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Side A: Yes Side B: No

I. Partners Prepare
a. Find evidence to support your side of the argument. Craft Position.

II. Position Presentation

a. Side A presents their position using supporting evidence from the texts
b. Side B restates Side A’s argument to A’s satisfaction. Side A must approve
that Side B understood their main points.
c. Side B presents their position using supporting evidence from the texts.
d. Side A restates Side B’s position to B’s satisfaction. Side B must approve that
Side B understood the main points.

III. Consensus-Building
a. Everyone drops the role they were assigned.
b. Build consensus regarding the conversation using supporting evidence. At
least clarify where the differences in arguments lie.
c. Consider the question: (based on the question/topic of lesson)
Question being debated:

Position A: Position B:
Evidence 1: Evidence 1:

Evidence 2: Evidence 2:

Evidence 3: Evidence 3:

Evidence 4: Evidence 4:

Evidence 5: Evidence 5:

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