires a stoma. Transverse to be sure that they ligate or cauterize the right
incisions invade the area of the stomas, and the vessels to avoid ischemia of the distal bowel. The
patients may end up with a stoma located too anastomosis should not be done under tension.
close to an incision, which is a serious inconve- When there is any question about the viability
nience, since it may interfere with the placement of the bowel as well as the tension, a protective
of the stoma appliance. colostomy is indicated.
At the end of the procedure, most of the time, Postoperatively, these patients recover remark-
the patient stays without a protective colostomy, ably well. They have no pain unless they had
provided we feel comfortable about the blood a laparotomy or laparoscopy. They frequently
supply of the pulled-through bowel as well as show signs of being hungry. We give broad-
the tension of the anastomosis. We believe that spectrum antibiotics for 48 h. Metronidazole is
strictures that occur at the anastomosis site are administered on a long-term basis, which we will
due to poor surgical technique and frequently explain. Seven to ten days after the operation, we
ischemia of the bowel or excessive tension. If it start feeding the patients.
happens that the patient requires a laparotomy or Many patients with Hirschsprung’s disease
laparoscopy, the surgeon must be very careful in are, or eventually become, lactose intolerant, and
414 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

a b

Fig. 24.13 Characteristic image postoperative for Hirschsprung’s showing gas and liquid in the descending colon and
rectum. Indication for irrigation. (a) Before irrigation. (b) After irrigation

therefore, as early as possible, we suggest feed- discharged very early from other institutions,
ing them with a substitute for milk. In addition, after a “successful” pull-through performed in
we have seen that the ingestion of milk tends to the newborn period, coming to our institution
produce more bowel gas and may show signs suffering from severe enterocolitis.
of intolerance as well as increase the chance of The main concern for patients operated on for
the patient to suffer from enterocolitis. We like Hirschsprung’s disease is the possibility of suf-
to feed the patients while still in the hospital, in fering from postoperative enterocolitis, which is
order to observe their reaction. We take an x-ray dangerous. Because of that, we keep the patients
film to be sure that there is a normal colonic gas in the hospital when we start feeding them. We
pattern. We watch carefully for abdominal dis- look for signs of abdominal distention. If the
tension and irrigate the colon, through the anus, baby throws up or becomes distended, we take
if necessary. abdominal films that usually show a characteris-
Nowadays surgeons and institutions compete tic image of a dilated colon with gas and liquid
to try to decrease the length of stay. Unfortunately, stool (Fig. 24.13). In that case, we (the surgeons)
sometimes this has been mainly motivated by personally perform the first colonic irrigation.
economic reasons rather than for the benefit of In a well-done anastomosis, the catheter should
the patient. We have seen patients that have been go straight into the dilated bowel since there is
24.10 Surgical Treatment 415

no sigmoid. It is a “straight shot” that decom- challenge for the new generation of pediatric
presses the baby’s colon. However, in general, surgeons. Several interesting papers have been
this should not be done by the nurses because the published shedding some light on the possible
surgeon must take the responsibility since he or etiology of the enterocolitis. Changes in the
she is passing the catheter through a new, fresh mucin composition of the bowel, an important
anastomosis. Metronidazole is administered mechanical and chemical factor of the mucosal
intravenously, and the irrigations are performed defense mechanism, have been advocated as a
three times a day which keeps the baby comfort- possible cause [107, 108]. Also, cell activation
able and stable. Eventually, the parents learn to seems to play a role [109]. The role of bacterial
do this procedure. Once the baby is stable, not proliferation certainly contributes to the problem,
vomiting and thriving, and the parents know how particularly Clostridium difficile [110].
to do the irrigations, we discharge the patient We are aware of important predisposing fac-
home. The baby goes home taking metronidazole tors [106] including Down syndrome, long-
by mouth and receiving three irrigations per day. segment aganglionosis, and infection. We believe,
In addition, the mother is instructed to irrigate like others [106], that fecal stasis is one of the
more often if she feels that the baby needs it. We most important predisposing factors.
have been very much influenced by Dale Johnson We do not know why babies suffer from entero-
et al. [104] concerning the prevention and early colitis. This is what we call a non-preventable and
management of postoperative enterocolitis, with non-predictable complication. After following
proactive rectal irrigations. many patients, we have had the opportunity to
A month after surgery, the patients come to make an interesting observation. Some patients
the clinic and we take an abdominal x-ray film. If come to us from centers where they claim they
the colon is not distended, the baby is eating and have zero incidence of enterocolitis. Interestingly,
thriving, and there are no signs of enterocolitis, most of those patients suffer from fecal inconti-
we decrease the number of irrigations from 3 to 2 nence. We also know that patients with colosto-
and decrease the amount of metronidazole by mies done in normoganglionic bowel do not have
50 %. A month later, the baby comes back again enterocolitis. We postulate that an operation that
and we do exactly the same. If the baby is doing damages the sphincter mechanism producing
well, we keep reducing the number of irrigations fecal incontinence ironically protects the patient
and the amount of metronidazole. Most babies against the risk of enterocolitis. The stool flows
will do well. It may be necessary to administer out with no obstruction and thus no stasis (like a
laxatives at the same time that the number of irri- colostomy). One can ask a tongue-in-cheek ques-
gations is reduced. Gradually, we expect the par- tion: what do we want: incontinence or enteroco-
ents to report to us that the baby has spontaneous litis? In our series, many patients (perhaps 70 %)
bowel movements, in between irrigations, as well underwent the operation that we have already
as obtaining less liquid stool during the described and did not suffer from enterocolitis.
irrigations. These are indications of the patient’s We do not know why some do and some do not.
colonic motility improvement. Occasionally, we We believe that myectomies [111, 112] or
will find babies that cannot tolerate the decrease injections of botulinum toxin [113, 114] into the
of rectal irrigations or lower dosages of metroni- area of the sphincter play only a temporary role
dazole. Sometimes the treatment continues for in the treatment of this problem. These kinds of
months. Under those circumstances, if a child is treatments may produce a temporary improve-
“irrigation and metronidazole dependent,” we ment, because they decrease the efficiency of the
consider a reoperation to resect more colon, even sphincter mechanism. Repeated myectomies and/
knowing that it is a normoganglionic bowel. or Botox injections eventually may avoid entero-
Enterocolitis represents the greatest risk for colitis in a fecally incontinent patient! We prefer
patients suffering from Hirschsprung’s disease to be proactive with irrigations and administra-
[105, 106]. It also represents the greatest research tion of metronidazole. The vast majorities of
416 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

a b

Pre-irrigation Post-irrigation

Fig. 24.14 Irrigation in cases of enterocolitis. (a) Contrast enema of a patient with enterocolitis. (b) Diagram showing
a colon, pre- and post irrigation

patients eventually improve, do not require irri- suffering from this condition, seen and treated by
gations, and do not require metronidazole. pediatricians, simply receiving intravenous fluids
Figure 24.14a shows a contrast enema taken in and antibiotics, which may actually aggravate
a patient with enterocolitis. Figure 24.14b shows the problem, particularly when the baby does
a diagram of a colon before and after irrigation. not receive the benefit of the most important life-
We try to make the parents of our patients saving therapeutic maneuver, which is the rectal
paranoid about enterocolitis. A typical exceed- irrigation.
ingly sad event in pediatric surgery is when a A small group of patients, after having a suc-
child gets sick at home with enterocolitis and dies cessful operation for Hirschsprung’s disease,
while being transported to a hospital. We tell the develop constipation without enterocolitis. We
parents about this and they learn to recognize the believe that leaving a very dilated normogangli-
first symptoms of mild enterocolitis. We do not onic bowel, particularly in patients operated
wait until the patient has a full clinical picture of using the Duhamel technique, may explain some
enterocolitis to start irrigations; we rather make of the cases that suffer from constipation after an
the parents experts in the prophylactic use of operation for Hirschsprung’s disease.
these irrigations. Often, this aggressive approach The great majority of patients that had a success-
with irrigations in response to abdominal disten- ful operation for Hirschsprung’s disease have a char-
sion keeps the patient from getting sick at all. We acteristic defecation pattern consistent with the loss
look forward to hearing good news from scien- of the rectosigmoid. Under normal circumstances,
tists who are doing studies about the origin of the rectosigmoid represents our reservoir for stool
the problem of enterocolitis. Unfortunately, the where a significant absorption of water occurs, mak-
problem of enterocolitis post-Hirschsprung’s ing solid stool. The colonic motility is more active
operation is frequently unknown to many pedia- in the proximal (cecum, ascending) portion and less
tricians or simply confused with gastroenteritis. active distally (descending colon and rectosigmoid).
As a consequence, we have seen many babies In other words, the right colon moves faster than
24.10 Surgical Treatment 417

Fig. 24.15 Swenson operation (a) diagram showing lines of resection, (b) recto-sigmoid dissected and pulled through,
(c) finished operation

the transverse; the transverse moves faster than the sphincter) the patient must have in order to preserve
descending, which moves faster than the rectosig- bowel control. When these operations are performed
moid. Actually, the rectosigmoid remains quiet most in little babies and the proximal colon is connected to
of the time. It just receives and stores the stool dur- the anal canal, the tendency of the baby after surgery
ing 24 or 48 h. In a normal individual, after 24–48 h, will be to have very frequent bowel movements that
the rectosigmoid starts having peristaltic activity, will give him a diaper rash which is very difficult to
giving signs of an imminent massive contraction to treat. We treat this condition by giving a constipating
expel the stool, after which it remains quiet again diet, sometimes loperamide, and observing regular-
for another 24 h. This is extremely important and ity in meals trying to decrease the number of bowel
valuable for us as human beings, because it allows movements. We assume that less frequent meals will
us to have a social life and not to need the use of a result in less bowel movements, which will make the
toilet frequently. Resecting the rectosigmoid makes management of the diaper rash easier.
this function disappear. During a rectosigmoid resec-
tion (like the one performed for the treatment of
Hirschsprung’s disease), a more proximal portion of 24.10.2 Other Surgical Techniques
the colon (usually descending) is anastomosed to the for the Treatment
upper portion of the anal canal. The colon that we of Hirschsprung’s Disease
pull down does not behave like the rectosigmoid; in
other words, it does not act like a reservoir, but rather The original operation of Swenson consisted
tends to pass stool slowly but constantly, like a colos- in the resection of the aganglionic portion of
tomy. The more proximal the colostomy, the more the colon using an abdominoperineal approach
constant the passage of stool and the more liquid the (Fig. 24.15). The aganglionic segment of the
consistency of the stool. Therefore, the more colon bowel was mobilized transabdominally below
we resect, the more efficient anal canal (sensation and the peritoneal floor and a meticulous dissection
418 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease



Fig. 24.16 Duhamel operation (a) Diagram showing onic bowel pulled down through rectal incision, (f) creat-
lines of resection, (b) megacolon resected, retrorectal pre- ing a wide communication between rectum and colon
sacral dissection, (c) normoganglionic bowel pulled using a stapler, (g) finished operation
down, (d) incision above dentate line, (e) normogangli-

of the bowel was performed, staying as close been dissected through the abdomen, it is everted
as possible to the rectal wall to avoid damage through the anus, and the resection is performed
to pelvic structures and important nerves. The under direct vision outside the anus. The rectum
dissection of the rectum includes ligation of the is passed inside out, and an anastomosis between
hemorrhoidal vessels and the extrinsic blood the normoganglionic bowel is performed out-
supply of the rectum. Once the rectosigmoid has side the anus, away from the pectinate line. Even
24.10 Surgical Treatment 419

when some authors claimed that this technique bowel that was pulled down behind the rectum
may provoke damage to important pelvic nerves, and in front of the sacrum. The rectum was hand
Swenson himself and his followers [115] claim anastomosed to the posterior rectal wall. The
that when this technique is performed in a tech- follow-up of those patients demonstrated that the
nically correct way, the results are good and aganglionic rectal stump suffered frequently from
no damage is inflicted to the pelvic organs. We fecal impactions and became extremely dilated
believe this is true. (Figs. 24.17 and 24.18). To try to avoid this com-
Duhamel from France [18] devised a very inge- plication, other surgeons [116] modified the pro-
nious and interesting technique. The aim was to cedure by creating a very wide communication
avoid the potential complications of the Swenson between the anterior wall of the pull-through’s
procedure. Via laparotomy, he divided the rectum normoganglionic bowel and the posterior wall of
at the level of the peritoneal reflection, resecting the rectal stump. This is now usually done using
the aganglionic intraperitoneal portion including a stapler. They claim that by doing this, the typi-
the very dilated proximal colon (Fig. 24.16). He cal dilatation of the rectal stump is avoided. We
then selected a normoganglionic piece of bowel believe that is half true, because we have seen
to be pulled down and closed the rectal agangli- a significant number of cases who underwent a
onic stump at the level of the peritoneal reflection. Duhamel procedure, including the technical mod-
A plane of dissection was created between the ification to avoid the creation of a pouch, and yet
sacrum and the posterior rectal wall. The poste- they suffer from severe constipation and required
rior anorectal wall was exposed through the anus an operation [117, 118]. For those who like quick
and an incision was made about the pectinate line, and technically easy operations, the Duhamel
through which he passed the normoganglionic procedure seems to be ideal.

Fig. 24.17 Diagram showing the characteristic “Duhamel” pouch and the operation to resect it
420 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

Fig. 24.18 Contrast enema showing the post-“Duhamel” pouch

There is an interesting question that must be through the rectum and initiates a submuco-
raised at this point: in Duhamel operations, if the sal dissection that is basically similar to the
rectum left is really aganglionic, then why for transanal initial approach to meet the dissec-
many times does it become so dilated when actu- tion that came from above. Once the resection
ally we know that aganglionic segments of bowel is completed, the normoganglionic bowel is
never become dilated? Perhaps the answer is to pulled down through the seromuscular cuff of
be found in the fact that many children without the aganglionic bowel and the anastomosis is
Hirschsprung’s disease received an operation supposed to be performed above the pectinate
designed to treat Hirschsprung’s. line. In the original Soave technique [24], the
Franco Soave, in Italy [24], and Scott Boley normoganglionic bowel pulled down was left
in the United States [25] applied the endorec- hanging outside the anus. One week later, the
tal, submucosal dissection principle to treat surgeon could evaluate the blood supply of the
Hirschsprung’s disease. Through a laparotomy, pulled-down bowel and perform the resection
they resected the aganglionic intraperitoneal and anastomosis. Boley, however, performed a
portion of the bowel as well as the most dilated primary anastomosis [25], proposing a resec-
part of the proximal colon. They also selected tion and anastomosis done in a single opera-
the normoganglionic piece of bowel to be pulled tion. Again, Soave and Boley designed this
down (Fig. 24.19). An endorectal dissection of technique for the specific purpose of avoiding
the aganglionic segment was performed trans- potential damage to pelvic structures. They
abdominally, from the peritoneal floor down to considered that the submucosal anorectal plane
the anal canal. The dissection is carried down represented a safe plane to avoid the damage
relatively easily and continues distally until the and denervation of pelvic nerve organs that had
surgeon “feels” that he is reaching the area of been observed with the Swenson approach. The
the anal canal. At that point, the surgeon goes “Soave procedure” is more technically demand-
24.10 Surgical Treatment 421

Fig. 24.19 Soave technique (a) lines of resection, (b) endorectal disection, (c) finished endorectal disection, (d) nor-
moganlgionic colon anastomosed to rectum above the dentate line

ing than the Duhamel one. Complications with We had to explore those patients posterior sagit-
this technique have been reported and consist tally or transanally and found islets of mucosa
of leaving pieces of mucosa deep in the pelvis or sometimes even complete pieces of bowel
producing mucus and then generating abscesses left trapped between the seromuscular cuff and
and multiple fistulas that are very difficult to the bowel wall of the normoganglionic pulled-
treat [118]. We receive a number of cases oper- through bowel [118]. Some patients underwent
ated on with the Soave technique that came to us an attempted repair for Hirschsprung’s and suf-
because they suffer from abscesses and fistulas. fered from dehiscence and retraction. When we
422 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

Fig. 24.20 PSARP for frozen pelvis in Hirschsprung’s

studied them, we found that they have severe part of the terminal ileum. These patients must
fibrosis (“frozen pelvis”) and a blind rectum. be subjected to a total colectomy and an ileo-
Those cases are approached posterior sagittally proctoanastomosis, with or without patches or
(Fig. 24.20). We have seen many others with a pouches. The consequences of these procedures
retained seromuscular cuff, partially obstructing can be easily predicted. The patients suffer from
the normoganglionic pulled-through bowel. We severe and constant diarrhea for life. In addi-
must also say that from all patients that came tion, they will be particularly prone to dehydra-
to our clinic complaining of fecal incontinence tion when suffering from any kind of condition
after having an operation for Hirschsprung’s (viral gastroenteritis) that gives them diarrhea.
disease at another institution, those who under- And, they have a higher tendency to suffer from
went a Soave operation had a higher frequency enterocolitis.
of incontinence, whereas those who underwent Adult colorectal surgeons as well as pediatric
a Duhamel operation tend to suffer more from surgeons, dealing with patients subjected to total
constipation. colectomies for different reasons, have been
trying to be very creative in dealing with the
problems of diarrhea and very frequent bowel
24.11 Total Colonic Aganglionosis movements. Dr. Lester Martin [121] proposed an
interesting idea to deal with this problem. A
Total colonic aganglionosis is a very serious technique similar to the one used by Duhamel is
form of Hirschsprung’s disease. Even when performed, except that the aganglionic segment
these patients are treated in a technically cor- left includes the entire descending colon and
rect way, they still suffer from very significant rectosigmoid. The normoganglionic terminal
sequelae [119, 120]. We believe that we are ileum is pulled through, behind the rectum.
not really curing this condition. As previously A very long longitudinal anastomosis between
mentioned, this condition is defined as the the normoganglionic terminal ileum and
absence of ganglion cells in the entire colon. the aganglionic rectosigmoid is performed
Sometimes the aganglionic segment includes (Fig. 24.21). The rationale of this operation was
24.11 Total Colonic Aganglionosis 423

