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Lesson 9

 Signal Spectral Analysis: Estimation of the power spectral
 The problem of spectral estimation is very large and has
applications very different from each other
 Applications:
 To study the vibrations of a system
 To study the stability of the frequency of a
 To estimate the position and number of signal sources in an
acoustic field
 To estimate the parameters of the vocal tract of a speaker
 Medical diagnosis
 Control system design
 In general To estimate and predict signals in time or in space
Study of radio frequency spectrum in a
big city
 side by side there are the various radio and
television channels, the signals cell phone,
radar signals, etc.
 The frequency ranges, if considered with
sufficient bandwidth, are occupied by
signals totally independent of each other,
with different amplitudes and different
statistical characteristics
 To analyze the spectrum, it seems logical
to use a selective receiver that measures the
energy content in each interval frequency.
Non Parametric
 We will seek the most accurate possible Spectral Analysis
estimate of these energies in the time
available without making any further
assumptions, not looking for models of
signal generation
Study of radio frequency spectrum in a
big city
 The non-parametric spectral analysis is
a conceptually simple matter if you use
the concept of ensemble average.
 if you have enough realizations of the
signal, just calculate the discrete
Fourier transform and averaging the
powers, component by component.
 However, rarely you have numerous
replicas of the signal; often, you have
available a single replica, for an interval
of time allotted
 To determine the power spectrum, you
have to use additional assumptions
such as stationarity and ergodicity
Analysis of the speech signal
 consider the spectrum of acoustic signal due
to vibration or a voice signal
 in this case, all of the signal as a whole has
unique origins and then there
will be the relationship between the contents
of the various spectral bands.
 it must first choose a model for the
generation of the signal and then determine Parametric
the parameters of the model itself Spectral
 For example, it will seek the parameters of a
linear filter that, powered by a uniform
spectrum signal (white noise) produces
a power spectrum similar to the spectrum
under analysis
Analysis of the speech signal
 Obviously, the success of the technique
depends on the quality and parametric
correctness of the model chosen.
 Valid models lead to a parsimonious signal
description , that is characterized by the
minimum number of parameters necessary
 This will lead to a better estimate
of these parameters and then to optimal
 the parametric spectral analysis leads to the
identification of the model and this opens a
subsequent phase of study
to understand and then possibly check the
status and evolution
the system under observation
Formal Problem Definition
 Let be y= {y(1), y(2), . . . , y(N)} a second order
stationary random process,
 GOAL: to determine an estimate ˆ( ) of its power
spectral density  ( ) for ω ∈ [−π, +π]
 Observation
 We want | ˆ( )   ( ) | 0
 The main limitation on the quality of most PSD
estimates is due to the quite small number of data
samples N usually available
 Most commonly, N is limited by the fact that the signal
under study can be considered wide sense stationary
only over short observation intervals
Two possible way(1)
 There are two main approaches

Non Parametric
Parametric Spectral
Spectral Analysis
assume that the underlying stationary
explicitly estimate the covariance
stochastic process has a certain structure
or the spectrum of the process
which can be described using a small
without assuming that the
number of parameters. In these approaches,
process has any particular
the task is to estimate the parameters of the
model that describes the stochastic process
Non Parametric Estimation:
 The periodogram method was introduced by Schuster
in 1898.
 The periodogram method relies on the definition of
the PSD

 in practice the signal y(t) is only available for a finite

Power Specrtal
 Spectrum estimation can be interpreted as an
autocorrelation estimation problem.
Power Specrtal

the estimate of the covariance lag r(k),

obtained from the available
sample {y(1), y(2), . . . , y(N)}
Estimation of Autocorrelation
 There are two standard way to obtain an estimate rˆ( k )
 unbiased estimate

 biased estimate

 Both estimators respect the symmetry properties of the ACS

 The biased estimate is usually preferred, for the following reasons:
 the ACS sequence decays rather rapidly so that r(k) is quite small for
large lags k

 the ACS sequence is guaranteed to be positive semidefinite. is not the

case for the unbised definition

 if the biased ACS estimator is used in the estimation the correlogram is

eqaul to the periodogramm
Statistical Performance
 Both Periodogram and Correlogram are
asymptotically unbiased:

 Both have large variance, even for large N

 | rˆ( k )  r ( k ) | can be large for big k
 even if the errors | rˆ(k )  r(k ) | are small, there are ”so many”
that when summed in | ˆ( k )   ( k ) | the PSD error is large
Periodogram Bias

Bartlett window.

