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Full name: Nguyễn Thị Phương Uyên

Student’s ID: 19DH711573

Homework 1: The Cask of Amontillado
1. 1st person
2. Montresor told the setting and introduced his conflict with Fortunato
3. At night, during the carnival season in Venice, Italy
4. Montresor
5. Fortunato
6. Fortunato has wronged Montresor and Montresor wanted his revenge
7. Montresor and Fortunato are descending into the catacombs; Montresor
locks up Fortunato in the furthest recesses of the catacombs and begins
blocking him in by erecting a wall
8. In the catacombs of Montresor’s palazzo
9. Long, dark passages
10. Niter growing on the walls
11. Skeletons and piles of bones
12. The jingling of the bells on Fortunato's cap
13. Montresor has one final block to complete the wall when Fortunato begins
to laugh and act like it is all a joke. Montresor hesitates for a moment, but then
Fortunato passes out and does not answer.
14. Montresor finishes by placing the final block in the wall and returning the
pile of bones to cover the newly built wall.
15. Montresor states that it's been 50 years since that time while he remains
undetected and closes with "In pace requiescat!" ("May he rest in peace!")
16. Suspenseful, dark, ominous
17. Fortunato was publicly humiliating Montresor. It was out of revenge for the
18. The irony about Fortunato's name is that the name could mean fortunate
one, but Fortunato is no where near close to fortunate when his fate is death.
19. Hyperbole
20. His weakness is his pride and conceit in his opinion of himself as a better
judge of wines.
21. Because Fortunato is a problem drinker, so there there is no question that he
will go down to the catacombs where there is alcohol.
22. Even though his cough is getting worse, he knows that his reward for the
long journey to the catacombs will be alcohol, which he craves the most.
23. The mason's coat of arms.
24. He gave Fortunato more wine
25. Fortunato didn't resist because he is clearly an alcoholic.
26. Montresor killed Fortunato by chaining him to a wall, the building a wall
over the entrance to the room where Fortunato will die a slow death.

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