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Full name: Nguyễn Thị Phương Uyên

Student’s ID : 19DH711573
Homework 4: The old man and the sea
1. Cuba
2. Eighty-four days
3. Except of his eyes
4. His parents have told him to fish with others
5. Picture of Fidel Castro
6. Joe Dimaggio
7. September
8. Lions
9. Canary Islands
10. La Mar
11. Sardines
12. Portuguese man-of-war
13. Turtling
14. Tuna
15. 100 Fathoms
16. It will fill its air sack and not be able to dive deep
17. It cramps
18. A flock of ducks
19. 2
20. Ties two oars together across the stern
21. Cayo Blanco (Cuba)
22. 1st September, 1952
23. Literary Fiction
24. The story of Santiago
25. 1954

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