Frequency Domain
Bartlett window
 Ideally, to have zero bias, we
want WB(ω) = Dirac impulse
 The main lobe width
decreases as 1/N.
 For small values of N,
WB(ω) may differ quite a bit
from δ(ω)
 If the unbised estimation
the window is rectangular
Summary Bias analysis
 Note that, unlike WB(ω), WR(ω) can assume negative
values for some values of ω, thus providing estimate of
the PSD that can be negative for some frequencies.
 The bias manifests itself in different ways
 Main lobe width causes smearing (or smooting): details in
φ(ω) separated in f by less than 1/N are not resolvable.
 periodogram resolution limit = 1/N
 Sidelobe level causes leakage
 For small N, severe bias
 As N → ∞, WB (ω) → δ(ω), so φ(ω) is asymptotically
Periodogram Variance
 As N → ∞

 inconsistent estimate
 erratic behavior
The Blackman-Tukey method
 Basic idea: weighted correlogram, with small weight
applied to the estimated covariances r(k) with large k

lag window

Frequency Domain

 The BT periodogram is a locally smoothed

 Variance decreases substantially (of the order of M/N)
 Bias increases slightly (of the order 1/M)
 The window is chosen so as to ensure that the spectral
density of estimated power is always positive
Choice of the BT window
 Let be

 It is possible to prove that

 This means that the more slowly the window decays to zero in one domain,
the more concentrated it is in the other domain
 The equivalent temporal width, N e is determined by the window length (Ne =
2M) for rectangular window, Ne = M for triangular window).
 Since N e βe = 1 also the bandwidth β e is determined by the window length
 As M increases, bias decreases and variance increases ⇒ choose M as a tradeoff
between variance and bias. As a rule of thumb, we should choose M ≤ N/10 in order
to reduce the standard deviation of the estimated spectrum at least three times,
compared with the periodogram
 Choose window shape to compromise between smearing (main lobe width) and
leakage (sidelobe level). The energy in the main lobe and in the sidelobes cannot be
reduced simultaneously, once M is given
The Bartlett method
 Basic idea: split up the available sample of N
observations into L = N/M subsamples of M
observations each, then average the periodograms
obtained from the subsamples for each value of ω.
Welch method
 Similar to Bartlett method, but allow overlap of
subsequences (gives more subsequences, thus better
averaging) and use data window for each periodogram;
gives mainlobe-sidelobe tradeoff capability


 if K = M, no overlap as in Bartlett method

 if K = M/2, 50% overlap, S = 2M/N data segments
 The Welch method is approximately equal to Blackman-
Tuckey with a non-rectangular lag window
 It can be proved that, for are nearly
uncorrelated random variables for

 The basic idea of the Daniel method is to perform

local averaging of 2J + 1 samples in the frequency
domain to reduce the variance by about 2J + 1

 As J increases:
 bias increases (more smoothing)
 variance decreases (more averaging)
Non parametric estimation summary
 The non-parametric spectral analysis is a conceptually
simple matter if you use the concept of ensemble
 Goal is to estimate the covariance or the spectrum of
the process without assuming that the process has any
particular structure
 Priodogram- Correlogram
 Asymptotically unbiased, inconsistence
 None of the methods we have seen solves all the
problems of the periodogram
 Parametic estimation…
Matlab Examples:
 Exercise 1.a
 Estimate the power spectral density of the signal
“flute2” by means of periodogram
 Hint on periodogram:
 the spectrum estimation using periodogram is given by the
following equation
Matlab Examples:
 Pseudocode:

 load the file flute2.wav

 consider 50ms of the input signal (y)
 estimate PSD using periodogram:
 N = length(y);

