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Reflection Exercise 1: What do you value?

To determine what you value in a professional context, consider the following:

• What are your life goals? What do you hope to achieve?
I believe my life goal comprises of being able wake up every day with the same amount
dedication and consistency. When I think about what I would want to achieve then it
comprises of being able to run a business which truly makes me happy at the end of the day.
• What does professional fulfilment look like to you?
Professional fulfilment to me is the state of being purely independent.
• Are you a risk-taker or do you prefer to play it safe?
I would be more of a risk-taker although I guess it will depend on situations.
• What kind of a communicator are you? Are you direct, confrontational, and passive, etc.?
I usually find myself being a direct communicator in all the parameters of my life, be it
personal or professional.
• Who are you most loyal to: family, friends, bosses, colleagues, customers?
I am more of a people oriented person so I think and believe that I am most loyal to my
loved ones which would include my family, friends as well as my customers as they play an
integral role in my success.
• How do you see yourself: are you optimistic/pessimistic, leader/follower, planner/doer,
I would describe myself as a balance of optimistic/pessimistic. Mainly depends on the
situations and accordingly I tend to bring out my optimistic/pessimistic side of me. I am
more of a leader than of a follower. I end up leading teams or even social gatherings. I am
also more of a doer than a planner and end up being and taking spontaneous decisions.

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