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 Sheldon Adelson developed COMDEX, a computer trade show, which made him a fortune

 In 1979, Sheldon Adelson created the Computer Dealers Expo, or COMDEX, and held the
show at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. His timing was perfect, as the
personal computer industry was just taking off. As brands such as IBM, Apple and Microsoft
began their rapid growth, Adelson’s trade show was there to present their products to
consumers and to other companies.
 By 1987, COMDEX had grossed $20 million and become the largest trade show in Las
 By the end of the decade, the Interface Group had reached a net income of $250 million
and expanded COMDEX shows into other countries.

Casino Magnate

 In 1988, SA anh his partner purchased the legendary Sands Casino for $128 million. Adelson
redesigned the Sands to his business model. He built a resort, shopping mall and
convention center for his company’s events, including COMDEX.

 Sheldon Adelson shares his business philosophy: "creating new businesses and doing things
differently, doing things that nobody else does. For example, no one in the world has ever
thought of building complex resorts before me. Usually I just go to a place, feel and judge
from the business instincts and decisions. "
 Hard work : SA said: Occasionally, he felt around stuffy, depressed, pessimistic. At times
like that, he also did not know what to do more than cry, he thought to go to the
monastery. He worked continuously from 7 am to 11 pm. During 6-7 months like that, do
not know what the friends are, no Saturday, Sunday, do not know outside life, not watching
movies, listening to music, reading newspapers, he do not have time to do it.
 Business opportunities like the bus, come and go. You stand at the corner and do not know
exactly when the first car will arrive. If you do not catch up on the first, wait ten more
minutes to catch the second or third ... The opportunity to do business never ends! ",
Billionaire Sheldon Adelson.

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