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Judging is to express a bad opinion of someone’s behavior, often

because you think you are better than them. You have no right to judge
other people because of what they look like or what they believe. Many
times judgments are made based on person’s appearance, an outfit, the
job they do, or the house they live in. There are countless external factors
that people use to pass judgment about other people.
It is not good to judge any person based on some fictitious data or
ordinary calculations and assumptions. Life is actually much beyond than
this. We have no right to judge others. We have actually had the right to
hold opinion, but not give any judgment. It is our common experience
that people who tend to judge others finally act themselves trapped in
their own trap. Judging others does not define who they are. It actually
defines who we are in the process. It defines our real personality on how
we judge towards others. It is defining the real you.
It is important to acknowledge the fact that we should remember
the old saying on proverb that people should never judge a book by its
cover. This means that our judgment is often based on the outside of the
appearance of a person. We must learn to value a person and never
comment on their personal life or social life style. The individuality of
every person should be respected by others as well. We are no one to
judge someone only God has the supreme power to judge someone
correctly because He is the perfect judge. He made us and never judge
his creation which is us, human and many others.
Judging others is wrong. It can give them anxiety because of our
judge base on their appearance. It can give question to themselves like:
Why I am so thin? Why I am so fat? Instead we should remember that
we never know what other person goes through on their life, so we have
no right to judge, to comment on their lives or decision instead give some
good opinions on them to comfort.
Moreover, instead of judging others, we must find solutions and
ways to help others and to respect them. We must behave like a human
and try to share each other’s problem and solve them quickly. We must
accept who they are and we must accept of who we are and be proud of

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