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# Siri Additions
# Keep this rule first. It normalizes smart quotes: rdar://problem/41120098
ʼ --> "'"

# P1 rdar://problem/48871076, rdar://problem/50261920
/(?<=\d )ft\)/i --> "feet"
/\bLead(?= is a chemical\b)/i --> "led"
/\b(\d)-(\d)(?= hours\b)/ --> "$1 to $2"
/(?<=\b1 )km?[p\/]h\b/ --> "kilometer per hour "
/(?<=\d )km?[p\/]hr?\b\)?/i --> "kilometers per hour"
/(?<=\b1 )m[p\/]h\b/ --> "mile per hour "
/\bm[p\/]h\b/ --> "miles per hour "
/\bcoldblooded\b/i --> "cold-blooded"
/\bVEI\b/ --> " V E I "
/\bpre-tax\b/i --> "pre tax"
/(?<=\s|^)1 m[3³](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/ --> "one cubic meter"
/(?<=\s|^|\d\.)(\d+) m3(?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/ --> "$1 cubic meters"
/(?<=\s|^)1 m(?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/ --> "one meter"
/(?<=\d) m(?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/ --> "meters"
/(?<=\s|^)1 cm(?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/ --> "one centimeter"
/(?<=\d) ?cm(?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/ --> "centimeters"
/\bdefen[sc]e force\b/i --> "\e/+dI.'fEns_fOR+s\e/+"
/(?<=\ba |\bthe )slough\b/i --> "\e/+'sla&U\e/+"
/(?<!\bhe |\bshe |\bit )sloughs\b/i --> "\e/+'sla&Uz\e/+"

# rdar://problem/51770582
/(?<=\bon your|\bon the)( right| left) ?(\e\\tn=normal\\$)/i --> "$1.$2" #
insert period at end of nav sentence for neural voice

# <rdar://problem/44106926> NPNs to be added to en-* locales

/\biPhone[\s ]?X(S|R)\b/i --> "iPhone ten $1" # this rule and below -- non-
breaking space needed in rule
/\biPhone[\s ]?X\b/i --> "iPhone ten"
/🅂/ --> " S "
/🅁/ --> " R "
/ʀ/ --> " R "
/\beSIM\b/ --> "\e/+i_'sIm\e/+"

# Apple names
// --> "Apple "
/\bAlways-on\b/i --> "\e/+Ol.we&Iz_'A+n\e/+"
/(?<=\b(24|25|30|50|60))FPS\b/i --> " frames per second"
/(?<=\b(24|25|30|50|60)) FPS\b/i --> "frames per second"
/(?<=\b(120|240))FPS\b/i --> " frames per second"
/(?<=\b(120|240)) FPS\b/i --> "frames per second"
/\b29\.97 ?FPS\b/i --> "twenty-nine point nine seven frames per second"
/\bappleid\.apple\.com\b/i --> "Apple ID dot Apple dot com"
/\bWWDC\b/ --> "W W D C"
/\bPlugInKit\b/i --> "Plug In Kit"
/\burBeats\s?[3³](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'jE0_'bits_'TR+i\e/+"
/\burBeats\s?[2²](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'jE0_'bits_'tu\e/+"
/\burBeats\b/i --> "\e/+'jE0_'bits\e/+"
/\bBeats Tour\s?[2²](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'bits_'tOR+_'tu\e/+"
/\bUI\s?Kit\b/i --> "\e/+'ju_'a&I_'kIt\e/+"
/\bSatjiv Chahil\b/i --> "\e/+sA.'d&Ziv_'t&SA.hIl\e/+"
/\bSatjiv S\.? Chahil\b/i --> "\e/+sA.'d&Ziv_'Es_'t&SA.hIl\e/+"
/\bGass[eé]e\b/i --> "\e/+g$.'se&I\e/+"
/\bAvie Tevanian\b/i --> "\e/+'A.vi_t$.'ve&$n\e/+"
/\bBertrand Serlet\b/i --> "\e/+'bE0.tR+An_sE0.'le&I\e/+"
/\bou=people\b/i --> "O U equals people"
/\.Mac\b/ --> "dot Mac"
/\bGRid\b/ --> "G R I D"
/\bAIM\b/ --> "A I M"
/\bAnnotationKit\b/i --> "annotation kit"
/(?<=\bTouch )Bar\b/i --> "\e/+bAR+\e/+"
/\bmyapple\b/i --> "my apple"

/\bscreen\s?time\b/i --> "\e/+'skR+in.ta&Im\e/+" # Workaround

/\bSt\r/ --> " Street "
/\bSt\n/ --> " Street "
/\bSt\e/ --> " Street\e"
#rule for "[S]treetname st"
/\bSt\. Petersburg\b/i --> "Saint Petersburg" # keep this above the $1 street
rule, to avoid overmatching, 48360865
/(?<=[0-9]\s)(\S+\s)St\b/i --> "$1 street"
/\bDr\r/ --> " Drive "
/\bDr\n/ --> " Drive "
/\bDr\.?\e/ --> " Drive\e"
/(?<=\e\\tn=address\\)([^\\]+) Dr\.? ([^\\]+)(?=\e\\tn=normal\\)/i --> "$1
Drive $2"
/\b([AP]M):/ --> $1.
/\bMr\./i --> "mister"
/\b([Mm]rs?)(?![.A-Za-z])/ --> $1. #Ensure that Mr and Mrs are followed by a
dot (.)
/\bDr(?=\s[A-Z][a-z])/ --> Doctor #Converts Dr to Doctor only when followed by
space, capital letter, lowercase letter
/\bDr\. (?:([A-Z])\.? )(?:([A-Z])\.? )?([A-Z][a-z]+\b)/ --> "Doctor $1 $2 $3" #
rdar://problem/51488138 -- Dr. -> Doctor when followed by one or two initials, and
then a capitalized name
/\bkg\/m\b/ --> "kilograms per meter"
# Proper readout for dates in yyyy/mm/dd form (month and day could appear as single
or double digits)
/\b(\d{4})[-\/](0?[1-9]|1[012])[-\/](0?[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])\b/ --> "$2/$3/$1"
/\b([12]\d{3})\s*(-|–|to)\s*([12]\d{3})\b/ --> "\e\\tn=date\\$1 to
$3\e\\tn=normal\\" #handle space between years
/\b(\d{2})(\d{2})\s*(-|–)\s*(\d{2})(?!\s?-)\b/ --> "\e\\tn=date\\$1$2 to
#captures pattern of May 8, 2016 - Dec 25, 2017
/\b(\w+)\s(\d|\d{2}),\s*(\d{4})\s*(-|–)\s*(\w+)\s(\d|\d{2}),\s*(\d{4})\b/ -->
"\e\\tn=date\\$1 $2, $3 to $5 $6, $7\e\\tn=normal\\"
# Text norm for decades ("1970s") fails when next to a slash
/(\b\d{2,4}s)\// --> "$1 "
# Date range Normalization: rdar://problem/35858394
/(\d{1,4}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,4})\s?[-\s]\s?(\d{1,4}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,4})/ --> "$1 to
/\bncis\b/i --> "n c i s"
/\b(\d+) hour\b/i --> "$1 \e/+'a&U.$R+\e/+"
/\b(expect|be) wind\b/i --> "$1\e/+'wInd\e/+"
/\b(\d{4}) to present\b/ --> "$1\e/+t$_'pR+E.z$nt\e/+"
/\bcinco de mayo\b/i --> "\e/+'sInK.ko&U_d$_'ma&I.o&U\e/+"
/\bl\.?a\.?(-|-|–|\s)l\.?a\.? land\b/i --> "\e/+'lA_'lA_'l@nd\e/+"
/\bKAYAK\b/i --> "\e/+'ka&I.@k\e/+"
/km²/ --> "square kilometers"
/\bsq mi\b/ --> "square miles"
/km2/ --> "square kilometers"
/\bft\.? knox\b/i --> "fort knox"
/\beverready\b/i --> "ever ready"
/\bWavin[’\']/i --> "\e/+'we&I.vIn\e/+"
/\bGettin’/i --> "\e/+'gEt.$n\e/+"
# 13 rule fix for currency rdar://problem/38289668
/(?<= a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.01/ --> "$1 dollar and one cent"
/(?<= a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.([1-9])(?!\d)/ --> "$1 dollar and ${2}0
/(?<= a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.0(\d)/ --> "$1 dollar and $2 cent"
/(?<= a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.(\d{1,2})/ --> "$1 dollar and $2 cent"
/(?<= a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})/ --> "$1 dollar"
/(?<=^a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.01/ --> "$1 dollar and one cent"
/(?<=^a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.([1-9])(?!\d)/ --> "$1 dollar and ${2}0
/(?<=^a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.0(\d)/ --> "$1 dollar and $2 cent"
/(?<=^a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.(\d{1,2})/ --> "$1 dollar and $2 cent"
/(?<=^a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})/ --> "$1 dollar"
/(?<! a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.01/i --> "$1 dollars and one cent"
/(?<! a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.([1-9])(?!\d)/i --> "$1 dollars and ${2}0
/(?<! a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.0(\d)/i --> "$1 dollars and $2 cents"
/(?<! a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.(\d{1,2})/i --> "$1 dollars and $2 cents"
/(?<! a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})/i --> "$1 dollars"
/(?<!^a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.01/i --> "$1 dollars and one cent"
/(?<!^a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.([1-9])(?!\d)/i --> "$1 dollars and ${2}0
/(?<!^a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.0(\d)/i --> "$1 dollars and $2 cents"
/(?<!^a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})\.(\d{1,2})/i --> "$1 dollars and $2 cents"
/(?<!^a )\$(1[34],?\d{0,},?\d{0,})/i --> "$1 dollars"

# Pence normalization rdar://problem/41557882

/(?<=£[1-9])\.01/ --> "n' one penny"
/(?<=£\d\d)\.01/ --> "n' one penny"
/(?<=£[1-9])\.0(\d)/ --> "n' $1 pence"
/(?<=£\d\d)\.0(\d)/ --> "n' $1 pence"
/(?<=£[1-9])\.(\d\d)/ --> "n' $1 pence"
/(?<=£\d\d)\.(\d\d)/ --> "n' $1 pence"
/(?<=£[1-9])\.(\d)/ --> "n' ${1}0 pence"
/(?<=£\d\d)\.(\d)/ --> "n' ${1}0 pence"

/£0?\.01\b/ --> "one penny"

/£0?\.0([2-9])\b/ --> "$1 pence"
/£0?\.([1-9])\b/ --> "${1}0 pence"
/£0?\.([1-9][0-9])\b/ --> "$1 pence"

# Area code normalization rdar://problem/47100840
/\b(?<=Area code )(\d)(\d)(\d)\b/i --> "$1 $2 $3"
# blood pressure readout 46547671
/(\b\d{1,3})\/(\d{1,3})(?= mmhg\b)/i --> "$1 over $2"
# handling of doubled up dollars
/\$(?=[,\d]+ dollars)/ --> "" # deletes dollar sign if amount is followed by
# two-dot version numbers rdar://problem/46625545
/(?<=\bversion |\biOS |\bmacOS )(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})/i --> "$1 point
$2 point $3"
# $\d(\d\d) quadrillion normalization <rdar://problem/45243816>
/\$(\d{1,3} quadrillion\b)/i --> "$1 dollars"
/\$(\d{1,3}) mill?\b/ --> "$1 million dollars" # rdar://problem/50546150
/\$(\d{1,3}) bil\b/ --> "$1 billion dollars" # rdar://problem/50546150 -- don't
add "bill" variant, ambiguous
/\$(\d{1,3})k\b/i --> "$1 thousand dollars" # rdar://56581630 (D421/17C24: Siri
should read “$20k” as “twenty thousand dollars” instead of “twenty dollars k”)
/£(\d{1,3})k\b/i --> "$1 thousand pounds" # rdar://56581630 (D421/17C24: Siri
should read “$20k” as “twenty thousand dollars” instead of “twenty dollars k”)
/€(\d{1,3})k\b/i --> "$1 thousand euros" # rdar://56581630 (D421/17C24: Siri
should read “$20k” as “twenty thousand dollars” instead of “twenty dollars k”)
/\bR\s?(\d{1,3})k\b/i --> "$1 thousand rand" # rdar://56581630 (D421/17C24:
Siri should read “$20k” as “twenty thousand dollars” instead of “twenty dollars k”)
# 14...
# fourteen million rules
/(?<!\.)\b14,?0{3},?0{3}\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+ million"
/(?<!\.)\b14,?0{3},?0{2}([1-9](\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+ million and
/(?<!\.)\b14,?0{3},?0([1-9][0-9](\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+ million
and $1"
/(?<!\.)\b14,?0{3},?([1-9][0-9]{2}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+ million
/(?<!\.)\b14,?0{2}([1-9],?[0-9]{3}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+ million
/(?<!\.)\b14,?0([1-9][0-9],?[0-9]{3}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+
million $1"
/(?<!\.)\b([0-9][0-9]),?([1-9])14,?([0-9]{3}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "$1 million $2
hundred \e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+ thousand $3" # hack to make internal "N hundred 14" work
/(?<!\.)\b14,?([1-9][0-9]{2},?[0-9]{3}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+
million $1"
# fourteen thousand rules
/(?<!\.)\b14,?000(\.\d{1,})?\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+ thousand"
/(?<!\.)\b14,?0{2}([1-9](\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+ thousand and $1"
/(?<!\.)\b14,?0([1-9][0-9](\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+ thousand and $1"
/(?<!\.)\b14,?([1-9][0-9]{2}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+fOR+.'tin\e/+ thousand and
# thirteen million rules
/(?<!\.)\b13,?0{3},?0{3}\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+ million"
/(?<!\.)\b13,?0{3},?0{2}([1-9](\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+ million $1"
/(?<!\.)\b13,?0{3},?0([1-9][0-9](\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+ million
/(?<!\.)\b13,?0{3},?([1-9][0-9]{2}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+ million
/(?<!\.)\b13,?0{2}([1-9],?[0-9]{3}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+ million
/(?<!\.)\b13,?0([1-9][0-9],?[0-9]{3}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+
million $1"
/(?<!\.)\b([0-9][0-9]),?([1-9])13,?([0-9]{3}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "$1 million $2
hundred \e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+ thousand $3" # hack to make internal "N hundred 13" work
/(?<!\.)\b13,?([1-9][0-9]{2},?[0-9]{3}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+
million $1"
# thirteen thousand rules
/(?<!\.)\b13,?000\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+ thousand"
/(?<!\.)\b13,?0{2}([1-9](\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+ thousand $1"
/(?<!\.)\b13,?0([1-9][0-9](\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+ thousand $1"
/(?<!\.)\b13,?([1-9][0-9]{2}(\.\d{1,})?)\b/ --> "\e/+TE0R+.'tin\e/+ thousand $1"
# 8:08 flap rules
/\b8:08\s?AM\b/i --> "\e/+'e&Ir6\e/+ oh \e/+'e&Ir6\e/+ AM"
/\b8:00\s?AM\b/i --> "\e/+'e&Ir6\e/+ AM"
/\b8:0([1-9])\s?AM\b/i --> "\e/+'e&Ir6\e/+ oh $1 AM"
/\b8:0([1-9])\b/i --> "\e/+'e&Ir6\e/+ oh $1"
/\b8:00\b/i --> "\e/+'e&Ir6\e/+ o'clock"
/(?<=\bbat( |-))and(?=( |-)ball\b)/i --> "\e/+_$n_\e/+"
# <rdar://problem/29099979> "<…> Here we go. 0001 <…>" Sentence boundary was not
/(?<=\bHere we go\. )0000(?=, 0001, 0010, 0011…)/ --> "Zero_zero_zero_zero"
/\bUS-Mexico\b/ --> "\e/+'ju.'Es_'mEk.sI.ko&U\e/+"
/(?<=\bcity of) Regina\b/i --> "\e/+R+$.'d&Za&I.n$\e/+"
# <rdar://problem/36975934> [en-US-nashville:nora:130:female:gryphon:premium]
Here's the roster for Canada in Olympic
/(?<=\bHere's the roster for )Canada(?= in Olympic women's hockey\b)/i -->
"Canada," #Workaround
/(?<=\bcan't )read\b/i --> "\e/+R+id\e/+"
# <rdar://problem/37572279> [en-US]Nora-129: "I can't do that **" sounds like "I
can do that"
ʼ --> "\e/+'k@nt\e/+"
# <rdar://problem/37964402> TTS: "Now also playing in the Dining Room" Now + also
sounds strange
/\bNow also\b/i --> "\e/+'na&U.'\e/+" # Workaround
/\bNew York, NY\b/ --> "New York New York"
# Currency
/\b(R\$)\s?(([0-9]{1,3}[,\.])*[0-9]+)/ --> "$2 $1"
/₹1\b/ --> "one rupee"
/(₹)\s?(([0-9]{1,3}[,\.]?)*[0-9]+)/ --> "$2 $1"
/₹/ --> "\e/+'R+u.piz\e/+"
# Text Normalization: rdar://problem/39463278 -- fractions of dollars convert to
/\$0?\.01\b/ --> "one cent"
/\$0?\.0([1-9])\b/ --> "$1 cents"
/\$0?\.([1-9])\b/ --> "${1}0 cents"
/\$0?\.([1-9][0-9])\b/ --> "$1 cents"
/\bIS(?= images\b)/ --> "I S"
/\bXOXO\b/ --> "X O X O"
# rdar://problem/47101193
/\bACH\b/ --> "A C H"
/\bDIA\b/ --> "D I A"
# Episode rules (for Star Wars) must be above Roman Numerals
/(?<=\bEpisode )I\b/ --> "one, "
/(?<=\bEpisode )II\b/ --> "two, "
/(?<=\bEpisode )IV\b/ --> "four, "
/(?<=\bEpisode )V\b/ --> "five, "
/(?<=\bEpisode )VI\b/ --> "six, "
/(?<=\bEpisode )VII\b/ --> "seven, "
/(?<=\bEpisode )VIII\b/ --> "eight, "
/(?<=\bEpisode )IX\b/ --> "nine, "
# Roman Numerals
### Exceptions (keep these above default expansions):
/(?<=\bMelvin Gordon |\bMarvin Bagley )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bWorld )XI\b/i --> "eleven"
/\bWWIII\b/i --> "world war three"
/(?<=\bWorld War )I\b/i --> "one"
/iX/ --> "\e/+'a&I.Eks\e/+"
/(\bThe|\bTha) Carter V\b/i --> "the carter five"
/(?<=\bFrederick )II\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bBerenguer Ramon )II\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bJames )I\b/i --> "the first"
/(?<=\bHenry Ford )II\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bPope Urban )II\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bUse Your Illusion )I\b/i --> "one"
/(?<=\bJohn Paul )II\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bHassan )II\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bTodd Gurley )II\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bMargrethe )II\b/ --> "the second"
/(?<=\bObama )II\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bjohann strauss )ii\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bjohann strauss )ii's\b/i --> "the seconds"
/(?<=\bElizabeth )II\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bCharles )II\b/i --> "the second"
/(?<=\bCharles Howell )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bRichard )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bDavis Love )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bBilly Hurley )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bHarold Varner )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bcarnuccio )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bleon thomas )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bhank williams )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bJoe Manchin )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bLongineu W\. Parsons )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bRay Phillips )IV\b/i --> "the fourth"
/(?<=\bEdward )IV\b/i --> "the fourth"
/(?<=\bEdward )VI\b/i --> "the sixth"
/(?<=\bJames )VI\b/i --> "the sixth"
/(?<=\bJames )VI and I\b/i --> "the sixth and first"
/(?<=\bHenry )VII\b/i --> "the seventh"
/(?<=\bHenry )VIII\b/i --> "the eighth"
### Below are EXCEPTIONS to be read as cardinals. These include lower-case
/\biii\.(?= telegraph ave\.\b)/i --> "three"
/(?<=\bChapter |Dream Chaser )V\b/i --> "five"
### 1, 4, 5 and > 8 do not have default values.
/\b(Charles|William|Edward|James|Mary|Richard) I\b/i --> "$1 the first"
/(?<=\bElizabeth )I\b/i --> "the first"
/(?<=\bLiquid Mind )XI\b/i --> "eleven"
/(?<=\bKings )XI\b/i --> "eleven"
/(?<=\bBuddha[-\s]Bar )XVII\b/i --> "seventeen"
/(?<=\bQuinn )XCII\b/i --> "92"
/(?<=\bExperiment )IV\b/i --> "four"
# Super Bowl expansions
/(?<=\bSuper Bowl )I\b/i --> "1"
/(?<=\bSuper Bowl )IV\b/i --> "4"
/(?<=\bSuper Bowl )V\b/i --> "5"
/(?<=\bSuper Bowl )X\b/i --> "10"
/(?<=\bSuper Bowl )XI\b/i --> "11"
/(?<=\bSuper Bowl )XX\b/i --> "20"
/(?<=\bSuper Bowl )XXX\b/i --> "30"
/(?<=\bSuper Bowl )XL\b/i --> "40"
/(?<=\bSuper Bowl )L\b/i --> "50"
# rdar://problem/49198401
/(?<=\b[Dd]ivision )I\b/ --> "one"
# Default expansions (keep these below exceptions). \b not used: rdar://56051958
(D321/17A861: Siri pronounces my name (Félix) “Fay-fifty-nine”)
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)II(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "2"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)III(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "3"
# IV and V not included, too ambiguous
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)VI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "6"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)VII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "7"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)VIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "8"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)IX(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "9"
# X and XI not included, too ambiguous
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "12"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "13"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XIV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "14"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "15"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XVI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "16"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XVII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "17"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XVIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "18"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XIX(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "19"
# XX not included, too ambiguous
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "21"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "22"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "23"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXIV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "24"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "25"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXVI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "26"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXVII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "27"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXVIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "28"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXIX(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "29"
# XXX not included, too ambiguous
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXXI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "31"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXXII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "32"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXXIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "33"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXXIV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "34"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXXV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "35"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXXVI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "36"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXXVII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "37"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXXVIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "38"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XXXIX(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "39"
# XL not included, too ambiguous
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XLI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "41"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XLII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "42"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XLIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "43"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XLIV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "44"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XLV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "45"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XLVI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "46"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XLVII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "47"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XLVIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "48"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XLIX(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "49"
# L not included, too ambiguous
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "51" # interferes with
phonetics if case insensitive
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "52"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "53"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LIV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "54" # interferes with
phonetics if case insensitive
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "55" # interferes with
phonetics if case insensitive
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LVI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "56"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LVII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "57"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LVIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "58"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LIX(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "59" # interferes with
phonetics if case insensitive
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LX(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "60"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "61"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "62"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "63"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXIV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "64"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "65"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXVI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "66"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXVII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "67"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXVIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "68"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXIX(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "69"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXX(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "70"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXXI(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "71"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXXII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "72"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXXIII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "73"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXXIV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "74"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)LXXV(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "75"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)XCII(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "92"

# Article __ normalization -- rdar://problem/50867303

/(?<=\bArticle )I\b/i --> "one"
/(?<=\bArticle )IV\b/i --> "four"
/(?<=\bArticle )V\b/i --> "five"
/(?<=\bArticle )X\b/i --> "ten"
/(?<=\bArticle )XI\b/i --> "eleven"
/(?<=\bArticle )XX\b/i --> "twenty"
/(?<=\bArticle )XXX\b/i --> "thirty"
/(?<=\bArticle )L\b/i --> "fifty"

# Super bowl ordinal normalization -- must keep after other roman numeral
normalization, rdar://problem/47971499
# generic expansions
/(?<=the )(\d+)?(1)(?= Super Bowl)/i --> "$1$2st"
/(?<=the )(\d+)?(2)(?= Super Bowl)/i --> "$1$2nd"
/(?<=the )(\d+)?(3)(?= Super Bowl)/i --> "$1$2rd"
/(?<=the )(\d+)?(4|5|6|7|8|9|0)(?= Super Bowl)/i --> "$1$2th"
# expansions for ambiguous roman numerals, IV, V, X, XI, XX, XXX, XL, L, LIV,
/(?<=\bthe )I(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "first"
/(?<=\bthe )IV(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "fourth"
/(?<=\bthe )V(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "fifth"
/(?<=\bthe )X(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "tenth"
/(?<=\bthe )XI(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "eleventh"
/(?<=\bthe )XX(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "twentieth"
/(?<=\bthe )XXX(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "thirtieth"
/(?<=\bthe )XL(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "fortieth"
/(?<=\bthe )L(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "fiftieth"
/(?<=\bthe )LIV(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "fifty-fourth"
/(?<=\bthe )LV(?= Super Bowl\b)/i --> "fifty-fifth"