Subsequently, long-term follow-up studies

showed that the creation of colonic patches, in an
attempt to absorb water, promote formed, solid
stool, and decrease the number of bowel move-
ments, did not improve the clinical conditions of
these patients [125–127].
In adults, small bowel pouches have also
been used in cases of total colectomies per-
formed for the treatment of familial polyposis
and inflammatory bowel disease. Yet, patients
with Hirschsprung’s disease are different from
otherwise normal individuals who undergo total
colectomies. As usual, every time we humans try
to be very smart and cheat on Mother Nature, we
very soon learn that things are usually more com-
plicated than what we thought. Producing stasis
of stool in the small bowel, in general, is not well
tolerated, and this is particularly true in patients
with Hirschsprung’s disease. Stasis of stool in
the small bowel in patients with total colonic
Hirschsprung’s disease frequently produces pro-
liferation of bacteria (frequently Clostridium
difficile). This produces a severe inflammatory
process of the bowel, and rather than having the
expected absorption of water and forming solid
stool decreasing the number of bowel move-
ments, it frequently produces the opposite effect,
Fig. 24.21 Lester Martin technique which is secretory diarrhea and a severe inflam-
matory process with ulceration, bacterial prolif-
that the water absorption capacity of the agangli- eration, and endotoxemia.
onic rectosigmoid could be preserved, as well as We have been very disappointed by the use of
its reservoir function, therefore reducing the those patches and pouches, and therefore, we
number of bowel movements and creating formed prefer a direct end-to-end anastomosis between
stool. At the same time, the hope was that the the terminal ileum and the rectum, located 2 cm
patient would benefit from the peristalsis of the above the anal canal. We are biased against
normoganglionic terminal ileum. patches and pouches due to the fact that we have
Subsequently, Kimura et al. [122] proposed a taken care of patients suffering from complica-
technical modification to Martin’s original idea, tions consecutive to that kind of operations.
creating a patch using the right ascending colon, Several of those cases required chronic infusion
due to its great capacity to absorb water. of IV fluids to compensate for the great intestinal
Kimura’s procedure was rather complex and losses. Even if diverted with an ileostomy, we
required at least two surgical stages. Consequently, have seen a defunctionalized severely inflamed
Boley modified the procedure to do it in a single pouch, in a patient with severe secretory diarrhea
operation [123]. through the ileostomy, likely from some humoral
Dr. Orvar Swenson argued that the straight factor released by the inflamed patch. When the
ileoanal anastomosis was a good procedure and pouch with chronic enterocolitis was removed,
presented two long-term survivors [124]. the ileostomy output dropped dramatically.
424 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

Because of this experience, plus other reasons

that will be explained, our approach to the treat-
ment of total colonic aganglionosis is very differ-
ent to the approach proposed by most surgeons
[128]. If the baby is in good condition, we do not
hesitate to perform a transanal resection of the rec-
tosigmoid followed by a laparotomy to resect the
entire colon, pull through the normoganglionic
terminal ileum, and perform a two-layer anasto-
mosis to the rectum 2 cm above the anal canal (as
previously described here). In addition, we open a
protective ileostomy. The ileostomy is not closed
until the patient fulfills two main conditions:
Fig. 24.22 Dramatic diaper rash
A. He or she is toilet trained for urine and can sit
on a potty.
B. He or she allows the mother to pass a catheter We like to wait until the baby is toilet trained
through the rectum to do rectal irrigations. for urine because at that time, he/she knows how
This means that we close these ileostomies to verbalize his/her desire to go to the toilet. He/
usually in patients that are 3–5 years old [128]. she has the capacity to hold the urine and to go to
This is very different to the current trend of oper- void when necessary. In addition, he/she is accus-
ating on patients with congenital malformations tomed to being clean and dry in the underwear,
as early as possible. The reason for the manage- and therefore, he/she has a greater chance to
ment plan that we propose is that we have seen become toilet trained sooner after the ileostomy
many patients with total colonic aganglionosis is closed. We all know that otherwise normal
operated early in life. We surgeons are very proud adult individuals, subjected to total colectomies
of the fact that we can perform major operations and ileoproctoanastomosis (even when the opera-
in the newborn period. Yet, in dealing with total tion has been done in a technically correct man-
colonic aganglionosis, when these operations are ner), sometimes have “accidents” (passing stool
done in very young babies, they suffer from con- accidentally in the underwear), particularly dur-
stant passing of stool in the underwear and ing the night. The very active, constant peristalsis
develop one of the worst diaper rashes that we (hypermotility) characteristic of the small bowel,
have seen (Fig. 24.22). The surgeons usually do when connected to the rectum, even if it is done
not become aware of this, since it is the mothers in a technically correct way is not tolerated by
and the nurses who desperately try to control little babies and that is why they keep passing
these kinds of problems. The babies, sometimes, stool constantly, producing a severe and non-
suffer for years from what seems to be almost manageable diaper rash. On the other hand, a
like a second-degree burn of the buttocks. On the 3–5-year-old child that is toilet trained for urine
other hand, the presence of an ileostomy some- already knows what the toilet is all about and
times upsets the surgeons and the parents, therefore has more possibilities to become toilet
whereas the babies are happy. The baby grows up trained for stool very soon. The parents of our
without enterocolitis and does not care about patients treated this way express a high degree of
having an ileostomy. He/she becomes aware of satisfaction. Yet, the patient still has to go through
the ileostomy only when he/she goes to school. a period of many bowel movements in the under-
Before that, in general, he/she is well adapted. wear. The number of bowel movements decreases
Care of a longstanding ileostomy requires careful with time because the patient learns to hold the
observation for dehydration and monitoring of stool. The terminal ileum that we anastomose to
sodium losses, often necessitating oral sodium the anal canal, as time goes by, becomes dilated
supplementation. and populated by abnormal flora; therefore, they
24.13 Problems, Complication, and Sequela Secondary to Operations for Hirschsprung’s Disease 425

have a high incidence of enterocolitis. That is with the diagnosis of “ultrashort Hirschsprung’s”
why we created the second condition for a patient have manifestations that do not allow us to
to be eligible for an ileostomy closure: that the differentiate them from those who suffer from
child must tolerate rectal irrigations prior to the idiopathic constipation and “achalasia of the
ileostomy closure. Interestingly, in retrospect, we internal sphincter.” For a more comprehensive
found two authors that follow a similar strategy discussion on this subject, see Chap. 25.
concerning the timing of the ileostomy closure
[129, 130].
After the ileostomy has been closed, we watch 24.13 Problems, Complication,
the patient very closely, as previously described, and Sequela Secondary
every time the patient feels sick or suffers from to Operations
abdominal distention and/or vomiting, the care- for Hirschsprung’s Disease
giver performs a rectal irrigation that helps the
child feel better and to recover the appetite. In a We believe that complications that occur after
characteristic patient with total colonic agangli- operations for Hirschsprung’s disease as well as
onosis, the parents learn to hear the bowel noises sequelae can be divided into three categories:
from far away. In addition, we monitor radiologi- A. Preventable
cally the degree of bowel dilatation, as well as the B. Nonpreventable
mucosal irregularities as signs of imminent C. Partially preventable
enterocolitis and, when necessary, start irriga-
tions three times daily, as well as administer oral
metronidazole proactively. 24.13.1 Preventable Complications
One month after transanal operations, we like (Catastrophes)
to do a rectal exam in all our patients to be sure
that the anastomosis is not getting narrow. These complications are consecutive to poor sur-
Occasionally, we may feel a rather tight ring at gical technique. Those of us who are responsible
the location of the anastomosis that may require for the training of young pediatric surgeons that
anal dilatations. Anal dilatations in patients with will go into practice and perform these proce-
anorectal malformations are started 2 weeks after dures should have as our goal to take the number
surgery, whereas in patients with Hirschsprung’s, of preventable catastrophic complications down
we specifically recommend starting 1 month to zero. In this category, we include patients who
after, because we are concerned about a potential have suffered from acquired rectourethral and
perforation done with the dilator at the suture line rectovaginal fistulas, neurogenic bladder, rectal
that is located deep in the rectum. In anorectal stricture, fecal incontinence, chronic abscess and
malformations, the suture line is located at the fistula, and severe fecal retention with a rectal
level of the skin; that is the reason why we are pouch in cases of Duhamel operations. Some of
more liberal about early anal dilatations; we have the patients that we have seen have what we call
never seen an injury of the anoplasty provoked by a frozen pelvis. They previously had multiple
an anal dilatation. operations, abscesses, fistulas, strictures, or
acquired atresias of the distal pull-through
bowel. For those cases, we sometimes use the
24.12 Ultrashort-Segment posterior sagittal approach but often can do the
Hirschsprung’s Disease redo procedure transanally with or without a
laparotomy. The posterior sagittal approach is
As we mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, particularly useful when we believe that through
we believe that the existence of this condition is an abdominal operation, we would not be able to
highly debatable. From the clinical and radiologi- reach the lowest part of the rectum. Also, it is
cal point of view, patients who have been labeled useful when a transanal approach is not possible
426 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

due to the fact that the patient has a “cement” from fistula formation in the location of the
type of pelvis because of the severe fibrosis. It is anastomosis of the pull-through rectum and the
in those cases that we use a posterior sagittal anal canal. We must keep in mind that when
approach to obtain a direct view of the troubled using this approach, one is creating a bowel
area (Fig. 24.20). We have resected remnants of anastomosis immediately above a normal
rectal mucosa or pieces of trapped bowel left in sphincter that remains contracted (closing the
the pelvis, after attempted, failed endorectal dis- anus) most of the time, which acts as a distal
sections. With this approach, we can perform an obstruction. In addition, we leave a posterior
end-to-end anastomosis under direct vision. We midline suture line overimposed on the bowel
have been able to close acquired rectovaginal as anastomosis; all these are predisposing factors
well as rectourethral fistulas under direct vision. for a fistula formation.
Also, it is possible to mobilize normal bowel to The posterior sagittal approach used for dif-
be sure that we leave a normal bowel wall in ferent types of problems gave us a unique oppor-
front of the vaginal or urethral repair. We tunity to be exposed directly to the posterior
strongly recommend the use of a protective rectal wall and evaluate its characteristics
colostomy if one is obligated to use a posterior (Fig. 24.23). We have not been able to identify
sagittal approach to repair these cases. Not open- the thickness of smooth muscle described as
ing a colostomy exposes these patients to suffer “internal sphincter.”

Fig. 24.23 Exposure of the posterior rectal wall during a posterior approach. Internal sphincter?
24.13 Problems, Complication, and Sequela Secondary to Operations for Hirschsprung’s Disease 427

Soiling after Hirschsprung’s


History and physical

contrast enema
exam under anesthesia*
(integrity of anal cana?)
Hypomotility Hypermotility
Constipation Tendency to loose stool

Laxatives Loperamide
Constipating diet
Bulking agents (pectin)
Three meals/day (no snacks)

Incontinence persisted Continent Incontinence persisted

True incontinence with hypomotility In retrospect patient had True incontinence with hypermotility

Bowel management program Bowel management program

large enema Small enema, constipating diet,
Bulking agents (pectin), and loperamide

Fig. 24.24 Decision-making algorithm for patients suffering from fecal incontinence after a Hirschsprung’s
operation Fecal Incontinence

For the group of patients that came to us suffering
from fecal incontinence after having an operation
for Hirschsprung’s disease, we have a specific pro-
tocol of management. Figure 24.24 shows our deci-
sion-making algorithm for those patients. We
perform a contrast enema and an examination under
anesthesia. The purpose of the examination under
anesthesia is to determine whether or not the patient
has an intact anal canal and/or to determine the
degree of damage that the anal canal suffered during
the previous operation. One hundred and three
patients come to our center suffering from fecal
incontinence consecutive to an operation for
Hirschsprung’s, and we found 54 cases in which the Fig. 24.25 Bowel-skin anastomosis – no anal canal
surgeons performed an anastomosis of the normo-
ganglionic bowel basically to the perianal skin this kind of anatomy during the examination under
(Fig. 24.25). In other words, the anal canal was anesthesia, we offer the family a bowel manage-
destroyed or removed during the original operation. ment program with a daily enema, most likely on a
Those patients most likely will suffer from fecal permanent basis (see the Chap. 20).
incontinence for life. Sometimes we see a very pat- The contrast enema allows us to determine
ulous anus indicative of overstretching the sphincter whether the patient belongs to the constipated
during the pull-through (Fig. 24.26). When we find (hypomotility), megacolon group (Fig. 24.27) or
428 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

Fig. 24.26 Patulous anus

Fig. 24.28 Contrast enema – spastic, hyperactive colon

If the patient has an intact anal canal, we

believe that the patient has potential for bowel
control. Some patients (49/103) even with intact
anal canals suffer from fecal incontinence, and
we do not know exactly why. However, the con-
trast enema in those cases will tell us whether
the patient suffers from severe constipation and
megacolon (hypomotility) or non-dilated colon
and tendency to diarrhea (hypermotility). The
management of each group is different. We give
all these patients the opportunity to see how
much bowel control they have, helping them to
improve their specific motility problem. In other
words, if the patient has constipation and mega-
colon, we give them laxatives. If the patient has
tendency to diarrhea and a non-dilated colon,
then we administer a constipating diet, pectin,
Fig. 24.27 Abdominal film showing retention of stool and Imodium.3 In both groups, we radiologically
post-Hirschsprung’s operation
monitor the effects of our treatment. The patients
are managed on an ambulatory basis over a period
to the opposite (narrow, non-dilated) tendency to of 1 week (see Chap. 20). They are expected to
diarrhea, hypermotility type (Fig. 24.28). As we
explained in the chapter about bowel manage- 3
Imodium – active ingredients: loperamide HCl 2 mg and
ment, those groups require a completely different simethicone 125 mg (in each caplet); slows the rate at
which the stomach and intestines move. It also increases
regimen of bowel management in order to be suc- the density of stools and reduces the amount of fluid in the
cessful incontinence [131, 132]. stool.
24.13 Problems, Complication, and Sequela Secondary to Operations for Hirschsprung’s Disease 429

Table 24.1 Medical management in patients with fecal incontinence after Hirschsprung’s operation
Patients with constipation Patients with tendency to diarrhea
Clean with Remain incontinent in Continent with the Continent with the Clean with the Remain
enemas spite of the use of use of laxatives use of use of enemas incontinent in
laxatives constipating diet and constipating spite of enemas
and bulking diet and constipating
agents diet
33.8 % 5.8 % 8.8 % 8.8 % 33.8 % 8.8 %

decrease the number of bowel movements may

make the patients behave like fecally continent.
Table 24.1 shows our results with the manage-
ment of patients with fecal incontinence after
Hirschsprung’s operations. The contrast enema,
in addition, occasionally may show changes
consistent with retention of an aganglionic piece
of colon (Fig. 24.29); in such cases, during the
examination under anesthesia, a rectal biopsy is
done. If the results of the biopsy confirm the
absence of ganglion cells, a secondary resection
and pull-through is performed.

24.13.2 Non-preventable

We think that enterocolitis is a non-preventable

and non-predictable complication. For us, this
Fig. 24.29 Contrast enema in a patient with retained complication represents a mystery. Fortunately,
aganglionic segment we know some of the predisposing factors that
contribute to generate this problem of enterocoli-
tis, but we still do not know its intrinsic
come to the clinic every day. Abdominal x-ray pathophysiology.
films are taken daily to monitor the amount of There is something characteristic about
stool in the colon, and with that information, we Hirschsprung’s disease patients; in general, they
determine if the amount of laxative that we are do not tolerate fecal stasis. A normal human
giving is adequate. By doing that, many patients being who retains stool develops a clinical pic-
who suffer from constipation and “incontinence” ture consistent with what we call constipation,
now behave like continent patients which means but they generally do not develop toxemia and
that perhaps they were actually suffering from proliferation of bad bacteria. In Hirschsprung’s
overflow pseudoincontinence. disease, the patients usually behave differently,
In cases of patients with a non-dilated colon as previously mentioned. They tend to suffer
with tendency to diarrhea, a decreased borderline from enterocolitis. So far, our management of
sensation and perhaps a partially damaged this problem that has been described here includes
sphincter cannot cope with a hyperactive bowel only the use of frequent irrigations and metroni-
that has constant peristalsis trying to pass stool. dazole. If that is not enough, we offer the patients
Therefore, the use of specific fiber (pectin) that subsequent resections of bowel, even knowing
makes the stool more bulky plus a constipating that the resection will include normoganglionic
diet and Imodium* and regular meals trying to bowel. It is expected that those resections may
430 24 Hirschsprung’s Disease

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Idiopathic Constipation and Other
Motility Disorders 25

25.1 Definition and Terminology with a colonic motility disorder, requesting a sur-
gical consultation, belongs to this particular
The term idiopathic constipation refers to the group.
incapacity or difficulty to pass stool regularly and
efficiently. In addition, we believe that it also
means incapacity to empty the colon. 25.2 Incidence, Social Impact,
We use the term “idiopathic” because we do and Relevance
not know the etiology of this condition. We are
aware of many proposed explanations to under- Idiopathic constipation is by far the most com-
stand the pathophysiology of this condition, but mon defecation disorder and colonic motility
we firmly believe that none of those explanations disorder seen in children. It represents a common
have solid scientific basis. In agreement with cause for surgical consultation [2–4]. It affects
Benjamin Disraeli, we believe that “to be con- millions of Americans, as well as patients of
scious that you are ignorant is a great step to other countries, but perhaps most important is
knowledge” [1]. the fact that it is an incapacitating condition
We intentionally avoided other terms fre- when it is not treated properly. In fact, it pro-
quently used in the literature, basically because duces a form of fecal incontinence known as
many of those names implied an accepted etiol- encopresis or overflow pseudoincontinence that
ogy. Some of those names include: “puborectalis makes the patient socially rejected and
spasm syndrome,” “descending perineum syn- discriminated.
drome,” “chronic obstipation,” and “spastic pel-
vic floor syndrome.” In addition and most
importantly the treatments that we have to offer 25.3 Etiology
to patients with constipation are not different,
regardless of the category or type of constipation We are aware of multiple publications proposing
that the patient suffers from. different possible causes for this condition.
We also refer to idiopathic constipation as the However, most of those explanations have no sci-
central subject of this chapter because, by far, the entific basis, and therefore we do not embrace
greatest number of patients coming to our clinic them. We prefer to take a healthy and potentially
more productive attitude by declaring our igno-
rance about the origin of this condition.
Electronic supplementary material Supplementary
material is available in the online version of this Some authors believe that diet is very impor-
chapter at 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_25. tant as an etiologic factor of constipation [5, 6].

