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Julian Reyes

4. AB

1. Just about 30,000 children may be helped with "free lunch" program.

2. All of the individuals in class studied with everything they had. The result was a huge raise in
test scores.

3. If you use low-cost paper and reduce ink, the quality of your printer documents will suffer.
This state, can be avoided by changing to high quality goods.

4. The weather forecast says it will be mostly windy and damp over the next one or two days.
Plus a very hard typhoon is expected to destroyed the coast next Wednesday.

5. A science teach trapped two high school students smoking outside the school cafeteria. This
act forced the principle to take them out for overstep the school's no smoking rule.

6. The engineer must decided how much dynamite to use depending the kind of material to be
removed from the tunnel.

7. Skateboarding is a entertaining way to exercise, meet people and look fresh. It is a popular
sport with about 10 million skaters global. Based on this data, skateboard companies work hard
to expand new product for this large group of customers.

Cellular phone usage has blow up over the past years and continues to go up. Today there are
above one billion phone users global. discussion has arisen over whether cell phone usage can
damage a person's health. Brain tumour in the united states have went up since cell phone were
introduced, leading some people to wonder if cell phone usage is the cause for the boost.

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