# rdar://problem/50867187
/(?<=\s|^)¶(?= \d)/ --> "paragraph"

/\bangerfist\b/i --> "anger fist"
/(?<=\bPro )Bono\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&\e/+"
/(?<=\bCui )Bono\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&\e/+"
/\b['‘]00s\b/ --> "two thousands"
/\ba(-|–)ha\b/i --> "\e/+A_'hA\e/+"
/\ball(-|–)night\b/i --> "all night"
/\bgrab a beer\b/ --> "\e/+'gR+@b_'$_'biR+\e/+"
/\bthe remaining (1|one)\b/ --> "the \e/+R+$.'me&I.nInK\e/+ one"
/\bIRL\b/ --> "I R L" # for some reason, "eye are el" sounds better than "IRL"
/\bD\.R\.A\.M\./ --> "dram"
/\x{2103}/ --> "degrees celsius"
/\*?NSYNC\b/ --> "\e/+'En_'sInKk\e/+"
/\bLata Mangeshkar\b/i --> "\e/+l$.'tA_mAnK.'gES.k$\e/+"
/\bla vie\b/i --> "\e/+l@_'vi\e/+"
/\bboh(e|è)me\b/i --> "\e/+bo&U.'Em\e/+"
/\b1812(?= Overture\b| Solemn Overture\b)/i --> "eighteen twelve "
/\bbass pro\b/i --> "\e/+b@s_'pR+o&U\e/+"
/\bBasshunter\b/i --> "base hunter"
/\blos ba(n|ñ)os\b/i --> "\e/+lA+s_'b@.njA+s\e/+"
/\xA0/ --> " "
/@me\.com\b/ --> " at me dot com "
/©\s+copyright\b|\bcopyright\s+©/i --> "copyright"
/\bLego® (Batman|Movie)\b/i --> "lego $1"
/\b(\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2,4})(?=\s+\d)/ --> " $1, "
/\biOS\b/ --> " I O S "
/\b(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/10\b/ --> " $1/$2/2010 "
/(\d)m (ago|from now|later)/ --> "$1 min. $2"
/(\d)h\s+([0-5]?\d)m\b/ --> "$1 hr. $2 min."
/HI [Aa]rea/ --> "H I area"
/FA [Cc]up/ --> "F A cup"
/49er/ --> "forty niner"
/76er/ --> "seventy sixer"
/\bAFI\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I_'Ef_'a&I\e/+"
/\bETA\b/ --> "e-t-a"
/\bPG\b/ --> " p-g "
/\bITE\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I_ti_'i\e/+"
/\bJr\. Gong\b/i --> "junior gong"
/\bMartin Luther King, Jr\. Day\b/i --> "Martin Luther King Junior Day" # keep
above following "Jr" rule
/\b[Jj][r]((\.?)$|\.?('?s?\s[^A-Z])|(\.\s[^A-Z])|\.('?s?.))/ -->
/(?<=\bFoster )\+(?= Partners\b)/ --> "and"
/(?<=\bJenn )Rogien\b/ --> "\e/+'R+o&U.g$n\e/+"
/(['"])(\x1b\\tn=[a-z]+\\)/ --> "$1 $2"
/\bxfinity\b/i --> "X finity"
# Golf
/\bariya jutanugarn\b/i --> "\e/+'E.R+i$_d&Zu.'t@.n$.gAR+n\e/+"
/\bmoriya jutanugarn\b/i --> "\e/+'mO.R+i$_d&Zu.'t@.n$.gAR+n\e/+"
/\bCIMB Classic\b/ --> "C I M B Classic"
/\bOHL Classic\b/ --> "O H L Classic"
/\bde Jonge\b/ --> "\e/+'di_'j^nK\e/+"
/\bLPGA KEB Hana Bank Championship\b/ --> "L P G A K E B Hana Bank
/\bByeong Hun An\b/ --> "\e/+bi.'OnK_'hun_'An\e/+"
/\bSeung-Yul Noh\b/ --> "\e/+'s^nK.'j^l_'no&U\e/+"
/\bbonappetit\.com\b/i --> "bon appetit dot com"
/\bbon app(é|e)tit\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&Un_@.p$.'tit\e/+"
/\b(\w+), OH\b/ --> "$1, Ohio"
/\bmarket close\b/ --> "\e/+'mAR+.kIt_'klo&Uz\e/+"
/max…/i --> "max …"
/\b(\d+)nm\b/i --> "$1 \e/+'n@.n$.mi.r6$R+z\e/+"
/\bLaoco[öo]n\b/ --> "\e/+le&I.'A.k$.wAn\e/+"
/\bC[ôo]te d'Ivoire\b/ --> "\e/+ko&Ut_d$v.'wAR+\e/+"
/\bBering (Sea)\b/ --> "\e/+bER+.InK\e/+ $1"
/\x1b\\tn=spell\\…/ --> "\x1b\\tn=spell#\\…"
/^\x1b\\tn=([a-z]+)\\…/m --> "\x1b\\tn=$1#\\"
/(.*)\x1b\\tn=([a-z]+)\\…/ --> "$1,\x1b\\tn=$2\\"
/\x1b\\tn=([a-z]+)#\\/ --> "\x1b\\tn=$1\\"
/\b(Italian)(-|–)(American)\b/ --> "$1 $3"
/\b(African)(-|–)(American)\b/ --> "$1 $3"
/\bAndrea Bocelli\b/ --> " Ahn-drayah Bocelli "
/(?<=\bartist |\bband |\bwith |\bby |\bfrom |\bplay |\bplaying |\bturn |\bturning
|\bxbox )360\b/i --> "three sixty"
/(?<=\bApollo )440\b/i --> "four forty"
/(?<=\bBoyz )II(?= Men\b)/i --> "\e/+t$\e/+"
/\bREO Speedwagon\b/ --> " R E O Speedwagon "
/\bBlink[-.– ]?182\b/i --> " Blink 1 82 "
/(?<=\bMy )Age(?= Again\b)/ --> "\e/+'e&Id&Z\e/+"
/\bPanic! At the Disco\b/i --> "Panic At the Disco"
/"Ms\.\s/ --> "Ms "
/ - (\D)/ --> " ; $1"
/ \(Bonus Track Version\)/i --> " ; bonus track version "
/ \(Deluxe Version\)/i --> " ; Deluxe Version "
/ \(Remastered\)/i --> " ; Remastered "
/÷ \(Deluxe\)/i --> "divide deluxe"
/\bToo \$hort\b/i --> "too short"
/\bJoey Bada\b\$\$/i --> "joey badass"
/\bTravi\$ Scott\b/i --> "travis scott"
/\bCa\$h Out\b/i --> "cash out"
/\bA\$AP Ferg\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.s@p_'fE0R+g\e/+"
/\bReal (Madrid|Salt Lake)\b/ --> "\e/+R+e&I.'Al\e/+ $1"
/\bA\$AP Rocky\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.s@p_'\e/+"
/(?<=\bcanal)\s?(plus|\+)/i --> "pluce"
/(?<=\bSur )la Table\b/i --> "\e/+l$_'tOb\e/+"
/\b(a|the) convert\b/ --> "$1\e/+'kAn.vE0R+t\e/+"
/(\d+)\.(\d)(\d)\s?\%(?! percent\b)/ --> "$1 point $2 $3 percent"
/(\D|^)1\s?°/ --> "$1\x31 degree "
/°/ --> " degrees "
/\bRs\.1\b/i --> "1 rupee"
/\bRs\.([2-9][\d,\.]*)\b/i --> "$1 rupees"
/(\d)[\s\xa0]+(sen)(?=\.)/ --> "$1 $2 "
/\ba capella\b/i --> "\e/+'A_k$.'pE.l$\e/+"
/\bblvd\b/i --> " Boulevard "
/\bbtw\b/i --> " by the way "
/\bAbe Lincoln\b/ --> "\e/+'e&Ib_'lInK.k$n\e/+"
/\bActive Directory\b/ --> "\e/+'@k.tIv_d$.'R+Ek.t$.R+i\e/+"
/\bActivity Monitor\b/ --> "\e/+@k.'tI.v$.r6i_'mA.n$t.$R+\e/+"
/\bAd Lib\b/ --> "\e/+'@d_'lIb\e/+"
/\bAirPort Express\b/ --> "\e/+'ER+.pOR+t_Ik.'spR+Es\e/+"
/\bAirPort Extreme\b/ --> "\e/+'ER+.pOR+t_Ik.'stR+im\e/+"
/\bAirPort Utility\b/ --> "\e/+'ER+.pOR+t_ju.'tI.l$.r6i\e/+"
/\bAMR NB\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I_'Em_'AR+_'n@R+.o&U.b@nd\e/+"
/\bAOL Instant Messenger\b/ -->
/\bAndrea Orlandi\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_OR+.'l@nd.i\e/+"
/\bAngel Rangel\b/ --> "\e/+An.'d&ZEl_R+An.'d&ZEl\e/+"
/\bApp Store\b/ --> "\e/+'@p_stOR+\e/+"
/\bappletv\b/i --> "Apple TV"
/\bsafemotos\b/i --> "\e/+'se&If_'mo&\e/+"
/\bAptos St\. BBQ\b/ --> "\e/+'@p.tOs_stR+it_'bAR+.bI.kju\e/+"
/\bAston Villa\b/ --> "\e/+'@s.t$n_'vIl.$\e/+"
/\baugust dvorak\b/i --> "\e/+'O.g$st_'dvO.R+@k\e/+"
/\bAzbe Jug\b/ --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bBeats Solo[2²](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'bits_'so&U.lo&U_'tu\e/+"
/\bBeats Solo\s?[3³](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'bits_'so&U.lo&U_'TR+i\e/+"
/\bBeats\s?[Xˣ](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+bits_'Eks\e/+"
/\bBBC Minute\b/ --> "\e/+''si_'mIn.It\e/+"
/\bBaye Djiby Fall\b/ --> "\e/+ba&I_'d&Zib.i_f@l\e/+"
/\bbhat?i d(oo|u)j\b/i --> "\e/+ba&I_'dud&Z\e/+"
/\bBleeding Love\b/ --> "\e/+'bli.dInK_'l^vv.\e/+"
/\bBlue (Da Ba Dee)\b/ --> "\e/+'blu_'dA_bA_'di.\e/+"
/\bCamel Meriem\b/ --> "\e/+k@.'mEl_'mER+.i.Em\e/+"
/\bD[ií]az\b/ --> "\e/+'di.@z\e/+"
/\bCarl[']*s Jr[\.]*\b/ --> "\e/+'kAR+lz_'d&Zun.j$R+\e/+"
/\bclose to\b/ --> "\e/+klo&Us_tu\e/+"
/\bclones, (\x1b\\pause=\d+\\)?(?=ireland\b|county monaghan\b)/i -->
"\e/+'klo&U.nIs\e/+, $1"
/\bDa Silva\b/ --> "\e/+d$_'sIl.v$\e/+"
/\bDao Castellana\b/ --> "\e/+da&U_kAs.tE.jA.n$\e/+"
/\bDavid De Gea\b/i --> "\e/+'dA.vId_d$_'he&I.$\e/+"
/\bDe Aza\b/ --> "\e/+di_'@z$\e/+"
/\bDe Bruyne\b/ --> "\e/+d$_'bR+un\e/+"
/\bDe Camargo\b/ --> "\e/+de&I_k$.'mAR+.go&U\e/+"
/\bDe Guzman\b/ --> "\e/+d$_'gUz.mAn\e/+"
/\bDe Jesus\b/ --> "\e/+d$.'he&I.zus\e/+"
/\bDe Jong\b/ --> "\e/+d$_'jOnK\e/+"
/\bDe La Rosa\b/ --> "\e/+dE.l$.'R+o&Uz.$\e/+"
/\bDe Laet\b/ --> "\e/+d$_'lAt\e/+"
/\bDe Ridder\b/ --> "\e/+d$_'R+Id.$R+\e/+"
/\bDesert Hills Premium Outlets\b/ --> "\e/+'dE.z$R+t_hIlz_'pR+i.mi.
/\bDigitalColor Meter\b/ --> "\e/+'dId&Z.I.r6l%)_'k^.l$R+_'mi.r6$R+\e/+"
/\bDirectory Utility\b/ --> "\e/+d$.'R+Ek.t$.R+i_ju.'tI.l$.r6i\e/+"
/\bDirk Kuyt\b/ --> "\e/+'diR+.Ik_'ka&Ut\e/+"
/\bDisk First Aid\b/ --> "\e/+'dIsk_'fE0R+st_e&Id\e/+"
/\bDja Djédjé/ --> "\e/+d&ZA_d&Ze&I.d&Ze&I\e/+"
/\bDomain Admins\b/ --> "\e/+do&U.'me&In_'@d.mInz\e/+"
/\bDos Santos\b/ --> "\e/+do&Us_'sAnt.o&Us\e/+"
/\bDr\. No\b/ --> "\e/+'dAk.t$R+_'no&U\e/+"
/\bDVD @CCESS\b/ --> "\e/+''di_'@k.sEs\e/+"
/\bdvořák\b/i --> "dvorak"
/\bdvorak keyboard\b/i --> "\e/+'dvO.R+@k_'ki.bOR+d\e/+"
/\bDubois( County|), (\x1b\\pause=\d+\\)?(?=Idaho\b|Illinois\b|Indiana\b|
Pennsylvania\b|Wyoming\b)/ --> "\e/+du.'bO&Is\e/+ $1, $2"
/\bEden Hazard\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I.dEn_'Az.AR+\e/+"
/\bEl Hany\b/ --> "\e/+El_'\e/+"
/\bEminem Presents the Re-Up ; bonus track version\b/ -->
/\bEmre Can\b/i --> "\e/+'Em.R+e&I_'t&SAn\e/+"
/\bEric Bauthéac\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I.R+ik_bo&U.'te&I.Ak\e/+"
/\bEric Mouloungui\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I.R+ik_mu.'lun.gwi\e/+"
/\bErwin Hoffer\b/ --> "\e/+'ER+.vIn_'hOf.$R+\e/+"
/\bEsporte Interativo\b/ --> "\e/+Es.'pOR+.te&I_In.t$R+.A.'ti.vo&U\e/+"
/\bFabien Robert\b/ --> "\e/\e/+"
/\bFaruk Ateş/ --> "\e/+f$.'R+uk_'A.0tES\e/+"
/\bFinal Cut\b/ --> "\e/+'fa&'k^t\e/+"
/\bFinal Cut Effects\b/ --> "\e/+'fa&'k^t_$.'fEkts\e/+"
/\bFinal Cut Pro\b/ --> "\e/+'fa&'k^t_'pR+o&U\e/+"
/\bFinal Cut Scripts\b/ --> "\e/+'fa&'k^t_'skR+Ipts\e/+"
/\bFinal Cut Studio\b/ --> "\e/+'fa&'k^t_'stu.r6i.o&U\e/+"
/\bfleur de lis\b/ --> "\e/+flUR+_d$_'li\e/+"
/\bFlorence \+ The Machine(|\'s)\b/i --> "Florence and the Machine"
/\bFuki Sushi\b/i --> "\e/+'fu.ki_'su.Si\e/+"
/\bGerard Roland\b/ --> "\e/+ZER+'.AR+_R+o&Ul.An\e/+"
/\bGokhan Tore\b/ --> "\e/+'go&Uk.An_'tOR+.e&I\e/+"
/\bGuy Ndy Assembe\b/ --> "\e/+'gi_n$.di_$.'\e/+"
/\bgyu-kaku\b/i --> "\e/+'gi.'ju_'kA.ku\e/+"
/\bHà Nôi\b/ --> "\e/+'hA_'nO.i\e/+"
/\bHawaii Five-0\b/i --> "Hawaii five oh"
/\bHonolulu, HI\b/i --> "Honolulu, Hawaii"
/\bHustler's P\.O\.M\.E\./ --> "\e/+'h^s.l$R+s_po&Um\e/+"
/\biforgot\.apple\.com\b/ --> "\e/+a&I.f$R+.'gAt_dAr6_''dAt_'kAm\e/+"
/\biPhone 3G\b/ --> "\e/+'a&'TR+i_'d&Zi\e/+"
/\biPhone 3GS\b/ --> "\e/+'a&'TR+i_'d&Zi_'Es\e/+"
/\biPhone 4\b/ --> "\e/+'a&'fOR+\e/+"
/\biPod classic\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.pAd_'kl@.sIk\e/+"
/\biPod nano\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.pAd_'\e/+"
/\biPod shuffle\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.pAd_'S^.fl%)\e/+"
/\biPod touch\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.pAd_'t^t&S\e/+"
/\biTunes Connect\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz_k$.'nEkt\e/+"
/\biTunes Extras\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz_'Ek.stR+$z\e/+"
/\biTunes LP\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz_'El_'pi\e/+"
/\biTunes Match\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz_'m@t&S\e/+"
/\biTunes Media\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz_'mid.i.$\e/+"
/\biTunes Music Store\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz_'mju.zIk_stOR+\e/+"
/\biTunes Pass\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz_'p@s\e/+"
/\biTunes U\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz_'ju\e/+"
/\bJaime Burnes-France\b/ --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.mi_bE0nz.fR+@ns\e/+"
/\bJan Kirchhoff\b/ --> "\e/+'jAn_'kiR+k.hOf\e/+"
/\bJan Moravek\b/ --> "\e/+jAn_mOR+.'Av.Ek\e/+"
/\bJan Mucha\b/ --> "\e/+jAn_'muk.h$\e/+"
/\bJan Polak\b/ --> "\e/+jAn_'po&U.lAk\e/+"
/\bJan Rosenthal\b/ --> "\e/+jAn_'R+o&Uz.$n.tAl\e/+"
/\bJan Schlaudraff\b/ --> "\e/+jAn_'Sla&Ud.R+Af\e/+"
/\bJan Vertonghen\b/ --> "\e/+jAn_v$R+'.tOnK.$n\e/+"
/\bJean Armel Kana-Biyik\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_AR+.'mEl_kA.n$_'bi.jik\e/+"
/\bJean Baptiste Pierazzi\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_bA.'tist_pi.ER+.'\e/+"
/\bJean Beausejour\b/ --> "\e/+ZOn_'bOs.$.ju\e/+"
/\bJean Calvé(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/ --> "\e/+ZAn_kAl.'ve&I\e/+"
/\bJean Fanor\b/ --> "\e/+'ZOn_f$.'nOR+\e/+"
/\bJean Makoun\b/ --> "\e/+ZOn_m$.'kun\e/+"
/\bJean Philippe Sabo\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_fi.'\e/+"
/\bJean-Bryan Boukaka\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_bra&I.$n_bu.kA.k$\e/+"
/\bJean-Christophe Bahebeck\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_kri.'stOf_bA.$.'bEk\e/+"
/\bJean-Daniel Akpa-Akpro\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_dAn.'jEl_'Ak.p$_'Ak.pR+o&U\e/+"
/\bJean-Eudes Maurice\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_ju.'dEs_mo&U.'R+is\e/+"
/\bJean-Louis Leca\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_lu.i_lE.k$\e/+"
/\bJean-Pascal Mignot\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_pAs.kAl_min.'jo&U\e/+"
/\bJeremy Pied\b/ --> "\e/+Ze&I.R+e&\e/+"
/\bJerome Leroy\b/ --> "\e/+ZER+.o&Um_l$.R+wA\e/+"
/\bJerome Martin\b/ --> "\e/+ZER+.o&Um_mAR+.'tAn\e/+"
/\bJesse Joronen\b/ --> "\e/+'jEs.$_'jOR+.$.n$n\e/+"
/\bJo Jung\b/ --> "\e/+d&Zo&U_d&ZunK\e/+"
/\bJoan Angel Roman\b/ --> "\e/+wAn_'AnK.hEl_R+o&U.'mAn\e/+"
/\bJoan Hartock\b/ --> "\e/+Zo&U.An_hAR+.tOk\e/+"
/\bJohan Martial\b/ --> "\e/+jo&U.An_mAR+.ti.'Al\e/+"
/\bJonas De Roeck\b/ --> "\e/+'jo&Un.$s_d$_'R+o&Uk\e/+"
/\bJonas Martin\b/ --> "\e/+Zo&U.nAs_mAR+.'tAn\e/+"
/\bJulius Biada\b/ --> "\e/+'juli.$s_bi.'Ad.$\e/+"
/\bJuri Judt\b/ --> "\e/+'juR+.i_'jUd\e/+"
/\bJust remember: A watched iPhone never boils\b/ -->
/\bKen Burns\b/ --> "\e/+'kEn_'bE0nz\e/+"
/\bKeychain Access\b/ --> "\e/+'ki.t&Se&In_'@k.sEs\e/+"
/\bKoch (Brothers|Industries)\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&Uk\e/+ $1"
/\bLa Secla\b/ --> "\e/+l$.'sEk.l$\e/+"
/\bLe Crom\b/ --> "\e/+l$_kro&Um\e/+"
/\bLED\b/ --> "\e/+El_i_'di\e/+"
/\bLEDs\b/ --> "\e/+El_i_'diz\e/+"
/\bLe Fondre\b/ --> "\e/+l$_'FOnd.R+$\e/+"
/\bLe Lan\b/ --> "\e/+l$_lAn\e/+"
/\bLe Pogam\b/ --> "\e/+l$_po&Ug.$m\e/+"
/\blil uzi vert\b/ --> "\e/+'lIL_'u.zi_'vER+t\e/+"
/\bLionel Cappone\b/ --> "\e/+li.o&U.nEl_ kA.pOn\e/+"
/\bLogic Pro X\b/ --> "\e/+'lA.d&ZIk_'pR+o&U_'tEn\e/+"
/\bLogic X\b/ --> "\e/+'lA.d&ZIk_'tEn\e/+"
/\bLouis Armstrong\b/ --> "\e/+'lu.i_'AR+m.stR+OnK\e/+"
/\bLouis Saha\b/ --> "\e/+lu.'i_'sA.$\e/+"
/\bLucas Piazón\b/ --> "\e/+lu.'k^s_pi.^.'zOn\e/+"
/\bMac App Store\b/ --> "\e/+'m@k_'@p_'stOR+\e/+"
/\bOS X\b/ --> "\e/+'o&U.'Es_'tEn\e/+"
/\bMac OS\b/ --> "\e/+'m@k_'o&U.'Es\e/+"
/\bMac Pro\b/ --> "\e/+'m@k_'pR+o&U\e/+"
/\bMac mini\b/ --> "\e/+'m@k_'\e/+"
/\bMacBook Air\b/ --> "\e/+'m@k.bUk_'ER+\e/+"
/\bMacBook Pro\b/ --> "\e/+'m@k.bUk_'pR+o&U\e/+"
/\bMagic Mouse\b/ --> "\e/+'m@.d&ZIk_ma&Us\e/+"
/\bMagic Songs\b/ --> "\e/+'m@.d&ZIk_sOnKz\e/+"
/\bMagic Trackpad\b/ --> "\e/+'m@.d&ZIk_'tR+@k.p@d\e/+"
/\bMama Said\b/ --> "\e/+'mA.m$_'sEd\e/+"
/\bMarcel Gecov\b/ --> "\e/+'mAR+tsEl_'gEts.Of\e/+"
/\bMarcus Thames\b/ --> "\e/+'mAR+.k$s_'temz\e/+"
/\bMatthias Lehmann\b/ --> "\e/+'mA0t.i.$s_'le&I.mAn\e/+"
/\bMbah a Moute\b/ --> "\e/+$m.bA.A.'mu.te&I\e/+"
/\bMel Bellefontaine\b/ --> "\e/+'mEl_bEl.fAn.'te&In\e/+"
/\bmicex ind\b/i --> "micex index"
/\bMichael Lumb\b/ --> "\e/+'mik.a&Il_le&Im\e/+"
/\bMiss Movin' On\b/ --> "\e/+'mIs_'mu.vIn_'An\e/+"
/\bMiss Movin On\b/ --> "\e/+'mIs_'mu.vIn_'An\e/+"
/\bMono Lake\b/ --> "\e/+'mo&Un.o&U_le&Ik\e/+"
/\bMonte Vista\b/ --> "\e/+mAn.t$_'vIs.t$\e/+"
/\bMount Rainier\b/ --> "\e/+ma&Unt_R+e&I.'niR+\e/+"
/\bMoussa Sow\b/ --> "\e/+mu.s$_so&U\e/+"
/\bMusic Store\b/ --> "\e/+'mju.zIk_stOR+\e/+"
/\bNicolas Zeitlin\b/ --> "\e/+'nIk.$.l$s_'za&It.lIn\e/+"
/\bNicolas Gomollon\b/ --> "\e/+'nIk.$.l$s_'gOm.$.l$n\e/+"
/\bNike \+ iPod\b/ --> "\e/+'na&I.ki_pl^s_'a&I.pAd\e/+"
/\ Colosseum\b/ --> "\e/+'o&U_dAt_ko&U_kAl.$.'si.$m\e/+"
/\bOpen Link\b/ --> "\e/+'o&U.p$n_lInKk\e/+"
/\bOb-La-Di, Ob-La-Da\b/ --> "\e/+'o&U_'blA_'di#'o&U_'blA_'dA\e/+"
/\bou=people, o=company\b/ --> "\e/+'o&U_'ju_'$lz_'
/\bp(e|ae)dophile\b/ --> "\e/+'pE.r6$.fa&Il\e/+"
/\bPatrick Roy\b/ --> "\e/+'p@.tR+Ik_'wA\e/+"
/\bPeer Kluge\b/ --> "\e/+'pER+_'klug.$\e/+"
/\bPetit Biscuit\b/i --> "\e/+p$.'ti_bi.'skwi\e/+"
/\bPéter Gulacsi\b/ --> "\e/+'pe&It.ER+_'gu.lA.t&Si\e/+"
/\bPhi Phi island\b/ --> "\e/+'pi_'pi_'a&I.l$nd\e/+"
/\bPlease use\b/ --> "\e/+'pliz_'juz\e/+"
/\bPodcast Capture\b/ --> "\e/+'pAd.k@st_'k@p.t&S$R+\e/+"
/\bPodcast Producer\b/ --> "\e/+'pAd.k@st_pR+$.'du.s$R+\e/+"
/\bPodcast Producer Server\b/ --> "\e/+'pAd.k@st_pR+$.'du.s$R+_'sE0R+.v$R+\e/+"
/\bPodcast Publisher\b/ --> "\e/+'pAd.k@st_'p^.blI.S$R+\e/+"
/\bPort Micro\b/ --> "\e/+'pOR+t_'ma&I.kR+o&U\e/+"
/\bPort Micro 0\b/ --> "\e/+'pOR+t_'ma&I.kR+o&U_'ziR+.o&U\e/+"
/\bPort Micro 1\b/ --> "\e/+'pOR+t_'ma&I.kR+o&U_'w^n\e/+"
/\bPower Nap\b/ --> "\e/+'pa&U.$R+_n@p\e/+"
/\bPowerbeats[3³](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'pa&U.$R+.bits_'TR+i\e/+"
/\bPowerbeats[2²](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'pa&U.$R+.bits_'tu\e/+"
/\bRAID Utility\b/ --> "\e/+'R+e&Id_ju.'tI.l$.r6i\e/+"
/\bRegina(\,)? (\x1b\\pause=\d+\\)?(?=Canada\b|Saskatchewan\b)/ -->
"\e/+R+I.'d&Za&In.$\e/+, $1"
/\bRemote Install Mac OS X\b/ -->
/\bRicky Gervais\b/ --> "\e/+'R+I.ki_d&Z$R+.'ve&Iz\e/+"
/\bRobinson Cancel\b/ --> "\e/+'R+Ab.In.s$n_k@n.'sEl\e/+"
/\bRomain Grange\b/ --> "\e/+R+o&U.mAn_gR+AnZ\e/+"
/\bRoman Colon\b/ --> "\e/+R+o&U.'mAn_k$.'lo&Un\e/+"
/\bRudy Mater\b/ --> "\e/+'R+u.di_mA.'te&I\e/+"
/\bSAP Center\b/ --> "\e/+'Es.e&I.'pi_'sEn.r6$R+\e/+"
/\bSamed Yesil\b/ --> "\e/+'sAm.e&Id_'je&I.Sil\e/+"
/\bSan Francisco\'s\b/i --> "\e/+s@n_fR+$n.'sIs.ko&Uz\e/+"
/\bSan Francisco\b/i --> "\e/+s@n_fR+$n.'sIs.ko&U\e/+"
/\bSanta Cruz\b/i --> "\e/+'s@.n$_kR+uz\e/+"
/\bSan Lorenzo\b/i --> "\e/+'s@n_l$.'R+En.zo&U\e/+"
/\bLos Gatos\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&Us_'gA.r6o&Us\e/+"
/\bsci fi\b/ --> "\e/+'sa&I_'fa&I\e/+"
/\bSerie A\b/ --> "\e/+'se&I.R+i.$_A\e/+"
/\bSergio Mitre\b/ --> "\e/+sER+Z.i.o&U_'mi.tR+e&I\e/+"
/\bSimon Mignolet\b/ --> "\e/+si.mOn_'le&I\e/+"
/\bSir Mix A Lot\b/ --> "\e/+'sE0R+_'mIks_$_'lAt\e/+"
/\bSpeakerboxxx\/The Love Below\b/ -->
/\bSt\. Denis\b/ --> "\e/+s@n_d$.'ni\e/+"
/\bSt\. Elsewhere\b/ --> "\e/+'se&Int_'Els.wER+\e/+"
/\bSt\.? Louis\b/ --> "\e/+se&Int_'lu.Is\e/+"
/\bTantek Çelik\b/ --> "\e/+'tAn.tEk_'t&SEl.Ik\e/+"
/\bThe Apple Collection\b/ --> "\e/+Di_'$.'lEk.S$n\e/+"
/\bThe Universal Client\b/ --> "\e/+D$_ju.n$.''kla&I.$nt\e/+"
/\bThe power to be your best\b/ --> "\e/+D$_'pa&U.$R+_t$_bi_j$R+_'bEst\e/+"
/\bTheresa May\b/ --> "\e/+t$.'R+i.s$_'me&I\e/+"
/\bThere's an app for that\b/ --> "\e/+DER+z_$n_'@p_f$R+_'D@t\e/+"
/\bThink different\b/ --> "\e/+'TInKk_'dI.fR+$nt\e/+"
/\bTime Capsule\b/ --> "\e/+'ta&\e/+"
/\bTime Machine\b/ --> "\e/+'ta&Im_m$.'Sin\e/+"
/\bThnks Fr Th Mmrs\b/ --> "\e/+'T@nks.fOR+.T$.'mEm.R+iz\e/+"
/\bThorgan Hazard\b/ --> "\e/+tOR+.gAn_Az.AR+\e/+"
/\bTristan Do\b/ --> "\e/+tris.t$n_do&U\e/+"
/\bUsual Suspects\b/ --> "\e/+'juZ.u.$l_'s^s.pEkts\e/+"
/\bVan der Vaart\b/ --> "\e/+vAn d$R+ 'vAR+t\e/+"
/\bWest Bromwich Albion\b/ --> "\e/+wEst_'bR+Am.IdZ_'$n\e/+"
/\bWilliam Gallas\b/ --> "\e/+wil.jAm_gAl.As\e/+"
/\bWilson Palacios\b/ --> "\e/+wil.'sO&Um_pA.'\e/+"
/\bWily Mo Peña\b/ --> "\e/+'wI.li_'mo&U_'pe&In.j$\e/+"
/\bWily Peralta\b/ --> "\e/+'wI.li_p$.'R+Al.t$\e/+"
/\bwound[\s-]up(?=\.|!|\?)/ --> "\e/+'wa&Und_'^p\e/+"
/\bWyclef Jean\b/ --> "\e/+'wa&I.klIf_'ZAn\e/+"
/\bXavier Cedeño\b/ --> "\e/+'hAv.i.ER+_s$.'de&\e/+"
/\bXavier Nady\b/ --> "\e/+'Eks.e&'ne&I.di\e/+"
/\bXavier Paul\b/ --> "\e/+'ze&Iv.jE0_'pOl\e/+"
/\bYan Gomes\b/ --> "\e/+'jAn_'go&Umz\e/+"
/\bZhi Gin Lam\b/ --> "\e/+t&Si_kin_l^m\e/+"
/\bde Haan\b/ --> "\e/+d$_'hAn\e/+"
/\bkelp bass\b/ --> "\e/+'kElp_b@s\e/+"
/\bkid-friendly restaurants\b/ --> "\e/+'kId.'fR+End.li_'R+Est.R+Ants\e/+"
/\blarge mouth bass\b/ --> "\e/+'lAR+d&Z_ma&UT_'b@s\e/+"
/\bsea bass\b/ --> "\e/+'si_b@s\e/+"
/\bstriped bass\b/ --> "\e/+'stR+a&Ipt_b@s\e/+"
/(?<=\bEric )Bass\b/i --> "\e/+'b@s\e/+" # bass homograph disambiguation
/\bWi-Fi \+ Cellular\b/ --> "\e/+'wa&I.fa&I_pl^s_'sE.lj$.l$R+\e/+"
/\bWi-Fi Direct\b/ --> "\e/+'wa&I.fa&I_d$.'R+Ekt\e/+"
/\bWiki Server 2\b/ --> "\e/+'wI.ki_'sE0R+.v$R+_'tu\e/+"
/\bWiki Server 3\b/ --> "\e/+'wI.ki_'sE0R+.v$R+_'TR+i\e/+"
/\bX Window System\b/ --> "\e/+'Eks_'$m\e/+"
/\bBuca di Beppo\b/i --> "\e/+'bu.kA_di_'bEp.o&U\e/+"
/\bCoen Gortebaker\b/ --> "\e/+'kun_'gOR+.t$.bAk.$R+\e/+"
/\bDaley Blind\b/ --> "\e/+'de&Il.i_blInt\e/+"
/\bGill Swerts\b/ --> "\e/+'hIl_'svER+ts\e/+"
/\bJan Vennegoor\b/ --> "\e/+'jAn_'vEn.$.gOR+\e/+"
/\bJan Vertonghen\b/ --> "\e/+'jAn_'vER+.tOnK.hEn\e/+"
/\bJan Wuytens\b/ --> "\e/+'jAn_'wu.i.tEnz\e/+"
/\bJan-Arie van der Heijden\b/ --> "\e/+'jAn_'AR+.i.$_v@n_dER+_'he&I.d$n\e/+"
/\bJulian Jenner\b/ --> "\e/+'jul.i.An_'jEn.$R+\e/+"
/\bJust Berends\b/ --> "\e/+'j^st_'be&I.R+$nts\e/+"
/\bSaid Bakkati\b/ --> "\e/+sA.'id_b$.'kA0t.i\e/+"
/\bAndrea Mei\b/ --> "\e/+'And.R+e&I.$_me&I\e/+"
/\bAlves de Lima\b/ --> "\e/+Al.'ve&Iz_d$_'lim$\e/+"
/\bAndrea Barzagli\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$\e/+"
/\bAndrea Bertolacci\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$'lAts.i\e/+"
/\bAndrea Campagnolo\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_kAm.pAn.'jo&U.lo&U\e/+"
/\bAndrea Catellani\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_kA.tEl.'An.i\e/+"
/\bAndrea Coda\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_'ko&Ud.$\e/+"
/\bAndrea Consigli\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_kOn.'sil.ji\e/+"
/\bAndrea Cossu\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_'\e/+"
/\bAndrea Costa\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_'ko&Us.t$\e/+"
/\bAndrea Doninelli\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_dOn.i.'\e/+"
/\bAndrea Dossena\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_dOs.'sEn.$\e/+"
/\bAndrea Gessa\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_d&ZEs.s$\e/+"
/\bAndrea Lazzari\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_lAd.'dzAR+.i\e/+"
/\bAndrea Mantovani\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$'vAn.i\e/+"
/\bAndrea Masiello\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_mAz.i.'El.o&U\e/+"
/\bAndrea Parola\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_pA.'R+o&Ul.$\e/+"
/\bAndrea Pirlo\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_'piR+.lo&U\e/+"
/\bAndrea Poli\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_'po&\e/+"
/\bAndrea Raggi\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_'R+A.d&Zi\e/+"
/\bAndrea Ranocchia\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_R+A.'no&$\e/+"
/\bAndrea Rispoli\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_R+is.'po&\e/+"
/\bAndrea Romano\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_R+o&U.'mAn.o&U\e/+"
/\bAndrea Rossi\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_'\e/+"
/\bAndrea Sbraga\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_'zbR+A.g$\e/+"
/\bAndrea Seculin\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_s$.'ku.lin\e/+"
/\bAndrea Tozzo\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_'\e/+"
/\bDi Michele\b/ --> "\e/+di_mi.'kEl.e&I\e/+"
/\bIgnazio Abate\b/ --> "\e/+ij.'njA.s.i.o&U_A.'bA.te&I\e/+"
/\bJean-Alain Fanchone\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_A.'lAn_fAn.'SOn\e/+"
/\bJean Francois Gillet\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_frAns.'wA_Zi.'le&I\e/+"
/\bJean Mbida\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_m'bi.d$\e/+"
/\bJose Angel\b/ --> "\e/+'ho&U.ze&I_'AnK.hEl\e/+"
/\bLame Surraco\b/ --> "\e/+''R+A.ko&U\e/+"
/\bManan(?= Vohra)\b/i --> "\e/+'mA.n$n\e/+"
/\bMichele Camporese\b/ --> "\e/+mi.'ke&I.le&I_kAm.pOR+.'e&I.ze&I\e/+"
/\bMichele Canini\b/ --> "\e/+mi.'ke&I.le&I_kA.'\e/+"
/\bMichele Ferri\b/ --> "\e/+mi.'ke&I.le&I_'fER+.i\e/+"
/\bMichele Pazienza\b/ --> "\e/+mi.'ke&I.le&I_pAts.i.'En.ts$\e/+"
/\bMiguel Angel Britos\b/ --> "\e/+mi.'gEl_'AnK.hEl_'\e/+"
/\bMilan Milanovic\b/ --> "\e/+'mi.lAn_'mi.lAn.$.vIt&S\e/+"
/\bNadir Minotti\b/ --> "\e/+nA.'diR+_min.'Ot.ti\e/+"
/\bNicola Belmonte\b/ --> "\e/+ni.'k'o&U.l$_bEl.'mOn.te&I\e/+"
/\bNicola Berselli\b/ --> "\e/+ni.'ko&U.l$_bER+.'\e/+"
/\bNicola Leali\b/ --> "\e/+ni.'ko&U.l$_le&I.'\e/+"
/\bNicola Legrottaglie\b/ --> "\e/+ni.'ko&U.l$_le&I.gR+Ot.'\e/+"
/\bNicola Murru\b/ --> "\e/+ni.'ko&U.l$_'mu.R+u\e/+"
/\bNicola Pavarini\b/ --> "\e/+ni.'ko&U.l$_pA.v$.'\e/+"
/\bNicola Pozzi\b/ --> "\e/+ni.'ko&U.l$_'pOts.i\e/+"
/\bPhilippe(?= Coutinho\b)/i --> "\e/+fi.'li.pi\e/+"
/\bServin Cesar\b/ --> "\e/+s$R+.'vin_'t&Se&I.zAR+\e/+"
/\bÁngel Dealbert\b/ --> "\e/+'AnK.hEl_de&I.'Al.bER+t\e/+"
/[aáÁ]ngel Di Mar[íi]a\b/i --> "\e/+'An.hEl_di_mA.'R+i.$\e/+"
/\bÁngel Propin\b/ --> "\e/+'AnK.hEl_'pR+o&\e/+"
/\bCarles Gil\b/ --> "\e/+'kAR+.lEs_'hil\e/+"
/\bEver Banega\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I.vER+_bA.'ne&I.g$\e/+"
/\bImanol Elias\b/ --> "\e/+i.mA.'no&Ul_'e&\e/+"
/\bJaime Isuardi\b/ --> "\e/+'ha&'AR+.di\e/+"
/\bJaime Romero\b/ --> "\e/+'ha&'mER+.o&U\e/+"
/\bJoan Angel Roman\b/ --> "\e/+Zu.'AnK_Angel_'R+o&Um.An\e/+"
/\bJoan Capdevila\b/ --> "\e/+Zu.'AnK_k$.d$.'vil.j$\e/+"
/\bJoan Tomas\b/ --> "\e/+Zu.'AnK_to&U.'mAs\e/+"
/\bJoan Verdu\b/ --> "\e/+Zu.'AnK_vER+.'du\e/+"
/\bJoan Oriol\b/ --> "\e/+Zu.'An_uR+.i.'Ol\e/+"
/\bJoao Victor\b/ --> "\e/+'Zu.a&U_vik.'tOR+\e/+"
/\bJosé Angel\b/ --> "\e/+ho&U.'ze&I_'AnK.hEl\e/+"
/\bAngel(?= Nieto\b)/i --> "\e/+'AnK.hEl\e/+"
/\bJosé Maria Cases\b/ --> "\e/+ho&U.'ze&I_mA.'R+i.$_'kAs.Es\e/+"
/\bManu Del Moral\b/ --> "\e/+'mA.nu_dEl_mOR+.Al\e/+"
/\bMate Bilic\b/ --> "\e/+'mA.te&I_'bi.lit&S\e/+"
/\bMiguel Angel Luque\b/ --> "\e/+mi.'gEl_'AnK.hEl_'\e/+"
/\bNacho Cases\b/ --> "\e/+'nA.t&So&U_'kAs.Es\e/+"
/\bOscar Plano\b/ --> "\e/+'Os.kAR+_'plAn.o&U\e/+"
/\bPedro Astray\b/ --> "\e/+'pe&Id.R+o&U_A.'stR+a&I\e/+"
/\bRamiro Mayor\b/ --> "\e/+R+$.'miR.+o&U_mA.'jOR+\e/+"
/\bAndrea Barzagli\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$_bAR+.'\e/+"
/\bAngel Reyna\b/ --> "\e/+'AnK.hEl_'R+e&I.i.n$\e/+"
/\bAnthony Lopes\b/ --> "\e/+'@n.t$ni_'lOp.Is\e/+"
/\bDaley Blind\b/ --> "\e/+'dA.li_blInt\e/+"
/\bDavid Donatelli\b/ --> "\e/+'de&I.vId_dA.n$.'\e/+"
/\bDries Mertens\b/ --> "\e/+'dR+is_'mER+.t$ns\e/+"
/\bGermán Re\b/ --> "\e/+hER+.'mAn_'R+e&I\e/+"
/\bGuy-Rolland N'dy Assembe\b/ --> "\e/+gi_R+Ol.'An_$n.di_A.'\e/+"
/\bIn-Hwan Jung\b/ --> "\e/+'In.hAn.d&Z^nK\e/+"
/\bJan Vertonghen\b/ --> "\e/+'jAn_v$R+.'tOnK.$n\e/+"
/\bJean-Daniel\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_dAn.'jEl\e/+"
/\bJean Effala\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_E.'fAl.$\e/+"
/\bJean-Jacques\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_ZAk\e/+"
/\bJean Makoun\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_m$.kun\e/+"
/\bJean-Armel Kana-Biyik\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_AR+.'mEl_kAn.$_bi.'jik\e/+"
/\bJean-Patrick Abouna\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_pA.tR+ik_$.bun.$\e/+"
/\bJean Beausejour\b/ --> "\e/+ZAn_bo&\e/+"
/\bJesús Escoboza\b/ --> "\e/+he&I.'sus_Es.ko&U.'bo&Us.$\e/+"
/\bJesús Molina\b/ --> "\e/+he&I.'sus_mo&U.'lin.$\e/+"
/\bJesús Navas\b/ --> "\e/+he&I.'sus_'nA.vAs\e/+"
/\bJesús Zavala\b/ --> "\e/+he&I.'sus_sA.'vA.l$\e/+"
/\bJosé de Jesús Corona\b/ --> "\e/+ho&U.'ze&I_de&I_he&I.'sus_k$.'R+o&U.n$\e/+"
/\bJung-Soo\b/ --> "\e/+'d&\e/+"
/\bJung-Woo\b/ --> "\e/+'d&ZUnK.wu\e/+"
/\bLuis Angel Mendoza\b/ --> "\e/+lu.'is_AnK.'hEl_mEn.'do&U.s$\e/+"
/\bLuis Muriel\b/ --> "\e/+lu.'is_'muR+.i.e&Il\e/+"
/\bMate Maleš(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/ --> "\e/+'mA.te&I_'mAl.ES\e/+"
/\bMax-Alain\b/ --> "\e/+m@ks_A.'lAn\e/+"
/\bMilan Badelj\b/ --> "\e/+'mi.lAn_'bAd.e&I\e/+"
/\bMile Jedinak\b/ --> "\e/+'mi.le&I_'\e/+"
/\bPark Geun Hye\b/ --> "\e/+'pAR+k_'gUn_'he&I\e/+"
/\bSerey Die\b/ --> "\e/+sER+.'e&I_di.'e&I\e/+"
/\bStephen(?= Curry\b)/ --> "\e/+'stE.f$n\e/+"
/\bYuki Abe\b/ --> "\e/+'ju.ki_'\e/+"
/\bInspectah Deck\b/i --> "\e/+In.spEk.t$.'dEk\e/+"
/\bOndrej Kase\b/i --> "\e/+'On.dR+e&I_'kA.sE\e/+"
# Last names
/\bDe Leow\b/ --> "\e/+d$_'lo&U\e/+"
/\bDe Ville\b/ --> "\e/+d$_'vIl\e/+"
/\bDe Vore\b/ --> "\e/+d$_'vOR+\e/+"
/\bLe Monde\b/ --> "\e/+l$.'mAnd\e/+"
# Locations that need context of ", state", ex "Lima, Ohio", as they can be
ambiguous otherwise
/\bOntonagon(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ -->
/\bCharlotte(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ -->
/\bDowagiac(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ -->
/\bOkemus(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ --> "\e/+'o&U.k$.m$s\e/+"
/\bMilan(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ --> "\e/+'ma&I.lIn\e/+"
/\bLake Orion(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ -->
/\bHoughton(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ -->
/\bGratiot(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ --> "\e/+'gr@S.It\e/+"
/\bGaylord(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ -->
/\bBois Blanc Island(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ -->
/\bOcqueoc(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bGrosse Ile(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ -->
/\bOnekama(?=,? (Michigan\b|MI\b|\e\\tn=state\\MI\b))/ -->
/\bBowie(?=,? (Maryland\b|MD\b|\e\\tn=state\\MD\b))/ --> "\e/+'bu.i\e/+"
/\bLihue(?=,? (Hawaii\b|HI\b|\e\\tn=state\\HI\b))/ --> "\e/+li.'hu.e&I\e/+"
/\bMebane(?=,? (North Carolina\b|NC\b|\e\\tn=state\\NC\b))/ --> "\e/+'mE.b$n\e/
/\bFuquay[-–]Varina(?=,? (North Carolina\b|NC\b|\e\\tn=state\\NC\b))/ -->
/\bBoise(?=,? (Idaho\b|ID\b|\e\\tn=state\\ID\b))/ --> "\e/+'bO&\e/+"
/\bNorfolk(?=,? (Nebraska\b|NE\b|\e\\tn=state\\NE\b))/ -->
/\bBeaufort(?=,? (North Carolina\b|NC\b|\e\\tn=state\\NC\b))/ -->
/\bBeaufort(?=,? (South Carolina\b|SC\b|\e\\tn=state\\SC\b))/ -->
/\bKissimmee(?=,? (Florida\b|FL\b|\e\\tn=state\\FL\b))/ --> "\e/+kI.'sI.mi\e/+"
/\bVersailles(?=,? (Kentucky\b|KY\b|\e\\tn=state\\KY\b))/ -->
/\bLima(?=,? (Ohio\b|OH\b|\e\\tn=state\\OH\b))/ --> "\e/+'la&I.m$\e/+"
/\bSebring(?=,? (Ohio|OH|\e\\tn=state\\OH))\b/i --> "\e/+'si.bR+InK\e/+"
/\bLima(?= bean)/ --> "\e/+'la&I.m$\e/+" # This matches contexts where "Lima
beans" is uppercase
# Place names
/\bSaint[ -–]Tropez\b/i --> "\e/+sAn_tR+$.'pe&I\e/+"
/\bBof?A\b/ --> "B of A"
/(?<=\bWall )St(\.|\b)/i --> "Street"
/\bLa Jolla\b/i --> "\e/+l$_'hO&I.j$\e/+"
/\bLa Brea\b/i --> "\e/+l$_'bR+e&I.$\e/+"
/\bBossier City\b/ --> "\e/+'bo&U. Z$R+_'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bBaie d'Espoire\b/i --> "\e/+'be&I_dEs.'pER+\e/+"
/\bBoise City\b/ --> "\e/+'bo&Is_'sIt.i\e/+"
/\bBrett Favre\b/ --> "\e/+bR+Et_fAR+v\e/+"
/\bCanyon de Chelly\b/ --> "\e/+'k@n.j$n_d$_'Se&\e/+"
/\bChamps Elysées\b/ --> "\e/+''se&I\e/+"
/\bChoa Chu Kang\b/ --> "\e/+'t&SwA_'t&Su_kAnK\e/+"
/\bDes Plaines\b/ --> "\e/+dEz_ple&Inz\e/+"
/\bDe Anza\b/i --> "\e/+di_'@n.z$\e/+"
/\bKusu Island\b/ --> "\e/+'ku.su_'a&I.l$nd\e/+"
/\bLac Courte Oreilles\b/ --> "\e/+l$_'kud_$.R+e&I \e/+"
/\bLa Plata\b/i --> "\e/+l$_'ple&It.$\e/+"
/\bLiancourt Rocks\b/ --> "\e/+'li.$nK.kOR+t_'R+Aks\e/+"
/\bLos [AÁá]ngeles Azules\b/i --> "\e/+lo&Us_'An.h$.l$s_$.'su.l$s\e/+"
/\blosangelesduiattorney\.com\b/i --> "los angeles D U I attorney dot com"
/\bcolonoscopycenterlosangeles\.com\b/i --> "colonoscopy center los angeles dot
/\bLos Angeles\b/i --> "\e/+lAs.'@n.d&Z$.l$s\e/+"
/\bLos Altos\b/i --> "\e/+lOs.'\e/+"
/\bMagdalen College\b/ --> "\e/+'mOd. lIn_'kAl.Id&Z\e/+"
/\bMagdalene College\b/ --> "\e/+'mOd. lIn_'kAl.Id&Z\e/+"
/(?<=[Ii]n )Nice\b/ --> "\e/+'nis\e/+"
/\bNice(?=,? France\b)/i --> "\e/+'nis\e/+"
/\bper se\b/ --> "\e/+pE0_'se&I\e/+"
/\bPlanet Granite\b/ --> "\e/+'pl@.nIt_'gr@.nIt\e/+"
/\bPulau Tekong\b/ --> "\e/+pU.'la&U_'t$.kAnK\e/+"
/\bPulau Ubin\b/ --> "\e/+pU.'la&U_'u.bIn\e/+"
/\bSt(\.|) Ive\b/ --> "\e/+s$nt_'iv\e/+"
/\bSan Luis Obispo\b/ --> "\e/+s@n_'lu.Is.$.'bIs.po&U\e/+"
/\bSanta Teresa\b/i --> "\e/+s@n.t$_'t$.'R+i.s$\e/+" #workaround
/\bSan Rafael\b/ --> "\e/+s@n_R+$.'fEl\e/+"
/\bSault Ste(\.|) Marie\b/i --> "\e/+'su_se&Int_m$.'R+i\e/+"
/\bsilicon valley\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.l$.k$n_'\e/+"
/\bsri lanka\b/i --> "\e/+SR+i.'lOnK.k$\e/+"
/\bSix Minute English\b/ --> "\e/+'sIks_'mI.nIt_'InK.glIS\e/+"
/\bSt(\.|) Helena\b/i --> "\e/+'se&Int_h$.'li.n$\e/+"
/\bTopsail Beach\b/ --> "\e/+'tOp.s$l_bit&S\e/+"
/\bcinque terre\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SInKk.we&I_'tER+.e&I\e/+"
/\b(Sure\. Let[’']s kick things off with) Oh, (What a Night)\b/i --> "$1: Oh $2"
/\bsanta clara (da|dah|de) as[íi]s\b/i --> "\e/+s@n.$.'kl@R+.$_de&I_$.'sis\e/+"
/\barroyo de arguello\b/i --> "\e/+$.'R+O&I.o&U_de&I_AR+.'gwe&\e/+"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])[ÈèE] tutto qua\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I_'tu.r6o&U_'kwA\e/+"
/\bCanc[uú]n\b/i --> "\e/+k@n.'kun\e/+"
/\bDes Moines\b/i --> "\e/+d$m.'O&In\e/+"
/\bHmart\b/i --> "H mart"
/\bEstrella(?= Parkway| Pkwy| Pkwy\.| Pky\b)/i --> " \e/+$.'stR+E.j^\e/+"
/\bKolb(?= Road| Rd\.| Rd\b)/i --> "\e/+'ko&Ulb\e/+"
# Misc names
/\bF[üu]hrer\b/i --> "\e/+'fjE0.E0\e/+"
/\bQuinoaGrill\b/i --> "quinoa grill"
/\bUchu Conbini\b/i --> "\e/+'u.t&Su_'ko&\e/+"
/(?<=\bSlate )Presents(?= Lexicon Valley\b)/ --> "\e/+pR+I.'zEnts\e/+"
/\bDecksanddrumsandrockandroll\b/ --> "decks n drums n rock n roll"
/\bMarathon(?= Classic\b)/ --> "\e/+'mER+.IT.An\e/+" # workaround
/(?<=\bNew York City )Marathon\b/i --> "\e/+'mER+.IT.An\e/+" # workaround
/\bNicolas Cage\b/ --> "\e/+'nIk.$.l$s_ke&Id&Z\e/+"
/\bTaquería La Bamba Ay Caramba\b/ --> "\e/+tA.k$.'R+i.
/\bTiny Desk Concerts\b/ --> "\e/+'ta&I.ni_dEsk_'kAn.s$R+ts\e/+"
/\bLes(?= Baxter\b)/ --> "\e/+'lEs\e/+"
/\bcrème brûlée\b/i --> "\e/+kR+Em_bR+u.'le&I\e/+"
/\bmark as read\b/i --> "mark as \e/+'R+Ed\e/+"
/\bper minute\b/ --> "\e/+pE0_'mIn.It\e/+"
/\bshall I read\b/i --> "\e/+S@l_a&I_R+id\e/+"
/\b1234 by feist\b/i --> "one two three four by feist"
/\bfeist(\s|\s-\s)1234\b/i --> "feist one two three four"
/\bA Seat at the Table\b/ --> "\e/+$_'sir6_$t_D$_'te&\e/+"
/\bWhat's the 411\b/ --> "\e/+'w^ts_'D$_'fOR+_'w^n_'w^n\e/+"
/\bmuhammad ali\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'hA.m$d_A.'li\e/+"
/\byasiel puig\b/i --> "\e/+'$l_'pwig\e/+"
/\bqoulee ouhibbouka\b/i --> "\e/+'kU.li_o&U.'hib_'bu.k$\e/+"
/\bingles (super)?market\b/i --> "\e/+'InK.g$lz $1 mAR+.k$t\e/+"
/\btsai ing-wen\b/i --> "\e/+'tsa&I_'InK.'wEn\e/+"
/\bhasta la casa\b/i --> "\e/+'$_l$_'kA.s$\e/+"
/\bu\.?e\.?f\.?a\.?\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'e&I.f$\e/+"
/\bmah\s?na,? mah\s?na\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'nA_m$.'nA\e/+"
/\b(Dussehra|Dusshera|Dasara)\b/i --> "\e/+'d^.S$.R+$\e/+"
/\bLouis(?= Vuitton\b)/i --> "\e/+'lu.i\e/+"
/(?<=\bMagnum )PI\b/i --> "P I"
/\bWavves\b/i --> "waves"
/(?<=Calling |Call |Messaging |Message |Texting |Text)Age\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/
/\bwhoscall\b/i --> "\e/+'huz.kOl\e/+"
# Proper readout for time in dd.ddPM and variants
/\b(0?[1-9]|1[012])\.([0-6][0-9])\s*([ap]\.?m)\b/i --> "$1:$2 $3"
# Pronounce flat and sharp in keys
/(?<=\b[ACDFG])#(?= (major|minor)\b)/i --> " sharp"
/(?<=\b[ABDEG])(b|♭)(?= (major|minor)\b)/i --> " flat"
# Music bulk-addition
/\bNU'?EST\b/i --> "new east"
/(?<=\blil )2z\b/i --> "\e/+'tu.zi\e/+"
/(?<=\bRyan )Caraveo\b/i --> "\e/+kA.R+$.'ve&\e/+"
/\bYessirr\b/i --> "yes sir"
/\bLuv Ya Gyal\b/i --> "love \e/+j^\e/+ gal"
/\b24kGoldn\b/i --> "2 4 K golden"
/\bKaash(?= Paige\b)/i --> "\e/+'k@S\e/+"
/\bAzChike\b/i --> "A Z \e/+'t&Sa&Ik\e/+"
/(?<=\bAna )Gabriel\b/i --> "\e/+gA.bR+i.'El\e/+"
/\bLa Fiera de Ojinaga\b/i --> "\e/+'lA_'fjE.R+$_dE_o&U.hi.'nA.g$\e/+"
/\bNo me rindo\b/i --> "\e/+'no&'\e/+"
/\bMe operar[eé](?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$|\e)/i --> "\e/+'me&I_A.p$.'R+AR+.e&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bOFF THE )RIP\b/i --> "rip"
/\bballin'?(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'bO.lIn\e/+" # doesn't seem to work
as a dictionary entry
/(?<=\bCash |\bRaw |\bGang )S\*\*t\b/i --> "shit"
/\bPnB(?= Rock\b)/i --> "P \e/+$n\e/+ B"
/\blovelytheband\b/i --> "lovely the band"
/(?<=\byou )(and|&|\+)(?= me\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
/(\e\\pause=\d+\\) ?\? ?(\e\\pause=\d+\\)/ --> "$1 question mark $2"
/\bQuarterbackin[’']?\b/i --> "\e/+'kwOR+.r6$R+.b@.kIn\e/+"
/\bME!/ --> "me!" # rdar://problem/50243384
/(?<=\bby |\bfrom |\bplaying |\bartist |\bband )311(?=$|\.)/i --> "three
/\bSEKAI NO OWARI\b/i --> "\e/+''wA.R+i\e/+"
/\bblackbear\b/i --> "black bear"
/(?<=\bPa )Mí(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$|\e)/i --> "\e/+'mi\e/+"
/(?<=\bMC )Solaar\b/i --> "\e/+sA.'lAR+\e/+"
/\bAna Tijoux\b/i --> "\e/+'A.n$_ti.'Zu\e/+"
/\bGui(?= Boratto\b)/i --> "\e/+'gi\e/+"
/\bMIA(?= \(featuring Drake\))/i --> "\e/+'mi.j$\e/+, "
/(?<=\bElla )Mai\b/i --> "may"
/\bYeah Yeah Yeahs\b/i --> "\e/+j@_'jE_'jE.Ez\e/+" # Workaround, double
/(?<=\bHOLD )ME(?= TIGHT OR DON['’]T\b)/ --> "me"
/\bC\+C Music Factory\b/i --> "C and C Music Factory"
/\b10 d e a t h b r e a s t\b/i --> "\e/+tEn_'dET.bR+Est\e/+"
/\b03' adolescence\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U_'TR+i_@.r6l%).'E.s$ns\e/+"
/\b24k magic\b/i --> "\e/+twEn.r6i.'fOR+_'k@.R+$t_'m@.d&ZIk\e/+"
/\b305 to my city\b/i --> "\e/+TR+i.o&U_'fa&Iv_t$_ma&I_'sI.r6i\e/+"
/\ba beber\b/i --> "\e/+A_bE.'bER+\e/+"
/\bace frehley\b/i --> "\e/+'e&Is_'fR+e&\e/+"
/\badeste fideles\b/i --> "\e/+A.'dEs.te&I_fI.'d.e&I.le&Iz\e/+"
/\bafrika bambaataa\b/i --> "\e/+'@.fR+I.k$_b^m.'bA.t$\e/+"
/\baha gazelle\b/i --> "\e/+$.'hA#g$.'zEl\e/+"
/\balessia cara\b/i --> "\e/+$.'lEs.j$_'kAR+.$\e/+"
/\balexandre desplat\b/i --> "\e/+@.lEg.'zAn.dR+$_dE.'splA\e/+"
/\bali bomaye\b/i --> "\e/+'A.li_bAm.a&I.'e&I\e/+"
/\balina baraz\b/i --> "\e/+$.'li.n$_b$.'R+Az\e/+"
/\balka yagnik\b/i --> "\e/+'Al.kA_'jAg.nIk\e/+"
/\balso sprach zarathustra\b/i --> "\e/+Alzo&U_'spR+Ak_zAR+.$.'tu.stR+$\e/+"
/\balta consigna\b/i --> "\e/+'Al.tA_kOn.'sik.nA\e/+"
/\baly x\b/i --> "\e/+'@.li_'Eks\e/+"
/\bamadou and mariam\b/i --> "\e/+A.mA.'du_@n_mA.R+i.'Am\e/+"
/\bambitionz az a ridah\b/i --> "\e/+@m.'bI.S$nz_@z_$_'R+a&I.r6$\e/+"
/\bamir obe\b/i --> "\e/+$.'miR+_'o&\e/+"
/\banders lystell\b/i --> "\e/+'@n.d$R+s_lI.'stElx\e/+"
/\banderson \.paak\b/i --> "\e/+'@n.d$R+.s$n_'p@k\e/+"
/\banneliese van der pol\b/i --> "\e/+A.n$.'li.z$_v@n_dE0R+_'po&Ul\e/+"
/\bannie lennox\b/i --> "\e/+'@.ni_'lE.nIks\e/+"
/\bantonin dvorak\b/i --> "\e/+'An.t$.'nin_dU.'vOR+.ZAk\e/+"
/\bariel camacho\b/i --> "\e/+A.R+i.'El_k$.'mA.t&So&U\e/+"
/\barmin van buuren\b/i --> "\e/+'AR+.mIn_v@n_'bjE0.$n\e/+"
/\barpád jóo\b/i --> "\e/+'AR+.pAd_'jo&U\e/+"
/\basap ferg\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.s@p_'fE0R+g\e/+"
/\bau fond du temple saint\b/i --> "\e/+o&U_'fOn_du_'$_'s^n\e/+"
/\bauli'i cravalho\b/i --> "\e/+a&U.'li.i_kR+$.'\e/+"
/\bave maria\b/i --> "\e/+'$.'R+i.$\e/+"
/\bayumi hamasaki\b/i --> "\e/+a&I.'ju.mi_hA.m$.'\e/+"
/\bazizi gibson\b/i --> "\e/+^.'zi.zi_'gIb.s$n\e/+"
/\bback that azz up\b/i --> "\e/+'b@k_D@r6_'@s_^p\e/+"
/\bbad and boujee\b/i --> "\e/+'b@r6_$n_'bu.d&Zi\e/+"
/\bbanda ms\b/i --> "\e/+'ban.da_'em.'es\e/+"
/\bbarry louis polisar\b/i --> "\e/+'bER+.i_'lu.$s_pO.l$.'sAR+\e/+"
/\bbebe rexha\b/i --> "\e/+'bi.bi_'R+Ek.s$\e/+"
/\bbela fleck\b/i --> "\e/+'be&I.l$_'flEk\e/+"
/\bbenét and tamia\b/i --> "\e/+b$'.ne&I_@n_t$.'mi.$\e/+"
/\bberliner philharmoniker\b/i --> "\e/+bER+.'li.n^_fIl.hAR+.'mA.nI.k^\e/+"
/\bbig gipp\b/i --> "\e/+'bIg_'gIp\e/+"
/\bbitches n marijuana\b/i --> "\e/+'bI.t&SIz_$n_m@R+.$.'wA.n$\e/+"
/\bbling blaww burr\b/i --> "\e/+blInK#bla&U#'bE0R+\e/+"
/\bbohdan warchal\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&U.dAn_'vAR+.kAl\e/+"
/\bbohdon warchal\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&U.dAn_'vAR+.kAl\e/+"
/\bbon iver\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&Un_i.'vER+\e/+"
/\bboosie badazz\b/i --> "\e/+'bu.si_'b@.r6@s\e/+"
/\bbystrik rezucha\b/i --> "\e/+'bi.stR+Ik_R+E.'zu.k$\e/+"
/\bc'est la vie\b/i --> "\e/+se&I.lA.'vi\e/+"
/\bcalibre 50\b/i --> "\e/+kA.'li.br6e&I_sin.'kwAn.te&I\e/+"
/\bcandi staton\b/i --> "\e/+'k@n.di_'ste&\e/+"
/\bcapriccio espagnol\b/i --> "\e/+k^.'pR+i.t&So&U_Es.pAn.'jOl\e/+"
/\bcartel de santa\b/i --> "\e/+kAr6.'tEl_de&I_'sAn.tA\e/+"
/\bcece winans\b/i --> "\e/+'sisi_'wa&I.n$nz\e/+"
/\bcharles aznavour\b/i --> "\e/+SAR+l_'Az.n$.vuR+\e/+"
/\bcharles dutoit\b/i --> "\e/+'SAR+l_du.'twA\e/+"
/(?<=\bchino )bandido\b/i --> "\e/+'b@n.'di.r6o&U\e/+" #Workaround
/\bchristina milian\b/i --> "\e/+kR+Is.'ti.n$'An\e/+"
/\bclaudio arrau\b/i --> "\e/+kla&U.r6i.o&U_A.'R+a&U\e/+"
/\bclave nueva\b/i --> "\e/+''nwe&I.vA\e/+"
/\bcolbie caillat\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&Ul.bi_k$.'le&I\e/+"
/\bcorazón sin cara\b/i --> "\e/+kO.r6A.'so&Un_sin_'kA.r6A\e/+"
/\bcorbin bleu\b/i --> "\e/+'kOR+.bIn_'blu\e/+"
/\bcrecer german\b/i --> "\e/+kr6E.'sEr6_hEr6.'mAn\e/+"
/\bculpable tu\b/i --> "\e/+kul.'pA.ble&I_'ttu\e/+"
/\bcyhi the prince\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&I.hi_'D$_'pR+Ins\e/+"
/\bDana Fuchs\b/i --> "\e/+'de&I.n$_'fjuks\e/+"
/\bdanza kuduro\b/i --> "\e/+'dAn.sA_ku.'du.R+o&U\e/+"
/\bdavid guetta\b/i --> "\e/+'de&I.vId_'gE.r6$\e/+"
/\bde amor\b/i --> "\e/+de&I_A.'mOr6\e/+"
/\bde aranjuez\b/i --> "\e/+'de&I_A.'r6An.wEs\e/+"
/\bDecyfer\b/i --> "decipher"
/\bde la soul\b/i --> "\e/+de&I_lA_'so&Ul\e/+"
/\bde ser\b/i --> "\e/+dE_'sEr6\e/+"
/\bdej loaf\b/i --> "\e/+'de&IZ_'lo&Uf\e/+"
/\bdevvon terrell\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'vOn_t$.'R+El\e/+"
/\bdid it on'em\b/i --> "\e/+'dIr6_Ir6_A.n$m\e/+"
/\bdidn't cha know\b/i --> "\e/+'dI.dn%)_t&S$_'no&U\e/+"
/\bdie antwoord\b/i --> "\e/+'di_'Ant.vOR+d\e/+"
/\bdie fledermaus\b/i --> "\e/+'di_'fle&I.r6$\e/+"
/\bdifferent hos\b/i --> "\e/+'dI.fR+$nt_'ho&Uz\e/+"
/\bdile que\b/i --> "\e/+'di.le&I_ke&I\e/+"
/\bdionne warwick\b/i --> "\e/+di.'On_'wOR+.wIk\e/+"
/\bdoja cat\b/i --> "\e/+'do&U.Z$_k@t\e/+"
/\bdon't tell 'em\b/i --> "\e/+'do&Un_'tEl_$m\e/+"
/\bdos gringos\b/i --> "\e/+do&Us_'gR+InK.go&Us\e/+"
/\bDown AKA Kilo\b/i --> "\e/+'da&Un_'e&I.'ke&I.'e&I_'kI.lo&U\e/+"
/(?<=\bdrankin' )(and|\&) drivin'/i --> "'n \e/+'dR+a&I.v$n\e/+"
/\bdriicky graham\b/i --> "\e/+'dR+I.ki_'gR+e&I.$m\e/+"
/\bdoo uap\b/i --> "\e/+'du_@p\e/+"
/\bdu hast\b/i --> "\e/+du_'hAst\e/+"
/\bdua lipa\b/i --> "\e/+'du.$_'li.p$\e/+"
/\bd[eé]j[aà] vu\b/i --> "\e/+de&I.ZA_'vu\e/+"
/(?<=\bearth), (wind (and|\&))(?= fire\b)/i --> "\e\\pause=70\\ wind
\e\\pause=70\\ n'"
/(?<=\bskies), wind,?(?= and thunderstorms\b)/i --> "\e/+'wInd\e/+"
/\bel chapo\b/i --> "\e/+El_'t&SA.po&U\e/+"
/\bel corazon\b/i --> "\e/+El_kO.r6.A.'zo&Un\e/+"
/\bel karma\b/i --> "\e/+'El_'kAr6.mA\e/+"
/\bel terco\b/i --> "\e/+El_'tER+.ko&U\e/+"
/\bella y yo\b/i --> "\e/+'E.jA_ii_jo&U\e/+"
/\belliott yamin\b/i --> "\e/+'El.i.$t_jA.'min\e/+"
/\ben la intimidad\b/i --> "\e/+En_lA_in.tti.mi.'dAd\e/+"
/\ben ti\b/i --> "\e/+En_'tti\e/+"
/\bentre tu y yo\b/i --> "\e/+En.tr6E_ttuu_'i_'jo&U\e/+"
/\bera istrefi\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+.$_I.'\e/+"
/\beres mia\b/i --> "\e/+'Er6.Es_'mi.$\e/+"
/\beres mìa\b/i --> "\e/+'Er6.Es_'mi.$\e/+"
/\bte gust[eé](?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+te&I_gu.'ste&I\e/+"
/\beric benét\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+.Ik_b$.'ne&I\e/+"
/\berykah badu\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+.I.k$_'bA.r6u\e/+"
/\bewan maccoll\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.$n_m$_'kAl\e/+"
/\bex's (and|\&) oh's\b/i --> "exes 'n ohs"
/\bFleshgod\b/i --> "flesh god"
/(?<=\bIsrael )Houghton\b/i --> "\e/+'ho&U.t$n\e/+" # Workaround
/\bflight of the conchords\b/i --> "\e/+'fla&Ir6_$v_D$_'kAn.kOR+dz\e/+"
/\bflo rida\b/i --> "\e/+'flo&U_'R+a&I.r6$\e/+"
/\bflor pálida\b/i --> "\e/+'flOr6_'\e/+"
/\bfranz ferdinand\b/i --> "\e/+fR+@nz_'fE0R+.d$.n@nd\e/+"
/\bfrode fjellheim\b/i --> "\e/+'fR+o&U.d$_'fjEl.ha&Im\e/+"
/\bgeorg solti\b/i --> "\e/+'ge&I.OR+g_'SOl.ti\e/+"
/\bgilberto gil\b/i --> "\e/+Zil.'bER+.tu_'Zil\e/+"
/\bgillian welch\b/i --> "\e/+'gIl.i.$n_'wElt&S\e/+"
/\bgive it to ya\b/i --> "\e/+'gIv_It_t$_'j^\e/+"
/\bglenn medeiros\b/i --> "\e/+'glEn_m$.'diR+.o&Us\e/+"
/\bgrace vanderwaal\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+e&Is_'v@n.d$R+_'wAl\e/+"
/\bgrupo maximo grado\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+u.po&U_mAk.''\e/+"
/\bgrupo niche\b/i --> "\e/+'gr6+u.po&U_'ni.t&Se&I\e/+"
/\bgucci mane\b/i --> "\e/+'gu.t&Si_'me&In\e/+"
/(?<=\bguns )(n['’]|['’]n)(?= roses\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bhablame de\b/i --> "\e/+'A.blAme&I_de&I\e/+"
/\bhari hari\b/i --> "\e/+'hA.r6i_'hA.r6i\e/+"
/\bhasta el amanecer\b/i --> "\e/+'A.stA_'El_A.mE.n.E.'sEr6\e/+"
/\bhook n sling\b/i --> "\e/+'hUk_$n_'slInK\e/+"
/\bhot chelle rae\b/i --> "\e/+hAt_SEl_'R+e&I\e/+"
/\bhot in herre\b/i --> "\e/+'hAr6_In_hiR+\e/+"
/\bidina menzel\b/i --> "\e/+I.'di.n$_mEn.zEl\e/+"
/\bilmar lapinsch\b/i --> "\e/+'Il.mAR+_'lA.pInS\e/+"
/\bin-n-out\b/i --> "\e/+'In.$n.'a&Ut\e/+"
/\bini kamoze\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.ni_kA.'mo&U.zI\e/+"
/\bivan ulz\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.v$n_'^lz\e/+"
/\bjacek koman\b/i --> "\e/+'jA.tsEk_'ko&U.mAn\e/+"
/\bjagged edge\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Z@.gId_'Ed&Z\e/+"
/\bjai alai\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&I_$.'la&I\e/+"
/\bjaime laredo\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.mi_l$.'R+e&\e/+"
/\bjanelle monáe\b/i --> "\e/+d&Z$.'nEl_mo&U.'ne&I\e/+"
/\bjanis joplin's\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Z@.nIs_'d&ZA.plInz\e/+"
/\bjanis joplin\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Z@.nIs_'d&ZA.plIn\e/+"
/\bjascha heifetz\b/i --> "\e/+'jA.S$_'ha&I.fIts\e/+"
/\bjason isbell\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.s$n_'Iz.b$l\e/+"
/\bjavier colon\b/i --> "\e/+hA.'vjER+_ko&U.'lo&Un\e/+"
/\bjean yves\b/i --> "\e/+'ZOn_'iv\e/+"
/\bjess glynne\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZEs_'glIn\e/+"
/\bjohn frusciante\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAn_fR+u.'SAn.te&I\e/+"
/\bjon pardi\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAn_'pAR+.di\e/+"
/\bJoshua Radin\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZA.Sju.$_'R+e&I.dIn\e/+"
/\bJoshua(?= Bell\b)/ --> "\e/+'d&ZA.Su.^\e/+"
/\bjr jr\b/i --> "junior junior"
/\bkardinal offishall\b/i --> "\e/+kAR+.dI.'nAl_O.'fI.S@l\e/+"
/\bkat deluna\b/i --> "\e/+'k@t_d$.'lu.n$\e/+"
/\bkeke palmer\b/i --> "\e/+'ki.ki_'pA.m$R+\e/+"
/\bkelsea ballerini\b/i --> "\e/+'kEl.si_b@.l$.'\e/+"
/\bkeys n krates\b/i --> "\e/+'ki.z$n_'kR+e&Its\e/+"
/\bkid cudi\b/i --> "\e/+'kId_'k^.r6i\e/+"
/\bkishi bashi\b/i --> "\e/+'ki.Si_'bA.Si\e/+"
/\bla familia\b/i --> "\e/+'lA_f$.'$\e/+"
/\bla sylphide\b/i --> "\e/+lA_sIl.'fid\e/+"
/\bla vie en rose\b/i --> "\e/+'lA_'vi_An_'R+o&Uz\e/+"
/\blady antebellum\b/i --> "\e/+'le&I.r6i_'@n.tI.'bE.l$m\e/+"
/\blana del rey\b/i --> "\e/+'lA.n$_dEl_'R+e&I\e/+"
/\blara mulcahy\b/i --> "\e/+'lAR+.$_m^l.'ke&I.i\e/+"
/\blas mañanitas\b/i --> "\e/+lAs_mA.njA.'nit.dAs\e/+"
/\blaura mvula\b/i --> "\e/+lOR+.$_m$.'vu.l$\e/+"
/\ble contesto\b/i --> "\e/+le&I_kOn.'\e/+"
/\bles misérables\b/i --> "\e/+le&I_'mIz.E.'$\e/+"
/\blet em(')? know\b/i --> "\e/+'lEr6_$m_'no&U\e/+"
/\blet me see ya girl\b/i --> "\e/+lEt_mi_'si_j$_'gE0R+l\e/+"
/\blianne la havas\b/i --> "\e/+li.'@n_'lA_'hA.vAs\e/+"
/\blike woah\b/i --> "\e/+la&Ik_'wo&U\e/+"
/\blin-manuel miranda\b/i --> "\e/+'lIn.mAn.'wEl_m$.'R+@n.d$\e/+"
/\blindsay lohan\b/i --> "\e/+'lIn.zi_'lo&U.h@n\e/+"
/\blogo te pate\b/i --> "\e/+'lO.go&U_tE_'pAt.te&I\e/+"
/\blos chacos\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&Us_'t&SA.ko&Us\e/+"
/\blos recoditos\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&Us_R+e&I.ko&U.'\e/+"
/\bluther vandross\b/i --> "\e/+'lu.T$R+_v@n.'dR+o&Us\e/+"
/\bLykke Li\b/i --> "\e/+'lI.ki_'li\e/+"
/\blyric ave\b/i --> "\e/+'lIR+.Ik_'@.v\e/+"
/\blyte funkie ones\b/i --> "\e/+la&It_'f^nK.ki_w^nz\e/+"
/\bm\.a\.a\.d\. city\b/i --> "\e/+'m@d_'sI.r6i\e/+"
/(?<=\bmaddie )&(?= tae\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bmadeleine peyroux\b/i --> "\e/+'mA.r6$.lEn_pe&I.'R+u\e/+"
/\bmajid jordan\b/i --> "\e/+'mA.d&ZId_'d&ZOR+.d$n\e/+"
/\bmali music\b/i --> "\e/+'m@.li_'mju.zIk\e/+"
/\bmarian lapsansky\b/i --> "\e/+'mAR+.i.An_l@p.'\e/+"
/\bmarsha ambrosius\b/i --> "\e/+'mAR+.S$_@m.'bR+o&U.Z$s\e/+"
/\bmas ysa\b/i --> "\e/+'mAs_'i.s^\e/+"
/\bmatt maher\b/i --> "\e/+m@t_'maR+\e/+"
/\bmaty noyes\b/i --> "\e/+'m@.r6i_'nO&Iz\e/+"
/\bmaurice abravanel\b/i --> "\e/+mO.'R+is_A.'bR+A.v$.nEl\e/+"
/\bmax peraza\b/i --> "\e/+'mAks_pE.'r6A.sA\e/+"
/\bmayor anhelo\b/i --> "\e/+ma&I.'jOr6_An.'hE.lo&UWeight\e/+"
/\bmc eiht\b/i --> "\e/+'Em_'si_'e&It\e/+"
/\bme ama\b/i --> "\e/+me&I_A.'mA\e/+"
/\bme está(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+me&I_Es.'ttAH\e/+"
/\bme gustas mucho\b/i --> "\e/+me&I_'gU.stAs_'mU.t&So&U\e/+"
/\bme odia\b/i --> "\e/+me&I_'o&U.di.A\e/+"
/\bme quieres\b/i --> "\e/+me&I_'kjEr6Es\e/+"
/\bme vas a extrañar\b/i --> "\e/+me&I_'vAs_A_Ek.str6A.'njAr6\e/+"
/\bmeg and dia\b/i --> "\e/+'mEg_$n_'di.$\e/+"
/\bmichel teló(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+mi.'SEl_tE.'lO\e/+"
/\bmike posner\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&Ik_'po&Uz.n$R+\e/+"
/\bmikis theodorakis\b/i --> "\e/+'mi.kIs_Ti.o&U.dO.'R+A.kIs\e/+"
/\bmos def\b/i --> "\e/+'mo&Us_'dEf\e/+"
/\bmoths to flames\b/i --> "\e/+'mOTs_t$_'fle&Imz\e/+"
/\bmumford and sons\b/i --> "\e/+'m^m.f$R+r6_$n_s^nz\e/+"
/\bmura masa\b/i --> "\e/+'mE0R+.$_'mA.s$\e/+"
/\bmura masa\b/i --> "\e/+'muR+.$_'mA.s$\e/+"
/\bmusiq soulchild\b/i --> "\e/+'mju.zIk_'so&Ul_t&Sa&Ild\e/+"
/\bmusiq soulchild\b/i --> "\e/+'mju.zIk_'so&Ul.t&Sa&Ild\e/+"
/\bnana mouskouri\b/i --> "\e/+'nAn.$_mU.'sku.R+i\e/+"
/\bNarendra Modi\b/i --> "\e/+n$.'R+En.dR+$_'mo&U.r6i\e/+"
/\bnct 127\b/i --> "\e/+'En_'si_'ti_w^n_twEn.r6i.'sE.v$n\e/+"
/\bnebu kiniza\b/i --> "\e/+'nE.bu_kI.'ni.z$\e/+"
/\bnella fantasia\b/i --> "\e/+'nE.lA_fAn.t$.'zi.$\e/+"
/\bnessun dorma\b/i --> "\e/+'nE.sUn_'dOr6.m$\e/+"
/\bniall horan\b/i --> "\e/+'na&I.$l_'hO.R+.$n\e/+"
/\bnicki minaj\b/i --> "\e/+'nI.ki_mI.'nAZ\e/+"
/\boh my dis side\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U_ma&I_'\e/+"
/\bokieriete onaodowan\b/i --> "\e/+o&$.'R+E.te&I_o&U.'\e/+"
/\bolesya rulin\b/i --> "\e/+O.'$_'R+u.lIn\e/+"
/\bor nah\b/i --> "\e/+'OR+_'nA\e/+"
/\boru worship\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U_'AR+_'ju_'wE0R+.SIp\e/+"
/\bout do ya\b/i --> "\e/+a&Ut_'du_'j$\e/+"
/\bpaul grund\b/i --> "\e/+'pa&Ul_'gR+Unt\e/+"
/\bpaul kantschieder\b/i --> "\e/+'pa&Ul_'kAnt.Si.d$R+\e/+"
/\bpeter cetera\b/i --> "\e/+'pi.r6$R+_s$.'tER+.$\e/+"
/\bpeter schmalfuss\b/i --> "\e/+'pe&I.tAR+_'SmAl.fUs\e/+"
/\bpharrell williams\b/i --> "\e/+f$.'R+El_'wIl.j$mz\e/+"
/\bpierre boulez\b/i --> "\e/+pi.'ER+_bu.'lEz\e/+"
/\bpolovtsian dances\b/i --> "\e/+pA.'$n_'d@n.sIz\e/+"
/\bpor favor\b/i --> "\e/+pOr6_fA.'vOr6\e/+"
/\bprocol harum\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+o&U.kAl_'hAR+.r$m\e/+"
/\bpropuesta indecente\b/i --> "\e/+pr6o&U.'pwEs.tA_in.dE.'sEn.te&I\e/+"
/\bprélude à l'après-midi d'un faune\b/i -->
/\bque sera sera\b/i --> "\e/+'ke&I_sE.'R+A_'sE.'R+A\e/+"
/\br\.a\. the rugged man\b/i --> "\e/+'AR+#'e&I#'D$_'R+^.gId_'m@n\e/+"
/\brafael kubelik\b/i --> "\e/+'R+@.fa&I.El_'ku.b$.lIk\e/+"
/\bray lamontagne\b/i --> "\e/+'re&I_l$.mAn.'te&In\e/+"
/\brazón de ser\b/i --> "\e/+r6A.'sOn_dE_'sEr6\e/+"
/\brecuerdos de\b/i --> "\e/+r6r6+E.'\e/+"
/\bremy ma\b/i --> "\e/+'R+E.mi_'mA\e/+"
/\brené camacho\b/i --> "\e/+R+E.'ne&I_kA.'mA.t&So&U\e/+"
/\briccardo muti\b/i --> "\e/+R+I.''mu.tti\e/+"
/\brodrigo y gabriela\b/i --> "\e/+R+O.'dR+.i.go&U_'i_g@.bR+i.'E.l$\e/+"
/\bsalt n pepa\b/i --> "\e/+'sOl.t$n.'pEp.$\e/+"
/\bsarah jarosz\b/i --> "\e/+sER+.$_d&Z$.'ro&Uz\e/+"
/\bsay aah\b/i --> "\e/+se&I_'A\e/+"
/\bsensaci[oóÓ]n del bloque\b/i --> "\e/+sEn.s$.'sjOn_dEl_'blo&U_ke&I\e/+"
/\bsha na na\b/i --> "\e/+'SA_'nA_'nA\e/+"
/\bshabba ranks\b/i --> "\e/+'SA.b$_'R+@nKks\e/+"
/\bshabba shabba\b/i --> "\e/+'SA.b$_'SA.b$\e/+"
/\bsi no me falla el corazón\b/i -->
/\bshokumotsu ga tsuranaru sekai\b/i --> "\e/+'So&U.ku.'mo&Ut.su_gA_tsu.R+
/\bsiiiiiiiiilver surffffeeeeer\b/i --> "\e/+'sIl.v$R+_'sE0R+.f$R+\e/+"
/\bSigur R[oó]s\b/i --> "\e/+'si.g$r_'R+o&Us\e/+"
/\bsin contrato\b/i --> "\e/+sin_kOn.'\e/+"
/\bsnatam kaur\b/i --> "\e/+s$.'nAt.d$m_'kOR+\e/+"
/\bsofia carson\b/i --> "\e/+so&U.'fi.$_'kAR+.s$n\e/+"
/\bsolo con verte\b/i --> "\e/+'so&U.lo&U_kOn_'vER+.te&I\e/+"
/\bsoulja boy\b/i --> "\e/+'so&Ul.d&Z$_bO&I\e/+"
/\bst\. tropez\b/i --> "\e/+s@n_tR+o&U.'pe&I\e/+"
/\bsuga suga\b/i --> "\e/+'SU.g$_'SU.g$\e/+"
/\bsuper saiyan\b/i --> "\e/+'su.p$R+_'se&I.$n\e/+"
/\bsuzy bogguss\b/i --> "\e/+'su.zi_'bA.g$s\e/+"
/\bsviatoslav richter\b/i --> "\e/+svi.'A.t$s.lAf_'R+Ik.t$R+\e/+"
/\bsymphonie fantastique\b/i --> "\e/+sAm.f$.'ni_fOn.tA.'stik\e/+"
/\btaio cruz\b/i --> "\e/+'ta&I.o&U_'kR+uz\e/+"
/\btalib kweli\b/i --> "\e/+tA.'lIb_kwA.'li\e/+"
/\btamar braxton\b/i --> "\e/+'te&I.mAR+_'$n\e/+"
/\btaylor caniff\b/i --> "\e/+'te&I.l$R+_k$.'nIf\e/+"
/\bte amo\b/i --> "\e/+tte&I_'\e/+" #Workaround double Ts?
/\bte amo y\b/i --> "\e/+tte&I_''i\e/+"
/\bte busco\b/i --> "\e/+tte&I_'bUs.ko&U\e/+"
/\bte entiende\b/i --> "\e/+'tte&I_En.'\e/+"
/\bte hubieras ido\b/i --> "\e/+tte&I_u.'bjE.r6As_'\e/+"
/\bte metiste\b/i --> "\e/+'tte&I_mE.'ttis.tte&I\e/+"
/\bte vas\b/i --> "\e/+tte&I_'vAs\e/+"
/\btear in my heart\b/i --> "\e/+'tER+_In_ma&I_'hAR+t\e/+"
/\btech n9ne\b/i --> "\e/+'tEk_'na&In\e/+"
/\btegan and sara\b/i --> "\e/+'ti.g$n_$n_'sER+.$\e/+"
/\btek weh yuh heart\b/i --> "\e/+tEk_'wE_j$_'hAR+t\e/+"
/\btell 'em\b/i --> "\e/+'tEl_$m\e/+"
/\bthe a team\b/i --> "\e/+Di_'e&I_tim\e/+"
/\bthe avett brothers\b/i --> "\e/+'Di_'e&I.v$t_bR+^.D$R+z\e/+"
/\bthe percocet and stripper joint\b/i -->
/\btinie tempah\b/i --> "\e/+'ta&I.ni_'tEm.p$\e/+"
/\bto ü(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+t$.'ju\e/+"
/\btommy tutone\b/i --> "\e/+'tA.mi_'\e/+"
/\btoo close to touch\b/i --> "\e/+'tu_'klo&Us_t$_'t^t&S\e/+"
/\btory lanez\b/i --> "\e/+'tOR+.i_'le&Inz\e/+"
/\btoro i moy\b/i --> "\e/+'tOR+.o&U_'i_'mO&I\e/+"
/\btrio sur\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+i.o&U_'suR+\e/+"
/\btroy ave\b/i --> "\e/+tR+O&I_'@v\e/+"
/\btroy sivan\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+O&I_'sI.v$n\e/+"
/\btucker beathard\b/i --> "\e/+'t^.k$R+_'bET.$R+d\e/+"
/\bulices chaidez\b/i --> "\e/+u.'li.sEs_t&Sa&I.'dEs\e/+"
/\bun segundo\b/i --> "\e/+Un_sE.'\e/+"
/\buse (the|a)\b/i --> "\e/+'juz\e/+ $1"
/\bvente pa' ca\b/i --> "\e/+'vEnte&I_pA_kA\e/+"
/\bvesselin gellev\b/i --> "\e/+'vE.s$.'lIn_'gE.lEf\e/+"
/\bvince gill\b/i --> "\e/+'vIns_'gIl\e/+"
/\bLouis(?= The Child\b)/i --> "lewis"
/\bvivir mi vida\b/i --> "\e/+vi.'viR+_mi_'vi.d$\e/+"
/\bvladimir horowitz\b/i --> "\e/+'vl@.r6$.miR+_'hOR+.$.vIts\e/+"
/\bvybez kartel\b/i --> "\e/+'va&Ibz_kAR+.'tEl\e/+"
/\bwaka flocka\b/i --> "\e/+'wA.k$_'flA.k$\e/+"
/\bwalter klien\b/i --> "\e/+'vAl.t$R+_'klin\e/+"
/\bway hii\b/i --> "\e/+'we&I_'ha&I\e/+"
/\bwe dem boyz\b/i --> "\e/+wi_dEm_'bO&Iz\e/+"
/\bwhere are ü now\b/i --> "\e/+wER+_AR+_ju_'na&U\e/+"
/\bwiener staatsoper\b/i --> "\e/+'vi.n$R+_'StAts.o&U.pE0R+\e/+"
/\bwiener staatsopernchor\b/i --> "\e/+'vi.n$R+_'StAts.o&U.pE0R+n.kOR+\e/+"
/\bwisin y yandel\b/i --> "\e/+'wI.sIn.iii.j@n.'dEl\e/+"
/\bx ambassadors\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks_'@m.'b@.s$.r6$R+z\e/+"
/\by así fue\b/i --> "\e/+'i_A.'si.'fwe&I\e/+"
/\by las\b/i --> "\e/+'i_'lAs\e/+"
/\by los\b/i --> "\e/+'i_'lOs\e/+"
/\by su\b/i --> "\e/+'i_'su\e/+"
/\by sus\b/i --> "\e/+'i_'sus\e/+"
/\by te\b/i --> "\e/+'i.tte&I\e/+"
/\by te amo\b/i --> "\e/+'i_'tte&I_'\e/+"
/\byeah yeah yeahs\b/i --> "\e/+'jE_'jE_'jEz\e/+"
/\byung joc\b/i --> "\e/+'j^nK_'d&ZAk\e/+"
/\byvng swag\b/i --> "\e/+'j^nK_'sw@g\e/+"
/\bzadok the priest\b/i --> "\e/+'ze&I.r6Ak_D$_'pR+ist\e/+"
/\bzay hilfigerrr and zayion mccall\b/i --> "\e/+'ze&I_'hIl.fI.g$R+_@n_'za&I.
/\bzayn malik\b/i --> "\e/+'ze&In_'m@.lIk\e/+"
/\bólafur arnalds\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U.lA.fuR+#'AR+.nAldz\e/+"
/\b(\d{2})" iPad\b/ --> " $1 inch iPad "
/\b(\d{2})\.5" iPad\b/ --> " $1 point five inch iPad "
/\bbuenos dias\b/i --> "\e/+''di.As\e/+"
/\bguten tag\b/i --> "\e/+''tAg\e/+"
/\bde Machaut\b/i --> "\e/+d$_mA.'So&U\e/+"
/\bapplepie\b/ --> "apple pie"
/\bcarmouflage\b/ --> "camouflage"
/\bbasil\b/i --> "\e/+'be&I.z$l\e/+"
/\bblindspott\b/ --> "blind spot"
/\bLes grosses têtes\b/i --> "\e/+le&I_'gro&Us_'tEt\e/+"
# Bay Area Places
/\bVisitacion Valley\b/i --> "\e/+vI.zI.'te&I.S$n\e/+ valley"
/\bSAP Center\b/ --> "S A P Center"
/\bjohn cena\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAn_'si.n$\e/+"
/\bjordan feliz\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZOR+.dn%)_f$.'liz\e/+"
/\bjuan luis guerra\b/i --> "\e/+'hwAn_lu.'is_'gEr6.r6A\e/+"
/\bjung tru\b/i --> "\e/+d&Z^nK_'tR+u\e/+"
/\bkala balch\b/i --> "\e/+'ke&I.l$_'bOlt&S\e/+"
/\bkidz bop\b/i --> "\e/+'kIdz.bAp\e/+"
/\blaura pausini\b/i --> "\e/+'la&U.r6.A_pa&U.'\e/+"
/\blos lobos\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&Us_'lo&\e/+"
/\bmark mancina\b/i --> "\e/+'mAR+k_m@n.'t&Si.n$\e/+"
/\bmaszella holzapfel\b/i --> "\e/+mA.'sE.l$_'hOlt.sAp.fl%)\e/+"
/\bmikael mutti\b/i --> "\e/+'mi.kA.El_'mUt.ti\e/+"
/\bnapua greig\b/i --> "\e/+n$.'pu.$_gR+Eg\e/+"
/\bnicola fasano\b/i --> "\e/+'ni.ko&U.lA_f$.'\e/+"
/\boran juice jones\b/i --> "\e/+'OR+.$n_'d&Zus_'d&Zo&Unz\e/+"
/\bparov stelar\b/i --> "\e/+'pAR+.$f_'stEl.E0R+\e/+"
/\bpfeifer broz\b/i --> "\e/+'fa&I.f$R+_bR+o&Uz\e/+"
/\bramón ayala\b/i --> "\e/+r6r6A.'mo&Un_A.'jA.l$\e/+"
/\bremy zero\b/i --> "\e/+'R+Em.i_'zIR+.o&U\e/+"
/\briz ortolani\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\brosi golan\b/i --> "\e/+'R+o&Uz.i_go&U.'lAn\e/+"
/\bserena ryder\b/i --> "\e/+s$.'R+i.n$_'R+a&I.r6$R+\e/+"
/\bspandau ballet\b/i --> "\e/+'sp@n.da&U_'b@.le&I\e/+"
/\btony toni toné(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i -->
/\btorleif thedéen\b/i --> "\e/+'tOR+.le&If_t$.'di.$n\e/+"
/\bvalery gergiev\b/i --> "\e/+vA.'lER+.i_'gER+.'gjEf\e/+"
/\bvários artistas\b/i --> "\e/+'vA.r6i.o&Us_Ar6.'tis.tAs\e/+"
/\bwisin y yandel\b/i --> "\e/+wi.'sin.'i.jAn.'dEl\e/+"
/\bwm\. paul young\b/i --> "\e/+'wIl.j$m_'pOl_'j^nK\e/+"
/\bwynonna judd\b/i --> "\e/+wa&I.'no&U.n$_'d&Z^d\e/+"
/\byung wun\b/i --> "\e/+'j^nK_w^n\e/+"
/\b2 guys n the parque\b/i --> "\e/+'tu_'ga&Iz_In_D$_'pAR+k\e/+"
/\b311 essentials\b/i --> "three eleven essentials"
/\bgeddy lee\b/i --> "\e/+'gE.r6i_'li\e/+"
/\bFace ID\b/i --> "\e/+'fe&Is.'a&I_'di\e/+"
/\bSuper Retina Display\b/i --> "Super \e/+'R+Et.I.n$\e/+ Display"
/\bAnimoji\b/i --> "\e/+'@.n$.mo&U.d&Zi\e/+"
/(\d+)\s?>\s?(\d+)/ --> "$1 is greater than $2"
/(\d+)\s?≥\s?(\d+)/ --> "$1 is greater than or equal to $2"
/(\d+)\s?<\s?(\d+)/ --> "$1 is less than $2"
/(\d+)\s?≤\s?(\d+)/ --> "$1 is less than or equal to $2"
/(\d+)\s?≠\s?(\d+)/ --> "$1 is not equal to $2"
/\bMahalangur Himal\b/i --> "\e/+mA.hA.'l^nK.g$R+_'hI.mAl\e/+"
/\balejandro fernández\b/i --> "\e/+A.lE.'hAn.dr6+o&U_fEr6.'nAn.dEs\e/+"
/\bannasophia robb\b/i --> "\e/+'A.n$_s$.'fi.$_'R+Ab\e/+"
/\bantônio carlos jobim\b/i --> "\e/+An.'to&'kAR+.luZ.Zo&U.'bin\e/+"
/\bantonio lucio\b/i --> "\e/+An.'to&'lu.t&So&U\e/+"
/\bbebel gilberto\b/i --> "\e/+b$.'bEl.Zil.'bER+t.tU\e/+"
/\bberliner symphoniker\b/i --> "\e/+bER+.'li.n$R+_zIm.'fo&U.nI.k$R+\e/+"
/\bbig mato\b/i --> "\e/+'bIg_'me&\e/+"
/\bbilly vera\b/i --> "\e/+'bI.li_'vE.R+$\e/+"
/\bbruce channel\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+us_S$.'nEl\e/+"
/\bbutterfly boucher\b/i --> "\e/+'b^.t$R+.fla&I_'ba&U.t&SE0R+\e/+"
/\bby que\b/i --> "\e/+ba&I_'kju\e/+"
/\bcalle 13\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\bcasa de leones\b/i --> "\e/+'kA.zA_de&I_li.'o&U.nEs\e/+"
/\bcelso valli\b/i --> "\e/+'t&'\e/+"
/\bchad kroeger\b/i --> "\e/+'t&S@d_'kR+u.g$R+\e/+"
/\bdaniel reichard\b/i --> "\e/+'d@n.jl%)_R+I.'SAR+d\e/+"
/\bfedde le grand\b/i --> "\e/+fEd_l$_'gR+@nd\e/+"
/\bgente de zona\b/i --> "\e/+'hEn.te&I_de&I_'so&U.nA\e/+"
/\bhenrik måwe\b/i --> "\e/+'hEn.r6+Ik_'mo&U.vE\e/+"
/\bheribert beissel\b/i --> "\e/+'hE.R+I.bER+t_'ba&\e/+"
/\bimar lapinsch\b/i --> "\e/+'i.mAr6r6_'lA.pInS\e/+"
/\bjawga boyz\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZO.d&Z$_bO&Iz\e/+"
/\bjimmy durante\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZI.mi_dU.'R+@n.ti\e/+"
/\bQutu?b Minar\b/ --> "\e/+ku.'tub_mi.'nAR+\e/+"
/\bjoão gilberto\b/i --> "\e/+Zu.'a&U_Zil.'bER+t.tU\e/+"
/(?<=\bAxwell )Λ Ingrosso\b/i --> "and \e/+In.'gR+o&\e/+"
/\bVan Aswegen\b/ --> "\e/+'v@n_'As.wE.g$n\e/+"
#recent music additions
/\bTOMORROW X TOGETHER\b/i --> "tomorrow by together"
/\b1000X\b/ --> "one thousand times"
/\bBeastie Boys\b/i --> "\e/+'bi.sti.bO&Iz\e/+"
/\b6lack\b/i --> "black"
/\$uicideboy\$/i --> "suicide boys"
/\.Paak\b/i --> "paak"
/(?<=\bTori )Amos\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.m$s\e/+"
/\bbette davis\b/i --> "\e/+'bE.r6i_'de&I.vIs\e/+"
/\bChaka Khan\b/i --> "\e/+'SA.k$_'kAn\e/+"
/\bFetty Wap\b/i --> "\e/+'fE.r6i_'wAp\e/+"
/\bIron Maiden\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.E0n_'me&Id.n%)\e/+"
/(?<=\bKool )(and|\&)(?= The Gang\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bNEEDTOBREATHE\b/i --> "Need to Breathe"
/\bPusha T\b/i --> "\e/+'pU.S$_'ti\e/+"
/\brag'n'bone Man\b/i --> "\e/+'R+@g_$n_'bo&Un_'m@n\e/+"
/\bSnakehips\b/i --> "Snake hips"
/\bBlack Eyed Peas\b/i --> "\e/+bl@.'ka&Id_'piz\e/+" # Workaround
/\bty dolla \$ign\b/i --> "\e/+'ta&I_'dA.l$.sa&In\e/+"
/\bwhat's the 411\b/i --> "what's the four one one"
/(?<=\bbuilding )429\b/i --> "four twenty nine"
/\b90125\b/i --> "nine oh one two five"
/(?<=\bA Decade of Hits )1969-1979\b/i --> ", 19 69 to 19 79"
/(?<=\bBeatles )1967-1970\b/i --> ", 19 67 to 19 70"
/\bBow Chicka Wow Wow\b/i --> "\e/+'ba&U_t&SI.k$.'wa&U_'wa&U\e/+"
/\bCardiac Arrest\b/i --> "\e/+'kAR+.di.@k_E0.'R+Est\e/+"
/\bDO IT\b/ --> "do it"
/\bDROP IT\b/i --> "drop it"
/\besc[áa]pate conmigo\b/i --> "\e/+$s.'kA.p$.te&I_k$n.'mI.go&U\e/+"
/\bF\*ck(?= Everybody\b)/i --> "fuck"
/\bF[óo]rmula volume 2\b/i --> "\e/+'fOR+.mj$.l$_v$.''do&Us\e/+"
/\bFrom the Westside With Love II\b/i --> "from the westside with love, 2"
/\bGrandes Éxitos\b/i --> "\e/+''e&Ik.'sI.'to&Us\e/+" #Workaround
/(?<=\bGreatest Hits) '93-'03\b/i --> ", 93 to O 3"
/(?<=\bgreatest Hits) 1985-1995\b/i --> ", 19 85 to 19 95"
/(?<=\bGreatest Hits) II\b/i --> ", 2"
/\b(HIStory) (Past Present and Future)(?=, Book I\b)/i --> "$1, $2"
/(?<=\bHot Rocks) 1964-1971\b/i --> ", 19 64 to 19 71"
/\bHoy Más Fuerte\b/i --> "\e/+'O&I_'mAs_'fwER+.te&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bIt's |\bWe're |\bWe |\bHe |\bShe )Lit\b/i --> "lit"
/\bKaty Lied\b/i --> "katy lied"
/\bLifestylez ov da Poor and Dangerous\b/i --> "lifestyles of \e/+d$\e/+ poor
and dangerous"
/\bLittle Deuce Coupe\b/i --> "little deuce coop"
/\blow kii savage\b/i --> "low key savage"
/\bMe Dejé Llevar\b/i --> "\e/+'me&I_d$.'he&I_l$.'vAR+\e/+"
/\bMis Número 1\.\.\.40 Aniversario\b/i -->
/\bComet Of 1812\b/i --> "comet of 18 12"
/\bPlata O Plomo\b/i --> "\e/+'plAt.t^_'o&U_'plo&\e/+" #Workaround
/(?<=\bRearviewmirror Greatest Hits )1991-2003\b/i --> "19 91 to 2003"
/\brearviewmirror\b/i --> "rearview mirror"
/\bRed Coupe\b/i --> "red coop"
/\bRomeo(?= Santos\b)/i --> "\e/+R+o&U.'me&I.o&U\e/+"
/\bSgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band\b/i --> "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely
Hearts Club Band"
/\bSi Lo Digo Es Porque Puedo\b/i -->
/\bSOB X RBE\b/i --> " S O B R B E"
/\bSongsthatwewontgetsuedforbutattheendofthedayweallgonnadieanyway\b/i -->
"songs that we won't get sued 4 but at the end of the day we all gonna die anyway"
/\bSouthernplayalisticadillacmuzik\b/i --> "Southern playalistic cadillac
/\bSoy Peor\b/i --> "\e/+'sO&I_pe&I.'OR+\e/+"
/\bStraight To It\b/i --> "straight \e/+'tu\e/+ it"
/(?<=\bThe Beatles) 1967-1970\b/i --> ", 19 67 to 19 70"
/(?<=\bThe Best of )1992-2002\b/i --> "19 92 to 2002"
/(?<=\bThere's )Alot(?= Going On\b)/i --> "a lot"
/(?<=\bThese )Heaux\b/i --> "hoes"
/\bTove(?= Styrke\b)/i --> "\e/+'tu.v$\e/+"
/\bVengo a Aclarar\b/i --> "\e/+'vEnK.go&U_$_'A.kl$.'R+AR+\e/+"
/\bpreatures\b/i --> "preachers"
/\bDZ (Death)(rays)\b/i --> "\e/+'di_'zi\e/+ $1 $2"
/\bDami Im\b/i --> "\e/+'d@.mi_'im\e/+"
/\bIsleepers\b/i --> "I sleepers"
/(?<=\bJay )Chou\b/i --> "\e/+'t&Sa&U\e/+"
/(?<=\bTommy )Thayer\b/i --> "\e/+'T.e&I.E0\e/+"
/\bOscar Ivan Treviño\b/i --> "\e/+'Os.k$R+_i.'vAn_tR+E.'vi.njo&U\e/+"
/\bSA Martinez\b/i --> "S A martinez"
/\bC[ée]sar S[aá]nchez\b/i --> "\e/+'si.z$R+_'s@n.t&Se&Iz\e/+"
/\bGy[oö]rgy Ligeti\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZOR+.d&Zi_l$.'gE.r6i\e/+"
/\bA[S$]AP(?= Illz\b)/i --> "\e/+'e&I.s@p\e/+"
/(?<=\bvan der )Beek\b/i --> "\e/+'bik\e/+"
/\bAlain Johannes\b/i --> "\e/+'@.l$n_j$.'hA.n$s\e/+"
/\bByun Baek-hyun\b/i --> "\e/+'bjUn_'bAk_'hjUn\e/+"
/\bJorge(?= Gaxiola\b)/i --> "\e/+'hOR+.he&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bJosé )Areas\b/i --> "\e/+$.'R+e&I.$s\e/+"
/(?<=\bMatt )Gentling\b/i --> "\e/+'gEn.lInK\e/+"
/\bSergio Vallín\b/i --> "\e/+'sE0.d&Zi.o&U_v$.'jIn\e/+"
/\bSulata Foai-Amiatu\b/i --> "\e/+s$.'l@.r6$_'fo&U.a&I_@.mi.'A.r6u\e/+"
/(?<=\bNokio the )N-Tity\b/i --> "entity"
/(?<=\bJohn )Espy\b/i --> "\e/+'Es.pi\e/+"
/(?<=\bJoel )Fido(?= Martínez\b)/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bLes(?= Lawless\b)/i --> "\e/+'lEz\e/+"
/\bOle Beich\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U.l$_'be&Ik\e/+"
/\bIvan(?= L\. Moody\b)/i --> "\e/+'a&I.v$n\e/+"
/\bA\$AP Twelvyy\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.s@p_'\e/+"
/\bChou Tzu-?Yu\b/i --> "\e/+'t&So&U_'zu_'ju\e/+"
/(?<=\bLelee )Lyons\b/i --> "\e/+'la&I.$nz\e/+"
/\bLol(?= Tolhurst\b)/i --> "\e/+'lAl\e/+"
/(?<=\bLuis )Ángel\b/i --> "\e/+'An.hEl\e/+"
/(?<=\bRoyce da )5\'9\"?\b/i --> "five nine"
/\btkay maidza\b/i --> "T K \e/+'ma&Id.z$\e/+"
/(?<=\bSoul )II(?= soul\b)/i --> "\e/+t$\e/+"
/\bj\.? willgoose,? esq\./i --> "jay willgoose esquire"
/\bjean michel jarre\b/i --> "\e/+'ZAn_mI.'SEl_'ZAR+\e/+"
/\bsixx:A\.M\./i --> "6AM"
/\bRainer \+ Grimm\b/i --> "rainer and grim"
/\bDan \+ Shay\b/i --> "dan and shay"
/\bLouis(?= Prima\b)/ --> "\e/+'lu.i\e/+"
/(?<=\bAdam )and(?= Eve\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bDDU DU DDU DU\b/ --> "\e/+'du_d$_'du_du\e/+"
/(?<=\bflip )flops\b/i --> "\e/+flAps\e/+" #Workaround
/(?<=\bHEARD ABOUT )US\b/ --> "us"
/\bIk Voel Je Liefde\b/i --> "\e/+'Ik_'ful_j$_'lif.d$\e/+"
/\bItz hani Gnue\b/i --> "it's \e/+'hA.ni_'gnu.$\e/+"
/\bOSOM\b/ --> "O S O M"
/(?<=\bPalau )Sant Jordi\b/i --> "\e/+'s@n_'ZOR+.Di\e/+"
/(?<=\bHndrxx )presents\b/i --> "\e/+pR+$.'zEnts\e/+"

