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Meccanica 31: 19%206,1996.

@ 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Eulerian Versus Lagrangian Variational

Principles in Stochastic Mechanics
’ Universit& di Siena, Dipartimento di Matematica, Ha de1 Capitano 1.5; 53100 Siena, Italy
’ Universit& di Verona, Facolta di Scienze, Strada L.e Grazie; 37100 Verona, Italy

(Received: 20 April 1995; acceptedin final form: 6 September 1995)

Abstract. The Eulerian formalism versusthe Lagrangian one is investigatedwithin the framework of the variational
principles in stochasticmechanics.Some suitable constraintsare introduced in order to obtain rotational solutions
to Nelson’s equations.An enlarged Eulerian variational principle is proposedin order to cover the dissipative case
described by general rotational equations.

Sommario. 11formalismo Euleriano, in contrapposizione a quell0 Lagrangiano, viene trattato nell’ambito dei
principi variazionali in meccanicastocastica.Opportuni vincoli sono introdotti allo scope di ottenere soluzioni
rotazionali delle equazioni di Nelson. Viene inoltre proposta una estensionede1principio variazionale Euleriano
per ricoprire il casedissipativo descritto da equazioni rotazionali generali.
Key words: Variational principles, Hydrodynamics, Stochasticmechanics,Continuum Mechanics

1. Introduction
As is well known, variational techniques, tracing back to the original works by Euler and
Lagrange, have been widely employed in classical dynamics and its extension to continuum
mechanics [ 11. These are not only an alternative formulation of the Newtonian laws of
motion but allow us to include in the theory invariance properties proper to the system under
investigation automatically.
In continuum mechanics, in particular, the equations of motion can be derived from a
variational principle, involving the stationarity of a properly defined action functional [ 11, [2].
Actually two approaches can be employed: the Lagrangian one, which is more closely related
to classical mechanics, the similarity with a discrete system of particles being preserved,
and the Eulerian one, that, missing this similarity, is less intuitive but is largely used as a
convenient mathematical device.
For example, in the case of classical nondissipative hydrodynamics, the Lagrangian descrip-
tion selects a particular fluid particle, following it during its motion, and all fields are con-
sidered as functions of time and the label of the particle. On the other hand, in the Eulerian
approach, the fluid is described by the velocity field and thermodynamic quantities, such as
the density and the pressure, the equation of motion being supplemented by the equation of
state. This second approach is a typical classical field theory, in which the observables are
given as a function of space and time, but in order to derive the correct equations of motion a
few mathematical difficulties must be overcome.
The main point is that even if the set of equations in the form originally given may not
follow from a variational principle, an equivalent system (obtained by transformations and
196 Maria I. hffredo and Stefania Ugolini

different representationsof the variables)may be found which doesfollow from a variational