 M = 2^ceil(log2(N)+1); %number of frequency bins

 phip = (1/N)*abs(fft(y,M)).^2;
Matlab Examples:
Matlab Examples:
Bias and variance of the periodogram
 Exercise 1.b
 Quantify the bias and variance of the periodogram
 Hint on periodogram:
 Periodogram is asymptotically unbiased and has large
variance, even for large N.
Matlab Examples:
Bias and variance of the periodogram
 Goal: quantify the bias and variance of the periodogram
 Pseudocode:
 compute R realizations of N samples white noise
 e = randn(N,R);
 for each realization:
 filter white noise by means of a LTI filter Y(z) = H(z)E(z)

 compute the periodogram spectral estimate

 phip(i,:) = (1/N)*abs(fft(y,N)).^2;

 end
 compute the ensemble mean: phip(RxN)
 phipmean = mean(phip);

 compute the ensemble variance

 phipvar = var(phip);

 Plot
Matlab Examples:
Bias and variance of the periodogram
Matlab Examples:
 Exercise 2
 Estimate the power spectral density of the signal “flute2”
by means of correlogram.
 Hint on correlogram:
 the spectrum estimation using correlogram is given by the
following equation:
Matlab Examples:
 Goal: Estimate the power spectral density using the correlogram
 Pseudocode:
 load the file flute2.wav
 consider 50ms of the input signal (y)
 estimate ACS
 [r lags] = xcorr(y, 'biased');
 r = circshift(r,N);

 estimate PSD using correlogram:

 N = length(y);

 M = 2^ceil(log2(2*N-1)+1); %number of frequency bins

 phic = fft(r,M);
Matlab Examples:
 MATLAB Hint: Matlab provides the functions:
 [r lag]=xcorr(x,’biased’) that produces a
biased estimate of the autocorrelation (2N-1 samples)
of the stationary sequence “x”. “lag” is the vector of lag
indices [-N+1:1:N-1].
 r = circshift(r,N) that circularly shifts the
values in the array r by N elements. If N is positive, the
values of r are shifted down (or to the right). If it is
negative, the values of r are shifted up (or to the left).
Matlab Examples:
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Blackman-Tukey)
 Exercise 3.a
 Estimate the power spectral density of
 the signal “flute2” by means of Blackman-Tukey
 Hints on B-T method:
 The spectrum estimation using BT method is given by the
following equation
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Blackman-Tukey)
 Goal: Estimate the power spectral density using the B-T method
 Pseudocode:
 load the file flute2.wav
 consider 50ms of the input signal -->N = length(y);
 estimate ACS
 [r lags] = xcorr(y, 'biased');
 window with a bartlett window of the same length
 rw = r.*bartlett(2*N-1);

 r = circshift(r,N);

 estimate PSD using BT:

 Nfft = 2^ceil(log2(2*N-1)+1);

 phiBT = real(fft(r,Nfft));
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Blackman-Tukey)
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Blackman-Tukey)
 Exercise 3.b
 Goal: quantify the bias and variance of the BT method
 Pseudocode:
 compute R realizations of N samples white noise
 e = randn(N,R);

 for each realization:

 filter white noise by means of a LTI filter Y(z) = H(z)E(z)

 compute the BT spectral estimate

 end

 compute the ensemble mean: phip(RxN)

 phipmean = mean(phip);

 compute the ensemble variance

 phipvar = var(phip);

 Plot
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Blackman-Tukey)
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Bartlett Method)
 Exercise 4
 Estimate the power spectral density of the signal
“flute2” by means of Bartlett method.
 Hint on Bartlett method :
 split up the available sample of N observations into L = N/M
subsamples of M observations each, then average the
periodograms obtained from the subsamples for each value of
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Bartlett Method)
 Goal: Estimate the power spectral density using the Baralett Method
 Pseudocode:
 load the file flute2.wav
 consider 50ms of the input signal -->N = length(y);
 define the number of subsequences L and the number of samples
for each of them M=ceil(N/L)
 for each subsequence:
 consider the right samples: yl = y(1+l*M : M+l*M);
 estimate periodogram: (1/M)*abs(fft(yl)).^2
 mean periodograms of the subsequences:
 phil = phil + (1/M)*abs(fft(yl)).^2;

 phiB=phil/L;

