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Daddy Long Legs Reading Comprehension Questions

Choose the correct answer

1. This story took place

A. before World War I.
B. just after World War II.
C. during the Vietnam War
D. during the Civil War.

2. Judy wanted to spend her

second summer
A. with her roommate.
B. on the farm.
C. with Daddy-Long-Legs.
D. in Boston.

3. Judy spent her third summer

A. working at a resort.
B. tutoring two young girls.
C. teaching tap dancing.
D. as a maid in New York.

4. The farm where Judy stayed had

once belonged to
A. Judy's parents.
B. her roommate's parents.
C. Daddy-Long-Legs.
D. Jervie.
5. Daddy-Long-Legs made Judy
spend her second summer
A. with her roommate.
B. on the farm.
C. at the orphan asylum.
D. in Switzerland.
6. Judy used the money she
received from her novel
A. to buy herself new style clothing.
B. to send another orphan to college.
C. to pay back Daddy-Long-Legs.
D. to put as a down payment for the farm.

7. Judy's last name came from

A. a phone book.
B. a note from mother.
C. a novel.
D. a benefactor.

8. What did Judy want to become?

A. She wanted to be a lawyer.
B. She wanted to be a teacher.
C. She wanted to be a scientist.
D. She wanted to be a writer.

9. Daddy-Long-Legs
A. wanted Judy to keep her scholarship.
B. did not want Judy to keep her scholarship.
C. would not let Judy keep her scholarship.
D. had first told Judy about the scholarship.

10. Judy was on the

A. debate team.
B. basketball team.
C. hockey team.
D. swim team.
11. Judy called her guardian, Daddy-
Long-Legs, because
A. she wanted to make him angry.
B. he seemed to creep instead of walk.
C. his shadow reminded her of a spider.
D. his neck was long and so was his legs.

12. Daddy-Long-Legs wanted Judy to

spend her third summer
A. working in a store.
B. touring Europe.
C. with her roommate.
D. working in California.

13. Judy did not tell Jervie that

A. she had lived in an orphan asylum.
B. she did not care for his family.
C. she had severe headaches.
D. she had always liked him.

14. Judy refused to marry Jervie

A. she didn't love him.
B. she was an orphan.
C. he didn't love her.
D. she thought he pitied her.

15. Daddy-Long-Legs
A. wrote to Judy many times.
B. wrote to Judy only one time.
C. never wrote to Judy.
D. wrote to Judy four times.
16. While Judy was on the farm,
A. other orphans came to stay.
B. Jervie came to stay for awhile.
C. her roommates came to visit.
D. she had to work hard every day.

17. This book was written by

A. Jean Webster.
B. Norma Johnston.
C. Madeleine L'Engle.
D. Kathryn Lasky.

18. The first novel Judy wrote

A. was a great success.
B. was lost in the mail.
C. was liked by the critics.
D. was sent back to her.

19. Judy's roommates

A. ignored Judy.
B. did not care for Judy.
C. liked Judy.
D. liked Judy to do their work.

20. Daddy-Long-Legs
A. wanted Judy to keep her scholarship.
B. would not let Judy keep her scholarship.
C. did not want Judy to keep her scholarship.
D. had first told Judy about the scholarship.
21. Jervis Pendleton was Judy's
A. cousin.
B. brother.
C. father.
D. uncle.

22. Judy's first name came from

A. a movie.
B. the Bible.
C. a novel.
D. a tombstone.

23. The scholarship Judy won was

for her good work in
A. math.
B. biology.
C. English.
D. history.

24. Judy wanted one hundred dollars

A. to take a trip to Florida.
B. to buy herself some decent clothes.
C. to give to a poor family.
D. to buy a gold watch for Jervie.

25. Jervie thought Judy wouldn't

marry him because
A. she loved someone else.
B. he was not rich enough.
C. she was not old enough.
D. he was not attractive.
26. Judy always wore _____ at the
orphan asylum.
A. wool dresses
B. printed jumpers
C. gingham dresses
D. a skirt and a sweater

27. Judy spent the summer _____

after she started college.
A. at the orphanage
B. with her roommate
C. working everyday
D. on a farm

28. Judy's second novel was about

A. a rich girl making it big.
B. her life while in college.
C. her life at the orphanage.
D. a girl growing up on a farm.

29. Judy
A. always knew who Daddy-Long-Legs was.
B. never found out who Daddy-Long-Legs was.
C. never wanted to know who Daddy -Long-Legs was.
D. never suspected who Daddy-Long-Legs was.

30. Where did Judy first meet Jervie?

A. She met him on the farm.
B. She met him at college.
C. She met him in New York.
D. She met him at the library.

Part I

USA, 22th, October, 1912

TO: Mrs Lippet

FROM: Jerusha Abbott

Dear Mrs. Lippett,

The train ride to the girls’ college was instead an experience. Considering I have never left
the asylum for any reason, therefore, this is all so new to me. I honestly cannot grasp the idea that
a trustee has instilled so much faith in me. Especially since he does not know me, nor do I know
him. In the letters I will write as part of my end of the bargain, I have decided to be very descriptive
of my everyday. Maybe then I will be fortunate enough to meet Mr. Smith. I do find it odd that I do
not know his name, considering how generous he is with poor old me.