Indeed,restrictionson the variationsarenecessary,in orderto obtainnontrivial solutions;
so, the usual variational principle must be manipulatedby the introduction of Lagrangian
multipliers associatedwith side conditions, suchas conservationlaws of mass and entropy.
For example,the Euler equationfor ideal hydrodynamicscanbe derivedin both descriptions,
with the differencethat in the Lagrangianpicture rotationalflows canalso be obtained,while
in the Eulerian picture rotational flows are associatedonly with gradientsof entropy. So
rotational isoentropicflows are not admitted.
Lin [3] has been the first to point out the necessityof imposing a further constraint on
the Eulerian form of the variational principle, to solve this problem. Indeedhis suggestion
concernedthe introduction of label conservationasa further side condition, asa consequence
of the fact that fluid particles aredistinguishable,dueto their different initial positions.
In real fluids exhibiting energydissipation(on accountof thermalconductionor viscosity),
as in all systemsexhibiting dissipation,the appropriatevariational principle, when possible,
takesa form which is suitedto and dependentupon the particular mechanismof dissipation.
Thus variational principles for dissipativesystemsarein a sensemerely reformulationsof the
equationsof motion. Theseprinciples do, however,provide methodsfor handling constraints
which one might find difficult to incorporatein the original equations.
In this paperwe areconcernedwith the generalizationof theseconceptsin the framework
of stochasticmechanics.As is well known, this theory was introducedsomeyearsago as an
alternativeapproachto quantizationof classicaldynamical systemsbasedon purely classical
conceptsrelated to the theory of stochasticdifferential equations.For an introduction to
An extension of the variational principles to the case where the smooth deterministic
trajectoriesof classical mechanicsare replacedby the very irregular trajectoriesof random
diffusions in the configurationspaceis alsopossibleandis thesubjectof the socalledstochastic
variational principles. The main point is to properly definethe action andits variations.
Actually, asin continuummechanics,two different approachesto the variationalprinciples
canbeused:the Eulerianapproach,whereemphasisis put on vectorfields, andtheLagrangian
one,where,in contrast,the action is seenas a functional on the paths.
The Eulerian approach,as formulated in [7] and [g], gives, for the critical processes,
only irrotational drift fields, as in the usual correspondencebetweenstochasticmechanics
and quantum mechanics,while the Lagrangianapproach,by properly defining the class of
admissiblevariations anddue to the measurabilitypropertiesof the variations,allows for the
existenceof rotationalsolutions[9]-[ 121.As aconsequence, this peculiarLagrangianapproach
givestheexistenceof critical diffusions moregeneralthanthoseassociatedwith quantumstates
through Nelson’s stochasticmechanics.Moreover it gives, asa consequenceof the particular
path-wise calculus of variations, dynamical equationscontaining dissipative terms related
to the rotationality of the velocity field. In [lo], [13] the stability propertiesof rotational
solutionsto thesedynamicalequationshavebeensuccessfullyinvestigatedin connectionwith
the description of the quantumcoherentstateof liquid helium at zero temperature.Finally,
the consistencyof the Lagrangianschemewith the usual quantizationprocedureshas been
proved for the two-dimensional Gaussiansolutionsboth from the dynamical [14] and from
the probabilistic [ 151point of view.
The organizationof the paperis as follows. Firstly we show how it is possible,within the
Eulerian approach,by introducing properLagrangianmultipliers in the formalism, to first of
Eulerian Versus Lugrangian Variational Principles in Stochastic Mechanics 197
all obtain it-rotationaland later rotational solutionsto Nelson’s equations.Secondly,by using
the energy equationas a side condition, we properly definethe dissipation function in order
to obtain, through a variational principle, the dissipative equationsas found in [9], [lo]. A
comparison with the case of continuum mechanicsand the reformulation of the theory in
terms of conservationlaws are also given. Conclusionsandoutlook completethe paper.

2. Stochastic Variational Principles

The basic kinematic assumptionof stochasticmechanicsis that the position q(i) of a quantum
particle of massm performsadiffusion processwith coefficienth/m.This meansthat,denoting
by u(i) the velocity of the particle, the classicalkinematic relation

becomesthe stochasticdifferential equation

wherew+ is a drift field, to bedeterminedfrom externalforcesanddynamical constraints,w(t)

is a standardWiener processwith the Brownian term (h/m)+ dw(i) representinga random
contribution to the infinitesimal displacementof the particle that models the effect of the
quantum fluctuations.
As in the classical case,dynamics can be introducedin different ways: either by meansof
a generalizationof Newton’s secondlaw, as was originally introducedby Nelson [4], [5], or
by exploiting variational principles [7], [9], [lo].
Indeed, given a potential Qexton the configuration space,the condition that a diffusion,
as in Equation (2), describesa possible time evolution of the system is that the stochastic
Newton’s equationis satisfied:

where D and D* are the mean forward andbackwardtime derivatives respectively,the left
side being called the stochasticaccelerationof q(i).
Nelson [4], [5] put this equationat the basis of stochasticmechanicsand showedthat the
Schrodingerequation arosenaturally in a method for reducing the secondorder stochastic
differential equationin (3) to a first orderstochasticdifferential equationunderthe assumption
that the drift field U+ is a gradientvector field.
As is well known, in classical mechanics,for a dynamical system described by the

the action integral, for the time interval [t=, Q,],is given by

and the dynamical evolution is given by the stationarityof the action.

198 Maria I. L.uffredo and Stefania Ugolini

In stochastic mechanics the previous expression makes no sense, due to the non differentia-
bility of the paths. Neverthless it is possible to define an analogous expression by introducing
an equipartition {ti}i=l,,..~ of the time interval [&, &] and defining the following expected
discretized classical action

where A = (tb -&)/IV, A+q(ti) = q(ti+l) - q(ti) and & denotes the integration with respect
to the Wiener measure.
After exploiting the right estimates of the previous expression and the continuum limit, the
following proper action is obtained [7], [8]

A(ta, i$,; q) = lI* dt /(imu+ . w- - aext)P(x, t) d3x

up to singular terms which do not depend on the particular diffusion and disappear in the
calculus of variation. Here p is the probability density of q(t) and L is the backward drift
field defined by

