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1. What has been the most impacting event in the book so far? Why?

- The most shocking event of the book in these eight chapters, has been chapter five, because
Annie had realized that Ian and Misery could not have children, this made her angry to the point of
screaming at Paul and almost broke his head with a bucket of water that she finally threw at the
door, also, it was shocking that Paul would think of killing her if he only had a piece of broken glass
from the jug in his hand, he ends the chapter with Annie calming down but leaves and leaves Paul
without medicine and in a lot of pain.

2. How do you think the book will end? What evidence do you have to support this?

- I believe that the book will end with Paul's death, since Annie has a strange character and what
the first eight chapters show us is that although she loves him, she doesn't know how to control
his going and has been on the verge of killing him. Annie supports him with her medicines and
other things, but it is Paul who must fight for his life so he can leave that place alive and also from
Annie's hands.

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