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 435

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_25, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
436 25 Idiopathic Constipation and Other Motility Disorders

There is no question that different types of food nation is that there is a lack of relaxation of the
have either a laxative or a constipating effect on “internal sphincter” also known as achalasia of
our bodies. In addition, we recognize the exis- the internal sphincter [13–16]. This is, obviously,
tence of personal idiosyncrasies that explain why a very attractive and popular idea. In other words,
one type of food may act as a laxative for one a simplistic logic dictates that incontinence
individual and have a constipating effect for means “lack of sphincter”; therefore, constipa-
another one. Although we recognize that diet is tion most likely means “too much sphincter.”
important to regulate colonic motility, we believe However, as discussed in the chapter of ultrashort
that the therapeutic value of diet is negligible in Hirschsprung’s, we do not believe that the “acha-
the most serious forms of constipation. We must lasia of the internal sphincter” is an entity that
keep in mind that this chapter belongs to a book can explain the symptoms of these patients.
of surgical treatments of colorectal problems in Many patients suffering from idiopathic con-
children. The type of constipation that is manage- stipation are subjected to rectal manometry.
able by diet belongs to the pediatric clinics. Many of them have no relaxation reflex. The lack
Those patients do not come to our clinic because of relaxation has been described as a diagnostic
they are treated either by a pediatrician or gastro- of Hirschsprung’s disease, and therefore the next
enterologist. The patients that come for surgical step is usually to take a rectal biopsy. If the rec-
consultation are patients that have already tum has no ganglion cells, the diagnosis of
received all kinds of unsuccessful medical man- Hirschsprung’s disease is confirmed. On the
agements previously. other hand, if the rectal biopsy shows ganglion
There are also many articles [7–12] that try to cells, the patient then receives the diagnosis of
explain the problem of idiopathic constipation on “achalasia of the internal sphincter.”
psychological basis. The psychodynamic mecha-
nisms proposed are interesting and sometimes
picturesque; including, strict demanding parents. 25.3.1 Ultrashort Segment
Strict demanding parents who impose rigid rules Hirschsprung’s Disease
on a child during the toilet training process, chil-
dren that supposedly retain the stool to manipu- Ultrashort Hirschsprung’s disease has been
late the parents to achieve their own purposes. All defined as a condition in which a small length of
these mechanisms may have an element of truth, the distal bowel has no ganglion cells. The spe-
but we do not believe that they can explain the cific length of this aganglionic zone has not been
severe forms of constipation in patients with fecal defined. Under normal circumstances, human
pseudoincontinence, giant megacolon, some- beings have an area of aganglionosis above the
times megabladder, serious nutritional and devel- pectinate line [43–45]. The length of this normal
opmental disturbances, and sometimes death. We aganglionic zone has not been well established at
think that it is certainly not easy to retain stool different ages from premature life to the adult
voluntarily in an otherwise autonomous normal size. Consequently, it is very difficult to know if
rectosigmoid with normal peristalsis. a biopsy that shows absent ganglion cells was
It is true that most patients suffering from taken from this normal aganglionic area of the
idiopathic constipation also have a psychological rectum. At what point an aganglionic zone is con-
disorder, but we do not think it is a primary one. sidered normal and at what point is considered
Any human being suffering from severe consti- typical Hirschsprung’s? Both are unanswered
pation and soiling, ostracized and discriminated questions.
understandably, must have a very significant sec- Many authors believe that this is a common
ondary psychological problem. cause of constipation [39–42]. We believe that
Surgeons, on the other hand, have proposed “ultrashort segment Hirschsprung’s disease” and
different potential mechanisms to explain this the so-called internal sphincter achalasia are
problem. For instance, a rather simplistic expla- highly debatable conditions. From the clinical
25.3 Etiology 437

and radiologic point of view, patients who have reached the conclusion that 85 % of the bowel
been labeled with these conditions cannot be dif- control depended on the “internal anal sphinc-
ferentiated from those suffering from idiopathic ter!” Yet, during all the clinical manometric eval-
constipation clinically or from the radiologic uations of patients, muscle relaxants are not used,
point of view. In other words, the three groups of and therefore, we do not know if the drop of pres-
patients suffer from severe constipation, they sure in the anal canal is due to a relaxation of the
have a tendency to soil the underwear when the striated muscle complex or to the smooth
constipation is severe, they have a very dilated muscle.
rectum, and most importantly, the three groups Another very serious question that comes to
respond to the use of laxatives. Those authors our mind when discussing rectal manometry is
who support the existence of these two condi- the fact that most patients evaluated manometri-
tions (ultrashort segment Hirschsprung’s and cally suffer from constipation, and, by definition,
internal sphincter acatalasia) [13–16, 33–40] most of them have a very dilated rectum. In order
claim that they can make the diagnosis based on for the patient to have a relaxation reflex, it is
manometric studies [17–21] and confirmed by necessary to stretch the rectal wall with the
sophisticated histochemical techniques not inflated balloon. That means that we are sup-
always available to the clinician. posed to use different volume balloons for differ-
We have serious questions about the existence ent patients depending on the size of the rectum.
of these conditions for several reasons: We are unaware of this kind of methodology.
Most manometries use the same size balloon for
all patients, and certainly we have never seen 1 or
25.3.2 Rectal Manometry 2 L balloons, yet we have seen many patients
with giant rectums. As a consequence, it is con-
During a regular rectal manometry study, a bal- ceivable that the inflation of a relatively small
loon is placed inside the lumen of the rectum, and balloon that does not stretch the rectum would
the pressure of the anal canal is recorded. Under produce a negative reflex. In other words, the
normal circumstances, the inflation of the balloon pressure in the anal canal would not drop because
in the rectum elicits a response from the patient actually the rectum was never distended due to
consisting in a drop of pressure in the anal canal, the fact that they used a standard size balloon in a
which the manometrists interpret as “relaxation megarectum. When we asked these questions to
of the internal sphincter.” The first question that different proponents of manometry, we do not
comes to our mind is how do they know that the have a reasonable answer.
internal sphincter is the structure that is relaxing?
If we think about the real anatomy of normal
individuals (see Chap. 2), we find that the so- 25.3.3 Doubts and Questions About
called internal sphincter has been defined as a the Anatomy of the Internal
thickening of the circular layer of smooth muscle Sphincter
of the most distal portion of the bowel. However,
surrounding the entire rectum, there is an obvious The “internal sphincter” has been defined as a
and powerful striated skeletal muscle structure or thickening of the circular layer of the smooth
voluntary sphincter mechanism. During very muscle of the bowel in its most distal portion, the
early manometric studies, some investigators anorectum. Yet, real photographs documenting
used paralyzing agents in animals and even in the presence of this structure are extremely
human volunteers in order to be able to discrimi- unusual to see (see Chap. 2). A description of the
nate the relaxation of the striated muscle, from specific thickness and upper and lower limits of
relaxation of the smooth muscle (internal sphinc- this elusive structure at different ages is inexis-
ter), and they concluded that it was the smooth tent. There are plenty of diagrams but very few
muscle that was relaxing. In addition, they even photographs, and those photographs do not show
438 25 Idiopathic Constipation and Other Motility Disorders

the limits of that structure and the way to separate a strip of that tissue. The length of this strip has
it from the striated sphincter mechanism. not been defined for different ages. That speci-
Recently, endoanal sonography illustrates a series men should be oriented and should be sent to
of circular structures that are interpreted arbi- pathology. The pathologist is supposed to look
trarily with an arrow as “internal sphincter.” In for ganglion cells in a well-oriented specimen,
addition, most of those endoanal study publica- and he is going to find absent ganglion cells in the
tions do not specify how much they introduce the most distal part and present ganglion cells in the
device and how the so-called internal sphincter proximal portion. However, again, the question is
looks at different depths in the anal canal and the how do we know what is a normal length of agan-
rectum. glionosis in a human being? We are unaware of
Our experience in the surgical exploration of publications describing the specific technique
the normal rectum via posterior sagittal for the followed by different pathologists. The study of
repair of urethral problems or tumors did not the specimens must show that only included
allow us to identify a structure that looked similar smooth muscle. In addition, looking at the pic-
to the descriptions of the so-called internal tures of the intraoperative operations as well as
sphincter (see Chap. 2). With a posterior sagittal the description of the surgical technique used by
incision, we can identify and clean the entire pos- different surgeons, one gets the feeling that every
terior rectal wall all the way down to the skin and surgeon is doing a different technique, and they
evaluate the thickness of the bowel wall. We have do not really know exactly what is included in the
been unable to see a thickening of the bowel wall specimen that they send to pathology.
layer. With the use of an electrical stimulator, we Interestingly, for those who believe that the inter-
can clearly differentiate what is a striated muscle nal sphincter is the key for bowel control, it is
from a smooth muscle, and, again, we have not difficult to conciliate the concept with the idea of
seen the so-called internal sphincter. Another doing an operation to cut that “important
problem is that all anatomic structures have dif- structure.”
ferent sizes depending on the patient’s age, and
we are unaware of a study of the characteristics
and size of the anatomic structures such as the 25.3.5 Botulinum Toxin Injection
so-called internal sphincter at different ages.
Recently, the injection of botulinum toxin is
becoming popular to paralyze the “internal
25.3.4 Questions About Myectomy sphincter” and by doing that to improve the
Technique symptoms consecutive to the lack of relaxation of
this structure [102–104]. A detailed, meticulous
The treatment proposed for the treatment of description of the injection has not been pub-
ultrashort Hirschsprung’s and internal sphincter lished. The injection is performed rather blindly.
achalasia is an operation called myotomy or There are some reports on the endosonographic
“myectomy,” myotomy being just dissection of control of the injection, but again, the fact that we
the internal sphincter and myectomy a resection see an endosonographic image does not tell us
of part of that [22–25]. The description of this exactly where we are injecting the toxin. The
operation is rather vague; the surgeon must make effect of this toxin, as we know, is to paralyze the
an incision at the posterior aspect of the mucocu- muscle, but it also paralyzes the striated muscle.
taneous junction in the anus and create a plane of How do we know if we are actually injecting the
dissection between the mucosa and the posterior voluntary sphincter mechanism rather than the
wall of the rectum. All the tissue that remains internal sphincter? In addition, the effect of the
between the mucosa and the posterior wall of the injection of botulinum toxin is transient and must
rectum is smooth muscle, and once the surgeon be repeated to continue the effect, and that is
created those two planes, he is supposed to resect another reason why we are so skeptical about it.
25.3 Etiology 439

As can be concluded from all this discussion, may give him the impression of dealing with a
until all these questions can be answered in a sat- case of hypoganglionosis. Yet, what the patholo-
isfactory way, we will continue thinking that we gist really sees in that case is only the result of
need more scientific and systematic studies to stretching a normal ganglionic colon. We have
clarify this rather confusing subject. never heard a coherent answer to this question,
There are many publications of authors who and therefore we believe that at the present time
propose the intestinal neuronal dysplasia (IND) we have no basis to make such diagnosis. In addi-
as a potential explanation for some cases of con- tion, the treatment for such condition, assuming
stipation [26–31]. Again, we are rather skeptical that exists, is the same that we offer for idiopathic
about this. A critical, comprehensive evaluation constipation.
of the literature on neuronal intestinal dysplasia As we discussed in the Chap. 24 and specifi-
was conducted by us [32]. The most obvious cally in the paragraph dedicated to “ultrashort
impression that we obtained from this review was Hirschsprung’s,” most of the patients that come
that there is no basic agreement between patholo- to our center for consultation for severe idio-
gists about this histologic diagnosis [33]. In addi- pathic constipation already had manometric stud-
tion, we are not aware of the existence of ies of the colon and the rectum, as well as rectal
topographic studies that describe the extension of biopsies, with different inconsistent types of
this histologic disorder in different patients. For a results. The protocol of management that we pro-
surgeon to be able to offer a rational treatment for pose for all these patients is the same. We believe
this condition, we need to know the extent of the that there is no way clinically to differentiate
affected bowel that will be resected. In theory those patients with idiopathic constipation and
that will cure the patient. This has never been so-called ultrashort Hirschsprung’s, and we
done or has never been reported. In addition, the believe that the treatment should be the same.
symptoms described in patients with neuronal We try to follow closely the developments
intestinal dysplasia vary from patient to patient. related to newly described histologic disorders
The treatments vary from laxatives to enemas and that may explain the problem of constipation
to different types of resections, and finally, the including a deficiency of the substance P [46],
follow-up of the patients has not been consistent. abnormalities found with the use of monoclonal
To complicate the problem even more, some anti-neurofilament antibodies [47], and abnor-
patients recover spontaneously. We believe that malities in the cells of Cajal [48]; also we are
“neuronal intestinal dysplasia” represents an recently learning more about the increased
interesting histologic disorder that deserves fur- plasma level of pancreatic polypeptide and a
ther scientific evaluation to try to establish a decreased plasma level of motilin in children
truthful clinicopathologic correlation, but at the with encopresis [49]. All these deserve future
present time, the concept has very little clinical investigation but at the present time have no clini-
application. cal application.
“Hypoganglionosis” has also been invoked as We believe that patients with idiopathic con-
a potential explanation for patients with severe stipation are born with a colonic hypomotility,
constipation [34–38]. Again, we have raised sev- not a well-characterized disorder, that affects
eral serious questions about the existence of such mainly the rectosigmoid, but also may extend to
entity. We do not know if the number of ganglion the rest of the colon. We also strongly believe that
cells remains constant through our lifetime. this is a spectrum type of condition that may
Assuming that the number of ganglion cells include patients who have very mild constipa-
remains the same in patients who develop consti- tion, manageable with diet, as well as very severe
pation and megacolon, it is conceivable that in a cases that overlap with a condition known as
specimen taken from the colon in a case with a “intestinal pseudo-obstruction” and may also kill
giant megasigmoid the pathologist will see rela- patients. We also believe that the motility disor-
tively less ganglion cells in every field and that der frequently affects also the urinary tract simul-
440 25 Idiopathic Constipation and Other Motility Disorders

taneously. We do not believe that the urinary hollow viscus. Therefore, the recommendation is
problems seen in some of these patients are con- to resect the most dilated part of the bowel or to
secutive to the mechanical effect of the dilatation taper it. This has been observed when dealing
of the colon, but rather that these patients suffer with the small bowel, colon, esophagus, or ureter.
from a similar idiopathic malfunction (hypotonic, It seems like it is necessary for the hollow viscus
large) of the bladder associated to the hypomotil- to have a specific diameter in order for the peri-
ity of the rectosigmoid. stalsis to be optimal and efficient. It seems to us
The concept of spectrum of the disease cannot that the dilatation of the rectosigmoid has the
be overemphasized. Most of the proposed treat- same effect, affecting the peristalsis. In other
ments for constipation [50–55] do not take this words, retention of stool produces dilatation, and
concept into consideration. The authors rather dilatation produces poor peristalsis. Poor peri-
offer standard therapeutic protocols, like if all stalsis produces more retention, and more reten-
patients suffered from the same degree of consti- tion produces more inefficient peristalsis,
pation. In other words, the treatments proposed creating a vicious cycle (Fig. 25.1).
are not individualized. Interestingly, the different Eventually the passage of a large, hard piece
modalities of treatment proposed in the literature of stool through the anus may produce a lacera-
[56–64] report percentages of success that varies tion (fissure), understandably producing pain
from 50 to 80 %, but there is always a group of during defecation. This explains the voluntary
patients who do not respond. We believe that this attempt of the patient to retain the stool and avoid
is another manifestation of a spectrum type of bowel movements. In other words, the patient is
condition. We also believe that we, pediatric sur- born with a certain degree of rectosigmoid mal-
geons, most likely will be dealing with the group function, but eventually, another factor is added
of patients in whom the traditional therapeutic to the equation which is the voluntary intention to
strategies failed. hold the stool to avoid pain. This happens often in
these patients, but we do not believe that it is a
primary phenomenon (Fig. 25.2). We believe that
25.4 Pathogenesis the patient retains the stool because he learned
that passing the stool is painful. Therefore, the
Although we do not know the cause of idiopathic treatment of fissures in patients with constipation
constipation, we have learned a great deal about consists in providing the parents with the neces-
its natural history due to the long-term follow-up sary information, for them to understand the
of our patients. Idiopathic constipation is a self- pathophysiology of this condition. In other
perpetuating and self-aggravating incurable con-
dition, incurable but manageable. We assume that
the babies are born with a primary hypomotility Vicious Cycle
disorder that affects mainly the rectosigmoid but
may affect the entire colon. This motility disorder
incapacitates the patient to empty the rectum.
This produces accumulation of stool, which is
responsible for the dilatation of the rectosigmoid
or sometimes other portions of the colon.
We have learned that in patients that are born
with atresias of different hollow viscus, recon- Megarectosigmoid Constipation
necting or reanastomosing an extremely dilated,
chronically obstructed hollow viscus to a tiny, Fig. 25.1 Vicious cycle of idiopathic constipation. Poor
colonic motility produces fecal retention; fecal retention
nonused microintestine produces poor results in
produces dilatation; rectal and colonic dilatation produces
terms of function which is attributed to a lack of poor peristalsis which continues producing more severe
peristalsis of the most dilated part of the bowel or constipation
25.4 Pathogenesis 441

words, in order for the fissure to heal, we have to dilated viscera and give the impression that the
guarantee that the patient does not pass a hard patient has been cured. In fact, the patients actu-
piece of solid stool through the anus, which could ally may show symptoms of improvement after
reopen the fissures contributing to the aggrava- the colostomies are closed or when the enemas
tion of the symptoms. Stool softeners, laxatives, are discontinued. However, if the patient does not
and time will make the fissure heal, provided the receive further treatment, symptoms most likely
patient does not have another episode of impac- will come back.
tion, passing hard stool which will reopen the Figure 25.2 shows a cycle of constipation and
laceration of the anus (fissure). megarectum that we believe occurs in these
The concept of incurability of this condition is patients. Many publications support the idea that
also fundamental for a successful management. the problem of constipation starts during the toi-
Not understanding and not accepting the idea that let training process [50–55]. We believe that the
this condition is incurable explains in part the toilet training stage of life is rather the time when
high recurrence rates reported in the literature the symptoms become more evident; however,
[56–64]. Treatments are provided frequently on a we think the patients are born with this condition.
temporary basis based on the rather naive Babies who are breastfed may not show symp-
assumption that the condition is cured. toms because of the well-known laxative effect of
Subsequently, the treatments are tapered or inter- the human breast milk. However, when the
rupted, assuming that the patient has been cured, breastfeeding is discontinued and the patient
only to find that the patient suffers a recurrence. receives formulas and other kinds of food, the
This creates frustration for the patients and par- symptoms become obvious. Babies who have
ents which may explain why most of these symptoms of constipation while receiving breast
patients go from institution to institution looking milk most likely suffer from a more severe type
for an answer. Sometimes, colostomies or ene- of constipation. Many times, the parents tell us
mas are performed, also on a temporary basis. that the problem started during the preschool
Opening a proximal colostomy or applying ene- years. However, when we inquire specifically
mas may produce a decrease in the size of the about the bowel movement pattern since birth,
we frequently find evidence of constipation from
very early in life. Actually, the parents remember
Vicious Cycle most vividly the episode of the first fecal impac-
tion, and they may refer to that event as the initia-
tion of symptoms. Yet, we all know that a
symptomatic episode of fecal impaction repre-
sents the final step of a chain of events that started
Voluntary Hard
stool fecal a long time before.
retaining matter Many pediatricians believe that normal
individuals can go 2 or 3 days without a bowel
movement through life without having any sig-
Anal nificant implications. We believe that that is true
Pain fissure for many human beings; however, in dealing with
patients with idiopathic constipation, it is
Fig. 25.2 Vicious cycle of patients with idiopathic con-
extremely important to expect the patient to have
stipation and painful bowel movements. Poor rectosig-
moid motility produces stool retention. This eventually bowel movements every day as a manifestation
becomes fecal impaction, which is the presence of hard of the response to our treatment. Allowing the
fecal matter in the rectum. When this finally passes patient to go one or several days without bowel
through the anus, it produces a fissure. The fissure pro-
movements would generate again the vicious
duces pain, and the pain induces the patient to try to hold
the stool and avoid bowel movements, which exacerbates cycle that we have been referring to (Figs. 25.1
the stool retention and 25.2).
442 25 Idiopathic Constipation and Other Motility Disorders