 end
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Bartlett Method)
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Welch Method)
 Exercise 5
 Estimate the power spectral density of the signal
“flute2” by means of Welch method.
 Hint on Welch method :
 similar to Bartlett method but: allow overlap of subsequences
use data window for each periodogram
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Welch Method)
 Goal: Estimate the power spectral density using the Baralett Method
 Pseudocode:
 load the file flute2.wav
 consider 50ms of the input signal -->N = length(y);
 define:
 the number of samples for each subsequence: M
 the number of new samples for each subsequence: K=M/4
 the number of subsequences: S= N/K - (M-K)/K;
 the window: v = hamming(M) ;
 P = (1/M)*sum(v.^2);
 for each subsequence
 xs = x(1+s*K : M+s*K) ;
consider the right samples:
 window the subsequence: v.*xs
 estimate periodogram: (1/(M*P))*abs(fft(v.*xs)).^2
 mean periodograms of the subsequences:
 phis = phis+ (1/(M*P))*abs(fft(v.*xs)).^2 ;

 phiW = phis/S;
 end
Matlab Examples:
Modified periodogram (Welch Method)
Parametric Spectral Estimation
 Consider a sequence of independent samples {xn} and
with it feeding a filter H(ω), if the transform of the
sequence {xn} is indicated X(ω), the output will be:

 The power spectral density of the process white {xn} is

constant because for sequences of independent
samples of length N, the components of the discrete
Fourier transform are all of equal value root mean
square (assuming T = 1):
Parametric Spectral Estimation
 The parametric spectral analysis consists in determining the
parameters of the filter H (ω) in such a way that the spectrum in the
filter output resembles as much as possible to the spectrum of the
signal {yn} analyzed
 We will have spectral analysis Moving Average (MA) if the filter has a z-
transform characterized by all zeros
 We have the case Auto Regressive (AR) when The filter is all-pole
 We have the mixed case ARMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average) in
the more general case of poles and zeros.
 We will see that the parametric spectral analysis all zeros practically
coincides with the modified non parametric techniques.
 The spectral techniques AR instead are of very different nature and
 The spectral analysis ARMA then, is less frequently used also because
as is known, any filter can be represented with only zeros or only poles
and a mixed representation serves only for a description of the same (or
a similar) transfer function with a lower number of parameters.
All Zeros Analysis: Moving Average(MA)
 Consider a FIR filter with impulse response {bh} whose
z-transform is characterized by all zeros

 Let be {xn} the sequence white at the filter and the

sequence {yn} colored output
 The autocorrelation function of the
sequence {yn} is:
All Zeros Analysis: Moving Average(MA)
 Our problem is to determine a filter {bh} or its transformed
B(z) (the solution is not unique) from a
estimate of the autocorrelation data
 For now let's assume that the estimate available is very
good, so we can pretty much assume that we know the
autocorrelation function
 Switching to z-transform can be seen that R(z) as:

 R(z) is a polynomial in the variable z-1 that for each root,

has also the root and reciprocal conjugated.
 a way of determining a filter B(z), assigned the
autocorrelation function R (z), is to find the roots of R(z)
and for example assign to B (z) all the H roots outside of
the circle unit and to B*(1/z) all other (inside).
All Zeros Analysis: Moving Average(MA)
 following the strategy of the previous slide, B*(1/z) is Minimum Phase
minimum phase, otherwise we can choose B*(1/z) at
maximum phase or mixed phase, in different ways 2H
 Note that it is not enough that R (z) is a any
polynomial for identifying a filter B(z).
 In fact, there would be reciprocal pairs of zeros but it Maximum Phase
could also have simple zeros on unit circle, in which
case it would not be possible to find the B(z) because
you can not associate a mutual positioned root
 But in this case, the symmetrical polynomial R(z) would
not represent an autocorrelation function
Mixed Phase
 the values ​of the R(z) on the unit circle,
contain changes sign when passing through the zeros
and then negative values
 while instead a power spectrum, Transform
Fourier autocorrelation function, is always positive
Truncation of the autocorrelation
 We have an autocorrelation function equal to zero for m>H
 It is always possible to find 2H filters of length H + 1 that
powered by white sequences return in the output the
 However, there are only estimates of the autocorrelation
function: if the estimate is made with the correlation of the
sequence padded with zeros, then its Fourier transform,
(the periodogram) is always positive.
 in this case, the length of the filter is excessive because, due
to the dispersion of the estimate, the samples of the
autocorrelation estimated will never be zero
 If we want to limit the length of the filter to H, it should be
squash to O, the autocorrelation function in H samples,
windowing it so that the spectrum remains positive, and
then multiplying it by a window which in practice is always
the triangular
Truncation of the autocorrelation
 In conclusion, to make a all zeros parametric
estimation, it is necessary to window the
autocorrelation function with a triangular window of
length 2H;
 Incising H greater will be the resolution of the spectral
parameter estimation
 In essence, it is seen that this technique of spectral
estimation coincides with that of the smoothing
Analysis All Poles(AR)
 Preliminary Observations
 This technique of spectral estimation is very important
for many reasons.
 it should be noted that the IIR filters having unlimited
impulse response, they can produce spectra of large spectral
resolution with a limited number of parameters
 lend themselves to the description of phenomena that have a
long coherence time, i.e. where the process uncurreled very
Analysis All Poles(AR)
 Let {xn} the output sequence of an IIR filter of order N,
1/AN(z) powered by a white sequence {wn}.