# Classical music bulk addition

/\ba due cori\b/i --> "\e/+A_'du.e&I_'kO.R+i\e/+"
/\bal factotum\b/i --> "\e/+'Al_fAk.'to&U_t$m\e/+"
/\balso sprach zarathustra\b/i --> "\e/+'Al.zo&U_'spR+Ak_zAR+.$.'tu.stR+$\e/+"
/\bairs valaques\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+_vA.'lAk\e/+"
/\bbeati mortui\b/i --> "\e/+be&I.'A.'ti_'mOR+.'tu.i\e/+"
/\bcavalleria rusticana\b/i --> "\e/+kA.v$.lE.'R+i.j$_R+^.sti.'kA.n$\e/+"
/\bcésar franck\b/i --> "\e/+se&I.'zAR+_'fR+OnKk\e/+"
/\bcésar franck's\b/i --> "\e/+se&I.'zAR+_'fR+OnKks\e/+"
/\bcharles gounod\b/i --> "\e/+'SAR+l_gu.'no&U\e/+"
/\bcharles gounod's\b/i --> "\e/+'SAR+l_gu.'no&Uz\e/+"
/\bcirca mea pectora\b/i --> "\e/+'siR+.k$_'me&I.$_'pEk.tO.R+$\e/+"
/\bclair de lune\b/i --> "\e/+'klER+_d$_'lun\e/+"
/\bcosi fan tutti\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&U.si_'fAn_'tut.ti\e/+"
/\bdaphnis et chloé/i --> "\e/+'dAf.'ni_e&I_'klo&U.'e&I\e/+"
/\bda requiem\b/i --> "\e/+dA_'R+E.kwi.$m\e/+"
/\bde falla\b/i --> "\e/+de&I_'fa&I.j$\e/+"
/\bde machaut\b/i --> "\e/+d$_mA.'So&U\e/+"
/\bde machaut's\b/i --> "\e/+d$_mA.'So&Uz\e/+"
/\bde salon\b/i --> "\e/+d$_sA.'lOn\e/+"
/\bde sarasate\b/i --> "\e/+de&I_sAR+.$.'sA.te&I\e/+"
/\bde sarasate's\b/i --> "\e/+de&I_sAR+.$.'sA.te&Iz\e/+"
/\bdie fledermaus\b/i --> "\e/+'di_'fle&I.d$.ma&Us\e/+"
/\bdie forelle\b/i --> "\e/+'di_fO.'R+E.l$\e/+"
/\bdies irae\b/i --> "\e/+'di.e&Iz_'i.R+e&I\e/+"
/\bdona nobis\b/i --> "\e/+'do&U.n$_'no&U.bIs\e/+"
/\bè mobile\b/i --> "\e/+'E_'mo&\e/+"
/\bedvard grieg\b/i --> "\e/+'Ed.vAR+d_'gR+ig\e/+"
/\bedvard grieg's\b/i --> "\e/+'Ed.vAR+d_'gR+igz\e/+"
/\bennio morricone\b/i --> "\e/+''ko&\e/+"
/\bernesto lecuona\b/i --> "\e/+ER+.'nE.sto&U_lE.'kwo&U.n$\e/+"
/\bfantaisie-impromptu\b/i --> "\e/+fAn.te&I.'zi.Im.'pR+Amp.tu\e/+"
/\bfrancis poulenc\b/i --> "\e/+fR+On.'sis_pu.'l@nKk\e/+"
/\bfunèbre et triomphale\b/i --> "\e/+fu.'nE.bR+$_e&I_tR+i.Om.'fAl\e/+"
/\bfür elise\b/i --> "\e/+fjuR+_I.'lis\e/+"
/\bgabriel fauré/i --> "\e/+gA.bR+i.'El_fO.'R+e&I\e/+"
/\bgabriel fauré's\b/i --> "\e/+gA.bR+i.'El_fO.'R+e&Iz\e/+"
/\bgazza ladra\b/i --> "\e/+'gAd.zA_'lAd.r6A\e/+"
/\bgian carlo menotti\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAn_'kAR+.lo&U_mE.'nOt.ti\e/+"
/\bgian carlo menotti's\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAn_'kAR+.lo&U_mE.'nOt.tiz\e/+"
/\bgottes zeit\b/i --> "\e/+'gA_t$s_'tsa&It\e/+"
/\bgrande symphonie\b/i --> "\e/+''ni\e/+"
/\bgrosse fuge\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+o&U.s$_'fu.g$\e/+"
/\bi pagliacci\b/i --> "\e/+i_pA.'ljA.t&Si\e/+"
/\bjean sibelius\b/i --> "\e/+ZAn_sI.'be&I.lj$s\e/+"
/\bjean sibelius's\b/i --> "\e/+ZAn_sI.'be&I.lj$s.Iz\e/+"
/\bjean-baptiste lully\b/i --> "\e/+ZAn.b@.'tist_l^.'li\e/+"
/\bjohann strauss\b/i --> "\e/+'jo&U.hAn_'StR+a&Us\e/+"
/\bjohann strauss's\b/i --> "\e/+'jo&U.hAn_'StR+a&Us.Iz\e/+"
/\bjosquin des prez'/i --> "\e/+Zo&Us.'kAn_de&I_'pR+e&Iz\e/+"
/\bjosquin des prez\b/i --> "\e/+Zo&Us.'kAn_de&I_'pR+e&I\e/+"
/\bjules delibes\b/i --> "\e/+'Zul_d$.'lib\e/+"
/\bjules delibes'/i --> "\e/+'Zul_d$.'libz\e/+"
/\bjules massenet\b/i --> "\e/+'Zul_mA.s$.'ne&I\e/+"
/\bjules massenet's\b/i --> "\e/+'Zul_mA.s$.'ne&Iz\e/+"
/\bjulius klengel\b/i --> "\e/+''klEnK.$l\e/+"
/\bjulius klengel's\b/i --> "\e/+''klEnK.$lz\e/+"
/\bla mer\b/i --> "\e/+lA_'mER+\e/+"
/\blibera_me\b/i --> "\e/+'li.bER+.A_'me&I\e/+"
/\bl'orfeo\b/i --> "\e/+lOR+.'fe&I.o&U\e/+"
/\blux aurumque\b/i --> "\e/+'lUks_'a&UR+.Um.kwe&I\e/+"
/\bmà vlast\b/i --> "\e/+mA_'vlAst\e/+"
/\bmarche_militaire\b/i --> "\e/+'mAR+S_mI.lI.'tER+\e/+"
/\bmarche slave\b/i --> "\e/+'mAR+S_'slAv\e/+"
/\bcitymapper\b/i --> "city mapper"
/\bmodest mussorgsky\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'dEst_m$.'\e/+"
/\bnepomuk hummel\b/i --> "\e/+'ne&I.po&U.mUk_'\e/+"
/\bnepomuk hummel's\b/i --> "\e/+'ne&I.po&U.mUk_'\e/+"
/\bpanis angelicus\b/i --> "\e/+'pA.nIs_@n.'d&ZE.lI.kUs\e/+"
/\bpetite messe\b/i --> "\e/+p$.'tit_'mEs\e/+"
/\bpie jesu\b/i --> "\e/+'pi.e&I_'je&\e/+"
/\brichard strauss\b/i --> "\e/+'rI.kAR+t_'StR+a&Us\e/+"
/\brichard strauss's\b/i --> "\e/+'rI.kAR+t_'StR+a&Us.Iz\e/+"
/\brichard wagner\b/i --> "\e/+'R+I.kA$R+t_'vAg.n$R+\e/+"
/\brichard wagner's\b/i --> "\e/+'R+I.kA$R+t_'vAg.n$R+s\e/+"
/\bstabat mater\b/i --> "\e/+'stA.bAt_'mA.t$R+\e/+"
/\bte deum\b/i --> "\e/+te&I_'de&I.Um\e/+"
/\btr(a|ä)umerei\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+O&I.m$.R+a&I\e/+"
/\bunter donner und blitz\b/i --> "\e/+'Un.tA_'dO.nA_Unt_'blIts\e/+"
/\bvon bingen\b/i --> "\e/+fAn_'bInK.$n\e/+"
/\bvon bingen's\b/i --> "\e/+fAn_'bInK.$nz\e/+"
/\bzoltán kodály\b/i --> "\e/+'zo&Ul.tAn_ko&U.'da&I.i\e/+"
/\bzoltán kodály's\b/i --> "\e/+'zo&Ul.tAn_ko&U.'da&I.iz\e/+"
/(?<=\bRevolutionary Etude )op\.? 10 in Cm\b/i --> "opus ten in C minor"
# Sports entries
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])[zŽž]i[zž]i[cć](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i -->
/\bNurki[cć](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'nE0R+.kIt&S\e/+"
/\bMarjanovi[cć](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+mAR+.'jA.n$.vIt&S\e/+"
/\bValan[cč]i[uū]nas\b/i --> "\e/+vA.l$n.'t&Su.n$s\e/+"
/(?<=\bAdnan )Januzaj\b/i --> "\e/'za&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bGeorges )Niang\b/i --> "\e/+'ni.@nK\e/+"
/(?<=\bPatrick )Mahomes\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'ho&Umz\e/+"
/(?<=\bKimi )R[aä]ikk[oö]nen\b/i --> "\e/+'R+a&I.k$.n$n\e/+"
/\bDon[čc]i[cć](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'dOn.t&SIt&S\e/+"
/\bMikal(?= Bridges\b)/i --> "\e/+mIk.'El\e/+"
/\bShai Gilgeous[- ](?=Alexander\b)/i --> "\e/+'Se&I_'gIl.d&Z$s\e/+"
/\bZhaire(?= Smith\b)/i --> "\e/+za&I.'jiR+\e/+"
/(?<=Josh )Okogie\b/i --> "\e/+o&U.'ko&\e/+"
/(?<=\bElie )Okobo/i --> "\e/+$.'ko&\e/+"
/\bDzanan(?= Musa\b)/i --> "\e/+'d&ZA.n$n\e/+"
/(?<=\bChuck )Bednarik\b/i --> "\e/+bEd.'ne&I.R+Ik\e/+"
/\bCrazylegs(?= Hirsch\b)/i --> "crazy legs"
/(?<=\bMichael )Strahan\b/i --> "\e/+'stR+e&I.h@n\e/+"
/(?<=\bTony )Dorsett\b/i --> "\e/+dOR+.'sEt\e/+"
/\bAmeer(?= Abdullah)/i --> "\e/+$.'miR+\e/+"
/(?<=\bBlake )Bortles\b/i --> "\e/+'bOR+.t$lz\e/+"
/(?<=\bBrandon )LaFell\b/i --> "\e/+l$.'fEl\e/+"
/\bBreshad(?= Perriman\b)/i --> "\e/+bR+$.SOd\e/+"
/(?<=\bC\.J\. )Fiedorowicz\b/i --> "\e/+f$.'dO.R+$.wIt&S\e/+"
/\bD'Onta(?= Foreman\b)/i --> "\e/+di.'An.te&I\e/+"
/\bDak(?= Prescott\b)/i --> "\e/+'d@k\e/+"
/\bDavante(?= Adams\b)/i --> "\e/+d$.'vOn.te&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bDavid )Njoku\b/i --> "\e/+n$.'d&Zo&U.ku\e/+"
/\bDeshaun(?= Watson\b)/i --> "\e/+d$.'SOn\e/+"
/\bDeShone(?= Kizer\b)/i --> "\e/+d$.'SOn\e/+"
/(?<=\bColton )Parayko\b/i --> "\e/+pE0.'R+e&I.ko&U\e/+"
/\bDevonta(?= Freeman\b)/i --> "\e/+d$.'vOn.te&I\e/+"
/\bDevontae(?= Booker\b)/i --> "\e/+d$.'vOn.te&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bEric )Ebron\b/i --> "\e/+'i.brOn\e/+"
/(?<=\bIsaiah )Crowell\b/i --> "\e/+kR+o&U.'El\e/+"
/\bJaelen(?= Strong\b)/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.l$n\e/+"
/(?<=\bJay )Ajayi\b/i --> "\e/+A.'d&ZA.ji\e/+"
/(?<=\bJulian )Edelman\b/i --> "\e/+'E.d$l.m$n\e/+"
/(?<=Kyle )Juszczyk\b/i --> "\e/+'juz.CEk\e/+"
/(?<=\bLeon )Draisaitl\b/i --> "\e/+'dR+a&\e/+"
/\bLaquon(?= Treadwell\b)/i --> "\e/+l$.'kwOn\e/+"
/(?<=\bMarcus )Mariota\b/i --> "\e/+mA.R+i.'o&U.t$\e/+"
/\bMartavis(?= Bryant\b)/i --> "\e/+mAR+.'0te&I.v$s\e/+"
/\bMartellus(?= Bennett\b)/i --> "\e/+mAR+.'0tEl.$s\e/+"
/(?<=\bMike )Gillislee\b/i --> "\e/+'gI.l$\e/+"
/(?<=\bMitch )Trubisky\b/i --> "\e/+tR+u.'\e/+"
/(?<=\bMohamed )Sanu\b/i --> "\e/+s@.'nu\e/+"
/(?<=\bPierre[- ]Luc )Dubois\b/i --> "\e/+du.'bwO\e/+"
/\bSamaje Perine\b/i --> "\e/+s$.'mO.d&Ze&I_'pi.R+a&In\e/+"
/(?<=\bScott )Tolzien\b/i --> "\e/+'to&Ul.zin\e/+"
/\bStefon(?= Diggs\b)/i --> "\e/+st$.'fOn\e/+"
/\bTarik(?= Cohen\b)/i --> "\e/+t$.'R+ik\e/+"
/(?<=\bTed )Ginn\b/i --> "\e/+'gIn\e/+"
/\bTerrelle(?= Pryor\b)/i --> "\e/+t$.'R+El\e/+"
/\bTyreek(?= Hill\b)/i --> "\e/+ta&I.'R+ik\e/+"
/\bXavier(?= Grimble\b)/i --> "\e/+'ze&\e/+"
/\bRodions(?= Kurucs\b)/i --> "\e/+R+o&U.di.'Onz\e/+"
/\bMax Verstappen\b/i --> "\e/+'mAks_v$R+.'stA.p$n\e/+"
/\bHamidou(?= Diallo\b)/i --> "\e/+'h@.mI.du\e/+"
/\bIssuf(?= Sanon\b)/i --> "\e/+'ju.s$f\e/+"
/\bKhyri(?= Thomas\b)/i --> "\e/+'ka&I.R+i\e/+"
/\bChimezie Metu\b/i --> "\e/+C$.'mE.zi_'mE.0tu\e/+"
/\bAlize(?= Johnson\b)/i --> "\e/+'@.l$.ze&I\e/+"
/\bJean(?= Beliveau\b)/i --> "\e/+'ZAn\e/+"
/\bChampionships-HSBC\b/i --> "championships, HSBC"
/\bFdez-Castano\b/i --> "fernandez castaño"
/(?<=\bAndris )Sics\b/i --> "\e/+'SIts\e/+"
/(?<=\bCabrera )Bello\b/i --> "\e/+'be&\e/+"
/(?<=\bCarreno )Busta\b/i --> "\e/+'bUs.t$\e/+"
/(?<=\bGerry )Weber\b/i --> "\e/+'wE.b$R+\e/+"
/(?<=\bGilles )Simon\b/i --> "\e/+sI.'mAn\e/+"
/(?<=\bJuan )Martin\b/i --> "\e/+mAR+.'tin\e/+"
/(?<=\bLara )Gut\b/i --> "\e/+'gUt\e/+"
/(?<=\bMaddie )Bowman\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&U.m$n\e/+"
/(?<=\bMax )Parrot\b/i --> "\e/+p$.'R+o&U\e/+"
/\bCoupe(?= Rogers\b)/i --> "\e/+'kup\e/+"
/\bJonas(?= Blixt\b)/i --> "\e/+'jo&U.nAs\e/+"
/\bKarolina(?= Pliskova\b)/i --> "\e/'li.n$\e/+"
/\bPutting(?= green\b)/i --> "\e/+'p^.tInK\e/+"
/\bQi(?= Guangpu\b)/i --> "\e/+'t&Si\e/+"
/\bSud(?= de France\b)/i --> "\e/+'sud\e/+"
/\bChez Reavie\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SEz_'R+iv.i\e/+" #Workaround
/\bElena Vesnina\b/i --> "\e/+$.'le&I.n$_vEs.'ni.n$\e/+"
/\bHagen Kearney\b/i --> "\e/+'he&I.g$n_'\e/+"
/\bHana Mandlíková/i --> "\e/+'hE.n$_m@nd.l$.'ko&U.v$\e/+"
/\bHyeon Chung\b/i --> "\e/+'hjAn_'t&SUnK\e/+"
/\bIreen Wuest\b/i --> "\e/+I.'re&In_'wE0st\e/+"
/\bJan Blokhuijsen\b/i --> "\e/+'jAn_'blAk.hwi.z$n\e/+"
/\bJan Kodeš(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'jAn_k$.'dES\e/+"
/\bJana Cepelova\b/i --> "\e/+'jA.n$_sE.p$.'lo&U.v$\e/+"
/\bJean Borotra\b/i --> "\e/+'ZAn_b$.'ro&$\e/+"
/\bJean Frederic Chapuis\b/i --> "\e/+'ZAn_fR+E.d$.'rik_S$.'pwi\e/+"
/\bJhonattan Vegas\b/i --> "\e/+'ZA.n$.t$n_'ve&I.g$\e/+"
/\bJulia Dujmovits\b/i --> "\e/+'$_'dO&I.m$.vIts\e/+"
/\bJuris Sics\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.rIs_'SIts\e/+"
/\bLaura Gonzalez Escallon\b/i -->
/\bLucas Pouille\b/i --> "\e/+'lu.k$_'pwi\e/+"
/\bMarat Safin\b/i --> "\e/+'mE.R+$t_'s@.f$n\e/+"
/\bMarie Dorin Habert\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'R+i_d$.'R+An_$.'be&IR+\e/+"
/\bMi Jung Hur\b/i --> "\e/+'mi_'d&ZUnK_'hUR+\e/+"
/\bMiguel Angel Carballo\b/i --> "\e/+mI.'gEl_An.'hEl_kAR+.'ba&I.o&U\e/+"
/\bNicolas Almagro\b/i --> "\e/+'nI.k$.lAs_@l.'mA.gR+o&U\e/+"
/\bNicolas Mahut\b/i --> "\e/+'nI.k$.lA_mA.'ut\e/+"
/\bOceane Dodin\b/i --> "\e/+o&'An_do&U.'dAn\e/+"
/\bOle Einar Bjoerndalen\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U.l$_'a&I.n$R+_'bjE0n.dA.l$n\e/+"
/\bPierre-Hugues Herbert\b/i --> "\e/+'pjER+_'ug_E0R+.'bER+\e/+"
/\bRichard Gasquet\b/i --> "\e/+R+I.'SAR+_g@s.'ke&I\e/+"
/\bRoberto Bautista Agut\b/i --> "\e/+R+o&U.'bER+.'to&U_b$.'$_@.'gut\e/+"
/\bAbu Bakr\b/i --> "\e/+'A.bu_'bA.k$R+\e/+"
/\bAbd (ar|al)(-|\s)Rahman\b/i --> "\e/+'Abd_AR+_'R+A.mAn\e/+"
/\bthe answer is e raised to n\b/i --> "the answer is e, raised to n"
# rdar://problem/34572877
# Removes colon to improve pron in phrases like "<setting name>: on/off."
/(?<=[A-Z]): (On|Off)\.(?=$|\s)/i --> " $1."
/(?<=\bOK, I turned on )Use(?= listening history\b)/i --> "\e/+'juz\e/+"
/\bLes (McCann|Patterson|Murray|Claypool|Paul|Binks)\b/i --> "\e/+'lEz\e/+ $1"
/\bMonte Sereno\b/i --> "\e/+'mAn.te&I_s$.'re&\e/+"
/\bTaj Mahal\b/i --> "\e/+'tAZ_m$.'hAl\e/+"
/(?<=\bNo value to confirm for )Content\b/i --> "\e/+'kAn.tEnt\e/+"
/(?<=\bMike )Doughty\b/i --> "\e/+'do&U.r6i\e/+"
/\bJunipero(?= Serra Freeway\b)/i --> "\e/+d&Zu.n$_pER+.o&U\e/+" #workaround
/\bmovin['’]/i --> "\e/+'mu.vIn\e/+"
/(?<=\bPure Silk Bahamas )LPGA(?= Classic\b)/i --> "\e/+'El.'pi.'d&Zi_'e&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bI will )not, then\b/i --> "\e/+'nAt\e/+ then"
/(?<=\bTrevor )Siemian\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.mi.$n\e/+"
/\bLemon\s?jelly\.ky\b/i --> "Lemon Jelly K Y"
/\bD['’]Angelo\b/i --> "D Angelo"
/\bOkay, ([\S\s]{1,20}), what's the new name for this meeting\?/i --> "Okay $1.
What's the new name for this meeting?"
/\bPierre, (SD|South Dakota)\b/i --> "\e/+'piR+\e/+ south dakota"
/\bPierre(?= is the capital of South Dakota\b)/i --> "\e/+'piR+\e/+"
/(?<=\bcoming )right up\b/i --> "\e/+R+a&It_'^p\e/+"
/\bI'm already here, ([\S\s]{1,20}), what can I do for you\?/i --> "I'm already
here $1. What can I do for you?"
/(?<=\bOur reality is but one page in )a(?= omni-dimensional book of infinite time
across multi-versal space\b)/i --> "\e/+En\e/+"
/\bMarquis de Sade\b/i --> "\e/+mAR+.'ki_d$_'sAd\e/+"
/(?<=\bNew Gold Dream) \(81-82-83-84\)/i --> ", 81, 82, 83, 84"
/\bbabymetal\b/i --> "baby metal"
/\bHamaguchi(?= and Associates\b)/i --> "\e/+'hA.m$.gu.t&Si\e/+" # workaround
/\b401\(?-?k\)?\b/i --> "four oh one k"

#Second round of artists

/\bOingo Boingo\b/i --> "\e/+'O&InK.go&U_'bO&InK.go&U\e/+"
/\bPawe[lł] M[aą]ciwoda\b/i --> "\e/+'pA.v$l_m$n.t&Si.'vo&U.d$\e/+"
/(?<=\bPeter, Paul )(and|\&)(?= Mary\b)/i --> "'n"
/(?<=\bPhineas )(and|\&)(?= Ferb\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bPiper Skih\b/i --> "piper sky"
/\bBoyinaband\b/i --> "boy in a band"
/\bCaptainSparklez\b/i --> "captain sparkles"
/\bPortugal\. The Man\b/i --> "portugal the man"
/(?<=\bPuff Daddy )(and|\&)(?= The Family\b)/i --> "'n"
/(?<=\bPhil )Dausch\b/i --> "\e/+'da&US\e/+"
/(?<=\bGlenn )Kotche\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&U.t&Si\e/+"
/(?<=\bHailee )Steinfeld\b/i --> "\e/+'sta&In.fEld\e/+"
/(?<=\bHayley )Kiyoko\b/i --> "\e/+ki.'jo&U.ko&U\e/+"
/(?<=\bRaul )Rekow\b/i --> "\e/+R+i.'ko&U\e/+"
/(?<=\bRob )Bourdon\b/i --> "\e/+'bOR+.d$n\e/+"
/(?<=\bRhett )and(?= Link\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bRilo Kiley\b/i --> "\e/+'R+a&I.lo&U_'ka&\e/+"
/(?<=\bSam )(and|\&)(?= Dave\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bSebu(?= Simonian\b)/i --> "\e/+'sE.bu\e/+"
/(?<=\bSiouxsie )(and|\&)(?= The Banshees\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bSkerrit Bwoy\b/i --> "scare it boy"
/\bTeairra Marí/i --> "\e/+ti.'ER+.$_m^.'R+i\e/+"
/\bTJ Ihle\b/i --> "t j isle"
/\bTony! Toni! Toné!/i --> "tony tony tony"
/(?<=\bTommy James and The )Shondells\b/i --> "\e/+SAn.'dElz\e/+"
/\bde la Rocha\b/i --> "\e/+de&I_l$_'R+o&U.t&S$\e/+"
/(?<=\bKing )(and|\&)(?= Country\b)/i --> "'n"
/(?<=\bThe Head )(and|\&)(?= the Heart\b)/i --> "'n"
/(?<=\bThousand Foot )Krutch\b/i --> "crutch"
/\bTré(?= Cool\b)/i --> "tray"
/\bYhung T\.O\./i --> "young t o"
/(?<=\bMatt|\bMatthew )Fazzi\b/i --> "\e/+'f@.zi\e/+"
/\bMatthew Thiessen\b/i --> "matthew tyson"
/\bMatty\s?B\b/i --> "matty b"
/(?<=\bMaze )(and|\&)(?= Frankie Beverly\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bMiles Zuniga\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&Ilz_u.'ni.g$\e/+" # Workaround
/\bMoneybagg Yo\b/i --> "moneybag yo"
/(?<=\bNahko )(and|\&)(?= Medicine for the People\b)/i --> "'n"
/(?<=\bNick Cave )(and|\&)(?= The Bad Seeds\b)/i --> "'n"
/(?<=\bShinz[oōŌ] )Abe\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bAino Jawo\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.'no&U_'d&Za&U.w$\e/+" # Workaround
/(?<=\bJasen )Rauch\b/i --> "\e/+'R+a&US\e/+"
/\bJ\.Balvin\b/i --> "jay balvin"
/(?<=\bJack )[UÜü](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "U"
/\bJemaine Clement\b/i --> "\e/+d&Z$.'me&In_kl$.'mEnt\e/+"
/\bJeon Jung\s?kook\b/i --> "\e/+'CAn_'CUnK_'kuk\e/+"
/(?<=\bA Flock of )Seagulls\b/i --> "\e/+'si.g$lz\e/+"
/(?<=\bA )Perfect(?= Circle\b)/i --> "\e/+'pE0R+.f$kt\e/+"
/\bA[$S]AP Illz\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.s@p_'Ilz\e/+"
/\bAgnetha Fältskog\b/i --> "\e/$_fElt.'skug\e/+" # Workaround
/(?<=\bAll Sons )(and|\&)(?= Daughters\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bAmar(?= Khalil\b)/i --> "\e/+'e&I.mAR+\e/+"
/(?<=\bAngels )(and|\&)(?= Airwaves\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bAnni-Frid Lyngstad\b/i --> "\e/+@.n$.'fR+id_'\e/+"
/\bArmin van Buuren\b/i --> "\e/+'AR+.m$n_'v@n_'bjE0.$n\e/+"
/\bArnar(?= Rósenkranz Hilmarsson\b)/i --> "\e/+'AR+.nAR+\e/+"
/\bArnel Pineda\b/i --> "\e/+AR+.'nEl_pI.'nE.r6$\e/+"
/\bBankroll(?= Fresh\b)/i --> "\e/+'b@nKk_R+o&Ul\e/+" # Workaround
/(?<=\bBars )(and|\&)(?= Melody\b)/i --> "'n"
/(?<=\bBig )(and|\&)(?= Rich\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bBjörn Ulvaeus\b/i --> "\e/+'bjOR+n_$l.'ve&I.$s\e/+"
/(?<=\bBrooks )(and|\&)(?= Dunn\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bBrynjar Leifsson\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+In.jE0R+_'le&If.s$n\e/+"
/\bCarmit Bachar\b/i --> "\e/+'kAR+.mit_b$.'kAR+\e/+"
/\bCelia Cruz y La Sonora Matancera\b/i --> "Celia Cruz \e/+'i\e/+ La
Sonora \e/+mA.'tAn.'sER+.$\e/+"
/\bChoi Young-?jae\b/i --> "\e/+'t&Se&I_'j^nK_'d&Ze&I\e/+"
/\bCon Funk Shun\b/i --> "\e/+k$n.'f^nKk.S$n\e/+"
/\bCrosby, Stills (and|\&) Nash\b/i --> "Crosby Stills 'n Nash"
/\bCrosby, Stills, Nash (and|\&) Young\b/i --> "Crosby Stills Nash 'n Young"
/\bCyrille Aimée\b/i --> "\e/+s$.'R+il_E.'me&I\e/+"
/\bDeana(?= Carter\b)/i --> "\e/+'di.n$\e/+"
/\bDeath Grips\b/i --> "\e/+'dET.gR+Ips\e/+"
/(?<=\bEcho )(and|\&) The Bunnymen\b/i --> "'n the \e/+'b^.ni.mEn\e/+"
/(?<=\bEmerson, Lake )(and|\&)(?= Palmer\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bEste(?= Haim\b)/i --> "\e/+'E.sti\e/+"
/\bFlight Facilities\b/i --> "\e/+'fla&It.f$.sI.l$.r6iz\e/+"
/\bJorma Taccone\b/i --> "\e/+'jOR+.m$_t$.'ko&\e/+"
/(?<=\bKalin )(and|\&)(?= Myles\b)/i --> "'n"
/\bKang Seul-?gi\b/ --> "\e/+'kAnK_'s^l_'gi\e/+"
/\bKari(?= Jobe\b)/ --> "\e/+'kER+.i\e/+"
/\bKasim(?= Sulton\b)/i --> "\e/+'k@.sIm\e/+"
/\bKeKe(?= Wyatt\b)/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bKJ-52\b/i --> "K J 5 2"
/(?<=\bLoggins )&(?= Messina\b)/i --> "'n"
/(?<=\bskies, )wind(?=,)/i --> "\e/+'wInd\e/+"
/\bauf der(?= maur\b)/i --> "\e/+Of_dE0\e/+"
/\bsingin(\b|['’])/i --> "\e/+'sInK.InK\e/+"
/\bsoul asylum\b/i --> "\e/+so&Ul_$.'sa&I.l$m\e/+"
/\bZHU x A-Trak x Keznamdi\b/i --> "zhu, a-trak \e/+$n_kEz.'n@m.di\e/+"
/(?<=\bSonny )Bono\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&\e/+"
/\bmanouevres\b/i --> "maneuvers"
/(?<=\bMohammad )Ali\b/i --> "\e/+A.'li\e/+"
# Workaround for <rdar://problem/38885492>
/\e\\tn=spell\\e\. coli\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "E, period, space, C, O, L, I."
/\be\. coli\b/i --> "\e/+i.'ko&Ul.a&I\e/+"
/\bJiang Zemin\b/i --> "\e/+d&Zi.AN_z^.mIn\e/+" # Workaround
/\bWu Zetian\b/i --> "\e/+'wu_'z^_'ti.En\e/+" # Workaround
/\bAstronomicalΦAKIBA-POP\b/i --> "astronomical akiba pop"
/\bMOSAIC\.WAV\b/i --> "\e/+mo&U.ze&I.Ik.'wAv\e/+"
/\bDas Spiel\b/i --> "\e/+dAS.'pi.$\e/+"
/\bSergio(?= Garc[íi]a\b)/i --> "\e/+'sER+.hi.o&U\e/+"
/\bLa Rompe Corazones\b/i --> "\e/+l$_'$.'so&\e/+"
/(?<=\bThick )(and|\&)(?= Pretty\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bAlvin )(and|\&)(?= The Chipmunks\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bMiel San Marcos\b/i --> "\e/+mi.'El_s@n_'mAR+.ko&Uz\e/+"
/(?<=\bVictor )Manuelle\b/i --> "\e/+'m@n.ju.El\e/+"
/\b6ix9ine\b/i --> "6 9"
/(?<=\blittle )feat\b/i --> "feet" #<rdar://problem/37257640> TTS: Artist "Little
Feat" Spoken "Little Featuring"
/\bfeat\./i --> "featuring"
/\bLaudir de Oliveira\b/i --> "\e/+la&U.'d&ZiR+_d&Zjo&'vE.R+$\e/+"
/\bLalah(?= Hathaway\b)/i --> "\e/+'le&I.l$\e/+"
/\bLevon(?= Helm\b)/i --> "\e/+li.'vAn\e/+"
/\bluciano pavarotti\b/i --> "\e/+lu.t&Si.'$.'R+A.'ti\e/+"
/\blatocha(?= scott\b)/i --> "\e/+l$.'tA.S$\e/+"
/(?<=\btrey )anastasio\b/i --> "\e/+@.n$.'ste&I.zi.o&U\e/+"
/\bse-?hun\b/i --> "\e/+se&I.'hun\e/+"
/(?<=\bjared )leto\b/i --> "\e/+'lE.r6o&U\e/+"
/\bsolon(?= bixler\b)/i --> "\e/+'so&U.l$n\e/+"
/\bmatthias(?= jabs\b)/i --> "\e/+m$.'Ta&I.$s\e/+"
/\bchae-?young\b/i --> "\e/+'t&Se&I.j^nK\e/+"
/\bchan-?yeol\b/i --> "\e/+t&S@n.'jo&Ul\e/+"
/\bou-?yang\b/i --> "\e/+o&U.'j^nK\e/+"
/\bda-?hyun\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'h^n\e/+"
/\bhyo-?yeon\b/i --> "\e/+'hjo&U_j$n\e/+"
/\bjin-?young\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZIn.j^nK\e/+"
/\bisaiah(?= rashad\b)/i --> "\e/+a&I.'ze&I.E0\e/+" # Workaround
/(?<=\bHumble )(and|\&)(?= Kind\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bBeats Studio\s?[2²](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'bits_'stu.r6i.o&U_'tu\e/
/\bBeats Studio\s?[3³](?=\s|$|[[:punct:]])/i -->
/\bresume(?= schedule\b)/i --> "\e/+R+I.'zum\e/+"
/(?<=\bNo\. [1-9] in )A(?= Minor\b)/i --> "\e/+'e&I\e/+"
/\bma['’]am\b/i --> "\e/+'m@m\e/+"
/(?<=\bThe War on Drugs, )A(?= Deeper Understanding\b)/i --> "\e/+$\e/+"
/(?<=\bYou've got a bunch to choose )from\b/i --> "\e/+fR+$m\e/+"
/(?<=\bWhich language would you like to translate )into(?=\?)/i -->
/\bS&P\s?(?=500)/i --> "\e/+'Es_$n_'pi\e/+"
/(?<=\bSunrise )was(?= at \d{1,2}:\d\dAM today\b)/i --> "\e/+w$z\e/+"
/\bFriday(?=,)/i --> "\e/+'fR+a&Id.e&I\e/+" #workaround
/\bmele kalikimaka\b/i --> "\e/+'mE.le&I_k$'mA.k$\e/+"
/\bFormat:B\b/i --> "format b"
/(?<=\bmike )(and|[&+])(?= the mechanics\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bbeauty )(and|\&)(?= the beast\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bgrande )(and|\&)(?= john\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bchase )(and|\&)(?= status\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bblack )(and|\&)(?= YG\b)/i --> "n'"
/(\bmy|\byour|\bhis|\bher|\bour|\btheir|'s|s') eta\b/i --> "$1 E T A"
/\bNow, Now\b/i --> "now now"
/(?<=\bthe )j\.?b\.?[’'.]s\b/i --> "jay bees"
/\bbogot[aá]/i --> "\e/+bo&U.g$.'tA\e/+"
/\bthe oil\b/i --> "\e/+'Di_'O&I.$l\e/+" #Workaround
/\bin ruins\b/i --> "\e/+'In_'R+u.$nz\e/+" #Workaround
/(?<=\bcrash )(and|\&)(?= burn\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bjong-?hyun\b/i --> "\e/+t&SOnK.'h^n\e/+"
/(?<=\bAddison )Agen\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.g$n\e/+"
/(?<=\bSide )EFX\b/i --> "effects"
/\bdulci jubilo\b/i --> "\e/+'dul.t&Si_'ju.bI.lo&U\e/+"
/(?<=\buntitled )02 l?/i --> "two"
/(?<=\bsons )(and|\&)(?= daughters\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\btrae )tha(?= truth\b)/i --> "the"
/\b08 19 2014/i --> "08.19.2014"
/\b06 23 2014/i --> "06.23.2014"
/\b05 28 2013/i --> "05.28.2013"
/\b08 14 2014/i --> "08.14.2014"
/\b09 21 2014/i --> "09.21.2014"
/\b06 30 2014/i --> "06.30.2014"
/\b09 06 2014/i --> "09.06.2014"
/\bseventy-/ --> "\e/+'sE.v$n.r6i\e/+"
/\bsupport\.apple\.com\b/i --> "support dot apple dot com"
/\bLincecum\b/i --> "\e/+'lIn.s$.k^m\e/+"
/(?<=\bfrancis )(and|\&)(?= the lights\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bLea(?= Michele\b)/i --> "\e/+'li.$\e/+"
/\bLoren(?= Allred\b)/i --> "lauren"
/\bsome(?= way\b)/i --> "\e/+'s^m\e/+"
/(?<=\bwild )(and|\&)(?= free\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bnoel(?= torres\b)/i --> "noelle"
/(?<=\btake a )bow\b/i --> "\e/+'ba&U\e/+"
/(?<=Paco )de Lucía\b/i --> "\e/+De&I_'lu.Ti.$\e/+"
/\bPBUH\b/ --> "peace be upon him"
/\bana gabriel\b/ --> "\e/+'A.n$_gA.bR+i.'El\e/+"
/\bDulce Mar[ií]a\b/i --> "\e/+'$.'R+i.$\e/+"
/\bF\*ckwithmeyouknowigotit\b/i --> "fuck with me you know I got it"
/(?<=\bpills )(and|\&)(?= automobiles\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bdogg )(and|\&)(?= rick\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bYung(?= Bans\b)/i --> "young"
/\ben espa[nñ]ol\b/i --> "\e/+En_E.spAn.'jo&Ul\e/+"
/(?<=\bHot Sauce Committee),? Pt\.? two/i --> "part two" # Workaround
/\bnguy[eễ]n\b/i --> "\e/+'wEn\e/+"
/(?<=Where Are )Ü(?= Now\b)/i --> "you"
/\bJ\.(?=Perry\b)/i --> "J "
/(?<=ABC's and )123's\b/i --> "1 2 3's"
/\bJoakim(?= Noah\b)/i --> "\e/+'d&Zo&\e/+"
/([A-Za-z0-9]+-)hour/i --> "$1\e/+'a&U.$R+\e/+"
/(?<=\byou )can't(?= always get what you want\b)/i --> "\e/+'k@nt\e/+"
/\bDee Rees\b/i --> "\e/+'di_'R+is\e/+"
/\bI, Tonya\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I_'tO.nj$\e/+"
/\bTOGO'S\b/i --> "TOGO's"
/\bperfect illusion\b/i --> "\e/+'pE0R+.f$kt_I.'lu.Z$n\e/+"
/(?<=\bStax )Records\b/i --> "\e/+'R+E.kE0dz\e/+"
/\bbella y sensual\b/i --> "\e/+'bE.l$'Ol\e/+"
/(?<=\bsweat )(and|\&)(?= tears\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bbright eyes\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+a&Ir6_'a&Iz\e/+"
/\bmy my my\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&I_'ma&I_'ma&I\e/+"
/\bowe me\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U_mi\e/+"
/\bRejjie(?= Snow\b)/i --> "reggie"
/(?<=\bSunset )Bros\b/i --> "brothers"
/(?<=\bwe are) (?=by nas\b)/i --> ", "
/(?<=\bwe are) (?=featuring nas\b)/i --> ", "
/\bYeah I Said It\b/ --> "yeah I said it"
/(?<=\bangus )(and|\&)(?= julia\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bChoir of King's College), (?=Cambridge\b)/i --> " "
/(?<=\bmatt )(and|\&)(?= kim\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bLea(?= Salonga\b)/i --> "\e/+'le&I.$\e/+"
/\baly (and|\&) aj\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+ n' A J"
/(?<=\bAnthony Brown )(and|\&) group therAPy\b/ --> "n' group \e/+'TER+.$.pi\e/
/(?<=\bchino )(y|\&)(?= nacho\b)/i --> "\e/+'i\e/+"
/\bdeee-lite\b/i --> "\e/+di_'la&It\e/+"
/\bdo re mi\b/i --> "\e/+'do&U_'R+e&I_'mi\e/+"
/(?<=\bfeel good )inc\b/i --> "ink"
/\bh o l y\b/i --> "holy"
/(?<=\beveryday we )lit(?= by pnb rock\b)/i --> "\e/+'lIt\e/+"
/(?<=\bhit )'em'/i --> "\e/+$m\e/+"
/(?<=\bjesse )(and|\&)(?= joy\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bodom), (?=junior\b)/i --> " "
/(?<=\bshane )(and|\&)(?= shane\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bshe )(and|\&)(?= him\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bhold )yuh\b/i --> "you"
/\ba r i z o n a\b/i --> "Arizona"
/\bKah[- ]Lo\b/i --> "\e/+'kA.lo&U\e/+"
/\bhunter hayes\b/i --> "\e/+h^n.t$R+_'he&Iz\e/+"
/(?<=\bPerro )Fiel\b/i --> "\e/+fi.'El\e/+"
/\bkevin "chocolate droppa" hart\b/i --> "kevin chocolate droppa hart"
/\bnew choppa by asap rocky\b/i --> "new choppa by asap rocky"
/\bpon cho\b/i --> "poncho"
/(?<=\bemperor's new )clothes\b/i --> "\e/+'klo&Uz\e/+"
/\b2112\b/ --> "21 12"
/(?<=\bkatrina )(and|\&)(?= the waves\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\btoo )playa\b/i --> "\e/+'ple&I.$\e/+"
/(?<=\belvis costello )(and|\&)(?= the attractions\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bdepression )(and|\&)(?= obsession\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bhandbags )(and|\&) gladrags\b/i --> "n' \e/+'gl@d.R+@gz\e/+"
/\bjoel(?= embiid\b)/i --> "\e/+d&Zo&U.'El\e/+"
/\bWrangell-St\.(?= Elias\b)/i --> "wrangell saint"
/\bpapah[āa]naumoku[āa]kea\b/i -->
/\bol[’']/i --> "\e/+'o&Ul\e/+"
/\balvvays\b/i --> "always"
/\bhors d'oeuvres\b/i --> "\e/+OR+.'dE0vs\e/+"
/(?<=\b5 )&(?= 10\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bBlade Runner )2049\b/i --> "twenty forty nine"
/÷ \(divide\)/i --> "divide"
/(?<=\bshook ones )pt\. ii\b/i --> "part two"
/\bcmc\$/i --> "C M C S"
/\bb[eé]langer\b/i --> "\e/+b$.lAn.'Ze&I\e/+"
/\bjahkoy\b/i --> "\e/+d&Z$.'kO&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bsultan )(\+)(?= shepard\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bave(?= in you\b)/i --> "\e/+'@v\e/+"
/(?<=\bput )ya(?= guard up\b)/i --> "\e/+jI\e/+" #workaround
/\bleif(?= vollebekk\b)/i --> "\e/+'lif\e/+"
/\bchant[eé](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+SAn.'te&I\e/+"
/\bmac(?= cormack\b)/i --> "\e/+m$k\e/+"
/\bi be u be\b/i --> "I B U B"
/(?<=\bhow far )i'll(?= go\b)/i --> "\e/+'Al\e/+"
/\bjeter un sort\b/i --> "\e/+Z$.'tE_$n_'sOR+t\e/+"
/\bcœur de pirate\b/i --> "\e/+'gE0R+_d$_pi.'R+At\e/+"
/\bil y a tant à faire\b/i --> "\e/$.'tOn_$.'fER+\e/+"
/\bsais-tu vraiment qui tu es\b/i --> "\e/+se&I.'tu_vR+e&I.'mOn_'ki_'tu_'e&I\e/
/\byungblud\b/i --> "young blood"
/\bde la guitarra\b/i --> "\e/+de&I_l$_gI.'tAR+.$\e/+"
/(?<=\bHOLD )ME(?= TIGHT\b)/ --> "me"
/(?<=\bpicked )just(?= for you\b)/i --> "\e/+d&Z^st\e/+"
/(?<=\bPedro Pablo )Kuczynski\b/i --> "\e/+kU.'t&\e/+"
/\btl;dr\b/i --> "t l d r"
/\bA(?= \d?\d:\d\d\b)/i --> "\e/+$\e/+"
/\bjan(?= garbarek\b)/i --> "\e/+'jAn\e/+"
/\bob[-\/]?gyn\b/i --> "O B G Y N"
/\booouuu\b/i --> "o"
/\bANA\b/ --> "A N A"
/\bBYU\b/i --> "B Y U"
/\bODI\b/ --> "O D I"
/\bHEIF\b/ --> "H E I F"
/\bIMM\b/ --> "I M M"
/\bnkotbsb\b/i --> "N K O T B S B"
/\bSRB\b/i --> "S R B"
/\bSRP\b/i --> "S R P"
/\ba-ha\b/i --> "\e/+A_'hA\e/+"
/\ba-yo\b/i --> "\e/+e&I_'jo&U\e/+"
/\bnewton-john\b/i --> "\e/+'nu.t$n_'d&ZAn\e/+"
/\(wimoweh\)/i --> " "
/(?<=\bteam )stephen\b/i --> "\e/+'stE.f$n\e/+"
/\bMGMT\b/ --> "M G M T"
/(?<=\brappin' )(and|\&)(?= trappin\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\bThe New Yorker )Presents\b/i --> "\e/+pR+$.'zEnts\e/+"
/(?<=\bSheyi )Ojo\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U.d&Zo&U\e/+"
/(?<=\bSadio )Man(e|é)\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bWeyes(?= Blood)\b/i --> "wise"
/\bOnefour\b/i --> "one four"
/\bDaBaby\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'be&\e/+"

#AM/PM rules
/\b0:00\s?am\b/i --> "midnight"
/(\d):00\s?(am|pm)\b/i --> "$1 $2"
/(?<=\bPBS KIDS )Presents\b/i --> "\e/+pR+$.'zEnts\e/+"
/(?<=\bPBS )Presents\b/i --> "\e/+pR+$.'zEnts\e/+"
/(?<=\bDaily |Health |Finance |Energy )202\b/i --> "two oh two"
/(?<=\bMobile),? AL\b/i --> " Alabama"
/\bMobile,?(?= Alabama\b| \e\\tn=state\\AL\b)/i --> "\e/+mo&U.'bil\e/+" # CEO
hometown, rdar://problem/50109205
# en-US state normalization, see <rdar://problem/37775306> Siri Bug - Oregon
mispronounced in "What time is it in Oregon" response
/\e\\tn=state\\AL\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Alabama"
/\e\\tn=state\\AK\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Alaska"
/\e\\tn=state\\AZ\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Arizona"
/\e\\tn=state\\AR\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Arkansas"
/\e\\tn=state\\CA\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "California"
/\e\\tn=state\\CO\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Colorado"
/\e\\tn=state\\CT\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Connecticut"
/\e\\tn=state\\DE\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Delaware"
/\e\\tn=state\\FL\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Florida"
/\e\\tn=state\\GA\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Georgia"
/\e\\tn=state\\HI\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Hawaii"
/\e\\tn=state\\ID\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Idaho"
/\e\\tn=state\\IL\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Illinois"
/\e\\tn=state\\IN\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Indiana"
/\e\\tn=state\\IA\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Iowa"
/\e\\tn=state\\KS\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Kansas"
/\e\\tn=state\\KY\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Kentucky"
/\e\\tn=state\\LA\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Louisiana"
/\e\\tn=state\\ME\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Maine"
/\e\\tn=state\\MD\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Maryland"
/\e\\tn=state\\MA\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Massachusetts"
/\e\\tn=state\\MI\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Michigan"
/\e\\tn=state\\MN\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Minnesota"
/\e\\tn=state\\MS\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Mississippi"
/\e\\tn=state\\MO\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Missouri"
/\e\\tn=state\\MT\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Montana"
/\e\\tn=state\\NE\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Nebraska"
/\e\\tn=state\\NV\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Nevada"
/\e\\tn=state\\NH\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "New Hampshire"
/\e\\tn=state\\NJ\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "New Jersey"
/\e\\tn=state\\NM\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "New Mexico"
/\e\\tn=state\\NY\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "New York"
/\e\\tn=state\\NC\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "North Carolina"
/\e\\tn=state\\ND\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "North Dakota"
/\e\\tn=state\\OH\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Ohio"
/\e\\tn=state\\OK\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Oklahoma"
/\e\\tn=state\\OR\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Oregon"
/\e\\tn=state\\PA\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Pennsylvania"
/\e\\tn=state\\RI\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Rhode Island"
/\e\\tn=state\\SC\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "South Carolina"
/\e\\tn=state\\SD\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "South Dakota"
/\e\\tn=state\\TN\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Tennessee"
/\e\\tn=state\\TX\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Texas"
/\e\\tn=state\\UT\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Utah"
/\e\\tn=state\\VT\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Vermont"
/\e\\tn=state\\VA\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Virginia"
/\e\\tn=state\\WA\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Washington"
/\e\\tn=state\\WV\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "West Virginia"
/\e\\tn=state\\WI\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Wisconsin"
/\e\\tn=state\\WY\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Wyoming"
/\e\\tn=state\\AS\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "American Samoa"
/\e\\tn=state\\DC\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "District of Columbia"
/\e\\tn=state\\FM\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Federated States of Micronesia"
/\e\\tn=state\\GU\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Guam"
/\e\\tn=state\\MH\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Marshall Islands"
/\e\\tn=state\\MP\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Northern Mariana Islands"
/\e\\tn=state\\PW\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Palau"
/\e\\tn=state\\PR\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Puerto Rico"
/\e\\tn=state\\VI\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Virgin Islands"
/\e\\tn=state\\AA\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Armed Forces Americas"
/\e\\tn=state\\AE\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Armed Forces Europe, the Middle East
and Canada"
/\e\\tn=state\\AP\e\\tn=normal\\/ --> "Armed Forces Pacific"
/\bpoke(?= bar\b)/i --> "\e/+'po&\e/+"
/(?<=\bdelicious |\byummy |\bgross |\bhad |\beat |\beats |\bate )poke\b/i -->
"\e/+'po&\e/+" # poke homograph disambiguation
/\bidina menzel\b/i --> "\e/+I.'di.n$_mEn.'zEl\e/+"
/(?<=\biron )(and|\&)(?= wine\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bjoan(?= sebastian\b)/i --> "\e/+ho&U.'wA+n\e/+"
/\bgonz[aá]lez\b/i --> "\e/+g$n.'zA.l$s\e/+"
/\bde mesillas\b/i --> "\e/+de&I_m$.'si.j$s\e/+"
/\blos cadetes de linares\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&Us_k$.'dE.t$s_de&I_l$.'nA.R+$s\e/+"
/\blos inquietos\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&'\e/+"
/\blos invasores de nuevo le[oó]n\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&Us_In.vA.'sO.R+
/\blos plebes del rancho de\b/i -->
/\blos rieleros del norte\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&Us_R+i.
/\blos temerarios\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&Us_tE.m$.'R+AR+.i.$s\e/+"
/\blos(?= tigres\b)/i --> "\e/+'lo&Us\e/+"
/\bmachel montano\b/i --> "\e/+'mA.Sl%)_mAn.'\e/+"
/(?<=\bnico )(and|\&)(?= vinz\b)/i --> "n'"
/\br[oö]yksopp\b/i --> "\e/+'R+O&Ik.sAp\e/+"
/\bdobre(?= brothers\b)/i --> "\e/+'dA.bR+e&I\e/+"
/\bdblock(?= europe\b)/i --> "d block"
/\bsin[ée]ad\b/i --> "\e/+SI.'ne&Id\e/+"
/(?<=\bcrazy )cousinz\b/i --> "cousins"
/\bhilfige[r]{1,3}\b/i --> "\e/+'hIl.fI.g$R+\e/+"
/(?<=\bmamas )(and|\&)(?= (?:the )?papas\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bamin[ée](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+$.'\e/+"
/(?<=\bcharlie )sloth\b/i --> "\e/+'slAT\e/+"
/(?<=\bGwen )Stefani\b/i --> "\e/+st$.'\e/+"
/\b03(?= Greedo\b)/i --> "O three"
/(?<=\bAnuel )AA\b/i --> "double A"
/\bCa\$h Out\b/i --> "\e/+'k@S.a&Ut\e/+"
/(?<=\bCarlos )Vives\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bFabolous\b/i --> "fabulous"
/\bFrou Frou\b/i --> "\e/+'fR+u.fR+u\e/+"
/(?<=\bGeorge )Thorogood\b/i --> "\e/+'TE0.o&U.gUd\e/+"
/\bHRVY\b/i --> "Harvey"
/\bConjunto Primavera\b/i --> "\e/+ko&Un.'$.'vER+.$\e/+" #
/\bEnigma Norteño\b/i --> "\e/+E.'nIg.m$_nOR+.'te&\e/+"
/\bDe(?= La Ghetto\b)/i --> "day"
/(?<=\bEdwin Luna )y La Trakalosa de Monterrey\b/i -->
/\bAFI\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I_Ef_'a&I\e/+"
/\barc[áa]ngel\b/i --> "\e/+AR+.'kAnK.hEl\e/+"
/\brj\s?-?mr\.?\s?la\b/i --> "RJ Mister L A"
/\bToro y Moi\b/i --> "\e/+'tOR+.o&U_i_'mwA\e/+"
/\bt3r(?= elemento\b)/i --> "\e/+tER+.'sER+\e/+"
/\bO'Jays\b/i --> "O J's"
/\bOMB(?= Peezy\b)/i --> "O M B"
/(?<=\bNEW )GEN\./ --> "gen"
/\bwifis(?=funeral\b)/i --> "\e/+'wa&I.fa&Iz\e/+"
/\bAlexisonfire\b/i --> "alexis on fire"
/\bMAKJ\b/i --> "mac J"
/\b1\s?(KB)\b/i --> "one kilobyte"
/\b(\d+)\s?(KB)\b/i --> "$1 kilobytes"
/\bKB\./i --> "K B"
/\bDime Si Te Acuerdas\b/i --> "\e/+''si_'ti_A.'kwER+.d$s\e/+"
/(?<=\bAs Long As You Love )Me\b/i --> "\e/+mi\e/+" #Workaround
/\bDes\s?Jarlais\b/i --> "\e/+'de&I.ZAR+.le&I\e/+"
/\bcaffe\b/i --> "cafe"
/\bInvol2ver\b/i --> "involver two"
/(?<=\bJhené )Aiko\b/i --> "\e/+a&I.'i.ko&U\e/+"
/\b2x2\b/i --> "two by two"
/\b2manydjs\b/i --> "too many dj's"
/(?<=\bAndy C )Presents\b/i --> "\e/+pR+$.'zEnts\e/+"
/(?<=\bThe Internet )Presents\b/i --> "\e/+pR+$.'zEnts\e/+"
/\bmau5trap\b/i --> "mousetrap"
/\bMSFTS\b/i --> "misfits"
/\bNoisey\b/i --> "noisy"
/\bOTHERtone\b/i --> "other tone"
/\bReprezent\b/i --> "represent"
/\bS\s?0?(\d{1,2})[:\s]?E\s?0?(\d{1,3})\b/i --> "season $1 episode $2"
/\bpaper clip\b/i --> "\e/+'pe&I.p$R+.klIp\e/+"
/\bHm\b/i --> "hmm"
/\bde blasio\b/i --> "\e/+d$_'blA.zi.o&U\e/+"
/(?<=\bdavid )ige\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bUNC\b/ --> "U N C"
/\b[ck]hlo[ëé](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "chloe"
/\bJoelAdams\b/i --> "joel adams"
/\b36 Crazyfists\b/i --> "3 6 crazy fists"
/\bLa-Z-Boy\b/i --> "lazy boy"
/\bTone-Loc\b/i --> "tone \e/+'lo&Uk\e/+"
/\bgr{1,4}l\b/i --> "girl"
#/\bsi{1,5}\b/i --> "si" #rdar://problem/40821614
/\bmankini\b/i --> "\e/+m@n_'\e/+" #Workaround
/\bMar\.(?= \d)/i --> "march"
/(?<=\bplease )read(?= it\b)/i --> "\e/+'R+id\e/+"
/(?<=\bNintendo )DS\b/i --> "D S"
/\bS Club(?= 7\b)/i --> "\e/+'Es.kl^b\e/+" #Workaround
/\bIAMDDB\b/i --> "i am ddb"
/(?<=\bJames )Rocha\b/i --> "\e/+'R+o&U.S$\e/+"
/\D\.O\.L\.L\.A\b/i --> "dolla"
/\bm\.a\.a\.d\.?(?= city)/i --> "mad"
/\bdrum'n'bass\b/i --> "drum n' bass"
/\bmc lean\b/i --> "McLean"
/(?<=\bWretch )32\b/i --> "three two"
/\bTyler, The Creator\b/i --> "tyler the creator"
/(?<=\bDeath )Punch\b/i --> "\e/+p^nt&S\e/+"
/\bMeat Loaf\b/i --> "meatloaf"
/\bMONSTA(?= X\b)/i --> "\e/+'$R+\e/+"
/\bCornershop\b/i --> "corner shop"
/\bt\.A\.T\.u\./i --> "tattoo"
/(?<=\bSeinabo )Sey\b/i --> "see"
/\bRY X\b/i --> "rye X"
/(?<=\bWaze )(and|&)(?= Odyssey\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
/\bKamakawiwo'ole\b/i --> "\e/+k$.mA.k$.'vi.vo&U.'A+.le&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bHighly )Suspect\b/i --> "\e/+'s^.spEkt\e/+"
/(?<=\bChris )de(?= Burgh\b)/i --> "\e/+d$\e/+" #Workaround
/\bZZ(?= Top\b)/i --> "zee zee"
/\bEn(?= Vogue\b)/i --> "\e/+En\e/+" #Workaround
/\bDevilman\b/i --> "devil man"
/\bYcee\b/i --> "Y C"
/\bINDIIA\b/i --> "india"
/\bATB\b/i --> "A T B"
/\bSHINee\b/i --> "shiny"
/\bDMA\'s\b/i --> "\e/+'di.'Em.'e&Iz\e/+"
/\bOl\'/i --> "\e/+'o&Ul\e/+"
/(?<=\bDionne )Warwick\b/i --> "\e/+'wA+.R+Ik\e/+"
ʼ --> "\e/+bi.'\e/+"
ʼ --> "\e/+bi.'\e/+" # normalization of exotic apostrophe
/(?<=\bJack )Nicklaus\b/i --> "\e/+'nIk.l$s\e/+"
/(?<=\bI am quite )content\b/i --> "\e/+k$n.'tEnt\e/+"
/(?<=\bWilliam )St\b/i --> "street"
/\b54-40\b/i --> "fifty-four forty"
/\b90059\b/i --> "9 double O five nine"
/\bA(\s|-)Team\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I.'tim\e/+" #Workaround
/\bB4 DA ss\b/i --> "before da money"
/\bE MO TION\b/i --> "emotion"
/\bHaçienda Classiçal\b/i --> "\e/'En.d$_kl@.s$.'s@l\e/+"
/\bLes(?= Pattinson\b| Dennis\b)/i --> "\e/+'lEz\e/+"
/\bsweetsexysavage\b/i --> "sweet sexy savage"
/\bmau5\b/i --> "mouse"
/\bF\. A\. M\. E\./i --> "fame"
/(?<=\bGot |\bBURN )IT\b/i --> "it"
/\bwon['’]t\b/i --> "\e/+'wo&Unt\e/+"
/\b50\/50\b/i --> "fifty fifty"
/(?<=\bDalmatians is spelled )d a l m a t i a n s\b/i -->
/(?<=\bHimalaya is spelled )H i m a l a y a\b/i --> "\e\\tn=spell\\himalaya"
/\bRead(?= \d{1,2}:\d{1,2} [PA]M\b)/i --> "\e/+'R+Ed\e/+"
/\bGrammy®/i --> "grammy"
#<rdar://problem/54653706> [PRON][en-US-
nashville:nora:167:female:gryphon:premiumhigh] Hong Kong SAR, China
/\b(?<=Macao\b|Macau\b|Hong Kong\b|HongKong\b) SAR\b/i --> "\e\\pause=50\\S A R
# World Cup Athletes <rdar://problem/39215321> Add Luthor dump for world cup
athletes to TTS userdict
/\bAdrien(?= Rabiot\b)/i --> "\e/+@.dR+i.'En\e/+"
/\bAlex(?= Sandro\b)/i --> "\e/+$.'lEks\e/+"
/\bAndr[eé]s Iniesta\b/i --> "\e/+An.''$\e/+"
/\bArjen(?= Robben\b)/i --> "\e/+'AR+.j$n\e/+"
/\bDavid Luiz\b/i --> "\e/+'dA.vId_lu.'iz\e/+"
/\bEdin D[zž]eko\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.d$n_'d&ZE.ko&U\e/+"
/\bGabriel Jesus\b/i --> "\e/+gA.bR+i.'El_Ze&I.'zus\e/+"
/\bmati[ćc](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'mA.tit&S\e/+"
/\brakiti[ćc](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'R+@.kI.tit&S\e/+"
/\bJan Oblak\b/i --> "\e/+'jAn_'\e/+"
/\bmbapp[eè](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+$m.'\e/+"
/\bke[iï]ta\b/i --> "\e/+'ka&I.t$\e/+"
/\balc[aâ]ntara\b/i --> "\e/+@l.'kAn.t$.R+$\e/+"
/\brapha[eë]l\b/i --> "\e/+'R+@.fa&I.El\e/+"
/\bSa[uú]l [nñ][ií]guez\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&Ul_nig.'wEz\e/+"
/\bSergio(?= Ag[uü]ero\b| Busquets\b)/i --> "\e/+'sER+.hi.o&U\e/+"
/\bibrahimovi[ćc](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+i.bR+$.'hi.m$.vIt&S\e/+"
/(?<=\bNaked )(and|&)(?= Famous\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
/\bBeyoncé\'s\b/i --> "\e/+bi.'\e/+"
/\bSi tu écoutes, j'annule tout\b/i --> "\e/+si_'tu_e&I.kut#d&Z$.'nul_'tu\e/+"
/(?<=\banswer is )(\d{1,3}\/\d{1,3})\b/i --> "\e\\tn=fraction\\
# rdar://problem/39449563 Normalizes \d:\d (e.g. 3:1) to "3 to 1" when preceded by
"odds are"
/(?<=\bodds are )(\d{1,3}):(\d{1,3})\b/i --> "$1 to $2"
/(?<=\bViva )La(?= Vida\b)/i --> "\e/+'l$\e/+"
/(?<=\binfinity )(\(?888\)?)\b/i --> "eight eight eight"
/(?<=\bNatalie )La Rose\b/i --> "\e/+l^.'R+o&Uz\e/+" #Workaround
/\bDove(?= Cameron\b)/i --> "\e/+'d^v\e/+"
/\bAyo (&|and) Teo\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.'jo&U_$n_te&I.'jo&U\e/+" #Workaround
/\bCool J\b/i --> "\e/+'kul.d&Ze&I\e/+" #Workaround
/\bRAY BLK\b/i --> "ray black"
/\bWHTKD\b/i --> "white kid"
/\bPuff Daddy\b/i --> "\e/+'p^f_'d@.di\e/+"
/(?<=\bplaying |here's |by )112\b/i --> "one twelve"
/(?<=\bchloe )x(?= halle\b)/i --> "n'"
/(?<=\d(st|nd|rd|th) )c\./i --> "century"
/\bSFJAZZ\b/i --> "SF jazz"
/\bRaven-Symon[eé](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "raven simone"
/¡Forward, Russia!/i --> "forward Russia"
/(?<=\bTour )de France\b/i --> "\e/+d$_'fR+Ans\e/+"
/\bEl Capitan\b/i --> "\e/+El_k@.p$.'t@n\e/+"
# Text Normalization: rdar://problem/39579224 -- \dx\d (e.g. "2x4")
/\b(\d{1,3})x(\d{1,3})(?!\=)\b/i --> "$1 by $2" # negative lookahead added to
prevent this rule from firing in math contexts, e.g 2x4=8
/\b(\d{1,})x(\d{1})(?=\=)/ --> "$1 times $2"
/\bA\&M\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I_$n\e/+ M"
/(?<=\bSiri )(and|\&)(?= Dictation\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
/\bBET\b/ --> "B E T"
/\bSanta Ana\b/i --> "\e/+'s@.n$_'@.n$\e/+"
/\b1200(?= Techniques\b)/i --> "twelve hundred"
/(?<=\bRÜFÜS DU )SOL\b/i --> "\e/+'sAl\e/+"
/(?<=\bProudly )Present\b/i --> "\e/+pR+I.'zEnt\e/+"
/(?<=\bProudly |\bTimbaland |\bB o B )Presents\b/i --> "\e/+pR+I.'zEnts\e/+" #
presents homograph disambiguation
/(?<=\bWhat )Separates\b/i --> "\e/+'sE.p$.R+e&Its\e/+"
/\bSeparates(?= Me\b)/i --> "\e/+'sE.p$.R+e&Its\e/+"
/\bNizhny Novgorod\b/i --> "\e/+'niS.ni_'no&Uv.g$.R+$d\e/+"
/\bShin Tae-yong\b/i --> "\e/+'SIn_'te&I_'j^nK\e/+"
/\bSu[áa]rez\b/i --> "\e/+'swA.R+Es\e/+"
/(?<=\bGerard )Piqu[ée]/i --> "\e/+pi.'ke&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bDiego )Godin\b/i --> "\e/+go&U.'din\e/+"
/\bJoachim L[öo]w\b/i --> "\e/+jo&U.'A.kim_'luf\e/+"
/(?<=\bpress )and(?= hold the power button\b)/i --> "n'"
/\bhigua[ií]n\b/i --> "\e/+i.gwA.'in\e/+"
/\bpetkovi[ćc](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+pEt.'k^.vIt&S\e/+"
/\bf[àa]bregas\b/i --> "\e/+'fA.bR+e&I.gAs\e/+"
# rdar://problem/39735124 Mac serial number is 12 characters, but I am setting a
wider range to be safe.
/(?<=\bThe serial number of your Mac is )([a-zA-Z0-9]{10,14})\b/i -->
/\bdemb[eé]l[eé](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+dEm.'bEl.e&I\e/+"
/\bJúnior\b/i --> "junior"
/(?<=\bKevin De )Bruyn\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+O&In\e/+"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])[ÑNñ][ií]guez\b/i --> "\e/+'ni.gEs\e/+"
/\bSané(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/(?<=\bOK, see )you(?= later\b)/i --> "\e/+j$\e/+"
/(?<=\bRight), (?=then\.)/i --> " "
/\bjoke-telling\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Zo&Uk.tE.lInK\e/+"
# Anti-gravity sounds better as two words. This may be the case for other "anti-"
compounds too.
/\banti-gravity\b/i --> "anti gravity"
/\bSalt Lake(?= City\b)/i --> "\e/+'sOlt.le&Ik.\e/+"
/\bLa(?= Bufanda\b)/i --> "\e/+lA\e/+"
/(?<=\bHe |\bShe |\bIt )Lives\b/i --> "\e/+'lIvz\e/+"
/(?<=\bTrue |\bReal |\bBetter )Lives\b/i --> "\e/+'la&Ivz\e/+" # lives
homograph disambiguation
/(?<=\baptos )st\.?\b/i --> "street"
/\bKOD\b/ --> "K O D"
/\bGuerschon Yabusele\b/i --> "\e/+'gE0R+.SAn_'jA.bu.sEl.e&I\e/+"
/\bNGOs\b/ --> "N G O's"
/\bart3mis\b/i --> "artemis"
/\bPynk\b/i --> "pink"
/\bKoЯn\b/i --> "korn"
/\bWh♂(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "who"
/(?<=\bLOOK WHAT YOU MADE )ME\b/ --> "me"
/(?<=\bMike )Duce\b/i --> "\e/+'dus\e/+"
/\bNo\.(?= \d{1,}\b)/ --> "number"
/\bDel Naja\b/i --> "\e/+'dEl_'na&I.$\e/+"
/\bA(?= Minor\b| Major\b)/ --> "\e/+'e&I\e/+"
/\bphilz coffee\b/i --> "\e/+fIlz_'\e/+"
/\bawkwafina\b/i --> "aquafina"
/\bSME\b/i --> "S M E"
/(?<=\bRock )\'?N\'?(?= Roll\b)/i --> "n'"
#/(?<=\bSkengdo (&|and) )AM\b/i --> "A M"
/\b(\d+) 1\/4(?= (hundred\b|thousand\b|million\b|billion\b|trillion\b))/i -->
"$1 and a quarter"
/\b(\d+) 1\/2(?= (hundred\b|thousand\b|million\b|billion\b|trillion\b))/i -->
"$1 and a half"
/\b(\d+) 3\/4(?= (hundred\b|thousand\b|million\b|billion\b|trillion\b))/i -->
"$1 and three quarter"
/(?<=\bby |playing |artist )67\b/i --> "six seven"
/\bAy(?= Em\b)/i --> "A"
# Adding pause in phrase: rdar://problem/39807140
/\bWhen someone tells me to stop acting like a flamingo– that['’]s when I put my
foot down\b/i --> "When someone tells me to stop acting like a flamingo, that's
when I put my foot down"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])[AÅ]ge(?= Hareide\b)/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\banghel iordanescu\b/i --> "\e/+'AnK.gIl_jOR+.d$.'nEs.ku\e/+"
/\b[O0]V[O0]\b/i --> "O V O"
/WGBH/ --> "W G B H"
/(?<=\d )1\/2\b/ --> "and a halfth"
/\bLANY\b/ --> "\e/+'le&\e/+"
/\btheprincela\.com\b/i --> "the prince LA dot com"
/\bL\.?A\.?(?!\w)/ --> "\e/+'El.'e&I\e/+" # workaround
/(?<=\bcanal )[àa] la(?= demande\b)/i --> "\e/+'A_'lA\e/+"
/\bdecades-old\b/i --> \e/+'\e/+
/\bezinearticles\b/i --> "e-zine articles"
/(?<=\ba-list):/i --> "" # delete the colon after "a-list"
/\bam\/?pm\b/i --> "A M P M"
/\bE•MO•TION\b/i --> "emotion"
/\bPM2\.5\b/i --> "P M 2 point 5"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])μ-Ziq\b/i --> "music"
/\bHoly Cross\b/i --> "holy \e/+'kR+As\e/+"
/\bNCIS\b/i --> "N C I S"
/\btearing(?= the\b)/i --> "\e/+'tER+.InK\e/+"
/(?<=\bOn )Ur(?= Mind\b)/i --> "\e/+'jE0\e/+"
/\bHugo(?= Lloris\b)/i --> "\e/+'ju.go&U\e/+"
/\bMichel(?= Vorm\b)/i --> "\e/+mi.'SEl\e/+"
/\bDele(?= Alli\b)/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bDemb[Éée]l[Éée]/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bHeung\-Min\b/i --> "\e/+hUnK.'mIn\e/+"
/\bD\'Agostino\b/i --> "\e/+dA.g$.'\e/+"
/\bJim[Éée]nez\b/i --> "\e/+hi.'me&I.nEz\e/+"
/\bChristian(?= Kabasele\b)/i --> "\e/+'kR+Ist.jOn\e/+"
/\bSebastian(?= Pr[Ööo]dl\b)/i --> "\e/+s$.'b@s.ti.jAn\e/+"
/\bPr[Ööo]dl\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+u.r6l%)\e/+"
/\bWagu[Éée](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bDoucour[Éée](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+du.'ku.R+e&I\e/+"
/\bFemen[Ííi]a\b/i --> "\e/+'fE.m$.ni.$\e/+"
/\bI[Ññn]igo\b/i --> "\e/+'In.j$.go&U\e/+"
/\bSalom[Óó]n\b/i --> "\e/+'sA.lo&U.mOn\e/+"
/(?<=\bJosé )Salomon\b/i --> "\e/+'sA.lo&U.mOn\e/+"
/\bRond[Óóo]n\b/i --> "\e/+'R+On.dOn\e/+"
/\bArthur(?= Masuaku\b)/i --> "\e/+AR+.'tuR+\e/+"
/\bKouyat[Éée](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'ku.j@.te&I\e/+"
/\bArnautovi[Ććc](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'$.vIt&S\e/+" # 0
/\bCeltic(?= game\b|FC\b|Football\b)/i --> "\e/+'sEl.tIk\e/+"
/(?<=\bGlasgow )Celtic\b/i --> "\e/+'sEl.tIk\e/+"
/\bSedin\'?s\b/i --> "\e/+s$.'dinz\e/+"
/\bGlassell(?= Park\b)/i --> "\e/+'gl^.sEl\e/+"
/\bSME(?= Remaster\b)/i --> "S M E"
/(?<=\bAnne\-Marie )David\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'vid\e/+"
# Measure words
/(?<=\b1|\bone)\s?GB\/s\b/i --> "gigabyte per second"
/(?<=\b1|\bone)\s?GBPS\b/i --> "gigabyte per second"
/GB\/s/i --> "gigabytes per second"
/GBPS/i --> "gigabytes per second"
/(?<=^| )1 GB/ --> "one gigabyte"
/(?<=\d )GB/ --> "gigabytes"
/(?<=\b1 |\bone )lb\b/ --> "pound"
#/\blbs?\b/ --> "pounds"
/(?<=\b1 )ft\.?²/i --> "square foot"
/(?<=[0-9] )ft\.?²/i --> "square feet"
/(?<=\b1 |\bone )ft\b/ --> "foot"
#/\bft\b/ --> "feet"
#/(?<=\b1 |\bone )mi\b/ --> "mile" # rdar://problem/40821614
#/\bmi\b/ --> "miles" #rdar://problem/40821614
/(?<=\b1 |\bone )km\b/ --> "kilometer"
/\bkm\b/ --> "kilometers"
/(?<=\d)mW\b/ --> "megawatts"