The action in Equation (4), within the Eulerian approach, is considered as a functional of
the drift field and the variational principle can be formulated by asking its stationarity, for
every interval [&, &], with respect to variations of the drift itself, provided &) and p(tb) are
held fixed during the variations. This means that the original process and the varied one are
equally distributed at initial and final times. This is a direct analogue of Hamilton’s principle
of least action in deterministic mechanics.
As a consequence of the variation of the expected action, as evaluated in [7] (see also [8]),
forcing the continuity equation to be valid also for all the varied processes, it is possible to
obtain the following stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi condition for the current velocity v
u+ + ,u-
mu = VS, V=
with the function 5 satisfying the Hamilton-Jacobi-Madelung equation

As is well known, Equation (6) together with the continuity equation

&p + v * (p) = cl (71

describe the so called Madelung’s fluid which is at the basis of the hydrodynamical picture of
quantum mechanics. They can be reduced to the SchrGdinger equation in the potential Qext

provided the wavefunction V! and the fields (p, S) are connected through the following ansatz
Etderian VersusLagrangiu~ Variationul Principles in StochasticMechanics 199
As a consequence,the stochasticvariationalprinciple, in the Eulerianapproach,selectscritical
processesassociatedwith quantum states,which are characterizedby irrotational velocity
fields. Indeed Equation (6) can be shownto be equivalentto the stochasticNewton equation
The problem of also consideringrotational motions doesnot seemto be of any interestin
stochasticmechanics,sincethe fluid-dynamical versionof the Schredingerequationdescribes
the evolution of an irrotational flow and,in the Eulerianpicture, asshownbefore,Madelung’s
fluid equationsarerecoveredwithout any additional constraint.
On the contrary,in theLagrangianapproach,the irrotationality of the currentvelocity must
be explicitly assumed,in order to obtain the orthodoxquantum solutions. Moreover in this
approachnew rotational solutions can be obtained,leading to new (quantum)equationsof
The startingpoint is alwaysthe actionasin Equation(4), but, this time, the main emphasis
is put directly on the variations CQof the process.More precisely,the drift field is determined
by the requirementthat the averageof the action over all possiblesamplepathsbe stationary
for a given class of admissible variations. See [9], [lo] for details. As a consequencethe
equation for the velocity current which is possible to derive from the principle, with well
suited boundaryconditions,is

where u is a shorthandnotationfor the so-calledosmotic velocity u = (&) V logp.

The subclassof solutionswith theadditional irrotationality constraintfor the velocity field,
VA u = 0, correspondsto thesolutionsof Madelung’sfluid equations.But with no restrictions
on the velocity field, the dynamical equationsgive more generalsolutions,dueto thepresence
of a new quantumcorrectiveterm dependingon the vorticity of the currentvelocity v. This is
a consequenceof the breakingof the time reversalinvariance,due to the particularchoice of
the variations usedin the Lagrangianapproach[9], [lo].
In the classical limit such equationsdo not reducethemselvesto the Hamilton-Jacobi
equationsbut to the more generalEuler equations,where rotational velocity fields are also
allowed. Thesesolutions are,of course,different from thoseassociatedwith the Schrodinger
Moreover, as shown in [lo], by using a variational techniqueand the gauge structure
of Equations (lo), it is possible to prove an energy theoremfor the time derivative of the
expectationof the stochasticenergy,definedby:
Jqq(t),t) G ;m (?I2+ u2) + aext,
inzu2 being the osmotic kinetic contributionto the total energy.
We recall herejust the main result, in the caseof time-independentexternalpotential (see
[ 101for details):

-& {E(dt), t)} = -mf {v . [u A (V A v) t &V A (V A v)] }

or, in the particular caseof density p vanishingat the boundary,

-$E{E(*(t),t)}= -;f {(V ATJ)2}.

200 Maria 1 LofLredoand Siefania Ugolini
Physically, in quantummechanics,the latter is the caseof a particle in the free spaceor in the
presenceof perfectly smooth andreflecting boundaries.
As aconsequence[lo], any solution,with a genericvelocity field, relaxestowardsa solution
with an irrotational velocity field associatedwith a quantumstate.In this sense,the orthodox
quantum states,solutions of Schrodingerequation,with irrotational velocity fields, are the
only stablestates,eachof them acting asa kind of attractorfor a family of rotationalsolutions
of Equations(10); relatedresultson the asymptotic stability of the orthodox quantum states
with respectto dissipativeperturbationscan be found in [14]. Moreover,the phenomenology
of rotating helium, which hasbeeninvestigatedwithin the stochasticmodel as in [13], [16],
strongly suggeststhat ‘rotational’ quantummechanicscould havephysical meaning.
As shownbefore,the irrotationality condition for the velocity field seemsto play a crucial
rdle in selecting quantum solutions in stochastic variational principles. In what follows,
working within the Eulerian approach,we define an enlargedvariational principle, with the
introduction of properLagrangianmultipliers, selectingsolutionsto the stochasticNewton’s
equationwith different rotationality properties.

