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2. Medlineplus(.

)gov references statistics, research, and how we can prevent teen violence as well as,
where we could possibly get professional help.

Uofmhealth(org) focuses more on how to see signs of teen violence, how we can teach children and
prevent them from being violent as well as how parents could help them.

C. “Lastly let us evaluate the 2 different sources used for our research, let us begin with
medlineplus(.)gov, we will be using this chart as a guide for us to answer whether the source is reliable
or not.”

“We will then encircle our answers whether it is yes or no, for the 1 st source
we have easily identified as to who or what group is responsible for the content of the site. The site is
also being maintained by a person/organization that is credible outside the internet. This site has also
been able to keep up with the current events, which even uses external links to other credible websites
which in turn even points them to this site. This site also uses the .gov suffix, provides phone numbers,
email address that could be used to contact the person or the organization. Unfortunately, we have not
been able to get any offline resources like books or news papers as we lack the ability to do so. Albeit
the site’s main purpose is to provide facts, it is not biased toward a specific opinion or point of view. It
does not even contain any misspellings, broken links, products or service. This site however contains
external links. With that we get a total score of 6, we could then conclude that this site is a decent
source. Although, we still have to double check some of its information as we have been unable to
collect physical information from said site from any offline sources. Nonetheless we could say that this
site is a decent source.”

“We have done the same for and this is the result. Same with we have
been unable to collect any offline information due to our current circumstances. We also have been
unsuccessful with finding websites that mentions, and it is not using a .gov or .edu
suffix, lastly the site uses external links. With that we are left with 4 points, though a decent source, we
should double check its information as much as possible as we are lacking certain aspects when it comes
to whether it is credible or not. For that we could conclude that this source is okay, but we need to do
extra research and checks to make sure that the information we are receiving is correct.

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