IIR filter

 The autocorrelation of the output sequence is

Yule–Walker equations
 Yule Walker equations can be obtained in the matrix form
indicating the following vectors with the symbols:

 multiplying on the left by ξN and considering the expected

value, whereas E[xN wn] = O we obtain
Yule–Walker equations
 The matrix of the coefficients of the YW equations is a Toeplitz matrix;
 It is symmetric (or Hermitian, for complex sequences) and
all the elements belonging to the same diagonal or subdiagonale are
equal to each other.
 The matrix is ​characterized by N numbers.
 Rewriting in matrix form, the equations of Yule Walker is obtained
Yule–Walker equations
 For completeness, we add the complete formulation,
easily verified, in which also appears the first equation
that contains the variance the sequence of input white
Autoregressive Spectral Estimation
 Once you find the ah,N starting form the N values ​of the
autocorrelation function for m = 1,. . . , N is immediate
determine the components of the continuous spectrum of
the signal {xi};
 the function of autocorrelation, is determined for all
values ​of temporal index m;
 It is eqaul to the assigned got m= 1:N
 It computed by the Yule Walker equation for all the other
 the truncation of the autocorrelation function does not
involve problems; simply, the values ​of the autocorrelation
predicted by using the equations YW, does not coincide with
the actual measurements, when the spectral estimation is
done with an order (the value of N) too low
AR and MA spectral Estimation
 Exercise 1:
 Given a process

White noise E[wn]=0 and

 Compute the first 3 samples [r0, r1, r2] of the autocorrelation of the
process xn
 Parametric spectral estimation of the MA process (order 1)
 Parametric spectral estimation of the AR process (order 1)
Exercise 1: Solution :
 The signal xn is a MA process of order 2:
Exercise 1: Solution :
MA(1) parametric spectral Estimation
 The generic FIR filter of an MA (1) estimate has

 The autocorrelation of the process MA(1)is:

 The estimate MA (1) of the process requires the use of

the first two samples of the autocorrelation of the
process suitably truncated with a window with positive

Exercise 1: Solution :
MA(1) parametric spectral Estimation
 We choose the minimum phase solution

 zero associated with the process MA (1) is in Nyquist

Exercise 1: Solution :
AR(1) parametric spectral Estimation
 The generic AR(1) all-pole filter has transformed

 We use the Yule–Walker equations


AR and MA spectral Estimation
 Exercise 2:
 Spectral estimation of complex sinusoidal waveform

 Compute the autocorrelation sequence

 parametric spectral estimation of the AR process (order 1)
 What happens adding white noise to the signal ?

 What happens (qualitatively) increasing the autoregressive filter

order ?
Exercise 2: Solution :
 The autocorrelation of the process is:
Exercise 2: Solution :
AR(1) parametric spectral Estimation
 We use the Yule–Walker equations


the pole of the AR(1) is in wo

it lies on the unit circles

Power Spectrum
Exercise 2: Solution
What happens adding white noise to the signal ?
 Autocorrelation

 Using the Y-W equation

In the presence of a white noise the frequency of

the pole model of the AR (1) remains unchanged

The radial position is changed.