# radar link readout. Should capture <rdar://problem/56008625>, rdar://56008625

/\<?rdar:\/\/(problem\/)?(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)\>?/i --> "radar $1 $2
$3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9"

# shortened domain names, rdar://problem/49786951

/\bamzn\.to\b/ --> "Amazon"
/\bdi\.sn\b/ --> "Disney" # needs to be case-sensitive, otherwise might match
on ' etc
/\bes\.pn\b/i --> "E S P N"
/\bfb\.me\b/i --> "Facebook"
/\bfxn\.ws\b/i --> "Fox News"
/\bmovi\.es\b/i --> "Netflix"
/\bspoti\.fi\b/i --> "Spotify"
/\btgr\.ph\b/i --> "The telegraph"
/\bwrd\.cm\b/i --> "Wired"
/\byoutu\.be\b/i --> "YouTube"
/\bgoo\.gl\b/i --> "Google"
/\bt\.co\b/i --> "Twitter"
/\bbit\.ly\b/i --> "Bitly"
/\bow\.ly\b/i --> "Owly"
/\bchn\.ge\b/i --> "Change dot org"
/\bdai\.ly\b/i --> "Daily Motion"
/\beonli\.ne\b/i --> "E Online"
/\bnyti\.ms\b/i --> "New York Times"
/\binstagr\.com\b/i --> "Instagram"
/\bpin\.it\b/i --> "Pinterest"
/\bqr\.ae\b/i --> "Quora"
/\bwapo\.st\b/i --> "Washington Post"
/\bflic\.kr\b/i --> "Flickr"
/\btmblr\.co\b/i --> "Tumblr"
/\bt\.umblr\.com\b/i --> "Tumblr"

# more domain names: <rdar://problem/40384876> Make sure we pronounce URL

extensions well
/\bredd\.it\b/i --> "\e/+'R+E.dIt\e/+"
/\breddit\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'R+E.dIt\e/+"
/\bgithub\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'gIt.h^b\e/+"
/\bvimeo\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'vI.mi.o&U\e/+"
/\bweather\.com\b/i --> "weather channel"
/\bweatherchannel\.com\b/i --> "weather channel"
/\bwebmd\.com\b/i --> "web M D"
/\ben\.wikipedia(?=\.org\b)/i --> "wikipedia"
/\bwikipedia(?=\.org\b)/i --> "wikipedia"
/\byelp\.com\b/i --> "yelp"
/\byoutube\.com\b/i --> "youtube"
/\balibaba\.com\b/i --> "\e/'bA.bA\e/+"
/\baliexpress\.com\b/i --> "\e/+@.'li\e/+ express"
/\balipay\.com\b/i --> "\e/+@.'li\e/+ pay"
/\bboredpanda\.com\b/i --> "bored panda dot com"
/\bdonedeal\.ie\b/i --> "done deal"
/\bespn\.com\b/i --> "E S P N dot com"
/\bgivemesport\.com\b/i --> "give me sport dot com"
/\bhuffingtonpost\.com\b/i --> "huffington post dot com"
/\bimgur\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'I.m$.d&ZE0\e/+ dot com"
/\bjbhifi\.com\.au\b/i --> "J B high fie dot com"
/\bkijiji\.ca\b/i --> "\e/+'k$_'d&Zi.d&Zi\e/+ dot C A"
/\bmetropcs\.com\b/i --> "metro P C S dot com"
/\bndtv\.com\b/i --> "N D T V dot com"
/\bnews24\.com\b/i --> "news 24 dot com"
/\bozbargain\.com\.au\b/i --> "oz bargain dot com dot A U"
/\bprovidr\.com\b/i --> "provider dot com"
/\brakuten\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'R+A.k$.0tEn\e/+ dot com"
/\brakuten\.jp\b/i --> "\e/+'R+A.k$.0tEn\e/+ dot J P"
/\btakealot\.com\b/i --> "take a lot dot com"
/\btaobao\.com\b/i --> "taobao"
/\btheepochtimes\.com\b/i --> "the epoch times dot com"
/\bthehill\.com\b/i --> "the hill dot com"
/\btheweathernetwork\.com\b/i --> "the weather network dot com"
/\bweatherstreet\.com\b/i --> "weather street dot com"
/\busatoday\.com\b/i --> "U S A today dot com"
/\bfinance\.yahoo\.com\b/i --> "finance dot yahoo dot com"
/\bsports\.yahoo\.com\b/i --> "sports dot yahoo dot com"
/\banswers\.yahoo(?=\.com\b)/i --> "answers dot Yahoo "
/\byahoo\.com\b/i --> " Yahoo dot com"
# even more domain names rdar://problem/47100897
/\bbehance\.net\b/i --> "\e/+bi.'h@ns\e/+ dot net "
/\bfoodnetwork(?=\.com\b)/i --> "food network "
/\bgoodhousekeeping(?=\.com\b)/i --> "good housekeeping "
/\blivestrong(?=\.com\b)/i --> "live strong "
/\bpsychologytoday(?=\.com\b)/i --> "psychology today "
/\bbrowneyedbaker(?=\.com\b)/i --> "brown eyed baker "
/\bdifferencebetween(?=\.com\b)/i --> "difference between "
/\bdigminecraft(?=\.com\b)/i --> "dig Minecraft "
/\behow(?=\.com\b)/i --> "E how "
/\bfamousbirthsdeaths(?=\.com\b)/i --> "famous births deaths "
/\bfullmoonphases(?=\.com\b)/i --> "full moon phases "
/\bgeteducated(?=\.com\b)/i --> "get educated "
/\bhistoryonthenet(?=\.com\b)/i --> "history on the net "
/\bsci-toys(?=\.com\b)/i --> "\e/+'sa&I\e/+ toys "
/\bhealthypawspetinsurance(?=\.com\b)/i --> "healthy paws pet insurance "
/\bmathisfun(?=\.com\b)/i --> "math is fun "
/\bmentalfloss(?=\.com\b)/i --> "mental floss "
/\bmachu.?picchu\b/i --> "\e/+'mA.t&Su.'pi.t&Su\e/+"
/\bnationaldaycalendar(?=\.com\b)/i --> "national day calendar "
/\bnewsroom.doppelmayr(?=\.com\b)/i --> "newsroom dot \e/+'$R+\e/+
/\borganicgardensite(?=\.com\b)/i --> "organic garden site "
/\btastesoflizzyt(?=\.com\b)/i --> "tastes of Lizzy T "
/\bthealternativedaily(?=\.com\b)/i --> "the alternative daily "
/\bthecalculatorsite(?=\.com\b)/i --> "the calculator site "
/\bthemeaningofpie(?=\.com\b)/i --> "the meaning of pie "
/\bthescienceofeating(?=\.com\b)/i --> "the science of eating "
/\bthespruce(?=\.com\b)/i --> "the spruce "
/\btodayifoundout(?=\.com\b)/i --> "today I found out "
/\btripsavvy(?=\.com\b)/i --> "trip savvy "
/\bwritingexplained(?=\.com\b)/i --> "writing explained "
/\bprezi(?=\.com\b)/i --> "\e/+'pR+E.zi\e/+ "
/\bwikihow(?=\.com\b)/i --> "wiki how "
/\buptodate(?=\.com\b)/i --> "up to date "
# domain names rdar://problem/47100897, rdar://problem/50454911
/\bcalacademy\.com\b/i --> "cal academy dot com"
/\bcalacademy\.org\b/i --> "cal academy dot org"

# Fixing high-frequency function words: "what", "for".

/\bwhat next for\b/i --> "\e/+w$t\e/+ next \e/+fE0\e/+"

# Normalizing non en-US letters

# rdar://problem/40469711, rdar://problem/40449113, rdar://problem/39079562
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])[Èè]ve\b/i --> "Eve"
/\bZoé(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "Zoe"
/\bdía\b/i --> "dia"

# Correctly read-out state abbreviation: rdar://problem/40570191

/(?<=, )P\.?A\.?\b/ --> "Pennsylvania"
/\bPA\b/ --> "P A" # Read out as "P A" in more ambiguous contexts.
/\bN\.?J\.?\b/ --> "New Jersey"

# Radio stations
/\bNova937\b/i --> "Nova 93.7"
/\bNova919\b/i --> "Nova 91.9"
/\bNova969\b/i --> "Nova 96.9"
/\bNova\s?1069\b/i --> "nova 1 oh 6 9"
/\bSmooth915\b/i --> "Smooth 91.5"
/\bSmooth953\b/i --> "Smooth 95.3"

/(?<=\bplaying |song |track )A(?=-Punk\b)/i --> "\e/+'e&I\e/+"

/\bMelle(?= Mel\b)/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/(?<=\bFloor )555\b/i --> "five five five"
/\bDino(?= Brown\b)/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bSME\b/ --> "S M E"
/#(?=IDGT\b)/ --> "hashtag"
/(?<=\bKill )\'?Em\b/i --> "\e/+$m\e/+"
/(?<=\bBlow )Ya(?= Mind\b)/i --> "\e/+j$\e/+"
/(?<=\bLight )\'?Em(?= Up\b)/i --> "\e/+$m\e/+"
/\bKXNG(?= Crooked\b)/i --> "king"
/\bPatron(?= and Cranberries\b)/i --> "patrone"
/(?<=\bSÚBEME )LA(?= RADIO\b)/i --> "la"
/\bWAVY\'S\b/i --> "\e/+'we&I.viz\e/+"
/\, J[n]?r\b/i --> " junior"
/(?<=\bChas )(&|and)(?= Dave\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
/\bblazin\'/i --> "\e/+'ble&I.zIn\e/+"
/\b808(?= State\b)/i --> "eight oh eight"
/(?<=\bMaddie )(&|and)(?= Tae\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
/\bPeter\, Paul (and|&) Mary\b/i --> "peter paul \e/+$n\e/+ mary"
/(?<=\bLoudon Wainwright )III\b/i --> "the third"
/(?<=\bTimber )Timbre\b/i --> "\e/+'t@m.bR+$\e/+"
/\bhyukoh\b/i --> "\e/+hi.'j^.kgo&U\e/+"
# Making Siri Match Craig Federighi's Pron of "Mojave"
/(?<=\bmac OS |macOS )Mojave\b/i --> "\e/+mo&U.'\e/+"
/(?<=Craig )Federighi\b/i --> "\e/+fEr6.E0_'\e/+" # two-word workaround

/(?<=\bLeroy )Sane\b/i --> "Sané"

/\b300s\b/i --> "three hundreds"
/\bHeavyTrackerz\b/i --> "heavy trackers"
/\bNotre(?= (Dame Fighting Irish\b|College\b|School\b|Indiana\b|, Indiana\b|
Stadium\b))/i --> "\e/+'no&U.r6$R+\e/+"
/(?<=\bUniversity of )Notre(?= Dame\b)/i --> "\e/+'no&U.r6$R+\e/+"
/(?<=\bPete )Doherty\b/i --> "\e/+'dA.k$R+.ti\e/+"
/\btraumatik\b/i --> "traumatic"
/(?<=\bAzmir )Begovi[cć]/i --> "\e/+'bE.g$.vIt&S\e/+"
/(?<=\bNathan )Ak[eé]/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/(?<=\bJordon )Ibe\b/i --> "\e/+'a&Ib\e/+"
/(?<=\bNiki )M[aä]enp[aä][aä]/i --> "\e/+'min.p$\e/+"
/\bH[uü]nemeier\b/i --> "\e/+'hu.n$.ma&I.$R+\e/+"
/\bMat[eě]j[uů]/i --> "\e/+'mA.te&I.ju\e/+"
/\bSkal[aá]k\b/i --> "\e/+sk$.'l@k\e/+"
/\bJ[uü]rgen\b/i --> "\e/+'jE0R+.g$n\e/+"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])[CĆ]ech\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SEk\e/+"
/\bDavid(?= Ospina\b)/i --> "\e/+d$.'vid\e/+"
/\bBeller[ií]n\b/i --> "\e/+'be&I.j$.R+in\e/+"
/\bPer(?= Mertesacker\b)/i --> "\e/+'pI&$R+\e/+"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])[OÖ]zil\b/i --> "\e/+'u.zil\e/+"
/\bGu[dð]mundsson\b/i --> "\e/+'g^d.m$n.s$n\e/+"
/\bN\'Koudou\b/i --> "\e/+En.'ku.du\e/+"
/(?<=\bJunior )Stanislas\b/i --> "\e/+'st@.nI.slA\e/+"
/\bDavid(?= Luiz\b)/i --> "\e/+'dA.vid\e/+"
/\bR[uü]diger\b/i --> "\e/+'R+u.dI.g$R+\e/+"
/\bDavide(?= Zappacosta\b)/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bTiemou[eé](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+ti.'mu.e&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bEden )Hazard\b/i --> "\e/+@.'zAR+\e/+"
/\bJulian(?= Speroni\b)/i --> "julián"
/\bJaros[lł]aw\b/i --> "\e/+'jA.R+o&U.swAv\e/+"
/\bJa[iï]ro\b/i --> "\e/+'jA.iR+.o&U\e/+"
/\bSouar[eé](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+swA.'R+e&I\e/+"
/\bMilivojevi[cć]/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bS[oø]rloth\b/i --> "\e/+'sE0R+.lA+t\e/+"
/\bSigur[dð]sson\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.gE0d.s$n\e/+"
/\bNikola(?= Vla[sš]i[cć]($|\s|-|[[:punct:]]))/i --> "\e/+'ni.k$.lA\e/+"
/\bVla[sš]i[cć](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'vl@.sit&S\e/+"
/\bJonas(?= L[oö]ssl\b)/i --> "\e/+'jo&U.n$s\e/+"
/\bL[oö]ssl\b/i --> "\e/+'lU.s$l\e/+"
/\bJon ((Gorenc )?Stankovi[cč])/i --> "\e/+'jOn\e/+ $1"
/\bStankovi[cč](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'st@nK.k$.vIt&S\e/+"
/\bMathias(?= J[oø]rgensen\b)/i --> "\e/+m$.'ti.$s\e/+"
/\bJ[oø]rgensen\b/i --> "\e/+'jE0n.s$n\e/+"
/\bO\'Brien\b/i --> "\e/+o&U.'bR+a&I.$n\e/+"
/\bElias(?= Kachunga\b)/i --> "\e/'j@s\e/+"
/(?<=\bDavid |\bNeil )Wagner\b/i --> "\e/+'vAg.n$R+\e/+"
/\bB[uü]hler\b/i --> "\e/+'bu.l$R+\e/+"
/\bFouss[eé]ni\b/i --> "\e/+fu.'se&\e/+"
/\bDiabat[eé](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+di.$.'b@.te&I\e/+"
/\bBogd[aá]n\b/i --> "\e/+'bAg.d@n\e/+"
/\bJoel(?= Matip\b)/i --> "\e/+Zo&U.'El\e/+"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])[ZŽž]eljko\b/i --> "\e/+'ZEl.ko&U\e/+"
/\bBuva[cč](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'bu.v@t&S\e/+"
/\bDavid(?= Silva\b)/i --> "\e/+'dA.vid\e/+"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])[Iİ]lkay\b/i --> "\e/+'il.ka&I\e/+"
/\bG[uü]ndo[gğ]an\b/i --> "\e/+'$n\e/+"
/\bTour[eé](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+tuR+.'e&I\e/+"
/\bAg[uü]ero\b/i --> "\e/+A.'gwE.R+o&U\e/+"
/\bGabriel Jesus\b/i --> "gabrielle \e/+'Ze&I.zus\e/+"
/\bMikel(?= Arteta\b)/i --> "\e/+mi.'kEl\e/+"
/\bDe Gea\b/i --> "\e/+d$_'he&I.$\e/+"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])([EÉé]ric )Bailly\b/i --> "$1 \e/+ba&I.'e&I\e/+"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])[Éé]ric\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+.Ik\e/+"
/(?<=\bDaley )Blind\b/i --> "\e/+'blInt\e/+"
/\bVictor(?= Lindel[oö]f\b)/i --> "\e/+'vIk.tOR+\e/+"
/\bLindel[oö]f\b/i --> "\e/+'lIn.d$.l$v\e/+"
/\bMati[cć](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'m@.tit&S\e/+"
/(?<=\bAnthony )Martial\b/i --> "\e/+'mAR+.Si.@l\e/+"
/\bAdrien(?= Silva\b)/i --> "\e/+@.dR+i.'En\e/+"
/\bYohan(?= Benalouane\b)/i --> "\e/+jo&U.'@n\e/+"
/\bD[uúÚ]bravka\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'bR+a&U.k$\e/+"
/\bHa[iïÏ]dara\b/i --> "\e/+a&I.'dA.R+$\e/+"
/\bMikel(?= Merino\b)/i --> "\e/+'mi.kEl\e/+"
/(?<=\bIslam )Slimani\b/i --> "\e/+'slI.m$.ni\e/+"
/\bJan(?= Bednarek\b)/i --> "\e/+'j@n\e/+"
/\bJ[éÉ]r[éÉ]my\b/i --> "\e/+ZE.'R+e&I.mi\e/+"
/\bLionel(?= Messi\b)/i --> "\e/+'li.$.nEl\e/+"
/(?<=\bJ[eéÉ]r[eéÉ]my )Pied\b/i --> "\e/+'pi.e&I\e/+"
/\bH[oøØ]jbjerg\b/i --> "\e/+'hO&$R+\e/+"
/\bDu[sšŠ]an\b/i --> "\e/+du.'S@n\e/+"
/\bTadi[cćĆ](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'t@.dIt&S\e/+"
/\bJakob(?= Haugaard\b)/i --> "\e/+'j@.k$b\e/+"
/(?<=\bBruno )Martins\b/i --> "\e/+mAR+.'tinz\e/+"
/\bN\'Diaye\b/i --> "\e/+En.'di.a&I.j$\e/+"
/\bS[oøØ]rensen\b/i --> "\e/+'sAR+.$n.s$n\e/+"
/\bJes[éÉ](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+hE.'se&I\e/+"
/\bFabia[nńŃ]ski\b/i --> "\e/'\e/+"
/\bvan der\b/i --> "\e/+'v@n.d$R+\e/+"
/\bMari[cćĆ](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'mA.R+It&S\e/+" # pseudo-word
boundary hack
/\bre\-?record\b/i --> "\e/+R+i.R+$.'kOR+d\e/+"
/\bSimon(?= Kj(æ|ae)r\b)/i --> "\e/+si.'mOn\e/+"
/\bKj(æ|ae)r\b/i --> "\e/+'kE0R+\e/+"
/\bTomi(?= Juri[cćĆ]($|\s|-|[[:punct:]]))/i --> "\e/+'tA.mi\e/+"
/\bJuri[cćĆ](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'ju.R+it&S\e/+"
/\bModri[cćĆ](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+'mA.dR+It&S\e/+"
/\bDe\'Shon\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'SOn\e/+"
/(?<=\bShayne )Gotisbehere\b/i --> "\e/+'gO.tIs.bER+\e/+"
/(?<=\bHumo )y(?= Alcohol\b)/i --> "\e/+'i\e/+"
/(?<=\bJuice )WRLD\b/i --> "world"
/\bSueRie\b/i --> "sue ree"
/\bD\'Attis\b/i --> "\e/+'d@.tIs\e/+"
/(?<=\bKele )Le(?= Roc\b)/i --> "\e/+l$\e/+"
/\bInMe\b/i --> "\e/+In_'mi\e/+"
/\bDe\'Lacy\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'le&\e/+"
/\bM\.I\.L\.K\./i --> "milk"
/\bRoadman(?= Shaq\b)/i --> "road man"
/\bMaybeshewill\b/i --> "maybe she will"
/\bpokfulam\b/i --> "pok fu lam"
/\bngau tau kok\b/i --> "\e/+'a&U_'ta&U_'kAk\e/+"
/\byau ma tei\b/i --> "\e/+'ja&U_'mA_'te&I\e/+"
/\bTsim Sha Tsui\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SIm_'SA_'t&SO&I\e/+"
/\bKwai Tsing\b/i --> "\e/+'kwa&I_'t&SInK\e/+"
/\bSai(?= Kung\b)/i --> "\e/+'sa&I\e/+"
/\bSiu Sai Wan\b/i --> "\e/+'sju_'sa&I_'wAn\e/+"
/\bShau Kei Wan\b/i --> "\e/+'Sa&U_'ke&I_'wAn\e/+"
/\bBeyoncé’s\b/i --> "Beyoncé's"
/\bGreetings, earthling\b/i --> "Greetings earthling"
#/\bW(?= El Camino Real\b)/i --> "west" # this should be handled by maps
#/(?<=\e\\tn=address\\)W(?! street)\b/i --> "west"
/\b1899(?= Hoffenheim\b)/ --> "eighteen ninety-nine"
/\bMikael(?= Backlund\b)/ --> "Michael"
/(?<=\bAdam )Henrique\b/ --> \e/+'hEn.R+ik\e/+
/(?<=\bDarcy )Kuemper\b/ --> "camper"
/\bJean Gabriel Pageau\b/i--> \e/+d&Zin.'ge&I.bR+i.$l_pA.'Zo&U\e/+

/\bnew toronto\b/i --> "new \e/+.\e/+ Toronto"

/\bLAPD\b/ --> "L A P D"
/\bLAX\b/ --> "L A X"
/\bwitness[-\s]tampering\b/i --> "\e/+'wIt.nIs_t@m.p$.R+InK\e/+"
/(?<=\bJanuary |\bFebruary |\bJuly )1\b/i --> "first"

# Date ranges: rdar://problem/32145218

/\b(\d{4})( to |–)(\d{4})\b/ --> "\e\\tn=date\\$1 to $3 \e\\tn=normal\\" # em-
/(?<=year |years |date |dates |time )\b(\d{4})( to |-)(\d{4})\b/ -->
"\e\\tn=date\\$1 to $3 \e\\tn=normal\\" # normal dash
/\b(\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}) - (\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4})\b/ --> "\e\\tn=date\\
$1\e\\tn=normal\\ to \e\\tn=date\\$2\e\\tn=normal\\"
# Date ranges with adjacent years: rdar://problem/41632012
/(?<!\d\s)\b(\d{4}) (\d{4})\b(?!\s\d)/ --> "\e\\tn=date\\$1 $2\e\\tn=normal\\"

/(?<!\$|£|€|\bR|answer is )\b2020\b(?!°)/ --> "20 20" # rdar://57325037 ([en-

US] "2020" should be read as twenty twenty)

/\bJohn Adedayo B\.? Adegboyega\b/ --> "John Adedayo, B., Adegboyega"

/\b(\d+)\.(\d)(\d)GB[pX]\b/ --> "$1 point $2 $3 british pence"

# /R-R/ concat issue: rdar://problem/40456872

/\bBayshore R(oa)?d\b/i --> "\e/+'be&I.SOR+0\e/+ Road" #Workaround
/\bBrittmoore R(oa)?d\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+It.mOR+0\e/+ Road" #Workaround
/\bHanshaw R(oa)?d\b/i --> "\e/+'h@n.SA0\e/+ Road" #Workaround
/\bFilmore R(oa)?d\b/i --> "\e/+'fIl.mOR+0\e/+ Road" #Workaround
/\bGermann R(oa)?d\b/i --> "\e/+d&ZE0R+.'me&In\e/+ Road"

# Measure range normalization: rdar://problem/40419033

/\b(\d{1,4})-(\d{1,4})(?= inches\b| meters\b| feet\b| ft\b| miles\b| kilometers\b|
km\b)/i --> "$1 to $2"

/(?<=\bfilms ['‘]rake )in\b/ --> "\e/+'In\e/+"

/\bjong-il\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Z^nK_'Il\e/+"

# Live/Lives rules
/\(Live\)/i --> "\e/+'la&Iv\e/+"
/(?<=\bESPN sports )live\b/i --> "\e/+'la&Iv\e/+"
/(?<=\bHe |She |It )Lives\b/i --> "\e/+'lIvz\e/+"
/\bLive(?= and Die\b)/i --> "\e/+'lIv\e/+"
/\bLive(?= (At The Oscars\b|From Abbey Road Studio\b))/i --> "\e/+'la&Iv\e/+"
/(?<=\bBelievin' )Live\b/i --> "\e/+'la&Iv\e/+"
/\bLive(?= at Luther College\b)/ --> "\e/+'la&Iv\e/+"
/(?<=\b10,000 Maniacs, )Live(?= at the Belly Up\b)/i --> "\e/+'la&Iv\e/+"
/\bj-live\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&\e/+"
/\bto live\b/i --> "to \e/+'lIv\e/+"
/\bLong Live the Angels\b/i --> "long \e/+'lIv\e/+ the angels"
/\bLong Live the Pimp\b/i --> "long \e/+'lIv\e/+ the pimp"
/\bLong Live\b/i --> "long \e/+'lIv\e/+"
/\bCan I Live\b/i --> "can I \e/+'lIv\e/+"
/\blive(?= and direct to you\b| and loud\b| recording\b| 2012\b| from London\b| at
River Plate\b| radio\b)/i --> "\e/+'la&Iv\e/+"
/\blive for\b/i --> "\e/+'lIv_fOR+\e/+"
/\bLive Another Day\b/ --> "\e/+'lIv_$.'n^D.$R+.'de&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bWSJ )Live\b/ --> "\e/+'la&Iv\e/+"
/\blive and let die\b/i --> "\e/+'lIv_@nd_lEt_'da&I\e/+"
/\bLive Another Day\b/ --> "\e/+'lIv_$.'n^D.$R+_'de&I\e/+"
/\bLive Photo\b/ --> "\e/+la&Iv_'fo&\e/+"
/\bLive Photos\b/ --> "\e/+la&Iv_'fo&\e/+"
/\bLive Loops\b/i --> "\e/+'la&Iv_'lups\e/+"
/\blive at wembley\b/i --> "\e/+la&Iv_@t_'wEm.bli\e/+"
/\bKeynote Live\b/ --> "\e/+''la&Iv\e/+"
/\biTunes Live\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz_'la&Iv\e/+"
/\bBeats 1 live\b/i --> "\e/+'bits_'w^n_'la&Iv\e/+"
/\bBeats 1\b/i --> "\e/+'bits.w^n\e/+"
/\bI Don't Want to Live\b/i --> "I Don't Want to \e/+'lIv\e/+"
/(?<=\ball the small things |\ball the young dudes )live\b/i --> "\e/+'la&Iv\e/
/(?<=\bis now )live\b/i --> "\e/+'la&Iv\e/+"
/(?<=\bFormer )Lives\b/ --> "\e/+'la&Ivz\e/+" # works when former is lower-case
only, this rule accounts for former being capitalized <rdar://problem/39089338>

# Doctor vs Drive
/(?<=\bBuckingham )Dr\.?\b/i --> "drive"
/(?<=\bBandley )Dr\.?\b/i --> "drive"

/\bS(?= Africa\b)/ --> "south"

# Lead homograph:
/\blead(?= over\b| vocalist\b| vocalists\b| the series\b| singer\b| singers\b|
author\b| authors\b)/i --> "\e/+'lid\e/+"
/(?<=\bin the )lead\b/i --> "\e/+'lid\e/+"
/(?<=\bgunpowder and|\bgunpowder \& )lead\b/i --> "\e/+'lEd\e/+"
/\bLead(?= Belly\b)/i --> "\e/+'lEd\e/+"

/\bISM\b/ --> "I S M"

/\bUh La La La\b/i --> "Ooh Law Law Law"
/\bAngélique\b/i --> "angelique"
/\bDerde Verde\b/i --> "dirty \e/+'vE0.di\e/+"
/\b(Toyota)\/(Save)\b/i --> "$1 $2"
/(?<=\bRomain )Grosjean\b/i --> "\e/+gR+o&U.'ZAn\e/+"
/\bMeadowview\b/i --> "meadow view"
/(?<=\bJames VI and )I,/ --> "first,"
/\bJuan Pablo Montoya\b/i --> "\e/+'hwAn_'pA.blo&U_mAn.'tO&I.$\e/+"
/\bEsteban Guti[eé]rrez\b/i --> "\e/+Is.'te&I.b$n_gu.'tjiER+.Ez\e/+"
/\bvi[nñ]ales\b/i --> "\e/'A.lEz\e/+"
/\bxavier sim[eé]on\b/i --> "\e/'e&I_si.mI.'jo&Un\e/+" # Workaround
(forced onset for French pron)
/\bmichele(?= pirro\b)/i --> "\e/+mi.'kE.le&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bh[ée]ctor )barber[aá](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "\e/+bAR+.bE.'R+A\e/+"
/\bcircuit(?= de barcelona-catalunya\b| de la Comunitat\b)/i -->
/\bgilles villeneuve\b/i --> "\e/+'Zil_vi.l$.'ne&Iv\e/+"
/\baut[óo]dromo\b/i --> "\e/+a&U.'tO.dR+$.mo&U\e/+"
/\bjos[ée] carlos pace\b/i --> "\e/+Zu.'ze&I_'kAR+.lo&Us_'\e/+"
# rdar://problem/40343846
/\bWTF\b/i --> "W T F"

# WLAN Expansion: rdar://problem/42095610

/\bWLAN\b/ --> "W lan"

/\bchs\.? (\d+)[-–](\d+)\b/i --> "chapters $1 to $2"

/\b(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})([AP]M\b)/i --> "$1 to $2 $3"
/(?<=\d)\s?AM\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.'Em\e/+"
/(?<=\d)\s?PM\b/i --> "\e/+'pi.'Em\e/+"
# ranges of kilograms, e.g. 24-26 kg # needs to be above sports dash rule
/(\d+)(-|–)1 kg\b/i --> "$1 to one kilogram"
/(\d+([\d.,]+)?)(-|–)(\d+([\d.,]+)?) kg\b/i --> "$1 to $4 kilograms"
/\b([0-9]{1,3})-([0-9]{1,3})\b/ --> "$1 $2" #ensure dash in sports scores not
/\bkare(?= raisu\b| rice\b)/i --> "\e/+'kA.R+e&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bhow )are(?= you\b)/i --> "\e/+$R+\e/+"
/(?<=\bYou have )at(?= least \d\d emails since\b)/i --> "\e/+$t\e/+"
/(?<=\bAlexis )Y(?= Fido\b)/i --> "\e/+'i\e/+"
/\bCosta(?= Rica\b)/i --> "\e/+'ko&$\e/+"
/\bpoke(?= paradise\b)/i --> "\e/+'po&\e/+"
/\bprAna\b/i --> "Prana"
/\bDumblonde\b/i --> "dumb blonde"
/\bXiao\b/i --> "\e/+'Sa&U\e/+" # rule, because dict entry does not fire
correctly when xiao or Xiao is followed by \e <rdar://problem/39263267>
/\bATT(?= park\b)/i --> "\e/+'e&I.'ti.$n.'ti\e/+"
/\bAT&T\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.0ti.$n.'ti\e/+"
/™/ --> " T M "
/(?<=\bEstrella Galicia |\bEG )0,0\b/ --> "zero zero"
/(?<=^|\s|-|[[:punct:]])Бонни и Клайд(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i -->
"\e/+'bA.ni_'i_kla&Id\e/+" # can't use \b because cyrillic is non ASCII
/\bDear Evan Hansen\b/i --> "\e/+di.E0_'E.v$n_'h@n.s$n\e/+" # workaround for
/\bHey Siri, what's new with you\?/i --> "Hey Siri. What's new with you?" #
workaround for prosody in rdar://problem/35882083
/\bDont(?= Worry Be Happy\b)/i --> "don't"
/(?<=\bBullets )Dont(?= Argue\b)/i --> "don't"
/\bWhat do you want to search for\?/ --> "What \e/+d$_ju\e/+ want to search \e/
/(?<=\bYou can change your name in the Contacts app)\.(?= Or, if you'd like me to
call you something else, just say, Change my nickname\.)/i --> " \e\\eos=1\\ "
# hacky fix for rdar://problem/39617284
/(?<=\bEl Camino )Real\b/i --> "\e/+R+i.'Al\e/+"
/(?<=\bI hope that you )and(?= the family are all doing well\b)/i --> "\e/+
/\bAuli'i Cravalho\b/i --> "\e/+a&U.'li_'i_kR+$.'vAl.jO\e/+"
/\bFoa'i\b/i --> "\e/+f$.'wA_'i\e/+"
/\bSan(?= Carlos\b)/i --> "\e/+s@n\e/+"
/(?<=\bSAINt )JHN\b/i --> "John"
/\bYBS Skola\b/i --> "Y B S \e/+'sko&U.l$\e/+"
/\bHaotian\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&U_'tjEn\e/+" # workaround, one word but needs to be
said as two to sound right
/\bcopacetic\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&U.p$_'sE.r6Ik\e/+" # rdar://problem/42969521 --
workaround, one word, but needs to be said as two
/(?<=\bBarnes )(and|&)(?= Noble\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
/\bcyberattack\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&I.b$R+$.0t@k\e/+"
/\bsalt pickle\b/i --> "\e/+'sOlt_pIk.l%)\e/+"
/\bgooey\b/i --> "\e/+'gu_i\e/+"
/(?<=\bEver wanted )to(?= own a castle\b\?)/i --> "\e/+t$\e/+"
/\b(Guzman)-(Feliz)\b/i --> "$1 $2"
#/(?<=\bI |\b[hH]e |\b[sS]he |\b[tT]hey |\b[wW]e |\b[sS]arah )Said\b/ -->
/\bMission: Impossible\b/i --> "mission impossible"
/\bAnt-Man and the Wasp\b/i --> "\e/+'@nt.m@n_$n_D$_'wAsp\e/+"
/\bsuspect(?= has\b)/i --> "\e/+'s^s.pEkt\e/+"
/(\b\d+)x\b(?! ?[-\+\d=\\\/])/ --> "$1 times"
/\bsuspect's\b/i --> "\e/+'s^s.pEks\e/+"
/\bto(?= operate\b)/i --> "\e/+t$\e/+"
/(?<=\bto |\bwill )perfect\b/i --> "\e/+pE0.'fEkt\e/+"
/\bWhite Oaks(?= Road\b)/i --> "\e/+'wa&It.o&Uks\e/+"
/\bOtay(?= Lakes\b| Ranch\b| Mesa\b)/i --> "\e/+'o&U.ta&I\e/+"
/(?<=\blonger)[‐-](?=wavelength\b)/i --> " "
/\bReset(?= it\?)/ --> "\e/+R+$.'sEt\e/+"
/\bbar tender\b/i --> "bartender"
/\bpok[eé]mon\b/i --> "\e/+'po&U.k$.mAn\e/+"
/(?<=\bhide )and(?= seek\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
/\be ?= ?mc[2²](?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/i --> "E equals M C squared"
/\bonefootball\b/i --> "one football"
/(?<=\balready) read\b/i --> "\e/+'R+Er6\e/+"
/¡Dale Play!/i --> "\e/+'dA.le&I\e/+ play"
/\bHalf Dome\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/(?<=\ba )taxis\b/i --> "\e/+'t@k.sIs\e/+"
/(?<=\bmuch)-(?=anticipated\b)/i --> " "
/\bEmmageddon\b/i --> "Emma \e/+'gE.d$n\e/+"
/\bMow(?!,? Gaya\b)/ --> "mow" # <rdar://problem/44933460>
/\breggaet[oó]n\b/i --> "\e/'tAn\e/+"
#/\bmulti[‐-]?user\b/i --> "\e/+'m^l.ti.ju.z$R+\e/+" # matches on sirifam tag,
do not uncomment

# Two-word workarounds
/\barrhythmia\b/i --> "\e/+$.'R+IT_mi.$\e/+"
/\bKamehameha\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'me&Ij.$_'me&Ij.$\e/+" # two word workaround
/\bRucka Rucka\b/i --> "\e/+'R+^k_$_'R+^k_$\e/+" # workaround for
/\bPeru\b/i --> "\e/+p$_'R+u\e/+"
/\bredistilling\b/i --> "\e/+R+i_dI.'stI.lInK\e/+"

# Stress modification
/(?<=\bPlease try your car's controls )to operate the hood\b/i --> "\e/+t$\e/+
operate the \e/+hUd\e/+" # Workaround, unstressed hood for rdar://problem/32289601
/(?<=\bLiving |\bDining |\bFamily )Room\b(?![[:punct:]]{2})/i -->
"\e/+R+um\e/+" # rdar://problem/43668160, added negative lookahead for

# Named entities: <rdar://problem/42804143> [PRON][en-US-

nashville:aaron:76:male:gryphon:premium] Santa Cruz, Milpitas, Fremont, Alcatraz
/\bApple Park\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bGoPro\b/i --> "\e/+'go&U_pR+o&U\e/+"
/\bResearch Center\b/i --> "\e/+'R+i.sE0R+t&S_sEn.t$R+\e/+"
/\bSAP\b/ --> "S A P"
/\bSephora\b/i --> "\e/+sI.'fOR+_$\e/+" # workaround -- bad f0 selection for
last syll if one word.
/\bLei(?= Garden\b)/i --> "\e/+'le&I\e/+" # suspicious dict entry for
Lei //la&I
/\bDropBox\b/i --> "\e/+'dR+Ap.bAks\e/+"
/\bGitHub\b/i --> "\e/+'gIt.h^b\e/+"
/(?<=\bPeet's Coffee )(and|&)(?= Tea\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
/(?<=\bBlue )(and)(?= Gold Fleet\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
/(?<=\bMountain )View\b/i --> "\e/+vju\e/+"
/(?<=\bPoint )Reyes\b/i --> "\e/+R+e&I.Es\e/+"
/(?<=\bWillow )Road\b/i --> "\e/+R+o&Ud\e/+"
/(?<=\bTransamerica )Pyramid\b/i --> "\e/+pI.R+$.mId\e/+"
/(?<=\bJoshua )Tree\b/i --> "\e/+tR+i\e/+"
/(?<=\bNational )Park\b/i --> "\e/+pAR+k\e/+"
/(?<=\bSantana )Row\b/i --> "\e/+R+o&U\e/+"
/(?<=\bLombard )Street\b/i --> "\e/+strit\e/+"
/\bHiguera(?= Street\b)/i --> "\e/+ha&I.'gER+.$\e/+"
/\bTodoist\b/i --> "\e/+t$_du.'Ist\e/+"
/(?<=\bthat)\. (?=[0-9])/ --> " \e\\eos=1\\ "
/(?<=\bHa )Huynh\b/i --> "\e/+'wIn\e/+"
/\bGuy Lafleur\b/i --> "\e/+'gi_l$.'flE0\e/+"
/\bIdan Raichel\b/i --> "\e/+I.'dAn_R+a&I.'hEl\e/+"

/\bshavua tov\b/i --> "\e/+S^.'vu.^_'to&Uv\e/+"

/^Toda!$/i --> "\e/+to&U.'dA\e/+!"

# prompt-related
/\bhee…hee\b/i --> "hee...hee"

# present homograph
/(?<=\bAlfred Hitchcock )presents\b/i --> "\e/+pR+I.'zEnts\e/+"

# perfect homograph
/\bPerfect(?= Duet\b)/i --> "\e/+'pE0R+_fIkt\e/+" # Workaround as 'pE0R+.fIkt
changes to P e: . f E k t rdar://problem/35849613

# rdar://problem/40530433
/\bAre you sure you want to cancel all 3 timers\?/i --> "Are you sure you wanna
\e/+'k@n.s$l0\e/+ \e/+'Ol\e/+ 3 \e/+'ta&Im.E0z\e/+?"

/(?<=\bAre you sure you )want to(?= delete this reminder\b)/i --> "wanna"

# rdar://problem/42602739
/(?<=\bpersonal radio |space )station\b/i --> "\e/+ste&I.S$n\e/+"

# record homograph
/\brecord(?= audio\b)/i --> "\e/+R+$.'kOR+d\e/+"
/(?<=\bthe )Record(?= button\b)/i --> "\e/+R+$.'kOR+d\e/+"
/\bRecord\b(?= Labels?\b| Producers?\b| Company\b| Companies\b)/i -->

# Highways
/\bI-280\b/i --> "I 2 80"
/\bI-880\b/i --> "I 8 80"

/\#\bdisowned\b/i --> "hashtag disowned"

/(?<=\bHello\. You are invited )to(?= enter an Apple meeting\.\b)/i -->


/\bbee+p\b(?!\.wav)/i --> "\e/+'bip\e/+"

/\baww+\b/i --> "\e/+'O\e/+" # rdar://problem/53085574
# rdar://problem/43169666
/\bshortcut\b/i --> "\e/+'SOR+t_k^t\e/+"

# POS Modifications
/(?<=\blike )that\b/i --> "\e\\nlu=PRM:1\\that"
/(?<=\bUnfortunately, I don't know a lot about )that\b/i -->
/\bthat(?= event\b)/i --> "\e\\nlu=PRM:1\\that"
/(?<=\bSorry about )that\b/i --> "\e\\nlu=PRM:1\\that"

/(?<=\bthis )one\b/i --> "\e/+w^n\e/+"

/\ba[cç]ai\b/i --> "\e/+''i\e/+" # two-word workaround
/(?<=\bforce )majeure\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'ZER+\e/+"
/\bBRB\b/ --> "B R B" # sms rule is different, should fire before this
ruleset. rdar://problem/29280062&44183159

# Normalize "?" to question mark when appearing alone on a line, or surrounded by

/(?<=^)\?(?=$)/ --> " question mark "
/(?<=\")\?(?=\")/ --> " question mark "
/(?<=\')\?(?=\')/ --> " question mark "
/(?<=\bsays )\?\.?(?=\e\\pause)/i --> " question mark " # to match on "Your
message to ___ ___ says ?.\e\pause=500\ Ready to send it?"

/\bsanta claus\b/i --> "\e/+'s@.n$.klOz\e/+"

/\bto (?=\d\d degrees\b)/i --> "\e/+t$\e/+"

/(?<=\bThe colt reared )and(?= threw the tall rider\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"

/\bfire-and-brimstone\b/i --> "\e/+fa&IR+_$n_'bR+Im.sto&Un\e/+"

/(?<=\bThe square root of )-1 is i, where i is the square root of -1\b/i -->
"negative 1 \e/+Iz.'a&I\e/+, where i is the square root of negative 1"

/(?<=\bHey Siri, tell me about Muhammad Ali)\?/i --> "."

/\be-waste\b/i --> "\e/+'i_we&Ist\e/+"

# rdar://problem/42410530 Siri said "or" strangely. "or" reduction

/(?<=\bStay in the second )or(?= third lane from right\b)/i --> "\e/+E0\e/+"

/\bErdo[gğ]an\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+.d$.wAn\e/+"

/\bor rarity\b/i --> "\e/+O0R+_'R+ER+.$.r6i\e/+" #Workaround

/\breally know\./ --> "\e/+'R+i.li_'no&U#\e/+"

# rdar://problem/43100103. Hashtag/pound sign normalization

#/(?<=[^\w]|^)\#(?!(\d|\s\d))/ --> " hashtag "
#/(?<=[^\w]|^)\#(?=(\D|\s\D))/ --> " pound sign "

/(?<=\bWhat body language experts saw when Trump )and(?= Kim met\b)/i --> "\e/+
/(?<=\bit only averages two )and(?= a half stars\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"

/\bbon voyage\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&Un_vO&I.'AZ\e/+"

/(\bBring It On: In It to Win It)\"? (stars Ashley Benson, Jennifer Kelly Tisdale
and Michael Copon\b)/i --> ","
/\bjury(?= awards\b)/i --> "\e/+'d&ZE0R+.i\e/+"

/(?<=\btrain )stations\b/i --> "\e/+ste&I.S$nz\e/+"

/\bon and(?= off\b)/i --> "\e/+'An_$n\e/+"

/\bwant to(?= hear details\b)/i --> "wanna"

# city, state/country normalizations rdar://problem/39450216

/(?<=\boakland), (?=california\b)/i --> " "
/(?<=\bparis), (?=france\b)/i --> " "
/(?<=\bkansas city), (?=missouri\b)/i --> " "
/(?<=\brome), (?=italy\b)/i --> " "

/(?<=\bGOP |\brepublican |\bdemocrat |\bdemocratic |\bparty )rep\./i -->


/(?<=\bDrone )Documents(?= Found\b)/i --> "\e/+'dA.kj$.mInts\e/+"

# read homograph rdar://problem/43083130

/(?<=\bmy favorite beach )read\b/i --> "\e/+R+id\e/+"
/(?<=\bdid )(you|I|he|she|they|we) read\b/i --> "$1 \e/+R+id\e/+" #

/(?<=\bEither mud )or dust are found at (?=all times\b)/i --> "\e/+E0\e/+ dust
are found \e/+$t\e/+"

/\((?=it's not on, though)/i --> ". "

/\bDiemonds\b/i --> "diamonds"

/\bDoo Doo\b/i --> "\e/+'du.du\e/+"

# highways rdar://problem/42826494
/\bUS-110\b/i --> "U S 1 ten"
/\bUS-101\b/i --> "U S 1 oh 1"
/\bI-405\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I\e/+ 4 oh 5"
/\b101(?= freeway\b)/i --> "1 oh 1"
/(?<=\bSan )Tomas(?= Expressway\b)/i --> "\e/+t$.'mAs\e/+"

/\bchow mein\b/i --> "\e/+'t&Sa&\e/+"

/(?<=\bWho )are(?= we calling\?)/i --> "\e/+E0\e/+"

/\btaugh-taugh-roh\b/i --> "totoro"

/⊿/ --> "triangle"

/\|/ --> "."

/\bNYT\b/ --> "N Y T"

# suspect homograph
/(?<=\bshooting )suspect\b/i --> "\e/+'s^.spEkt\e/+"

# tear homograph
/\btear(?= off calendar\b)/i --> "\e/+'tER+\e/+"

/\bsledgehammer\b/i --> "\e/+'slEd&Z.h@.mE0\e/+"

/\broad rage\b/i --> "\e/+'R+o&Ud.R+e&Id&Z\e/+"

/(?<=\bOkay, I'll )remind(?= you\b)/i --> "\e/+R+$.ma&Ind\e/+"

/(?<=\bHow many tickles )does(?= it take, to make an octopus laugh)/i -->


/(\d+) ?W(?= \w*bulb\b)/i --> "$1 Watt"

/(?<=\bSaint Thomas Island, )VI\b/ --> "Virgin Islands"

/(?<=\borange )juice\b/i --> "\e\\nlu=PRM:0\\juice"

/\bChé(?=$|\s|-|[[:punct:]])/ --> "Che"

/(?<=\brandom number between one )and(?= one hundred\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"
# an agressive fix following 51310819, 51330327 for marketing - issue with bad
selection in nora_167/166
#/(?<=\bWould you like to add a variety [pb]ack )to your cart\?/i --> "
\e/+t$.'jE0\e/+ cart"
/\bcart\?/i --> "cart"

/(?<=\bHow do I )live\b/i --> "\e/+'lIv\e/+"

/(?<=\e\\tn=address\\)RI[ \-](?=\d+)/ --> "R I "

/(?<=\bFront )242\b/i --> "2 4 2"

/\bNino's(?= grill\b)/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"

/\bMesa(?= Road\b|Rd\b)/i --> "\e/+'me&I.s$\e/+"

/\bfuboTV\b/ --> "\e/+'fub.o&U\e/+ TV" #workaround

/\bE\.G\.(?= Daily\b)/i --> "\e/+'i_'d&Zi\e/+"

/(?<=John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George )Harrison and(?= Ringo Starr\b)/i -->

/(?<=\baging )well\b/i --> "\e/+wEl\e/+"

/\band(?= aging\b)/i --> "\e/+$n\e/+"

/\bBommarito Automotive\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.m$.'$.'mo&U.r6Iv\e/+"

/\bPowell\b/i --> "\e/+'pa&U_$l\e/+"

/(?<=\bTake )the exit\b/i --> "\e/+Di_Eg_zIt\e/+"

/\bhow highly\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&Uw_'ha&\e/+"

/\bNews,(?= double tap to open\b)/i --> "\e/+njuz#\e/+" #Workaround

/(?<=\bstretches )out on a\b/i --> "\e/+'a&Ut_'An.'$\e/+"

/\beyeshades\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I_Se&Idz\e/+"

# <rdar://problem/45273771> [en_*] [Due 10/16 @ 4pm][TTS] Fall 2018 New Product
Names (Part 2)
/\b(?<=11|12|12\.9)\"(?= iPad)\b/i --> " inch"
/\b(?<=iPad 12\.9|iPad Pro 12\.9|iPad 12|iPad Pro 12|iPad 11|iPad Pro 11)\"/i -->
" inch"
/\b(?<=iPad |iPad Pro )\((11|12|12\.9)\"\)/i --> "($1 inch)"
/\bChester[-]le(?=[-]Street\b)/i --> "\e/+'t&$\e/+"
/\bA(?= Balbirnie\b)/ --> "\e/+'e&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bAB )de Villiers\b/i --> "\e/+d$_'$R+z\e/+"
/\bde Grandhomme\b/i --> "\e/+d$_'gR+@nd.o&Um\e/+"
/\bDA(?= Rankin\b)/i --> "D A"
/\bDawid(?= Malan\b)/i --> "\e/+'dA.vId\e/+"
/\bde(?= (Bruyn|Kock|Silva)\b)/i --> "\e/+d$\e/+"
/\bMS(?= Dhoni\b)/i --> "M S"
/\bNJ(?= O\'Brien\b)/i --> "N J"
/(?<=\bNathan )Lyon\b/i --> "lion"
/(?<=\bShoaib )Malik\b/i --> "\e/+'m@.lIk\e/+"

/(?<=\btrial )and(?= error\b)/ --> "\e/+$n\e/+"

/(?<=Do you want )to reply\b\?/ --> "\e/+t$_R+I.pla&I\e/+?" #Workaround

/\bGoFundMe\b/i --> "go fund me"

/\bcrowdfunding\b/i --> "\e/+'kR+a&Ud.f^n.dInK\e/+"
/(tn=address\\.*)\bCo\. (?=.*\e\\tn=)/i --> "$1County "
/(❤️|<3)(?= My Choppa)/i --> "love"

# <rdar://problem/56447347> DUC spoken response ignores star / asterisk in

/\b(?<=call|calling) \*\s?(\d)(\d)(\d)\b/i --> " star $1 $2 $3"
/\b(?<=call|calling) \*\s?(\d)(\d)\b/i --> " star $1 $2"

# workaround -- remove later

/(?<=Hmm…|Hmm\.\.\.) / --> "\e\\eos=1\\ "

# Fixes for web answers feed, <rdar://problem/55316592> [en-US] fix top 100
unnatural_offensive utterances from web answers feed
/\bprotodynastic\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+o&U.r6o&U_da&I.'n@.stIk\e/+"
/\bBye, Felicia\b/i --> "Bye Felicia" # delete comma to prevent awkward pause
/\bFacebook, Inc\.?\b/i --> "Facebook Incorporated" # delete comma to prevent
awkward pause
/(\b\w+)-and-(\w+\b)/i --> "$1 \e/+$n\e/+ $2"
/(\d(\.\d{1,2})?)% (percent)\b/i --> "$1 $3" # remove repeated 'percent'
/\bles Grands[-–]?Lacs\b/i --> "\e/+le&I.'gR+On.'l@k\e/+"
/(?<=\bWarner )Bros.(?= Cartoons\b)/i --> "Brothers"
/\bF[eé]d[eé]ration A[eé]ronautique Internationale\b/i -->
## Pause issues (known issue, sometimes hyphenated words get treated as EOS)
/\bwould-be\b/i --> "would be"
/\bcustomer-to-customer\b/i --> "customer to customer"
/\bpresent-day\b/i --> "present day"
/\bfifteenth-most\b/i --> "fifteenth most"
/\bdown-and-out\b/i --> "down \e/+$n\e/+ out"
/\bsemi-automatic\b/i --> "semi automatic"
/\blarger-than-life\b/i --> "larger than life"
/\bgender-specific\b/i --> "gender specific"

