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Score: ___ / 30 pts.



CONTENT OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to describe and discuss in relation to the aspects presented.

Part 1: Individual task. 2 minutes each student.

 Have you ever worked? If not, talk about your ideal first job. If yes, What was your first
job? How was it?
 Talk about someone you know. Mention age, past and current occupation, how you met
and your what relationship is like.
 If you lived abroad, what things would you miss the most and why?
 Describe yourself for Say your interests, country you are interested to
visit, describe your hometown and family and talk about your expectations.
 If you had a visitor from another country, where would you take him/her? Why?
 Talk about things that make you feel happy and things you enjoy doing. Explain.
 What’s your favourite holiday? What do you usually do?
 What was your first technological device? Compare it to something you have now.
 Talk about a memorable holiday. When? What happened? How did you feel?
 Would you like to live and work in the same city? Why?
 Describe your house for someone who is house-sitting for you
 Would you like to do the same job for ever?
 Do you prefer to spend your holidays with friends or with family?

Part 2: Collaborative task

Talk about something together for about two minutes. I’d like you to image that you will start living together
but you have to decide where to live. Here are some ideas you will have to discuss. Talk to each other about
how important are the aspects mentioned below?
Then, you will have one minute to decide which idea is the most important for the decision.

Crime Rates
Housing expenses,
shared costs, etc How important are the
following aspects when
choosing a place to live if you
are a university student?

Proximity to Family proximity to bus or

and Friends metro stops
Rubric of evaluation

Very good Good Satisfactory Poor Score

Interaction Show a full Show a good Show a basic Requires back-
degree of degree of degree of up questions to
understanding understanding understanding understand
of the of the of the questions
questions questions needing back-
asked and asked and up questions
interacts with interacts with and sometimes
his partner his partner interacts with
most of the his partner
10pts time 4pts 2pts ---- / 10pts.
Fluency and Speaks with a Speaks Speaks with Hesitates all the
ambition few correctly but many time
interruptions has some hesitations
(how quickly and unlinked interruptions
they respond ideas, fast and but not fast or
and how much loud enough to loud enough to
they say) be heard be heard

7pts 5pts
4pts 2pts ---- / 7 pts.
Grammar Uses the Makes some Many mistakes. There’s no
grammar well, mistakes that Just one or two accurate use of
but with a few interfere in aspects are the grammar
mistakes meaning correct

7 pts 5pts 4pts 2pts ---- / 7 pts.

Pronunciation Pronounces Pronounces Has some Pronunciation
the words most of the problems makes the
correctly with a words correctly pronouncing a presentation
few mistakes with some number of unclear
6pts mistakes words
5pts 3pts 2pts ---- / 6 pts.

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