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Nim : 1901065
Lecturer : Karlina Ramdiani S, S.S., M.HUM

Funcional expressions in clinical settings :

1. Reprimanding (Menegur)
- Please don’t smoke in the room
- Please dispose of the trash in the place provided
- Please turn off the water tap after use
- Please don’t hang clothes by the side of the bed
- Please if you want to vist, don’t be in groups

2. Complaining (Mengeluh)
- I’m very sorry I have to say this but, can you reprimand the family of patients who are in two
surgery so they are not noisy.
- Sorry i want to complain about the problem of air conditioning in room one
- Excuse me, but there’s problem with my bed
- It look like i have a complaint about the cleanliness of this room
- Excuse me, can my child’s bed sheet be replaced every

3. Praising (Memuji)
- You look very good today
- Congratulations sir, you can go home tomorrow
- Good today you take medicine regularly
- Very good today you follow all the doctor’s intructions
- Congratulations sir, because you can survive through this disease

4. Entertaining (Menghibur)
- I know how you feel today, you are calm. Give everything to Allah and doctors
- Be patient sir, hopefully your conditions will improve soon
- Calm down sir, we both pray that the results will improve
- Spirit sir, I hope the operation will run smoothly
- I hope you get well soon, so you can play with your grandchildren again

5. Apologizing (Meminta maaf)

- I apologize profusely for today’s incident
- I’m sorry i kept you waiting
- Sorry, I can help you
- I apologize for what happened last night for disturbing your peace
- Sorry for being too quick to explain

6. Disclaiming (Menyangkal)
- Sorry sir, it’s not my right to answer your question we wait for the doctor
- I do not accept that I have to amputate
- I really don’t mind if you want to take a walk in the garden by yourself
- Maybe my friend who delivered it to you
- I didn’t move your wife to room two
7. Requesting lecture (Meminta kuliah/Pembelajaran)
- Excuse me, can you teach me how to turn on the air conditioner
- Thank you sir, have taught me a lot about patience
- When you get home, don’t do too much activity first sir
- I got home to take the red medicine first, then the one yellow, then the white one sir
- Can teach me to use a stick

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