25.5 Natural History and Clinical he/she will suffer from chronic fecal impaction.
Manifestations The impaction produces dilatation of the entire
rectum including the anal canal. The anal canal
A meticulous, detailed clinical history may show represents the sensitive part of our bowel that
sometimes that babies did not pass meconium in allows us to know when stool is coming down to
the first 24 h and started having symptoms of con- the anus and allows us to determine when to use
stipation even when they were young babies and our voluntary sphincter. However, we believe that
were taking breast milk. As the patient grows, the perhaps the presence of a large mass of solid
symptoms of constipation become more severe. stool stretching the rectum on a chronic basis,
The parents describe vividly how the patient suf- eventually, makes the patient accustomed to the
fered for the first time a painful bowel movement presence of that mass and then starts soiling on a
with blood in the stool. After that, the patient chronic basis without the patient’s awareness.
became a “stool retainer”; he goes to a corner of a This is an ominous sign. This means that the con-
room and hides while passing stool, trying to avoid dition has already advanced very significantly
the bowel movement. The patient refuses to sit on and will require a very aggressive management.
the toilet because he knows that what follows is a The patient soils the underwear day and night and
painful experience. Eventually, the patient has the basically does not have spontaneous bowel move-
first episode of fecal impaction. This is a very ments. At this stage, the patient basically behaves
stressful event in the life of the patient and the par- like a fecally incontinent patient, with all the
ents. We refer to fecal impaction as a situation in implications that come with this diagnosis. In
which the patient has in the rectum a very large, other words, the patient smells bad, and the fam-
solid piece of stool that has been there for days or ily starts fighting with him/her and rejects them.
weeks. When laxatives are prescribed to a patient In addition, the patient becomes accustomed to
who has fecal impaction, the result is exacerbation his/her own smell and is not accepted at school,
of severe, crampy abdominal pain and sometimes and as a consequence, the patients develop seri-
vomiting. This may resemble the symptomatology ous psychological sequelae which we believe
of colonic obstruction. For this reason, we con- again are not primary.
sider it contraindicated the use of laxatives in a Eventually, the parents believe that the patient
patient with fecal impaction. Occasionally, the is intentionally trying to upset them by sitting at
laxatives produce diarrhea, and the patient keeps home in the living room, obviously smelling very
passing liquid stool around the impacted fecal badly and not doing anything to solve the problem.
matter (this is known as “paradoxical diarrhea”). In fact, the patient does not perceive the bad odor.
This gives the parents the false impression that These ideas in the parents are supported some-
they are overusing laxative and may induce them times by the explanations given by psychiatrists in
to reduce the dosage, which of course, will exacer- the sense that they believe that the patient is trying
bate the problem. to manipulate the family by holding the stool
Usually it is during the preschool or school intentionally. The emotional interrelations in the
age, when the patient starts showing a very bad family are severely affected, and that is when the
prognostic sign which is soiling the underwear psychological problems become worse. We do not
also known as “encopresis.” This is a phenome- believe that the patients do this intentionally. We
non that we call overflow pseudoincontinence. believe that if an individual wants to manipulate
Sometimes, constipated patients have 1, 2, 3, 5, his/her parents, he could select many other ways to
or even 10 bowel movements every day, giving do so. Nobody wants to have stool-stained under-
the parents and the doctors the false impression wear, to smell bad, and to be rejected by society.
that the patient is not constipated. Actually, this The family may put a lot of emphasis on the
may be a manifestation of a serious constipation lack of cooperation from the patient and make the
problem. The patient passes a very small amount patient feel guilty. By the time these patients
of stool, but never empties the rectum. Eventually, come for surgical consultation, they are with-
25.6 Diagnosis 443

drawn, shy, negative, and reluctant to be exam- A contrast enema performed with a hydrosol-
ined by the surgeon. They usually have been uble material (Fig. 25.3) is the most valuable
subjected to many painful rectal examinations. diagnostic study to confirm the diagnosis of idio-
They have scars from previous fissures in the pathic constipation. The characteristic image of a
anus. The family is usually in distress. These contrast enema in a child with a megarectosig-
patients have also been subjected to unsuccessful moid is shown in Fig. 25.4. Most of the times the
therapeutic programs including biofeedback [65– dilatation of the colon affects the rectosigmoid all
67], behavior modification [68–74], and psycho- the way down to the level of the levator muscle
logical and sometimes psychiatric treatments which is recognized because it coincides with the
without positive results. pubococcygeal line (Fig. 25.4). The lack of dila-
As we will see, a successful, efficient, ade- tation of the rectum below the levator mechanism
quate management of these patients will make (pubococcygeal line) should not be interpreted as
the problem of encopresis disappear. Very occa- a transition zone or non-dilated rectosigmoid.
sionally, we see patients that we treat efficiently; Unfortunately, we have seen many patients that
in other words, we are sure that the patient no suffer from idiopathic constipation; somebody
longer carries large amounts of stool in the rec- misinterpreted the radiologic study and errone-
tum and yet they keep behaving like if they are ously treated the patient like Hirschsprung’s
incontinent. Those patients deserve a more disease.
meticulous study to rule out neurologic problems In cases of idiopathic constipation, the rectum,
such as tethered cord, spina bifida, tumors, or a above the anal canal, and the sigmoid are extremely
more severe psychological disorder. Fortunately, dilated. This provokes an image that has been
this particular situation is rare. described many times in the literature as a “posterior

25.6 Diagnosis

The diagnosis of idiopathic constipation is a clin-

ical one, supported by a radiologic evaluation. A
patient that presents with the symptoms already
described most likely has a problem of idiopathic
constipation. Patients with Hirschsprung’s dis-
ease do not soil. In addition, when left unattended
without surgical treatment, patients with
Hirschsprung’s disease are at risk of dying. They
frequently suffer from severe enterocolitis. The
patients who survive and go undiagnosed with
Hirschsprung’s disease are frequently malnour-
ished and have a history of episodes of enteroco-
litis. Most patients with idiopathic constipation
are well nourished. It is extremely unusual to see
a clinical picture similar to enterocolitis in
patients with idiopathic constipations. We have
seen something similar in cases with extremely
severe idiopathic constipation.
Obviously, the patient must be examined with Fig. 25.3 Characteristic image of a contrast enema per-
formed in a patient with severe idiopathic constipation.
special emphasis in the characteristics of the
Typically the most dilated part of the colon is the rectosig-
anus, to be sure that there is no stricture and/or moid, and the descending and transverse colon seem to be
anterior mislocation of the anal orifice. normal in caliber
444 25 Idiopathic Constipation and Other Motility Disorders

We learned that patients with a more local-

ized rectosigmoid dilatation have a better prog-
nosis and respond better to the treatment. When
the patients have a dilatation of the entire colon,
we consider that a bad prognostic sign
(Fig. 25.5b). We formally contraindicate the use
of barium in these patients. The term “barium
enema” is widely used. In addition, adult radiol-
ogists like to use barium because the barium
lines the mucosa of the colon and allows an
accurate diagnosis of mucosal abnormalities
such as diverticula, ulcers, and/or polyps. In our
patients, on the other hand, we are not looking
for mucosal abnormalities; we rather want to see
the degree, location, and extension of the dilata-
tion of the colon, and also in addition, we want
to know how well or how bad the colon empties
after it has been filled up with a contrast mate-
rial. In other words, we want to see sequential
imaging of the filling up of the colon and then a
post-evacuation film.
For many years, we took rectal biopsies in
these patients as part of our routine evaluation.
Fig. 25.4 Megarectosigmoid extending all the way down
to the pubococcygeal line. Below this line, the rectum is Now, we have found that study unnecessary
not dilated because it is compressed by the funnel-like when the clinical picture and the radiologic
sphincter mechanism. Arrow shows the rectum com- images are characteristics. At the present time,
pressed by the sphincter we only perform biopsies when there is a suspi-
cious radiologic image of Hirschsprung’s in the
shelf” (Fig. 25.4). This “posterior shelf” has been contrast enema or when the patient clinically
interpreted by some authors as evidence of an ante- behaves in a way similar to a patient with
riorly located anus [75–78]. Many surgeons adopt Hirschsprung’s disease. As we previously dis-
this concept and treat these patients on the basis of cussed, we do not perform rectal manometries in
that idea. We believe that such diagnosis has no sci- these patients because we believe that it has no
entific basis. We have never seen a real anteriorly diagnostic or therapeutic value. Total colonic
located anus, defined as a normal anus, nonstric- manometry [79–82] is a promising study. We
tured, with normal anal canal, surrounded by the would like very much to correlate the site,
sphincteric mechanism 360°. The contrast enema in degree, and location of the dilatation of the colon
patients with idiopathic constipation shows different with the colonic manometric abnormalities and
degrees of dilatation of the rectosigmoid as expected subsequently with the histologic abnormalities.
in this spectrum of disease (Fig. 25.5a, b). Most In the very few colonic manometric studies per-
interestingly, most of the times, there is a dramatic formed in our patients, we did not find a correla-
size discrepancy between a normal size transverse tion between the colonic manometric results,
and descending colon and the very dilated megar- clinical behavior, radiologic findings, and histo-
ectosigmoid (Fig. 25.5a). These changes are actu- logic changes. However, we look forward to
ally the reverse from what we see in Hirschsprung’s doing more studies and learning more from this
disease (Fig. 25.6). In Hirschsprung’s disease, the diagnostic modality. We look forward to the
aganglionic segment is the most distal part of the improvement of the accuracy of these studies, so
rectosigmoid, and the dilatation is located in the we can use them as an aid for therapeutic pur-
proximal colon (normoganglionic). poses, but at the present time we believe are not
25.6 Diagnosis 445

a b

Fig. 25.5 Two different types of colonic dilatation in patients with idiopathic constipation. (a) Dilated rectosigmoid
with normal caliber proximal colon. (b) Generalized colonic dilatation

reliable. We also look into the future to have sys-

tematic, thorough, reliable, histologic studies of
the colonic specimens from bowel resections,
including the rectal portion, the most dilated
part, and the non-dilated part of the colon, look-
ing for all those recently described types of his-
tologic abnormalities, including neuronal
intestinal dysplasia [26–31], hypoganglionosis
[34–38], and “desmosis” [83].

25.6.1 Colonic Transit Time

This is a promising way to evaluate the magni-

tude and modality of constipation. It has been
done in the past using radio markers [84–87].
More recently, this type of measurement has been
improved, using nuclear scintigraphy [46, 88–
94]. By using this diagnostic modality, Hutson
has been able to identify three transit modalities,
namely, “normal transit,” “slow transit,” and
Fig. 25.6 Characteristic changes of the rectosigmoid in “functional fecal retention.” He believes that this
a patient with the most common type of Hirschsprung’s
disease. Arrow shows the transition zone study helps to determine the type of treatment
446 25 Idiopathic Constipation and Other Motility Disorders

that will benefit the patient; “slow transit” patients 25.6.2 The Evaluation of Severity:
may benefit more from an operation, whereas Search for Objective
“functional fecal retention” responds to medical “Instruments”
management. Perhaps even more interesting,
Hutson found that about 80 % of patients suffer- One serious concern about the literature related
ing from “slow transit constipation” had reduced with constipation is the fact that we, the readers,
SP immune reactivity in the axons of the colonic do not know the severity or magnitude of the prob-
muscle and 6 % had heterotopic ganglion cells or lem that the authors are referring to. Consequently,
hypoplastic ganglia on routine histology [46, 89]. we cannot judge their results. Most publications
Hutson also found that patients suffering from claim a percentage of success and/or failure with
“slow transit” do not respond to “standard medi- different therapeutic modalities. Yet we do not
cal therapy.” All of this represents a very signifi- know if the authors were treating patients that
cant piece of information and deserves to be belong to the most benign side of the spectrum,
commended. patients who respond to a change in diet.
We have no experience with the scintigraphic We firmly believe that constipation presents in
measurement of colonic transit time. However, the form of a spectrum. Benign forms of consti-
our evaluations with contrast enemas tend to pation respond to all kinds of treatments, whereas
show two different types of images: very severe forms overlap with “intestinal
(a) Those with dilated rectosigmoid and normal pseudo-obstruction” and represent a therapeutic
caliber proximal colon (Fig. 25.5a) challenge and a risk of death.
(b) Those with a generalized dilatation of the A great deal of enthusiasm has been provoked
colon (Fig. 25.5b) by the “Rome III criteria” as a validated measure
In general, we observed that those with gener- instrument for constipation [95–98]. The efforts
alized dilatation of the colon have less favorable of the authors are appreciated. However, we were
prognosis, and they suffer from a more severe very disappointed to learn about the signs and
form of constipation. It is conceivable that this symptoms used to evaluate the severity of consti-
group can suffer from “slow transit constipation,” pation. They included extreme subjective signs
whereas those with dilatation of the rectosigmoid and symptoms such as:
and normal caliber proximal colon could suffer 1. “Two or three defecations in the toilet per
from what Hutson calls “anorectal retention.” week” – the presence and frequency of bowel
Unfortunately Hutson does not describe what movements does not necessarily reflect the
“standard medical therapy” is. magnitude of the problem. In fact, many
Many of the patients that come to our clinic patients have several bowel movements, but
have been “resistant to a standard medical ther- they are fecally impacted.
apy.” The parents say that they tried “all kinds of 2. “At least 1 episode of fecal incontinence per
laxatives” and “nothing worked.” Yet, we try our week” – we agree that soiling is a sign of
protocol of management in all patients and find severity; however, there are cases with severe
that most patients respond. However, the amount constipation without soiling.
of laxative necessary for them to empty the colon 3. “History of retentive posturing or excessive
is usually much higher than what “the book” says volitional stool retention” – the history of
or than “standard” dosages. retention attitude does not reflect the magni-
We look forward to hear more about the clini- tude of the problem.
cal possible implication of the substance P 4. “History of painful or hard bowel
deficiency. movements.”
From our point of view, the treatments of 5. Presence of large-diameter stools that may
patients with idiopathic constipation are the obstruct the toilet.
same, regardless what specific type or modality These last three criteria are so subjective that
of constipation they suffer from. they do not deserve any comment.
25.7 Management 447

We believe that the severity of the problem therefore the fact that the patients have to accept
can be measured by the amount of senna neces- treatment for life or the possibility of an opera-
sary to produce a complete emptying of the tion. When the patients come to our clinic, the
colon, radiologically demonstrated. parents sometimes feel frustrated by the fact
that we offer them a medical treatment that they
think is not different from previous unsuccess-
25.7 Management ful treatments. We try to convince them that
although we will be using the same medications
The management plan that we offer to parents of (laxative), we are going to use them with a spe-
our patients is based on the following premises: cific rationale and following a different proto-
• Idiopathic constipation is mostly incurable but col. The first difference consists in that we
manageable. adapt the dosage to the patient’s response. The
• It is represented by a spectrum of severity, and overwhelming majority of patients with severe
therefore the treatment must be forms of idiopathic constipation that come to
individualized. our clinic have been receiving insufficient
• Most patients considered non-manageable by amount of laxatives. The parents usually tell us
“standard methods” respond to an aggressive that they were treated with “ALL KINDS OF
management with laxatives. LAXATIVES and none of them worked.” That is
• The most objective way to know the effect of because they were prescribed following what
our management is with radiologic the book says. We have found that these patients
monitoring. need 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 times more laxatives than
• As many as 85 % of our patients have been what the books usually says, which is a mea-
manageable. Fifteen percent are candidates sure of the magnitude of the severity of the con-
for surgical treatment. dition. Another very important feature, not
In this chapter, we concentrate our attention described in the literature, is the radiologic
on the treatment of those patients with severe monitoring of the patient’s response to our
forms of constipation. Drugs like cisapride sup- treatment. We become tired of speculating
posedly increased the motility of the colon but about the efficiency of our treatment. In other
in the type of constipation that we are discuss- words, we used to give laxatives to a patient;
ing here, have no good results [99–101]. Some the parents came back a few days later to say
surgeons use botulinum toxin injected in the how great the results were. In retrospect, those
“anal sphincter” to produce relaxation of the patients were passing stool, but they were not
sphincter [102–104]. It is understandable to emptying their colon. Yet, soon enough, we
believe that this type of treatment may facilitate were very disappointed because the patient
the passing of stool, but usually does not solve came back with new symptoms and are fecally
the problem of the severe idiopathic constipa- impacted. The only reliable way to know how
tion, because the relaxation of the sphincter is much stool is in the colon of a patient is by tak-
temporary and the primary problem of the ing abdominal x-ray films.
patient has not been solved. In addition, again, When the patients come to our clinic fecally
that modality of treatment appeals to those who impacted (Fig. 25.7), the first step of our routine
believe in the simplistic idea that constipation is is to apply our protocol of fecal disimpaction.
consecutive to the presence of “too much We explain to the parents that the disimpaction
sphincter.” The problem of constipation seems process (Animation 25.1) is going to be cumber-
to be less simplistic [105]. some and very uncomfortable for both the par-
During the first visit, we give the parents a ents and the patient. We also tell them that if
specific manuscript designed for them. In that they follow our instructions, this will be the last
manuscript, we emphasize the unknown nature time that the patient will be fecally impacted in
of this condition, the fact that it is incurable and his/her life.
448 25 Idiopathic Constipation and Other Motility Disorders

Fig. 25.7 Severe fecal impaction in a patient with idiopathic constipation. (a) Abdominal film. (b) Sequence of events
during disimpaction

25.7.1 Fecal Disimpaction Protocol degree of colonic dilatation and usually varies
(Animation 20.4) from 250 to 1,000 mL of saline solution. The
phosphate (Fleet1 enema) solution amount varies
Our routine includes the administration of three from half pediatric Fleet to 1 adult Fleet depend-
enemas per day. The first enema is administered ing on the patient’s age, and the amount of glyc-
in the morning and includes the use of saline erin also varies from 5 to 30 mL of glycerin,
solution alone; the second enema (in the middle depending on the patient’s age. Every day the
of the day) includes saline solution plus phos-
phate, and the third enema (before bed) includes 1
Fleet – monobasic sodium phosphate 19 g, dibasic
saline solution plus glycerin. The volume of the sodium phosphate 7 g. C.B. Fleet Company, Inc.
enema depends on the size of the patient and the Lynchburg, VA, USA.
25.7 Management 449

patient gets an x-ray film of the abdomen, and

most of the time, by the second day, the patient is
disimpacted. If the patient is not disimpacted
after 3 days of this treatment, then we offer to
bring the patient to the hospital, continue with the
same three enemas per day, and in addition intro-
duce a nasogastric tube and administer
GoLYTELY at a rate of 25 mL/kg per hour until
disimpaction. In the event in which the patient
stays 48 h receiving GoLYTELY and enemas and
is still impacted, we offer them disimpaction
under anesthesia. It is very unusual for us to do
fecal disimpactions under anesthesia because
most patients respond to our protocol. Thirty-two
percent of our patients required the implementa-
tion of this protocol of disimpaction.
Once the patient has been disimpacted as
demonstrated by an x-ray film of the abdomen,
we start the second part of the management which
is the determination of the laxative requirement.

