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MocChau, is Mmy beautiful hometown.

It is located in the northwest, It iswas surrounded

by mountains, meadows and trees, It is knownknows for the second Dalat with cool weather and
fresh air.

This is a place, where people can visit with cars, bus or motorbikes. If you want to travel
with motorbike you can breathebreath fresh air anywhereany where but it is too cold in the
winter,. If you want warmer weather.  let’s go this with cars get there by car or bus, All of them y
You will be surprise about this space, It is full of green color., You can see the large east (???)
grass, beautiful meadows, big mountains, dairy cows, tea field and some special places like a
biglike big heart tea field, dairy farmmc, ‘BAN ANG’ pine forest.

People in there are veryis very friendly, kind and gentle. They alway welcome you to visit
theirthere hometown, ready to invite you to drink tea or milk, which was make on there made by
their family, and they will definitely help you if you are lostlose or something wrong happens to
you. And you definitely won’t see the traffic jam.

I really want to live in It  Moc Chau or just return to my hometown  to visit my family,
relax, and hang out with my friends whenever I have time because of thewith this weather, and
people in this town. It is the best place to live of for  Me  

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