#Domain Names rdar://problem/48248035

/(\d+)\.what-are-the-factors\.com\b/i --> "$1 dot what are the factors dot com"
/\bendocrineweb\.com\b/i --> "endocrine web dot com"
/\bdelishably\.com\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'lI.S$.bli\e/+ dot com"
/\bgiraffeconservation\.org\b/i --> "giraffe conservation dot org"
/\bcandogseat-this\.com\b/i --> "can dogs eat this dot com"
/\bdogids\.com\b/i --> "dog ids dot com"
/\bfamilyfootchicago\.com\b/i --> "family foot chicago dot com"
/\brabbits\.life\b/i --> "rabbits dot life"
/\bhamic\.sharewarejunction\.com\b/i --> "hamic dot shareware junction dot com"
/\bfaculty\.washington\.edu\b/i --> "faculty dot washington dot edu"
/\btopcelebritysnapchat\.com\b/i --> "top celebrity snap chat dot com"
/\bempirezone\.blogs\.nytimes\.com\b/i --> "empire zone dot blogs dot nytimes
dot com"
/\bmagazine\.diviac\.com\b/i --> "magazine dot diviac dot com"
/\bgrammar\.ccc\.commnet\.edu\b/i --> "grammar dot ccc dot comm net dot edu"
/\bcapitalfm\.com\b/i --> "capital fm dot com"
/\bmyenglishteacher\.eu\b/i --> "my english teacher dot eu"
/\bweb\.stagram\.com\b/i --> "web dot \e/+st$.'gr@m\e/+ dot com"
/\bhealtreatcure\.org\b/i --> "heal treat cure dot org"
/\bdrugrehab\.com\b/i --> "drug rehab dot com"
/\bdenverpublichealth\.org\b/i --> "denver public health dot org"
/\bastrostyle\.com\b/i --> "astro style dot com"
/\bpixar\.wikia\.com\b/i --> "pixar dot wikia dot com"
/\bsarahsdogs\.com\b/i --> "sarahs dogs dot com"
/\bj-14\.com\b/i --> "j14 dot com"
/\blife-with-siamese-cats\.com\b/i --> "life with siamese cats dot com"
/\bdogisto\.com\b/i --> "\e/+dOg.'I.sto&U\e/+ dot com"
/\bmeandmychild\.com\b/i --> "me and my child dot com"
/\bdelish\.com\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'lIS\e/+ dot com"
/\bvaf\.wikia\.com\b/i --> "vaf dot wikia dot com"
/\bmathbench\.umd\.edu\b/i --> "math bench dot umd dot edu"
/\btropicsathome\.com\b/i --> "tropics at home dot com"
/\btheeconomiccollapseblog\.com\b/i --> "the economic collapse blog dot com"
/\bnews\.nationalgeographic\.com\b/i --> "news dot national geographic dot com"
/\bpetyak\.com\b/i --> "pet yak dot com"
/\bdogsorb\.com\b/i --> "dogs orb dot com"
/\bsaolive\.co\.za\b/i --> "sao \e/+'la&Iv\e/+ dot co dot ZA"
/\bharvesttotable\.com\b/i --> "harvest to table dot com"
/\bthehousingforum\.com\b/i --> "the housing forum dot com"
/\baskthepinoy\.blogspot\.com\b/i --> "ask the pinoy dot blogspot dot com"
/\bdogappy\.com\b/i --> "dog appy dot com"
/\btheculinaryexchange\.com\b/i --> "the culinary exchange dot com"
/\bforums\.imore\.com\b/i --> "forums dot i more dot com"
/\bnia\.nih\.gov\b/i --> "N I A dot N I H dot gov"
/\bgottesman\.pressible\.org\b/i --> "gottesman dot press ible dot org"
/\bmetro\.us\b/i --> "metro dot U S"
/\bprotofuse\.com\b/i --> "proto fuse dot com"
/\bnypost\.com\b/i --> "NY post dot com"
/\bhellenion\.org\b/i --> "\e/+hE.'lEn.j$n\e/+ dot org"
/\bcelsiustofahrenheit\.net\b/i --> "celsius to fahrenheit dot net"
/\bbabypillars\.com\b/i --> "baby pillars dot com"
/\bwhoinventedit\.net\b/i --> "who invented it dot net"
/\bthediplomat\.com\b/i --> "the diplomat dot com"
/\bedinformatics\.com\b/i --> "ed informatics dot com"
/\bsnake-facts\.weebly\.com\b/i --> "snake facts dot weebly dot com"
/\bnaturalfoodseries\.com\b/i --> "natural food series dot com"
/\bworldsultimate\.net\b/i --> "worlds ultimate dot net"
/\b7habitsofweightloss\.com\b/i --> "7 habits of weight loss dot com"
/\bscience\.blurtit\.com\b/i --> "science dot blurt it dot com"
/\bnews\.indianservers\.com\b/i --> "news dot indian servers dot com"
/\bpets-animals\.blurtit\.com\b/i --> "pets animals dot blurt it dot com"
/\blaw\.gmu\.edu\b/i --> "law dot gmu dot edu"
/\bbowelcanceraustralia\.org\b/i --> "bowel cancer australia dot org"
/\bhowlongdoes\.com\b/i --> "how long does dot com"
/\bhindustantimes\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'hIn.d$.'st@n\e/+ times dot com"
/\btechopedia\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'tE.ko&U\e/+ pedia dot com"
/\bhummingbirdsociety\.org\b/i --> "hummingbird society dot org"
/\bslowfoodnation\.org\b/i --> "slow foodnation dot org"
/\binteresting-africa-facts\.com\b/i --> "interesting africa facts dot com"
/\bgrammar\.collinsdictionary\.com\b/i --> "grammar dot collins dictionary dot
/\bcare4yourpets\.com\b/i --> "care 4 your pets dot com"
/\bmindbodygreen\.com\b/i --> "mind body green dot com"
/\bbestdogfoodforboxers\.com\b/i --> "best dog food for boxers dot com"
/\bauthoritydiet\.com\b/i --> "authority diet dot com"
/\bpetrabbitinfo\.com\b/i --> "pet rabbit info dot com"
/\btotescute\.com\b/i --> "totes cute dot com"
/\bwalkingpneumonia\.org\b/i --> "walking pneumonia dot org"
/\bharrypotter\.wikia\.com\b/i --> "harry potter dot wikia dot com"
/\bkotaku\.com\b/i --> "\e/+ko&U.'tA.ku\e/+ dot com"
/\bafricasacountry\.com\b/i --> "africa's a country dot com"
/\bhandfootandmouthdiseasefacts\.com\b/i --> "hand foot and mouth disease facts
dot com"
/\bthestreet\.com\b/i --> "the street dot com"
/\bniams\.nih\.gov\b/i --> "niams dot N I H dot gov"
/\ballareacodes\.com\b/i --> "all area codes dot com"
/\boureverydaylife\.com\b/i --> "our everyday life dot com"
/\bprescription-drug\.addictionblog\.org\b/i --> "prescription drug dot
addiction blog dot org"
/\bwhatdosquirrelseat\.org\b/i --> "what do squirrels eat dot org"
/\bsml\.wikia\.com\b/i --> "sml dot wikia dot com"
/\bpetconsider\.com\b/i --> "pet consider dot com"
/\beuronews\.com\b/i --> "euro news dot com"
/\bhealthyliving\.azcentral\.com\b/i --> "healthy living dot A Z central dot
/\bazcentral\.com\b/i --> "AZ central dot com"
/\bnews\.mongabay\.com\b/i --> "news dot mongabay dot com"
/\bwhy-is-the-sky-blue\.tv\b/i --> "why is the sky blue dot tv"
/\bwiki\.kidzsearch\.com\b/i --> "wiki dot kidz search dot com"
/\bstatravel\.com\b/i --> "S T A travel dot com"
/\bbluechillies\.com\b/i --> "blue chillies dot com"
/\bcoffeerevolution\.net\b/i --> "coffee revolution dot net"
/\bpiday\.org\b/i --> "pi day dot org"
/\bisitvegan\.com\b/i --> "is it vegan dot com"
/\bdetoxinista\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'di.'tAk.s$.'nis.t$\e/+ dot com"
/\bcareyourpets\.net\b/i --> "care your pets dot net"
/\bgosunoob\.com\b/i --> "gosu noob dot com"
/\batlasobscura\.com\b/i --> "atlas \e/+Ab.'skju.R+^\e/+ dot com"
/\bthecountriesof\.com\b/i --> "the countries of dot com"
/\bdoctordecides\.com\b/i --> "doctor decides dot com"
/\bmamapedia\.com\b/i --> "mama pedia dot com"
/\bself\.gutenberg\.org\b/i --> "self dot gutenberg dot org"
/\bherpes\.responsible\.dating\b/i --> "herpes dot responsible dot dating"
/\bgiftofcuriosity\.com\b/i --> "gift of curiosity dot com"
/\bmommyish\.com\b/i --> "mommy ish dot com"
/\bexopolitics\.org\b/i --> "exo politics dot org"
/\borthoinfo\.aaos\.org\b/i --> "orth-o info AAOS dot org"
/\bwhat-causes-ringing-in-the-ears\.weebly\.com\b/i --> "what causes ringing in
the ears dot weebly dot com"
/\brecipes\.howstuffworks\.com\b/i --> "recipes dot how stuff works dot com"
/\bayeshahaq\.com\b/i --> "ayesha haq dot com"
/\bsnowyswan\.com\b/i --> "snowy swan dot com"
/\bfood\.ndtv\.com\b/i --> "food dot ndtv dot com"
/\btonywublog\.com\b/i --> "tony woo blog dot com"
/\bdoyoucookwithme\.com\b/i --> "do you cook with me dot com"
/\bpetcarefacts\.com\b/i --> "pet care facts dot com"
/\bspendwithpennies\.com\b/i --> "spend with pennies dot com"
/\beducation\.jlab\.org\b/i --> "education dot J lab dot org"
/\bwebquestions\.co\b/i --> "web questions dot co"
/\bferinheighttocelsius\.com\b/i --> "fahrenheit to celsius dot com"
/\bmexperience\.com\b/i --> "m experience dot com"
/\bmentalhealthdaily\.com\b/i --> "mental health daily dot com"
/\bdec\.ny\.gov\b/i --> "D E C dot NY dot gov"
/\bpettrending\.com\b/i --> "pet trending dot com"
/\bbelmarrahealth\.com\b/i --> "bel \e/+'mA.R+$\e/+ health dot com"
/\bthatskinnychickcanbake\.com\b/i --> "that skinny chick can bake dot com"
/\bthecaninechefcookbook\.com\b/i --> "the canine chef cookbook dot com"
/\byelp\.com\b/i --> "yelp dot com"
/\bconservationmagazine\.org\b/i --> "conservation magazine dot org"
/\bstunstupefy\.com\b/i --> "stun stupefy dot com"
/\bhomeopathyforwomen\.org\b/i --> "homeopathy for women dot org"
/\bnews\.blizzard\.com\b/i --> "news dot blizzard dot com"
/\byourpetland\.com\b/i --> "your pet land dot com"
/\bmultilotto\.com\b/i --> "multi lotto dot com"
/\bthekitchn\.com\b/i --> "the kitchen dot com"
/\bin\.reuters\.com\b/i --> "I N dot reuters dot com"
/\bsca21\.wikia\.com\b/i --> "S C A 21 dot wikia dot com"
/\bomlet\.us\b/i --> "omlette dot U S"
/\bgastroenterologistpaloalto\.com\b/i --> "gastroenterologist palo alto dot
/\bscience\.howstuffworks\.com\b/i --> "science dot how stuff works dot com"
/\bnewengland\.com\b/i --> "new england dot com"
/\bazvets\.com\b/i --> "AZ vets dot com"
/\bnewworldencyclopedia\.org\b/i --> "new world encyclopedia dot org"
/\bbluemoonranch\.net\b/i --> "bluemoon ranch dot net"
/\banimalspot\.net\b/i --> "animal spot dot net"
/\btsecic\.org\b/i --> "tse cic dot org"
/\b15minutekitchen\.com\b/i --> "15 minute kitchen dot com"
/\bobryanlaw\.net\b/i --> "o bryan law dot net"
/\buntdallas\.edu\b/i --> "U N T dallas dot edu"
/\bblog\.peertrainer\.com\b/i --> "blog dot peer trainer dot com"
/\bthegunnysack\.com\b/i --> "the gunny sack dot com"
/\bkochfoodsinc\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&Uk_'fudz_'InKk\e/+ dot com"
/\brecro\.io\b/i --> "re cro dot io"
/\bwealthformyhealth\.com\b/i --> "wealth for my health dot com"
/\bmath\.tutorvista\.com\b/i --> "math dot tutor vista dot com"
/\bsimplewag\.com\b/i --> "simple wag dot com"
/\blifehopeandtruth\.com\b/i --> "life hope and truth dot com"
/\bnadiplochilo\.com\b/i --> "na deep-lo cheelo dot com"
/\bneotropical\.birds\.cornell\.edu\b/i --> "neotropical dot birds dot cornell
dot E D U"
/\bbirds\.cornell\.edu\b/i --> "birds dot cornell dot edu"
/\bnekozushi\.com\b/i --> "\e/+nE.ko&U\e/+ zushi dot com"
/\bmotherboard\.vice\.com\b/i --> "motherboard dot vice dot com"
/\bdailybreeze\.com\b/i --> "daily breeze dot com"
/\bearthnworld\.com\b/i --> "earth n world dot com"
/\bmedindia\.net\b/i --> "med india dot net"
/\bgone-ta-pott\.com\b/i --> "gone to pot dot com"
/\bhowlongdolive\.com\b/i --> "how long do live dot com"
/\blistabuzz\.com\b/i --> "list a buzz dot com"
/\bthedailymeal\.com\b/i --> "the daily meal dot com"
/\bastroversity\.blogspot\.com\b/i --> "astro versity dot blogspot dot com"
/\bcooking\.nytimes\.com\b/i --> "cooking dot nytimes dot com"
/\bmyzencity\.com\b/i --> "my zen city dot com"
/\bpubs\.usgs\.gov\b/i --> "pubs dot USGS dot gov"
/\bfamlii\.com\b/i --> "fam-lee dot com"
/\bdokteronline\.com\b/i --> "dokter online dot com"
/\bbestvalueschools\.com\b/i --> "best value schools dot com"
/\bcookingfortheholidays\.com\b/i --> "cooking for the holidays dot com"
/\bhitchhikers\.wikia\.com\b/i --> "hitchhikers dot wikia dot com"
/\b9kudos\.com\b/i --> "9 \e/+'\e/+ dot com"
/\bmortgage101\.com\b/i --> "mortgage one oh one dot com"
/\bearnthenecklace\.com\b/i --> "earn the necklace dot com"
/\bpets\.thenest\.com\b/i --> "pets dot the nest dot com"
/\bonegreenplanet\.org\b/i --> "one green planet dot org"
/\bmedicalnewstoday\.com\b/i --> "medical news today dot com"
/\bprayingmantisfacts\.net\b/i --> "praying \e/+m@n.tIs\e/+ facts dot net"
/\bbakerbettie\.com\b/i --> "baker bettie dot com"
/\ballthetropes\.org\b/i --> "all the tropes dot org"
/\bdairygood\.org\b/i --> "dairy good dot org"
/\bonlinemathlearning\.com\b/i --> "online math learning dot com"
/\bhealthcare\.utah\.edu\b/i --> "healthcare dot utah dot edu"
/\bpeimag\.com\b/i --> "P E I mag dot com"
/\bauthorityhealthmag\.com\b/i --> "authority health mag dot com"
/\bcookincanuck\.com\b/i --> "cookin canuck dot com"
/\bcookeatpaleo\.com\b/i --> "cook eat paleo dot com"
/\bliverandpancreassurgeon\.com\b/i --> "liver and pancreas surgeon dot com"
/\bthailabonline\.com\b/i --> "thai lab online dot com"
/\bthecatsite\.net\b/i --> "the cat site dot net"
/\bchemistry\.tutorvista\.com\b/i --> "chemistry dot tutor vista dot com"
/\brubiesandradishes\.com\b/i --> "rubies and radishes dot com"
/\bfahrenheittocelsius\.com\b/i --> "fahrenheit to celsius dot com"
/\ballstarbio\.com\b/i --> "allstar bio dot com"
/\baidsinfonet\.org\b/i --> "aids infonet dot org"
/\bmathopenref\.com\b/i --> "math open ref dot com"
/\bconsumerreports\.org\b/i --> "consumer reports dot org"
/\bbeautyepic\.com\b/i --> "beauty epic dot com"
/\breverse\.mortgage\b/i --> "reverse dot mortgage"
/\bnicholassabalos\.tumblr\.com\b/i --> "nicholas sabalos dot tumbler dot com"
/\bpurrsngrrs\.com\b/i --> "purrs n gers dot com"
/\bwhat-do-turtles-eat\.info\b/i --> "what do turtles eat dot info"
/\bmapsofworld\.com\b/i --> "maps of world dot com"
/\bmommysavers\.com\b/i --> "mommy savers dot com"
/\bacaai\.org\b/i --> "ACAAI dot org"
/\bthevietnamwar\.info\b/i --> "the vietnam war dot info"
/\bratwhisperer\.net\b/i --> "rat whisperer dot net"
/\btraveltips\.usatoday\.com\b/i --> "travel tips dot usa today dot com"
/\barticles\.mercola\.com\b/i --> "articles dot mercola dot com"
/\busbones\.com\b/i --> "U S bones dot com"
/\bthenaturalhomeschool\.com\b/i --> "the natural homeschool dot com"
/\bkittyclysm\.com\b/i --> "kitty clism dot com"
/\bbugspray\.com\b/i --> "bug spray dot com"
/\bgetaway\.10best\.com\b/i --> "getaway dot 10 best dot com"
/\bforum\.wordreference\.com\b/i --> "forum dot wordreference dot com"
/\bspaceplace\.nasa\.gov\b/i --> "space place dot nasa dot gov"
/\bnaturalherbsclinic\.com\b/i --> "natural herbs clinic dot com"
/\bempireboobookitty\.com\b/i --> "empire booboo kitty dot com"
/\bdeveloper\.amazon\.com\b/i --> "developer dot amazon dot com"
/\bhiggypop\.com\b/i --> "higgy pop dot com"
/\bepainassist\.com\b/i --> "E pain assist dot com"
/\blethow\.com\b/i --> "let how dot com"
/\bnydnrehab\.com\b/i --> "NYDN rehab dot com"
/\btequilaknight\.com\b/i --> "tequila knight dot com"
/\blotusweddings\.net\b/i --> "lotus weddings dot net"
/\bwholefoodsmarket\.com\b/i --> "wholefoods market dot com"
/\bbiovitallabs\.com\b/i --> "bio vital labs dot com"
/\bblog\.pawstruck\.com\b/i --> "blog dot paw struck dot com"
/\bwebmd\.com\b/i --> "web md dot com"
/\bnthword\.com\b/i --> "nth word dot com"
/\bpetazi\.com\b/i --> "pet A Z I dot com"
/\bpremierphysiciannet\.com\b/i --> "premier physician net dot com"
/\bhypertextbook\.com\b/i --> "hyper text book dot com"
/\bwedrawanimals\.com\b/i --> "we draw animals dot com"
/\bblog\.seattlepi\.com\b/i --> "blog dot seattle pi dot com"
/\bus-mattress\.com\b/i --> "U S mattress dot com"
/\bthegardenissue\.com\b/i --> "the garden issue dot com"
/\bburiedtreasurefossils\.com\b/i --> "buried treasure fossils dot com"
/\baerlawgroup\.com\b/i --> "A E R law group dot com"
/\bign\.com\b/i --> "I G N dot com"
/\bmostextreme\.org\b/i --> "most extreme dot org"
/\bblog\.oxforddictionaries\.com\b/i --> "blog dot oxford dictionaries dot com"
/\btop10species\.org\b/i --> "top 10 species dot org"
/\bwaynesword\.palomar\.edu\b/i --> "waynes word dot palomar dot edu"
/\bconstitutioncenter\.org\b/i --> "constitution center dot org"
/\bexamples\.yourdictionary\.com\b/i --> "examples dot your dictionary dot com"
/\bclearblue\.com\b/i --> "clear blue dot com"
/\bherb\.co\b/i --> "herb dot co"
/\bsnowdog\.guru\b/i --> "snow dog dot guru"
/\bcatological\.com\b/i --> "\e/+k@.r6o&U.'lA.d&ZI.kl%)\e/+ dot com"
/\bstudentaid\.ed\.gov\b/i --> "student aid dot ED dot gov"
/\bworldpopulationreview\.com\b/i --> "world population review dot com"
/\baskdoctork\.com\b/i --> "ask doctor k dot com"
/\bthemagnesiummiracle\.com\b/i --> "the magnesium miracle dot com"
/\brhitrition\.com\b/i --> "retrition dot com"
/\bwho\.int\b/i --> "who dot int"
/\bourplnt\.com\b/i --> "our plnt dot com"
/\beatyourbooks\.com\b/i --> "eat your books dot com"
/\bbabydotdot\.com\b/i --> "baby dot dot dot com"
/\bshare\.upmc\.com\b/i --> "share dot UPMC dot com"
/\bdogscatspets\.org\b/i --> "dogs cats pets dot org"
/\bnprillinois\.org\b/i --> "npr illinois dot org"
/\banimaltalk\.co\.za\b/i --> "animal talk dot co dot ZA"
/\bthehamsterplace\.com\b/i --> "the hamster place dot com"
/\bhealthyeating\.sfgate\.com\b/i --> "healthy eating dot sf gate dot com"
/\bhealth\.blurtit\.com\b/i --> "health dot blurt it dot com"
/\bchilipeppermadness\.com\b/i --> "chili pepper madness dot com"
/\bpocketpitbull\.com\b/i --> "pocket pitbull dot com"
/\bboraxforfleas\.com\b/i --> "borax for fleas dot com"
/\btxlotteryx\.com\b/i --> "tx lottery x dot com"
/\bexcellentwebworld\.com\b/i --> "excellent web world dot com"
/\bdol\.gov\b/i --> "D O L dot gov"
/\bnaturalsolutionsmag\.com\b/i --> "natural solutions mag dot com"
#the following metafilter rules need to be in this order:
/\bask\.metafilter\.com\b/i --> "ask dot metafilter dot com"
/\bmetafilter\.com\b/i --> "meta filter dot com"
/\blangfocus\.com\b/i --> "lang focus dot com"
/\bpetgearlab\.com\b/i --> "pet gear lab dot com"
/\bhealthylivingsecret\.com\b/i --> "healthy living secret dot com"
/\bantfarm\.wikia\.com\b/i --> "ant farm dot wikia dot com"
/\bchabad\.org\b/i --> "\e/+S$.bAd\e/+ dot org"
# Domain Names rdar://problem/48248035
/\bbyjus\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'ba&I.d&Zus\e/+ dot com"
/\bautofella\.com\b/i --> "auto fella dot com"
/\bgoodsuperfoods\.com\b/i --> "good superfoods dot com"
/\bodmove\.com\b/i --> "O D move dot com"
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/\bdogfriendlyfood\.com\b/i --> "dog friendly food dot com"
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/\bworldofpuppies\.com\b/i --> "world of puppies dot com"
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/\bscdhec\.gov\b/i --> "S C D H E C dot gov"
/\bjessicaseinfeld\.com\b/i --> "jessica seinfeld dot com"
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/\bguinnessworldrecords\.com\b/i --> "guinness world records dot com"
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/\balexhirsch\.blogspot\.com\b/i --> "alex hirsch dot blogspot dot com"
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/\bhealth\.bastyr\.edu\b/i --> "health dot \e/+b@.'stiR+\e/+ dot E D U"
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dot com"
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/\bnutritionadvance\.com\b/i --> "nutrition advance dot com"
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/\bliveboldandbloom\.com\b/i --> "live bold and bloom dot com"
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/\bwwf\.panda\.org\b/i --> "W W F dot panda dot org"
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/\bhomeguides\.sfgate\.com\b/i --> "home guides dot S F gate dot com"
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/\bthinkofpuppy\.com\b/i --> "think of puppy dot com"
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/\btoolazine\.com\b/i --> "toolazine dot com"
/\bglutenfreesociety\.org\b/i --> "gluten free society dot org"
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/\bprimcousa\.com\b/i --> "primco U S A dot com"
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/\bpolitifact\.com\b/i --> "\e/+p$.'lI.r6I\e/+ fact dot com"
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/\bbuzzaboutbees\.net\b/i --> "buzz about bees dot net"
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/\bwhatdotadpoleseat\.info\b/i --> "what do tadpoles eat dot info"
/\bag\.ndsu\.edu\b/i --> "A G dot N D S U dot E D U"
/\bwhatcanguineapigseat\.com\b/i --> "what can guinea pigs eat dot com"
/\bjourneybeyondtravel\.com\b/i --> "journey beyond travel dot com"
/\bcanyoufreeze\.com\b/i --> "can you freeze dot com"
/\bsimplypets\.com\b/i --> "simply pets dot com"
/\bpaypervids\.com\b/i --> "pay per vids dot com"
/\bdarkenergydetectives\.org\b/i --> "dark energy detectives dot org"
/\behealthforum\.com\b/i --> "E healthforum dot com"
/\benotes\.com\b/i --> "E notes dot com"
/\bkids\.kiddle\.co\b/i --> "kids dot kiddle dot C O"
/\btarladalal\.com\b/i --> "tarla \e/+d$.'lAl\e/+ dot com"
/\bnaturallivingideas\.com\b/i --> "natural living ideas dot com"
/\bdubaiqa\.com\b/i --> "dubai Q A dot com"
/\btheblast\.com\b/i --> "the blast dot com"
/\bfood-drink\.blurtit\.com\b/i --> "food drink dot blurt it dot com"
/\btodaynetworth\.com\b/i --> "today net worth dot com"
/\bpuphow\.com\b/i --> "pup how dot com"
/\bshmoop\.com\b/i --> "shmoop dot com"
/\bcountryliving\.com\b/i --> "country living dot com"
/\brealclearpolitics\.com\b/i --> "real clear politics dot com"
/\bsleepaidguide\.com\b/i --> "sleep aid guide dot com"
/\bweatherwizkids\.com\b/i --> "weather wiz kids dot com"
/\bwakethewolves\.com\b/i --> "wake the wolves dot com"
/\bglobalcarsbrands\.com\b/i --> "global cars brands dot com"
/\be-auto\.tv\b/i --> "E auto dot T V"
/\bcookingontheweekends\.com\b/i --> "cooking on the weekends dot com"
/\bmountainroseherbs\.com\b/i --> "mountain rose herbs dot com"
/\bsimplelifeandhome\.com\b/i --> "simple life and home dot com"
/\bods\.od\.nih\.gov\b/i --> "O D S dot O D dot N I H dot gov"
/\bpawcastle\.com\b/i --> "paw castle dot com"
/\blittlehouseliving\.com\b/i --> "little house living dot com"
/\bmyenglishpages\.com\b/i --> "my english pages dot com"
/\bzachry6thscience\.weebly\.com\b/i --> "zachary 6th science dot weebly dot
/\bthestayathomechef\.com\b/i --> "the stay at home chef dot com"
/\bmedlifeweb\.com\b/i --> "med life web dot com"
/\barticlebio\.com\b/i --> "article bio dot com"
/\ben\.wikipedia\.org\b/i --> "E N dot wikipedia dot org"
/\bkidzfeed\.com\b/i --> "kids feed dot com"
/\bwhichcountryinfo\.com\b/i --> "which country info dot com"
/\banitasnotebook\.com\b/i --> "anita's notebook dot com"
/\barticles\.latimes\.com\b/i --> "articles dot L A times dot com"
/\bsprinklesandsprouts\.com\b/i --> "sprinkles and sprouts dot com"
/\bushotstuff\.com\b/i --> "U S hot stuff dot com"
/\bdailydot\.com\b/i --> "daily dot dot com"
/\bpetponder\.com\b/i --> "pet ponder dot com"
/\bfansided\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+ dot com"
/\bkittycatter\.com\b/i --> "kitty catter dot com"
/\bscienceabc\.com\b/i --> "science A B C dot com"
/\bcodewod\.com\b/i --> "code W O D dot com"
/\bgoingtotehran\.com\b/i --> "going to tehran dot com"
/\bblog\.epa\.gov\b/i --> "blog dot E P A dot gov"
/\bmessymob\.com\b/i --> "messy mob dot com"
/\brachaelray\.com\b/i --> "rachael ray dot com"
/\bhappyhomefairy\.com\b/i --> "happy home fairy dot com"
/\bbuff\.ly\b/i --> "buff dot L Y"
/\ballgallbladdersymptoms\.com\b/i --> "all gallbladder symptoms dot com"
/\blearnaboutnature\.com\b/i --> "learn about nature dot com"
/\bbuyultramonline\.net\b/i --> "buy ultram online dot net"
/\brecipes\.mercola\.com\b/i --> "recipes dot mercola dot com"
/\bmauijungalow\.com\b/i --> "maui jungalow dot com"
/\bthehappierhomemaker\.com\b/i --> "the happier homemaker dot com"
/\bthetrendspotter\.net\b/i --> "the trend spotter dot net"
/\bhowtodoright\.com\b/i --> "how to do right dot com"
/\bgretchensbakery\.com\b/i --> "gretchen's bakery dot com"
/\bibtimes\.com\b/i --> "I B times dot com"
/\bgobankingrates\.com\b/i --> "go banking rates dot com"
/\bscijinks\.gov\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&I.d&ZInKs\e/+ dot gov"
/\bwalkingwillow\.tumblr\.com\b/i --> "walking willow dot tumblr dot com"
/\bcsmonitor\.com\b/i --> "C S monitor dot com"
/\bcakedutchess\.net\b/i --> "cake dutchess dot net"
/\bcaseydilworth\.com\b/i --> "casey dilworth dot com"
/\bsimplyrecipes\.com\b/i --> "simply recipes dot com"
/\bpethealthandcare\.com\b/i --> "pet health and care dot com"
/\bbindingofisaacrebirth\.gamepedia\.com\b/i --> "binding of isaac rebirth dot
gamepedia dot com"
/\bfattofitfarm\.com\b/i --> "fat to fit farm dot com"
/\bmakesauerkraut\.com\b/i --> "make sauerkraut dot com"
/\bcybercemetery\.unt\.edu\b/i --> "cyber cemetery dot U N T dot E D U"
/\bcuriosityaroused\.com\b/i --> "curiosity aroused dot com"
/\ballaboutdrawings\.com\b/i --> "all about drawings dot com"
/\biswatermelongoodfordogs\.blogspot\.com\b/i --> "is watermelon good for dogs
dot blogspot dot com"
/\badvocacy\.britannica\.com\b/i --> "advocacy dot britannica dot com"
/\bmetaphoricalplatypus\.com\b/i --> "metaphorical platypus dot com"
/\bdigital\.vpr\.net\b/i --> "digital dot V P R dot net"
/\bmerckvetmanual\.com\b/i --> "merck vet manual dot com"
/\bseriouseats\.com\b/i --> "serious eats dot com"
/\bipfactly\.com\b/i --> "I P factly dot com"
/\bmerckmanuals\.com\b/i --> "merck manuals dot com"
/\bkatherinetallmadge\.com\b/i --> "katherine tallmadge dot com"
/\becsd-fl\.schoolloop\.com\b/i --> "E C S D F L dot school loop dot com"
/\bhousekaboodle\.com\b/i --> "house kaboodle dot com"
/\bperryponders\.com\b/i --> "perry ponders dot com"
/\ballstateanimalcontrol\.com\b/i --> "allstate animal control dot com"
/\btherenegadepharmacist\.com\b/i --> "the renegade pharmacist dot com"
/\bslanguide\.com\b/i --> "slang guide dot com"
/\bblog\.airsquirrels\.com\b/i --> "blog dot air squirrels dot com"
/\btrinityskitchen\.com\b/i --> "trinity's kitchen dot com"
/\blink\.springer\.com\b/i --> "link dot springer dot com"
/\blancaster\.unl\.edu\b/i --> "lancaster dot U N L dot E D U"
/\bbutterflywebsite\.com\b/i --> "butterfly website dot com"
/\beatbydate\.com\b/i --> "eat by date dot com"
/\bteacherspayteachers\.com\b/i --> "teachers pay teachers dot com"
/\bweliveinaflat\.com\b/i --> "we live in a flat dot com"
/\bucdintegrativemedicine\.com\b/i --> "U C D integrative medicine dot com"
/\bdimensionsinfo\.com\b/i --> "dimensions info dot com"
/\banimals\.onehowto\.com\b/i --> "animals dot one how to dot com"
/\bstrongestinworld\.com\b/i --> "strongest in world dot com"
/\banimalhub\.com\b/i --> "animal hub dot com"
/\bsaintsrow\.wikia\.com\b/i --> "saints row dot wikia dot com"
/\bestudentloan\.com\b/i --> "E student loan dot com"
/\bhowmanyarethere\.us\b/i --> "how many are there dot U S"
/\bgrandforksherald\.com\b/i --> "grand forks herald dot com"
/\bdogfriendlywales\.com\b/i --> "dog friendly wales dot com"
/\bwopetshop\.com\b/i --> "whoa pet shop dot com"
/\bgreatamericaneclipse\.com\b/i --> "great american eclipse dot com"
/\bhealthyandnaturalworld\.com\b/i --> "healthy and natural world dot com"
/\btheledger\.com\b/i --> "the ledger dot com"
/\btastessence\.com\b/i --> "taste essence dot com"
/\bcommonsensemedia\.org\b/i --> "common sense media dot org"
/\bwherelionsroam\.com\b/i --> "where lions roam dot com"
/\bsouthernnevadahealthdistrict\.org\b/i --> "southern nevada health district
dot org"
/\bonlinehamstercare\.com\b/i --> "online hamster care dot com"
/\bthelastamericanvagabond\.com\b/i --> "the last american vagabond dot com"
/\beurekaoflife\.blogspot\.in\b/i --> "eureka of life dot blogspot dot I N"
/\ben\.oxforddictionaries\.com\b/i --> "E N dot oxford dictionaries dot com"
/\bemojipedia\.org\b/i --> "emojipedia dot org"
/\bhowfastcanarun\.com\b/i --> "how fast can a run dot com"
/\bces-uusd-ca\.schoolloop\.com\b/i --> "C E S U U S D C A dot schoolloop dot
/\bdrivingtesttips\.biz\b/i --> "driving test tips dot biz"
/\bwanttoknowit\.com\b/i --> "want to know it dot com"
/\bianswerit\.org\b/i --> "i answer it dot org"
/\bbankofamericaroutingnumber\.com\b/i --> "bank of america routing number dot
/\bthesocietypages\.org\b/i --> "the society pages dot org"
/\bgeekhistory\.xyz\b/i --> "geek history dot X Y Z"
/\bknowtechie\.com\b/i --> "know techie dot com"
/\bprimehealthchannel\.com\b/i --> "prime health channel dot com"
/\bgetraccoonsout\.com\b/i --> "get raccoons out dot com"
/\bmediaexposed\.tumblr\.com\b/i --> "media exposed dot tumblr dot com"
/\bnaturallycuriouswithmaryholland\.wordpress\.com\b/i --> "naturally curious
with mary holland dot wordpress dot com"
/\bthebugsquad\.com\b/i --> "the bug squad dot com"
/\bamazing-space\.stsci\.edu\b/i --> "amazing space dot S T S C I dot E D U"
# more domain names, rdar://problem/50316129
/\bnih\.gov\b/i --> "N I H dot gov"

# more domain names: rdar://problem/52274202

/\baarp\.org\b/i --> "A A R P dot org"
/\bhnn\.us\b/i --> "H N N dot U S"
/\bipsnews\.net\b/i --> "I P S news dot net"
/\birs\.gov\b/i --> "I R S dot gov"
/\blatimes\.com\b/i --> "L A times dot com"
/\bloc\.gov\b/i --> "library of congress dot gov"
/\bmyfwc\.com\b/i --> "my F W C dot com"
/\bncregister\.com\b/i --> "N C register dot com"
/\bnybooks\.com\b/i --> "N Y books dot com"
/\bpnas\.org\b/i --> "P N A S dot org"
/\bprlog\.org\b/i --> "P R log dot org"
/\bstate\.nj\.us\b/i --> "state dot N J dot U S"
/\busda\.gov\b/i --> "U S D A dot gov"
/\bushistory\.org\b/i --> "U S history dot org"
/\bvrbo\.com\b/i --> "verbo dot com"
/\bwbur\.org\b/i --> "W B U R dot org"
/\baljazeera\.com\b/i --> "al jazeera dot com"
/\batlasobscura\.com\b/i --> "atlas obscura dot com"
/\bbiblehub\.com\b/i --> "bible hub dot com"
/\bbiblestudytools\.com\b/i --> "bible study tools dot com"
/\bbravotv\.com\b/i --> "bravo T V dot com"
/\bcarryonsizes\.com\b/i --> "carry on sizes dot com"
/\bcitylab\.com\b/i --> "city lab dot com"
/\bconsumerreports\.org\b/i --> "\e/+k$n.'su.m$R+_R+$.'pOR+ts\e/+ dot org" #
strange system dict entry for consumer-reports fires otherwise
/\bdeathpenaltyinfo\.org\b/i --> "death penalty info dot org"
/\bhp-lexicon\.org\b/i --> "H P lexicon dot org"
/\beatandrelish\.com\b/i --> "eat and relish dot com"
/\beurosport\.com\b/i --> "euro sport dot com"
/\bfindagrave\.com\b/i --> "find a grave dot com"
/\bfreerepublic\.com\b/i --> "free republic dot com"
/\bhedgehogcare101\.com\b/i --> "hedgehog care one oh one dot com"
/\bhotnewhiphop\.com\b/i --> "hot new hip hop dot com"
/\blisawallerrogers\.com\b/i --> "lisa waller rogers dot com"
/\bmedlineplus\.gov\b/i --> "med line plus dot gov"
/\bmissouribotanicalgarden\.org\b/i --> "missouri botanical garden dot org"
/\bohiohistorycentral\.org\b/i --> "ohio history central dot org"
/\bphillipsandthomas\.com\b/i --> "phillips and thomas dot com"
/\bredorbit\.com\b/i --> "red orbit dot com"
/\brottentomatoes\.com\b/i --> "rotten tomatoes dot com"
/\bsacred-texts\.com\b/i --> "sacred texts dot com"
/\bsandiegouniontribune\.com\b/i --> "san diego union tribune dot com"
/\bsarahockwell-smith\.com\b/i --> "sarah ockwell smith dot com"
/\bsciencemag\.org\b/i --> "science mag dot org"
/\bsmithsonianmag\.com\b/i --> "smithsonian mag dot com"
/\bsmokegears\.com\b/i --> "smoke gears dot com"
/\bstereogum\.com\b/i --> "stereo gum dot com"
/\bthebohochica\.com\b/i --> "the boho chica dot com"
/\btheboot\.com\b/i --> "the boot dot com"
/\bthecut\.com\b/i --> "the cut dot com"
/\bthepennyhoarder\.com\b/i --> "the penny hoarder dot com"
/\btheselfsufficienthomeacre\.com\b/i --> "the self sufficient home acre dot
/\btouregypt\.net\b/i --> "tore egypt dot net"
/\btravelchinaguide\.com\b/i --> "travel china guide dot com"
/\bweforum\.org\b/i --> "W E forum dot org"
/\bdeutschebahn\.com\b/i --> "deutsche bon dot com"
/\bgeforce\.com\b/i --> "G force dot com"
/\bkamayojewelry\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+ jewelry dot com"
/\bomniglot\.com\b/i --> "omniglot dot com"
/\bpanynj\.gov\b/i --> "P A N Y N J dot gov"
/\bpolygon\.com\b/i --> "polygon dot com"
/\bsyfy\.com\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&I.fa&I\e/+ dot com"
/\byourirish\.com\b/i --> "your irish dot com"
/\bwolfram\.com\b/i --> "wolfram dot com"
/\bbet\.com\b/i --> "B E T dot com"

# Domain Names: rdar://problem/38075580

#/\.mil\b/i --> " dot mil"
/\.tv\b/i --> " dot T V"
#/\.co\b/i --> " dot co"
#/\.ly\b/i --> " dot lee"
#/\.biz\b/i --> " dot \e/+'bIz\e/+"
/\.pix\b/i --> " dot picks"

# rdar://problem/45307790 (workaround for nora 167, 166, aaron 092)

/(\bOK|\bOkay),? I will send this\b/i --> "OK, I will send \e/+TIs\e/+"

/(?<=\bStarting route )to(?= (\e\\tn=normal\\)?Infinite)/i --> "\e/+tu\e/+" #

workaround for nora 166, 167: rdar://54842992

/\bwa alaykum as[-\s]?salam\b/i --> "\e/+wA.'le&I.kUm_@.sA.'lAm\e/+"

#dalAlSalamAleykoum <rdar://problem/54806730> dalAlSalamAleykoum implementation for

# Keep these rules here, in this order; temporary workaround for rdar://57760232
fix neural blabbering. PR 3506/overview?commentId=4640486
/\bsupercalifragilisticexpialidocious\b/i -->
"\e/+'su.p$R+.'k@.l$.'fR+@.d&Z$.'lI.stI.kEk.spi.@.l$.'do&U.S$s\e/+" # replacing
with phones to prevent truncation/spelling by the last rule in this block
/([a-z])\1{3,}/i --> "$1$1" # takes sequences of 4+ repititions of the same
letter and replaces with two reptitions. 3+ is too dangerous, ex XXXTentacion.
/\b([a-z]{30})[a-z]+\b/i --> "\e\\tn=spell\\ $1 \e\\tn=orth\\" #
rdar://57760232 fix neural blabbering. Should truncate to 30, then spell.
Truncating because 40+ characters can sometimes fail to be spelled.
# end workaround block #