25.7.2 Determination of Laxative

Fig. 25.8 Abdominal x-ray film showing a completely
clean colon once the right amount of laxatives has been
We prescribe an arbitrary amount of laxative reached
(usually senna) that we think is going to work
based on our impression of the degree of dilata-
tion of the colon and patient’s age, and watch the which, as we previously mentioned, represents a
patient for the next 24 h. If the patient does not measurement of the magnitude of the condition.
have a bowel movement, it means that the amount Because we are dealing with a spectrum type of
of laxative is not sufficient. The amount of laxa- disease, we find patients with laxative require-
tive is then increased, but we also administer an ments much larger than one might expect. In our
enema to remove the stool that was produced dur- series, for school-age children, the average
ing the previous 24 h. The basic rule is that the amount of senna that allowed them to empty their
stool, in these extremely constipated patients, colon was 69 mg/day with a range of 15–180 mg.
should never remain in the rectosigmoid more The average dosage of senna that these patients
than 24 h because if it stays there, it will become were receiving prior to coming to our center was
hard and be more difficult to expel in the follow- 33 mg/day. The most popular medication pre-
ing days. We continue the routine, increasing the scribed for our patients, prior to treatment, was
amount of laxatives and administering an enema polyethylene glycol.
every night, until we achieve our goal, which is to Occasionally, in the process of increasing the
produce bowel movements and empty the colon amount of laxatives, we find patients who vomit
completely as radiologically demonstrated before reaching any positive effect. In these
(Fig. 25.8). At that point, the overwhelming patients we may try a different medication to see
majority of the patients stop soiling. The patients whether it is better tolerated, and some patients
and the parents, for the first time, learn what the vomit all kinds of laxative, feel very sick, and
real individual laxative dosage for the patient is, have severe cramps, and we never reach the
450 25 Idiopathic Constipation and Other Motility Disorders

amount of laxative capable of producing a bowel sider, rather than giving a single type of laxative,
movement that empties the colon. Those patients to mix different types, trying to achieve the same
are considered medically intractable and there- effect.
fore candidates for surgical intervention. In 84 % of our patients, this protocol was suc-
Approximately 85 % of the time, however, we cessful, which meant we reached the amount of
find the dosage that the patient needs to empty laxative necessary to avoid soiling, keep the
the colon completely, as demonstrated radiologi- colon radiologically clean, and make the patients
cally. Once we have reached that amount, we and families happy. Sixteen percent of our
expect the patient to stop soiling. patients did not have a good result; they showed
Patients that soil the underwear after reaching signs of intolerance to the laxative, as previously
their laxative requirement, with a radiologically described; and we were unable to clean their
demonstrated empty colon, are very rare. As we colon.
previously mentioned, they deserve a more We also explain to the family that there is no
detailed study to rule out unusual neurologic or scientific evidence of senna derivatives produc-
psychiatric conditions. ing cancer [106–110].
Sometimes, the required amount of senna
necessary to empty the colon produces diarrhea.
At that point, the parents know that they not only 25.7.3 Electric Stimulation
reached the necessary amount of laxative to
empty the colon, but also perhaps they went a Recently, a new modality of treatment is becom-
little too far in the amount of laxative, and now ing popular [94, 111]. This has been tried in
they are allowed to reduce a little bit of the adults with encouraging results, and some enthu-
amount of laxative that they were giving. In siastic doctors are trying it in children. We have
addition, once the patient is responding to the no experience with that methodology. Since the
administration of laxatives, it is no longer neces- mechanism of action has not been explained, we
sary to give an enema. At this point, the parents, remain skeptical about its use.
as well as us, have an idea of the magnitude of
the problem. We usually use senna derivatives
because we found that it is a laxative that has a 25.8 Surgical Treatment
more controlled effect. Once we have reached
the decided amount, the parents are given two The most common operations offered to these
choices: patients are:
1. To continue with that amount of laxative for • Continent appendicostomy, cecostomy, or
an undetermined period of time, perhaps for other kinds of procedures for the antegrade
life, and most probably will still have to administration of enemas [89, 112–114]
increase the laxative as time goes by. • Colonic resections [115–118]
2. The other alternative is to consider the possi- • Total proctocolectomy [119–121]
bility of an operation that may not cure the • Combination of resection plus an operation to
condition, but at least will help to decrease administer antegrade enemas [122]
significantly the amount of laxative that the
patient needs.
Confronted with these alternatives, the par- 25.8.1 Operations to Administer
ents frequently express their concern about the Antegrade Enemas (ACE
long-term, secondary effects of the administra- Procedures)
tion of laxatives, particularly senna. We share
with the parents our concern about the use of this This type of procedure is perhaps the most com-
kind of medication, but unfortunately, so far, we mon operation performed nowadays for the treat-
do not have a better alternative. They may con- ment of what the authors call unremitting or
25.8 Surgical Treatment 451

intractable constipation. It is done with different 25.8.2 Colonic Resection

modalities. The original operation, called Malone
procedure, consisted of using the cecal appendix This type of procedure has been used through the
and connecting it to the skin of the abdominal years and is still used at the present time [115–
wall in order for the patient to administer enemas 118]. The results of these operations, as expected
in an antegrade fashion. A plication of the cecum in dealing with a spectrum type of condition, are
around the appendix is frequently done with the variable, some surgeons being very enthusiastic
goal to create a one-way valve mechanism to and others rather skeptical. Our early experience
allow the passing of a feeding tube and to prevent included 237 patients medically treated for con-
fecal soiling through the orifice created in the stipation following our guidelines; 70 of them
abdominal wall. This original technique has been underwent a resection of the most dilated part of
modified in an attempt to make it less invasive, the sigmoid (Fig. 25.9). Some of these patients
and nowadays many doctors preferred to use but- received the operation because they were really
ton cecostomies that are very attractive because nonresponsive to the medical treatment. In other
they are performed with a minimally invasive words, they became very sick in the process of
technology; however, they have the inconve- increasing the amount of laxatives, and they did
nience of leaving a foreign body (button) in not pass stool, or in other cases, the parents
place. Many surgeons are extremely enthusiastic elected to have the procedure in an attempt to
about the use of this procedure [89, 114]. decrease the laxative requirement. Approximately
However, there are also reports of rather poor 10 % of the patients did not require any more
results with the use of this type of procedures laxatives after the procedure and had bowel
[123, 124]. movements every day with no soiling; 30 % of
We believe that ACE procedures or opera- the patients decreased the laxative requirement
tions designed for the administration of ante- by 80 %. The remaining 60 % of the patients
grade enemas only represent a different route of decreased the laxative requirement by 40 %. The
administration of enemas. We have two con- resection included the most dilated part of the
cerns about this type of operations when per- sigmoid but respected the entire rectum. In other
formed in patients suffering from idiopathic words, the colon was resected at the level of the
constipation. The first one is that authors say peritoneal reflection, and a piece of non-dilated
that they perform those operations in cases of descending colon was anastomosed to the rectum
“unremitting constipation or intractable consti- [118].
pation,” but they do not define what exactly they As previously mentioned, these operations do
mean by that. This means that some of those not cure the patients but rather simply improve
patients, conceivably, receive an operation, and them.
actually they could have been treated medically In an attempt to find a more radical cure for
and avoided the procedure. In addition, the logi- this condition, total proctocolectomy has been
cal way to proceed would be to try medical performed [119–121]. Obviously, this kind of
management following the guidelines that we operation would have more chances to succeed in
expose, and if the patient does not tolerate that, eradicating the problem of constipation; how-
we should try enemas, and once we demonstrate ever, the price that the patient has to pay for this
that the enemas are working, meaning that they is very high because the patient will have the
are capable of keeping the colon completely problem of liquid stool for life and many bowel
clean every day as radiologically demonstrated, movements.
it would be a choice for the patient or the family Another more conservative approach is the
to decide whether the enema should be given resection of the rectosigmoid including the most
from below or from one of these orifices in dilated part of the colon (not a total colectomy),
the abdomen (see Chap. 21 on “Operations to performing the operation via transanal like in
Administer Enemas”). Hirschsprung’s disease (Fig. 25.10). We have
452 25 Idiopathic Constipation and Other Motility Disorders

Fig. 25.9 Diagram showing a sigmoid resection. The most and the rectum at the level of the peritoneal reflection. The
dilated part of the sigmoid is resected, and an anastomosis (dashed lines) in the diagram on the left, show the limits of
is performed between the normal caliber descending colon the resection. The (arrow) shows the finished operation

above the pectinate line and being sure not to

stretch too much the anal opening during the
In summary, patients suffering from idio-
pathic constipation are clinically diagnosed at
our center followed by a contrast enema; if both
are characteristic of idiopathic constipation, we
do not performed manometric studies, and we
do not feel the need to take unnecessary rectal
biopsies. The patients then are disimpacted
when necessary, and the next step consists of
finding the amount of laxative necessary to
empty the colon, radiologically demonstrated,
Fig. 25.10 Intraoperative picture of resection of a giant which represents a measure of the severity of
the problem. For those patients (10–15 %) that
demonstrate to be truly resistant to the medical
done this in more severe types of constipation. management, we offer them an alternative of
However, the main concern in those cases is the enemas given through the rectum or through a
possibility of a patient suffering from a mild Malone or a conservative resection of the most
degree of fecal incontinence. If this procedure is dilated part of the colon. If this is not enough,
done, it should be performed in a very meticulous we may consider the possibility of a more radi-
way, being sure to preserve the integrity of the cal transanal resection of the most dilated part
anal canal, performing the anastomosis 2 cm of the colon.
References 453

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Posterior Sagittal Approach
for the Treatment of Other 26

26.1 The Kraske Operation incision, dividing the entire sphincter mechanism
[5, 6]. This means that if we want to use an
Early in our experience with the posterior sagittal eponym for the posterior sagittal approach, we
approach, used for the repair of anorectal malfor- should rather use the name Cripps who deserves
mations (1980), we frequently heard colleagues/ the credit for the first midline transsphincteric
surgeons saying that the approach that we were incision.
using was not different from what a German sur- Subsequently, Allingham in 1879 proposed
geon by the name of Kraske had done many years the same incision, for the treatment of tumors,
before during the nineteenth century. In reality, plus the use of a colostomy [7]. Interestingly, the
when we started using the posterior sagittal name Kraske appeared much later in the litera-
approach to repair anorectal malformations, we ture in 1885 [1, 2], but actually even when he
had not heard of such a procedure, and we were supported the use of a posterior incision, he actu-
not familiar with the name Kraske. Driven by ally used a paramedian one, resecting part of the
curiosity, years later, we decided to go into the sacrum and did not propose to divide the entire
old medical and surgical literature looking for the sphincter mechanism; therefore, the Kraske
original publication of Dr. Kraske [1, 2]. Our approach is not a real posterior sagittal trans-
findings in such a review were totally sphincteric incision.
unexpected. In 1917, Dr. Arthur Bevan from Chicago pro-
We found multiple old papers referring to dif- posed for the first time in the United States a
ferent types of “posterior approaches” used to complete division of the sphincters in order to
treat prostatic and rectal rumors. However, many resect rectal tumors [8, 9].
of them were not midline transsphincteric. In Table 26.2 shows a list of surgeons that used
other words, many surgeons made a parasacral the transsphincteric approach to the rectum for
incision and dissected the rectum laterally to the treatment of rectal tumors through history
have access to the urogenital tract. [5–20]. The names Cripps, Bevan, Kilpatrick,
Table 26.1 shows a summary of our findings. and Mason are underlined, because they pre-
In 1874, a doctor by the name of Verneuil pro- sented the most comprehensive series of cases.
posed a coccygectomy in order to resect rectal Kilpatrick apparently was a urologist, who
tumors [3]. In 1875, Kocher supported the idea of worked together with Dr. York Mason in England,
Verneuil [4]. Then, to our surprise, we found the and they have the largest series of transsphinc-
publication of Dr. Cripps in 1876, obviously the teric approach used in adults.
first comprehensive paper on the resection of 36 It is important to mention that all of these
malignant rectal tumors using a posterior sagittal authors were adult surgeons that used the

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 457

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_26, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
458 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

Table 26.1 History of the posterior approach and different kinds of sequelae from trauma.
Verneuil [3] 1874 Coccygectomy What all those conditions had in common was
Kocher [4] 1875 Supported the idea the fact that the location of the defect or tumor
Cripps [5, 1876 Division sphincters (36 was difficult to access through the abdomen or
6] cases, CA) through the perineum. We thought that a possi-
Allingham [7] 1879 Same plus colostomy ble alternative could be a posterior sagittal,
Kraske [1, 1885 Same plus partial
transsphincteric, trans-anorectal approach that
2] removal of sacrum
Bevan, Arthur [8, 1917 United States, complete
will give us access to the urogenital tract. Prior
9] division of sphincters to trying this approach in human beings, we
performed an experimental study to be sure that
Table 26.2 Transsphincteric posterior approach to the this surgical approach will not affect the bowel
rectum control of the patients, since most of them had
Cripps [5, 6] 1876 England normal anorectum and normal bowel control
Bevan [8, 9] 1917 United States [21]. The study in animals demonstrated that
David [10] 1943 United States the trans-anorectal approach did not affect
Larkin [11] 1959 United States bowel control.
Kilpatrick [12] 1969 Urol. England
Beneventi [13] 1971 Urol. New York
Oh [14] 1972 New York 26.2 Urogenital Sinus
Mason [15] 1972 England with Normal Rectum
Dahl [16] 1974 Urol., Salt Lake
Henderson [17] 1981 Urol., Salt Lake This particular malformation occurs more often
Criado [9] 1981 Baltimore associated to adrenal hyperplasia. Our experience
Westbrook [18] 1982 Arkansas
has been mainly in cases without adrenal hyper-
Madsen [19] 1987 Denmark
plasia. This is a rather infrequent condition.
Jorge [20] 1987 Pennsylvania
Figure 26.1 shows a diagram of the sagittal view
of a patient suffering from this malformation.
transsphincteric approach for the treatment of The rectum is normal, is well located, and has a
rectal tumors. We could not find a publication normal sphincter mechanism. The vagina is con-
prior to ours, in 1982, indicating that this nected to the urethra, creating a urogenital sinus
approach has been used for children and/or for of different lengths. The malformation occurs in
the treatment of anorectal malformations. the form of a spectrum. In other words, we have
Apparently the posterior transsphincteric seen patients with a very short common channel
approach for the treatment of tumors is no longer (low implantation of the vagina) (Fig. 26.1a) as
popular, most likely due to the fact that those well as cases with a higher junction of the vagina
patients suffered from a significant morbidity, and urethra (Fig. 26.1b), including connections
and in addition, modern techniques allowed to directly into the bladder, or even more complex,
treat those conditions in a less invasive manner creating a single vesicovaginal chamber.
and with less morbidity. Figure 26.2a shows a radiologic study consisting
Because of our experience with the posterior of the injection of contrast material into the blad-
sagittal approach, some colleagues referred to der and into the vagina. Figure 26.2b, c shows
us patients suffering from different problems, and MRI study of a urogenital sinus. The length
unrelated to anorectal malformations. These of the common channel, as mentioned when clo-
included urogenital sinus with and without acas are discussed, can only be measured accu-
adrenal hyperplasia, vaginal or urethral fistula, rately endoscopically (cystoscopy).
26.2 Urogenital Sinus with Normal Rectum 459

There are many publications describing dif- made by very distinguished surgeons [22–30].
ferent ways to repair urogenital sinus. Most Those techniques are still useful, mainly to
publications are related to cases of adrenal repair urogenital sinus with a short common
hyperplasia. Significant contributions were channel (less than 3 cm).

a b

Fig. 26.1 Diagram shows a urogenital sinus with normal rectum. (a) Short common channel. (b) Long common

a b

Fig. 26.2 Cystovaginogram of a patient with a urogenital a urogenital sinus with hydrocolpos, h hydrocolpos, v
sinus. (a) Short common channel. (b) MRI study of a uro- vesicostomy, cc common channel
genital sinus with long common channel. (c) MRI study of
460 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

Fig. 26.2 (continued)

