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Juan and Diego were two inseparable friends, but very different from each other. Juan was
adventurous, outgoing but Diego was very shy and even being so different, they got along
great, because, in fact, they complemented each other. When Diego was afraid of a harmless
dog, Juan calmed him by saying that nothing was wrong. On the other hand, when Juan did not
see the danger and tried for example to climb a tree, his friend stopped him.

The trouble was that Diego's parents didn't let him do almost anything alone and that made
him even more insecure. He was already 12 years old and was very responsible, but he had
never been left alone at home. Diegono did it with bad intention, but he didn't have the habit.
One summer, Juan's parents invited Diego to spend a few days with them at the campsite they
always went to. His parents let him go, but not before giving him a lot of warnings.

AJuan and Diegol after the two weeks Diego spent with his friend Juan's family, his parents
went to pick him up and noticed him very changed, he had lost his fear of many things that
frightened him before. His parents, surprised, asked Juan's parents and the answer was clear:

- It was only necessary to give him some freedom and trust him more. He is a very responsible
child and is perfectly aware of the dangers.

From that moment he was able to go to school alone and little by little he began to do more
and more things for himself.

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