3. Constrained Variational Principle

Let us start with the action functional as in Equation (4), which can alsobe written as

with the samedefinitions of (p, U, w) as in the previoussection.

As discussedbefore,the Hamilton-Jacobi-Madelung equationis obtainedthrougha vari-
ational principle which keepsthe continuity equation (7) valid during the variations. As a
consequencethe irrotationality condition TJ= VS/m is directly producedby the principle.
Here we show that the irrotationality propertiesof the velocity field u can be selected
through the introduction of properLagrangianmultiphers associatedwith conservationlaws.
First of all let usintroducethecontinuity equationasa sidecondition in theactionfunctional
(12), so that it becomes

and let the usual variational procedurework. Now there are no more conditions on the
variationsof the vector fields excepttheir being zeroat the boundaryandat the times (&, &).
This allows us to useintegrationsby partswith no residualboundaryterms.
As a consequenceof theconstrainedvariationalprinciple, variationswith respectto A keep
the continuity equationalways valid, while variations with respectto the velocity current w
w=-, wherever p # 0
and variationswith respectto the density field p give
Eulerian Versus Lagrangian kriational Principles in Stochustic Mechunics 201
Taking into accountthat

(v.V)k Pq

Equation (14) is equivalentto the Hamilton-Jacobi-Madelung Equation (6).

Thereforethe constrainedvariationalprinciple with Lagrangianmultiplier associatedwith
the continuity equationgives the usual hydrodynamicalpicture of quantum mechanicswith
the irrotational velocity field, the function A becomingthe phaseof the wave function.
Moreover, the Lagrangiandensity in Equation (12) is equivalent,as regardsthe calculus
of variations,to the function

L(x, t) = ($m (v2 - u2) - fbext - g) p(x, t)

with $$$z g + (v. V)A = $$ + F.

It is easyto show that L( X, t) is the sameLagrangiandensity we can obtain from quantum
mechanics,after the ansatz!l~= &exp(A/fi) hasbeenused,

Therefore,having introduceda Lagrangianmultiplier associatedwith the continuity equation,

the variational principle typical of quantummechanicsfor the SchrGdingerfield [17], [18] is
Let us now supposethat CX(X,t) is the densityof a conservedquantity.This meansthat

or, by using the continuity equation,

Let us introducethis equationasa furthersideconditionin thepreviousconstrainedvariational

principle. In this casethe action functional can be written as

J Ji
~A’+a,h; q) = TV cu [irn (v2 - u2) - 4jext]p + A [g + V . (pv)]

202 Maria I. L.&redo and Stefania UgoZini

Of course, the variations with respectto A and /J assurethe validity of the continuity
equationandEquation (3) respectively.Moreoverthe variationswith respectto TVgive
VA vp
w=--+a-, wherever p # 0
m m
while thosewith respectto p give

andthosewith respectto Q give

As a consequencep is also a conservedquantity.

putting togetherall the previous equationsand taking the gradientof both sidesof (??),
after dividing by the massm, the following hydrodynamicalequation,for a genericvelocity
field with V A w # 0, is obtained


Therefore,being mV A TI= VCYAVp, theintersectionof thesurfacesCY= constandp = const

gives the equationfor the vortex lines which, due to the conservationlaws for CYand p, are
kept constantduring the dynamical evolution. This is a naturalconsequenceof the fact that
thereis no dissipationandthe vorticity is expectedto be conserved.
As a consequencethe enlargedconstrainedvariational principle relatedto the action AAfi
reproducesthe hydrodynamicalpicture of quantum mechanics,but with the differencethat
now the velocity field is no longer irrotational. Thesesolutionshavebeenthe subject,in the
literature, of the so-called ‘rotational quantum mechanics’ [19]-[21] and its classical limit
correspondsto the Euler equationwith rotational velocity fields which is the same limit as
that obtainedfrom Equation (10).
Due to the rotationality of the velocity field, it is no longer possibleto obtain, throughthe
ansatzin Equation (9), the Schrodingerequation.Neverthless,it is possibleto operatewith a
similar changeof variables,as in [lo], and show the equivalenceof Equations(17) with the

where ,!?ais a scalarfield satisfying the equation

&So+ lmu2
- !C v2fi + iDext= 0.
zm fi
Eulerian krsus hgrangian MzriationalPrinciples in StochasticMechanics 203
In this way we obtain a Schrodingerequation in a ‘magnetic potential’ coupled to the
nonlinear evolution equationfor this potential.From this equationit is also possibleto obtain
the equationfor the vorticity field w = V A u = -V A Ao, that is