Fig. 26.4 External appearance of the perineum of a

patient with a urogenital sinus

The trans-anorectal approach is an excellent

way to expose areas of the pelvis that are oth-
erwise difficult to approach abdominally or
perineally [31–33]. Figure 26.3 shows the inci-
sion that we used for the trans-anorectal
approach of a urogenital sinus. In the figure,
the patient is placed in the prone position, and
the incision runs from the middle portion of the
sacrum, passing through the anus itself, and
continues all the way down to the single uro-
genital orifice. Figure 26.4 shows the external
appearance of the perineum of a patient with a
urogenital sinus in the prone position. A mid-
sagittal incision is performed using a needle-tip
cautery, changing from cutting to coagulation,
to provide meticulous hemostasis. The incision
continues through the skin, subcutaneous tis-
sue, parasagittal fibers, muscle complex, and
levator mechanism until we identify the poste-
Fig. 26.3 Diagram showing the incision used for the rior rectal wall. The posterior rectal wall is
trans-anorectal approach of a urogenital sinus divided, placing silk temporary sutures, one in
26.2 Urogenital Sinus with Normal Rectum 461

Fig. 26.5 Diagram showing the trans-anorectal incision

(the arrows show the anterior and posterior limits of the Fig. 26.6 Intraoperative appearance of the trans-
sphincter) anorectal approach (the arrows show the anterior and pos-
terior limits of the sphincter), the arrows show the limits
of the sphincter
front of the other, in corresponding locations
of the rectum edges in order to identify them
its of the sphincter. The posterior wall of the
during the reconstruction of the rectum and the
urogenital sinus is divided exactly in the mid-
sphincter mechanism. The incision continues
line to expose the common channel, the ure-
dividing the anterior rectal wall and the sphinc-
thral orifice, and the vaginal orifice. A Foley
ter mechanism, anterior to the anal opening,
catheter is introduced into the bladder.
and runs all the way to the single orifice in the
Figure 26.7 shows a diagram of the anatomic
perineum until we identify the posterior wall of
findings. Figure 26.8 shows a photograph of
the urogenital sinus. Figure 26.5 shows a dia-
the intraoperative findings after the urogenital
gram of the incision, and the arrows show the
sinus has been opened.
posterior and anterior limits of the anal sphinc-
ter. Figure 26.6 shows an intraoperative view Prior to the use of the maneuver called “total
of the same stage of the operation, and again, urogenital mobilization,” the repair of this
the arrows show the anterior and posterior lim- defect consisted in separating the vagina from
462 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

Fig. 26.7 Diagram showing the anatomy of the urogenital

sinus, after the posterior wall of the sinus has been divided,
a Foley catheter is introduced through the urethra. Arrows
show the limits of the sphincter
Fig. 26.9 Diagram showing the separation of the vagina
from the urinary tract

the urinary tract (Figs. 26.9 and 26.10). Once the

vagina was separated and mobilized enough to
reach the labia with no tension, the urethra was
reconstructed, using what used to be the common
channel (Fig. 26.11). The vagina was pulled down
behind the urethra and sutured to the neolabia.
The anorectum and anterior and posterior sphinc-
ter mechanism are reconstructed (Fig. 26.12).
In 1997, we described a maneuver called
“total urogenital mobilization” [34], in an attempt
to simplify the repair of cloacas. This maneuver
turned out to be very useful to repair cloacas with
common channels shorter than 3 cm. As a natural
consequence of this, we decided to repair uro-
genital sinuses with a normal rectum, using a
transanal approach combined with the total uro-
genital mobilization (see Chap. 16, Sect.
on cloacas).
The total urogenital mobilization was well
received by many surgeons [35–39]. However, as

Fig. 26.8 Intraoperative view of the anatomy. Arrows

show the limits of the sphincter
26.2 Urogenital Sinus with Normal Rectum 463

a b

Fig. 26.10 Vagina completely separated from the urinary tract and mobilized enough to reach the perineum.
(a) Diagram. (b) Operative

expected, some surgeons, mainly urologists, with an incision that included the sphincter
voiced their concerns about the trans-anorectal mechanism located anterior to the anus. We tried
approach. Consequently, some of them decided to mobilize the urogenital sinus, as much as pos-
to do the total urogenital mobilization, but not sible without opening the rectum (Fig. 26.13a).
perform the full trans-anorectal approach, but We then found that exposure was not good enough
rather to divide only the anterior portion of the to achieve a satisfactory mobilization, and there-
sphincter and anorectum [40, 41] or perform the fore we elected to divide the entire anorectum in
mobilization without touching the anus [42, 43]. the midline. Figure 26.13b shows the improved
Also, a limited urogenital mobilization was exposure achieved with the full trans-anorectal
described [44]. We agree with the basic idea of approach. The total urogenital mobilization is
being as less invasive as possible, but we also performed with a magnificent exposure. The sus-
believe that we should not hesitate to divide the pensory ligaments of the urethra and vagina are
rectum and anus, in order to achieve our goal of divided. By doing that, we gained enough length
performing an adequate anatomic repair. to bring the urethra and vagina down (Fig. 26.13c,
Figure 26.13 shows the operative field of a d). What used to be the common channel is
urogenital sinus. We started that particular case divided in the midline, creating two flaps that will
464 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

be sutured to the neolabia. The urethral meatus is

sutured a few millimeters behind the clitoris
(Fig. 26.13e). Figure 26.14 shows the final exter-
nal appearance.
We must always keep in mind that we are deal-
ing with a spectrum of defects, and therefore, the
surgeon must be prepared to implement different
surgical maneuvers, adequate for each one of the
anatomic variants of the malformation that we
deal with. For very low vaginal-urethral conflu-
ence, the surgeon can use any technique, because
the repair is relatively easy. On the other hand, for
cases with extremely high implantations of the
vagina, such as vaginovesical communication, the
transabdominal approach represents the ideal way
to do it. In the middle of those extremes are mal-
formations shown in these diagrams with com-
mon channels that vary from 2 to 4 cm.
The size of the vagina is also another important
factor. Some patients with this type of urogenital
sinus also have hydrocolpos, like in the patients
with cloacas. The presence of hydrocolpos, of
course, must alert the surgeons about the possibility
of megaureters and hydronephrosis (see chapters on
Fig. 26.11 Diagram showing the urethra reconstructed cloacas). However, the presence of hydrocolpos
using the original common channel also means that the surgeon has more vaginal tissue

Fig. 26.12 Diagram

showing the reconstructed
vagina, perineal body,
sphincter mechanism
anterior to the rectum, and
anterior rectal wall. The
posterior rectal wall was
closed using two layers of
interrupted long-term
absorbable sutures. The
sphincter mechanism
posterior to the anus is
26.2 Urogenital Sinus with Normal Rectum 465

a b

c d

Fig. 26.13 Intraoperative view of the repair of a urogeni- of a case with a short common channel. It was possible to
tal sinus. (a) An attempt is made to mobilize the urogeni- mobilize the urogenital sinus without dividing the rectum.
tal sinus, with a limited incision, trying not to open the (d) Operative picture showing a total urogenital mobiliza-
rectum. The exposure is limited. (b) Improved exposure tion. The urethra and vagina have been fully mobilized.
after extending the incision through the anus and rectum. (e) Operative picture. The urethral meatus is sutured a few
R divided rectum, u urogenital sinus. (c) Operative picture millimeters behind the clitoris
466 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

e Subsequently, as we gained confidence in these

kinds of techniques, we performed the same opera-
tions without a colostomy. We followed the same
strict rules of bowel preparation (see chapter on
bowel preparation). The patients remained
7–10 days with nothing by mouth, receiving paren-
teral nutrition; our patients did not have infections,
dehiscence, or other kinds of complications.
Our current way to approach these patients is
to determine the length of the common channel
endoscopically. For those that are extremely long
common channels (vaginovesical fistula), we
prepare the patient to be approached through the
perineum and also through the abdomen. In addi-
tion some of those patients may require a partial
vaginal replacement. If we believe that the patient
can be treated trans-anorectally without a lapa-
rotomy (common channel between 2 and 4 cm),
we prepared the bowel as described and take the
patient to the operating room. We start by making
Fig. 26.13 (continued) an incision running from the anus to the urogeni-
tal sinus, trying not to open the rectum and see if
it is possible to do the total urogenital mobiliza-
tion without dividing the anterior rectal wall or
the posterior rectal wall (Fig. 26.13a). Sometimes
this is feasible, but if we feel uncomfortable
about the exposure, we do not hesitate to divide
first the sphincter mechanism located anterior to
the anus or even the posterior rectal wall and the
posterior sphincter mechanism (Fig. 26.13b).
The trans-anorectal approach consists in
dividing the anus and the rectum exactly in the
midline. By doing that, we obtain a magnificent
exposure to the urogenital tract. However, the
procedure requires a meticulous bowel prepara-
tion or a colostomy, followed by a delicate, scru-
pulous technique with special attention to details.
Our experience with the repair of a urogenital
sinus with normal rectum includes 16 cases. We
are extremely happy, because bowel control has
been normal in all of them. The patients also
showed evidence of urinary control. None of our
Fig. 26.14 Final external appearance patients reached the age of sexual function, and
therefore, we cannot comment on that. However,
to work with and more chances to bring the vagina we expect them to have an examination under
down. Patients with very small vaginas and long anesthesia at the age when they expect to become
common channels represent a challenge and may sexually active. We will not be surprised to find
require a partial vaginal replacement. that they may need an external introitoplasty like
The first trans-anorectal operations performed we do in patients with cloaca, because they have
by us included a protective colostomy. a ringlike fibrous band that may interfere with
26.4 Acquired Urethral Atresia 467

satisfactory sexual activity and may require a urethra. These represent a surgical challenge, not
small operation to take care of that. only to be able to reconnect both ends of the pos-
terior urethra, but also to try to obtain urinary
control after the repair.
26.3 Urogenital Sinus Traditional approaches to this problem include
with Normal Rectum perineal operations [45–49] or transpubic
and Adrenal Hyperplasia approach [50–56]. We have a modest but signifi-
cant experience with the trans-anorectal approach
We have used the same approach in patients with that has also been used by others [57–60].
adrenal hyperplasia. However, we must admit that Six patients have been referred to us suffering
these groups of patients (with virilization) are from this type of problem. These patients under-
more difficult to repair. First of all, they require a went several previous attempts to repair, using a
clitoral recession. In spite of doing that procedure, perineal approach, and all of them were unsuc-
one deals with the presence of hypertrophic cor- cessful. Figure 26.15a shows a cystogram and
pora that makes the operation technically more urethrogram of one of these patients. The gap
difficult. In addition, the vagina in those types of between the blind ends measures over 3 cm. This
patients is usually much smaller, both in length study was done injecting contrast material
and diameter. All of that makes the operation through a suprapubic tube and simultaneously
technically more demanding. Our experience with through the urethral meatus. This was an adult
this group of patients is limited to three cases, and patient who suffered a very severe pelvic trauma
therefore, we cannot claim that this is the ideal that destroyed the posterior urethra. The patient
way to repair this malformation. was ejaculating through the suprapubic tube and
had three previous failed attempts to repair the
problem. Figure 26.15b shows a diagram trying
26.4 Acquired Urethral Atresia to show the anatomy of the same patient. In addi-
tion to the disruption of the posterior urethra, the
Male patients, who suffer from severe pelvic patient also had a mild stenosis of the penile ure-
trauma, frequently have severe urethral injuries thra. The subset of the figure shows the trans-
that result in an acquired atresia of the posterior anorectal incision used to approach this urethra.

a b

Fig. 26.15 Disrupted posterior urethra, a mild penile urethral stricture and the trans-anorectal incision. (a) Diagram.
(b) Contrast study – injection of contrast done through a suprapubic tube and through the penis
468 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

A posterior sagittal trans-anorectal incision is

done, dividing, as previously mentioned, the
sphincter mechanism posterior to the anus, as
well as the anterior one, dividing also the poste-
rior and anterior rectal walls. Figure 26.16 shows
a picture of the intraoperative aspect of the trans-
anorectal incision. Both posterior and anterior
rectal walls have been divided. Figure 26.17 is a
diagram showing both blind ends of the urethra
deep in the operative field. Multiple fine silk
sutures are placed in each end of the urethra in
order to apply uniform traction and mobilize
them to be able to create a non-tense end-to-end
anastomosis. Figure 26.18 shows both urethral
ends already open and with the silk sutures
placed. The gap between both ends is about 3 cm,
and therefore both sides require a significant Fig. 26.17 Diagram showing both urethral blind ends.
mobilization. Figure 26.19 shows after the mobi- Multiple fine silk sutures are placed in both ends to mobi-
lize them

Fig. 26.18 Operative field showing both urethral ends

Fig. 26.16 Intraoperative aspect of the trans-anorectal open. The distal one has a metallic sound
approach. Both posterior and anterior rectal walls have
been divided. The urethral ends will be found deep in the
26.4 Acquired Urethral Atresia 469

lization both urethral ends come together, the

anterior wall has been already sutured, a Foley
catheter is passed through the penis into the blad-
der, and the final step is the reconstruction of the
posterior urethral wall. Reconstructing the
perineal body as well as the rectum will complete
the operation (Fig. 26.20). Figure 26.21 shows
the reconstruction suturing of the anterior rectal
wall with two layers of fine, long-term absorb-
able sutures. The reconstruction of the anterior
rectal wall must be done simultaneously with the
reconstruction of the sphincter. Figure 26.22
shows the completion of the urethral suturing,
perineal body reconstruction, as well as the
sphincter mechanism and rectum. The perineal
body is already reconstructed, as well as the
sphincter mechanism anterior to the rectum and
the anterior rectal wall. The next step will be to
suture the posterior rectal wall and to approxi-
mate meticulously the sphincter mechanism pos-
terior to the anus and rectum. Figure 26.23 shows
a diagram of the completed operation. The patient
shown in this diagram has urinary control, as well
Fig. 26.19 Operative field. The anterior wall of the ure- as sexual function. However, when dealing with
thra has been reconstructed. A Foley catheter is in place, this kind of severe pelvic trauma, one cannot
and the posterior wall is being sutured

Fig. 26.20 Diagram

showing the urethral
anastomosis and the rectal
470 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

Fig. 26.23 Diagram showing the completed operation

Fig. 26.21 Operative view of the closure of the incision,

suturing the anterior rectal wall

Fig. 26.24 Three-dimensional rotational scan of a

patient with an anorectal malformation with an acquired
urethral atresia

Fig. 26.22 Diagram showing the completion of the ure-

thral reconstruction and the closure of the perineal body,
sphincter mechanism, and rectum
26.5 Acquired Rectourethral Fistula 471

More recently, the anatomy of these complex

conditions can be elucidated better by the use of
a three-dimensional rotational scan, which pro-
vides excellent images, like one shown in
Fig. 26.24. That patient was also approached
trans-anorectally, and Fig. 26.25 shows the intra-
operative findings, as well as the reconstruction
of the urethra. The patient also has urinary

26.5 Acquired Rectourethral


Our colleagues, adult surgeons, and urologists

referred adult patients to us. Those patients were
suffering from acquired rectourethral fistula. This
type of problem represents a serious surgical
challenge and has been treated in different ways
[61–63]. Some authors used the transanal ante-
Fig. 26.25 Intraoperative view of the urethral anastomosis
rior approach [64–67], and others adopted the
transanal posterior approach [68, 69].
We had the opportunity to operate on adult
patients who originally suffered from prostatic
cancer and were treated either surgically by
implantation of radioactive seeds or using cryo-
surgery. As sequelae of those treatments, the
patients developed a huge communication
between the rectum and the posterior urethra.
The original urology surgeons unsuccessfully
tried to repair the fistula through the perineum,
and the patients were referred to us. Figure 26.26
shows a diagram of one of these cases. The com-
munication between the posterior urethra and the
anterior rectal wall is extremely large, and some-
times it measures 4 or 5 cm in diameter, making
these kinds of conditions a real surgical chal-
lenge. The dotted lines in Fig. 26.27 show the
lines of resection that we do. The patient is
Fig. 26.26 Diagram showing a giant rectourethral fistula
approached trans-anorectally. The portion of the
consecutive to the surgical treatment of prostatic cancer
rectum located between the dotted lines is
resected, and the upper rectum is pulled down to
guarantee good functional results in all patients be anastomosed above the pectinate line in order
because each patient suffers from a trauma of a to preserve the bowel control. The goal of the
different magnitude. Two of our six patients suf- operation consists in leaving a completely nor-
fered from postoperative urinary incontinence mal rectal wall in front of the urethral suture, as
and required another type of urinary reconstruc- the only way to guarantee that the patient would
tion, including the closure of the bladder neck. not suffer a recurrence. Figure 26.27 shows the
472 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

completed procedure, including the urethral

sutures and the anastomosis between the upper
rectum and the lower rectum above the pectinate
Our experience includes six patients, two of
them actually had an operation for Hirschsprung’s
disease; the surgeons damaged the posterior ure-
thra, as well as the anterior rectal wall, and the
patients came with anatomic findings similar to
those shown in Fig. 26.28. The other four patients
suffered from prostatic cancer originally. The fis-
tulas were successfully closed, except in one of
the patients who had excessive local radiation
that, we believe, interfered with the healing pro-
cess of the local tissue.

Fig. 26.27 Diagram showing the completed repair of the 26.6 Giant Seminal Vesicle
urethra and a healthy rectal wall left next to the urethral
suture. The rectal anastomosis is performed above the There is some confusion related with the termi-
pectinate line to preserve bowel control
nology and embryogenesis of cystic structures
communicating with the posterior urethra.
Different authors use terms such as “prostatic
utricle,” “Müllerian duct remnants,” and “giant
seminal vesicle.” A good attempt to simplify this
was done by Currarino [70]. In his paper he pres-
ents a series of radiologic images of these abnor-
mal structures.
The treatment of these conditions includes
transvesical approach [71], transurethral fulgura-
tion [72], and laparoscopic approach [73]. Kaplan
et al., following the original idea of Hunt, accu-
mulated significant experience with a posterior
approach without opening the rectum, but rather
pushing it laterally in order to have access to the
posterior urethra [74–77]. Other authors use the
same approach [78–81].
A few surgeons tried the trans-anorectal
approach to resect one of these utricles [82].
Four cases were referred to us. Two of them
suffered from orchiepididymitis of unknown
origin. The patients did not have any other asso-
ciated defects. They had a normal rectum and
apparently a normal urinary tract. The episodes
of orchiepididymitis were treated with antibiot-
ics, but they had several recurrences. A full
Fig. 26.28 Intraoperative picture. Trans-anorectal
approach, dissection of a giant seminal vesicle. Seminal urologic evaluation disclosed the presence of a
vesicle open giant seminal vesicle connected to the posterior
26.8 Acquired Rectovaginal Fistula 473

down to its neck that connected to the urethra. In

order to do that in a more precise way, we opened
the giant seminal vesicle, as shown in Fig. 26.28;
disconnected the vesicle from the urethra; and
sutured the posterior urethra as shown in
Fig. 26.29. Figure 26.30 shows the final aspect of
the perineum of the baby after the operation. Two
more patients were referred to us with a giant
seminal vesicle, but they also suffered from an
anorectal malformation and severe hypospadias.
In those patients, the approach was not real trans-
anorectal, but rather we approached the giant
seminal vesicle posterior sagittally, directly, at
the same time that we pulled the rectum down to
repair the anorectal malformation. All patients
had bowel control, urinary control, and no evi-
dence of orchiepididymitis after our operation.

