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A ies atscorzreim Fost mntuipiegtc'so Colegiul | Psthologilor Sr Saat. 78, Ginga conmagaget ee dino, een won Sonam ANEXA din 18.02.2019 le AVIZUL PROFESIONAL Nr. RF-IILOT-29 din 26.08.2007/20,04,2010 mn cenformitate cu cispozitile art. 45 si 2 alin. 1 din Normele metodologice de aplicare a Legit nr. 213/2004, aprobate prin H.G. nr. 788/2005, Ja propunerea COMISIEI DE PSIHOLOGIE CLINICA $1 PSIHOTERAPIE COMITETUL DIRECTOR hotéraste: avzarea profesionala a formel de pregatire: ASOCIATIA ROMANA DE PSIHOTERAPIE INTEGRATIVA cu sediul fiscal in Craiova, str. Romania Muncitoare, nr. 30, pentru desfégurarea Uurmatoarelor activitati de formare a psiholagilor cu drept de liberd practicé: 1. Formare profesion: -omplementar 1, "Psihoterapie integrativa” - Reacreditare 2. Prezentul aviz profesional este valabil numai cu respectarea conditlor de funclionare prevazute de lege si de actele normative ale institute! emitente, aden fc 810220/200 Cont banca: ROBLTEREOOUECO721927_ een Bank SA Agen rncoeans The European Association for Psychotherapy Association Européenne de Psychothérapic Buroplischer Verband far Psychotherapie To ARPL Asociatia Romana de Prihoterapie Se ean Louis Calderon Nr. 59, App 16 Bucuresti Sect. 2 Romania Vienna, February 29, 2016 EAP organisational membership Dea colleagues, ‘We are pleased to welcome the ARPI -Asociatia Romana de Psiboterapie Integrativa)” sa full member of the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP) and look forward to a {ruitul cooperation, ‘Your membership aumber is 408.724. Corresponding 10 the results ofthe General Assembly 2016 in Vienna (Austria) the anaual membership fee 2015/16 for organisations i Fur 2.0 per member (min. Euro 925,00). The ‘dina fe fr new members is Euro 280,00, The membership year ros fom Jy. 110 Jane, 30 and the financial yer rans from May. 1 to Api, 30. Any member can ~ according 19 the statutes — withdraw from the EAP at any time without mentioning any reason. The membership cc has to be pail forthe runing business sear of the witha “Membership o the EAP gives you the ight to vote at the General Assembly and to get seduced conference rates for EAP/WCP congresses ee. there are any questions from your side, please do not hesitate to contact us atthe EAP head office in Vienna. Our office hours are Tuesday to Thursday from 9 am to 2 pen. Fh... EAP General Secretary ‘Payment pea free of charge tthe EAP? (hank account: Vlstank Os, Code 43610, soon no, 957 34 000 TBAN ATSH43000353573400 {BIC (SWIFT) VIOFATWW — Cre cai: VISA, Eurocard Masetcr, Diners Ch Inrationl ROMANIA Ministeral Muncil si Justitiel [> Ministerul Educatiel Nationale Sociale COMISIA DE AUTORIZARE a furnizorilor de formare profesionala din judetul Dolj AUTORIZATIE SERIA DIN 1699 ASOGIATIA ROMANA DE PSIOTERAPIE INTEGRATIVA Gnonetmcn aoa cu sesiul tn localitates .Grsova cr Romania Muncitoare i 90 oo Scere a ota Judsodor «Dol ‘2oas0762 Cod Unie 60 lregistae/Cod fiscal este autrizat, In conformiate 4 prevederie Ordonantei Guvernulé nr 128/2000, reputicata, 68 organizeze program! e specalizare pentru calicarealccuptiagroparea de competenye _consier pentru Gezvctare personal cod N.C/COR.... 242824... eu Nr de orne In Regitulnajona al furizonlor de formare profesional « aduljir 18%657126.082019 PRESEDINTE Comisia de autorizare ta decid ce asorzare 26082019 ‘Avodzapa cet alba «ei dela data cece stare

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