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The main purpose of this report is to show how many hours per day people are using internet.
Internet has become a great source of information and we decided to take a closer eye on people
spending time on it.

It seems that everyone uses it daily and for a long time. Even though, our study shows the not everyone
is addicted to internet.

In 2016, in USA, a study was made, interviewing random people on the streets and asking them about
their use of internet. The questions were: how often do you use internet? ; What is the main purpose of
you using the internet? ; how many hours do you use internet daily?

The group of people that were doing this research have got some interesting results. Out of 1000 people
asked the results are the following:

At the 1st question- everyone answered that they use internet daily. Even some persons that were above
55 years old.

At the 2nd question- 350 people said that they use internet for work, 300 of them are using internet to
see the latest news and to get some new information, and the rest 35 said that they use internet to
entertain themselves (playing games, listening to music etc.)

At the 3rd question- out of the 100 asked- 250 are using the internet for under 5 hours a day and the rest
750 above 5 hours a day.

To sum up I’d say that reflecting on the research which I talked about, some interesting facts are that:

-the old people are also using the internet, however they do it for a short period of time;

-most of people use internet not for development, but for time passing and fun;

- there are still people that are not addicted to internet.

*the study isn’t real, it’s invented by me*

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