26.7 Urethral Tumors

Fig. 26.29 Giant seminal vesicle has been resected, and
the urethra will be closed Two patients were referred to us because they
suffered from a rhabdomyosarcoma of the poste-
rior urethra; they both received chemotherapy,
until the oncologists considered they achieved
the maximum reduction in tumor size. The pedi-
atric oncology group requested a biopsy and if
possible a resection of the remnant of the tumor.
The patients were approached trans-anorectally,
and the tumor was resected. One case did not
require the division of the urethra, but the other
one case did. We performed a resection of part of
the urethra with the tumor and reanastomosed
both urethral ends. Both patients preserved bowel
Fig. 26.30 Perineal appearance at the end of the control, but we do not have information concern-
operation ing the long-term follow-up from the oncologic
point of view.
urethra. One of the patients had been previously
approached unsuccessfully, through the abdomen
and another one through the perineum. We 26.8 Acquired Rectovaginal
decided therefore to approach the problem via Fistula
trans-anorectal. Figure 26.30 shows the operative
field in one of these cases. The rectum has been Two adult patients were referred to us because
divided into two halves, and the giant diverticu- they suffered from cervicouterine cancer and
lum is shown. The upper part of it is actually con- received local radiation. As a consequence of
nected to the vas deferens. Therefore, these that, they developed a giant communication
patients underwent a vasectomy in order to resect between the rectum and the vagina. Basically,
the giant seminal vesicle, which was dissected both the rectum and vagina became a single
474 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

Fig. 26.31 Diagram showing a giant rectovaginal fistula

in a patient with cervical cancer subjected to local
Fig. 26.33 Picture showing the perineum of a girl suffer-
ing from an acquired rectovaginal fistula as sequelae of an
operation for Hirschsprung’s disease. The picture was
taken during the repair. A Hegar dilator is passing through
the fistula

suture, as shown in Fig. 26.32. The fistulas were

successfully closed, and the patients preserved
bowel control.
Three little girls were referred to us, suffering
from acquired rectovaginal fistulas, consecutive
to an operation for Hirschsprung’s disease. The
patients had been previously subjected to a Soave
type of pull-through for Hirschsprung’s disease,
and soon after the operation, the parents noticed
that the patients were passing stool through the
vagina. Figure 26.33 shows the perineum of one
of these girls. The diaper rash was extremely
severe, because the stool came out constantly
through the vagina. The patient is in prone posi-
Fig. 26.32 Diagram showing the repaired fistula
tion, the rectum has been opened posterior sagit-
tally, and a Hegar dilator has been passed through
chamber, as can be seen in Fig. 26.31. The the wide communication between the anterior
patients were considered cured from the cancer, rectal wall and the posterior vaginal wall. The
but were referred to us to try to close that wide perineal body was divided, and Fig. 26.34 shows
communication. The approach used was similar the urethra, the vagina, and the rectum. The
to the one described in male patients. The rectum vagina was reconstructed (Fig. 26.35), and the
was separated from the vagina and was divided rectum was also sutured, being sure not to leave
above the pectinate line, and we mobilized the over-imposed the vaginal suture and the rectal
upper rectum enough to be sure to leave a com- suture. The patient recovered uneventfully, and
pletely normal rectum in front of the vaginal the fistula was successfully closed.
26.9 Rectal Tumors 475

26.9 Rectal Tumors

We have used the posterior sagittal approach to

resect a variety of tumors that affect the rectum
and sometimes the vagina. Figure 26.36 shows
the diagram of a sagittal view of the pelvis of an
adolescent girl who suffered from an “inflamma-
tory pseudotumor” that invaded the rectum and
vagina. This is considered a histologic benign
tumor but highly invasive. In an oncologic center,
she was offered a pelvic exenteration; yet, the
posterior sagittal approach proved to be very effi-
cient to resect the mass, including 75 % of her
rectum and one third of her vagina (Fig. 26.37).
We were able to preserve part of the pectinate
line of her rectum. The patient recovered very
successfully and preserved her bowel and urinary
control. Figure 26.38 shows the external appear-
ance of her perineum 6 months after the
Fig. 26.34 Operative picture. The perineal body was
opened. The picture shows the internal anatomy. V vagina, We were invited to use the trans-anorectal
R – rectum approach to resect rectal cancers, in adult
patients, localized to the rectal wall, without
local invasion, and located above the pectinate
line. In addition, we used the same approach to

Fig. 26.36 Diagram showing the sagittal view of the pel-

Fig. 26.35 Operative picture. The rectum was mobi- vis. “Inflammatory pseudotumor” invading most of the
lized, and the posterior vaginal wall is being pulled down rectum and part of the vagina
476 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

Fig. 26.39 Diagram showing a small tumor located

Fig. 26.37 Same case in which the tumor has been above the pectinate line. The dotted lines represent the
resected. A portion of the rectum with pectinate line has limits of the resection
been preserved

approach is to be able to preserve the anal canal,

as well as the sphincter mechanism and by
doing that, to guarantee that the patient will
have bowel control, and by doing that, we avoid
the possibility of an abdominoperineal resec-
tion and a permanent colostomy. Figure 26.39
shows a diagram of a patient with a small tumor
located on the anterior rectal wall about the
pectinate line. The dotted line shows the line of
resection preserving the anal canal and the pec-
tinate line. Figure 26.40 shows a diagram illus-
trating the posterior sagittal incision and the
opening of the rectum. The dotted line repre-
sents the line of resection above the pectinate
line. Multiple silk sutures are placed, taking the
rectal wall above the pectinate line in order to
apply uniform traction to facilitate the dissec-
tion of the rectum with the tumor. Figure 26.41
shows the operative field of one of these cases.
The pectinate line is perfectly obvious, and the
Fig. 26.38 External appearance of the perineum of the line of silk sutures are placed 2 cm above the
same patient, 6 months after the operation
pectinate line. Figure 26.42 shows the effect of
uniform traction to facilitate the dissection of
resect villous adenomas of the rectal wall. We the rectum. The dissection continues, remain-
like to emphasize the fact that this approach, ing as close as possible to the rectal wall, until
when used with this specific purpose, should be a margin of about 5 cm above the location of
done only if the tumor is localized and is located the tumor is reached. At that point, the rectum
above the pectinate line. The rationality of this is divided as shown in Fig. 26.43 and the upper
26.9 Rectal Tumors 477

Fig. 26.40 Diagram

showing the posterior
sagittal approach. The
entire sphincter mechanism
posterior to the rectum has
been divided, as well as the
posterior rectal wall. The
tumor can be seen. The
rectal wall is being divided
above the pectinate line

Fig. 26.42 Operative field. Applying uniform traction

Fig. 26.41 Picture of the operative field. The pectinate
line is clearly seen, and the traction sutures are placed
2 cm above the pectinate line
478 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

Fig. 26.43 Diagram

showing the rectum
dissected and pulled down
enough to resect 5 cm
above the tumor

Fig. 26.44 Picture of the operative field, showing the Fig. 26.45 Picture of the operative field. The rectum has
rectum pulled over been opened to show the tumor
26.10 Presacral Masses 479

rectum mobilized, sutured with two layers of 26.10 Presacral Masses

interrupted long-term absorbable sutures to the
lower rectum above the pectinate line. Presacral masses in association with anorectal
Figure 26.44 shows a full mobilization of the malformation were discussed in the chapter of
rectum, immediately prior to the resection. perineal fistula.
Figure 26.45 shows the operative field; the rec- There are, however, cases of presacral masses
tum has been opened to show the location of the with or without sacral defects, without anorectal
tumor and to be sure that we leave a 5-cm mar- malformation.
gin before we suture the upper rectum to the Our series of presacral masses includes over
lower rectum. Figure 26.46 shows the operation 50 cases, mainly dermoid, teratomas, lipomas,
completed. The rectum has been mobilized and and anterior meningocele, but also includes one
sutured to the lower rectum. schwannoma and two malignant tumors. That is
another reason why all the presacral masses must
be resected. Patients with presacral masses and
no anorectal malformations have mainly cystic
teratomas. Figure 26.47 shows the MRI of the
pelvis of an adult patient with giant cystic presa-
cral teratomas without a sacral defect. The pres-
ence of presacral masses without sacral defect
has a much better functional prognosis in terms
of bowel and urinary function.
There are many other patients that are born
with presacral masses without anorectal malfor-
mation. These types of cases are more difficult to
detect. A typical example is a patient that suffers
from, what the doctors believed, an infected pilo-
nidal sinus. The patient is operated several times,
only to find that the abscess and drainage keep
Fig. 26.46 Diagram showing the operation completed. recurring. Under such circumstances, it is
Anastomosis done 2 cm above the pectinate line recommended to order an MRI of the pelvis,

a b

Fig. 26.47 MRI of a patient with giant cystic mature teratomas, without a sacral defect. (a) Transverse section.
(b) Sagittal view
480 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

had a very large presacral mass that had become

chronically infected.
Another one of our patients, a 19-year-old
girl, suffered from constipation of unknown ori-
gin for her entire life. She developed an abscess
in the area of the sacrum, as well as manifesta-
tions of meningitis and sepsis. She became
extremely ill and was admitted to the hospital.
The abscess was drained, and the sepsis and men-
ingitis were controlled; the patient developed as
sequelae a chronic draining sinus in the area of
Fig. 26.48 Infected presacral dermoid, misdiagnosed as the coccyx. Figure 26.49 shows the external
a recurrent pilonidal cyst. The patient underwent seven appearance of this patient. Figure 26.50 shows
previous failed operations the same area, immediately after the resection of
a very large presacral infected dermoid. The
x-ray film showed a hemisacrum. Patients who
suffer from idiopathic constipation should have,
as part of their evaluation, an x-ray film of the
sacrum, as well as an MRI of the spine and cord,
to rule out the presence of presacral masses.
Table III shows our series of presacral masses by
histologic diagnosis, with and without associa-
tion with anorectal malformation and with and
without association of sacral abnormality.

Fig. 26.49 Chronic draining sinus in the sacral area, the 26.11 Surgical Technique
patient had an infected presacral dermoid
Most presacral masses are resectable using only
the posterior sagittal approach without an abdomi-
nal intervention. We are not including in this dis-
cussion the cases of neonatal sacrococcygeal
teratomas, which represent, we believe, a different
entity, with special characteristics and important
technical considerations. The posterior sagittal
incision is done, as described multiple times in this
textbook. It is very important for the surgeon to
have a very precise anatomic diagnosis of the
mass, with emphasis in the location, in terms of
distance between the coccyx and the mass. Using a
posterior sagittal approach, we can usually reach
Fig. 26.50 External aspect immediately after the
up to the level of sacral vertebra 2 or 3; above that,
it would represent a serious technical challenge.
The incision involves exactly the midline and
which may disclose the presence of a teratoma or divides the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, and the
dermoid that becomes infected and drains in the entire sphincter mechanism. The MRI study
subcoccygeal area. Figure 26.48 shows a 6-year- should alert us as to what we are going to find after
old girl that had seven previous operations under we divide the entire sphincter mechanism
the misdiagnosis of a pilonidal sinus; actually she below the coccyx. If the mass is located above the
26.12 Posterior Sagittal Approach, Its Application in Cases with Hirschsprung’s Disease 481

experience shows that it is necessary to resect the

narrow portion of the rectum and pull down the
healthy-looking bowel. Sometimes there is a very
giant dilated upper rectum that must be tapered in
order to pull it down. Several patients came to us
after they underwent the resection of the mass;
they had been subjected to multiple anorectal dila-
tations, with the expectation that the narrow por-
tion of the rectum would improve which actually
does not happen. Therefore, from day one, we sug-
gest to resect that narrow portion of the rectum.
In those cases, in which the surgeon is able to
make the diagnosis of anterior meningocele
component of the mass, the patient should be
seen by a pediatric neurosurgeon with experience
in these kinds of problems. When the anterior
meningocele is very small, sometimes we can
simply respect it, knowing that it is there, and
leave it in place. However, some neurosurgeons
prefer to approach the patient from behind,
through a laminectomy to close the communica-
tion of the dura with the presacral mass. In the
second stage, the surgeon may resect the poste-
rior rectal component, of the meningocele, with-
Fig. 26.51 Intraoperative picture of the resection of a out being concerned about injuring the dura.
retrorectal mass Other neurosurgeons prefer to be present during
the posterior sagittal resection of the mass and to
coccyx, then we will identify, right away, the pos- close directly the dural defect. Usually, in addi-
terior rectal wall, and dissecting on top of the rectal tion to the closure with nonabsorbable sutures, a
wall, we will be able to find the mass. On the other patch of fat, muscle, or sometimes cartilage is
hand, sometimes the mass is attached to the poste- used to reinforce the defect. We have never seen
rior rectal wall below the coccyx, and therefore, a case of chronic drainage of cerebrospinal fluid
we should look and expect the mass to be found as consecutive to one of these operations.
soon as we divide the sphincter mechanism.
Figure 26.51 shows the operative field of one of
these operations, where the mass can be seen in the 26.12 Posterior Sagittal Approach,
deepest portion of the incision. We usually place Its Application in Cases
several silk stitches in the mass in order to apply with Hirschsprung’s Disease
uniform traction to facilitate the dissection. We
must be aware of the fact that the mass and the In the chapter corresponding to Hirschsprung’s
posterior rectal wall are intimately attached; basi- disease, we briefly mentioned cases of reopera-
cally we have to shave the posterior rectal wall to tions that may represent a very serious surgical
separate the mass. In those congenital cases, in technical challenge, due to the fact that the patient
which the mass has been compressing the rectum suffered from dehiscence, infection, abscesses,
in utero, the resection of the mass is sometimes not and fistulas that provoked a very significant
enough to deal with the problem, due to a stricture amount of fibrosis in the pelvis. These patients are
of the rectum. That stricture is fibrotic and should particularly difficult to treat using a traditional
not be expected that it would regain a normal transanal or abdominal approach. When con-
caliber after the mass has been resected. Our fronted with that type of case, the surgeon must
482 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

a b

Fig. 26.52 Diagram showing a sagittal view of the pelvis sis, leaving the patient with an acquired rectal atresia and
of a girl who underwent a failed attempted repair for severe pelvic fibrosis. (a) Preoperative diagram. (b)
Hirschsprung’s. There was a dehiscence of the anastomo- Postoperative diagram

consider the possibility of approaching the patient stances, the posterior sagittal approach represents
posterior sagittally. These patients are frequently a viable alternative. Something similar happens in
referred to us with a patent anus, but an atretic rec- patients who underwent a Soave type of pull-
tum as a consequence of dehiscence of the pull- through, and, for unexplained reasons, the sur-
through. The area of fibrosis that produced the geons left pieces of bowel mucosa attached to the
acquired atresia or stricture of the rectum is located muscular cuff; those islets of mucosa produce
in a place difficult to access in the pelvis. Trying to mucus, abscess, and fistula formation and are
resect the lower rectum, preserving the anal canal, extremely difficult to find in a reoperation, particu-
as well as pulling normal bowel down through a larly when trying to do it with a traditional
“cement type” of pelvis may prove to be extremely approach. Again, the posterior sagittal approach
difficult. Figure 26.52a shows a diagram with a gives much better exposure and more chances to
sagittal view of a female patient who suffered from find those remnants of mucosa. We have found
this kind of problem. There was a dehiscence of trapped pieces of bowel left in the pelvis produc-
the anastomosis, producing a local abscess, severe ing mucous and multiple fistulas, sometimes
scarring, and fibrosis. The reoperation for these draining into the perineum, sometimes into the
complications should be done not before 6 months vagina or through the urinary tract.
after the event. Figure 26.52b is a diagram of the
completed repair. A distal colostogram is per-
formed in order to see the precise location of the 26.13 Vaginal Atresia with Normal
normal-looking upper bowel, as well as injection Rectum
of contrast material from below, in order to mea-
sure the gap between the proximal and distal Patients suffering from vaginal atresia have a
bowel. A rectal examination allows the surgeon to dilated, blind vagina located at different levels
realize that there is a lot of scar and therefore very sometimes compressing the trigone of the blad-
difficult to attempt a traditional transanal or der. Depending on the specific distance between
abdominoperineal approach. Under those circum- the blind lower part of the vagina and the
26.13 Vaginal Atresia with Normal Rectum 483

perineum, the surgeon must select the best pos- colostomy. Figure 26.53a–f shows images related
sible approach to mobilize the vagina down. If with one specific patient who came to our clinic
the vagina is considered not reachable through with a very dilated blind vagina (hematocolpos
the perineum, one alternative that we have used is and hematometra). With the bowel completely
exploring the space between the urethra and rec- clean in order to have access to trans-anorectal
tum, trying to reach as high as possible, provided approach, if necessary, we approached the patient
we feel safe and confident in not producing injury through the perineum, and we were fortunate
of the rectum or urethra. Once we have reached enough to find the vagina and were able to mobi-
from below the point in which we feel it is not lize the vagina down enough to reach the labia,
safe to continue, then the vagina can be mobi- without having to divide the rectum. However,
lized through the abdomen with a laparotomy or we can easily divide the rectum, if necessary, if
laparoscopy. In the event of finding the blind the procedure becomes technically demanding.
vagina during the exploration between the ure- Figure 26.53a shows the preoperative aspect of
thra and rectum, but the mobilization becomes the introitus of this patient that only shows the
technically difficult, in a patient that has been urethral opening. There is no vaginal opening.
subjected to a strict bowel preparation prior to the Figure 26.53b shows the MRI of this patient.
procedure, we can expand the incision trans- Figure 26.53c, d shows the appearance of the
anorectally, as demonstrated in cases of urogeni- field during the surgical exploration, looking for
tal sinus with normal rectum. Provided the the vagina. Figure 26.53e shows that the vagina
reconstruction of the rectum is performed metic- has been mobilized, and Fig. 26.53f shows that
ulously, as we previously mentioned, the patients the vaginal opening has been successfully
recover very well, even without the opening of a created.

a b

Fig. 26.53 Vaginal atresia, hematocolpos, and hemato- applied on the vagina. (d) Vagina open. Observe old blood
metra. (a) Introitus showing only the urethral opening. (b) coming out. (e) Vaginal fully mobilized. (f) Finished
MRI study showing the giant vagina. (c) Surgical explora- operation
tion between the urethra and the rectum. Silk sutures
484 26 Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Treatment of Other Conditions

c d

e f

Fig. 26.53 (continued)

rectum: their diagnosis and treatment, 3rd edn.

