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Bwriting5_practice Editing sentences

There are 2 parts: A and B. Do as directed.

Part A Rewrite the statements to be a standard English sentence

1. When I was in high school.

2. Before I was not good at English.
3. The poor guy with his friend life story
4. There were foreigners asking me for directions

Part B Correct the language errors.

1. I very afraid.
2. I very hungry.
3. so I very scare.
4. Dum born in countryside of Thailand.
5. In that school have a lot of different kind of student,
6. Dang story he was cry.
7. In my country has many homeless.
8. One day, I lost my wallet and the raining all day. I so shocked,
9. I gave her money to buy for food and anything that her need.
10. I thought she was moved to another place.


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