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Week 1 Day 3


1. Determine the Total Floor Area in meters (TFA)
2. Get the area of the window opening in meters (TWO). If no window, measure the
3. Apply the following formula:
Ventilation= TWO ——————- x 100
TFA Consider the following scale for the state of ventilation:
20% Satisfactory
Fair 17- below Poor

Formulating the plan of Care

 Planning involves priority setting, establishing goals and objectives, and determining
appropriate interventions to achieve goals and objectives.
 Priority setting – determining the sequence in dealing with identified family needs and

Establishing Goals and Objectives

 Goal – Desired observable family response to planned interventions in response to a
mutually identified family need.
 Objectives – the desired step by step family responses as they work toward a goal. -
Workable, well-stated objectives should be:
SMART: - S: Specific - M: Measurable - A: Attainable - R: Relevant - T: Time bound

A. Nature of the Problem - Wellness state, health deficit, health threat and stress point/
foreseeable crisis.
B. Modifiability of the Problem - Probability of success in enhancing wellness state,
improving conditions, minimizing, alleviating or totally eradicating the problem.
Factors in determining modifiability of the problem
• Current knowledge, technology and interventions.
• Resources of the family
• Resources of the nurse
• Resources of the community
C. Preventive Potential - Nature or magnitude of the problem that can be minimized or
totally eradicated.
• Scoring Preventive Potential
1. Gravity or severity of the problem
2. Duration of the problem
3. Current management
4. Exposure of high-risk groups
D. Salience- Refers to the family's perception and evaluation of the problem in. terms of
seriousness and urgency of attention needed

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