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Miscellaneous Conditions

27.1 Part I: Perianal Abscess perirectal fistulas in adults [1–3]. It is important

and Fistula to recognize these differences because of their
therapeutic implications.
27.1.1 Definition Perianal and perirectal abscesses and fistula
are fairly common in the adult population, but it
Perianal fistula is a fairly common condition in occurs in forms and variants more severe and
male infants. It consists in the presence of a tract serious than in pediatrics [1–3]. The recom-
that runs from one of the anorectal crypts toward mended treatments in adults also vary, depending
the perianal skin (Figs. 27.1 and 27.2). This fis- on the type of fistula (transsphincteric, transleva-
tula occurs as a consequence of an abscess previ- tor, intrasphincteric). In pediatrics, we only see a
ously formed in the perianal area. We do not benign form in babies (mainly males), and that is
know precisely the incidence of this condition. It the type that we will discuss here.
is extremely unusual to see this condition in
female patients, as well as in older children. In
pediatrics, this condition has very significant
differences when compared with perianal and

Fig. 27.2 Perianal fistula. Arrow shows the point of the

Fig. 27.1 Perianal abscess future fistula

A. Peña, A. Bischoff, Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children, 487

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14989-9_27, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
488 27 Miscellaneous Conditions

We are aware of the existence of other types of minimal symptoms such as irritability, low fever,
fistulas that are extremely rare in babies and are and fussiness. Occasionally, the patient may have
consecutive to inflammatory bowel disease or high fever and cry inconsolably, particularly dur-
complications from Soave operations in cases of ing the bowel movements. In a period of a few
Hirschsprung’s disease. Perianal fistulas in days, this abscess, if left alone, eventually drains
patients with inflammatory bowel disease must through the skin, which produces alleviation of
be treated following the principles established for the symptoms. We have never seen a baby who
the primary condition. suffered from sepsis or expanding cellulitis. The
Perianal fistula secondary to endorectal, Soave use of antibiotics does not seem to modify the
type of procedure for the treatment of natural course of this condition. When these
Hirschsprung’s disease occurs as a consequence patients are seen by pediatricians and/or pediatric
of poor surgical technique; pieces of mucosa surgeons at this stage, with the abscess, many
were usually left trapped in the pelvis, producing times the abscesses are drained in the doctor’s
mucoceles that become infected and form a fis- office or in the operating room. The drainage of
tula (see chapter on Hirschsprung’s disease). the abscess (spontaneous or surgical) makes all
Some authors published their experience, mix- the symptoms disappear, giving the impression
ing cases with the infant type, with other types of that the patient is cured and leaving only a small
fistulas seen in immunocompromised children, dimple-like scar. In fact, some of these babies
with leukemia, HIV, neutropenia, or cases receiv- never have this problem again. We do not know
ing chemotherapy, which makes the interpretation exactly how many of the perianal abscesses
of the results rather impossible [4–7]. become fistulas. Different authors propose spe-
cific figures, varying from 24 to 35 % [9, 10].
However, that data is based on their personal
27.1.2 Etiology observations and not necessarily representative
of what happens in the world’s population.
The etiology of this condition is basically unknown. A few days or a couple of weeks after the
However, there is a great deal of speculation related abscess has been drained, suddenly the mother
with its origin [8]. Traditionally, it is considered notices redness in the area of the dimple where
that the anorectal crypts of the pectinate line, that the abscess drained in the past. The redness this
separate the rectum from the anal canal, have small time is not as significant as during the episode of
channels that become contaminated with feces and the primary abscess formation and does not pro-
create abscesses located lateral to the anorectal duce any symptoms of fever, irritability, or cel-
line. These abscesses eventually drain through the lulitis. Within a matter of hours, the little crust
skin next to the anus. Once the drainage occurs, that covers the dimple falls, and one or two drops
then it may remain a patent tunnel (fistula) between of pus come out of the little hole. The orifice
the crypt and the skin. This usually occurs or opens again looks completely healed, leaving only the
about 1 cm lateral to the anus (Fig. 27.2). However, little dimple, and about 10 or 14 days later, it
there is no real demonstration that this is true. The reopens again, passing again a drop or two of pus.
fact that it is possible to pass a lacrimal probe or a This becomes a chronic condition. Eventually, if
wire from the orifice in the skin to the crypt makes left alone the overwhelming majority of fistulas
this theory very plausible. disappear; they disappear before 1 year of age
and a few more before 18 months of age [11].
Baby patients with perianal abscesses and fistu-
27.1.3 Natural History las are seen by pediatricians and pediatric surgeons,
either when they have the acute abscess or when
Characteristically, baby males, during the first they already have a fistula. The general tendency
months of life, suddenly develop a redness and between doctors and surgeons is to drain the abscess
tender area next to the anus. Most of the time, this during the acute stage and to do some sort of
abscess is surrounded by mild cellulitis and gives operation to try to cure the fistula. Our experience is
27.1 Part I: Perianal Abscess and Fistula 489

very different from most of the literature. We do not During the acute stage of the abscess, we have
operate on these patients because we are convinced drained a few in the clinic, with local anesthesia.
that all fistulas disappear before 18 months of age, We do it to alleviate the symptoms and to calm the
without an operation [11]. mother’s concern. Most of the time, if the symp-
toms are not dramatic and the mother is not anx-
ious, we simply wait; usually, the next day the
27.1.4 Treatment abscess drains spontaneously, and the mother finds
pus in the diaper. After this, the most important
A great majority of pediatric surgeons believe part of our treatment is to convince the parents that
that a fistulotomy or fistulectomy is the best treat- the drainage of one or two drops of pus every 10 or
ment for this condition [12–24]. The recurrence 14 days in an otherwise happy, normal baby is
rate has been reported to be between 4 and 68 % meaningless, and eventually that will disappear.
[15, 16, 20, 22, 24–26]. The parents sometimes tend to be anxious and
Perhaps influenced by the experience of our look for another opinion and usually find a sur-
adult colorectal surgeons, some pediatric sur- geon who performs a fistulotomy. In 29 years of
geons have treated this condition using a “seton” experience and over 25 patients we have treated,
[25–28]. We consider a fistulotomy an exces- we have never seen a child in whom the fistula did
sively aggressive rather unnecessary treatment not disappear spontaneously within 18 months of
for this benign condition. A “seton,” we think, is life. We do not know if some of these babies who
even more aggressive to be used in infants. suffer from perianal fistula during this period of
Some surgeons are rather hesitant about fistu- life are the same patients who will develop more
lotomy versus observation [39]. complicated fistulas when they become adults.
A growing group of surgeons are becoming
more conservative about the management of this
condition and are advocating, like us, a nonoper- 27.1.5 Fistulotomy
ative approach [29–34].
Other conservative treatments have been pro- As previously mentioned, most pediatric sur-
posed in adults [35] and more recently in pediat- geons advocate a fistulotomy for the treatment of
rics [36], consisting in the use of adhesive this chronic fistula in babies [12–24]. We per-
material to occlude the fistula. This last treatment formed fistulotomies prior to the moment when
seems too simplistic, and therefore we remain we learned from a senior pediatric surgeon
skeptical about it. (James Warden) what the natural history of this
During the acute stage of the abscess forma- condition is.
tion, most doctors give antibiotics. It is our Under general anesthesia, the baby is placed in
impression that the use of antibiotics does not lithotomy position or in prone position, and an
change the natural history of this condition, and anal speculum can be used. A wire or a lacrimal
therefore they are unnecessary. We have never duct probe is passed through the orifice in the skin
seen, heard, or read about sepsis, expanding cel- and finds a path toward one of the crypts of the
lulitis, or more serious problems consecutive to a anorectal junction. This tract is dilated slightly,
perianal abscess and fistula in babies. This is and then all the tissue, including the mucosa,
completely different to the experience seen in bowel wall, and perianal skin, is divided to leave
adults and must always be kept in mind. the tract of the fistula wide open. The wound is
In babies, we have never seen other, more left open to granulate, which scares the parents
complicated type of fistulas referred to in the and bothers the baby. When the pectinate line is
adult colorectal literature [2, 3]. It is extremely exposed with the anorectal speculum, another
unusual for us, pediatric surgeons, to see perianal way to find the crypt that is connected with the
abscess and fistula in patients older than 1 year, fistula tract and to avoid the creation of false tracts
and when we see something like that, we are obli- with the lacrimal duct probe is by injecting air
gated to rule out unusual conditions such as through the orifice in the skin and seeing bubbles
inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease). coming out through the specific crypt that is
490 27 Miscellaneous Conditions

responsible for this abscess. We had experience some cases could be congenital and others could
with this operation in the past, and our results be acquired [60–62]. As a consequence of this
were similar to those mentioned in the literature. controversy, we started looking at our cases with
Our first publication related with the conser- a different suspicion in mind. We recently had
vative approach for the management of this con- two little female infants suffering from a fistula
dition [11] was published in 2000. Yet, many between the vestibule of the genitalia and a crypt
publications related to the surgical treatment of of the pectinate line of the anal canal. We sus-
this condition indicate that the majority of sur- pected that these babies could be suffering from
geons continue using an aggressive approach for an acquired perianal fistula, like the one that we
the treatment of this self-limited condition. We discussed in male infants. Consistent with our
learned that we surgeons, in general, do not like conservative approach that we advocate for male
presentations and publications advocating non- infants, we offered the same approach to the par-
operative treatments. ents, and to our surprise, the fistulas closed spon-
taneously after a few months of observation.
We now believe that both types (congenital and
27.2 Part II: Perianal Fistula acquired) may occur in females babies. This con-
and Rectovestibular Fistula dition is particularly common in Asiatic countries;
with Normal Anus in Females therefore, our experience is a modest one [37].
Some of the cases described in the literature are
Perianal fistula in baby girls is extremely rare. obviously congenital. The reason why we believe
However, we decided to discuss this entity that is because the patients have associated malfor-
together with a condition that received different mations, frequently seen in ARM. In addition,
names, including: some of these patients have anal stenosis, presacral
• N type of fistula mass, or anterior mislocation of the anus. The con-
• Double termination of the intestinal tract genital fistula has a wide tract with no inflamma-
• Perineal canal tory changes, and the histologic study of the inside
• Congenital H-type vestibular fistula lying shows bowel mucosa. The acquired type is
• Rectovestibular fistula with normal anus more narrow, like the ones seen in males.
We were very surprised to find similarities In summary, our current therapeutic approach
between the condition that received five different consists in selecting the patients. A conservative
names in the literature and the acquired perianal approach (observation) is offered to infants
fistula. (younger than 1 year), with a fistula behaving in the
We previously published our experience with way described in males, without any of the malfor-
the surgical treatment of the “H type of rectoves- mations frequently associated to other ARM.
tibular fistula” [37]. Like most authors [38–55], We try to simply observe the patient until the
we thought that all cases suffering from this con- age of 18 months; if the fistula remains open, we
dition were congenital. repair it surgically.
Subsequently, we had the opportunity to read On the other hand we will offer a surgical
some papers in which the authors believed that repair to a case that is older than 1 year, has a
this was an acquired condition [56, 57]! One of large fistula, has an evidence of being present
these reports [57] presents an overwhelming since birth, has a strictured or mislocated anus,
experience in favor of the idea that this is an and has an abnormal sacrum or urogenital mal-
acquired condition. From a series of 182 cases, formations frequently associated with ARM.
85 % of the cases had a history of a local inflam-
mation prior to the diagnosis of the fistula. Other
surgeons, even when they think that this is a con- 27.2.1 Surgical Treatment
genital malformation, reported some spontane-
ous closures of the fistula [58], or they mentioned Most patients come to us with a colostomy done
the occurrence of local abscesses prior to the at another institution. If the patient does not
diagnosis [59]. Finally, some authors believe that have a colostomy, we repair the defect without
27.2 Part II: Perianal Fistula and Rectovestibular Fistula with Normal Anus in Females 491

it, but with a strict bowel preparation and fasting silk stitches are placed taking the anterior rectal
for a period of 7–10 days, receiving parenteral wall in order to apply uniform traction (Fig. 27.3c).
nutrition. The anterior rectal wall is dissected away from the
The patient is placed in prone position. A lac- vaginal wall (Fig. 27.3d). The rectal wall is mobi-
rimal probe is passed through the fistula lized enough to reach the perineum comfortably
(Fig. 27.3a – a, b). The perineal body is divided (Fig. 27.3e). The perineal body is reconstructed
between the vestibular opening of the fistula and (Fig. 27.3f). The anterior rectal wall is sutured to
the opening in the anal canal (Fig. 27.3b). The the perineal skin (Fig. 27.3g). Figure 27.3h shows
mucosa of the fistula is resected, and multiple fine the aspect of the operated area.

a Aa Ab

b c

Fig. 27.3 Surgical repair of an H type of fistula in a Resected fistula tract. Multiple stitches placed on the ante-
female patient. (a) Fistula located in the vestibule. (a) rior rectal wall to apply uniform traction. (d) Anterior rec-
Preoperative. Arrow showing the fistula. (b) Intraoperative, tal wall is mobilized dissected away from the vaginal wall.
with lacrimal probe coming out through the rectum. (e) Anterior rectal wall fully mobilized. (f) The perineal
Lacrimal probe passing through the fistula. (b) Divide all body is reconstructed. (g) The anterior rectal wall is
tissue of the perineal body. Fistula tract exposed. (c) sutured to the perianal skin. (h) Finished procedure
492 27 Miscellaneous Conditions

d e

f g

Fig. 27.3 (continued)

27.3 Part III: Other Conditions 493

27.3 Part III: Other Conditions rhoids that we have seen is minimal and frequently
related again with constipation. We never saw a
27.3.1 Anal Fissure thrombosis or a bleeding hemorrhoid in pediatrics.
We read in the very old literature the uncommon
Anal fissure is a benign condition that we see in event of an obstruction of the portal system that may
pediatric patients suffering from severe constipa- provoke as a symptom, the presence of hemor-
tion. The accumulation of stool in the rectum rhoids. We have never seen anything like that.
produces a very large solid mass of fecal matter
that eventually comes out, producing a laceration
in the anal verge. While the laceration starts heal- 27.3.3 Idiopathic Rectal Prolapse
ing, another big mass of stool passes again one or
several days after, reopening the wound, and this Idiopathic rectal prolapse is a serious problem
cycle continues, creating a chronic ulcer in the and is very difficult to treat. The main problem
anus with severe pain, fear to defecate, and consists in the fact that we do not know the origin
attempts of the patient to hold the stool, which of that condition. We try not to operate on patients
will exacerbate the problem of constipation. (See with idiopathic prolapse because we believe that
chapter on idiopathic constipation.) the prolapse is a symptom and not a disease. It is
The literature on anal fissure in adults indicates a symptom of a more serious condition, whose
that most likely it is a completely different condition nature is unknown to us. We see these patients
than the one that we see in pediatrics. In adults, they referred to us by pediatricians and gastroenterol-
consider that it is related with the non-relaxing ogists, and we try to postpone the operation and
internal sphincter, and they advocate as a treatment rule out predisposing conditions such as consti-
dividing the internal sphincter or the injection of pation, cystic fibrosis, inflammatory bowel dis-
Botox in order to facilitate the healing of the ulcer. ease, parasites, and food allergy. We know that an
We cannot understand the relationship of the inflammatory condition of the colon as well as
contraction of the internal sphincter with the pres- constipation may exacerbate the idiopathic pro-
ence of a fissure. In the pediatric population, all the lapse. Frequent trips to the toilet and spending
patients that we have seen heal as soon as the vicious long periods of time sitting in the toilet also exac-
cycle already described is discontinued. In other erbate an existing prolapse. We try to rule out all
words, the treatment for anal fissures in children is those predisposing conditions, and if the prolapse
the same as the treatment for constipation. In order continues, we discuss with the family the possi-
for the wound (fissure) to heal, it is necessary to bility of an operation. We explained that it is a
avoid the passing of large pieces of solid fecal mat- symptom and not a disease, and therefore we
ter, and it may take weeks for the fissure to heal. cannot guarantee that it will not recur. We cannot
Also, in order for the baby to forget about the pain- cure a disease that is unknown to us. We went
ful experience of the bowel movements, it will take through different procedures through these last
several weeks or months. Therefore, the essential 30 years. We had original experience with “cer-
component of the treatment is the parent’s as well as clage,” followed by perirectal injection of irritant
pediatricians’ about what we are trying to achieve. substances and a posterior sagittal approach to
The fissure is a consequence of constipation, and suture the posterior rectal wall to the cartilage of
the treatment is the treatment of constipation. the coccyx and sacrum. All of those procedures
In all the patients that we treated in this way, have some degree of success, but we were not
the fissure healed, and the patients significantly universally successful. Lately, we have been
improve. doing a transanal resection of the prolapse, being
sure to respect and protect the anal canal
(Fig. 27.4a–g). In other words, we resect part of
27.3.2 Hemorrhoids the rectum, at least 2 cm above the anal canal,
and resect as much rectum as we estimate that
In 30 years, we have never done a hemorrhoidec- was prolapsing. We do not have any recurrences
tomy in a pediatric patient. The type of hemor- with that kind of treatment. However, some of the
494 27 Miscellaneous Conditions

a b

c d

Fig. 27.4 Transanal resection of idiopathic rectal pro- the upper rectum. (e) Full-thickness rectal circumferential
lapse. (a) Exposed anal canal. (b) Retracting hooks placed dissection. (f) Estimated prolapsing portion of the rectum
deeper than the pectinate line (only rectal mucosa is mobilized. Two-layer anastomosis started. (g) Rectum
exposed). (c) Initial resection margin, marked 2 cm. resected. Finished anastomosis
Above pectinate line. (d) Multiple silk sutures pulling up
27.3 Part III: Other Conditions 495

e f

Fig. 27.4 (continued)

496 27 Miscellaneous Conditions

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