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Studying abroad

Opinion essay

Studying abroad is an interesting and controversial topic among college students. Some may ask
what is studying abroad? Studying abroad is a chance to travel the world and see the places that one
desires to see, while also taking classes at a nearby college. Most of the classes offered in the
studying abroad programs are offered at the local colleges in that area as well. Depending on the
program the student chooses, they may have the option of staying in a dorm at the perspective
college, or a nearby hotel. Most of the study abroad programs also provide leadership through a
professor, that leads the group and makes sure that things go well. If problems arise while abroad,
the professor can be of assistance to make things go smoothly. …show more content…

Articles such as (Study abroad outcomes) states that “Compared with students who took a course at
a nearby college, students who study abroad are more adaptable to culture. These students are
reported to have a broader range of learning gains such as tolerance, appreciation of another
culture, and language issues, than other students.” Another way that studying abroad may be
beneficial to students is by learning languages abroad. Many students, who wish to be fluent in a
language, travel abroad to certain countries that speak the language they wish to pursue. Being
immersed in a culture, with a different language, is a great way to understand where the language
comes from and to practice speaking it. “In the process of communication, if it takes place right in the
country where the particular language is spoken, there is a simulatneous and gradual deepening of
one’s language knowledge and the mastery of cultural norms and models”(The study of foreign
languages abroad). Someone that has fluency in another language is more likely to be able to adapt
to jobs and stand out in job interviews than others. Job interviewers are more interested in someone
who has experienced different cultures, and may be more capable of performing difficult job
functions, than someone who does not know how to handle unexpected situations. This is especially
true if the job is international. Potential …show more content…

Programs are generally available from three to twelve weeks and in forty plus countries. There are
even some multi country sessions available. Students can find the summer programs in all fields of
study. There are many programs available, some of which can be custom fitted to the student,
depending on the student’s major, length of time the student can stay, and the desired destination.
Students can even choose to participate in both a short term and long term program, which would
allow to obtain more college credits. This would also allow the student to see more of the country
they are visiting, and imerse themselves in their surroundings. Some students choose to take a short
term option, in order to return home and prepare for their fall semester. Either program can benefit
the student in different ways; however, all of the study abroad programs help students to be more
aware of international careers and other cultures.

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