# Luthor Pron List

/\bAlbert Bryan\b/ --> "\e/+'@l.b$R+t.'bR+a&I.n%)\e/+"
/\bAlyse Galvin\b/ --> "\e/+$.'lis.'g@l.vIn\e/+"
/\bAndria Tupola\b/ --> "\e/+'@n.dR+i.$.tu.'po&U.l$\e/+"
/\bBryan Holder\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+a&I.n%).'ho&Ul.d$R+\e/+"
/\bByron Mallott\b/ --> "\e/+'ba&I.R+n%).m$.'lAt\e/+"
/\bCare Clift\b/ --> "\e/+'kER+.'klIft\e/+"
/\bCooper Nye\b/ --> "\e/+'ku.p$R+.'na&I\e/+"
/\bCort VanOstran\b/ --> "\e/+'kOR+t.v@n.'Os.tR+n%)\e/+"
/\bDebra Call\b/ --> "\e/+'dE.bR+$.'kOl\e/+"
/\bDenny Wolff\b/ --> "\e/+''wUlf\e/+"
/\bGlenn Thompson\b/ --> "\e/+'glEn.'\e/+"
/\bGregg Mele\b/ --> "\e/+'gR+Eg.'\e/+"
/\bJasen Wunder\b/ --> "\e/+'d&Ze&'w^n.d$R+\e/+"
/\bJeff Sessions\b/ --> "\e/+'d&ZEf.'sES.n%)z\e/+"
/\bKen Mapp\b/ --> "\e/+'kEn.'m@p\e/+"
/\bKenneth Mapp\b/i --> "\e/+'kE.nIT_'m@p\e/+"
/\bLih Young\b/ --> "\e/+'li.'j^nK\e/+"
/\bMarc Friedenberg\b/ --> "\e/+'mAR+k.'fR+i.dn%).bE0g\e/+"
/\bMat Tomkowiak\b/ --> "\e/+'m@t#tAm.'ko&\e/+"
/\bMazie Hirono\b/ --> "\e/+'me&I.zi.hI.'R+o&\e/+"
/\bMillin Young\b/ --> "\e/+'mI.ln%).'j^nK\e/+"
/\bRichard Lion\b/ --> "\e/+'R+I.t&S$R+d.'la&I.n%)\e/+"
/\bRobert Crook\b/ --> "\e/+'R+A.b$R+t.'kR+Uk\e/+"
/\bSan Nicolas\b/ --> "\e/+s@n.'nI.k$.l$s\e/+"
/\bShantel Krebs\b/ --> "\e/+S@n.'tEl.'kR+Ebz\e/+"
/\bSharice Davids\b/ --> "\e/+S$.'R+is.'de&I.vIdz\e/+"
/\bSid Hill\b/ --> "\e/+'sId.'hIl\e/+"
/\bTalley Sergent\b/ --> "\e/+''sAR+.d&Zn%)t\e/+"
/\bThomas Oh\b/ --> "\e/+'tA.m$s.'o&U\e/+"
/\bZachary Burd\b/ --> "\e/+'z@.k$R+.i.'bE0d\e/+"
/\b101 Dalmatians\b/ --> "\e/+$.'h^n.dR+I.dn%).'w^n.d@l.'me&I.Sn%)z\e/+"
/\b20th Century Fox\b/i --> "\e/+'$T_'sEn.t&S$.R+i_'fAks\e/+"
/\b2 Bros\b/ --> "\e/+'tu.'bR+o&Uz\e/+"
/\b2er0 Pati3nce - EP\b/ --> "\e/+'ziR+.o&U.'pe&I.Sn%)s.i.'pi\e/+"
/\b3 Italia\b/ --> "\e/+'TR+i.I.'tAl.j$\e/+"
/\bA\.J\. Allmendinger\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I.d&Ze&I.'$R+\e/+"
/\bABC News\b/ --> "\e/+e&'nuz\e/+"
/\bA Msterdamn\b/ --> "\e/+'$R+.d@m\e/+"
/\bA R I Z O N A\b/ --> "\e/+'@.R+I.'zo&U.n$\e/+"
/\bAaron Altherr\b/ --> "\e/+'E.R+n%).Ol.'tER+\e/+"
/\bAberdeen Proving Ground\b/ --> "\e/+'@.b$R+.din.'pR+u.vInK.'gR+a&Und\e/+"
/\bAbraham Lincoln\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I.bR+$.h@m.'\e/+"
/\bAbu Nidal\b/ --> "\e/+$.'bu.nI.'dAl\e/+"
/\bAcklins Island\b/ --> "\e/+'@.kln%)z.'a&I.ln%)d\e/+"
/\bAdam Henrique\b/ --> "\e/+'@.d$m.'hEn.R+ik\e/+"
/\bAddis Ababa\b/ --> "\e/+'@.dIs.$.'bA.b$\e/+"
/\bAdmiralty Division\b/ --> "\e/+'@d.m$R+.l%).ti.dI.'vI.Zn%)\e/+"
/\bAdobe Persuasion\b/ --> "\e/+$.'do&$R+.'swe&I.Zn%)\e/+"
/\bAdobe Photoshop\b/ --> "\e/+$.'do&'fo&\e/+"
/\bAdolf Hitler\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I.dAlf.'hIt.l$R+\e/+"
/\bAdrian Beltre\b/ --> "\e/+'e&I.dR+i.n%).'bEl.'tR+e&I\e/+"
/\bAdult Education\b/ --> "\e/+$.'d^lt.E.d&Z$.'ke&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bAdvanced Micro Devices\b/ --> "\e/+@d.v@nst.'ma&I.kR+o&U.dI.'va&I.sIz\e/+"
/\bAdvanced Technology\b/ --> "\e/+@d.'v@nst.tEk.'nA.l$.d&Zi\e/+"
/\bAgua Fria\b/ --> "\e/+'$.'fR+i.$\e/+"
/\bAgusan del Sur\b/ --> "\e/+''sUR+\e/+"
/\bAgust D\b/ --> "\e/+'A.g$st.'di\e/+"
/\bAhura Mazda\b/ --> "\e/+$.'hE0.$.'mAz.d$\e/+"
/\bAir Canada\b/ --> "\e/+'ER+.'k@.n$.d$\e/+"
/\bAir Force One\b/ --> "\e/+'ER+.'fOR+s.'w^n\e/+"
/\bAir New Zealand\b/ --> "\e/+'ER+.'nu.'zi.ln%)d\e/+"
/\bAirborne Division\b/ --> "\e/+'ER+.bOR+n.dI.'vI.Zn%)\e/+"
/\bAl Hayat\b/ --> "\e/+'Al.'ha&I.At\e/+"
/\bAl Mafraq\b/ --> "\e/+@l.'mA.fR+Ak\e/+"
/\bAlain Prost\b/ --> "\e/+$.'l@n.'pR+Ast\e/+"
/\bAlaska Air\b/ --> "\e/+$.'$.'ER+\e/+"
/\bAlaska Airlines\b/ --> "\e/+$.'$.'\e/+"
/\bAlaska Communications\b/ --> "\e/+$.'$.k$.'mju.nI.'ke&I.Sn%)z\e/+"
/\bAlbanian Orthodox\b/ --> "\e/+@l.'be&'OR+.T$.dAks\e/+"
/\bAlcoholics Anonymous\b/ --> "\e/+@l.k$.'hA.lIk.s$.'nA.n$.m$s\e/+"
/\bAldus Persuasion\b/ --> "\e/+'Ol.d$s.p$R+.'swe&I.Zn%)\e/+"
/\bAleix Espargaró(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "\e/+'@.lIks.E.'spAR+.g$R+.o&U\e/+"
/\bAlejandro Villanueva\b/ --> "\e/+A.l$.'hAn.dR+o&$.nu.'e&I.v$\e/+"
/\bAleksander Barkov\b/ --> "\e/+@.lEk.'s@n.d$R+.'bAR+.kAv\e/+"
/\bAlex Stalock\b/ --> "\e/+'@.lEks.'ste&I.lAk\e/+"
/\bAlexander & Alexander\b/ --> "\e/+@.lIg.'z@n.d$R+.n%).@.lIg.'z@n.d$R+\e/+"
/\bAlexander & Baldwin\b/ --> "\e/+@.lIg.'z@n.d$R+.n%).'bOld.wIn\e/+"
/\bAlexander City\b/ --> "\e/+@.lIg.'z@n.d$R+.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bAlexander Hamilton Mutual\b/ --> "\e/+@.lIg.'z@n.d$R+.'
/\bAlexander Zverev\b/ --> "\e/+@.lIg.'z@n.d$R+.'zvER+.Ev\e/+"
/\bAli Baba\b/ --> "\e/+''bA.b$\e/+"
/\bAli Larter\b/ --> "\e/+''lAR+.t$R+\e/+"
/\bAll Saints\b/ --> "\e/+'Ol.'se&Ints\e/+"
/\bAll Star\b/ --> "\e/+'Ol.stAR+\e/+"
/\bAllen Iverson\b/ --> "\e/+'@.ln%).'a&I.v$\e/+"
/\bAlma Pramac\b/ --> "\e/+'Ol.m$.pR+$.'m@k\e/+"
/\bAlon Day\b/ --> "\e/+'@.ln%).'de&I\e/+"
/\bAmerican Airlines\b/ --> "\e/+$.''\e/+"
/\bAmerican Bandstand\b/ --> "\e/+$.''\e/+"
/\bAmerican Bell\b/ --> "\e/+$.''bEl\e/+"
/\bAmerican Brands\b/ --> "\e/+$.''bR+@ndz\e/+"
/\bAmerican Cancer Society\b/ --> "\e/+$.''k@n.s$R+.s$.'sa&I.
/\bAmerican Cyanamid\b/ --> "\e/+$.''@.n$.mId\e/+"
/\bAmerican Express\b/ --> "\e/+$.''spR+Es\e/+"
/\bAmerican Fork\b/ --> "\e/+$.''fOR+k\e/+"
/\bAmerican General\b/ --> "\e/+$.'$R+.l%)\e/+"
/\bAmerican Growth\b/ --> "\e/+$.''gR+o&UT\e/+"
/\bAmerican Heritage\b/ --> "\e/+$.''hER+.I.tId&Z\e/+"
/\bAmerican Idol\b/ --> "\e/+$.''a&I.dl%)\e/+"
/\bAmerican Indian\b/ --> "\e/+$.''In.di.n%)\e/+"
/\bAmerican Legion\b/ --> "\e/+$.''li.d&Zn%)\e/+"
/\bAmerican National\b/ --> "\e/+$.''n@.Sn%).l%)\e/+"
/\bAmerican Pension\b/ --> "\e/+$.''pEn.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bAmerican Red Cross\b/ --> "\e/+$.''R+Ed.'kR+Os\e/+"
/\bAmerican Revolution\b/ --> "\e/+$.'$.'lu.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bAmerican University\b/ --> "\e/+$.''vE0.sI.ti\e/+"
/\bAmerigo Vespucci\b/ --> "\e/+$.'mER+.I.go&U.vE.'spu.t&Si\e/+"
/\bAnadarko Petroleum\b/ --> "\e/+'@.n$.'dAR+.ko&U.p$.'tR+o&$m\e/+"
/\bAndehist DM NR Drops\b/ --> "\e/+'@n.d$.'hIst.'di.'Em.'En.'AR+.'dR+Aps\e/+"
/\bAndre Iguodala\b/ --> "\e/+'An.dR+e&I.'$.'dA.l$\e/+"
/\bAndrea Dovizioso\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$.do&U.vI.zi.'o&\e/+"
/\bAndrea Iannone\b/ --> "\e/+An.'dR+e&I.$.j$.'no&\e/+"
/\bAndrei Vasilevskiy\b/ --> "\e/+'An.dR+e&I.v@.z$.'\e/+"
/\bAndy Murray\b/i --> "\e/+'@n.di.'mE0.i\e/+"
/\bAngelique Kerber\b/ --> "\e/+@n.d&Z$.'lik#kE0.b$R+\e/+"
/\bAngry Birds\b/ --> "\e/+'@nK.gR+i.'bE0dz\e/+"
/\bAnn Arbor\b/ --> "\e/+'@.'nAR+.b$R+\e/+"
/\bAnne Arundel\b/ --> "\e/+@n.$.'R+^n.dl%)\e/+"
/\bAnodynos DHC\b/ --> "\e/'da&'si\e/+"
/\bAnti-Defamation League\b/ --> "\e/+'@n.ti.dE.f$.'me&I.Sn%).'lig\e/+"
/\bAntonio Giovinazzi\b/ --> "\e/+@n.'to&$n.'@.tzi\e/+"
/\bAppellate Division\b/ --> "\e/+$.'pE.lIt.dI.'vI.Zn%)\e/+"
/\bApple Park\b/ --> "\e/+''pAR+k\e/+"
/\bApple Store\b/ --> "\e/+''stOR+\e/+"
/\bApplied Materials\b/ --> "\e/+$.'pla&Id.m$.'tiR+.i.l%)z\e/+"
/\bAqib Talib\b/ --> "\e/+$.'kib.t$.'lib\e/+"
/\bArantxa Sánchez Vicario\b/ --> "\e/+$.'R+@nt.s$.'sAn.t&SEs.vI.'kAR+.i.o&U\e/
/\bArcher Daniels Midland\b/ --> "\e/+'AR+.t&S$R+.'d@n.jl%)z.'mId.ln%)d\e/+"
/\bAric Almirola\b/ --> "\e/+'E.R+Ik.@l.m$R+.'o&U.l$\e/+"
/\bArie Luyendyk\b/ --> "\e/+'AR+.i.'la&I.n%).da&Ik\e/+"
/\bArizona Cardinals\b/ --> "\e/+@.R+I.'zo&U.n$.'\e/+"
/\bArizona Diamondbacks\b/ --> "\e/+@.R+I.'zo&U.n$.'da&\e/+"
/\bArizona State\b/ --> "\e/+@.R+I.'zo&U.n$.'ste&It\e/+"
/\bArkansas Best\b/ --> "\e/+''sO.'bEst\e/+"
/\bArkansas City\b/ --> "\e/+AR+.'k@n.z$s.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bArlen Specter\b/ --> "\e/+'AR+.ln%).'spEk.t$R+\e/+"
/\bArmenian Orthodox\b/ --> "\e/+AR+.''OR+.T$.dAks\e/+"
/\bArmstrong World Industries\b/ --> "\e/+'AR+m.stR+OnK.'wE0ld.'In.d$.stR+iz\e/
/\bArodys Vizcaino\b/ --> "\e/+$.'R+o&U.dIs.vIz.ka&I.'\e/+"
/\bArrow Electronics\b/ --> "\e/+'@.R+o&U.I.lEk.'tR+A.nIks\e/+"
/\bArty Boy\b/ --> "\e/+'AR+.ti.'bO&I\e/+"
/\bAsbury Park\b/ --> "\e/+'@z.b$R+.i.'pAR+k\e/+"
/\bAshland Coal\b/ --> "\e/+'@S.ln%)d.'ko&Ul\e/+"
/\bAston Villa\b/ --> "\e/+'@.stn%).'vI.l$\e/+"
/\bAtlanta Falcons\b/ --> "\e/+'@t.'l@n.t$.'\e/+"
/\bAtlantic City\b/ --> "\e/+@t.l@n.tIk.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bAtlantic City Electric\b/ --> "\e/+@t.'l@n.tIk.'sI.ti.I.'lEk.tR+Ik\e/+"
/\bAtmos Energy\b/ --> "\e/+'@t.m$s.'E.n$R+.d&Zi\e/+"
/\bAtomic Energy Commission\b/ --> "\e/+$.'tA.mIk.'E.n$R+.d&Zi.k$.'mI.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bAttorney General\b/ --> "\e/+$.''d&ZE.n$R+.l%)\e/+"
/\bAu Bon Pain\b/ --> "\e/+'o&U.'bAn.'p@n\e/+"
/\bAung San Suu Kyi\b/ --> "\e/+'OnK.'sAn.'su.'t&Si\e/+"
/\bAuston Matthews\b/ --> "\e/+'O.stIn.'m@.Tjuz\e/+"
/\bAve Maria\b/ --> "\e/+'$R+.'i.$\e/+"
/\bAvogadro's number\b/ --> "\e/+A.v$.'gA.dR+o&Uz.'n^m.b$R+\e/+"
/\bAyn Rand\b/ --> "\e/+'a&In.'R+@nd\e/+"
/\bB\.B\. King\b/ --> "\e/+''kInK\e/+"
/\bBLQ Velvet - EP\b/ --> "\e/+'bl@k.'vEl.vIt.'i.'pi\e/+"
/\bBTS Cypher Pt\. 3 Killer\b/ -->
/\bBack Bay\b/ --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bBaldwin City\b/ --> "\e/+'bOld.wIn.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bBall State\b/i --> "\e/+'bOl_'ste&It\e/+"
/\bBaltimore Orioles\b/i --> "\e/+'bOl.tI.mOR+.'OR+.i.l%)z\e/+"
/\bBaltimore Ravens\b/i --> "\e/+'bOl.tI.mOR+.'R+e&\e/+"
/\bBaluchestan va Sistan\b/ --> "\e/+b$.lu.t&SI.'stAn.'vA.sI.'stAn\e/+"
/\bBan Ki-moon\b/ --> "\e/+''mun\e/+"
/\bBanana Republic\b/ --> "\e/+b$.'n@.n$.R+I.'p^.blIk\e/+"
/\bBank of Boston\b/ --> "\e/+'b@nKk.$v.'bO.stn%)\e/+"
/\bBank of England\b/ --> "\e/+'b@nKk.$v.'InK.gln%)d\e/+"
/\bBankart lesion\b/ --> "\e/+'b@nK.kAR+t.'li.Zn%)\e/+"
/\bBankruptcy Court\b/ --> "\e/+'b@nK.kR+$'kOR+t\e/+"
/\bBaptist Church\b/ --> "\e/+'b@p.tIst.'t&SE0t&S\e/+"
/\bBarack Obama\b/ --> "\e/+b$.'R+Ak.o&U.'bA.m$\e/+"
/\bBarnes & Noble\b/ --> "\e/+'bAR+n.zn%).'no&\e/+"
/\bBarnum & Bailey\b/ --> "\e/+'bAR+.n$m.n%).'be&\e/+"
/\bBascom Palmer\b/ --> "\e/+'$m.'pA.m$R+\e/+"
/\bBascom Palmer Eye Institute\b/ -->
/\bBasking Ridge\b/ --> "\e/+'b@.skInK_'R+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bBassett Furniture\b/ --> "\e/+'b@.sIt.'fE0.nI.t&S$R+\e/+"
/\bBaton Rouge\b/ --> "\e/+''R+uZ\e/+"
/\bBattle Creek\b/ --> "\e/+''kR+ik\e/+"
/\bBay Area\b/ --> "\e/+'be&I.'E.R+i.$\e/+"
/\bBay City\b/ --> "\e/+'be&I.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bBeacon Hill\b/ --> "\e/+''hIl\e/+"
/\bBear Lake\b/ --> "\e/+bER+.'le&Ik\e/+"
/\bBecton Dickinson\b/ --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\bBelle Isle\b/ --> "\e/+'bEl.'a&Il\e/+"
/\bBelo Horizonte\b/ --> "\e/+'bE.lo&U.hOR+.I.'zAn.ti\e/+"
/\bBen & Jerry's\b/ --> "\e/+'bEn.n%).'d&ZER+.iz\e/+"
/\bBen Affleck\b/ --> "\e/+'bE.'n@.flEk\e/+"
/\bBen Brixey\b/ --> "\e/+'bEn.'\e/+"
/\bBen Hur\b/ --> "\e/+'bEn.'hE0\e/+"
/\bBen Roethlisberger\b/ --> "\e/+'bEn.'R+AT.lIs.b$R+.g$R+\e/+"
/\bBenazir Bhutto\b/ --> "\e/+bE.n$.'zIR+.'\e/+"
/\bBent Creek\b/ --> "\e/+'bEnt.'kR+ik\e/+"
/\bBerkshire Gas\b/ --> "\e/+'bE0k.S$R+.'g@s\e/+"
/\bBerkshire Hathaway\b/ --> "\e/+'bE0k.S$R+.'h@.T$.we&I\e/+"
/\bBernard Tomic\b/ --> "\e/+b$R+.'nAR+d.tA.mIk\e/+"
/\bBernoulli Box\b/ --> "\e/+b$R+.''bAks\e/+"
/\bBertolt Brecht\b/ --> "\e/+''bR+Ekt\e/+"
/\bBest Buy\b/ --> "\e/+'bEst.'ba&I\e/+"
/(?<=\bBeto )O'Rourke\b/i --> "O \e/+R+O.R+k\e/+" # rdar://problem/56121722,
this improves nora 167/aaron 92 -- still not perfect
/\bBetter Business Bureau\b/ --> "\e/+'bE.t$R+.'bIz.nIs.'bjUR+.o&U\e/+"
/\bBhad Bhabie\b/ --> "\e/+'b@d.'be&\e/+"
/\bBig Bend\b/ --> "\e/+'bIg.'bEnd\e/+"
/\bBig Horn\b/ --> "\e/+'bIg.hOR+n\e/+"
/\bBig Journalism\b/ --> "\e/+'bIg.'d&$m\e/+"
/\bBig K\.R\.I\.T\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "\e/+'bIg.'kR+It\e/+"
/\bBig Sur\b/ --> "\e/+'bIg.'sE0\e/+"
/\bBill Clinton\b/ --> "\e/+'bIl.'\e/+"
/\bBill Cowley\b/ --> "\e/+'bIl.'ka&\e/+"
/\bBilly the Kid\b/ --> "\e/+'$.'kId\e/+"
/\bBiosense Webster\b/ --> "\e/+'ba&I.o&U.'sEn.'$R+\e/+"
/\bBlac Chyna\b/ --> "\e/+'bl@k.'t&Sa&I.n$\e/+"
/\bBlack Hills\b/ --> "\e/+'bl@k.hIlz\e/+"
/\bBlack Sheep\b/ --> "\e/+'bl@k.'Sip\e/+"
/\bBlarney Stone\b/ --> "\e/+''sto&Un\e/+"
/\bBlock Island\b/ --> "\e/+'blAk.'a&I.ln%)d\e/+"
/\bBlue Bottle\b/ --> "\e/+'blu.'\e/+"
/\bBlue Cross\b/ --> "\e/+'blu.kR+Os\e/+"
/\bBlue Jays\b/ --> "\e/+'blu.'d&Ze&Iz\e/+"
/\bBlue Ridge\b/ --> "\e/+'blu.R+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bBlue Shield\b/ --> "\e/+blu.'Sild\e/+"
/\bBlue Square\b/ --> "\e/+'blu.skwER+\e/+"
/\bBm Freeze\b/ --> "\e/+bi.Em.'fR+iz\e/+"
/\bBo Scarbrough\b/ --> "\e/+'bo&U.'skAR+.bR+o&U\e/+"
/\bBoard of Education\b/ --> "\e/+'bOR+.d$.'vE.d&Z$.'ke&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bBobby Clarke\b/ --> "\e/+''klAR+k\e/+"
/\bBoehringer Ingelheim\b/ --> "\e/+'bOR+.InK.$R+.'\e/+"
/\bBon Iver\b/ --> "\e/+'bo&'vER+\e/+"
/\bBone Thugs-N-Harmony\b/ --> "\e/+'bo&Un.'T^g.zn%).'\e/+"
/\bBooker T\. Washington\b/ --> "\e/+'bU.k$R+.'ti.'\e/+"
/\bBooks A Million\b/ --> "\e/+'bUks.$.'mIl.jn%)\e/+"
/\bBoot Camp\b/ --> "\e/+'but.'k@mp\e/+"
/\bBoris Becker\b/ --> "\e/+'bOR+.Is.'bE.k$R+\e/+"
/\bBorland C\+\+(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "\e/+'bOR+.ln%)^s.'pl^s\e/+"
/\bBosnian Serb\b/ --> "\e/+''sE0b\e/+"
/\bBossier City\b/ --> "\e/+''e&I.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bBoston Bruins\b/ --> "\e/+'bO.stn%).'bR+u.n%)z\e/+"
/\bBoston Celtics\b/ --> "\e/+'bO.stn%).'sEl.tIks\e/+"
/\bBoston College\b/ --> "\e/+'bO.stn%).'kA.lId&Z\e/+"
/\bBoston Common\b/ --> "\e/+'bA.stn%).'\e/+"
/\bBoston Marathon\b/ --> "\e/+'bO.stn%).'m@.R+$.TAn\e/+"
/\bBoston Red Sox\b/ --> "\e/+'bO.stn%).'R+Ed.'sAks\e/+"
/\bBoston University\b/ --> "\e/+'bO.stn%).ju.nI.'vE0.sI.ti\e/+"
/\bBoutros Boutros-Ghali\b/ --> "\e/+'bu.tR+o&Us.bu.tR+o&Us.'\e/+"
/\bBow Wow\b/ --> "\e/+'ba&U.'wa&U\e/+"
/\bBowmar Instrument\b/ --> "\e/+'bo&U.mAR+.'In.stR+$.mn%)t\e/+"
/\bBox Elder\b/ --> "\e/+'bAks.El.d$R+\e/+"
/\bBoynton Beach\b/ --> "\e/+'bO&'bit&S\e/+"
/\bBoys and Girls Club\b/ --> "\e/+'bO&Iz.n%).'gE0lz.'kl^b\e/+"
/\bBrad Keselowski\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+@d.kE.z$.'\e/+"
/\bBrad Pitt\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+@d.'pIt\e/+"
/\bBrandon Flowers\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+@n.dn%).'fla&U.$R+z\e/+"
/\bBrandon Systems\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+@n.dn%).'$mz\e/+"
/\bBrendan Gaughan\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+En.dn%).'gOn\e/+"
/\bBrenton Banks\b/ --> "\e/+''b@nKks\e/+"
/\bBrigham Young\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+I.g$m.'j^nK\e/+"
/\bBrigham and Women's Hospital\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+I.g$m.n%).''
/\bBritish Airways\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+I.tI.'SER+.'we&Iz\e/+"
/\bBroad Street\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+Od.'stR+it\e/+"
/\bBroc Parkes\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+Ak.'pAR+ks\e/+"
/\bBroncho Saline\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+AnK.ko&U.'se&I.lin\e/+"
/\bBronkaid Mist\b/ --> "\e/+''mIst\e/+"
/\bBrook Lopez\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+Uk.'lo&U.pEz\e/+"
/\bBrooklyn Bridge\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+U.kln%).'bR+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bBrooks & Dunn\b/ --> "\e/+''d^n\e/+"
/\bBrown University\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+a&Un.ju.nI.'vE0.sI.ti\e/+"
/\bBruce Bochy\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+us.'bo&U.t&Si\e/+"
/\bBruce Lee\b/ --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bBryn Mawr\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+In.'mAR+\e/+"
/\bBuca di Beppo\b/ --> "\e/+'bu.k$.dI.'bE.po&U\e/+"
/\bBuena Vista\b/ --> "\e/+'bwe&I.n$.'$\e/+"
/\bBuenos Aires\b/ --> "\e/+'bwe&'a&I.R+Es\e/+"
/\bBuffy the Vampire Slayer\b/ --> "\e/+'b^.fi.D$.''sle&I.$R+\e/+"
/\bBugs Bunny\b/ --> "\e/+'b^gz.'b^.ni\e/+"
/\bBulgarian Orthodox\b/ --> "\e/+b^l.'g@.R+i.n%).'OR+.T$.dAks\e/+"
/\bBunsen burner\b/ --> "\e/+'b^'bE0.n$R+\e/+"
/\bBurger King\b/ --> "\e/+'bE0.g$R+.'kInK\e/+"
/\bBurlington Coat Factory\b/ --> "\e/+''ko&Ut.'f@k.t$R+.i\e/+"
/\bBurlington County\b/ --> "\e/+''ka&Un.ti\e/+"
/\bBurnham Pacific\b/ --> "\e/+'bE0.n$m.p$.'sI.fIk\e/+"
/\bBurnham Pacific Properties\b/ --> "\e/+'bE0.n$m.p$.'sI.fIk.'pR+A.p$R+.tiz\e/
/\bBurnup & Sims\b/ --> "\e/+'bE0.n$p.n%).'sImz\e/+"
/\bBusta Rhymes\b/ --> "\e/+'b^.st$.'R+a&Imz\e/+"
/\bBuzzards Bay\b/ --> "\e/+'b^.z$R+dz.'be&I\e/+"
/\bBéla Bartók\b/ --> "\e/+'bE.l$.'bAR+.tAk\e/+"
/\bCC Sabathia\b/ --> "\e/+'si.'si.s$.'b@.Ti.$\e/+"
/\bCSX Transportation\b/ --> "\e/+si.Es.'Eks.tR+@n.sp$R+.'te&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bC cells\b/ --> "\e/+'si.sElz\e/+"
/\bCabbage Patch\b/ --> "\e/+'k@.bId&Z.'p@t&S\e/+"
/\bCable News Network\b/ --> "\e/+'ke&'nuz.'nEt.wE0k\e/+"
/\bCacklebery Campground\b/ --> "\e/+'k@.kl%).bER+.i.'k@mp.gR+a&Und\e/+"
/\bCal Ripken\b/ --> "\e/+'k@l.'\e/+"
/\bCalgary Flames\b/ --> "\e/+'k@l.g$R+.i.'fle&Imz\e/+"
/\bCalgary Stampeders\b/ --> "\e/+'k@l.g$.R+i.'st@m.'pi.d$R+z\e/+"
/\bCalifornia Reports Third\b/ --> "\e/+k@.lI.'fOR+.nj$.R+I.'pOR+ts.'TE0d\e/+"
/\bCalifornia Water Service\b/ --> "\e/+'k@.lI.'fOR+.nj$.'wO.t$R+.'sE0.vIs\e/+"
/\bCalvin Klein\b/ --> "\e/+'k@l.vIn.'kla&In\e/+"
/\bCamarines Sur\b/ --> "\e/+kA.m$.''sUR+\e/+"
/\bCamden County\b/ --> "\e/+'k@m.dn%).'ka&Un.ti\e/+"
/\bCamino Real\b/ --> "\e/+k$.''@l\e/+"
/\bCan Tho\b/ --> "\e/+'k@n.To&U\e/+"
/\bCanadian Pacific\b/ --> "\e/+k$.'ne&I.di.n%).p$.'sI.fIk\e/+"
/\bCannery Row\b/ --> "\e/+'k@.n$.R+i.'R+o&U\e/+"
/\bCannonball Adderley\b/ --> "\e/+'k@.nn%).bOl.'@.d$\e/+"
/\bCap Santé(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "\e/+'k@p.'sAn.te&I\e/+"
/\bCape Canaveral\b/ --> "\e/+'ke&Ip.k$.'n@.v$R+.l%)\e/+"
/\bCape Cod\b/ --> "\e/+ke&Ip.'kAd\e/+"
/\bCape Cod Today\b/ --> "\e/+'ke&Ip.'kAd.t$.'de&I\e/+"
/\bCape Coral\b/ --> "\e/+'ke&Ip.'kOR+.l%)\e/+"
/\bCape Hatteras\b/ --> "\e/+'ke&Ip.'h@.t$R+.$s\e/+"
/\bCapital City Bank\b/ --> "\e/+''sI.ti.'b@nKk\e/+"
/\bCapital Market\b/ --> "\e/+''mAR+.kIt\e/+"
/\bCapitol Hill\b/ --> "\e/+''hIl\e/+"
/\bCapone-E\b/ --> "\e/+k$.'po&Un#i\e/+"
/\bCar Talk\b/ --> "\e/+'kAR+.tOk\e/+"
/\bCarlos Sainz\b/ --> "\e/+'kAR+.lo&Us.'sa&Inz\e/+"
/\bCarlyle Real Estate\b/ --> "\e/+''R+i.lE.'ste&It\e/+"
/\bCarmen Jordá(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "\e/+'kAR+.mIn.'d&ZOR+.d$\e/+"
/\bCarnegie Mellon\b/ --> "\e/+'kAR+.n$.gi.'mE.ln%)\e/+"
/\bCarolina Panthers\b/ --> "\e/+k@.R+$.'la&I.n$.'p@n.T$R+z\e/+"
/\bCaroline Wozniacki\b/ --> "\e/+'k@.R+$.la&'\e/+"
/\bCarrot Top\b/ --> "\e/+'k@.R+$t.tAp\e/+"
/\bCarson City\b/ --> "\e/+''sI.ti\e/+"
/\bCarson Pirie Scott\b/ --> "\e/+''pIR+.i.'skAt\e/+"
/\bCartia XT\b/ --> "\e/+'kAR+.ti.$.Eks.'ti\e/+"
/\bCartoon Network\b/ --> "\e/+'kAR+.tun.'nEt.w$R+k\e/+"
/\bCascade Natural Gas\b/ --> "\e/+'k@.ske&Id_'n@.t&S$R+.l%)_'g@s\e/+"
/\bCase Western Reserve\b/ --> "\e/+'ke&Is.'$R+n.R+i.'zE0v\e/+"
/\bCasual Male\b/ --> "\e/+'k@.Zu.l%).'me&Il\e/+"
/\bCat Island\b/ --> "\e/+'k@t.'a&I.ln%)d\e/+"
/\bCat Islander\b/ --> "\e/+'k@t.'a&I.ln%).d$R+\e/+"
/\bAST Research\b/ --> "\e/+e&I.Es.'ti.'R+i.s$R+t&S\e/+"
/\bAcoustic Optimizer\b/ --> "\e/+$.'ku.stIk.'$R+\e/+"
/\bAkwa Tears\b/ --> "\e/+'$.'tiR+z\e/+"
/\bAl Munastir\b/ --> "\e/+'$.'stiR+\e/+"
/\bAmerican Maize Products\b/ --> "\e/+$.''me&Iz.'pR+A.d$kts\e/+"
/\bAmores Perros\b/ --> "\e/+$.'mOR+.e&Is.'pER+.o&Us\e/+"
/\bArcapta Neohaler\b/ --> "\e/+AR+.'k@p.t$.'ni.o&U.he&I.l$R+\e/+"
/\bAutoclave Engineers\b/ --> "\e/+'$.'niR+z\e/+"
/\bBT Pyramid Mutual\b/ --> "\e/+bi.'ti.'pIR+.$.mId.'mju.t&Su.l%)\e/+"
/\bBaldwin Piano & Organ\b/ --> "\e/+'bOld.wIn.pi.''\e/+"
/\bBarton Beers\b/ --> "\e/+''biR+z\e/+"
/\bBelle Fourche\b/ --> "\e/+bEl.'fuS\e/+"
/\bBlade Runner\b/ --> "\e/+'ble&Id.'R+^.n$R+\e/+"
/\bBoa Vista\b/ --> "\e/+'bo&U.$.'vis.t$\e/+"
/\bBrigadier General\b/ --> "\e/+bR+I.g$.'diR+.'d&ZE.n$R+.l%)\e/+"
/\bBronze Age\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+Anz.'e&Id&Z\e/+"
/\bBucyrus Erie\b/ --> "\e/+bju.'sa&I.R+$s.'iR+.i\e/+"
/\bCD-ROM Extensions\b/ --> "\e/+'si.di.'R+Am.Ek.'stEn.Sn%)z\e/+"
/\bCD-ROM XA\b/ --> "\e/+'si.di.'R+Am.Eks.'e&I\e/+"
/\bCPC Rexcel\b/ --> "\e/+si.pi.'si.'R+Ek.sEl\e/+"
/\bCRS Sirrine\b/ --> "\e/+si.AR+.'Es.s$R+.'in\e/+"
/\bCV Reit\b/ --> "\e/+si.'vi.'R+it\e/+"
/\bCalle 13\b/ --> "\e/+''tR+e&\e/+"
/\bCape Girardeau\b/ --> "\e/+'ke&Ip.d&ZI.'\e/+"
/\bCavalier Homes\b/ --> "\e/+k@.v$.'liR+.'ho&Umz\e/+"
/\bCenterior Energy\b/ --> "\e/+sEn.'tiR+.i.$R+.'E.n$R+.d&Zi\e/+"
/\bCentral African Republic\b/ --> "\e/+'sEn.tR+l%).'
/\bCharlotte Russe\b/ --> "\e/+'SAR+.l$t.'R+us\e/+"
/\bChatham Islands\b/ --> "\e/+'t&S@.t$m.'a&I.ln%)dz\e/+"
/\bChevrolet Blazer\b/ --> "\e/+'SEv.R+$.le&I.'ble&I.z$R+\e/+"
/\bChevy Blazer\b/ --> "\e/+''ble&I.z$R+\e/+"
/\bCincinnati Reds\b/ --> "\e/'@.ti.'R+Edz\e/+"
/\bCirrus Logic\b/ --> "\e/+'sIR+.$s.'lA.d&ZIk\e/+"
/\bCiudad Bolivar\b/ --> "\e/+''li.vAR+\e/+"
/\bClear Channel Communications\b/ --> "\e/+'kliR+.'t&
/\bClear Eyes\b/ --> "\e/+'kliR+.'a&Iz\e/+"
/\bCleveland Cavaliers\b/ --> "\e/+'kliv.ln%)d.k@.v$.'liR+z\e/+"
/\bCodiclear DH\b/ --> "\e/+'ko&U.dI.kliR+.di.'e&It&S\e/+"
/\bCommerce Clearing House\b/ --> "\e/+'kA.m$R+s.'kliR+.InK.'ha&Us\e/+"
/\bContinental Materials\b/ --> "\e/+kAn.tI.'$.'tiR+.i.l%)z\e/+"
/\bCounty Superior Court\b/ --> "\e/+'ka&Un.ti.s$.'piR+.i.$R+.'kOR+t\e/+"
/\bCoveyridge\b/ --> "\e/+'k^.vi_R+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bCrazy Eddie\b/ --> "\e/+'kR+e&I.zi.'E.di\e/+"
/\bCredit Mobilier\b/ --> "\e/+''e&I\e/+"
/\bCzech Republic\b/ --> "\e/+'t&SEk.R+I.'p^.blIk\e/+"
/\bDVD Studio Pro\b/ --> "\e/'di.'stu.di.o&U.'pR+o&U\e/+"
/\bDavante Adams\b/ --> "\e/+d$.'vAn.te&I.'@.d$mz\e/+"
/\bDe Beers Consolidated Mines\b/ --> "\e/+d$.'
/\bDeere & Company\b/ --> "\e/+'diR+.n%).'k^m.p$.ni\e/+"
/\bDemocratic Republic\b/ --> "\e/+dE.m$.'kR+@.tIk.R+I.'p^.blIk\e/+"
/\bDepartment of Public Utilities\b/ --> "\e/+dI.'
/\bDepartment of the Interior\b/ --> "\e/+dI.'$v.Di.In.'tiR+.i.
/\bDeputy Director\b/ --> "\e/+'dE.pj$.ti.dI.'R+Ek.t$R+\e/+"
/\bDies Irae\b/ --> "\e/+'di.Es.'iR+.e&I\e/+"
/\bDirect Action Marketing\b/ --> "\e/+dI.'R+Ekt.'@k.Sn%).'mAR+.kI.tInK\e/+"
/\bDizzy Gillespie\b/ --> "\e/+'dI.zi.g$.'lEs.pi\e/+"
/\bDnF featuring Drake and Future\b/ --> "\e/+di.n
/\bDoberman pinscher\b/ --> "\e/+'do&U.b$'pIn.t&S$R+\e/+"
/\bDoberman pinschers\b/ --> "\e/+'do&U.b$'pIn.t&S$R+z\e/+"
/\bDragon NaturallyOrganized\b/ --> "\e/+'$.li.'
/\bDragon NaturallySpeaking Preferred\b/ --> "\e/+''n@.t&SR+
/\bDreyfus Premier\b/ --> "\e/+'dR+e&I.f$s.pR+I.'miR+\e/+"
/\bDuke University\b/ --> "\e/+'duk.ju.nI.'vE0.sI.ti\e/+"
/\bDurasphere TM\b/ --> "\e/+'dUR+.$.sfiR+.ti.'Em\e/+"
/\bEarhart Amelia Eagle\b/ --> "\e/+'ER+.hAR+t.$.'mil.j$.'\e/+"
/\bEric B\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "\e/+'E.R+Ik.'bi\e/+"
/\bErie Lackawanna\b/ --> "\e/+'iR+.i.l@.k$.'wA.n$\e/+"
/\bEspirito Santo\b/ --> "\e/+E.'spI.R+I.tu.'sAn.tu\e/+"
/\bExecutive Director\b/ --> "\e/+Eg.'zE.kj$.tIv.dI.'R+Ek.t$R+\e/+"
/\bFWC Big Key\b/ --> "\e/+'Ef.'d^.bl%).'ju.'si.'bIg.'ki\e/+"
/\bFaZe Tfue\b/ --> "\e/+'fe&Iz.t$.'fu\e/+"
/\bFederal Communications Commission\b/ --> "\e/+'fE.d$R+.l
/\bFirsTier Bank\b/ --> "\e/+'fE0s.tiR+.'b@nKk\e/+"
/\bFirst Presbyterian Church\b/ --> "\e/+'fE0st.pR+Ez.b$.'tiR+.i.n
/\bFirst Republic\b/ --> "\e/+'fE0st.R+I.'p^.blIk\e/+"
/\bForadil Aerolizer\b/ --> "\e/+'fOR+.$.dIl.'E.R+o&$R+\e/+"
/\bFord Cab\b/ --> "\e/+'fOR+d.'k@b\e/+"
/\bGear Diary\b/ --> "\e/+'giR+.'da&I.$.R+i\e/+"
/\bGlaserian fissure\b/ --> "\e/+gl@.'siR+.i.n%).'fI.S$R+\e/+"
/\bGoodyear Tire & Rubber\b/ --> "\e/+'gUd.jiR+.'ta&IR+.n%).'R+^.b$R+\e/+"
/\bGorzow Wielkopolski\b/ --> "\e/+'gOR+.Zuf.vjil.k$.'\e/+"
/\bHanover Direct\b/ --> "\e/+'$R+.dI.'R+Ekt\e/+"
/\bHerencia de Patrones\b/ --> "\e/+ER+.'$.de&I.p$.'tR+o&\e/+"
/\bHillary Rodham Clinton\b/ --> "\e/+'hI.l$.R+i.'R+A.d$m.'\e/+"
/\bHip-Hop Wired\b/ --> "\e/+'hIp.hAp.'wa&IR+d\e/+"
/\bHiro 88\b/ --> "\e/+'hIR+.o&U.'e&I.ti.e&It\e/+"
/\bHoly Roman Empire\b/ --> "\e/+'ho&'R+o&'\e/+"
/\bHouse Republicans\b/ --> "\e/+'ha&Us.R+I.'p^\e/+"
/\bIncredible Hulk\b/ --> "\e/+In.''h^lk\e/+"
/\bInterior Department\b/ --> "\e/+In.'tiR+.i.$R+.dI.'\e/+"
/\bInterior Ministry\b/ --> "\e/+In.'tiR+.i.$R+.'mI.nI.stR+i\e/+"
/\bIrian Barat\b/ --> "\e/+'I.R+i.n%).'bAR+.At\e/+"
/\bIrian Jaya\b/ --> "\e/+'I.R+i.n%).'d&Za&I.j$\e/+"
/\bIsopto Cetapred\b/ --> "\e/+a&I.''si.t$.pR+Ed\e/+"
/\bIsopto Tears\b/ --> "\e/+a&I.''tiR+z\e/+"
/\bIwo Jima\b/ --> "\e/+'i.wo&U.'d&Zi.m$\e/+"
/\bJekalyn Carr\b/ --> "\e/+d&Z$.'ke&I.ln%).'kAR+\e/+"
/\bJudgment Day\b/ --> "\e/+'d&Z^d&'de&I\e/+"
/\bJuice WRLD\b/ --> "\e/+'d&Zus.wE0ld\e/+"
/\bJurassic Park\b/ --> "\e/+d&ZUR+.'@.sIk.'pAR+k\e/+"
/\bKPP BEST\b/ --> "\e/+ke&I.pi.'pi.'bEst\e/+"
/\bKeyridge\b/ --> "\e/+'ki_R+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bKg Smokey\b/ --> "\e/+'ke&I.'d&Zi.'smo&\e/+"
/\bKombiglyze XR\b/ --> "\e/+'kAm.bI.gla&Iz.Eks.'AR+\e/+"
/\bL\.A\. Gear\b/ --> "\e/+El.'e&I.'giR+\e/+"
/\bLP3 \(Bonus Track Version\)(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i -->
/\bLa Parguera\b/ --> "\e/+lA.pAR+.'gER+.$\e/+"
/\bLake Meade\b/ --> "\e/+'le&Ik.'mid\e/+"
/\bLake Plains\b/ --> "\e/+'le&Ik.'ple&Inz\e/+"
/\bLe Chatelier\b/ --> "\e/+l$.SA.tEl.'je&I\e/+"
/\bLiga MX\b/ --> "\e/+'li.g$.Em.'Eks\e/+"
/\bLil Tjay\b/ --> "\e/+'lIl.'ti.d&Ze&I\e/+"
/\bLiquid Pred\b/ --> "\e/+'lI.kwId.'pR+Ed\e/+"
/\bLos Santos\b/ --> "\e/+'lo&Us.'\e/+"
/\bLotus Organizer\b/ --> "\e/+'lo&U.t$s.'$R+\e/+"
/\bLucky Daye\b/ --> "\e/+'l^.ki.'de&I\e/+"
/\bLynch Point\b/ --> "\e/+'lInt&S.'pO&Int\e/+"
/\bMM & Hh - EP\b/ --> "\e/+'Em.'Em.@nd.'e&It&S.'e&It&S.'i.'pi\e/+"
/\bMajor Nine\b/ --> "\e/+'me&I.d&Z$R+.'na&In\e/+"
/\bMasterpiece Theatre\b/ --> "\e/+'$R+.pis.'Ti.$.t$R+\e/+"
/\bMinistry of the Interior\b/ --> "\e/+'mI.nI.stR+i.$v.Di.In.'tiR+.i.$R+\e/+"
/\bMinute Maid\b/ --> "\e/+'mI.nIt.'me&Id\e/+"
/\bMoneyreagh\b/ --> "\e/+'m^.ni_R+e&I\e/+"
/\bMonsieur Lazhar\b/ --> "\e/+mI.'sjUR+.l$.'zAR+\e/+"
/\bMother's Day\b/ --> "\e/+'m^.D$R+z.'de&I\e/+"
/\bMoulin Rouge\b/ --> "\e/+mu.'lAn.'R+uZ\e/+"
/\bMount Holyoke\b/ --> "\e/+'ma&Unt.'ho&\e/+"
/\bNLE Choppa\b/ --> "\e/+En.El.'i.'t&SA.p$\e/+"
/\bNama sankirtana\b/ --> "\e/+'nA.m$.sAn.'kIR+.t$.n$\e/+"
/\bNaturallySpeaking Preferred\b/ --> "\e/+'n@.t&SR+
/\bNew Jersey Resources\b/ --> "\e/+'nu.'d&ZE0.zi.'R+i.sOR+.sIz\e/+"
/\bNew Year's\b/ --> "\e/+'nu.'jiR+z\e/+"
/\bNew Year's Eves\b/ --> "\e/+'nu.'jiR+z.'ivz\e/+"
/\bNez Perce\b/ --> "\e/+'nEz.p$R+.'se&I\e/+"
/\bNobel Peace Prize\b/ --> "\e/+'no&U.bEl.'pis.'pR+a&Iz\e/+"
/\bNobel Prize\b/ --> "\e/+no&U.'bEl.'pR+a&Iz\e/+"
/\bNur-Ali Borumand\b/ --> "\e/+nuR+.''bOR+.u.mAnd\e/+"
/\bOld Republic\b/ --> "\e/+'o&Uld.R+I.'p^.blIk\e/+"
/\bOpen Directory\b/ --> "\e/+'o&'R+Ek.t$R+.i\e/+"
/\bP\/E ratio\b/ --> "\e/+pi.'i.'R+e&I.Si.o&U\e/+"
/\bP\/E ratios\b/ --> "\e/+pi.'i.'R+e&I.Si.o&Uz\e/+"
/\bPC Quarterly Review\b/ --> "\e/+pi.'si.'kwOR+.t$'vju\e/+"
/\bPMW by Schoolboy Q\b/ -->
/\bPMW featuring Schoolboy Q\b/ --> "\e/+'pi.'Em.'d^.bl
/\bPap smear\b/ --> "\e/+'p@p.'smiR+\e/+"
/\bPap smears\b/ --> "\e/+'p@p.'smiR+z\e/+"
/\bPasir Gudang\b/ --> "\e/+p$.''dAnK\e/+"
/\bPasir Panjang\b/ --> "\e/+p$.'sIR+.pAn.'d&ZAnK\e/+"
/\bPasir Ris\b/ --> "\e/+p$.'sIR+_'R+is\e/+"
/\bPatriots' Day\b/ --> "\e/+'pe&I.tR+i.$ts_'de&I\e/+"
/\bPenn Engineering & Manufacturing\b/ --> "\e/+'pEn.En.d&Z$.'niR+.InK.n
/\bPhantom Menace\b/ --> "\e/+'f@n.t$m.'mE.nIs\e/+"
/\bPiccadilly Cafeterias\b/ --> "\e/+'pI.k$$.'tiR+.i.$z\e/+"
/\bPineyridge\b/ --> "\e/+'pa&I.ni_R+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bPioneer Electronic\b/ --> "\e/+pa&I.$.'niR+.E.lEk.'tR+A.nIk\e/+"
/\bPioneer Financial Services\b/ --> "\e/+pa&I.$.'niR+.fa&I.'n@n.Sl
/\bPioneer Standard Electronics\b/ --> "\e/+pa&I.
/\bPonte Vedra\b/ --> "\e/+'pOn.te&I.'vE.dR+$\e/+"
/\bPort Angeles\b/ --> "\e/+'pOR+t.'@n.d&Z$.lIs\e/+"
/\bPort Huron\b/ --> "\e/+'pOR+t.'hjUR+.An\e/+"
/\bPort Pirie\b/ --> "\e/+'pOR+t.'pI.R+i\e/+"
/\bPrachuap Khiri Khan\b/ --> "\e/+'pR+A.t&Su.Ap.'kI.R+i.'kAn\e/+"
/\bPremier Financial Services\b/ --> "\e/+pR+i.'miR+.fa&I.'n@n.Sl
/\bPresbyterian Church\b/ --> "\e/+pR+Ez.b$.'tiR+.i.n%).'t&SE0t&S\e/+"
/\bPresque Isle\b/ --> "\e/+'pR+Esk.'a&Il\e/+"
/\bPuerto Vallarta\b/ --> "\e/+'pwER+.t$.va&I.'AR+.t$\e/+"
/\bPulitzer Publishing\b/ --> "\e/+'pU.lIt.s$R+.'p^b.lI.SInK\e/+"
/\bPyramid Technology\b/ --> "\e/+'pI.R+$.mId.tEk.'nA.l$.d&Zi\e/+"
/\bQue Se Mueran\b/ --> "\e/+'ke&'mwE.R+An\e/+"
/\bRainier Investment\b/ --> "\e/+R+e&I.'niR+.In.'\e/+"
/\bRainier Investment Management Mutual\b/ --> "\e/+R+e&I.'niR+.In.'
/\bRaymond James\b/ --> "\e/+'R+e&'d&Ze&Imz\e/+"
/\bRayonier Timberlands\b/ --> "\e/+R+e&I.j$.'niR+.'tIm.b$R+.ln%)dz\e/+"
/\bRear Admiral\b/ --> "\e/+'R+iR+.'@d.m$R+.l%)\e/+"
/\bRear Admiral Lower Half\b/ --> "\e/+'R+iR+.'@d.m$R+.l%).'lo&U.$R+.'h@f\e/+"
/\bRear Admiral Upper Half\b/ --> "\e/+'R+iR+.'@d.m$R+.l%).'^.p$R+.'h@f\e/+"
/\bRed Willow\b/ --> "\e/+'R+Ed.wI.lo&U\e/+"
/\bReddawn\b/ --> "\e/+'R+Ed_dOn\e/+"
/\bReddeer\b/ --> "\e/+'R+Ed_diR+\e/+"
/\bRescon JR\b/ --> "\e/+'R+E.skAn.'d&Zun.j$R+\e/+"
/\bResource Mortgage Capital\b/ -->
/\bRespirex 2\b/ --> "\e/+R+E.'spa&I.R+Eks.'tu\e/+"
/\bRevenue Retrievin’(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "\e/+'R+E.v$.nu.R+$.'
/\bRoman Catholics\b/ --> "\e/+'R+o&'k@T.lIks\e/+"
/\bRoyal Gorge\b/ --> "\e/+'R+O&I.l%).'gOR+d&Z\e/+"
/\bRural King\b/ --> "\e/+'R+UR+.l%).'kInK\e/+"
/\bRydex Series\b/ --> "\e/+'R+a&I.dEks.'siR+.iz\e/+"
/\bSan Cristóbal\b/ --> "\e/+'sAn.kR+I.'sto&U.bAl\e/+"
/\bSanchez Ramirez\b/ --> "\e/+'sAn.t&SEz.R+$.'mI.R+Ez\e/+"
/\bSancti Spiritus\b/ --> "\e/+'sAnKk.ti.'spI.R+I.tus\e/+"
/\bSanta Fe Energy Resources\b/ -->
/\bScott & Fetzer\b/ --> "\e/+'skAt.n%).'fEt.s$R+\e/+"
/\bSeroquel XR\b/ --> "\e/+'sER+.$.kwIl.'Eks.'AR+\e/+"
/\bSioux City\b/ --> "\e/+'su.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bSouthern Methodist University\b/ -->
/\bStoneyridge\b/ --> "\e/+'sto&U.ni_R+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bSublimaze Preservative Free\b/ -->
/\bSystem Energy Resources\b/ --> "\e/+'$m.'E.n$R+.d&Zi.'R+i.sOR+.sIz\e/+"
/\bSánchez Ramírez\b/ --> "\e/+'sAn.t&SEz.R+$.'mI.R+Ez\e/+"
/\bT\. Rowe Price\b/ --> "\e/+'ti.'R+o&U.'pR+a&Is\e/+"
/\bT\. Rowe Price Associates\b/ -->
/\bTRM The Rock Movement\b/ --> "\e/+'ti.'AR+.'Em.D$.'R+Ak.'\e/+"
/\bTV Land\b/ --> "\e/+ti.'vi.'l@nd\e/+"
/\bTears Naturale II\b/ --> "\e/+'tiR+z.nA.t&S$R+.'Al.'tu\e/+"
/\bTemporary Restraining Order\b/ -->
/\bTenney Engineering\b/ --> "\e/+'$.'niR+.InK\e/+"
/\bThe Simpsons\b/ --> "\e/+D$.'\e/+"
/\bTheoclear L\.A\.-130\b/ --> "\e/+'Ti.$.kliR+.'El.'e&I.'w^n.'TE0.ti\e/+"
/\bTheoclear L\.A\.-260\b/ --> "\e/+'Ti.$.kliR+.'El.'e&I.'tu.'sIk.sti\e/+"
/\bThor Energy Resources\b/ --> "\e/+'TOR+.'E.n$R+.d&Zi.'R+i.sOR+.sIz\e/+"
/\bThree Musketeers\b/ --> "\e/+'TR+i.m^.sk$.'tiR+z\e/+"
/\bTk Kravitz\b/i --> "\e/+ti.'ke&I.'kR+@.vIts\e/+"
/\bTop Gear\b/ --> "\e/+'tAp.'giR+\e/+"
/\bTrece Martires\b/ --> "\e/+'tR+e&'mAR+.tI.R+e&Is\e/+"
/\bTyeler Davison\b/ --> "\e/+'ta&I.l$R+.'de&\e/+"
/\bTyne and Wear\b/ --> "\e/+'ta&In.n%).'wER+\e/+"
/\bUT Austin\b/ --> "\e/+ju.'ti.'O.stIn\e/+"
/\bUncle Murda\b/ --> "\e/+'^nK.kl%).'mE0.d$\e/+"
/\bUniversity of Pittsburgh\b/ --> "\e/+ju.nI.'vE0.sI.ti.$v.'pIts.b$R+g\e/+"
/\bUtne Reader\b/ --> "\e/+'^'R+i.d$R+\e/+"
/\bVSQ Performs Lady Gaga\b/ -->
/\bValleyridge\b/ --> "\e/+'v@.li_R+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bVan Zeeland\b/ --> "\e/+'v@n.'zi.ln%)d\e/+"
/\bVivir Mi Vida\b/ --> "\e/+vI.'viR+.'mi.'vi.d$\e/+"
/\bVocabulary Optimizer\b/ --> "\e/+vo&U.'$.lER+.i.'$R+\e/+"
/\bWeirton Steel\b/ --> "\e/+''stil\e/+"
/\bWho Do You Think You Are\?(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ -->
/\bXerox Credit\b/ --> "\e/+'ziR+.Aks.'kR+E.dIt\e/+"
/\bYNW Melly\b/ --> "\e/+'wa&I.'En.'d^.bl%).ju.'\e/+"
/\bYRM \(Your Righteous Mind\)(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ -->
/\bYRN 2 Intro\b/i --> "\e/+wa&I.AR+.'En.'tu.'In.tR+o&U\e/+"
/\bYellowstone National Park\b/ --> "\e/+'jE.lo&U.sto&Un.'n@.Sn%).l%).'pAR+k\e/
/\bYgg 2 - EP\b/ --> "\e/+'wa&I.'d&Zi.'d&Zi.'tu.'i.'pi\e/+"
/\bYgg Tay\b/i --> "\e/+wa&I.d&Zi.'d&Zi.'te&I\e/+"
/\bZMD Zombies of Mass Destruction\b/ --> "\e/+zi.Em.'di.'
/\ba posteriori\b/ --> "\e/+A.po&U.stiR+.i.'OR+.i\e/+"
/\badefovir dipivoxil\b/ --> "\e/+$.'dE.f$.viR+.'da&I.p$.vAk.sIl\e/+"
/\bannus mirabilis\b/ --> "\e/+'@.n$s.m$.'R+A.bI.lIs\e/+"
/\bau revoir\b/ --> "\e/+'o&U.R+E.'vwA\e/+"
/\bbichon frise\b/ --> "\e/+'bi.SAn.fR+i.'ze&I\e/+"
/\bbichon frises\b/ --> "\e/+'bi.SAn.fR+i.'ze&Iz\e/+"
/\bbichon frisé(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/ --> "\e/+bi.'SAn.fR+i.'ze&I\e/+"
/\bbichon frisés\b/ --> "\e/+bi.'SAn.fR+i.'ze&Iz\e/+"
/\bbroccoli rabe\b/ --> "\e/+'bR+A.kli.'R+Ab\e/+"
/\bbrompheniramine maleate\b/ --> "\e/+bR+Am.fE.'niR+.$.min.'\e/+"
/\bcardiopulmonary resuscitation\b/ --> "\e/+'kAR+.di.o&U.p^
/\bcause célèbre\b/ --> "\e/+'kOz.s$.'lE.bR+$\e/+"
/\bcetirizine hydrochloride\b/ --> "\e/+s$.'tIR+.
/\bchlorpheniramine maleate\b/ --> "\e/+klOR+.fE.'niR+.$.min.'\e/+"
/\bcholestyramine light\b/ --> "\e/+ko&$R+.'@.min_'la&It\e/+"
/\bcocker spaniel\b/ --> "\e/+'kA.k$R+.'sp@.njl%)\e/+"
/\bcocker spaniels\b/ --> "\e/+'kA.k$R+.'sp@.njl%)z\e/+"
/\bd-alpha tocopherol\b/ --> "\e/+'di.'@l.f$.to&U.'kA.f$R+.Ol\e/+"
/\bde Niro\b/ --> "\e/+d$.'niR+.o&U\e/+"
/\bdelirium tremens\b/ --> "\e/+dI.'lI.R+i.$m.'tR+E.mEnz\e/+"
/\bdeoxyribonucleic acid\b/ --> "\e/'kle&I.Ik.'@.sId\e/
/\bdexchlorpheniramine maleate\b/ --> "\e/+dEk.sklOR+.fE.'niR+.
/\bdisopyramide phosphate\b/ --> "\e/+da&'piR+.$.ma&Id.'fAs.fe&It\e/+"
/\berector spinae\b/ --> "\e/+I.'R+Ek.t$R+.'\e/+"
/\berythromycin estolate\b/ --> "\e/+I.R+I.TR+o&U.'ma&'$.le&It\e/+"
/\berythromycin ethylsuccinate\b/ --> "\e/+I.R+I.TR+o&U.'ma&
/\berythromycin lactobionate\b/ -->
/\berythromycin stearate\b/ --> "\e/+I.R+I.TR+o&U.'ma&I.sIn.'stiR+.e&It\e/+"
/\bet vir\b/ --> "\e/+'Et_'viR+\e/+"
/\bextension period\b/ --> "\e/+Ek.'stEn.Sn%).'piR+.i.$d\e/+"
/\bfiscal year\b/ --> "\e/+'fI.skl%).'jiR+\e/+"
/\bfiscal years\b/ --> "\e/+'fI.skl%).'jiR+z\e/+"
/\bfludrocortisone acetate\b/ --> "\e/+flu.dR+o&U.'kOR+.tI.zo&Un.'@.sI.te&It\e/
/\bforce majeure\b/ --> "\e/+'fOR+s.m$.'ZUR+\e/+"
/\bfoscarnet sodium\b/ --> "\e/+fAs.'kAR+.nEt.'so&U.di.$m\e/+"
/\bin vitro fertilization\b/ --> "\e/+In.'vi.tR+o&'ze&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\binterferon alfa\b/ --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'fiR+.An.'@l.f$\e/+"
/\binterferon alfa-2a\b/ --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'fiR+.An.'@l.f$.'tu.'e&I\e/+"
/\binterferon alfa-2b\b/ --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'fiR+.An.'@l.f$.'tu.'bi\e/+"
/\binterferon alpha\b/ --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'fiR+.An.'@l.f$\e/+"
/\binterferon alpha-2b\b/ --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'fiR+.An.'@l.f$.'tu.'bi\e/+"
/\binterferon beta\b/ --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'fiR+.An.'be&I.t$\e/+"
/\binterferon beta-1b\b/ --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'fiR+.An.'be&I.t$.'w^n.'bi\e/+"
/\binterferon gamma\b/ --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'fiR+.An.'g@.m$\e/+"
/\binterferon gamma-1b\b/ --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'fiR+.An.'g@.m$.'w^n.'bi\e/+"
/\biodoform gauze\b/ --> "\e/+'a&I.$.do&U.fOR+m.'gOz\e/+"
/\bkneeroom\b/ --> "\e/+'ni_R+um\e/+"
/\bkyrie eleison\b/ --> "\e/+'kiR+.i.e&I_e&I.'le&I.i.sAn\e/+"
/\blo and behold\b/ --> "\e/+'lo&U.n%).bI.'ho&Uld\e/+"
/\blosartan potassium\b/ --> "\e/+lo&U.'$.'$m\e/+"
/\bmenage a trois\b/ --> "\e/+m$.'nAZ.'A.'twA\e/+"
/\bmore or less\b/ --> "\e/+'mOR+.$R+.'lEs\e/+"
/\bmorphine sulfate\b/ --> "\e/+'mOR+.fin.'s^l.fe&It\e/+"
/\bménage à trois\b/ --> "\e/+me&I.'nAZ.$.'twA\e/+"
/\bnatural resources\b/ --> "\e/+'n@.t&S$R+.l%).'R+i.sOR+.sIz\e/+"
/\bopera seria\b/ --> "\e/+'A.pR+$.'siR+.i.$\e/+"
/\bpalak paneer\b/ --> "\e/+'pA.l$k.p$.'niR+\e/+"
/\bpeginterferon alfa-2b\b/ --> "\e/+pEg.In.t$R+.'fiR+.An.'@l.f$.'tu.'bi\e/+"
/\bpis aller\b/ --> "\e/+'piz.A.'le&I\e/+"
/\bropinirole hydrochloride\b/ -->
/\bside effects\b/ --> "\e/+'sa&Id.I.'fEkts\e/+"
/\bsincerely yours\b/ --> "\e/+sIn.''jOR+z\e/+"
/\bsodium bicarbonate\b/ --> "\e/+'so&U.di.$'kAR+.b$.ne&It\e/+"
/\btenofovir disoproxil fumarate\b/ -->
/\btriethyl phosphate\b/ --> "\e/+tR+a&I.'E.Tl%).'fAs.fe&It\e/+"
/\bur Rahman\b/ --> "\e/+E0.R+$.'mAn\e/+"
/\bvalacyclovir hydrochloride\b/ --> "\e/+v@.l$.'sa&I.klo&U.vIR+.ha&I.dR+
/\bvan der Dussen\b/ --> "\e/+vAn.d$R+.'\e/+"
/\bvitamin A solubilized\b/ --> "\e/+'va&I.t$.mIn.'e&I.'sAl.j$.bl%).a&Izd\e/+"
/\bvoir dire\b/ --> "\e/+'vwAR+.'dIR+\e/+"
/(?<=[a-z])\^2/i --> " squared"
/\bMahna Mahna\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'nA.m$.nA\e/+"
/\b(\d+)½/ --> "$1 and a half"
/(?<=pi )r\^?[²2]/i --> "R squared"
/(?<=^|[[:punct:]]|\s)\*nsync\b/i --> "\e/+'En_'sInKk\e/+"
/\balexisonfire\b/i --> "\e/+$.'lEk.sIs_An_'fa&IR+\e/+"
/\barkit\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.'AR+_'kIt\e/+"
/\bb&w\b/i --> "\e/+'bi_n%)_'d^.bl%).'ju\e/+"
/\bbabymetal\b/i --> "\e/+'be&I.bi_'\e/+"
/\bbarlowgirl\b/i --> "\e/+'bAR+.lo&U_'gE0l\e/+"
/\bcd24\b/i --> "\e/+si.'di_'twEn.ti_'fOR+\e/+"
/\bbarroom\b/i --> "\e/+'bAR+_R+um\e/+"
/\be&c's\b/i --> "\e/+'i_@n_'siz\e/+"
/\belkcrest\b/i --> "\e/+'Elk_kR+Est\e/+"
/\bf\.u\.t\.w\.\b/i --> "\e/+'Ef_'ju_'ti_'d^.b$.ju\e/+"
/\bletterwriter\b/i --> "\e/+'lE.t$R+_R+a&I.t$R+\e/+"
/\bnanialii\b/i --> "\e/'@.li_i\e/+"
/\bnewsradio\b/i --> "\e/+'nuz_'R+e&I.di.o&U\e/+"
/\botw\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U_'ti_'d^.b$.ju\e/+"
/\bQuickTake\b/i --> "\e/+'kwIk_te&Ik\e/+"
/\bsearchit\b/i --> "\e/+'sE0t&S_'It\e/+"
/\bsirikit\b/i --> "\e/+'siR+.i_'kIt\e/+"
/\bspottieottiedopaliscious\b/i --> "\e/+'spAt.ta&I_'At.i_dA.p$.'lI.S$s\e/+"
/\btrutv\b/i --> "\e/+tR+u_ti.'vi\e/+"
/\bwahya\b/i --> "\e/+wAh_'jA\e/+"
/\bwalkeridge\b/i --> "\e/+'wO.k$R+_R+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bwill\.i\.am\b/i --> "\e/+wl%)_a&I_'@m\e/+"
/\bwordgirl\b/i --> "\e/+'wE0d_'gE0l\e/+"
/\bwordworld\b/i --> "\e/+'wE0d_'wE0ld\e/+"
/\bwwi\b/i --> "\e/+d^.bl%).ju.'d^.bl%).ju_'w^n\e/+"
/\bx17\b/i --> "\e/+''tin\e/+"
/\b& Co\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'@n_'k^m.p$.ni\e/+"
/\b-month-old\b/i --> "\e/+m^nT.'o&Uld\e/+"
#/\b\.pl\b/i --> "\e/+dAt#'pi_'El\e/+" # will likely match on phonetics
/\b202 Dalmatians\b/i --> "\e/+tu.h^n.dR+Id.'tu_d@l.'me&I.S$nz\e/+"
/\b2 Chainz\b/i --> "\e/+'tu_'t&Se&Inz\e/+"
/\b50 Cent\b/i --> "\e/+'fIf.ti_'sEnt\e/+"
/\b7-Eleven\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\b7-Elevens\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\b\^FEU-EU\b/i --> "\e/+'k@.R+$t.Ef.i.ju.i.'ju\e/+"
/\bA\$AP Ferg\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.s@p_'fE0g\e/+"
/\bA-10s\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.'tEnz\e/+"
/\bA-6s\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.'sIk.sIz\e/+"
/\bA-Ha\b/i --> "\e/+A_'hA\e/+"
/\bA-list\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.lIst\e/+"
/\bA-OK\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.o&U.'ke&I\e/+"
/\bA-Team\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.'tim\e/+"
/\bA-to-Z\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.t$.'zi\e/+"
/\bA-wassailing\b/i --> "\e/+$.'\e/+"
/\bA-YO\b/i --> "\e/+e&I_'jo&U\e/+"
/\bA\. Doulos\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I#'da&U.l$s\e/+"
/\bA\. R\. Rahman\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I#'AR+#'R+A.m$n\e/+"
/\bA\.CHAL\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I#'t&S@l\e/+"
/\bA11 Bionic\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I_$.lE.v$n_ba&I.'A.nIk\e/+"
/(?<=\s|[[:punct:]]|^)a few\b/i --> "\e/+$_'fju\e/+"
/\bà la carte\b/i --> "\e/+'A.l$.'kAR+t\e/+"
/\ba while\b/i --> "\e/+$.'wa&Il\e/+"
/\bABC-TV\b/i --> "\e/+'e&'vi\e/+"
/\bAbdul-Quddus\b/i --> "\e/+@b.'dul.k$.'dus\e/+"
/\bAbu Dhabi\b/i --> "\e/+A.bu.'\e/+"
/\bAbu Ghraib\b/i --> "\e/+@.bu.'gR+e&Ib\e/+"
/\bAbu Simbel\b/i --> "\e/+A.bu.'\e/+"
/\bAcademy Awards\b/i --> "\e/+$.'k@.d$.mi.$.'wOR+dz\e/+"
/\bacetic acid\b/i --> "\e/+$.'si.tIk_'@.sId\e/+"
/\bAct I\b/i --> "\e/+'@kt.'w^n\e/+"
/\bactivated charcoal\b/i --> "\e/+''t&SAR+.kl%)\e/+"
/\bad-lib\b/i --> "\e/+'@d.lIb\e/+"
/\bad infinitum\b/i --> "\e/+'@t_In.f$.'na&I.t$m\e/+"
/\bad lib\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+@d.'lIb\e/+"
/\bAdam's apple\b/i --> "\e/+'@.d$mz.'\e/+"
/\bAdam Carolla\b/i --> "\e/+'@.t$m_k$.'R+A.l$\e/+"
/\badd-on\b/i --> "\e/+'@d.An\e/+"
/\badd-ons\b/i --> "\e/+'@d.Anz\e/+"
/\badult-onset\b/i --> "\e/+$.'d^lt.'An.sEt\e/+"
/\bafter-hours\b/i --> "\e/+'@f.t$R+.'a&U.$R+z\e/+"
/\bAFV Latin America\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I_'Ef_'vi_'l@.t$n.$.'mER+.I.k$\e/+"
/\bagreed-upon\b/i --> "\e/+$.'gR+id.$.pAn\e/+"
/\bair-conditioned\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bAir France\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+_'fR+@ns\e/+"
/\bAir India\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+_'In.di.$\e/+"
/\bAir Jordan\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+_'d&ZOR+.dn%)\e/+"
/\bAK-47\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.'ke&I.fOR+.ti.'\e/+"
/\bAK-47s\b/i --> "\e/+e&'\e/+"
/\bAl-Khudairi\b/i --> "\e/+@l.'kju.t$.R+i\e/+"
/\bAl-Nabhani\b/i --> "\e/+'Al.n$.'\e/+"
/\bAl-Qaeda\b/i --> "\e/+@l.'ka&I.d$\e/+"
/\bAL East\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.'El.'ist\e/+"
/\bAl Mahdiyah\b/i --> "\e/+@l.'mA.di.$\e/+"
/\bAl Mahrah\b/i --> "\e/+@l.'mAR+.A\e/+"
/\bAl Mahwit\b/i --> "\e/+@l.'mA.wIt\e/+"
/\bAL West\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.'El.'wEst\e/+"
/\bAlessia Cara\b/i --> "\e/+$.'lE.S$_'kER+.$\e/+"
/\bAlicia Vikander\b/i --> "\e/+$.'lI.S$_'vI.k$n.d$R+\e/+"
/\ball-inclusive\b/i --> "\e/+'Ol.In.'klu.sIv\e/+"
/\ball-night\b/i --> "\e/+Ol.'na&It\e/+"
/\ball-pro\b/i --> "\e/+Ol.'pR+o&U\e/+"
/\ball-purpose\b/i --> "\e/+Ol.'pE0.p$s\e/+"
/\ball-stars\b/i --> "\e/+'Ol.stAR+z\e/+"
/\ball-state\b/i --> "\e/+'Ol.ste&It\e/+"
/\ball-terrain\b/i --> "\e/+Ol.t$R+.'e&In\e/+"
/\ball-wheel\b/i --> "\e/+'Ol.wil\e/+"
/\ball-white\b/i --> "\e/+'Ol.'wa&It\e/+"
/\ball of a sudden\b/i --> "\e/+O.l$.v$.'s^.dn%)\e/+"
/\bAlma-Ata\b/i --> "\e/+Al.m$.'A.t$\e/+"
/\balpha-2\b/i --> "\e/+'@l.f$.'tu\e/+"
/\bAlsace-Lorraine\b/i --> "\e/+Al.'sAs.l$.R+e&In\e/+"
/\balso-ran\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\balso known as\b/i --> "\e/+''no&Un_'@z\e/+"
/\bAlways-On\b/i --> "\e/+Ol.we&Iz.'An\e/+"
/\bAly Raisman\b/i --> "\e/+A.'li_'R+e&Is.m$n\e/+"
/\bAmazon Prime Video\b/i --> "\e/+'@.m$.zAn_'pR+a&Im_'vI.ti.o&U\e/+"
/\bAmendola vs Blades\b/i --> "\e/+@.mEn.'do&U.l$_v$R+.s$s_'ble&Idz\e/+"
/\bAmerican Civil Liberties Union\b/i --> "\e/+$.''sI.vl
/\bAmerican Falls\b/i --> "\e/+$.''fOlz\e/+"
/\bAmerican Indians\b/i --> "\e/+$.''In.di.n%)z\e/+"
/\bAmerican League\b/i --> "\e/+$.''lig\e/+"
/\bAmerican Samoa\b/i --> "\e/+$.'$.'mo&U.$\e/+"
/\bAmerican Savings Bank\b/i --> "\e/+$.''se&I.vInKz.'b@nKk\e/+"
/\bAmerican Standard\b/i --> "\e/+$.''st@n.d$R+d\e/+"
/\bamino acid\b/i --> "\e/+$.''@.sId\e/+"
/\bamino acids\b/i --> "\e/+$.''@.sIdz\e/+"
/\ban-Nabawi\b/i --> "\e/+An.n$.'bA.wi\e/+"
/\bAna Maria\b/i --> "\e/+'@.n$_m$.'R+i.$\e/+"
/\bAnders Lystell\b/i --> "\e/+'@n.d$R+s_'lI.stl%)\e/+"
/\bAndrea Ross\b/i --> "\e/+'@n.dR+i.$_'R+Os\e/+"
/\bAndrew Wylie\b/i --> "\e/+'@n.dR+u.'wa&\e/+"
/\bAngela Ahrendts\b/i --> "\e/+'@n.d&Z$.l$_'AR+.Ints\e/+"
/\bAngkor Wat\b/i --> "\e/+'@nK.kOR+.'wAt\e/+"
/\bAnheuser-Busch\b/i --> "\e/+@n.'ha&I.z$R+.'bUS\e/+"
/\bAntigua and Barbuda\b/i --> "\e/+@n.'$.n%).bAR+.'bu.d$\e/+"
/\bApp Store\b/i --> "\e/+'@p.'stOR+\e/+"
/\bAppalachian Trail\b/i --> "\e/+@.p$.'l@.t&Sn%).'tR+e&Il\e/+"
/\bApple Computer\b/i --> "\e/+'$m.'pju.t$R+\e/+"
/\bApple IIs\b/i --> "\e/'tuz\e/+"
/\bApple menu\b/i --> "\e/+''mE.nju\e/+"
/\bApple Originals\b/i --> "\e/+'$.'R+Id&Z.n%).l%)z\e/+"
/\bApple TV First Run\b/i --> "\e/+''vi_'fE0st_'R+^n\e/+"
/\bApple Watch Hermès\b/i --> "\e/+''wAt&S_'hE0.m$s\e/+"
/\bApple Watch Nike\+(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'
/\bApple Watch Series 5\b/i --> "\e/+''wAt&S.'si.R+iz.'fa&Iv\e/+"
/\bApril Fools' Day\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.pR+l%).'fulz.'de&I\e/+"
/\bArbor Day\b/i --> "\e/+'AR+.b$R+_'de&I\e/+"
/\bAriel Camacho\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+.i.$l_k$.'mA.t&So&U\e/+"
/\bArijit Singh\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+.I.d&ZIt_'sInK\e/+"
/\barm-twisting\b/i --> "\e/+'AR+m.'twI.stInK\e/+"
/\bArmenian-American\b/i --> "\e/+AR+.'$.'\e/+"
/\bArsonal da Rebel\b/i --> "\e/+'AR+.s$.nl%)_'dA_'\e/+"
/\bArt Deco\b/i --> "\e/+'AR+t_'dE.ko&U\e/+"
/\bas much as\b/i --> "\e/+@z.m^t&S.'@z\e/+"
/\bas soon as possible\b/i --> "\e/+@z_'sun_$z_'pA.s$.bl%)\e/+"
/\bas well as\b/i --> "\e/+'@z.'wEl.'@z\e/+"
/\bAsha Bhosle\b/i --> "\e/+@S.'A_'bA.$l\e/+"
/\bAshland City\b/i --> "\e/+'@S.ln%)d_'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bAsian Parliamentary Union\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.Zn%).'pAR+.l$.mEn.t$R+.i.'ju.njn
/\basset-allocation\b/i --> "\e/+'@.sEt.@.l$.'ke&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\basset-backed\b/i --> "\e/+'@.sEt.'b@kt\e/+"
/\basset-based\b/i --> "\e/+'@.sEt.'be&Ist\e/+"
/\basset-management\b/i --> "\e/+'@.sEt.'m@.nId&\e/+"
/\bAsset Management Portfolio\b/i --> "\e/+'@.sEt_'m@.nId&
/\bassisted-living\b/i --> "\e/+$.'sI.stId.'lI.vInK\e/+"
/\bAssou-Ekotto\b/i --> "\e/+A.'su.E.ko&\e/+"
/\bat least\b/i --> "\e/+@t.'list\e/+"
/\battorney-at-law\b/i --> "\e/+$$t.'lO\e/+"
/\bau gratin\b/i --> "\e/+o&U.'\e/+"
/\bau pair\b/i --> "\e/+o&U.'pER+\e/+"
/\bAudio Units\b/i --> "\e/+'O.di.o&U.'ju.nIts\e/+"
/\bAudio Zoom\b/i --> "\e/+'Od.i.o&U_'zum\e/+"
/\bAuger-Aliassime\b/i --> "\e/+o&U.Ze&$.'sim\e/+"
/\bAugmentin Duo\b/i --> "\e/+Og.'mEn.tIn.'du.o&U\e/+"
/\bAugmentin ES-600\b/i --> "\e/+Og.'mEn.tIn.i.'Es.'sIks.'h^n.dR+Id\e/+"
/\bAugmentin XR\b/i --> "\e/+Og.'mEn.tIn.Eks.'AR+\e/+"
/\bAugusta Emerita\b/i --> "\e/+$.'g^.st$.I.'mER+.I.t$\e/+"
/\bauld lang syne\b/i --> "\e/+Old.l@nK.'sa&In\e/+"
/\bAuli'i Cravalho\b/i --> "\e/+a&U.'li_'i_kR+$.'vAl.jO\e/+"
/\baurora borealis\b/i --> "\e/+$.'R+OR+.$_bOR+.i.'@.lIs\e/+"
/\bAust-Agder\b/i --> "\e/+a&Ust.'Ag.d$R+\e/+"
/\bAustria-Hungary\b/i --> "\e/+O.stR+i.$.'h^nK.g$R+.i\e/+"
/\bAuto-Chem\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bauto-da-fé(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/$.'fe&I\e/+"
/\bAuto-Transcribe Folder Agent\b/i -->
/\bAuto-trol\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bAutocast II\b/i --> "\e/'k@st.'tu\e/+"
/\bAutomatic Data Processing\b/i -->
#/\bAxwell Λ Ingrosso\b/i --> "\e/+@k.swl
%)_'gR+ik.'lE.t$R+.'l@m.d$_In.'\e/+" # covered in another rule, also
should be "Axwell and Ingrosso"
/\bAziz Ansari\b/i --> "\e/+$.'ziz_@n.'sAR+.i\e/+"
/\bB-17\b/i --> "\e/+''tin\e/+"
/\bB-17s\b/i --> "\e/'tinz\e/+"
/\bB-1s\b/i --> "\e/+bi.'w^nz\e/+"
/\bB-29s\b/i --> "\e/+bi.twEn.ti.'na&Inz\e/+"
/\bB-2s\b/i --> "\e/+bi.'tuz\e/+"
/\bB-52\b/i --> "\e/+bi.fIf.ti.'tu\e/+"
/\bB-52s\b/i --> "\e/+bi.fIf.ti.'tuz\e/+"
/\bB-flat\b/i --> "\e/+'bi.fl@t\e/+"
#/\bB-(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'bi.'ma&I.n$s\e/+" # causes failure of
test case in test-high-priority.yaml
/\bBa-Ba-Reeba\b/i --> "\e/+bA.b$.'R+i.b$\e/+"
/\bBaader-Meinhof\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.d$R+.'ma&In.hAf\e/+"
/\bbaba ghanouj\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.b$.g$.'nuS\e/+"
/\bbaba ghanoush\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.b$.g$.'nuS\e/+"
/\bBabel Fish\b/i --> "\e/+'be&\e/+"
/\bBabies "R" Us\b/i --> "\e/+be&'AR+.'^s\e/+"
/\bbaby-boom\b/i --> "\e/+'be&\e/+"
/\bBabylon 5\b/i --> "\e/+'b@.b$.lAn.'fa&Iv\e/+"
/\bbachman-turner\b/i --> "\e/+''tE0.n$R+\e/+"
/\bBacitracin Zinc\/Polymyxin B Sulfate\b/i --> "\e/+b@.sI.'tR+e&
/\bback-and-forth\b/i --> "\e/+''fOR+T\e/+"
/\bback-to-back\b/i --> "\e/+'b@k.t$.b@k\e/+"
/\bback-to-school\b/i --> "\e/+b@k.t$.'skul\e/+"
/\bback that azz up\b/i --> "\e/+'b@k_D@t_'@s_^p\e/+"
/\bBack to My Mac\b/i --> "\e/+'b@k_t$_ma&I_'m@k\e/+"
/\bBackus-Naur\b/i --> "\e/+'b@.k$\e/+"
/\bbackward-compatible\b/i --> "\e/+b@k.w$R+d.k$m.'p@.t$.bl%)\e/+"
/\bBacs-Kiskun\b/i --> "\e/+'bAt&S.'kiS.kun\e/+"
/\bBactrim DS\b/i --> "\e/+'b@k.tR+Im.di.'Es\e/+"
/\bBactrim Pediatric\b/i --> "\e/+'b@k.tR+Im_pi.di.'@.tR+Ik\e/+"
/\bBad and Boujee\b/i --> "\e/+'b@t_@n_ba&U.'d&Zi\e/+"
/\bbada bing\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.d$_'bInK\e/+"
/\bbada boom\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.d$_'bum\e/+"
/\bBaden-Württemberg\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.dn%).'vE0.t$m.bE0g\e/+"
/\bBadger Markets\b/i --> "\e/+'b@.d&Z$R+.'mAR+.kIts\e/+"
/\bBadger Meter\b/i --> "\e/+'b@.d&Z$R+.'mi.t$R+\e/+"
/\bbag-like\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bBagnères-de-Bigorre\b/i --> "\e/+b@.'njER+.d$.bi.'gOR+\e/+"
/\bBahia Blanca\b/i --> "\e/+b$.'hi.$.'blAnK.k$\e/+"
/\bBahía Blanca\b/i --> "\e/+b$.'hi.$.'blAnK.k$\e/+"
/\bbaking soda\b/i --> "\e/+'be&I.kInK_'so&U.d$\e/+"
/\bbalanced-budget\b/i --> "\e/+'b@.ln%)st.'b^.d&ZIt\e/+"
/\bbald-faced\b/i --> "\e/+'bOld.fe&Ist\e/+"
/\bBallard Medical Products\b/i --> "\e/+'b@.l$R+d.'mE.dI.kl%).'pR+A.d$kts\e/+"
/\bBallard Medical\b/i --> "\e/+'b@.l$R+d.'mE.dI.kl%)\e/+"
/\bballistic missile\b/i --> "\e/+b$.'lI.stIk.'\e/+"
/\bballistic missiles\b/i --> "\e/+b$.'lI.stIk.'\e/+"
/\bBally Entertainment\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+.'te&\e/+"
/\bbalsalazide disodium\b/i --> "\e/+bOl.'s@.l$.za&Id_da&I.'so&U.di.$m\e/+"
/\bBaltimore-Washington\b/i --> "\e/+'bOl.tI.mOR+.'\e/+"
/\bBanda Sinaloense MS\b/i --> "\e/+'bAn.d$.sI.n$.lo&U.''Es\e/+"
/\bbang-shang-a-lang\b/i --> "\e/+'b@nK.S@nK.$.l@nK\e/+"
/\bbankruptcy-law\b/i --> "\e/+'b@nK.kR+$'lO\e/+"
/\bbar-coded\b/i --> "\e/+'bAR+.'ko&U.dId\e/+"
/\bbar mitzvah\b/i --> "\e/+'bAR+.'mIts.v$\e/+"
/\bbar mitzvahs\b/i --> "\e/+'bAR+.'mIts.v$z\e/+"
/\bbare-bones\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bBasse-Kotto\b/i --> "\e/+b@s.'ko&\e/+"
/\bBassett-Seguso\b/i --> "\e/+'b@.sIt.s$.'\e/+"
/\bbat mitzvahed\b/i --> "\e/+'bAt_'mIts.v$d\e/+"
/\bbat mitzvahing\b/i --> "\e/+'bAt_'mIts.v$.InK\e/+"
/\bbat mitzvahs\b/i --> "\e/+'bAt_'mIts.v$z\e/+"
/\bbattery-operated\b/i --> "\e/+b@.t$R+.i.'A.p$R+.e&I.tId\e/+"
/\bBattle of the Bulge\b/i --> "\e/+'$v_D$_'b^ld&Z\e/+"
/\bBay of Pigs\b/i --> "\e/+'be&I_$v_'pIgz\e/+"
/\bBB gun\b/i --> "\e/+'^n\e/+"
/\bBB guns\b/i --> "\e/+bi.'bi_'g^nz\e/+"
/\bbeady-eyed\b/i --> "\e/+'bi.di.'a&Id\e/+"
/\bbeaten-down\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bBeats 1\b/i --> "\e/+'bits_'w^n\e/+"
/\bBeavis & Butthead\b/i --> "\e/+'bi.vIs.n%).'b^t.hEd\e/+"
/\bBee Gees\b/i --> "\e/+'bi.'d&Ziz\e/+"
/\bbeefed-up\b/i --> "\e/+'bift.^p\e/+"
/\bbelow-average\b/i --> "\e/+bI.'lo&U.'@v.R+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bBen Nevis\b/i --> "\e/+'bEn.'nE.vIs\e/+"
/\bBeni Suef\b/i --> "\e/+''swe&If\e/+"
/\bBertrand Serlet\b/i --> "\e/+bER+.'tR+And_sER+.'le&I\e/+"
/\bbête noire\b/i --> "\e/+'bEt.'nwAR+\e/+"
/\bbêtes noires\b/i --> "\e/+'bEt.'nwAR+z\e/+"
/\bBetty Crocker\b/i --> "\e/+'bE.ti.'kR+A.k$R+\e/+"
/\bBibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo\b/i --> "\e/+bI.bI.di.bA.bI.di.'bu\e/+"
/\bbiceps brachii\b/i --> "\e/+'ba&I.sEps.'bR+e&\e/+"
/\bbig-band\b/i --> "\e/+'bIg.b@nd\e/+"
/\bbig-league\b/i --> "\e/+'bIg.lig\e/+"
/\bbig-name\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bbig-ticket\b/i --> "\e/+'bIg.tI.kIt\e/+"
/\bbig-time\b/i --> "\e/+'bIg.ta&Im\e/+"
/\bBig Dig\b/i --> "\e/+bIg.'dIg\e/+"
/\bbikini-clad\b/i --> "\e/+bI.''kl@d\e/+"
/\bBill Clinton's\b/i --> "\e/+'bIl_'\e/+"
/\bBill of Rights\b/i --> "\e/+bIl.$v.'R+a&Its\e/+"
/\bbillet-doux\b/i --> "\e/'du\e/+"
/\bbillets-doux\b/i --> "\e/'duz\e/+"
/\bbillion-a-year\b/i --> "\e/+'bIl.j$n_$_'jiR+\e/+"
/\bbillion-dollar\b/i --> "\e/+'bIl.jn%).'dA.l$R+\e/+"
/\bBirmingham Steel\b/i --> "\e/+'bE0.mInK.$m.'stil\e/+"
/\bbirth control\b/i --> "\e/+'bE0T_k$n.'tR+o&Ul\e/+"
/\bblack-and-white\b/i --> "\e/+''wa&It\e/+"
/\bblack-eyed\b/i --> "\e/+'bl@k.a&Id\e/+"
/\bBlack & Decker\b/i --> "\e/+'bl@k.n%).'dE.k$R+\e/+"
/\bBlack Eyed Peas\b/i --> "\e/+'bl@k_'a&Id_'piz\e/+"
/\bBlessid Union of Souls\b/i --> "\e/+'blE.sId_'ju.nj$n_$v_'so&Ulz\e/+"
/\bBlips and Chitz\b/i --> "\e/+'blIps.n%).'t&SIts\e/+"
/\bbloody-minded\b/i --> "\e/+'bl^.di.'ma&In.dId\e/+"
/\bblow-by-blow\b/i --> "\e/+'blo&'blo&U\e/+"
/\bBlu-ray\b/i --> "\e/+'blu.R+e&I\e/+"
/\bblue-and-white\b/i --> "\e/+'blu.n%).'wa&It\e/+"
/\bblue-ribbon\b/i --> "\e/+blu.'\e/+"
/\bBlue Bloods\b/i --> "\e/+'blu.'bl^dz\e/+"
/\bBlue Grotto\b/i --> "\e/+'blu_'\e/+"
/\bboard-certified\b/i --> "\e/+bOR+d.'sE0.tI.fa&Id\e/+"
/\bboarded-up\b/i --> "\e/+'bOR+.dId.'^p\e/+"
/\bbobby pin\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.bi_pIn\e/+"
/\bbobby pins\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.bi_pInz\e/+"
/\bbody-conscious\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.di.'kAn.S$s\e/+"
/\bBolt Beranek and Newman\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&Ult.'bER+.$.nEk.n%).'\e/+"
/\bbon voyage\b/i --> "\e/+'bAn.vO&I.'AZ\e/+"
/\bbona fides\b/i --> "\e/+'bo&U.n$_'fa&I.diz\e/+"
/\bBonne Terre\b/i --> "\e/+'bAn_'tER+\e/+"
/\bboo-hoo\b/i --> "\e/\e/+"
/\bboogie-woogie\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bBoosie Badazz\b/i --> "\e/+'bu.si_'b@.t@z\e/+"
/\bBora-Bora\b/i --> "\e/+bOR+.$.'bOR+.$\e/+"
/\bBosnia-Herzegovina\b/i --> "\e/+'$.hE0t.s$.go&U.'vi.n$\e/+"
/\bBoston Globe\b/i --> "\e/+'$n.'glo&Ub\e/+"
/\bBoxing Day\b/i --> "\e/+'bAk.sInK_'de&I\e/+"
/\bboy band\b/i --> "\e/+'bO&I.b@nd\e/+"
/\bBoyz II Men\b/i --> "\e/+bO&Iz.tu.'mEn\e/+"
/\bbraided nylon\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+e&I.dId_'na&I.lAn\e/+"
/\bbrain-damaged\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+e&In.d@.mId&Zd\e/+"
/\bBranch Cabell\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+@nt&S.'\e/+"
/\bbranched-chain\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+@nt&St.t&Se&In\e/+"
/\bbrand-name\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bBraxton Hicks\b/i --> "\e/+bR+@k.stn%).'hIks\e/+"
/\bbreech-loading\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+it&S.'lo&U.dInK\e/+"
/\bbreed-specific\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+id.sp$.'sI.fIk\e/+"
/\bbric-a-brac\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+Ik_$_'bR+@k\e/+"
/\bbrick-and-mortar\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+Ik.n%).'mOR+.t$R+\e/+"
/\bBriggs & Stratton\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+Igz.n%).'\e/+"
/\bBritish Columbia\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+I.tIS.k$.'l^$\e/+"
/\bBritish Open\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+I.tIS_'o&\e/+"
/\bbroader-based\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+O.d$R+.'be&Ist\e/+"
/\bBrooklyn Dodgers\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+U.kln%).'dA.d&Z$R+z\e/+"
/\bBrooklyn Union Gas\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+U.kln%).'ju.njn%).'g@s\e/+"
/\bbrother-in-law\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+^.D$R+.In.'lO\e/+"
/\bbrussels sprouts\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+^.sl%).'spR+a&Uts\e/+"
/\bBubba Sparxxx\b/i --> "\e/+'b^.b$_'spAR+ksksks\e/+"
/\bBuc-ee\b/i --> "\e/+'b^.ki\e/+"
/\bBud Light\b/i --> "\e/+b^d.'la&It\e/+"
/\bbudget-cutting\b/i --> "\e/+'b^.d&ZIt.'k^.tInK\e/+"
/\bbuilding-related\b/i --> "\e/+'bIl.dInK.R+I.'le&I.tId\e/+"
/\bbundle of His\b/i --> "\e/+'b^n.dl%)_$v_'hIz\e/+"
/\bburr hole\b/i --> "\e/+'bE0_'ho&Ul\e/+"
/\bBush Babees\b/i --> "\e/+'bUS_'be&\e/+"
/\bbutt head\b/i --> "\e/+'b^t.'hEd\e/+"
/\bbutt plug\b/i --> "\e/+'b^t.'pl^g\e/+"
/\bbutton-down\b/i --> "\e/+'b^.tn%).da&Un\e/+"
/\bbuttoned-down\b/i --> "\e/+'b^.tn%)d.da&Un\e/+"
/\bbuybuy BABY\b/i --> "\e/+'ba&'be&\e/+"
/\bby-and-by\b/i --> "\e/+ba&I.n%).'ba&I\e/+"
/\bC-130s\b/i --> "\e/+si.w^n.'TE0.tiz\e/+"
/\bC-note\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bC-section\b/i --> "\e/+'si.'sEk.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bC-SPAN\b/i --> "\e/+'si.'sp@n\e/+"
/\bC-(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'si.'ma&I.n$s\e/+"
/\bC shell\b/i --> "\e/+'si.SEl\e/+"
/\bC Tec\b/i --> "\e/+'si.tEk\e/+"
/\bCabernet Sauvignon\b/i --> "\e/+k@.b$R+.'ne&I_so&'njOn\e/+"
/\bCaesar's Palace\b/i --> "\e/+'si.z$R+z.'p@.lIs\e/+"
/\bCaesar salad\b/i --> "\e/+'si.z$R+.'s@.l$d\e/+"
/\bCal-Mex\b/i --> "\e/+'k@l.mEks\e/+"
/\bCalibre 50\b/i --> "\e/+'k@.l$.b$R+_'fIf.ti\e/+"
/\bCalifon-cokesbury\b/i --> "\e/+k@.lI.fAn.'ko&Uks.b$R+.i\e/+"
/\bCam-Ap-Es\b/i --> "\e/+'k@m.'@p.'Es\e/+"
/\bcamel toe\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bCanada Day\b/i --> "\e/+'k@.n$.d$.'de&I\e/+"
/\bCanadian-American\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'ne&I.di.n%).$.'\e/+"
/\bCanadian Marconi\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'ne&I.di.n%).mAR+.'ko&\e/+"
/\bCanadian Occidental Petroleum\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'ne&I.di.n%).Ak.sI.'
/\bCanadian Open\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'ne&I.di.n%).'o&\e/+"
/\bCanis Major\b/i --> "\e/+'ke&I.nI.'sme&I.d&Z$R+\e/+"
/\bCapco Automotive Products\b/i -->
/\bCape Verde\b/i --> "\e/+'ke&Ip.'vE0d\e/+"
/\bCapital Auto Receivables\b/i --> "\e/+'''si.v$.bl
/\bCapital Cities\b/i --> "\e/+''sI.tiz\e/+"
/\bcapital gains\b/i --> "\e/+'k@.p$.tl%)_'ge&Inz\e/+"
/\bcar seat\b/i --> "\e/+'kAR+.sit\e/+"
/\bcarbon dioxide\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\bCarl's Jr\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'kAR+lz.'d&Zu.nj$R+\e/+"
/\bCarmen Sandiego\b/i --> "\e/+''e&I.go&U\e/+"
/\bCarmina Burana\b/i --> "\e/+'kAR+.mi.n$.bUR+.'A.n$\e/+"
/\bcarry-on\b/i --> "\e/+'k@.R+i.An\e/+"
/\bcarte blanche\b/i --> "\e/+'kAR+t.'blAnS\e/+"
/\bCastelo Branco\b/i --> "\e/+kA.''bR+AnK.ku\e/+"
/\bCAT scan\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bcause-and-effect\b/i --> "\e/+'kOz.n%).I.'fEkt\e/+"
/\bCayman Islands\b/i --> "\e/+'ke&I.m$n_'a&I.l$ndz\e/+"
/\bCBS All Access\b/i --> "\e/+'si_'bi_'Es_Ol_'@k.sEs\e/+"
/\bCBS Sports\b/i --> "\e/+'si_'bi_'Es_'spOR+ts\e/+"
/\bCedric Gervais\b/i --> "\e/+'sE.dR+Ik_d&Z$R+.'ve&I\e/+"
/\bCentral America\b/i --> "\e/+'sEn.tR+l%).$.'mER+.I.k$\e/+"
/\bCentral Pennsylvania\b/i --> "\e/+'sEn.tR+l%)'ve&In.j$\e/+"
/\bcerebral palsy\b/i --> "\e/+s$R+.'i.bR+l%).'pOl.zi\e/+"
/\bcha-chas\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SA.t&SAz\e/+"
/\bchain-link\b/i --> "\e/+'t&Se&In.lInKk\e/+"
/\bChalon-sur-Saône\b/i --> "\e/+S$.'lo&Un.suR+.'so&Un\e/+"
/\bChamps Élysées\b/i --> "\e/+''ze&I\e/+"
/\bChannel Islanders\b/i --> "\e/+'t&'a&I.ln%).d$R+z\e/+"
/\bCharles City\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SAR+lz.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bChâteauneuf-du-Pape\b/i --> "\e/+SA.tu.'n^f.du.'pAp\e/+"
/\bcheck-in\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SEk.In\e/+"
/\bCheez-It\b/i --> "\e/+'t&Siz.It\e/+"
/\bCheez-Its\b/i --> "\e/+'t&Siz.Its\e/+"
/\bchicken cacciatore\b/i --> "\e/+'t&$.'tOR+.i\e/+"
/\bChim Chim Cher-ee\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SIm.'t&SIm.t&S$R+.'i\e/+"
/\bChouval bwa\b/i --> "\e/+Su.'vAl.'bwA\e/+"
/\bChristmas Day\b/i --> "\e/+'$s.'de&I\e/+"
/\bCiti Card\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.ti_'kAR+d\e/+"
/\bCitibank N\.A\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'sI.ti.b@nKk_En.'e&I\e/+"
/\bCity and Colour\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.ti_@n_'k^.l$R+\e/+"
/\bCiudad Juárez\b/i --> "\e/+si.ju.'dAd.wAR+.'Ez\e/+"
/\bCiudad Real\b/i --> "\e/+'si.u.dAd.R+e&I.'Al\e/+"
/\bcivil liberties\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.vl%).'lI.b$R+.tiz\e/+"
/\bClayton Homes\b/i --> "\e/+kle&'ho&Umz\e/+"
/\bCle Elum\b/i --> "\e/+'kli_'E.l$m\e/+"
/\bclose-up\b/i --> "\e/+'klo&Us.^p\e/+"
/\bCNN Go\b/i --> "\e/+'si_'En_'En_'go&U\e/+"
/\bco-CEOs\b/i --> "\e/+ko&'o&Uz\e/+"
/\bcoast-to-coast\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&Ust.t$.'ko&Ust\e/+"
/\bCoco Vandeweghe\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&U.ko&U.'v@n.d$.we&I\e/+"
/\bcold-blooded\b/i --> "\e/+ko&Uld.'bl^.dId\e/+"
/\bCollett-Vare\b/i --> "\e/+kAl.'Et.'vER+\e/+"
/\bColorado Rockies\b/i --> "\e/+'kA.l$.''R+A.kiz\e/+"
/\bColumbus Day\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'l^m.b$s.'de&I\e/+"
/\bcomic books\b/i --> "\e/+'kA.mIk.bUks\e/+"
/\bCommunist Party\b/i --> "\e/+'kA.mj$.nIst.'pAR+.ti\e/+"
/\bcomponent-based\b/i --> "\e/+k$m.'po&U.nn%)\e/+"
/\bcondensans ilii\b/i --> "\e/+kAn.'dEn.s@nz.'\e/+"
/\bContinental Airlines\b/i --> "\e/+kAn.tI.''\e/+"
/\bCool Whip\b/i --> "\e/+'kul.'wIp\e/+"
/\bcoq au vin\b/i --> "\e/+'kAk.o&U.'v@n\e/+"
/\bCordon Bleu\b/i --> "\e/+'kOR+.dAn.'blu\e/+"
/\bcorpus callosum\b/i --> "\e/+'kOR+.p$s.k$.'lo&U.s$m\e/+"
/\bcost-of-living\b/i --> "\e/+'kOst.$v.'lI.vInK\e/+"
/\bCosta Rica\b/i --> "\e/$.'R+i.k$\e/+"
/\bCosta Rican\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&$.'\e/+"
/\bCostco Wholesale\b/i --> "\e/+'kOs.ko&U.'ho&\e/+"
/\bCotrel-Dubousset\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'tR+El.du.bu.'se&I\e/+"
/\bcoup d'état\b/i --> "\e/+'ku_de&I.'tA\e/+"
/\bCourt of Common Pleas\b/i --> "\e/+'kOR+t.$v.''pliz\e/+"
/\bCrate & Barrel\b/i --> "\e/+'kR+e&It.n%).'bE.R+l%)\e/+"
/\bcrème fraîche\b/i --> "\e/+'kR+Em_'fR+ES\e/+"
/\bCriminal Minds\b/i --> "\e/+''ma&Indz\e/+"
/\bCrocodile Dundee\b/i --> "\e/+'kR+A.k$.da&Il.d^n.'di\e/+"
/\bCroix Paquet\b/i --> "\e/+'kwA.p@.'ke&I\e/+"
/\bcross-dresser\b/i --> "\e/+kR+Os.dR+E.s$R+\e/+"
/\bcross-dressers\b/i --> "\e/+kR+Os.'dR+E.s$R+z\e/+"
/\bcross-section\b/i --> "\e/+'kR+Os.sEk.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bCrown Auto\b/i --> "\e/+'kR+a&Un.'\e/+"
/\bCT scan\b/i --> "\e/+si.'\e/+"
/\bCub Scout\b/i --> "\e/+'k^b_'ska&Ut\e/+"
/\bCub Scouts\b/i --> "\e/+'k^b_'ska&Uts\e/+"
/\bcul-de-sac\b/i --> "\e/+'k^l.d$.s@k\e/+"
/\bcum laude\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bCummins Engine\b/i --> "\e/+'k^.mn%)z.'En.d&Zn%)\e/+"
/\bCyhi the Prynce\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&I.ha&I.D^.'pR+Ins\e/+"
/\bcystic fibrosis\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.stIk.fa&I.'bR+o&U.sIs\e/+"
/\bD'yer Mak'er\b/i --> "\e/+d&Z$.'me&I.k$\e/+"
/\bD-Fenders\b/i --> "\e/+'di.fEn.d$R+z\e/+"
/\bD-(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+di.'ma&I.n$s\e/+"
/\bDa Dip\b/i --> "\e/+'dA_'dIp\e/+"
/\bDancing with the Stars\b/i --> "\e/+'d@n.sInK.wIT.D$.'stAR+z\e/+"
/\bdarbepoetin alfa\b/i --> "\e/+dAR+.b$.'po&U.$.tIn.'@l.f$\e/+"
/\bdark-colored\b/i --> "\e/+'dAR+k.k^.l$R+d\e/+"
/\bDarth Vader\b/i --> "\e/+'dAR+T.'ve&I.d$R+\e/+"
/\bDarvocet-N\b/i --> "\e/+'dAR+.v$.sEt.'En\e/+"
/\bDarvon-N\b/i --> "\e/+'dAR+.vAn.'En\e/+"
/\bdaughter-in-law\b/i --> "\e/+'dO.t$R+.In.lO\e/+"
/\bdaughters-in-law\b/i --> "\e/+'dO.t$R+z.In.lO\e/+"
/\bday-to-day\b/i --> "\e/+'de&I.t$.'de&I\e/+"
/\bDB-9\b/i --> "\e/+''na&In\e/+"
/\bDC-10s\b/i --> "\e/'tEnz\e/+"
/\bde-epithelializaton\b/i --> "\e/'ze&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bde bonis non\b/i --> "\e/+'de&I.'bo&U.nis.'no&Un\e/+"
/\bde facto\b/i --> "\e/+di.'\e/+"
/\bDe Gendt\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'hEnt\e/+"
/\bde Klerk\b/i --> "\e/+d$_'klE0k\e/+"
/\bDe La Ghetto\b/i --> "\e/+'di_'lA_'\e/+"
/\bde Sergio Lizarraga\b/i --> "\e/+de&I.'sER+.hi.o&U.lI.'zAR+.$.g$\e/+"
/\bdecision-making\b/i --> "\e/+dI.'sI.Zn%).'me&I.kInK\e/+"
/\bDeclaration of Independence\b/i --> "\e/+dE.kl$.'R+e&I.Sn%).$v.In.dI.'pEn.dn
/\bDeee-Lite\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bdeep-fried\b/i --> "\e/+'dip.fR+a&Id\e/+"
/\bdeep-sea\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bDeep Throat\b/i --> "\e/+'dip_'TR+o&Ut\e/+"
/\bdeep throating\b/i --> "\e/+'dip_'TR+o&U.tInK\e/+"
/\bDeitrick Haddon's LXW\b/i --> "\e/+'di.tR+Ik_'h@.dn%)z_El_Eks_'d^.bl%).ju\e/
/\bDeluxe Edition\b/i --> "\e/+dI.'l^ks.I.'dI.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bDemocratic Party\b/i --> "\e/+dE.m$.'kR+@.tIk.'pAR+.ti\e/+"
/\bDepeche Mode\b/i --> "\e/+d$.'pES.'mo&Ud\e/+"
/\bDepth API\b/i --> "\e/+'dEpT_e&I_'pi_'a&I\e/+"
/\bDerek Luh\b/i --> "\e/+'dER+.Ik.'lu\e/+"
/\bDevon Energy\b/i --> "\e/+''E.n$R+.d&Zi\e/+"
/\bdial-in\b/i --> "\e/+'da&Il.In\e/+"
/\bDie Eier von Satan\b/i --> "\e/+'di.'a&I.$R+.'vAn.'sA.tAn\e/+"
/\bDIR EN GREY\b/i --> "\e/+'diR+.An.'gR+e&I\e/+"
/\bDiscovery Channel\b/i --> "\e/+dI.'sk^.v$R+.i.'t&\e/+"
/\bDiscovery Zone\b/i --> "\e/+dI.'sk^.v$R+.i.'zo&Un\e/+"
/\bdisk drive\b/i --> "\e/+'dIsk.'dR+a&Iv\e/+"
/\bdistrict attorney\b/i --> "\e/+'dI.stR+Ikt_$.'\e/+"
/\bDistrito Nacional\b/i --> "\e/+dI.'$.'nAl\e/+"
/\bDivision I\b/i --> "\e/+dI.'vI.Zn%).'w^n\e/+"
/\bDivision II\b/i --> "\e/+dI.'vI.Zn%)_'tu\e/+"
/\bDo Not Disturb While Driving\b/i -->
/\bDoc Club\b/i --> "\e/+'dAk.'kl^b\e/+"
/\bdoggy style\b/i --> "\e/+''sta&Il\e/+"
/\bDolby Vision\b/i --> "\e/+'dOl.bi_'vI.Z$n\e/+"
/\bDon Francisco Te Invita\b/i --> "\e/+'dAn_fR+@n.'sIs.ko&U_'tE_In.'vi.t$\e/+"
/\bDonald Duck\b/i --> "\e/+''d^k\e/+"
/\bDota 2\b/i --> "\e/+'do&U.t$_'tu\e/+"
/\bdouble-sided\b/i --> "\e/+d^.bl%).'sa&I.dId\e/+"
/\bdown payment\b/i --> "\e/+'da&Un_'pe&\e/+"
/\bDr\. Scholl's\b/i --> "\e/+'dAk.t$R+.'So&Ulz\e/+"
/\bDragon Medical\b/i --> "\e/+''mE.dI.kl%)\e/+"
/\bdress-up\b/i --> "\e/+'dR+E.s^p\e/+"
/\bdrive-by\b/i --> "\e/+'dR+a&\e/+"
/\bdrive-ins\b/i --> "\e/+'dR+a&Iv.Inz\e/+"
/\bdriver-side\b/i --> "\e/+'dR+a&I.v$\e/+"
/\bDrudge Report\b/i --> "\e/+'dR+^d&Z.R+I.'pOR+t\e/+"
/\bdry-cleaning\b/i --> "\e/+'dR+a&I.kli.nInK\e/+"
/\bDSM-III\b/i --> "\e/+di.Es.'Em_'TR+i\e/+"
/\bdu Plessis\b/i --> "\e/+'du_plE.'si\e/+"
/\bDua Lipa\b/i --> "\e/+du.$_'lI.p$\e/+"
/\bduffel bags\b/i --> "\e/+'d^.fl%).'b@gz\e/+"
/\bdump truck\b/i --> "\e/+'d^mp.'tR+^k\e/+"
/\bDungeons & Dragons\b/i --> "\e/+'d^n.d&Zn%)z.n%).'\e/+"
/\bDuran Duran\b/i --> "\e/+dU.'R+@n_dU.'R+@n\e/+"
/\be-cigarette\b/i --> "\e/+'i.sI.g$R+.Et\e/+"
/\be-payrolls\b/i --> "\e/+'i.'pe&I.R+o&Ulz\e/+"
/\bE\. coli\b/i --> "\e/+'i.'ko&\e/+"
/\be pluribus unum\b/i --> "\e/+'i.'plUR+.I.b$s.'u.n$m\e/+"
/\bE Systems\b/i --> "\e/+'$mz\e/+"
/\beach other\b/i --> "\e/+'i.'t&S^.D$R+\e/+"
/\bEagle Scout\b/i --> "\e/+''ska&Ut\e/+"
/\bearly-onset\b/i --> "\e/'An.sEt\e/+"
/\bEast Germany\b/i --> "\e/+'ist.'d&\e/+"
/\bEastern Europe\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+n.'jE0.$p\e/+"
/\bEastman Kodak\b/i --> "\e/+''ko&U.d@k\e/+"
/\beasy-going\b/i --> "\e/+'i.zi.'go&U.InK\e/+"
/\bEgg McMuffin\b/i --> "\e/+'Eg_mIk.'m^.fn%)\e/+"
/\bEid Al-Fitr\b/i --> "\e/+'id.Al.'fI.t$R+\e/+"
/\bEid ul-Adha\b/i --> "\e/+'id.Al.'Ad.h$\e/+"
/\bEl Capitan\b/i --> "\e/+El.k@.pI.'t@n\e/+"
/\bel karma\b/i --> "\e/+'El_'kAt.mA\e/+"
/\bEl Partidazo de COPE\b/i --> "\e/+'El_pAR+.tI.'d@.zo&U_'di_'ko&Up\e/+"
/\bEl Ten Eleven\b/i --> "\e/+'El_'tEn_$.lE.v$n\e/+"
/\bel tiempo\b/i --> "\e/+'El.ti.'Em.po&U\e/+"
/\bEllen DeGeneres\b/i --> "\e/+'E.ln%)#d$.'d&ZE.n$R+.Is\e/+"
/\bElmer-DeWitt\b/i --> "\e/+El.m$R+.tI.'wIt\e/+"
/\bEmancipation Proclamation\b/i --> "\e/+I.m@n.sI.'pe&I.Sn%)_pR+A.kl$.'me&I.Sn
/\ben Español\b/i --> "\e/+En.E.spAn.'jo&Ul\e/+"
/\bEnglish Channel\b/i --> "\e/+'InK.glIS_'t&\e/+"
/\bEnrique Iglesias\b/i --> "\e/+En.''gle&$s\e/+"
/\bEpstein-Barr\b/i --> "\e/+Ep.sta&In.'bAR+\e/+"
/\bEquatorial Guinea\b/i --> "\e/$.'tOR+.i.l%).'\e/+"
/\bErykah Badu\b/i --> "\e/+'ER+.I.k$_'bA.ti\e/+"
/\bESPN Deportes\b/i --> "\e/+'i_'Es_'pi_'En_'dE.pOR+ts\e/+"
/\bet al\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'Et_'Ol\e/+"
/\bEuropa Universalis\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'R+o&U.p$.ju.nI.v$R+.'s@.lIs\e/+"
/\bEuropean Union\b/i --> "\e/+'jE0.$.pi.n%).'ju.njn%)\e/+"
/\bEx's & Oh's\b/i --> "\e/+'Ek.sIz_'@n_'o&Uz\e/+"
/\bex-girlfriend\b/i --> "\e/+Eks.'gE0l.fR+End\e/+"
/\bextended-stay\b/i --> "\e/+Ek.'stEn.dId.ste&I\e/+"
/\bextra-large\b/i --> "\e/+'Ek.stR+$.'lAR+d&Z\e/+"
/\bextra-virgin\b/i --> "\e/+'Ek.stR+$.'vE0.d&ZIn\e/+"
/\bExxon Mobil\b/i --> "\e/+'Ek.sAn.'mo&\e/+"
/\bF-14s\b/i --> "\e/+'Ef.fOR+.'tinz\e/+"
/\bF-15s\b/i --> "\e/+'Ef.fIf.'tinz\e/+"
/\bF-16\b/i --> "\e/+Ef.sIk.'stin\e/+"
/\bF-18s\b/i --> "\e/+'Ef.e&I.'tinz\e/+"
/\bFaaip De Oiad\b/i --> "\e/+''a&I.$d\e/+"
/\bface-offs\b/i --> "\e/+'fe&Is.Ofs\e/+"
/\bface-saving\b/i --> "\e/+'fe&\e/+"
/\bface-to-face\b/i --> "\e/+'fe&Is.t$.'fe&Is\e/+"
/\bfair-minded\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bfair-mindedly\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bfair-mindedness\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bfalse-negative\b/i --> "\e/+fOls.'nE.g$.tIv\e/+"
/\bfalse-positive\b/i --> "\e/+fOls.'pA.zI.tIv\e/+"
/\bfalx cerebri\b/i --> "\e/+'f@lks_'sER+.$.bR+a&I\e/+"
/\bfamily-friendly\b/i --> "\e/'\e/+"
/\bfamily-oriented\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bfamily-owned\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bFamily Court\b/i --> "\e/+'f@.mI.li_'kOR+t\e/+"
/\bfantaisie-impromptu\b/i --> "\e/+fAn.t$.'zi.Im.'pR+Amp.tu\e/+"
/\bfar-off\b/i --> "\e/+'fAR+.Of\e/+"
/\bFaraday Laboratories\b/i --> "\e/+'f@.R+$.de&I_'l@.bR+$.tOR+.iz\e/+"
/\bFastShip Atlantic\b/i --> "\e/+'f@st.SIp_@t.'l@n.tIk\e/+"
/\bFederal-Mogul\b/i --> "\e/+'fE.d$R+.l%)_'mo&\e/+"
/\bFeliz Navidad\b/i --> "\e/+fE.''dAd\e/+"
/\bfentanyl citrate\b/i --> "\e/+'fEn.t$.nIl.'sa&I.tR+e&It\e/+"
/\bFergie Ferg\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0.gi_'fE0g\e/+"
/\bFernández-Castaño\b/i --> "\e/+fER+.'nAn.dEz.kAs.'\e/+"
/\bFernando de Noronha\b/i --> "\e/+f$R+.'$.'R+o&Un.h$\e/+"
/\bFertile Crescent\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\bfettuccine Alfredo\b/i --> "\e/+fE.t$.'t&Si.ni_@l.'fR+e&\e/+"
/\bfibulo-talian\b/i --> "\e/+'$.lo&U.'te&\e/+"
/\bField & Stream\b/i --> "\e/+'fild_n%)_'stR+im\e/+"
/\bfilet mignon\b/i --> "\e/+fI.'le&I_mIn.'jAn\e/+"
/\bfill-in\b/i --> "\e/+'fIl.'In\e/+"
/\bfirst-aid\b/i --> "\e/+f$R+st.'e&Id\e/+"
/\bfirst-division\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0st.dI.vI.Zn%)\e/+"
/\bfirst-quarter\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0st.kwOR+.t$R+\e/+"
/\bfirst-rate\b/i --> "\e/+f$R+st.'R+e&It\e/+"
/\bfirst aid\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0st_'e&Id\e/+"
/\bFirst Amendment\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0st_$.'\e/+"
/\bFirst American\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0st_$.'\e/+"
/\bFirst Union\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0st.'ju.njn%)\e/+"
/\bFirst United Bancshares\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0st.ju.'na&I.tId.'b@nKk.SER+z\e/+"
/\bFirst United Financial Services\b/i -->
/\bFirst United Financial\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0st.ju.'na&I.tId.fa&I.'n@n.Sl%)\e/+"
/\bFisher-Price\b/i --> "\e/+'fI.S$R+.'pR+a&Is\e/+"
/\bfive-minute\b/i --> "\e/+fa&Iv.'mI.nIt\e/+"
/\bfixer-upper\b/i --> "\e/+fIk.s$R+.'^.p$R+\e/+"
/\bflip-flop\b/i --> "\e/+'flIp.flAp\e/+"
/\bflip-flops\b/i --> "\e/+'flIp.flAps\e/+"
/\bfloppy disks\b/i --> "\e/+'flA.pi.'dIsks\e/+"
/\bfloppy drive\b/i --> "\e/+'flA.pi.'dR+a&Iv\e/+"
/\bfloppy drives\b/i --> "\e/+'flA.pi.'dR+a&Ivz\e/+"
/\bflow-through\b/i --> "\e/+'flo&U.TR+u\e/+"
/\bfluid ounce\b/i --> "\e/+'flu.Id.'a&Uns\e/+"
/\bfluid ounces\b/i --> "\e/+'flu.Id.'a&Un.sIz\e/+"
/\bfoie gras\b/i --> "\e/+'fwA_'gR+A\e/+"
/\bfolie à deux\b/i --> "\e/+'fo&'du\e/+"
/\bfollow-up\b/i --> "\e/+'fA.lo&U.'^p\e/+"
/\bfor example\b/i --> "\e/+f$R+_Ig.'\e/+"
/\bfor instance\b/i --> "\e/+f$R+_'In.stn%)s\e/+"
/\bFord Escort\b/i --> "\e/+'fOR+d.'Es.kOR+t\e/+"
/\bforeign-based\b/i --> "\e/+'fOR+.n%).'be&Ist\e/+"
/\bforeign-policy\b/i --> "\e/+'fOR+.n%).'\e/+"
/\bforeign policy\b/i --> "\e/+'fOR+.n%).'\e/+"
/\bforum non conveniens\b/i --> "\e/+'fOR+.$m.'no&'\e/+"
/\bFoster the People\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+_D$_'\e/+"
/\bfour-cylinder\b/i --> "\e/+fOR+.'sI.ln%).d$R+\e/+"
/\bfour-wheel-drive\b/i --> "\e/+fOR+.wil.'dR+a&Iv\e/+"
/\bFour Loko\b/i --> "\e/+'fOR+.'lo&U.ko&U\e/+"
/\bfourth-quarter\b/i --> "\e/+fOR+T.'kwOR+.t$R+\e/+"
/\bFOX Deportes\b/i --> "\e/+''pOR+.te&Is\e/+"
/\bFrancis Poulenc\b/i --> "\e/+'fR+@n.sIs_'pu.l@nKk\e/+"
/\bfree-throw\b/i --> "\e/+'fR+i.TR+o&U\e/+"
/\bfrench fries\b/i --> "\e/+'fR+Ent&S.'fR+a&Iz\e/+"
/\bFrench Guiana\b/i --> "\e/+'fR+Ent&'A.n$\e/+"
/\bFrench Open\b/i --> "\e/+'fR+Ent&S.'o&\e/+"
/\bFroot Loops\b/i --> "\e/+'fR+ut.'lups\e/+"
/\bfull-grown\b/i --> "\e/+'fUl.gR+o&Un\e/+"
/\bFuquay-Varina\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+.'i.n$\e/+"
/\bFür Elise\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0.$.'lis\e/+"
/\bG-Eazy\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Zi#'i.zi\e/+"
/\bG-Shock\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Zi.'SAk\e/+"
/\bGal Gadot\b/i --> "\e/+'g@l_'g@.t$t\e/+"
/\bGallovits-Hall\b/i --> "\e/+'g@.l$.vIt&S.'hOl\e/+"
/\bgame-winning\b/i --> "\e/+'ge&Im.wI.nInK\e/+"
/\bGame Show Network\b/i --> "\e/+'ge&Im.'So&U.'nEt.w$R+k\e/+"
/\bGaudeamus Igitur\b/i --> "\e/+ga&U.di.'A.m$s.I.g$.'tUR+\e/+"
/\bGeneral Building\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZE.n$R+.l%).'bIl.dInK\e/+"
/\bGenius Bar\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Zi.nj$s.'bAR+\e/+"
/\bGente de Zona\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZEnt_'di_'zo&U.n$\e/+"
/\bGetsu Fuma Den\b/i --> "\e/+'gEt.su_'fu.m$_'dEn\e/+"
/\bGilgeous-Alexander\b/i --> "\e/+'gIl.d&Z$s.@.lIg.'z@n.d$R+\e/+"
/\bGirl Scout\b/i --> "\e/+'gE0l.ska&Ut\e/+"
/\bglow-in-the-dark\b/i --> "\e/+'glo&U.In.D$.'dAR+k\e/+"
/\bgluteus maximus\b/i --> "\e/+'glu.ti.$s_'m@k.sI.m$s\e/+"
/\bGMAC Auto Receivables\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Zi.'Em.'e&I.'si.''si.v$.bl
/\bGolden Oak\b/i --> "\e/+'go&Ul.dn%)_'o&Uk\e/+"
/\bGolTV HD\b/i --> "\e/+'go&\e/+"
/\bgood-looking\b/i --> "\e/+'gUd.lU.kInK\e/+"
/\bGood Friday\b/i --> "\e/+'gUd.'fR+a&\e/+"
/\bGoogle Docs\b/i --> "\e/+''dAks\e/+"
/\bgovernment-backed\b/i --> "\e/+'g^.v$\e/+"
/\bgraham cracker\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+@m.'kR+@.k$R+\e/+"
/\bgraham crackers\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+@m.'kR+@.k$R+z\e/+"
/\bgram-positive\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+@m.'pA.zI.tIv\e/+"
/\bgrand jury\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+@n_'d&ZUR+.i\e/+"
/\bGrand Union\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+@nd.'ju.njn%)\e/+"
/\bgreat-granddaughters\b/i --> "\e/+gR+e&It.'gR+@n.dO.t$R+z\e/+"
/\bgreat-great-granddaughter\b/i --> "\e/+gR+e&It.gR+e&It.'gR+@n.dO.t$R+\e/+"
/\bgreat-granddaughter\b/i --> "\e/+gR+e&It.'gR+@n.dO.t$R+\e/+"
/\bgreat-uncle\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+e&It.'^nK.kl%)\e/+"
/\bGreen Day\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+in.'de&I\e/+"
/\bGrey's Anatomy\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+e&Iz_$.'n@.t$.mi\e/+"
/\bGreyboy Allstars\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+e&I.bO&I_'$R+z\e/+"
/\bgrown-up\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+o&Un.^p\e/+"
/\bgrown-ups\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+o&Un.^ps\e/+"
/\bGT-R\b/i --> "\e/+d&Zi.ti.'AR+\e/+"
/\bGuatemala City\b/i --> "\e/+gwA.t$.'mA.l$_'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bGucci Mane\b/i --> "\e/+'gU.t&Si_'me&In\e/+"
/\bGuided Access\b/i --> "\e/+'ga&I.tIt_'@k.sEs\e/+"
/\bGuinea-Bissau\b/i --> "\e/+''sa&U\e/+"
/\bguinea pigs\b/i --> "\e/+''pIgz\e/+"
/\bGyne-Lotrimin 3\b/i --> "\e/+ga&I.n$.'lo&U.tR+I.mIn.'TR+i\e/+"
/\bGyne-Lotrimin\b/i --> "\e/+ga&I.n$.'lo&U.tR+I.mIn\e/+"
/\bH\. pylori\b/i --> "\e/+'e&It&'lOR+.a&I\e/+"
/\bH Mart\b/i --> "\e/+'e&It&S.mAR+t\e/+"
/\bHäagen-Dazs\b/i --> "\e/+''dAz\e/+"
/\bhabeas corpus\b/i --> "\e/+'he&$s.'kOR+.p$s\e/+"
/\bHaight-Ashbury\b/i --> "\e/+'he&It.'@S.b$R+.i\e/+"
/\bHail Mary\b/i --> "\e/+he&Il.'m@.R+i\e/+"
/\bHAL 9000\b/i --> "\e/+''Ta&U.zn%)d\e/+"
/\bHalard-Decugis\b/i --> "\e/+hA.'lAR+d.dE.ku.'Ze&I\e/+"
/\bhalf-an-hour\b/i --> "\e/+h@.fn%).'a&U.$R+\e/+"
/\bhalf-and-half\b/i --> "\e/+'h@f.n%).'h@f\e/+"
/\bhalf-inch\b/i --> "\e/+'h@f.Int&S\e/+"
/\bhalf-life\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bHall & Oates\b/i --> "\e/+'hOl_'@n_'o&Uts\e/+"