Aside from the train ride and my overwhelming thoughts. I did notice that people were
eating on the train, and I found it rather fascinating. However, I refrained from doing so and just
wandered away in my thoughts. After composing this letter, I will begin my first introductory letter
to Mr. Smith. I already feel like I am out of words, and I will start reading more to improve my
vocabulary. Lastly, I was thinking about how will I explain my situation when my roommates may
ask at a certain point. It is not that I am ashamed, but considering how peculiar it is, I do not want
to scare any possible friendships away.

I will stop boring you with my insecurities and just again thank you. (250 words)

Yours truly,

Jerusha Abbott

Part II

Hi guys, today we are with Daddy Long Legs a very important person, HI Daddy Long Legs how are
you?, I would like to ask you some questions to get to know you better.

1. What made you invest your money in a girl’s education for the first time?
2. Why do you consider yourself a socialist?
3. Did you specifically choose Jerusha)?
4. When did you notice that you had a romantic intention with Jerusha?
5. Was there a reason you wanted to take Jerusha to a tour to Europe my 3rd summer?
6. What was your opinion regarding the nickname Jerusha gave you (daddy long legs)?
7. Would you help out another orphan in need as a trustee?
8. How long have you lived in New York?
9. Did you think Jerusha was a natural fisher that day you went fishing?
10. Why didn’t you allow Jerusha to accept the scholarship?

Thank you for your time, I enjoy this interview a lot, I hope also the public enjoyed this time we
shared. In conclusion Daddy Long Legs is a generous man
Part III

To: Jerusha Abbott

From: Sally McBride

Subject congratulation

Dearest Judy,

I am delighted to hear about your engagement with Mr. Pendleton. If this paper could jump of joy
as I would be if I were in front of you, I would probably ask it to. I have an incredible feeling of
endearment towards you and see you as a sister. Since we met four years ago, I have gotten to
know you very well and am assured that this engagement is well deserved. You are a bright,
intelligent, and beautiful young lady. Not to mention the overwhelming talent you have as a

I know you will make a fine wife to Jervis, and your career as a writer shall not be stopped due to
the engagement. I strongly suggest you continue to pursue greatness and next to the new love of
your life. This will be a new chapter where maybe you can find some motivation for your next
novel. I promise to read this one this time since it must be filled with romance. After studying
Hamlet along with you, we must admit to being hopeless romantics. I find it funny how we
memorized the famous Shakespeare play, but it’s just a melody with this chain of events.
P.s. I shall see you at the wedding if not beforehand. (211 words)

Best Wishes


Part IV

Thursday morning

Dear diary,

Today, after finally traveling to New York and walking into this beautiful house on Madison
Avenue. I finally met Daddy long legs, and I would have never thought that Jervis was Daddy long
legs all along. I was breath taken, and it while hard to grasp, but I was delighted. I am filled with
all types of emotions, and I can admit how happy I feel. However, I am confused about how I shall
proceed since I am just recently graduated from college. I am scared that my career as a writer will
be affected because of marriage. However, when I am with Jervis, I feel as if my opportunities and
motivation are countless.

I genuinely hope I can organize my thoughts thoroughly before proceeding with an answer
regarding marriage. I am taken away that Jervis sees me for me and not from where I came from. I
feel hardly deserving of being made a part of such a prestigious family as the Pendleton’s.
Nevertheless, I shall lead with I heard, and all it wants is Jervis. I am excited about what the future
awaits and forever grateful for how my life has turned out due to my Daddy long legs.

Thank you for everything.

(250 words)





Jerusha Abbott was a 17-year-old who lived her entire life in the John Grier Home, an orphanage,
for being an excellent writer and for writing history in a humorous and somewhat shameless tone.
The unknown Trustee decided to send her to the University to become a writer, she in the end she
obtained gratifying results, she was going to have a different life, happy and full of successes. For
me it is a story full of drama and romanticism which only expresses fruitful emotions.

This is a book that can be read easily, the narration being letters creates a very bearable and
entertaining environment for all people and ages. It is a novel where one can laugh out loud with
many of the events. The characters have a simple personality that catches instantly and it is easy
to become fond of each one and even feel identified with them. Together they make the story that
is told come to life and give meaning to the story.

One of the things that amused me the most about the book was the way in which Judy said
goodbye to her in her letters, depending on her mood or what she had experienced in recent days:
"Yours on the way to getting an education, Jerusha Abbott"

"Yours, I'm sorry, Judy"

"Politically yours, Judy"

"Yours, very graciously, Ophelia. Queen of Denmark"

It is a beautiful story with beautiful messages and a beautiful ending. The kind that leave a smile
on your face when you read the last page.

We can also find moments that invite reflection, such as wanting to be independent and not
always accepting help, not getting used to luxuries but working for them, always being grateful
and always being kind to everyone and it is worth highlighting the characteristics that Judy has:
sincerity, joviality, eagerness to learn and excel in life. It is impressive how this character enjoys
everything that she does, surely due to the fact that she has lacked so much during her life in the
orphanage. Without a doubt, it is a beautiful story with great messages and a fascinating ending.
finally I am left with a phrase;

¨The world is full of happiness and this is enough for everyone ... only that people are not always
willing to take advantage of their luck. “There is taking advantage of opportunities, there is only
one time, and good decisions are the ones that will make us different, lead us to happiness and as
a result to success. (420 words).

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