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Full name: Nguyễn Thị Phương Uyên

Student’s ID: 19DH711573

Class: Mon 5-6
Headline: Advertising in the gaming ecosystem
By-line: anonymous
Published date: April 28, 2021
Summary: According to a study by IAB Mexico: “60% of Internet users declare that they have seen
advertising in different categories of games, however; Gamer pays less attention to advertising than
the average Internet user, and 4 out of 10 users mention that advertising is invasive. Although 5 out
of 10 users are willing to see advertising while playing, 44% would only be in exchange for some
reward ”. Meanwhile, the gaming space changes to various devices and hyper-connected
environments, which allows creating new ties in an increasingly diverse ecosystem, evolving to
different modalities such as eSports or the development of groups and communities, with the
purpose of entertainment or socialize, thus the opportunities to explore for brands grow.
Feedback: Gaming ecosystem need to be more creative in advertising to attract more people

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