/\bhand-in-hand\b/i --> "\e/+'h@nd.In.'h@nd\e/+"
/\bhands-on\b/i --> "\e/+h@ndz.'An\e/+"
/\bhard drive\b/i --> "\e/+'hAR+d.'dR+a&Iv\e/+"
/\bHasa Diga Eebowai\b/i --> "\e/+h@.s$_'di.g$_'\e/+"
/\bHasta que te Conocí(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i -->
/\bHato Mayor\b/i --> "\e/+''jOR+\e/+"
/\bHaute-Loire\b/i --> "\e/+'o&Ut.'lwAR+\e/+"
/\bhe-man\b/i --> "\e/+'hi.m@n\e/+"
/\bheart-shaped\b/i --> "\e/+'hAR+t.Se&Ipt\e/+"
/\bheavy-metal\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bHeisman Trophy\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&'tR+o&\e/+"
/\bHenry VIII\b/i --> "\e/+'hEn.R+i_'Di_'e&IT\e/+"
/\bhepatitis A\b/i --> "\e/+hE.p$.'ta&I.tIs_e&I\e/+"
/\bhepatitis B\b/i --> "\e/+hE.p$.'ta&I.tIs.'bi\e/+"
/\bhepatitis C\b/i --> "\e/+hE.p$.'ta&I.tIs_'si\e/+"
/\bHerrera en COPE\b/i --> "\e/+E.'R+ER+.$.En.'ko&\e/+"
/\bhigh-definition\b/i --> "\e/+ha&I.dE.f$.'nI.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bhigh-performance\b/i --> "\e/+ha&I.p$R+.'\e/+"
/\bhigh-pressure\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&I.pR+E.S$R+\e/+"
/\bhigh-resolution\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&I.R+E.z$.'lu.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bhigh-rise\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&I.R+a&Iz\e/+"
/\bhigh schools\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&I.'skulz\e/+"
/\bHimachal Pradesh\b/i --> "\e/+hI.'mA.t&Sl%)_pR+$.'dES\e/+"
/\bHistory en Espanol\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+.i.En.E.spn%).'jo&Ul\e/+"
/\bhit-and-run\b/i --> "\e/+hIt.n%).'R+^n\e/+"
/\bHo Chi Minh City\b/i --> "\e/+'ho&U.t&Si.'mIn.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bhocus-pocus\b/i --> "\e/+'ho&U.k$s.'po&U.k$s\e/+"
/\bHomo sapiens\b/i --> "\e/+'ho&'se&I.pi.n%)z\e/+"
/\bHonda Civic\b/i --> "\e/+'hAn.d$.'sI.vIk\e/+"
/\bHonk Hiss Tweet GGGGGGGGGG\b/i --> "\e/+'hOnKk.'hIs.'twit.'g^.'g^.'g^\e/+"
/\bHootie & the Blowfish\b/i --> "\e/+'hu.ti.n%).D$.'blo&U.fIS\e/+"
/\bhors d'oeuvre\b/i --> "\e/+OR+.'dE0v\e/+"
/\bhors d'oeuvres\b/i --> "\e/+OR+.'dE0vz\e/+"
/\bhorseshoe crab\b/i --> "\e/+'hOR+s.Su.'kR+@b\e/+"
/\bHōryū-ji\b/i --> "\e/+'hOR+.ju.d&Zi\e/+"
/\bHot Chelle Rae\b/i --> "\e/+'hAt_t&SEl_'R+e&I\e/+"
/\bHouse of Representatives\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&Us.$v.R+E.pR+I.'zEn.t$.tIvz\e/+"
/\bHouston-area\b/i --> "\e/+'hju.stn%).E.R+i.$\e/+"
/\bHouston Oilers\b/i --> "\e/+'hju.stn%)_'O&I.l$R+z\e/+"
/\bhuman being\b/i --> "\e/+''bi.InK\e/+"
/\bhuman beings\b/i --> "\e/'bi.InKz\e/+"
/\bhuman rights\b/i --> "\e/+''R+a&Its\e/+"
/\bHurricane Katrina\b/i --> "\e/+'$.'tR+i.n$\e/+"
/\bhush puppies\b/i --> "\e/+'h^S.'p^.piz\e/+"
/\bHyo-joo\b/i --> "\e/+'hjo&U.d&Zu\e/+"
/\bHyung-taik\b/i --> "\e/+'hj^nK.'ta&Ik\e/+"
/\bI-9\b/i --> "\e/+a&I.'na&In\e/+"
/\bI-95\b/i --> "\e/+a&'fa&Iv\e/+"
/\bICC ODI\b/i --> "\e/+a&'si.o&U.di.'a&I\e/+"
/\bice-skating\b/i --> "\e/+a&Is.'ske&I.tInK\e/+"
/\bice cubes\b/i --> "\e/+'a&Is.'kjubz\e/+"
/\bIL-11\b/i --> "\e/+a&I.'El.I.'\e/+"
/\bill-conceived\b/i --> "\e/+''sivd\e/+"
/\bIlocos Sur\b/i --> "\e/+I.'lo&U.ko&Us.'sUR+\e/+"
/\bimmune system\b/i --> "\e/+I.'mjun.'$m\e/+"
/\bin-laws\b/i --> "\e/+'In.lOz\e/+"
/\bIn-N-Out\b/i --> "\e/+I.nn%).'a&Ut\e/+"
/\bin-service\b/i --> "\e/+In.'sE0.vIs\e/+"
/\bin-state\b/i --> "\e/+'In.ste&It\e/+"
/\bin-store\b/i --> "\e/+'In.stOR+\e/+"
/\bin camera\b/i --> "\e/+In_'k@.mR+$\e/+"
/\bin lieu of\b/i --> "\e/+In.'lu.$v\e/+"
/\bin lieu\b/i --> "\e/+In.'lu\e/+"
/\bin spite of\b/i --> "\e/+In.'spa&It.^v\e/+"
/\bin utero\b/i --> "\e/+'In_'ju.t$.R+o&U\e/+"
/\bin vitro\b/i --> "\e/+In_'vi.tR+o&U\e/+"
/\bInari-taisha\b/i --> "\e/+I.'nAR+.i.'ta&I.S$\e/+"
/\bInauguration Day\b/i --> "\e/+I.nO.gj$R+.'e&I.Sn%).'de&I\e/+"
/\binch-high\b/i --> "\e/+'Int&S.ha&I\e/+"
/\bincome tax\b/i --> "\e/+'In.k^m.'t@ks\e/+"
/\bincome taxes\b/i --> "\e/+'In.k$m.'t@k.sIz\e/+"
/\bindefinite-delivery\b/i --> "\e/+In.'dE.fI.nIt.dI.'lI.v$R+.i\e/+"
/\bindefinite-quantity\b/i --> "\e/+In.'dE.fI.nIt.'kwAn.tI.ti\e/+"
/\bIndependence Day\b/i --> "\e/+In.dI.'pEn.dn%)s.'de&I\e/+"
/\bIndigo Girls\b/i --> "\e/+'In.dI.go&U_'gE0lz\e/+"
/\bIndustrial Revolution\b/i --> "\e/+In.'d^.stR+i.l%).'R+E.v$.'lu.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bindustry-leading\b/i --> "\e/+'In.d$.stR+i.'li.dInK\e/+"
/\bindustry-specific\b/i --> "\e/+'In.d$.stR+i.sp$.'sI.fIk\e/+"
/\bindustry-standard\b/i --> "\e/+'In.d$.stR+i.'st@n.d$R+d\e/+"
/\binter-(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'In.t$R+\e/+"
/\bInter-App\b/i --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'@p\e/+"
/\bInternational Commerce Centre\b/i --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'n@.Sn%).l
/\bInternational Longshore and Warehouse Union\b/i --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'n@.Sn%).l
/\bInternational Relief Union\b/i --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'n@.Sn%).l
/\binternational unit\b/i --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'n@.Sn%).l%).'ju.nIt\e/+"
/\binternational units\b/i --> "\e/+In.t$R+.'n@.Sn%).l%).'ju.nIts\e/+"
/\bIP address\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I_'pi_$.'dR+Es\e/+"
/\bIp Man\b/i --> "\e/+'Ip.m@n\e/+"
/\biPad 2s\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.'p@d.'tuz\e/+"
/\biPad 3s\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.'p@d.'TR+iz\e/+"
/\biPad Air 2\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.p@t_'ER+_'tu\e/+"
/\biPad Air 3\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.p@t_'ER+_'TR+i\e/+"
/\biPhone 3Gs\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.'fo&Un.'TR+i.'d&Ziz\e/+"
/\biPhone 4\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.'fo&Un.'fOR+\e/+"
/\biPhone X\b/i --> "\e/+'a&'Eks\e/+"
/\biPod Socks\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.pAd.sAks\e/+"
/\biPod touch\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.pAd.'t^t&S\e/+"
/\biron lung\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.$R+n.'l^nK\e/+"
/\bIsle of Palms\b/i --> "\e/+'a&Il_$v_'pAmz\e/+"
/\bitsy-bitsy\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\biTunes Store\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz.'stOR+\e/+"
/\biTunes U\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.tunz.'ju\e/+"
/\bIvory Coast\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.v$R+.i.'ko&Ust\e/+"
/\bJ-F\b/i --> "\e/+d&Ze&I.'Ef\e/+"
/\bJ-FX\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.'E.'fEks\e/+"
/\bJ\. K\. Rowling\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.'ke&I.'R+o&U.lInK\e/+"
/\bJ\. Sargeant Reynolds Community College\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.'sAR+.d&Zn
/\bJ\.R\.R\. Tolkien\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.AR+.AR+.'to&Ul.kin\e/+"
/\bJ League\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.lig\e/+"
/\bJabba the Hutt\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZA.b$_D$_'h^t\e/+"
/\bjack-o'-lantern\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Z@k.$.'l@n.t$R+n\e/+"
/\bjack-o'-lanterns\b/i --> "\e/+d&Z@k.$.'l@n.t$R+nz\e/+"
/\bJack Eckerd\b/i --> "\e/+d&Z@k.'E.k$R+d\e/+"
#/\bJack Ü(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'d&Z@k_'ju.ta&I.'ER+.$.s$s\e/+" #
should be "jack U", covered above in another rule
/\bjai alai\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&I.$.'la&I\e/+"
/\bJai Ho\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&I_'ho&U\e/+"
/\bjamais vu\b/i --> "\e/+''vu\e/+"
/\bJans-Ignacik\b/i --> "\e/+'jAns.Ig.'nA.t&SIk\e/+"
/\bJar Jar Binks\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAR+_'d&ZAR+_'bInKks\e/+"
/\bJaren Jackson Jr\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'d&Z@.R+n%).'d&
/\bJason Aldean\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.s$n_Ol.'di.$n\e/+"
/\bJay Z\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Ze&I.'zi\e/+"
/\bJetBlue Airways\b/i --> "\e/+d&ZEt.'blu.'ER+.we&Iz\e/+"
/\bJeung-hun\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Z^nK.hun\e/+"
/\bJi So-yun\b/i --> "\e/+'t&Si.'so&U.'j^n\e/+"
/\bjiu-jitsu\b/i --> "\e/+d&Zu.'d&\e/+"
/\bJo-Wilfried Tsonga\b/i --> "\e/+d&Zo&U.'wIl.fR+Id.'sAnK.g$\e/+"
/\bjock itch\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAk.It&S\e/+"
/\bJohn Giannandrea\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAn_d&Z@.n$n.'dR+e&I.$\e/+"
/\bJohn Isner\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAn.'Iz.n$R+\e/+"
/\bJohnson & Johnson\b/i --> "\e/+'d&'d&\e/+"
/\bJohnston Atoll\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAn.stn%)_'@.tOl\e/+"
/\bJon Rahm\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZAn.'R+Am\e/+"
/\bJonathan Ive\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZA.n$.T$n_'Iv\e/+"
/\bJony Ive\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZA.ni_'Iv\e/+"
/\bJoong-ki\b/i --> "\e/+d&ZunK.'ki\e/+"
/\bJorja Smith\b/i --> "\e/+d&ZOR+.d&Z$_'smIT\e/+"
/\bK-EARTH\b/i --> "\e/+ke&I.'E0T\e/+"
/\bK-LOVE\b/i --> "\e/+'ke&I.l^v\e/+"
/\bk\.d\. lang\b/i --> "\e/+'ke&I.di_'l@nK\e/+"
/\bKap Slap\b/i --> "\e/+'k@p#'sl@p\e/+"
/\bKazim-Richards\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'zim.'R+I.t&S$R+dz\e/+"
/\bKelley Blue Book\b/i --> "\e/+''blu.'bUk\e/+"
/\bKellond-Knight\b/i --> "\e/+kE.ln%)d.'na&It\e/+"
/\bKenaject-40\b/i --> "\e/+'kE.n$.d&ZEkt.'fOR+.ti\e/+"
/\bKentucky Derby\b/i --> "\e/+kn%).'t^.ki.'\e/+"
/\bKhalil Mack\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'lil.'m@k\e/+"
/\bKid Cudi\b/i --> "\e/+'kId_'kju.ti\e/+"
/\bKidz Bop\b/i --> "\e/+'kIdz_'bAp\e/+"
/\bKimi no Na wa\b/i --> "\e/+''nA.w$\e/+"
/\bKing and Queen\b/i --> "\e/+'kInK.n%).'kwin\e/+"
/\bKings of Leon\b/i --> "\e/+'kInKz_$v_'li.An\e/+"
/\bKinkaku-ji\b/i --> "\e/+'kIn.kA.ku.d&Zi\e/+"
/\bKiyomizu-dera\b/i --> "\e/'mI.zu.'dER+.$\e/+"
/\bknee-deep\b/i --> "\e/+'ni.dip\e/+"
/\bknee-high\b/i --> "\e/+'ni.ha&I\e/+"
/\bKohde-Kilsch\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&U.d$.'kIlS\e/+"
/\bKomodo dragon\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'mo&'\e/+"
/\bKomodo dragons\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'mo&'\e/+"
/\bKool-Aid\b/i --> "\e/+'kul.'e&Id\e/+"
/\bKuala Lumpur\b/i --> "\e/+ku.'A.l$.l^m.'pUR+\e/+"
/\bKuwait City\b/i --> "\e/+ku.'we&It.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bKVLY-TV\b/i --> "\e/+ke&'wa&I.ti.'vi\e/+"
/\bKwajalein Atoll\b/i --> "\e/+'kwA.d&Z$.ln%).$.'to&Ul\e/+"
/\bl'humour d'inter\b/i --> "\e/+El.'hju.m$R+_di.In.'tE0\e/+"
/\bL-O-V-E\b/i --> "\e/+'E.'lo&U.'vi.'i\e/+"
/\bLa Liga\b/i --> "\e/+l$.'li.g$\e/+"
/\bLa Niña\b/i --> "\e/+l$.'ni.nj$\e/+"
/\bLa Vega\b/i --> "\e/+l$.'ve&I.g$\e/+"
/\bLabor Day\b/i --> "\e/+'le&I.b$R+.'de&I\e/+"
/\bLake Zurich\b/i --> "\e/+'le&Ik.'zE0.Ik\e/+"
/\blamb chop\b/i --> "\e/+'l@m_'t&SAp\e/+"
/\bLamson & Sessions\b/i --> "\e/+''sE.Sn%)z\e/+"
/\bLanao del Norte\b/i --> "\e/+''nOR+.te&I\e/+"
/\bLanao del Sur\b/i --> "\e/+''sUR+\e/+"
/\bLance Corporal\b/i --> "\e/+'l@ns.'kOR+.pR+l%)\e/+"
/\bLand Cruiser\b/i --> "\e/+'l@nd.'kR+u.z$R+\e/+"
/\bLand Rovers\b/i --> "\e/+'l@nd.'R+o&U.v$R+z\e/+"
/\bLankiam Cay\b/i --> "\e/+'lAnK.'kjAm.'ki\e/+"
/\bLas Posadas\b/i --> "\e/+lAs.po&U.'sA.t$s\e/+"
/\blast-minute\b/i --> "\e/+'l@st.'mI.nIt\e/+"
/\bLata Mangeshkar\b/i --> "\e/+'l@.t$_'me&In.d&ZES.k$R+\e/+"
/\blate-onset\b/i --> "\e/+'le&It.'An.sEt\e/+"
/\blatter-day\b/i --> "\e/+'l@.t$\e/+"
/\bLaunois-Bensaude\b/i --> "\e/+lo&Un.'wA.bEn.'sOd\e/+"
/\bLe Batard\b/i --> "\e/+'li_'b@.tAR+d\e/+"
/\bLe Bel\b/i --> "\e/+l$.'bEl\e/+"
/\bLe Blanc\b/i --> "\e/+l$.'blAnKk\e/+"
/\bLe Fay\b/i --> "\e/+l$.'fe&I\e/+"
/\bLe Fort fracture\b/i --> "\e/+l$.fOR+t.'fR+@k.t&S$R+\e/+"
/\bLe Gierse\b/i --> "\e/+l$.'giR+.z$\e/+"
/\bLe Latini\b/i --> "\e/+le&I.lA.'\e/+"
/\bLe Sommer\b/i --> "\e/+'l^.so&U.'mER+\e/+"
/\bLebanese-American\b/i --> "\e/+'$.'\e/+"
/\bLed Zeppelin\b/i --> "\e/+'lEd.'zE.plIn\e/+"
/\bLeeb Personal Finance\b/i --> "\e/+'lib.''fa&I.n@ns\e/+"
/\bleft-hand\b/i --> "\e/+'lEft.h@nd\e/+"
/\bLegend Airlines\b/i --> "\e/+'lE.d&Zn%)d.'\e/+"
/\bLegg Mason\b/i --> "\e/+'lEg.'me&\e/+"
/\bLeggett & Platt\b/i --> "\e/+'lE.gIt.n%).'pl@t\e/+"
/\bLegionnaires' disease\b/i --> "\e/+li.d&Zn%).'ER+z.dI.ziz\e/+"
/\bLeh-Nerd\b/i --> "\e/+'lE.n$R+d\e/+"
/\bLehman Brothers\b/i --> "\e/+''bR+^.D$R+z\e/+"
/\bLen-tex\b/i --> "\e/+'lEn.'tEks\e/+"
/\bLennox-Gastaut\b/i --> "\e/+'lE.n$ks.g@.'sto&U\e/+"
/\bLente Insulin\b/i --> "\e/+'lEn.te&I.'In.s$.lIn\e/+"
/\bLes Escaldes\b/i --> "\e/+le&I.E.'skAld\e/+"
/\bLes Mis\b/i --> "\e/+'le&I_'mIz\e/+"
/\bLes Visiteurs\b/i --> "\e/+'le&I.vI.zI.'tj^R+z\e/+"
/\bLescol XL\b/i --> "\e/+'lE.skl%).'Eks.'El\e/+"
/\bLeslie Fay Companies\b/i --> "\e/'fe&I.k^m.p$.niz\e/+"
/\bLevaquin 500\b/i --> "\e/+'lE.v$.kwIn.fa&Iv.'h^n.dR+Id\e/+"
/\bLevo-Dromoran\b/i --> "\e/+li.vo&U.'dR+A.m$R+.n%)\e/+"
/\bLevulan Kerastick\b/i --> "\e/+'lE.vju.l@n.'kER+.$.stIk\e/+"
/\blife-changing\b/i --> "\e/+'la&If.t&Se&In.d&ZInK\e/+"
/\blife-threatening\b/i --> "\e/+la&If.'\e/+"
/\bLife at Vet U\b/i --> "\e/+'la&If_@t_'vEt_'ju\e/+"
/\blife goals the sequel\b/i --> "\e/+'la&If_'go&Ulz_D$_'si.kwl%)\e/+"
/\bLifetime Real Women\b/i --> "\e/+'la&If.ta&Im.'R+il.'\e/+"
/\bLil Durk\b/i --> "\e/+'lIl_'dE0k\e/+"
/\bLil Uzi Vert\b/i --> "\e/+'lIl_'ju.zi_'vE0t\e/+"
/\bLil Yachty\b/i --> "\e/+'lIl_'jO.ti\e/+"
/\blima beans\b/i --> "\e/+'la&I.m$_'binz\e/+"
/\bLimp Bizkit\b/i --> "\e/+'lImp_'bI.skIt\e/+"
/\blip-synch\b/i --> "\e/+'lIp.'sInKk\e/+"
/\blip-synching\b/i --> "\e/+'lIp.sInK.kInK\e/+"
/\bLittle Einsteins\b/i --> "\e/+''a&In.sta&Inz\e/+"
/\bLive Photos\b/i --> "\e/+'la&Iv_'fo&\e/+"
/\bLo-Lo\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&U.lo&U\e/+"
/\blo mein\b/i --> "\e/+lo&U.'me&In\e/+"
/\blong-distance\b/i --> "\e/+lOnK.'dI.stn%)s\e/+"
/\blong-haul\b/i --> "\e/+'lOnK.hOl\e/+"
/\blook-alike\b/i --> "\e/+'lUk.$.la&Ik\e/+"
/\bLos Padres\b/i --> "\e/+lo&Us.'pA.dR+e&Is\e/+"
/\bLos Plebes del Rancho\b/i --> "\e/+'lOs_'pli.biz_'dEl_'R+@n.t&So&U\e/+"
/\bLos Teros\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&Us_'tER+.o&Us\e/+"
/\blow-calorie\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&U.'k@.l$R+.i\e/+"
/\blow-grade\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&U.gR+e&Id\e/+"
/\blow-key\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&\e/+"
/\blow-power\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&$R+\e/+"
/\blow-pressure\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&U.pR+E.S$R+\e/+"
/\bLudwig Quidde\b/i --> "\e/+'l^.dwIg_'kfI.t$\e/+"
/\blump sum\b/i --> "\e/+'l^mp_'s^m\e/+"
/\bM-16s\b/i --> "\e/+'Em.sIk.'stinz\e/+"
/\bm-commerce\b/i --> "\e/+'Em_'kA.m$R+s\e/+"
/\bMAC address\b/i --> "\e/+'m@k_$.'dR+Es\e/+"
/\bMac mini\b/i --> "\e/+'m@k.'\e/+"
/\bMac Pro\b/i --> "\e/+'m@k.'pR+o&U\e/+"
/\bMacKinnon-Dellon\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'kIn.n%).'dE.ln%)\e/+"
/\bmacular degeneration\b/i --> "\e/+'m@.kj$.l$R+.di.d&ZE.n$R+.'e&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bMadam Secretary\b/i --> "\e/+'m@.d$m.'sE.kR+$.tER+.i\e/+"
/\bMadhya Pradesh\b/i --> "\e/+'$.pR+$.'dES\e/+"
/\bMagic School Bus\b/i --> "\e/+'m@.d&ZIk.'skul.'b^s\e/+"
/\bMagna Carta\b/i --> "\e/+'m@g.n$.'kAR+.t$\e/+"
/\bmah-jongg\b/i --> "\e/+'mA.ZOnK\e/+"
/\bMahna Mahna\b/i --> "\e/+'m@.n$_'m@.n$\e/+"
/\bmaître d'(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'me&I.tR+$_'di\e/+"
/\bMajor General\b/i --> "\e/+'me&I.d&Z$R+_'d&ZE.n$.R+l%)\e/+"
/\bMake-A-Wish\b/i --> "\e/+me&Ik.$.'wIS\e/+"
/\bman-of-war\b/i --> "\e/+'m@n.$v.'wOR+\e/+"
/\bmanic-depression\b/i --> "\e/+m@.nIk.dI.'pR+E.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bMano River Union\b/i --> "\e/+''R+I.v$R+.'ju.njn%)\e/+"
/\bManU TV\b/i --> "\e/+'m@n.ju.ti.'vi\e/+"
/\bMar-a-Lago\b/i --> "\e/+'mAR+.$.'lA.go&U\e/+"
/\bMara-Al-Utha\b/i --> "\e/+mA.R+$.@l.'u.T$\e/+"
/\bMarc E\. Bassey\b/i --> "\e/+'mAR+k_'i#'be&I.s$R+.O&I\e/+"
/\bMarie-Antoinette\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'$.'nEt\e/+"
/\bMarin Cilic\b/i --> "\e/+'mAR+.In.'t&SI.lIt&S\e/+"
/\bMarshall Islands\b/i --> "\e/+'mAR+.Sl%).'a&I.ln%)dz\e/+"
/\bMartin Luther King Day\b/i --> "\e/+''lu.T$R+_'kInK_'de&I\e/+"
/\bMauna Loa\b/i --> "\e/+mO.n$.'lo&U.$\e/+"
/\bMayr-Achleitner\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&I.$R+.'$R+\e/+"
/\bMedi-Cal\b/i --> "\e/+'mE.dI.k@l\e/+"
/\bmedulla oblongata\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'d^.l$_A.blOnK.'gA.t$\e/+"
/\bMein Kampf\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&In_'kAmf\e/+"
/\bMemorial Day\b/i --> "\e/+m$.'mOR+.i.l%).'de&I\e/+"
/\bMen's Wearhouse\b/i --> "\e/+mEnz_'wER+.ha&Us\e/+"
/\bmentally ill\b/i --> "\e/+''Il\e/+"
/\bMerrill Lynch\b/i --> "\e/+'mER+.l%)_'lInt&S\e/+"
/\bMetal 2\b/i --> "\e/+''tu\e/+"
/\bMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer\b/i --> "\e/+'mE.tR+o&U.'go&Ul.dwIn.'me&I.$R+\e/+"
/\bMetropolitan Life Insurance\b/i --> "\e/+mE.tR+$.'
/\bMicrosoft Office\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&I.kR+$.sOft.'O.fIs\e/+"
/\bmid-April\b/i --> "\e/+mId.'e&I.pR+l%)\e/+"
/\bmid-cap\b/i --> "\e/+'mId.k@p\e/+"
/\bmid-century\b/i --> "\e/+'mId.sEn.t&S$R+.i\e/+"
/\bmid-February\b/i --> "\e/+mId.'fE.bju.ER+.i\e/+"
/\bmid-January\b/i --> "\e/+mId.'d&Z@n.ju.ER+.i\e/+"
/\bmid-July\b/i --> "\e/+mId.d&Z$.'la&I\e/+"
/\bmid-June\b/i --> "\e/+mId.'d&Zun\e/+"
/\bmid-October\b/i --> "\e/+mId.Ak.'to&U.b$R+\e/+"
/\bmiddle-age\b/i --> "\e/+'mI.dl%).e&Id&Z\e/+"
/\bmiddle-aged\b/i --> "\e/+mI.dl%).'e&Id&Zd\e/+"
/\bmiddle-class\b/i --> "\e/+mI.dl%).'kl@s\e/+"
/\bMiddle Ages\b/i --> "\e/+'mI.dl%)_'e&I.d&ZIz\e/+"
/\bmiddle schools\b/i --> "\e/+'mI.dl%).'skulz\e/+"
/\bMighty Ducks\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&I.ti.'d^ks\e/+"
/\bMike Pence\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&Ik.'pEns\e/+"
/\bMikko Koivu\b/i --> "\e/+'mi.ko&U.'kO&\e/+"
/\bmilk of magnesia\b/i --> "\e/+'mIlk.$v.m@g.'ni.Z$\e/+"
/\bMilli Vanilli\b/i --> "\e/+'mI.li_v$.'\e/+"
/\bMilos Raonic\b/i --> "\e/+'mi.lo&Us.'R+a&U.nIt&S\e/+"
/\bMinar-e-Pakistan\b/i --> "\e/+mI.'nAR+.i.'pA.kI.stAn\e/+"
/\bminimum-wage\b/i --> "\e/+'mI.nI.m$m.'we&Id&Z\e/+"
/\bMiss America\b/i --> "\e/+mI.s$.'mER+.I.k$\e/+"
/\bMister Ed\b/i --> "\e/+'mIs.t$R+_'Ed\e/+"
/\bMo-sett\b/i --> "\e/+'mo&U.sEt\e/+"
/\bmodus operandi\b/i --> "\e/+'mo&U.t$s_A.p$.'R+@n.di\e/+"
/\bMohenjo-daro\b/i --> "\e/+mo&U.'hEn.d&Zo&U.'dAR+.o&U\e/+"
/\bMont Blanc\b/i --> "\e/+mAnt.'blAnKk\e/+"
/\bMonterey Jack\b/i --> "\e/+'mAn.t$R+.e&I.'d&Z@k\e/+"
/\bMortal Kombat\b/i --> "\e/+''kAm.b@t\e/+"
/\bMosin-Nagant\b/i --> "\e/+'mo&U.zn%).n$.'gAnt\e/+"
/\bmother-daughter\b/i --> "\e/+m^.D$R+.'dO.t$R+\e/+"
/\bMountain Dew\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&'du\e/+"
/\bmouth-to-mouth\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&UT.t$.'ma&UT\e/+"
/\bmove-in\b/i --> "\e/+'muv.In\e/+"
/\bMuhammad Ali\b/i --> "\e/+mU.'h@.m$t_A.'li\e/+"
/\bmultiple-choice\b/i --> "\e/+'m^'t&SO&Is\e/+"
/\bmultiple sclerosis\b/i --> "\e/+'m^$R+.'o&U.sIs\e/+"
/\bMumford & Sons\b/i --> "\e/+'m^m.f$R+t_'@n_'s^nz\e/+"
/\bMumford and Sons\b/i --> "\e/+'m^m.f$R+.dn%)d.'s^nz\e/+"
/\bmura masa\b/i --> "\e/+mE0.$.'mA.s$\e/+"
/\bMurud-Janjira\b/i --> "\e/+mUR+.'ud.d&ZAn.'d&ZiR+.$\e/+"
/\bmuscular dystrophy\b/i --> "\e/+'m^.skj$.l$R+.'dI.stR+$.fi\e/+"
/\bMusiq Soulchild\b/i --> "\e/+'mju.sIk_'so&Ul.t&Sa&Ild\e/+"
/\bmutual fund\b/i --> "\e/+'mju.t&Su.l%)_'f^nd\e/+"
/\bmutual funds\b/i --> "\e/+'mju.t&Su.l%)_'f^ndz\e/+"
/\bmyasthenia gravis\b/i --> "\e/+ma&I.$s.'$_'gR+e&I.vIs\e/+"
/\bMylo Xyloto\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&I.lo&U.'za&I.lo&\e/+"
/\bmyocardial infarction\b/i --> "\e/+ma&I.o&U.'kAR+.di.l%)_In.'fAR+k.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bn-nonanoic\b/i --> "\e/+'En.nA.n$.'no&U.Ik\e/+"
/\bN-rays\b/i --> "\e/+'En.R+e&Iz\e/+"
/\bN-word\b/i --> "\e/+'En.'wE0d\e/+"
/\bnandrolone decanoate\b/i --> "\e/+'n@n.dR+$.lo&Un.dE.k$.'no&U.e&It\e/+"
/\bnanny-cam\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bNaomi Osaka\b/i --> "\e/+ne&I.'o&U.mi.o&U.'sA.k$\e/+"
/\bNarragansett Electric\b/i --> "\e/+n@.R+$.'g@n.sIt.I.'lEk.tR+Ik\e/+"
/\bNational Auto Credit\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.Sn%).l%).''kR+E.dIt\e/+"
/\bNational Cancer Institute\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.Sn%).l%).'k@n.s$R+.'In.stI.tut\e/
/\bNational Geographic Channel\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.Sn%).l%)_d&Zi.
/\bNational Hockey League\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.Sn%).l%).''lig\e/+"
/\bNational Lampoon\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.Sn%).l%).l@m.'pun\e/+"
/\bNational League West\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.Sn%).l%).'lig_'wEst\e/+"
/\bNational League\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.Sn%).l%).'lig\e/+"
/\bNational Transportation Safety Board\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.Sn%).l
/\bNational Weather Service\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.Sn%).l%)_'wE.D$R+_'sE0.vIs\e/+"
/\bNative Americans\b/i --> "\e/+'ne&I.tIv.$.'\e/+"
/\bNatural Language API\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.t&S$.R+l
/\bNavy SEALs\b/i --> "\e/+'ne&'silz\e/+"
/\bNazi Germany\b/i --> "\e/+''d&\e/+"
/\bnerve-racking\b/i --> "\e/+'nE0v.R+@.kInK\e/+"
/\bnervous system\b/i --> "\e/+'nE0.v$s.'$m\e/+"
/\bnet worth\b/i --> "\e/+'nE.'twE0T\e/+"
/\bNeural Engine\b/i --> "\e/+'nUR+.$l_'En.d&Z$n\e/+"
/\bnever-ending\b/i --> "\e/+'nE.v$R+.'En.dInK\e/+"
/\bNew Caledonia\b/i --> "\e/+'nu.k@.lI.'do&$\e/+"
/\bNew Guinea\b/i --> "\e/+nu.'\e/+"
/\bNew Jersey's\b/i --> "\e/+'nu_'d&ZE0.ziz\e/+"
/\bNew South Wales\b/i --> "\e/+''we&Ilz\e/+"
/\bNew York City's\b/i --> "\e/+nu.'jOR+k.'sI.tiz\e/+"
/\bNew York State Electric & Gas\b/i --> "\e/+'nu.'jOR+k.'ste&It.I.'lEk.tR+Ik.n
/\bnext-generation\b/i --> "\e/+'nEkst.d&ZE.n$R+.e&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bnext of kin\b/i --> "\e/+'nEkst_$v_'kIn\e/+"
/\bNiagara-on-the-Lake\b/i --> "\e/+na&I.'@.gR+$.An.D$.'le&Ik\e/+"
/\bNick Jr\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'nIk.'d&Zu.nj$R+\e/+"
/\bNicki Minaj\b/i --> "\e/+'nI.ki_'mI.n@d&Z\e/+"
/\bNicolas Cage\b/i --> "\e/+'nI.k$.l$s_'ke&Id&Z\e/+"
/\bNizhny Novgorod\b/i --> "\e/+''nAv.g$.R+Ad\e/+"
/\bno-hitter\b/i --> "\e/+no&U.'hI.t$R+\e/+"
/\bno-no\b/i --> "\e/+'no&U.'no&U\e/+"
/\bno-nonsense\b/i --> "\e/+'no&U.'nAn.sEns\e/+"
/\bnon-affiliates\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.$.'\e/+"
/\bnon-African\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'\e/+"
/\bnon-American\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.$.'\e/+"
/\bnon-Americans\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.$.'\e/+"
/\bnon-Arab\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'@.R+$b\e/+"
/\bnon-Arabs\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'@.R+$bz\e/+"
/\bnon-Asian\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'e&I.Zn%)\e/+"
/\bnon-Asians\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'e&I.Zn%)z\e/+"
/\bnon-attendance\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.$.'tEn.dn%)s\e/+"
/\bnon-BSA\b/i --> "\e/+''e&I\e/+"
/\bnon-Communist\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'kA.mj$.nIst\e/+"
/\bnon-Communists\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'kA.mj$.nIsts\e/+"
/\bnon-core\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'kOR+\e/+"
/\bnon-English-speaking\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'InK.glIS.spi.kInK\e/+"
/\bnon-European\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.jUR+.$.'pi.n%)\e/+"
/\bnon-Hodgkin's\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'hAd&Z.kInz\e/+"
/\bnon-Indian\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'In.di.n%)\e/+"
/\bnon-Indians\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'In.di.n%)z\e/+"
/\bnon-insulin-dependent\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'In.s$.lIn.dI.'pEn.dn%)t\e/+"
/\bnon-interest-bearing\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'In.tR+Ist.'bER+.InK\e/+"
/\bnon-Italian\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.I.'\e/+"
/\bnon-Latino\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.l$.'\e/+"
/\bnon-LDS\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.El.di.'Es\e/+"
/\bnon-Microsoft\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'ma&I.kR+o&U.sOft\e/+"
/\bnon-mission-critical\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'mI.Sn%).'kR+I.tI.kl%)\e/+"
/\bnon-native\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'ne&I.tIv\e/+"
/\bnon-natives\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'ne&I.tIvz\e/+"
/\bnon-REM\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.AR+.i.'Em\e/+"
/\bnon-Serb\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'sE0b\e/+"
/\bnon-Serbian\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'\e/+"
/\bnon-Serbs\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'sE0bz\e/+"
/\bnon-smoker\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'smo&U.k$R+\e/+"
/\bnon-US\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.ju.'Es\e/+"
/\bnon-Western\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'$R+n\e/+"
/\bnon compos mentis\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'kAm.po&Us.'mEn.tIs\e/+"
/\bnon grata\b/i --> "\e/+'nAn.'gR+A.t$\e/+"
/\bnon obstante\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.Ab.'stAn.te&I\e/+"
/\bnon placet\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'ple&I.sIt\e/+"
/\bnon sequitur\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'sE.kwI.t$R+\e/+"
/\bnon sequiturs\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'sE.kwI.t$R+z\e/+"
/\bnon troppo\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'tR+A.po&U\e/+"
/\bnonoxynol-9\b/i --> "\e/+nAn.'Ak.sI.nOl.'na&In\e/+"
/\bNontha Buri\b/i --> "\e/+'nAn.t$.bUR+.i\e/+"
/\bNorth Africa\b/i --> "\e/+'nOR+T_'@f.R+I.k$\e/+"
/\bNorth Korea's\b/i --> "\e/+'nOR+T_k$.'R+i.$z\e/+"
/\bNorth Star Universal\b/i --> "\e/+'nOR+T.'stAR+.ju.n$.'\e/+"
/\bNorthern Mariana Islands\b/i --> "\e/+'nOR+.D$R+n.m@.R+i.'A.n$.'a&I.ln
/\bNorthern Territory\b/i --> "\e/+'nOR+.D$R+n_'tER+.I.tOR+.i\e/+"
/\bNorthwest Airlines\b/i --> "\e/+'nOR+T.wEst_'\e/+"
/\bNorthwest Territories\b/i --> "\e/+'nOR+T.wEst_'tER+.I.tOR+.iz\e/+"
/\bNotorious B\.I\.G\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+n$.'tOR+.i.
/\bNovak Djokovic\b/i --> "\e/+'no&U.v@k.'d&Zo&U.k$.vIt&S\e/+"
/\bnuclear weapons\b/i --> "\e/+'nu.kli.$R+_'\e/+"
/\bNueva Esparta\b/i --> "\e/+nu.e&I.v$.E.'spAR+.t$\e/+"
/\bNueva Segovia\b/i --> "\e/+nu.e&I.v$.s$.'go&$\e/+"
/\bNuevo León\b/i --> "\e/+nu.'e&I.vo&U_le&I.'o&Un\e/+"
/\bnursing homes\b/i --> "\e/+'nE0.sInK_'ho&Umz\e/+"
/\bNYPD Blue\b/i --> "\e/+En.wa&I.pi.'di_'blu\e/+"
/\bO-Matic\b/i --> "\e/+o&U.'m@.tIk\e/+"
/\bO\.J\. Simpson\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U_'d&Ze&I#'sImp.s$n\e/+"
/\bO\.T\. Genasis\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U.'ti.'d&ZE.n$.sIs\e/+"
/\bOak Brook\b/i --> "\e/+'o&Uk_'bR+Uk\e/+"
/\bOak Grove\b/i --> "\e/+'o&Uk_'gR+o&Uv\e/+"
/\bOak Hill\b/i --> "\e/+'o&Uk_'hIl\e/+"
/\bOak Ridge\b/i --> "\e/+'o&Uk_'R+Id&Z\e/+"
/\bOb-La-Di, Ob-La-Da\b/i --> "\e/+'Ab_'lA_'di#'Ab_'lA_'dA\e/+"
/\bObi-Wan\b/i --> "\e/+'o&\e/+"
/\bOcean's Eleven\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U.S$nz_$.lE.v$n\e/+"
/\bOcu-Sul\b/i --> "\e/+'A.kju.s^l\e/+"
/\boff-season\b/i --> "\e/+Of.'si.zn%)\e/+"
/\boff-the-wall\b/i --> "\e/+'Of.D$.'wOl\e/+"
/\bokey-doke\b/i --> "\e/+'o&'do&Uk\e/+"
/\bOl' Dirty Bastard\b/i --> "\e/+'o&Ul_'dE0.ti_'$R+d\e/+"
/\bold-school\b/i --> "\e/+'o&Uld.skul\e/+"
/\bold-time\b/i --> "\e/+'o&Uld.ta&Im\e/+"
/\bOld Westbury\b/i --> "\e/+'o&Uld_'wEst.b$R+.i\e/+"
/\bomega-3\b/i --> "\e/+o&U.'me&I.g$.'TR+i\e/+"
/\bon-demand\b/i --> "\e/+An.dI.'m@nd\e/+"
/\bone-sided\b/i --> "\e/+w^n.'sa&I.dId\e/+"
/\bOne Life\b/i --> "\e/+'w^\e/+"
/\bOpa Locka\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U.p$.'lA.k$\e/+"
/\bOpen Desktop\b/i --> "\e/+'o&'dEsk.tAp\e/+"
/\boperating room\b/i --> "\e/+'A.p$R+.e&I.tInK_'R+um\e/+"
/\boperating system\b/i --> "\e/+'A.p$R+.e&I.tInK.'$m\e/+"
/\boperating systems\b/i --> "\e/+'A.p$R+.e&$mz\e/+"
/\bOral-B\b/i --> "\e/+'OR+.l%).'bi\e/+"
/\bOriginal Sin\b/i --> "\e/+$.'R+I.d&Z$.nl%).'sIn\e/+"
/\bOrion Pictures\b/i --> "\e/+o&U.'R+a&I.n%).'pIk.t&S$R+z\e/+"
/\bOS X\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U_'Es_'Eks\e/+"
/\bout-of-control\b/i --> "\e/+'a&Ut.$'tR+o&Ul\e/+"
/\bout-of-pocket\b/i --> "\e/+'a&Ut.$v.'pA.kIt\e/+"
/\bout-of-state\b/i --> "\e/+a&Ut.$v.'ste&It\e/+"
/\bout of\b/i --> "\e/+a&Ut_'^v\e/+"
/\bover-the-top\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U.v$R+.D$.'tAp\e/+"
/\bOwl City\b/i --> "\e/+'a&Ul_'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bOxford University\b/i --> "\e/+'Aks.f$R+d.ju.nI.'vE0.sI.ti\e/+"
/\bP-trap\b/i --> "\e/+'pi.tR+@p\e/+"
/\bP\. Diddy\b/i --> "\e/+'pi#'dI.di\e/+"
/\bPac-10\b/i --> "\e/+'p@k.'tEn\e/+"
/\bPaccar Financial\b/i --> "\e/+'p@.kAR+.fa&I.'n@n.Sl%)\e/+"
/\bPago Pago\b/i --> "\e/+pAnK.go&U.'pAnK.go&U\e/+"
/\bPapua New Guinea\b/i --> "\e/+'pA.pu.$.nu.'\e/+"
/\bPaso Robles\b/i --> "\e/+'p@.s$.'R+o&\e/+"
/\bPauze\/Swanson United Services\b/i --> "\e/+'pOz.'
/\bpay-per-view\b/i --> "\e/+'pe&I.p$R+.vju\e/+"
/\bPDP-11s\b/i --> "\e/+pi.di.'pi.I.'\e/+"
/\bPenal Code\b/i --> "\e/+''ko&Ud\e/+"
/\bPentium IIIs\b/i --> "\e/+'pEn.ti.$m.'TR+iz\e/+"
/\bPentium IIs\b/i --> "\e/+'pEn.ti.$m.'tuz\e/+"
/\bPeople's Bank\b/i --> "\e/+''b@nKk\e/+"
/\bper-unit\b/i --> "\e/+'pE0.'ju.nIt\e/+"
/\bper capita\b/i --> "\e/+'pE0.'k@.pI.t$\e/+"
/\bper diem\b/i --> "\e/+p$R+.'di.$m\e/+"
/\bper minute\b/i --> "\e/+p$R+.'mI.n$t\e/+"
/\bPersian Gulf\b/i --> "\e/+'pE0.Zn%).g^lf\e/+"
/\bpersona non grata\b/i --> "\e/+p$R+.'so&U.n$.'nAn.'gR+A.t$\e/+"
/\bpersonal computer\b/i --> "\e/+'$m.'pju.t$R+\e/+"
/\bPeru Magico\b/i --> "\e/+p$.'R+u.'mA.hi.ko&U\e/+"
/\bpest-control\b/i --> "\e/+''tR+o&Ul\e/+"
/\bPet Shop Boys\b/i --> "\e/+'pEt_'SAp_'bO&Iz\e/+"
/\bPeter Cottontail\b/i --> "\e/+'pi.t$R+.'\e/+"
/\bPG-13\b/i --> "\e/+'pi.d&Zi.T$R+.'tin\e/+"
/\bPhiladelphia Eagles\b/i --> "\e/+fI.l$.'$.'\e/+"
/\bPhilippine Long Distance Telephone\b/i --> "\e/+''lOnK.'dI.stn
/\bPhillie Phanatic\b/i --> "\e/+'fI.li_f$.'n@.tIk\e/+"
/\bPhilly's B101\.1\b/i --> "\e/+'^n.o&U.'w^n.pO&Int.'w^n\e/+"
/\bPhoto Booth\b/i --> "\e/+'fo&'buT\e/+"
/\bPiccadilly Circus\b/i --> "\e/+pI.k$'sE0.k$s\e/+"
/\bPierre-Auguste\b/i --> "\e/+pi.ER+.O.'gust\e/+"
/\bPiggly Wiggly\b/i --> "\e/+'pI.gli.'wI.gli\e/+"
/\bpiña colada\b/i --> "\e/+'pi.nj$.k$.'lA.d$\e/+"
/\bPine-Sol\b/i --> "\e/+'pa&In.sOl\e/+"
/\bPinot Grigio\b/i --> "\e/+''gR+i.Zi.o&U\e/+"
/\bpissed off\b/i --> "\e/+'pIst.'Af\e/+"
/\bPkew Pkew Pkew\b/i --> "\e/+pju.pju.'pju\e/+"
/\bPlanche des Belles Filles\b/i --> "\e/+''fi\e/+"
/\bPlanet of the Apps\b/i --> "\e/+'pl@.nIt_$v_Di_'@ps\e/+"
/\bplantar fasciitis\b/i --> "\e/+'pl@n.tAR+_f@.Si.'a&I.tIs\e/+"
/\bPlay-Doh\b/i --> "\e/+'ple&\e/+"
/\bplug-in\b/i --> "\e/+'pl^g.In\e/+"
/\bplug-ins\b/i --> "\e/+'pl^g.Inz\e/+"
/\bPocket PCs\b/i --> "\e/+'pA.kIt.pi.'siz\e/+"
/\bPodlipnik-Castillo\b/i --> "\e/+po&Ud.'lIp.nIk.k$.'\e/+"
/\bpom-pom\b/i --> "\e/+'pAm.pAm\e/+"
/\bpop-ups\b/i --> "\e/+'pAp.^ps\e/+"
/\bPort Klang\b/i --> "\e/+'pOR+t.'klAnK\e/+"
/\bPort Said\b/i --> "\e/+'pOR+t.sA.'id\e/+"
/\bPorto Santo\b/i --> "\e/'\e/+"
/\bPortrait Lighting\b/i --> "\e/+'pOR+.tR+It_'la&I.tInK\e/+"
/\bPost-it\b/i --> "\e/+'po&Ust.It\e/+"
/\bPost Office\b/i --> "\e/+'po&Ust.O.fIs\e/+"
/\bpotassium chloride\b/i --> "\e/+p$.'$m.'klOR+.a&Id\e/+"
/\bPowerpuff Girls\b/i --> "\e/+'pa&U.$R+.p^f.gE0lz\e/+"
/\bprairie dogs\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+E.R+i_'dOgz\e/+"
/\bprecedent-setting\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+E.s$.dn%)t.sE.tInK\e/+"
/\bPredicort-50\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+E.dI.kOR+t.'fIf.ti\e/+"
/\bPresident-elect\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+E.zI.dn%)t.I.'lEkt\e/+"
/\bPresident of the United States\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+E.zI.dn%)t.
/\bPresidents' Day\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+E.zI.dn%)ts.'de&I\e/+"
/\bpressure-treated\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+E.S$R+.tR+i.tId\e/+"
/\bPrime Minister\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+a&Im.'$R+\e/+"
/\bprimum non nocere\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+i.mUm.nAn.n$.'ke&I.R+e&I\e/+"
/\bPro-Am\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+o&U.@m\e/+"
/\bpro-form\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+o&U.fOR+m\e/+"
/\bpro bono\b/i --> "\e/+pR+o&U_'bo&\e/+"
/\bProcter & Gamble\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+Ak.t$R+.n%).'\e/+"
/\bPrometh Fortis\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+o&U.mET_'fOR+.tIs\e/+"
/\bPrometh VC Plain\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+o&U.mET_vi_'si_'ple&In\e/+"
/\bPrometh w\/ Dextromethorphan\b/i -->
/\bproperty-casualty\b/i --> "\e/+pR+A.p$R+.ti.'k@.Zu.l%).ti\e/+"
/\bproperty tax\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+A.p$R+.ti.'t@ks\e/+"
/\bpublic-relations\b/i --> "\e/+'p^.blI.kR+i.'le&I.Sn%)z\e/+"
/\bpublic relations\b/i --> "\e/+'p^.blIk_R+I.'le&I.Sn%)z\e/+"
/\bPuerto Plata\b/i --> "\e/+''plA.t$\e/+"
/\bPuerto Princesa\b/i --> "\e/'sE.s$\e/+"
/\bPuerto Ricans\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\bPuff Daddy\b/i --> "\e/+'p^f_'d@.di\e/+"
/\bpull-up\b/i --> "\e/+'pU.l^p\e/+"
/\bpull-ups\b/i --> "\e/+'pUl.^ps\e/+"
/\bpush-up\b/i --> "\e/+'pUS.^p\e/+"
/\bpush-ups\b/i --> "\e/+'pUS.^ps\e/+"
/\bPutnam Asset Allocation\b/i --> "\e/+'p^t.n$m.'@.sEt.@.l$.'ke&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bQ factor\b/i --> "\e/+'kju.f@k.t$R+\e/+"
/\bQ waves\b/i --> "\e/+'kju.we&Ivz\e/+"
/\bquarter-mile\b/i --> "\e/+kwOR+.t$R+.'ma&Il\e/+"
/\bQueen Elizabeth II\b/i --> "\e/+'kwin_I.'lI.z$.bIT_D$_'\e/+"
/\bQuezon City\b/i --> "\e/+'ke&I.sAn.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bQuick-Step\b/i --> "\e/+'kwIk.stEp\e/+"
/\bquid pro quo\b/i --> "\e/+'kwId.pR+o&U.'kwo&U\e/+"
/\bQuintana Roo\b/i --> "\e/+kin.'tA.n$.'R+o&U\e/+"
/\bR-rated\b/i --> "\e/+AR+.'R+e&It.Id\e/+"
/\bR2-D2\b/i --> "\e/+'AR+.tu.'di.tu\e/+"
/\bRabat-Salé(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+R+$.'bAt.s$.'le&I\e/+"
/\brabble-rouser\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+\e/+"
/\brabble-rousers\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+z\e/+"
/\brabeprazole sodium\b/i --> "\e/+R+$.'bE.pR+$.zo&Ul.'so&U.di.$m\e/+"
/\brace-based\b/i --> "\e/+'R+e&Is.'be&Ist\e/+"
/\brace-sensitive\b/i --> "\e/+'R+e&Is.'sEn.sI.tIv\e/+"
/\bRadio One\b/i --> "\e/+'R+e&I.di.o&U_'w^n\e/+"
/\bRadiogardase-Cs\b/i --> "\e/+R+e&I.di.o&U.''siz\e/+"
/\bRae Sremmurd\b/i --> "\e/+'R+e&I_'sR+E.m$R+d\e/+"
/\bRaggedy Ann\b/i --> "\e/+'R+@.gI.di.'@n\e/+"
/\brain check\b/i --> "\e/+'R+e&In.'t&SEk\e/+"
/\brain checks\b/i --> "\e/+'R+e&In.'t&SEks\e/+"
/\bRaleigh-Durham\b/i --> "\e/+''dE0.$m\e/+"
/\bRelient K\b/i --> "\e/+R+I.'la&I.j$nt_'ke&I\e/+"
/\bRetina Flash\b/i --> "\e/+'R+Et.n$_'fl@S\e/+"
/\bRigil Kent\b/i --> "\e/+'R+a&I.d&Zl%).'kEnt\e/+"
/\brigor mortis\b/i --> "\e/+'R+I.g$R+.'mOR+.tIs\e/+"
/\brim job\b/i --> "\e/+'R+Im.'d&ZAb\e/+"
/\bRío San Juan\b/i --> "\e/+'R+i.o&U.s@n.'wAn\e/+"
/\bRise Against\b/i --> "\e/+R+a&Iz_$.'gEnst\e/+"
/\bRite Aid\b/i --> "\e/+'R+a&It.e&Id\e/+"
/\bRob \$tone\b/i --> "\e/+'R+Ab_dA.l$'to&Un\e/+"
/\bRobinson Crusoe\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\bRocky Mountains\b/i --> "\e/+''ma&\e/+"
/\bRoger Federer\b/i --> "\e/+'R+A.d&Z$R+.'fE.d$.R+$R+\e/+"
/\brole-play\b/i --> "\e/+'R+o&Ul.ple&I\e/+"
/\brole-playing\b/i --> "\e/+'R+o&Ul.ple&I.InK\e/+"
/\bRoman Empire\b/i --> "\e/+'R+o&'\e/+"
/\brotator cuff\b/i --> "\e/+'R+o&U.te&I.t$R+_'k^f\e/+"
/\bRoth IRA\b/i --> "\e/+'R+OT_a&I.AR+.'e&I\e/+"
/\bRoyal Bank\b/i --> "\e/+'R+O&I.l%)_'b@nKk\e/+"
/\bRoyal Oak\b/i --> "\e/+'R+O&I.l%)_'o&Uk\e/+"
/\brubber band\b/i --> "\e/+R+^.b$R+.'b@nd\e/+"
/\brubber bands\b/i --> "\e/+'R+^.b$R+.'b@ndz\e/+"
/\bRumbo al Mundial\b/i --> "\e/+'R+^'@l_'m^n.di.$l\e/+"
/\bS&P 500\b/i --> "\e/+Es.n%).'pi.'fa&Iv.h^n.dR+Id\e/+"
/\bs'il vous plaît\b/i --> "\e/'ple&I\e/+"
/\bS-10\b/i --> "\e/+Es.'tEn\e/+"
/\bS\.O\.S\. Salva Mi Casa\b/i --> "\e/+'Es_'o&U_'Es#'sAl.v$_'mi_'kA.z$\e/+"
/\bSacré Coeur\b/i --> "\e/+'s@.kR+$_'kUR+\e/+"
/\bSaint-Denis\b/i --> "\e/+'s@n.d$.'ni\e/+"
/\bSaint-Dié-des-Vosges\b/i --> "\e/+s@n.di.e&'vo&UZ\e/+"
/\bSaint Flour\b/i --> "\e/+sAn.'fluR+\e/+"
/\bSaint Georges\b/i --> "\e/+se&Int.'d&ZOR+.d&ZIz\e/+"
/\bSaint Just\b/i --> "\e/+sAn.'Zust\e/+"
/\bSainte Genevieve\b/i --> "\e/+'se&Int_d&ZE.n$.'viv\e/+"
/\bsalad dressing\b/i --> "\e/+'s@.l$d.'dR+E.sInK\e/+"
/\bsalpingo-oophorectomy\b/i --> "\e/+s@l.pInK.go&U.o&U.$.fOR+.'Ek.t$.mi\e/+"
/\bsame-sex\b/i --> "\e/+'se&Im.sEks\e/+"
/\bSamper-Montaña\b/i --> "\e/+sAm.'pER+.mAn.'tAn.j$\e/+"
/\bSan Andrés\b/i --> "\e/+'sAn.An.'dR+e&Is\e/+"
/\bSan Augustine\b/i --> "\e/+s@n.'O.g$.stin\e/+"
/\bSan Fernando Valley\b/i --> "\e/+'s@n_f$R+.''\e/+"
/\bSan Francisco's\b/i --> "\e/+'s@n_fR+n%).'sI.sko&Uz\e/+"
/\bSan Juan\b/i --> "\e/+s@n.'wAn\e/+"
/\bSan Saba\b/i --> "\e/+'s@n_'s@.b$\e/+"
/\bSan Vicente\b/i --> "\e/+s@n.vI.'sEn.te&I\e/+"
/\bSantiago Rodríguez\b/i --> "\e/+sAn.ti.'A.go&U.R+o&U.'dR+i.gEz\e/+"
/\bSão Tomé(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'sa&'me&I\e/+"
/\bSaudi Arabian\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&U.di.$.'R+e&\e/+"
/\bSault Sainte Marie\b/i --> "\e/+'su_'se&Int_m$.'R+i\e/+"
/\bSault Ste\. Marie\b/i --> "\e/+'$.'R+i\e/+"
/\bscaredy-cat\b/i --> "\e/+'skER+.di.'k@t\e/+"
/\bschoenherr road\b/i --> "\e/+'Se&In$R+_'R+o&Ud\e/+"
/\bscience-fiction\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&I.n%)s.'fIk.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bScooby-Doo\b/i --> "\e/+''du\e/+"
/\bSea-Doo\b/i --> "\e/+'si.du\e/+"
/\bsearch engine\b/i --> "\e/+'sE0t&S.'En.d&Zn%)\e/+"
/\bSeattle-Tacoma\b/i --> "\e/+si.'$.'ko&U.m$\e/+"
/\bSeattle Supersonics\b/i --> "\e/+si.'$R+.'sA.nIks\e/+"
/\bsecond-degree\b/i --> "\e/+''gR+i\e/+"
/\bSelect-and-Say\b/i --> "\e/+s$.'lEkt.n%).se&I\e/+"
/\bself-aware\b/i --> "\e/+'sElf.$.'wER+\e/+"
/\bself-confidence\b/i --> "\e/+sElf.'kAn.fI.dn%)s\e/+"
/\bself-conscious\b/i --> "\e/+sElf.'kAn.S$s\e/+"
/\bself-control\b/i --> "\e/'tR+o&Ul\e/+"
/\bself-damaging\b/i --> "\e/+sElf.'d@.mI.d&ZInK\e/+"
/\bself-denial\b/i --> "\e/+'sElf.dI.'na&I.l%)\e/+"
/\bself-medicating\b/i --> "\e/+sElf.'\e/+"
/\bself-regulating\b/i --> "\e/+sElf.'R+E.gj$.le&I.tInK\e/+"
/\bself-sufficient\b/i --> "\e/+'sElf.s$.fI.Sn%)t\e/+"
/\bself-taught\b/i --> "\e/+sElf.'tOt\e/+"
/\bSenna-Gen\b/i --> "\e/+'sE.n$.d&ZEn\e/+"
/\bSensō-ji\b/i --> "\e/+sEn.'so&U.'d&Zi\e/+"
/\bSergeant Major\b/i --> "\e/+'sAR+.d&Zn%)t.'me&I.d&Z$R+\e/+"
/\bset-aside\b/i --> "\e/+'sEt.$.sa&Id\e/+"
/\bset-asides\b/i --> "\e/+'sEt.$.sa&Idz\e/+"
/\bset-off\b/i --> "\e/+'sEt.Of\e/+"
/\bseven-time\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bsexual-harassment\b/i --> "\e/+'sEk.Su.l%).h$.'R+@.smn%)t\e/+"
/\bShade UVAGuard\b/i --> "\e/+'Se&'e&I.gAR+d\e/+"
/\bShawn Wasabi\b/i --> "\e/+'SAn_'wA.s$.bi\e/+"
/\bsheet-metal\b/i --> "\e/+Sit.'\e/+"
/\bShel Silverstein\b/i --> "\e/+'SEl_'sIl.v$R+.sta&In\e/+"
/\bSherwin-Williams\b/i --> "\e/+'SE0.wn%).'wIl.j$mz\e/+"
/\bShinzo Abe\b/i --> "\e/+'SIn.zo&U_'e&Ib\e/+"
/\bshish kebab\b/i --> "\e/+'SIS.k$.bAb\e/+"
/\bshish kebabs\b/i --> "\e/+'SIS_k$.'bAbz\e/+"
/\bshort-term\b/i --> "\e/+'SOR+t.tE0m\e/+"
/\bsickle-cell\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.kl%).sEl\e/+"
/\bsickle cell\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.kl%).sEl\e/+"
/\bside-by-side\b/i --> "\e/+sa&'sa&Id\e/+"
/\bside effect\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&Id.I.fEkt\e/+"
/\bSierra Leone\b/i --> "\e/+si.'ER+.$.li.'o&Un\e/+"
/\bsign-ups\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&In.^ps\e/+"
/\bSimona Halep\b/i --> "\e/+sI.'mo&U.n$.'h@.l$p\e/+"
/\bsine qua non\b/i --> "\e/'nAn\e/+"
/\bsingle-family\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bsingle-parent\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bsingle-season\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bSiri Intelligence\b/i --> "\e/+'siR+.i_In.'tE.l$.d&Z$ns\e/+"
/\bsix-inch\b/i --> "\e/+'sIks.'Int&S\e/+"
/\bsix-time\b/i --> "\e/+'sIks.ta&Im\e/+"
/\bSix Nations\b/i --> "\e/+'sIks_'ne&I.Sn%)z\e/+"
/\bSlim Shady\b/i --> "\e/+'slIm_'Se&I.di\e/+"
/\bslow-motion\b/i --> "\e/+slo&U.'mo&U.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bSmith & Wesson\b/i --> "\e/+'smIT.n%).'\e/+"
/\bso-and-so\b/i --> "\e/+'so&U.n%).so&U\e/+"
/\bsoap operas\b/i --> "\e/+'so&Up.'A.pR+$z\e/+"
/\bsocial worker\b/i --> "\e/+'so&U.Sl%).wE0.k$R+\e/+"
/\bsocial workers\b/i --> "\e/+'so&U.Sl%).'wE0.k$R+z\e/+"
/\bSociety Islands\b/i --> "\e/+s$.'sa&I.$.ti.'a&I.ln%)dz\e/+"
/\bsodium chloride\b/i --> "\e/+'so&U.di.$m_'klOR+.a&Id\e/+"
/\bsoft drink\b/i --> "\e/+'sOft.'dR+InKk\e/+"
/\bSogn og Fjordane\b/i --> "\e/+'sOnK.n%).'O.'fjUR+.dn%).$\e/+"
/\bsolid-state\b/i --> "\e/+'sA.lId.ste&It\e/+"
/\bSolomon Islands\b/i --> "\e/+'sA.l$.mn%).'a&I.ln%)dz\e/+"
/\bson-in-law\b/i --> "\e/+'s^n.In.'lO\e/+"
/\bSon of Man\b/i --> "\e/+'s^n_$v_'m@n\e/+"
/\bSons of Anarchy\b/i --> "\e/+'s^nz.$v.'\e/+"
/\bSoulja Boy\b/i --> "\e/+so&Ul.d&Z$_'bO&I\e/+"
/\bsous vide\b/i --> "\e/+su.'vid\e/+"
/\bSouth African\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&UT.'\e/+"
/\bSouth America\b/i --> "\e/+sa&UT.$.'mER+.I.k$\e/+"
/\bSouth Australia\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&UT.O.'stR+e&Il.j$\e/+"
/\bSouth Carolina's\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&UT.k@.R+$.'la&I.n$z\e/+"
/\bSouth Pacific\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&UT.p$.'sI.fIk\e/+"
/\bSoutheastern Asset Management\b/i -->
/\bSouthern California Gas\b/i --> "\e/+'s^.D$R+n_k@.lI.'fOR+.nj$_'g@s\e/+"
/\bSouthern Union\b/i --> "\e/+'s^.D$R+n.'ju.njn%)\e/+"
/\bspace-age\b/i --> "\e/+'spe&Is.e&Id&Z\e/+"
/\bspace-time\b/i --> "\e/+'spe&Is.ta&Im\e/+"
/\bSpanish-speaking\b/i --> "\e/+'sp@.nIS.spi.kInK\e/+"
/\bSpecial Agent\b/i --> "\e/+'spE.Sl%).'e&I.d&Zn%)t\e/+"
/\bSpecial Olympics\b/i --> "\e/+'spE.Sl%).$.'lIm.pIks\e/+"
/\bSpice Girls\b/i --> "\e/+'spa&Is_'gE0lz\e/+"
/\bspina bifida\b/i --> "\e/+'spa&I.n$.'bI.fI.d$\e/+"
/\bSport Loop\b/i --> "\e/+'spOR+t.'lup\e/+"
/\bSQL Link\b/i --> "\e/+Es.kju.'El.'lInKk\e/+"
/\bSri Lanka\b/i --> "\e/+'sR+i.'lAnK.k$\e/+"
/\bSt\. Ives\b/i --> "\e/+se&Int.'a&Ivz\e/+"
/\bSt\. Kitts\b/i --> "\e/+'se&Int.'kIts\e/+"
/\bSt\. Patrick's Day\b/i --> "\e/+se&Int.'p@.tR+Iks.'de&I\e/+"
/\bST segment\b/i --> "\e/+'Es.ti.'\e/+"
/\bStabat Mater\b/i --> "\e/+'stA.b$t.'mA.t$R+\e/+"
/\bStaff Sergeant\b/i --> "\e/+'st@f.'sAR+.d&ZInt\e/+"
/\bstage-managed\b/i --> "\e/+ste&Id&Z.'m@.nId&Zd\e/+"
/\bstainless steel\b/i --> "\e/+'ste&In.lIs.'stil\e/+"
/\bStan Wawrinka\b/i --> "\e/+'st@n.vA.'vR+InK.k$\e/+"
/\bstanding ovation\b/i --> "\e/+'st@n.dInK.o&U.'ve&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bstate-mandated\b/i --> "\e/+ste&It.'\e/+"
/\bState Senator\b/i --> "\e/+'ste&It.'sE.n$.t$R+\e/+"
/\bstation wagon\b/i --> "\e/+'ste&I.Sn%).'\e/+"
/\bstatus quo\b/i --> "\e/+'st@.t$s.'kwo&U\e/+"
/\bSteamboat Willie\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\bstep-by-step\b/i --> "\e/'stEp\e/+"
/\bstorm trooper\b/i --> "\e/+'stOR+m.'tR+u.p$R+\e/+"
/\bstorm troopers\b/i --> "\e/+'stOR+m.'tR+u.p$R+z\e/+"
/\bstrep throat\b/i --> "\e/+'stR+Ep.'TR+o&Ut\e/+"
/\bstudent loan\b/i --> "\e/+'stu.dn%)t.'lo&Un\e/+"
/\bSturm und Drang\b/i --> "\e/+'stE0m.'Un.'dR+AnK\e/+"
/\bsub-Saharan\b/i --> "\e/+s^b.s$.'h@.R+n%)\e/+"
/\bsub rosa\b/i --> "\e/+s^b.'R+o&U.z$\e/+"
/\bsubject matter\b/i --> "\e/+'s^b.d&ZEkt_'m@.t$R+\e/+"
/\bSuez Canal\b/i --> "\e/+su.'Ez.k$.'n@l\e/+"
/\bSum 41\b/i --> "\e/+'s^m_fOR+.ti.'w^n\e/+"
/\bSummer Olympics\b/i --> "\e/+'s^.m$R+.$.'lIm.pIks\e/+"
/\bsun-dried\b/i --> "\e/+'s^n.dR+a&Id\e/+"
/\bSun-ju\b/i --> "\e/+'s^n.d&Zu\e/+"
/\bSuper Retina Display\b/i --> "\e/+'su.p$R+_'R+Et.n$_dI.'sple&I\e/+"
/\bSur La Table\b/i --> "\e/+s$R+_'lA_'te&\e/+"
/\bT-ara\b/i --> "\e/+ti.'AR+.$\e/+"
/\bT-Bag\b/i --> "\e/+'ti.b@g\e/+"
/\bT-ball\b/i --> "\e/+'ti.bOl\e/+"
/\bT-bones\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bT-Dog\b/i --> "\e/+'ti.dOg\e/+"
/\bT-Rex\b/i --> "\e/+'ti.R+Eks\e/+"
/\bT-Rexes\b/i --> "\e/+ti.'R+Ek.sIz\e/+"
/\bTablet PCs\b/i --> "\e/+'t@.blIt.pi.'siz\e/+"
/\bTai-Fai\b/i --> "\e/+'ta&I.fa&I\e/+"
/\btake-home\b/i --> "\e/+'te&Ik.ho&Um\e/+"
/\bTamil Nadu\b/i --> "\e/+''nA.du\e/+"
/\btank top\b/i --> "\e/+'t@nKk.tAp\e/+"
/\bTappan Zee\b/i --> "\e/+''zi\e/+"
/\bTeam Umizoomi\b/i --> "\e/+'tim_u.mi.'zu.mi\e/+"
/\btech-support\b/i --> "\e/+'tEk.s$.pOR+t\e/+"
/\bTech Data\b/i --> "\e/+'tEk.'de&I.t$\e/+"
/\bteeny-weeny\b/i --> "\e/'\e/+"
/\bTempur-pedic\b/i --> "\e/+tEm.p$R+.'pi.dIk\e/+"
/\bTGI Friday's\b/i --> "\e/+ti.d&Zi.'a&I_'fR+a&\e/+"
/\bThe Big Bang Theory\b/i --> "\e/+D$.bIg.'b@nK.TiR+.i\e/+"
/\bThe Celts: Blood, Iron & Sacrifice\b/i --> "\e/+D$_'sElts#'bl^d#'a&I.R+n
/\bThe CW\b/i --> "\e/+D$.si.'d^.bl%).ju\e/+"
/\bThe Knick\b/i --> "\e/+D$_'nIk\e/+"
/\bThe Learning Channel\b/i --> "\e/+D$.'lE0.nInK.'t&\e/+"
/\bThe X-Files\b/i --> "\e/+Di.'Eks.fa&Ilz\e/+"
/\bThe X Factor\b/i --> "\e/+Di.'Eks.'f@k.t$R+\e/+"
/\bthen-Soviet\b/i --> "\e/+'DEn.'so&\e/+"
/\bthird-party\b/i --> "\e/+'TE0d.pAR+.ti\e/+"
/\bthird-quarter\b/i --> "\e/+'TE0d.kwOR+.t$R+\e/+"
/\bThird World\b/i --> "\e/+'TE0d_'wE0ld\e/+"
/\bThis TV\b/i --> "\e/+'DIs.ti.'vi\e/+"
/\bThomas the Tank Engine\b/i --> "\e/+'tA.m$s_D$_'t@nKk_'En.d&Zn%)\e/+"
/\bThomson McKinnon Asset Management\b/i --> "\e/+'$.'kI.nn
/\bthree-dimensional\b/i --> "\e/+TR+i.dI.'mEn.Sn%).l%)\e/+"
/\bthree-piece\b/i --> "\e/+'TR+i.pis\e/+"
/\bthree-pointer\b/i --> "\e/+'TR+i.'pO&In.t$R+\e/+"
/\bthree-pointers\b/i --> "\e/+'TR+i.'pO&In.t$R+z\e/+"
/\bthree-quarter\b/i --> "\e/+TR+i.'kwOR+.t$R+\e/+"
/\bThrough the Wormhole\b/i --> "\e/+TR+u_D$_'wE0m.ho&Ul\e/+"
/\bThugs-n-Harmony\b/i --> "\e/+'T^gz.n%).hAR+.m$.ni\e/+"
/\btic-tac-toe\b/i --> "\e/+'tIk.t@k.'to&U\e/+"
/\btick-tock\b/i --> "\e/+'tIk.tAk\e/+"
/\btie-dye\b/i --> "\e/+'ta&I.da&I\e/+"
/\bTierra del Fuego\b/i --> "\e/+ti.'ER+.$.dEl.'fwe&I.go&U\e/+"
/\btime-consuming\b/i --> "\e/+ta&'su.mInK\e/+"
/\btimes a day\b/i --> "\e/+'ta&Imz_$_'de&I\e/+"
/\btimes a week\b/i --> "\e/+'ta&Imz.$.'wik\e/+"
/\bTimor-Leste\b/i --> "\e/+'ti.mOR+.'lE.ste&I\e/+"
/\bto-do\b/i --> "\e/+t$_'du\e/+"
/\bTōdai-ji\b/i --> "\e/+'to&U.da&I.'d&Zi\e/+"
/\btom-tom\b/i --> "\e/+'tAm.tAm\e/+"
/\btop-of-the-line\b/i --> "\e/+'tAp.$v.D$.'la&In\e/+"
/\bToro Y Moi\b/i --> "\e/+'tOR+.o&U_'wa&I_'mwA\e/+"
/\bToronto Argos\b/i --> "\e/+t$.''AR+.'go&Uz\e/+"
/\bToronto Dominion Bank\b/i --> "\e/+t$.'$.'mIn.j$n.'b@nKk\e/+"
/\bTory Lanez\b/i --> "\e/+'tOR+.i_'l@.nEz\e/+"
/\bTown & Country\b/i --> "\e/+'ta&Un_n%)_'k^n.tR+i\e/+"
/\btrade-in\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+e&Id.In\e/+"
/\bTrader Joe\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+e&I.d$R+.'d&Zo&U\e/+"
/\bTrae tha Truth\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+i_'TA_'tR+uT\e/+"
/\bTrak Auto\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+@k.'\e/+"
/\bTrans Union\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+@nz.'ju.njn%)\e/+"
/\bTravis Kelce\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+@.vIs.'\e/+"
/\bTri Nations\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+a&I_'ne&I.Sn%)z\e/+"
/\btrick-or-treat\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+Ik.$R+.'tR+it\e/+"
/\btrick-or-treaters\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+Ik.$R+.'tR+i.t$R+z\e/+"
/\btrick-or-treating\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+I.k$R+.'tR+i.tInK\e/+"
/\bTrinidad and Tobago\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+I.nI.d@d.n%).t$.'be&I.go&U\e/+"
/\bTristan da Cunha\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+I.stn%)_d$_'ku.n$\e/+"
/\bTrue View Display\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+u_vju_dI.'sple&I\e/+"
/\bTrueDepth Camera\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+u_'dEpT_'k@.mR+$\e/+"
/\btubal ligation\b/i --> "\e/+''ge&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\btug-of-war\b/i --> "\e/+'t^g.$v.'wOR+\e/+"
/\bTunak Tunak Tun\b/i --> "\e/+t$.nIk.t$.nIk.'tun\e/+"
/\btutti-frutti\b/i --> "\e/+tu.ti.'fR+u.ti\e/+"
/\bTV-MA\b/i --> "\e/'e&I\e/+"
/\btwenty one pilots\b/i --> "\e/+'twE.ni_'w^n_'pa&I.l$ts\e/+"
/\bTwisted Sister\b/i --> "\e/+'twI.stId_'$R+\e/+"
/\bTwo and a Half Men\b/i --> "\e/+'tu_@n_$_'h@f_'mEn\e/+"
/\bTyrannosaurus rex\b/i --> "\e/+t$.'R+@.n$.sOR+.$s_'R+Eks\e/+"
/\bTze-chung\b/i --> "\e/+zi.'t&S^nK\e/+"
/\bU-Bahn\b/i --> "\e/+'u.bAn\e/+"
/\bU\.S\. Air Force\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'Es.'ER+.fOR+s\e/+"
/\bU\.S\. Open\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'Es.'o&\e/+"
/\bU\.S\. Senate\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'Es_'sE.nIt\e/+"
/\bUber glance\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.b$R+_'gl@ns\e/+"
/\bUdvar-Hazy\b/i --> "\e/+'ud.vAR+.'hA.zi\e/+"
/\bumbilical cord\b/i --> "\e/+$m.'bI.lI.kl%)_'kOR+d\e/+"
/\bun-American\b/i --> "\e/+^n.$.'\e/+"
/\bUN Security Council\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'En.sI.'kjUR+.I.ti.'ka&\e/+"
/\bun-(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+^n\e/+"
/\bunheard-of\b/i --> "\e/+^n.'hE0d.^v\e/+"
/\buni-(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'ju.nI\e/+"
/\bUniCARE Financial\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.nI.'kER+.fa&I.'n@n.Sl%)\e/+"
/\bUnicenter TNG\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.nI.sEn.t$R+.ti.En.'d&Zi\e/+"
/\bUnification Church\b/i --> "\e/+ju.nI.fI.'ke&I.Sn%).'t&SE0t&S\e/+"
/\bUniform Commercial Code\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.nI.fOR+m.k$.'mE0.Sl%).'ko&Ud\e/+"
/\bUnion Camp\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.njn%).'k@mp\e/+"
/\bUnion Carbide\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.njn%).'\e/+"
/\bUnion Electric\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.njn%).I.'lEk.tR+Ik\e/+"
/\bUnion Pacific\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.njn%).p$.'sI.fIk\e/+"
/\bUnion Planters\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.njn%).'pl@n.t$R+z\e/+"
/\bUnion Tank Car\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.njn%).'t@nKk.'kAR+\e/+"
/\bUnion Valley\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.njn%).'\e/+"
/\bUnionfed Financial\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.njn%).fEd.fa&I.'n@n.Sl%)\e/+"
/\bUniplex II Plus\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.nI.plEks.'tu.'pl^s\e/+"
/\bUnisource Worldwide\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.nI.sOR+s.'wE0ld.wa&Id\e/+"
/\bUnited Air Lines\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tI.'dER+.'la&Inz\e/+"
/\bUnited Asset Management\b/i -->
/\bUnited Asset\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'@.sEt\e/+"
/\bUnited Auto Workers\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.''wE0.k$R+z\e/+"
/\bUnited Bankshares\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'b@nKk.SER+z\e/+"
/\bUnited Capital\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'\e/+"
/\bUnited Church of Christ\b/i -->
/\bUnited Foods\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'fudz\e/+"
/\bUnited General\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'d&ZE.n$R+.l%)\e/+"
/\bUnited Illuminating\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.I.'\e/+"
/\bUnited Industrial\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.In.'d^.stR+i.l%)\e/+"
/\bUnited International Growth Investment Programs\b/i -->
/\bUnited Medical\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'mE.dI.kl%)\e/+"
/\bUnited Missouri Bancshares\b/i -->
/\bUnited Services\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'sE0.vI.sIz\e/+"
/\bUnited States Cellular\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'ste&Its.'sEl.j$.l$R+\e/+"
/\bUnited States Shoe\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'ste&Its.'Su\e/+"
/\bUnited States Surgical\b/i -->
/\bUnited Stationers\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'ste&I.Sn%).$R+z\e/+"
/\bUnited Technologies\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.tEk.'nA.l$.d&Ziz\e/+"
/\bUnited Telecommunications\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.tE.l$.k$.mju.nI.'ke&I.Sn
/\bUnited Water Resources\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'wO.t$R+.'R+i.sOR+.sIz\e/+"
/\bUnited Water\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'na&I.tId.'wO.t$R+\e/+"
/\bUnitel Videl\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.nI.'tEl.vI.'dEl\e/+"
/\bUniversal Capital Growth\b/i --> "\e/+ju.nI.''
/\bUniversal Health Services\b/i -->
/\bUniversal Medical Buildings\b/i --> "\e/+ju.nI.''mE.dI.kl
/\bUniversal Pictures\b/i --> "\e/+ju.nI.''pIk.t&S$R+z\e/+"
/\bUniversity Bank\b/i --> "\e/+ju.nI.'vE0.sI.ti.'b@nKk\e/+"
/\bUniversity of Colorado\b/i --> "\e/+ju.nI.'vE0.sI.ti.$v.kA.l$R+.'\e/+"
/\bUniversity of North Carolina\b/i --> "\e/+ju.nI.'vE0.sI.ti.$v.'nOR+T.k@.R+
/\bUniversity of Virginia\b/i --> "\e/+ju.nI.'vE0.sI.ti.$v.v$R+.'d&ZI.nj$\e/+"
/\bUno Restaurant\b/i --> "\e/+''$R+.Ant\e/+"
/\bUnveil Technologies\b/i --> "\e/+^n.'ve&Il.tEk.'nA.l$.d&Ziz\e/+"
/\bup-and-coming\b/i --> "\e/+'^.pn%).'k^.mInK\e/+"
/\bup-and-down\b/i --> "\e/+'^p.n%).da&Un\e/+"
/\bup-tempo\b/i --> "\e/+'^p.tEm.po&U\e/+"
/\bUpper Volta\b/i --> "\e/+'^.p$R+.'vo&Ul.t$\e/+"
/\bUSA Network\b/i --> "\e/+ju.Es.'e&I_'nEt.'wE0k\e/+"
/\bUSB-C\b/i --> "\e/+''si\e/+"
/\bUTF-8\b/i --> "\e/+ju.ti.'Ef.'e&It\e/+"
/\bUttar Pradesh\b/i --> "\e/+'u.tAR+.pR+$.'dES\e/+"
/\bV-8\b/i --> "\e/+vi.'e&It\e/+"
/\bV-neck\b/i --> "\e/+'vi.'nEk\e/+"
/\bva-jay-jay\b/i --> "\e/+v$.'d&Ze&I.d&Ze&I\e/+"
/\bValentine's Day\b/i --> "\e/+'v@.ln%).ta&Inz.'de&I\e/+"
/\bVan Aert\b/i --> "\e/+vAn.'AR+t\e/+"
/\bVan Avermaet\b/i --> "\e/+v@n.'A.v$R+.mAt\e/+"
/\bVatican City\b/i --> "\e/+''sI.ti\e/+"
/\bvel non\b/i --> "\e/+'vEl.'nAn\e/+"
/\bvena cava\b/i --> "\e/+'vi.n$.'kA.v$\e/+"
/\bVenus Williams\b/i --> "\e/+'vi.n$s.'wIl.j$mz\e/+"
/\bvers libristes\b/i --> "\e/+''bR+ist\e/+"
/\bVeterans Day\b/i --> "\e/+'vE.t$R+.n%)z.'de&I\e/+"
/\bViana do Castelo\b/i --> "\e/+vi.'A.n$.du.k$S.'\e/+"
/\bVice President\b/i --> "\e/+'va&Is.'pR+E.zI.dn%)t\e/+"
/\bvice versa\b/i --> "\e/+'va&Is.'vE0.s$\e/+"
/\bVictoria Day\b/i --> "\e/+vIk.'tOR+.i.$.'de&I\e/+"
/\bVietnam War\b/i --> "\e/+'vi.Et.nAm_'wOR+\e/+"
/\bViginti Tres\b/i --> "\e/+'vI.d&ZIn.ti.'tR+e&Is\e/+"
/\bVila Real\b/i --> "\e/+'vi.l$.R+i.'Al\e/+"
/\bviola da gamba\b/i --> "\e/+vi.'o&U.l$.d$.'gAm.b$\e/+"
/\bVirgin Islands\b/i --> "\e/+'vE0.d&ZIn.'a&I.ln%)dz\e/+"
/\bvirtual-reality\b/i --> "\e/+'vE0.t&Su.l%).R+i.'@.lI.ti\e/+"
/\bvitamin A\b/i --> "\e/+'va&I.t$.mIn_'e&I\e/+"
/\bvitamin D\b/i --> "\e/+'va&I.t$.mIn.'di\e/+"
/\bvitamin D3\b/i --> "\e/+'va&I.t$.mIn.di.'TR+i\e/+"
/\bvitamin E\b/i --> "\e/+'va&I.t$.mIn_'i\e/+"
/\bvitamin K\b/i --> "\e/+'va&I.t$.mIn.'ke&I\e/+"
/\bvo-tech\b/i --> "\e/+vo&U.'tEk\e/+"
/\bvon Oy\b/i --> "\e/+vAn.'O&I\e/+"
/\bW-2\b/i --> "\e/+'d^.bl%).'ju.'tu\e/+"
/\bW-2s\b/i --> "\e/+d^.bl%).ju.'tuz\e/+"
/\bW-4\b/i --> "\e/+'d^.bl%).ju.'fOR+\e/+"
/\bWa-Do-Dem\b/i --> "\e/'dEm\e/+"
/\bWaa-kee-sha\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bWaddell & Reed\b/i --> "\e/+wA.'dEl.n%).'R+id\e/+"
/\bWade-Giles\b/i --> "\e/+'we&Id.d&Za&Ilz\e/+"
/\bWailing Wall\b/i --> "\e/+'we&I.lInK.'wOl\e/+"
/\bWaku Waku\b/i --> "\e/+'wA.ku.'wA.ku\e/+"
/\bwalk-in\b/i --> "\e/+'wOk.In\e/+"
/\bwalk-throughs\b/i --> "\e/+'wOk.TR+uz\e/+"
/\bwalk-up\b/i --> "\e/+'wOk.^p\e/+"
/\bwalk-ups\b/i --> "\e/+'wOk.^ps\e/+"
/\bwall-to-wall\b/i --> "\e/+wOl.t$.'wOl\e/+"
/\bwar-ravaged\b/i --> "\e/+'wOR+.R+@.vId&Zd\e/+"
/\bWarfare 2\b/i --> "\e/+'wOR+.fER+.'tu\e/+"
/\bwarfarin sodium\b/i --> "\e/+'wOR+.f$R+.In.'so&U.di.$m\e/+"
/\bwarm-blooded\b/i --> "\e/+'wOR+m.'bl^.dId\e/+"
/\bwarm-ups\b/i --> "\e/+'wOR+m.^ps\e/+"
/\bWarner Chilcott\b/i --> "\e/+'wOR+.n$R+.'t&SIl.kAt\e/+"
/\bWashington's Birthday\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\bWatashi Wa\b/i --> "\e/+'wA.t$.Si_'wA\e/+"
/\bwatchOS 4\b/i --> "\e/+'wAt&S_o&U_'Es_'fOR+\e/+"
/\bwater-based\b/i --> "\e/+'wO.t$R+.'be&Ist\e/+"
/\bwater-soluble\b/i --> "\e/+'wO.t$R+.sAl.j$.bl%)\e/+"
/\bwatered-down\b/i --> "\e/+'wO.t$R+d.da&Un\e/+"
/\bWatership Down\b/i --> "\e/+'wO.t$R+.SIp.'da&Un\e/+"
/\bWatford City\b/i --> "\e/+'wAt.f$R+d.'sI.ti\e/+"
/\bWD-40\b/i --> "\e/+'d^.bl%).ju.di.'fOR+.ti\e/+"
/\bWeather Underground\b/i --> "\e/+'wE.D$R+.'^n.d$R+.gR+a&Und\e/+"
/\bWeb Buddy\b/i --> "\e/+'wEb.'b^.di\e/+"
/\bWeeki Wachee\b/i --> "\e/+''wA.t&Si\e/+"
/\bwell-being\b/i --> "\e/+wEl.'bi.InK\e/+"
/\bWest Bengal\b/i --> "\e/+'wEst.bEnK.'gOl\e/+"
/\bWest Indian\b/i --> "\e/+'wEst.'In.di.n%)\e/+"
/\bWest Nile\b/i --> "\e/+'wEst.'na&Il\e/+"
/\bWest Virginia's\b/i --> "\e/+'wEst_v$R+.'d&ZI.nj$z\e/+"
/\bWestern Asset\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+n.'@.sEt\e/+"
/\bWestern Conference\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+n.'kAn.fR+n%)s\e/+"
/\bWestern Europe\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+n_'jE0.$p\e/+"
/\bWestern Wall\b/i --> "\e/$R+n.'wOl\e/+"
/\bWestwood One\b/i --> "\e/+'wEst.wUd_'w^n\e/+"
/\bWGN America\b/i --> "\e/+'d^.bl%).ju.d&Zi.'En.$.'mER+.I.k$\e/+"
/\bWhat Ifs\b/i --> "\e/+wAt_'Ifs\e/+"
/\bwhite trash\b/i --> "\e/+'wa&It.'tR+@S\e/+"
/\bwhole-grain\b/i --> "\e/+'ho&Ul.gR+e&In\e/+"
/\bwhooping cough\b/i --> "\e/+'wu.pInK.'kOf\e/+"
/\bwide-open\b/i --> "\e/+'wa&Id.o&\e/+"
/\bWide World of Sports\b/i --> "\e/+'wa&Id.'wE0ld.$v.'spOR+ts\e/+"
/\bWilkes-Barre\b/i --> "\e/+'wIlks.bER+\e/+"
/\bWilliams-Sonoma\b/i --> "\e/+wIl.j$mz.s$.'no&U.m$\e/+"
/\bwin-win\b/i --> "\e/+wIn.'wIn\e/+"
/\bWindows 7\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\bWindows XP\b/i --> "\e/+''pi\e/+"
/\bWinona Ryder\b/i --> "\e/+wI.'no&U.n$_'R+a&I.t$R+\e/+"
/\bwishy-washy\b/i --> "\e/+'wI.Si.wO.Si\e/+"
/\bWisin & Yandel\b/i --> "\e/+'wI.zIn_'@n_'j@n.dl%)\e/+"
/\bwoo hoo\b/i --> "\e/+'wu.'hu\e/+"
/\bword-of-mouth\b/i --> "\e/+w$R+d.$v.'ma&UT\e/+"
/\bWord 97\b/i --> "\e/+''\e/+"
/\bWord for Windows\b/i --> "\e/+'wE0d.f$R+.'\e/+"
/\bWord for Word\b/i --> "\e/+'wE0d.f$R+.'wE0d\e/+"
/\bWord Pro\b/i --> "\e/+'wE0d.pR+o&U\e/+"
/\bWorker's Comp\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'wE0.k$R+z.'kAmp\e/+"
/\bWorker's Compensation\b/i --> "\e/+'wE0.k$'se&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bWorkmen's Comp\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+''kAmp\e/+"
/\bWorld War I\b/i --> "\e/+'wE0ld.wOR+.'w^n\e/+"
/\bWorld War III\b/i --> "\e/+'wE0ld_'wOR+_'TR+i\e/+"
/\bWorld Wide Web\b/i --> "\e/+'wE0ld_'wa&Id_'wEb\e/+"
/\bworst-case\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bwould-be\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bWright-Patterson\b/i --> "\e/+'R+a&It.'p@.t$\e/+"
/\bwrought-iron\b/i --> "\e/+'R+Ot.a&I.$R+n\e/+"
/\bWu-Tang\b/i --> "\e/+'wu.t@nK\e/+"
/\bWu-Tang Clan\b/i --> "\e/+'wu.t@nK_'kl@n\e/+"
/\bWuthering Heights\b/i --> "\e/+'w^.D$R+.InK.'ha&Its\e/+"
/\bWyeth-Ayerst\b/i --> "\e/+'wa&I.$T.'ER+st\e/+"
/\bX-Files\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks.fa&Ilz\e/+"
/\bX-long\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks.lOnK\e/+"
/\bX-rated\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks.'R+e&I.tId\e/+"
/\bX-Seed\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks.'sid\e/+"
/\bX-TYPE\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks.'ta&Ip\e/+"
/\bX-unit\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks.'ju.nIt\e/+"
/\bX Ambassadors\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks_@m.'b@.s$.t$R+z\e/+"
/\bX Factor\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks.f@k.t$R+\e/+"
/\bXbox 360\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks.bAks.TR+i.'sIk.sti\e/+"
/\bY Tu Mama Tambien\b/i --> "\e/+i.tu.mA.mA.tAm.'bjEn\e/+"
/\bYa Era Hora\b/i --> "\e/+j@_'IR+.$_'ho&UR+.$\e/+"
/\byada yada yada\b/i --> "\e/+jA.d$.jA.d$.'jA.d$\e/+"
/\bYbs Skola\b/i --> "\e/+'Ibz_'skA.l$\e/+"
/\byerba maté(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'jE0.b$.mA.'te&I\e/+"
/\bYoung M\.A\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'j^nK_Em_'e&I\e/+"
/\bYu-Gi-Oh\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\byuan renminbi\b/i --> "\e/+ju.'An.R+En.'\e/+"
/\bYumi Zouma\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.mi_'za&U.m$\e/+"
/\bZhong-Yi\b/i --> "\e/+d&ZAnK.'ji\e/+"
/\bZIP Codes\b/i --> "\e/+'zIp.ko&Udz\e/+"
/\bZollinger-Ellison\b/i --> "\e/+'zA.lInK.g$R+.'\e/+"
/\bneedtobreathe\b/i --> "\e/+nid_t$_'bR+iD\e/+"
/\bQuickTake\b/i --> "\e/+'kwIk_te&Ik\e/+"
/\bmmmbop\b/i --> "\e/+$mm_'bAp\e/+"
/\b4th-ranked\b/i --> "\e/+'fOR+.'TR+@nKkt\e/+"
/\b6-mercaptopurine\b/i --> "\e/+sIks.m$'\e/+"
/\b770 Calgary\b/i --> "\e/+'''k@l.g$.R+i\e/+"
/\bA-Lin\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.'lIn\e/+"
/\bA-Plus\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.'plus\e/+"
/\bARM processor\b/i --> "\e/+e&I.AR+.'Em_'pR+A.sE.s$R+\e/+"
/\bAfu-Ra\b/i --> "\e/+'A.fu.R+A\e/+"
/\bAl-Amin\b/i --> "\e/+@.lA.'min\e/+"
/\bAlbury-Wodonga\b/i --> "\e/+Ol.b$R+.w$.'dOnK.g$\e/+"
/\bAllianz Riviera\b/i --> "\e/+$.'la&I.n%)'ER+.$\e/+"
/\bAngela Merkel\b/i --> "\e/+'AnK.g$.l$.'mE0.kl%)\e/+"
/\bB-Real\b/i --> "\e/+'bi.R+il\e/+"
/\bB\.G\. Knocc Out\b/i --> "\e/+'bi.d&Zi.'nAk.a&Ut\e/+"
/\bBBC Radio\b/i --> "\e/'si.'R+e&I.di.o&U\e/+"
/\bBBC Radio 2\b/i --> "\e/+'bi.'bi.'si.'R+e&I.di.o&U.'tu\e/+"
/\bBa Sing Se\b/i --> "\e/+'bA.'sInK.'se&I\e/+"
/\bBallet Folklorico\b/i --> "\e/+'b@.le&'klOR+.I.ko&U\e/+"
/\bBalziva-28\b/i --> "\e/+'bAl.'zi.v$.'twEn.ti.'e&It\e/+"
/\bBenson & Hedges\b/i --> "\e/+''hE.d&ZIz\e/+"
/\bBeom-seok\b/i --> "\e/+'bOm.sOk\e/+"
/\bBrxnks Truck\b/i --> "\e/+'bR+InKks_'tR+^k\e/+"
/\bC-Vision\b/i --> "\e/+'si.vI.Zn%)\e/+"
/\bC-bar\b/i --> "\e/+'si.bAR+\e/+"
/\bC-type\b/i --> "\e/+'si.ta&Ip\e/+"
/\bCHOI 98,1\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SO&I.'na&In.ti.'e&It.'pO&Int.'w^n\e/+"
/\bCharles de Gaulle\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SAR+lz.d$.'gOl\e/+"
/\bCharlie Wi\b/i --> "\e/+'t&'wi\e/+"
/\bCheyenne Software\b/i --> "\e/+Sa&I.'@n.'sOf.twER+\e/+"
/\bChoupo-Moting\b/i --> "\e/+t&Su.po&U.'mo&U.tInK\e/+"
/\bChristen Press\b/i --> "\e/+'kR+I.stn%).'pR+Es\e/+"
/\bChurch & Dwight\b/i --> "\e/+'t&SE0.t&Sn%).'dwa&It\e/+"
/\bCilluffo Associates\b/i --> "\e/+sI.'$.'so&\e/+"
/\bCitizens Growth\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.tI.zn%)z.'gR+o&UT\e/+"
/\bCitizens Growth Properties\b/i --> "\e/+'sI.tI.zn
/\bCo-Hootie\b/i --> "\e/+ko&U.'hu.ti\e/+"
/\bColbert Report\b/i --> "\e/+ko&Ul.'bER+.R+$.'pOR+\e/+"
/\bCommonwealth Ave\.(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+''wEl.'T@v\e/+"
/\bConnecticut Water Service\b/i --> "\e/+k$.'nE.tI.k$.'twO.t$R+.'sE0.vIs\e/+"
/\bCouncil President\b/i --> "\e/+'ka&'pR+E.zI.dn%)t\e/+"
/\bD100 HK Radio\b/i --> "\e/+'di.w^n.'h^n.dR+Id.'e&It&S.'ke&I.'R+e&I.di.o&U\e/
/\bDF-PA\b/i --> "\e/+di.Ef.pi.'e&I\e/+"
/\bDSC Communications\b/i --> "\e/+'di.'Es.'si.k$.'mju.nI.'ke&I.Sn%)z\e/+"
/\bDSM-III\b/i --> "\e/+'di.'E.'sEm.'TR+i\e/+"
/\bDaddy-O\b/i --> "\e/+'d@.di.'o&U\e/+"
/\bDe Longis\b/i --> "\e/+dI.'lAnK.gIs\e/+"
/\bDeladiol-40\b/i --> "\e/+'dE.l$.'da&I.'Al.'fOR+.ti\e/+"
/\bDemocrat-controlled\b/i --> "\e/+'dE.m$'tR+o&Uld\e/+"
/\bDenver Broncos\b/i --> "\e/+'dEn.v$R+.'bR+AnK.ko&Uz\e/+"
/\bDepakote Sprinkle\b/i --> "\e/+'dE.p$.'ko&Ut.'spR+InK.kl%)\e/+"
/\bDepartment of Recreation\b/i --> "\e/+dI.'$v.'R+E.kR+i.'e&I.Sn
/\bDiagnostic Products\b/i --> "\e/+da&I.$g.'nA.stIk.'pR+A.d$kts\e/+"
/\bDilor-400\b/i --> "\e/+da&I.lOR+.fOR+.'h^n.dR+Id\e/+"
/\bDiscount Auto Parts\b/i --> "\e/+'dI.ska&Unt.''pAR+ts\e/+"
/\bDo-heon\b/i --> "\e/+du.hi.'jAn\e/+"
/\bDragon Point & Speak\b/i --> "\e/+''pO&'spik\e/+"
/\bDuran-Reynals\b/i --> "\e/+d$R+.'@n.'R+e&I.'n@ls\e/+"
/\bE! Online\b/i --> "\e/+'i.'An.'la&In\e/+"
/\bEagle Radio\b/i --> "\e/+''R+e&I.di.o&U\e/+"
/\bElias Pina\b/i --> "\e/+E.'li.$s.'pi.nj$\e/+"
/\bEnvirosafe Services\b/i --> "\e/+En.'va&I.R+o&'sE0.vI.sIz\e/+"
/\bFastShip Atlantic\b/i --> "\e/+'f@st.'SI.'p@t.'l@n.tIk\e/+"
/\bFederated Institutional\b/i --> "\e/+'fE.d$R+.e&I.tId_In.stI.'tu.Sn%).l%)\e/
/\bFluori-Methane\b/i --> "\e/+flUR+.I.'mE.Te&In\e/+"
/\bFome-Cuf\b/i --> "\e/+'fo&Um.'k^f\e/+"
/\bForeign Relations Committee\b/i --> "\e/+'fOR+.n%).R+I.'le&I.Sn
/\bFreddie Mac\b/i --> "\e/+'fR+E.di.'m@k\e/+"
/\bG-rated\b/i --> "\e/+d&Zi.'R+e&I.tId\e/+"
/\bGabriel Jesus\b/i --> "\e/+gA.bR+i.'El.Ze&I.'zus\e/+"
/\bGeorges St-Pierre\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZOR+d&Z.s@n.'pjER+\e/+"
/\bGerber Products\b/i --> "\e/+'gE0.b$R+.'pR+A.d$kts\e/+"
/\bGigabit Ethernet\b/i --> "\e/+'gI.g$.'bI.'ti.T$R+.'nEt\e/+"
/\bGildess Fe\b/i --> "\e/+'gIl.d$s.Ef.'e&I\e/+"
/\bGreen Giant\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+in.'d&Za&I.n%)t\e/+"
/\bGrizzly Adams\b/i --> "\e/+''@.d$mz\e/+"
/\bGuy-Rolland N'dy Assemb\b/i --> "\e/+gi_R+Ol.'An_$n.di_A.'\e/+"
/\bH-Dhami\b/i --> "\e/+e&It&S.'dA.mi\e/+"
/\bHIV-negative\b/i --> "\e/+'e&I.'t&Sa&I.'vi.'nE.g$.tIv\e/+"
/\bHa Tuyen\b/i --> "\e/+'hA.'tu.jn%)\e/+"
/\bHealth Management Associates\b/i --> "\e/+'hElT.'m@n.Id&Z.m$nt.
/\bHeritage Media\b/i --> "\e/+'hER+.I.tId&Z_'mi.di.$\e/+"
/\bHi-C\b/i --> "\e/+ha&I.'si\e/+"
/\bHouses of Parliament\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&U.zI.z$v.'pAR+.l$.mn%)t\e/+"
/\bHwang Hai\b/i --> "\e/+'hwAnK.'ha&I\e/+"
/\bIbiza Global Radio\b/i --> "\e/+i.'bi.T$.'glo&'R+e&I.di.o&U\e/+"
/\bIndustrial Bank of Japan\b/i --> "\e/+In.'d^.stR+i.l
/\bJack Eckerd\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Z@.'kE.k$R+d\e/+"
/\bJin-Ho\b/i --> "\e/+'d&ZIn.ho&U\e/+"
/\bJosephine Tey\b/i --> "\e/+'d&Zo&U.s$.fin.'te&I\e/+"
/\bKIIS-FM\b/i --> "\e/+'kIs.Ef.Em\e/+"
/\bKaetlyn Osmond\b/i --> "\e/+'ke&It.lIn.'\e/+"
/\bKay Ciel\b/i --> "\e/+'ke&I.'si.'El\e/+"
/\bKenalog-10\b/i --> "\e/+'kE.n$.lAg.'tEn\e/+"
/\bL'Age D'Or\b/i --> "\e/+'lAZ.'dOR+\e/+"
/\bL-type\b/i --> "\e/+'El.ta&Ip\e/+"
/\bLa Chusa\b/i --> "\e/+lA.'t&Su.s$\e/+"
/\bLa Condamine\b/i --> "\e/+lA.'ko&Un.d$.'min\e/+"
/\bLa Mantia\b/i --> "\e/+l$.'m@n.ti.$\e/+"
/\bLos Angeles Dodgers\b/i --> "\e/+lAs.'@n.d&Z$.lIs.'dA.d&Z$R+z\e/+"
/\bMato Grosso\b/i --> "\e/+'mA.tu_'gR+o&\e/+"
/\bMatrox Millennium\b/i --> "\e/+'me&I.'tR+Aks.mI.'$m\e/+"
/\bMedi-Cab\b/i --> "\e/+'mE.di.k@b\e/+"
/\bMeen-whee\b/i --> "\e/+'min.wi\e/+"
/\bMeti-Derm\b/i --> "\e/+'mE.tI.'dE0m\e/+"
/\bMichie Stadium\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&'ste&I.di.$m\e/+"
/\bMidway Atoll\b/i --> "\e/+'mId.we&I_'@.tAl\e/+"
/\bMini-Gamulin\b/i --> "\e/+''g@.mj$.lIn\e/+"
/\bMunicipal Court\b/i --> "\e/+mju.''kOR+t\e/+"
/\bMycolog-II\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&I.k$.lAg.'tu\e/+"
/\bMyq Kaplan\b/i --> "\e/+'ma&Ik.'k@p.l@n\e/+"
/\bNaheed Nenshi\b/i --> "\e/+'nA.'hid.'nEn.Si\e/+"
/\bNaturallySpeaking Call Center\b/i --> "\e/+'n@.t&SR+
/\bNew Providence\b/i --> "\e/+'nu.'pR+A.vI.dn%)s\e/+"
/\bNew York State Electric & Gas\b/i --> "\e/+'nu.'jOR+k.'ste&I.tI.'
/\bNew Zealand\b/i --> "\e/+'nu.'zi.ln%)d\e/+"
/\bNorthern Territory\b/i --> "\e/+'nOR+.D$R+n.'tER+.I.'tOR+.i\e/+"
/\bO-Shen\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U.SEn\e/+"
/\bOregon Trail\b/i --> "\e/+'OR+.$.gn%).'tR+e&Il\e/+"
/\bOrion Capital\b/i --> "\e/+$R+.'a&I.n%).'\e/+"
/\bOshmans Sporting Goods\b/i --> "\e/+''spOR+.tInK.'gUdz\e/+"
/\bP-Series\b/i --> "\e/+'pi.'siR+.iz\e/+"
/\bPak Se-ri\b/i --> "\e/+''R+i\e/+"
/\bParc Olympique Lyonnais\b/i --> "\e/+'pAR+k.o&U.'lIm.pIk.'la&I.n%).e&Iz\e/+"
/\bParc des Princes\b/i --> "\e/+'pAR+k.'de&I.'pR+@ns\e/+"
/\bPee-wee\b/i --> "\e/+'pi.'wi\e/+"
/\bPennsylvania State\b/i --> "\e/+''ve&I.nj$.'ste&It\e/+"
/\bPentium III\b/i --> "\e/+'pEn.ti.$m.'TR+i\e/+"
/\bPernille Harder\b/i --> "\e/+p$R+.'nil.'hA.d$R+\e/+"
/\bPerson of Interest\b/i --> "\e/+'$v_'In.tR+Ist\e/+"
/\bPhenaphen w\/ Codeine No\. 4\b/i -->
/\bPink Sweat\$(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)/i --> "\e/+'pInKk#'swEts\e/+"
/\bPrachin Buri\b/i --> "\e/+''bE0.i\e/+"
/\bPrinceton Diagnostic Labs\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+In.stn%)_da&I.
/\bPro Display\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+o&U#dI.'sple&I\e/+"
/\bProphene 65\b/i --> "\e/+pR+o&U.'fin.'sIk.sti.'fa&Iv\e/+"
/\bQuality Hotel\b/i --> "\e/+'kwA.lI.ti.ho&U.'tEl\e/+"
/\bQuickPath\b/i --> "\e/+'kwIk#'p@T\e/+"
/\bQuick & Reilly\b/i --> "\e/+''R+a&\e/+"
/\bRTHK Radio\b/i --> "\e/+'AR+.'ti.'e&It&S.'ke&I.'R+e&I.di.o&U\e/+"
/\bRadio LetzGo\b/i --> "\e/+'R+e&I.di.o&U.'lEts.'go&U\e/+"
/\bRaymond James Financial\b/i --> "\e/+'R+e&I.m$nd.'d&Ze&Imz.fa&I.'n@n.Sl%)\e/
/\bRoazhon Park\b/i --> "\e/+R+@.'zAn.'pAR+k\e/+"
/\bSacré Coeur\b/i --> "\e/+s@k.'R+e&I_'kE0\e/+"
/\bSaf-T-Fit\b/i --> "\e/+se&If.ti.'fIt\e/+"
/\bSat Sri Akaal\b/i --> "\e/+'sAt.'SR+i.$.'kAl\e/+"
/\bSchooltime\b/i --> "\e/+'skul#'ta&Im\e/+"
/\bSecond Cup\b/i --> "\e/+''k^p\e/+"
/\bShavua Tov\b/i --> "\e/+S$.'vu.$.'to&Uv\e/+"
/\bSierra Health Services\b/i --> "\e/+si.'ER+.$.'hElT.'sE0.vI.sIz\e/+"
/\bSiggaard-Andersen\b/i --> "\e/+'si.gAR+d.'@n.d$\e/+"
/\bSinn Féin\b/i --> "\e/+'SIn.'fe&In\e/+"
/\bSni-a-bar\b/i --> "\e/+'snjA.'bAR+\e/+"
/\bSo-yun\b/i --> "\e/+'so&U.'j^n\e/+"
/\bSo Seo-no\b/i --> "\e/+'so&U.'si.$.'no&U\e/+"
/\bSoundWorks\b/i --> "\e/+'sa&Und_'wE0ks\e/+"
/\bSt\. Ives\b/i --> "\e/+'se&In.'ta&Ivz\e/+"
/\bStade Auguste-Delaune\b/i --> "\e/+'st@d.O.'gust.d$.'la&Un\e/+"
/\bStade Océane\b/i --> "\e/+'st@d.o&U.'se&I.An\e/+"
/\bStade de la Mosson\b/i --> "\e/+'st@d.d$.'lA.'\e/+"
/\bStade des Alpes\b/i --> "\e/+'st@d.'de&Iz.'@lp\e/+"
/\bStade du Hainaut\b/i --> "\e/+'st@d.'du.e&I.'no&U\e/+"
/\bSteaua Bucharest\b/i --> "\e/+'sta&U.$.'bu.k$.R+Est\e/+"
/\bSuárez-Vértiz\b/i --> "\e/+swAR+.Es.'vER+.tis\e/+"
/\bSwede-O\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bSwiftUI\b/i --> "\e/+'swIft#'ju#'a&I\e/+"
/\bT-wave\b/i --> "\e/+'ti.we&Iv\e/+"
/\bTV-Y\b/i --> "\e/+'ti.'vi.'wa&I\e/+"
/\bTa-Nehisi\b/i --> "\e/+tA.n$.'\e/+"
/\bTaee Savage\b/i --> "\e/+'te&I.'s@.vId&Z\e/+"
/\bTagamet HB 200\b/i --> "\e/+'t@.g$.'mE.'te&It&S.'bi.'tu.'h^n.dR+Id\e/+"
/\bTahir-ul-Qadri\b/i --> "\e/+tA.hiR+.Ul.'kA.dR+i\e/+"
/\bTappan Zee\b/i --> "\e/+''zi\e/+"
/\bTavist-D\b/i --> "\e/+t@.vIst.'di\e/+"
/\bTempus-Link\b/i --> "\e/+'tEm.p$.'slInKk\e/+"
/\bTenoretic 50\b/i --> "\e/+'tE.n$R+.'E.tIk.'fIf.ti\e/+"
/\bTepanil Ten-Tab\b/i --> "\e/+'tE.p$.'nIl.'tEn.'t@b\e/+"
/\bTheGrio\b/i --> "\e/+D$_'gR+i.o&U\e/+"
/\bThe InBetween\b/i --> "\e/+Di.'In.bI.twin\e/+"
/\bThe power to be your bes\b/i --> "\e/+D$_'pa&U.$R+_t$_bi_j$R+_'bEst\e/+"
/\bThomas & Betts\b/i --> "\e/+'tA.m$s.n%).'bEts\e/+"
/\bTone Troen\b/i --> "\e/+'to&U.n$.'tR+E0.n%)\e/+"
/\bTone Trøen\b/i --> "\e/+'to&U.n$.'tR+E0.n%)\e/+"
/\bTransderm-Scop\b/i --> "\e/+tR+@nz.'dE0m.'sko&Up\e/+"
/\bTuboscope Vetco\b/i --> "\e/+'tu.b$.sko&Up.'vEt.ko&U\e/+"
/\bTwinnie-Lee\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bU-Roy\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.R+O&I\e/+"
/\bU\.S\. Treasury\b/i --> "\e/+'ju.'E.'stR+E.Z$R+.i\e/+"
/\bVal-d'Or\b/i --> "\e/+'v@l.'dOR+\e/+"
/\bVsauce\b/i --> "\e/+'vi#'sOs\e/+"
/\bWestern National\b/i --> "\e/+'$R+n.'n@.Sn%).l%)\e/+"
/\bWilliam the Conqueror\b/i --> "\e/+'wIl.j$m.D$.'kAnK.k$R+.$R+\e/+"
/\bWilliams-Renault\b/i --> "\e/+wIl.j$mz.R+I.'no&U\e/+"
/\bWonderscape\b/i --> "\e/+'w^n.d$R+#ske&Ip\e/+"
/\bWright Managed Investment\b/i -->
/\bX-Cell\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks.'sEl\e/+"
/\bXanax XR\b/i --> "\e/+'z@.n$ks.Eks.'AR+\e/+"
/\bYau-Man\b/i --> "\e/+'ja&U.m@n\e/+"
/\bYen-j\b/i --> "\e/+'jEn.d&Ze&I\e/+"
/\bZuid-Holland\b/i --> "\e/+za&Id.'hA.ln%)d\e/+"
/\bal-Hanafiyyah\b/i --> "\e/+h@.n$.'fi.j$\e/+"
/\balpha-mannosidase\b/i --> "\e/+'@l.f$.''de&Is\e/+"
/\bangiotensin III\b/i --> "\e/+@n.d&Zi.o&U.'tEn.sIn.'TR+i\e/+"
/\bangiotensin IV\b/i --> "\e/+@n.d&Zi.o&U.'tEn.sIn.'fOR+\e/+"
/\banti-HBc\b/i --> "\e/+@n.ta&I.e&It&'si\e/+"
/\bargy-bargy\b/i --> "\e/+AR+.d&Zi.'bAR+.d&Zi\e/+"
/\bcenturies-old\b/i --> "\e/+'sEn.t&S$R+.iz.o&Uld\e/+"
/\bco-op\b/i --> "\e/+'ko&U.Ap\e/+"
/\bco-option\b/i --> "\e/+ko&U.'Ap.Sn%)\e/+"
/\be-payrolls\b/i --> "\e/+'i.'pe&I.R+o&Ulz\e/+"
/\ben garde\b/i --> "\e/+'An.'gAR+d\e/+"
/\bex post\b/i --> "\e/+'Eks.'po&Ust\e/+"
/\bfirst-time\b/i --> "\e/+'fE0st.ta&Im\e/+"
/\bflag it\b/i --> "\e/+'fl@g#'It\e/+"
/\bforeign-based\b/i --> "\e/+fOR+.In.'be&Ist\e/+"
/\bgovernment-sponsored\b/i --> "\e/+'g^.v$'spAn.s$R+d\e/+"
/\bgray-headed\b/i --> "\e/+'gR+e&I.'hE.dId\e/+"
/\bhalobetasol propionate\b/i --> "\e/+'h@.lo&U.'be&I.t$.'sAl.'pR+o&U.pi.n
/\bhard-core\b/i --> "\e/+'hAR+d.kOR+\e/+"
/\bhi-fi\b/i --> "\e/+'ha&I.fa&I\e/+"
/\bhigh-security\b/i --> "\e/+ha&I.sI.'kjUR+.I.ti\e/+"
/\bhydrochlorothiazide-50\b/i --> "\e/+ha&I.dR+o&U.klOR+.o&U.Ta&I.
/\biN DEMAND\b/i --> "\e/+'In.dI.'m@nd\e/+"
/\biPadOS\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.p@d#'o&U#'Es\e/+"
/\biPad Air\b/i --> "\e/+'a&I.p@t_'ER+\e/+"
/\bill-conceived\b/i --> "\e/+''sivd\e/+"
/\bin memoriam\b/i --> "\e/+'In.m$.'mOR+.i.$m\e/+"
/\binside out\b/i --> "\e/+''a&Ut\e/+"
/\bkung fu\b/i --> "\e/+'k^nK.'fu\e/+"
/\blet me see ya girl\b/i --> "\e/+lEt_mi_'si_j$_'gE0l\e/+"
/\bleuprolide acetate\b/i --> "\e/+'lu.'pR+o&U.'la&I.'d@.sI.te&It\e/+"
/\blithium carbonate\b/i --> "\e/+'lI.Ti.$m_'kAR+.b$.ne&It\e/+"
/\bliving room\b/i --> "\e/+'lI.vInK_'R+um\e/+"
/\blow-paying\b/i --> "\e/+'lo&U.'pe&I.InK\e/+"
/\bmass-produce\b/i --> "\e/+m@.spR+$.'dus\e/+"
/\bmid-20th century\b/i --> "\e/+'mId.'twEn.ti.IT.'sEn.t&S$R+.i\e/+"
/\bmotor vehicle\b/i --> "\e/+'mo&U.t$R+.'vi.I.kl%)\e/+"
/\bnicotine polacrilex\b/i --> "\e/+'nI.k$.tin_p$.'l@.kR+I.lEks\e/+"
/\bnihil obstat\b/i --> "\e/+na&I.hIl.'Ab.stAt\e/+"
/\bnon-A\b/i --> "\e/+'nA.'ne&I\e/+"
/\boff-duty\b/i --> "\e/+Of.'du.ti\e/+"
/\bokieriete onaodowan\b/i --> "\e/+o&$.'R+E.te&I_o&U.'\e/+"
/\bon-again\b/i --> "\e/+'An.$.gEn\e/+"
/\borphenadrine citrate\b/i --> "\e/+OR+.'fE.n$.'dR+in.'sa&I.tR+e&It\e/+"
/\bovo-vegetarian\b/i --> "\e/+'o&U.vo&U.'vE.d&Z$.'t@.R+i.n%)\e/+"
/\bparent-child\b/i --> "\e/+'p@.R+n%)t.'t&Sa&Ild\e/+"
/\bpatatas bravas\b/i --> "\e/+p$.'tA.t$s.'bR+A.v$s\e/+"
/\bphys ed\b/i --> "\e/+'fI.'zEd\e/+"
/\bprecedent-setting\b/i --> "\e/+'pR+E.s$.dn%)t.'sE.tInK\e/+"
/\bpropoxyphene hydrochloride\b/i -->
/\brent-controlled\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\brun-up\b/i --> "\e/+'R+^n.^p\e/+"
/\bs-malate\b/i --> "\e/+'Es.'m@.le&It\e/+"
/\bsecond-floor\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bsecond-tier\b/i --> "\e/+''tiR+\e/+"
/\bself-aggrandizement\b/i --> "\e/+sElf.$.'gR+@n.da&\e/+"
/\bself-contradiction\b/i --> "\e/+sElf.kAn.tR+$.'dIk.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bself-deceptions\b/i --> "\e/+sElf.dI.'sEp.Sn%)z\e/+"
/\bself-deprecation\b/i --> "\e/+'sElf.'dE.pR+$.'ke&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bself-description\b/i --> "\e/+'sElf.dI.'skR+Ip.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bself-education\b/i --> "\e/+'sEl.'fE.d&Z$.'ke&I.Sn%)\e/+"
/\bself-imposed\b/i --> "\e/+'sEl.fIm.'po&Uzd\e/+"
/\bsin contrato\b/i --> "\e/+'sin_kAn.'\e/+"
/\bsingle-strand\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\bstrife-ridden\b/i --> "\e/+stR+a&I.'fR+I.dn%)\e/+"
/\btechnetium Tc 99m hsa\b/i --> "\e/+tEk.'ni.Si.
/\bteddy bears\b/i --> "\e/+'tE.di.'bER+z\e/+"
/\btenure-track\b/i --> "\e/+'tE.nj$R+.tR+@k\e/+"
/\btidy-minded\b/i --> "\e/+'ta&I.di.'ma&In.dId\e/+"
/\btop-seeded\b/i --> "\e/+'\e/+"
/\btried-and-true\b/i --> "\e/+'tR+a&I.dn%).'tR+u\e/+"
/\btwelfth-graders\b/i --> "\e/+'twElfT.gR+e&I.d$R+z\e/+"
/\btwo-level\b/i --> "\e/+tu.'lE.vl%)\e/+"
/\bvitamin K1\b/i --> "\e/+'va&I.t$.mIn_'ke&I_'w^n\e/+"
/\bwatchOS 6\b/i --> "\e/+'wAt&S_'o&U.Es_'sIks\e/+"
/\bwell-deserved\b/i --> "\e/+'wEl.dI.'zE0vd\e/+"
/\bworld-renowned\b/i --> "\e/+'wE0l.dR+I.'na&Und\e/+"
/\bY Tu No Estas\b/i --> "\e/+'i.'tu.'no&U.E.'stAs\e/+"
/\bYo x Ti, Tu x Mi\b/i --> "\e/+'jo&U_pOR+_'ti#'tu_pOR+_'mi\e/+"
# Luthor Context Rules
# End Luthor Pron List