- w(V
or, by using the continuity equation,

g(F) = (;.v)v
which again gives, in particular,the conservationof the initial vorticity. Due to the fact that
no physical particle correspondsto the current velocity v, and contrary to what happensin
nondissipative hydrodynamics,this conservationlaw, of course,has nothing to do with the
conservationof the identity of the particles.
In conclusion,the introductionof a properconstraintin the Eulerian stochasticvariational
principle allows us to enlargethe class of solutions,which are no longer restrictedto being
ii-rotational, but with the evolution equations essentially of the same structure as in the
irrotational case.
As shown in the next section,in order to reproduce,within the Eulerian approach,the
complete rotational equationas in Equation (lo), for which, due to the dissipative terms, Q
andp, will no longerbe conservedquantities,it will benecessaryto definea properdissipation
function and build up a well suitedvariational principle.

4. Dissipative Variational Principle

In this sectionwe want to investigatethe possibility of defining,within the Eulerian approach,
a proper variational principle in orderto obtain the generalrotationalEquations(10). Due to
the presenceof dissipative terms, it is not possible, as it is not possible for the dissipative
classicalhydrodynamics[22], [23], to deduceit throughthe Hamilton principle, in its standard
formulation. Indeed, in thesecases,the appropriatevariational principle must take a form
which is dependentupon the particular mechanismof dissipation.So we can try to define a
properdissipationfunction @d&suchthatthe derivativeof the total energyplus thedissipative
function arestationarywith respectto the variationsof the velocity field, that is

The correctform of the dissipationterm is suggestedby thepreviousformulation of theenergy

First of all, let us introducethe following conciserepresentationfor the rotationalterms in
Equation (10):

where v G & and Q is the antisymmetric tensor

204 Maria I, Loflredo and Stefania Ugolini
Let us now definethe dissipationfunction asin

with expectationgiven by

As a consequence,in the particular caseof the ideal boundaryfor which Equation (11) is
valid, the quantity in squarebracketsinsideEquation(20) is zero.Here we do not want to use
any particular boundarycondition but just keep the fields fixed at the boundary,so that these
terms disappearin the evaluationof variations.
In particularas regardsthe calculusof variation of the expectationof ad& with respectto
vi, we needto evaluate

which is the term multiplying 6(&vi) in the integral. As a consequence,after exploiting an

integrationby parts,keepingthe velocitieson theboundaryfixed during the variations,sothat
the boundaryterms involving 6vi are zero,we finally obtain

Let us now evaluatethe variation with respectto vi of the expectationof the total energy.We
have, up to the boundaryterms which do not contributeto the variations,


But, by using the continuity equation,we obtain,for any v,

that is
Eulerian krsus Lugrangian kriational Principles in Stochastic Mechanics 205

As a consequence

Finally, for the time derivative of the expectationof the total energywe have

As a consequence,the equationsof motion for the currentvelocity, with rotational terms,

can be obtainedthroughthe following variationalprinciple

where,during the variation the ‘generalized’acceleration,that is the derivative of w along the

flow, is kept fixed. The variational principle would be readas:
the quantity [{rate of changeof kinetic energy} - {rate of working of the mechanicalforces}
+ {dissipation function}]
is stationary with respectto the velocities producing the change,the rates of changeof the
velocities of the systembeing kept fixed during the variation.
This result is just a reformulation of the equationsof motion, but it allows us, through a
properdefinition of the kinetic term andthe dissipationfunction, to obtain ‘rotationalquantum
mechanics’ by using a very generalstationaryprinciple definedin continuum mechanicsfor
dissipative systems.

5. Concluding Remarks
In the previous section we have seenthat it is possibleto reformulatethe generalrotational
equationsof motion (10) in the framework of a generaldissipative variational principle.
Moreover, let us note that theseequationscanbe written in conservativeform. Indeed,taking
into account the definition of the antysymmetrictensor0 as in the dissipation function and
defining the currentdensity j = pv andthe symmetric tensor

the equationsfor the fields (p, j) can be written in the form


This form seemsto be the more suitableone in connectionwith possibleextensionsto the
relativistic casewithin the framework of stochasticfield theory [8], [24], [25].
206 Maria I. Loffredo and Stefania Ugolini

As a final remark, let us note that the presence of rotational terms in Equations (lo),
or equivalently (22), seems to be useful in the comprehension of the so called dissipative
quantum mechanics, in connection with the problem of the existence of a subquantum medium
as in [26], [27]. Work on both these two aspects of the theory is in progress.

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