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Apreciados Padres y Estudiantes del curso 10b:

Es un gusto informarles que para este tercer trimestre estaremos desarrollando con
nuestros estudiantes las siguientes habilidades:

Conocimiento y comprensión: Knowledge and Comprehension: Recognizes implied

meaning and find relevant information and main points in a text.
Uses conventional Standard English and non-standard forms in specific contexts for
particular effects when

Análisis y aplicación: Analysis and Application: 

Understands and interprets information presented implicitly or explicitly in a given
passage. Applies accurately all the concepts learned throughout the term.

Síntesis y evaluación: Evaluation and Synthesis: 

Deduces and supports accurately all the concepts learned throughout the term.
Synthesises a wide range of punctuation, grammar and sentence features to convey
shades of meaning.

Comunicación y creación: Communication and Creation: 

Gives short presentations and answers questions, maintaining effective organization of
talk. Communicates clearly, accurately and appropriately using a range of grammatical
structures, connectors, vocabulary and clauses, in a clear manner in a range of contexts.

Los siguientes son los contenidos que durante este segundo trimestre estaremos
aprendiendo con nuestros estudiantes:

Travel &Tourism: Marketing and Promotion of Visitor Services. Operation, role and Function of
tourist boards and Information Centres, Provision of Tourist Products and Services, Basic Principles
of Marketing and Promotion, Marketing Mix, Leisure Travel Services, Business Travel Services .
Oral presentations; Socialization of the written assignments.
Frida Kahlo project: Listening: Movie. Speaking: Class discussion. Writing. Non fiction. Writing an
opinion piece about Frida Kahlo and feminism (language focus: functional language for giving
Writing Activity: Self-expression and how we present ourselves to the world.
Reading: Short stories and text excerpts. Reading comprehension questions. Authentic materials e.g.
Final exam: Mock IGCSE English and IGCSE Travel and Tourism examinations.

En cuanto a las evaluaciones que se aplicarán en el trimestre podrán ser consultadas en

Phidias en donde ya están determinadas todas las actividades que serán evaluadas en
este periodo académico. En tal caso de tener cualquier inquietud, no dude en
comunicarse conmigo a través de mi correo electrónico, estoy para servirles.

Lauren Nicola Higginson

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