# rdar://problem/51999471
/(\b[A-Z])[-–]+(?!\b)/i --> "$1" # remove hyphens that are causing neural voice
to stutter/slur output

# IRS form normalization

/(?<=IRS |Form )1098(\w+\b)?/i --> "10 98 $1"
/(?<=IRS |Form )1040(\w+\b)?/i --> "10 40 $1"
/(?<=IRS |Form )1099(\w+\b)?/i --> "10 99 $1"

# Subscript normalization for rdar://problem/45396786

/₀/ --> "0"
/₁/ --> "1"
/₂/ --> "2"
/₃/ --> "3"
/₄/ --> "4"
/₅/ --> "5"
/₆/ --> "6"
/₇/ --> "7"
/₈/ --> "8"
/₉/ --> "9"

# Superscript normalization for rdar://problem/51451864

/([A-Z0-9]+)(?=[⁻⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹])/i --> "$1 to the power of "

/⁻/ --> "negative "

/⁰/ --> "0"
/¹/ --> "1"
/²/ --> "2"
/³/ --> "3"
/⁴/ --> "4"
/⁵/ --> "5"
/⁶/ --> "6"
/⁷/ --> "7"
/⁸/ --> "8"
/⁹/ --> "9"

# US time zone expansion, rdar://problem/47101193

/\bGMT\b/ --> "Greenwich Mean Time"
/\bEST\b/ --> "Eastern Standard Time"
/\bEDT\b/ --> "Eastern Daylight Time"
/\bCST\b/ --> "Central Standard Time"
/\bCDT\b/ --> "Central Daylight Time"
/\bMST\b/ --> "Mountain Standard Time"
/\bMDT\b/ --> "Mountain Daylight Time"
/\bPST\b/ --> "Pacific Standard Time"
/\bPDT\b/ --> "Pacific Daylight Time"

# The following rules MUST be kept as LAST entry in the rule set.
# rdar://problem/34731994: Siri namer feature replaces the user's name by
phonetics e.x.
# "\e\toi=lhp\'gOR+.d$n\e\toi=orth\'s reminders" is corrected to
"\e\toi=lhp\'gOR+.d$nz\e\toi=orth\ reminders"
# <rdar://problem/35571603> Add a rule to include possessive form when the
artist/name is picked by user rules.
# "\e/+'gE.r6i_'li\e/+'s album" is corrected to "\e/+'gE.r6i_'liz\e/+ album"
/(?<=\Ss|\Sz|\Sd&Z|\St&S|\SZ|\SS|\Sts)(\e\\toi=orth\\|\e\/\+)['’]?s\b/ -->
/(?<=\Sh|\Sf|\ST|\St|\Sk|\Sp)(\e\\toi=orth\\|\e\/\+)['’]?s\b/ --> "s$1"
+|\SD|\SnK|\Sb|\Sd|\Sg|\Sm|\Sn|\Sv|\Sw)(\e\\toi=orth\\|\e\/\+)['’]?s\b/ -->

# Reinsert tags for tag sets augmented with user rules

/\e<reinsert_tn_(\w+)_tag>/ --> "\e\\tn=$1\\"

# ***This test entry must be the VERY LAST line in the rule set.***
# rdar://problem/48523405 TTSVerifier: Check that user rules and dictionary file
get correctly loaded on the device
/\b1CE1C387-08DE-41EA-8E71-18DB4B5E9DAE\b/ --> "OK"

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