The pole is closer to the origin of a quantity
proportional to the signal to noise ratio
Exercise 2: Solution
What happens adding white noise to the signal ?
Exercise 2: Solution
What happens incising the AR order?
 In the case without noise, the estimate provided is the
optimal one. Therefore, all the additional poles of
higher order AR processes will be positioned at the
origin of the unit circl
 Instead, in the case with noise, increasing the order N
of the AR model, the poles are arranged inside the unit
 all at the same radial position relative to the center and
at frequencies distant from
Exercise 2: Solution
What happens incising the AR order?
Exercise 2: Solution
What happens incising the AR order?
Exercise 2: Solution
What happens incising the AR order?
Matlab Examples:
Autoregressive Model
 Autoregressive Model Hint:
 The parametric of model-based methods of spectral
estimation assume that the signal satisfies a generating
model with known functional form, and then proceed
in estimating the parameters in the assumed model
Power Spectral Density

Autoregressive Model
Matlab Examples:
Autoregressive Model
 Goal: Estimate the power spectral density of the signal y by means of
AR model
 Consider the signal y defined by the differential equation:
 y(n)=a1 y(n-1) + a2 y(n-2) + a3 y(n-3) + z(n)
 Estimate {ap} and σz with an AR model (order p)
 Plot estimated PSD and compare with the true PSD
 MATALB Hint: Matlab provides the functions:
 [r lag]=xcorr(x,’biased’) that produces a biased estimate of
the autocorrelation (2N-1 samples) of the stationary sequence “x”. “lag”
is the vector of lag indices [-N+1:1:N-1].
 R=toeplitz(C,R) that produces a non-symmetric Toeplitz matrix
having C as its first column and R as its first row.
 R=toeplitz(R) is a symmetric (or Hermitian) Toeplitz matrix.
Matlab Examples:
Autoregressive Model
 Pseudocode:
 Consider the signal y defined by the differential equation:
y(n)=a1 y(n-1) + a2 y(n-2) + a3 y(n-3) + z(n)
 sigmae = 10;
 a = poly([0.99 0.99*exp(j*pi/4) 0.99*exp(-
 b = 1 ;
 z = sigmae*randn(N,1);
 y = filter(b, a, z);
 Estimate {ap} and σz with an AR model (order p)
 n=3;
 r = xcorr(y , 'biased');
Rx = toeplitz(r(N:N+n-1), r (N:-1:N-n+1));
 rz = r(N+1:N+n ) ;
 theta = -Rx^(-1)*rz;
 varz = r(N) +sum(theta.*r(N-1:-1:N-n));
 Plot estimated PSD and compare with the true PSD
Matlab Examples:
Autoregressive Model
Spectral Estimation Application:
Linear Prediction Coding (Just a Hint)
 The object of linear prediction is to estimate the
output sequence from a linear combination of input
samples, past output samples or both :
q p
yˆ (n )   b( j ) x (n  j )   a (i ) y (n  i )
j 0 i 1

 The factors a(i) and b(j) are called predictor coefficients.

Linear Prediction Coding
 Many systems of interest to us are describable by a
linear, constant-coefficient difference equation :
p q

 a ( i ) y ( n  i )   b( j ) x ( n  j )
i 0 j 0

 If Y(z)/X(z)=H(z), where H(z) is a ratio of

polynomials N(z)/D(z), then
q p
N ( z )   b( j ) z  j and D ( z )   a (i ) z i
j 0 i 0

 Thus the predicator coefficient given us immediate access to the

poles and zeros of H(z).
 MA, AR and ARMA
Linear Prediction Coding
Orthogonality principle
 Given a zero-mean signal y(n), in the AR model :
yˆ ( n )    a (i ) y ( n  i )
i 1

 The error is : e( n )  y ( n )  yˆ ( n )
  a (i ) y ( n  i )
i 0

 To derive the predicator we use the orthogonality principle, the

principle states that the desired coefficients are those which make
the error orthogonal to the samples y(n-1), y(n-2),…, y(n-p).
Linear Prediction Coding
Orthogonality principle
 Thus we require that
 y ( n  j )e( n )  0 for j  1, 2, ..., p
 Or,

 Interchanging the operation of averaging and summing, and

representing < > by summing over n, we have

 a(i ) y (n  i ) y (n  j )  0, j  1,..., p
i 0 n
 The required predicators are found by solving these equations.
Linear Prediction Coding
Orthogonality principle
 The orthogonality principle also states that resulting
minimum error is given by

 a (i )r
i 0
i j  0, j  1,2 , ...,p

 Or

 a (i ) r
i 0
i E

 We can minimize the error over all time :


 a (i )r
i 0
i j  0, j  1,2 , ...,p

 a (i ) r
i 0
i E

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